#had a LOT of fun with this tbh <3333
daily-streber · 1 year
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Scene redraw from Streber's Rehearsal!
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I find it so interesting that kaveh always knew that he and alhaitham saw the world differently, but they were still best friends. In kaveh's notebook he wrote this about alhaitham, "Our views are contradictory, but it is through contradiction that more speculation and philosophy may be born." Only when alhaitham noticing kaveh was activity harmful lifestyle for himself with his mindset and called him out. I always thought they had their first argument from different philosophy, but it stemmed from kaveh activity harming his lifestyle WITH this mindset that alhaitham got concerned and confronted him
Hiya! Thank you so much for your ask!! <333
Kaveh's old sketchbook has a very special place in my heart <3 it's as you say!! initially he believes that he and alhaitham have views which align, but then comes to the realisation that they actually hold opposing views, however, instead of viewing that a negative, this is actually a benefit to their relationship, as it can lead to new points of discussion!
it's only after their approaches in dealing with other people come to the surface do problems arise in their friendship - as brought about by their collaboration with others during their thesis. kaveh exerts himself to help others whilst alhaitham maintains the view that this is a fruitless endeavour as this a short-term solution to the marked difference between those driven by hard work and those by natural ability. by kaveh denying his own capabilities in spreading himself thin for others, alhaitham deems this as harmful, as kaveh effectively denies his 'true self'.
their problems culminate in this criticism of each other's philosophies, whereas their friendship was strongest when they perceived the positives in the differences of their respective philosophies. kaveh asserts his altruism as correct over egoism, critiquing alhaitham's aversion in helping others, whereas alhaitham highlights the detriment of kaveh's altruism. it is particularly interesting to note here that the comment that makes kaveh revoke their friendship is not solely their differences in dealing with people, as their previous arguments had been about, rather, it is the source of kaveh's altruism. this is noticeably different from their other disagreements, as this is seen to be the first time alhaitham has made such a personal comment, given how kaveh reacts to it, feeling 'seen through'. it is this personal comment which causes kaveh to end their friendship, more so than their differing philosophies
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in-game, alhaitham is aware that their true issues don't merely lie with their differing philosophies, and instead focusses on kaveh's detrimental altruism stemming from his guilt of the past. this can be seen in a parade of providence, in which he researches sachin in order to gain clarity and closure around kaveh's father's disappearance into the desert not directly being tied to kaveh
as seen within their conversation, alhaitham initiates the conversation for a personal reason - to tell kaveh of his findings, in an attempt to alleviate some of his guilt; to provide closure - whereas kaveh sees this interaction as a debate of philosophies, as in a potentiality for correctness over the other. alhaitham changes the subject when kaveh discusses, and insults, alhaitham's egoism, which directly leads back to his own personal interest, being that of sachin's involvement with kaveh's father's disappearance
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kaveh standing his ground in defence of his altruism prompts alhaitham to claim that their issue does not lie in correctness with the answer as to what, then, is their issue being subtextual - being provided in alhaitham seeking kaveh out for his personal interest over a scholarly debate
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overall, i think it's pretty easy to simplify their relationship due to their opposing philosophies, but the fact they were best friends complicates this concept - yes, their approaches to life and dealing with other people are inherently different and acts as a point of contention between them, but in actuality i'd say that it's the concern behind this opposition of each other's way of life and the way this is miscommunicated to the other which appears to be the main issue
kaveh is a highly empathetic person and this empathy is further extorted by his own sense of guilt, therefore his altruism is excessive, detrimental even, and he denies his true capabilities by attempting to merge with the crowd - this is the issue that alhaitham has tried to express to kaveh, whereas kaveh sees this as a personal critique on his ideals and philosophy, and thus kaveh is rejected
alhaitham is a socially averted person who prioritises himself over others, actively denying himself the care and company of others due to this individualism - this is the issue kaveh has with alhaitham's egoism, whereas this comes across as asserting the correctness of collectivism as a philosophy over individualism, which denies alhaitham as an egoist, and thus alhaitham is rejected
i'd say the issue is balance - they must have achieved a harmony in the foundation of their friendship, so much so that they were best friends, they wanted to combine their 'opposing' fields of language and architecture to pursue a thesis project together. this balance was lost due to the idea of their being a correct way to live life, a correct philosophy, and this balance has yet to be retrieved.
ultimately, the two want the best for each other according to their own values, but with this comes acceptance. a level of understanding has to be realised once more before progress can be made, i think
This got super long but you raised a really intriguing point!! this has me thinking a lot about a parade of providence so i think i'll make a separate post on that!! <3333
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solannecontinuum · 6 months
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Gabriel ULTRAKILL voice:
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
You're right, I forgot that ask.
But it's even better to discover it now!
Thank you for this beautiful sight.
man i did not expect to see you so soon again :'D buddy how are you doing??
and waaa THANK YOU!!! your words mean a lot >:')c <333
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woozi · 2 years
Im now curious about your svt music preferences.. so:
Favorite freshteen TT and bside?
Favorite dark/sexy TT and bside?
Favorite song for each unit (HHT, PT, VT)
Favorite subunit song (light a flame, ah! love, change up, etc)
Song(s) that you immediately loved when you first heard it
Song(s) that took you a few listens to like but now among your favorites
..ok its a lot lmao 😭 you dont have to answer all!
freshteen: tt - pretty u/not alone/lnr, bside: heaven's cloud/snap shoot/domino/run to you (idk if rty is freshteenie but yeah <3)
dark/sexy: tt - hit (is she sexy.. is she dark idk she’s def not freshteen fdksjfhs)/call call call/fear/hot, bside: good to me/ash
unit: hhu - chilli/gam3 bo1/back it up (solely bc of vernon’s verse tbh JFJFDFSJ)/icra/lean on me, vocal u - habit/second life/samex3/we gonna make it shine, perf u - swimming fool/shhh/247/pang!
sub-unit song: light a flame/ah! love/change up/q&a/bittersweet
song(s) that you immediately loved when you first heard it: lnr, ash, and pit a pat <3
song(s) that took you a few listens to like but now among your favorites: silent boarding gate, cheers
(from the other ask) solo work: SPIDER!!!!!, TOUCH!!!!!!!, wkof, simple, bye bye my blue, beg for you, wrecker, like the beginning, dream (jun), phonecert
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ssahotchnerr · 9 months
good afternoon my queen 🥰 just want to share that i went to a general admission concert last night & we were standing all the way in the back (which is my fav tbh) & i was just thinking about how disgustingly cute it would be to make out with aaron like teenagers 🤭🤭 the team would be around & they’d notice how young he looks again when he’s with you & i just 🫠❤️🥰🩷
enjoy your day katie ily 🥹🫶🏻
hi my love!!!! that sounds so fun i hope you had the best time!!!!
the dream 🥹🥹🥹 ughhhh just aaron wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, swaying gently with you to the music, littering your neck or jaw with kisses before finalllly just turning you around for full access to your lips <333333 hehe he just feels so content and happy and free with you and he can't hold it in for the life of him <333333
and when the team notices <3333 at first they're all just :O, half tempted to say something and tease the two of you - especially when aaron gets a bitttt (a lot) more handsy 🤭 - BUT when they notice alllll the grumpy frown lines on his face absent, he's smiling into the kiss, they don't dare to interrupt 🥹 they haven't seen aaron so happy in a longggg time and they just love how he's found love again because no one deserves it more <3, and that love happens to be you - and they too love you and believe you're the best thing to ever happen to him 🥹 hehe AND it's that night they start taking bets on how long it'll take him to ask you to marry him 💞💓💞
i'm swooning hehe thank you for the thought ily have a good day!!!🥰
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kimbapisnotsushi · 7 months
here have a medley of miscellaneous timeskip pro team headcanons bc WOW i haven't posted in a while and this is my only stress outlet other than binging new series <3333
starting off strong with ejp raijin LET'S GOOOOOO
washio 🫱🏼‍🫲🏼suna 🫱🏼‍🫲🏼komori: being EXHAUSTED from carrying the pro team world on their backs
no no i'm kidding. mostly
they keep a tally of other pro team matches in which their former teammates go up against each other and are REALLY smug if their respective teammate wins. which means you get shit like this
komori, cheerfully: "so how about that hornets v falcons game last night, huh?" suna: "oh shut UP tell iizuna tsukasa that aran-san could kick his ass any day of the week you little SHIT - "
they ARE united on the jackals front tho. all three of them want the adlers to go down HARD.
is suna nursing a grudge against ushijima from high school? yeah. is he ever going to get over it? probably not.
only komori feels bad bc he is fond of kageyama, but, hey, family's family
they ask washio why he hates the adlers and he looks them dead in the eyes and goes "hoshiumi kourai . . . he is a man that requires constant vigilance"
actually wait i know we all saw everyone watching and talking about the game (which makes me wanna cry SO bad) but god. how fucking funny would it be if players from monster gen convinced everyone else on their very professional and very mature teams to take sides
ejp raijin captain, who's been friends with hirugami fukurou for like ten years: "okay so explain to me again why we need to blow our entire team budget on jackals merch when we're not even going to the goddamn game?" komori: "well, it started on a cloudy but beautifully crisp spring day in 2012 - "
hakuba joins the team, sees aran, and IMMEDIATELY starts texting the old kamomedai group chat
altho tbh i don't think there's no way that the "who-from-where-made-WHAT-pro-team" news never breaches the high school circuit. like come ON you know everyone's keeping up with the third year stars when they graduate
by the time the first years are third years they've got everyone pinned down on a fucking MAP. they have a shared file where they update each other on EVERYTHING. it's way less creepy than it sounds they're just a really passionate bunch okay!!!!
well that AND they can't help but brag about their amazing upperclassmen
okay sorry back to it. so it really goes more like
hakuba: "HOLY SHIT OJIRO ARAN FROM INARIZAKI IS HERE" suwa: "hakuba, we already knew that. i linked the article when it first dropped, remember?" hakuba: "yeah but it's still so WEIRD like it's OJIRO ARAN from INARIZAKI" hoshiumi: "lol atsumu told me he talks in his sleep, go find out if it's true"
aran actually does recognize hakuba mostly because gin paid him a compliment ONE (1) time and then aran had to listen to atsumu complain incessantly about the "stupid wall of muscle with stupid hair and his stupid height and stupid arms" ever since
ALSO. i think people get hakuba and hyakuzawa mixed up a lot. they've both got a similar height and build and hairstyle and play the same position
(not to mention the similar backstories)
it becomes a running joke throughout the pro leagues and makes for a fun time with falcons v warriors matches
in the event of a hyakuhina hookup (which i feel like actually could happen) they somehow get onto the topic of "haha it'd be even harder to tell them apart with your eyes closed!" and hinata, without thinking, goes "well, i probably could" and everyone is like "WHAT"
he digs himself an even deeper hole by saying "no, i just meant - i know hyakuzawa's body really well!!!" and everyone immediately starts screaming
poor hyakuzawa is dying on the inside
i think shibayama (MY BELOVED) kind of occasionally forgets that he also has his own fanbase and is sort of semi-famous as the libero of tokai heavy industries esperanza bc. he knows kenma and yaku and lev and komi and yamamoto and fukunaga and, in general, a bunch of people that he believes are much more well-known than he is
he's always so flattered whenever someone stops him in the street to ask for a pic or when he sees posts online gushing about him
this is extra funny bc he never talks about his friends like they're famous so all of his teammates don't really know that shibayama is friends with all these other famous people
and then one of them, an avid kodzuken fan, spams their group chat when kodzuken's newest video is released and shibayama shows up in it
(shibayama's second year. they'd been dealing with things. it worked out, in the end. even if they had to lie to nekomata and naoki about why all their jerseys ended up with holes in them.)
i love the pro teams you guys they're so fucking funny
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sleepinginmygrave · 15 days
OK SO FIRST CONGRATS ON 300!!! WOOHOOO and secondly ik this is probably a lot and don’t answer it if u can’t but can you do Lemon shark, eels & manta rays? <333 CONGRATS!!!!
HIIIII HELLO FATIMAH<3333 THZNKS!!!! here it is :]]
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ {lemon sharks}࿐ྂ cows!! i adore cows so so much oml i think they're gorgeous creatures and they represent kindness, they're so so sweet and aaaah i love them sm<333 i love all bovines tbh but ahhhh yeah they also gives off you vibes idk they're so pretty and kind and amazing
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ {eels}࿐ྂ here it is!! i hope you like it<3
⇢ ˗ˏˋ {manta rays}࿐ྂ I'M GONNA TALK ABOUT MY DAYYY YAY!! (i'm at church rn tho so it probably won't be long tho sorry) so i had sport we had basketball at our city' park it was really fun even tho we're shit :]] then i had history that was so boring omg hhjhjhhhhh i don't remember anything and then i had german and i really really wanted to kill some of my classmates they're so fucking loud i hate them with a burning passion there's also those two girls i HATE them really want to like smash their head against a wall yk anyway that made me angry but the rest of my day went well!!!! i had a harp class and it went so well omg i'm so so so happy i'm falling in love with playing the harp again (i was stressed for like the whole year zbt it but its starting to get better :]] ) and then i went to the bookstore omg hhjhjhhhhh it's been so longgg since i last went to the bookstore hjjhh i finally bought the third book of toa (i read the second one like 6 months ago oml) and i also bought the metamorphosis by kafka!! eeeee so so glad then i got home and hmm i did nothing special (i talked with @daydream-of-a-wallflower) anyway yeah it was a really nice day!!!!! i hope you had a nice day as well!!!! ily!!!!
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kittenninja14 · 4 months
Hii KN!!
I have a question. Can you describe the evolution of the way you drew Zane?
ps. ur Zane is so cute!
Hello, my mysterious friend!! <333
Thank you for asking that brilliant question.
First of all, thank you soo much!! I'm glad you think my Zane is cute!! <33
As for the "evolution" here it is:
The first time I drew Zane, I drew him like this:
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Yeah.... nowhere close to the Zane I now draw, lol.
Tbh, I nvr really liked how I drew him here. To me, he just didn't feel real(?). I dunno if that's the right word, lol. He looks more like a rectangle than a human.
But all in all, I just wasn't satisfied with the results. For this fanart, I just needed to draw Zane so I did my best in this art.
The second time I drew Zane was-- welllllll, I honestly love drawing Zane, he kinda is my fav character to draw (his hair is soooo easy, lol) But I started doodling Zane here and there in class.
I do not recommend doodling in class. Be responsible and work on ur classwork, lol.
I don't have all my doodles but here is one
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As u can see Zane is starting to get more shape here, lol.
He's starting to look more human (is that the right word?) than a rectangle, lol.
The third time I drew him was for a fanart from Shogun: Becoming by @nickelwick
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(sry about the bad quality)
Now this was a completely different art style in coloring/drawing but with all that aside-- you can see a major shift in style when it comes to drawing Zane.
(now in retrospect the eyes could use a little improvement)
Anyways, I wanted to draw Zane with a different look. From the time between the first drawing and the second, I was tweaking/improving my art style.
The fourth time was for my screenshot redraw:
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Honestly, here, you can see a huge change.
I would say that the fanart for Shogun: Becoming seriously inspired me when I drew this.
I think the tip I can give you when it comes to drawing characters is to first try to find an art style that you are comfortable with drawing.
In my case, if you scroll wayyyyy down in my DeviantArt account, you can see that the first couple of artworks are all done in different styles--I was in the "experimenting" stage.
In all honesty, I believe that all artists out there--no matter how good their art is--can improve. There is always room for improvement and betterment (dunno if that's a word, lol).
So when it came to Zane (and my art style as well) I started experimenting.
Then after I was done with experimenting, I started improving my art.
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Here is the fifth time I drew Zane.
This pic is actually the "foundation" of all of my Zane pics. The colors, expressions, and clothes were all done bc I experimented.
It took time--a lot of time-- to get this drawing done.
But that's how we all start, lol.
The sixth time, I drew the og Zane.
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He was quite a challenge, lol. Perhaps it was the color pallet or the fact that I was rushing to get this done for Ninjago's 13 anniversary, but he honestly could use an improvement, lolll.
Now I can do A LOT of pics to show the "evolution" but imma just use the latest art.
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This pic took like 10 mins (at most) to draw. Compared to the fifth time which took hours.
Drawing Zane has honestly become my fav pass-time, ngl.
I would say to all the artists out there-- just relax. Ur art doesn't have to be purr-fect. No one starts out as a professional. (unless u have some cool powers that make u draw perfectly)
Be patient with yourself.
Everyone can draw. But it just takes time, practice, and perseverance.
So don't give up. If I had given up on drawing Zane after the first pic, then I would have never drawn this cutie pie, lol.
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Anyways, I hope this answers your question!! I honestly had a lot of fun with this "evolution" post. Feel free to ask me more about the other ninjas. But ngl, I think Zane is the only character (as of rn) that I feel the most comfortable with and has the most development, lol.
Byeeee!! Cya next time!!! <3333
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sketchquill · 7 months
It's almost 5 am and I'm now thinking about Corpse Puppet and how close we are to seeing it completed. Im currently quietly crying because I really don't want this lovely AU to come to a close, but I also can't help but cry at the fact that we'll see Wally turn into butterflies ;;
It’s kind of insane to me because tbh I didn’t think i’d get this far with the AU since it pretty much started because all I wanted to do was draw Wally as if he was Emily for fun and I had absolutely no plans for it ((still don’t I’m making shit up as I go along lmao)) and it just spiralled on from there!
He’s gotta turn into butterflies bro it’s a canon event 😔✋ plus I love seeing you guys suffer mwuahahaha >:3c
I’m thinking about how since I’m close to finishing the AU I could maaaaybe 🤏 try adding peoples Welcome Home OCs as background characters for when the Dead go upstairs for the wedding and also maybe some as the Living as well as a way to thank you guys for all the love and support for the AU.
However I don’t want to get your hopes up but that’s mainly because I’m not 100% sure on whether or not I want to do that since there’ll probably be a lot of people who’d want their OCs included and that’s a bit nerve wracking to me and also because I dunno how many scenes I’ll be able to do to include them (ʘᗩʘ;)
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fallintosanity · 25 days
re the WIP Ask Game, my main interest is of course Providence, but I don’t have any questions about it per se.
Just wanted to leave you a note here to say that fic has been on my mind a lot lately since playing Rebirth, and that at multiple points during my playthrough my brain went immediately to “omg this is giving me Providence vibes!!!” which honestly is a testament to the amazing handle you have on all those characters.
Honestly, any little anecdotal tidbit you’d like to share about that fic would water my crops haha, but if you can’t just want you to know I’ve enjoyed it immensely. The Fifth Act left me wanting MOAR and you took that verse and made it your own; I love it just as much.
Oh wow thank you! that's an amazing compliment <3333
I've had tons of fun with this wild AU-of-an-AU myself and I'm still not ready to give it up. All the real-life stuff aside, a big part of why I stopped updating Providence was because I ran into a really, really bad plot snarl. (Which is not uncommon for me tbh; the second-act swamp is REAL 😭 ) Essentially: too many characters pulling in too many different directions, and at the same time too many other characters snagged in place and holding others back.
But! the good news is that I finally - like, just a couple weeks ago - figured out how to untangle one of the plot threads, which has given me room to work on the rest. Wish me luck...! 🤞
WIP ask meme!
...okay and also just for fun, have a scene I wrote and then cut and which has a small chance of ending up back in the fic idk we'll see
The Seventh Heaven hummed with activity, its regular customers scattered around at their usual tables, while newcomers and unfamiliar faces surrounded the bar. Tifa worked the taps, wearing her usual black leather vest and skirt over shorts, her loose ponytail swinging as she moved with brisk efficiency. “Order for table six!” she called, and Cloud shouldered his way through the patrons to take the tray she handed him. 
Table six was Barret, Cid, and Vincent, with Nanaki curled up underneath and pretending not to notice Marlene trying to catch the flame on his tail. “Busy tonight, eh?” Barret chuckled as Cloud dropped the tray off.
“Tifa’s the most popular girl in town,” Cloud answered. He glanced over his shoulder at her; in her ruffled teal sundress and matching high-heeled sandals, her hair flowing loose around her arms, she was the brightest person in all Nibelheim. She caught him looking and smiled shyly, then quickly went back to serving two young SOLDIER cadets Cloud vaguely remembered from basic training. 
“That she is,” Cid agreed. “Speakin’ of, her pa wants to talk with you.” He pointed past Cloud’s other shoulder, to where Mr. Lockhart sat at a corner table with Cloud’s ma, Zangan the martial arts teacher, and Denzel. Ma waved cheerfully to Cloud, ignoring Mr. Lockhart’s scowl. 
Ugh. Cloud didn’t want to piss off Tifa’s dad more than he usually did. “Better get going,” he said to Cid and the others, and hurried over to the corner table. 
“About time,” Mr. Lockhart grumbled before Cloud could greet them. “You’re late, Cloud. You’re always too late.” 
“I kept my promise,” Cloud said, forcing his voice to stay level. The clear glass mugs of mako on the table gleamed like poison; he had to look away as Denzel picked one up and took a long drink. 
“Hah.” Mr. Lockhart slammed his own tankard onto the table hard enough that mako splashed everywhere. “You promised to take care of my daughter. Where is she now?” 
“I did,” Cloud protested. “She’s in Nibelheim. Safe.” 
No, that was wrong. Tifa was here, in the Sector Five slums, behind the bar in her white tank top and black miniskirt. Cloud glanced over to check, and Tifa flashed him a cheeky wink and a smile. 
Mr. Lockhart, though, glared at him. “How many times have you left her behind?” 
The words knocked the air from Cloud's lungs. “I didn’t mean to—” he gasped. “I never wanted—I’d give anything to—” 
The building was suddenly too hot, smoke burning Cloud’s throat as he struggled to breathe. Flames roared behind the bar, eating into the rafters, dropping cinders into Cloud’s hair. Tifa’s wide-brimmed hat hung crookedly from its cord around her neck, and her fringed leather vest and skirt dripped with blood. “I guess that only works for real families,” she said, her voice tired and bitter over the snap of the flames. 
This was wrong. Everything was wrong; Cloud had to get out of here. He reached for Ma and Denzel - except it wasn’t Denzel there, it was Cloud’s younger self. Cloud froze, and that was when Ma grabbed his arm, her fingers sharp as a Nibel dragon’s claws. “I won’t let you take him,” she snapped. Hatred twisted her face as she shoved him away. “Get out of my sight!” 
Cloud staggered backward. Something cold bit into his chest, slid through his lungs, and he looked down to see Masamune’s blade jutting from his ribs, red with Cloud’s blood. He tried to struggle, tried to escape, but Sephiroth’s voice whispered in his ear, You’re nothing but an empty puppet.
Cloud flailed, gasping—
—and suddenly the burning Seventh Heaven vanished.
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miss-bvnny · 8 months
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And what if none of their souls were saved? They went to their maker impeccably shaved
My own little spooky challenge for the month!! Two of my favorite things: Sweeney Todd 07, and giving fictional characters government assigned fursonas!!
Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett - Dalmatian and Red fox
When I started this, I KNEW I wanted Todd to be an animal that was black and white. The monochromatic theme in Depp's version of Sweeney is SO Tim Burton that I wanted to preserve it. ALMOST settled on a skunk, but the thought of dalmatian spots mixing with blood spots was TOO cool of a concept in my eyes. TBH there WAS a time when I was tempted to make him a fox, because Sweeney TODD. Get it? But I held off because I didn't want to reuse specific animals TOO much. Speaking of which-
Mrs Lovett was always a fox from the first second. It fits her entire character (Seductive, trickster, lots of red, not to be trusted) FAR too well. The way her ears are posed are also supposed to bring a pair of horns to mind. Something DEEPLY wrong with this woman <3333
Lucy Barker/Miserable Woman - Afghan hound
PROBABLY a very uninspired and obvious choice, but...I wanted to draw ''hair ears'' lmao. Sweeney describes her blonde hair as one of the only things he remembers about her, so I wanted a dog breed that naturally had long blonde hair about it. I de-saturated her colors for her ''Miserable Woman'' look to make her look sadder and dirtier.
Anthony and Johanna - Mutt and Golden dalmatian
Yes I KNOW they look like Scamp and Angel okay. The inspiration was intentional but I might've accidentally strayed...TOO close to the source.
Johanna was one of two characters that took me on a bit of a trip. First she was an Afghan just like Lucy, then she was a doe, but I decided to have a little more fun with her. I made her a golden dalmatian, with the ''dalmatian'' coming from her father and the ''Golden'' coming from her mother. I imagined she's a bit like Oddball from 102 Dalmatians, where she's actually ''blank'' aside from the spots on her face and the two on her shoulder (she gets these ones from Todd) The black on her ear is also from Todd. I could have chosen the easy way out and made her look like her mother, but in my own silly way I thought it'd be fucked up if she looked like her father, considering the scene they share near the end of the movie.
Anthony is a sailor, so I gave him a very ''Sea dog'' mutt look. I just kind of...combined a bunch of traits and characteristics that I thought would work for him. You can see a LITTLE of Toughy from LATT in him, only because I liked the eye patch and all the scruff.
Tobias Ragg (aka Toby) - Bat
Toby was a fun one!! Oh, look how adorable he is!!! Since Toby has the final kill of the movie, and he kills Todd at that, I wanted him something small and cute but...potentially very dangerous. I settled on a bat, because they're very cute and they can carry rabies!!
And yes, that's his wig he's carrying. Didn't know how to portray him holding a pie, and I wasn't about to draw him drinking a bottle of gin, so I thought his little wig might be cute. He was honestly one of my favorites to draw <3
Adolfo Pirelli - Ring-tailed lemur
Pirelli is a ring-tailed lemur for two reasons. The first reason, is because since all the other animals are quadrupeds, having a bipedal animal felt more ''exotic'' to go with how he's seen as very special and from out of town. It makes him stick out naturally as someone of note.
The second reason he's a lemur.......is because he's played by Sacha Baron Cohen in 07.
Beadle Bamford and Judge Turpin - Hyena and Vulture
Yeah I'm just gonna come out and say it - Beadle Bamford is one of my fav characters in this movie so I made him a Hyena out of pure favoritism. Having Timothy Spall play him the same year he was Nathaniel in Enchanted was just for me, I think.
Originally, Turpin was a lion. Because...Bamford's a hyena...and they're the villains...sooooooo....yeah. And I WOULD have stuck with that, but....he's described as a vulture in No Place Like London. And while I knew my designs didn't have to adhere to that...I felt like ignoring it would have been stupid on my part. Glad I stuck with it, since...I gotta admit it works REALLY well for him. I've never drawn a vulture before, and it was fun to try something new anyway <3
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disillusioneddanny · 8 months
20 Qs for Fic Writers
Thanks @oliveofvanders for tagging me!!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
I have 74 as of right now <3333
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
for all time? 1,051,786
for 2023? 851,920
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily DPxDC but i used to write a bunch of others
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ah, Sunflower -- a demon siblings fic where Danny is Damian's older brother and fakes his life to save Damian
Holding Me Now in Hand -- Dick/Danny identity shenanigans. deminsion hopping. Danny is a chemistry teacher.
Cat's Cradle Danny/Damian fic where Danny is adopted by Selina Kyle and Damian realizes he's just as weak for cat theives as his father.
Mesmeric Revelation Tim/Danny identity shenanigans where they are searching for one another but can't find each other.
my boy, my son Danny decides to turn himself into a toddler to get the childhood he never got. Damian Wayne is surprisingly a very good dad.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to but i usually don't have the spoons
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Match into Water read and find out why ;)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ooof a lot of mine have happy endings probably Of All the Things My Hands Have Held 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah, some people don't really like DPxDC and like to make it known by commenting on the fics. But honestly all I do is make fun of them for taking time out of their day to hate on something that has no impact on their life whatsover
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! I usually write mlm or wlw tbh
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Just my DpxDC fics :)))
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep! I used to write RPF and someone stole all of my fics and then reported my wattpad. my account got deleted and someone else decided to post my fics online for others to read without my permission and I have suspicions it was the same person.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
When I wrote RPF I did all the time!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Either Tim/Danny or Bruce/Danny but also I just really love Batboys/Danny tbh
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Fine Line, i hate the fic now and it will likely never get finished
16. What are your writing strengths?
tbh I hate my writing and think my fics are pretty subpar lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I can't write fight scenes to save my life
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I wrote RPF bandfic lol
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Probably You'll Find A Rainbow. it's a Damian/Danny fic where Danny is the son of Harley Quinn and Joker and it's a deep dive on mental health and learning to love yourself.
I'm going to tag: @summerssixecho @die-erlkonigin6083 and @noir-renard
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turtleinsoup · 5 months
Can I just say that I adore Lemonade Leak. Like- I am so invested (currently waiting for the more intense part to pass before I get back to binge reading cus I relate very much to Donnie and need to take care of my mental health) but ajfkdjdksk I honestly am hyped to get to the healing portion of the story. Cuz...as someone who has dealt with the complexities of sibling abuse...I know that Donnie is going to need time to actually trust his "twin" again. But I know from how your pacing is, that it will feel more ... authentic? That it isn't going to be a "big emotional scene" then brushed past. IDK if this makes sense, but I honestly appreciate that you are making content that I feel...seen by (which is why I am praying for Leo to get a much needed reality check...cuz..hnk dude you need therapy!)
Thank you for your message!
Yes, the sibling abuse is severe, and I do go out of my way to make it hard to endure.
I'm often using trochaic sentence rythm (stressed syllables backed by unstressed ones) and try to go for a Dies Irae effect, to build tension in your chest. It can make ppl uncomfortable, but runs the risk of mental exhaustion through overuse, so I limit it to the really ugly scenes. Leo's thoughts about Donnie were litterally designed to be hard to endure.
The loving scenes between the Disasters use mostly an iamb structure, to go gentle.
I'm sorry to hear you have had abusive encounters with your siblings! I was never really was on the reciving end of those, tbh. I mostly tormented my sister when we were kids, but when she brings it up now she's mostly like: "HELLO VALUED POTENTIAL BLOODDONOR <333 Would you drive me across the country and pick up something from my ex?? I won't even make fun of your disgraceful driving <3333" And I go "No, take a train like the peasants" and she goes "Okay!! :) Anyways, remember that time you made me eat expired food to test if it was still good? Or that time you shoved me off a bridge? Or that time-" and I go "FINE, WHATS HIS ADRESS"
*cough* anyways, I dunno if she has actually coped or if she is just making fun of the trauma I caused in her?? Dunno :')
Oh yeah, Leo and Donnie have a lot to work through.
/Spoilers, you may skip if you wish to:
I'm not even starting on how the family plays into their final fight, the whole "leader" situation, the Council-hunting-them situation, it's a lot. But the aftermath would leave Donnie with some severe trust issues and trauma responses toward Leo. While Leo would also get close to suicidal once he realizes what he has done. Leo is terrified of Krang, Donnie is terrified of Leo('s response to him), but also they're both even more terrified of... well. Losing each other. Both of the twins would be cornered into a horrible mental situation, but I'll have them confront it from all angles. They'll help each other up and drag each other to their happy end, kicking and screaming, because they DO love each other more than they are scared. (And also I'll force them on a road trip together, lmao.)
Spoiler End./
I'm incredibly happy you relate to Donnie's experience; but please always keep your mental heath in mind when reading! Please consider to drop the story, should it leave any negative mental impact on you! I'm not a therapist, I'm a simple soup. There's no shame in not finishing a book, It'd rather have you stop reading than suffering because I mishandled something!
Stay safe out there!!
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OKAY LOOK I'M SORRY I KEPT DOING THE STUPID QUIZZES AND I FOUND ANOTHER REALLY COOL ONE AND I JUST IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT OF YOU (i'm moving into your inbox i live here now) no but fr i thought it was so cool and their poem lines were so fcking good???????????? woww
i got violent; "it is the way you would walk through glass to see a smile"; "give and never take for the guilt that comes with wanting is suffocating" THIS QUIZMASTER IS COMING FOR ME a bit life-changing quotes though i hope this person is having such a good day omfg
- @softgirlgonehaywire
NEVER APOLOGIZE MICKEY I LOVE UQUIZZES LIKE I LOVE NOTHING ELSE ON THIS PLANET its literally my love language u know the way to my heart <3333 FEEL FREE TO MOVE IN i will make my inbox cozy just for u. i can leave a pillow fort in the corner. a cat plushie . make urself at home <33
BUT okok ive done the soldier/poet/king quiz before bUT i did it again (and realized how ihtctaot coded it is that kinda stung huh) and!! i got :D
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… the king!! hehe. dare i say prince!gojo coded.. u see the vision i know i can trust u. ”you are tired of being steady” ohhhh they are coming for our LIVES mickey………
AND AND ANDDD the other quiz was soso lovely i adored it!! i loovveeee quizzes w lots of pinterest image / song lyric questions they r my favorite ever <33 THIS RESULT WAS SO CUTE TOO WAHH (AND THE WAY WE GOT VIOLENT/SOFT…. the ari/mickey parallels r once again unparalleled)
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THAT WAS SO FUN TYSM MICKEYY… if u have any more quizzes at any point PLEASE break in i lovelovelove taking uquizzes ppl send me and also forcing other ppl to take uquizzes i like!!
… so ofc i had to return the favor:
what are you to your friends?
what highly specific emotion are you?
i hunted down two of my fave quizzes <3 hope u enjoy them hehe. i think theyre so fun n wellwritten. these were my results!! (i resonated a lot w them tbh….) i wanna know urs so bad too!!!!!
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(AND ALSO just as a side thing. if u r interested here are my top recs for jjk bf and gf quizzes <33 i got shoko and gojo life is good i think the results r soso cute and real)
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angelpuns · 10 months
AWWWW LIL LEO AND MIKEY!!!! The parallels are driving me insane- Plus leo being a little hesitant to agree to Mikeys last promise because he sorta did just almost die but also because he probably still thinks he failed to save his Mikey- robwornqorhql RA is chewing on ur art rn its so GOOD! The way they treat each other bro!! It's so similar- I love them so much. RA hopes ur doin okay <3 they've been trying to hold back on asks for a little bc of all the new anons, I will happily yell at people if you don't want to, pls take care of urself <3333 all the virtual highfives from ra :3
Hehehehe I had a lot of fun intentionally writing in the parallels <33
Leo absolutely WOULD die a thousand deaths for Mikey, but yeah he's just thinking so hard about how he probably got his Mikey killed :(
He he he tyyy listen- to me they are the two younger siblings :') Leo learned from Raph and then Mikey learned from Leo ( Donnie has his own thing going on tbh)
I'm okay, just got big overwhelmed with answering all of them <3
Virtual highfivesss <3333
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