#had so many weird takes on things that were pissing off so many ppl in our group
lacremedelafemme · 11 months
The wild thing about the lesbians are predatory narrative is that it can be very prevalent within queer circles :///
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dizzy-n-busy · 7 months
[can (and most likely will) contain SOME poly hcs!]
« Shaw Pack headcanons »
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Younger David and Darlin' had a 'platonic confession' - as Milo and Asher put it - with each other (they confessed that they were besties for the first time)
Younger Darlin' was hella touch starved and tried avoiding it at all costs bc it made them feel weird; Darlin' now is constantly being touched and completely immune to it
Angel and Asher are VERY touchy feely, love language of physical touch havin asses
David and Baaabe are the cooks of the pack - Baaabe also makes snacks for pack meetings bc David's too preoccupied (Milo and Sam are good sous-chefs !!)
Sweetheart loves buying things and going to expensive ass restaurants with the pack (they're restricted for special occasions bc the pack doesn't want them going broke)
Angel and Baaabe met each other in college but never found out each other's names till later
Everyone is immensely protective over Sam (esp during pack meetings)
Sam and Darlin' stay getting cuddled and clinged onto bc they think that they're outcasts
Milo learned how to stitch at a young age so he could personally tailor some of his clothes shorter; he was embarrassed to get them done professionally
Angel likes wearing short clothes/bottoms so when their shoes untie, the pack's literally dolphin diving tying it for them so they don't have to bend down
David gets called 'mama duck' and he literally hates it
Someone always records whenever they all hangout for memories (I'd say Baaabe, David or Sweetheart)
Darlin' and Sweetheart are menaces when it comes to pissy chrissy, they love intimidating him (Darlin' looms over him and Sweetheart jumpscares him with cloaking)
Milo has a daily skin care/shower routine which is oddly complex
Angel spams the gc with David smiling when they catch him in a photo or to lighten the mood - everyone loves it
Angel got Asher hooked on cheek kisses (or vice versa)
Movie nights or sleepovers/camping go crazy
The pack has, at some point in time, all fallen asleep on or next to Sam (he's too comforting for his own good)
It's always Milo vs Asher till you bring Darlin' into the picture (2 against 1 and they still lose lmao)
Baaabe literally obliterates everyone at arcade games
David has his last name tattooed on the back of his neck; he says how they'll be his demise /j
Sweetheart stress cleans (twinninem)
Baaabe gives fantastic pep talks
Darlin' takes Angel out whenever they struggle with sleeping and don't wanna bother David (Asher sometimes goes too)
Sweetheart is the go to for missing stuff, they always manage to find it somehow
Sam lets the pack play with his hair
Angel got David to match fits ONCE and they were literally vibrating in excitement
The amount of 'embarrassing' old pack photos and videos that David hides is FEDERAL
Darlin' gives really nice hugs
The werewolves all shift and form a cuddle party, it's very cute (many photos for evidence)
Angel likes riling Darlin' up when their shifted and gets chased like a bat outta hell - they have literally mounted the rest of the pack tryna get away
Sweetheart always gives the pack's shifted forms head kisses before and after rubbing their heads
David won't admit it but he loves hanging out with Sam on the sidelines while everyone else is playing around (shifted)
Darlin' got assorted matching piercing with the listener mates (angel bites for Angel, gages for Baaabe and either a tongue piercing or snake bites for Sweetheart)
Milo gets picked up a lot for some reason - it only slightly pisses him off
They were all matching for the Summit, I might draw it to show what I mean
Sweetheart and Milo LOVE making and holding eye contact, they like how it flusters ppl (they always win staring contests/j)
Angel's super into interior designing, they interpret it thru minecraft bc I said so
Group therapy goes crazy/lh
I have so many thoughts abt them, I might have ta make a pt2 💪💪
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gayleafpool · 9 months
Give me some Varian and/or Hugo related angst
Just rip my skin off with it
Go hard bestie
-i think all interpretations of donella are fun, she’s not real so ppl can imagine her in any way they’d like. however my interpretation of her is that shes. kind of awful. she’s cold and distant and imagine she likely had a rough upbringing but she’s the type to think it made her stronger SOOOO she subjects hugo to the same things she went through to try to make him stronger. perpetuating the cycle type shit. i think he got his eyebrow scar from her. i think as he grows older is capable of physically overpowering her but he is so afraid of her that he would never be able to do it because she has so firmly cemented herself in his mind as someone he needs to fear and respect. i also think that donella does actually care about him but she’s so awful at showing it that it doesn’t matter. and when hugo finally is able to leave her behind she’s kind of shocked and it prompts her to try to make things right but it’s just too late there’s nothing to salvage
-building off what i just said i think donella would be very adamant about hiding weakness and pain n stuff. so when hugo gets injured on a mission he learns he has to hide it or she’ll yell at him for showing weakness. so he learns to either take care of his wounds by himself if they’re bad enough or just try to pretend they’re not there. fast forward to him meeting varian and he gets injured one day idk stabbed or something and nobody sees bc he hides it but he can’t get access to stitches or anything to clean it for a lil while so it gets infected and he gets ill and then of course varian finds out and helps him clean the wound (his hemophobia ran away for the day idk. or maybe the wound isn’t bleeding anymore so it’s fine. or he’s not looking too close) and hugo is like. pissed tf off because he hates that he needs help and hates how it makes him feel and varian is just so kind and gentle with treating his wounds and it makes him feel WEIRD and i think after that he has a bit of a moment bc being cared for after so long of not being able to show pain just kinda makes him realize how sick of this he really is
-when varian finds out how badly hugo had been treated by donella i think it would help him forgive hugo fairly fast bc varian understands how it feels to be used and manipulated by someone who has power over u. i think i’ve said it before but i think he had a real bad time in prison. why did they put him in a cell with a grown man. that was such a bad idea. i will not go too in depth abt it but i think he endured a number of types of abuse while there and i also think he would struggle to understand that it was a bad thing. he just lost all of his friends and his father he’s got nobody i think he would be so desperate for someone to care about him that it doesn’t hit him how fucked up the things he went through were until a little bit after getting out of prison. i think he ends having major issues with dissociation after prison bc of what happened to him and he’ll just kinda space out. i have soooo many feelings about this actually this is something very personal 2 me i could go on and on and on damn maybe i should write a fic. alexa play hard times by ethel cain but heed the content warnings
-hugo has major issues w food insecurity. he spent most of his life having to struggle to steal his own food bc donella couldn’t be bothered to take care of him. adjusting to a life where food is always readily available and free would be hard for him. i think it would make him angry. it’s just been this easy this whole time for all these people? why did he almost starve so many times back when he was just a kid? why did he watch the same thing happen to other kids around him? actually just in general i think hugo harbors a lot of anger and frustration towards royalty which again. makes living in the palace very tough. i think it’s at a level where he’s not even annoying and antagonistic towards most people in the castle it’s just like this quiet hatred bc it’s a wound that cuts so deep for him. he doesn’t even really wanna speak to them. doesn’t wanna be around them. i don’t think he really ever gets over this and i think the only person he ever really truly grows to trust (besides varian) is cassandra actually bc she very much understands how he feels
-varian varian varian my bpd king i think he is so talented at forming unhealthy attachments. he’s a weird little guy who spends all his time in his lab so he did not have any friends as a kid and probably got bullied tbh i mean he’s a tiny little nerd and basically for the longest time his dad was his only friend thus u have his first unhealthy attachment there which would explain him going off the deep end when quirin gets nerfed. i also think he got extremely attached to rapunzel eugene and cass as soon as they were nice to him bc again. no friends +ough the disorders. and he puts them on a pedestal. i think this also happened w andrew while he was in prison. and this habit of his makes him miserable bc he gets upset when he can’t be the center of their universe or when other people take priority over him or when he’s not getting the attention he wants but it also makes him more likely to endure being treated badly bc he can have a hard time differentiating between good and bad attention
-i think hugo is scared of becoming anything like donella and he’ll often catch himself doing things to other people that she used to do to him the cycle she perpetuated is so aggressively trying to suck him back in bc she’s literally all he ever knew. he had nobody else to look up to and all she ever taught him was how to be cruel and how to use others and hurt them when they didn’t behave the way you wanted to and it sucks bc he has seen that it WORKS. it’s awful and it’s cruel but it works. and sometimes his brain will tell him that it would be so much easier to just scare someone into doing what he wants but then he remembers that’s what donella would do to him and he just kinda. spirals because he can’t take the idea that someone who caused him so much pain is becoming a part of who is he and he can’t stop it because it’ll happen almost unconsciously sometimes
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chanstopher · 6 months
(for some reason I can ask via my fan account(
But I just want to say I feel you with the stay and KPop fandom comments. I see so many taking it too far and can't seem to recognise that they are creating parasocial relationships in their heads and narrative around situations they had a 2% outsider view of what's happened - and yet they act like they are coming from facts and reading the minds of others. I find it baffling.
I'm a LOT older, but it's always been nice connecting to those from different age groups via fandoms before. However, KPop ones really push me away from engaging. I try and recall back to my younger days with being in fandoms of pop groups and whilst there may have been issues between people from time to time, I don't recall anything to the level I see in Kpop where people get lynched and fans seemed to have had a firm grasp of reality and their place in terms of being a fan and crossing a celebrities boundaries. I don't think KPop stan's behaviour to be new, but in the age of social media and information being so easily accessible, it seems to have amplified certain types of behaviours and attitudes or, probably more likely, groomed and encouraged certain fan attitudes. I dunno.
someday tumblr will work fully. idk if its a sideblog or just tumblr being insane lol
I do feel like in the 2010"s it was a lot easier to find a corner of any fandom you could just be happy in, but with how many (negative) opinions ppl project constantly now its a lot harder, and then we all get sad about lack of engagement without thinking that maybe its the vobes we give off. like if ur rude or closed off or wont take someone elses opinion ppl are going to be afraid to engage and its sad. when i have a 1d blog i had maybe 4k followers at its peak and i would have dozens of asks a day because ppl were so engaged with everything all the time. now if someone dislikes a song they get death threats lmao. i think its why i make sure to answer asks and talk to anyone who tries to talk to me, i dont want ppl to have such a sad fandom experience. I remember being so excited when big accounts talked to me and were kind and helpful that i always felt like it was part of the experience. like the bigger my blog is the more i feel responsible for being accessible and welcoming because i want that so much for other ppl. i just dont get the amount of hostility and bitchiness that comes alnog with social media now. not that i dont get pissed off or dislike things or even ppl, i just try not to focus on it beyond the necessity (like ppl stealing content or stories)
i will say i find it to be such a weird thing that when i was a teen liking 1d i was so excited they had adult fans (as long as it wasnt weird ppl iykyk) but now a 15 year old will be like you who are the same age as that idol how weird for you to like them?! and im like...... what? i hated ppl thinking the things i liked were a teen or childhood phase when i was young and now ppl get so aggressive about it in the opposite way i get so confused lol in the end im just happy to have my happy little corner where i can ignore all of the weird ass behavior the rest of the internet seems so happy to engage in lol
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solar-halos · 3 months
ballad appreciation post
i’m so happy :D. i’ve watched ballad twice this week. the second time i watched it w my brothers i didn’t have anything to say about it bc i was mostly just on edge about not getting kicked out of the theatre but since i teased a breakup over this Boyfriend was on his best behavior so i actually got to watch the movie without anyone asking a million question a scene. in related news we have another lucy gray truther on our side. here are some of my thoughts
1. tom blyth opening screen …. i still got jumpscared seeing him in the nude
2. the way they pronounce lucy grays name still catches me off guard. i’ve been ignoring the “i” completely and just say “bard” in my head (yk bc she’s The Bard). with that being said i know the mayor was in like 2 scenes but i think he did a really good job picking out lucy grays name he looked crazy
3. hunter schafer is my eyebrow inspo. also i’ve mentioned this before w the bathing suits having a 1920s and 50s vibe but she’s giving 1940s to me. but obviously glamor 1940s not war ridden 1940s
4. watching this w someone who hasn’t read the book is so enjoyable. when lucy gray dropped the snake down mayfairs shirt Boyfriend got SO tense “waitwait did she just try to fuckin murder her??” god forbid women do anything
5. okay sorry but the first time i watched it i was trying not to smile (in a laugh-y way) when lucy grays singing part came on. when i read it i thought that part ate but actually seeing it was so different for some reason. i think this feeling might be amplified if you’ve never read the book bc my sister felt the exact same way she said it was kinda fuckin cringe. idk if it was just bc we were at home or she was just feeling silly but she started singing that one camp rock song that’s like “we can’t back down.” which ok yeah that was kinda lucy grays song in a nutshell but it kinda did piss me off bc the “you can kiss my ass!!!!” part was coming on soon and i was stressing over them missing it. also didnt lucy gray have a full on dance break in the book?? god. they should have kept that in
6. okay that scene where she bowed and d12’s nasty ass coal industry being in the background is still one of my fav scenes. ugh loved it
7. wovey idk what it was this time but when she was like “im rlly good at climbing” i almost burst into tears. guys she’s really good at climbing
8. hunter schafer literally killed this. i’d argue that tigris is just as much of a product of her environment as snow is but i don’t rlly know how to articulate that
9. speaking of the reading vs watching thing i mentioned earlier: it rlly jumped out with grandmaam. idk why but when i was reading it grandmaam was SO scary and intimidating to me but watching her so frail and skinny and slightly senile talk about how lucy gray is a killer just seemed so crazy. especially since we know snow believes her
10. “they’re gonna get bombed aren’t they” wtf i walk into every movie clueless how are ppl straight up predicting entire events. but again w the reading vs watching i was GAGGED when they got bombed in the book but in the movie it seemed weird?? like “get the camera on her” and then it just feels like they’re trying to take up space until the actual bombs land. but whatever im being so bitchy i wasn’t surprised bc i literally knew it was gonna happen
11. “i want coral making my latte” and i want tanner on the grill
12. i think it was tanner, but i rlly liked his outfit. i liked all their outfits actually. i’ve been watching so many reels abt the costume designer explaining her inspo for the costumes (like tigris and her 1940s glamor thing going on)
13. okay seriously why did they cut out the kiss… and then when they actually did kiss why did they have lucy gray pull away at first…… i know francis lawrence saying this was a love story was icky but he did a bad job at portraying that so maybe we were worried for nothing (jk we were worried for all the right reasons bc if i had a nickel for every time someone said “i thought they were gonna get married!” about lucy gray and snow i’d have two nickels. which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice). also not to be a hater but snowbaird fans actually fucking irritate me. like the fans that are like “but what if it was wholesome 🥺🥺” what if lucy gray tried to kill him and he tried to kill her back? what if he managed to track her down and she bit him again? what if they hate each other so much that they’re only together bc they wanna see the other person suffer? what then
14. tbh seeing billy taupe made me feel a bit guilty 😭😭. almost terminated my ao3 acc but i get that feeling every time someone mentions something im obsessed w in a very casual way so it wasn’t rlly that serious. also someone either on tiktok or insta was like “was i the only person who preferred snows curls to his buzz cut?” and i genuinely couldn’t tell if they were joking bc like. everyone prefers snows curls to his buzz cut. even snow prefers his curls to his buzzcut. with that being said billy taupe needed to lose the cap
15. ngl the ballad of lucy gray baird actually did make me cry a bit… lucy gray was only 16 she needed to be on tumblr
16. where’d she get that guitar from tho
17. i wish they would have kept in the tributes death parade. that part was icky
18. okay there was a scene where lucky had a drink and then he flicked something off it and pup (i think that was his name) flinched cos it landed on his neck that was so fucking funny i hate that this was the first time i noticed it
19. okay seriously why did they make dill get poisoned. also that cornocopia scene. hmph
20. the first time i watched it i remembered being really confused why lucky called mizzen Merciless Mizzen. but omg after he tried chasing lucy gray down in that vent i understood that was crazy of him. and it did seem like he was an actual teenager which actually made it more unsettling. i feel like rachel zegler has a baby face (i actually think she was 17 in west side story and she looks the exact same now) but mizzen’s actor sing singing her name was perfect
21. lamina at the beam… didn’t she manage to kill someone in the book??
22. “does this mean we get to go home??” god i wish
23. but also “please lucy i can’t have killed all of them for nothing” i liked that she didn’t call her lucy gray that was a nice touch. but also. what a crazy thing to ask. i wonder if she thought lucy gray would be chill w that
24. take this with a grain of salt i haven’t read the books in so long but when snow snuck up on lucy gray in the meadow didn’t she level her guitar at him and then be like “sorry lol i still have one foot in the arena :P” they should have had her hit him in the face w it
25. the old therebefore still hits. i wish they would have included scenes where snow is shown to genuinely dislike her songs like in the books. in the movies he seems more disinterested in what she’s doing which is still bad but also it doesn’t seem as overt as him literally hating on her for no fuckin reason. which i guess is bc we have no insight into his head, like i think someone pointed out that in the book and movie he cried over sejanus being dead but in the book we know it’s bc he was scared it was gonna be him next but in the movie it just looked like he was sad. which i get it he’s perceived as nice by other people but the audience is not supposed to be other ppl we know what his motives are. im not sure how that’d be solved, cos i guess it would be pretty annoying to have him voice his thoughts and you also don’t wanna spoon feed ur audience but like. idk. seems like something you’d wanna make super clear bc to me it didn’t seem like you were supposed to like / sympathize with him, but the way it was done kinda seemed half baked
26. speaking of that… Boyfriend did not get the memo that snow was fucking crazy. “i thought he was gonna marry lucy gray in d12” WHY? like why would you even think that. were u not paying attention during the hunger games trilogy marathon where would lucy gray fit into that. since my sister thought the exact same thing she tried being like “see? it’s confusing” but it actually isn’t. that’s still a better reaction than my brother he was actually being a fucking weirdo about it cos when snow found lucy grays scarf in the woods and then the snake bit him this mfer went “she tried to kill him” no!!! but i think there might be something to be said about how snow, completely sober, came to the same conclusion as my brother, who was so high he couldn’t even remember who sejanus was
27. okay that’s a lot of sibling lore so atp i think i better end the post. bye
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psychopathicfreak · 1 month
Hi.. i saw your response and to let you know i was refreshing your blog nonstop for it Kshdkajd
I guess i should use an emoji to identify myself??? Until i either get too embarrassed and humiliated to keep going on the asks thingy or actually go in your inbox. Idk. Ill use this thing. >> 🍀
I feel this way around people that creep me out in a way. Superiority complex??? You definitely have one.
Youre eerie to be around, probably. Youd make me feel on edge. But i enjoy looking up to these kinds of ppl. I look up to you. I know only what you post and nothing more but i look up to you.
Its sort of like self h×rm, really. Like a drug. You remind me of my ex - he was a manipulative cult leader who stole my money and time. - im sure you get my perspective here.
The way you talk about yourself reminds me of well-respected ppl who are shitty in general. Who would see like idk. Violence and not interfere. I feel nervous even typing these cuz ngl i have troubles predicting what youll feel here. Am i going to be bullied off your page?? Lolz idk. Im just rambling here. Yeah. Youre unpredictable. Its scary
I still have that bad feeling in my stomach right now. It reminds me of anxiety. The day before something bad happens or whatever.
Youre just the type of person i would know not to trust. I wouldn't ask you for directions if i were lost . I believe i can sense auras well and i would prefer to stay away irl.
Ik you would be forceful w ppl who dont comply.
Also the way you carelessly insult people and throw your opinions onto the table so confidently, makes me admire you even more but it also....??? Confidence...
I know this made no sense whatsoever but i was a bit scared to just.. post this out for everyone to see. But i feel like id gladly tell *you* everything in detail. Give you stuff to use against me. Idk why im this way. I am not gonna proof read this ik i just said empty shit. Im stupid. Maybe this is me relapsing into something. My brain is yelling at me to stop this weird interaction. I feel like a fan of a toxic celebrity
Youre terrible. Its awesome.
Toxic celebrity ? You flatter me ~ .
Eerie to be around ? Not when I’m in a good mood, I’d hope ! Many people I’ve met in person have told me that I’m charismatic and fun, and I appreciate that because I value social interactions even though I rarely value whoever I’m interacting with on a personal level .
I’m in a relatively good mood right now .
For what it’s worth, I don’t need your money . I have plenty of others I can profit off . . . I suppose that would fit with the drug allegory though, and I’ve heard that one more than once too .
I wonder if you have an addictive personality .
I guess there are some instances where I’d interfere if I witnessed an act of violence . If the perpetrator was someone who I had no ties to and the victim was someone I valued ( that said, it’s incredibly rare that I do value someone ), I would interfere regardless of the size of the perpetrator . I would feel angry at the thought of someone I chose to associate with having a bitch made out of them . In a way, it would feel like they were slighting me, too . I would also miss their company if they died or chose not to associate with me after I just ignored their suffering .
If I knew I was on camera or something, I might be likely to interfere if I was likely to come out on top . Mostly because I don’t want to lose money or attention after taking a hit to my reputation .
If the perpetrator was someone I valued or associated myself with, and this wasn’t on record, I might join in .
I feel like this is morally neutral ? I don’t tend to care about morality . I just started thinking about the implications of what you said here ! I’m . . . not offended at all though . You think I’m unpredictable ? I’m not sure, but I’m certainly intense . I’ve been called unstable a lot .
If someone pissed me off, I’d get violent myself, regardless of . . . circumstances I probably should feel more deterred by . I don’t know . If someone irritates me when I’m in a bad mood, or if they anger me enough, I kind of blow up . I feel like this makes me less cold than some people might assume, especially considering my ASPD ( and the stereotypes surrounding it . )
Despite the fact that this is supposed to be my vent account, I actually don’t tend to post here when I’m seriously angry ? I guess it’s because I’m too angry to formulate my sentences how I typically do here ?
I’m very confident . I love myself, and I value my own thoughts and opinions greatly . Most people are stupid compared to me, and this is highlighted by the fact that I don’t tend to talk about shit I’m not informed about whereas they definitely seem to .
Yes, I’d be forceful if denied . Nobody ends up denying me .
As for whether it would end well if you asked me for directions, I’d say it depends how I was doing in the moment . On most days, probably not, if I’m being honest . . . I suppose that’s what you meant by “ unpredictable ” . I see it now, I suppose, although I still think I’m more predictable than others tend to assume .
I wonder if this makes me any easier to understand . I wonder if this makes me more predictable . I wonder if that makes me any less intriguing . . . I wonder if any of it makes me less “ terrible ” .
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you know what yall get my discord rant about the yassified constantine ya thing. [<-is edits->]
I'm just speechless[spoiler: i find my voice p quick] on the whole yasstantine ya thing and by speechless I mean disappointed to the bone and very close to cussing the house down. Also the story is so shite? like he has a mum and is part of a magical lineage but in a weird not John way? Like there's a good post about how two panels show the massive difference between the two. Also? How can u wright John Constantine without his mum dying as he was born? Like it affects sooo mutch. It's like rebooting Spiderman and not killing uncle Ben. It's the catalyst of all catalysts.
Also I'm not saying John ain't pretty when he's young, because he's decent looking in the first hellblazers, but he's scruffy there, also he's[yasstantine] a poser. Like John ain't a poser. Idk how to explain it but making John pretty and airbrushed and ticktoc alt is fundamentaly opposed to who the actual charecter is. Like they look at all the reasons ppl like him and changed them. John is a queer northern man who had dealt massively with childhood trauma and abuse as well as poverty, and stripping him of that is something I wish I could be surprised about DC doing but given how DC are already trying to downplay and flatten him
(don't get me started on the king shark thing or the flirting w batman. John may not have self respect but he does have a burning hatred for the rich and batman is not an exeption and the "oh John's such a slut he even fuked a shark" fuck off.) Ok speechless was a lie ^ pissed of queer and punk Londoner who has to many opinions on John Constantine and to many fights they want to pick with dc.
John is an inherently political charecter and that's where he is best. And you can't strip him of his context as a British punk queer man who lived through the aids crisis and Thatcher and the coalminers strikes and section 28. But DC want to strip him of his politics and so put him in America. No! John's story is important and speaks of things the government want to ignore. Issue 3 of hellblazers cover was taking the piss out of Thatcher. Hellblazer isent just a comic its a comic that calls out the bull going on in the world, and sits you down and forces you to empathize with people, and to show how bigots are pathetic. I read hellblazer and I can point to the things my parents have told me about, and more. Hellblazer is political, hellblazer is important and hellblazer tells me my history. Hellblazer is about people that I could know, and the horrors I have to face. Idk how to say it but hellbazer and John Constantine are so important to me in a world where most English language media is American. Where you learn all about America. And we have alot less media telling it how it is. England has a massive issue with putting old horrors under the rug.
And it's hard to explain to some people that didn't grow up with the horrors, or there parents didn't warn them if the horrors they lived thru, about the council estates, about section 28, about the privatisation of the verge, about all the British issues shoved under the bloody carpet. I read hellblazer and it tells me that these horrors do exist, the wounds that scar us still do exist, but people survive and people are good. [note- by horrors i mean the real life horrors, that are either played straight or allgorised]
Also from a story point of view, disregarding context, disregarding charecter, John's story is so fuking British. "The Americans want someone to succeed where they haven't, the English want someone to fail where they have," is a p good summary of the difference between the two countries media [i am heavily generalizing the common trends of american vs british media please dont @ me w outliers] We [brits] like watching someone else go through the shitter like us, to show that were not alone. We don't get happy ending. We know. We like morally complex arseholes who make bad choices. We don't want superman. We want our gritty hope that we may not be happy, but we can make choices that matter. We want to see people like us suffer and be absolved and be punished. We want the truth that is glossed over. We want to know that life sucks, and we take delight in watching other people go through the shit we do. Witch is why u need a British writer, not just because of knowledge of the context, but because the story is fundamentally different to American stories.
… ok I have alot more feellings and opinions on that than I thought
Tldr I hate it but it's inline w DC's attempts to de politicize John and in doing so showing they fundamentally don't understand the character and why people like him, and then ruin him in an attempt to make him "popular" when at the core of his character he is at his best when he isent popular with everyone [john is a character that should piss large groups of people off, and hellblazer is a comic that should make large amounts of people uncomfortable, but dc want to remove the discomfort, and defang the comic and character, selling out john. no the irony isent lost on me]
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codes · 2 years
Hi Matthew 😺 omg I'm so happy i stumbled upon someone else who likes shu knights and Tsumugi. Tsumugi is also one of my favorite characters i don't know why i don't list him in my about anymore... It's for real so messed up that Tsumugi exists i think if the people who call eichi a war criminal actually read and understood the Tsumugi chapters where natsume confronts him after the Valkyrie execution + the scene where he burns all records of the war they would not know peace. What's your favorite Tsumugi moment :)? Let me try to come up with some more questions aummm. What's your favorite knights story? Have u read lionheart and if yes what do you think about it? What do you think about shu and nazuna (i know i have "i like shunazu" in my about so i just want to add a disclaimer that i like it as a failed broken relationship only I'm not completely crazy) okay bye now good luck at the hospital 😺!
HI ANGIE!!!! 🐣 -relaxing w u under our parasol-
This became long so I’m putting it under a cut I hope these work bc I’m on mobile
I LOVE THAT WE HAVE SIMILAR FAVES I usually feel like I have a rlly weird combination of faves like there’s a concerning amount of red flags there and idk if I’d even follow myself. Put in ur about that Tsumugi is ur fave but he’s like a test subject to u.
Related to the Tsumugi thing but before engstars was released I wasn’t too concerned about ppl not knowing ! lore bc u can technically enjoy !! without it but then I froze up in bed two days ago bc I realized that nobody would know about meteor impact, no one has read the main story, no one has read element, MILKY WAY, MARIONETTE, CHECKMATE. which isn’t essential reading but it rlly does expand your understanding of the characters and their growth (when akira decides that it matters, i hate that man). I saw someone say that eichi manipulated Tsumugi into following him which was endlessly funny like Tsumugi did all of that himself like he knew damn well what was happening. This was literally him watching it all go down.
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He’s OUR problematic fave.
Unmmm fave mugi moment… HARD CHOICE but it’s not a particularly popular scene and I don’t have a screenshot on me (I checked :[ ), it’s the one where Tsumugi is talking to Izumi and he’s like “I really admire you for being able to talk to someone who so clearly hates your guts ^_^” and Izumi gets Pissed. If I ever find it I’ll probably post it bc it pleasantly cheeses me
I DONT KNOW IF I HAVE A FAVE KNIGHTS STORY im a failure of a stan bc college had been rlly busy and I couldn’t read a lot of them before they were snapped out of existence but for now it’s checkmate but there’s a good chance that’ll change since now I have time to read more. And I haven’t read lionheart -gripping the soil and letting the tears run down my face- i want to read it so bad.
SHUNAZU I saw that and i was like woaahh bc there’s so many ways that it can go and I don’t think it’s particularly popular (or maybe I’m wrong and I just haven’t rlly looked around). I have a lot of thoughts about Shu but none of them are normal. My friend rlly likes nazuna so I enjoy him vicariously through her. Shu and nazuna together in the same room tho hrmmm I like the thought of them meeting me in like a grocery store and Shu wants to hide in the bathroom. I think what happened between them is tragic and one time my friend said exvalk was their height and now their music is missing that vital piece that they once had which is an interesting take but I see it more like what happened was necessary for the both of them. They wouldn’t have grown either musically or as people if they stayed together in their unit. I think exvalk was the peak of their lowest moment but i might be wrong, i just like Saying whatever. Booo Get this loser off the stage!!! -throwing tomatoes at Matthew-
I wish I had more to say but that’s rlly my take on it for now :)
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erina-leah · 11 months
Hello, friends! I’ve got a TWO-FER for weird One Piece dreams today!!
We’ll start with the one that happened first involving Franky.
Apparently the two of us had a big falling out or something, like he did something that made me afraid of him and he kept trying to come after me.
Next thing I know I’m in school (I can’t escape school dreams, I’ve just graduated 🙃) and I’m going through each class terrified of running into him because I know he wants to talk to me. But apparently words ab this spread FAST, at least my first period knew that Franky was on something so I spilled the tea to them. Second period passes and I’m still trying to avoid him. I’m third period I hid under a table bc he came to ask the teacher where I was. He covered for me (Love you Mr. D you were my fave biology teacher) and Franky walked off, but I think I ran into him during lunch. I don’t remember many details other than he just wanted to talk and apparent we were dating and he kissed me. Crazy.
I had another dream involving and kissing Franky once but that one had random stuff form my personal life so I can’t really talk about it here lmao.
But for number two, we have the one I just had last night!!!!
Apparently I was dating Killer (LETS GOOOOO) and was good friends with Kid. But something terrible happened and Killer died. I remember crying when we found him and Kid was utterly torn.
But we know he was Killed by someone, so we try desperately to find our whodunnit. This one also ends up taking place at my old high school at one point(?????why,idk) and it seems there are ppl we suspect there (some of my REAL classmates which is really funny).
Kid and I were heading to the school when we passed one of my classmates (let’s call her R) and she mentions something about hanging with him before he died. This pissed me off because I’m the girlfriend and she (along with, like, everyone else) was acting super nonchalant about him being dead. On the walk there, either her phone rings or she calls his phone (dream gets hard to understand here) and we find his on the ground next to her. So I start going ape shit about to kill this bitch because what did you do to Killer??? My man???? Turns out she was innocent bc why would she expose herself if she knew his phone was there so idk (my dreams never make sense so if you’re not following it’s ok neither am I).
Anyway the details of this dream are really strange and hard for me to remember but I do recall someone in a later class talk about how they are glad he’d dead and asked me if I was happy about it too. I recall exactly what I said:
“That’s a really fucking stupid question to ask, so please don’t ask it again.”
I recall the administrator being like right there but he didn’t say anything when I said Fuck. I guess SOMEONE in this dream had to understand I was mourning.
Anyway rest in (one) piece to my man Killer. And uh, I kissed Franky a couple times. I don’t Simp for him so kissing him twice in two dreams is weird idk what my dreams are trying to tell me. Anyway GEAR 5 SO HYPED
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munamania · 1 year
16, 23, 25
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc.)
this'll quickly get into petty territory ok let's see. well so i think in general the cookie cutter fandom trope tendencies suck absolute ass and take all the fun out of actually playing with character dynamics and like. analyzing them idk!!! like it's BORING not everyone fits into. golden retriever/black cat dumb/smart fucking. idk you get it. you're taking away what's compelling and unique abt individual people and stories and writing. i think people did that to robin and nancy a bit and it made me want to scream and turned me away from the fandom quicker cause they were the last part of s4 i found myself caring abt. and let me just say this. it's like people are so goddamn annoying in general about gay ships and i wont pretend like ppl are just cool and great about gay male ships but like. at least SO many people get into them that you're bound to get some actually interesting content. it's fucking bleak out here for the lesbians when people just immediately try to slot them into top/bottom etc dynamics. and don't engage with them as separate characters at all. defining women by their relationships except theyre both women(ish) so you're just making them uninteresting overall. sorry ik it's not that serious esp when the majority of the fans of lesbian ships are queer girls. anyway then they dont even engage with het relationships or the people that do are ppl are like. genuinely cishet and i'd not... interact w them on here idk lol. also i ended up getting pissy about bi steve bc ppl were so anti nancy being anything but hyperheterosexual when to ME, formerly dykenance, she had the markings of a lesbian. she had a very clearly sorta close tense jealous etc friendship and she gets NONE of the love. idc actually abt bi steve like it's fine wider fandom just pissed me off. we all know this.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
ummm i dont think i've been super anti anything personally let me think. ummmm. idk why i can only think of st this is absurd i dont even engage with that much anymore. like i guess jonathan and steve i used to not care about but now im like yeah sure kings. why not. oh also faberry lol. cause rachel used to annoy me too much but now im like well in her own committed dream annoying teen girl way she was kinda hilarious... and i think they were in weird lesbian love and that was lost along the way but in my heart they rekindled after high school maybe. at some point. like quinn came to one of her big shows... idc
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
i think b*lers need to just have fun with their ship and not care about canon that much. like yes yeah gay rep etc whatever but u dont even seem like you're having fun u just want to be right. anyway. GENERALLY it's fucking hilarious to me when people bring up idk media literacy and -coding and etc but it's very evident that they have not ever ever taken a film class in their life or. engaged with media analysis outside of fandom contexts. babes dont try to just use words to sound smart. also again generally stop just advertising or criticizing a show based on Gay Representation. also don't complain about female characters not being well written when u dont engage with them regardless over any possible man that you can. sorry just complaining abt the same shit over and over. ME hi im the problem it's me. jk im not wrong
let me be a haterrrr <3
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jennibeultimate · 3 years
Personal recap Skate America 2021 - Men FS
So who would have guessed this result? 😱
It can only get better when the season continues, this was just as error filled as the SP....
Vincent won, Shoma 2nd and Nathan only 3rd! 😱
How many ppl wrote him off? How many ppl don't even think he would make the Japanese Olympic team? Yet here he is stronger than ever. 5 quads attempted/4 landed! 2 beautiful 3As! 🔥 🔥 🔥 He had good practices too and no falls in competition! He trusts his abilities, he wants to perform well. He doesn't give up. Sure not everything worked here, but it's a good start for the season. I hate Bolero with burning passion, but this version doesn't sound much like Bolero and the choreography is lit 🔥, so it's a really good program and a nice contrast to the SP.
Shoma looked focused and I am sure he can perform even better. Still I think he performed much much better than Nathan, he always had better skating skills than Nathan, yet Nathan still won the PCS category. That's just plain wrong. 😠 But what is new?
Congratulations to Vincent Zhou, who was the only competitor to land all his jumps, even if the quality and rotations are sometimes questionable. Still I think this win is well deserved. He is in extremely good shape and as I have seen him at Nebelhorn live just couple of days ago, I can really say he vastly improved in terms of speed and presentation. His free program is probably the best he ever had and it's good to do it again.
I don't even know where to start with Nathan Chen? He had empty programs before, but this feels even emptier. Piano music is not suiting him. The concept of the program is not well tought through. I like the choreo sequence. I think the program in this style would have been much cooler. Anyway I didn't expect Nathan to fall apart this much, yet I also didn't believe he would go clean. He never had a Skate America where he had to fight for the win. Usually he takes it easy and wins. He couldn't do this here and it showed he is human and also it showed that mentally the pressure to deliver got harder and harder. Nathan himself said that it was inevitable that his winning streak would end at one point. He looked really pissed at the medal ceremony (he has every right to not be happy about it btw) It will be a difficult season. Though 3rd place he will advance to the GPF as Skate Canada should be a walk in the park in this field.
Shun Sato fought so well. 👏 Phantom music may be overused, but I think the drama suits Shun. Ofc he needs some more work on presentation, still his PCS seemed low to me. But sure he is a new face in seniors and he doesn't have the backup like Eteri girls to get good PCS the first time he is senior. Also even in Japan he is coached by unknown coaches and he said himself that PCS won't help him, he has to deliver content. With his injury I think he did everything he could. 4th place is a good result. 😊
Michal Brezina - same as in the SP. Always stupid mistakes on things he can while sleeping. Difficult jumps were through and he makes mistakes on easy triples *sigh* I like the program and he always had good speed and interpretation. (You probably don't remember but this guy was once a contender for Worlds medals - he was 4th two times at Worlds, this wasn't for no reason)
Jimmy Ma - an Atack on Titan program! 😍 He couldn't keep his place, it was clear from the start, still he fought. He isn't the most stable skater, but landed that 4T3T beautifully. A 5th place finish isn't what was in my predictions for him, so good for him. 😊
Did you read that Daniel Grassl wants to train quints??? Maybe you should start landing your quads first with some stability before even considering this? His jump technique is the wildest I have ever seen. His legs. Also his programs are always weird. Benoit works well for Kaori, but for Grassl it's always things you don't understand.
Speedy recovery for Kevin Aymoz please! Wishing him all the best!
Congratulations to the medalists! 🎉
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jess-the-vampire · 3 years
Sooooo whatya think of the new episodeee?
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Oh it’s definitely my favorite episode of the series so far, i was having such a good time at every turn. I’m glad i went out of my way to avoid spoilers, cause i was glad to actually be surprised by some elements on first watch.
I think this had by far the best opening for an episode so far, we finally get back to the villians, we meet the coven heads, we get insight on belos’s plans-
and then belos gets constipated, which starts getting into the more character driven lore, which is the best part. You instantly can tell GG and Kiki have some bit of tension between them to be Belo’s favorite, though granted i wonder if hunter is the only one to know belos is cursed and actually just always insists to help belos with his fits to prevent others from seeing them.
Including kiki.
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It’s honestly unclear how aware anyone is that belos is cursed, like him eating pailsmans is apparently not something he hides, but like....i feel him being cursed is something that people would know universally if it got out...so i’m left wondering if anyone knows besides hunter.
Regardless, belos turns into a goop monster with an angry side, and i guess his mask doesn’t transform with him compared to the rest of his body so he breaks it again because i guess he goes though masks like crazy.
Hunter turns away in this scene from his outburst and even though he’s masked here i can already tell he’s most likely pained in these scenes. Like he’s probably seen this happen so many times, and i can’t imagine it gets any easier for him, it’s probably awful to watch belos suffer like this for him (Regardless of the abuse)
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And to be honest, it seems pretty painful for him, i think this ep seems to at least confirm whatever this thing is that takes over belos’s body.....belos never actually wanted it in the first place. 
Yeah so after Hunter tells belos there’s not enough trees to medicate him anymore, we’re hit with the “UNCLE”. Which, when i first watched it i needed a second to even process the fact they confirmed their relation.
and i was like “CLOSE ENOUGH”, not his kid but uncle still works just fine for me, i’m just happy my assumption they were related actually came to ahead.
And i rewatched this episode a few times, and on second watch i realized more what happened in this scene. Hunter was talking about his interest in wild magic, and making more pailsman to help belos, and some method that could heal him and as soon as belos looked at him he instantly shut down.
He was clearly rambling about wild magic cures for belos because of his interest in it, and then suddenly remembered his uncle hates wild magic and felt super awkward.
It seems highly likely his interest in wild magic came from trying to cure belos and spending a lot of time reading up on the stuff. 
And then we get hit with the whole “Our family is dead because of wild magic” line, which.....i’m curious to know what happened there. But it does at least explain why belos feels how he does, if wild magic both killed his family beside hunter AND cursed him in the first place. We’re just gonna need more info on what exactly happened.
Also while Belos is def abusive and does not treat hunter how he should, this scene actually does read off to me like belos does care about hunter to some degree. If belos is cursed and his curse works in similar ways to how Eda’s curse works, then it’s worth reminding ppl that eda mentions early this season how stress can amplify the curse even more.
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And sure enough, belos goes goopy on hunter’s shoulder all of a sudden when he grasps him. Which could be considered a sign of stress and that the idea of hunter dying or being in danger actually does stress him.
You could very much also assume this is just due to his curse not being fully handled and just getting worse, or that belos only cares about hunter for selfish reasons....but i’m not taking anything off the table here.
Belos can still be a shitty uncle, and still care about hunter, these aren’t mutually exclusive traits. But we need more episodes for now on this.
But anyways he asks hunter if he can rely on him, kiki is pissed......and we move on.
So i’m glad luz’s impulsiveness is addressed a ton in this episode, they actually bring up a lot of good points. That luz has no plan, that the time she’s spending here might render moot if she goes back to earth, ect ect.
Hunter even calls her out a lot later for not thinking things through, it’s a whole deal in this episode. I’m glad it was brought up cause it’s actually worth asking a lot of these things.
the set up here works, they actually made a good reason for why a pailsman didn’t bond with her. Speaking of which the adoption thing is cute and i love it, it’s a great idea. The designs are all very cute and fun.
Bump face reveal was a lot for me to process, but i find the idea of his pailsman being a pet that can help with his disabilities a good idea.
Also like, i did find it odd that they got staffs so early because we’ve never seen kids their ages with them before, but i guess it’s a new tradition? Does everyone at hexside now have one?
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Honesty not sure why batqueen left the nest there overnight, i meant i guess she assumed they were safe with that shield but in context i dunno why she didn’t take them home after the school day was over.
but whatever, luz stays there overnight hoping  a pailsman will bond with her and GG just kidnapps them cause of pure luck on his part a bunch of pailsman were in a vulnerable spot tonight.
So GG continues to be charming, by whistling the theme song and then being blasted off his ship hilariously, before cockily teleporting himself right back on it seconds later. Like he and luz have great banter, he’s so extra like this it’s so funny, and god he’s so FAST with that staff it’s scary but so awesome.
Yeah so then hand dragon crashes them and i was so excited cause it meant face reveal. Poor dude looked so in pain and then we find out kiki tried to effing murder him because of course she did. But like, i think killing your boss’s nephew is the WORST way to get a promotion tbh.
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(Also i got confused for a bit cause his mask has always been drawn as a mask, but now it’s a helmet in this scene for whatever reason but-)
Anyways, face reveal, Like honestly ppl weren’t too far off with their guesses, really the only thing people didn’t get was the tooth gap (That was fair tho, we couldn’t have guessed that). But it did make him even cuter.
like the banter is funny, he licks her hand, she slaps him, he looks SO pissed at her for this mess.
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and i guess that outfit is his under armor apparently.
He’s lucky she didn’t run away immediately and followed him, but maybe he assumed she would since she had no where else to go.
Also his expressions in this ep are glorious, these had to be fun to draw.
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Also we find out that the coven team members have never seen his face i guess? They just assume he’s a silly kid and are awful to him, so i guess he’s not only the youngest member of the coven but he never really shows his face much.
(”Call your parents”, ha ha.....whose gonna tell them who his uncle is?)
He is however, REALLY good at parkour and he’s fast even without his staff, so he’s well trained alright.
And then they reveal he’s not magical and i was SO happy cause i was so sure something was up when he wasn’t doing magic like the other witches despite his pointy ears. So they outright confirmed what i thought.
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Hunter is pretty smart tho, like he can tell luz wouldn’t hurt him and wouldn’t flee so he knows he has the high ground here. Like he might be being a bit of a dick, but to be fair luz has been nothing but a dick to him throughout the whole episode (Everyone in this episode has been a dick to him tbh)
They team up and i get excited cause i love this kinda stuff and it gets more wholesome because hunter is super interested in her magic, he thinks it’s cool and you can tell how much he actually loves wild magic but then again...shuts himself down because of belos making him fear the stuff.
An then because luz asks, he tells her his backstory.
honestly with how this world treats people who aren’t magically powerful, living and growing up in a world that would find you useless sounds....awful. Hunter must be an anomaly around here, human blood or not.
Luz coming here to learn is different then growing up in a world and being the only one with no abilities and no future without them. Belos provides him with magic and a future, it’s no wonder he stays with him despite everything.
the whole “Found me” thing is weird, cause belos implies they’re blood related and hunter makes it sound like belos semi-adopted him. Which....if he did i dunno why “Uncle” and not “Adopted dad”, but ok....guess that’s for later.
Apparently hunter is important for something tho with the “Titan has big plans for me” thing, not sure what, but-
But yeah as soon as Hunter talked about wanting to make his own future and Rascal tried to land on him i knew EXACTLY where this was going, it was so cuteeeeee. The lil birb wanted to be with hunter, that’s so wholesome.
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And he’s so terrified because of belos and what wild magic did to him, the poor bab.
But yeah, luz then trusts him with his staff back, because again....impulsive. But hunter does actually ask if she’s sure, so he might as well be asking if she trusts him.
The plan goes ahead, and hunter nearly betrays her.
though granted, hunter never promised her he’d stop and let her take them away, the truce was supposed to last till kiki was stopped and they were gonna fight out who got the pailsman. But it does bother luz cause she was hopeful he was better then this.
But just like he did before, she calls him out and he doesn’t betray her, because he’s ALSO too nice to do it, just like he said she was. He says his name (Which also took a moment to process), and then beats the crap out of kiki while letting luz get away and protecting her like a badass.
He might not have magic, but he’s good at fighting
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like he can easily teleport to luz and take the pailsman, but he doesn’t, he lets them get away and luz knows this. Even though she also knows hunter has to go back to the emperor too and they have to separate.
It’s only slightly bitter terms, because in the end he came through for her and she knows it.
honestly, the worst part is i can’t even be mad at hunter for it, i’m sure he was terrified to fail belos. Both because he loves him and doesn’t want him to suffer....but also because of well...being punished. Really says something when his near betrayal doesn’t even make me mad at him, and i can understand why he nearly did it.
He let her go, knowing he’d be in SERIOUS trouble and that it would hurt someone he actually loves, so....ouch.
so yeah at this point i knew rascal wanted him so it was only of matter of what happened next.
Which was, luz getting the wood, which i like more anyway. Eda and King doing this offscreen and coming home like this is actually very funny, and honestly i appreciate the message of it being ok to wait.....means a lot to me.
yeah so belos is like...being an ass, like the kid tried his hardest, you don’t need to hit him with the “Is this the thanks i get?”. He’s a kid and he’s trying to cure you you dick, give him a break he doesn’t remotely have to help you like this.
Also apparently belos has not even told hunter HOW this happened, like...dude. Hunter is trying to be entirely reasonable here and belos spikes at him, which does imply some physical abuse though the only reason hunter doesn’t get a new scar is because he moves.
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but how he reacts implies this has happened before, he is bracing for impact and he flinches. It’s pretty sad tbh, especially since hunter loves him and belos’s respect means something to him.
Belos is such an idiot, like c’mon dude, hunter is trying to help you and you don’t listen to him you dick. Kid shouldn’t have to say sorry for anything he did nothing wrong, he was just trying to help.
Anyways, he gloats at kiki (So at the very least she knows what he looks like under the mask), which he deserves a chance to do anyway. So i guess he didn’t rat her out for trying to kill him, personally my guess why is blackmail.....he was gonna hold it over her head to keep her from doing it again and threaten to tell belos.
But kiki quickly tells he LET the pailsman get away since he was the one to fight her (Curse his cute loose hair strand). So i guess now they have dirt on each other, so that’s fun.
His room is adorable, though the med kit by the bed is concerning.
Rascal comes for him and it;s so cute....though you can tell hunter nearly hurts him on instinct because of force of habit, but it’s so cute how he cares and how the birb loves him and is his new staff.
it was well hinted to as well, it’s so subtle, but the bird being cheery, curious, and his constant habit of escaping boundaries was perfect for hunter. He represents what hunter wants to be and why they got matched is done so well, all without explaining anything.
Hunter indirectly stated his deepest wish, to make his own choices, and rascal resonated with that. 
can’t wait to see where this goes.
great ending shot, love me some conflicted shots looking out of windows like trapped birds.
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also this title was a pun the whole time i can’t-
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ateezgf · 2 years
re: petty kpop hate post;; this is just me complaining a bit bc i hate tht post
the amnt of ppl who specified jongho out of all the atz members pissed me off sm lol esp the ones who talked abt his singing as if,, hes the one who chooses to sing like that?? then theres the ppl who hate izone members bc of mnets rigging, which is also not the girls fault.. tht post in general is too much an issue yk,, its just giving too many ppl a place to openly be nasty and rude abt idols who did nothing wrong. like yeah i get disliking an idol for feeling off but flat out hating and shitting on them for no reason other than tht,,, and the "i wna punch him everytime i see him" ppl need help so bad omg 😭 its a bad post and imo the only reason u shld actually hate and shit on an idol is if they actually did things tht were harmful or shitty?? otherwise they dont deserve it?
anyways thank u for listening to my sort-of rant. i had more at some point but seeing all of tht negativity tired me out sm idk how ppl can be so negative
NO LITERALLY like every time i saw his name popped up it was always "the screeching man" like excuse me ????? like ateez is very open about how they see EVERYTHING. like san's talked about how he's seen the negative comments people make about his dancing. jongho's seen the negative comments about his facials when he sings. i've always hated the argument "theyre not gonna see it" when they so obviously do. 4th gen idols are making the same jokes & doing the same trends as any fan. also ??? different idols are open about how they search themselves so they'll def see certain things.
there were a couple of genuine petty reasons in the post that were funny. like the ones about them looking like people irl and stuff like ok that's fine. but the people who would be like "i hate xyz . they just look weird i wanna punch them" like that's so weird and like ??? if you take away the celebrity status.. they're literally just saying they wanna punch an asian person cause they look weird to them like......... THAT'S WEIRD. l
i totally get that sometimes you just get bad vibes from a celebrity/someone. like that's normal? youre not gonna find every celebrity to your preferences. but it shouldnt be reaching a point where you're wishing harm. like op backtracking to say they want petty stuff but their tags are about thinking itzy chae's face is weird and makes them wanna shove her into a locker like ................. that's not petty lol.
i 1000000% agree with u. i hate that post and how it was just an open opportunity for people to say vile stuff about idols and borderline racist/micro-aggressive things imo (just the general comments of features being weird) under the excuse of the post.
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malloryslourd · 3 years
Madison Dating Goodeday’s Daughter
Warnings: Some Strong Language, Mentions Of Alcohol Use, Suggestive Themes
A/N: yea yea i did it😼 these are crazy long tho so... oops maybe
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before you two even get together there’s always a weird aura around the way you two act with each other
Madison still made her snarky comments but they were better categorized as backhanded compliments instead of her standard bitchy remarks
being raised by a Cordelia and Misty you were always taught to be as nice as possible, but the other girls notice you’re a lot nicer to Madison than anyone else
if you ever need to run an errand Madison volunteers to go with you
only to “get out of the house” tho
if you volunteer to do the dishes after dinner she conveniently will stay behind to help
if she needs help with a spell or class you’re always free to give help
it’s all just really convenient
one of those convenient nights when everyone’s already went to their own rooms and settled, you two were downstairs cleaning up the kitchen
Madison was making jokes about the other girls that you laughed at even tho they were a little rude
after a while the laughter and struggling to breathe at moments turns into a tense silence, the two of you sharing quick glances as you moved around the room
you’d finally stop to take a breath and look at her out of the corner of your eye
“You’ve been a lot nicer to me than usual, you know?”
Madison stopped cold, trying to think if it was that obvious that she had been
“I don’t... You...”
“It’s not a problem. Like, not to say you’ve been outstandingly mean to me. You’ve always been... nice”
you’d both fall quiet again, waiting for the other to continue on
“You’re easier to be nice to. You’re not like everybody else”
the conversation would end again, actually allowing for some cleaning to get done
after that you both hurried to finish and go your own way to your rooms
the convo had been awkward enough, there was no reason to continue it
the next day you talked to Mallory and Zoe about it
“I don’t know... it was just, like, weird to be honest”
Zoe would most def be like “Yeah it was weird because you’re in love with her”
you kinda both distanced yourself from each other for a bit, neither of you wanting to be alone in a room with the other
it didn’t take long for another confrontation to take place
it would happen at a party thrown at the coven when Misty and Cordelia were away
after a few hours of music too loud to handle and few sips of whatever the hell Coco created in the kitchen, thoughts became words a lot easier
you and Madi ended up sitting next to each other on a couch, not saying anything at first
then you would turn to her, grabbing her arm and tilting your head while you waited for her to acknowledge you
“Why don’t you hate me?” “What?” “Why don’t you hate me like everyone else? What did I do?” “I... I don’t fucking know!”
you’d blink at each other
you weren’t satisfied with that answer and she knew that
“Not cool Madi” “You’re not cool” “Bullshit, you think I’m cool” “Yea, sure I do. I think you’re the goddamn coolest” “Because I am!” “Whatever” “If I wasn’t cool you wouldn’t like me as much as you do. Admit it!” “I don’t like you!”
it was definitely the drinks that had made that hurt a lot more than it should’ve
“But do you really? Like do you like me or what?” “I was joking. Of course I like you” “Not like that... Do you like me?”
she would go extremely quiet, thinking about that fact that maybe she DID like you
“I... I think” “The fuck is that supposed to mean?!” “I don’t fucking no!” “It’s a yes or no question Madi!” “Well then yeah, I like you! A lot!”
you’d let go of her arm slowly, both of you slightly leaning away from the other
“What the fuck am I doing?”
Madi would get up and hurry to the kitchen, you following her through the crowd of ppl
she leaned against the counter watching as you followed her in
you were pissed, what did that even mean
you’d start asking her what was wrong, saying that something was obviously keeping her from telling you the truth
after continuous “I don’t knows” and another cup of God knows what she would finally turn to you
“We can’t be together! Are you crazy?” “Why the fuck not?” “Are you serious? I literally have tried to kill your mother, very unsuccessfully! Everyone here hates me and everyone loves you! It just doesn’t make sense!”
you’d tell her it wasn’t true and shake your head
not everyone hated her, or at least in your mind, and if they did who really cared
“Well fuck them, I don’t care. If we like each other than so what? It doesn’t matter”
her face had somehow ended up in your hands and you both just stared at each other
after a very long discussion, interrupted by way too many drunk ppl, you both would somehow end up in your room, sitting on your bed, facing each other while holding hands and trying to figure out what the hell happened downstairs
you’d fall asleep taking about it, offering absolutely no help to clean after the party- very in character for Madison, very out of character for you
the relationship would be mostly secret from there
Queenie knows everything tho, she knows everything
it would be small changes around the house
the two of you sitting together for every meal, instead of Madi joining just a few errands it was almost all of them, you would go upstairs to go to bed at just around the same time
the girls put two and two together before Cordelia and Misty did
Zoe was $100 richer
Coco? not so much let’s just say that
they didn’t say anything, they knew it wasn’t their place
it was pretty easy for a while until there was a stupid slip up: Madi forgetting to lock your door after coming in to hang out with you
Misty would just walk in to the two of you laying on each other, one of your faces buried in the other’s neck
there was no getting out of it, she knew immediately- everything made sense at that moment
Misty and Cordelia are not the happiest about this relationship
you two were able to keep it secret for two months at the absolute most, but these women aren’t stupid
Cordelia is incredibly disappointed
Misty on the other hand is trying to figure out how long her prison sentence would be if she just so happened to kill someone
it would lead to a giant argument between the three of you, Madison secretly spectating from a bit of a distance to ensure her own safety
Cordelia would say something like “I’m over it, you two can’t be together”
the conversation wouldn’t end well
you’d end up walking out of the room to go rant to Madison or some of the other girls while absolutely fuming
you, Cordelia, and Misty would exchange very few words over the next two or three weeks, at least
Madi would be there to help with it tho
reassuring you that you did nothing wrong or everything would be okay
she would feel guilty, thinking about how she HAD done some pretty horrible things to them both in the past
but she was willing to fix that
your best interest was always Madison’s top priority
she wouldn’t want to ruin anything for you
so she would help you with whatever you needed- magic, chores, literally anything
you would insist it wasn’t necessary but that’s all she wanted to do
and plus it gave you both an excuse to be with each other more
the more time you two spent together the more considerate Madi became to everyone else
granted, everyone thought this was some type of prank or worse some type of sick trap, but it was nice (?)
Cordelia would notice it
the bitchy comments at dinner almost came to a stop(emphasis on the almost), she did what she had to around the house without having to be asked more than twice or so, and she stopped going out of her way to make ppl miserable
but she couldn’t help but notice you were a lot happier too
Misty on the other hand still thought this was all a coverup for some greater evil, or so she claimed
it wasn’t that she didn’t want to admit to the changes, she just didn’t want to admit to the causes of the changes
it did NOT make sense with her reality that her sweet baby was happy with someone so evil
Cordelia would be easier about it, there would be less times she would stop you going to Madi’s room or vice versa, she’d find herself smiling at the two of you getting along instead of being angry
Misty took a lot of convincing from Cordelia on the other hand
like multiple discussions before bed about how maybe they should cut Madison some slack
that girl was not having it at all
she comes around eventually
soon? no. but eventually? sure.
Madi might not be the best roommate to some of the girls but she’s genuinely a great partner
she always puts you first
no matter what
she likes to know that if there’s anything she can do to make you feel safe or loved, she’s doing it
if she’s not with you in person she texts you as often as she can without being annoying
study dates where you’re actually trying to help her but she’s on her phone the whole time or trying to convince you to give up
she’ll “accidentally” knock the book you’re reading off of the bed or out your hands
“Ugh, looks like we can’t do that anymore... Bummer”
you learn to just give up when she starts retaliating
she’ll sneak into your room after everyone goes to bed, greeting you with a quick kiss you both smile through
you only got caught once but Cordelia didn’t even care enough to say anything at the time, just a “don’t let it happen again” in the morning
it happened again
it’s literally most of the time just the two of you talking about whatever happened throughout the day or watching a movie and laughing at Madison making jokes about on of the actors
Madi is very physically affectionate, no matter where either of you are
she won’t admit it but she’s loves sweet soft kisses rather than a rough make out session- but only in private i feel??? she has a character to uphold outside of closed doors
you’ll be laying in bed and she’ll kiss your forehead and you cheek, smiling at you if you even try to act annoyed with her
the other girls are over the PDA... OVER IT
sometimes they can’t even go into the kitchen to get something to drink, it’s ridiculous
Misty is always disapproving of it, without fail
she’s so childish she would literally make gagging noises just seeing you two sit next to each other
she did that when Madison walked into a room before you two started dating but that’s not important
Madi is very much a Look-What-I-Have-And-You-Don’t type of person (always has been, always will be)
she loves to show you off
“So my girlfriend...” “Yeah my girlfriend...” “Did you see that my girlfriend...”
you would get embarrassed after so much of it, getting flustered everytime she would say “my” or “mine”
Madison lives a very expensive lifestyle, no surprise there, so she’s always buying you some type of gift
you come home and there would be a gift bag on your bed or she’ll text you telling you she had a surprise
she has trouble with saying what she means or being able to talk about how she feels so that’s one of her go-to’s when she can’t figure out how to say “I love you”
you try to tell her it’s not necessary but she doesn’t listen
the two of you could spend all day together and not get tired of the other
you find anything and everything to talk about
some conversations carry on for days sometimes
they’ll roll over right to the next morning without missing a beat
Madi loves to call you “Baby”, “Darling”, “Sweetheart”, and “Love”
the Madison-Calling-Her-SO-Mommy stuff started when she was drunk we don’t have time for that right now
anything that makes you feel special is okay with her
you call her “Sweetheart” and “Love” too, maybe “Babe” instead of “Baby”
with her being so possessive she would buy you a piece of jewelry with her initials on it
a ring, necklace, whatever it may be
and she would love to put it on for you
k, Madison loves a good hickey gotta admit
she has no shame in it either
she likes to both put them on someone and have them out on her
she wears hers a lot more proudly than you tho
the other girls make fun of you for it, saying it look like you got in a fight with someone
thankfully you’re able to hide them from Cordelia and Misty, and Madison is nice enough to make sure they don’t see hers
she notices that Misty is still hostile towards your relationship she would eventually take matters into her own hands
Madi would tell her that she knows her and Misty aren’t the best of friends but you made Madi happy and Madi made you happy and it still hurt you to see Misty so upset with you
Misty doesn’t know why hearing this from her made it anymore convincing than anyone else, but she would understand it now
Madison is always touching you to be honest
she’ll come up behind you and hug you from behind, kissing your shoulder and staying there without saying anything
she’d put her head in your lap and just start rambling about something that happened that day
“Are you ignoring me?” “Of course not” “What did I say?” “Something about... something” “ANYWAYS, back to what I was saying” “Great babe, yeah”
half of her twitter is dedicated to you let’s be real
Madison Montgomery Tweeted: My girlfriend is so much better than all of you :)
“Let’s go do something” “It’s 3 in the morning” “... So?”
driving around the city at night, listening to music and holding hands as you take random turns and streets neither of you had really ever been on
people telling you how much better Madison had been since you got together
going on date nights where the two of you argue over who’s gonna pay for thirty minutes
one of you ending up taking the card out of the others wallet before leaving the house
once both of you did this but you were able to come up with the cash together and a tip for the waiter after making them wait so long
Madi will walk into your room to find you studying or practicing your magic and go “Ugh, you and Zoe hang out too much”
she has the most embarrassing photo of you as he screensaver... like ma’am... this isn’t funny :|
the both of you have pictures with each other everywhere in you rooms
she doesn’t like to argue
she really does try her best to not upset you
so she learns how to be more open about her feelings instead of covering them up and acting as if nothing is bothering her
stargazing on nights neither of you can sleep
making sure to tell the other how much you love them at least once a day
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peppdream · 4 years
Just a Dream QnA [Finale]
The final answers all of us are looking forward to :)
This is the finale to my dnf fic “Just a Dream.” Please read that before seeing what’s below, because there will be many spoilers.
Thank you to all the readers that participated! Also a quick warning that this is very long, lol. Anyways, enjoy~
Let’s start off with what everyone’s wondering about… (I swear I never had any intention on making it this long, but I couldn’t help myself okay-)
urs_mmarie: imp's first impression with clay and vice versa. how did clay react to suddenly meeting imp?
multifandom_psycho: clay and imp’s reaction to waking up after the switch?
chia_aa: How did Clay and Imp react to switching back? and are they happy together? (I really hope they are oh gosh-)
ryuuisnothere: what's imp first impression of clay and vice versa? when did imp and clay realize that the switch happened? how did they react to it?
George quietly watches as the other Dream sleeps, brushing away a blonde strand of curly hair on his forehead. “The other Dream.” Just saying the words brings him such a strange feeling of awe. It was just as he expected: the other George had found the other Dream for him, and they were currently in some sort of hotel room. George’s heart still aches a little, realizing he’ll never see Dream again. All he can hope for now is that, with their successful swap, Dream will do as he promised and confess.
George’s movement, though only a gentle touch, appeared to be enough to wake the other Dream. He slowly opens his eyes, asks in his sleepy voice, “George…?” and George is hit with a full wave of adoration. His voice is just like Dream’s, but more timid. More reserved. It’s the cutest fucking thing ever.
“You are so cute,” George says as much, grinning as he props his head up on one of his arms. The other Dream gives a shy huff at George’s comment, and George feels himself melt a little at how much… quieter he is, compared to Dream. “By the way, we uh… we switched.”
It seems to take a second for his words to register, but when they do, the other Dream’s eyes snap wide open. He sits straight up, blinking with a shocked expression. “O-OH.” A beat of silence. “You’re…?”
“I’m the original,” George confirms.
Clay visibles swallows, then he’s quickly moving away from George, a pained expression on his face. “I-I, sorry, I just—” his words come out in a jumble, sounding panicked and disappointed all at once. “George and I were, I mean, the other George and I were— we were…” he holds his tongue, looking torn. “We…”
George tilts his head curiously. “Are we dating?”
A bright flush crawls up the other Dream’s cheeks, and George nearly has a heart-attack, because wow. Okay.
Apparently this Dream blushes??
“I– yes. No. Well, the other George, I guess… we were? But,” Other-Dream only blushes harder as he tries to explain, “Y-you’re him, I guess, so… yeah? Sorry, I know this sounds confusing. It’s, uh, kind of hard to explain…”
George stops him before he can move any further away from him, placing a hand on the other Dream’s waist. “Does that mean I’m allowed to do this?” he asks innocently, and raising himself so that they’re at the same height, he places a single peck on the side of Blushy-Dream’s cheek.
“Uhhhh….” Other-Dream blinks at him, his entire face a bright tomato red as he tries to compute George’s actions. “UHH???”
George giggles at his reaction. “Sorry,” he grins, “Is that not what people in a relationship do?” 
But because Shy-Dream still appears to have short-circuited from George’s kiss, George figures he’ll cut him a break and stop messing around. “I kind of got into a relationship with your other self,” George gets straight to the point. “And you’re basically him, so…” a shrug, “Go out with me?”
It takes a while, but slowly, the smallest of smiles appears on Other-Dream’s face. He rubs his eyes, still looking disbelieving. “Is this just a dream? Am I… am I dreaming?”
George takes that as a yes, and he cracks a smile. “I’m assuming your name isn’t Dream, is it?”
“I… I’m Clay,” he responds, still looking frazzled and in awe. “My name’s Clay.”
“Nice to meet you, Clay,” George greets, holding their hands together. But he doesn’t let go. “I’m George.”
“I know,” Clay replies, eyes wide, “You’re my IDOL.”
And George laughs, because he didn’t expect this. He didn’t expect Clay to be so shy and awkward and mesmerized by everything, and George was just enamoured. There was no other way to put it. Whether it be Dream or Clay, they both fascinated George equally. 
It looked like everything was going to turn okay.
multifandom_psycho: How do bad and sap react?
*on voice-call* Bad: GEORGE! Did Clay manage to change your mind…? Imp George: Nah, I don’t really feel like switching. Sapnap: Oh my god… this is so dumb. Alter, you need to stop being ridiculous and actually think about this. Bad: *hears giggles in the background* George? Is Clay with you right now? Imp George: *ignores the question* Hey look, if I can beat you two in a manhunt, you have to let me keep Clay. Bad: ...what? Sapnap: *snorts* Yeah, okay Alter, you couldn’t even defeat me 1v1. How do you expect yourself to win against both of us? Imp George: Then let’s do it, if you’re so positive you’ll win. Sapnap: Fine, whatever. You have to keep your word, okay? Imp George: I could say the same for you. Sapnap and Bad: *gets totally obliterated in a game of manhunt* Sapnap: What. GEORGE! When did you get so…? Bad: *frowning* ...George? Is that you? Imp and Clay: *breaking out into laughter*
urs_mmarie: how did twitter react to the kiss in the other universe? did imp george release a statement the day he arrived at his universe? how did ppl react?
multifandom_psycho: How did twitter react to the kiss?
AnIntrovertedDumbass: i have one question for alt george: how mad is he with other george for the huge fcking mess LMAO
Brooklynhunter: Bastard man Imposter George, what was your first reaction to the Twitter Drama?
ryuuisnothere: how did imp fix up the whole alter being caught kissing clay thing
Clay: I’m sorry, there was, uh, this picture that’s spreading around on twitter right now…  Imp George: *typing on his phone* Oh, don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it. Clay: What are you writing? Imp George: *shows new tweet* 
>guys, pls stop harassing him. sure, I haven't uploaded or streamed in a while, but calm the fuck down. Yes, we are in a relationship, and you can't change that. Yes, I came to america to visit him, yes the picture is real. Stop asking. Would you rly make both of us uncomfortable over such a small issue? Please stop. Thanks.
Long story short: Imp George is anything but mad about the drama going around LOL. If anything, Alter did him a favor by pre-establishing the relationship thing. He’ll take these rumors with pride :) (credit: stole most of this from tomaye, it’s rly fitting!)
ryuuisnothere: how did sapnap explain the weird tweet that he did and how did people react to it
Sapnap: *typing a follow-up tweet* >Dream, I swear it was Bad that burned down your house, you have to believe me and george Bad: >WHAT.
Lyrealith_writes: how do clay and impy get along?
multifandom_psycho: Are imp and clay going strong? Did imp and clay have a hard time adjusting or was it natural? 
Imp George: Why are you so cute? Clay: *blushes* Wha— G-George. Imp George: *links their hands* See? So cute. Clay: *mumbles as a beet-red tomato* ...thanks. Y-you’re cute too? Imp George: *melts like icecream*
Opposites attract, what can I say.
urs_mmarie: how did imp george react to alt george using a lot(?) of his money? HAHAHA
Imp George: *checks his bank account* wHA- WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL MY MONEY?! Sapnap: oh yeah, he spent like tons of cash to go find Clay.  Imp George: *slowly drags a hand down his face, remembering how he had also spent a shitload of the other George’s money* Fuck it, you know what? I deserve this. This is karma.
ryuuisnothere: what does imp think of alter and vice versa (I bet imp is pissed at him lmao)
Alt George: He’s like, the better version of me. Dream: George… Alt George: What? It’s true, isn’t it? Dream: Better at minecraft, maybe. But he’s a shit driver. *pauses* And he doesn’t like coffee milk. Alt George: Wow. You’re right, I AM the better George.
Thal_Chandra: how did OG Bad react to his alternate self swearing?
Brooklynhunter: How did Alt universe Bad react when finding out his other version swore?
ryuuisnothere: what does the prime dream team think of goodboyhalo and him cursing lmao
Bad: Wait. I did WHAT now???! Alt George: *laughs* Yeah, your other self swears, Bad. Sapnap: NO WAYYY! AHAHAHAHAHA Bad: WHAT. You’re kidding me? Why would the other me swear? Dream: Oh my GOD, for real?! What did he say? Alt George: Well, on the first say the swap happened, he asked me “who the fu—” Bad: GEORGE, NO, L-LANGUAGE! Sapnap: *snickering* Should we start calling you Goodboyhalo now? Since you don’t even swear… Bad: nO, oh my goodness… >n<
urs_mmarie: will the bbh that curses use muffin now or smth? LMAO
Bad: Oh my god, you’re such a potato. Imp George: *snorts* WhaT. Clay: *frowning* Potato? Bad: Yeah! That’s what I said! Sapnap: I preferred muffin over this.
Lyrealith_writes: DNF relationship reveal in the prime universe????
multifandom_psycho: do dream and alt come out?
Dream: Do you want to tell everyone about us…? Alt George: I… I dunno. I mean, we don’t have to say anything, do we? Dream: *nods* It’s up to you, George. I’m fine with whatever.  Alt George: But, what if we slip up on-stream? Or something? Dream: *shrugs* People will just believe what they’ve always believed. Alt George: *hesitating* But… I think I’m okay. With telling everyone about us. Dream: ...okay. How do you want to do it? Alt George: *uncertainly* ...tiktok.
(Yes, I’m looking at you Orientali. Now this is canon in my head too, thank you. Ref to this fic)
Lyrealith_writes: are they ever going to try and switch again or will they just remember each other fondly?
*on video-call* Alt George: Do you ever think about him? Dream: Who? Alt George: You know… the other me. Dream: *hums, eyes averted* Yeah, of… of course I do. *looks at George* Don’t you still think about the other me, too? Alt George: Yeah. *pause* I miss having a nice Dream to talk to. Dream: *wheezes in laughter* Geoooorge… Alt George: *smiles* I’m just kidding. Dream: *still wheezing* Yeah, I miss having a rude George to talk to too. Alt George: uhm… thanks?? I think?
multifandom_psycho: does clay start playing minecraft with imp?
chia_aa: Does Clay now play Minecraft with Imp?
ryuuisnothere: is clay as good as dream at Minecraft or does he suck (no offense bro) 
Sapnap: How are you actually BETTER at minecraft than Alter?! Clay: *embarrassed giggling* Am I really? Imp George: *nodding* Tons better. Be our fourth hunter, Clay. Clay: * silent gasp* What? Are you… are you sure??? Bad: Oh my potato, YES! You should join us Clay!!  If you call out to George during the manhunt, he might actually stop for you! Imp George: *blinks, stumbling* N-no, I wouldn’t... Sapnap: He HESITATED!!
multifandom_psycho: where were the first dates?
Dream: Our first date has to be in minecraft. Imp George: Yes, our first date has to be a minecraft date. Alter and Clay be looking at each other like: *what is wrong with these two*
esomettin: well i seriously want to know what imp george thought when he came out to dream about his feelings? i personally think that he was being kinda selfish and he shoulve been thinking before acting. idk if he did, but if he did plsss explain what was going tru his mind.
Imp George: I was just being honest. He asked, and I gave him an answer. Dream: I was JOKING. Imp George: ...so? Would you have preferred it if I lied? Dream: *scrunches up his eyebrows* Imp George: *grins back* Look, I wasn’t expecting anything back from you. I know you’re into the other George, okay? I just didn’t see any point in pretending you weren’t attractive. Because you are. Dream: Oh my god. Imp George: *shrugs* And it all ended up alright, didn’t it? That’s the moral of the story, guys. You should always confess your feelings, even if you know you’ll get flat-out rejected. Dream: ...you’re gonna cause broken hearts everywhere, George. Imp George: Honesty is the best policy.
esomettin: i would like to ask sapnap will he marry me pls thank u<3 this is a really important question btw please add this in i really need to know like literally
Prime Sapnap: yES. Other Sapnap: What? NO. They asked ME. And my answer is yes— Prime Sapnap: Um, exCUSE ME. They were clearly referring to the original. Which is ME. Other Sapnap: Uhm, and how can you be so sure? They didn’t even specify. Prime Sapnap: Well… it was implied. Other Sapnap: Uh-huh. Real smart of you, oRigINaL Sapnap. Prime Sapnap: Look, I’m tired of seeing Dream and George be all sappy with each other, okay? I NEED to get into a relationship ASAP before I vomit out my guts— Other Sapnap: Uh, have you even SEEN my world’s George and Clay? They are so ughckk— ALL. The TIME. Prime Sapnap: … Other Sapnap: … Prime Sapnap: Sorry esomettin, I think I just found my soulmate— Other Sapnap: Other me, let’s get married now.
TheLapisWolf200: What was the reason of the swap? [A/N: I’m assuming the question is directed to the reason for the initial swap]
Alt George: I still dunno for sure. But… it helped me recognize my feelings, I guess? Dream: *intertwining their hands* It was the same for me. Imp George: *smirks fondly* I got to meet Dream. And because of him… *elbows* I met this cutie too. Clay: *blushing* G-George… Imp George: And with the extra addition, the George Gang is now better than ever. *smiles, turning to his friends* I’d say we’ve become a better team after all this, haven’t we?
A more coherent answer: Because of Imp’s status, he separated himself from his friends and became a lonely person (which is why he acts the way he does). The reason for the swap as dictated by the universe (or the fanfic gods?? lol) was actually for his sake, and it was Alt’s job to find Clay so that he and Imp could meet when they swapped back.
[And in case the question was directed to the reason for the final swap-back] The criteria was for both parties to “be prepared” for the swap-back. This not only meant both parties had to be willing to return, but that they both had to accomplish their respective goals. For Alt it was finding Clay, for Imp it was to look and learn from the Dream Team’s teamwork and realize he needed to apply it to his own world when he returned.
So basically… romance was never the goal of the swap LOL. Neither was kissing. The characters chose that path for themselves. Hope this helped explain some things!
Brooklynhunter: Clay, what did/do you think of the personality change of Imp George?
ryuuisnothere: what would clay say the main difference between alt and imp is
Clay: Hm, he’s… *pauses to think* He’s exactly how he’s like in videos. Imp George: And how am I like in videos? Clay: *scrunches eyebrows* ...Cocky and confident. Imp George: *smirks* You got it. Clay: ...and brave, and thoughtful, and caring— Imp George: *shushes, face turning pink* No. Stop it.
Brooklynhunter: Alt universe Sapnap and Bad, you didn't have as much interaction with Imp George but what were your impressions of him?
Bad: I think he was kind of shy at first, but he opened up more after we did that first manhunt together— Sapnap: He is so goddamn COCKY.  Bad: Wah- LANguage! Sapnap: We only let him win one manhunt, and he was rubbing it into our faces for the rest of the entire week! Bad: ...you’re just mad that there’s a George out there who’s better than you at minecraft? Sapnap: ...no. Dream: *snickering* He totally is.
Brooklynhunter: And finally, Clay’s mom. What was your initial reaction to finding out Random Old Friend Of Clay turned out to be Pretty Famous and also find that out from the hundreds of pictures of him and your son Kissing on social media?
Clay’s Mom: welcome to the family :)
chia_aa: Oh! and what is everyone's clothing choice? I'm curious on what style of clothing each character has, like would Alt and Imp have similar tastes in clothing? That also applies to Clay and Dream!
Dream: Hoodie and jeans. Alter George: *rolls eyes* So basic. Dream: You just wear t-shirts all the time! Alter George: A-and sweaters! Clay: *shyly raises hand* Jackets…? Sometimes hoodies. No green ones though. Imp George: *steps onto the stage, ears-pierced, hands in pockets* Gaze and be amazed, plebs.
Okay but like, for real now. I like to differentiate Dream and Clay by green vs yellow hoodie. For the Georges, I initially did not have any sort of way to separate them BUT. This amazing fanart has now become my new canon (for imp George, at least), so you can refer to that for an idea of what I’m thinking of :) (It’s a shame I’m only thinking about this now, since I absolutely would’ve inserted a passage about Imp roasting George’s closet if I could LOL)
Other Sapnap: *gags* Prime Sapnap: They’re so gross. Other Sapnap: Yeah, agreed. Other Bad: Their PDA can be a bit much at times. Prime Bad: But, I think they’re kind of cute…? Other Bad: You’re a potato. Prime Bad: Wha- H-HEY! exCUSE YOU.
And that’s everything! That was a lot of fun, haha xD Thank you again for all the love and support you guys gave this story, I’m know I’m gonna miss writing it a ton <3 Have a wonderful day, and happy dreams!
Additional questions after the deadline:
Georges interactions with one another / Dreams interacting with one another
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maschotch · 2 years
the reblog of honor among thieves - i really want to know more about the backstory of hotch working for emily's mom. not to be weird but they had such an odd vibe
honestlyyyy like that first meeting in hotch’s office was already 🤨 but now you have this weird dynamic w hotch, emily, and the ambassador?? literally WHAT happened @t4thotchniss is writing his stay at the ambassador’s bc akdhskj there are just so many fucking possibilities that i cant decide!!!!
throughout all my musings, there are a couple things that stick out in my mind… i think hotch indirectly inspired emily to start profiling (like the way jj went to rossi’s book signing and then signed up for the academy). its not something hotch specializes in yet so its more of an enthusiastic interest than a refined skill at this point. and just from her experience dealing with politicians and her innate abilities/intelligence, they were probably on similar levels despite her age. so i imagine there are a couple interactions where they needle at each other, etc, and hotch will compliment her every so often (which is always a little stunning every time it happens. she’s not used to praise when she’s just being herself, certainly not when she’s “talking back,” as her mother would put it). it catches her off guard. when HE realizes that he can infodump and she’ll actually listen with interest, he finds himself rambling about all sorts of topics—bau included. (its not something he consciously decides.. it’s inappropriate and unbecoming of a security commander, but he’s just gotten back from seattle and he its been so long since he’s had someone to just.. talk with.) so when he tells her about this profiling career he’s after and how it seems like she’s got the skills for it, she starts to consider it. she’s been in her mother’s shadow for so long and she can only spend so much time wasting her life in some rebellious attempt to piss her off. and this profiling thing… he seemed genuine when he said she would be good at it, and being an agent sounds like somethin that would get the adrenaline pumping. its not something she shares with him (she’s only just started thinking about), but she listens attentively.
i dont think they interacted a whole lot, but i think the quick exchanges in passing or the stolen conversations in between their respective duties impact each other more than they realize. its a turning point for both of them and they balance each other out. whatever relationship formed was unintentional. he’s just another suit working for her mother and she’s just part of his assignment (a very difficult part, as his coworkers warn him). but they draw each other in… i dont know if its bc the gravitated naturally. or bc he’s assigned to watch her and not let her fucking escape again (elizabeth prentiss SEETHING and has to ask the latest fbi agent to babysit her fucking 23 yo daughter bc the last 7 agents in a row already quit). or bc theyre the only tolerable people in what seems like the 900th gala or dinner or whatever so they take what company they can get. any ounce of personality is worth its weight in gold in this suffocating house (mansion? estate?). she makes snide comments ab ppl like two feet away from them and she GETS his sense of humor (not a single one of hotch’s coworkers know WHY she always ends up laughing when she’s with him). they’re just… interesting.
i think she’s probably the first person who’s directly confronted him on his relationship w his father. he hasnt ever… talked ab it w anyone. and i dont think he tells her; he’s still tight-lipped hotch (just a decade younger) and yeah they can have fun but she’s still only here on break. he hasnt had nearly enough time to trust her (even tho. for the first time theres a strange part of him that wants to) and she hasnt had nearly enough time to badger him into submission. but its obvious that she knows something. he hopes its just that she’s perceptive and not that he has it written all over his face while he’s been trying to bottle it all up for years. and i joke that she would pester him about it (bc she totally would—especially a 20somethin emily) but i actually dont think she does. i think she’s spent long enough reading people already that she understands that he doesnt want to talk about it.. she’s just gonna be there for now. as a distraction, as a friend, as someone to confide in, as someone to get wasted with. whatever it is. she’s mindful of that even back then. and it honestly makes hotch feel so much better to have someone who’s kinda worked it out but wont say anything about it. she wont push his boundaries. it makes it so much easier to just.. breathe. to relax. (and then before he knows it he actually is opening up ab more than he intended, sharing more than he normally would bc he just feels comfortable.)
like honestly it couldve been nothing. it couldve been walking past each other in the hallways a couple times. but thats not fun lol and ALSO seriously WHAT the fuck is goin on w her mom? emilys only been here for like ten episodes—they had that insane first meeting like two months ago—and her fucking mom shows up and clearly remembers hotch.. like theyre reminding us “hey- dont forget theyve met before” like WHY would they fucking do that. tell. me. what. happened.
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