#haha well
thorfairey · 20 days
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truly inspirational
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dyslexic-asexual · 2 months
At the internet. Straight up "overusing it". And by "it", haha, well. Lets justr say. The lets justr say format
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cosmicseafoam · 7 days
Tobias please,,,, let me just… lemme ,, ugh
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aajjks · 4 months
it’s a beautiful day in goryeo, corea and the coldest season has now officially passed and made way for spring. now more than ever, flower business bring in customers as the best time of the year to grow flowers and vegetables is in the waking of spring. excitedly, you wake up early to ensure all six of your children were fed, bathed, and dressed for school with their essentials in hand and organized.
“bye mommy!!” your twin girls say as they race to the carriage. next to say goodbye to you is your 8 year old son jawon, then areum, then ae-cha, and the finally jinseoul. “make sure you all stick together!! and be safe!! AND BEHAVE” you announce to your children as they yell back a ‘yes ma’am’ before riding off to school.
you’ll never get tired of getting your kids ready for school. you remember when each of them were just little toddlers learning how to walk and now they’re all grown up. you miss your babies so much and if it weren’t for jungkook being in an important meeting, you’d cry to him about it but for now, you’ll go love up on your remaining toddler, jaehan who will turn three in just a few more weeks.
“greetings queen y/n, here is the menu for tonight’s dinner” says one of the head chef’s of the kitchen who presents you the menu for tonight. “thank you. do you all mind if areum makes the dessert for tonight? also, we’ll be having guests accompanying us so make extra”
“that will not be a problem, your highness. we will make sure to make extras for yours and the king’s company”
“thank you”
you hand the menu back to the chef and head to jaehan’s room to bathe him, wash his hair, clothe him, and help clean his mouth. since jawon isn’t around, jaehan decides to stick beside his mother and practice his writing in your office while you attempt to get some work done. occasionally, you bounce back and forth from tending to your infants, doing your paperwork, and helping jaehan with his writing.
while at school, jinseoul is greeted by hyunjin which is odd.
“hey man” smiles the young man.
“uh..hey? when did you get here?”
“it’s my first day. your dad sent a letter and gave me permission to get my education here”
“really? well, that’s cool. i could use an extra friend” jinseoul says as the two boys walk to class together and spend the entire time talking to one another. the school is very pristine and though hyunjin gets strange looks from the other royal kids, jinseoul glares back at the stuck up kids.
“the kids here are so stuck up. thank God my parents did raise us like that”
“what do you mean?”
“i mean, my mom and dad keep all of us humble. they raised us with integrity”
“well, your parents did an awesome job with you all. you’re really nice”
“you are too, man. your mom seems nice”
“she is nice—“
“JINSEOUL!!!! i’ve been looking everywhere for you!!” fusses ae-cha and the glare of hers looks awfully familiar to hyunjin. it’s a little too familiar…but on a brighter note, here she is and wow is she beautiful.
long dark hair, doe eyes, a round face like the queen’s; ae-cha is—
“can you quit staring at me? you look like a frog”
ae-cha is rude.
“o-oh, s-sorry” hyunjin quickly bows and is a little offended that she called him a frog. he hopes she meant that in a nice way.
“who are you anyway? never seen your face before”
“i’m, uh, hyunjin. i’m here because of your father”
“really? wow. well, i’m ae-cha”
“it’s an honor to meet you princess ae-cha”
“ew, don’t ever say that again. just call me ae-cha, man. no need to be weird about it”
“AE-CHAAA!!! OVER HERE, GIRL!!” yells one of ae-cha’s friends.
“ugh, i’ll fuss at you later as for you, i’ll see you around. I’M COMING GUYS WAIT UP!!!” yells ae-cha as she jogs up to her friends to laugh and talk with them while hyunjin looks like he’s been hypnotized.
“if you’re going to act like this every time you’re around my sister, i’m gonna puke” jinseoul says as he continues to walk to his next and final class.
As soon as the king is done with his meeting, he’s on his way to your chamber, but you’re not there, so he just figures out that you’re in your own office working,
You’re so hard-working, honestly how do you have so much stamina to deal with nine children and do your duties without breaking a sweat.
You were always a perfect choice for him, and he doesn’t regret a thing about you. Although he still a little mad about last night because you left him horny and it’s not really a good feeling to sleep with blue balls but he does deserve this punishment after all..
Jungkook is honestly starting to think that he has a stupid magical, or rather cursed tongue because whatever he says just comes true. Like the thing with Yeonjin.
Which reminds him that yes she’s coming over to dinner tonight all thanks to your courtesy, but you’re just trying to be nice and that’s not wrong— and you two have to discuss the arrangement you have decided for her.
Jungkook knocks on your door patiently he makes sure to tell the guard to be silent and not announce his presence- He’s finally allowed to come in, and he sees jaehan sitting on a sofa while you sit in your chair, going through some papers.
“Hello my queen.” he says, in a high-pitched voice, hoping that he won’t recognize him, because you still haven’t looked at him.
But before his prank can go on, Jaehan begins to scream out his name. “DADDY DADDY DADDY!!”
The way you’re startled makes him laugh out loud. “Oh yn look at you.” Jungkook begins to laugh his ass off while Jaehan jumps in his father’s arms.
Jungkook kisses his toddler on his rosy cheeks and you glare at him. “what I just wanted to surprise you, but he scared you I did not.”
Jungkook takes the seat right infront of you, he’s so impressed with how seriously you take your duties and not just your role as the mother of his children, or as his wife, but as the queen of this nation as well.
He’s so proud of you that he’s not worried about the future for this dynasty.
“Babe, you know if I die, you’re gonna make a great queen regent for our crown prince until he learns his role, when he will be crowned king.”
He likes to joke about his death because it’s something that all of the Royals have to be prepared for and it’s about time that he starts preparing you for your next role and his oldest son to take his place soon as well. 
Because Jungkook knows that his life span is not guaranteed and he can die any day. don’t get him wrong. He’s perfectly healthy but he’s a warrior.
Death will always follow him like a shadow.
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catchymemes · 6 months
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jvlianbashir · 7 months
"haha these alpha trad men really just have dom/sub kinks!" i know misogyny isn't real to a lot of you guys but did you know that some people just actually do genuinely think women are inferior creatures
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iocity · 2 months
in the thousandth sunny. straight up “jorkin it”. And by “it”, haha, well. let’s justr say. My peanits.
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magicbungelic · 6 months
Besides all the doubt that comes from this confusing existence, I know I am me
And I know I am here because I feel extremely uncomfortable with our voice, and having to talk to family or friends, and it feels forced having to interact with them the same way bun would. Bun never seems to struggle with this so I will hold onto it as proof of my existence
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ikimaru · 10 months
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cat pile! 😼
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sanctus-ingenium · 4 months
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last august I posted the lineart of this (plus an art nouveau style background frame) to subscribers on patreon but i've never been able to finish it, so after using it as marker brush practice today i hereby release it from my custody into the wild...
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gnomeantics · 1 year
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i love knowing basic css
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janedoeaart · 4 months
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wip from today!
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salamispots · 7 months
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on to the next gift wip
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cainternn · 2 months
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when theres meshi in the dungeon
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asleepyy · 7 months
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tossed aside, fading away
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catilinas · 7 months
definitely a favourite ship dynamic is like. um. the fighting temeraire tugged to her last berth to be broken up 1838. big beautiful but decrepit ship of the line and grimy little tugboat. and they are even lesbians
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