#h answers asks
bestcatboychatnoir · 1 year
how dod you break your finger?
i… don’t know
i was asleep
which makes no sense
and yet here we are
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hcm92literature · 2 years
Are Requests still Open?”
sooort of?
i struggle a lot with writers block (and i currently have several wips on the go that i haven’t been inspired to write more of lately) so i can’t promise that i will be able to write something that’s been requested, but you can definitely send me an idea/prompt and i can attempt to come up with something!
though if it’s from a fandom i’m not particularly invested in and i’m not immediately inspired by it, i’m afraid it will probably be an outright no
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hcm92random · 1 year
Embrace the cum typhoon
get off my blog Russ
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Homer!Odysseus and Epic!Odysseus would try to kill each other if they ever met
#Homer!Odysseus: you sacrificed your men to save yourself? Detestable coward! How I wish I was never born if it would ensure you had not the#Epic!Odysseus: you’d understand if you *loved your wife.* But I guess a guy who stayed with Circe for a year wouldn’t know that!#H!Odysseus: do not speak of things you know nothing about! I long for my return to sweet Penelope but I have a duty to my men#E!Odysseus: A YEAR. A WHOLE YEAR. I WOULD KILL ANYTHING AND ANYONE TO GET A HOME A YEAR FASTER#H!Odysseus: that was clear when you served Scylla six men like they were cattle!#E!Odysseus: it was them or me! And don’t keep talking about my friends like you did any better. you’ll go home alone too#H!Odysseus: they doomed themselves when they ate Hyperion’s golden cattle. I am not responsible for their suffering. But you could have ens#H!Odysseus: Now Eurylochus’s body lies at the bottom of the sea where there can be no burial and no honour#E!Odysseus: AND I’LL GO HOME TO MY WIFE. MY BEAUTIFUL PERFECT LOVELY LOYAL WIFE WHO’S BEEN WAITING FOR ME FOR TWENTY YEARS.#E!Odysseus: and when I go home and she asks if I came back as fast as I could I’ll be able to answer honestly#H!Odysseus: WE HAD BEEN THROUGH MANY TRIALS. THE MEN NEEDED TO REST#E!Odysseus: FOR A YEAR???? DID THEY NEED TO REST FOR A YEAR??? AND DID THEY NEED THAT REST RIGHT AFTER A MONTH’S LONG REST WITH AEOLUS??? S#H!Odysseus: IF YOU WISHED FOR ITHACA SO DESPERATELY WHY DIDN’T YOU OBEY PALLAS ATHENA AND KILL THE CYCLOPS#E!Odysseus: *drawing sword* I WAS HAVING A ROUGH DAY#Epic the musical#Epic odysseus#The odyssey#odysseus#Homer#Greek mythology#Jorge rivera-herrans#nuclear war speaks
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“Oh, Christ—” the hero cursed. They tried to laugh but this time, they couldn’t conjure the energy for it. Usually they laughed off most things but this was a little too serious.
“Stop moving,” the villain hissed. They pressed their palm into the hero’s side and although the hero wanted to pretend it didn’t actually hurt them, it burnt. It burnt a lot.
The hero had never experienced this kind of pain nor had they ever had the slightest idea how mortal they actually were. To be fair, they had never ripped open most of their torso either.
With the villain putting more pressure onto the wound each second, the hero could only pray that they wouldn’t pass out.
“And stop smiling, this isn’t funny,” the villain added.
“I’m nervous,” the hero explained. “And this fucking hurts.”
The villain slammed them back against the tiles when their hips moved up. It made the hero whine and beg like a dog but the villain didn’t seem to care about that. Eventually, they sat down on the hero’s hips and kept their hands on their flesh.
In other circumstances, this would’ve promised a good night. The hero was already without a shirt and the villain was, indeed, certainly attractive.
However, the hero was quite sure they had never seen this much blood in their entire life. If they had had the energy, they would have apologised for the bloody bathroom. The sink and floor especially.
“You won’t die on me. I know how to fix this.”
“Wouldn’t the bleeding stop if you pushed your fingers into the wound?” the hero asked. They felt light-headed. They had heard something like this in training. A sort of last-resort-thing.
But their thoughts already blurred together. They took in deep breaths as their body pumped blood through their torso. They were delirious, tasting blood. Oh God, the villain would kill them for ruining the bathroom.
“Do you actually want that?” the villain asked. The hero looked at the villain’s fingers move towards the cylindrical wound. Two fingers were on the raw and bleeding flesh, dipped in thick blood and nearly digging into the messy wound.
“Ah, maybe not—” It had been a screwdriver. The hero had been attacked with a screwdriver and their nemesis tried to save them from bleeding out.
It was so pathetic, so embarrassing, the hero could only laugh weakly. On their patrol the hero had been a little too confident, a little too cocky and now they turned the villain’s white bathroom into a red nightmare. This damn bathroom.
“Smart choice.” Instead of pushing their fingers into the wound, they used their palm again. Without much thought, the hero grabbed the villain’s arm but they couldn’t swallow the scream this time.
By now, tears ran down their cheeks and they could feel the wound pulsate. They wanted the villain’s soft touch and their sweet smile.
They wanted to fall asleep on their chest and forget about this stupid thing.
Longing for someone was something the hero loathed.
“Just let me die, please, this is torture.” They whimpered the last words. With one last rush of energy, they pushed themselves up to talk some sense into the villain but the villain only pushed them down again.
“I’m afraid this isn’t your decision anymore. I will save you and I’m sorry you’re hurt.” They grabbed the bottle of pure rubbing alcohol and the hero nearly managed to crawl back a little. “You need to survive.”
“Please, there is so much blood…”
“I am not going to let you die.”
“Then please be gentle.” The tears made it difficult to see them but the villain stared at them and the hero could feel something shift. Something was changing behind the villain’s eyes. They hesitated. “What?”
“Here.” The villain took their hand. “Squeeze as hard as you can when it starts to hurt.”
“You’re too kind,” the hero joked. Exhaustion took over them quickly. They were sweating. They felt disgusting. They were trembling. They waited for the alcohol to burn their skin.
“Oh, darling. I’m sorry. I promise I’ll make it up to you.” The hero frowned but the villain slapped them immediately without an explanation. The hero was so confused, so offended that they didn’t expect the following pain of the alcohol on their raw skin.
They supposed it was better this way but they still cursed the villain with every single insult they could come up with.
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gingermintpepper · 20 days
I haven't read the Odyssey so I'm asking you. Are you telling me besides Athena, Apollo was the god who helped Odysseus and his family the most? Indirectly at least.
If that's true it's really a missed opportunity in EPIC.
No, no, the god who assists Odysseus the most after Athena is unquestionably Zeus.
Zeus genuinely has no problems with Odysseus and makes it very clear that he finds the man brilliant and would have already had him home and safe if he had his way, but he makes it clear that he's deferring to Poseidon who actually has the problem with Odysseus because, ultimately, the sea is Poseidon's domain and kingdom and Zeus doesn't intend to step on his brother's toes.
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(Od. Book 1 trans. Robert Fitzgerald)
I'd definitely give third place to Apollo however. The big bug-bear about Apollo in the Odyssey is just that he's much less tangible than Athena or even Hermes who appears to Odysseus multiple times to help guide him/give him proclamations. His presence is everywhere though; like I've previously mentioned (and like he did with Jason) it's Apollo protecting Odysseus from Poseidon as he sails the sea after Odysseus blinds Polyphemus. It's also Apollo keeping Telemachus safe. His most vital role by far is when Odysseus returns to Ithaca in time for the challenge that will determine the next king. Not only is it a shooting contest whose first hurdle is to string a bow, the challenge itself takes place on a festival day for Apollo. Athena is there with Odysseus and Telemachus physically, but Apollo is looking after them in spirit, sending signs and signals to keep Telemachus especially safe.
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(Od. Book 15, Telemachus warns about the state of Odysseus' house to Theoclymenus, a son of one of Apollo's prophets.)
There's also the fact that Odysseus makes sure to pray to Apollo before he attempts to string the bow:
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(Od. Book 21. Beggar-Odysseus petitions to shoot his shot)
Likewise, before he slays the first suitor, Odysseus again prays for Apollo's guidance and gaze to guide his arrows:
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(Od. Book 22. Odysseus commits the first of many (divinely-sanctioned) murders)
Also, as an additional thing, have Telemachus invoking Zeus, Athena and Apollo that he could see the suitors have their asses beat:
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(Od. Book 18. Telemachus excitedly gushes to him mom about his cool new friend (Odysseus. Odysseus is the friend.)
There's a lot of minimisation of Apollo's role in the Odyssey because it isn't as bright and showy as his role was in the Iliad but hey, even there people tend to minimise how truly present Apollo is for the duration of the war when they're doing adaptations. Within Epic, the stage is already more than set for both Apollo and Athena to be there at the advent of Odysseus' revenge but none of that matters if that's not the creator's intention, y'know?
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hawkeyeslaughter · 5 months
i think the reason i’ll always be so attached to henry blake is because i’ll always be a little insane over the position he was written into . like it’s different with potter . potter obviously had a softer , more human side , but when you think potter you think military man first . and to an extent it’s supposed to be like that . they introduce him like that , despite the fact that at the end of the first episode he’s in it shows him drinking with hawkeye and bj to say “ hey , he’s not completely like the other army crazy officers that have been in the show “ . but at the same time , there’s a constant reminder , in his mannerisms , in the way he’s addressed , in the way he just knows the army … he’s a military man first .
and , god , we all know it was never like that with henry , but i don’t think we ever realize the extent to which it was never really like that . from the get - go , he’s seen being more lax with the members of the 4077th . his first scene is him opening a bottle of champagne with a nurse . the way hawkeye talks about him in his letter to his dad … he refers to him as henry , cracks a few jokes about him , immediately the impression the audience gets is that this is the opposite of a military man . you’re supposed to be surprised that he’s in charge .
and maybe that’s why i find him so tragic , because he’s everything and he’s nothing . we have the expectation for him to be a colonel , but while he has the title , he’s just … not . and at the same time , he’s expected to be a friend . hawkeye and trapper always take for granted that henry is their friend , i mean , hell , they even get annoyed with him when he puts his foot down over something they do ( because he’s supposed to , he’s a colonel after all , remember ? ) . he’s expected to be a friend , but at the same time … he can’t .
and it’s even WORSE when you think about his role as a doctor because he’s supposed to be a caretaker and a commander … he’s supposed to save lives but at the same time he has to decide if they’re worth saving more often than hawk and trap do … and in episodes like aid station or the rainbow bridge he had to decide who’s life he had to put on the line even though he’s just not cut out for that . he has to care but at the same time he can’t care too much because he has to keep his composure … he can’t care in the same way that trapper and hawkeye do , even if it’s obvious that he does . he can’t , the military won’t let him . because he can’t just be a doctor , he has to a commander as well . 
not even to mention his relationship with radar . like , henry was so obviously a father figure to him , he obviously loved him , yet over and over again he keeps his distance from him ( and while i think this partially is a result of the fact i just think henry has a hard time voicing how much he cares about people … if i loved you less maybe i could talk about it more , etc etc … , that’s a whole different conversation ) , and i definitely think that is because of his position too . he can’t be a family member . he has to be a leader , he has to follow the guidelines that the military has set for him . he has to treat radar the same way he treats everyone else under his command .
it’s so absurd and maybe that just adds to the comedy of it but it’s also like … he truly was just never supposed to be there . they tried to make him tougher and to an extent they tried to make him a fighter and there’s a reason it just never worked , because henry was always supposed to be a lover . making him colonel blake was like putting a round peg in a square hole and i’m pretty sure it killed him way before that plane ever crashed into the ocean . it’s just not fucking fair .
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drawbauchery · 6 months
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noxious-muck · 1 year
So, Enki and Nosramus are roommates... but what about Enki and Ragnvaldr?
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the goth x jock got me good.
have some of these weird ass doodles i made of the two over these past few weeks
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i mostly blame fellow enkivaldr soldiers over on discord for ruining my brain. pay for my medical bills </3
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Theory: we know that in “dealing with intrusive thoughts” Remus showed everyone that he eats deodorant right? BUT BUT BUT it was confirmed that VIRGIL used to be a dark side too right? But Virgil acts sort of surprised when Remus said he ate deodorant meaning that it has to be a habit that Remus picked up AFTER Virgil left. Is it just me or does it sort of give off the vibe of someone drinking Alcohol when an ex or something leaves because they’re sad? It could imply that Remus felt bad when Virgil left so he began eating deodorant to cope with it. Like someone over eating or “smoking” to cope with something (But Remus does it with deodorant cuz he’s Remus Yk?)
Just something I noticed lol
Okay I see you and I hear you B U T what if Vee was pretending not to know due to making it seem like he was never close to Ree in front of Character!Thomas to not raise suspicion? Cause why would manz need to glance around in a way like "Yeah guys I don't know what the fuck he's on about normal people don't do that" y'know?
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bestcatboychatnoir · 1 year
Are you ok? You haven’t posted anything in a while
honestly, not really
i’ve been a bit busy and very stressed out and my brain is very broken and all that kind of led to a mini breakdown which thankfully a friend helped me with so i am doing a bit better now
but i’m still gonna take a break from social media for a while because it’s just adding to the stress, and i’m not sure when i’ll be back… maybe when the movie releases but 🤷🏻
i will still be helping out with the @mlcalendarproject so keep an eye on that!
and thank you for the concern! i appreciate it 💚
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
Took the saying of "giving my blood, sweat and tears" to art too hard
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Also makeshift bandage cuz??? I don't have any??? 😭
Ouch!!! Make sure that there's cotton in between the glass cleaning cloth bc the cotton is cleaner than the fabric. Hope it heals well! ❤️
Girl...your nails 😍😍😍😍😍😍 gib them to me i wanna paint them
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hcm92random · 2 years
At which point is your idea of doing a tigers blog ? I am not against having some help or compagny to cover the whole topic. Do you do some creation ? Gifsets and all ??
i actually don’t know how to make gifsets or anything like that
i’m afraid all i do is reblog other people’s stuff because i’m pretty useless with creating my own stuff 😓
but if i did make my own Tigers blog, i would probably post my own photos from when i go to matches (which i hope to go to more of next season!)
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temeyes · 4 months
141 babes and friends, I have a question!! What instrument would you play and why? I’m a drummer, and I love everything about percussion!! It’s so fun, especially to make music more dramatic:3
oh my god okay okay!! (bestie i hope ya forgive me, my knowledge for musical instruments are a little rusty HSAHSHASHSH)
starting with the old man again, Price would be, again, a basic bitch and would prominently play a guitar. but i think he'd be good with any kind of string instrument??? maybe a cello or a double bass??? but i think he'd be a casual aerophone enthusiast, like he'd enjoy playing a flute- a pan flute to be exact. i can imagine him carving one himself too.
sweetheart Gaz would make a great pianist! i'd like to headcanon that he has a taste for mellow but dramatic music. Gaz would definitely love the flexibility that comes with playing a piano. he also feels like the guy who would record videos of himself making piano/keyboard covers of his favorite songs, especially when he was younger. (he also gives the vibes that his parents forced him to get formal lessons when he was a kid LOL.)
Soap would be like you, bestie! a drummer! he's definitely a loud music enjoyer. also i can envision younger him just going all out on hitting his first drum kit that he managed to convince his mom to get him for his birthday. though i think he'd enjoy playing guitar too, both acoustic and electric.
jesus, Ghost is always so hard to write for LOL. he technically knows how to play a guitar??? lowkey i think he's also a basic bitch like Price. but me thinks he'd have an unexpected preference for a ukelele or a violin. i think he'd avoid loud music- not because he can't take it, he just doesn't like it LOL (basing this on the 2009!Ghost comics btw) and like Gaz, Ghost i think is a chill music enjoyer lol!!!!
bonus Laswell again, me thinks mother would be play the saxophone and would blast it directly into Price's ear like that one meme AHSAHHSAHS. also, she'd love Chappell Roan
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“So, are you just going to stare at my pretty face all day, or…?” The villain crossed their arms in front of their chest and rolled with their eyes. It was embarrassing enough, the hero didn’t have to rub it in.
“Is that such a crime?”
The villain let out a humourless huff. Their anger was evident, their frustration obvious.
And the pain, god, sometimes the villain couldn’t even breathe. Getting out of bed was already hard enough but being forced to work under these conditions?
Of course, it could have been worse. As part of their rehabilitation, they didn't need to do much, their work wasn't even that demanding.
But with their injuries, every move seemed to be unbearable.
“Just fuck off.”
“I have some documents to sign for you. My boss insists.” The hero fished a folder out of their bag and, unfortunately, they had indeed more documents. The villain found it quite unbelievable how much they had to sign. Although they knew it wasn't clever not to read over all of the pages carefully, they were too tired to do so.
They didn't really care that much either.
“Or better known as your excuse for visiting me,” the villain joked. Their side started to hurt again, a pain so cruel and prominent that they had to remind themselves to take everything slow.
It was actual hell. Not being able to do anything. Not being able to move freely. Although the doctor had assured them they were healing and doing well, the villain felt everything but fine. It had been over three weeks now and they were still waking up in the middle of the night. Pain robbed their sleep and pain robbed their mobility. They were impatient, they were annoyed.
The interrogation room was very familiar to the villain by now. Every week, they got to meet the hero. Either documents or lectures — whatever topic the hero chose, it was always a long conversation the villain’s body couldn’t manage towards the end.
However, they never said anything. The hero's visits were better than work. They were the best part of the entire week.
“I don’t need excuses to visit you,” the hero said, winking. They pushed the document towards the villain. “Sign here.”
The villain sighed. They didn’t even look at the paper.
“Can you ask them to increase my medication again at least?” the villain asked softly. They took in a deep breath and signed the document on the last page, their pen following their shaking hand's command as quickly as possible.
"I'm sorry, you're already on the highest dose possible."
"Oh." The villain put down the pen and stared at their nemesis. Their nemesis who had captured them. Who had put them in this situation in the first place. They seemed to be recovering just fine. They seemed to be fit and healthy, seemed to be in the prime of their life. Attractive and kind - perfection had carved itself through the hero. "...do you think the people here are honest? The nurses and the doctors, I mean?"
"Some of the best people in the country are working here," the hero said. "That includes medical staff."
"Okay." The villain's voice was quiet. They didn't understand the logistics behind a place like this, they didn't understand anything about the things the hero gave them to sign. "Did you know they're experimenting on me?"
"They take samples from your tissue or blood to look at in the lab. Seriously. You're not in any danger." The hero smiled sweetly and scratched the back of their neck. "I check the reports regularly and I talk to your doctor on a daily basis. It's their priority to help you."
"Well, you're a victim, are you not? We don't know much about the supervillain and their powers, so helping you recover could help us get more information on them. And considering your past, we have to...observe you in a special place like this." The hero leaned over the table to get to the document. Their fingertips touched the villain's knuckles by accident. "That's only one reason, of course. Most importantly, you were beaten to death and needed help."
"It wasn't that bad."
"Half your organs were hanging out of you when I found you," the hero said. Their voice was quieter now, maybe lost in their thoughts even. "I donated a kidney for you."
"You can be so romantic," the villain said. The sarcasm didn't really come across and the villain knew how half-hearted their jokes had become. It wasn't like they weren't grateful, it was just difficult to be saved and have a life when they had accepted their outcome a while ago. That day, they had accepted that they wouldn't survive. They had made their peace with it and then the hero had saved them.
And now, the villain had to live with this horrible pain.
With the nightmares and the fear. They had become a stranger in their own body. It didn't feel like they had control over themselves anymore. Although the hero was right, they couldn't help but feel like a lab rat.
"The point is...you're the only person who has survived them and if they find out you're alive..."
"A facility like this won't hold them back," the villain said. "It would be a minor inconvenience."
"I know, that's why-" the hero held up the document "-you just signed a request for special protection. With me being your caretaker."
Again, that sweet smile spread across their face but the villain didn't really know what that meant. Their poor heart skipped a few beats.
"Are you saying you'll be staying here?" The villain's neck started to heat up. Wasn't this a bit too much? Had they asked for too much? With the medication and the doctors...wasn't this too much effort for the hero to put in?
"I am saying you're coming with me if this gets approved. Which it will."
"Like, to your house?"
"Yes, darling." The hero leaned back in their chair and took in a deep breath. "I've been working on this ever since I found you. I knew the agency wouldn't let you recover in a prison that easily. I argued that you're a victim and a source of information. That brought you here. But still, they made you work in here which I argued to be counterproductive. The law department is pretty annoyed by me."
"I...I'm not sure what to say," the villain said. Their head was reeling. Maybe everything would be a little easier. Maybe waking up would be easier. Were they actually dreaming? They could be out of here soon?
"You don't have to say anything." The hero stood up and walked up to them. Once they were closer to the villain, they sat down on the table, looking down at them. "I just need you to rest."
"You didn't have to do this," the villain said. Their voice was shaking. "You didn't have to save me again."
"I can't help it. By the way, we have matching scars, did you notice that? I can't just leave you in here."
"You suck," the villain said, but there were tears in their eyes. The relief they felt was indescribable. This place was alright. The people were alright. But they weren't the hero. They weren't comforting. With their chair, they moved closer towards them. "You're so horrible."
They leaned their head against the hero's arm, too tired and overwhelmed to hold up the weight of their head anymore. Quickly, the hero went through their hair with their fingers, holding their jaw in their hands and guiding them to lay their head on their lap.
"Oh, honey..." They played with the villain's hair and scratched their scalp softly. Their fingers went over the villain's face, carefully avoiding their bruises. "I promise I will take care of you."
They stayed like this until visiting hours were over.
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Hi me again *hands this to you and scuttles back to my corner* I love your ageswap AU it hits just right.
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hey op how does it feel to be owed my ENTIRE LIFE
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