#gurjin drenchen
eanfee · 14 days
Drenchens are baianos and this is basically canon
They are mostly black They are big and strong They are good at fighting They walk around barefoot They live a simple and modest life They sleep in hammocks They speak directly and objectively to everyone They are probably the Gelflings who swear the most
Drenchens are from Bahia!
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ladynoirelf · 9 months
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Nothing says Christmas like being with the person you love, who is also your greatest gift in the entire world.
…Aaaand apparently is also a biter like yourself.
Happy Holidays everyone!
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talkin-tdc · 11 months
TDC Halloween AU
Ordon is the type of dad to strictly give out one piece per childling you can’t convince me otherwise
Laesid and Bellanji like to just leave the bowl out (Naia always steals it early into the night before anyone else can get it.)
Mayrin will just make the butler do it, or Seladon if she doesn’t make her take her sisters.
Skeksis usually can’t be bothered to give out candy, but when they do, they make the poddling do it and usually SkekAyuk likes to put in gross ingredients (make some candy spicey or cause burping, that sorta thing.)
Rian likes to gather all the kids who are either his friends or like to get a lot of candy and delegate them to maximize profits and all get the most candy for all of them. The older kids like Tolyn and Gurjin are sent to take them trick or treating to keep them in line, Tolyn does but Gurjin turns his eyes away or joins in.
Kylan has to remind everyone to play civil and most of the night breaks up other childling arguing over trading. He does it so much that often Tolyn has to ask for candy for his brother since Kylan is always too busy with making sure no one fights to get candy.
Juni’s house is the most popular on the block as they not only put up spooky decorations but give out full sized candy bars.
Brea likes to look up facts about the candy companies or candy in general and tell everyone as they’re getting it.
Tavra dislikes candy, but goes out to spend time with her sisters, always giving up her candy to Seladon who she knows loves candy even though she denies it.
The librarian tells stories to childling who come up to his door, often his house getting avoided as while they are spooky, they take up a lot of time.
Cadia lives across the street and does the same thing. Who’s ever trick or treaters leaves the door last wins. They try to one up each other, both having the best candy in the neighborhood and trying to get Rian to come to their door as he’s the town’s poster childling tricker treater. He never goes to either though since Ordon tells him not to and it’d be a time waster.
Deet reminds everyone not to give candy to any animals. Also brings treats of her own in case kids can’t eat candy they’re given due to health issues.
Deet’s dads don’t like giving out candy since it can exclude kids so they give out stuffed animals instead.
Rek’yr throws a party for all the adults at night. Most go to discuss the night’s events, kid’s costumes, decorations, though Mayrin and Ordon skip out to spend time with family while the rest of the adults go.
Maudra Argot is said to be a “wild child” at said parties.
Maudra Mera bakes cookies from scratch for trick or treaters.
SkekMal will take one childling per Halloween and childling are told not to go near the forest. It’s why big kids are forced to watch after the younger ones (even though some would rather be studying or going to the big party on the block).
That’s it! Give me some recs for anyone I missed ^^
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
I just realized the Commander, who in the fan rewriting instead of dying loses a leg and needs a cane and whom I HC has Drenchen blood from Gurjin hence his big buff stature for a Gelfling, would thus look like his great greandmother Laesid without having ever known her
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beasanfi1997 · 11 months
Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Benedict Wong and Hannah John-Kamen played in Black Mirror and because the characters of Dark Crystal are true connected and because SkekVar was a real responsable to murder All-Maudra Mayrin, the mother of Seladon, and so Naia, Gurjin's sister, Is the aunt of Kira and because Hannah John-Kamen played Player One with Ralph Ineson that he play SkekMal and because he play Kingsman, the Witch and Game of Thrones with Taron Egerton, Anya Taylor-Joy and Natalie Emmanuel and Hannah John-Kamen too play Lara Croft with Alicia Vikander that She voice Mira, Rian's first love, that She play with Taron Egerton in the movie Testament of Youth and that too Kit Harrington(the actor of Jon Snow) played with them and Imagine that Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen reveals at the audience that Jen Is Rian and Deet's son.
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thecrystalkid · 3 months
what is your opinion on the tdc Netflix show?
i haven’t posted in a billion years but HII thanks for the ask!!!
it’s been a hot minute since i’ve rewatched the show, so it’s far from being fresh in my mind, and i’m of course not an expert on it. all the same, i still have a lot of thoughts and opinions* on it (*some of these might be a lil controversial as far as the TDCAOR fandom goes but i’m not trying to attack or criticize anyone for enjoying anything in this show, go in peace, ily❤️)
the show itself
to be honest, AOR has never been my favorite installment in the TDC franchise. i’m very attached to the original movie and jen and kira, so i think the obvious absence of them in the show may have played a part in that
but this^^ has nothing to do with the fact that the show is an objective masterpiece of artistry. it’s overwhelming how immersive and beautiful every inch of the environment is within thra, and whatever the creative team and everyone involved with the making of the show were paid, it’s not enough.
the design and craft of the gelfling is another thing i’m obsessed with, i loved the distinctive fashion and presentation of every clan (especially drenchen i love u drenchen) and just the sheer quality of every individual puppet. there’s something so uncanny and beautiful about the realistic skin, hair, and eyes of the gelfling, each one is so mesmerizing to watch.
sadly, i’ve always kind of disliked the overall voice-acting of the show. i love taron egerton, anya taylor-joy, etc. as much as the next person, but personally, their voices seemed so detached from their characters, which i think could be partially attributed to the fact that several of the actors are not professional voice actors
i’m beating the very dead horse here but i’m never not devastated that the show was cancelled when it was. it may not have been my favorite installment in TDC but not knowing what ultimately became of deet haunts me forever and always
not a day goes by that i’m not sad that lisa maxwell (kira’s voice actor) didn’t do the opening narration for the show. i didn’t even know that was a possibility until i listened to a podcast episode about it and found out lisa was originally going to do it. i still love sigourney weaver but like come on.
characters n in-universe stuff
one thing i love about the show is how many sibling relationships it explores. as someone with older sisters i obviously am a sucker for the dynamic between brea, tavra, and seladon. i always love seeing an absolute gutpunch soul-crushing diabolical sister relationship in media, the mirroring each other, bringing out the best and worst of each other, i love it it’s terrible. also gurjin and naia, i’m also a sucker for comedic siblings
i really really hate to say it but i’m not a fan of rian and deet as a romantic pairing. i just never really felt any chemistry between the two of them, and the fact that their whole thing started so shortly after the death of mira has always personally rubbed me the wrong way. obviously i’m not here to beat up stonegrot enjoyers, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the pairing or people who enjoy it, it’s just not for me. i love and am happy for stonegrot folk, god bless <3
augh you know what pairing i do like though is brea and kylan, this whole post could be about them. idk, i know it’s one of those things where they barely have any interaction with each other but i always die at kylan’s little “and brea!” when they’re rescuing them all, and i would’ve DIED for an interaction between them where they discover they both can read
i do also really love how the show explored the skeksis and mystics being two halves of the same whole, and how that relationship can differ. it’s one of the most interesting concepts from the og movie and i’m glad it was expanded upon
i’m sure this may have been being saved for a possible continuation of the show but i would’ve loved a deeper look at each individual gelfling clan, like a really detailed thorough episode(s) about the life/history of each clan (dousan especially i feel like they were skimped on the most)
i, like many, am obsessed with aughra, and i love that she played such a major role in the show. i love how they showcased her maternal role and connection to the gelfling and thra, whilst always keeping her stern, choppy personality present
this is just my conspiracy theory but on the subject of who jen and kira’s respective parents are, i choose to imagine it’s not anyone in the AOR cast and just some other gelfling we never/haven’t met
wow that was a lot of yapping but again thanks for the ask!! i love being able to just dump all my thoughts into one place, it’s always very fun! 
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wd-ghosty · 7 months
Loyal Seladon
Era of unification chapter - 1
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Remember when I made a dark crystal AU where the gelfling won the garthim war? No!? Me neither, until now that is. I've already made a couple chapters, but I never posted any here so here it is. I think ya'll already know what this chapters about considering the name... let's go.
After the battle of Stone in the woods as everyone was celebrating their victory Seladon slipped away from the crowd of mixed gelfling, she was glad that they won but there was this terrible turning in her stomach… “What if they find out what I said?” Her eye dilates, she feels all the booze she drank coming back up, and her head starts aching. “No. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no.” Her mother and her younger sister are both dead at the hands of the general, she only has brea left, she's all maudra now, and she has no one to depend on. If they all find out that she offered her whole race up as collateral for the lives of her and her sisters what would they do?
She got on her hand and knees and started throwing up everything that went down, the sour taste of half-digested food and beer were engraved in her mouth, she tried to take a breath but the puke just came on coming, and after it was all gone she could just cry. She heard someone screaming her name but she didn’t care she cried until she passed out, she knew that eventually, they would all know and she would truly be without anyone she didn’t want it to happen but she knew it was the truth.
When she woke up she was on an uncomfortable bed, the sheets were rough, the pillows were hard, and the blankets were thin. She was in one of the abandoned stones in the wood houses, the sunlight from the open window burned her eyes as she tried to open them, once she finally sat up straight she was greeted by a tall drenchen man leaning against the bed she was on. He was sleeping… He was, “Gurjin?” She screamed as she jumped back in shock, but that scream had woke up Gurjin along with every other person in the town. “Seladon… Good morning” Gurjin being his old bubbly self greeted Seladon ignoring the fact that she was freaking out. “Wha- What am I doing here? What are YOU doing here?” her screaming didn't stop, Gurjin stood up his dreadlocks fell over his shoulders and back as he towered over Seladon. “Why are you screaming so much? You’re gonna wake everybody up.” Gurjin managed to quiet down Seladon for the moment, but then he asked a question that made Seladon's stomach sink.
“Why did I find you in the woods passed out with puke on the ground?” Seladon instantly remembers everything that happened last night and her pale face instantly flushed, “AaA!? I, uhh.” She scrambles trying to look for a reasonable excuse, “You don’t have to tell me I just wanted to know if everything is alright. Gotta protect the All Maudra, right?” Seladon looks at him with a blank expression, “Yes you're right. I must lead all of Gelfling kind to victory, against the Skeksis empire.” Her voice was monochrome as she said that she looked as if her body was on auto-pilot or her mind was somewhere else. Gurjin was confused by this sudden change but didn’t mention it, “I’ll be off now.” Seladon walks off into the town to look for her sister.
As she walked through the stone in the wood village she saw the way all the gelfling of different clans interacted with each other. The Vapra and Sprinton soldiers all acted as if they were better than everybody else, never referring to the drenchen by their names but by their race. The sifan were staying away from everybody, mainly just doing what they needed to do without interaction. The grotton were avoided like the plague, nobody but the dousan would interact with one. All stone in the wood gelfling that remained were childlings and their caretakers, all the soldiers were either fused with the arathim spitters or drained. And the dousan were tending to everybody's wounds, and nurturing all of the injured, even if the majority of them couldn’t read they did have the best doctors and medicine in all of Thra.
As she looked around the town, she saw nothing but division, Even though the gelfing race had started a new era we were still stuck in the last one. This is what the Skeksies had done to us, we were all one but none of us saw that, and that’s why they’ve remained in power for 2000 trine.
“Seladon!” she heard her name so she looked around to find the source and found her sister, “Brea! I've been looking for you.” They hug each other before Brea drags her off, “the Maudras are having a meeting, but they can’t make any real decisions without you.” Brea led Seladon to what was once where the late Maudra Fara would ten to the needs of her people, all the Maudras were standing in a circle conversing obviously panicked, but when Seladon stepped into the room they all went silent. “All Maudra Seladon.” all at once they bowed to her, and the awkwardness in the room was too much to bear. The first to act was Maudra Maudra, “How are we actually supposed to wage war on the Skeksises? How are-” Maudra Seethi cut her off “Mara! Did you not ask that question at Seladon's coronation?” Seethi is very obviously annoyed.
Maudra Argot spoke up trying to calm the others down “Everybody. Let’s allow our Maudra to speak.” She motions to Seladon inputting her into the conversation, “Uhh…” The anxiety inside of Seladon takes a deep breath and remembers all the meetings she had to sit through with her mother. “I- I officially want to go to war with the Skeksisies. They drain us gelfling for our essence to ensure they don’t die, they’ve been diving us scine the start of the era of divvsion, everythign they’ve ever done is to ensure they maintainpower over us gelfling, but all of that officially ends today.” All of the Maudra look at eachother their faceses amixure of calm, worried, and fear. *Clop!* Maurda Leaside Bangs her cane on the group instantly grabbed the attention of everybody in the room. “Why are we still thinking about this?” She glares at all the ladies in the room.
“It doesn’t matter if we go to war or not, We Will Be Drained.” *Panting* Maudra Mara’s breaks her silence and screams “How are we supposed to go to war with immortal Skeksies? We are nothing compared to the-” Someone put their hand on Maras back and grabs her face, “We are thousands compared to eighteen! Their are over fivethousdand Gelfing of everyrace of thra, not including those of mixed blood. Their are eighteen Skeksies on Thra, we will survive!” The calm and colected Maudra Seethi barred a person for the first time in what feels like forever, “Fara is dead! Our sister has fallen by the hadns of the Skeksies and as you sit here wailing the Skeksies are probably scheming. Pull yourself together Mara!”
As Brae stands their watching the women she looked up to scine the day she was born, panic, and scream at eachother, she realises that this never happened when mother was around. Mother could always keep the maudras in check, none of them doubted her, Maudra Fara even said that she’d follow her into the mouth of the mondoleviaden if it was what she wished for. “Everybody Quiet!” This is the first time she ever seen Seladon genuinely angry, she would always get mad at her but it was more frustration or sadness but never true anger. “Is this how you would all act if my mother was here? Or Maudra Fara? The woman who probably has the most battle knowledge died right before a war stared, and our All Maudra is also dead. The skeksies took out our most reliable leaders and now were all lost, but I urge you all to calm yourselves.” This was the first time brea ever saw her mother in Seladon. She’s always been the perfect heiress, she never talked back to mother, everything about her appearance was perfect, she was well educated, and she was trained since birth in leading our people. So seeing her like this was exzlierating for brea, shocking, but still fun to watch. “We need to prepare for an attack, considering the skeksies have been able to fool us for twothousand trine they’ll probably strike first, but we cant act before we know what were up against. They might try to get the podlings on their side this time around, so we need to focus on defense, and we have to make sure we have enough food and water for everyone.” Maudra Ethri but’s in, “What do you mean by “Everyone”?” Seladon looks at her confused “Everyone is what I mean? I believe it’s best if All gelfling stay together until our threat is defeted, Power in numbers you know.” *Gasp* All of the maudras including brea look at seladon in shock. “What about? Uhh…” Maudra Mara tries to reject her proposal but can’t think of a good reason to, “Where will we all go? Will see stay in certain capitals, or will we completely abandon our towns?” The once calm seethi started to distress, and that made all the other maudra’s worry but Brea offers a answer.
“We can pick the places hardest for skeksis to get to. I bet it would be hard for them to get theri carriages into the caves of grot, the great sog, and the crystal dessert.” All the other maudras look around filled with doubt. “But we need to think of food, and the only place that growns alot of fruit out of those three places is the great sog. unless you’re all fine eating moss everyday, and escaping nurlock attacks?” Maudra Arogot inputs her two sense. “Shouldn’t we think about sami thicket? They have alot of fertile land we can’t just leave it?” Maudra Ethri tried to calm down Mara with her nomonation. “And they have one of the biggest capitals, they’ll be able to hold the most people.” Maudra Leaside is annoyed by all the ruckus. “Ladies! Please stop arguing. We need to think of places the skeksis can’t get to easily, but we can still thrive in… well, we won’t be able to thrive, but we need to be able to survive. We all saw the magic The Emporoe used, what happenes if any settlement is attacked and the grotto girl isn’t with them?”
“What happened to the collector could happen to any number of gelfling.” Seethi cuts off Maudra Leaside and the chaotic room instantly quiets down. Seladon gets up from her chair. “This meeting is adjourned. Brea.” Seladon and her sister leave the throne room and soon all the other Maudra’s soon follow. But Maudra Mara and Maudra Ethri were last in the room but before Ethri could leave the room Mara stops her. “Can we talk."
Seladon and brea walk through the town square, “The second sun is centered, we were seriously in their for that long?” brea comments on the time to try and get a reaction out of Seladon. “Yeah, mothers meeting would rag on for a long time, I would always loose track.” Brea is trying to strike up a conversation with Seladon but it’s ineffective, Seladons mind is somewhere else. Brea spotted a certain dousan boy and sneaks off, and Seladon walks back into the woods.
So I made this chapter awhile back, so it's kinda wonky I tacky hope it didn't bother any of you. And I joke you liked it. <3
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skekheck · 1 year
By the way, if you wanted to know what/who represents what for the tarot card deck, here's a list:
The Fool - Jen
The Magician - Onica
The High Priestess - Aughra
The Empress - Kira (with Fizzgig)
The Emperor - skekSo the... Emperor
The Hierophant - skekZok the Ritual Master
The Lovers - Rian and Mira
The Chariot - Gurjin (with two Drenchen who I think are supposed to be Naia and Laesid?)
Strength - Fara
The Hermit - urSen the Monk
The Wheel of Fortune - urUtt the Weaver
Justice - urAc the Scribe
The Hanged Man - urVa the Archer
Death - Seladon
Temperance - urZah the Ritual Guardian
The Devil - Darkening (represented by an infected Arathim)
The Tower - the Castle of the Crystal
The Star - Deet
The Moon - the Three Sisters/Moons (with a Garthim)
The Sun - the Three Brothers/Suns (with the Sanctuary Tree)
Judgment - Fizzgig
The World - Song of Thra (which is represented by all the seven Gelfling clans with the aureyal symbol at the center. I believe they are shaped as part of the Tree of Life).
Minor Arcana
King of Shards - urGoh the Wanderer
Queen of Shards - Brea
Knight of Shards - Thurma (with Tumby)
Page of Shards - Kensho (with Bohrtog)
Ace of Shards - the Crystal of Truth
King of Vials - Landstrider
Queen of Vials - Naia (with Neech)
Knight of Vials - Rek'yr (with Bennu)
Page of Vials - Lore
Ace of Vials - Vial of Essence
King of Stones - skekSil the Chamberlain
Queen of Stones - All-Maudra Mayrin
Knight of Stones - Ordon
Page of Stones - Tavra
Ace of Stones - Standing Stone (I think?)
King of Gems - skekShod the Treasurer
Queen of Gems - Ydra
Knight of Gems - Hup
Page of Gems - Kylan
Ace of Gems - Center of the Conjunction Staff (not sure if they have an official name)
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fiorimaya · 1 year
from what you said on one of your recent fics, i’m just curious about your theories and/or headcanons for Jen and Kira’s parents? not trying to start any arguments or anything, i just love hearing people’s different takes! i’m not sure which ones i agree with yet.
Yeah! :) I've thought about this so much. This might be kinda long since I have quite a bit to say about it. (Some of it might not make sense, please ignore me on those parts haha!)
I'll start with Jen, since I'm pretty solid on my theory for his parents. I really do believe that Jen is the son of Rian and Deet. I'm not sure exactly what will happen with Deet and the darkening, but I choose to believe that they find a way to help her and that her and Rian can be happy, at least as long as they can before we know what sadly happens... Anyways, Jen reminds me so much of Rian, and now it's confirmed via Dark Crystal's website that Jen is a Stonewood. (I know Kylan is half Stonewood, but they still call him a Spriton generally, so it doesn't make sense to me that they would call Jen a Stonewood instead of a Spriton if Kylan really is his dad.) Also the bits of white in Jen's hair reminds me of Deet's hair. Besides his looks, I have thought a lot about Deet too. I think something unique may be going on with her given the way she can talk with the great trees and how she was trusted with the Sanctuary Tree's power. Her name is literally Deethra too, with Thra in it. (That might not even mean anything but like... it's been heavy on my mind haha). If she has some kind of special significance to Thra, I think that would be fitting that her son is "the chosen one". In the case of Rian being Jen's dad, that makes Ordon Jen's grandfather. Ordon is the one who found the dual glaive during the Arathim Wars (with Fara's help) which we know had the crystal shard that Jen used in the movie. I think that would be a cool connection. :)
For Kira's parents, I still don't have a completely 100% solid theory. My initial thought was that her parents are Brea and Kylan. I know those two aren't even officially together but I felt like some kind of chemistry was happening between them and it might be leading to a relationship. We know for sure that Kira is a Vapra (again, via the Dark Crystal website), so I'm definitely thinking Brea or Seladon is her mom. There are a few things I noticed about Kira. First things first, she has a bit of green in her hair. This part is what has me stumped a little bit. We know Gurjin has green in his hair, but if you look close enough it looks like Kylan has a bit of green it his as well? I saw a post about that with pictures. Comment or message me and I'll try to find it and link it. Okay, besides that... Kira's wings. They don't exactly look like any of the wings we see in AoR (that I remember) but the two times we do see them, she is using them more to glide than to fly. Maybe it could be something like no one taught her how to use them (she was literally raised by podlings, how would they teach her?) But honestly, it made me immediately think that she descends from a Drenchen (Gurjin). Not to mention she lived in a swampy like area. I don't know if that would have anything to do with it though, just a little thought. We do see in Deet's vision, Brea running through the woods with I'm guessing Kira, with how similar it looks to Kira's memory of her "mother". And Kira literally calls her "mother". There's still the chance though that Seladon is her mom and that Kira went into Brea's care after her death or something, and Kira having been so little only remembers Brea and just assumes that she's her mom. Last thing is I'm automatically assuming Seladon will be the last All-Maudra. That could give some significance to Kira, the other gelfling in the prophecy, being her daughter maybe? Perhaps I'm just overthinking all of this haha.
So, all that said... long story short, I think Rian and Deet are Jen's parents. I'm not 100% solid on a theory for Kira's parents though. I really really want it to be Brea and Kylan, but I'm thinking it might actually be Gurjin and Seladon somehow.
I also love hearing people's theories and talking about my own, whether it's about Jen and Kira's parents or anything else. So share yours with me or ask me for more theories! :)
(And please don't be rude or try to start arguments. People can have different theories! Nothing is exactly confirmed yet besides those two small details. No need to be rude or argue over this stuff. We can all share our thoughts and opinions in a nice way!)
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mrsarnasdelicious · 7 months
Restful Respite - dark crystal polyship fic
We’re not getting a Season 2, so I’ll make it up myself.
This is unbeta'd and I commit my wordcrimes without apologies.
Ch 1: The Council Ch 2: Puncture Wounds Ch 3: Expeditions
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Ch 4: The Stripping of Ha’rar
Gurjin returns the following afternoon. Rian runs to him. “That is about time!” He throws his arms around Gurjin’s neck. “I have missed you too.” Gurjin wraps one arm around the Stonewood’s waist. Rian noses the underside of the Drenchen’s jaw. Gurjin laughs heartily and spins Rian around. “You are not leaving my side again, you hear.” Rian says. Gurjin chuckles and his ears perk up. “I hear you, my love.” He says, nuzzling Rian’s fragrant hair. More gelfling approach to welcome Gurjin home. “Where are the warriors?” Naia asks. “On their way here from Sami Thickett. I traveled ahead.” Gurjin gently puts Rian down and turns to his sister. “How is mother?” Naia hugs her brother, sounding more gentle. “Tough as nails, just like you know her.” Gurjin happily hugs his twin back. “And pa?” Naia steps back, but her hands she keeps on Gurjin’s shoulders. Gurjin snorts and shakes his head. “He got gored by a Nebri Bull again. Ma’s got him on bedrest.” He replies. Naia shakes her head as well.
Other gelfling greet Gurjin and hug him.
“Oh yeah. I got a few things I needed to give to you.” Gurjin reaches into the bag at his hip. “Rian, ma says this whintleroot helps against the nightmares. Eat a little before bed, she says.” He hands Rian the first of two stachells. “Thank you.” Rian mutters. “You know mother cares for you.” Gurjin says. The second satchell he gives to Naia. “Mother embowed these stones with her Vilyaya. Give them to Elder Cadia in his tea. You do need to support it with your own Vilyaya, but it will restore his mind.” He says. “Elder Cadia is still here?” Rian asks. He has been far too busy with the council to pay much mind to who exactly lives in Stone-in-the-Wood outside his close personal circle. “Maudra Ethri says he has to stay on land until his mind is whole again.” Onica informs him. “We had best get to it quickly.” Naia tells the Sifan gelf. She takes Onica by the arm and draws her along. “And this is for you.” Gurjin hands Brea a letter. “The Drenchen wrote me a letter?” Brea whispers, beyond impressed. Gurjin begins to laugh. “No, I was handed this letter by Maudra Mera. She says a friend of yours asked her to write it to you.” He replies. Brea plucks the letter from Gurjin’s fingers. She examines the wax seal, now recognizing the symbol of the Spriton Maudra. She breaks the seal and begins to read.
Dearest Princess Brea,
We are joyous to share the fact of our betrothal with you and yours. We are to be wed in Sami Thickett after the pass of two unum. We would like to invite you and one other guest of your choice.
Best Regards And hoping you are well,
Juni and Denys Brea squeals and promptly throws her arms around Gurjin’s neck. Gurjin wraps one arm around her waist to keep her steady. “What was in that letter?” Rian asks. “Juni is marrying her Spriton boy.” Brea answers with a wide smile on her face. She lets Gurjin go and he her. “They will wed in two unum and I am invited.” She cheers happily. “That is wonderful.” Gurjin says.
Naia and Onica find Elder Cadia. He is in the Librarian’s cottage. To both the gelf’s surprise, Maurix is there as well. Cadia is asking a lot of very simple questions. The Librarian seems to be on the verge of tears. Maurix gives both women a frown. “What do you want?” He asks sharply. “Gurjin brought something for Elder Cadia.” Says Naia. “Another useless potion.” The Librarian snaps. “My mother’s Vilyaya.” Naia bites back. “Sit down dear.” Says the Librarian. He pushes Cadia down in a chair. “Paladin, we need hot water for tea.” Onica says. Maurix nods and retrieves a cup and the kettle from the stove. Naia tosses the stones, which are glowing with Laesid’s Vilyaya into the cup and pours the hot water on them. Onica grabs some tea leafs from a satchel on her belt and throws them in the cup. “Don’t burn yourself pa.” Maurix says. Elder Cadia blows on his tea. Naia walks aroun Cadia and places her hands on his head. Green Vilyaya pours from her fingers into his red curls.
It is not a visible change, but one they can feel. Cadia takes a deep breath in. “I would prefer it is we don’t talk about this ever again.” He says. “With all due respect, but you brought it upon yourself. Poisoning a Princess, what were you thinking!.” The Librarian all but yells at the Sifan Elder. “I wished only to protect her from her path.” Cadia weakly protests. Onica slaps him across the face with a flat hand. “Brea’s path leads us into danger, but also into liberty.” She snaps at him. “You are lucky she swapped your cups. You could have been locked up for life, had she lost her wits.” Maurix points out. Cadia’s ears droop. The Paladin turns to Onica. “And you were just a complicid, you put the root in her tea, did you not?” He says sharply. “How do you know?” Onica narrows her eyes. “Because I know my pa, if he can commandeer someone else to do it for him, he will.” Maurix says. “No I d-” Cadia begins to protest. “Yes you do!” The Librarian cuts him off. Maurix rolls his eyes. “Pa, Father, I have to go. I have patrol.” He says. “You go do your duty, my boy.” The Librarian gives the Paladin a small smile. Maurix leaves the cottage, seemingly in a bit of a hurry. “I did not know you had a son, Elder Cadia.” Onica says, a small smirk on her lips. “Cadia wasn’t very involved in raising boy.” The Librarian says in a snide tone. “Come on, that is our queue to leave.” Naia catches Onica with the arm and pulls her out of the cottage.
“So, what did I miss?” Gurjin asks. “The Paladin’s scouted out Ha’rar.” Rian sits down on the Stone Throne. Gurjin takes his place on his right. They are the only ones in the council chamber. “What did they find?” Gurjin asks. “Nothing, Ha’rar was as they left it.” Rian replies. “All neat and deserted huh?” Gurjin snortles. “Yep, all ready for the stripping.” Rian nods. “The Drenchen are eager to help.” Gurjin puts his hands over Rian’s own. “How was the Great Smerth?” Rian asks. “Every able bodied gelfling of age gelfling age is being trained to fight. If there will be war, the Drenchen will be ready to defend Thra.” Gurjin says. “That is good to hear. What of Sami Thickett?” Rian scribbles down a little note on what Gurjin tells him. “They are sowing more crops, to supply the warriors with. Those of fighting age are trained to be able to defend the lands when time comes. The Vapran warriors are selecting the strongest of the fighting aged to become defenders of the people.” Gurjin replies. “Very good, any news from the Dousan or the Sifan, that you know of?” Rian asks gently. “Maudra Mera says Maudra Seethi has offered the Wellsprings as a safe haven for the young and the infirm.” Gurjin answers. “That is wonderful!” Rian exclaims.
Rek’yr finds Brea sitting by the fountain, the letter clutched to her chest. “Is there something the matter, sweet princess?” He sits down beside her. Brea turns her eyes to him and send him a radiant smile. “Well won’t you look at that, good news, I presume?” The Sandmaster cooes. “It is a letter from Juni, whom I met in the Order of Lesser Service. She writes me she is getting wed soon.” Brea says. Rek’yr smiles indulgently at the Vapran Princess. “That is wonderful, when is the happy couple planning on getting married?” He asks. “Two unum from now. And we are invited!” Brea says, smiling from ear to ear. “What us are you referring to?” Rek’yr asks, one ear held playfully lopsided. Brea giggles, recognising the Sandmaster’s flirtation. She gently pinches his ear between his thumb and forefinger. Rek’yr chuckles softly in response. “Us, you and I. Juni invited me and wrote I am allowed to bring one extra guest of my own choice.” Brea says in reply to his question. Rek’yr makes a small humming noise in understanding. “I am honoured to have been chosen.” He says gently. “I wouldn’t pick anyone else.” Brea says softly. She scoots a little closer to the Dousan and leans into his side. Rek’yr nuzzles his chin into her hair. He breathes in her scent and smiles peacefully.
Late the following afternoon the Drenchen and three score of Spirton arrive at Stone-in-the-Wood. Rian greets them personally and leads them to the clearing. There Gurjin and Kylan are overseeing the preparations of a grand feast. The last before the expedition to Ha’rar. Several Drenchen go over to Gurjin and Naia and greet them as though they haven’t seen the twins in many thrine. Some of the Spriton go to Kylan, greeting them in a more polite and calm way.
“Looky here, a Prince feeding his people.” A Drenchen warrior, standing about as high as Gurjin, greets his fellow clansman. Gurjin turns to him, a wide smirk showing of his serrated tusks and fangs. “Djesid, you sly snake.” He laughs heartily. They clasp each other by the elbow and wallop their heads together. Then they erupt in loud laughter. The two evidently are familiar with one another. “I didn’t know you were among the ranks, I am glad you joined.” Gurjin says. “Can’t exactly stay in the Smerth forever. I sure as sog got tired of body guarding your sisters.” The other Drenchen gelling says. That makes Gurjin laugh again. “They can be pains in the arse, I’ll admit, but they are still my sisters, show some respect.” He says, good natured. “With all due and such, but I am doing your job for you. Had you not gone to that castle, you would have been chasing those two gelfs around the Smerth.” Djesid says teasingly. “I know I do it better, no need to whine about it.” Gurjin gives him a slap on the back. The two gellings laugh together.
Soon enough the feast is ready and every resident of Stone-in-the-Wood sits down. Seladon formally welcomes the Drenchen and the Spriton and opens the feet with a short but old song.
The Drenchen mingle well and the mood is higher than it has been in a fortnight. Kylan plays jolly tunes on his firca and the Drenchen bring out several lutes and drums. They sing bawdy songs that make most Vapran fluster, darkening even their cheeks. And once most of the food has been eaten, they hop up on the tables and start dancing a very upbeat and quick dance. Soon enough, Naia and Gurjin are on the table as well, dancing and singing with those who are doubtlessly their childhood friends. Kylan and Rian seem unphased by the whole dancing on the table thing, but they are the only non Drenchens to react in this way. Brea and the Grottan’s enjoy the spectacle. But the Vapran and Rek’yr seem rather scanadlized. The Stonewoods and the Spriton laugh and share in the bawdiness, albeit a bit less overt.
Rian steals Gurjin away to his cottage as early as he dares, which is a good while past midnight. But he just can’t keep himself away from the Drenchen Prince anymore. He’s been pawing at Gurjin’s crotch for ten minutes before being swept up. Gurjin carries Rian off to the cottage, while the Stonewood noses the underside of his jaw.
It is of course an understatement to say Gurjin tears Rian’s clothes off. “I am going to eat you whole.” The Drenchen dumps the very naked Stonewood on the bed. He then undresses himself. Rian jumps up from the bed, only to kneel down before Gurjin. “Have you missed me that much?” Gurjin purrs. Rather than answering, Rian works Gurjin into his mouth.
The following morning, a big procession is gathered to go to Ha’rar.
All other gelfling are gathered to see them off. Rian and Seladon stand by the landstrider drawn carriage, which if for Brea and Rek’yr. “You had best take good care of her, Sandmaster. I will personally have your cock-n-bollocks, on a spike.” Rian says to the Dousan. “Naturally, Young Lord. If I cannot safeguard the princess, I might as well surrender myself to Thra now.” Rek’yr replies. “Don’t be so silly, it is not like there is anything amiss in Ha’rar.” Brea tells both gelling. “But what if the Skeksis plan to ambush them?” Seladon says. She is clutching at Maurix’ arm so hard her knuckles are starting to get white. “That is why the Drenchen I asked Gurjin to gather are all warriors. And the Spriton who came from Sami Thickett are also very skilled in battle.” Rian says gently to Seladon. “Your sister is in very good hands, my lady. You must have some faith in her.” Maurix tells Seladon. But her ears are pressed closely against her skull and she is not letting up. Brea embraces her older sister firmly. “We will be back as soon as we can.” She says softly.
Gurjin is speaking to the Drenchen. “Listen here y’all.” His voice is loud and full of the authority his parents have brought him up with. “You will do as the farmers and the Spritons tell ya. This ain’t about pride, this is about getting that harvest done nice, quick and efficient, ye hear?” He says. “Aye sir!” The Drenchen chorus. “Good, now get a move on.” Naia, who is standing beside her twin, of course has to have the word. “Aye ma’am!” The Drenchen chorus. Gurjin watches the Drenchen head down the path that will leave them to Ha’rar, come are pulling carts and others are brandishing spears. He grabs Djesid by the shoulder. “I have a special assignment for you, my friend.” He says. “Lay it on me.” Djesid replies. “You guard the Princess and the Sandmaster, they will be far too occupied with each other.” Gurjin instructs the other Drenchen. “Beg pardon, room for one more on that mission.” A small Spriton gelf jumps out of the nearest tree. Both Gurjin and Djesid startle a little. “And who might you be?” Naia asks. She turns her ears a bit towards the Spriton. “I’m Eeryn. I won’t get in the way.” The Spriton gelf gives a mocking little bow. The three Drenchen give her a curious look. “If you don’t mind, I won’t either.” Gurjin shrugs. Djesid gives the Spriton an up and down. “Sure, just don’t get in my way.” He says. “I told you I wouldn’t.” Eeryn hops back into the tree. “Two guards for the Princess and her Swashbuckler.” Gurjin says. “All set!” He calls out to Rian. The Stonewood gives a minute nod, more to himself than to Gurjin, really.
“Alright, save travels!” Rian calls out. Brea and Rek’yr sit down in the carriage. The coachman, a middleaged Stonewood, spurs on the landstriders and off they are. The Drenchen, Spriton and the farmers follow behind. They are starting their journey to Ha’rar.
Brea is leaned out of the carriage window to save at Seladon, Rian, Kylan and the twins. She waves at them until they are out of sight. Then she sits back down and leans into the cushions. “I hope Seladon won’t be angry with Rian for long.” She says. “She is worried for you, Princess and with right, Thra is no longer the safe place you knew it to be.” Rek’yr leans over to take her hands between his. Brea feels her ears heat up a bit. She sends Rek’yr a coy little smile. Rek’yr smiles warmly back at her. “I understand, but, I have you, right? You will protect me!” Brea says. Rek’yr laughs gently in response. “Of course, I will always protect you.” He cooes. Brea beams at him. She gives him an absolutely enamoured look.
Lore lumbers after the carriage. The Spriton and the Vapran stay well away from him, but the Drenchen seem not to mind the stone guardian.
The journey by foot takes much longer than by landstrider. The colum, halfway through the five day journey, visits a small Stonewood village. Brea is glad to be able to stretch her legs. The Stonewoods prove very hospitable. The Spritons mingle almost seamlessly with the villagers. Hey aid in prepping the feast and setting up the tents for the Drenchen and the farmers. At night the Stonewoods join the Drenchen warriors, the Vapran farmers and the Spriton at the bonfire. There sits Rek’yr, telling Dousan myths.
Brea notices that the Sandmaster doesn’t only talk with his tongue and lips. The Dousan gelling talks also with his hands. It is incredible to behold. Every gesture is a word and emphasises it. Rek’yr’s audience is absolutely captivated by the way he tells his tales. Brea most of all.She couldn’t be more enamoured with the Dousan, even if she tried. Rek’yr ceases his telling, giving the spotlight to a sturdy Drenchen gelf. She begins to tell a song about the Great Smerth. The crowd listens just as eagerly to her. But Brea’s attention waves. She leans against Rek’yr and heaves a small sigh. Rek’yr wraps one arm around her shoulder. He presses a kiss to her forehead.
The Princess and the Sandmaster have gotten to know each other over the past two days. Being confined to a carriage together sure caused them to talk about their respective journeys in life. Brea cannot deny that she is in love with Rek’yr. She is well aware that Rek’yr is a few Thrine older than her, but the difference is not too big. The Dousan is not as old as he makes it seem. He is, in fact, exactly what Brea is looking for. A gelling full of adventure, romance and knowledge of Thra. And the sentiment is mutual. It is obvious to see. It is in the way Rek’yr looks at Brea. It is in the tone of voice he employs while talking to her. He brushes a stray strand of silver hair behind her ear and smiles warmly. There is a fluster on Brea’s ears.
Rek’yr accompanies Brea to the small cottage she is staying at for the night. By the doorstep he stops. “I bid thee a good night, my Princess.” He says softly. He bends to kiss her knuckles. Brea smiles down on him softly. “And I you, Rek’yr.” She cooes. She wishes he would act less the gentleman and would come with her inside, but her princessly upbringing prevents her from inviting him in. They haven’t yet danced, it would not be right! Brea stands on the doorstep of her cottage until Rek’yr is out of sight. He has gone into one of the tents, where the Drenchen warriors sleep. She heaves a deep sigh and closes the door. Oh how dearly she wishes she could open it back up and holler for Rek’yr to return to her. She doesn’t feel like being alone.
In a large tree, growing right beside the cottage, sits a small Spriton woman. She is fiddling with an end of reed. It slips from her fingers. And it plonks right on top a Drenchen’s head. Djesid looks up. “What are you doing up there?” He grunts. “Making sure the Princess is well protected. Or didn’t you see the Sandmaster leave?” Eeryn sneers. Djesid rolls his eyes. “That is why I am here.” He says. “You have a long march ahead of you yet, shouldn’t you sleep?” Eeryn jumps from the tree to retrieve her reed pipe. Djesid holds the pipe out of her reach. “This type of reed grows in Sog. What are you doing with it?” He asks. “It is a blow pipe, numbnuts.” Eeryn climbs, swift and agile as can be, back into the tree and fishes her pipe from Djesid’s fingers. “Go to bed, Drenchen.” She tells him. “The Princess is perfectly safe.” She leans against the tree’s trunk. “You need to march tomorrow too.” Djesid protests. Eeryn shakes her head, but makes no reply.
The following morning Rek’yr walks past the tree to Brea’s cozy little cottage. He does not notice the Spriton gelf on the thick branch. Eeryn has stayed awake all this time. The Dousan raps his knuckles on the door. “Princess, it is time to break our fast.” He calls out. “I’m coming!” Brea calls out. She can be heard hurrying to the door. The door opens and reveals Brea, with her dress on backwards, struggling to put on her boots. Rek’yr chuckles softly and shakes his head. “I will wait, now dress properly.” He cooes to her. Brea sheepishly closes the door again. Only to erupt two minutes later, with her dress on the right way and her boots laced up. “My humblest apologies, my Princess. I did not mean to embarrass you.” Rek’yr says. He offers Brea his arm. Brea takes it with a happy lil smile. “It is quite alright.” She says.
Soon enough the colum is on its way to Ha’rar again. And no one seems to notice the Spriton napping on the back of the carriage.
Upon arriving in Ha’rar, the Drenchen set to exploring the city. They enter every house and take everything of value and anything edible that isn’t yet spoiled.
Rek’yr helps Brea out of the carriage. “Where to, Princess?” He asks. “The Citadel first, I am aching for a bath, even if I will have to draw the water myself.” Brea replies. Rek’yr chuckles softly. “Now now Princess, I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.” He cooes at her. “I can draw water on my own just fine. I do it in Stone-in-the-Wood all the time.” Brea pouts at the Sandmaster. They calmly make their way to the Citadel. “It is exactly as we left it..” Brea mutters. “It looks magnificent.” Rek’yr says. “Would you like to see my chambers?” Brea asks. “Of course.” Rek’yr nods. “I hope you will like them. They are likely very different from what you are used to.” Brea says. “I am sure they are, I am used to a tent.” Rek’yr replies. Brea opens the doors to the citadel. And everything is indeed as they left it. “No one here…” Brea sighs. “Of course not, the Vapran are all in Stone-in-the-Wood or in Sami Thickett.” Rek’yr says. “Yeah, I know, but I am so used to see these halls brimming with servants and paladin. And now it is just you and I.” Brea’s ears droop. “Just and I.” Rek’yr agrees, caressing her cheek with his knuckles.
The two barely notice a Drenchen following diligently in their shadow, like he was ordered to. Brea takes her bath. Of course she didn’t have to draw her own water. Rek’yr, who had eventually spotted Djesid, send the Drenchen to do that for her. Both Sandmaster and Warrior stand outside her chambers. They can hear Brea talk to herself, but cannot make out what she is saying. Which is maybe for the better, because she is monologuing to herself, about Rek’yr. She washes the grime from the road from her body and rinses it out of her hair. She goes on and on to herself on how amazing she finds Rek’yr. She is in a gale of giggles by the time she reaches for her fluffy towel. She dries off and puts on one of her numerous clean dresses. And of course she puts the bone necklace back on.
Once she erupts from her chambers, Rek’yr looks upon her as though she is the most beautiful creature in all of Thra. “That is a lovely dress, my Princess.” He cooes. “Yeah, matches the necklace.” Djesid snortles. “Thank you, Rek’yr gave it to me, for protection.” Brea doesn’t let the Drenchen get to her. “Bones don’t protect in times like this, Princess, he had best do it himself.” Djesid says, in a slightly derisive tone. Brea ignores Djesid’s comment and takes Rek’yr by the arm. She leads him to the throneroom. A few Drenchen, a Vapran Paladin and a Spriton are awaiting her orders there. Djesid follows after in a leisurely fashion. Brea claps in her hands to call for attention. The gelfling in the throne room come to her. “Paladin, can you tell the Farmers they can find themselves a good place to sleep in the servants chambers.” She says gently to the Paladin. “Of course Princess.” The Paladin bows and hurries off. “You, sir, can invite the Spriton to stay in the Paladin’s barracks.” Brea tells the Spriton gelling. “Naturally ma’am.” The Spriton quickly makes off. “And what of the Drenchen?” Djesid asks. The other Drenchen warriors come over as well. “There is room enough in the barracks for you too.” Brea replies.
“And what of me, Princess?” Rek’yr asks with a wicked little smile. Brea catches on to it, but she elects to not acknowledge it. “You can have my sister Tavra’s chambers. Come, I will show you there.” She cooes coyly. “As you wish, my dearest.” Rek’yr purrs. Brea gently tugs the Dousan along to what were once Tavra’s chambers. But when she opens the doors, she feels choked off. Her grip on the doorknob is so hard her knuckles turn white. Rek’yr puts his hand over hers. “Brea, my love? What is the matter?” He asks softly. Suddenly, Brea begins to sob. “Tavra is dead! She is dead and she will come back.” Brea weeps. Rek’yr gently peels her hand from the doorknob and pulls her close. Brea leans into his embrace. “Thra will rest her soul, she will add her memories and her voice to the song. She will live on in it and in your heart.” Rek’yr cooes. Brea continues to weep, quiets down a little bit. Rek’yr continues to hold her. “How about we sit down for a moment.” The Sandmaster cooes. He opens the door of Tavra’s chambers and gently guides her to the sofa. They sit down, but Rek’yr continues to hold her. He starts to softly sing. It is a Dousan lullaby, speaking of the love of Thra and the memories of loved one’s long past. It is very comforting to Brea.
After a good while Rek’yr and Brea erupt from Tavra’s chambers. Brea’s calmed down and has washed her face. “Everything alright?” Djesid asked. The Drenchen stands just outside the doors. “I’m fine, don’t worry.” Brea gives him a watery smile. Then her stomach growls. “But I am hungry.” She mutters. Both Djesid and Rek’yr laugh. “Come, we will get dinner started.” Rek’yr says. The Sandmaster seeks out the Spriton and summons them to the throne room. There Brea is waiting to show them to the kitchens. The Spriton are more than happy to start cooking. They get their hands on anything the kitchen has to offer, throwing away everything that has perished already while they are at it. In mere minutes, the kitchen is filled with laughter and song.
Soon enough everyone has a seat in the grand ballroom, at tables and on chairs dragged from every corner of the citadel. Brea can’t help but wonder if her mother would have approved. But seeing how Ha’rar is to be abandoned anyway, she tries not to let the slight disarray it causes bother her. She sits beside Rek’yr at the head of the largest table and silently eats the wonderful meal the Spritons have whipped up. Rek’yr is deep in discussion with two Drenchen women. They are speaking about healing herbs and the Dousan is eager to learn from them. Brea listens in with half an ear. But she also picks up on the farmers discussing what they should pick up from their homes to bring back to Stone-in-the-Wood or to their wives and children at Sami Thickett. And she overhears the Spritons discussing what crops they think the Vapran grow and which to harvest first. Most of the Drenchen warriors are exchanging bawdy jokes.
After dinner, the Spriton wash up the dishes and everyone retires to their beds.
Brea lingers on the doorstep of her chambers. Rek’yr turns to her at the door to Tavra’s room. He sees the way she dilly dallies. “Princess, is there something I can do?” He asks. He comes over to her. Gently he strokes her cheek. Brea closes her eyes and leans into his ministration. Rek’yr leans over and presses his lips to her forehead. “It is just so strange to be back in the citadel.” Brea mutters. “I thought that if I returned, it would be with my friends, to … to be at peace.” She says softly. “And now you are here, without them, to prepare for a war.” Rek’yr answers. He calmly pets Brea’s hair. “Y-yes.” Brea admits. “I am so sorry, dearest, that it is not what you had in mind.” Rek’yr cooes. “If you need me, I am across the hall.” He says. Brea nods. She stands on her toes and presses a kiss to his cheek. “Good night, my sandmaster.” She says softly. “Best of dreams, my Princess.” Rek’yr replies, his voice a warm rumble.
Brea retires to her chambers as soon as Rek’yr has closed the door of Tavra’s rooms behind himself. She heaves a deep sigh. “I probably won’t sleep a wink.” She mutters. She sigs through her wardrobe to pull out a nightshift and changes into it. She crawls between the cold and slightly dusty sheets. And she nods off in a matter of minutes.
The following morning, Rek’yr wakes Brea up with a rap of his knuckles on her door. Brea vaults out of bed and rushes to the door. “Yes?” She yanks it open. Rek’yr chuckles huskily at her. “That is a lovely night dress, Princess.” He purrs. His voice is a deeper purr, even sexier than usual. The Dousan’s morning voice makes Brea weak in the knees. All she can do is give a little yelp and shove the door shut again. “I’ll wait without, take your time getting dressed.” Rek’yr says. Brea sits down at the floor, leaned against the door. The fact that Rek’yr just saw her in her nightgown strikes her. He saw her nipples strain against the sheer white fabric, prickled by the cold morning air. He saw what her nightgown could not hide. And that was very impropper. “Brea, are you alright?” Rek’yr calls out to her. “Y-yes.” Brea replies. She gets up, determined to not let this get the better of her. She pulls a brand new dress from her wardrobe. A dress Tavra had gotten for her only days before the last tithing. She puts it on and sits down at her vanity table. She makes sure her hair looks regal enough and then heads back to the door.
Rek’yr is waiting for her. “I am sorry for my indecency.” Brea says. She employs the tone proper for a Princess caught sneaking tarts from the kitchen. It is all she knows to do in order to preserve her dignity in the eyes of her Sandmaster. “I barely noticed it.” Rek’yr says. Brea presses her ears against her skull. She suspects her suitor of a lie. “By the way your pace hurried to the door, I figured you were not yet dresses. I was careful to only look upon your face.” Rek’yr seems to guess her thoughts. Brea’s ears perk up a little again. Rek’yr chuckles gently and offers her his arm. “Come now, do not tell me you think I would lie to you.” Rek’yr cooes while Brea takes his arm. Brea’s ears droop a little. “I don’t think you lie… I just..” She bites her lip, not sure how to word it. Rek’yr patiently waits for her to find the right words. “I don’t want you to think of me as indecent or lewd.” Brea mutters. “I would never.” Rek’yr cooes gently at her.
After everyone has broken their fast, the farmers and the Drenchen head out to the farmlands around Ha’rar. The Spritons head out as well, but they don’t adhere to the same teams as the farmers and the warriors. They will help wherever they find they are needed. The farmer’s instruct the Drenchen on how to harvest the crop. The swamp dwellers pay close attention, to the mountain gelfling’s surprise. They careful copy the farmerś way of pulling roots from the ground, cutting vegetables from their stem, collecting grain and wheat and cutting the edible flowers the right way. Despite the Drenchen’s build for combat, they turn out to be very dextrous and careful where needed. And they heed advice very well.
Brea heads to the library. Rek’yr is at her arm and Djesid and Eeryn follow a few leaps behind. Eeryn more unseen than Djesid. Drenchen and Spriton keep watch outside the library. Rek’yr finds himself a seat. Brea leans over to press a kiss to his cheek and then dashes off. She talks busily to herself and dashes from side to side. She seems very happy to be reunited with the books, which amuses Rek’yr. Brea pulls a small piece of parchment from a satchell on her belt. On this parchment she has written down all the books she is sure she needs to take back to Stone-in-the-Wood. And of course nothing is where she thought she remembered it to be. In no time she is running to a fro, while Rek’yr watches her go about her search. The first book she finds is the big triangular tone on the Skeksis. She retrieves it to the Dousan. “What have we here?” He asks her. “The most important book in the whole library.” Brea hands him the black bound book. Rek’yr gently strokes the leather cover, exploring every detail of it with the tips of his fingers. Brea looks on, mildly fascinated by how gentle Rek’yr is with the book. She feels her heart swell. Rek’yr opens the book. Brea looks upon him, how handsome his face is in his concentration. She heaves a soft dreamy sigh. Rek’yr looks up from the book and sends her a gentle smile. Brea can’t help a giggle and whirls around. She walks off to find the next book. Rek’yr’s focus shifts back to the book.
Brea flutters back and forth. Books keep piling up around Rek’yr. “We can’t take all of them, love.” Rek’yr says. “I know, I know.” Brea brushes him off and retrieves four more books. Rek’yr leans back in his seat and looks at her. “Can you please come here and sort out which one’s to take, before you decide all of them ought to come to Stone-in-the-Wood.” He says. Brea comes over to him. Gently Rek’yr pulls her into his lap. He lifts a hand to stroke her face. But before he can, Brea laces her fingers with his. “I am only selecting what books we can really use and I am already halfway.” She says. “Very well, it is as you say.” Rek’yr brings their intertwined hands to his lips and kisses her knuckles. Brea giggles softly. She gets up from Rek’yr’s lap and stretched her wings. She flutters back to to the higher shelves of the library and resumes her task. She starts singing a song she remembers her mother singing when she was a childling. Rek’yr closes his eyes and listens to her singing. It makes him feel comfortable and at peace.
It is well in the afternoon when Brea judges she has parted the useful book from the useless.
“You ought to eat something.” Rek’yr says. Brea sits down upon a second chair, which stands along Rek’yr’s in between the piles of books. “Oh I would love to, I feel like I am starving.” She says. “Shall I retrieve you anything?” Rek’yr rises. “Oh please.” Brea replies. Rek’yr bends towards her and presses a kiss onto her forehead, before he leaves the library.
He is swift to return. He brings a large jug of fruit juice and steaming hot buns. Brea is patiently waiting for him. In her lap she has a small book. Rek’yr sit down beside her. He pours her a glass of juice. “Here, stay hydrated.” He says. Brea looks up from her book. She giggles at him. “Now what is funny?” Rek’yr asks. “A desert dweller telling me to stay hydrated.” Brea titters. Rek’yr chuckles. “What are you reading?” The Dousan asks. Brea’s ear flush. “Oh .. it is nothing.” She closes the small book. Rek’yr shakes his head. “I don’t believe that.” He says. He gently takes the book and leafs through it. “Brea, this is a children’s book.” There is no mockery in Rek’yr’s voice. He only sounds genuinely puzzled. His ears turn towards Brea all the way. Brea’s ears flush. “It’s the fairytales Seladon used to read me, when I was just a childling.” She mutters. “Mother never had time for it. So Seladon read me, she did separate voices and everything.” Brea sighs a soft sigh. Rek’yr smiles widely at her. “That is lovely.” Rek’yr puts the book on top of the big triangular lexicon. “We will take this one.” He says gently. “Truly?” Brea asks, her eyes shimmering. Rek’yr nods. “Of course.” He purrs. Brea jumps up from her seat and throws herself at Rek’yr. His chair proves firmer, as it stays upright when she flings herself into his lap. Rek’yr laughs heartily and puts his arms around her waist. Brea rains butterfly kisses on his face. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She all but cheers.
Brea and Rek’yr take their lunch while reading through the books Brea selected.
They are barely half way when the door of the library creaks open. “Princess, m’lord, the Spriton say dinner is ready.” Djesid peaks in. Rek’yr groans softly and puts down the book he has been leafing through. “That is about time, too.” He says. He rises from his chair. “Brea, my love.” He cooes to draw the Vapran Princess’ attention. Brea only reluctantly looks up from the book she is reading. “Tis dinner time, we will continue this task upon the morrow.” Says Rek’yr. Brea sigh softly. She puts her book away and rises. Rek’yr offers her his arm. Brea smiles sweetly at him. He leads her from the library. They follow Djesid to the castle. Eeryn follows behind, unseen, hopping from roof to roof.
At dinner, it turns out only half the Drenchen have shown up and barely any of the farmers. All of the Spirton and the few Paladin that ventured along are there tho.
“Where are the farmers and the warriors?” Brea asks. A stout Drenchen gelf clears her throat. Brea looks to her. “A lot of the farmers decided to spend the night at their old homes. They invited us to stay over. Some took em up on that offer.” The Drenchen says. Brea’s lips twist up in a wide smile. “That is amazing news.” She says. “The lines between the clans are blurring, the age of resistance is truly coming into blood.” Rek’yr purrs. The Drenchen spontaneously begin to cheer. During dinner, the Drenchen and Spriton talk about the harvest. Brea finds her fingers itch to take notes, so she can report to Seladon. But she has no parchment with her, nor any ink. She tries her best to commit everything to her memory, but is quite sure she will not manage to repeat half of it.
Brea tries to stifle a jawn. Rek’yr gets up from his seat. “I think it is time to go to bed.” He says. He helps Brea to her feet. “I am not tired yet.” Brea mutters. Rek’yr can’t help a laugh. “Now say that again, with more conviction.” He cooes. Brea’s ears droop a little. “You’re right…” She mutters. “Very well, to bed you go.” Rek’yr twines his fingers with Brea’s. Brea’s ears flush a gentle pink. Rek’yr leads Brea from the dining hall, to her chambers. “We had a productive day, all of us.” Brea says. “Why yes indeed, I believe we did.” Rek’yr agrees. He opens the door of her chambers for her. “We deserved a rest.” Brea’s ears droop. She seems a bit awkward. “Yes, we did.” Rek’yr nods. He feels there is something going on in Brea’s head, but he can’t put his finger on what it is just yet. Brea flutters her wings and brushes her hair behind her ear. “I … erm … would you like to come in, just for a few more minutes.” She mumbles. “Yes, of course.” Rek’yr nods. He follows Brea into her chambers. He looks around, taking in the place where the Princess that holds his heart grew up in. “Is there anything in here that you wish to take to Stone-in-the-Wood?” He asks. Brea makes a thoughtful sound. “You.” She then answers. Rek’yr laughs joyfully. “Very well, to Stone-in-the-Wood you may take me.” The Sandmaster puts his hands on Brea’s hips.
“S-say, Rek’yr, would you close your eyes for me, just for a minute.” Brea asks softly. “Naturally, what for?” Rek’yr asks playfully. Brea’s ears turn bright red. “J-just a little surprise.” She stammers. “Alright, alright.” Rek’yr purrs. He closes his eyes and his ears turn upwards. Brea feels her heart hammer in her chest. But she is determined to do this. She puts her hands on Rek’yr’s biceps. Very carefully she stands on her tippy toes. “Brea…?” Rek’yr all but singsongs. “Hush.” Brea replies. Rek’yr sort of frowns, but remains silent. Brea takes heart. She presses her lips against Rek’yr’s own in a very experimental way. Rek’yr’s grip on her hips tightens a little, but that is all that shows the Dousan’s surprise. He ever so gently kisses her back.
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skekson · 1 year
who cooks in your family
Most days Mama Deet cooks because she’s best at it, but Daddy makes nice snacks! Sometimes Papa Gurjin makes dinner too, but he likes to make Drenchen food and that’s kinda hard to find ingredients for here in the Valley, so he just mostly helps.
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eanfee · 18 days
Dark Crystal Barbie AU Part 2!
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First, let's understand the geopolitical issue of this universe:
Unlike the Thra we know, this is not a large Pangea. The world is divided between a larger continent composed of the lands of Spriton, Vapra and Sifa and smaller lands across the globe, which can be as large as the Stonewood Empire, as vast as the Dusan Archipelago or as small as the island inhabited by the Drenchens, the furthest from the continent, in a place that went ages without being explored due to the difficult navigation, which kept them isolated from everything.
During the First Age of Great Navigations, the Vapras attempted to cross the cape and reach the unexplored Lands, with a fleet of extremely advanced ships for the time, which carried dozens of explorers and the royal family: Queen Mayrin and her three daughters: Seladon, Katavra and Brea. Unfortunately, their ship sank and their middle daughter, Katavra, was lost at sea and presumed dead, which shook the entire world and kept any explorers away from the area for decades.
Now, the story:
However, Princess Katavra (who now remembered nothing about her past other than the nickname Tavra, as she became known), miraculously managed to survive and ended up on the beaches of Sog Island, home of the Drenchen, where she was found by Maudra Laesid and her family. Too young and not knowing who she was, little Vapra was pitied by Maudra and her husband, who decided to raise her as a legitimate daughter alongside their newborn twins: Naia and Gurjin.
Despite Maudra's support and the love of her brothers, Tavra grew up slightly ignored and rejected by the Drenchens, who found her appearance strange and feared what this strange creature from across the sea might bring. That is, until Tavra gained her wings. The incredible flying ability never seen before in Drenchen history made Sog's adopted daughter a valuable and respected member of her people, and the girl began to receive training from her father to be a warrior. Tavra and Gurjin eventually became leaders of their island's defense force, with Gurjin responsible for overseeing the land and waters and Tavra keeping watch from the trees and above the clouds with her majestic wings. Naia, Maudra Laesid's eldest biological daughter, was raised from birth to succeed her mother, which leaves her with a much more hectic and boring routine than her siblings, making her somewhat envious. However, all this is forgotten when Tavra plays pranks to distract her from her hard work. For being her only sister and for always protecting and comforting her, Tavra became extremely special to Naia, to the point that the youngest did not like strangers interacting with the oldest, for fear of being abandoned.
However, one day, the peace of the inhabitants of Sog is interrupted by the arrival of an expeditionary force from abroad: a fleet of ships led by the heir to the Sifa throne, Onica.
Everyone is frightened and fearful, and they vote that they must drive the outsiders away before they cause any harm. Tavra, as one of the warriors' cheves, should be responsible for getting rid of the invaders, but when she sees a young vapra among the crew, she becomes intoxicated by the possibility that there are more gelflings like her, who can answer the questions she has had all her life: Who was she? Where did she come from? Did she have family beyond the endless sea? What could possibly await her on this so-called "continent" on the other side of the world?
Despite Gurjin's apprehension, Naia's insistence, and the general resistance of her people, Maudra Laesid allows Tavra to sail with the outsiders in search of answers, knowing how important this is to her small, twinkling star. She also sends her two children along (knowing that they will protect each other) in search of what the New World can offer Sog.
During the long voyage, Tavra and Onica grow closer and closer, much to Naia's dismay, and Tavra learns a little about the general history of her people, the Vapras, from some of the crew members.
Upon arriving in Sifa territory, Onica rushes to introduce Tavra (who is now dazzled, like her siblings, by the technology and lifestyle of the continent) to her parents, King Cadia and Queen Ethri, in order to ask for their blessing to marry Tavra. This plan, however, fails completely when her parents introduce her to her fiancé, Prince Kylan, and her adoptive mother, Queen Mera of the Spritons.
Time to explain the villain's past:
(I believe everyone remembers Queen Ariana's goal in the Barbie movie: to marry her daughter to Prince Antonio in order to stage a coup d'état due to the king's resentment. Well, the same goal applies here.)
King Cadia of the Sifas was a new king, crowned while still young after the death of his parents, and still too immature to carry the crown, thought the Spritons, who did not like the new form of trade that had been implemented and was unfavorable to their interests.
Because of this, a group of Spriton rebels joined together with the aim of killing the king and carrying out a coup d'état. However, they were caught and punished severely, some with death, some with exile, as was the case with Mera's family.
Her parents lost all their titles and properties, leaving only a small piece of land for their subsistence, where her parents worked until they died of exhaustion. Revolted, Mera faked her own death and started life over as a maid in the Spriton palace, where she calmly became close to the royal family, especially the queen, who had great affection for her because of the sweet way she treated her little baby Kylan.
Mera, after months of trust, engineered an accident that led to the queen's death, and taking advantage of the king's fragility, who feared that his son would have to grow up without a mother, soon married and assumed the role of queen, poisoning the king not long after.
Afraid of raising suspicions if she murdered the crown prince, she raised him as her own, and after hearing about the birth of King Sifa's daughter, she began to devise her plan, training Kylan to be the perfect heir to marry him to Onica, and thus take possession of the Sifa throne and put an end to the royal family.
To overcome the disagreements that have grown between the kingdoms since the assassination attempt years ago, Cadia thinks it would be a great idea to arrange the marriage of Onica and Kylan, against the wishes of the princess, who is heartbroken when Tavra leaves her, devastated.
The bullying only gets worse and worse, with the sifas, vapras and spritons making fun of Tavra and her brothers because of their customs, the way they speak and behave, and in the case of Naia and Gurjin, their appearance. The king even suggests that they should sleep in the royal stables, alongside other animals, which Ethri vehemently rebukes, and sends them to the royal greenhouse, as they had requested. The brothers sleep together perched in the main tree, homesick, but Tavra cannot contain her thoughts about Onica and her lost family.
On the day of the engagement ball, Onica invites Tavra to attend, and sends her a Vapra assistant, Juni, who tries to guide her in the traditions and customs of the high court. Juni is part of a select group of young people who have moved from their homeland to Sifa territory to serve in the name of the Vapra crown, in order to foster peace between the kingdoms. Another example of these young people is her cousin, the pale sailor with freckles and reddish hair who is Onica's personal assistant.
Juni's behavior displeases the Drenchen twins, who say that Tavra should remain true to who she is and follow the traditions they have learned since childhood.
Tavra decides to strike a balance between the two, fully accepting that she is both Vapra and Drenchen, and attends the ball in the clothes that Juni, Naia and Gurjin have prepared for her. Gurjin wants to see his sister happy, even if she is far from him and with a Sifa. Naia also wants her sister happy, but is afraid of losing her.
Afraid that Tavra and Onica's proximity will disrupt her plans, Mera poisons part of the servants, including Juni, with a strong sleeping herb and blames the girl and her family, claiming that they brought a curse to the mainland, which causes them to be imprisoned. In prison, Queen Spriton tries to poison them too, and Gurjin ends up falling ill.
Onica agrees to marry Kylan if her father suspends the execution of his beloved and her brothers and only allows them to return to their island safely, which the king gladly does. However, Mera sabotages the trip and they all fall into the sea, with Naia struggling to hold her unconscious brother's body so that it does not get swept away by the current while crying out to Tavra, who is in shock.
At this point, she recalls parts of her old life, with memories of the shipwreck where someone calls her name: Katavra.
Before drowning, the siblings are saved by Freckles, who secretly heard Mera's plans and is terribly worried about his cousin. When shown a sample of the plant used to make the poison, Naia recognizes it from one of her mother's lessons on basic healing, and claims that the antidote is a flower that can be found in the palace greenhouse.
Arriving at the last minute to stop the wedding, everyone is shocked when they see Juni awake and right next to her cousin, Naia, Gurjin and Tavra, who expose Mera's plan. When confronted, she ends up exposing the truth about all her crimes, breaking the heart of Kylan who loved and respected his adoptive mother so much, but who joins Tavra at this moment to capture her.
At the end of her imprisonment, Tavra reasserts herself to Mera in retaliation for all the harm she has done to her, and proudly reveals that she is a Vapra-drenchen who may not have found her biological family, but has learned to recognize and appreciate her siblings and adoptive parents, and that she will love them no matter what. She now knows who she is, she is Katavra, and that is who she has always been.
Among the wedding guests was a longing queen, accompanied by her two daughters, who joyfully recognizes the name of her daughter who was lost so many years ago, recognizing Katavra as her own. In the midst of the party, with Tavra now a recognized princess, Cadia finally accepts the marriage of her and her daughter Onica.
Queen Mayrin finally found her beloved daughter again, Naia and Gurjin returned to Sog to tell the good news and every year they receive a visit from Tavra and Onica, who bring products from the Continent for exchange, Mera was arrested and deposed and Kylan assumed the throne, marrying some time later someone he truly loved, as he had always dreamed.
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ladynoirelf · 1 year
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Short story regarding how these two reacted to Mothira’s pregnancy, which happened midway through the resistance.
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talkin-tdc · 1 year
Ranting about my favorite character XD
I love Ordon…but I need to rant about him a bit
Ordon is quite frankly one of my favorite characters, I love what he does with Rian and their cute interactions after he turns good and all that…but that’s why I wanted him to survive and why I have to fault him for all his DUMB moves!! (Also I get that the gelfling aren’t supposed to be the brightest or some suspicious, so just take this in good fun as an outsider looking in/advice I would’ve given him if I could).
I’m not going to fault him for putting Tolyn in charge because honestly that was one of his few good choices. He’s fiercely loyal to the lords and the crystal which is what he was supposed to be so while yes Tolyn sucks and he basically killed the guard, can’t blame Ordon for that one in a good conscience…
You know what I CAN blame him for though? His complete lack of awareness in the carriage scene! Like, dude, you are the head of security! The Captain of the crystal guard and you let some rando maiden who looks to be a princess (but you don’t know for sure because she could be lying) into the lord’s carriage?! And people might be thinking ‘Oh, but SkekOk insisted’ and yeah he did but would it have killed Ordon to at least try to be more vigilant? Like do a pat down or question her to validate her claims or something? Have her empty her pockets? No? Nothing before he lets a random girl on the street into the carriage of the lords of the crystal?! She could’ve had a knife, or poison, or a million other things and he doesn’t even bother to check. It didn’t even seem like he knew her or had met her before evidence by the fact that he referred to her as “girl”. Yet he lets her in without even asking her name if something bad potentially happened, just trusts that the crowd says she’s a princess.
Next up for stupid decisions is the decision to not talk to Gurjin or get any tangible proof while he was at the castle that Rian killed Mira. I mean I know most people can write this one off, but honestly this is the most heinous in my opinion. Like he doesn’t even see her body, heinous. Let me say that again for the people in the back ahem HE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW FOR A FACT THAT SHE WAS DEAD!! You couldn’t even be bothered to ask about the body? Like ‘hey can I see her stab wounds to know if a gelfling really killed her?’ Not even that?!?! She could’ve been kidnapped for all he knew! She could’ve still been alive marking Rian innocent, but nooo we can’t have common sense can we? And not even trying to talk to Gurjin? Come on! He’d be far more likely to admit to you than anyone if your son really did commit a crime. He didn’t even check to see if Gurjin had the sickness that Rian had. He surely needed to prepare himself for the journey to find Rian, he couldn’t have swung by just to try to investigate? Couldn’t have asked Tolyn to investigate and make sure Gurjin was actually sick or showed any signs of sickness before you left?! It’s like he wants to believe Rian’s a murderer and was sick to protect his own reputation, that is not the thing to be worried about in that scenario!
Finally we come to his stupidest decision yet, going with Rian to Ha’rar. While yes there were a lot of emotions after the dreamfast and obviously that clouded everyone’s judgment, it made absolutely zero sense to go there together. Why not hmmm I don’t know have the all maudra’s daughter go with him instead of the gelfling who is said father of the accused murderer? Like Tavra could get an audience with Mayrin way faster than Ordon could. Plus she’s a third party without Ordon’s bias. I’m also sure it’d be just a little bit easier to get Gurjin out of the cells or try to save the guard or figure out more information on the Skeksis if he went instead of Tavra. Plus while running in the forest, Ordon stated he had knowledge of more of the Skeksis wrong doings, so it also could’ve made more sense if he had spoken to Maudra Fara about their info and convince her earlier that something was up.
Anyway yeah, rant over. I love him as a character but his choices could’ve been better for survival. I really wish he could’ve survived for season two if that had ended up happening but it is what it is. Let me know your thoughts on him as a character!
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skeksha97 · 2 years
A Gelfling Christmas:
Hello everyone! I know I’m a little early but I wanted to bring you something a little different since it’s almost Christmas. This is a short featuring Rian, Deet, Brea, Gurjin, Naia and Kylan as well as a couple Gelfling Oc’s of mine named Vuhl (Vapran, was Mira’s sister), Nithi (Grotton), Distant (Stonewood), Kin (Stonewood and friend of Rian and Gurjin), Tint (Spriton) and Meheel (Drenchen). So for this short story they will be doing a Secret Santa Gift Exchange. Please enjoy!
It was Christmas morning and Rian, Deet, Brea, Gurjin, Naia and Kylan were gathered by a Christmas tree with their friends Vuhl, Nithi, Distant, Kin, Tint and Meheel. They had each decided to pick names and get a gift for someone in the friend group as the Gelfling called it Secret Gelfling Gift Exchange. The male gelfling all decided to be polite and let the female gelflings go first. Now the rules of this gift exchange were a bit different from the way humans do it. Each gelfling must get a gift for someone from each gender. After deciding who should go first Brea said kindly “Well since Deet has been so kind to all of us I think she should go first.” Deet then picked out two gifts with her name on it. Then she opened a small blue-and-gold present and saw a beautiful Stonewood-style ring with the letters “R + D” engraved in it and she said immediately knowing who made it “Rian thank you so much! You didn’t have to go out of your way to make this for me!” Rian then said with a smile as he walked over and hugged her “Oh Deet it was nothing. I thought this was a true way to express how thankful I am to have you in my life.” After sitting down next to her, Rian handed Deet the second present. This one had purple-and-white on it. She opened the gift to find a beautiful dress inside and said after reading the card that came along with it “Thank you Brea!” Before she kindly gave her a hug as well. Next it was Brea’s turn. Just as Deet had done Brea walked over and picked out the two gifts with her name on them before she sat back down in her spot. She opened a red-and-yellow present first and revealed a beautiful gold necklace with diamonds on it and she said as she turned to Vuhl “Thank you very much Vuhl. The necklace is very beautiful.” To which Vuhl answered “Your welcome Brea, Seladon may have helped a little.” Brea then hugged the fellow Vapran before she opened up a silver-and-white gift. It was some sort of Lotion and she said being polite “Thank you Kylan, I’m sure I will use this lotion during this particularly cold time of year.” Causing Kylan to nod as he replied “Your welcome Brea.” Next was Naia’s turn, first she opened a gold-and-silver present. It was a new set of boots and some new armor. Then she said also being kind “Thank you Distant, that was very thoughtful of you. I definitely can use a new pair of boots and new armor as well.” Next she opened up a small green-and-gold box and revealed two white brand new hair ties and she said “Thank you very much Deet. I will certainly use these. I’ve been using my old hair ties for quite a while now.” Making Deet say in reply with a smile “Your welcome Naia.” Then it was Vuhl’s turn, she opened up presents from Tint and Meheel which were a Trinket Box and a bracelet. After that Nithi opened her gifts, she got a new dress from Naia and a Potion from Kin. Then it was time for the male Gelflings to open their presents. It was decided that Rian would go first. He opened up a new set of armor and a new shirt from Deet who he graciously hugged back and a new pair of boots from Gurjin who he was also very thankful towards. Next it was Gurjin’s turn and he opened up a new sword from Kin and a new helmet from Brea. After Gurjin opened his gifts and thanked Kin and Brea, it was Kylan’s turn and he opened up a new flute from Meheel and a Potion from Nithi. Then Distant went next. He opened up a new sword and some new armor from Tint and a Trinket Box from Deet (some of the female gelfling had to get extra presents for some of the male gelfling). After that Tint went next. He got a new pair of boots and a cloak from Brea and a lotion from Meheel. Finally it was Meheel’s turn. He got a couple of shot glasses from Rian and a new shirt from Vuhl which he was grateful for since he had a reputation of being a party animal at times. After opening up their gifts the Gelfling spent the day hanging out together and just being friends. After all Christmas was all about spending time with one another and it was no different for the Gelfling on Thra.
I hope you enjoyed this little story and I also hope that you all have a Merry Christmas!
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beasanfi1997 · 10 months
Phasma attacked Gurjin, the Drenchen Gelfling from Dark Crystal, because She Heard about Anakin Skywalker takes care of Ezra Bridger when She was six when She notices Ezra takes care of Ben Solo.(i means that lady Jane attack Liam Stewart in the movie Darkest Mind) and even Phasma realize too about the relationship between Rian and Deet that they made Jen
You know? Maleficent came in May 2014, three months before Star Wars Rebels. Five years later, Harris Dickinson play Prince Philip in the Sequel(that Elle Fanning play Aurora while her sister Dakota Fanning play Amilyn Holdo in the Mandalorian) while Gwendolyn Christie play Brianne of Tarth in Game of Thrones since season two until season eight and She play Phasma in Force Awakens before they will play in Darkest Mind.
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