#bc all this info is on there i just decided to be silly and draw it out
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You guys might have seen the original draft where there were a couple mistakes and missing info - here is my updated Nomai ‘family’ tree!! I don’t know what you call it if it’s more than one family. But it’s here !! Now with groupings for their main roles and jobs (of course a lot of people shuffled around - I couldn’t sensibly include, for example, the few that worked on the Attlerock locator etc). I THINK that’s all the main info though!! Pye was really a force, it seems like. There may well also be more out of the older generation who died before the crash.
For Keek: we know Plume lost Keek in the crash, and we know Plume lost a brother in the crash, so it might be logical to assume that these were the same person, but it isn’t 100% confirmed.
This is the intended videogame experience, yes?
EDIT: edited Melorae’s colour because I realised Coleus talks about her in past-tense when discussing the proto-Hearthians.
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duodusk · 2 years
La La
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rainpelt25 · 2 months
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Okay so what if I told you I did a really silly thing and made a Star Trek tos medival fantasy AU.......
More info under the cut smirk
OKAY SOOOO 😍 basically I had this image of kirk in a suit of armor but that kind of half armor where the other half is a dress and thag kinda spawned everything else
The AU doesn't exactly stick to the typical medival fantasy world, I had an idea about vulcan/elves and humans not coexisting very well. And vulcans can do the typical magic spells so humans have to make manmade magic (ie. That big thing on scottys back and all of mcoy and chapels potions)
ANZYWAY here are some facts about them in the order they are presenteddd bc ik it's kind of a random set to start with lol I'll post more later
A knight from a kingdom (starfleet) that worships stars (?) Hes a captain and got separated from his troops. He looks a little grumpy in the image hes very sweet very himbo I was just concentrating on his outfit drawing that so I didn't think of the pose lol. Also! The way I og imagined him was with those two painted on dots, it could be a religious thing from the kingdom or something idk but I just rlly wanted them to stick so yeah!!
A blacksmith and all around inventor!! He specializes in man made magic, something very powerful and dangerous in the wrong hands but he just finds it useful to power his machines while he's on the go :) so of course he just pretty much PERFECTS IT IMMEDIETLY because he's scotty!! This probably got him attention from the wrong crowd and his moving from place to place life style becomes more of a on-the-run thing. Oops!
OK I KNOW THIS IS A LITTLE WIERD IN A FANTASY but this was around the time I was leaning more medival than fantasy (because I love history) and was thinking- what did medival doctors do? Medival times was kind of the plague era.....riiiiighhttt..?? Anywaayy there's some magical plague going around in the background probably more near where Chapel and Mccoy are from. He travels the lands in search for people to help! He specializes in potions- thought not his favorite medicine but the only thing that can combat the sickness. He's just a very tired old man that wants to help people <3
OK SO UM THIS ONES VERY MEDIVAL BUT WHATEVER WERE ALREADY DOING IT!! Chapel lived in the same area as Mccoy, living as a nun (secrets out I don't care about history I just love nuns) Among the many nun things her favorite was helping the local doctor out as a nurse. She grew very knowledgeable about medicine, and with her previous knowledge of magic as a nun they both came up with a (sort of) cure to the plague. But oops! Blasfamy! As the church decided the plague was actually an act of God! So with the help from the doctor they both ran away, searching for people that needed (more like wanted) their help!
It's a little wierd but I hope atleast somone found this intresting!! It's all I could think about for days lol😭 if anyone wants to talk about it or just their own ST AUs I would be SO open for that PLS
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risetherivermoon · 8 months
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Some s1 kids/kiddads art of an au im working my mind out on! basically a typical fantasy/faerun type au but my own little twist on it :))
heres some info cards about them in this specific universe as well as some rambling:
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im also probably gonna make one of these for the dads as well because this au has become some brainrot lol, i had a lot of fun designing lark and sparrows outfits because i always imagine oakvale wear being white gold and green so i kinda really leaned into with that. Nick as a tiefling is fun and silly to me teehee, as well as terry jr as a vampire. Its just a bunch of magical people and then grant lmao
i like terry and ron having a found family type of bond, and i promise ron will end up meeting samantha at some point lol, and i have a lot of notes about ron's character because of his background and everything, they aren't all supposed to fit into specific dnd archetypes or classes, but some of them like sparrow, nick, and terry have actual dnd classes lol, im really just fucking around with the loose concept of faerun, tbh i kinda see nick as both a bard and a fighter type of character? yk?
the necklaces with the single green bead that both lark and sparrow wear actually hold some cultural meaning for oakvale that im still working on, but i came up with the concept a while back so we'll see if i decide to talk about it
their stories do end up intertwining but this is the basic background info about their stories, and there will be more revealed when i get into making the s1 dads info cards as well.
terry and the twins probably took the longest to color and draw because of how many details are on both of them, especially terry's parasol bc i drew that without looking up a reference so i do hope it actually looks like an umbrella...nick was a bit hard to draw just because his face is partially covered and grant was actually fairly easy and i love how his design came out since ive been attempting to figure out a s1/teen design for him for a bit, obviously this isn't it because he's in fantasy attire but it's close enough that i have the gist of the idea..i made him look so pale lol, i imagine carol is pretty pasty and darryl isn't too tan either so...white boy is very white indeed
anywayys thats some of my funky lil au lol
(here are the dads!)
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fenneciplier · 1 month
ADWM + AHWM + ISWM + EXTRAS self-insert designs (PART 1):
Important info about my sona will be in red.
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I don’t care that my sona isn’t human, it’s funnier to think that this is what the viewer looks like in the series. Especially since my sona is like 3 feet tall-
Mark picks it up and carries it during chase sequences bc they can’t keep up <3
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This is my usual art sona, they don’t have an official name so their stand-in one is Able, their pronouns are they/them and it/its.
I’ve been drawing the egos lately, and I just wanted to add my sona into the story as the viewer character. And my usual outfit for it is just black pants and a red shirt, so I decided to spice things up for the choice series.
We got (in order):
FIRST: Able in A Date with Markiplier, it isn’t a very fancy creature, it wears a plain red shirt everywhere and everyday, but it’s trying to be formal for once.
SECOND: Able in the Prison route in A Heist with Markiplier, they’re nervous as hell bc their ass is NOT built for prison. They know they’ll do well in prison, but for all the wrong reasons- Also for some reason, but thankfully, the prison let them keep their gloves.
THIRD: Able in the Pirate route in A Heist with Markiplier, its special interest are pirates so despite the initial fear of all the big pirate guys, they’re very happy during this timeline!
FOURTH: Able in Yandere-Sim, even though I hate that game and its creator but Yandereiplier is another one of my favorites (in a silly way) despite not being an official ego. They’re more feminine in this timeline because of the dress code, but still goes by they/them and it/its.
FIFTH: Able in An Evening with Markiplier timeline from ISWM because it’s just a funny scenario for me. I like to think all the Job/Pornipliers are all different guys in a polyamorous relationship with Able. But like- a real relationship, not just sex, they all love each other :]!!
SIXTH: Able as The Captain In Space with Markiplier, because obviously- It’s a little more serious in this timeline because of the whole mission and them being in control and such. But it’s still a stupid little creature, also SCARED of space so it likely won’t ever choose the “fix from the outside” routes or just willingly throw themself out the ship.
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kitty-lennon · 1 year
OK since I had some nice returns about the height hc I wanted to share with you some of my other Hc!! (it get a bit long)
- Robbie / Glanni are faes (principaly due to Bound, that fic have been engraved in my soul) and also are two different person
- Robbie took care of the kids before Sportacus was around and have taught them about their special interest (Trixie and pranks/mischief; Pixel and love for gadget/tech and all; Stingy.... Stinginess; Ziggy and finding comfort in sweets, also Robbie made him that super hero suit)
-Latabæ and Lazytown are two different towns, and Latabæ is in iceland
-there is a Jives and Penny counter part in Lazytown but they are older and away to university. They still love to play with the kids
- Latabæ kids gang are teens while Lazytown kids gang is well, kids (/ almost preteen)
- ìþrott is older than Sportacus by a few years, and they aren't related by blood. They still view each other as Brothers tho. Also ìþrott passed down the number 10 title to him (will explain this more if asked)
- Àfram Latabæ Íþróttaálfurinn and Glanni Glæpur Í Latibær Íþróttaálfurinn are the same, he got badly made fun of by Glanni and after fighting the bitch away from Lazytown decided to get a makeover bc he indeed was a bit out of style.... Not that Glanni finds it better (except the abs)
- Glanni is a real menace that's holding back o' taking the world bc like Robbie, he's too much of a softy but won't admit it. (doesn't stop him from being a wanted criminal that have done heinous crimes but he had arguably good reason, as much as a morally gray flamboyant vilain can)
- Robbie and Glanni are distantly related blood wise but Glanni took care of Robbie most of his childhood and make sure he wouldn't take the same road as him in Villainy. (in love with this one, I love secretly soft vilains)
- Robbie is nb/ Agender, just doesn't give a single fuck about pronouns or gender, Glanni is identifying as man but like she/her and dressing either hyper masc or hyper flamboyant, pink and feathers and fur everywhere, glitters in his pockets and strass on his gun
- Sportacus is cis he/him a'd confident enough to wear a dress and make up even if it's rare / for his traditions as an elf (he like it tho bc it's comfy and fun to move around in a dress) Íþróttaálfurinn is the same, and often have his nails painted and likes to help the girls with their hair
That's the most I could think of hard enough to materialise in words!!
(it's 2am when I'm writing this, I'll probably upload it way later wand I'm sure I could come up with more tbh they probably seem too logical to me rn to not be canon)
PLS PLS PLS don't even hesitate to ask me about your headcanons so we can talk about them I love that!! It's more than alright to judge my hc even if I think they are pretty basic, but I don't think I'll change my mind about them (I'll hear you out still tho!)
OK last blorb, if you have ocs you can also message / ask / pm about them and info dump on me I would LOVE to hear about them.
Tbh usually I get in fandoms along with some friends, and I love plotting / playing / drawing [with] our ocs. So tell me if you would be fine with it, it would be immensely fun to populate the towns with our silly characters and watch them interact.
Alright, stole enough of your time now, thank you if you read this far! I really like the community here and hope to interact a bit more with all of you nice people, Have a nice time out there ✨✨
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keebwee · 2 months
Ask game round 2 (if that’s ok)
✨for fruhand because I love that name so much you don’t even know djsjdndndn
🌂 🧠 free for all any oc or more than one I just love hearing about them and learning bout them
Hope it’s ok to do this again! If not no pressure! I just love hearing about them!
✨: How did you come up with the OC’s name? - i think this will disappoint you but its just from a half-elf fantasy name generator. both his first and last name (fruhand arroway) are from it. i was very bad at making names at the time. however now i consider myself good at coming up with random ass fucking names like grunkuff
🌂: What genre do they belong in? - gonna use bitsy (all pronouns. i mean literally every pronoun can be used for them) for this one (my skyrim oc that made her way into rottmnt. as all of my ocs eventually do)
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she's in a fantasy genre id say since hes from skyrim
🧠: What do you like most about the OC? - i'm gonna be mysterious and talk abt fru's second universe and ocs in it that i dont think ive posted/talked about here much or at all. lucy, sif, chris, basil, badger, ruin, and ofc fru! i dont have any recent drawings of them (besides fru) so here's some older designs
prepare for info i love talking abt these guys. not gonna go super lore crazy but instead will talk abt how much i love these fuckers
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PICTURED ABOVE: lucy (albino turkey vulture), basil (snake), badger (cat lynx creature on four legs), ruin (fru look-alike), sif (cat), chris (cougar elf in the fifth image) and ofc fru (lion elf in the last 3 images)
lucy, she/her: lucy was a dnd character of mine! she was an albino turkey vulture aarakocra cleric with a service dog named bear (who's still around I just dont have him on this post). she's dating sif! lucy was a huge source of joy for me when i was younger. i was obsessed with her. shes my sweet girl and i love her to death. her relationship with her dog bear is one of my favorite things ive done with characters i think theyre so sweet
sif, she/he/they: my silly girl. my absolute goober. sif was a dnd character that never got used unfortunately. they were a tabaxi monk. she's dating lucy!! i dont have much to say abt him bc i never really went crazy with her lore but i love her sm. she was so fun to draw. i need to get her into rottmnt
chris, she/they: chris ended up being almost a sister to fru. she's so fun. she was also originally a dnd character, but she was a human. i think she was a rogue?? im not sure. they have a vial of blood on a necklace around their neck. dont ask where it came from. she meant a lot to me when i first made her and i vented a lot in my art of her. i was goin through some hard times back then man LMAOO. this was back in 2020
basil, she/it/they: ok this ones kinda crazy. basil isnt technically a snake, she just takes the form of one. it's a shadow god, one that was cast out and sent to live among the mortals. she follows fru around. they were in a relationship with badger (who is also a shadow god taking the form of a lynx creature) but they split up after being cast out. basil holds the star artifact (ignore the drawing of her with the sun thats wrong. fru has the sun). basil was such a blast to draw when i first made her and to this day sometimes i find myself doodling them
badger, he/it/they: badger is one of the "villains" of the story. they, as mentioned before, are a shadow god that was cast out and sent into the mortal realm. after his falling out with basil, it found ruin and decided to stick with him. badger holds the void artifact!! he's also SO fun to draw. their expressions are super fun. i was obsessed with the song all eyes on me by OR3O so like thats kind of his song now LMAOO
ruin, he/him: ruin is the other "villain" in the story. he (hear me out on this ok) is half of the REAL fruhand, which was split apart for whatever reason. he's fruhand's negative half. he doesn't know that he and fru are equal and believes himself to be inferior. he absolutely hates fru in the beginning, but they make up after ruin realizes the truth. he holds the moon artifact! i made so many different versions of this goober and his silly design. he really helped me learn to draw more freely and creatively
fru, he/him: fru is the main character bc i love him to death. he's the other half of the real fruhand and is his positive half. he doesn't know about the split until later. eventually he and ruin become brothers. do they go back together? idk. i never really did anything abt it. he holds the sun artifact. i fucking love fru. he was a self insert in dnd initially (but also inspired by br'aad from just roll with it) but now he's developed into my silly lion man who's in love with leo. god i love him. he means the world to me
a note about the artifacts: they're the key to the heavens i think it was. or like, the "higher up areas." when combined they open a gateway. they can also be used to merge fru and ruin back together! badger and ruin want to get all the artifacts so badger can take revenge on the gods, and so ruin can be the "real" fruhand. obviously this doesnt happen
thank u for the ask i went crazy mode. this has been so fun
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utmv if it was frisk playing with their toys??
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Fresh has little charms that often come with dolls/ in fashion packs and clip onto his glasses.
He’s basically this universes Barbie, being everywhere and having many doll runs up to modern day
here’s his base if you wanna put funny little outfits on him
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Error is similar to a preskool style toy, (with the play sets unlocking when you twist the figures) but combined with a a playmobil
he’s a sans figure from a different set that Frisk dribble all over because they didn’t want two of the same character and his face was really misprinted
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The Dreemurr Family are in-universe Calico Critter equivalents
Some people say they’re creepy bc of the eyes but many people collect them
the lore of them on the back of the is they’re aliens but that’s not super important
Chara is from a kinder surprise toy, and their sweater is loose because it’s from a Dreemurr Family set and isn’t made to fit them
Toriel and Asgore are not together
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Nightmare is apart of the Monster High-counterpart brand, and had a villain arc in an animated movie when his brother, Dream, decided to stay at the in universe Ever After High equivalent instead of coming back
his apple and tentacule pattern reappears in his jacket btw, I just didn’t feel like drawing it
(I haven’t drawn Dream yet)
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Killer is dollar store bootleg Dream doll painted like the Sans figure His eyes are drippy bc the paint was wet when they packed him and the makers used too much of it He’s a bootleg of a kitchen set, hence the knife
He always follows nighmare around (made up by Frisk, to be clear)
I haven’t drawn the rest of the nightmare’s gang yet, but here’s the info
Dust is a Fresh bootleg with some different body parts but a bootlegger fresh head, so his proportions are strange And his seam on his torso is craking open and is held together with a rubber band His limbs always come out and he smells like chemicals
Horror is an action figure for some Walking Dead style show that Frisk got attached to and begged to buy him until their parents relented
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haven’t drawn Mettaton yet, but he’s a competing fashion doll to Fresh, with his gimick being that his legs and arms pose like the lil guys above
the rest of his body is a normal fashion doll
Frisk gave him a chainsaw from Horror’s set and pained it pink and glittery
His box looks like his box form in the game (thanks for the idea, @paintedplum7 btw! Hope the @ is ok)
Fresh hates him, according to Frisk
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Napstablook is probably one of these squishy mochi toys but I haven’t decided yet
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Gaster is mad scientist themed putty, which “melts” like the picture above.
He has a plastic head part with goggles taht strap on, and comes with two hands each holding test tubes which you stick in the putty with the head to form his body
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Vinny is apart of the Fresh line
He was originally a Fresh doll with a unique outfit, but was quickly given made his own character
he has molded on hair for sure. Except for Totally Hair Vinny, ofc
his full name is vinegar.
sans and papyrus are both evil skeleton guys who come in an evil cave lair set. Frisk decided they weren’t evil tho, so their personalities are exactly like canon.
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Mad mew new is one is those super nice anime figures with multiple hands and faces
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Alphys is a dinosaur figure like these. Made totally of vinyls and was pretty cheap. she was printed with a pretty silly face (this is a positive) She happens to fit a lab coat outfit and glasses Frisk has, thus becoming the alphys we know.
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Undyne is a action figure from an old he-man type show. She is dating Alphys according to Frisk
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Ink is a fashion doll, similar in style and proportions to the Rainbow High line. He’s not a high schooler though, he’s from one of those inspirational style lines. He’s an artist who is all about how cool being an artist for a career is. There’s other dolls in his line for different careers
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Ccino is a strawberry shortcake style doll, who in his base outfit comes in a cafe with his cats. he’s scented like either coffee or French vanilla depending on if you got the early release or not. what happened with the change is a bunch of senstive parnets complained about his original scent and the coffee in his cafe, saying it was “too adult”, so he was changed to French vanilla, and the coffee in his cafe changed to hot cocoa
his cats are alls scented too, and flocked. they’re all named after competing doll brands/toy brand’s character (like how the real ccino has cats named after the au characters), which got his company into a lot of legal trouble lol
You can see some of them in the other character art above.
he’s only had two releases (the coffee and French vanilla versions) due to the companies financial troubles and all the lawsuits and no other character exist in his universe. ( :[ )
aannd I think thats everyone? Whew this is a long one
Greaser by @radsee
ink by @comyet
error and fresh by @/ loverofpiggies
undertale characters by Toby duh. It just feels weird not putting h him here ?? So
Killer by @rahafwabas
dust by @ask-dusttale
horror. @/sourapplestudios or something. I support don’t the ableism one the original, it won’t be in this au
ccino by @black-nyanko
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icycream24 · 5 months
Silver and Espio for the ask meme? :>
hehehe my favs hehee🤤🤤🤤
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I think most ppl don't know, but I used to really dislike Silver when I was first introduced to this character online. Not a game, no no, but YouTube AMV vids of this dude with cutesy shippy art of Silvaze. His portrayal was so degraded to me (I was 11 at that time?) that I believed he was a self-insert character for some popular artists to ship themselves with Blaze, in the girl-boss dynamic. Ofc, I looked for more info online and realised Silver was an actual character.
At that time I was playing Sonic Riders Zero Gravity and only unlocked Shadow/Rouge/Cream. After knowing what characters were avaliable, I tried my best to unlock the rest, including Silver. I also did not like his voice in English at that time, so much that I decided to switch the voice-overs to Japanese. And I also did not like it 😂 Not because it was grading! But more like, I was shocked by the drastic difference between the two. Kid me had to decide which portrayal I prefer more (ofc not aware of narrative difference of the scripts, I just chose based on my preference) and ended up with Japanese bc I vibe with the calm seriousness in the voice more. Eventually I did get used to both voices after more exposure of this character, watching playthrough videos online.
Talking about watching 06, I was not expecting him to be so different from my first impression of this "whiny/incapable/loser" kid. Silver actually was serious about fighting for his future, like a dedicated soldier. Blaze was *not* the girl-boss, she was on equal grounds with Silver. (Really... I was like 11/12, now that I think about it, how come ppl's comprehension skills so drastically apart that we can get totally different character interpretations?) I started to find charming traits on Silver, and that was when I started looking up for this character's info more & more.
And then I discovered the Rivals series. I watched the whole thing, 1&2, and this Espio character... Wait they're kinda nice tgt. (it was year 2012?? AAAAA I can't believe I'm still insane about Espilver/Silvespio, they're my sons now at this point 😭✨) I remember using Skype and talked about the ✨chemistry✨ between Silver & Espio, and my friend said I was tripping 😭
Anyway here's Espio:
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At that time I didn't have that much knowledge on Espio, I just thought their Eng voice in Heroes sounded like he's dying in a few years with how gruff & grandpa it sounded LOL. Mostly I only draw him with Silver bc I realised no one shipped these two back then. (there was ppl but there was no tags for them) So I felt like, no, impossible. I need to COOK for them! So I started shipping them like FedEx with my limited skills 🥴
My Espio appriciation was mainly started by shipping him with Silver. As I reflect on why I enjoy this ship so much, I dug up traits that I like about Espio. He was helpful, supportive, and overall has a rather peaceful way of communicating with others (aka SILVER hhh). Compared to other characters, especially in Rivals, he was really chill and kept his head clear, and unconditionally aided Silver simply bc he knew he was helping someone with a good cause. Such admirable traits that I'd say are pretty rare even irl.
Still, Espio did not have that much screen time. His portrayal in my mind I do admit was half canon, half fanon. Silly ninja with goofy teammates that values teamwork & is capable of aiding others, plus saint-like patience & wisdom. (Haha...really, a lot of his traits are get from Rivals 2, his ways of interacting with individuals was way more informative than games & anime shows combined 🤧)
But yeah, with time I like these 2 characters even more, started to make all kinds of headcanons that I won't be able to elaborate here. The texts are already getting too long here 😂 I've imagined them, either tgt or separately, in fluff/angst/spice/AU/wholesome/dead dove/anything really bc I just enjoy these two so much 💕
It's kinda selfish to say, but with how little Espilver there was during that time, it was almost like they got a clean slate & I was not swayed by any other ppl's interpretation of these two for a few years. And ofc by time these two surely became my favorite characters. LOL I realised in my busy years of not drawing often, Silver & Espio were the only characters I drew 😂
UGGGHHHAA I love these two sm 😭✨ thanks for asking hahah I wanna talk about them all day 🤧✨
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rules post bc I am NOT making pages on mobile you cannot MAKE ME
So first off hiiiii I’m Soda, I’m 18+, and I go by she/they! I’m a huge Bruno Bucciarati simp and I’m here to make that everybody else’s problem now. None of that is particularly important info, but I like to do some minor introductions with these things 👍
And I won’t write Yandere content or A/B/O stuff! I assume the latter comes with the territory of no nsfw, but better safe than sorry
When requesting a match-up, please include your age (or general range/if you’re an adult or minor) and if you want a character from a specific part! If these aren’t added, I’ll just assume A.) That you’re an adult, and B.) That you don’t care about which part the character is from. Also I don’t mind if it takes more than one ask, it happens, but I would appreciate if you tag your asks with an emoji or smth if so! If you’d rather skip the hassle of all that, though, just use submissions!
As of right now, I’ll only write for up to Part 5, as I haven’t watched/read anything past that point
I’ll probably update these over time maybe who knows
Okay! Boring part over, here’s what I’m gonna offer on this blog!!
Headcanons / Imagines / You know the drill
Match-ups! Just send me some info about yourself and I’ll tell you who I think you’d fit best with! I may also include Honourable Mentions if I have a hard time deciding bc why not
Not exactly an offer and more of a warning, but I will be drawing silly stuff, sometimes X Reader related and sometimes not, and posting that here whenever the mood strikes
And, I maaaaay eventually begin coming up with Stand ideas or something, we’ll see how it goes!
If you’re just here for the x reader stuff and don’t care for the rest, feel free to block the tag ‘soda-broadcasts’ ^^
Thanks so much for reading this, feel free to take a digital treat of your selection: 🍎🍊🍉🍓🥞🧁🍰🍫🍨🍭🍪🧃☕️
And a good day!
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araksi-art · 1 year
time for the first oc post here, aka the main reason i started this blog ! yippee!!
here is mattias (left, he/him) and eva (right, she/her)!! they are drinking lemon soda by the river :]
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i absolutely adore them.. they're best friends!!! they love each other and theyre so silly and !!! more rambles below the cut bc i love them so
okay okay so! they are both nineteen currently! that is because these two have grown with me since i made them at thirteen :] so now that im starting university so are they ! mattias is in fibre arts and design and eva is in public and social services (tho she's unsure about her choice at the moment)
they became friends in elementary school ! so they've known each other for a long time. at one point, eva's family fostered mattias! they became even closer during that time, confining in each other about their respective queer identities :]
their most common hang out is a makeover, other then board games (nerds), since mattias loves makeup and eva is always happy to try! any fashion in eva's closet was probably picket out by mattias :3
some individual info! mattias davis, or as eva calls him, mattie, is a queer cis guy who presents very feminine! his favorite color is pink and he makes sure the world knows it <3
eva summer is a trans girl and she's just chilling, really. she's having fun with life with her best friend by her side and its going great! her sexuality is fluid, so she decided to just leave it without a name :3 her favorite color is also pink ! they bonded over that when they first met :]
mattias' parents were unsupportive and ended up throwing him out at one point, after which he ended up in care of eva's parents. he ended up reuniting with his mom after a while, but right now he lives at the dorms with low contact to both his birth parents. the summers family has welcomed him to visit anytime tho, and he other does when eva misses them :] they're a duo <3
their story isn't set in a specific country, but its roughly the current world in which several of my other "normal" ocs exist! im drawing from my own experiences for them so inaccuracies are to be expected :P
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here's an extra doodle for reading all that <3
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sunny-clover · 1 year
Okay so these are just the concept info pages I made and these are not the final designs though, I’ve updated some designs A TON already
OKAY this iteration is called
TMNT 2032
and these pages are in order of when I made them so there’s no rhyme or reason.
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This is Cassius Casey (Kirby) Jones, he’s the first person I designed for the AU and his design does not look like this at all anymore. He’s got Japanese heritage from one side of the fam and Mexican on the other. No real reason except I wanna push my Spanglish onto him. Also he’s gay.
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This is April O’Neil, she’s the second person I designed but I never really thought her I through. She I guess has a possessed softball bat cause she’s a lesbian and the bat is a reference to Rise April. Her mother’s family is Indian and her dad’s is either Indian-American or African American. Like I said before, I haven’t thought her through much.
She handles the supplies for the Homatos and that’s really all I have, I should probly think her through more 😬
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This is Raph, originally he was going to be a snapping turtle but I decided he’s actually going to be biologically related to his brothers with the turtle DNA. I haven’t thought too much about him but he does have romantic feelings for Mona Lisa when he meets her but I still need his personality-
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Okay so here’s Mikey and he’s the one that I’ve HEAVILY changed—DRASTICALLY, if you will. I wasn’t even really in the right mindset to design him here so I am not at all proud of this design 😬
Yeah so he’s technically not the youngest I guess and also the drawing I did here was horrendous so uhhhhh let’s ignore this and we’ll have better content on him later.
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Here’s Kassandra Karai Jones, I had SO MUCH fun designing her. She’s a super badass lesbian Foot clan royalty soldier. Also she’s Casey’s twin hehehehe I love that so much. I can’t wait to write her arcs and stuff but I’ll have you know right now that the girl is a DISASTER around attractive women.
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This is Donnie!!!! He’s DEFINITELY up there with the Jones twins as one of the most fun characters to design, he’s so awesome I love drawing himmmm eeeeeeeeeeek!!!!
Okay so I made a mistake saying he has dual Bo-staffs, I just liked the way it looked with his design, but that’s incredibly impractical so that’s one of the first things I changed.
He’s the one character that I have his WHOLE personality fleshed out because I loved designing so much and he’s either a silly gay or a silly bisexual. I can’t tell you everything about him right now bc he’s still in the making and I wanna leave some room for content but he’s so much fun to draw and write!!!!
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This is Jennikka! Did I mention she’s in here? Hehehehehehhehehehehhe well now I did. i am not getting involved into the making of the turtles because I spent DAYS working on that but I love it so much but ANYWAYS she’s here and she’s sapphic.
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This is Venus!!! She’s so cuuteee eeeeeeek I love her she’s aroace and she’s also here. She has a deep connection with spritual energy and stuff much like Mikey from Rottmnt or I think the 2003 Venus as well? I haven’t gotten that far in the 2k3 show yet so I don’t know much abt her but I heard she has strong mystic connections or smth. I absolutely love her design and I hope you do too.
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LEEOOOOOO!!!! I really have to show you guys the concept doodles of him sometime cause I love it so much.
I don’t have too much on him atm cause I finally got his design down like 4 days ago or smth like that, but I’ve decided he can’t stand up straight for the life of him and Donnie always yells at him for it. He’s a bit like Rise Leo I guess but just more smooth and more serious on his training like every other Leo. I had him down as a tattle-tale at firs but then I decided nah. Oh also he’s the medic
Oh and I don’t think I mentioned but Donnie starts out as the leader cause he’s the oldest but eventually the title just moves liquidly through them until it lands on Leo. I had a little headcannon that I’ll never write down on paper but I keep up here that they be wingmen for each other when someone’s tryna impress a love interest they “hold” the leader title. See: Raph gets to be leader when they meet Mona Lisa.
I have a few other designs down but not on info sheets, just on doodle pages and I’m not ready to reveal how much time I waste on this lmfao.
I have Splinter, Mona, most other Mutants and almost Draxum’s concept designs on paper. I’ll post info on the creation some other time but maybe not. Maybe I’ll keep it to myself.
All I’ll say abt it for now is that the turtle’s creations were all at the fault of Splinter being an absolute disaster of a bisexual.
(I do accept asks on this iteration and I really do wanna answer questions abt it pls ask me questions)
Omg it’s 12:30 in the morning I needa sleep 💀
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witherfide · 1 year
its ramble time bc my brain is goin brbrbr with these tags heheh
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first off, im sososo happy that you like seeing me around !!! fren moment :3 i like interacting with you too heh secondly, dont think too much abt my pfp haha, its just a silly brain moment we had on discord ^^ my friendo Orion drew it for my birthday. the short version is i couldnt decide if i wanted him to draw bingo or moon, and he suggested bingo in moons outfit, and i kinda... yeah. heres pretty much the summary of what happened
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third, thank you !! i agree, i do think it suits me rather well, considering how ive adopted character traits from both characters, as well as them just being my two biggest comforts lmao anyways all that to say, thankyouthankyouthankyou i love and appreciate you too youre an awesome moot/friend :D
woooah thanks for the info-dump moot!!
i just like thinking about bingo acting like moon lol
i think they would be very good friends in an odd way
i love you too!!! /p
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chorastar · 9 months
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here’s a dumb lil sketch type thingy of a short story my brain randomly made (wowwie two oc posts in a row I really don’t have any ideas huh)
Part two to the possum shirt drawing >:D
basically reid decided to be a lil sh!t and annoy may until she made him a grilled cheese (randomly deciding they live together. It’s the trans b!tch household…..)
why may? 1. …..they live together
2. He just likes annoying her bc it’s fun >:D
3. She’s the only one who can cook…… idk if he knows how to use a stove
BUTTTTT they don’t have sh!t at their house (Reid ate all the DAM CHEESE)
so may doesn’t bother to change and just….. goes to the store
because they have the same dynamic as me and someone in my friend group, she decides to pay for everything (she’s gonna steal the leftover stuff)
so Reid just puts random sh!t in the cart (he is not sneaky) and then this happens like 10 times ⬆️
yea :D
Srry for info dumping about my dumb ocs their just silli
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fuzzytrashbird · 1 year
meow! meow! meow! meow!
i commissioned @drearyprince to write a song about my OC !!! 
they took every little idea i had and said “what if that but better” /hj 
but seriously i love everything about this!!!! wah!!!!! 
i wanna dive a bit into my own stupid thoughts for this and info about the OC so read below for that 
first of all omg i was such a FOOL with my ideas!!!!!! i knew i wanted a song about my new boy Marshall aka The Bride of Bone, but all my ideas led to a silly ending, were a bit too much, or were just BORING. 
initially, the end, where it says “Or so they say...” i wanted to be a joke thing that led into a lil gif of Marshall and Skelly (his skeleton friend) bouncing like hahaha u were led to believe this silly tale BUT MARCEL SENT ME A WIP OF THE SONG WHERE IT HAS THE CRYPTIC “Or so they say...” AND I WAS LIKE THROWING MY IDEA IN THE TRASH I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT IT 
along with that, at first i was gonna try to work my butt off for an animatic kind of thing with various drawings that would’ve been fairly simple for me, but then i finished this 
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which was just going to be like. a reference for the characters for me to go off of for the rest of the art and i was ready to make more, but again, when Marcel sent me the WIP i was like i know what i must do. 
so i made this background
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then i put them together and my brain was like. this. is. IT. ITS PERFECT.  
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so i hand Marcel the art to make the video under the impression they’d just use a still image and some fading in or out so they don’t have to work too much bc i was like dw about it you don’t gotta work ur ass off THEN THEY MADE THAT BEAUTIFUL VIDEO TOO?????????? bro im not ok this is so good, y’all im sobbing 
here’s a little bit about Marshall/The Bride Of Bone, if you’re interested. 
“’On full moon nights in summer, if you wander too far into the open field, you might find The Bride of Bone. Dancing in the falling snow with death itself, you are enticed to come closer until you vanish in the snow.’ In reality, this legend known by almost everyone in the surrounding area is nothing more than that. A legend. A legend started by an 8 year old at that. Marshall, also known as the main butler at the Williams family home, and as The Bride of Bone, is a bit eccentric. Upon showing off some of his powers to the only son of the Williams family, he unintentionally started a rumor in the boy's elementary school. As the rumor spread among the children trying to scare each other and the boy told him things spiraled, he decided to help the young master. Taking up going into the field with a fake skeleton he had painted to look real, he would dance a waltz under the summer's full moons. A dance of death, as they called it. Of course, no one has truly died from his snow, but sometimes legends get out of hand.“
Marshall is my newest OC, and, as mentioned, the main butler for the Williams family home. He is also... quite a bit more than human, though not many know that. He adores the only son of the Williams family, Sebastian, and one day while Sebastian was having a bad day, Marshall tried to cheer him up. Not only did he manage that, but he made Sebastian the talk of his elementary school for a few years, before the rumor got out of hand and became a legend as time passed. Now, Marshall carries out the legend on summer’s full moons simply because he finds himself enjoying the dance and has always enjoyed winter more than summer, so being able to make it snow is a plus. 
i have yet to decide on a lot about him, but i look forward to sharing anything i come up with in the future 
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here’s a casual Marshall to end the post :3 
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wulvert · 2 years
IM VERY LATE BUT TRIPTRACK!! did terry only get. created? after the divorce or does toad just. forget he has a 2nd child. very in character 4 him if so. i want 2 explode him with my mind
ALSO UR CREATURES,,,TELL US MORE ABOUT THM,,,i lov red n tex nd i project my arospecness onto them bc their "friends but also not JUST friends but also-" is so real 2 me,,,howevr,,,do u have any untold info in ur brain u can give us abt the rest of ur lesser seen beasts like shae nd tara nd mouse n mits nd...toad...i GUESS. . i absorbed all the terry lore into my brain from the other person's ask and im so hungry 4 more info,,,
u can also give any silly paperteeth lore here too if its in ur brain!! i want 2 devour all ur characters (even toad,,,he is so well-written 2 make me hate his guts) they r so goofy (/pos!!) i need 2 rotate every single one of them in my thoughts,,,
im back with clingfilm on my head i hope i can finally just. have my normal hair again im too lazy to keep dying it anyway! yeah so toad didnt have anything to do with terry, he sucks but he would def remember terry for. reasons.
yea i think a qpr is probs the best definition for what they have!
i hate how i handled shae- triptrack is something i cannot look at for more than five seconds without going i need to rip this apart and put it back together again- shae is like. H. shes kind of just obsessed with being peak performance like best form out of the entire sentient population- but like tex is a fairly indestructable robot and yeah. shaes also autohemophobic is that a word i think its a word. ( NO T HOMOPHOBIC SHE'S AN ALLY and her pronouns r she/they yeah like shae im yeah. and shes named after shea butter but i forgot how to spell shea. which. im pretty dumb im not going to lie to you. i think theyre the only character in triptrack that im set on that for bc. it sounds like shae. and i think thats art. nothing happened to her they just like decided to become a cyborg to like beat everyone else
also webtoon nerfed her boobs i cant beleive this world is so cruel
mouse and mits ive decided r gay since my last post and in love and now sell homemade furry ish masks together
tara needs more screentime bc just like. girlboss this isnt what ur husband meant when he said he wanted kids. but like. girlboss....
i think most of the stuff abt toad and tara is spoilers rn but knowing me i'll fail to explain it on every level so like . ill probs post about it eventually.
papertee th i keep forgetting 2 add and i think i forgot to mention the seeing in the dark on the otherposts i made - avery needs reading glasses but since vampires can see better in the dark, she doesnt need them if she's reading in the dark- but to her the ambience of reading in the dark is awful so she refuses. she also refuses to wear her reading glasses if anyones watching but she obviously needs them because shes holding the book 10 miles away from her face (longsighted) nobody cares mundane but i want to draw her wearing glasses and i need to provide context before i do. the science of her not needing them in the dark is not there. it. vampires arent scientce though
AND THANK U UUU im glad im not the only one rotating them in the microwave
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