#haikyuu aone takanobu x reader
hikari-writes · 1 year
Thinking so very hard about aone takanobu as a baker in a small secluded bakery. Nobody really goes there because 1) nobody is aware of its existence because of its location and 2) if someone ever goes there, they'd be too intimidated by him to even buy anything 3 minutes after they walked in.
You, meanwhile, happened to stumble upon this cozy and homey looking bakery but when you pulled out your wallet, it's apparent that there's nothing in there that can help with your payment.
As you contemplated your life choices and curled up in hunger in front of the shop, you didn't notice the brooding owner leaving the shop and approaching you. When you noticed a large shadow being cast upon you, you looked up only to be greeted by his intimidating figure.
You were about to make a run for it when you were suddenly offered a tray of freshly baked scones. The owner didn't utter a single word, so it took you a moment to process what was the reasoning for his actions.
"...Uh..are these for me..?"
He nodded at your question before gesturing for you to come inside to enjoy the scones. You were about to happily tag along before your mind stopped you, reminding yourself that your wallet only consists of several safety pins and scrunched up bills.
"O-on second thought, nevermind!! I don't have any cash on me right now..."
You admitted but he didn't look surprised at your confession at all. (Makes you think he saw your earlier antics in front of the shop just now) He simply shook his head and pointed towards a table for you to sit comfortably at, before setting down the tray of scones in front of you.
"Does this mean these are on the house?"
He nodded again. He really didn't say much, or anything at all for that matter, but you seemed to be getting the hang of understanding his actions.
Oh, and the scones were absolutely delicious by the way. You became a frequent customer there soon after. You and aone enjoyed each other's company and his baked goods are all so good that you just had to come again the next day to buy them for yourself (and some for your friends too to help with his little business!).
The owner of this small, remote bakery may look intimidating because of his tall and large figure, but he really is a kind and warm person who would not hesitate to help anyone in need.
Maybe this was what made you attracted to the quiet but soft-hearted owner. You may have come for the scones, but you most definitely stayed for mr. baker aone takanobu.
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ushijimaschubbs · 13 days
your husband who misses you so much at work that he finds an excuse to call you to his office but ends up pressing your legs against your shoulders on his desk as he rams into you aggressively, sloppy kisses occasionally and does not stop until he fucks you dumb to the extent you're blabbering his name through your orgasm.
-NANAMI,toji, higurama, geto
-daichi, KUROO, iwaizumi, bokuto, aone, TENDOU
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sugawarem · 15 days
OH, YOUR lover had such pretty hands! you haven't even held them before, but you already knew, without having to - your hand would fit his like a perfect puzzle piece. so, why not? why would you be embarrassed about how suddenly your right hand shot out to hold his left one tightly? you didn't even see what the big deal was, until you noticed how red his face was and it hit you that, maybe, you were a bit forward. and yet, before you could apologize with a nervous chuckle, a bright smile accompanied his flustered face. phew, he liked it after all.
— ASAHI AZUMANE , yamaguchi tadashi , takanobu aone , kaveh , NEUVILETTE , gepard , dan heng , MAMMON , leviathan , choso kamo
LITHE FINGERS, soft-looking palm, overall looking so, so holdable. well -- that's what you thought. barely any courage in your heart, you simply resigned yourself to the sad fate of just staring at his hands. little did you know, he saw right through you, and he saw how you stared at his hands, your fingers tapping against your thigh. he smiled with adoration, and carefully interlinked his fingers with yours, relishing in how your eyes darted up to stare at him in embarrassed surprise.
— koshi sugawara , kuroo tetsuro , tooru oikawa , AKAASHI KEIJI , tendou satori , baizhu , kamisato ayato , KAEYA , kaedehara kazuha , lyney , HEIZOU , argenti , AVENTURINE , JING YUAN , lucifer , satan , SOLOMON , NANAMI KENTO , gojo satoru
AS YOU two walked side by side, you had a fleeting thought of holding his hand. except, ah, it wasn't really fleeting, as before your head could even snuff out such a thought, your hand shot out by itself. its path, however, was unfortunately broken by the feeling of smashing against his own. had he..? "sorry" you both muttered, both trying to hold hands with each other and failing. in a second though, your hands finally found their way to each other, fingers interlinking. you were blushing so profusely that you failed to notice how red his own face was. oh -- you were so cute...
— kei tsukishima , KENMA KOZUME , iwaizumi hajime , cyno , XIAO , veritas ratio , caelus , welt yang , BEELZEBUB , simeon , geto suguru
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cannniballcutie · 3 months
thinking about ur fav big nasty perv man who loves infiltrating his cute little gfs hyperfeminine aesthetic. but i’m also horny.
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you love it when your boyfriend comes over. you love it when he leaves his shoes by your pastel pink door. you love it when he lays on your couch, the dust from his blue collar job leaving its home on his pants to settle onto your cushions. you love when he kisses you, ruining your carefully glossed lips, and making your breath smell like the nasty alcohol he was drinking before he paid you a visit, even though you brushed your teeth with bubblegum toothpaste so you could taste sweet for him. you love it when he uses his calloused hands to take one of your sweet throw pillows and put it under your knees, pausing to knead your soft thighs, digging his dirty fingernails into them and leaving small crescent moons. you love when he pushes you onto his hardening cock as he palms himself, and you feel him fondle the bow on the back of your head sweetly, noticing you wore one in his favorite color just for him. you love how he laughs when you try to unbuckle his heavy belt without damaging your carefully manicured nails. your soft pleas music to his ears. (of course he aids you by swiftly unbuckling himself and putting his belt around your perfumed neck, tangling your dainty jewelry as he secured it in two quick movements.) you love it when he lets you take him into your mouth as far as you can go before he helps you and pulls you further onto his cock with his belt. your carefully applied mascara running down your cheeks. which are flushed just the way he likes. you love it when he pulls you off of his dick before he finishes, leaning in to pull your delicate tank top down, accidentally breaking your favorite necklace, the one with his initial dangling from it (he apologized so sweetly) before he finishes on your chest. you love it when he picks you up and lays you on the couch, pulling his phone out of his pocket to take a picture of you while you lie there prettily, hoping that he’ll show his friends what a pretty mess you are for him. you love it when your boyfriend comes over, and you hope he comes back again soon, but not too soon, so you have time to make yourself pretty enough to be ruined.
thinking bout toji, sukuna, aone, könig, and ghost (=^・ω・^=)
also pls lemme know if u wanna hear smth else from me.. i’m all ears for my angels 🌬️
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teamatsumu · 4 months
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gentle. (aone takanobu x reader)
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summary: he’s not the same with you as he is with everyone else
word count: 1,399
warnings: swearing, but pretty fluffy otherwise, fem!reader, high school setting
tags: @keiva1000 @kindnessspreads @msbyomimi
this is written for @honeybleed’s Underrated Character event! I had so much fun writing this because it’s the perfect opportunity to give love to our blorbo aone (he deserves the world).
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After Date Tech's loss to Seijoh at the Inter High preliminaries, you didn't know what exactly to do with yourself.
You had been managing the team since your first year. The previous manager hadn't really stayed to show you the ropes, and you had to learn everything from scratch. You had often felt lost and disoriented, and it felt like you were drowning as the novice team built themselves slowly but surely.
You truly felt that this time around, Date Tech's Iron Wall would be strong enough to get you all to Nationals. Now, not only did you have to stomach that loss, you had to deal with the fact that your precious third years were leaving.
You felt like you were drowning all over again, like you had back in your very first week with the team. Like you had no clue what to do. As you sat on the steps outside the volleyball gym on campus, you contemplated your next move. How the team would operate with Futakuchi as the new Captain. How you all had to somehow hone the talent in your inexperienced new setter, Koganegawa. It all seemed like too much work. How were you supposed to manage it all?
You nearly jumped out of your skin when something moved in your peripheral vision and you realized it was Aone, sitting on the steps next to you. When had he gotten here?
"You scared me!" You breathed, laughing a bit. It was almost comical how someone as huge and imposing as Aone could somehow make himself so invisible. But considering how quiet he was, it wasn't surprising to you.
Aone didn't react to your words, but his stare was intense on your face, eyeing you closely before he reached a finger out to poke at the skin under your eyes. Oh.
You felt your face heat a little at his touch, but you gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Aone. Just a little tired."
It seemed like he didn't believe you, the scowl between his eyebrows only deepening. You fidgeted a bit.
From your very first day managing Date Tech's volleyball club, you had had a soft spot for Aone Takanobu. He was, by all means, a scary looking dude. Taller than any boy you knew, and built like a brick wall. Despite his massive size, he was agile too, a very scary combination. Silver hair, a deep scowl that always seemed to twist his face (you later realized that he wasn't scowling, it was just the lack of eyebrows that made it appear so). It was no wonder people tiptoed around him.
But two years on the same team, spending every day together, meant that you knew Aone in ways that his audience did not. His personality was anything but scary. He was as docile as they came, and slowly but surely, you felt yourself drawn to his quiet disposition. In the storm that came with Futakuchi constantly butting heads with your third years, Aone was the silent bubble you found comfort in. He knew you inside out, and he was perceptive. Like right now, pointing out the dark circles under your eyes with an uncharacteristically gentle touch.
No wonder you had an embarrassing crush on him.
He kept an intense stare on you, his way of insisting there was something wrong. You shook your head again, sighing. You knew he wouldn't let this go. So you let yourself vent, letting out every dark and uncertain emotion inside you.
You ranted about everything that was plaguing your mind, body turned towards Aone but curled into yourself. You pulled your knees up to your chest, wrapping your arms around them to curl into yourself as you spoke, looking up at the boy next to you every now and then.
Aone did not interrupt. He never interrupted. He let you go on and on about how you didn't think Futakuchi was mature enough to lead a team, or how Koganegawa was nowhere near ready to stand on a court. All your doubts were spilled out into the air surrounding you, welcomed by Aone as he sat and listened to everything you had to say. His eyes did not leave you once, but he didn’t react in any other way.
"Sometimes I think you are the only thing holding the Iron Wall together." You gave him a little smile. "And I don't know how you do it."
When you finally finished, silence stretched between the two of you, as if everything around you was absorbing your words. You watched Aone, waiting for him to lean towards you and nod encouragingly, like he did whenever you had one of these ranting sessions.
"I do it because of you."
Your eyes widened, not expecting that he would speak. You knew Aone, and you knew he wasn’t a talker. He loathed having to voice anything because he felt like he didn’t have anything to say which wasn’t already understood. His voice was hoarse and deep, making your breath catch.
"Do what?" You asked, not understanding his words.
"You said I hold the Iron Wall together." He continued, and you basked in the sound of his voice. It was so rare for him to say anything. You wanted to savor it while it lasted.
"I do it because of you. I see how hard you work for this team. And it makes me work hard too. For you."
Your heart was beating a mile a minute, trying to catch up to his words and process them. You felt like your entire face was on fire, your breath stuttering. Aone did not look at you, instead staring at the ground before him. Your eyes caught his porcelain pale skin, eyeing how the back of his neck flushed red. The sight made you giddy.
"Aone…." You breathed, feeling truly speechless. Which wasn't like you at all. Between the two of you, you talked and Aone listened. For the first time, the roles were reversed.
Aone shifted a bit, still not looking at you. "Don't worry too much. You will figure it out like you always do. And I'll be here for you."
His sentences were simple. Yet to you, it felt like he was waxing poetic. You couldn't help your wide smile, shuffling closer to Aone and placing your head on his shoulder. You felt infinitely lighter, like all of what you were worried about didn’t matter at all when Aone was right there with you.
"Thank you." You whispered.
You felt Aone nudge at you gently, his way of saying 'you're welcome'. You let yourself bask in his touch, cheek pressed to his bicep, feeling how your heart pounded in your chest.
Multiple steps sounded on the ground, and then a sharp voice broke through the silence.
"You lovebirds done? Come on, let's get pork buns and then head home. I'm hungry!"
You sighed and rolled your eyes, pulling away from Aone to glare at Futakuchi, who was standing a few feet away while the team lingered behind him. They had all changed out of their sweaty practice clothes, bags slung over their shoulders and ready to leave. You saw Koganegawa peek at you from behind him, his mouth open comically wide.
"Eh? I didn't know our manager and Aone-san were dating!"
Before you could protest, Aone was lumbering onto his feet and grabbing your hand, pulling you up with him. His giant hand enveloped yours completely (you were giddy as you observed this fact), and he didn't let go as he walked past Futakuchi, who had an annoyingly smug grin on his face. You knew you wouldn't hear the end of this.
"Yeah, stay away from her, Kogane!" He called, being obnoxiously loud on purpose. He was definitely trying to goad you two, as was his nature. "You don't wanna know how pissy Aone gets when other guys flirt with her."
Your eyes widened, looking up at the boy in question. Aone pointedly looked away from you, but his grip on your hand tightened, and you could see the same blush creep up his neck and to his ears.
You grinned all the way to the convenience store, and then all the way home too, basking in the new information Futakuchi had spilled, as well as the tight grip Aone had on your hand.
He didn't let go even once.
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jinchuls · 4 months
𝒴𝑒𝓈, 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝐻𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈 ₊˚✩
ᡣ𐭩 various knight!character x fem!reader
includes 𝜗𝜚 iwaizumi hajime, kuroo tetsurou (nsfw), ojiro aran (nsfw - marking), takanobu aone
notes 𝜗𝜚 repost from previous blog, mdni
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𝑰𝒘𝒂𝒊𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒊 𝑯𝒂𝒋𝒊𝒎𝒆 was the most responsible man assigned to you. No matter your request, big or small, he would execute them with perfection and a quiet “Yes, Your Highness.” He’d bow his head, stand close and make sure every step you take is safe. For the longest time, he seemed to have no interest in anything other than your father’s expectations of him. Not in you, or his fellow knights–he’d perform as he should but no more. You hated it. You hated the lack of attention, the simple responses and the silence as he stood at your side and, most of all, you hated how the small acts, the brief moments your eyes would meet and how those three words would make your heart skip. As you ignore the burning in your chest whenever he is near, you’re unaware of the effect you have on him. You’re oblivious to the shake in his voice when he does quietly respond to you and you don’t notice the gleam in his eyes when yours meet his–you look away before you can notice the red tinge painting his cheeks–and you had no idea the silence was caused by his pure inability to string sentences together in your presence. He wanted to, he wanted to hear your voice every second of the day or be the cause of your laugh. It’s your outburst one night that changes the course of your relationship, that starts something that would result in Hajime’s certain dismissal, with tears welling in your eyes and the frustration clear on your face you confess every emotion weighing down on your heart hoping, praying, he felt the same. He can hear his own heartbeat as it quickens, the pounding in his chest so loud he fears you can hear it from your position across the room; his face reddens again–you have to hide your smile to spare him any more embarrassment–and he begins to stutter. If he had found it difficult to speak around you, it worsened in that moment, but it was clear, no matter what the future would hold for your heart, your feelings were mirrored by your knight.
𝑲𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒐 𝑻𝒆𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒖 had mastered the art of trickery. In your family's eyes, he was the perfect candidate to keep you safe. He was that man, amongst all of his peers he was one of the strongest and most capable men that your parents could trust–he’d perfected their vision of him which only presented him every opportunity to show you the less professional sides of him. He was the man he allowed everyone to see but he was also the man able to rile you up, in all the right ways, with a lingering stare and a mischievous glint in his eyes or the touch of his fingers against the nape of your neck as he struggled with the clasp of your necklace. Your attraction to him was unheard of; you’d be ridiculed by anyone that found out. A member of the royal family and their knight? It was an impossible match Supposedly. They only thought that way because they didn’t know what happened when the door was closed; when the knight’s barrack was empty or any other moment the two of you found yourselves alone. There would be no more talk of the incompatibility of royals with anyone of lower status if they knew the way you’d find yourself bouncing on his cock as night settles around the palace. Or how you’d bite your lip to stop the moans from escaping you as he held your waist and the rhythmic movement of his hips had your legs shaking as each precise thrust pushed against every nerve sending you one step closer to bliss. None of it mattered, they could whisper and they could plan your betrothal: they would never know how comforted you felt wrapped in his arms or how protected you knew you were simply walking through the halls of your own home. No one could ruin what had been created and no one would ever know. Outside of your shared secret, all that was seen was your gentle orders directed at him, your voice soft but stern–as it was with every individual under your command–and his return the usual, the formal response everyone was expected to utter but his with a sly, subtle flirtation that left your legs weaks beneath you: “Yes, Your Highness.”
𝑶𝒋𝒊𝒓𝒐 𝑨𝒓𝒂𝒏 was perfect. Cheerful, strong, intelligent and, most important of all, able to cope with the incessant issues caused by the Miya twins (the knights assigned to your siblings. Days seemed to pass quicker when he was there; whenever time appeared to slow, he would be there to keep you company. There was no such thing as a dull moment when he was at your side. From the moment you met him, he was far too easy to get along with. Solid lines engraved in your mind were fading; the lessons taught to you as a young noble were forgotten and the very nature of the expected relationship between knight and noble was lost. You had never been happier. “Aran.” You’d whisper, fingernails digging into the skin of his arm; your head fell back against the pillows as he kissed your neck softly. “I know,” His voice would be no louder than yours, “Not where they can be seen.” With a kiss to your collarbone, he’d look between your bodies at the littering of fading marks he’d left the last time he’d had you in his arms. Across your chest, your thighs, anywhere where they would be hidden from eyes you did not trust. As always, he’d make a comment about how you looked beautiful with the evidence of him. And, as usual, it doesn’t take long before he’s darkening existing marks, kissing your chest. Biting your skin softly to hear those sweet sounds he adored, and leave behind reminders of the night for you to find the next morning. With more scattered across your skin, he’d sit up to look down at his masterpiece as you reached up for him, missing the warmth of his body closer to you. Your quiet mewls were heaven to hear. A smile sat on his face as he leaned down, chest against you and his lips grazing yours. He’d still, hips pressed to yours forcing whimpers from your throat–a silent cry for more–you’re too lost in ecstasy to give it up now. “Please.” You whisper, eyes meeting his. He grins, hands softly holding your waist as he slowly pulls his hips away again. “Yes, Your Highness.”
𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒃𝒖 𝑨𝒐𝒏𝒆 was quiet. From the day he was assigned as your personal guard, he’d barely uttered a word to you or to anyone. He’d simply nod his head to accept any order you sent his way and, miraculously, he’d found a way to relay any message from you wordlessly. You envied those able to understand the behaviour you’d never seen before and you found yourself wanting to be among those he seemed close to. You would watch his fellow knights approach him; you’d watch how Futakuchi would speak to the man and reiterate his silence into words during group conversations whilst you were left in confusion. Day in and day out, you’d find yourself watching him and the little interactions he would have with those around him, occasionally catching his perfectly gentle nature with small animals that roamed the palace gardens. You were certain he could feel your eyes on him but he never seemed to care; you knew words had got to him that you had been asking those he spoke to often to tell you about him but he never stopped your interest. And, as time passed, you found your curiosity had grown into something much more. You’d look away quickly when he would turn his head in your direction, eyes suddenly focused on the tea in front of you. Aone was quiet. Almost too quiet. But the red of his cheeks, that you caught for just a few seconds, was loud. You clear your throat, fearing your voice could break as you try once more to encourage a conversation with him. “The weather is lovely today,” you grip the teacup tightly, closing your eyes and wincing in the embarrassment, that wasn’t what you’d wanted to say. “Would you,” you quieten, looking anywhere other than where he is stood. “Would accompany me on a walk?” He waits a moment and you glance up, expecting to see a small nod, as always. He meets your eye, a soft smile on his face as he does so. “Yes, Your Highness.”
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sassycheesecake · 2 years
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Haikyuu!! Headcannon #2
- Osamu Miya, KIYOOMI SAKUSA, Tobio Kageyama, KEI TSUKISHIMA, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Takanobu Aone, Kentarō Kyōtani, Hajime Iwaizumi, Shinsuke Kita
@wake-uptoreality @rukia-uchiha-98 @nerd-of-karasuno
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suplicyy · 18 days
haiii ^_^
can u do a various hq x reader where the reader is a very sleepy bb and the hq boy just absolutely worships them ?
sorry if thats cringe lel…
My Dear Sleepyhead
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Summary — You are a very sleeper person and he loves how cute you look.
Characters — Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, Sugawara, Taketora, Yaku, Aone.
— Fluff
— Gn!Reader (the image is merely illustrative, it does not mean that it's a fem reader!!)
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If you could list the things you like to do most, the first would definitely be "sleeping". You think it's just so amazing to sleep, imagine sleeping through a boring class and waking up feeling completely refreshed! There's nothing better than this in the world!!! (at least that's what you think)
You always have a sleepy expression on your face, no matter how much you say that most of the time you don't feel like sleeping.
And your boyfriend is grateful every day that you enjoy it, as he loves to see how adorable you look in your sleep.
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Okay, this boy loves you SO MUCH.
If you could see the sparkle in his eyes as he watches you take a nap, you would have no doubt that he likes you.
He would shyly play with the strands of your hair, while looking at you with a smile on his face.
But if you were sleeping more than usual, he would be worried about you.
"Is they overworking themself too much? Has something happened and they doesn't want to tell me? My God, what do I do..." Please make sure you have a healthy routine, or Yamaguchi is going to have a heart attack from worry.
He will always make sure you are eating well and having a regular sleep schedule, and of course, he will always spoil you with some sweets and kisses!
Listen to me, this boy is also a big sleeper like you.
When you are at each other's houses, after a good meal you would take the longest nap of your lives, waking up almost at dinner time (and consequently staying up late because you both are no longer sleepy)
But he would also make sure you are not sleeping too much.
After all, who else would help him with his homework if you were asleep in class and didn't hear the teacher's explanation?
Nishinoya would definitely wake you up with the biggest smile in the world, telling you to walk with him around the school during break time, with the aim of trying to keep you awake.
Upon seeing that you are sleeping, he would initially laugh at the small string of drool that was dripping from your mouth while you slept, but then he would watch you with a kind expression on his face.
He would stroke your head, gently kiss your hand, expect lots of caresses from him!
But make no mistake, he wouldn't let you take a nap all the time while you were in class (he would only make exceptions when he sees that you're too tired), because he would be worried about your school performance.
When you were home, he would let you sleep on top of him while he hugged you. And who knows, maybe he'll take a nap with you, even though he doesn't usually sleep as much as you do, but your presence is so comforting that he can't take it and ends up sleeping with you.
If you ever ended up sleeping on his shoulder, he would freak out.
He just loves you SO much, I swear to you that no matter how you are, he will always think you are the most beautiful thing in this world.
He has lots of photos of you sleeping on his phone, from the cutest to the weirdest (and he begs you to not delete them)
And sometimes he would give you so many kisses and caresses that it would end up waking you up, and then he would begs you to forgive him for "interrupting his queen's sleep"
And if you ended up sleeping in places other than your home, he would be over protective of you, since he saw in a video that the way people are most vulnerable is when they are sleeping. (it was a video about jungle survival...💀)
If you like sleeping in class, I'm sorry but Yaku wouldn't let you do that...
He understands that sometimes you may be more tired than usual and sleeping through a boring class, but he doesn't want your grades to drop drastically because you're not paying attention. (but either way he will always help you study)
But don't worry, he can be a little strict sometimes, but he takes great care of you!!
When you wake up from a nap he always has some water and your favorite snack, assuming you would be hungry after sleeping all afternoon.
He sometimes takes some photos of you while you're asleep, you have such a peaceful expression on your face that he can't stand it because of how cute it is!!
And if any teammates found out and made fun of him (Kuroo and Lev more specifically), they would immediately shut up when they saw the scary expression on his face.
He is definitely the most adorable among all the others above. He cares so much about you and would consequently take very good care of you.
Whenever he notices that you are sleepy, he offers his shoulder so you can rest your head and take a little nap, depending on where you are.
And I can say for sure that he is someone very comfortable to sleep together, he's practically a heater with legs. Just getting close to this boy makes you feel a comforting warmth.
He stares at you a lot while you sleep, and some people who see it from afar might find it scary (especially because of his intimidating appearance) but you know that those eyes always shine with love for you.
Aone definitely has a photo of you sleeping and made it his wallpaper on his cell phone.
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A/N — Tysm for your request!! And I'm sorry if there were any characters you didn't like, but I assumed it was okay since you didn't specify who you like😭😭
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haikyu-mp4 · 27 days
So sweet
word count; 786 – gn!reader
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Not usually favouring sports, you’re in the journalism club to make use of your great eye for design and writing. After watching one of your school’s volleyball team’s official games last season, you took notice of the boring brochures they handed out with the players’ information. You hadn’t yet chosen what to do for your project this semester and decided to lend your talents to making a better representation of the team’s charms and talents. What you didn’t expect to get out of the project was a date.
You received permission from their coach and captain and set up some equipment to take your photos in a room adjacent to the gym during practice. Hopefully, you can encourage them all to pose confidently. In order to not disturb their whole practice, you ask one grade to join you at a time, starting with the first-years and ending with the third-years. Good luck!
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You had an easy job photographing the first-years, especially enjoying how Koganegawa attempted to look tough despite his soft nature. Truly a big friendly giant if you ever saw one, but at least he looked confident.
After the first round went so well, you smiled brightly and welcomed the second-years. “Hi! It’s nice to see you guys.”
Futakuchi smiled and started some light conversation on behalf of their group. He also took responsibility for going first. You laughed throughout the process, enjoying his funny comments and poses. Then came Aone, and you expected nothing less. However, he didn’t seem like much of a talker. You still smiled, encouraging him to show off as the most important part of the iron wall. After a few shots, you put down the camera, thinking for a second before looking at him again.
“Aone, you look very… sweet,” you said. If anything was sweet, it was the smile on your face. Sweet? You think he looks sweet? “Can you try a tougher look?”
Aone was flustered, mouth a little open in surprise. Truth is, he had seen you around before and found you so pretty that his face might have looked a little softer than usual now that you were staring at him through the lens. He still could never have expected you to think he looked too sweet, not after the years he spent sitting alone on the train because people thought he looked too scary. Futakuchi couldn’t help but laugh a little and was about to answer for Aone when he spoke up himself. “Sorry. I will try.”
You smiled, happy that he cooperated as you lifted your camera again. Aone wasn’t sure how to adjust, but he really wanted to impress you so he tightened some muscles and tried not to think about how much he wanted to hug or something, hoping it would make you happy with the results. You took a few more pictures and then gave him a thumbs up along with a bright smile. “That’s great! Thank you,” you said, sounding excited. This project will be so cool!
Aone walked over to you and bowed a little, which is what he often did for people he wanted to befriend. However, you thought he might be leaning down to see the photos, so you smiled even wider and took a step closer to him, holding up the camera so he could see the screen. His ears were red as he played along, trying to look more at the pictures than your face. He nodded approvingly, at a loss for words as he stepped to the side and gestured for the next player to step up.
You moved on and happily finished the photoshoot for the second-years, but Aone looked like he hesitated to leave. “Anything I could help you with?” you asked, tilting your head in a way that made the guy’s head spin. Futakuchi looked over his shoulder and slowed down a little so he could eavesdrop.
“You are very beautiful,” Aone said with his hands gathered behind his back. Now you were the flustered one, blinking at him before looking shyly down at your shoes and then back up when he suddenly bowed again. He was about to turn around and go.
“Wait!” you stopped him, resting a hand on his upper arm for a second before pulling away when he turned around, hoping you weren’t about to embarrass yourself. “Maybe we could go for a coffee one day?”
“Yes,” he agreed, seeming to consider his words before he continued. “Futakuchi also told me you need someone to help with the information on the players. I will do that.”
The two of you ended up exchanging numbers and leaving the scene with matching red cheeks, a date plan and butterflies.
the Flyer Series ║ masterlist
/taglist: @cottonlemonade @dira333 @cosmiicdust @nagi-core
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reallyromealone · 21 days
Sooo i saw your request are open and I’m wondering if you could write
Aone from haikyuu
(Name) and aone are just relaxing and watching a movie and aone wants cuddles but rather than saying he wants cuddles he’d scoot closer to (name), lay his head on (name) head, slightly have his arm around (name) and everything else instead of asking
Eventually aone gets the cuddles he wanted
Title: gentle giant
Fandom: haikyuu
Characters: aone
Fic type: fluff
Pairings: aone x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, fluff
Aone loved his boyfriend, after a hard day at work (name) always made sure he was loved and cared for so Aone always made sure date nights were perfect.
And perfect it was, their favorite foods ordered and room darkened as they watched a romcom together on seperate ends of the love seat, a foot apart and that was far too much of a gap for Aone who wanted to snuggle his boyfriend.
(Name) Was snuggled in blankets as aone inched closer shyly, gently touching his arm on (name)s shoulder and playing with the nape of his neck, slowly but surely draping himself over his boyfriend who was engrossed in the movie. He tried everything to get (name) to cuddle him but the other didn't seem to get the hints.
Could he ask for cuddles?
Will he?
Absolutely not.
Eventually he pouted and pulled away, (name) glancing over to see his pout and smiled smugly "what's wrong baby?"
"It's rude to lie, what do you want babe?" He asked again "I'm no mind reader"
"....cuddles..." Aone mumbled, voice quiet as he fidgeted slightly and watched as (name) turned and opened his blanket to invite the other in for cuddles "come on baby"
Aone wasted no time jumping into his arms, the giant loved being little spoon as (name) kissed his head "you just gotta ask me" (name) whispered as he snuggled his boyfriend and wrapping the king sized blanket (name) dragged out as Aone closed his eyes and got cozy.
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angelshimaa · 8 months
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✧ cw :: gn!reader, fluffy fluffy fluff, reader calls aone "nobu", aone uses the petname "darling" bc i said so, aone is just so cute udbsismai
✧ a/n :: AONE IS SO VERY CUTE USSBJSNDJS IM SUCH A SIMP FOR HIM. this is based off of this post I saw !! this is also my very first piece for him and for the hq fandom in general so be NICE
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aone takanobu who adores your “good luck” forehead kisses on the days of his games.
he loves the way you have to tiptoe for the gesture, but grows concerned at how often his height is an obstacle.
he's grown so accustomed to the little tradition that, when you're giving him words of encouragement before a game, he knows it's coming. in preparation, he lets his foot slide across the gym floor, so that he stands in a half split in front of you.
you look at aone's shortened self, and your laughter bubbles out of you. his cheeks go warm with colour at the sound— though he's unaware of the reason for laughter.
“you're so cute,” your hands cup each side of his cheeks and you press your lips against his forehead— a forehead free from its seemingly permanent creases. when you pull away, it's with a smile so sweet it's practically sugar.
“good luck, 'nobu.”
aone swears he can hear the hearts that come with your sentence. he stands normally again, and only then does he notice the eyes his teammates have on him. the blush deepens, but he doesn't let it affect him when he gives you a little smile.
“thank you, darling.”
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✧ — thank you for reading !! rbs and feedback are greatly appreciated <3
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dira333 · 2 months
Sound of Silence - Aone x Reader
Someone, please hand me my Aone - tagging @lemurzsquad and @fuzztacular
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There’s a wide berth of empty seats around the man. 
He’s tall, with white hair and the scariest scowl you’ve ever seen on someone’s face.
You walk a little closer, grab a handle not too far from him.
You don’t want him to think that you want to talk - hell no, not at seven in the morning - but you don’t want him to think you’re scared of him either.
He doesn’t seem to notice, so there goes your overthinking.
He walks down the same street as you and neither his white hair nor his height help him blend in with the masses.
Suddenly, he stops.
You don’t mean to catch up to him, but you do, stopping just a few steps behind him without meaning to.
You can hear a little kid crying and it’s hard to make out in the hustle of morning commute but you think it might have dropped its plushy into the thick shrubbery this coffee shop calls decoration. 
“Here,” you hear a deep voice say, can’t help but watch as the man pulls the plush out with ease - not at all caring about the branches scratching up his arm - and dusts it off gently, “Everything’s fine.”
He turns to hand the plush - an awkward mix of glitter and snail - back to the child. One look at his face and the crying gets even louder. Oh. Oh no.
“Now, now,” you step in, your voice sweet despite your annoyance. You hate crying kids. “No need to cry. This nice man just saved your little snail. What’s their name, huh?”
The kid, who from this angle looks clearly like a little girl, wipes their nose on their sleeve and blinks up at you. “Gary.”
“Gary, huh?” You cringe inwardly at the name. “How sweet. See, Gary is fine. Our dear friend here saved him.” You turn to take the snail plush from the man, his face close to yours from how he’s bent forward. 
His face might be intense, but his eyes are different from this close. His hands are warm, the skin rough against yours as he hands you the plush. Warmth pools in your stomach and you have to swallow thickly as you turn back around, hand over the plush, and sigh out in relief when the child’s caretaker finally realizes what’s going on. 
“Thank you,” the man says behind you, his voice so deep you feel it vibrating in your bones.
“My name…” You turn back, too aware of yourself and him, the space between you and the space around you and- “is Aone.”
“Hi,” you swallow again. He bows. His hair looks soft, like fluffy clouds on a summer day. 
When he comes back up you can see a clear question in his eyes and you find yourself telling him your name without meaning to.
“I need to get to work,” he points out and you straighten. 
“Right, yes, me too.”
To make it even more awkward you keep walking in the same direction for five more minutes only to realize that your office is right across from the construction company he walks into.
Every single morning when you step onto the train he’s standing in the middle of the train compartment, leaving the seats for others to take.
Every single morning you take the handle closest to his - without being too close - and try to stare out the window.
It’s nice, not talking. 
You’re not shy, per se, you’ve just always preferred silence.
If only you could keep your eyes on something else things would be perfectly fine.
But you can’t.
It starts with his hair, perfectly dishevelled and different every time you see him.
Today he’s got the faintest hint of a cowlick on his left side. Your hand has reached out before you’ve realized, tucking the rebelling strand behind his ear.
He smiles, just a minute twitch of his lips, but it leaves your knees a little wobbly.
His arms are nice too, thick with muscle, tensing ever so slightly when the train’s coming to a stop and you’re both rattled where you’re standing.
But you like his eyes the best, how expressive they can be even when scowling.
“You good?” You ask quietly when he twitches, looking off to the side for a second. 
He nods, but it doesn’t look convincing. 
“You sure?” 
“Headache,” he explains, stepping to the side when someone walks past. 
The guy, barely older than you, ill-fitting business suit and messy workfolder telling you more than enough, still manages to tumble into Aone.
“Can’t you watch where you’re going,” he asks, tone sharp. Aone’s face twitches again, and a part of your brain tells you that the lound voice probably isn’t helping his headache, but you’ve already started talking.
“Tell that yourself, you mole.”
“Hah?!” He turns to you, clearly surprised someone’s talking back at you.
“Yeah, I was talking to you, you asshat. We’ve been standing here, minding our business for half an hour. It’s not our problem you went out drinking last night and only realized this morning that your presentation isn’t ready yet.”
He pales, stutters something unintelligible and presses his work folder against his chest, almost tripping over his feet when the doors open and he’s pushed toward the exit.
“Sorry,” you turn back to Aone who’s looking at you with a question in his eyes. “I hate guys like this.”
“You can be very mean,” he points out, but he doesn’t sound scandalized. It’s more like a fact.
“Yeah,” you agree, not willing to apologize for it, “I know my face doesn’t fit my tone but that’s not my fault, is it?”
“No.” He smiles again but it’s gone in a heartbeat when a rather sharp stop rattles the two of you again. He’s clearly in pain.
“Do you want to sit?” You ask, pointing your chin at a single free seat at the window. “I know a trick. I’d have to touch the back of your neck though.”
Aone hesitates for a second before he nods. “Alright.”
You follow him to the seat, let him sit down before you step directly in front of him. It’s a little less crowded over here, the older gentleman on his left and the teenage girl on his right absorbed in their phones. 
“Can you hold me?” You ask, voice low. “I’ll use both hands to press into your pressure points so I can’t hold onto the handrails.”
His hands, warm and large and strong, take a hold of your hips and you swallow thickly.
“Lean your head forward. You can rest it against my belly, I don’t mind.”
It’s like that, his temple pressed into your belly, your fingertips digging into the warm, soft skin on his neck, wisps of his hair caressing your skin, that you realize a thing you should have noticed weeks ago: You want him.
You could have stayed like this forever, held up in place by his strong arms while giving back the only thing you can give at the moment. 
But your stop arrives sooner than you want it to and even though you take your time smoothing your hand over his head, a gesture too loving for the short time you know each other, you have to take a step back.
There’s something in his eyes that you cannot translate and not enough time to keep looking.
You have to get to work and he has to get to his.
Your stomach is filled with a fizzy warmth and you wonder if it’d be too forward to take his hand.
Aone stops you right where your ways part, one hand on your shoulder.
You can tell that he’s working on the words, mouth not yet moving the way he wants it.
“Aone,” you say, swallowing the nerves, leaving the words on your tongue. “Go out with me? Please?”
His lips twitch into a smile, the biggest you’ve seen on him so far. He nods and moves as if to bow only to press his temple against yours. 
It’s oddly endearing.
“Visitor!” Someone yells when you open the door to the Gym. 
You’re wearing a pair of kitten heels that you love, the clasp the most annoying thing and you’re not willing to bend down and open them just to walk barefoot on the dirty gym floor, so you stay where you are, in the open door.
Takanobu’s at the other end of the wide space, listening to a guy. From here it’s hard to tell but the way he’s leaning in you’d say he’s agreeing with him.
“Are you looking for someone?” A guy you don’t know comes over. “We usually don’t have visitors as pretty as you.”
“I’d call that a skill issue,” you tell him plainly, “I’m just waiting for Takanobu. But I’m a little early, so all’s good.”
“Aone?” He blinks in rapid succession. “Why?”
You give him your best unimpressed stare. It doesn’t succeed. Damn your sweet features.
“Aone?” Someone asks from the other side of the Gym. You look over to see him jogging toward you.
You can’t help but start smiling, lips pulling upward despite the long day pulling on your limbs.
“Hey,” he doesn’t pull you in, knowing well how much you hate being hugged when he’s all sweaty. But he presses his temple against yours in the sweetest - and sweatiest - greeting. His nose taps against yours too and you can almost read the “Boop” in his eyes.
“I’m going to be ready in a minute,” he promises, “Do you wanna sit down?”
“I don’t want to take off my shoes,” you explain, “It’s no big deal.”
He looks like he wants to say something else, but another voice cuts him off.
“Aone? Who’s that?”
Takanobu turns, mouth working with no words coming out yet again. You haven’t been dating for long and you wonder if this is the first time he gets to introduce you as his girlfriend. 
You give him a second to gather himself but when still no words come out, you realize he’s fighting a losing battle, overthinking instead of speaking.
“You must be new,” you address the guy instead, “I’m his girlfriend.”
“Girl-” his jaw is open, “Friend?”
“Yes, yes, I know you’re unfamiliar with that term, but they exist, don’t worry. Now, if you’d be so nice and get going? We were having a moment here.”
Takanobu touches your shoulder slightly, just a soft touch of his fingertips but you can already feel yourself relax under it, tension slipping off like a too big coat.
“Sorry,” you clear your throat, “I didn’t mean it like that. Long day.”
“Ah,” he chuckles nervously, “I get that. Umm, I’ll get going then. See you around, I guess?”
“Cat’s don’t like me,” you explain when Takanobu holds up the tabby he just lured down from the tree. “I’d rather not come closer. I don’t like getting scratched.”
The kitten doesn’t even look that mean, at least from this far away. 
She enjoys the strength of his arms just as much as you do, rubbing her small head against his chin in a way that’s making you jealous… of the cat.
Takanobu holds out his hand, luring you in just like he’d done with the cat minutes before.
You sigh, stepping a little closer. You don’t want to spook the kitten.
His hand takes yours as soon as you’re close enough, bringing it up - to press a kiss against your knuckles.
Heat floods your face, warmth spreading through your body. He smiles that tiny smile you’d almost miss if you didn’t look right and leads your fingertips to gently pat the kittens head. She purrs into the touch.
You’re still warm and tingly all over by the time the kitten finally decides it’s time to head home - you’re pretty sure he wouldn’t have dropped her on his own any time soon - and your hand is warm and safe in his hold as you walk on, enjoying the silence together.
“Do you have cats?” You ask when the restaurant - you picked tonight’s spot - is coming into view.
He shakes his head.
“Do you want cats?”
He nods.
“Dogs too?” His hand twitches around yours and you smile.
“I draw the line at three pets, okay? And we need at least one that likes me too - and I mean, without you meddling.”
Takanobu stops on the middle of the sidewalk, eyes full of a question you don’t need translating. 
He closes his eyes when you bring your other hand to his cheek, curls into the touch just like the kitten had. You love him. You love him. You love him.
The truth hammers around your head with the beat of your heart. 
All you need to do is tell him.
And you’re not even scared. 
But words have never been your language, you think, and get on your tiptoes to reach his lips.
And it’s no surprise, no great revelation. Kissing Takanobu is like loving Takanobu, like knowing him and touching him and longing for him. 
It’s warm and strong and safe… and quiet.
But you’ve always liked Silence more.
“You’re late,” a voice calls out when you step into the Izakaya, Takanobu’s hand on your shoulder as he walks in right behind you.
“No, you’re just early,” you point out, “Didn’t know you were so eager to meet me.”
“Not you, just Aone,” the guy sticks his tongue out at you and you turn slightly.
“Futakuchi?” You ask and Takanobu nods.
“No fighting,” someone with fluffy black hair calls out from the other side. “Moniwa,” Takanobu explains before you can ask. 
Moniwa seems to realize just a second later, almost throwing his glass off the counter.
“Hey! You made it.”
You immediately tense when he widens his arms as if to hug you. Takanobu steps in front of you, arms outstretched like a traffic policeman. You can’t help but laugh.
“It’s okay,” you tell your boyfriend, taking his hand, “Introduce us, huh?”
So he does, using as little words as possible.
“How did that happen?” Futakuchi leans into your space, just far enough away not to touch you. You appreciate it. “Did he scare you into dating him?”
Takanobu bristles slightly and you squeeze his hand.
“Actually it was the other way around.”
“She bites,” Takanobu jokes. You snort but it takes his old team about half a minute to realize that their friend just used humor for the first time.
“Whatever floats your boat,” Futakuchi drawls and you nod, sending him a sweet smile.
“Don’t worry, even the Titanic had some people on board. There’s still hope for you.”
His face falls when he realizes what you meant. 
It’s pretty late when you step back into the cool air again, the alcohol coursing through your system keeping you warm. 
Takanobu’s steps have gotten slower, the alcohol clearly even affecting him. The week must have started catching up with him too and you squeeze his hand a little tighter in yours, telling him without words that you know and you understand.
“Want to take an Uber?” You ask, “I think we could splurge a little today.”
He hesitates for a second before he nods. You pull your phone out, quick to navigate through the app.
“Five minutes,” you tell him, directing him to a small bench, “Let’s sit down until then.”
“What did you think?” Takanobu asks, leaning into you. “Of your friends? They’re nice. They don’t ask too many questions, I like that.”
“Futakuchi does.”
“Yeah, but it’s okay when he does it,” you think out loud, “He’s one of this annoying-charming people. He’d loose all his charm if he stopped being annoying.”
“I’ll tell him you said that,” He takes your hand, presses his lips against one knuckle after the other, “Or you can tell him yourself.”
“You know,” you say after a moment of Silence, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear, fingertips following the curve of it down to his neck, caressing the slight stubble that’s forming on his chin. “When we get home I’ll tuck you in.”
“Mhm. I could spoon you too, you know. Be the big spoon this time.”
“The big spoon?” His eyes are closed now, a private little smile on his lips. 
“Well, how else am I going to be able to press hundred kisses onto these strong shoulders?” You ask, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek.
“I love you,” you whisper, suddenly feeling a little shy. 
His eyes don’t open, his smile doesn’t move but his hand squeezes yours, one, two, three times.
He’s never needed much words to tell you what he wants to say.
I. Love. You.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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revasserium · 1 year
men who, when you try to pull your hand away from them, frown and pause and hold on tighter, pulling you in till you're bumping into their side, and when you blink up at them, asking what's wrong -- they just say, "don't let go."
and then much, much later, "i don't like it when you try to let go."
KAGEYAMA, aone, ushijima?, TSUKKI, sae, nagi, RIN
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cottonlemonade · 1 month
When You’re Sick
word count: 520 || avg. reading time: 2 mins.
pairing: Aone x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: minuscule amount of insecurities mentioned
request: medium Vanilla Latte to go for Aone || fluffy, boyfriend Aone takes care of you when you’re sick
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The squeaking of sneakers and calls from the team echoed through the gym. Usually, you loved getting invited to watch training after school and seeing your stoic boyfriend decimate even his own teammates with his unbeatable blocks filled you with pride but today you felt dazed. Ever since lunchtime your steps became more sluggish and earlier, as you used your downtime before practice to catch up on some studies at the library, the words in front of you didn’t come into focus no matter how hard you tried. A volleyball spiked down in front of the bench you clung to and Aone jogged over to pick it up. You wanted to say something encouraging, tell him how well he was doing and how much you looked forward to your next date this weekend but instead you closed your eyes in an attempt to steady yourself.
The back of a large hand carefully pressed itself against your forehead and before you knew it, Aone’s broad back appeared in your blurry vision. With quiet determination he scooted closer and slowly moved you forward so he could lift you.
“What are you doing?”, you mumbled, cheek smooshed against his shoulder, “You have training.”
Aone didn’t say anything and simply grabbed the volleyball with one hand to hold it out to his captain. After some gentle readjusting to make you more comfortable, he bowed to his team who nodded perplexed, grabbed your rucksack and then piggybacked you out of the gym.
The cool night air lessened the throbbing in your temples and you grabbed fistfuls of Aone’s shirt to hold on as he carried you home.
“You should put me down, baby. I’m too heavy.”, you said.
Your boyfriend’s only reaction was to rub his thumb soothingly along your plush thigh where he held you up around his waist.
Thanks to his ridiculously long steps you reached your house in no time. Once he deposited you safely in your bed and tucked you in, he headed to the bathroom (having been to your home many times) to get a cloth to soak in cold water and placed it on your burning brow.
You vaguely heard the bedroom door open and close after that and realized you were alone. You smiled and winced a second later because the act sent a sharp pain through your head. Groaning, you snuggled further into your blanket.
You had no idea how he had been gone when the bedroom door opened again and you heard a low pant along with the crinkle of a paper bag being sorted through.
Glancing to your left you saw Aone kneeling next to your bed, slightly out of breath, studying a packet of medicine thoughtfully before pressing a pill into the palm of his hand. He helped you sit up so you could wash it down with a glass of water he lifted to your lips.
“Thank you, Nobu. That’s so sweet of you but you should -”
You felt yourself being pushed back onto your pillow, the cloth being re-soaked and the blanket put back into place.
“Get some rest, love.”, he said quietly.
a/n: he is just so 🥺 thank you for the sweet request!
✨ @confusedhoneyjar ✨
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liyev · 1 month
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takanobu aone.
the name of the main pillar in date tech’s “iron wall” defense. a man of six feet of stoicism and seriousness — yet, if there was a word for what laid beneath the surface of his permanent frown, it would be home. every inch of his being houses gentleness that the earth envies, as if he had stomached snow and took only its softness then melted into the sight of you.
his hands have been calloused — trained to tower over those who dare score on his side of the court, like a shield. it also serves as a place to return to in times of need; a safe hiding place from everything that is all too cruel for you and your sweet self.
he is determined to make you feel safe despite the way he presents himself to be. that a certain gentleness can be known to a man renowned to be six feet of power and intimidation.
aone tries showing his kind heart into more of his actions (he keeps his hands in his pockets for longer in cold weather so that once you come along, they’ll be warm for you to hold) — and on some, perhaps a bit more special occasion, he talks more and more for you (he got into reading poetry to convey how much he loves you because his own words that he could come up with weren’t enough).
as much as he focuses on scoring aces in games, he devotes himself just as much when it comes to you. whenever you find yourselves in a packed train, he keeps his pinky finger twined with yours while protecting you from any slip ups or harmful intentions from others. he lowers his shoulder towards you whenever you fall asleep, providing you a place to rest if you ever get sleepy on the ride home.
there are many things that intimidate you — but his name is not one of them. takanobu aone means to be true and tranquil. like a home, a place of rest — a moment where one is allowed to be soft.
that is what he is.
that is what he means to you.
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©️ LIYEV 2024 — do not steal/plagiarise, translate, or feed my work to ai.
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standfucker · 2 months
Slow and Steady
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Aone x female Reader word count: 809 CW: explicit N.SFW content
Aone liked to take his time.
You learned that about him fairly quickly when you started tutoring him. Conversation, writing, studying–when it came to just about everything except volleyball, he preferred to go at his own pace. That quirk could potentially be hindering when it came to grades, which was where you came in. As his classmate and neighbor, you helped him understand the day’s lessons and prepare for tests, which was vital if he was going to continue to be allowed to play in the volleyball club. Though he needed a little extra time, he was sharp and diligent, and tutoring him quickly became something you looked forward to.
Part of that was because Aone was good at showing his appreciation. With how important volleyball was to him, keeping his grades high enough was something he never failed to thank you for, even going so far as to bow after your sessions although you were the same age. After a while, he started bringing you gifts. It was mostly food–snacks that you shared. Then the snacks became sweets, cute little chocolates and baked goods from the patissiere you mentioned you liked. You started going to his games. Just the big ones when you could find the time, at first. Then the practice matches, too. Then you started showing up for practices, hanging out and doing your homework and walking home together after.
Eventually, you got to really understand just how much he appreciated you.
“Aone…” you whine.
Pencils and papers are scattered off to the side, forgotten. Your arms and legs shake as you brace yourself against his heavy thrusts. Even though he’s holding back, it still feels like a battering ram.
Aone grunts into your ear, his huge body draped over you, arms caging yours and fingers intertwined together.
Here, too, he takes his time. Slow, powerful thrusts spear you with the thickness of his cock, filling you up, only to leave you wanting. It just lasts a moment before he’s back inside you, nudging your g-spot deliciously, but any time he’s not inside you is a tragedy as far as you’re concerned.
Needing more, throw your hips back to meet his next thrust, squeezing hard around him. He lets slip a gasp and a “fuck,” into your ear, and you moan. He feels so damn good, he always does, and his pace is perfect for most of your sessions, but once you feel your orgasm start to build, it’s no longer enough.
“Aone, please,” you whimper.
“Hm?” he pauses to focus on your words, pressing wet kisses to the back of your neck. He’s not verbal at all during, but he always listens, which you appreciate more after the fact rather than when he’s dicking you down.
“Don’t stop!” you cry, pressing back into him. “Please, Aone, faster!”
He responds without words, simply resuming, this time at a quicker pace. You let out a breathy “yes, just like that” and dig your fingers into your sheets. The tension in your gut winds up tighter and tighter. Just a little more…
You try to pull one of your hands out from where he’s holding it, needing to touch your clit, but his grip is too tight.
“Aone, leggo,” you whine. You’ve hooked up mid-tutoring enough that he knows why you need your hand. He always gives in to you, worships you by doing whatever you want.
So it catches you off guard when he growls, “no.”
“No?” you repeat in shock, but you can’t stop the tightening of your core around him in response.
“No,” he says again, into your ear. “Take it.”
His hips snap just a bit harder into yours, and your arms collapse against his strength. Aone finally unlaces his fingers from yours so he can hold up your hips with one huge hand around your thigh. The other reaches around and finds your clit, calloused fingertips rubbing firm circles.
“Oh, fuck! Aone!” you cry, that tension inside you growing tighter and tighter with every touch and every thrust, until it finally snaps. You cum around him with a shaky whimper of his name, stars dotting your vision as he fucks you through every pulse and wave.
He grunts and gasps, muttering your name before he stutters, “I’m g-gonna cum.”
A little more thrusting, and then he pulls out, releasing over your back. You shiver, aftershocks of your orgasm amplified by the feeling of his hot cum painting your skin.
Then you collapse.
Aone rubs your thighs as you catch your breath. His chest rises and falls a little quicker than usual, but he’s not even panting yet.
“Okay?” he asks, and you nod. “One more?”
You giggle and nod again. In all facets of life but volleyball, he will take his time.
You certainly don’t mind his way of showing his appreciation, either.
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