#gyo shark
giantkillerjack · 9 months
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Reading Gyo by Junji Ito is wild because it's like,
Me: haha this is the one about a shark with spider legs, right?
Junji Ito: haha yeah! And then it starts to get weird! :)
Me: I'm sorry what
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#original#gyo#gyo junji ito#junji ito#ito junji#ito junji gyo#gyo shark#pov: u thought the story was gonna BUILD UP TO the shark but turns out the shark's at the start & is tame/grounded compared to what's next#also pov: u thought the humor would make it less upsetting but nope#truly one of the most disgusting stories I've ever read. like in terms of really really gross imagery. I don't know if I like it or not even#but I continue to be blown away by his artistry and skill and ability to make any and all unhinged bullshit scarily visceral#looooot of corpses in this one. his corpses are usually the most upsetting thing he draws in my experience. sooooo grossssssss#a shitload of body horror in this one but for several reasons this body horror was more upsetting to me than his other work#which is fine but it hit on too many squicks for me personally to enjoy so i won't be revisiting this one like i will with Tomie.#like if you have body dysmorphia around your weight or your smell or your complexion I recommend skipping this one actually#some horror stories are not for everyone and that's okay. idk if any horror story is palatable for everyone and that is good actually.#horror takes risks and digs deep into the terrors and traumas of the human psyche. it is alienating by nature.#but this is also why it can feel like a cathartic release under the right circumstances#horror art#shark#sharks#spiders#'haha what if sharks had spider legs?' jokes Junji Ito as he prepares to go FULLY OFF THE RAILS 'haha that sure would be scary haha :)'#you can't underestimate this man his brain is buckwild#I have such mad fucking respect for a fully unhinged horror story.#especially if it starts unhinged and gets weirder from there in ways I could never have guessed
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captain-crackship · 1 year
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random-jot · 2 months
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Out of context, this is probably one of the funniest panels from Gyo. Just. Big meme energy.
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shalmonsdraws · 2 years
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i am not caught up on junji ito, but this request was for a goofy ito panel redraw 
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trooperst-3v3 · 1 year
Still no volunteers. Sigh. Last call before we go after the local wildlife.
Do you want Junji Ito land sharks? Because that's how you get Junji Ito land sharks.
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To get ready for christmas, we decided to put up the tree, but when we pulled out the stuff for the tree our topper was broken.
We found a replacement at target and I think it is an improvement.
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Nailed it.
Bonus: My son has been calling it our Sharkmas tree and I was inspired
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uwu-chan · 12 days
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De Gyo Ugomeku Bukimi, autor:Junji Ito.
Tomado del perfil de Trans Zapatista Revolutionary GF en Facebook
Jo - ya
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afklancelot · 9 months
i feel like seriously describing junji ito's horror works as simply "wouldn't it be fucked up if this happened" is dumb because it's such a vague description that most other horror works can also be described as that. For example:
"Wouldn't it be fucked up if your house suddenly started creating new rooms and changed its dimensions on you?" (House of Leaves, specifically The Navidson Record)
"Wouldn't it be fucked up if the doors, windows, and your parents suddenly disappeared out of nowhere?" (Skinamarink)
"Wouldn't it be fucked up if a clown in a sewer started killing kids?" (It)
among others.
Not to mention, most of Ito's works do have deeper meaning to them, specifically targetting japanese culture. This video touches on his shorter works, but even his larger works have metaphorical meaning.
Junji Ito describing his mindset on writing Gyo as "man it would suck if sharks had legs" is real funny, but it's also critiquing Japan's war crimes in WWII; the origin of the "legs" being from World War II when the Imperial Japanese Army was trying to create biochemical weapons cannot be a coincidence. Hellstar Remina is about a hostile alien planet, but it's also an allegory of fans turning on a girl because of something beyond her control, reminiscent of idol culture. Hell, even Uzumaki, probably one of his greatest "WTF" horror works, is also about a pair of teenagers being unable to escape their hometown, unable to expand their horizons in the outside world. they just keep going in circles, unable to escape.
I don't know, at this point describing Ito's works only being "wouldnt it be fucked up if this thing happened" is starting to feel like "the curtains are blue because the author likes the color blue" but like. for horror
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cryptotheism · 1 year
i feel like an important thing with a lot of junji ito stories is that hes pretty fairly open about the fact that a lot of them started with him going "man wouldnt it suck if this happened. anyway" and working from there
I truly think one of Ito's talents is the ability to take an idea like "man it would be fucked up to be a mosquito." But where other writers would turn the concept into a silly gore-comedy, Ito approaches them with dire realism.
One of my favorite examples is Gyo. A lesser writer would have maybe one robot shark for a one off story. What gets me about Gyo is that they just keep coming. One bizarre walking sea creature is escaped, only for another to start chasing. There's no normality to go back to. Society is permanently changed. A world dominated by land borne biomechanical sharks is now the norm, and that's horrifying.
It's like if in Killer Klowns from Outer Space, the Klowns killed 99.99% of the Earth's population.
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giantkillerjack · 9 months
POV: You're already in the most unhinged horror story in the world, and suddenly there's a circus tent in the fog, and THAT can't be good.
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Loan Shark, a Prohibition-era Landshark Frankenplush by Cat's Chimerical Creations
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Like what I do? Please consider supporting me on https://ko-fi.com/catschimericalcreations and you'll help me keep creating cuddly Landshark stuffies with funny little Al Capone hats
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foone · 5 months
hypothesis: John Darnielle (of the Mountain Goats) is the Junji Ito of music.
Like, you know that interview where Junji Ito is asked about the meaning behind his manga Gyo, and it comes down to "Sharks are scary, but if you're on land, you're save from them. So I thought it would be scary if they had legs, so you'd never be safe from a shark attack."?
There's a bit on the Jordan Lake Sessions where John Darnielle is talking about the meaning of "Foreign Object" and it boils down to "it's scary to imagine that someone might stab you in the eye!"
and I mean, he's not wrong? but that's not the kind of deep meaning behind a song that gets people writing theories
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roseofhybrids · 16 days
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sorry if I messaged outta nowhere just wanted to give this mini drawing request idea pls sorry and it’s understandable if it can’t be done but pls have a safe day or night ! and focus on your health :3
Alice From Murder Drones scuba diving or snorkelling whichever in a underwater background environment with a small like coral reef.
and swimming alongside the Bull Shark Pup aka the shark protagonist from the Game Maneater
while petting its snout.
Details: the ref images I sent were to help show the Bull Shark Pup’s in game design and what Alice wears while underwater also yes I drew that mini digital drawing of Alice to show help explain
what I mean it ain’t the best but fuck it !
Alice would wear a black orange long sleeved zip swimsuit and orange black oval diving mask on her face and black diving fins while a mini scuba rebreather is in her mouth. 🦈🤿🫧
just the cute idea of the Bull Shark Pup helping keep Alice safe while exploring underwater and collecting old scraps even worker drone parts including broken disassembly drones aswell idk sounded cool to me !
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it's been a little while since I've drawn a shark, last one I remember was the Gyo shark for inktober. They can make some really fun to draw poses
one last request slot
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ogradyfilm · 2 years
The Biomechanical Horror of Junji Ito’s Gyo
[The following essay contains SPOILERS; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
When questioned about the underlying themes of Gyo, author Junji Ito half-jokingly replied (paraphrased):
Well, I realized that sharks aren’t very scary out of the water, so I decided to give them legs.
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But despite this B-movie premise and its predominantly tongue-in-cheek tone, the manga features a wealth of subtext. Consider, for example, that the “walking fish” are the product of biological weapons research (possibly; Ito deliberately leaves their origins ambiguous); both the devastation that their invasion wreaks on the environment and the degeneration that it causes in the human body are unnervingly reminiscent of the results of nuclear warfare.
The true source of the series' horror, however, lies somewhere significantly more existential. The aquatic creatures that drive the conflict are not malicious—indeed, they’re technically dead by the time they reach land. The robotic “limbs” that enable their locomotion are, in fact, parasitic in nature, injecting their hosts with a germ that induces increased gas emission—thereby transforming them into flesh-and-blood fuel tanks that propel the machines, further spreading their own infectious fumes in a self-perpetuating cycle.
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And people are not immune to the contagion. Sentience, consciousness, and free will are irrelevant; as far as the automatons are concerned, “life” is simply energy, existing only to be consumed and discarded like so many disposable batteries.
And that is the techno-organic nightmare at the heart of Gyo: the haunting notion that mankind can be reduced to an expendable resource.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
[Jerma's voice] Would Medic watch Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack? Serious answers only! Just kidding, let's be silly about it.
If you don't know what I'm talking about. Don't ask how I do huehuehue ( ◡_◡ )
Medic And Junji Ito's Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack
JERMA MENTION??? Lol, I've seen the anime adaptation of Gyo, and ough, I'm torn. On one hand, it's super cool to see the work animated, but also it's not as fucked up as the manga. But it's just fine to write about!
ALSO mutual appreciation comment! Love you for all the asks and ideas, also love you for giving me a chance to talk about Medic (he's so silly I love talking about him, but you've probably figured that out by now :p)
Okay to start, he definitely would watch it. I think this man has always been a hard-core Junji Ito fan. He loves how disgusting (Listen I love Junji Ito so much, but good god is Gyo gross 😭) Ito's works are. For the sake of being able to give you his take on the episode, we'll pretend he hasn't seen or read Gyo already.
We're maybe twenty seconds in and he's already a little disappointed, this isn't nearly as good as the mangas he's read, but he continues to give it a chance. The second Kayori crushed the first fish walker and he saw the blood spurt, he was very much enjoying his choice to stick around. Is also thrilled at the fish walker itself, what a disgusting little thing! He pauses the show to just, look at every detail of the fish walker, maybe even has a sketchbook that he grabs to just get a quick idea of the anatomy it would have. LET ME TELL YOU WHEN THIS MAN SEES THE SHARK FISH WALKER. Giggling, screaming, obsessed. He thinks it's so cool. When it dies he's very upset. Genuinely wishes they were real so he could study it. Also takes sketches, pausing to get different angles. Thinks Kayori is insane for getting on a plane and going to Tokyo, like, mouth agape at the stupidity. But then again, he'd go to the heart of all this madness to get some research done, so he let it slide. Gets so upset at the scene where Kayori and her cameraman friend are running away from the shark, he hates how it looks. (No hate to the animators they had a big ask but it's so bad guys 😭) Remember the reaction to the shark? Yeah, multiply it by ten for the octopus. Is just floored by how cool of a concept it is. Like he'll be up for hours imagining all different types of animals and sea life as fish walkers and how that would work.
The minute the infection aspect comes into play he's also so hyped. Body horror is his favorite type of horror after all. Picks up on Kayori's cut before the anime even really expresses it as an issue (him being a doctor and all) and is weirdly excited to see our main character turn at some point. Is slightly disappointed to learn that the fish walkers are a mix of machinery and viruses, (he'd rather these things just be full-on viruses) but hey maybe Engie would be down to talk about how the process of engineering of these freaks would go with Medic sometime, who knows? Human fish walkers are a whole other fascination for him. Immediately starts trying to work out in his mind how a real one would work and operate, has a couple of sketches going, and wants to teleport himself in to study and prove it. He loves it. The mega fish walker is yet another "I have those visceral need to study this." Like I don't think I can put into words how rabid this man goes over all the opportunities he would have if he was just dropped into this world for one day. Is mildly upset at the fact that Kayori is immune to the disease as he loves the trope of a main character turning into a monster.
So after all that, I feel like there's one burning question.
"Would he make fish walkers happen?"
And in my opinion? No, he wouldn't. Sure he's insane, and maybe a little sadistic, but I don't think this man would make such a risky decision to make a virus, and a virus that causes incredible pain and graphic body horror at that. He might be a silly guy, but he's not silly enough to cause actual damage to those he cares about.
Well! I had to rewatch Gyo at least twice to write this. I'm sorry it's not super long, or particularly good, I had to pause multiple times 😭 I hope you like this though 🫶🏻
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nek-ros · 3 months
saw a tweet that was contrasting japanese vs american concepts of genres and how japanese creators are willing to get weird with it, and the contrast used was how a lot of american zombie movies like to say "humans are the real monsters" and the japanese zombie media was "what if sharks could be zombies?"
this is me being nitpicky but since they mentioned zombie sharks, it makes me think of gyo, which is a very funny example to use to contrast against "humans are the real monsters" considering junji ito made it very obvious who made the zombie sharks and what he was criticizing with em. you know. fascists are the real monsters etc etc
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