pdalicedraws · 1 year
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Yesterday I made a cup of tea and sat down with A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske and ended up there for six hours devouring it cover to cover. Really, really enjoyed it; all the magic worldbuilding and familial dynamics were so well laid out and so gripping.
So I did a very, very loose Leyendecker study. Of… that one where one guy’s got a golf club and the other’s got a pipe. Couldn’t find a title for it but I’ll put it under the jump haha.
…realized after the fact that you’d think looking at this that Robin was the one with magic lol. No he’s just playing with his guidelight
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 4 months
thinking about the way jack occasionally slips up in trying to use guidelights and such seventeen years after he lost his magic, angry at himself that the habit is still there
thinking about jack occasionally turning to share a private joke or laugh at someone’s expense sixteen years after his sisters death, angry at himself for being surprised anew that she isn’t at his side to hear it
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gothdaddyissues · 2 years
In The 20s
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Prologue available on Ao3
or under the cut (~2000 words)
Thanks to @ramblingoak for the help and encouragement with this one!
SUMMARY: It's the mid-1920's and Prohibition is in full swing. The Emeritus family are the city's biggest gang headed by the aging godfather Papa Nihil. With a successful bootlegging business and a popular speakeasy known as The Church, Nihil's sons Primo, Secondo, and Terzo fight to maintain their spot at the top of the crime ladder. A rival gang has plans to put the old man out of business for good.
RATING: Mature for violence and language
TAGS: Copia, Terzo, Secondo, OC characters, violence, blood, swearing, illegal activities, Google Translate Italiano
Copia took one last, long drag of his cigarette, the orange tip burning bright in the darkness. He savored the heat in his lungs before exhaling and flicking the butt into the river. It hit the water with a brief sizzle and disappeared into the murky waves below.
The sun would rise soon; the longer they stood here, the greater their chances of being seen. This was the worst part: the waiting. The uncertainty. Would their delivery arrive? Were they being watched? Would today be the day the police stopped them? It hadn’t happened yet, but there was always the chance. He wasn’t too worried - he knew they could handle any scenario. They were flexible. They had backup plans for their backup plans. That’s why they were kings in this town. But any fuck up meant they’d have to answer to Papa Nihil, and he’d rather spend the night in jail than deal with the miserable old bastard.
It was silent on the dock, the only sounds were the water lapping against the shore and the ‘tip-tap-tip-tap’ of Terzo’s shoes as he paced back and forth. Secondo lit another cigarette and sighed. Copia twirled his cane through his fingers in boredom. Their henchmen - their Ghouls - kept back next to the vehicles, Tommy guns at the ready. 
“They’re late,” Terzo grumbled. 
“They’ll be here,” Secondo replied calmly, “Just relax.”
“Are you sure? They’ve never been late before.” Terzo’s patience was wearing thin. He was the most anxious and hot-headed of the three Emeritus brothers, traits that were less than ideal as the heir apparent to his father’s empire. 
“Give them until first light,” Copia suggested. “We’ll be too exposed if we stay past then.”
“Says the guy in the conspicuous white suit,” Terzo scoffed.
Copia rolled his eyes. “And who’s fault is that? You’re the one that dragged me right off stage the second the show ended and didn’t even give me a chance to change.”
“Shut up,” Secondo said, “Both of you.” He put his hand up to his ear. “Listen. They’re coming.”
The faint sound of a boat motor was drifting across the water, slowly getting louder as it steered closer. The engine misfired, chugging and struggling under the weight of its load. A light bobbed along the surface - a flashlight signaling morse code: short-long-long-short, long-short-long, long-long-short. PKG. Their cargo was arriving.
Secondo took out his pocket lamp and signaled back: long-short-long-short, short-short-long. CU. Message received. He laid the torch on the dock as an impromptu guidelight to help the boat across the choppy river water to the meeting spot.
The first rays of morning light we just breaking over the horizon when the tiny fishing boat finally arrived at the dock. One of the two men tossed the tie rope to Secondo so he could anchor them down.
“Sorry about the wait gents,” the other man said, “I think we overloaded ‘er and it slowed us down.”
“Worry not, my friends,” Terzo assured them, a stark contrast to his earlier annoyance. “As long as you’ve got the goods, everything’s peachy.” He motioned behind him for the Ghouls to come forward and help unload.
“We sure do!” the man said. With a crowbar in his hand, he began prying the lids of the wooden crates to show proof of their contents. “Three cases of the finest Canadian Club whisky, as requested. Two cases of English gin, and…” He saved the best for last. “A full case of French Champagne. I should have more of that in a week or two.”
Terzo beamed with delight. “Champagne! At last! I will take as much of it as you can get. You have outdone yourselves this time. Molto apprezzato!” He turned to Copia and held up two fingers. “Fetch the men their payment, won’t you? I think they deserve a little bonus.”
The boatmen lifted the crates up to the Ghouls waiting on the dock, who then carried each one to the truck parked nearby, while Copia went to the car and returned with two plain cloth bags filled with cash. Terzo took one bag and tossed it to the captain of the boat.
“Your fee, as agreed,” he said. “And…” He tossed the second bag to him as well. “Buy yourself a bigger boat. You’ve earned it.”
The man opened the bags and looked at the racks of bills within, stunned. “Jeepers! Thank you… thank you, sir!”
Terzo nonchalantly waved his hand, “Non è niente,” he smiled, “There’s more where that came from if you keep up the good work.”
“You got it, boss!”
The boat was quickly unloaded and Secondo unhooked the rope from its anchor post. “Now get gone, fellas. The sun’s coming up.”
“Yes sir, thank you, sir,” the man said as he started up the little boat’s motor, “See you next week.” He puttered away from the shoreline to start his journey back across the river to Canada.
With delivery complete and the truck loaded with bootleg liquor, Secondo told the Ghouls to head out. “Get this back to the Church. Quick, si?” The Ghoul in the driver’s seat nodded and the rest piled in for the ride.
Terzo watched the truck pull away, rubbing his hands together in anticipation as he turned to his companions. “Champagne, Copia! I can’t wait! I’m going to treat Evie to a bottle when we get back.” He sighed, blissful at the thought. “A good haul tonight. Papa will be happy.” 
“Yes,” Copia said sarcastically, “So happy that you’re drinking his product and fucking his girl.”
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, eh?” 
“The two of you will be in a world of hurt if he ever finds out,” Copia warned. 
Terzo clapped Copia on the shoulder good-naturedly. “You worry too much, compagno. I have that senile old fart wrapped around my little finger. I can do no wrong. I’m his Golden Boy, his Chosen One…”
“You are a stronzo,” Secondo sneered, “C’mon, we need to get out of here. Andiamo.”
“Don’t be jealous, fratello,” Terzo laughed as the three men moved to make their way back to the car parked at the end of the dock. But they stopped in their tracks.
There, in front of their car, was a young police officer - very young - standing alone, his arm outstretched with a gun in his trembling hand. “S… St-st-stop, in the.. name of the law,” he stuttered.
All three men reached inside their coats, hands on the guns they wore concealed beneath.
“STOP!” the officer yelled. “I mean it!”
Terzo slowly pulled his hand out of his jacket and raised both of his hands in the air above him. “Oh no, fratellos! He means it! We’d best give ourselves up,” he mocked, before dissolving into laughter.
“Put the gun down, child,” Secondo said sternly, “You’re shaking like a leaf - you shoot that thing and you’ll hurt yourself more than you’d hurt one of us.”
“You’re just a fledgling, aren’t you? Lost here all by yourself,” Terzo observed, composing himself. He could see the sweat trickling down the young man’s forehead, his chest heaving with panting breath. “Do you even know who we are?”
“You’re… you’re the Emeritus Brothers,” the officer said, swallowing hard, “And I’m arresting you for illegal… um… importation! The illegal importation of alcohol.”
Terzo looked around him. “I don’t see any alcohol here. Do you?” he asked.
“I saw you bring it in on a boat and load it onto a truck.”
“What truck? There’s no truck here. You have no proof of anything. And no fellow officers with you to back you up. I’m afraid there’s not much you can do, pollo.” Terzo was just taunting him now. He slowly approached the officer, unafraid. “I’ll tell you what,” Terzo began softly, “You put your gun down, get back in your car, and drive away from this place. You never saw a thing, right? Here,” Terzo reached into his pocket and pulled out a $50 bill, which he tucked between the buttons of the officer’s coat, “Something for your trouble, yes? Go on… Take it.”
“I suggest you do what he says, boy,” Copia warned. “Leave while you can.”
The young man was shaking violently, almost sobbing. “You are in… violation of… of… The Volstead Act, and I’m… I’m…”
Secondo sighed and rolled his eyes. “Fuck this,” he muttered. He stomped forward and grabbed the officer’s gun hand, his gloved palm covering it completely. In one swift move, Secondo swept in behind him, bringing his other arm around the young man’s neck in a chokehold. The man gasped and whined as he was forced out onto the dock, closer and closer to the water, his toes dangling over the edge of the wooden boards. The only thing keeping him from falling in face first was Secondo’s grip.
“I told you, kid,” Copia said sadly, “Look what happens when you try to be a hero.”
Secondo took the man’s hand, the one holding the gun, and brought the barrel up against the man’s temple. “How did you find this place, huh? This is private property. Emphasis on private.”
“I… I was just driving by…” the officer wheezed, “And I saw…”
“Bullshit!” Secondo tightened his grip on the gun, placing his finger on the trigger. “You don’t just stumble on this place. Who told you? Who sent you?”
The young man squeezed his eyes shut, tears rolling down his cheeks. He shook his head but did not speak.
“Come on, bambino,” Terzo snarled, “Speak up!”
No response.
“How old are you, boy?” Secondo asked.
“Twen… Twenty-two,” the officer choked out.
“You’re just a baby, so much life ahead of you. Is this really how you want to go out? Hmmm? Protecting someone who sent you straight into the lion’s den?”
The officer would not relent. “It’s my duty… my duty to serve and protect. I’m arresting you…”
The two brothers exchanged looks. Terzo nodded tersely and stepped back. Copia knew what was coming - he felt pity for the young man, but there was nothing he could do now. 
“Sorry about your luck, boy,” Secondo said, cold as ice. He pulled the trigger and the sound of the gunshot rang out in the crisp morning air. 
Terzo stepped forward and pulled the bloody $50 bill out of the officer’s coat before Secondo let go of the lifeless body, sending it into the river with a sploosh. He tossed the gun in after it. The three men stood in the pale light, watching as the body sank toward the bottom in a perverse show of respect for the fallen.
“So,” Terzo said, handing a black handkerchief to his brother, “We’re either being spied on, or we have a rat. No way was he just passing by.”
Secondo wiped at the blood splattered across his face, nodding. “Either way, our whole operation is in jeopardy now.” 
“Imperator’s gang?” Copia assumed.
“Has to be,” Terzo agreed. He looked out over the water at the sunrise, his rage simmering. “Papa does not hear about this until we figure out our next move, si? Let’s get the fuck outta here.”
Copia and Terzo began to head back to their waiting vehicle, but Secondo did not move. He stood silently on the dock for a few moments, his eyes closed. He reached up to the band of his hat and pulled out a folded piece of paper he kept there, a small lined sheet that had been torn out of a notebook. He produced a pencil from his inner coat pocket and added another tally mark to the dozens that were already there. One for each life he had taken in service of his father. He counted up the new total, even though he already knew the number. He always knew the number.
Secondo re-folded the paper and placed it back in his hat band as he walked to join the others. He gave Copia the once over as he passed him: “Looks like you’ve got a bit of a mess on you,” he pointed out.
Copia looked down and saw flecks of blood spattered over the front of his white suit jacket. “Ah, shit,” he swore.
Terzo chucked and handed the blood-stained $50 bill to Copia: “This should cover your cleaning bill, Piano Man.” 
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mabelpodcast · 2 years
Dear wife, I despise the internet, but do so love you. You are such a child of the modern age; isn’t it a fascinating quandary? We all must surprise ourselves, I suppose, or else just wilt when autumn comes. Here is my query: when it is that time, what will it feel like?
My ocean, my guidelight, my compass, my north star. It will feel like the wind finally blowing after decades of stillness. The west wind, the east wind. It will feel like fire sweeping through dead bracken, the healing fires of our ancestors and their ancestors and their ancestors before them. It will feel like the rising tide, incremental and inevitable and moon-sourced and ancient. Like the good black mud beneath our bare toes.
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thatwildwolfwrites · 9 months
Some more Shepard and Anderson content: 2,328 words, takes place over Shepard's entire life up to mid-ME3, Anderson is Space Dad.
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sebiruhariini · 1 year
Journey to Baturaja
Masih dalam perjalanan memberanikan diri bepergian di awal tahun 2023 ini. Melanjutkan ke provinsi ketiga yang kutapaki di tanah Sumatera, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan.
Aku naik pesawat dari Belitong dan mesti transit/menaikkan penumpang dahulu di Bangka, baru ke Palembang. Kali pertama, menunggu sekitar 20-30 menit di dalam pesawat untuk penerbangan berikutnya. Mendarat di Palembang, feeling excited dan was-was karena perjalanan panjang ke depan. 
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Aku sudah memesan travel dari jauh hari. Jadi, setelah sampai di bandara, orang travel yang jemput. Tujuanku adalah ke kota Baturaja, which is itu sekitar 8 jam dari bandara. Dan.. travel di Palembang ini, aku harus siap merapatkan duduk dengan penumpang lain. Jadi, system travelnya adalah mereka akan jemput semua penumpang dan barang bawaannya di tempat request masing-masing dan menurunkan mereka di tempatnya masing-masing juga. Unik.
Karena pagi itu belum sempat sarapan, alhasil sarapan di mobil travel mumpung masih sepi penumpangnya, sambil mohon izin ke driver untuk makan di dalam kendaraan. Aku sempat berganti mobil juga setelah keluar bandara. Total ada 5 penumpang yang berangkat ke arah Baturaja. Karena tujuanku agak masuk ke daerah perbatasan, maka kena charge 20.000. Tapi, kata ibu penumpang sebelahku dengan tiketku seharga 200.000 harusnya sudah tak usah bayar charge, karena standarnya itu 100.000. Hmm..
Aku tiba sore hari di rumah murid dan langsung observasi ke tempat magang mereka. Malam harinya agak tidur cepat untuk isi daya esok hari. Esok paginya, aku dan murid melakukan bakti sosial di panti asuhan dekat sana. Kebetulan, nenek salah satu muridku cukup dikenal orang sekitar karena beliau mantan Wakil Bupati Baturaja masa bakti sebelumnya. Nenek yang sangat inspiratif. Beliau spesialis dokter mata dan punya klinik mata di sana. Beliau juga cukup concern mengadakan pengajian dan santunan anak-anak yatim piatu dhuafa di kota tsb. MasyaAllah..
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Pulangnya, aku dan anak-anak ke pasar beli oleh-oleh dan aku berpisah dengan mereka karena mau silaturahim dengan salah seorang adik tingkat kampus yang masih aktif di Guidelight juga, Wigo. Sekaligus menyelamati pernikahannya belum lama ini. Karena sering update di status whatsapp, kutahu dia dan keluarganya punya rumah makan juga disana. Dan setelah tanya warga sana, sepertinya cukup terkenal: Rumah Makan Asri. Yang buatku melongok adalah jarak ngojek 1-2 km disana masih dihargai 5.000 wiii. Sampai tanya dua kali pas mau bayar, ini beneran 5.000 kan ya..
Kucoba hubungi Wigo karena posisi sudah di rumah makan. Tapi, kayaknya dia lagi sibuk.. setelah coba signature foodnya yakni pindang yang super unik di lidahku, aku memutuskan pulang. Detik-detik mau pulang, barulah tersambung dengan Wigo. Tapi pas ditelepon balik, lagi sibuk, kayaknya dia lagi nelepon pegawai umah makannya untuk nahan aku supaya tak pulang dulu wkwk. 
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Betullah, aku diantar ke rumah kakaknya dan ketemu Wigo dan istrinya. Setelah bertukar kabar, aku cerita sejujurnya lagi cari pempek dan minta rekomendasi mereka. Gayungpun bersambut! Ternyata kakaknya Wigo, jualan pempek. Dikasihlah dulu tester. Karena super duper kenyang, aku nyicip yang biasa kumakan aja. Padahal, itu dijejerin segala jenis pempek yang super wenak. Dan.. alhamdulillah, jadinya pesan di kakaknya Wigo. Hehe. Lanjutnya, jam 5-an sore, ternyata wigo dan istri mau antarkan aku ke tempat murid. Sebelum itu karena sudah tak ada kegiatan lagi, jadi aku diajak solat magrib di masjid dengan design keren ala Madinah di daerah sana dan keliling Baturaja. 
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Mereka juga ngajak makan bakso dan es campur terkenal. Ditawarin makan duren, tapi kayaknya lagi tak enak perutku waktu itu wkkw. Mana dibawain martabak juga buat murid-muridku.. masyaAllah.. moga berkah yaa Wigo dan famili! 
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Esok paginya, jadwal pulangku ke Jakarta. Travel jemput pukul 08.30-an. Setelah pamit dengan orangtua murid, ku berangkat. Alhamdulillah dapat kursi depan karena barang bawaanku agak heboh sama oleh-oleh dari 3 kota yaa haha. Seperti biasa, driver menjemput penumpang lainnya dulu. Ada orang tua yang bawa 2 anak kecil di kursi paling belakang, di tengah ada 3 orang dan 1 anak, aku di paling depan, dan supir. Itu bener-bener lebih crowded dibanding saat berangkat. Sekitar zuhur, kami mampir di rest area. Kusempatkan juga makan pagi gabung siang a.k.a brunch. Pilihanku jatuh pada menu ayam serundeng dilengkapi dengan gulai nangka dan sambal hijau. Enak. Dan… baru kali pertama nyobain mocktail es jagung enak parahhhhhhhh. Manissss banget which is aku suka banget! Di Jakarta bogor mah adanya jasuke, kalau ini beda, es jagung. Semoga bisa ketemu lagi itu es di lain tempat yang deketan.
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Next, karena travelku tidak lanjut sampai bandara, akhirnya aku request diturunkan di stasiun MRT. Wih keren, Palembang ternyata juga punya MRT! Naik MRT ke bandara, barang 3 stasiun dengan harga 10.000/orang. Seru, petugasnya sempat bantuin karena barang bawaanku yang tidak sedikit haha. Alhamdulillah dapat duduk dan pesawat juga on time.
Finally, terbang dari Palembang ke Jakarta dan dijemput umi-abi-adek-kakak disana. Wkkw berasa abis melancong lama banget. But, that’s true. This is my first nekat journey by myself and i’m pretty proud of it. Much having fun during this adventure and also life lessons! Thanks for all students, friends, parents, teachers, that have supported and prayed for me! 
Thank Allah for this wonderful journey!
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env0writes · 2 years
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Drawtober 2022, Season of the Witch Candlelit Coven 10.28.22 “Porch Lights, I Love You”
Will you leave a light on for me As I round my way through the bend Meandering forward though the star riddled night Towards a light out of view Calling me, pulling me, Sending me home Will the wick outlast the dark? Before I pass through the field If I look back, will the light fade to black? Flicker like starlight and wink into sleep Please, tend to that firelight, firebright Guidelight to house in your heart Am I worth the midnight oil? Will your love for me wax? Or wane?
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artist!  
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pianohaiku · 2 months
guidelight “Tides of Sleep”
Tides of sleep arise, Moonlit waves of dreams unfurl, Peaceful night’s embrace.
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halky-on · 1 year
I'm tired.
Tonight, i feel numb.
I think something i put effort in and guard, i did it my best and yet again, ended. Thats unfortunate.
I feel really flat and numb, have no energy to do anything, to chat, to talk, to reach, to do, anything human related
I know this is a path God designed/pave for the best of me, i just know if im doing this right
My body feel ache and heavy since yesterdays, oversleep doesnt kinda help, i think the issue is beyond skin deep.
I dont know if i'll get to know another people anymore, lately i just feel i dont have the capacity or luxury to have that, imagining me talk to people, getting to know them again from the beginning, explaining myself then listening to theirs, all of that feels, so, exhausting. And tiring. And draining..
I'd love to hear another people stories, they always act a beacon and guidelight for me when things get dark, but idk, it feels so heavy lately even to wake and to "be" .
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nindische · 2 years
37/365 - Feel Content
Masya Allah, tabarakallah. Atas izin Allah :’))
Im soo happy today karena merasa lebih optimal menjalani hari; dari pagi hingga saat aku mengetik tulisan ini. Dari pagi, aku baca buku + ketemu temen-temen untuk bahas sesuatu (Husen dan Mega), dilanjut meet online sebentar dengan tim Kainful (Mbak Ayyin), siangnya makan siang + koordinasi dengan lainnya via chat + duduk-duduk istirahat wkwk, sorenya meet online lagi dengan partner Kainful (Safa dari Fit In), dilanjut jalan sore sama Sheila dan berhubung dia lagi puasa jadi kita nyari jajan setelahnya wkwk, abis isya meet online lagi dengan HRD Guidelight. Selebihnya leyeh-leyeh lagi. Feel like haaa wkwk masya Allah. Ini kalo bukan atas izin Allah mah aku gak mampuuu 😭😭
Intinya happy bangett ketika bisa banyak mobile dan kegiatan dalam satu harii. Seneng bisa mencurahkan energi ke hal-hal yang insya Allah baikkk. Semoga Allah ridho. Aamiin!
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lasclmates · 2 years
Best macbook for developers 2015
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#Best macbook for developers 2015 software
#Best macbook for developers 2015 code
Coders are insanely expensive, and projects that start with uncomfortably large budgets have an ugly tendency to grow from there. It’s preordained that you’ll give these things to him, because the CEO signed off on the initiative-and yet should it all go pear-shaped, you will be responsible. He’s come to discuss spending large sums to create intangible abstractions on a “website re-architecture project.” He needs money, support for his team, new hires, external resources. On the other side of your (well-organized) desk sits this guy in his mid-30s with a computer in his lap.
#Best macbook for developers 2015 software
Content management projects, customer relationship management integration projects, mobile apps, paperless office things, global enterprise resource planning initiatives-no matter how tightly you clutch the purse strings, software finds a way to pry open your fingers. This policy has served you well in many facets of operations, but it hasn’t worked at all when it comes to overseeing software development.įor your entire working memory, some Internet thing has come along every two years and suddenly hundreds of thousands of dollars (inevitably millions) must be poured into amorphous projects with variable deadlines. You expect your staff to speak in plain language. The way you’d put it is, you are loath to pay for things that can’t be explained. You have a reputation throughout the organization as a careful person, bordering on penny-pinching. Your office, appointed with decent furniture and a healthy amount of natural light filtered through vertical blinds, is commensurate with nearly two decades of service to the craft of management.Ĭopper plaques on the wall attest to your various leadership abilities inside and outside the organization: One, the Partner in Innovation Banquet Award 2011, is from the sales team for your support of its 18-month effort to reduce cycle friction-net sales increased 6.5 percent another, the Civic Guidelight 2008, is for overseeing a volunteer team that repainted a troubled public school top to bottom. You are an educated, successful person capable of abstract thought. Josh Tyrangiel 1 The Man in the Taupe Blazer It may take a few hours to read, but that’s a small price to pay for adding decades to your career. There are also lots of solid jokes and lasting insights. There’s some technical language along with a few pretty basic mathematical concepts.
#Best macbook for developers 2015 code
This issue comprises a single story devoted to ­demystifying code and the culture of the people who make it. Those who don’t understand will be left behind. Now that software lives in our pockets, runs our cars and homes, and dominates our waking lives, ignorance is no longer acceptable. Which means that people have been faking their way through meetings about software, and the code that builds it, for generations. Software has been around since the 1940s.
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arqui-mequedo · 4 years
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El fotógrafo aéreo alemán Tom Hegen ha dedicado su vida al reflejo del impacto humano en el mundo. En estas dos fotografías refleja unos invernaderos Holandeses que utilizan luces LED para incrementar su producción  ( https://mymodernmet.com/es/invernadero-led-tom-hegen/ ).
Esta idea de Mar de Plástico parcialmente iluminado a través de la colada es interesante, por ello se ha escogido el implantar estas luces para representar la idea de una serie de “faros” interconectados a través de la línea invisible que los une. De esta manera actúan como un guías a través del recorrido para las personas del lugar. Así mismo, se lleva a cabo una relación entre los faros de costa en su función original y esta idea que se adapta a este nuevo tipo mar presente en Almería.
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shadowfoxsilver · 3 years
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Updated Guidelight reference!~
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#guidelight (at Cross Creek, Tampa) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzbxuX6gu3S/?igshid=yo4gox7sc4j0
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mad-hare · 3 years
Our food system was not broken by the pandemic and it was not broken by independent family farmers or ranchers. It was not broken by animals/grazers on the landscape, who are now, too often, the scapegoat. It was broken by large, multinational corporations and the industry who, because of their buying power and size, have undue influence over the marketplace and over public policy. Multinational corporations have concentrated our food system to its breaking point, having extracted profits from farmers, workers, and consumers for too long. The virus has stripped away the veneer, shining a bright light on these longstanding abuses. Lately, I’ve been hearing experts and friends talk about the need to “fix our broken system.” But I disagree. Our food and agricultural system is not broken. It is working exactly as it was designed to work—for the benefit of a few corporate companies and their coffers at the expense of everyone else and the land. What we need is an entirely new system. A system that is rooted in justice and equity and puts the land and all people before profits. It’s unfortunate that it might take a pandemic for us to realize a new way forward, but I have hope that this moment is the wake up call that we needed. As Leah Penniman of Soul Fire Farms states, “If you don’t have any control over your food system, it essentially puts you at the whim of a racist, capitalist food system in terms of your basic survival needs.”
Jennifer O’Connor from Guidelight Strategies
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sebiruhariini · 4 years
Ngaji Tafsir QS. Al 'Ashr
Senin, 27 April 2020
Ustadz Syukron Muchtar
📝Kisah di balik surat ini
Suatu ketika Amr bin Ash (sahabat yang belum jadi muslim saat itu) bertemu dengan Musailamah al Kadzzab (al Kadzzab ini sebutan yang berarti Pendusta, ngaku Nabi), sehabis Rasulullah saw menerima wahyu ini.
Musailamah berkata kepada Amr,
"Apa yang sahabatmu (maksudnya Rasulullah saw) terima?"
"Telah turun sebuah surat, yang pendek namun padat, jelas, penting"
Lalu Musailamah bertanya, "Surat apa itu?"
((Amr melafalkan 3 ayat tsb))
Musailamah yang dikenal sebagai Pendusta tak mau kalah. Dia bilang, telah turun juga kepadaku surat yang mirip. Sampai dia buat suatu surat, katanya.
Ujung suratnya
Yaa wabr, yaa wabr (karena al ashr ujungnya bersajak, dia buat bersajak juga hmm..)
Jangan menyepelekan amal kecil, sekalipun berbicara jujur dalam sehari-hari. Jika sering terbiasa berkata dusta dusta dusta, pengennya dusta terus. Karena amal yang dilakukan akan bertransformasi menjadi sebuah perangai, akhlak, karakter kita.
📝Keistimewaan Surat
1. Setiap pertemuan, sahabat Nabi selalu mengakhirinya dengan membaca QS. Al Ashr. Seolah-olah ingin meresapi dan mengingatkan satu sama lain, utk senantiasa mengingati dalam kebenaran dan kesabaran.
2. Merupakan surat yang penting. Sekiranya kaum muslim tadabbur surat ini, sudah mencukupi bagi mereka untuk hidup selamat di dunia. Jika Allah tidak menurunkan surat lainnya, surat ini sudah mengcover solusi urusan dunia kita.
📝Tadabbur per ayat
Ayat 1
Ada 2 pendapat,
Pendapat 1 berarti waktu ashar. Waktu yang sangat penting utk diperhatikan. Bahkan sampai diperjelas di QS Al Baqarah ayat 238.
"..Peliharalah salat dan salat Wusta (solat Ashar)".
Hmm kenapa disebutin lagi ya di ayat itu, shalat Ashar padahal juga termasuk solat?
Karena Ashar ini begitu spesial, waktu dimana banyak yang lalai (peralihan pulang kerja, pulang berkebun, dsb, nguji keimanan).
"Siapa yang meninggalkan shalat Ashar, maka gugurlah amalnya" (Hadist Rasulullah SAW diriwayatkan Imam Bukhari)
Pendapat 2, artinya masa/waktu.
Ayat 2
Inna: sesungguhnya (kalimat penekanan)
Ada huruf LAM + FA (laa fii)
Artinya juga sama penekanan.
Allah ingin menekankan bahwa manusia itu bebar-benar dalam keadaan KERUGIAN.
Ayat 3
Pengecualian bagi 4 golongan;
1. Orang yang beriman pada Allah
Iman ada 72 cabang.
2. Mengerjakan amal sholeh (kenapa disebut lagi, yg beramal sholeh bukannya udah termasuk orang yang beriman?)
Sama spt Al Baqarah 238. Spesial.
Belum tentu juga jika orang itu melakukan kebaikan, ia beriman.
3. Orang yang saling (tidak 1 arah) menasehati dengan kebenaran
4. Orang yang saling menasehati dalam kesabaran.
Tanda orang yang senantiasa bahagiaa itu ketika diiberi nikmat maka bersyukur. Diberi ujian bersabar.
Tanya jawab:
1. Cara mendakwahi orangtua?
Adalah dengan perangai kita jadi anak yang baik, paling membantu ketika dibutuhkan, dsb. Pada hakikatnya kebaikan akan diterima. Yang tidak diterima adalah caranya yang mungkin masih salah.
2. Bagaimana caranya menjaga keikhlasan dalam beribadah?
Senantiasa berdoa pd Allah, minta diberikan keistiqomahan menjaga keikhlasan
Semoga bermanfaat
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