#guest analysis
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The way Kate and Anthony were really just canoodling by the drinks table for most of the Ball
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nav-ix · 1 year
ianthe is very careful not to compromise her advantages and most of all she's careful not to compromise her Self. she loooves to play with her food but to actually choke it down means it might become a part of her. btw this is why she flirted w harrow the whole way thru but steered clear when it came to actually giving harrow any meaningful vulnerability or comfort
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tawney · 1 month
PLEASE pile up on me your favorite Teacher Izuku fics. Ones with some depth and personalities to the students rather than just a one-shot, I'd love to see slice of life fics with Deku dadzawa-ing his students and his students being Deku's personal problem children and all the sweet casual fluff crap 😭 all these tropes and ideas I'm seeing on twitter and tumblr are making me long and I'm close to just starting an ao3 account and writing them myself.
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winter2468 · 1 year
So the permeability of the soul is how Harrow knew about Frontline Tiddies of the Fifth, and how she also knew it wasn't a real publication.
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lilacs-stash · 28 days
Hey can we stop acting like Nickel is the cause of all of Suitcase's problems. Like not even in a defending him way this is just a disservice to her character.
It's implied she had anxiety since before the show, considering how she acted when Paintbrush called her selfish in Marsh on mars. Yeah ep2. Long before Nickel did anything besides be kind of rude.
In rain on your charade Suitcase said she'd never been under pressure like that before. The hallucinating really seems like a pre existing issue that was just never triggered until now, or they happened more rarely and Suitcase didn't realize what was happening until the show.
She has anxiety from the start she has a hard time standing up for herself the hallucinations are most likely a pre existing issue in some way.
And yes her relationship with Nickel being toxic made all these worse but Idk just. Let Suitcase have problems outside of him ig. She's more then just someone Nickel hurt.
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raccoonnutella13 · 6 months
its so weird to me personally that some people think that it doesnt make sense for craig to be nice to wildernessa but still hate jason (up until scout guest), but to me the worst thing wildernessa has done is say that craig doesnt know shit about nature vs jason whos basically like "ok tony now hit the second tower" for the majority of his screentime, and people wonder why craig doesnt trust him most of the time huh
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achaotichuman · 4 months
Y'all canon really aint that serious.
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You guys might have seen the original draft where there were a couple mistakes and missing info - here is my updated Nomai ‘family’ tree!! I don’t know what you call it if it’s more than one family. But it’s here !! Now with groupings for their main roles and jobs (of course a lot of people shuffled around - I couldn’t sensibly include, for example, the few that worked on the Attlerock locator etc). I THINK that’s all the main info though!! Pye was really a force, it seems like. There may well also be more out of the older generation who died before the crash.
For Keek: we know Plume lost Keek in the crash, and we know Plume lost a brother in the crash, so it might be logical to assume that these were the same person, but it isn’t 100% confirmed.
This is the intended videogame experience, yes?
EDIT: edited Melorae’s colour because I realised Coleus talks about her in past-tense when discussing the proto-Hearthians.
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mossrockpog · 9 months
Fits lore is always so nice and punchy! The dialogue was so well written and the music choice was incredible. I'm excited that we got not only fit backstory as was expected but also quesadilla island backstory! The place is a network of islands, and Madagio used to live on one. We currently only know of two... yknow, the satellites surrounding madagio remind me of that one comic we found a while back, the one in the old temple. And the cats! The cats are back and watching! I wonder why madagio wants player data. They mentioned statistics, which I'm assuming is referring to the menu option, but data is very general. I wonder what it wants and why. And why did the black concrete help Fit remember? Hrm.... lots to think about
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mindfogs · 1 year
i am very much aware this was obvious to everyone but me but i just realized Lyctorhood is specifically a metaphor for relationship that ended without closure. not just unexpectedly, not just violently, but without a proper closure. you make yourself a mausoleum, you get changed by only the memory of them, you collect every scraps and pieces they might have left being, because you didn't get proper closure and you're obsessing over the buts and ifs and what could have been if you just did something different. could it be avoided? could it have gone differently?
this refusal to forget, this not having moved on even with literally thousands of years on the line, remind me of how you can't get proper closure and suddenly you are sure this pain will be perpetual, sure you'll never see a world not tainted by their absence.
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My version of Hyde, and Mr. Guest (whom I ship)
They aren't perfect. Guest is timid, unsure how to word things properly, so he comes off as overly formal, stilted, and blunt. He's so desperate for love, he's willing to overlook Hyde's nastiness towards others.
Hyde isn't any better. Sure, I write him as ND, and some of the traits I give him come off as childish. He's truly a horrible person, just like in the books. He has an immature way of seeing things, but no moral compass, and no care for how others feel. He's overly territorial, and will not share anything.
Hyde visits Guest, covered in someone else's blood, with a gift he stole from that person, and Guest just cleans the blood off him and pretends everything is fine. He accepts the gift, not because he doesn't know where it's from, but because Hyde saw that that thought he'd like it.
I mean, sure, it's not that nuanced in my rp blogs, but that's bc you don't get to see that part of them. Hyde is really only pretending to be goofy and sweet. He's a fucking asshole.
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sleeptokenpuppy · 7 months
I am 👌 thiiiiis close to going out and buying a notebook specifically to copy out the entire Sleep Token catalogue of lyrics so I can go through and take notes on repeating themes
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Something that’s struck me lately is how the fanbase for Marisha specifically seems to have shrunk dramatically as of late, and so I wanted to talk through it. Noting this up front but: I’m making this rebloggable to start, but will not hesitate to lock it down if people can’t behave. It's an observation, not an accusation per se and definitely not any judgment on Marisha herself; in fact, I think it really sucks for her that this is what's happened.
I can expand on any of this but in the briefest of terms: the intense misogyny in the fandom in Campaign 1 and particular hatred towards Keyleth, culminating in death threats, led, among other things, to a fanbase that was extremely protective. However, by the time I joined the fandom with Campaign 2, the misogyny, while never gone, had significantly reduced (and in general the dudebro portion of the fanbase, while again never fully gone, has been on a decline as the cast became more open about their politics and the world of Exandria became more diverse.) This protectiveness became extreme - completely reasonable in-game conflict between Beau and other characters were perceived as acts of hostility, neutral remarks about Beau in comparison to other characters were interpreted as criticism, and so on. A party line solidified as time went on, of Marisha's characters being tough leaders and hard to kill.
Throughout all of this, something that was true is that Marisha had a fanbase that followed her - obviously to the various cast one shots, but also to the G&S content during Campaign 1 (Dread, Signal Boost, etc) and scattered other things (GM-ing for the Descent Into Avernus D&D live). Her role as creative director was rightfully discussed and lauded.
Things started to shift first with the return from hiatus, and then, not quite a year later, the end of Campaign 2. People who had shipped Beau with Jester quit either when the relationships of C2 began to solidify, or following the finale. This did a pretty significant number on her fanbase, but there were a decent number of people still there; largely people who were more invested in "tough leaders, hard to kill" than her character necessarily being shipped with Laura's characters.
Enter Laudna: zero interest in leadership; extremely killable. Now, people hung on for a while; they had her back during the gnarlrock fight. But as the Bassuras arc wore on and the clear central woman of the campaign was Imogen, they grew quieter, and by the time Laudna died (extremely killable), she was little more than ship fodder. Two things ten happened: The original crowd began to fade away, but a fairly significant influx of new people came in, intrigued by the potential for a relationship...and if she'd been little more than ship fodder to start, she was, more than ever, half of a whole now.
The defensiveness about Marisha's characters shifted now to Laura's character, and while Laudna was vocally beloved, she wasn't defended in the same way. It's started up again, slightly, but notably only after she entered a relationship, and compared to C2? It's incredibly lazy and sluggish, often appearing days or weeks after the criticism, and the appeals to stop all critical analysis based on misogynist hate, never a valid argument to begin with (and rarely accompanied by one either), are even weaker 6+ years down the line.
But the most notable thing I've noticed is that people don't follow Marisha to things outside the main campaign anymore. I noticed it first with Candela Chapter 2, and then this week with the Mortal Kombat one-shot. It used to be that if Marisha GM-ed something, particularly in a cool wig and a crop top, her fans showed up in force. Even with Calamity, while the numbers weren't what they once were, there was something, but Aunt Beatrix isn't young and hot and shippable and so there's no one watching for her.
I've seen virtually no conversation other than my posts about the Candela SDCC panel, which very much showcases her creative direction; while I get that Midst is a whole other thing to get into and podcasts aren't everyone's thing, it is very much her and Sam's involvement, and her discussion during that panel was great, and there's nothing. It feels both ironic and deeply sad that someone who was dismissed both as no more than the DM's girlfriend out of game and Vax's annoying love interest in it, and who's talked about the pressure towards youth and beauty as likely informing her D&D characters, is reduced to "can we ship it"; it makes a lot of sense there's little discussion of that creative direction, because, well, you cannot ship it.
Because the hard "no criticism allowed stance" present specifically within Marisha's fanbase at least as early as the beginning of Campaign 2, it meant that a single unpopular choice from her has cost her large swathes of her fans. And for what it's worth, I don't think she necessarily knows, or cares, but it does make me wonder: if Laudna hadn't said yes to Imogen...would there be anyone left watching who would name her as their favorite cast member?
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justmossyaps · 5 months
ok, i-
i need to talk to someone about mr samuel’s teatime stories
i cannot form coherent thoughts
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mashbrainrot · 1 year
MASH checklist for whether a character is a Good Person whom we as an audience should like:
how competent they are at their job
(related to point above but not always) how they treat the patients
how they treat children
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miraonpluto · 1 year
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this is very interesting to me
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