#habanero wing sauce
suburbiashakedown · 1 year
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Peach-Mango-Habanero Wing Sauce In order to create a sweet and sour flavor for chicken wings, habanero peppers are added to the peach-and-mango habanero wing sauce.
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Devil May Cry Spice Tolerance Headcanons:
I had some mango habanero boneless wings (highly recommend if you love and tolerate spicy food), and that made me think of this idea for a series of headcanons.
Abnormally high spice tolerance:
Dante can definitely tolerate spicy.
If he was younger (DMC3 Dante) he would definitely be exaggerating about how his mouth was on fire.
Since we’re talking about a much older Dante here, he has built up his spice tolerance.
Give him multiple One Chip Challenges and he just eats them like they are normal potato chips.
Try to prank him by putting pieces of Thai Chili peppers on his pizza, he’ll enjoy it even more.
Dare him to eat a ghost pepper, he will do it.
You cannot get this guy to tap out and drink milk.
Like his twin, he has spice tolerance but for completely different reasons.
He has willingly ate a habanero before and shrugged it off, which horrified Nero.
Hates buffalo sauce, not because it’s too spicy, but because it’s salty to him. Anything that is too salty or too sweet, he can’t eat, because he can’t tolerate it, he says as he pops another habanero in his mouth.
Whenever Dante gets pizza, he tells him to put extra jalapeños on his half when they share. (Or they don’t share and Dante eats the whole thing)
Ghost peppers are his favorite.
He’s been in hell for years. Spicy food can’t phase him.
Has been around for a very long time and has tried various spicy foods.
This is where the twins’ love of spicy food comes from.
He has a bigger appetite than his sons as he eats more portions of food than the two combined, which yes, includes spicy food.
In his opinion, sushi is at its best when spicy. Hence why he seeks out scorpion hot sauce and DRENCHES the sushi in it, which horrified Eva.
He was a legendary demon knight, spicy food can’t phase him. (Like father like son)
“HOO-WEE! Who’s ready for an impromptu pepper eatin’ contest?”
Nico is the reason why Dante and Vergil now compete in eating the worst ever peppers.
Nico LOVES eating 4x Spicy Balduk noodles (I can’t even eat these) with some Carolina Reaper Pepper cheese on top, again which horrifies Nero.
Gets giddy at the suggestion of spicy food.
Give her some scorpion hot sauce, Carolina Reaper Pepper cheese, basically any spicy sauce or snack that Nero can’t even eat, you win her over easily.
LOVES Kyrie’s homemade chili especially when she makes a spicier version in a different pot just for her.
One chip challenge? She laughs and eats two and says that the chips ain’t spicy and eats chips like these on her break.
Girl is from the south and has eaten plenty of spicy food, she can handle a lot more heat.
Has Limits:
Trish herself can debunk the myth of all demons can handle spice. No, not all of them, she argued.
Jalapeños, spicy chips, red hot pepper flakes on her pizza she can eat with no problems or hesitation.
Trish will beg Dante not to put a crap ton of jalapeños on the other half of the pizza like last time.
Trish has tried mango habaneros wings before. Three wings in, she grabbed the milk and drank it in defeat.
“Yes, I am a demon who shoots lightning bolts who can’t handle a 577,00 Scoville unit pepper, deal with it,” she sassed Dante with her runny mascara.
She will stick with her hot Cheetos.
Also hates it when Dante and Vergil put too many jalapeños on the other half of a pizza.
A moderate amount of jalapeños is good enough for her. Same with buffalo wings, ignoring Vergil making a disgusted face.
Has judged the twins hard on eating a ghost pepper and a habanero.
“What the hell is wrong with you guys? Those things light your tongues on fire!”
Ate a small portion of a ghost pepper. Immediately tapped out and Dante quickly gave her the glass of milk.
She prefers to watch Dante and Vergil eat insanely hot peppers rather than participate.
Is intimidated by the sight of a Thai Chili pepper.
She is willing to sprinkle cayenne pepper seasoning on things like her homemade chili she gives to the kids, Nero and Nico, but doesn’t go too far knowing her limits and Nero’s.
Kyrie coughs after taking a small whiff of Nico’s chili. “Okay, hers is done.”
Jalapeños is something that she also enjoys as it’s not trying to destroy her tongue.
Trying Nico’s 4X Spicy Balduk noodles, even one bite was enough to make her face turn red and tear up.
“Girl, you got guts, but you got limits, drink up.” Nico gave her some milk to extinguish the heat.
“I’m not doing that again.”
Instantly Nopes Out:
Nero wanted to eat some pizza with Dante and Vergil, but after opening the pizza box, he immediately closed it.
Is scared by the sight of a ghost pepper. Only to witness Dante eat it like it’s a strawberry. Nero is once again horrified.
The only sensation he likes in his mouth (get your mind out of the gutter) is minty freshness like from gum.
“Does… cinnamon flavored gum count as spicy?” Nero asked Dante.
Dante, “No, that’s just sweetness with a hint of spice.”
Nero hesitantly ate a small piece of habanero. He very quickly went to the fridge to pour milk into his mouth. And onto his clothes. And onto the floor. “Do not tell Nico about this.”
Nero definitely inherited his grandmother’s hatred for anything spicy.
Eva absolutely hates the smell as it stings her nose.
She knows her husband loves spicy food and tolerates it, but she cannot handle it.
Because she loved him and wanted to eat some delicious food he made with him, she took a bite.
Sparda said, “My dear, you didn’t have to do that,” and tried offering her water Eva shook her head and said, “If you can handle surely I can…”
Eventually she gives up and drinks the water after snot and comes out of her nose much to her embarrassment.
In conclusion, never give Eva anything spicy. Only give it to Sparda.
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funnyfooddatabase · 10 months
SpongeBob Pizza Hut Australia Chillapineappleno Sauce
Type of Funny Food: Tie-In Product
Introduced: August 2021
Location: Pizza Hut Australia
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In collaboration with Nickelodeon's hit show SpongeBob Squarepants, Pizza Huts in Australia offered a themed, SpongeBob-yellow sauce for a limited time.
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The sauce, whose name- Chillapineappleno- was chosen commenter Vincent T, was a combination of pineapple, chilli, and habanero flavors. The sauce could be added to pizza and wing orders.
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The pizzas also came in SpongeBob-themed Pizza Hut boxes!
Images courtesy of Pizza Hut, goosenstuffs on Twitter, Marco Avila on Facebook, and GoddessFlexi on Reddit.
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icy-watch · 5 months
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I say the same thing after eating cauliflower wings dredged in mango habanero sauce.
...I really want cauliflower wings dredged in habanero sauce. And a side of onion rings.
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wonderfuck · 1 month
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goodluckclove · 5 months
I’m unconvinced you aren’t the Ratatouille rat in disguise with how decadently write about food.
I'm certainly rat-like in that I enjoy a tasty snackkie, and I will occasionally hide under my tall wife's hat.
Really though it's mainly me having a very strong connection to food. I taught myself how to cook when I was 12 and most of my experiences going out are going to get food or to places that sell tiny cakes.
I have very strong opinions on tiny cakes. In my opinion tiny cakes have to be exactly medium-fancy.
I mean the best part about living in Portland is the food scene. So often they have these special food-themed weeks. Burger week. Sandwich week. Wing week (I didn't go to that one). Now it's pizza week again. I got a Hawaiian pizza that had this really subtle bechamel sauce that gave the whole thing a really creamy base. The large cubes of ham were paired with sausage ground and cooked practically to the consistency of chorizo.
The reason I biked downtown to get it was because of the mango habanero aioli, which is perfect because I think Hawaiian pizza is so much better with a little kick of heat to bring out the sweetness of the pineapple (usually I only see this through jalapeno - also very good). The aioli was perfectly spicy in a way that felt almost like an Indian chutney, which maybe was the habanero. The mango gave it a perfect slight sweetness. If I had a jar of the stuff I'd put it on crackers or little slices of baguette.
Anyways describing food is fun and all the other pizzas for pizza week are usually unholy rites to hubris. Last year my now-wife brought me an IKEA meatball pizza and I couldn't leave the bathroom of my terrible studio apartment for an hour. I still do it because I enjoy weird gourmet meals at a reasonable price and I am Clove Gardener, Committee to the Bit.
It's also a fun thing for characters to dwell on. I find it endearing.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
5 Times Kurt Talks About Sex and 1 Time He Doesn't (Part Three)
A/N: So, this was inspired the other day by a Nonny who was asking about how Kurt interacts with others on the topic of sex and this little idea popped in my head.
It’s a little mini-series, and I’ll post one part a day, then I’ll get it up on Ao3 after it’s complete.
It’s set in a post-canon-ish world when they’re all living in New York. The whole thing takes place over the course of a day.
Conversation Three: Rachel
Kurt’s sitting in the café, slowly sipping a refreshing vanilla café latte with caramel drizzle.  The afternoon is turning out to be bright and sunny and has been otherwise exquisite.  There’s only one problem… Across the table sits Rachel and Jesse, snuggled closely together, looking lovingly into each other’s eyes and acting as if he isn’t even in the room.  
The two of them brush noses together, trading little kisses that only they think are cute, while Kurt leans his head on his hand with a disgusted look on his face.  The whole thing is made even more revolting by the fact that Jesse had finished off a giant bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos and his orange lips are leaving dusty marks all over Rachel’s face.  
“You’re extra spicy today,” Rachel coos into his kiss.  
“Oh, just extra spicy?” Jesse teases.  “Do you like when I get a little hot for you?” 
“Mmmm, I love it.” 
“I love you.” 
“I love you, too.” 
Why is this his life? Why did they even bother to invite him to this lunch if they don’t even seem to care that he is there? He wishes Blaine were there with him.  Then maybe he could show Rachel just how annoying PDA really can be.  Why does Blaine have to work on the weekends? 
Kurt takes another long sip of his coffee - there were truly only a few good things in the world.
Rachel and Jesse cup each other’s face - more interested in eating each other than the food on their plates. 
With Finn, her youthful obsession had been understandable, and at least Kurt had been distracted enough with his own romance that he had been able to ignore most of it when he needed to.  
And then there had been Brody… who even though lived with them for a while, at least had been tolerable.  (And oh, god, Brody! Until that moment, he had forgotten there is another dick that he has seen up close.  Completely unwillingly, and too often for his comfort, but at least he could text Elliott that his number is one higher… or not, maybe best leaving that conversation dead.) 
The point, though, is that Rachel has always had a tendency to be blinded and single minded by her romances.  Kurt had hoped once she and Jesse had gotten married that she would have grown out of her habit of being obscene in public.   
That doesn’t seem to be the case. 
“You know, Rachel, I thought you hated when your significant others ate spicy food,” Kurt shoots out.  Thinking of Brody reminds him of something, and a smug grin climbs on his lips.  
“What?” Rachel snaps her head towards him, her face contorting into a truly confused look.  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“I seem to remember a time with chicken wings and habanero sauce and a misadventure with Brody…” 
Her eyes grew wide as it dawned on her what he’s talking about.  “Kurt!” His name is sharp on her tongue.  “You swore you’d never say anything.” 
Kurt had said enough to intrigue Jesse, however.  “Rachel, darling, I thought you promised that there were no secrets between us.  I’m sure whatever this story is would only do well to strengthen our bond together.” 
Kurt lets out a snicker as he sips more of his latte.  “Are you sure you aren’t burning to tell him Rachel?” 
She gives him a glare.  “It was nothing, Jesse.  Just a stupid little thing that happened.” 
Jesse looks over to Kurt, an eyebrow arched wanting to know more. 
“Her college boyfriend went down on her after wolfing down a dozen or so very hot wings,” Kurt says bluntly.  Rachel’s face blushes a deep red as Kurt continues.  “How’d the story go - Rachel? It burned so bad that you couldn’t sit down during the subway ride home?” 
Rachel looked at him, fuming.  “Do you know how embarrassing it is riding the subway without underwear?  Just knowing those pervy guys can just tell something is going on under there?”  
“You’re the one who gave Brody dessert after his meal,” Kurt snickered.  
“I had to have a milk bath after that,” Rachel screeched unexpectedly, pointing at herself indignantly.  “And you were the traitor friend who wouldn't help me with the burn cream the doctor suggested.” 
“Oh my god, Rachel,” Kurt’s voice grows agitated. “How many times do I have to tell you I’m not going anywhere near your vagina!” 
“A true friend would have done it!” 
“Well, maybe you should have gotten Santana to rub some of her Yeast-I-Stat on you!” 
“Brody and I had already broken up by the time she did that commercial!  Or maybe I would have,” Rachel shoots back. 
“Wait, what?” 
“And I doubt that cream would have even worked!  I’ve had yeast infections that have felt better than that!” Her voice carries enough that the two teens sitting a few tables down look at her funny.  
“Oh, honey, that must have been such a painful experience,” Jesse says, cupping her cheek.  “I, myself, had the misfortune in my youth of trying to masturbate after eating nachos with jalapenos.  I thought I had washed my hands thoroughly, but even with the imported French, silken soap, it still burned. Regrettably I couldn’t touch myself for a week afterwards.  And I had to lie to my mother - telling her that I had received a critical accident when attempting new choreography with Vocal Adrenaline.”  
“Oh, my god…” Kurt mutters.  
Jesse then turns to him.  “And really, Kurt, Rachel’s vagina is the most beautiful flower whose honey I could suckle for hours if possible.  I don’t blame her college boyfriend - or any man or woman - to be so desperate for a taste they’d jump in without proper preparation.  If you are ever interested, Kurt, I’m sure Rachel would be willing to let you experiment on her so you, too, could have the nirvana-like experience I had when discovering Rachel for the first time.” 
“Right, exactly,” Rachel punctuates, until she realizes what Jesse has said.  “Oh, no, wait, Jesse…” 
“Did you just offer your wife to me for sex?” Kurt isn’t sure he just comprehended what had happened.  
Rachel waves it off. “Of course he didn’t…” 
“Rachel, we shouldn’t cut ourselves off from experiences just because they scare us,” Jesse continues.  Kurt’s eyes grow wide.  What is even happening?  “I, for one, am open for anything - especially if Kurt’s undoubted curiosity leads him to explore the vast, physical love we have for each other. I mean, why else would he bring up such a story? Though, he should be warned, I do critique technique and am not shy about it.”  
“Oh,” Kurt says, shrugging at Rachel’s mortified face.  “So, it was a proposition for a threesome. Noted.”  
Rachel lets out a regretful groan.  
“Well, that seems like it would hardly be fair,” Jesse continues.  “Blaine is also always welcome to our bed.” 
Kurt nods, going back to his latte.  He should have had lunch with Elliott.
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theangryman · 14 days
the masculine urge to subsist on beer and challenge tier hot wings despite crippling GERD
don’t drink beer (especially not a dark creamy stout that makes love to your mouth like $10 chocolate bar or an IPA that’s so delicious and astringent it makes you feel clean)
don’t eat chocolate (especially not those fancy single origin ones, with complicated sour notes and maybe some raspberries or sea salt)
don’t eat spicy food (I just want to eat buckets of mango habanero wings with a vat of blue cheese without needing to file a change of address form to the W.C. is that really such a sin, God?)
don’t smoke (and that’s good advice in general, just sometimes I wanna puff and chill out for a couple hours instead of zooting)
avoid tomato/cream sauces (curry is love; curry is life. chili is also good. these are just good, “how do I make something tasty with what I have” things. Or pizza. Traditional foods with variation and history and access and love.)
avoid greasy foods (I ate Popeyes recently because their spicy tenders, mac, and a biscuit with a tall Diet Coke is pure bliss. The episode that followed was one where I was convinced that there was some form of internal damage. The fact that I have sat in my car in a parking lot debating whether I should order one may either indicate my pathological masochism or the absolute divinity of the food. I still argue evidence of the former does not disprove the later.)
I dated a nurse who said I’d be a terrible patient. He’s probably fair. But I want to eat samosas that melt in my mouth and enjoy feeling the different strains of hops and malts and subtle touches of a good beer. I want to go to the fair and eat a Turkey leg and nachos with that canned “cheese.”
if there’s any joy to be found in the cold uncaring universe, it’s a fucking stout aged in a bourbon barrel that cost like $20 and a cheese platter and crackers. It’s McDonald’s breakfast when you are hunger over and confused and hurt and just need a coffee and a biscuit to start your day. It’s wedding cake and handfuls of cheese crackers and candy with an energy drink during finals week.
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euniexenoblade · 1 month
Wingstop or buffalo wild wings
I like the wings and sauces at bww more but it's more expensive and eating there is like.. overwhelming. I'm not someome that gets overwhelmed by crowds and whatnot but bww is incredibly loud like really loud and I don't care about sports and Wingstop usually has good deals on door dash
I actually prefer it's wings or whatever the chilis ghost kitchen is cuz the wings seem better quality and the appl.bbq and that honey chipotle or whatever is is great. Also the mango habanero! That's my go to at wing places.
I actually prefer this local wing joint called fire on the mountain. If ur ever in Denver go there
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vampireghostlawyer · 10 months
what wings every termina contestant would get at buffalo wild wings
source: i work there
Abella: 20 traditional (10 mango habanero, 5 original buffalo, 5 sweet bbq) with bc and ranch
O'saa: 10 traditional (all lemon pepper rub) with carrots and celery
Marina: small cauliflower wings in asian zing with ranch
Karin: 15 boneless (5 asian zing, 5 lemon pepper sauce, 5 parmesan garlic) with double ranch
Daan: 6 boneless (thai curry), with ranch and celery
Marcoh: 30 traditional (10 caribbean jerk, 10 parmesan garlic, 10 hot)
Levi: 15 boneless (all lemon pepper sauce), with ranch and blue cheese
Olivia: large cauliflower wings in teriyaki with carrots and celery
August: 10 traditional, all salt and vinegar rub, with ranch and carrots
Pav: 5 tenders with a side of nashville hot and blue cheese
Samarie: small cauliflower wings in asian zing with ranch (copying marina's order)
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clatterbane · 6 months
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More of that truly gourmet low spoons shit here tonight! Broke into the boxed mac and cheese (passable), and pulled some chicken nuggets and veggie mix out of the freezer to go with it. Add butter and some seasoned salt that reminds me of adobo seasoning, and we're good to go.
ETA: That is incidentally the first frozen blend I've seen that includes some Brussels sprouts, and I'm enjoying it.
With the nuggets: the ubiquitous refrigerated bearnaise, along with part of a little cup of barbecuey habanero sauce that was left over from an order of chicken wings. Which did make for a good saucy combo.
Pretty satisfying, ngl. I was tired and needed some warm food. My partner always acts happy enough with this kind of thing, too. Especially if you pull out the bearnaise.
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beepiesheepie · 2 years
ranking tf2 mercs based on spice tolerance (spicy and flavorings)
Scout: Says he can handle the spiciest food and then Engie gives him exactly that and he keels over and dies. Other than that he has white boy flavoring spice tolerance
Soldier: Some say he can’t, some say he can, I think he absolutely can, he will take a plate of habanero or ghost pepper wings and be like ‘this tastes funny’ out of sheer stupidity, not because his tolerance is high. As for flavoring spice if it’s anything more than garlic powder or paprika he keels over and says its unamerican
Pyro: Do they even eat??? I think their spice tolerance is either stupidly high or incredibly low and they need comfort after something spicy. As for flavors they’re ok with anything, but since they’re such a fan of sweets they won’t use any in their cooking.
Demoman: His is higher than the average of the mercs, but the gimmick stuff is where he draws the line- don’t play with your food is a message that was drilled into him since childhood. For flavoring spice he’s a-ok and can introduce the mercs to new spices they never thought possible, including chemicals you can eat.
Heavy: Not white boy spice tolerance, white man spice tolerance. aka its bad. He will suffer in silence as sweat drips down his bald head and then say why did you make his food like this. Flavoring spice is uhh well he grew up in a gulag and eats bear, so he either doesnt really know how to make things taste good or he is a master at making anything inedible edible.
Engineer: You can’t get on his level. he regularly hangs out in the sauces that are millions of scoville units. He is the one giving scout ghost pepper wings and cooking wings that are smothered in the most gimmicky sauces the south can whip up. As for flavor spice? once again a god, he can make anything taste like southern comfort goodness.
Sniper: Either he’s with Engie munching on them ghost pepper wings or he will use a single atom of hot sauce and have a red face and when people ask if he’s ok he will weakly utter ‘yeah’. I’m more inclined for the top tho. Flavor spice is average, he can make things taste good.
Medic: refuses the gimmick stuff or anything higher than jalapenos (my keyboard cant do the thing sry), but will gladly eat anything below that. He also knows how to make things taste good, kind of, maybe. You don’t know where he got that unlabelled jar of something....
Spy: Refuses to eat anything that’s above jalapenos. Says anything above that was clearly not meant to be put in food if it makes you sweat. he is also a god at using spice for flavor, but you have to quite literally give an arm and a leg if you want any. And all ingredients he uses are like, $50 minimum not adjusted for inflation.
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jadipose · 5 months
Wings... What's your favorite wing sauce, Porm?
ahhhh I’m such a sucker fo+r like, mango+ habanero+. Sweet n spicy!!
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reallycoolsoup · 6 months
my sibling in christ, jalapeños are about 5k scovilles, habaneros are 100,000-350,000. they are so much hotter. they’re like, imo, the kind of pepper people who actually enjoy heat eat. like at least a 7 on that poll if you’re biting straight into them. i think that of the popular commonly consumed peppers, they’re the hottest after ghost peppers.
the only well-known peppers hotter than those are engineered in south carolina grandpas’ backyards and named stuff like Dale’s Scorching Devilreaper Black Sun Double Death Murderhell Pepper
i find pepperoni a little spicy though so maybe i’m overly impressed, but habs are definitely spicier than jalapeños, by a lot!
Habaneroes aren't even that spicy? Are you British?
The only reason I think I find jalapenos spicy at all is I'm allergic to them, I break out into hives if I eat one
But habaneros? Delicious, habanero sauces are always my go to for wings, especially sweet habanero
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hornet-breaker · 2 years
The Hot Wing Incident
A lil story involving Borrower!Dream and Sapnap (since that’s a common pairing), where at some point where Dream and Sapnap are chill with each other. This story is inspired by the Gieco commercial where the gecko tries hot wings >:)
Sapnap shuffled into his apartment carrying a bag of leftovers, huddled over in his jacket lightly drenched in rainwater. He sighed and turned on his apartment light, and immediately something scurried for cover on the table. Sapnap scoffed, taking off his jacket and tossing it haphazardly onto the couch.
“Dream it’s just me,” he said, approaching the table and gently dropping the bag onto the table.
A tiny head poked around the pepper shaker, tinier hands rubbing his eyes. Sapnap had found the borrower a few months ago stuck in a pot he left out overnight. After a few months they were basically best friends if not brothers. Dream was still relatively jumpy and tense, but would relax and let Sapnap hold him or pick him up (with permission). Sapnap might’ve known him for a while but he still had a lot to learn and adjust to, like for example, Dream still preferred to live in the walls in the summer, in the winter he’d sneak into Sapnap’s dresser and bury himself in a shirt or a sock. Dream left the cover of the pepper shaker, he was a few centimeters taller than it.
“Yeah but a little warning would be nice,” the tiny person grumbled. “What’s that?” He asked, noticing the bag.
“My dinner, I went out with some friends but I didn’t finish all of my food. This place has the best hot wings.” Sapnap explained with enthusiasm. Dream cocked his head in confusion.
“Hot Wings?” He asked.
“Yeah, spicy chicken wings.” He said, about to grab the bag.
“Can I try some?” Dream asked. Sapnap paused with an uneasy scoff.
“I dunno Dream these are made with habanero pepper sauce, if you want I can get you some beginner wings to try?” Sapnap offered. Dream smirked confidently, crossing his arms.
“I’m not a baby I’m sure I can handle it. I used to steal peppers from a balcony 3 floors up.” Dream boasted.
Sapnap shrugged and took the box out, grabbing a paper towel and opening the box. The wings were still fairly warm, drenched in reddish-orange sauce. It smelled heavily of spice to the borrower, who reeled back from the intensity.
Sapnap held back a small laugh, this is gonna be good, he thought, placing the wing on the paper towel.
“Alright, your funeral little man.” Sapnap nudged the wing towards Dream. Dream approached the large serving of hot wing, curious. His eyes were watering from the intensity. Sapnap raised a brow,
I’m getting him some milk, I can already tell he’s gonna need it. He thought, leaving the table to get a thimble and some milk for the tiny human.
Dream took a deep breath and scraped some sauce off the bird meat, holding the thick substance in his hand, holy shit it burns. Dream quickly licked it off, and instantly regretted it. Now began the fun part.
Dream coughed and gagged, it was too hot for him. Sapnap returned and sat down as Dream tried to hide his misery, casually leaning against the pepper shaker and coughing still.
“So, how was it?” Sapnap asked.
“It’s okay,” Dream gasped, coughing, “a little warm. I think I got something in my throat, Ack!” He broke into a coughing fit, breathing heavily through the mouth. Classic signs of eating something too spicy.
“You want some milk?” Sapnap asked, hiding a chuckle. Dream shook his head no.
“I’ll be fine, *cough cough* I’m good without it.” Dream tried to play off his suffering. Sapnap nudged the thimble closer. Dream stared at it for a moment, then caved as he raced over and chugged the whole thimble, desperate for relief as Sapnap laughed.
“I told you not to!” He said, amused by the tiny’s self-inflicted suffering.
“Shut up, need more!” Dream panted, pushing aside the thimble and fanning his mouth. “Fuck,” he gasped with regret laced in his voice.
Sapnap rolled his eyes and got Dream more milk. “So, what did you learn from this?” He asked in a singsong voice.
Dream was too busy drinking the milk to answer. Sapnap decided to get rid of the problem and ate the wing Dream tried (and failed) to eat. It was a tad too spicy for him as well but unlike Dream he could definitely handle it. At least he had an idea of what to bring home for the borrower next time, and to hide his actual hot wings from him so he doesn’t do it again.
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cwritesfiction · 2 years
For reference, here’s part 1
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