#hail Freyja
broomsick · 8 months
Prayer to Freyja and Freyr for a prosperous and peaceful autumn
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Words of praise to you, Freyja, Noble Queen of the Valkyrjur, for your steps make flowers to grow on your path, melting the heavy winter snow as you go.
Words of praise to you, Freyr, Noble King of the elves, for your golden heart is the source of peace, and your touch makes the harvest seasons to be plentiful.
You stand at each other’s side, glorious Children of Vanaheimr! You bear the wisdom and warmth of your holy land! And I sing your praise and ask for your blessings as fall comes.
I ask for a season that is prosperous, so that I might enjoy the fruits of harvest. I ask for a peaceful and joyful autumn, so that I might rest and celebrate in your names.
Hail to Freyja and Ing-Freyr!
Hail the Lady and Lord of Vanaheimr!
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annarexcouture · 3 months
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soanywayimscreaming · 23 days
I was talking to Freyja last night and I had complained abt the views on my tiktoks posts being basically nowhere to be found which was rlly sad and disappointing bc I was making content Im rlly proud of and they were going nowhere and barely anyone was watching them and then today I made a couple videos that reached hundreds of views…. Idk if that was her doing but I thank her so much if she helped with that 💜💚❤️
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ladybrythwensinclair · 3 months
Hail Freyja
Hail to the Beautiful One Hail to the Vanir whose tears of laughter are golden Hail to the Wandering Wife of Od Bless and walk with us this day ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Personal gnosis time: Freyja weeps not only gold but amber and her tears of laughter is the rare green amber.
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notthesomefather · 4 months
Prayer to Freyja: On Desire
[adapted from a prayer written by a member of the Godsring]
Hail Frija the liberated, the Lady of want and satisfaction, whose body and love is Hers to give.
As Odr travels once again, like ecstasy fleeting, you chase your passion while weeping Golden Tears.
Like You, we seek our own hearts’ fixations, and shall travel until we find them.
Mother of treasure, delight, and passion, we honor you.
Hail the Vanadis!
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tears-of-amber · 6 months
Hail Freyja!
Lady of shining tears,
Goddess of war, love, sex, and magic.
You are appreciated and honored in everything I do.
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nordic-trails · 1 year
Hail Njord, god of commerce and the sea, father of Freyr and Freyja.
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sushis-brainrot · 6 months
I know you are Danish, but as a Dane what do you think of Valhalla as a game? (I’ve always wondered what a local person would think of a representation of their country history). How does it feel seeing your history and potential ancestors on there?
Oh, I could write a novel on this. 😅
Even if Eivor hails from Norway, most Vikings who conquered, settled and raided in England - came from Denmark. A fact you'll oddly enough find most Danes proud of. Nonetheless, AC Valhalla has a super interesting take on it and still manages to apply real historical context - despite the game being fictional. With most Danes being able to track their ancestry back to Odin, and taking pride in their Viking heritage, AC Valhalla had a challenge ahead of them. But I genuinely feel like they've written us a beautiful love letter while staying true to the franchise.
Having grown up with Norse Mythology, though, and having had an insatiable interest in it since my first encounters with it as a child, that is what truly piques my interest. Norse Mythology is such an incredibly fun and human experience. A story and a world that translates well into a setting such as AC Valhalla. And not only because of the historical context.
The representation of mythological characters, the gods (æsir and vanir alike), the jötnar and dwarves are, in my opinion, fantastic.
Odin's arrogance, his hunger for power and knowledge, with just a touch of something playful.
Loki's mischievous nature, his cunning and intelligence - how he seems to believe the impossible to be improbable, and like a riddle to be solved.
Frigg's motherly determination.
Freyja's smarts and passion - how they remember that she's not only a goddess of love but also a goddess of war.
Each god has different qualities, weaknesses, and attributes. In Norse Mythology, an important characteristic is how the gods exhibit a plethora of human traits, behaving much like humans with emotions and interpersonal conflicts. The gods were meant to serve as role models, showing humans how to live and which rules to follow – and which ones could be broken. The existence of the gods was just as fraught with problems as that of humans, and their primary task was to ensure that chaos did not erupt. They're meant to be relatable - human - in their person and behaviour. And this is something I feel AC Valhalla shows and explores well.
The narrative of AC Valhalla doesn't shy away from presenting Odin's choices in a morally ambiguous light. The impact of Odin's decisions on the world around him, including the relationships with other Isu (Loki especially) and the well-being of Ásgarðr, serves as a reminder of the intricate web of cause and effect. While Odin's decisions, driven by a mix of self-preservation and concern for his people (or family), blur the lines between right and wrong. The game invites players to question the morality of Odin's choices, fostering a deeper engagement with and understanding of his character. Even as an Isu, a God, even as he believes himself infallible: Odin is human. He's flawed.
And it reflects in Eivor. She's confident in herself, and in her abilities, sometimes verging on arrogant. But through her discoveries and development throughout the game, she's humbled and realises what is truly important to her, which eventually leads to her rejection of Odin. Her whole experience and journey are so authentically human. Her emotions, her experiences, and her relationship with Odin. Finding herself, despite what whispers in her ear, and realising what holds her heart.
But this is something I feel the AC franchise does well: they tell stories that are unique to the human experience. Something that harmonizes well with the themes of Norse Mythology.
I feel they've done an amazing job with AC Valhalla. I genuinely love the game, I keep coming back to it; thinking about it. With AC Valhalla they've crafted a captivating and immersive experience that seamlessly blends the storytelling of Norse Mythology, Viking Culture, and the fictional aspects of Assassin's Creed, while beautifully conveying the complicated message of the human experience.
That's it.... I apologize for getting carried away 😅
What was the question again? 🤣
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w-y-r-d · 1 year
Freyja, Lady of the Vanir, Goddess of Love and War, your grace and compassion are unmatched, and your ability to bring joy and happiness to those around you is truly inspiring. Your strength in battle and your unyielding spirit remind us to never give up, even in the face of adversity. May your love and beauty radiate within us, filling our hearts with joy and lighting the way towards a brighter future. Hail Freyja!
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silverthornwitchery · 3 months
Hail, The Goddess of many faces! Great queen of heaven and earth! You who art Freyja, who art Sekhmet-Bast-Hathor, Lady of the Sun, Moon, and Twilight, Who art Aset, Isis, Lady of Magicks, Who art Hekate, Lady of Crossroads, Who art Aeracura, Lady of the darkened Earth, Who art Rosmerta, Lady who provides for all, Who art Frigg, The Divine All-Mother, Who yet again is Isis, Demeter, and many more. Hail to you, Great Mother, Caring, Loving, Yet Furious and Frenzied, Cunning and Sly, You guide the hand of witches, and cunningfolk, and those who work their sorceries. Hail to you, Goddess, Queen of Earth, Queen of Heaven! As Above, So Below, We Honour You, Great One.
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broomsick · 8 months
Today is the perfect day to honor Freyja, and learn from Her. Feel free to reblog this with your personal impressions of Her: what She represents to you, what you admire Her for, etc.
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annarexcouture · 4 months
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ladybrythwensinclair · 9 months
Hail Freyja
Hail to the Dis of the Vanir and their people Hail to the Flaxen haired Shield-Wif  Hail to the Mistress of Cats’ Cunning Bless and walk with us this day
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notthesomefather · 16 days
Hallowing/banishing prayer
Perform this cleansing rite with a candle, preferably beeswax or a basic unscented white candle. Light the candle and say:
Sacred flame, in Freyja’s name, cleanse and bless this space. Banish from it all baleful wights and wills, and make it whole and holy. In Freyja’s name, oh sacred flame, so let it be. Hail Vanadis!
Pass the candle in front of and around your body. Bring the light to all corners and chase out the shadows. Set the candle back on the altar or shrine after making one clockwise round about the room.
[[written by Laine Mardollsdottir]]
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tears-of-amber · 1 year
A DEVOTIONAL TO FREYJA (full version).
Amber and gold, how will Your tears fall?
Sweetness and strength, how will Your voice call?
Mistress of Magick, Goddess of Love, I wish for You to be near.
Your blessings I treasure deep in my heart, with dreams of Sessrúmnir.
I devote myself to You, in every art piece I do, and every candle I light.
I pray that I would be more like You, each day and every night.
Hail Freyja, Hail the Vanadis, Hail the Lady, Hail the War Goddess.
Valfreyja, Syr, Gefn, and Heidr,
You make my days so much brighter!
Mistress of seidr, goddess of war,
Stronger than a thousand men,
Your blessings I treasure close to my heart, like the necklace brisingamen.
I devote myself to You, with every great thing I do,
And every word that I rhyme,
I want to honor You, I want to stay true,
To You who make the seas shine.
Hail Freyja, Hail the Vanadis, Hail the Lady, Hail the War Goddess.
(I am the original author of this devotional to Freyja, so feel free to share it but of course with credit!)
-Velvet Rose
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crimsonsongbird · 11 months
A Fierce Reminder
When the self-loathing starts to set in And my heart cannot carry the weight, May you grant me the strength, Lady of Battle, To slay these thoughts and bury them for good. When they say that I am weird and weak, Not worthy of the right to breathe, May you arm and train me, Warrior Queen, To send my enemies to the Burial Mound. May I remember your comforting words, Lady Freyja, That I am a worthy and powerful warrior, And that no imposter will claim my victory. With these words, Fierce Freyja, you will be hailed!
Commission for discord user Devalixx
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