#haha remember this. 'cause still accurate.
redgearsmovin · 1 month
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[ID start: Various digital sketches of Imagination Movers characters: Nina, Dave, Scott, Smitty and Rich. End ID.]
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coockie8 · 5 months
how do you feel about the "fairies survive on human belief" thing from Peter Pan?
I think it's a very interesting story mechanic, and fits great in something like Peter Pan.
In my own personal beliefs, and the lore for my novels, though, its doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Fae predate humans, if there existed a fae that relied on human belief to survive, they would've died out centuries before humans evolved.
Now this is not me saying this concept is bad, it simply doesn't work for me. As I said before, it is a very fascinating concept. I'm just not a fan of the implication that fairies have only existed as long as humans have and will die out completely when they do, if not long before due to lack of belief.
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dingodoodles · 17 days
Sorry if something like this has already been asked but I'm curious. I can barely remember what I had for dinner a week ago, how do you remember all the details for Fools Gold from a campaign you did years ago? Does Felix still have his DM notes that you can use to cross reference?
I weirdly have a pretty good memory for campaigns. Sometimes things are missed. But I remember the over all story and beats we hit. I also have expanded on what we had. The dialog is not exactly what was said at the table simply cause I can't remember that detailed. HOWEVER There are some lines and jokes that are straight from the campaign simply because they were so good I couldn't forget them. Examples of this would be: Ep. 6 = hitting Sneeze's dead body onto the big crystal. Ep. 17= Vicky asking what Sips name was and him saying "NOPE TOO PERSONAL" Ep. 31 = Elowen saying "Ok now take this sledge hammer and give him a good smash!" I could name so many more but these are just a few. Fool's Gold is a retelling so it's not 100% accurate. I tried my best but a lot I've had to change or expand on, simply cause at the time we weren't thinking "Ok how does Sips curse work again???" We just kinda went with whatever Felix threw at us. If I ever change something I talk to Felix and make sure he's cool with it. This was how the other side of the portal was created. As the original version was just a bigger and more dangerous jungle. But I wanted to make it unique and special to reflect the story. There is sometimes I have to ask Felix about a characters name ect. He does have his notes from the campaign still but they are REAL sparse. He wasn't thinking about taking detailed notes at the beginning. His notes have gotten better now. Maybe one day we'll do a live stream and read through them haha Anyway, that's my long winded answer lol
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minquiec · 1 year
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The Grim Reaper and The Swallow Au
- unproofreaded unchecked everything I wrote this at 1 am yall
(The grim reaper idea is inspired from goblin hahshahsh)
Basically the concept of grim reaper is that they used to be people but died and became reapers (idrk why yet)
They retain some of their personalities and stuff but they essentially cannot remember who they are and can't/or unable to question who they used to be
They're also wired to focus on their sole purpose which is to take things who have died into the afterlife (includes animals)
But hb is an exception while he does do what he's supposed to do, he isn't fully committed to it (so that it's still somewhat movie accurate personality with the whole not following order thing HAHSHA)
So essentially the afterlife entities don't exactly like him and humans (that r on verge of death) don't like him cause uknow no one wants to DIE (minus those few exceptions where it's like a nice old grandma dying of old age ueueu)
In terms of what jia is she's like,,,idk a swallow that can shape shift (some magic bs and animal spirits and stuff)
In this world, there are like a select few animals that can shape shift/are sentient (BECAUUUSEE they also used to be humans but we're reborn. The idea is human --> died unfairly --> given a second chance to turn into a shape shifter --> if they do good/don't do anything outrageously bad in the shape shifter life then they are able to be reincarnated into humans in the next life [the bar isn't very high bc they died unfairly in the previous life.])
The animals are primarily animals and can't maintain human forms for that long and generally takes alot of energy to do so
They can also see other supernatural entities but doesn't mean they are necessarily friendly with all of them
So one day hb and jia meet cause yknow Heeheehaahaa
And bc hb is used to other things being scared of him (grim reaper stuff) he's a little confused why she hasn't run/flown away yet.
"aren't you scared, little dove?"
And jia just like IM A SWALLOW 😨
But basically jia isn't scared cause generally swallows r optimistic and all around good vibes all the time becaaauuusueee swallows, as google says, represent good luck, safe travels, happiness, and positivity.
And she's like haha that's cause ik it's not my time to go yet!!
And he's like well how would you know that
And she's just cause I have good luck
(she's so dumb istg I love my daughter)
So now they start an odd friendship between the grim reaper and a swallow 🔥
And then to the angst bits
Basically it's probably at the very end of their time tgt
And it's approaching winter and jia is supposed to migrate
But she doesnt
Cause she wants to stay here beccccauuuuuuussssseeee she's on her last legs
She dying brouh so it means if she migrates she'll never see him again
But hb doesn't know this cause grim reapers are only told of the few minutes before the exact moment someone dies
And some other shid I haven't figured out happens and basically how they end is like two ways
One is the reincarnation pathway woohoo where jia dies as a swallow and hb takes her to the afterlife (sadly) and after a couple of hundred years probably she is reincarnated but he can never approach her again like he did before
Oorrrr we can go with
Hb essentially refuses to take her into the afterlife (cause he doesn't rlly follow his duties like I said) and both of them are by other grim reapers
At least they die tgt amirite 😄
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ducktracy · 8 months
hi, i really love your art :) i was just wondering if you have any tips on how i could try and improve with drawing characters too? that and, well, spongebob-style backgrounds. because u do those really well :)
one of my biggest pieces of advice for getting a character down is probably the piece of advice nobody wants to hear. myself included! but, it is just a fact that the more you draw said character, the more you’ll get accustomed to that! repetition is key! that might even mean drawing them when you don’t feel like it. but you do begin to develop a feel for the character the more you get acquainted with them, and your muscle memory begins to kick in
definitely speaking a bit from experience here with the SpongeBob characters HAHA. there was a period starting out where i really felt hopeless and did not think i’d ever adopt to the SpongeBob House Style; my own style kept sneaking in through ways i never noticed and it caused me a lot of personal heartache and frustration. but, heartaches or no heartaches, i still had a deadline to meet! and that’s really helped me a lot. 3 years of drawing these guys 40 hours a week has allowed me to improve in ways i never thought i would. it does become muscle memory, you do get more used to the quirks of the characters, you do get more accustomed to their needs, but that does cone from putting in the work to do it. and that work is largely repetition based.
BUT! for some more actively productive advice—doing studies of characters has helped me IMMENSELY! this is something i’ve done for both my personal and professional art. if you’re drawing fanart of a character, maybe take some time to scope out some screenshots and drawings of the character that speak to you the most. how do you want the character to look? do you want to do a 1-to-1 homage? pull different aspects of their designs into your own personal amalgamation?
i really can’t stress how helpful studies are, but you do have to be a bit diligent about them! your goal is to transcribe the drawing/screenshot as you see it exactly. not what you think it looks like or how you would draw it—the objective is to essentially copy it as accurately as you can. then, when you’re done, it helps to do a comparison of your drawing overtop the source! see what you got right and what could maybe use tweaking. it’s likewise important to take your TIME with this. really absorb what you’re drawing. think about the construction, what shapes the character is made up, how their features interact with one another. the absorption is the most important part—otherwise, you’ll just become really good at copying.
on SpongeBob, we’d take these studies one step further—you do your initial study, take notes on what needs to be tweaked, then do that study again. THEN, after that, hide the layers with the source material/previous study so you’re purely drawing it from memory. you’ll have 3 studies that way. it can be a pain and sometimes even a heartbreaker (i remember wincing many times when comparing my 3rd study to the screenshot HAHA), but you DO get better. it really does help, and the addition of the repetition likewise clinches this
another thing that really is invaluable to me is GET TO KNOW THE CHARACTER! know who you’re drawing! study up on their mannerisms and personality, how they conduct themselves or bounce off of other people. maintaining the integrity and BELIEVABILITY of the character is always one of my utmost priorities in any of my art. really get acquainted with who you’re drawing. do they have a bombastic personality? a reserved one? how would they act in this situation? should their gestures and body language be big, all consuming? matching their equally big demeanor? are their poses a bit more closed off to match their reservations? really think about the motivation of the character.
AS FOR SB STYLE BACKGROUNDS… it’s sort of hard to formally express just in text, unfortunately i don’t have the availability to sketch something out right now :’) BUT! one of my favorite pieces of advice i’ve gotten working on the show is “there are no rulers in Bikini Bottom”. so, there are no perfectly parallel, 90° lines! lots of line weight and curves and waves, if only subtly!
like my advice above, i would maybe just recommend studying any backgrounds you see that look interesting! but i will say, as someone who ends up drawing Bikini Bottom houses more than i usually think i do (which, fun fact if you didn’t know this, are engine mufflers!), i usually think of those as soda cups with scoliosis HAHA. i think of the topmost chimneys like a straw, you have the little ridge that goes around the top, which is the lid… and then the body! likewise, no two houses are exactly the same. there are variations to the ways the chimneys or houses may curve or jut out.. so have fun and experiment!
I’M SORRY I DON’T HAVE MORE TO OFFER WITH THAT CURRENTLY, if possible i’ll try to follow up later on! but a lot of it is indeed down to studying. same with drawing characters!! i’m very flattered you would reach out to me and ask this—thank you for reading!!
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ladysomething · 4 months
atp I don't even know why I keep asking stuff as an anon. my identity has been revealed but fuck it.
one more time, let's do 5+1
1. Charles thinking he's the world's most clever person ever has me on the fucking floor. you go get them babe. yes, surely keeping the other idiot satisfied is only because you want to escape. of course sweetie. but question: are omegas more prone to their alpha, or that only goes so far and then they actually can control the feelings said alpha causes on them?
2. Max is an idiot, isn’t he? like, I actually want to open his brain to see how the fuck it works because I am amazed at its capacity (or lack of it/j)
3. I have a thing for the starved man comparision, and it's lovely to see such an accurate scenario for it. because Max actually short-circuited. he's just a man and Charles broke his brain in what? like, less than 5 minutes?
4. Carlos is a little rat, but I'm actually thankful that's he's not like. gross. (please, I'm begging you on my knees. don't make him or other drivers gross) I have this thing where I can kinda stand when oc are gross and little shits, but, even if some would consider said person a little shit (completely reasonable, people are allowed to not like drivers) I don't like it when on fics, they're outright assholes and disgusting craps, cause I don't know with certainity if they are like that irl. idiots and that I can do but over that is too much to bear for me. that's the point where I am reminded that they're real and that stuff. of course, is totally on you, and I don't expect anything, but picture me making puppy eyes at you on this one. and I was wondering, what is he? a beta or an alpha? it probably was said somewhere but I don't remember. because according to my reasoning, he's a beta because he was not in the auction. or was he?
5.I'm so fucking glad I chose wygig as this year's questionable fic. I love it and I have now developed a deep emotional dependence towards it. but haven't we all? (this is to say I love it)
+1. glad you're enjoying (I'm also trip anon btw) had I been in Italy, I would've loved to go to the bar to watch the race. even though I've never gone to watch a race at a bar in Rome, in Italy, depending on where you go, it can be really exciting and ehmmm... definetely an experience, may I call it that way. but sadly, first of all there's a four hour drive from Toscana to Rome and I would get my ass even flatter, and second I left months ago. maybe next time
and as you may have noticed, I gave up with trying to tell you how many points there will be in my ask. have a nice day Mads, enjoy your vacay hun!
look I'll honest. you say your identity has been revealed but you could be any of a handful of anons that have revealed their identity to me. so my terrible memory means that your secret is still safe!
wellllllll ... hm. omegas are definitely more SUSCEPTIBLE to their alphas e.g. with the alpha voice. but anything Charles feels is his real feelings.
haha Max IS an idiot, but so is Charles. they're two idiot peas in an idiot pea pod.
yeah no for real, Max's brain was completely broken. it was like Christmas morning for him haha
Carlos is a beta - basically everybody is a beta. there's only one person whose designation hasn't been revealed yet, but they're not a driver, so. you can pretty much just assume that everybody is a beta. as for making drivers assholes - I don't really do that in general, because usually it's too one dimensional for what I'm writing. it's fun in some scenarios (particularly shorter fics) but even the drivers who are currently 'villains' aren't outright bad people.
hahaha and at the rate it's going, it's length will mean it probably lasts half the year too haha
+1. yeah, I'm really excited!!!! I was kind of like ... if I can't go to Iola, then this is simply an experience I MUST have. cheering for ferrari while they're driving in Italy while I'M in Italy??? ahhhh.
thank you so much, you have a great day too!
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It’s been months since i was last in your askbox but i check your page daily because i love your work 🥲 (got me through my finals no joke)
As always my hyperfixation is music of so many genres and I had to pick a few favorites for the main 6 that I think are so Them™️!
the first cutie patootie ever (he needs more than therapy.)
- The Night by Aurelio Voltaire
- Mess is Mine by Vance Joy
- Stay With Me by Sam Smith
- Creature by Half•Alive
- Toes by Glass Animals
- Youth by Glass Animals
- If I Speak by Frank the Baptist (it sounds like a sea shanty to me 🧚🏼‍♀️)
Not too big on Asra so my analysis might not be accurate!
- Gooey by Glass Animals
- Borderline by Tame Impala
- Escapism from the Steven Universe soundtrack
- Homage by Mild High Club
- Brain & Heart by Melanie Martinez
- Pink + White by Frank Ocean (totally not bc this song and Asra are both ethereal haha..)
- Choking on Flowers by Fox Academy
the woman 💕 It was tough finding songs to fit her but i attempted hehe
- Au Revoir by Malice Mizer
- Show Me How by Men I Trust
- rises the moon by liana flores
- Asleep Among Endives
- Smooth Operator by Sade
He would love music in the same way he loves nature prove me wrong
- Dawn in the Adan by Ichiko Aoba
- Gilded Lily by Cults
- I’ll Be There by Strawberry Guy
- TrusT by Half•Alive
- Mountains by Message To Bears
WIFEY ™️ she’s so amazing and grggggahsggsdnfn i love her
- Fish in the Sea by Liana Flores
- Blow My Brains Out by Tikkle Me
- Fine by Lemon Demon
- Empire Ants by Gorillaz
- Russian by Caravan Palace
- Arms Tonite by Mother Mother
- Hidden in the Sand
last but not least, the silliest! His songs are mostly upbeat with a deeper meaning imo :3
- I’m Still Here/Jim’s Theme from Treasure Planet
- My Type by Saint Motel (works wonderfully with Julian too)
- Love Me Normally by Will Wood
- Charlie’s Inferno by That Handsome Devil
- Origami by Capital Cities
-Still Feel by Half•Alive
- Cake by the Ocean (purely meant as a joke bc of the baewatch tale but take it as you will!)
This is all i’ve got currently cause I’m eepy but i do hope you like them! do remember to take breaks if you need them ‼️
Hiya! Oh my goodness, @vegaspng it's so nice to hear from you!! And congratulations on getting through finals, that is not an easy thing to accomplish. I'm humbled and honored that my writing was able help just a little bit ^.^
Those are all wonderful suggestions! I've put as many of them as possible on the playlist (there were one or two I couldn't find on spotify) and I'm putting these on the tag too, thank you for sending them!! :D
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amugoffandoms · 11 months
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Es stares at the request list.
It's an anonymous request for anatomically correct skeleton.
"Do they need this for that Halloween party...?" Es mumbles as they place down the list.
Looks like they'll have to find a skeleton, somehow.
Amane walks into the common room to see many other prisoners gathered around something. Deciding it's probably nothing important (but still a little curious), she sits down at a nearby table as she drinks her tea. It's just tea, just like her parents taught her to make it. It lacks sugar, making it a little bitter for Amane, but she doesn't say a word about that. She doesn't need anyone to know she has childish desires like that.
As she closes her eyes and says a prayer to her God to thank them for what she has been given, she hears someone sit across from her. Opening her eyes, she sees Shidou looking at her, a frown on his face.
Him. She would have immediately left the table if she was able to avoid attracting any attention from the other prisoners.
With an annoyed look on her face, Amane takes a sip of her tea.
Shidou looks at the tea and at Amane. "How is your tea, Amane?"
"It's fine," Amane blankly states, trying to make him leave her alone.
He does not take the hint and continues to talk to her. "Amane, please allow me to make you tea one day. I'll add sugar to sweeten it. Does that not sound nice?"
Having tea does sound nice. Especially if it's sweetened...
No. She will not fall for his tricks to pretend to be a child. She does not want to act like one nor does she want anyone to continue to act like she eis.
Amanee shakes her head. "I am fine. Thank you."
Shidou sighs. "Amane, please. I'm sure you'll—"
"Please stop trying to push me, Shidou."
"...of course." Shidou stands up and leaves her alone.
With Shidou finally gone, she's finally able to relax and drink her tea in peace. She shuts her eyes as she takes a—
Now annoyed by the second disruption, Amane opens her eyes to see Mikoto looking at her. "Yes?"
"Sorry for interrupting your tea, but we were wondering, uh..." Mikoto steps aside to show a skeleton behind him.
Kazui, Fuuta, and Mahiru are all standing around the skeleton, examining it. Amane remembers a few other prisoners near it, perhaps they left earlier.
"It's... surprisingly accurate to a real skeleton..." Kazui mumbles.
"Eh?? Why do you know that?" Fuuta blinks. Kazui shrugs, causing Fuuta huffs.
"It's... a little creepy you know that, Kazui...!" Mahiru worriedly laughs.
"I promise, I have my reasons as to why I know this," Kazui says with an awkward smile.
Anatomically correct skeleton.
...ah, oh dear...
Amane has to hide her shock and embarassment. "A skeleton...?"
"Yes, uh... We really don't know why it's here, haha..." Mikoto awkwardly laughs.
"And... you came to ask me?"
"Well, we asked Shidou about it and he said he never requested one, so the only person left is you..." Mikoto trails off.
"Hm? What about that Halloween party? Are you not all decorating with Halloween decorations?"
"Yeah, but... Es said they'd give us the decorations the day of the party, not... now."
Oh dear. She's certainly running out of excuses to hide this was her request.
"Hm... Well, perhaps Es just brought it in for now in case, not knowing if you all needed it in the future. So, they wanted to be sure." Amane stands up and walks up to the skeleton. "Or... they brought it in for teaching purposes; I would not know."
Es definitely brought it in for teaching purposes. Except not for their teaching purposes. It's for Amane's studying to understand the human body.
Even if her beliefs are heavily attached to the idea of avoiding changing the course of fate of others, she is still interested in understanding the human body. After all, if she understood the body, then she will be able to understand herself deeply.
"Oh, that's... probably it!" Mikoto says. Amane can still tell there is confusion in his voice.
"Yes." Amane nods. "Ah, am I allowed to borrow this for a little bit? If it is as anatomically accurate as Kazui says, then I will be able to study on it."
"Of course!" Mahiru bobs her head up and down. "We don't need it now, so you can use it for whatever~ Just be careful and don't break it!" "I do not plan on it. Thank you." Amane thankfully nods.
Kazui, Mahiru, and Mikoto all wave Amane goodbye and head out of the common room, saying they should work on cooking in the dining room.
After a couple of moments in silence, Amane quickly runs out of the room. She returns with a few books on anatomy and the human body.
She places the book on a table near the skeleton and exhales.
She's very embarrassed that she neglected to mention where to drop off the skeleton in her request, but that may have linked her to the skeleton.
As Amane grabs a book and reads, pointing to parts of the body as she does, the close call still lingers in her mind.
She should seriously be much more careful next time she requests something like this.
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lotus-mirage · 1 year
Trigun Stampede episode 7 liveblog
Man I said this two-parter is really focused on Wolfwood, but this episode has his name as the title
Oh I see the destination is an additional threat to him. Huh. I wonder what the purpose of that is? Like just to mess with him, or to make the journey seem appropriately menaced, or what?
I didn't notice before, but it is incredibly funny that the letters front and center are B and L
I feel like half of Wolfwood's gun is like ammo storage lmao, he goes through that fast
Oh actual emoting from Livio! Not looking particularly cognizant, but it's something.
Oh there's Meryl and Roberto! Would not have figured that's how they managed to tag along, but if it works it works haha
The boing noises as the desert raiders are thrown around are fantastic
Vash is wielding his gun, backhand, like a blunt weapon. Possibly as a gauntlet idk. Still. Makes sense for him, but not something I've ever seen before lol
Mmmmhmm and now the "monsters" and "not human" assertions are being foiled.
Between Livio and Rollo, seems like they kinda get stuck on a single sentiment?
"It would have been better without you around" ...ah. I did not expect that and don't know how to respond to it.
Wow, uh. I mean we knew Vash was incredibly accurate at aiming before, but to redirect someone else's gun to land a clean shot (particularly one that has as much heft as Wolfwood's) is rather uncanny.
that method of getting another Worm actually made me gag ugh.
wait hold up what was happening with Livio's reflection. I don't think I recognize it?
Eef. Thought that was how it'd end, but didn't expect him to shoot and fall over the side. (I suppose it's possible that the 'if there isn't a body, they're probably not dead' rule applies here though)
"I just wanted to spread the good word. That's all." You know I think this does in fact hold true to the, uh. Real world weight? That this sort of phrase carries.
Okay this is the first we've heard of a topic that Wolfwood apparently has disagreements with the Eye of Michael over. ...Actually that was on an assumption that it's a decision on an action, not a religious thing. It's Wolfwood's initial verbal disagreement on religion, isn't it.
Switched to Eng dub for a second 'cause I wasn't sure who said the next couple lines, but yeah I think it's clearer that it's about Wolfwood's denial.
Wait speaking of that's also a Christian term too right. Like Judas denies Jesus or something? I know the term is used in relation to those two in particular but I don't actually know the specifics. It's like "one of you will deny me" or "one of you will betray me" and I don't remember which.
Not sure if that really matters in this case, though, since I don't think Bluesummers quite maps to Jesus lol. Anyways.
Okay yeah "Punisher" is definitely being used in relation to Wolfwood himself. Noted.
Lmao the "Hi!~" being in English really sold it
Ooh, worldbuilding. Spacefaring age, okay.
Wait if they're running around to all the controls, where are the people originally driving the ship?
Yay, character exploration and development from Meryl! (and Roberto to a lesser extent)
Oh wait the kid that fell in the first town is alive?? I guess I saw him moving a bit at the end there, but it was a long fall and I thought maybe it was his mom's movements while carrying him.
:0 Vash's arm fractured! Frankly I didn't know it could do that. That's not good.
Oh lmao it's the disproportionate response "Wolfwood..." that kept being memed on.
Oh NOW the title comes up!
Actually wait I saw something on this a while ago, too. They were talking about he asserts he's "the Punisher," then "Nicholas the Punisher," and then the framing basically hits him with a "no :)" That's so funny. Also kind of tragic. But still funny.
Oh hey this is the first time we've seen Vash in this sort of situation since he was a 'plant technician' in the first episode.
it can move in there!?
oh that looks really painful
it's humanoid already!?
maybe I leaned too far into the "oh it's kind of egg shaped" assumption lol
Oop, yep, I guess Livio's not dead. Or uh. Might be dead but isn't out of the picture?
Alright yeah Vash looks pretty out of it.
...was that him hitting the ground? oof.
End Notes:
Again not really much to say here! We got some character details, some worldbuilding details, lots of character development & solidification of relationships, and now some immediate threads to be followed up on (Vash's arm and the Plant reveal thing). Feeling much more invested than when I started the series and interested in seeing how this conversation goes!
I will say. The plant did not look uh. very intimidating. kind of reminds me of the... neopets fairies? I don't think that's right, but like some similar franchise kind of had similar vibes, shape-wise.
...is this the first time the Plant stuff got fully revealed in the show? I went in knowing and haven't been keeping track. I know it was established that Vash is a) non-human b) fell from a spaceship onto the planet and c) had 'relatives' in pods on said spaceship. Not to mention his twin also having pretty obvious markings. But I'm curious about the reasons for the pacing of these reveals, since we got so much of Wolfwood's backstory just last episode.
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smalltownfae · 1 year
For the book bait ask game: 22-24, 27-32📚📖
I don't know if the dash means you want me to answer all the questions in between but I am gonna suppose you don't (?) haha but then why the comma... well, I will answer them all then.
22. would you want your favorite book to be a movie?
My favourite book is unfortunately a movie. More than one even. I am talking about The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Do I want a better and more accurate adaptation of that? Yes, yes I do. It isn't even that hard, come on. You need to go all out on the visuals for that work about art. You need exuberance in every setting and every piece of clothing. It needs to look glorious and you need at least 3 amazing actors for the main roles.
If I consider the entire Realm of the Elderlings series I would like to see a tv show of the Liveship Traders and the Rain Wild Chronicles. The stories are too long for a movie series, but I think those would look amazing as a show. The Fitz books would be harder to adapt and I fear the white washing even though it seems we are getting better about that in casting nowadays.
23. I answered this one here.
24. what book to movie adaptation to you dislike?
I don't remember watching many adaptations of the books I read tbh and I am less picky with movies. I need to go check the movies I watched haha. I don't like Eragon, but I didn't like the book either so... that is the popular answer people give to this question and I can't even use it. I think the first Narnia movie was an improvement on the book, but I don't really like the Chronicles of Narnia either way. I didn't mind the His Dark Materials movie or the Percy Jackson movie.... I'll say The Cat in the Hat! Omg that movie is terrifying and my sister loved it as a kid. Do you know tha trauma of having to see the face of that human cat hybrid almost everyday on your tv??? And hear that voice??? Burn it! Kick it to hell where it belongs. The kids' book is ok.
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27. I also answered it here.
28. is there a book that made you cry?
You know there is. I cried in almost every book in the Realm of the Elderlings series by Robin Hobb. I think only City of Dragons didn't make me cry on my first read through. Now I don't cry as much, but I still do (especially in the Fitz books). I remember crying reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid too and at the end of As Meat Loves Salt by Maria McCan. I know there are way more books that made me cry because I used to cry a lot with books and movies. I don't cry as much anymore though. Unfortunately, because I like when books cause a big emotional impact on me.
29. is there a book that made you laugh out loud?
Yes, the Realm of the Elderlings series again. People keep talking about how sad these books are and ignore how funny Hobb can be. Maybe that kind of humour only works for me, but I laughed out loud with many of the character interactions in these books.
Oscar Wilde makes me laugh a lot too. Recently I reread The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Importance of Being Earnest and both those works made me laugh. Most Discworld books by Terry Pratchett also make me laugh a lot and so does Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. I believe I also laughed out loud reading some of the First Law books by Joe Abercrombie. If an author is from the UK I will probably laugh haha there is a specific kind of humour there that really works for me. It's the irony and silliness that they do so well. I also laughed out loud reading Heartbreak Boys by Simon James Green and Glitterland by Alexis Hall, UK authors again. Maybe there is something in the water of that place that makes people really funny.
Every Heart a Doorway also made me laugh, but I don't think I was supposed to. I was laughing at how ridiculous it was in a laughing at it instead of with it kind of way and I don't think that was the purpose of certain scenes.
30. is there a book that changed your life?
Realm of the Elderlings, maybe. It did help me a lot to get through a very depressing time in my life (ironically enough). Maybe I did look at Fitz and think "you know what? I am not doing so bad after all. At least I am not this guy". I don't know. I know it helped me forget my problems by immersing myself in a fictional world in a way I never experienced before. One of my friends made me talk about the series at my father's funeral and it helped for a bit so that is the kind of thing. Knowing that someone came up with the character of the Fool also made me feel less alone because it showed that somewhere existed someone with values similar to my own. Solanin by Asano Inio was also a big comfort in a time of my life when I needed it and pretty motivational.
31. how many books are on your current tbr?
Physical? I have no idea but probably less than 200. In my tbr on storygraph is 478 and that only includes the first volumes of mangas. So, a lot that I will probably not read in my lifetime tbh.
32. what is the first book you remember reading?
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. I think I gave it to one of my small cousins so I don't own it anymore nor can I find a picture of my exact copy... it was one of those kids' books with hard pages and full illustrations. Others were random fairy tales that were in a box set, including Snow White and the Ugly Duckling among others.
Thank you for the ask :)
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Hi blog,
Been a while. Going by my last actual written entry here, it has been 4 years since I cared or had time to lay down my feelings and experiences in their most raw. No editing here, for a change - yay!
A quick summary to catch you up, 'cause the last few years have been quite full.
Got married
Had a baby
Landed a new Sydney-based job
Enjoyed working with Australian and NZ brands with said Sydney-based company
Got into a near-fatal car accident right outside our home
Left Sydney-based job and took two months off to recalibrate (didn't realize how badly I needed it until I was fully immersed in it -- highly recommend if you were born in the '90s like me and went to work right after college grad haha)
Did a short freelancing stint with a NY-based Filipino lifestyle brand (thanks to a generous mentor who did the introduction)
Let freelancing stint go as I got more serious with my full-time job applications
Went on a fun family trip to Bohol just in time for Chunky's 2nd birthday
Started a new work-from-anywhere job with one of the best digital agencies I've come across (funnily enough, first "worked" with them when I was still with Summit -- felt like a foreshadowing haha)
So... that's the past 4 years as a list. What's not seen are the many breakdowns and breakthroughs, coffees and matcha lattes, crippling anxieties and thank-you-universe moments of happiness that I went through, paid for, and lived through.
TBH, today's writing prompt was a personal low point. It's been a tough several weeks or month, really. And yesterday, it all just came to a boil. I've been thinking about journaling the past few months, and today I just couldn't fight the urge anymore. I just need an outlet or maybe coping mechanism would be more accurate. I've tried a lot at this point: looking at my zodiac readings (lol), curating crystals (can confirm they work haha), downloading cat games, downloading "soothing" games, retail therapy (too easy to get carried away with this), and going to the gym. But this - writing and talking to the void where I feel unknown in the best possible way - will always be the most natural for me.
I promise to be back. Even these last few minutes of just typing away my thoughts almost as soon as they came to me has brought me immense comfort. Let's work towards this bringing me joy.
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Note: Funny story about this book. Badly wanted this and my then-boyfriend, now-husband bought it for me for Christmas. Was only about a quarter of the way through reading when life took over and I had to pause. Lent it to a friend who, 'til now, has not returned it yet. hahaha I see her semi-regularly, must remember to ask for it back next time.
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crypticsesh · 10 months
Pain changes a person.
No one knows this more accurately than myself. At 33 years old, I should be enjoying my life. I should be out having adventures, being happy, and just enjoying all that life has to offer.
My life though actually reads more like a tragic tale of sadness and self despair.
It started with my knees. A small ache here and there. No need to worry. My job had me moving around a lot and maybe I just sprained something. The pain continued to grow throughout the oncoming weeks. Each night I'd lay on the couch with an ice pack on each knee trying to reduce the pain. Nothing seemed to work. I went from walking around like any normal person to barely being able to stand.
Then comes the torturous process of finding a doctor who'll actually see you. The medical system is notably known for fat shaming. Looking at your weight as the sole problem for all your aches and pains and what ales you. So I fought. I fought to be seen. For years. The only answer I ever got was lose weight. Everything would go back to normal if I just lost weight. But how do you lose the weight if you can't walk? How do you begin a physical transformation when you can't physically handle your day to day tasks? The doctors had no answers. So I continued to search.
10 years and a lifetime gone and I found a doctor who actually saw me. We tried various forms of PT, injections, topical gels, pain meds, anti-inflammatory meds, everything. Nothing helped. So after everything failed we tried a last ditch effort to see if weight loss would indeed help. He told me numerous times that my weight MAY be a contributing factor, but it isn't the sole contributing factor. So more medication it was. Weightloss meds were added to my growing medication collection. These days I'm up to 12 pills every morning.
So the medication worked. I lost 50 lbs in two months, but with each pound lost new pain crept into my life. My back started to ache so unbearably bad that I couldn't handle the pain.
We set up an MRI of my back and found the answers we'd been searching for, for so long. Bulging disc's, nerve damage, pinched sciatica, and arthritis. It gave an explanation for everything. I was diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease. What it didn't explain was what happened. What caused my back to completely shift to an unbalanced and decaying state? I still don't know. I've never been in a major accident. Never fallen from a great height. There's no explanation for my body to be the way it is.
All this to say, pain changes people. Sometimes slowly. So so slowly. It creeps into your life and carves out its own space deep inside. Killing off the joy, happiness, and beauty that life brings. I've been living in the body of an 80 year old for the past 15 years. The arthritis has spread, and continues to do so at a faster rate then id like.
It's funny, not so much haha funny, but ironic funny...when I was a kid I'd see the older folks sitting and fussing about the weather. Rubbing their joints and saying, "looks like a storm is comin in". I'd look at them with fascination and an understanding that youth brought with it, that they were just silly old folks. They were just making up stories like they do. I'll be damned if my arthritis doesn't flare up when a storm is brewing, when the weather changes, or hell if the wind blows the wrong direction. It's funny how I can look back and remember moments like that. I can look back at all the pictures I took when I was younger and I can see the happiness lit up on my face. I can see my smile reaching my eyes and a glow just burning brightly. I miss that. I miss being happy. I miss seeing the beauty around me. I look in the mirror today and I don't recognize who it is staring back at me. My eyes are dead. There's no glow left in my body. Each day the pain just hammers more and more into my system. Burrowing its way into my soul. I don't know what tomorrow will bring. I don't know what my life will look like a year from now, hell 5 years from now. It's scary to think about. To wonder how much more decrepit I'll become.
Throughout all of this I wish I could say I've grown to love my body. That I see how hard it's working and see how beautiful that is.
I'd be lying.
How can you love something that is constantly hurting you more and more each day? How can you give love to something so broken and damaged. I don't know how to accept love. I don't know how to love this body when each day it deteriorates a little more. Leaving me less and less able to do the things I want and need.
Pain changes a person.
It's not always a fast transition. In my case it's taken years. I miss me. Who I used to be. I want so badly to go back to the person I was. I miss her.
I miss who I was before the pain.
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Hey I'm the one who sent the ask about Castiel embracing his dark side so he can heal and be co-parented by us. I like anon cause it's mysterious to you lol but I didn't send any real cascrit. I like how your blog is like a link to all corners of this fandom. Can't believe people hate Jack lmao. Casgirls maybe? There are Cas parents and Cas lovers
Oh yeah no worries.
I think I won't post the other anon just because I'd like to get off the babytrapping subject haha but I know you weren't really being serious about it. There were a couple anon messages trying to turn it in a different direction (not from you I think). There was also an anon who was upset and thought it was serious crit with the way we were joking about it and was defending Cas (but didn't want me to post). I think if people really want to discuss this genuinely, it could be a fun discussion for them, but with someone besides me because I don't have the motivation to say a lot to say about it haha. For me personally I don't think it holds up as genuine crit (and I don't think you do either) because that term has a specific meaning and I definitely don't think Cas has ever genuinely intended to babytrap Dean as like... a manipulation tactic to keep them stuck in a relationship. If there's a problem here, I think it looks more like Cas being really oblivious about the hangups Dean has developed about raising kids by the late seasons and just kind of thinking, "Oh! I remember that Dean is good with kids. I'll ask him to do this because I think I'm not good at it and he could help." Maybe someone wants to argue that that's its own problem and speaks to larger issues Cas and Dean have in terms of communication and understanding each other, but it's not babytrapping.
Jack hate is a real thing haha. Jack was actually a somewhat polarizing character while the show was airing. A lot of people really loved him, but there were a few things that created pockets of resentment in fandom:
Fans who loved Jack tended to infantilize him, which didn't sit well with other fans at all and lead to a lot of resentment for Jack, which is sad, because while fans (and occasionally Sam and Cas) infantilized Jack, Jack never infantilized himself. Jack (read: REAL Jack—not Soulless Jack) strongly believed in taking responsibility for his own actions. Jack bares similarities to all three of his "dads", and what he got from Dean imo is that relatively more uncompromising moral framework that's rarely swayed, and... the extra helping of guilt over your own human mistakes that comes with being a bit more uncompromising. (I actually like this about both of them).
Some fans resented Jack because they felt he was designed by the writers to undermine and even erase a lot of established canon about Dean and how he treats kids in order to turn fans against him. Prior to Jack's birth, Dean was pretty consistent in protecting kids and teenagers, whether they were monsters or not (ex: Bobby John, Jesse, Emma). This change in writing about Dean's outlook for many felt OOC or like a deliberate retcon, and there were many fans who did hate Dean over this entire period specifically because of this change and still do. They don't remember what Dean was like before and will wax poetic about how much Dean hates kids or dogmatically wants monsters to die which just... isn't accurate at all.
You have bronlies, who hate anyone who isn't Sam or Dean. Pretty self-explanatory there.
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gansuringa · 1 year
Something about the ask-megamanx blog I love so much
Archive exists, I didn’t know you could use that for more accurate-kinda post dates and stuff (I can’t explain what I’m talking about cause I dunno how)
The “last updated 1 year ago” thing makes sense now! Because the last thing they reblogged was reblogged in 2021 (If I’m remembering correctly)
Maybe the hiatus thing was pretty recent? Haha I’m being all desaturated and blue over something so recent hahaha
anyways if you come across this, whoever is behind that blog! I wanna say hi, again! Thanks for those great memories I’m able to remember now! (I still visit the little blog these days lol)
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aejiajia · 1 year
°•🍓 -> 🎇 Event Thyri's birthday!
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Okay.. it's not quite my birthday yet. But it IS my birthday month! So close enough, plus one day is NOT enough to do this event oml. ANYWAYS. You know your girl loves writing when she's not being punted by life, so this event is ALLL about it. Force me to do labour during my birthday!/j I've created a prompt list and will be taking 5 haha get it cause 5 members. I am not funny requests over the course of the month. I am not gonna set a deadline because if set a deadline i know i won't do it, that's how my brain works but they WILL get posted atleast this year dw/hj
Over the course of the event YOU🫵 get to send requests for Sujin, this can be with her members, other idols maybe even ocs if owner of said oc requests it. Noted that prompts that are romantic or suggestive this stays within blackpink or ATLEAST only with girls. Other then that it's free game. I don't know the idol? I'll look em up.
Other then the prompts you may of course add details so i can most accurately portray what you have in mind.
And remember i'll only take five requests before this event closes! So go!
I have a similair event running on my main blog with different prompts and a wider variety of hyperfixations fandoms! Check it out if you want -> ( link )
This little event, however, is not running for my other ocs though i still might do something for them.. there's only so much i can write😭
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' Stay with me tonight, please. '
' Okay but i think we should do that again, for research purposes, for humanity. '
' You're not as bad everyone says you are '
' Are you okay? ' / ' I haven't been okay since i was twelve, why? '
' You should get that checked. '
' I didn't sign up for this '
' ...You were right. ' / ' Say that again. '
' When is the last time you ate? '
' Does this happen often around here? '
' We should do that again! ' / ' Hell no. '
' You're an ass ' / ' You love me. '
' Do i even want to ask? '
' Wanna bet? '
' Now you're just qouting lyrics '
' In my defense, i was left unsupervised '
' There is no way this much stupid can fit in one person. '
Warning it's spicy below here!! Minors dni past this point!
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' I'm not wearing any underwear, thought you might like to know '
' Fuck, do that again '
' Can i help you out of that? '
' Here? '
' I want to look at you. '
' Hot. '
' You look so pretty like this. ' / ' Only like this? ' / ' You know what i mean '
' Sit down. '
' I need to finish this. ' / ' Then finish it, don't get distracted. '
' Make me yours '
' Show me. '
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greenfiend · 1 year
Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! 😱
Sorry but I’m still in shock over the fact you have drawn something based on my story twice now—not once, but twice! I wish I could give you the biggest hug cause it means so much to me 🩷
Hehe! Well to be fair your story is over 115k words... so that's a lot of potential drawing content!
I hope I captured it accurately. I drew some of it, then reread the scene and was like OH SHIT Troy is described differently, I gotta change him!
I should do some art for some other fics for once though, shouldn't I. haha! If I remember correctly, I've only done art for your fic (and my own but that doesn't count here).
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