#hahaha enjoy this dad!
emin-folly · 2 months
Imagine that there's this person whose whole thing is being without fear and the fandom decides he's afraid of a dude in a fursuit.
Fandom Logic (tm)
I think it comes down to primarily two reasons, one being because people think it's funny
They think it's funny that this character without fear can suddenly be afraid of this human Bat guy. If it was just a few people in the fandom doing this, it wouldn't be nearly as bad; people are after all allowed to do whatever they want, even if we don't like it. The problem lies in where the actual comic writers start adapting this as canon as it's a huge disservice to Hal's character
The second reason is just basically these people legitimately think Hal should be afraid of Bruce because he's ~The Batman~ (which, again, you're allowed to think that, just know that's not really in character for Hal....like at all)
The whole deal with Bruce is that, both in universe and in real life, he's designed to terrify low level criminals: thugs, crooks, any unsavory person who wanders the Gotham alleyways. That's the environment Bruce works the best in. Where he can easily slip into the shadows, where he can become the night and make himself out to be a monster he wants to be. The only people who should be afraid of Batman are the ordinary hoods and criminals that infest cities
But when you suddenly stick him in a brightly lit room like the Hall of Justice next to all these colorful superheroes, that's where his effectiveness pretty much stops. All his tactics and methods to scare people don't really work here. Suddenly, he's just some guy in a bat getup with a scowly mask on. And these are seasoned superheroes, they don't scare easily, especially the ones with powers like speedsters or Kryptonians. Bruce is out of his element. Everything he does to try to act scary should look comical and silly at best
And as for Hal, I think we can all agree that Hal has definitely seen some shit. He goes off into deep space, for months up to a year or so. Who knows what kind of unimaginable horrors he's had to deal with?? Going a bit into headcanon area, but I think that if Hal wasn't desensitized before, he definitely is now. He's not afraid of space Cthulhu and he is not gonna be afraid of a bat furry who furrows his eyebrows really hard. Hal isn't scared of anything--physical, that is. And I feel like Hal is definitely the kind of person who sees straight through Bruce's BS posturing, Bruce's whole act just doesn't work on Hal.
Unfortunately, just like a tornado, any character who comes close to a Bat gets dealt major damage and we're still picking up the pieces and trying to set things straight again OTL
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
I titled this fic “Dad squad Sad squad” lol. Anyways, I’m not the best at writing but I can’t stop thinking about these three. They mean a lot. Based after that one ask you answered about Rusl having a breakdown. It’s not a detailed breakdown but he’s having a rough time regardless.
Rusl stared blankly at the lake in front of him, watching the sun slowly disappear behind the mountains. It was quiet, save for the trees blowing in the wind and his friends working on a fire. He was supposed to find fish in the lake for Abel to make something for dinner, yet, despite the empty feeling in his stomach, Rusl couldn’t bring himself to catch fish. Fishing was something he did with his sons whenever he got the chance, and with the sun setting and him being alone, the pain lingering in his heart since the beginning of this adventure started to overwhelm him
He was so worried about his dear son. He was ashamed of himself for not protecting him when those red men attacked. From what Abel told him, the red strangers were dangerous, and wanted nothing more but for the calamity to return. Seeing Abel’s Hyrule, Rusl could understand how devastating a calamity’s return would be. And it only made him more worried for Link.
He clutched the fishing rod in his hands, looking over to his side where Link would normally sit when they sat at the Faron spring. They used to sit and talk for the short time they had before they had to head back home. They don’t have those talks much anymore, and a horrifying thought entered his mind, that he’d never have those talks with Link ever again if he’s unable to save him.
He took in a shaky breath and hunched forward, feeling the tears coming to his eyes. He’s been trying to be strong and optimistic for his friend’s sake, but he couldn’t keep that up anymore. Paralyzing fear overwhelmed him for his son’s life, and for a while, he just sat there crying.
He didn’t know how much time had passed, but the sun was well behind the mountains now. He sniffed and wiped the tears from his eyes, starting to calm down just enough for him to hear movement behind him. He spun around and saw the Fierce Deity slouched over near him, his hand hovering inches above Rusl’s back. Abel was behind the war god, reaching for the hand. He looked at Rusl and pulled back, scratching the back of his head.
“I-I’m sorry Rusl,” Abel said rather awkwardly, “he—we— just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“I was just about to console you,” the Fierce Deity said, his hand not moving.
“I told him not to do it this way though,” Abel muttered, glaring at the war god.
Rusl stared at them bewildered, and almost let out a laugh. He wiped the remaining tears from his eyes and forced a smile.
“Thank you, I’m alright though… I uh… don’t need a pat on the back.”
The Fierce Deity nodded and lowered his hand, standing to his full height.
“So, you are no longer in need of consolation?” The war god asked, looking at Abel for help. The tired man only shrugged.
“I-I’ll be fine, thank you, really.” Rusl gave a more genuine smile.
The war god nodded again and turned around, “I was able to find a deer in the forest, we’ll have that for dinner,” he stated.
“So you don’t have to worry about catching any fish, alright?” Abel said softly.
Rusl stared at them for a moment, feeling guilty that he didn’t do what he was supposed to do.
“I’m sorry—“
Abel raised his hand to stop him. “It’s fine Rusl. There’s not a lot of fish here anyways.”
Abel looked at the fierce deity and gestured towards the fire with his head. The war god nodded and gave Rusl a small smile before walking towards the fire they built. Rusl smiled back and turned to look at the lake again, the anxiety returning to him. But before it could overwhelm him again, he felt a gentle hand rest on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Abel staring at him with a sad expression. The look of understanding was in his eyes, and he gave Rusl a nod. Though he didn’t speak any words, Rusl knew that Abel was determined to save their sons, and a sliver of hope shone through the darkness lingering in his chest. Rusl nodded back and patted the hand on his shoulder gratefully. Abel smiled slightly before turning around and joining the war god, who was watching them curiously. Rusl watched them for a moment as they began to prepare the meal, and he felt alone again. He looked up at the stars, beginning to shine among the dark sky.
Spirits… goddesses… anyone from this world… Rusl prayed silently, his hand clutching his chest, please, please keep our sons safe, please let them return to us. Please have Link and I return home safely…
@nancyheart11 @skyward-floored @telemna-hyelle @raeofsky LOOK T-T
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swan2swan · 1 year
I’m gonna say this once:
Disney has only put out one (one) live-action remake, and that’s The Jungle Book, because they also had a Jungle Book live-action film in 1994, starring Jason Scott Lee, Cary Elwes, Lena Headey, Sam Neill, and the mustache on Sam Neill’s face. Also I think King Louie was Dunston from Dunston Checks In. There were no songs, the plot was very different, and it disappointed and fascinated me as a kid.
Then they made another live-action version with Idris Elba and Bill Murray and...ScarJo as Kaa. Yeah.
That was a live-action remake, because it was a live-action Jungle Book but made fresh.
What everyone is calling “remakes” are actually just “live-action adaptations”. They change things, they reinterpret, they’re generally nowhere near as good as their predecessors, they’re probably mostly used for guaranteed cash injections and IP renewals, but they aren’t “remakes” any more than a high school performance of The Wizard of Oz is a remake. And mine had two different actresses for Mrs. Gulch and the Wicked Witch of the West (as many do). Also, Professor Marvel was a woman.
In summary:
While I understand the eye-rolling behind live-action adaptations, especially from greedy megacorporations who should pay their writers more and not cancel shows from their exclusive streaming services without offering physical releases, I also find myself thinking “I hope they make twenty more remakes of the movie” every time someone complains about “ruining the original”.
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
There is a faraway forgotten land in another dimension. In that land, there is an abandoned city. And in that city, there is a lone radio. When that radio is not playing the newest hit by superstar artist Neichel, it’s playing the tastiest, funkiest jams the people of that world had to offer.
(AKA the chaotic Spotify playlist with several of my favorite classic jams that I like to listen to when working on stuff like the Roleswap comic >:D)
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me internally when i’m trying to respect and recognise that my dad has unaddressed autism that impacts the way he handles social interractions while also trying to not just excuse the shitty insensitive behaviour that has absolutely contributed to my mental health issues
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#it’s like. haha yeah he handled that situation terribly but remember it wasn’t intentional and he doesn’t understand how that came across!!#i can’t be mad at him i can’t take it personally and get upset haha. hahaha.#and also it’s like. being autistic isn’t an excuse to be a dick. being autistic doesn’t mean you have to like. emotionally damage ur kid ✌🏻#which i AM. growing up with him has fucked me up!!! and i’m allowed to be mad at that i’m allowed to be upset!!!!!!!!#but also oh god is that shitty of ME??? is that insensitive???? do i need to just be more empathetic and understanding#but ALSO also. when ur a kid that shit doesn’t matter. when ur a kid and ur dad is making you cry that doesn’t matter.#and those years of damage stick with you even when ur older and trying to be mature and understanding#literally this evening started with me trying to do something nice for him. trying to give him a gift. actually literally giving him a gift.#and it has ended with me feeling fucking….. shit.#and disrespected. and useless.#i try so fucking hard with this man and with our relationship and every fucking time i try to connect with him he throws it back in my face#like. hey! you’ve been saying how much you want to play gran turismo 7!!! i will loan you my PS5 for a while bcus i’m not playing anything#and i will BUY YOU the fucking car game for you to play it while me and my mum are away on our girlie beach holiday#like i will happily and enthusiastically do those things for you because you have been so vocal about wanting to play this game!!!#so it will make you happy right? it will be something positive for you to enjoy!!! right?!!!????#i will bring my console down to the family tv room for you and i will send you the money so you can buy the game!!!!#oh. oh you’ve clicked around the main playstation menu for 2mins and then turned it off to watch the news. and then just open ur laptop.#not even gonna buy the game huh. just gonna open ur laptop and zone out and act line i’m not even in the room. oh ok. ok ok.#not even a fucking thank you. not even a HINT of recognition. ok ok. ok. ok. now you’re literally ignoring me when i talk to you. ok. ok.#and like!!!! i know this seems so dumb and minor and insignificant but you have to understand. it has been 25 years of this shit.#25 years of me trying to make this man happy and 25 years of him rejecting all of those attempts.#and 25 years of……. a lot of other shit also.
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dellinah · 2 years
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Long story short my friend made me watch Bluey and he has the HUGEST crush on Bandit so I constantly made fun of him for having a crush on a square dog then felt bad for it so I drew him as an anthro with the body type I think he'd have/that my friend is into to compensate for all the teasing
Its still pretty funny tho
Yeh that's how this happened and i absolutely did not put effort into it but uh it turned out ok i think
Anyway i love Bluey. It's so charming and wholesome and surprisingly slice-of-lifey for a kids show. I watch an ep or two before bed and it really does make me smile so i just wanted to post smth bluey related
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inkykeiji · 1 year
I think what bothers me about the whole Natsuo thing is he's yelling at Dabi about "causing all this trouble", while Endeavour - THE DIRECT SOURCE of every single problem the Todoroki family have ever had, the sorriest excuse for a father EVER - is right there. Nobody's saying Dabi is an angel, but Endeavour's the one who should go to hell.
that's true anon! i guess the opposing argument would be ‘well enji hasn’t killed anyone’ but like i dunno, i really do think in this case in particular that it should all be looked at as a contained, todoroki family problem, just like you mentioned. dabi has committed a laundry list of atrocities (and he should go to jail for them), but at this current moment that is unfolding within the manga, it isn’t really about that. it’s more about the fact that he’s quite literally on the verge of killing his parents, and that’s what i interpreted natsuo’s whole ‘stop causing trouble’ line to be pertaining to, especially when looked at in conjunction with fuyumi’s dialogue.
so like, when we’re looking at it in that context, it sucks and it hurts, because enji is the root. i’m not saying abuse is a valid reason to go fucking psychotic and start murdering innocent people, but like you said, ENJI is where it aaaaaaall stems from. enji is, ultimately, the cause. ‘dabi’ wouldn’t have ever been a thing had enji been a decent fucking parent.
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motherforthefamicom · 2 years
downloaded firealpaca =3
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biderboy · 2 years
my last christmas at home just got ruined do i cry or do i just go back to sleep
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maplesyrupsainz · 5 months
hi hi! I really like your imagines <3
Could I request a Charles imagine? Where the reader is the daughter of Toto Wolff and she and Charles have been secretly dating. After Charles wins the WDC, the reader hardlaunches their relationship and everyone is freaking out about it.
Thank you sm!!
pairing: charles leclerc x wolff!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: imagine/smau
warnings: just fluff, kind of short too
prompt: custom you and [driver] are finally ready to hard launch your relationship
a/n: this request inspired something in me LOL hope u like it?! wasnt sure if the req wanted smau or written but u got both instead LOL
my masterlist | my 1k celebration
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liked by georgerussell63, charles_leclerc, and 396,184 others
ynwolff merc girl lifeeeee
view all 6,273 comments
user1 helloooo?? the flowers
user2 i bet she gets 100 bouquets a day
user3 i wish i had her life
user4 world's best nepo baby
charles_leclerc would look better in ferrari merch
ynwolff you would say that
mercedesamgf1 back off
charles_leclerc 👀
messages ->
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˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
at first, the idea of sharing your relationship with the world terrified you. the things people might say, what they'd think. but, you realised, as time progressed, that the idea of not sharing and people not knowing about your relationship seemed even scarier; you were becoming somewhat desperate to let the world know that charles leclerc was your boyfriend.
the only issue was gaining your father's approval. you had convinced yourself it would be easy to obtain, but the harder you thought about it the less you agreed with that sentiment. but, you couldn't hide forever.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
the formula one season had flown by you in a rush of lights; you blinked and it was almost over. it had been a thrilling title fight between max verstappen and charles, and this race was the decider.
you're pretty sure that you didn't take a breath for the whole race, closing your eyes on multiple occasions. no one knew what had you so invested in this race in particular; being the mercedes team principal's daughter, you had come to many a race and tended not to be that interested in the sport. in truth, you did enjoy it but it had been your whole life, you assumed it was normal to become somewhat burnt out.
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˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
you had never ran quite like it; from the mercedes garage to ferrari. all you knew was that you had to be there for him when he got out of the car. in that moment, you didn't care who saw or what they thought or if they found out the truth about your relationship with charles. all that mattered was him.
and when you saw him, you knew he felt the same as you did. you broke out into a grin as his eyes caught yours and, before you knew it, his lips were on yours and your face in his hands. shutter sounds and flashings of cameras surrounded you, your head spinning, your heart swelling with pride; your boyfriend had won his first drivers' championship.
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liked by charles_leclerc, susie_wolff, and 183,274 others
f1wagupdates after an olympic-esque dash from the mercedes garage to ferrari, y/n wolff joined charles leclerc in the celebration of winning his first ever wdc! is this the hard launch of a secret relationship? what does toto think? 👀 thoughts?
tagged: charles_leclerc, ynwolff
view all 11,183 comments
user6 omg i never would've guessed this
user7 charles AND susie in the likes omg😭😭😭
user9 the way she ran
user10 literally soo iconic
user11 me when
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liked by charles_leclerc, susie_wolff, and 679,926 others
ynwolff sorry dad
tagged: charles_leclerc
view all 14,273 comments
user12 the tshirt HAHAHA
user13 omg she's so real
user14 i still cant believe this
user15 THey R SO CUTE WTF
user16 how did they keep this a secret omg
susie_wolff i love my new son in law!
charles_leclerc 🥰🥰
ynwolff love you 🙆‍♀️
user17 ofc susie loves them tgthr
user18 wonder what toto thinks 💀
user19 the caption
user20 him bringing her breakfast in bed omg
user21 this is all i'll ever talk abt ever again
user22 f1 twt found dead
user23 we lost a real one gang (y/n wolff)
charles_leclerc love my girl
yourusername 🥺 love you crazy amounts
lewishamilton y/n toto said answer the phone
ynwolff my phone is dead rn sorry
user25 💀
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drvscarlett · 4 months
Alex Albon x Horner!Reader
Summary: Max Verstappen and Sebastian Vettel may be Christian's favorites. But Y/N Horner has her own favorites.
The Tortured Drivers' Department series
A/N: one of my favorite tracks and i hope i could give it justice. let me know what you folks think
Taglist. @tea-bobba @boiohboii @c-losur3 @haikyuen @stelena-klayley @stinkyjax @0710khj @jinimon-tr
I'll tell you something right now you ain't gotta pray for me Me and my wild boy and all of this wild joy
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LittleMissY/N what a fun winter break bonding before the 2019 season starts. aren't we cute #GiveYouButterflyWings
PierreGasly the disrespect, my face is cut off after taking so many photos of you!!!
LittleMissY/N sorry not sorry PierreGasly Seb is also upset that you didn't even include him in that photo. LittleMissY/N tell the man to make an ig first.
MaxVerstappen33 why did the rookie get a solo shot before I did???
LittleMissY/N don't be jealous maxie, atleast you're still in the family mantle MaxVerstappen33 you are not slick Y/N tsk, im telling your dad LittleMissY/N respectfully, fuck off!
Alex_Albon it was nice meeting you Y/N!
LittleMissY/N its so good to meet you too alex :))) PierreGasly suspicious behavior!
User3 enjoy your time out there with the boys!
User5 anyone notices how Y/N is literally teasing everyone and then when it comes to alex she seems shy
User7 I smell a crushhhh User9 be for real, maybe its because alex is a rookie and Y/N didn't bond well with him yet.
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LittleMissY/N dad took me to work and not bad for a rookie!
ChristianHorner I'm not taking you to work again
LittleMissY/N don't you miss me?? i thought you missed me ChristianHorner not anymore LittleMissY/N too bad, im applying for a job in f1
PierreGasly are you even watching the race??
LittleMissY/N yeah, you missed the points lmao! PierreGasly i hate you
Alex_Albon not a really good start for me but I'll try better next time!
LittleMissY/N dont stress, you have plenty more opportunities to do well! I'll see you next GP? Alex_Albon of course, I mean I'm being paid to drive that car hahaha LittleMissY/N you're funny PierreGasly are you seeing this MaxVerstappen33 MaxVerstappen33 im dying out of laughter LittleMissY/N I'm gonna pay your mechanics to miss out a few screws
User5 she is so pretty!!! how come she is christian's daughter?
User7 I met her during FP1 and girlie is so in love with a driver
User8 i think we know why Y/N is coming around the races.
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Alex_Albon happy to get some points for today! My first in my rookie year!
User2 Amazing job today Alex
User3 Alex Albon, you make us all proud!!!
Alex_Albon thanks Y/N, i can hear you shouting from Red Bull to Toro Rosso LittleMissY/N this is amazing news and everyone has to hear it!!!!!
User5 alex and Y/N are so cuteeee!!! Y/N is so excited for Alex's first points
User7 anyone else ships Y/N and Alex??
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F1Fans OOF! Albon suffers a big crash during the practice session in Shanghai. Do we think choosing Albon is the right choice for this season?
User1 nasty crash, too bad that he will be missing qualifying.
User2 c'mon be a little more lenient to the guy, shanghai is a difficult track
User3 should be sacked tbh
User4 why are they allowing albon to drive? he isn't that good.
LittleMissY/N oh get over yourself. i bet you can't even drive an f1 car even if you tried. Drivers crash every now and then, Alex Albon is a fantastic driver that's why Toro Rosso got him. This is just a bad weekend for him but I'm sure he will bounce back for the actual race. User7 my surprise when I realize that its actually Y/N Horner defending Alex Albon's honor User8 we love Y/N in this household.
User9 praying for a better race results for Alex
PierreGasly posted a story...
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LittleMissY/N replied: HOW DARE YOUUU???? WHO IS THAT RAT???
LittleMissY/N but tbh thats a genuine reaction. imagine starting from p20 and ending up into p10??? LittleMissY/N OH PIERRE QUIT IGNORING ME! LittleMissY/N i hate you so much
Alex_Albon replied: oh no, what happened to her??
PierreGasly your biggest fan has a bit of a teary moments. She is currently filling up my DMs with how much of an amazing driver you are Alex_Albon that's really nice of Y/N
MaxVerstappen33 replied: man Y/N is down bad
PierreGasly i knowwww MaxVerstappen33 christian just walked in to ask if Y/N has a crush on Alex PierreGasly its so obvioussss MaxVerstappen33 well except for alex lol
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GeorgeRussell63 with my best mate Alex_Albon !!
LittleMissY/N Well hello there georgie
GeorgeRussell63 hello miss Y/N Horner, what are you doing around here?? LittleMissY/N just saw you tag alex and figured i should say hi to his bestie GeorgeRussell63 im watching you LittleMissY/N ditto :))
Alex_Albon we look good there!
LittleMissY/N you look extremely handsome there Alex MaxVerstappen33 simppppp LittleMissY/N im gonna crash your car
User5 another bestfriends making it to formula 1 together
User7 its so funny how Y/N shows up in any tagged photos of alex, miss maam you are whippedt!!!
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LittleMissY/N I'm off to crash anyone who crashes him in the next race. Mark my words!!!!!!!! Still a great drive from AA, my favorite driver <3
Alex_Albon thanks so much for the support Y/N. No need to crash to anyone
LittleMissY/N okay but my offer will always stand
PierreGasly you are sooooo down bad
LittleMissY/N I'm going to put you down
User6 is Y/N, Alex's girlfriend.
User7 i think she likes him and alex is so oblivious User9 yeah, Y/N likes alex so much LittleMissY/N shut it.
User11 i just love how supportive she is with alex being a rookie and all
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In a recent interview, someone made a mistake of putting Y/N Horner in a bad light. Not to worry because Toro Rosso driver, Alex Albon is there to rescue. The whole thing starts with a simple question of what does Y/N contributes to the team to which Albon answers that Y/N is the social media manager. The interviewer made the mistake of commenting how anyone could do that job. This statement seems to anger the rookie as he defends her by listing down her educational achievements and how her role is important to the team. Albon refused to answer any question with that reporter and Christian Horner has placed an indefinite ban for his drivers to speak with the reporter.
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LittleMissY/N when he defends you:
PierreGasly i would have hit that reporter's face if i was there
LittleMissY/N awww pierre, i knew you always had a soft spot for me. PierreGasly only we (max, seb, danny, and me) can make fun of you MaxVerstappen33 facts! LittleMissY/N good to know
User4 red bull boys lining up to protect their princess
User5 i swear, aren't they together yet???
GeorgeRussell63 when did i consent being posted as a meme???
LittleMissY/N since you became my new bestieeeee GeorgeRussell63 i also don't recall consenting to that LittleMissY/N its only a matter of time before you accept it.
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LittleMissY/N gonna miss you so much pierreeeeeee anw time to transfer to red bull
User4 not the black and white photo
User5 its so weird to swap teammates in the middle of the season
PierreGasly dumbass.
LittleMissY/N I'll continue cheering you on always PierreGasly aren't you the sweetest? LittleMissY/N this is available for a limited time only
Alex_Albon thanks for the welcome again to RB maxverstappen33 LittleMissY/N
PierreGasly hey i gave you my seat, a little thank u would be great Alex_Albon thank you Pierre LittleMissY/N stop fighting alex, he is so kind PierreGasly oh c'mon!!!! MaxVerstappen33 mate, Y/N will always drop us for Alex. Dont forget that LittleMissY/N smartest person as ever Max
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Alex_Albon the car is feeling really good for my first race in Red Bull. Good race from p14 to p5!
User1 i swear Y/N you have notifs on for alex Alex_Albon thank you Y/N!!!
User3 Alex really deserves to be moved up with that RB seat
User4 RB proving themselves to be a big challenge to Mercedes this year
User5 sucks that max dnf this race, just imagine the next race where they can be stronger!!!!
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LittleMissY/N i hate corona so much but im facetiming my bestfriend Alex and life seems a little bit better. Stay safe everyone
PierreGasly my beSTfrIend Alex
LittleMissY/N go to hell Pierre PierreGasly lolololollllll whippedt culture
User5 im pretty sure you miss the races as much as we do
LittleMissY/N for real but we have to make sure that its safe to race again
User5 queen Y/N!
User8 i love their little livestream on twitch every now and then. Its the best thing to pass time
User10 love you queen Y/N
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LittleMissY/N BACK TO RACING AGAIN!!!!!!!!!
Alex_Albon quite excited to support us again?
LittleMissY/N of course, im red bull's biggest fan! MaxVerstappen33 red bull fan or alex albon fan? LittleMissY/N its good for you to know your place luv
User8 look at them wearing masks, you should all do that too
User9 i cant tell you how much i missed races
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F1Fans ICYMI, Checo Perez is getting that second Red Bull seat in 2021.
User1 wow checo??? congrats man!
User2 what about alex???
User3 im pretty sure a certain Horner is not happy with the decision User4 Im actually waiting for her reaction
LittleMissY/N you broke this family apart ChristianHorner LittleMissY/N BUT WHY???? User7 Y/N is just like us for real
User8 good riddance for albon, max needs a better teammate
User10 the only reason why albon has this seat is because Y/N Horner likes him a lot. LittleMissY/N everything that alex does is based on his pure talent. My dad won't even let me into meetings that's why im just as surprised as everyone regarding this decision. and fyi im gonna send this to my lawyers. User9 don't play with Y/N when it comes to alex.
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LittleMissY/N Grill the grid episode, the one where I made them cook for my birthday
ChristianHorner happy birthday dear
User1 happy birthday to our queen, i hope lando made something edible for you!
User3 look at Y/N's birthday full of red bull current, former, and reserve drivers
PierreGasly sorry I couldn't make it but happy birthday to my soul sister
MaxVerstappen1 hoping for more birthdays for you Y/N
Schecoperez happy birthday hermana!
CarlosSainz55 Happy birthday little miss Y/N
Alex_Albon Happy birthday Y/N, hope you like your birthday!
LittleMissY/N thanks alex <3 User4 everyone been commenting on her post but she only responded to alex User9 girlie u r so whipped!!!
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GeorgeRussell63 I wish you can get a seat next year mate
User5 i know, i think alex is wasting his potential being red bull's reserve driver
User7 right?? checo's chemistry with max is really good and i dont think christian will sacrifice that User8 i just want a decent team for alex
LittleMissY/N Are you cooking something georgie?
GeorgeRussell63 that depends, are you helping? LittleMissY/N for our common friend, absolutely User9 now what does this mean???? User10 anyone wanna tell me what's george and y/n conspiring together???
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F1Fans No news about Albon's contract in 2022 and today we have seen Albon talking with Christian. It doesn't seem like its about contract renewal.
User2 anyone wanna bet that Christian is talking to Alex about Y/N
User3 what is going on, where will Alex be in 2022
User4 if alex switches teams then would Y/N switch too?
User5 i mean she already did it with toro rosso and red bull User6 but this is like the same group. What if Albon goes to Mercedes or McLaren, would Y/N join there too?? User7 blood is thicker than water everyone User5 i dont think yall understand how much of a simp Y/N is that she can go anywhere Alex goes.
User9 i just want alex to be in an f1 seat in 2022.
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LittleMissY/N new hair, new color!
MaxVerstappen1 booooooooo!!! navy blue supremacy
LittleMissY/N i won't be taking any fashion advice from the man who literally wears only Red Bull merch. MaxVerstappen1 hey once upon a time you were always wearing our team merch especially when its no. 23 LittleMissY/N have fun crashing in the next race.
WilliamsRacing we like the color! Suits you!
User1 what is going onnnnn User2 i think alex is transferring to williams RedBullRacing im watching you
RedBullRacing we miss you queen!
LittleMissY/N aww, miss you!
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WilliamsRacing Albon joins Williams for 2022! He will be partnering up with Nicholas Latifi, who retains his seat.
User1 Trying to beat Y/N in commenting and liking first, failed.
User3 so this is what george and Y/N is cooking.
User8 goodluck to alex!!!
User7 hoping that this time around, he can stick around for the long run.
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Alex_Albon seas the day
User3 i think my bestie Y/N is crying somewhere rn
User4 i didn't expect alex has a girlfriend
User5 alex?? what are you doing?? this isn't Y/N
User7 have fun at your vacation alex!!!1
MaxVerstappen1 mate, who is she??
PierreGasly you should have warned us you were softlaunching someone
CarlosSainz55 congrats with the relationship bro!
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Alex_Albon exploring the city with her.
User5 she takes so good photos of alex!
User7 queen Y/N its been 36 days since you last commented
User8 i fear girlie is heartbroken User9 i hope Y/N is okay
User10 alex and his girl are so perfect together
MaxVerstappen1 who is she alex??? cmon answer your phone
PierreGasly I swear were not sent by Christian to ask about this new girl of yours
WilliamsRacing pretty girl for a pretty boy!
Alex_Albon indeed <3
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LittleMissY/N unbothered queen, so sorry for stabbing you GirlInRed
GirlInRed it hurts kind of little but anything for your therapy
User4 not Y/N fake stabbing someone because of Alex's girl
User6 this is so funny, Y/N
User8 so beautiful! you deserve better
MaxVerstappen1 well you know violence isn't always the answer.
LittleMissY/N oh really coming from you? MaxVerstappen1 cmon, I'll pick you up. Tell me where you are and lets talk LittleMissY/N i don't need to talk, im happy where i am
PierreGasly are you sure you're okay?
LittleMissY/N I have answered you a hundred times, im fine!!!!! PierreGasly Im still getting you ice cream LittleMissY/N awww pierre, you didn't have to
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Alex_Albon merry christmas everybody!
MaxVerstappen1 hold up, did i miss a chapter or something???
PierreGasly is this a joke or something???
User4 I thought you have a girlfriend???
User7 all along its Y/N??? IT WAS Y/N ALL ALONG?
User9 lucky lucky lucky
GeorgeRussell63 FINALLY! I have been laughing so much with all the conspiracy online
MaxVerstappen1 you knew and you never even told us??? LandoNorris mate why didn't you even tell me? I thought we are 2019 rookies trio Alex_Albon sorry mates, i just have to keep this a secret a little longer
WilliamsRacing what a happy couple, so can we post your photos now?
RedBullRacing she is still our girl WilliamsRacing i think you should ask her about that
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LittleMissY/N thankful for almost a year and a half with you
User4 what??? A YEAR AND A HALF???
User7 this is probably going on ever since Alex has moved to Williams
User8 my romeo and juliet!
ChristianHorner why am i not informed that it has been this long?
LittleMissY/N but daddy i love him :< ChristianHorner no. LittleMissY/N but what if im carrying his baby? ChristianHorner jesus christ, tell me you are kidding. LittleMissY/N i am but see it could be worse. i mean we just hid our relationship and not an entire family. ChristianHorner fine. invite him over and lets talk LittleMissY/N yay!!!
MaxVerstappen1 who knew you could keep a secret for that long???
PierreGasly Im more surprised that she was able to bag alex, are you sure you are perfectly sane Alex_Albon? Alex_Albon well I really really love her LittleMissY/N alex :< you used the love word Alex_Albon i mean you should have been used to it when you hear it everyday from when you wake up and before you fall asleep MaxVerstappen1 YOU TWO MAKE ME SICKKKKKK!!!!! NOT IN MY COMMENT SECTION
User10 folks i think we should apply to Y/N's school of being down bad and manifesting their dream partner
User15 what a lovely couple they are, goals!!!
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blackypanther9 · 6 months
Gossip between Father and Daughter – Father!Alastor x Daughter!Reader
A/N: I decided to do this Oneshot/Headcanon for both, alive!Alastor x daughter!Reader and Demon!Alastor x Daughter!Reader. Enjoy ! (Picture belongs to rightful owner !)
TAGLIST!: @meg-giry1  @wen01203
WARNING!: mentions of the S word, name calling, insults, mentions of cheating, Vox and the other Vees get bullied in public AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
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Human!Dad!Alastor x Human!Daughter!Reader:
When you start to talk about new Gossip:
Alastor was cooking Dinner as suddenly you bashed open the door, scaring the living daylights out of your Father. He quickly looked at you and made a face to scold you.
“Mon ange (My Angel), are you planning to give your dear ol’ Father a heart attack ?”
You ignored his scolding and gave him a big grin with a twinkle in your eyes. Alastor got intrigued.
“You will NEVER believe what I’ve heard, Papa ! That is some interesting tea indeed !”, you announced happily.
Your Father cocked his head to the side in curiosity, his smile not leaving, but it shrunk in curiosity and confusion.
“Oh ? What happened, Cher ?”
You entered the kitchen fully, pulled out a chair, sat down and looked at him.
“You do know Felicia Monrue, right ? You reported about her last week in your Broadcast, because she got caught drunk, even though there was no giggle water (Alcohol) allowed and she had to pay a hefty debt as punishment.”
“Ah...yes, I do remember her indeed. Hoho ! Such a gal getting caught.”, Alastor laughed out in humor, “Couldn’t even hold her own liquor, hahaha !”
You nodded eagerly.
“Well guess what !”
“What is it, mon petit (Little one) ?”
You looked around the house, as if anyone was listening in, then bounced and gave him a big mischievous smirk.
“Rumors have it, that she was spotted a few times with different men on her arm. She brought them home and someone heard lewd noises, while one of her neighbors swore they saw her and the different men in her bedroom, doing the forbidden act ! Can you believe it ?!”
Alastor took a sip of water, which he promptly spat out in shock, as you said that. He stared at you, then looked at his glass of water, then at the food he was cooking, then back to you and back at his drink.
“Am I sure that I am drinking water right now ?”, he muttered in shock.
“You are, Papa ! Stop being so silly !”, you replied laughing.
He looked at you again.
“You aren’t talking nonsense, right, Dear ? That poor Lady surely could never do such a scandalous thing.”
You shook your head.
“I really heard it, from more than one person too ! It already goes around like wildfire, Papa ! One even said that they have a picture of it ! If this gets out into the newspaper, her clothes store will shut down forever !”
Your Father shook his head and looked at his food, sighing in disappointment.
“Such a fine Dame and no class... Didn’t her parents teach her any manners ? How scandalous !”
You shrugged your shoulders and gave him a grin.
“Maybe it is just a faux, Papa, but it would be entertaining if it was true ! Don’t you agree ?”
“It sure would be, Cher. Anything else you heard rumors about, hmm ?”, your Father asked you amused.
“Oh ! There are new rumors about the Bayou Killer too.”
“Oh, do let me know ! I’d LOVE to hear their theories !”, your Father said enthusiastically.
“Some speculate now that it is a butcher and others that it is a doctor ! How ridiculous is that ?!”, you said laughing.
For a second the kitchen was silent and then Alastor broke out into laughter and he shook his head.
“A-a WHAT now ?! Hahahaha !”
Alastor laughed so hard that he wiped a tear away from his right eye. You looked at your Father in amusement.
“Stupid, isn’t it ? They really think you are a Doctor or even a Butcher ! I mean...you kind of are a Butcher, but at the same time, you are not !”
Alastor snorted in amusement and continued to cook Dinner, while you told him all the Gossip you heard and he discussed it all with you, happy to listen to anything you heard.
When Alastor starts to talk about new Gossip:
You were just returning from a quick shopping spree with some groceries as you saw your Father with a huge mischievous grin on his face. He took a few bags from you and you both started to fill the kitchen cabinets and fridge with your catches that you got from the stores.
You knew that glint in your Father’s eyes. He heard something scandalous and amusing. You couldn’t wait.
As soon as you both finished, you entered the Living room and sat down on the couch, your Father sat down in the armchair.
“Alright, Dad, spill the tea. What rumors have you heard, hmm ?”, you pressed.
Alastor looked at you with one of his hugest smiles and started to chuckle.
“Do you remember Gwen Kosiak from my workplace, who quit his job not long ago ?”, your Father asked you.
“Yes. Why ?”
“Well my dear child, he was married and they seemed happy. Suddenly they divorced out of nowhere. Rumors have it that he cheated on his wife with the housemaid !”
You covered your mouth in shock.
“No way !”, you gasped out.
“Yes indeedy !”
You started to let out a chuckle.
“I would have never expected that from Gwen.”
“Me neither, Cher ! Me neither !”
You both chuckled and as it calmed down, your Father smirked.
“There has also been the rumor going around that the dress shop, you love to visit so frequently, is going bankrupt, because the owner of the store refuses to pay the rent !”
You stared at your Father gob smacked.
“Seriously ?”
All your Father did was nod.
“Indeedy !”
You leaned back in shock, then your face saddened.
“A real shame, guess I should look for a new favorite dress store then.”, you muttered.
“You definitely should, Cher !”, Alastor encouraged.
You could see that he wasn’t finished yet, so you waited for him to start the next section of discussion to gossip about.
“Also, Mrs. Tiana gave birth to her and her husband’s offspring ! The spawn looks nothing like them ! Hahaha !”
“You don’t think that she was going behind her husband’s back, do you ?”
“I think she was, Cher !”
“My, how scandalous ! Was it truly that bad ?”
“The child didn’t have their skin color, nor their hair color ! The child’s skin color was almost like mine and the hair was ginger ! Both of them were white and one had blond hair while the other had black hair. They both said that none in their Family tree had a different skin color, nor ginger hair ! So it just can’t be his offspring.”
You covered your mouth in shock.
“I never would have thought of Mrs. Tiana as a harlot.”, you muttered.
“None of us did, mon Cher ! Yet, here we are !”
The two of you continued to gossip and talk about rumors for a while. Alastor was always happy to listen, theorize with you and to talk about everything. He was almost like a woman, chattering about all the scoundrels that were talked about and you LOVED your Dad for that. He was practically both to you. A Mother and a Father. You never lacked anything.
In Hell:
When you start gossip:
Your Father was just about to wrap up his Broadcast in Hell, as you stormed inside. He looked at you startled, his Deer ears standing on high alert. As soon as he saw you, he rolled his eyes gently, scolding himself in his thoughts, that he got scared of you.
“Father, guess what !”, you announced happily.
Oh, he knew by that voice that you heard some gossip. He turned to you, leaving his broadcast on for now.
“What is it, Cher ?”, he asked.
“I heard some interesting tea about the Vees ! Wanna hear it ?!”
He perked up and looked at you highly interested. He snapped another chair into existence next to him and gestured for you to sit down. You did so eagerly.
“Now, what was that, Cher ?”, he asked, interested.
You were bouncing up and down on your chair.
“So, apparently Valentino and Vox are in a on and off relationship, just to screw each other, when Valentino’s harlots are too busy ! How desperate is that, Papa ?! Hahaha !”
Alastor, who sipped his black coffee, spat it back out and coughed into his sleeve from shock. Then he chuckled.
“That sounds pathetically desperate ! Hahaha ! I never thought that Vox would sink even lower than he already did !”, your Father laughed out.
“I didn’t know that Valentino was so depraved and pathetically desperate that he even fucks his own harlots ! Hahaha ! That just shows how unwanted he is !”, you laughed out.
“True, true, my Dear !”
“Oh, oh ! And have you heard that the Demon, Velvet dated, broke up with her ?!”
“Applesauce, mon petit !”, he yelled in fake shock.
“It’s true, Papa ! They apparently were dining in a restaurant and suddenly the man said that he is dumping her ass, then left the restaurant without paying too ! She left it, looking like a mess ! I bet the other two Vees had to coddle her to make it better ! HA ! How fucking pathetic for an Overlord !”
Alastor laughed loudly at that and petted your head, affectionately.
“Also, Vox tried to copy your Radio Station to make Radio Broadcasts himself, to grow bigger ! Can you believe how desperate that flat faced idiot is ?! Hahaha !”
“Is that so, Cher ?”, Alastor said partly amused, partly triggered.
“He tried to hide it from you too ! Sadly someone from his team snitched ! Hahahaha !”, you confirmed with laughter.
“Hmmm. Interesting indeed, Cher !”
“Also, some guests in Valentino’s porn clubs said that the hygiene in the bathrooms, of all the clubs, are so nasty that no one even wants to take a dump there ! Hahaha ! That insect is destroying his own image !”, you cackled out.
Alastor laughed at that.
“Well, what did you expect from a moth, Cher ? That they are clean ?”
“You would think his business and his employees means something to him, but it seems it wants to go broke soon enough !”
Alastor just chuckled and already planned how to teach Vox a lesson, for trying to take over Radio, HIS specialty.
The Broadcast went 30 minutes longer, discussing and gossiping about the Vees mostly.
After they finished their Broadcast, they saw that all of Pentagram City had a blackout. Welp, they fried Vox then with the other two Vees.
When Alastor starts gossip:
You both visited Rosie, just to catch up a bit and that was where everything went down. From a small pleasant exchange of how you all three have been, it turned into gossiping.
“My Dear, you have to be pulling our legs.”, Alastor accused Rosie in disbelief.
“I am not, Al ! I promise ya ! He really tried to eat her !”, Rosie insisted.
You just laughed and ate another finger that Rosie offered. You rarely did eat her treats that she offered, but today you were fine with it. Rosie knew about your picky diet swings, so she never felt insulted.
“What about you, Dear ? Any interesting gossip ?”, Rosie asked you.
“Oh quite some interesting ones, indeed !”, you replied.
“Oh do spill the tea, Dearie !”, Rosie said in excitement.
“Well, I heard that Zestial had three Sons and they are all down here. They say that Zestial hid them from everyone, because they are not very strong and he is ashamed of them.”
“Oh my...”, Rosie said in shock and intrigue.
Alastor was in slight shock and very interested in it.
“I will ask Zest about it tomorrow. After all we are supposed to meet up at Carmilla’s tomorrow. He is always there.”, you told her.
“Oh please do ask him ! I would love to know if these rumors are true !”
Then she turned to Alastor.
“And you, my friend ? What did you catch ?”
Alastor chuckled.
“A lot of people are starting to question Queen Lilith’s absence. Many say that she made a Deal with the Holy Gates. Others say that she got exterminated.”
“Hah ! As if anyone could kill our Queen ! She would NEVER agree to make a Deal with the Angels either ! How silly !”
Alastor chuckled and nodded, agreeing with Rosie, while you just shook your head in amusement.
“Also, it was rumored that Overlord Missi Zilla was seen with a lowlife Sinner, getting a bit steamy in an alley way.”
“No way !”, Rosie and you yelled.
“Yes, yes, indeedy !”, Alastor insisted.
Rosie leaned back.
“Oh my stars...”, she muttered.
“Who do you think it was ?”, you asked the two other Overlords.
“All I have heard was that the Demon Sinner was a bull. There was nothing else.”, Alastor chimed in.
“As if Missi would stoop that low.”, you scoffed.
“You never know, my Dear !”
And the gossip with Rosie and Alastor would continue for a long while, while you chimed in and shared your own gossip. You saw Rosie like a Mother figure and your Father didn’t mind it a bit. He was glad you liked Rosie.
You three Overlords would gossip for hours.
Alastor is a HUGE fan of gossip. You never know what interesting information you will hear, after all.
He would gossip with you, his beloved Daughter, like women would gossip amongst each other.
He would try and see if you were pulling his leg or not, but most of the times you were serious.
As soon as he got interesting gossip, he would immediately sit down with you and share, loving to bond with you over simple gossip.
He would always share a few laughs with you here and there.
He loves it when you have gossip/information about his enemies/victims. Somehow you just KNEW where and how to get the interesting tea ! He couldn’t be prouder !
He would never shut you down if you wanted to gossip with him. He would always listen and throw in his input/opinion on the matters discussed.
He is the perfect person to gossip with and so are you and Rosie.
I hope I hit the mark with this ! ^^'
(Words: 2 605)
Masterlist HERE !
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spidybaby · 18 days
Canceled Flight
Summary: Pedri and you never expected that a canceled flight was going to make you label your relationship.
Warnings: cursing.
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"Mamá, leave the refrigerator alone." Pedri laughs, watching his mom go through the things inside. "You are going to be late."
"I'm just making sure you have everything, I don't want you not eating because you don't have food."
He rolls his eyes. "I can cook an egg."
"But you don't do it, son." His father says, walking with his luggage in hand.
"Guys, let's go." Fer shouts. "The Uber is outside, let's go."
Pedri helps his parents with their luggage, Fer was placing his next to him. "Hey, text me when you're back home." He whispers.
"Will do," he smiles. "Have fun at home, say hi to grandma for me." He hugs his brother
Fee smiles, hugging him and joining his parents inside the car. "Bye!" Pedri shakes his hand in the air.
He walks back home, grabbing his phone and texting you that he will be ready in a few minutes.
He runs upstairs to get his sneakers. You suggested taking a walk around the gated community, just to talk.
He likes the idea, mostly because he will spend time with you. The other good thing is that nobody will bother the two of you while doing that.
He grabbed his keys, walked to the end of the street, and knocked on your door. The best part about you is that you live so close to him.
You two met up one day when you were running. He was late for a meeting, weird thing about him, when he exit his house he didn't even payed attention or looked at both sides.
He knocked you over, helping you to get up. He apologized with barely a few words, eyes roaming between you and his car.
You laughed at how worried yet how in a hurry he was. Reassuring him that you were fine and that he could leave.
You then found him again when he was entering his home. He left his car on the driveway.
"Not in a hurry this time?" You asked, smiling at him.
"Hola!" He smiled. "I'm still feel bad." He says.
"Don't. It was a mistake." You chuckle. "I like your car." You say, trying to make conversation.
"If you know how to drive, I can borrow it anytime." He smiles. "That way, I can make it up for throwing you in the ground."
"I'm Y/n." You extended your hand.
"I'm Pedri." He shakes your hand.
That small talk got you two exchanging numbers. You went on a few dates, nothing crazy.
He wanted to keep you on the low before even formalizing anything between you two. That way, if anybody took a photo he wouldn't mind
He likes you very much. He even told Fer about you, telling him that he never felt that way about aby other girl.
"Oh hi!" You say, hugging him and kissing his cheek. "Ready for a walk?"
He humms yes, kissing your cheek a few times. You laugh at the feeling of his beard. Arms tightening the hug.
"Let's go!" He says, separating from the hug and taking your hand.
You two walk for a little in silence, hand in hand as you enjoy each others company. You love how his thumb is caressing your hand.
"My dad wants to get a dog." You say.
"Really?" He smiles. "Get a labrador. That way, we can match dogs."
"I'll suggest it." You laugh, hugging his arm, planting a kiss on the side of his head. "I'm going with my sibling to the game this weekend." You tell him.
"Really?" He says, excited about the idea of you there. "Did you buy the tickets?"
"Not yet, my dad is the one that's going to get t-"
"I'll get them for you." He smiles. "Vip, section too." He jokes with you, raising his eyebrows. "And I can maybe lean you a jersey."
"Oh, yes!" You say excited. "I want the 19, please."
His smile drops. "Hahaha." He fakes laughing. "I think you would appreciate the 8 more."
"Nah, I'll stick with the 19." You smile. You get to a small kids' playground. "Let's sit on the swings." You pull him.
You make him sit on the swing, pushing him to move him. The way he's laughing is so cute to you.
"Time out, come here." He says, smiling like crazy.
You move to sit next to him, but he's quicker and pulls you over his lap, sitting you there. With one hand, he's grabbing your waist, and the other is grabbing the chain of the swing.
You two laugh as he swings you carefully. "We are going to fall, Pedri." You say.
"Fine," he says, stopping. "I was thinking that maybe we can eat something while watching a movie." He says, kissing your shoulder.
"I love that idea." You smile at him. Hand caressing his arm that's around your waist. "Let's go."
You stand up, helping him do the same. You two walk back to his place. This time, you make more conversation.
"What are you craving?" You ask him.
"What are you craving?" He repeats the question.
"Well, considering I can eat whatever I want when I want to." You laugh. "I'll let you pick."
"Maybe pizza." He smiles.
You feel how the small water drops start falling onto you and him.
"Oh shit." You say, grabbing his hand and running a little.
The small drops quickly became a very strong rain. Wetting you and him.
"Why did we even walk that far?" He laughs. You stopped, pulling him. "What?"
"We are already wet." You pull him into your arms, kissing him. "Might as well do that." You say as you separate.
He kisses you again, hugging your waist. "Let's go, I don't want you to get sick."
You get to his place. He asked you to wait while he brings a towel and a bin for the wet clothes. You do as you are told, taking your shoes and socks off.
"I have this bathrobe. It's a little bigger, but you can cover with it. I'll start the dryer." He says.
"Help me with it." You ask, making him nod.
He passes the robe around your shoulder, grabbing it to make sure it doesn't fall. You take off your top, eyes glued to his.
You can't help the feeling on your stomach, not even when you take off your bra his eyes moved away from yours.
"Thank you." You say, tightening the belt of the robe. "My leggings are kind of water resistant, so they will get dried faster, no dried needed." You smile at him.
"I'll make sure to hang it for you." He smiles. "I'll grab you a t-shirt, so you can be comfortable. Why don't you sit, I'll be back."
You nod, walking inside his house. Taking a seat at his couch. You notice the framed pictures of him and his family.
"Do you like pasta?" He asks, walking inside with a short and a towel around his shoulders. His bare chest makes you feel some type of way. "Here's that shirt, I think it will cover you so you don't feel hot with the robe."
"Thank you." You smile. "Need some help with dinner?"
"Well, hope you don't mind eating reheated pasta, my brother made it for me a few hours ago."
"I can make us some garlic breads if you like that." You say.
"Joer', that sounds amazing."
"Just need some garlic, butter, a pan, and the bread." You smile at him. "I can add cheese if you want to."
He nods happy, handing you all the stuff you need to cook. He does his part, and you do yours.
You open the robe a little, the making of the foor was making you feel hot. "Want some lemonade?" He asks, kissing your shoulder while he looks at you placing the bread on a plate.
You nod, thanking him. You help him serve the pasta while he fixes the table. You love how he's so affectioned and so clingy.
You two eat and talk about the next match. You asked him to spoiler you either any strategy that they planned.
He loves talking with you, it was so easy and so simple. Yet it feels like he knows you all his life. He wanted to move forward with you. Not doubt.
"Let me help you with the dishes." You grab both yours and his plate. Bringing them to the kitchen to wash them.
"Let's place them on the dishwasher, it's easier." He grabs your waist, making you turn. "Let me do it." He smiles.
You nod, hands locking on his neck. You kiss him, loving the way his lips feel on yours. He grabs your waist, lifting you and placing you on top of the counter.
You watch as he does the work. You love how he looks at you while doing it. "Done."
You open your arms to him. He loves how you embrace him. "La verdad si quiero esa camiseta con el 8." (Honestly, I do want that jersey with the 8 on it) you smile, kissing him.
He deepens the kiss, his arms wrapping around your waist. You move your hand to his hair, pulling it a little bit.
He can't help the small whine that he let out. Making you smirk into the kiss. "Want some ice cream?" He asks, separating to take air.
You blush a little. "Yes, I would love that." You whisper.
He pecks you again, smiling at you. He walks over to his fridge, taking the pot of ice cream and grabbing a spoon.
He sets between your legs. "Open your mouth."
Your stomach turns because of the tone he's using. You do as you are told, letting him spoon feed you.
"It's so good." You smile.
You take the pot and spoon from his hands, feeding him with the ice cream. "It really is good." He smiles.
You left the container next to you. Grabbing his cheeks, you go back to kiss him. You love that he tastes like an ice cream.
You are so into the kiss that you don't hear how the door opens and closes. You are too focused on the way pedri is humming against your lips.
You hear someone clearing their throat. Pedri separates from you, turning to see his brother standing there with a luggage. (🧍🏻)
"Mierda." He mumble.
You feel the embarrassment of your life. You close the rope and jump off the counter. Fer is looking at you two. Speechless.
"Fer, can you get me some water?" Pedri's father asks. You just got more red. "Hi!" He says, smiling.
You smile a little, feeling shy. Waving with your hand, not trusting your voice.
Pedri clears his throat. "You guys are back." He nervously laughs, he scratches hmthe back of his neck. "This is Y/n." He smiles at you, tying to not make the situation more awkward.
"Hello, Miss Y/n." His dad smiles. "I'm Fernando." He smiles, walking over to you and extending his hand.
You took his hand, shaking it lightly. "Nice to meet you, sir." You whisper.
"And this is my brother." Pedri says.
Fer just nods, trying not to laugh at the situation. "Hi." He smiles.
You whisper a hi back at him. You want to die, you never expected to meet his family like that. Not while you're only wearing Pedri's t-shirt, your panties and a oversized robe.
"Fer, why don't you reheat the pasta." You hear a woman voice. "Also, where's Pedri? He left the dryer on."
You want to jump out of the window, not only were you half naked in front of his father and brother, but you also ate the pasta his mother asked his brother to reheat.
You look at the dishwasher, knowing the empty pasta bowl was there. Pedri noticed how uncomfortable you look.
His mother stops on her tracks, noticing a new face. She just smiles, not thinking anything bad. "Hola."
You smile back, and you can feel your red face. You wave at her.
"The dryer was on because we were out, and the rain started, so we got all wet." He ober explains. "This is Y/n." He smiles, pointing at you. "And there's no more pasta." He whispers.
"And there's no more ice cream, I see." Rosy jokes, noticing the container on the counter. "It's okay, we can eat other thing."
You turn to the melted container of ice cream. You then look at Pedri, he feels weird.
"I'll go to my room. Help me with the luggage, dad?" Fer says, making his father nod.
His father and him walk upstairs with the three suitcases. Rosy stakes a seat at the wooden stool.
"Our flight was canceled due to the rain, but look, no more rain now." She says, mad about the situation. "Anyways. Y/n, is it my mind or I have seen you around?" Rosy asks.
"I live at the end of the block." You smile at her. "I've seen you a few times." You say, remembering that you said your greeting to her on the street as you walked back home.
"Right, I remember your face. You run."
"Yes, I do." You nod, smiling but still feeling awkward. "I'm sorry about the pasta." You apologized.
"It's okay, was it good?"
"Very, I'm also sorry about the ice cream." You say.
She nods, not caring but enjoying the way pedri, and you look so uncomfortable.
"Are you Pedri's friend?"
You think on what to say for a few seconds, you were more than just his friend but nothing that you and him ever talked about.
"She's-" Pedri starts. Clearing his throat. "She's my girlfriend." He says, passing his arm around your waist. "She's actually coming to the game this weekend."
You blush at his comment, you really like him, and you love the idea of him being yours. You place your hand on his.
"I'm sorry we met this way." You say to her.
"Don't worry," she chuckles. "I hope next time it's better. Now, if you excuse me. I'll be in my room."
You both say your goodbyes to her. You wait till she's gone. Laughing at how awkward the whole thing was.
"I think our clothes are dry." He says, grabbing your hand and walking with you to the laundry room. "I'm sorry about that shit show." He says, head resting on your shoulder.
"I want to die, honestly." You laugh again.
"Can we do it together?" He asks, making you nod. "I'll let you change, I'll be outside."
You wait till he's out of the room, taking a big breath. You feel like if you are in fever dream.
You grab your clothes from the dryer, dress yourself, and try to fix your hair on the reflection of the machine.
You open the door, finding him on his phone. "All done." You smile at him. "I think my shoes are still wet, but that's something I can fix at home."
"Let me walk you." He opens the door for you.
The walk home was slow and silent. You don't know what to say and he's afraid he might say the wrong thing.
"We're here." He says.
You grab the small key you left on the pouch of your leggings. You open the door, thanking him for walking your home.
You wave goodbye at him, closing the door. You stayed there for a few seconds. Trying to process everything.
You hear three knocks on the door. Opening it, you find Pedri. "Hi." You whisper, smiling.
"I forgot something." He says, breathless.
You open the door, confused about what he might have forgotten. "What did you forget?"
He grabs your hips, pulling you over to him. His lips clash over yours. You place your hands on his cheeks, bringing him closer.
When the air feels necessary, you two pull away. Waiting only a few seconds before going back to the kiss.
"Let's repeat this date tomorrow." He says, smiling at you.
You bit your lip, pecking him. "Deal, you have to make something up to me." He frowns, not understanding what you are saying. "You never asked me if I wanted to be your girlfriend."
He then smiles, understanding everything. "I'll make sure to make it up. Don't want you to say no." He says, hands on your cheeks. His thumbs caressing your face.
"I won't, just ask me this time." You laugh.
You kiss again. You love the feeling.
"Go home, González." You place your hands on his shoulders, pushing him jokingly. "It's late, and you need to rest for tomorrow's training."
"Will do, boss." He laughs. "I have to train extra hard, don't want my girlfriend to feel embarrassed of my game."
"She won't." You say, caressing his cheek. "Text me when you are home?"
"Will do, preciosa." He smiles, quickly getting closer and pecking you one last time. "Now I can leave in peace." He laughs, making you laugh with him.
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hvaneyflowers · 10 months
Family *******
Fernando Alonso x femreader! family!
Instagram au | Part 2
Fernando and y/n have been married for 10 years, and for the last 9 years, y/n has been fighting against cancer. Because of this, they can't have children on their own, so they decided to adopt.
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, astonmartinf1, and 400.634 more.
yourusername: First time flying for Matías! ✈️
view all 400 comments.
username55: So, it means we're seeing Matias in the paddock this weekend?
username33: I hope so! I'm dying to meet him!
charles_leclerc: YES! Little Alonso is coming! I'll have his gift prepared!
astonmartinf1: Can't wait to meet our new crew member!
carmenmmundt: yeah!!!!
username65: Do you think Nico's daughter will be there? I heard he is a little bit jealous hahaha
username910: What about K-Mag's daughter? Or Kelly's daughter? Hahaha username1938: a grid of little babies! I love it!
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, f1, charles_leclerc, and 500.000 more.
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial, f1, astonmartinf1, charles_leclerc, lewishamilton
yourusername: First race ever! Matias enjoyed every second of it and was very surprised to find out his new dad was a superstar! Thank you astonmartinf1 and f1 for making this a very special moment for my baby. Also, thank you lewishamilton and charles_leclerc for the gifts! Matias loved them, but he named them lewusoso and charlitosrojo (lewusbear and charlitosred) ❤️🛣️
view all 500 comments.
fernandoalo_oficial: the best fan! Mi pequeño! (my little boy)
yourusername: Fan number 1! I'm number 2 now hahaha fernandoalo_oficial: In my heart, there's enough space for both of you being number 1❤️ yourusername: ❤️
username124: OMG! Look at that cute pie!! He's too cute!
username57: I don't know which is cuter., little Nandito or Lewis and Charles' teddy bears?
username78: Don't forget the names he chose for them!
lewishamilton: what a little boy you have! He's amazing! Very happy for you! Roscoe loved him and me too, he's incredible. Bring him back anytime! pss. I love my new name, I think I'm going to change my real name for that one 😉
astonmartinf1: Loved having little Matias aka future World Champion in our garage! Looking for seeing him around more!
f1: Future world champion in the making! Come back anytime!
danielricciardo: He's too cute! I hope he loved my giraffe!
yourusername: Believe me, he adored it! It's name is Dani. danielricciardo: cool!
username23: I want to know what the whole grid gifted him!! @.yourusername make a post with all the presents!
username98: Yes! I'm dying to know!!!
landonorris: my gift was the best! 😚
carlossainz55: shut up!
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liked by landonorris, jensonbutton, kimimatiasraikkone, and 600.00 more.
yourusername: Because you asked for it! Here are the gifts my baby received from the whole grid, and some more! Thank you for all!! pss. Landonorris Matias crashed the car the first time he used it, sorry.
view all 600 comments.
landonorris: NOOOOO!
carlossainz55: I told ya! hahaha, he's too young to know how to drive! charles_lecler: and that's why a teddy bear was a good idea! alex_albon: and cars, too.
estebanocon: glad he loved the horse!
username44: OMG! Little Matias received so many things! He's so lucky!
username89: imagine going from being a little kid with nothing in the world to having Fernando Alonso and y/n y/ln as parents and the entire F1 grid as uncles? So happy for this little one! username788: he deserves the world!!
kimimatiasraikkonen: So happy for you guys! And glad little Matias loved my gift. Bring him to meet Mintu and the kids anytime!
yourusername: He adored it, but Fernando... he's another story. Anyway, we're hoping for him to meet your kids and Mintu! fernandoalo_oficial: I hate you Kimi. You, and Kevin. Why did you gift him musical toys? He never stops playing them! NEVER. kevinmagnussen: welcome to fatherhood, Fernando. Believe me, you'll get used to it. kimimatiasraikkonen: I second that. maxverstappen1: me too.
username990: I'm jealous of a 4-year-old boy! I can't believe it!
username787: I know! Me too!
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liked by yourusername, astonmartinf1, and 1M more.
tagged: yourusername
fernandoalo_oficial: first date night since becoming mom and dad! Missing our little boy made us end the night very early. Love you nena!
view all 1000 comments.
yourusername: Te amo mi amor!
fernandoalo_oficial: yo te amo más!
yukitsunoda0511: I need a girlfriend, ASAP!
danielricciardo: don't worry little man, I'll help you! yukitsunoda0511: no way! yourusername: don't worry Yuki. I'm sure you'll find the correct one, just be patient. When you find her, you'll know! yukitsunoda0511: ❤️
username88: couple goals!!!
username919: @.yourusername always so sexy!!!
username7188: Fernando has good taste!
username819: power couple!!
username189: Both of them are so good-looking! I hope they'll never break up!
username919: If that happens, I'd never believe in love again!
carlossainz55: a beautiful young woman... and Fernando.
yourusername: Oh, come on! I'm 32! landonorris: you look like a 20-year-old schoolgirl next to Nando! yourusername: come on, gusy! He isn't so old! He's just... 50? fernandoalo_oficial: I'M NOT 50! NEITHER OLD! landonorris: yes, you are. carlossainz55: Yes, you are. You were my idol when I was young, now, I compete against you... do your math, old man! yourusername: OMG! I'D FORGOTTEN THAT! Yes, you're old, baby. fernandoalo_oficial: That's not what you say when I'm on top of you, nena. 😉 landonorris: 😮 carlossainz55: 😮 yourusername: I don't know what you're talking about. fernandoalo_oficial: oh, really? I recall last Sunday when you were screaming my name, "Oh, Nando, please, more, more!" landonorris: 😮 carlossainz55: 😮 charles_leclerc: 😮 danielricciardo: 😮 yukitsunoda0511: 😮 maxverstappen1: 😮 yourusername: well, I need to remember... Do you want to help me remember? 😏 fernandoalo_oficial: of course, nena! I'm heading to the bedroom! roscoelovescoco: 😮
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acesgarden · 7 months
Can you please do a Lloyd X reader Lloyd has full control over his Oni form and he gives the reader big cuddles in private so no other ninja knows about the big cuddling because Lloyd lock his door so no one interworks the cuddling jay manage to take a photo of Lloyd and the reader cuddling and jay send the photo to garmadon and Lloyd ended up chasing jay till the reader calm him down (in this au not only does Garamond not sacrifice him self but he still has his Oni form and the other ninjas know about his Oni form and this take place a month after crystallized and when Lloyd chase jay Lloyd turns back into his human form this is just pure fluff)
I completely forgot about this request oh my. 😭 So so so sorry bout that haha. Anywayyyy this was fun to execute hehe, though not my favorite. I love writing soft and silly things oml. I needed this after this morning. I can now work on my other requests 😭
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Warm Embrace
Type ->
Pairing ->
Lloyd G. X GN!Reader
Warnings ->
Ooc Lloyd(?), Headcanons present👍, Fluff lots and lots of fluff!
Summary ->
Lloyds a big cuddle bug, does he want the rest of the ninja or even his family to know? No. Absolutely not. He’s embarrassed by it. Yet secrets are just something you can’t keep in the Ninja house hold…
853 words | Masterlist
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Peaceful, tranquil, soft. Three words you’d use to describe the scene. From the soft light filtering in, to the melody of birds songs, and the methodical rhythm of your lover’s heart beat; the rise and fall of his chest. It was not an uncommon practice between you and Lloyd. But it still posed the issue of locked doors and chatter of embarrassment. An issue you’ve grown to accept as it meant spending time with the boy you’ve grown to love.
And the best part? Double the arms, double the cuddles. He had grown to control his Oni form (he wouldn’t admit it but his dad helped a ton.) Lloyd had asked to try it out once and turns out you both enjoyed it to the point it became the common ritual of cuddling. Comfy clothing, snacks, maybe a show, and one giant Oni holding you like you’re the only thing in the world.
The big body shuffled around you, tired eyes meeting yours. a golden snout burying into your neck with a tired sigh. Reaching a hand up and stroking his hair.
“So soft..” it came out almost a whisper, a small laugh coming out with a loving smile.
Lloyd (like many other Oni) purred, his own lovingly fanged smile appearing on his snout. maneuvering you to lay on his chest with the small repetitive vibration occurring. It was one thing you tended to forget.
“Okayy you, c’mere.”
A shrieking giggle left her as he began to tickle her, unable to stop his four arms she was defenseless.
“Ch-hahaha-eater haha!”
This went on for a good five minutes till she spoke up from her laughter.
“I yield, I yield!” Her voice hoarse from laughter but bright and smiley as she calmed down, finding comfort in the room's now quiet sound. A quiet transition into simple talking.
Lloyd spoke of his day, the usual patrolling. Something stupid Kai and Cole ended up doing. Trailing on up to this one robbery they had to stop-
“-And then! One of the robbers jumped out from behind a plant and tried to ambush us!” Lloyd said, throwing his lower arms out dramatically.
“Oh really now? And what did you do to stop it?”
“Jay struck him with lightning..”
“Oh? Well that was very noble of-“ A camera clink and string of curses interrupted his retelling.
“What-?” Lloyd slipped out from under, looking at you confused with a bit of panic.
“I’m sure it’s nothing Lloyd.” He opens the door just to check, and is met with an equally panicking Jay behind the door.
“Oh- oh! Hey Lloyddd How’s it going?” You could see him hide his hands behind his back from where you sat on the bed.
“What did you see?”
“Liar.” Lloyd seemed to have caught a glimpse of something and began to chase. “Oh first spinjitzu” you laughed, worriedly. Hearing the shrieks coming from down the hall. You walk to the open door peeking out and down the hall to see a few familiar and curious but confused looking faces.
“Jay” was all they needed to hear before a disappointed Nya walked after them. You joined her, everyone else slowly filling after.
The scene the group would walk out too was Jay clinging onto a tall piece of equipment for dear life, as Lloyd was trying to find a way up. And it seemed Jay was trying to do something? frantically typing away as he screamed for Lloyd to leave him alone.
“Not until you delete that photo Jay!”
“What photo.. Wait- Jay Walker-Gordon I swear to the first spinjitzu master if you don’t delete it this instance.” You walk right up to the equipment, standing right beside Lloyd, glaring just as intense as Lloyd’s face looked embarrassed.
“.. Too late?”
“What do you mean 'too late’?”
“Jay what did you do?” The both of you spoke in sync, worried but poor Lloyd was panicking.
“I.. mayhaveaccidentallysentittoyourdad..”
You looked between the two. Lloyd looked shocked but flushed with embarrassment, then to Jay with a scared but awkward look.
“Lloyd, I’m sure we can deal with this later, maybe he won’t see for a while. It’s Jay, I'm sure his texts aren’t important, no offense Jay, to your dad. c'mon you.” Lloyd, who has since softed by you into his normal form, allowed himself to be pulled away by you and back to his room.
There they got comfortable again, Lloyd calming down while being held by the person he loved. Yeah.. thinking about it you were right. It was something that could be dealt with later.
Until the familiar buzzing of his phone was heard. Knowing immediately what it was he groaned. You just laughed smiling at the embarrassed ninja holding onto her.
His secret was out and there was nothing they could do but embrace the teasing that will no doubt follow.
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suzukiblu · 20 days
do you have any favorite ships with jason todd?
hmmm, I think my fave Jason ship is probably either "emotionally fraught about each other and also low-key both having daddy issues about the same dude without actually being certain if that makes them technically 'family' or what" DickJay or "Jason is genuinely annoyed about how well this threesome is going" Joyfire, but I've been known to read and enjoy plenty of JayTim and, unsurprisingly, a bit of JayKon here and there. Also JayTimKon is CONCEPTUALLY interesting to me but I've never quiiite figured out the dynamic I'd personally wanna write it with so I mostly just read the established relationship PWPs when I'm in the mood for that one, hah.
Also I REALLY like JaySteph as a concept and one day I should ABSOLUTELY write "Jason comes back to Gotham, like, five minutes earlier than he did in canon and runs into a pissed-off ex-Robin from the shitty side of town with a well-meaning-but-also-an-addict mother and an asshole criminal dad who's currently trying to start a gang war to prove something to Batman" and exactly what that would do to his brain one way or the other, hahaha.
( Jason, visibly torn even THROUGH the helmet: so do I make her MY Robin or do I just fucking marry her, fuuuck I didn't pack for a WEDDING and I gotta woo her RIGHT, right, does she like flowers or is she more the brass knuckles kinda girl, do you know??
being-held-hostage-"civilian"!Tim who just broke UP with Steph like five minutes ago and is having some weird feelings about the crime lord who is apparently asking him for dating advice in REGARDS to her, and is also trying to sneak speed-dial either Bruce or Young Justice on the cell phone he grabbed off a henchman post-kidnapping: uh who the fuck are you again, sir and/or ma'am, I don't actually know what's under all that body armor. also brass knuckles, obviously, this is Gotham, what kind of girl do you think she is?
Jason: you're so right, I bet I can get 'em in diamond-studded and just propose with THOSE and also that gang war she wants to start.
Tim: . . . yeah honestly that'd probably work--wait gang WHAT?!?? )
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