#hagrid headcanons
theatreslave · 2 months
Hermione doing anything remotely unhinged and the Staff finally hearing about it.
Hagrid: “I ca' believe she did i'. She ca' be righ' scary, tha' one.”
Minerva: “We are speaking about the same student, are we not?”
Sinistra: “Her knowledge would make her a formidable opponent if applied properly.”
Sprout: “She kept Rita Skeeter hostage in a jar for 4 months.”
Minerva: “She what!?”
Severus: *can't stop the great guffaw of mirth that explodes forth*
Minerva: ...
Sprout: ...
Sinistra: ...
Hagrid: ...
Severus: *ahem* 10 points to Gryffindor.
Minerva: Severus!
Sprout: Only 10, Severus really. I think 25 points to Gryffindor would be better.
Sinistra: I think 50 considering it was Skeeter.
Hagrid: ... 100 points to Gryffindor for makin' Snape laugh for the first time since I been 'ere.
*noises of agreement*
Minerve: *buries her face in her hands*
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The fact that Hagrid keeps werewolf pups under his bed is so fucking hilarious like you mean to tell me he kidnapped a bunch of children and just... stuffed all of them under his bed. Without anyone in his dorm noticing. Or maybe they did, they were just too afraid to say anything about it
Guys I think we just found out the real reason he was expelled
To give slight credit:
A) Entirely possible the diary was lying to Harry when it said this had happened. A bit of a strange thing to lie about given the Acromantula thing had occurred/there was no need to make Hagrid look worse or guiltier but it is possible.
B) JKR probably hadn't figured out werewolves yet/what she wanted to do with them as Remus shows up book 3. As much as JKR claims to have thought of things 20 years in advance she has a bad habit of retconning/convincing us a thing that existed last book works totally different now. Could be werewolves were going to be more wolves and then... they... weren't...
But yes, canonically, Tom Riddle noticed and chewed him out for it, but he wasn't expelled until Myrtle died. Could be the other dorm mates were too terrified and... it's telling that no one questioned that it was Hagrid who killed this girl except for Albus Dumbledore. I imagine Hagrid got a lot of side-eyeing from kids who had known him in school when he became groundskeeper.
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cursedwithwords · 3 months
Still thinking about the godparents and idk if this is canon, a headcanon I read somewhere, or something I completely made up, but what I imagine is
James Sirius: Hermione and Ron
Albus Severus: McGonagall and Neville
Lily Luna: Luna and Hagrid
And if that's true Albus absolutely won the godparent contest because Minerva McGonagall as his godmother? Neville Longbottom as his godfather? Shut the fuck up he's so lucky.
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w-stachu · 2 months
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Some headcanon from Pinterest
I am in tears 🥲
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mybrainismessy · 1 year
Something that's bothering me is, you all remember when Draco got a quidditch match switched so they did not have to play in the rain? After the Hippogriff incident?
It bothers me because, Madam Pomfrey seems respected around the school and on top of that a no bullshit woman, and Hagrid also said "you don't want to piss them off, it might just be the last thing you do" or something along those lines.
So I don't believe Draco was faking it. Maybe milking it a bit extra, yes, but I believe that it was bad and the milking was just a mask.
Cause Harry does not know and it was his point of view we got told. So he might just be wrong in saying Draco was faking it, Hermione even doubted he was faking it, as I remember it.
I believe Harry was just angry, maybe because Parkinson was all over Draco? Idk.
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annoyingvoidzombie · 1 year
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Happy Birthday To The Boy Who (I Still Don't Know He Did For So Long) Lived ❤️
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twelvenotxii · 8 months
Remus Lupin headcanons that you can pry out of my cold dead hands
Remus loves music but he can’t sing for the life of him
This does not stop him from trying
He had the fattest crush on Sirius starting in third year but he didn’t say a word
No one realized until fifth year, and they were all sworn into silence
Remus experimented with punk in sixth year and that’s where Sirius got his iconic look
When Sirius ran away from home, James let Remus know immediately
Remus fell through the floo in a state of panic
He refused to leave Sirius’ side for three days, which is how long it took for Sirius to recover enough to tell Remus to fuck off
Remus was heartbroken after The Prank, more sad than angry through the summer and Sirius running away was the last nudge he needed to forgive him
Seeing Sirius pale and injured and so so scared broke any anger that was left
Remus was absolutely amazing at Charms
Despite his passion for DADA, he always got the best marks in Charms
Remus was obsessed with The Sandman comics when they came out
He injured his hip during a moon in fourth year and used a cane from then on (when Sirius could convince him to)
Remus fostered werewolf children while Sirius was in Azkaban
Welsh Remus !! (He once asked Sirius what his favorite color was, and upon hearing that it was red started giggling and only stopped to wheeze out “you love coch!” [the ch is pronounced like English ck])
Remus feathered his hair when it was a popular hairstyle
He hated wizarding robes and opted to wear corduroy trousers with his cozy sweaters
He kept an annotated copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray on his person at all times (and used a different color pen for each reread)
He studied with Regulus in the library even after Regulus stopped following Sirius around the castle
He liked to crochet accessories for the marauders’ animagus forms
He never glamoured his scars away because in second year, while riddled with sleep deprivation, Sirius told him that his scars were so so beautiful
Remus always asked for fun socks as Christmas presents
He kept every pair
He taught Sirius a nightlight spell in his first year after he found out that Sirius had nightmares when he was in a dark room
He knew the spell because his father used it every full moon when he snuck into the basement in between the transformation back and Remus’ return to the waking world
When he asked Lyall about it his father denied doing it but did direct him to a spell book
Hope Lupin taught him everything he knew about cooking
He learned sign language to talk to a younger Deaf student at Hogwarts who he found crying in one of his hiding spots
He gifted Lily and James a cat when they went into hiding so that they would have more company (and because Sirius hated cats)
He regularly checked up on Harry (in secret) while he was still living with the Dursleys
Sirius had to keep him from murdering the whole family
He was inconsolable when he came back from a remote Order mission to the news that three of his best friends were murdered by the love of his life
If anyone had been around during his grieving they would have heard his sobs for Regulus, James, Lily, Peter, and the Sirius that he knew and loved
He knew that his Sirius would never do that to James
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fictonrantsworld · 9 months
When you realize that,according to book canon, Professor McGonagall was atleast 15 years younger than Hagrid
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aloe-variance · 6 months
I am sure one day Harry will retrieve the Elder Wand to fix Hagrid’s broken wand.
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akira-akahoshi · 1 year
Just thought of this so I have to get it out now
Rubeus Hagrid would ADORE Lucas the spider but would be too afraid to touch him cause he might crush the tiny arachnid!
Meanwhile, Ron would be pissing himself cause spider. Screaming so high glass would shatter (the fat lady is jealous of his vocal range lol)
Harry and Hermione would find him straight up adorable
Fred and George would carry Lucas everywhere and chase Ron with him
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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headcanonandburn · 10 months
The real reason why Hagrid was Expelled
If you’d looked into the records, you’d see that Hagrid was expelled for endangering the students of the Castle. He’d already brought werewolf cubs into the castle, stealing them away from their pack, which was threatening the students from the Forbidden Forest. Once that situation had been resolved, he’d received a warning not to bring any other creatures into the castle. That’s when the rule about students being allowed cats, owls, or toads was instituted. The students wanted to keep their pets, and those animals covered most of them. It also meant that Hagrid could, if he wished, have a normal pet. He could even have gotten special dispensation for a dog. Several others did so. Instead, he chose to bring in an acromantula. So, yes, Voldy reported it, and yes, Tom allowed the teachers to delude themselves into believing that the spider was responsible for the recent death. But officially, Hagrid was never blamed for opening the Chamber of Secrets. He was held accountable for the dangerous animals he kept bringing into the castle despite warnings to the contrary
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Since Hagrid’s house is never stated in the books to my knowledge and our only clues are him disliking Slytherin because Tom Riddle narked on him about having legitimately dangerous animals what house do you and vinelle figure he was in if you’ve put thought to it? (or use if writing him in a story)
I know there was a bit I was convinced it was slytherin as that’s how he knew the slytherin’s prefects name and was in a place to be caught by said slytherin prefect, figuring the prejudice was a response to being expelled before getting fully attached to it (he’s one of the good ones! He swears!). But the prejudice and Dumbledore liking him (the sad state of the series) would probably indicate otherwise.
If, whenever you answer, it’s simply to point out you don’t much care for the houses enough to arbitrarily pick one then fair enough.
I believe canonically, Hagrid's a Gryffindor, I think we learn this in Chamber of Secrets when Tom Riddle is telling Harry all of Hagrid's dirty secrets and how it was totally Hagrid who opened the Chamber totally. He refers to him as "a Gryffindor third year" and some other choice words.
@therealvinelle and I always go with this and put him in Gryffindor. We didn't see any reason he shouldn't have been placed there given his personality/who he aspires to be/his hatred of Slytherins in canon without going "I had a traumatic past, Harry, in which I was a Slytherin"
(And yes, this means one of Hagrid's roommates must have tried to nark on him to the Slytherin prefect several times for several different creatures, probably not getting anywhere with Dumbledore who was head of Gryffindor or for some reason any of the Gryffindor prefects who probably then went to Dumbledore.
No, this didn't get Hagrid expelled or suspended earlier and probably that student lived in terror that Hagrid's dangerous fire breathing scorpions would eat their faces in their sleep.)
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Harry suddenly turned to Ron, his brain finally catching up to speed after who knows how long.
"Charlie," He said.
"You're losing it, too," Ron looked at him shocked, "I'm Ron, remember?"
"No—Charlie—your brother, Charlie. In Romania. Studying dragons. You know, Charlie. We both know you know Charlie. We're talking about dragons, Ronald. We could send Norbert to him. Him, as in Charlie—the one that's working with dragons. That one. Yeah, he, Charlie, can take care of Norbert. The dragon. Because he studies dragons. Charlie Weasley—"
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whinlatter · 1 year
the filch answers - inspired, stunning, talented
13 15 23 31 34 [when his dark mark's tingling] and 45
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13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
fail to master the curly girl method
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
become a death eater
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
if hagrid were a scented candle that would be concerning because his house is (famously) made of wood
31. If they had a tumblr what would it look like?
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.—can specify as many as you like)
hagrid when his dark mark's tingling
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bonus: hagrid every time ginny shows up in Beasts:
45. Their favourite celebrity
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iliveilove · 1 year
Something I noticed in the Hp books
When I first read the books, I noticed something immediately. Hagrid is always defending Snape. Sure it could be because Dumbledore trusts Snape and Hagrid trustes Dumbledore but in HBP when Harry tells Hagrid that Snape killed Harry, Hagrid doesn't believe him. Hagrid who's closer to Harry more than the other staff didn't believe him. And that is not the first time. The other staff though, they believe Harry immediately. In Philosopher's Stone When Harry tells Hagrid that Snapes trying to steal the Stone he doesn't believe him and tells him that no way the professor would do that ( or something similar, I don't remember). This is something that's always stood out to me in the books and I've never seen anybody bring this up before.
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rosie-love98 · 1 year
When you learn that Hagrid is OLDER than McGonagall...
McGonagall could've been in "Fantastic Beasts" thanks to either a malfunctioning Time-Turner or time-traveling spell/potion. When Dumbledore (or someone else) managed to get her back, that had to get her from a different year for some reason. But, she when she got back to her own time, it was as if she never left which is why the Wizarding World didn't make her "disappearance" a big deal.
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