#had this in my drafts and completely forgot about it…😅
savethedots · 1 year
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Jack x Rayane + smiley kisses
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muiitoloko · 5 months
Sorryy I completely forgot to specify 😭 Harry from Love Actually 🫶🏻 thank you btw 🫶🏻
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Title: Inappropriate
Summary: You were his secretary, he was your boss, and yet, in that moment, none of it mattered
Pairing: Harry (love actually) × Fem! Reader
Warnings: Boss-secretary relationship, masturbation, pervert and smut.
Author's Notes: Well, here we go again! Thanks for throwing this request my way. Gotta admit, I had a similar draft collecting dust in the corners of my brain, but with a totally different character. So, I had to do some serious rewriting. Hopefully, what I've cooked up here hits the spot for you, but fair warning: I might've made Harry a tad bit pervy in this one! 😅 As always, feedback is welcome and highly encouraged!
Anon's request here
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As you stepped into the elevator with Harry, your stomach churned with guilt, the memory of your mistake weighing heavily on your mind. You apologized profusely once again, but Harry ignored it, sighing irritably as he waved off your concerns.
"It's fine, really," he muttered, his voice tinged with irritation, "just forget about it."
But you couldn't forget about it, not when the consequences of your error were staring you in the face. Deep down, you knew it wasn't entirely your fault. You were sure you had booked two hotel rooms for the conference in New York, but somehow, there had been a mix-up, leaving you and Harry stuck with only one room.
As the elevator doors closed behind you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settling over you. It was like something out of a cheesy romantic movie or one of those fanfics you read late at night in bed. Except, instead of swooning over your attractive boss, you were stuck in an awkward situation with a man who seemed to see you as nothing more than his secretary.
Harry stood beside you, his tall frame towering over yours, his hooked nose and glasses giving him an air of sophistication that only added to his allure. Despite your best efforts to focus on the task at hand, you couldn't help but steal glances at him when he wasn't looking, marveling at the way his tailored suit accentuated his broad shoulders and chiseled jawline.
But as attractive as Harry was, there was a tension between you that made it difficult to enjoy his company. Sometimes, you got the impression that he despised you with how much he avoided talking to you since he hired you. It was like he couldn't stand being in the same room as you, let alone having to share a hotel room for the duration of the conference.
As the elevator ascended to the room, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the pit of your stomach. You had hoped that the conference in New York would be an opportunity to prove yourself to Harry, to show him that you were capable of more than just fetching his coffee and filing his paperwork.
But now, all you could think about was how to navigate the awkwardness of sharing a hotel room with your boss, a man who seemed to barely tolerate your presence. You dreaded the thought of spending the next few days in such close quarters with him, the tension between you only adding to the discomfort of the situation.
And as the elevator ascended to the designated floor, Harry kept his gaze fixed on the blinking numbers, his mind swirling with conflicting thoughts and emotions. He felt a mixture of frustration, attraction, and guilt, all bubbling beneath the surface as he tried to maintain his composure in front of you.
The memory of your mistake and the awkwardness of the situation weighed heavily on Harry's mind, but beneath it all, there was a deeper undercurrent of attraction that he couldn't deny. Despite his best efforts to push it aside, he couldn't shake the magnetic pull he felt towards you, his secretary.
As the elevator doors opened and Harry stepped out into the hallway, pulling his suitcase behind him, he couldn't help but steal a glance at you standing beside him. You looked nervous and guilty, your eyes darting around anxiously as you followed him closely.
Opening the door to the hotel room, Harry felt a wave of relief wash over him as he saw the sofa positioned beside the bed. It looked comfortable enough to sleep on, but before he could offer to take the sofa, you spoke up, volunteering to sleep on the couch without hesitation.
Harry hesitated for a moment, torn between his desire to be a gentleman and his own selfish desires. But ultimately, he saw no reason to oppose you if that was what you wanted. With a nod of acquiescence, he stepped aside, allowing you to make yourself comfortable on the couch.
As you sat down, working to take off your heels, Harry found himself unable to tear his gaze away from you. He watched as you exposed your legs in that pencil skirt, the fabric clinging perfectly to your shape, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of desire coursing through him.
Damn, why did you have to be so beautiful? Harry shook his head, forcing himself to look away before he did something he regretted. "Well, um, I guess we should both try to get some rest from the Jet Lag," he said awkwardly, attempting to break the tension that hung between them.
You nodded in agreement, looking at him with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty. "Yes, that sounds like a good idea," you replied softly, your voice barely above a whisper.
Harry cleared his throat, feeling the weight of the moment pressing down on him. "I'll, uh, take a shower before bed," he stated, his tone a little more confident now, "and then you can have your turn after me."
You nodded again, offering him a small smile. "Sounds like a plan," you said, your voice tinged with relief.
With that, Harry retreated into the bathroom, closing the door behind him with a sigh of relief. Alone at last, he leaned against the cool tile, his mind swimming with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.
As the hot water cascaded over him, Harry couldn't help but replay the events of the evening in his mind. He knew he shouldn't be feeling this way about you, his secretary, but try as he might, he couldn't deny the attraction that burned within him.
With a frustrated growl, Harry shook his head, determined to push aside his desires and focus on the task at hand. But deep down, he knew that the night ahead would be anything but restful, as he struggled to resist the pull of temptation that threatened to consume him.
As Harry emerged from the bathroom, clad in comfortable pajamas, he found you waiting patiently outside, ready to take your turn. You exchanged a brief nod before you disappeared into the bathroom, leaving Harry alone in the dimly lit hotel room.
With a tired sigh, Harry made his way to the bed, feeling the weight of jet lag settling heavily on his shoulders. He crawled beneath the covers, sinking into the plush mattress with a grateful sigh. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, the bed felt like a sanctuary after a long day of travel.
As Harry drifted off to sleep, his mind still swirling with thoughts of you, he found himself succumbing to the sweet embrace of slumber. It didn't take long for exhaustion to claim him, pulling him into a deep and dreamless sleep.
Hours passed in blissful silence, the only sound in the room the soft hum of the air conditioning. And then, slowly, you emerged from the bathroom, your eyes heavy with sleep as you made your way to the sofa.
But as you settled down on the beautiful but uncomfortable sofa, you couldn't shake the nagging feeling of regret that gnawed at the back of your mind. You cursed yourself for offering to sleep on the couch, knowing now how much you would come to regret it.
As you tossed and turned, trying in vain to find a comfortable position, you couldn't help but envy Harry, sleeping soundly in the bed just a few feet away. It wasn't fair that he got to enjoy the comfort of the mattress while you were stuck on the sofa, feeling every lump and bump beneath you.
You sighed heavily, resigning yourself to the uncomfortable reality of the situation. Life wasn't like the movies, you realized, and sometimes you just had to make the best of a bad situation.
With a weary sigh, you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep, the gentle rhythm of your breathing gradually slowing as exhaustion claimed you. Hours passed in blissful silence, the darkness of night enveloping the room in a peaceful embrace.
But then, slowly, you began to stir, your dreams giving way to the hazy fog of consciousness. As you blinked sleepily, trying to make sense of your surroundings, you were surprised to find yourself lying in bed, the soft warmth of the covers cocooning you in comfort.
Confusion clouded your mind as you glanced around the room, trying to piece together how you had ended up in the bed. Your gaze landed on Harry's sleeping form beside you, his features softened by slumber, and you hesitated, unsure of what to do next.
With a hesitant hand, you reached out and lightly poked his shoulder, calling his name in a soft whisper. Harry grumbled sleepily, his baritone voice thick with drowsiness as he questioned what was wrong.
You furrowed your brow, your confusion deepening as you struggled to comprehend the situation. "Harry, how did I end up in the bed?" you asked, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
Harry sighed tiredly, turning to face you with a sleepy gaze. "You were tossing and turning on the sofa," he explained, his voice a low murmur, "and I thought you'd be more comfortable here. It's a king-size bed, plenty of room for both of us."
You felt a blush creeping up your cheeks at his words, the intimacy of the situation not lost on you. This was highly inappropriate, you realized, and yet, there was a strange comfort in being nestled beside him, sharing the warmth of the bed.
With a grateful nod, you settled back against the pillows, feeling a sense of peace wash over you as you closed your eyes and let sleep claim you once more.
The next morning, you awoke to the soft chime of the alarm, the sound jolting you from your slumber. Blinking sleepily, you sat up in bed, stretching your limbs as you tried to shake off the remnants of sleep.
Harry stirred beside you, his gaze bleary as he reached out to silence the alarm. "Good morning," he mumbled, his voice still thick with sleep.
"Morning," you replied, offering him a small smile. "Thanks for letting me sleep in the bed last night. That was really kind of you."
Harry shrugged nonchalantly, his gaze flickering away. "It was no trouble," he muttered, avoiding your eyes. "Besides, it's not like either of us got much sleep anyway."
You nodded in understanding, the events of the previous night still fresh in your mind. "So, what's the plan for today?" you asked, trying to change the subject.
Harry glanced at his watch, his expression thoughtful. "Well, we have breakfast downstairs at 7:30, followed by the first session of the conference at 9:00," he explained, his tone businesslike.
You nodded in agreement, mentally noting the schedule. "Sounds good," you replied, swinging your legs out of bed and reaching for your suitcase.
As you both got ready for the day ahead, the awkwardness of the previous night lingering in the air between you, you couldn't help but wonder what the rest of the conference had in store. But for now, you pushed aside your doubts and uncertainties, focusing instead on the task at hand.
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The rest of the day went smoothly, with you buried in work tasks until lunchtime. However, once you and Harry sat down for lunch, he surprised you by giving you the rest of the day off to explore the city on your own.
Thrilled by the opportunity to discover New York, you eagerly accepted Harry's offer, thanking him profusely before setting off to immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of the city. Harry, on the other hand, opted to stay behind, citing a need for some extra rest after the long flight.
As you navigated the bustling streets of New York, your senses were overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells of the city. From the towering skyscrapers to the eclectic street vendors, every corner seemed to offer a new adventure waiting to be discovered.
With Harry's encouragement ringing in your ears, you set off to explore the iconic landmarks and hidden gems of New York. From Central Park to Times Square, you marveled at the city's rich history and vibrant culture, snapping photos and collecting souvenirs along the way.
Meanwhile, Harry returned to the hotel room, feeling a sense of relief wash over him as he collapsed onto the plush bed. With a tired sigh, he kicked off his glasses, placing them on the bedside table before burying his face in the soft pillows.
But as he inhaled deeply, the familiar scent of you lingered in the air, filling his senses with an intoxicating mix of desire and frustration. He cursed himself for allowing his thoughts to stray to you, his secretary, when he should be focusing on more important matters.
With a frustrated growl, Harry pushed aside the tempting thoughts that threatened to consume him, reminding himself of the boundaries that he had sworn to uphold. But despite his best efforts, he couldn't shake the memory of your presence beside him, your warmth seeping into the very fabric of the pillows.
Closing his eyes, Harry tried to clear his mind of you, but your smell on the pillows tormented him, that sweet scent that drove him crazy because he couldn't identify it. Was it jasmine? He didn't know, he would only know if he felt it up close, maybe burying his nose in the crook of your neck. The thought sent a shiver down his spine, and Harry groaned in frustration, feeling the desire stir inside him.
Turning away from the bed, Harry sat down heavily on the edge, unbuttoning his shirt with trembling fingers. "Damn it," he muttered under his breath, cursing himself for allowing his thoughts to wander into dangerous territory. It was just a perfume, he reminded himself, nothing more. He shouldn't get excited; it was inappropriate. You were his secretary, damn it!
As he abandoned the buttons on his shirt and kicked off his shoes, Harry's frustration grew, manifesting in careless actions. Without meaning to, he flung one of his shoes aside, narrowly missing your travel laundry bag on the sofa. With a curse, he watched as the bag fell to the floor, spilling its contents in a messy heap.
"Shit," Harry muttered, scrambling to gather up your belongings and shove them back into the bag. But as he reached for a lacy black bra and matching panties, his hands hesitated mid-air. Was that what you wore last night? The thought sent a jolt of electricity through him, his heart pounding in his chest as he held the delicate lingerie in his hands.
With a shaky breath, Harry swallowed hard, his resolve wavering as temptation beckoned. He knew it was wrong, that he shouldn't be doing this, but the allure of your scent was too powerful to resist. Convincing himself that you wouldn't be back anytime soon, he succumbed to his desires, letting curiosity and excitement guide his actions.
Carefully unclasping your bra, Harry's pulse quickened as he held it up, admiring the delicate lace and imagining the softness of your skin against his fingertips. And when he reached for your panties, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through him.
It was inappropriate, he knew, but in that moment, all Harry could think about was the intoxicating thrill of indulging in forbidden desires. With trembling hands, he pressed your panties against his nose, inhaling deeply as he surrendered himself to the heady rush of arousal.
He felt like a fucking pervert, but he couldn't bring himself to care, not when the excitement was taking over his mind, blinding him to everything else. With each breath, he drank in your scent, his imagination running wild with fantasies of what could be.
And as Harry held your panties against his nose, inhaling deeply, he felt a surge of desire coursing through him, his cock straining in his pants, begging for release. It had been a long time since he had indulged in such forbidden pleasures, and now, with the opportunity tantalizingly within reach, he found it impossible to resist.
With a shaky breath, Harry rose from the floor, still clutching your underwear in his hand. His heart pounded in his chest as he moved with purpose, undoing his belt and pants with trembling fingers. As he stroked himself through his underwear, he couldn't help but imagine you here with him, begging for him, your small hand replacing his big one, your touch igniting a fire within him that threatened to consume him whole.
Harry crawled onto the bed, still clutching your panties in his hand. He couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at the pit of his stomach. What was he doing? This was wrong on so many levels, and yet, he couldn't bring himself to stop.
With a shaky breath, Harry took off his shirt and underwear, throwing them aside in a careless heap. He lay back on the bed, the softness of the mattress enveloping him in comfort as he held your panties against his nose once more.
Closing his eyes, Harry inhaled deeply, letting your scent wash over him like a tidal wave of desire. He caressed his chest with his free hand, tracing lazy circles over his skin as he slowly went down, creating the mood while indulging in the intoxicating aroma of your underwear.
With each breath, Harry's imagination ran wild, conjuring up vivid fantasies of you here with him, your touch igniting a fire within him that threatened to consume him whole. He imagined you straddling him, your soft curves pressed against his chest as you rode him with fervor, your moans of pleasure echoing in his ears like a sweet symphony.
"Oh, fuck," Harry groaned, his voice thick with desire as he imagined your pussy wrapped around him, hot and tight, squeezing him with every thrust. He could almost feel the heat of you, the slickness of your arousal coating his cock as you rode him hard and fast, driving him to the brink of ecstasy.
With a shaky breath, Harry pressed the panties against his nose once more, his fingers trembling as he imagined your moans of pleasure, your breathless gasps mingling with his own. "God, I want you," he whispered, his voice a low, guttural rasp of desire. "I want to feel you, taste you, fuck you until you're screaming my name."
As Harry continued to indulge in his forbidden fantasies, his arousal grew with each passing moment, his cock throbbing with need as he surrendered himself to the intoxicating allure of you. He knew it was wrong, that he shouldn't be doing this, but in that moment, all he could think about was the overwhelming need to have you, to possess you, to make you his in every possible way.
And as he lay there, lost in the haze of desire, Harry couldn't help but wonder what would happen if you ever found out about his secret fantasies. Would you be disgusted? Shocked? Or would you embrace them, surrendering yourself to the same forbidden desires that consumed him?
With a shaky breath, Harry pushed aside his doubts and uncertainties, focusing instead on the overwhelming need that burned within him. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, but in that moment, nothing else mattered but the sweet release that awaited him, just a few strokes away.
With each stroke of his hand, he imagined you here with him, your body pressed against his as he fucked you senseless, your moans of pleasure driving him to the brink of ecstasy.
"Oh, fuck," Harry groaned, his voice thick with desire as he imagined the taste of you on his lips, the feel of your soft skin beneath his touch. He could almost feel the heat of you, the slickness of your arousal coating his cock as he pounded into you with reckless abandon.
With each thrust of his hips, Harry's arousal grew, his need for release reaching a fever pitch as he surrendered himself to the intoxicating allure of you. He wanted you, needed you, craved you with every fiber of his being, and nothing else mattered but the sweet release that awaited him.
But then, as Harry's fantasies reached their peak, he heard the sound of the door opening and closing, his heart freezing in his chest as he realized that he wasn't alone. With wide eyes, he turned to see you standing there, your shopping bag dropped to the floor with a thud as you took in the sight before you.
For a moment, you both froze, your eyes locked in a silent exchange of shock and disbelief. But then, as reality sank in, you began to apologize profusely, scrambling to find the door handle behind you as you tried to escape the awkwardness of the situation.
But Harry's hand stopped you, his touch firm and commanding as he reached out and closed the door, trapping you between his body and the door. His chest heaved with exertion as he stood before you, his gaze burning with intensity as he held your gaze captive.
"Shh," Harry whispered, his voice low and husky as he silenced your apologies with a single command. "Be quiet."
You obeyed without hesitation, feeling a familiar tightness in your pussy as his dominant tone washed over you, sending a shiver down your spine. But then, as you glanced down, you noticed something in Harry's other hand, something that made your breath catch in your throat. Your panties, the delicate lace fabric clutched tightly in his grasp, evidence of his forbidden desires..
God, he was masturbating with your panties, using them to fuel his fantasies of you, and the realization sent a surge of arousal coursing through you. You couldn't tear your gaze away from the sight before you, mesmerized by the raw desire that burned within him.
With a shaky breath, Harry stepped closer, his body mere inches from yours as he leaned in, his lips hovering just above yours. "You shouldn't have come in without knocking," he murmured, his voice a low, guttural rasp of desire, "but now that you're here, there's no turning back."
You swallowed hard, feeling a flush of heat spreading across your skin as Harry's words washed over you. Despite the guilt and shame that gnawed at the pit of your stomach, you couldn't deny the overwhelming arousal that pulsed through your veins, urging you to surrender to the forbidden temptation that beckoned.
And as Harry pressed his lips to yours in a hungry kiss, his hand tightening around your panties, you knew that there was no going back. You were his now, completely and utterly, bound by the intoxicating allure of your shared desires.
But as Harry broke away from the kiss, his breath ragged and his chest heaving, he kept his eyes closed, almost as if he was ashamed of his own inappropriate behavior. He knew he had crossed a line, indulging in forbidden desires that should have remained buried deep within him. And yet, as he stood there before you, his arousal still burning hot and fierce, he couldn't bring himself to regret it.
With a shaky breath, Harry opened his eyes, meeting your gaze with a mixture of uncertainty and desire. "I... I'm sorry," he muttered, his voice thick with emotion, "I shouldn't have done that. It was completely inappropriate, and I understand if you want to leave. We can pretend it never happened, and I'll keep my distance from now on."
But as you looked up into his face, studying his handsome features and the vulnerability in his eyes, you knew that this was your chance. Your chance to walk away and pretend that none of this had ever happened, or your chance to seize the opportunity that lay before you and indulge in the forbidden temptation that beckoned.
And the choice was obvious.
With a hesitant breath, you reached out, your hand trembling as you tentatively wrapped your fingers around Harry's erect member, feeling its firmness and heat pulsating beneath your touch. Harry groaned at the sensation, his head lowering to watch the movement of your hand as you explored him with newfound curiosity.
As you touched him, slowly discovering what he liked and how he responded to your ministrations, Harry's desire surged to new heights. But it wasn't enough. No, he wanted more. He wanted to feel you, to taste you, to fuck you senseless against that very door.
"God, yes," Harry groaned, his voice a low, guttural rasp of desire as he reached for you, his hands roaming over your body with a primal urgency. "I want you, need you... Fuck, I need to feel you wrapped around me, begging for more."
With a hungry growl, Harry seized you by the hips, pulling you closer to him as he pressed his lips to yours in a hungry kiss. His tongue delved deep into your mouth, exploring every inch of you as he devoured you with reckless abandon.
You moaned into the kiss, your own desire burning brightly as you surrendered yourself to the intoxicating allure of Harry's touch. With each passing moment, the tension between you grew, the air thick with anticipation as you danced on the edge of ecstasy.
But Harry wasn't content to simply kiss you. No, he wanted more. With a primal growl of need, he lifted you effortlessly, pressing you against the door as he devoured you with feverish abandon. His hands roamed over your body, tracing every curve and contour as he worshiped you with single-minded determination.
As you wrapped your legs around him, holding onto his shoulders for support, you melted into the kiss, your lips moving in sync with his as the heat between you intensified. Harry's hand roamed over your body, exploring every curve with eager anticipation. His touch sent shivers down your spine, igniting a fire within you that threatened to consume you whole.
But as much as you enjoyed the foreplay, you couldn't wait any longer. Breaking away from the kiss, you looked into Harry's eyes with a hunger that matched his own. "Forget the foreplay," you whispered, your voice thick with desire, "I want you inside me now."
Harry's breath caught in his throat at your words, his desire mirroring your own as he nodded eagerly. "God, yes," he breathed, his voice low and husky with arousal, "I've imagined this moment for so long, dreamed of having you like this."
With a primal growl of need, Harry reached down and pulled aside your panties, his fingers grazing your wetness as he positioned himself at your entrance. You gasped at the sensation, the anticipation building to a fever pitch as you clung to him, your nails digging into his shoulders as you braced yourself for what was to come.
And then, with a slow, deliberate motion, Harry pushed inside you, his cock stretching you in the most deliciously sinful way. You threw your head back, a guttural moan escaping your lips as you surrendered yourself to the pleasure of being filled by him.
"Fuck, you feel so good," Harry groaned, his voice thick with desire as he buried himself deep inside you. "I've wanted this for so long, imagined it in my darkest fantasies."
You moaned in response, the sensation of him moving inside you sending waves of pleasure crashing over you. With each thrust, he pushed you closer to the edge of ecstasy, his girth stretching you in all the right ways as you clung to him, lost in a haze of pleasure and desire.
"Harder," you begged, your voice a breathless whisper as you urged him on. "I want to feel all of you, every inch of your cock inside me."
Harry growled in response, his movements becoming more urgent as he pounded into you with reckless abandon. You clung to him, your bodies moving in perfect harmony as you chased the blissful release that awaited you both.
As Harry continued to thrust into you with abandon, his movements becoming more urgent with each passing moment, you found yourself lost in a haze of pleasure and desire. With each stroke, he filled you completely, his cock stretching you in all the right ways as you clung to him, your nails digging into his shoulders as you braced yourself against the door.
"Oh, God, Harry," you moaned, your voice thick with desire as you surrendered yourself to the overwhelming pleasure that consumed you. "Yes, just like that. Harder."
Harry growled in response, his hands roaming over your body with a primal urgency as he pounded into you with reckless abandon. You could feel the heat building between you, the tension reaching a fever pitch as you chased the blissful release that awaited you both.
And then, as you opened your eyes and looked over Harry's shoulder, you saw the reflection of the two of you in the mirror on the other side of the hotel room. The image seemed almost mocking, you fully clothed while Harry was naked, pressing you against the door as he fucked you with abandon.
Your legs were wrapped around him, your blouse partially unbuttoned as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling the sweet scent of strawberries that clung to your skin, you couldn't help but feel a surge of arousal coursing through you.
Strawberries. That was the scent that had driven Harry wild with desire, the sweet aroma that had ignited his passion and fueled his forbidden fantasies. And now, as he breathed it in with eager anticipation, he felt a sense of satisfaction wash over he, knowing that he had finally discovered the source of his obsession.
With each thrust of his hips, Harry's arousal grew, his need for release reaching a fever pitch as he surrendered himself to the intoxicating allure of you. He wanted you, needed you, craved you with every fiber of his being, and nothing else mattered but the sweet release that awaited him.
It was so inappropriate, so taboo, and yet, you loved every second of it.
"Fuck, you feel amazing," Harry groaned, his voice thick with desire as he continued to thrust into you with abandon. "You're driving me crazy, you know that?"
You smirked, feeling a surge of satisfaction at the effect you were having on him. "Oh, I know," you teased, your voice dripping with seduction. "But I like driving you crazy."
With a hungry growl, Harry pressed his lips to yours in a hungry kiss, his tongue delving deep into your mouth as he devoured you with feverish abandon. You melted into the kiss, your bodies moving in perfect harmony as you surrendered yourself to the intoxicating pleasure that consumed you.
And as Harry continued to fuck you senseless against the door, you knew that this was only the beginning of your forbidden affair. The thrill of the taboo, the excitement of being caught, it all added to the intensity of the moment, fueling your desire with every passing second.
You were his secretary, he was your boss, and yet, in that moment, none of it mattered. All that mattered was the overwhelming need that burned between you, driving you to the brink of ecstasy as you surrendered yourself to the forbidden temptation that beckoned.
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spicy-seaweed · 2 months
I know I just sent a different req but how about C4 for the au ask game?
oof sorry this took so long 😭 completely forgot I had it in my drafts 😭
Here ye go!! Thanks for requesting 🥺👉👈 Y’all know I will take any opportunity to be able to show off bits of the au
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Ayeeeee ye get the Captain! He’s stressed, depressed, and if he had coffee he’d be obsessed 😂 The epitome of more espresso less depresso and he is NOT thrilled on the idea of being pulled out of early retirement 😅
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adarafaelbarba · 8 months
Hiii for @storiesofsvu bingo: Duarte + holiday work party please. Super fluff? Maybe post him getting attacked by bx9???? Thanks!
a/n: So sorry this is so late! I completely forgot I had it in my drafts 😅
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He absolutely did not want to go. Hated big stuffy parties where higher ups would come to look down on the people below them in ranks, and the boots and others with no officer ranks to their names would try to do anything to please their higher ups, anything to climb the ladder.
But then you’d mentioned one night as you were lying in his bed that you were going. And he knew he had to go too. Not cause you could go together—no one knew about the relationship—but because he wanted to see how you’d dress, and at the end of the night he’d sneak you away back to his place.
So he decided to go. But opted on using his cane instead of the chair he mostly used. The wounds on his legs hurt like hell if he moved too much, but he did not want others to see him in the chair or give empty sympathy.
You’d not been to happy when you showed up to pick him up and he stood outside in the cold, cane in hand. “Miguel—you shouldn’t put yourself through this torture. Let me go get you chair—“
“No. Please don’t. It’s enough torture going to this party. I don’t want the looks.” The pleading in his eyes boring into you.
“Okay but you have to sit as much as possible when we get there—no dancing for you.”
He wanted to say that the only dancing he wanted to do was with you even if he couldn’t.
You helped him into the car quickly, leaning over to kiss him once you were back in the drivers seat.
“You look beautiful, darling,” he murmured, taking your hand and lifting it to kiss it.
That made you chuckle. “You’ve not even seen the dress I’m wearing.”
"I'm sure I'll love it either way. You always look so good."
You looked at your boyfriend again, worry etching on your face. "You know, Miguel, we don't have to go tonight. We can go back up to yours and just spend the night on the couch."
Although it sounded like the best plan, he knew how much you wanted to go to the party. It was one of the few times you got to see your friends from across the different precincts.
"No. It's okay. I can manage a few hours."
You smiled at that, telling him you owed him for going.
"I know, that's one of the reasons I'll go to it."
All night he watched you dance and drink with your friends, ignoring advances made on you by other men and some women. He hated that he couldn't spend the night with you. Mike had wanted to show you off for so long, but he knew what could happen if people found out. The accusations that would be made towards him, and her were not worth the risk, and you had agreed to that.
Which was why, when you sauntered over to him at some point during the night he was really surprised. "y/n--" "Hi Mike", you whispered, leaning over to kiss him. "I've missed you all night."
He looked around, then leaned back to kiss you again, "I missed you too."
@plaidbooks @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @thatesqcrush @alwaysachorusgirl @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @bisexual-dreamer02 @misscharlielulu @xoxabs88xox @muchadoaboutcj @beatrice-san @meetmeatyourworst @thats-jaywalking @cursedashes @mysoulisasunflower @crazy4chickennuggets @imaginelover88 @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @guitita @ladylionstar @achataa @nessamc @peauxheaux @silversprings-mp3 @polkadotpenguin16 @pepperbstark @im-a-slut-for-this-man2 @chickensarentcheap @irishavengersassemble
Wanna be on the tag list? Fill out this form to be part of the team 🥰
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acacia-may · 6 months
Acacia's Definitive Defense of Langris x Finesse
No one asked about this pairing, but I'm going to ramble about them anyway... especially since I realized I don't think I've ever actually written a proper post about them as this has been sitting in my drafts for over a year (A/N: Yikes! Sorry friends. I completely forgot I wrote this until today when I tried to find that post I was absolutely certain I had made about Langris x Finesse only to find it buried in my unposted drafts 😅🙈 But I'm posting it now to coincide with the ship ask game so it kind of works...? Maybe? I have no excuses...).
Anyways, dear goodness do I have thoughts about this ship. I’m not sure I can even wrangle them all, but I am going to try my best.
I’m sure it’s pretty clear from my blog that I have a deep love for my spatial mage boys and want good things for them which is one of the main reasons why I have a lot of concerns about the whole House Vaude soap opera. A friend of mine (irl) and I once discussed that plotline for literally 6 hours so I could go on and on about this for ages, but I have tried my best to be brief. That didn't really happen so I apologize in advance for all of the rambling.
I've tried to keep the focus of this post on Langris and Finesse's relationship, so please check out this post if you want to hear my many thoughts on the House Vaude succession drama as whole and in general. To keep things organized, I've divided this discussion into 2 main subsections for clarity under the cut!
(Warnings: Black Clover spoilers and discussion of some heavier topics such as childhood trauma and abuse. Arranged marriage is also mentioned)
Why I Think Langris and Finesse Genuinely Love Each Other (not necessarily in a romantic way but definitely in a selfless care and concern kind of way)
One of my most basic premises for my personal interpretation of Langris' character really comes down to the fact that I think what Langris actually wants more than anything else is unconditional love and to be accepted for who he is (rather than what he does/his accomplishments). He wants to have people who love him, a family—but he'd never admit this because he is convinced he'll never get it. He is convinced that love needs to be earned and he can't earn it, and his relationship with Lady Finesse is a perfect example of this, I think.
It hurts Langris that she is just the kindest person ever and she doesn't like/love him (or such is the reality in Langris' mind anyway given the fact that he has carried around that one time she complimented Finral as "she hates me" for literal years in the canon. But I digress). Langris doesn't like games he can't see a possibility of winning. He closes himself off from love and building meaningful relationships because he doesn't think he'll "win" people's love in the end. He's very cynical and jaded in this way, but more than that, he's wounded. It comes from a place of being denied love without strings attached, without conditions for his entire life and of being told his by his parents that love has to be earned and being convinced that he can't earn it, that nothing he does will ever be good enough and that he will never deserve the love he so desperately craves. And in that way, it comes from a fear of being hurt and rejected. When you care about someone, you give them the power to hurt you—and Langris doesn't want that kind of vulnerability. So I think he just completely counts himself out of the running when it comes to Finesse and defers to his brother—assuming (probably correctly) that she’d choose Finral if she was given a choice between the two of them.
All of that said, he can't quite stop himself from caring for her with a genuine love and respect (not necessarily in a romantic sense but he does care for her)—it’s just sealed off somewhere and not something he really thinks about or allows himself to feel (let alone label) until his brother "declaring war" on him brings all of that to the surface and he kind of has to reconcile how much he wants to be the Head of House Vaude (what he’s worked for his entire life) with how much he wants Lady Finesse to be happy. I love how in that scene there is actually a moment (at least in the anime) in which "the camera" turns and we're watching the scene unfold from Langris' eyes/perspective immediately before he gets involved and tells Finral to clean up his act.
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(A/N: If you listen very carefully you can hear the sound of Langris' entire world falling apart...)
Okay, bad jokes aside, this is a huge moment for Langris. It takes him all of five seconds to decide that Lady Finesse's happiness is far more important to him than House Vaude, than his title, his future, his own dreams and aspirations that he has worked for literally his entire life and, ultimately, is more important than everything he has looked to for his own self-worth and fulfillment up unto that point (which causes him to have a bit of an existential crisis as he tries to figure out who he is without those things, without being the next Head of House Vaude, but I digress again). It is an incredible act of love to set aside what someone wants for themselves in order to make another person happy—to choose what is best for another person even at great personal sacrifice. Regardless of how you want to qualify that love (romantic or platonic), it does not diminish the gravity of Langris' sacrifice and the willingness he shows to choose Finesse's happiness over the things that are (seemingly) the most important to him in the world.
Up until this point, Langris is this incredibly goal-oriented character who is set on becoming the best, the strongest, and eventually the head of House Vaude which comes off as self-interested and a little ruthless in his willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, but suddenly, here he is, ready to give all of that up so that Lady Finesse can have the chance to be happy. It's almost like he is saying (honestly, far louder and clearer than any words possibly could), "I love you more than all of that."
Why else would he be helping his brother take over as heir to House Vaude when that actually seems to be something Langris wants for himself? (I know the poll I ran examined some different ideas and interpretations but that's always been my personal take on it). It’s almost like in that moment, Langris has realized that he can’t make Lady Finesse happy (even if he wants to), but he thinks that Finral can so he wants to make Finral into the best he can be for her.
Once Langris is reasonably sure that Finral is at a place that he can make Finesse happy and has become a man "worthy of her," I could definitely see him stepping aside so that his brother could take over their House and marry her—purely out of concern for Finesse’s happiness, and there is something incredibly selfless and very beautiful about that.
I think Finesse's side of things is much more practical. The fact of the matter is that Finesse is royalty in a medieval society where she will inevitably be married off for a political alliance and/or to produce children, and she has probably always known that she needs to marry out of duty/responsibility, so I can’t really see her as that much of a hopeless romantic given the circumstances. If she allows herself anything, it is the hope that she will get to spend her life with someone who does care for her and who she can be content with. I don't think throughout most of Finesse's life and certainly not throughout this whole arranged marriage business that anyone has ever really asked her what she wanted or ever really cared about her wishes before, but Langris seems to have a genuine interest in her wishes and her happiness more so than anyone else. And I think she does care for him (again, not necessarily in a romantic way but it is a genuine care and concern of at least friendship).
As I discussed in this post, when Langris has all that elf-business and the King threatens to dissolve the betrothal and punish the Vaudes, it is Finesse who comes to their defense rather than taking what is quite possibly her only chance at an "out." And it is an informed, free choice on her part. I love her line in the English dub that she "knows Lord Langris and has no misgivings about him" and therefore essentially begs her uncle not to "judge him too harshly." I think there is something very strong and very courageous in her decision to believe in the good in Langris even when he is at his worst, and her concern is truly and completely focused on what is best for him. I'm especially thinking of that moment when she begs him to stop before he does something he will regret. She's worried about him: his hurt and his guilt. She really wants what's best for him, and it's this love for him and this belief in him that really brings out the best in Langris.
My absolute favorite thing about this ship (besides how selfless they are towards each other) is really that Finesse has this way of bringing out this softer, gentler side of Langris that, I think, very few people have actually seen. Langris himself is so insistent on hiding this (probably a learned response from growing up in an environment where any hint of emotion and any sensitivity is viewed as a weakness), but really he has such a deep capacity for love and given the opportunity would be fiercely loyal.
Langris may not care about a lot of people, but the ones he chooses to care about he will love forever. He's just such a tsun about it, I think, so it can be very hard for anyone (and especially for those with preconceived notions of him as a snotty stick-in-the-mud) to see that he's really very sweet and awkward as heck about his feelings. Langris' love might be quiet—it's not very flashy and usually shows itself in doing little, everyday things for the people he loves—but still waters run very, very deep and he has shown that he would do just about anything to protect the people he loves most and make them happy, no matter what that means for himself. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that he would die for Finesse if it came down to it.
Ultimately, I can imagine a lot of different outcomes for this relationship (some of which never, ever cross over into that romantic place). I really just want them both to be happy whether that means they end up together or not, but yes, I could see them happy with each other in a romantic sense under very specific circumstances since they do have such a selfless love for each other (but I think that is probably a discussion for another time because this is already super, super long so I'm cutting myself off in favor of the next section...).
Why I personally think Langris rather than Finral is better suited for Finesse
As much I don't like pitting ships against each other, I don't think it's avoidable in this case since she is going to be in arranged marriage with one of them. To paraphrase a favorite musical of mine, it's not a matter of "if" but which one. And I think it's best for me to just start off by saying that while I do genuinely like and appreciate Finesse and Finral as a ship as well, I personally think that Langris and Finesse are better suited for one another in the long term.
I will admit upfront that this is in part because of my own personal experiences of having a chronic illness (and needless to say that is a personal bias that colors my opinions, so please just keep that in mind), but I think it's important to talk about the fact that Finesse is chronically ill because it's not something I've ever really seen discussed when talking about ships for her and I really think it should be taken into account. Like Finesse, I have been sick for most of my life, and I can really relate to the kind of difficulties and limitations that Finesse likely experiences due to being chronically ill and the realities of the less active and much more slower-paced life she would lead and, by proxy, the life anyone who married her would have to lead. Again, I am not saying that I don’t like or couldn’t imagine her & Finral together (I do genuinely like that ship too), but I almost think Langris is better suited for her in that he actually wants (or seems to want) the slower-paced life they’d probably have together. For instance, there are likely to be frequent situations that would arise in which Finesse is too ill or too tired to go out and her husband would then be “forced” to stay home with her. With Langris, I think, there would never really need to be much of that feeling of guilt on Finesse’s part or the fear that she is taking away something from Langris or being a burden, because Langris isn’t super sociable and would just want to stay home anyway. In fact, let’s be honest here, he’d probably, actually feel kind of relieved that he has gotten out of unwanted socializing. Whereas Finral is a much more lively and sociable person (rather than an "old soul" like Langris), and though Finral would never, ever want Finesse to feel like a burden or to feel guilty about being sick, I could imagine there is more of that feeling (at least from Finesse’s side) that he has given up a lot more to be with her since his active social life would drastically change as soon as they married.
There's also the matter of the panic Finral would probably have whenever Finesse was ill or having a flare of symptoms. Of course, Langris would be worried as well, but I think because of his personality, he is better able to shelve that and help in a crisis rather than Finral who gets really worked up and then just sort of shuts down. Obviously this is something that can be learned over time, but I just worry that it would be a constant source of stress for Finral which would ultimately make Finesse very worried about him and upset that he is upset on her account. I think Finesse would have a lot of fear that the life she could give a lively, busy, & social person like Finral would be holding him back in some way. The question there is really: will what Finral wants out of life ever gel with the limitations Finesse has to live with? Whereas I don't think that question is as much of an issue with Langris since he is an old soul and incredibly steady, very unlike his more restless, adventurous, and high-energy brother.
I think Langris and Finesse are alike in this way. Though they have many differences in their personalities (and a really nice balance there), they have a lot of similarities in worldview and their attitudes towards life and their life goals—being more traditional, formal, and proper ‘old souls.' Whereas I think she and Finral have more similarities in personality (despite him being much more lively), they’re both incredibly kind, gentle & easy-going people who aren’t particularly ambitious and often make decisions based on what will make other people happy and "keep the peace." But worldview wise he seems much more modern and less traditional than her which I could see causing some tensions since I think they want different things out of life, in a way. It’s almost more important to be alike in life goals/worldview than personality, I think.
I also think Finesse and Langris share common interests and genuinely enjoy each other's company (as we get these glimpses of in the anime where they're just having a quiet, comfortable tea parties together for instance). Even if it started off as an obligation to spend time together because of this arranged marriage they were going to be in, I like to think that eventually Langris and Finesse actually became fairly good friends and came to genuinely enjoy each other's company. I guess it’s a bit unfair to Finral to bring this up since we haven’t seen him spend a lot of time with Finesse so we can't say that they don’t enjoy each other’s company but I just don’t see them having the same shared interests that she would have with Langris.
There is a lot more I could say about these two and their relationship, but I think that's enough ramblings for now. If you read this all the way through to the end, bless you. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Cheers!! 💖
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This had been sitting in my drafts for about two months and I kind of forgot about it😅 But after reading @Aura thread, which I agree with (link at the end go read it!) I thought that is a good time as any to post it.
In defense of Yuamu, she cares about Yuhi she just doesn't have a bro-con like Tre-kun.
Yuamu and Yudias' reaction in ep 57 after hearing that everyone else got turned into a card:
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Yuamu and Yudias' reaction in ep 57 after hearing that Yuhi got turned into a card: (a reminder that ep 57 &56 happen on the same day)
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she is clearly destroyed by the fact her twin brother was turned into a card. we can also see that in ep 58 when they the rest of UTS and Yuhi-gang that Yuhi and the rest had turned into a card (bonus UTS staff reaction to it)
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but why Yuamu didn't fight Tre-kun in ep 59? because she was cautious she knew they are strong and going in without a plan could be dangerous, she was worried about Yudias during the duel even though he had a maximum.
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she is still depressed over the fact Yuhi is a card while she says won't be in ep 60
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Yuamu did not understand Yuhi's actions but she decided to trust him and his words, Yuhi allowed himself to be carded and Yuamu decided to accept that.
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we also see that it was Yuhi who inspired Yuamu to take action as she said she works by thinking about the problem while Yuhi goes by his guts but this time she went by her guts like Yuhi would.
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So after all that can you really say: "Yuamu does not care about her brother?" She does care in her own way and that is why she has complete trust in him, she just does not have a bro-con.
@aura thread
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I agree with every word!!
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mrd-gvf · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
I was tagged by @jmkho thank you!!
Were you named after anyone?
Kind of. My middle name is my grandmother’s name, but the English version. So her name was Rosa and my middle name is Rose
When was the last time you cried?
Idk, I cry a lot for literally any reason lol so probably not that long ago (Update: it was yesterday)
Do you have kids?
No and no thanks
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yeah, too much probably lmao
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their hair, I’m very socially awkward so looking people directly on makes me nervous so I don’t look at people for long but I always notice their hair
What’s your eye colour?
I think it’s technically grey. It’s like bluish grey with a bit of a greenish grey ring. Apparently that means my eyes are grey
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I cannot watch scary movies
Any special talents?
Not really. I know a lot of useless trivia, I don’t know if that’s considered a special talent
Where were you born?
North York, Ontario
What are your hobbies?
Reading, music, video games, movies, tv shows, writing, sometimes drawing
What sports do you play/have you played?
I don’t play sports, never really played sports as a kid either
How tall are you?
Favourite subject in school?
Idk, maybe English, but only when we read some books. Other than that I was not a fan of school
Dream job?
I don’t mind the job I have now. If I could have any job at all I would probably be a writer or an actor, or a movie writer lol.
I had this in my drafts for so long omg. I completely forgot to post it
I will tag, @currentlyfangirling10 @chipswsalsa @songbirds-sweet @puzzle-gvf @allieisacrybaby @jakeydoesit @alwaysonthemend @writingcold @joshsindigostreak @gretasmokerising @blistering-hue @crazy-minded-girl @a-flower-grown
Sorry if you've been tagged already, it's a been a while since I got tagged in this 😅
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
Oversharing on the Internet [okay so I had this saved in my drafts from over a week ago and completely forgot about it until @ambiguouspenny tagged me recently. I don't remember who originally tagged me when I first put this in the drafts, but I think it was @welcometololaland ? I think? 😅]
ONE: Are you named after anyone?
First name, no. Middle name is the same as an aunt's middle name.
TWO: When was the last time you cried?
Probably three weeks ago at my best friend's wedding: they had lavender blackberry cupcakes and they were so good I almost started to re-think my stance on marriage just so I could marry whoever baked them. A few tears came to my eyes at how perfect they tasted.
THREE: Do you have kids?
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FOUR: Do you use sarcasm a lot?
More-so just any type of humor to deflect and avoid things I don't want to talk about. See: my answer about crying.
FIVE: What sports have you played/do you play?
I played a year of basketball in junior high and then two years of "cheerleading" in high school (I put it in quotes because I went to a fundamentalist christian school where the cheerleaders were not allowed to move our hips or do flips/tumbling because those aren't modest. so they basically removed all the sport out of it).
SIX: What's the first thing you notice about people?
I don't know how to describe it other than their ~vibe? but working in customer service for as long as I have, I just notice people's moods or demeanor more than any other part of them first. Probably as a defense mechanism so I can prepare myself for angry people.
SEVEN: What's your eye color?
EIGHT: Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, but... not sappy, completely unrealistic ones.
NINE: Any special talents?
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um- no I can't think of a single actual thing.
TEN: Where were you born?
From what I recall being told, it was in some birthing facility place that was close to a hospital in case something went wrong. Unclear if anything went wrong tbh.
ELEVEN: What are your hobbies?
Reading, hiking, attempting to do random crafts/home decor or repair projects, and whatever it is I do on the internet I guess.
TWELVE: Do you have any pets?
One cat. She's adorable but also a creature of hell.
THIRTEEN: How tall are you?
5'2" if I'm not slouching like I usually do throughout the day.
FOURTEEN: Favorite subject in school?
Math. also sign language. I wish I had stuck with learning more of both of them.
FIFTEEN: Dream job
I don't dream of jobs but I get the question so... Unrealistic dream would be film editing, home design, or getting paid to read books. A more realistic dream (but requires schooling which I absolutely despise) would be a work from home job in IT/Tech within the company I currently work for. Honestly, anything within my current company but not customer facing would be absolutely fabulous. My company is very inclusive and actively encourages us to use work time to volunteer within our community and the benefits/pay is decent, but I'm just fucking tired of people, man. I'm over it. Customer service is rough.
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art by em year in review!
Not the greatest year by far, but I made it to the end, so let's celebrate! For the third time ever, I present to you my reflections under the readmore (this year, linking back to where they were posted so if you want to see them in situ, you can!)
January: "the nearness of you"
started the year off strong with my favorite femslash pairing of women that never met in canon. this piece really rode the wave of progress i made in the latter half of 2021, when i made a custom brush for lineart in sketchbook and watched my quality go up in response. compared to this time a year previously, the color of my lineart looks way more natural than before. it's a solid piece of work and i still like it very much overall.
something i will say though is that at the time, i was really struggling with skin color, particularly on theresa: you could even see this in last year's retrospective, especially when put next to linda. however, instead of actually addressing the issue at its core i just slapped a warm overlay on top, which was the drawing equivalent of slapping a band-aid (plaster?) over a gash and hoping that would fix things. (spoiler alert: it didn't.)
February: "ain't shit"
in all my retrospectives, there’s at least one which i like the least. for this year’s, this one has to be it. i really adore the concept i was going for, which was f1!au bobsled. f1!au bobsled is kind of an exploration into the ship having a darker side, which i kind of thought was missing from the wider scale of interpretations. so putting them in a position that slightly equalized them gave me the ability to explore that darker side.
anyway, background aside, the concept was something i clearly visualized but didn’t quite get on paper the way i wanted to. this was a case where i should’ve realized that things like warm ups and preliminary drafts are really helpful for pieces that have a clear vision but have a large scale, like this one. otherwise this concept is still super appealing to me and i’d draw it again!
March/April: unposted, "the transcendent third"
this detail section is part of the mock cover i made for a webcomic that i never followed through with, which was supposed to fictionalize my time and misadventures in a lab i was taking for credit. i enjoyed this work as a study on foreshortening (though i can't show the whole foreshortening thing without showing off other details i don't want visible, so you'll just have to take my word for it.)
though the transcendent third never came to fruition, it directly inspired another work i was, in fact, able to complete later in the year. you can probably guess what that work was.
i was extremely busy this time of year, so i didn't draw much.
May: "reunion"
this one i honestly forgot about because i wasn’t a fan of it when i finished. again, i really could have benefited from warming up since i was so out of practice at the time! i suppose that’s the big takeaway from this year 😅
June pt. 1: "circular story"
some progress, corresponding—no surprises here—with the end of the academic year. after years of using the same (very off) coloring for theresa's skin, i finally bit the bullet and twiddled with it, and what a difference it makes (at least to me!). next to herc and douglas and especially linda, she looks more natural, which makes the overall thing more cohesive.
fun bit of trivia is that the positions are meaningful. something that i (tried to) communicate in the f1 AU is the gray areas. who's in control here, really? who is fulfilling what? who is using who? herc and douglas both look to their left toward the women, reminiscent of the chain of authority in aircraft ('when you're a first officer you look to the left and see your captain. when you're a captain you look to the left and see your reflection...'). yet theresa and linda look not back at them, but up at each other. it's an interplay that had meaning and im not sure if anyone else picked it up but it was intentional.
June pt. 2: "Portugal, 1982"
oh hello motorsport fanart featuring ladies from the eighties that only me and like five other people on this webbed site care about. this year was the fortieth anniversary of michèle mouton and fabrizia pons's historic title campaign in the world rally championship, and i wanted to draw things for the three wins that helped them nearly clinch it. but of course (as is the refrain for basically everything art-related this year) since real life was a bitch about it, i was only able to draw something for portugal, which was inspired by actual footage. it's linked in the post if you're interested, CW for camera flashes.
this is a return to the "ghibli style" i tried out last year, and i still think it's adorable. i actually did most of it in procreate, which was less hellish than i remembered it being, and it was a good thing i got a little bit of practice in it, for reasons that will be clear in a few paragraphs.
July: Martin Crieff sheet, aka: if you can't remember how to draw him, redesign him!
look at this martin, then look at february's martin, then look at this martin again. doesn't he look so much better? an earnest young man, that is! he's not ginger but he dyes.
one of my favorite warm-ups/doodles to do is the good old ID picture (facing straight on, neutral expression. simple way to get things under my pencil before attempting something bigger), and this is supposed to be martin's fitton airfield ID card.
this was actually a warm-up for next month's piece...
August: "geyser"
i have a complex relationship with this work. i'd been plotting it and drafting it since at least 2020 and wanted to employ the lessons i had learned from march/april's experiment in foreshortening. i also wanted to draw something that connected martin and mitski's "geyser," the author's purpose and message of which is, i think, integral to understanding martin's character. because flying is like art and art is like flying and you will do anything for your passions even if it means losing you, but 'you' will never be lost because you work and try and fail and work and try and fail in the hopes that your passions will be 'you' and 'you' can be your passions and it's a wheel with no end, isn't it?
anyway i had to do most of this in procreate because for some reason, sketchbook started glitching and bugging on me and i couldn't figure out what was going on. i wanted to depict both martin's aspiration to the sky as well as martin's sheer smallness in comparison to his ambition, which is why i went for the whole foreshortening idea. it's not really that well depicted but the airplane casting a shadow over martin as he stands on tarmac is kind of a representation of his ambition's dominance over him...and then i went and overlaid lyrics to "geyser" over that as if i hadn't pushed the point enough.
i like this piece well enough (and it seems many people did, it's one of the ones that did best notes-wise) but i can't help but feel a lingering disappointment. this is something i’d like to try and re-draw in the future!
September: "before/after turbulence"
this was inspired by a norwegian air pilot's instagram post poking fun at herself for attempting to drink her coffee while they happened to be passing near thunderheads. it was just a funny little image that got more attention than i thought it would (effort vs attention inverse relationship lol) and possibly the most out-of-pocket reblog addition i've ever had on my work. anyways. woteva pt. 2. it was cute and fun to delve into the whole skrunkly style i had going on. i still don't fully understand procreate brush sizes tho.
October: "to take a photograph, and live inside"
sketchbook finally started cooperating with me at this point so i made a triumphant return to it for this piece.
this is so cute and i still love it! this came about after i thought about the characters' heights relative to each other, so more than anything this was a way for me to visualize the height comparison. also i wanted the soft-shoe-shuffle family together with their lesbian sidekick. and i think it's cute. i especially adore how i drew carolyn and i think this is where i permanently decided my herc shipwright is a glasses wearer.
November: "Donne, donne, eterni Dei"
aaauuuugh i love them waaahhh!
anyway i finally gave the mjn crew new uniforms (idk what i was on with that faded blue, nobody wears faded blue uniforms and it just looked washed-out). i am particularly proud of theresa's pose. i think i also posted a little bit about how i've gotten better with poses and anatomy since i started doing fanart seriously. and the secret? actually look back and reference your anatomy notes from high school. and lots of absurd selfies. and stock photos.
December: "the fruit left on my sheets"
after an admittedly up and down year, i finished it off super strong with this piece (which took so long to conceptualize but when i did…) neither of them look really off, which i'm proud of. sketch and lineart were both done in sketchbook, while the coloring and background were done in procreate. the coloring features some overlay work, but i think the star of this, more than the meaning i imbued into their poses and choice of attire, is the background. i might use that technique again because i really liked how it turned out.
Conclusion and 2023 Goals
i think my biggest goal moving into 2023 is to gain more confidence using procreate. one of my takeaways from this year was how powerful a program it is, and i think it is worth my time and energy getting to know and understand it, since i already have it. sketchbook will always be my first love in terms of drawing programs, since it was free, it was my first, and getting to understand it in early 2020 unlocked the door for me to not be shy to share my art online. but there are some things i turn to procreate for, like being able to blur in different ways! so i do want to balance what i use between those two programs.
additionally, i’m making an effort now to alt text all my art. i was lazy about it before, which is kind of dumb as i’m literally vision impaired myself so like. what was i waiting for lol. but better late than never!
last of all, my sincere thanks to all of you who've liked or reblogged a post i did, for engaging with my fanart, however unusual my subject matter (clears throat. the linda fairbairn extended universe, therlinda, the f1!au…shall i go on?) might be. cabin pressure really is an integral part of the person i've grown to become and am choosing to grow to be, and it genuinely brings me joy to explore its characters and relationships in all sorts of ways. this is one of my favorite hobbies and i appreciate all of you who are in it with me. when i’m down, i reread people’s tags because it genuinely means so much that other people like what i make. so, thank you.
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whichwoods · 11 months
ask game going around, ty for the tag @girlpinkdress 💕:) tagging anyone else who'd like to participate
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
3! (completely forgot about my lsts oneshot when i first posted this lmao)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
hotd, pjo, and otgw (counting wips and tumblr-exclusives)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
i do not have that many lmao — but in order it's 'like the stars that shine' and 'lightning-stained skies' (though the last is really only still up just because i try to avoid deleting fic on principle 🥲)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to! especially if it's one i can tell someone put a lot of effort into 💕 i often fall behind on replies though, like right now with my tumblr inbox 🥲
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
what endings?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
again, what endings?? (my old-ass oneshot that's still on ff.net implying piper and conrad from the girl who could fly get together)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no! i've been very lucky in that realm
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
yes! mostly your basic abo, piv smut, though i also have some softcore typical m/m in my drafts :)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
yes, but it's the only one i'll ever write simply because i couldn't shake the concept of dipper, wirt, bill, and the beast from otgw and gravity falls as the most dysfunctional friend group ever 🥲 (i encountered the fandoms before i watched both shows) otherwise i don't really care for them lol
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so! (if i do,,,, when i catch you ricky,,, 👹)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i have not! i'm very open to it, though, if anyone is ever able/interested and wants to reach out :)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no! tbh i don't think that'd jive well with my writing style 😅
14. What's your all-time favourite ship
hard to say! measuring by longest love, maybe piper and conrad from tgwcf 💕 honestly i'm always cycling between ships though — for a long time i would've said percabeth from pjo and i still have a soft spot for them :)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
my post-canon poetree slowburn for otgw 🥲 i'm thinking of maybe posting scattered oneshots so at least some of it can see the light of day
16. What are your writing strengths?
i usually say dialogue, and that's also feedback i've been given! but that's also what i frequently get insecure about lmao 😅
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
people's physical descriptions 🥲 always has been
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i usually opt for just italicizing in english for fictional languages because i'm lazy lol, but i think writing it out in the other language looks better. i don't really care when i'm reading as long as there's a translation somewhere in the chapter :)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
percy jackson 🫶🏻
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
i guess lsts!
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Got a request from @shonenkun20 . I apologize for getting it out so so so so so so So SO late I had started it just a few days after the request was made and had gotten a good chunk done but than I accidentally forgot to save it to my drafts at one point so I lost EVERYTHING and never forgave myself or this piece of writing 😅. Anyway, I had like no ideas for a story so I decided to just give you some jealousy headcannons and a small scene I apologize. Once again I'm sorry for getting this out as late as it is. Anyway here is my jealousy headcannons (+small scene) for our Oni boy Koga. I also apologize for how short and probably OOC this is. You didn't specify what gender so I went with female. I hope you like my little headcannons and fic. Enjoy♡
I think this should be pretty obvious but he doesn't really get jealous very easily...
The only people he ever really gets jealous about (specifically over his s/o) are Toichiro and Kyua
With Toichiro he doesn't like how interested he seems in you even though he is like that with basically everyone...
And then you and Kyua just seem very friendly and while he is very happy about that he also...isn't
When it comes to his particular form of jealousy he just becomes a bit more protective than he usually is
Just always having an arm around your waist or shoulders sometimes even a surprise (often a LITERALLY breathing) kiss
Just over all very sweet and slightly possessive boy who just wants to protect you from other people's eyes and just be loved (insecure boy tbh)
You, (y/n) were at the lavish mansion of a handsome and fairly well known aristocrat you just so happened to have built an albeit strange, but nice friendship with. By the name of Toichiro Yuri. You were not alone of course as your lover was with you as well. He was another fairly well known man within the town you lived in. His name was Koga Kitamikado. Toichiro's valet Shizuki was there as well of course but he is less important as of the telling of this story. So the four friends (including Shizuki) had been sitting in a living room type area for some time simply discussing unimportant topics that somehow turned to a party of sorts being held in town in two days time (y/n) aka still you, had completely forgotten until it had been brought up by the not only fox like but also physically a kitsune in human form; Toichiro. A hand was placed on your knee from the fox man. "So (y/n)..." Toichiro began "I belive you have heard of the party being held in town square in just a few days am I right?" You had to think for a moment before you had fully registered his words, you than nodded in recollection of the large festival like dance to be held. "Yeah I do remember hearing about it." You stated blatantly in reply wondering not only about why he was asking given he was quite literally the one who had brought it up to you in the first place, but also because his hand was now lightly resting on your thigh. Of course you couldn't have seen it but Koga had a glare frosty enough to rival Shizuki's ice powers and was directing it at Toichiro's smug face. He, Koga than slipped you out of the foxes grasp and into his arms a frigid look still pointed at his friend. "We are going together." He told The Kitsune. The fox smiled wryly at the Oni. "Oh? I wasn't aware you had fully made your claim to her." You ended up in the middle of a slightly intense stairing contest between the two, up until Shizuki cut into the conversation. "It seems to have gotten rather late. I believe it would be best if maser Koga and Ms.(Y/n) were to get home before dark." You wordlessly thanked him and the two other males nodded in agreement, thus cutting the tension in the room. So Koga and yourself both stood up from your seets and were escorted by Shizuki to the door. Once the two of you got to your house he slipped his arm from your shoulders to your waist and leaned in for a soft and sweet, yet passionate kiss. Almost like he was trying to pour every ounce of affection he had for you straight from his heart into yours. Once you pulled away from each other he gave you a gental smile and a second small peck to your lips, and then another, and then a third. You softly sighed and leaned against him. "You know he was just teasing you." He nodded at your words a sigh leaving his lips. "I know, but I don't like it when he touches you like that." He mumbled back. "I know...you know I love you, and you alone right?" He nodded, a hidden smile gracing his handsome face. "I love you too." He replied. "You should head inside and get some sleep." You nodded with a yawn. "I suppose." You mused before giving him one final kiss on the cheek and heading inside your house.
The end♡
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BTS from A Reprieve From Thought :DDD
Fic Specific Asks!
BTS: I’ll write a DVD commentary about my personal favorite passage from [that fic]
sorry this took ages, I forgot about it in my drafts 😅
so first of all I think it’s worth noting that this is in a general darklina doc titled this lol
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for my other BTS fic thing I read through the entire fic and made comments through out so I’ll just do the same thing here. it’s uh pretty short PWP so let’s see how this goes…
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minor thing but a few people have read this as a continuation of the canon scene set in his cabin and that’s not actually the case! with the set up I was trying to establish that it’s more of a missing scene during the rest of time they’re hunting the sea whip
also him not looking up is not entirely a power play lol he’s just a nerd
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this I was trying to mimic the book vibe where extended descriptions of the Darkling just make it feel like she’s staring at him for a very long time.
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I was thinking he’s poring over one of the journals
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so a couple things, I always interpret the Darkling as uniquely and uh tbh sexually fixated on the amplifiers on Alina and like what they represent. he’s just really weird about it!!
anyway I also just forever find the implication that he doesn’t need an amplifier, but his power only makes things fucking worse really interesting? all that power and it’s completely useless! I think he’s definitely bitter about it.
anyway the first book also makes it really clear that she does not have fuck off insane power like him? to the point where I also doubt she would turn out to be immortal tbh! I find the implication that he’s basically manufacturing an immortal companion for himself really fascinating. lbeyond the baseline of having a very unique power, their experiences probably would not be similar at all but he’s just that desperate for them to be.
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mostly self explanatory, but generally there’s not much room in the canon book for her to feel much betrayal? or sort out whatever burgeoning feelings she may have had for him before things imploded dramatically. I think in reality it’s just a writing issue sjfjfkhg but you could read it as her refusing to really view anything that’s happened through an emotional lens.
so this is some unacknowledged and unwanted hurt coming to the foreground. like “so you did like me a little 🥺”
and also that annoys her! which is why she’s more like “lololol you’re attracted to me? embarrassing! aren’t you embarrassed!” which is the trajectory that leads to her kissing him first.
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SO while she is playing a very immediate petty game, he experienced a mental record scratch and went straight to omgomgomg *soulmates*
I think he is being sincere with her here. he’s just like are you finally ready to abandon your petty qualms and obey me without question and come back to my side??
I think he’s a very emotionally starved and obsessive character and simultaneously hardcore resents her for both bringing this out in him but also that she doesn’t meet his predetermined idea of what the object of his obsession (the fated sun summoner and his like immortal companion) should be like.
and Alina’s just like ………..huh?
I’m not going to screencap the entirety of the making out portion but shdhfgf I’ll be real with you, anon, I get so tired of describing the physicality of like kissing or sex. I literally got so bored I repurposed some descriptions from another fic for another ship I wrote ages ago and altered it to fit this scenario. I don’t think any of the original text is at all recognizable/there’s barely any left tbh after editing but I did need the jumping off point in order to not just be like “uh… kissing… more kissing?”
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so this starts an entire bit where he’s nagging at her lmao and she’s mostly… not cool with it really but willing to play along if he gets her off dhfjffg but then he’s like “you betrayed me” and she’s like “okay hold the fuck up who made who massacre an entire city of civilians???”
anyway, more minor note at the time of writing, and still currently, I felt like the dialogue line about mentioning silken sheets was more my own writing style bleeding through rather than like perfectly IC word choices but I ran with it because I liked it lol
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lol he takes any excuse to power trip. I mean he does already make her beg in canon 🤷‍♀️
she’s ready to go with it a little for role play/kink purposes but he’s pushing it lol.
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sorry she’s going to have a fucking crisis (lol literally) after this!!!! I don’t think the actual plot trajectory would change much though. she’s probably going to feel worse, he’s going to be speaking in even more insane double entendres. but that’s about it!
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fusion-ego · 2 years
!! -emmettnet
Thank you for giving me an opening to yell about this man, Emmett >:3c
(Sorry for how late this answer is, I ended up dropping this in my drafts at work and then forgetting to finish it up lol)
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This is Ardyll "Selios" Vadan, one of two main characters from a fantasy novel I started at the end of 2021!
He's a 37 year old hermit who, before the book ever even starts, has already had a whole character arc involving being a regular dude, catching the favor of the King and becoming a glorified concubine, overthrowing the King and becoming the Evil King, getting 'assassinated' by a hero employed by the princess, and running off the lick his wounds for the next 10 years while repenting for his actions.
I really don’t have much else I can say about him that doesn’t spoil the novel, but I can tell you his full title and name are a mouthful! In total, at the beginning of the novel, his name and title amount to the following: Ardyll “Selios” Vadan, First-of-His-Name, True-Shot, Red King of Tamevan, Life-Eater.
Funnily enough, this enormous name/title combo is a result of me reading a book in middle school where the main character’s name was (pardon my likely misspelling) Thirrin Freer Strong-in-the-Arm Lindenshield, and poor Ardyll has to deal with that beautiful name sticking with me for a decade and resulting in this nonsense.
Edit: completely forgot to mention the novel he's from is enemies to friends to lovers 😅
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perfectarmony · 2 years
oh nono i didn’t mean to tell you to stop speculating on the show i love reading all the theories!!! i guess i just meant i’m just trying to temper my expectations for 2x05 and then hopefully be pleasantly surprised 😅
but please don’t stop posting your thoughts and the tidbits and spoilers you come across! think i can speak for almost everyone when i say we love your posts 🙂
Ahh I love you anon 🤧❤️ (also I completely respect and appreciate the Anon feature, but boy would I love to be able to freak out with you per message! no pressure though I also love seeing you pop up in my asks! 😉)
Alright, so since you asked for it, here is my little take on ✨them✨ for 2x05
I have to say, @the1northlanderprincess already did a great prediction post a couple days ago so I'm not sure what else I can add to all of that except that - yes, Thony is in the truck that Arman is driving when they're arrested by Garrett, and that the warehouse scene with Kamdar and Nadia is actually for 2.06 😉 (I had the reblog in my drafts but must have gotten distracted by life and forgot to keep writing - I wish I could stay in TCL's world but yeah lol)
So with the new promo, what we could say is that Arman is most likely going to shut down and try to take over the business (with Nadia most likely also pushing him..) to quickly get rid of Robert.
And just throwing that in there but I could see a "Arman *anxious pause* talk to me." at some point coming from Thony, because she knows him, and will know that there's more than just the need to get away from Kamdar - it's the need to get away from this life. (CHILLS. THEY ARE GIVING ME CHILLS.)
Alright, let's not lose ourselves in feels before the actual thing.
So Robert calls for Arman's cleaning lady and it's only when Thony cleans up the mess he made on Robert's orders that he'll finally "break down" (I don't know if you guys can see but I'm pretty sure he has TEARS), and open up about how hard it's becoming for him to actually hurt and kill people for no good reason other than just getting to stay alive. She reaches for his hand to check it (when I said that his bruises are only gonna get worse...), and with him showing that vulnerable side and his true self, she'll understand and make sacrifices to ✨SAVE HIS SOUL✨
Thony is getting deeper - and will do things that are against her principles - just to get him out of the darkness. Honestly, I have shipped many couples, but NONE came to that level, I don't think I'll ever understand how they're making us feel the way we feel but holy crap.
So..after agreeing but still possibly adjusting things to make the less harm possible by selling drugs, he explains it all to Nadia (who's not pleased - the scene with Thony watching them argue), and takes Thony on an motorcycle ride to get the drugs/truck.
Something I'd like to add too, is that I hope and think that Thony will be the one suggesting the deal and having the upper hand. With the information she has on Robert/Maya, I fully expect her to bring Maya up and dangle all of that in front of Garrett to convince him to look away and actually help ✨them✨ and himself bring Kamdar and Cortés down. And here starts their partnership based on shared informations instead of relying it all on threats coming from Garrett.
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torilaa · 2 years
The Memory Shaper Blog
So, recently, I was combing through my files of writing - trying to break out of a nasty bit of writer’s block for my fun kotor fanfiction project - when I found an ancient piece of text. The novel I tried writing in college. I made the mistake of reading it and once I did I kinda…missed it. So. I dug through all the world building docs I made - the terrible first draft that I discarded (where the plot went nowhere literally what a load of junk). Then found the second draft which also went nowhere. And finally I found this. I wrote it in 2018 in an attempt to restart and since I had no one to hold me accountable to continue I stopped. Also thanks to my general depression at the time…well it didn’t help.
I think my New Years resolution is going to be to update this blog post with my progress on completing this science fiction/fantasy novel I dreamed up years ago (this doesn’t mean I’ll abandon my other projects of course. Actually I’m half way done with the next chapter of Fragmented so I’d say it gave me a boost of creative energy).
So, here you go! The first pages and first draft of The Memory Shaper. Many things will be subject to change of course and I’ll talk about the world I made in more blog posts. I hope sharing will help egg me on to complete this finally 😅!
Snow slapped into Martin's face—adrenaline peaked—noise became next to nothing against the 200 kilometer-per-hour winds. His stolen pilo-bike self-adjusted for the city's outer-limit weather, and he climbed high above the mountains towards the countryside. It was only in the snow and trees where he felt like he was free. Not stuffed within bare walls. Not nodding his head at the instructors who drolled on about how his “sacrifice” would mean future generations could control the depths of their minds like ant farms. No, within the winds, the trees, nature, he could watch whatever he wanted and believe in whatever he pleased. Maybe even…forget what he wanted like he used to. 
Now? Now he had no choice but to remember. 
The pilo-bike jolted as his mind wandered. A memory would come to him each time he rode. He could never use his Omitral to forget it.
(Not that he could use it to forget anyway).
Dad had smiled down at him as he adjusted the speed of the engine of his old rusted bike to match the tolerance level an eleven-year-old would have. He remembered (yes, remembered) how he got onto it before Dad finished the adjustments.
“No, no, Martin.” Dad chuckled. “Get down.”
He didn't get down. Dad never forced him off though. Instead, he worked around him and continued making adjustments—licking his lips as always did in concentration. His long red tangled hair—like Martin’s own—had been pulled back in order to avoid being caught in parts. It revealed the scar on his forehead that he rarely if ever showed. It was the one he got from an explosion during “the war.” 
Martin gripped the slim handlebars and imagined how riding it had looked in the O-Vids.
“I wanna go fast.”
Dad huffed. “You'll forget if you do, son.”
“But I'm eleven.”
“Eleven. Twelve. Until you're fifteen, your brain chemistry will work against you. Last week you stubbed a toe. You forgot it and lunch.” He sighed. “It was a good lunch too.”
“I won’t forget, I promise!”
Dad gave him that look.
Martin looked back. 
Dad won the looking contest. 
He groaned.
Dad knew everything about the Omitral—he worked within the Order of Representative's laboratory in New Arizona when Martin had been too young to control his memories during “the war.” Even though Martin couldn't remember most of his early life, he remembered how little he saw his father then compared to how much he saw him now. And now (then) they lived in the middle of nowhere. The middle of nowhere in a redwood forest on a planet Martin…didn’t recall.
Dad grinned and patted the pilo-bike’s hover modules. “Ok! Now, let me squeeze on...”
Martin bloated his cheeks as he remained still—refusing to move. He wanted to ride it himself. Experience the control himself. He yelped when Dad picked him up by the armpits and sat him down this time with enough room for both of them.
Instantly, blue-colored HUDs glowed near the handlebars and multiple numbers and dials swirled in the dash that hadn't existed before. Martin fought against reaching out to touch the HUDs—they didn't exist after all, and he didn't want to look like a little kid that still thought the images produced by the Omitral were real. So, he faced forward and waited for his father's instructions.
“There really isn't much to it.”
Martin blinked in surprise. “Really?”
“Really. It's more of a...feeling. Like when you want to watch an O-Vid or read, do you have to think hard for it to happen?” When he shook his head, Dad placed Martin’s smaller hands onto the handlebars. “Just feel and it will happen, Martin.”
And it happened, first, with slow spurts. Martin imagined the pilo-bike rising off the ground and it did. Then, he imagined the revving of the engine, and Dad flinched when it revved a bit too loud. Finally, he imagined moving forward and—
“Prouset? Hello! Martin Prouset?” A crackle. “Fucking neurotic—are you kidding me right now?”
The world came back and wet snow slammed into his face. Too cold. He cursed and lowered the guard of his helmet before ignoring the annoying blare that erupted in his ears.
A hiss. “I know you can hear me, dipshit. Where the fuck are you? I've been trying to reach you for five minutes. Don't tell me you're out in that storm because if you are...oh shit, please don't tell me you are. No. Why did I get assigned to someone crazy like you?”
Martin pushed his ear with his helmet but it wouldn't stop the sound of Jax's grating voice. Someone hacked into his Omitral again to stop him from muting. Or it was getting fried.
“Yes, I am. In the storm—that is. Cold but I’ve felt worse sitting inside that fridge of a building.”
“Are you insane? These snow storms kill people. And they won't give us our assignment until you come back so unless you want to—”
“Be exiled and live on Earth? Probably better to live in that warzone than here at this rate.”
Instead of continuing the fast path over the trees, he flipped over and began the trek back to base. Jax wasn’t going to shut up anytime soon and he couldn’t mute the bastard.
“Is this a joke to you?”
“I mean, you're a joke so yes.”
“Ha, ha, very funny. Prouset is a clown.” 
“That isn't my name.”
Jax went silent. “This again?”
Yet, Martin didn't say anything back to his partner's annoyed retort. Because no matter how many people insisted that his last name was Prouset, he wasn't going to believe it.
Unfortunately, Jax wasn’t going to be silent on the way back. “This is the third time this week you’ve stolen a patrol’s pilo-bike for a joy ride. Don’t you have an icar? And how did you steal it anyway—it’s biometrically locked.”
“I asked for a favor. And I can’t exactly feel my own mortality in an icar, Jax.”
“Oh, so you do want to die.”
Maybe. Once.
“Can you stop whining in my ear? I can’t…mute you. Omitral on the fritz.”
“I told you to let Doctor Bennet look at that.”
Martin scoffed. “Doctor Bennet is a drunken hack. The Reps barely pay him so he gives less than two shits.”
“It’s better than having an episode, Prouset. Remember Thom? He went crazy…jumped off the top of the tower...”
“It’s fine.”
And that’s all I had. There are other drafts of this concept - of a universe where people can control their memories with the Omitral. None of them reeeeally got the concept across though and Martin was a boring plank of wood in those. And Jax too really. And the plot made no sense. Honestly this may not be the first chapter - I might write something with the villain’s POV as the first chapter. But anyway…this post was mostly self-indulgent and a way to motivate myself to keep going honestly. I’ll keep updating as I keep writing!
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bryan360 · 2 years
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
Epilogue: Cude’s very owned Brown’s normal clothes
🇵🇷Me: What’s up guys? I was hoping for today’s art trade to be different when taking a break from doing digital coloring/editing. That and also took me about 3 or 4 days when using this paper to go through. What that being said, here’s a good look for this month’s art trade to share with my P-Pal featuring his HTF OC: 🐰🤖Cude.
🥜Brown: That’s right. This time he’s now officially be keeping his owned clothes from mine after taking place back in April when Sallie and the others got me. I'm pretty silly wearing a blue dress though. 😊😅
Link Here
🥜Brown: Though I nearly forgot my clothes as we left in the streets; according to the narrator said it at least.
*As Brown, Sallie Chips, and three prankster gals are leaving the premises, Brown's oversize clothes are completely unattended on the walking streets. No one will pick up his clothes from someone and take then home. Until....*
🥜Brown: This is where Cude steps in however as he sees my clothes while walking in the streets. It's something he would hoping for since his Speedster friends Spot and Riya already owned my clothes to keep from last year's Christmas as gifts.
Link Here #2
🇵🇷Me: Mhm. It was very grateful seeing them keeping their owned clothes by permisson for your mom you've asked; especially you having a good time with Jason Watterson during a sleepover party last year.
Link Here #3
🥜Brown: Yeah, I won't forget our moments to snuggle in together. 😊👍🏼 Anyways for Cude's case though, it was pretty hopeful to having him getting his owned from mine as well. Good thing its all bagged thanks to having a girl filled an acorn shaped balloon with fabric softener, which I getting splash from when picking up. 😅 Nevertheless, I'm happy to let me keeping it. Don't worry though as I got plenty of lookalike clothes from my closest.
🇵🇷Me: Mhm, but cute to see Cude wearing his own as he putting some shoes, pants, shirt, and a padded vest step by step. Thought I might included this in style as I took inspiration from the page of my P-Pal's "Jason's Shrink Problem" comic short he'd share with me.
Link Here #4
🥜Brown: Say it was pretty good when you've work hard on during your art progress; even if you took about 3 or 4 days like no surprise of getting there.
🇵🇷Me: I know, but this time is bringing a full sheet of paper from my "SimpleA+" sketchbook to go through. Though I had few papers left due to using on other drafts to share with my P-Pal’s suggestions. So yeah….kinda a bummer a bit that I would’ve save some if I would bring more drawings to think of. Luckily though that my mom already got me some more sketchbooks from Walmart to have. I would like to share with you guys, but that’s gonna be for another post I’ll get to that later or tomorrow morning.
🥜Brown: Cool, but for now hope you guys like this secret art trade post he’s gotten. I give a thumbs up to see Cude finally got his owned clothes from mine and can’t wait to see what to come for next month’s art trade will be. 😉
🇵🇷Me: Mhm. It was a good thing I got more sketchbooks I’ll be using this year. 👍
Tagged: @carmenramcat @alexander1301
Cude (now finally in his owned Brown’s normal clothes) created by my P-Pal; @murumokirby360
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