#hailey upton x y/n
fangirlfrom-hell · 10 months
Exciting ||Jay Halstead x Daughter and reader
Jay has to take his daughter to work for the first time and he’s not excited about it.
For the one that voted Jay x daughter on the poll (this is not a Christmas story though)
Jay wasn’t comfortable with the idea of taking his 4 years old daughter to work, but seemed like luck was not on his side. The girl was on vacation, Y/N was on a work trip, the nanny got sick, Will was on shift and the little girl’s grandparent’s couldn’t take care of her all day long, so he had no choice. He called Voight, who with his raspy voice and without any problem said “Bring her.”
He sighed, “Ok, baby girl. You are coming to work with me today” He notified his little daughter who was sitting with her short legs hanging from the couch.
“To the police station?” Her eyes were shining bright out of excitement.
“Yea”, her dad chuckled. “Mommy will pick you up later, when she comes back home from her trip, ok?”
“Okay. I am excited!” Excited was the last feeling she learned in school and from then on she would use it for everything.
“I am excited too”, he lied, he was more nervous than anything. “Go get your backpack”, he ordered and when she was gone he muttered to himself, “I’m already running late”
It wasn’t common to take one’s son or daughter to the bullpen, but is wasn’t so strange either. Voight and Al had done it in the past with their kids; Burgess and Adam had done it with Malayla too, even Kevin had to take his little sister from time to time. This was the family Hank talked about.
Jay went upstairs with a small pink and shinny backpack with unicorn form on his arm, making a funny contrast with the gun hanging from his hips.
“Where’s the baby girl?” Adam said when he saw his friend arriving alone.
“Platt stole her from me”, he answered. He would have arrived even later if he had waited for Trudy to give her back to him. Kim smiled at the image.
“We haven’t seen her in a while”, Al peeked his head from his hidden desk to participate in the conversation, “A bit of her cheerfulness will do good to this place”
“Well, she is, and I’m quoting, “very excited” to see you all”, the proud dad smirked.
But as much excited as she was, the baby Halstead was very shy to even say good morning to them. As soon as Trudy Platt carried her upstairs, the girl ran towards her father as fast as she could.
“Why are you crying?” Jay asked in a very low voice, while sitting her on his lap.
But the one answering the question was Platt, “She started to worry when she noticed you weren’t around downstairs and then silently started crying”
Ashamed, the little Halstead girl hugged her dad’s neck and buried her face on his shoulder. A chorous of “aw” was heard around. This wasn’t what she expected, visiting the police station didn’t make her feel excited after all.
“It’s alright”, Jay kept whispering into her ear. It was only after a few minutes later that she calmed down, but even when she was acting as if nothing had happened, she was still embarrased.
Al passed by from the coffee room to his desk and handed a coockie to the girl. She hesitated on accepting it, she first turned to her dad who nodded in approval and she stretched her tiny arm to take it.
“Precauted girl. Good”, Olinsky smiled at her and she smiled back.
“Why don’t you take your colors and get to work in your coloring book, hm?” Jay said more like an order as he put her down. He couldn’t really advance in his work if she was there right beside him.
They walked to an unoccupied desk right infront of Adam. The girl climbed the chair as her dad took her belongings out of the unicorn backpack, “There you go. I’ll be right there if you need me. Remember to…”
“…be quiet, shhh” his daughter completed.
She stayed there for a while, coloring different pages. The detectives, specially Kim, would praise her artistic work whenever they had to walk by her side. She liked Kim, that woman was funny, but she couldn’t really take her eyes off of the man who had gave her the cookie: Alvin Olinsky, but he was too busy to noticed.
“Daddy”, she silently stood up an whispered, trying not to distract the people around, “I don’t want to color anymore. I want to draw”
“Uh, let me check if I have something for you to—“
“I have some white sheets in here”, Hailey opened a drawer and handed a bunch to the Halstead girl. She liked Hailey too, she had a bright smile.
“How do you say?” Her father encouraged her before going back to her place.
“Thank you, Hailssss”
She was immersed in her own world, drawing, coloring and cutting. She stood up to get closer to Adam and touched his leg to call his attention.
“How do you write ‘I love you’?” She asked the detective.
“Oh!” He took a notebook and a pen, “Very easy, let me just show you”
Jay looked up to witness the scene, altough he couldn’t hear any word they were exchanching, “Hey, sweetie”, he called out, “Let Ruz work, ok?”
“No big deal” His collegue said handing her the sheet.
A few minutes later, the little girl stood up once more to go with her father. She stretched her hand to hand him a very colorful circle of paper.
“Wow! Is this for me?” Jay exxagerated his emotion, and then melted when he read the phrase ‘I love you’ followed by a crooked heart.
With excitement, she explained it was a cup holder: “Yea, you can put your mug there”. Following orders from such a smooth voice, Jay placed his mug over the gift.
“Just what I needed” He kissed her head. When she withdrew of his side, Jay immediatly took the paper with the witten phrase and placed it in a spot where he was able to see it all the time.
Before going back to sit on her chair, the girl passed by Al’s desk and stood next to him staring, until he finally noticed.
She took him by surprise, a cute surprise, “Hey, you scared me!” That made her laugh.
“What do you like the most?” The kid asked wothout any other introduction, “Ducks or unicorns?”
Detective Olinsky took his time to answer the question. He observed that Halstead’s daughter was wearing a T-shirt full of unicorns, her pink shinny backback also had the shape of a unicorn, so he went by that, thinking it would be the correct answer.
“Unicorns, I love unicorns”
But she didn’t had the reaction he expected, instead she sadenned, “Oh! I was going to draw a duck for you”
Being in a space close to Olinsky, and paying attention to what his daughter was doing all the time, Jay listened and couldn’t help to smile to the reaction of his parter.
“Oh, well, I love ducks too!” Alvin tried to amend his error.
“A duck, then?”
“Yea, a duck!”
And she moved her tiny legs as fast as she could. Both detectives shared a look and laughed.
It didn’t pass a lot of time when the girl was next to Olinsky’s chair again, but this time he noticed. Without speaking, she handed to him the drawing of a duck happily swimming in a lake.
“What? Is this for me?” She nodded. There was something peaceful in his voice that she liked. “Thank you very much! I really love it. What’s this?” He pointed to a brown circle tha was close to the animal. The answer make him smile showing his teeth.
“A cookie”
“Well, this masterpiece deserves to be in a special place” The detective took a bit of tape and pasted the drawing where it could be seen by everyone.
Little Halstead ran to his father to tell him what just had happened.
“That’s not fair!” Adam teased her later on the day. “I want my own drawing too! I showed you how to write that phrase, you gotta remember that!”
“It will have to be another day”, Jay intervened. “Time to pick everything up, your mom’s on her way to pick you up”
“Mommy’s back?” She asked with the same bright eyes she had when realizing she was going to the police station.
“Yeah!” Her dad smirked.
“I am excited!” She stated while putting her stuff back into the backpack.
“Say goodbye, time to go. Mommy’s downstairs”
She waved her little hand to everybody in the bullpen, “Bye bye”. She even peeked her head into Voight’s office, “Goodbye, Serge”
“You are leaving already? Goodbye, little one” Hank said in a very friendly tone, “Come back soon, whenever you want”
She laughed at the idea, “I will”
It was a bit hard for her to walk down the stairs. “Do you need help?” Jay asked with his arms opened to carry her and she jumped to him.
As soon as she spotted Y/N at the desk with Trudy she yelled at her. Jay put her down on the floor when the stairs were over and his baby ran towards her mom, who picked her up in a tight hug.
“Ugh, how much I missed you” Y/N said covering their daughter in kisses.
“Me too!”
“Did the detectives threated you good?” Trudy asked, “How was your day at daddy’s work, hm?”
Wothout hesitating and with a lot of emotion, the girl answered “Oh! It was exciting!”
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sayafics · 24 days
Just For A Moment - Part 7
Sorry for the long, long wait my loves, but I hope this was worth it!
There are probably going to be around 2/3 more chapters as I start drawing this series to an end👀
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
No one spoke for a long while, eyes darting over the wilting pair as Aurora avoided their gazes, and Jay ached for her own to meet his pleading one.
It was Aurora who broke first, voice hoarse as she forced a cough past her lip and broke out of her stupor.
"I'm going to grab the last of my stuff, and then we can head out." She looked at Voight as she spoke, not even waiting for him to answer before she turned away and returned the same way she came. It did not go unnoticed how Kim mirrored her every step, as though she was unwilling to let the girl get too far.
Jay's bloodshot eyes met Voight's, unable to even try and translate his frustration in the form of narrowed eyes, furrowed brows and a clenched jaw.
He was an open book of raw emotion, stumbling like a toddler learning to take their first steps as he grew unsure of how to navigate the circumstances held before him.
Was this not what he had wanted? Was this not what he had been asking for- pleading and praying for since the day she had left?
And yet, it felt as though he was drifting through a dream - like she was an echo or a ghost of the girl who once roamed this very office, who now haunted his home and his dreams. And now she haunted this office.
Voight looked solemn as he met Jay's gaze, "I would've told you, Jay. But I didn't know when you'd be back."
"Why is she here?"
It was all he could say. And it was all he could do to hope that perhaps she had come on her own volition, that she had come because she had missed him. That she had heard his voicemails, every single one.
That she saw his regret, that she felt his misery and his sorrow, that she understood his guilt and forgave him.
That she came back for him.
But he knew from the look in Voight's eyes that he was way in over his head, that his wishes were simply unkempt desires and she hadn't come back for him at all.
Her flinch and stoic expression were evidence enough.
Aurora hated him, he was sure of it.
But he was also sure no one could hate him as much as he hated himself in that moment. So undeserving and unworthy of her love.
"I needed someone to go undercover in the Volkov case - she's the best."
She is, of course she is.
But to know she came back for a case, and not for him, hurt.
To know she saw Voight's call and answered him, when she had ignored his every call, hurt.
Jay knew she saw every call, it was why he never stopped. He prayed she listened to his voicemails and saw his regret, recognised his remorse and heard his devotion and his love.
But she came to help Voight, not him.
And that was a sign of its own that perhaps he was too late, that perhaps Aurora no longer wanted him - that she no longer needed him.
That she never needed him, not the way he needed her.
Not the way he wanted her- not anymore.
Jay shook his head free from such thoughts, grounding himself in the present as he chanted in his mind - she's here. She's here, and he has a chance. He has to have one. He has one until she looks him in the eyes and tells him he lost every single one, and lost her too.
His mind had finally processed Voight's words - finally, he thought.
Finally, an emotion so foreign but familiar seeped through his blood. No longer was he full of misery and grief, regret and shame. His muscles stiffened with the familiar sensation of disbelief, something so small yet euphoric as it tumbled through him as though it was unsure of how to navigate in the confines of his tortured body.
"You want her to go undercover for him? To get close to him?"
Jay couldn't believe what he was hearing - they knew how dangerous Volkov was. His only casualties were not those who touched his tainted drugs, but men, women and children who dared to defy him.
A glance at the board near Voight's office proved his fears, the surface littered in a mass of photographs with the victims of his anger and his crimes.
This was the man they wanted to send her into the arms of, this was the man they wanted her to trap.
They brought her here, so close to him, only to send her to her death.
"She's a good cop Jay, an even better undercover operative," Adam spoke now, a supportive hand placed upon Jay's shoulder as he spoke consolingly, "if anyone can take this guy down, it's her."
Jay shook his hand off as anger bubbled through him, a comforting feeling that settled at the base of his throat as he struggled to fight off his nausea.
"Are you kidding me? We know how dangerous this guy is, how can you even think about sending someone undercover to get close to him? Especially her."
Adam put his hands up in surrender, "you're letting your emotions talk for you Jay - you know just as well as we do, with her track history she is the best person for this job."
Jay shook his head vehemently, "no, you're wrong. I know what I'm talking about, and this is too dangerous. She's going go get hurt."
"You can't stop her," Voight took a step closer, brows furrowed in disappointment knowing had Jay been here from the start they would've been able to ease him into the idea better and prevented such an outburst, "she knows the risks, and she's agreed to the terms. She wants to do this."
"She doesn't know what she wants!"
Jay's heart stuttered to a stop for a second, so sure that she would've heard his raised voice.
For a moment, he hoped it was enough to make her come find him.
His fleeting eyes were enough to confirm that it wasn't.
A scoff sounded before him, his shoulders stiffening as a familiar voice rang from behind him. He knew that voice, knew it so well from the hours she would spend outside his door or on the phone pleading for his attention, for his love and his heart.
But his heart wasn't his to gift anymore, it was Aurora's. It had always been Aurora's.
And if he had been in possession of the ill-fated thing, he was sure he would protect it fiercely from Hailey.
"Are you sure you're not just saying that because she decided she doesn't want you?" Her words were harsh, they were vile and brutal but true. They stung deeply because they echoed his greatest fears and resounded through the room.
He turned towards the blonde woman, green eyes flickering between her set of blue as he was taken aback again by just how closely they mirrored one another. How her thoughts reflected his own. How his fears were picked and pulled apart by her with ease.
And he wondered to himself why he had let her get close enough to him to allow such a thing to happen in the first place.
Yet, looking into her eyes and seeing a pool of misery and anger that matched his own, he knew he would never have been able to stop such a thing.
Jay Halstead was not in love with Hailey Upton.
He was never fascinated by her.
He didn't want to be her friend because he was a good man.
He wanted to learn her entire being thoroughly because had he been born a woman, he was sure it would be her face he saw in the mirror every morning.
They had lived the same life at different paces, faced the same horrors and the same setbacks, they navigated the same shortcomings and were plagued by the same nightmares. They had loved the same and lost the same and were so intimately designed like one another, it was difficult not to find distorted version of himself staring back every time he glanced at her.
And yet, she was so different to him.
Where he was filled with anger and fury, rules and stipulations, she was happy and joyous and free, she was optimistic and kind in a way he ached to be.
In the way Aurora deserved to have him.
Jay knew why he became her friend, he knew why he confided in her, he knew why he let her kiss him and touch him, and he knew why he did the same.
Jay wanted to be healed like Hailey. He wanted to be the man Aurora deserved. But such a reality was not possible, and Aurora did not deserve the twisted and broken man that he was.
But Hailey was a reflection of his own horrors, standing untwisted and preserved.
Jay didn't deserve Aurora, he wasn't enough for her. He never was.
At least he didn't think he was.
Not until after that night with Hailey, when he saw Aurora pull away and distance from him. Not until that night where she confessed she had always known and feared she was the reason he had done such a thing - that she was not enough.
It was then Jay realised that it didn't matter how alike him and Hailey were, because no one could understand him the way Aurora did.
No one could comfort him and hold him and love him like she did.
Jay didn't need to be fixed like Hailey was. He didn't need to overcome his past like she had. Because he wasn't like Hailey, no matter how many similarities they shared in their lives.
He didn't need Hailey to show him how to become a better version of himself, because he had realised much too late that Aurora had been the one that was mending his cluttered mind and brittle soul one fragment at a time.
He didn't know how to answer Hailey, he could only stare at her as he wondered how he had let their friendship twist upon itself to sour the bond they shared.
It was also then when he realised he would have picked Aurora every time. That he should have picked Aurora every time.
He blinked himself out of his daze, blinking furiously as he turned away from Hailey the same way he should have months ago now.
He met Voight's gaze, his own filling with determination as he spoke, "just let me speak to her-"
"Jay," Kevin sighed from behind him, a pitying look colouring his face, "we've been putting a plan together for days now. This is the only way we got to get this guy."
"Then let me go with her - let me go too, so she's not alone. So that he can't hurt her."
Voight clenched his jaw as he wondered how to navigate his way through Jay's volatile emotions, "you're not in the right state of mind, Jay. I can't have you risk this entire case beca-"
"Because what? Because I can't see the woman I love die? Because I don't want to think of her being hurt by the very man we're hunting down? I don't want her to end up as another picture on that board, Voight. Not when I've spent this long looking for her. Not when I've just found her."
Jay's eyes burned with fresh tears, his skin heating a deep red as he let his emotions bubble free, as he confessed and let his yearning out into the open.
She was so close. So close, only to feel like she was a lifetime away.
"You didn't find her," Voight's voice deepened, his tone stern as he crossed his arms over his chest, "I did. And she only agreed to come back for this case."
"Then let me go with her," Jay drew closer to Voight, eyes darting down the same hall Aurora disappeared. "Let me go, let me keep her safe. Let me be close to her again, just this one time. Just one more time before she leaves again."
Voight knew why he brought Aurora back, he had wanted this too. He had wanted to bring back Jay and Aurora together and see if they could heal each other.
But not like this.
He had hoped that after the case was done, Aurora might decide to come back and stay. That if she did, then she and Jay could once again navigate the parameters of their relationship.
He simply hadn't expected this.
He hadn't expected to see their raw wounds and conflicted minds, their silent longing and stubborn hearts.
But maybe this was exactly what they needed.
Maybe this was what Jay needed.
This could be the start of a new chapter for the pair, or it could be the closure they had denied themselves.
"Fine. Kevin's going to debrief you - you make sure you're ready for this Jay. You have an hour. If you're not, then it won't be Volkov you have to worry about, because you'll be the one that gets you and Gallo killed."
Jay nodded solemnly, a crushing weight lifted off his shoulders. He might have hurt Aurora, but he was repenting and would seek forgiveness until the end of time. Until then, he would not allow another to lay a hand upon the woman he loves.
Voight watched as Kevin steered Jay towards his office, turning to Adam to instruct him on getting an alias and outfit prepared for Jay. They didn't have long to prepare him, but they would do all they could to ensure the operation ran smoothly.
For now, Voight would have to break the news to Aurora and hope she didn't rescind her offer to help altogether.
Throughout it all, it did not go unnoticed how Hailey found her home in the paperwork before her once more, her harsh words once ignored and her burning gaze ceremoniously ignored.
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maggotssmichael · 2 years
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this. this is terrifying. i do not want 10:00 pm to hit. it hasn't really hit me that he's leaving tonight. it doesn't feel real, and i know i'm going to cry, but lets be honest about something here: i am going to be mad if they do anything other than kill jay off. if he takes the blame for something hailey did, or something voight did, i am going to be pissed off. it's going to make it worse. i would rather him die than have JAY HALSTEAD take the blame for VOIGHT, which would just contribute to jay's recently very shitty character writing.
i'll be mad, i will be, so i hope/would rather them just kill him off than make him leave chicago, because the jay halstead all of us have known for 10 seasons would never leave chicago. if he's made to leave for the job, he'd probably quit than leave chicago. he has his wife, his brother, and his whole life in chicago, and what, we think he's gonna give it up? no. if he doesn't die, i'll be mad. if he does die, i'll be sad.
and i'd rather be sad than mad.
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saragarnier · 6 months
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Pairing: jay halstead x reader
Summary: Jay is y/n husband and he left her for eight months to go to Bolivia. When he came back, he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw his wife again
Warning: none i guess, maybe a little bit of angst
English is not my first language, sorry if there’s some mistakes!
When your husband came home that day asking you to sit down on the couch, you didn’t think that he was going to say what he actually said. You two worked at Intelligence for four years and you didn’t think possible for him to change the way he did. When you first met him you immediately knew that he was kind, gentle and a good cop: you knew that he would have done everything to help innocents and to stop criminals, you knew that he was a good person.
And then something changed.
You didn’t know if that was because of his partner, Hailey Upton, or because of Voight; you just knew that you didn’t recognize him anymore. You even talked about it with Adam, your partner, but you weren’t able to find a way to help him get through that.
You just wanted him to be happy again, you just wanted him to be himself again.
That’s why you let him go.
When he told you that he accepted the job in Bolivia you couldn’t believe it, you just couldn’t.
Was he running away from the unit or was he running away from you?
You didn’t know what was true, but you couldn’t just deny him to be happy again: if he needed to go, you would have let him go.
And that’s exactly what you did.
“It will be for eight months maybe a little longer, okay? I will be back home soon.” He said that day, kissing your forehead with glossy eyes. “I love you… i really do but i need to do this. Please don’t be angry with me, i’ll come back to you, i promise. You’re the love of my life, y/n.”
When he left some minutes later to take his flight, you fell on the ground, crying; you needed him near you, you needed him there with you but you just couldn’t deny him to be himself again.
That’s why you didn’t tell him the truth.
That’s why you hid it from him.
When Kim knocked at your door that night after having heard about Jay, you let her in and you just walked back to the couch, where you cried all day.
“Y/n…” she whispered, walking towards you and hugging you tightly. “It’s okay. It’s temporary, right? He will come back, okay?”
You didn’t say anything, you didn’t nod or shook your head in response, you just kept crying again and again and then, after some minutes, you spoke.
“We perfectly know that he can die there.” You said, finally telling the truth, finally admitting out loud what you had in your mind all day since he talked to you.
“Oh, y/n…” she kept hugging you and she also placed her hand on your shoulder, trying to reassure you in some way. She wanted to say something, she wanted to help you go through all of that but her eyes fell on it.
It was on the table in front of the couch, exactly where you placed it after Jay left.
“What’s that?” She asked, keeping her eyes on the small object; she reached it and she looked at the result when you didn’t complain about it, then she looked up at you, shocked. “You’re pregnant?”
You wanted to cry, you wanted to scream, you wanted be alone in your thoughts, but Kim was there trying to help you and you really appreciated that, that’s why you just nodded, answering her.
“Does Jay know about it? Did He really leave you here alone knowing that you’re pregnant?”
Kim knew the answer deep down, she knew that Jay wouldn’t have left you there knowing that you were pregnant but she needed to know it for sure; when you shook your head saying “no”, she hugged you tighter.
“Oh, darling.” She whispered, caressing your back slowly and gently. “You should’ve told him, Y/n, i’m sure he wouldn’t have left knowing that.”
You sobbed, then you looked up at her and you shook your head again.
“T-That’s why i-i d-din’t tell him. He needed t-to go Kim, i c-couldn’t stop him.”
“But he had the rights to know the truth before taking such a decision!” She replied, shaking her head in disagreement.
“When he came here telling me about the job in Bolivia he already took it, he accepted it without even talking about it with me. I would have told him if he hadn’t already accepted it. He told me that he had a flight in few hours, how could i have told him? I know, after all, that he’s lost. He’s not himself anymore and, if taking that job is going to help him, then i will accept it. He said, after all, that’s only for eight months.” You said, even if he said that there was the possibility that he needed to stay a little longer. “When he will be back home, i will still be pregnant and he will be able to be here when our baby is born.”
Kim didn’t agree with you but you was still shocked, that’s why she didn’t say anything: she just hugged you, promising you that she would have help you.
And she did, as all your unit.
Kim, Adam, Hailey, Kevin, Hank and also Trudy helped how they could.
In the next months they helped you, they came to your house to keep you company and they accompanied you to the hospital every time you needed to do a visit.
You were never alone after all, but you knew, however, that the most important person for you wasn’t there. You couldn’t blame him since you didn’t tell him the truth, but still you missed him so much.
Your baby was healthy but he, or she, wasn’t ready to be born yet, even if one week passed since the due date.
In some ways you were relieved because you really wanted Jay to be there when you would’ve become a mother. Every single time someone knocked at your door or every single time your phone rang, you panicked, afraid that something happened to your husband while he was still in Bolivia. You didn’t talked to him in the last few months, mostly because you didn’t want to distract him during a mission and because you were always afraid of blowing his cover.
That’s why you hardly talked to him or contacted him on the phone, and he did the same thing for the same reasons.
Until you didn’t hear anything about him from the army, you knew that he was okay, you knew that he was still alive. And every day you kept going on, holding on this thought, holding on the fact that no one called you, so he had to be safe, he had to be alive.
You didn’t know when he would’ve returned home, but you just hoped that it was soon; you couldn’t get through labor without him by your side.
That day you was ready to go to the hospital for another visit with your gynecologist. You asked Adam to come with you and he immediately accepted; that’s why, when you heard someone knocking at your door, you thought it was him.
“C-Coming.” You said, trying to get up from the couch where you were waiting for him. Your belly was so big that it was difficult for you to get up easily. “Just give me one minute, i’m trying to get up from the couch.”
At the other side of the door there was not at all Adam, there was Jay with his bag on the shoulder, happy to be home again, happy to be able to see his wife again. But when he heard you saying that she was having difficulties getting up from the couch, he froze, thinking that you might have been hurt at work.
Before he could say anything, the door opened in front of him and he immediately looked at his wife; he was left speechless, standing in front of the door frame, looking at his wife that was definitely pregnant.
“J-Jay?” You whispered, shocked. You didn’t expect him to be there, you thought that he would have informed you before coming home, but he was there, in front of you in all his beauty. Being so far from him for almost nine months was hard for you: you went through hell alone, especially when you almost lost your baby, and having him in front of you was like a dream. You definitely thought that you were still dreaming.
“You’re pregnant.” He said, unable to look away from your belly. He let go the bag that he had on his shoulder, letting it fall to the ground. He couldn’t believe his eyes, he just couldn’t believe it. “Am i the father?”
That was the first thing that popped into his mind when he saw you and he immediately regretted saying that out loud when he saw your face.
“What do you mean? Are you really thinking that i slept with someone else just right after your departure? You’re my fucking husband, of course you’re the father.”
You were so angry.
You didn’t even realize it till that moment.
You were so angry because he left you alone with a baby in your belly, even if he didn’t know it, even if it wasn’t his fault since you decided not to tell him the truth. But you were definitely angry: he stayed away for so long and the first thing that he asked you is if you got pregnant with someone else?
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come back!” He said after few moments, still standing in front of the door, still shocked by the news.
“You took the job before asking me what i thought about it, what did i have to do? You didn’t even took one day to talked with me! You came here, saying that you were going to Bolivia and that you had a flight that same day!“
Jay knew that coming back home wouldn’t have been easy, he knew that you would’ve been upset and you had all the rights to be angry with him, but he definitely didn’t expect to come home and find you pregnant.
“Wait, did you know you were pregnant when i left?!”
You froze, then you stepped back and you invited him to enter the apartment, to talk about it privately.
Jay immediately came in, leaving the bag on the ground, completely focused on his wife. You closed the door behind you two and you leaned against the kitchen counter, sighing.
Jay, even if he was mad at you, immediately walked towards you and helped you; then he took a chair and he invited you to sit down, placing an hand on your shoulder and caressing you gently. You appreciated it but you perfectly knew that you two have still to talk about it.
“Yes.” You answered after that, placing an hand on your own belly, caressing it gently and feeling the baby kicking you hard. “I discovered it the same morning you accepted the job. I wanted to tell you when you came home but you talked first and I couldn’t tell you after that.”
Jay couldn’t believe his ears, he couldn’t believe that his wife hid something important like a baby from him for almost nine months. You should have told him, you should have told him the truth because he wouldn’t have left knowing that you were pregnant with his baby.
“You should have told me, Y/n!” He wasn’t able to control himself, he just yelled at you and, after that, he regretted it. You slightly jumped on the chair, with tears running down your cheeks. You knew that, you knew that he had all the rights to be angry with you but you weren’t prepared for this. You just wanted him to be home because you needed him but you never thought about how he would’ve reacted at the news. You had time to prepare yourself to become a mother and then he came home and discovered that he’s going to become a father in what, few days?
“I’m sorry.” He immediately told you, kneeling in front of you and placing his hands on your arms. “I’m sorry i yelled, it’s just that…. I wanted to know, I wanted to be here with you.”
You sobbed and cried, especially when his hands touched you after all that time. You missed him so much.
“I know.” You sobbed, looking at him. “I’m sorry, i wanted to tell you but I know that you wouldn’t left and… you said you needed it, I couldn’t stop you from that. I just wanted you to be happy again, I couldn’t see you so sad here. And… when you came here saying that you accept the job in Bolivia… i just couldn’t take it away from you. You were right saying that i had to let you go, i saw it in your eyes.”
Jay caressed your arms slowly and gently, then he leaned closer and he kissed your forehead.
“I’m sorry i left you alone.” He said, softly. And it was true. All the time, when he was in Bolivia for his new job, he thought about you and he felt guilty because he knew that you were alone, he knew that you would probably have been hurt. That’s why he asked Kim, Adam, Kevin and Hailey to be near you in case you needed them.
“Well, i wasn’t alone, was i?” You smiled softly through your tears; you took his hands and placed them on your belly the moment you felt your baby kicking. “He, or she, was with me all the time.”
Jay felt the kick against his palms and his eyes immediately filled with tears.
“Say hi to your daddy.” You whispered, apparently talking to your baby while looking at Jay in the eyes.
Jay wanted to say something, wanted to kiss your belly and whispered something to it like he was talking to your baby, but before he could say something, you moaned in pain.
“What’s wrong?” He immediately asked, concerned. “Is everything okay, babe?”
You looked down at yourself when you felt your legs wet.
“Oh no.” You whispered.
Jay looked at you, confused. “What’s happening?”
You looked at him and moaned in pain.
“ i think I’m in labor.”
“Fuck.” He said, placing an hand on his mouth after that. “I’m sorry, i swore in front of the baby!”
You giggled and shook your head but you were interrupted by the first contraction; you moaned in pain and you looked up at him.
“Hospital.” You whispered and he nodded.
“Hospital.” He agreed. “Holy shit, I’m going to be a father.”
“Jay.” You said while he took the car keys and the labor bag you prepared some weeks ago; he came back to you and he helped you get to your feet.
“I’m sorry!” He said, referring to his previous words.
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1-800-papaya · 3 months
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Southern Caffeine (RI)
Jay Halstead x Baker!Reader Warnings: None i think
Author note: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated
Lemon Drops Cafe and Bakery. Big bright yellow and white letters read, and slight lemon decals surrounded the sign. Jay checked his phone before entering the shop; Hailey had insisted that the ex-army ranger get the morning coffee from the new bakery since the one in the break room was utterly broken. Pushing the glass door open, a light twinkle of a bell announced Jay’s presence. A head popped through the doorway that seemed to lead to the kitchens.
“I’ll be with you in a second.” A southern drawl stunned Jay.
The inside of the bakery was just as cozy as the exterior. Clusters of yellow chairs were pushed into three wooden tables, each bearing a yellow and white lemon tablecloth and varying-sized pillow. Along the opposite wall rests a series of tall displays, most filled with either what smelt like fresh loaves or display cakes. Turning more towards the counter, Jay noticed that in between the large coffee machine and the small portion of the counter dedicated to the register was a large display cupboard partially filled with cookies, cupcakes and some savory treats. Along the wall behind the counter, Jay could see an assortment of coffee bean bags that looked like they had yet to be packed away in the above cupboard and potted plants. The bakery overwhelmingly filled Jay with a sense of calm, and he loved the welcoming, cozy, homely environment that Hailey had sent him into.
A young woman soon walked out of the kitchen doorway and greeted Jay warmly. Her Y/H/C was haphazardly thrown into a bun, and a yellow ribbon wrapped around the tie. She wore a white short-sleeved shirt beneath a pale yellow apron and chocolate brown pants. Her apron was covered in white dashes of flour and smudges of frosting and chocolate. The pin on her apron read Y/N, a sticker of a small bundle of lemons decorating the rest of the pin. When Jay’s eyes reached her face, he took note of the imperfect splash of flour that dusted her cheeks and the bright smile that graced her features.
“Good Morning. What can I get ya?” Her voice was perfectly airy and sweet, like the melody of his favorite song. For once, the voice wasn’t dull or uninterested; instead, it sounded like she genuinely wanted to be covered in flour dust and chocolate smudges at nearly 6:30 in the morning.
“Four large double shot coffees and Hailey Upton’s usual.” He recited the order that Hailey had given him only ten minutes earlier. Jay moved to open his wallet to pay when Y/N simply shook her head.
“No need to pay, it’s on the house.” Her smile was blinding as she moved further down to the coffee machine, Jay following.
“At least let me tip you or something”, Jay argued as the women moved expertly around the small area, quickly making the coffee’s and packing a small box full of freshly baked treats.
“Please, this is the least I can do for you guys”, she spoke, “Besides, that would be breaking my own rules” " she said, pointing towards the large poster plastered above the register. Jay followed her finger and shook his head as he read the sign.
‘Cops, Firefighters, Doctors and Nurses, drinks and treats are on the house, No exceptions!!’
“My dad was a ranger and taught me the value of first responders, so when I started my business, I made it a rule that those who protect us, normal people, from our stupidity would never have to pay. Plus, I make enough profit to cover it anyway.” As she pushed the box and cup tray towards Jay, she gestured to the jar on the counter next to the register, “But if your conscience won’t let you leave without leaving a tip, then here, donate to this month’s charity, the Chicago police fund” Jay practically swooned over her smile this time. pushing a few large bills into the jar, Jay left the cafe with a dopey smile and a mental promise never to get coffee anywhere else.
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acewritesfics · 9 months
I Promised You Forever | Jay Halstead
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Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Request: From anon
Fic Type: Imagine
Warnings: A little angst. A little fluff. Mentions of a shooting and surgeries.
Word Count: 945
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“Get to Med… Jay’s been shot.” 
As she waits in the waiting room at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center, the sound of her sergeant’s words echoes in her ears. Her heart is racing, her knee is bouncing, her hands are trembling, and dried up tear streaks run down her face. She feels like she’s been sitting in the room for an eternity, waiting for any news about her husband’s condition. He was already in surgery by the time she got at the hospital, which was a little more than two hours ago.  
“Y/N!” she hears her partner, Kim Burgess, call out as she approaches her. When the brunette reaches her, she embraces her tightly. 
After Jay and Y/N revealed their relationship to Voight, the two women became partners. They’ve been like sisters since they went through the academy together, and they got even closer after Y/N and Hailey Upton were transferred to Intelligence after Erin Lindsey left.  
“Has there been any news?”  
“I haven’t heard anything; Will just went to see if he can get an update,” she says before breaking down again. “I can’t lose him, Kim,” she cries into the shoulder of her best friend. “I can’t do it without him. We just got married. I can’t be without him.”  
“Jay’s strong; he’ll get through this,” Kim reassures her as she rubs her back and squeezes her even tighter; it crushes her heart to see her best friend and chosen sister like this. 
“Did you get the person who shot him?” she says, pulling away from Kim and angrily wiping away the fresh set of tears that are falling.  The anger in eyes and voice wasn’t intended for her partner, or Adam who had been with Jay at the time of the shooting, or the rest of their team but at the guy who fired the gun at her husband and shot him. She begged Hank to give her five minutes with the person when they apprehended him, but Hank ordered her to stay at the hospital because that’s where she needed to be the most and swore he wouldn’t go easy with the guy. 
Kim replies, moving to sit in the chair next to the one she was in, “He’s in custody. Voight’s making his life a living hell, I’m sure of it.”  
She sits back down next to her and asks, “How’s Ruz?”  
“He’s blaming himself,” Kim replies. “He’ll be here when he’s cleaned himself up, and the others will be here after they’ve finished with the interrogation.”  
She nods, letting Kim know she heard her. 
Minutes pass as they sit in quiet, Kim holding her hand and reminding her that she is not alone. Will eventually returns and informs her that there haven’t been any updates just yet before he leaves once more to grab them all some coffee.  
Just as Will comes back with Adam following behind him, the surgeon walks into the waiting room. 
As he approaches, Y/N and Kim get to their feet. As the doctor begins to talk, Will moves to stand next to his sister-in-law. “Surgery went smoothly. We removed the bullet, stopped the bleeding, and repaired the damage the bullet caused. Jay will make a full recovery, but he will need to take it easy for some time.”  
Y/N exhales with relief, “I’ll make sure he does. Can we see him?”  
“Two at a time,” the doctor says with a nod.  
“Adam and I will go update everyone,” Kim says to her and Will before exiting the waiting room with Adam.  
The doctor leads Will and Y/N to the room where Jay has been moved. Jay opens his eyes and looks sleepily at his wife and brother as soon as they enter the room.  
“Oh, baby,” Y/N breathes as she walks over to his bed and takes his hand in hers, looking at him with tenderness. “Please don’t put me through that again.”  
“I can’t make any promises,” he says drowsily with a small smile. He raises her hand and kisses the back of it.  
“How are you feeling?” Will asks as he stands beside Y/N.  
Jay jokes with a slight smirk on his lips, “Like I was shot.  
Y/N scowls at him, not in the mood for jokes right now, and says, "Don’t joke.” 
“You love me, and you know it,” he gives her a small smile letting her know he’s teasing her.  
“I need to get back to work, but I’ll stop by after my shift,” Will tells his brother, stopping Y/N from that is retaliating. “I’ll make sure to bring you some decent food.”  
“Thank you, Will,” she says as he exits the room. Looking back at her husband, she sits on the edge of the hospital bed, clutching his hand on her lap. “I was so scared I would lose you.”  
“I’m not going anywhere,” he assures her. “We still have a lot to do together.”  
She leans down and gives him a soft kiss while whispering, “I love you.”  
“I love you too,” he replies as he kisses her again. “Now, come lie down with me.” 
“You’ve just gotten out of surgery. I don’t want to cause you more pain.”  
“They’ve got me on the good stuff, honey, and after what I just went through, all I want to do is hold my wife and remind her that us Halstead’s aren’t easy to take down,” he says and pulls her close to him, moving them so she can lay down beside him.  
With his arm across her shoulders and her head on his, he presses a kiss to her forehead and whispers, “I promised you forever. I’m keeping that promise.” 
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TAGGED: @mrspeacem1nusone - @halsteadbrasil - @allisonargent144 - @cs-please -
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Second Time Is the Charm
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 1,211
Warnings: None, just fluff.
Summary: Jay meets the Reader, Hailey's best friend, when she's meeting Molly's for the first time after having moved back to Chicago.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way, or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: Still not in my best writing but I hope you like it!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
| mastelist |
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"Hey, guys! This is my best friend, (y/n) (y/l/n), who I told you about! She just moved to the city a few weeks ago, so, be nice!" You heard your long-time friend, Hailey, warn her coworkers, who she always swore by to be some of the very best people in Chicago.
"Whatcha sayin', Detective Upton? I'm always nice!" a tall guy, who you recognized as being the one Hailey'd had a fling with some time ago, exclaimed, feigning offense.
They all are very sympathetic to you and you can see how they managed to get Hailey's friendship so easily. But there is one person who stands out from the rest of the group. And you just can't help yourself but to stare at the handsome guy who Hailey said is her partner. The famous Jay Halstead. You do know that it's impolite to basically ogle him like that but you. Just. Can't. Stop. He might just be the most beautiful man you've ever seen and that's saying a lot since you'd already lived in many places and had already met lots of hot guys.
Maybe you were dreaming or something but it seemed like he, too, was taking a few glances at you. But you must've been imagining 'cause he never made a single move your way — not that you were dealing any better with this sort of crush.
The hours ticked by faster than anyone there would've imagined with all the friendly chit-chat and the stories being told but, when you noticed the time, you decided it was time to go home, so you announced: "Hey, guys, thanks a lot for tonight! It was really nice meeting you all, I had a blast! But now I think I'mma head home."
"What? No! I can drive you there later," Adam started but you cut him off:
"No need for that, really. I live nearby and the walk home is gonna be good for me!"
"But going alone this time of night…" Kevin trailed off.
"Well I was thinking about heading home too and I'm also gonna walk. So maybe we can go together?" Jay asked, speaking directly to you for the first time in the whole night.
Not really knowing how to politely decline that one, you accepted: "Oh, um, okay, that'd be nice."
"It's really nice of yours to offer to walk me home, Jay. Thank you again." You said in an attempt to break the ice.
"Yeah, no problem. You know I like making myself available for the community!" He said with a wink? Was Hailey's partner seriously trying to flirt with you? "So, back at Molly's everyone explored a lot why you came back to Chicago but I wanna know what made you leave it in the first place, 'cause you went to college here, with Hailey, right?"
"Uh… yeah, we were roommates, actually. But I left for many reasons, the main one being a wish to see what the world had to offer. Which wasn't very hard since I can easily get a job pretty much anywhere I want…" You answered, leaving out the part about how your ex had humiliated you into leaving the city just to put as much distance between the two of you as possible.
"Hmmm, I see. But you said work had you moving back?"
"Yeah, well this was an exception because I was being offered a better position in case I came here." And because now you'd already gotten over what happened with your ex.
"Then which one is your favorite city so far?" There he got you, you always had a hard time picking favorites…
"Hmmm, maybe Amsterdam?" You thought that it would be a smooth way to do some flirting of your own. "It can be a very romantic city…" You started, "and I've always seen myself as a romantic, hopeless or not…"
"Oh, is that right?" The detective asked.
"Yeah, well, what can I say if everything romance just makes me happy?" You said, looking up brightly at him. Before he could muster up an answer though, you realized where you were, "Oh, that's my building right there!" You exclaimed pointing at the building across the street. But just as you said it you found yourself being sweetly and longingly kissed by Jay, which caught you completely off guard.
"So…" You started without really knowing how to continue after the kiss.
"So…" He imitated while nervously scratching the back of his neck. "I guess it was a bit awkward to just kiss you like that-"
"No! I, uh, I liked it!" Gosh, you sounded like a teenager, " I mean it wasn't bad or anything."
"Then maybe you'd be okay with giving me your number?" He asked.
"Yeah, sure!" Once again, teenager, dammit! "I, uh, what I mean is that I wouldn't mind it if you wanted to call me sometime, detective. You know, just making myself available for the community." You repeated his previous words with a wink.
"Huh! Careful with those empty promises, ma'am," Jay said playfully.
"Who said anything about empty?" You countered.
"Okay, then… Just know that you might be getting a call from me sooner rather than later." He half confessed while shaking his head.
"Looking forward to it!" You shot back and turned around to walk towards your building. Just as you were about to take the first step though, you decided to take a last glance at him, saying: "Have a good night, detective." He didn't answer, you didn't give him time to. But, as you were almost at the building's door, you heard your phone starting to ring and decided to pick up, since it wasn't very common for you to get calls at that time of night. "Hello?"
"Hi, uh, is this (y/n) (y/l/n)'s phone?" You heard Jay's amused voice on the other end of the line and instantly turned back around to see him, still standing on the other side of the street, purposely in your eyesight.
"You said to call at any time-"
"And I just couldn't wait!"
"Are you making fun of me right now?"
"Not at all!" He quickly responded. "I am, actually, inviting you to grab coffee with me one of these days." At that, your heart started beating faster and you could only hope that he wasn't able to hear it through the phone. "Or, you know, lunch, dinner, whatever you prefer!"
"I, uh, I would love to, Jay." Was all you could answer, as the flirty banter suddenly seemed pointless. "I would love to grab coffee or lunch or dinner with you sometime!"
"Okay. That's, uh, that's great! So, maybe this Saturday? 9 o'clock?"
"Yeah, sure! That sounds good! Just let me know where you wanna me-"
"Nope, nuh-uh, that's not happening! Just be ready by then and prepare yourself to be surprised!"
"Jay, I-"
"Not taking no for an answer! Goodnight to you too, (y/n)." He said and hung up, waving at you as he continued his path. Meanwhile, you went upstairs thinking about Saturday and about how you'd snatched a guy like that on your third day back in the city. Maybe Chicago wasn't as bad as you remembered it anymore...
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
From Exes to Lovers
Request: Hi ☺️ Could i request a Connor Rhodes imagine for my bday tomorrow? Maybe where the reader is his ex and also a nurse at the med. One time you get in a terrible car crash and get to the ER where Connor gets called to save you. You nearly die during the surgery but he saves you and stays with you all the time till you wake up. Then he keeps caring for you during your whole recovery and you slowly start getting your old feelings back, so you decide on a second chance for your love. Hope this is ok ❤️
Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Nurse!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, car crash, inaccurate medical talk, implied cheating but not really
A/N: Happy birthday to the anon who sent this request in!
Frist Installment: Exes to Lovers
Second Installment: Lovers Forever
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You don't know how it happened. You had the right of way. The light was green. Some drunk person had run their red light and t-boned you as you were crossing the intersection. They had hit you hard enough that your car flipped 4 times until it landed thankfully upright but in the other lane. Glass was everywhere. You're pretty sure you had a concussion from hitting your head on the steering wheel and the window. You for sure had broken bones. But then the pain came especially around your abdominal area. The other driver had died on impact. How did this happen you ask? Well, this is how.
You had just gotten back from visiting your friend, Hailey Upton, and her husband, Jay Halstead, you were ranting about Connor Rhodes, your now ex-boyfriend, and that you had caught another woman texting. You had dated for 3 years. He was also coming home later than normal. So once you stormed out you went straight to their house crying. It was a huge fight. Luckily for you, you had kept your apartment.
It was getting late and you just wanted to go home and eat a pint of ice cream and watch some cheesy sappy movie. You didn't have to work that night or the next day which was great. That also meant you didn't have to see Connor tonight or tomorrow, you were a nurse at Med. You loved him you really did but you couldn't stand a cheater and weren't going to tolerate it. As you were driving you came to a stop at a red light, while stopped you answered some texts and then put your phone down. As you started to drive you noticed headlights coming to you on your left and they were coming fast. The next thing you knew metal was hitting metal and then your car was flipping. Your head hit the steering wheel and then the window. The airbag deployed hitting you and breaking your nose and throwing your head into the headrest.
Your adrenaline was wearing off and then all the pain hit you and you moaned in pain. There was glass everywhere. You felt blood running down your face and into your eye. You felt the most pain in your abdominal area. You carefully looked down and saw glass puncturing you. You tentatively touched it but knew better than to yank it out. You couldn't hardly breathe. All of sudden you felt another impact and you were being pushed into a telephone pole wrapping your car on the passenger side. You blacked out.
You only came to when you heard your name being called by a voice but didn't open your eyes. It sounded underwater. You wanted to answer but couldn't you just wanted to sleep.
"Y/N it's Kelly. Can you hear me?" Kelly, your other best friend asked but you didn't respond. "Y/N I really need you to open your eyes." He said and you tried oh you tried. You slowly started to crack them open. "There we go." He said once he saw them open.
"Kelly?" You asked slurred.
"Yea it's me. You were in an accident. We're going to get you out and to Med. Ok?" He asked and you groaned and your eyes begin to shut again. "Hey hey no no keep those eyes open." He said but your eyes were already closed. "Y/N, hey. Open those eyes for me, please." You actually complied this time. "There we go. How are you and Connor?" He asked not knowing of the situation.
"'Roke up." You said slurring your words that shocked him.
"Why did you two break up?" Kelly asked as he shouted orders to his team.
"Cheated." You said slurring your words again and then your eyes rolled into the back of your head and your head lulled to the side and Kelly caught you. This freaked Jim out but he had to keep calm.
Everyone worked with ease and carefulness but quickly to get you out. They all saw the damage and knew you would be critical. When they got you out they put you on a backboard and a gurney and loaded you up and you were on your way to Med.
When you got to Med you were unconscious and couldn't hear anything. You were breathing but barely and it was labored. You went to your little paradise where Connor and you never broke up instead you got married and started a family one boy and one girl, it was perfect.
Connor was having a good night, well as good as one can have when one breaks up with another. He had been heartbroken when you pulled away from his kisses and started to pull away from him. The fight kept playing in his head. You had been the one to break up with him. You had seen a text from another girl on his phone but what you didn't know was that the other girl was a married woman jeweler who was setting his grandma's diamond in a set so he could propose to you. The reason why he was coming home early was because he was making details on how to propose and where making sure it was perfect.
Connor was in the ED when the ambulance came rolling in. He didn't look up considering it was a normal part of ED but when Maggie gasped he looked up and his face drained. "Maggie please tell me that is not Y/N." He said almost pleading.
"I'm sorry Connor. Take her to Trauma 2 and make it fast." She yelled and she turned to Connor.
"Let me go." Connor said and Maggie looked hesitant. "There are no other available doctors at the moment. Let me do it." He pleaded.
"Fine." She said and he rushed in and started giving orders.
Connor was supposed to be getting off shift when you rolled around but now he just couldn't make himself leave. Not with knowing you were in major surgery to fix your abdominal aorta that glass had found itself embedded in.
They wheeled you into surgery where he scrubbed in. "Ok guys, she is one of us. We have to save her but we handle it just like every other surgery." Connor said and they nodded. They got to work. Everything was going smoothly until one of the surgery techs noticed a drop in stats.
"Dr. Rhodes. Her O2 is dropping and he looked up.
"Ok start bagging her and get those stats back up." He said and they nodded. Once they got your stats back up. But then your heart rate started to drop. The machine alerted them. He looked up and then looked down. It started lowering when he took the glass out and he started to move faster.
"Heart rate is dropping." The tech said and before anyone could say anything you started to flatline "She's flatlining." The tech said.
"Start compressions. I'm holding this aorta off so she doesn't bleed out." Connor said and that's what they did. "Give me a clamp." He demanded and they did and clamped off the aorta and had his go at compressions he was about to have them shock you but then your heart rate came back up. "Ok let's finish this quickly and get her into recovery." He demanded again and they did just that. "Just hold on, baby. I'm gonna get you out of here." He quietly told you and everybody else pretended not to hear him. "When she gets out of recovery and into a room let me know." He said and they nodded.
4 hrs is how long it took to repair the aorta. He was an absolute wreck. But he had stayed calm while doing the surgery. He had gotten changed and then went to the doctor's lounge and waited when one of the surgery techs came in to let him know you were out of recovery in a room. He asked what number and when they told him he was up and going to you. When he got there he looked at you and regretted everything. He pulled the uncomfortable blue plastic chair by your bedside and sat down. He grabbed your hand and stroked your knuckles, and every now and then kissed them. He just had to wait for you to wake up.
A consistent beeping is what woke you up. You had slowly opened your eyes but quickly slammed them shut when they met with harsh light. You then felt a weight on your hand and looked over to find the black haired, blued eyed man that you once called your boyfriend. He was sleeping and looked so peaceful but you needed to wake him up. "'Onnor." You said sleepily and he stirred until he woke up and at first he looked confused but then saw you were awake.
"Baby." He sighed out in relief. Your scrunched your nose up.
"I'm not your baby anymore, Connor. We broke up." You said and rolled your eyes which hurt. He sighed he wasn't going to fight with you, especially since you just got out of surgery. "What's the damage?" You asked moving due to uncomfortableness. He sighed.
"You have 4 broken ribs, a concussion, your abdominal aorta was torn but I was able to fix it. You have a hairline fracture on your right ankle. A sprained left wrist. Multiple cuts from the glass and a lot of bruising." He listed what was wrong and you stayed silent.
"What about the other driver?" You asked
"He was drunk and died on impact." He told you and you nodded.
"What about my car?" You asked again, you loved your car.
"I'm sorry. It's totaled. You'll have to get a new one." He said and you nodded and let a tear slip. "Are you ok?" He asked truly worried.
"Yea. I'm just going to miss that car." You said and he chuckled and smiled both of which you loved.
"We'll get you a new and better car." He said.
Dr. Goodwin came into your room and you looked up and smiled "Hi, Nurse Y/L/N. How are you feeling?" She asked.
"Sore. Just found out my beloved car was totaled." You said and everyone chuckled and smiled.
"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm came here to let you know you're going to have the next few weeks off to recover with pay and Connor is going to be allowed a few days off." She said and you looked confused.
"Why is that?" You asked her.
"Since you have nobody here he decided to be the one to look after you." She said
"That's not necessary. I can look after myself." You tried to defend yourself.
"You had a major surgery and will need someone to look after you. Connor volunteered." She said and you may not have liked it but agreed.
You spent a week in the hospital making sure everything was then you were released in Connor's care.
When you got to his apartment that night after your release it was slow going but he was ok with that. He was and has always been so patient with you. You hated that you broke up with him but you couldn't stand a cheater. You both got into the apartment and he had to settle down on the couch while he pampered you and got the bed ready and made you something to eat. He truly was the sweetest man ever. "If you need me for anything during the night wake me up, and I mean anything." He said and you nodded.
"You got it." You said. The two of you stayed up and watched some TV and you ate what was allowed. When and if you wanted to get up he was there helping you. You knew now why you first fell in love with this man.
This went on for a few weeks and your old feelings started to come back and you started to fall in love with him again. When he went back to work was the hardest but you managed and if you need something he said to call him, Hailey, Jay, or Kelly. You didn't call anybody because you were perfectly fine. You and Connor had been texted throughout the day. Most of your wounds, sprain, and fracture had healed. You still had stitches but they were due to come out soon.
One thing was on your mind and you couldn't get it off of your mind. That was why did he cheat. When you didn't text him back one day it was when he was finishing his shift and it was worrying him but stayed calm. Once out of the hospital he got into his car and drove home. He found you sitting outside on the terrace. You didn't hear him come in so you jumped when you touched you. "I'm sorry, Baby. I didn't mean to startle you." He said and you hadn't been correcting him when he said it. "What's wrong? You didn't text me back." He said and you sighed as he bent down looking at you.
"Why did you cheat?" You said just coming out and saying it.
"Baby, I didn't cheat on you." He said and you glared at him.
"Don't lie to me." You said and he sighed and hung his head.
"I'm not. Just hold on. Don't move." He said and you did what you were told, to be honest you were still sore and you didn't feel like moving.
"Don't walk away from me. Who the fuck is Samantha?" You yelled out after him but he returned with a black velvet box.
"I didn't cheat on you. Samantha is a married woman-" He started but you cut him off and threw your hands up which pulled on your stitches but you didn't care.
"So you cheated on me with a married woman? Why were you coming home so late? I loved you and still do." You said you hadn't noticed the black velvet box.
"You didn't let me finish. Samantha is married woman jeweler that was helping me set my grandmother's diamond into a ring. I was coming home late because Hailey and Ava were helping me pick out a perfect spot to propose that night you stormed out. Also you still love me?" He asked and you nodded your head.
"Yes. I still love you." You said and he kissed you. You gladly kissed him back.
"I love you too. I was going to make this special but with how you look under these lights and the sunset now is as good time as any. So, here it goes. Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N I have loved you since the beginning. I have loved you since I laid my eyes on you. It was love at first sight for me. I knew you were the one right then and there. You are so special to me and when we broke up it broke me and when I saw you come into ED I was petrified. I don't want to lose you again. I want to grow old with you and have a family with you. So, will you make my dreams come true and make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" He finished and was already kneeling on one knee as he pulled out the ring, it was a cut cornered princess cut with one diamond on each side, it was perfect. The way it glimmered under the light made it all more beautiful. You were crying and then you nodded your head.
"Absolutely, I will marry you. It'll make me the happiest woman in the world." He smiled and put the ring on your finger and gently grabbed your face and crashed his lips into yours. Everything was perfect.
When you were allowed to back to work you went with Connor and you were holding hands, everyone took notice of that. You both got changed and started your shift. You were told if you needed a break than you take it. The stitches had been removed but you didn't have your normal energy back just yet.
As the two of you walked out he left you at the desk and kissed you. "I'll see you later, fiancé." He said with a smile.
"Yes you will my soon to be husband." You smiled and he left. Everyone came up to you.
"So I take it you're back together." April said and you nodded and showed them the ring.
"More than back together. Engaged." You said and everyone squealed in excitement, the same way Hailey had done when you told her. They asked for details and you gave them. As they were talking to you, you saw Connor walk by with Will and Ethan and he smiled at you and winked which you returned.
Yea, everything was going to be ok. You had the man of your dreams and were about to start a life with him. It was perfect. You were finally in paradise.
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lcvesjj · 1 year
Figuring it out - Hailey Upton x Fem!Reader
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Pairing : Hailey Upton x Fem!Reader 
Prompt : 
Summary : Y/n finds it hard to be vulnerable in front of people but after a hard case. Hailey insists on helping her and figuring it out together.
Warnings : angst, near death experiences, crying, mentions of nightmares,
A/n : This is set after Jay leaves but I modified it a bit (so Jay and Hailey were never married, they were just engaged). Thank you for the request @allivzs and I hope you like it <3 I may have missed some mistakes so I’m really sorry for any mistakes. :)
After Jay left to rejoin the army and broke of the engagement, Hailey was heartbroken. She felt betrayed and alone. But luckily you were there to help her through it, wiping away her tears and always offering to listen to her problems and help her out. 
Hailey admired you a lot, you always seemed so strong and never showed your vulnerability. In the years she had known you and been your partner she never saw you talk much about your feelings or emotions. 
It almost seemed like you never let your emotions get to you. All until one day it all went loose. 
The unit was trying to catch a bunch of criminals who were involved in illegal things and did some terrible things to many people. It was a really hard case for everyone, especially you. You took it the hardest. Feeling trapped and like you had failed those people who were relying on you and the unit was so suffocating. 
After the case was over and they caught the criminals. It was supposed to all be over now. But not for you, you kept on having nightmares about the case.
And one day you simply broke. You constantly felt like you weren’t fast enough to catch them on time. You just kept on blaming yourself. Hailey saw it, but she didn’t know how to help since she knew how much you hated being vulnerable in front of people. 
That was until Hailey found you sitting on the floor of the locker room sobbing so hard that your whole body was shaking. The blonde slowly approached her and sat down next to you. “Do you want a hug Y/n/n?” Hailey asked softly. You just nodded in response. Pulling you into her arms, she gently started rubbing your back to help you calm down. “Let me help Y/n/n. You don’t have to do this alone. I’m here alright? I’ll always be here.” She softly said gently wiping away the tears that were running down your cheeks. 
A few days later you had a really close call, you had nearly died. It was once again another hard case. Hailey saw how upset, sad and scared you looked during everything. She couldn’t stand the look on your face when you were sad or upset. 
It made her realise that she liked you more than a friend. And that terrified her, she was scared of losing yet another important person. It would shatter her if she had to lose you too, especially after Jay left. Hailey always knew she had you by her side, she was so used to it and she now realised how much she loved spending time with you. Laughing at your silly jokes or watching movies together or just sitting in silence together.
There was something so comforting about your presence and being around you. You always found a way to make Hailey laugh and smile. She always felt so comfortable around you, like she could tell you about everything. 
Some part of her wanted to ask you out on a date but she was way too scared to start another relationship right now. But because of that close call, Hailey had decided to simply say “f*ck it. I can’t keep hiding my feelings like this, I nearly lost Y/n today.” 
Following you to the locker room she sat down next to you leaning on the wall. 
“Hails can I have a hug please?” You asked quietly, looking down at your hands. You could feel the tears running down your cheeks.
 “Of course you can sweetheart. C’mere.” Hailey held out her arms and pulled you closer to her while also making sure she wasn’t holding you too tightly. “Are you comfy?” She asked, looking down at you with a smile. “Very.” You mumbled into her shirt while still crying. 
Hailey just nodded and started drawing small shapes on your back. “I really appreciate this Hails.” You said pulling away to look up at her. She smiled at you gently bringing you even closer to her. 
“I’m always going to be here for you. No matter what happens alright? You are my favourite person and I really appreciate you and how you’ve always been there for me no matter what.” She said softly, placing a kiss on your cheek. 
You were really tired from all the crying and events that happened today. 
“I love you so much Hails.” You whispered into her hair. “I love you so so much more than you can ever possibly imagine.” Hailey replied. 
“I’m a mess. I’m sorry.” You mumbled quietly.
“It’s okay to cry Y/n. I know being vulnerable is hard but sometimes we do have to let our guards down. And besides we are in this together alright? We will figure this out together. And I’ll always be by your side.” Hailey pulled away to look you into your eyes. You nodded and smiled at her. 
“Do you want to get some takeout and just spend some time together at my apartment? It’s okay if you don’t want to of course since I know you’re tired- Hailey didn’t even get to finish her sentence before you gently leaned in put your finger on her lips. Seeing her blush she pulled you in and kissed you softly. 
After a moment of shock you returned the kiss. You had been dreaming of this moment for ages. And that’s when Hailey realised she was so in love with you and she couldn’t even stand the thought of you being with someone else. Pulling away you looked at each other with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that for ages.” Hailey whispered, pulling you in for another kiss. 
“Me too. And I’d love to get some takeout and just spend some time together. But only if we can cuddle.” You said laughing a little. “Of course! But only if you agree for me to take you on a proper date.” Hailey joked. “So this whole takeout thing at your apartment isn’t a date Upton?” You asked, trying to keep a serious face so you wouldn’t burst out laughing. 
“It can be if you want it too.” She replied looking at your lips. Pulling her in for another kiss you smiled. “C’mon now let’s get you home.” Hailey said, helping you get up from the floor. 
After gathering all of your things the two of you walked out of the district hand in hand with big grins on your faces. Hailey wrapped her arm around your waist placing another kiss on your forehead. 
She knew you were both going to be alright. I mean after all you would figure it all out together.
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sevcasejay1chicago · 2 years
Can I get a Jay Halstead x reader where the reader was SA before she met Jay and Jay get in the mood and reader has a panic attack and finally calms down and tell Jay what happened to her
Undercover(s)- Jay Halstead
Mentions: Hailey Upton, Kim Burgess, Adam Reuzek, Kevin Atwater, O. A (FBI) and Maggie (FBI), Hank Voight
Warning ⚠️: mentions of rape, kidnapping, and panic attacks, PTSD (in a way).
You and Jay have been dating for a couple months now. You were the Special Agent in charge of the FBI task force that was assigned to help take down a known terrorist organization in Chicago. You knew you were in trouble when you first met Jay. The sight of him alone was enough to take your breath away, but the feelings only grew stronger the longer you both worked the task force together. Eight months later, the terrorist group that tried to destroy Chicago was taken down and you were finally approve for a permanent position as a detective with the Intelligence Unit in the CPD.
As a celebration of the end of the investigation and your transfer, all of the Intelligence Unit met at Molly’s. The patio had been pretty quiet until the group showed up, causing the other patrons to leave or go inside.
“So, what made you decide to leave the alphabet squad for Intelligence?” Adam asked, smiling goofily at you above his fifth beer in a little over an hour.
You softly rolled your eyes and leaned into Jay. “Kinda fell in love with the place.” You said, looking at Jay who was smiling down at you.
Hailey giggled. “More like fell in love with a certain detective.” Hailey teased before fake crying. “Yet it wasn’t me!”
Kim laughed and rubbed Hailey’s arm from across the table. “It’s alright Hails. She doesn’t love me either.” Kim fake comforted as everyone else laughed.
“Well, welcome to the family y/n/n (like specifically one Kevin would give). I promise these knuckle heads aren’t always like this.” Kevin said, clinking his beer with your glass.
“Thanks Kev. I really appreciate it.” You said, smiling sweetly at the giant teddy bear. “I’m honestly just glad Voight allowed this.”
“Welp. I think he fell in love with you too.” Jay said, causing everyone to laugh. “But I love you more.” Jay whispered into your ear.
“You’ve got him wrapped around your finger, that’s for sure.” Adam pointed out as everyone agreed.
“Wanna get out of here?” Jay whispered above the noise of your new found family.
“Absolutely.” You agreed, downing the rest of your drink as Jay finished off his second beer. “Well, that’s a wrap for us. I’m exhausted and I require this guy’s protection on my way home.” You joked, jabbing your thumb in Jay’s direction.
Hailey snorted, “Well, we all know you don’t need protection, but Jay does seem to keep trouble away from us and solely to him, so I guess that’s a good strategy.” Hailey joked, causing everyone else to burst out laughing.
“Ha ha. Very funny.” Jay deadpanned, helping you up and over the bench you, Jay, and Hailey were sharing.
“Good night everyone.” You said, waving as Jay led you out of the side gate and to his truck.
~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~
The ride home was full of sexual tension to say the least. You shamelessly flirted the whole way to Jay’s apartment. You were feeling overly confident on the high of finishing a case and finally getting told you can stay with the man you’ve fallen for.
Once inside, you spent no time in taking off your jacket and shoes, pulling Jay with you as soon as he had the door locked. You haphazardly took your gun and shield off of your belt buckle as you both stumbled into Jay’s room, setting them on the nearest surface as you fumbled with each other’s belts.
Crashing onto the bed, Jay hovered over you and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “Are you sure your ready? I know you said you wanted to wait, and I’m all for this, but are you sure?” Jay asked, searching your eyes as he panted in an attempt to control himself.
You smiled and nodded, “Yeah. I’m sure.” You said, smiling up at Jay.
Jay nodded and leaned down, kissing you softly on the lips before continuing to undress you. Jay was slow, leaving room for you to stop when you wanted to. Once he got your pants off, he stopped when your breath quickened as he touched your underwear. “Hey. You still good?” Jay asked, leaning slightly away to give you some room.
You panted and clenched your eyes shut. “Yeah. Y-yeah. Just go on.” You muttered, nodding as you slightly shook under Jay’s grasp.
This is not how this was suppose to go. You were ready and he loves you. You trust him with your whole being. You want this. You can do this.
Jay watched you try to catch your breath, not daring to move another inch. This wasn’t the breathing of someone who was sexually aroused. You were scared. “Hey sweetheart. Open your eyes.” Jay whispered. “I need you to look at me. I won’t move until you look at me.” Jay said, trying his best to sound soothing and not intimidating.
You nodded and opened your eyes. Tears leaked from the corners as you made eye contact with Jay. He was smiling sweetly at you, being patient and loving as he waited for you to come back around to him.
“Hey you.” Jay smiled. “I’m gonna sit up now. I’m going to take the covers and cover you up. Okay?” Jay asked, making sure you nodded before he did just that. “Good job babe. I want you to get comfortable. Do you want a shirt?” Jay asked, watching as you shook under his blankets. You nodded and allowed Jay to pull one of his shirts over your head.
Once you were clothed, you realized that the shaking wasn’t from you being cold. You were having a full blown panic attack. “J-Jay.” You whimpered, reaching for the one person that made you feel safe.
“Sh Sh Sh. I’m here. I’m right here.” Jay cooed, sitting beside you and wrapping you tightly in his arms. “Breathe for me. Squeeze as hard as you need to, okay?” Jay said, turning his face into your hair as you laid on his chest with your arms wrapped around his torso. “Follow my breathing. You’re okay. We are okay. You are always safe with me. It’s alright.” Jay soothed, running a soothing hand up and down your back.
You nodded, taking a few moments to get yourself together as Jay held onto you and you held back just as tightly. You sobbed for a few moments, wetting Jay’s bare chest, but he just wanted you to be okay. Once you finally calmed down some, you leaned back to look at Jay. ”There’s something I need to tell you.” You sniffed, rubbing your eyes with the backs of your hands.
Jay nodded, leaning over to grab a tissue. He slowly wiped the smeared makeup off of your face before leaning back again. “You know, you don’t have to tell me if you aren’t ready. I can wait.” Jay reminded, tucking your hair behind your ears again.
You nodded and smiled slightly, looking down as Jay let you fiddle with his hands. “I know. It’s just. I just think you deserve to know.” You said as an explanation. “I, um, I was raped while undercover a couple years back.” You whispered, tears forming in your eyes again. “The guy. He, uh, he was suppose to be my backup. But, he was dirty and I, uh, I didn’t know. I got too close. He and a few others. They- they kidnapped me and beat me before they, you know, just before they were gonna kill me.” You stopped and shook your head. “Luckily, O.A., he and Maggie found me and saved me.” You sniffed, letting go of Jay’s hands as he reached up to wipe your face.
“Hey.” Jay whispered, pulling your chin up to meet his eyes. “I’ll wait. When your ready, we can try again, but don’t feel pressured. Okay? I’m so sorry sweet girl.” Jay said, pulling your face into his neck.
You sobbed and gripped onto Jay. Other than Maggie and O.A., the only other person you told was a counselor. You knew this would come up eventually, but you were scared. You felt like damaged goods.
“Sh Sh Sh. It’s alright.” Jay whispered. “It wasn’t your fault. You are so strong and so brave. You are not damaged goods. You hear me?” Jay said, kissing the top of your head. When you giggled, Jay was a little shocked and very confused. “Have you officially lost it?” Jay joked.
You shook your head and sat up. “I swear you’re a mind reader Halstead. I always thought that assignment left me as damaged goods and here you are telling me I’m not.” You smiled, kissing him before connecting your foreheads. “Mind reader.” You whispered, smiling as Jay’s face broke into a wide grin.
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fangirlfrom-hell · 11 months
How Many Detectives Are Needed To Sleep A Baby? || Jay Halstead x reader!
Cute and fluffy Jay, wife and baby + babysitter detectives
*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly delated my blog 🫠
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Summary: Intelligence unit takes care of Jay's newborn baby while he and his wife are in court. Turns out it is the most difficult case they have worked on.
-"You can't go in there". Platt muttered in a scolding tone to Adam, who wanted to go into the coffee room.
-"Why not?" He asked strangely.
-"Shhhhhh". Kim gave him a punch on his arm. -"Keep it quiet, you're gonna wake her up".
-"Ok, alright". Ruzek kept his voice low. -"What the hell is going on, girls?"
-"Halstead's baby is sleeping in there. Don't you dare to interrupt her sweet dreams, bro". Kevin said from his desk.
-"Look at her. You can see her smile even from here". Hailey said, peeking through the window.
Trudy and Kim followed her.
-"She's so lucky she didn't get her father's mad face". The Sergeant enquired.
-"What do you think she's dreaming about? She looks so peaceful".
-"What's going on? Where's Jay? Where's her mom? What is she doing here all alone?" Adam was losing it, increasing his voice volume once more.
-"She's not alone. We're taking care of her!". Hailey frowned.
-"Adam, please". Voigh silently got out of his office and rushed towards him whispering. -"Would you keep it down? I can hear your voice even with my door closed. Let the baby rest, she's only weeks old and already has seen too much".
The detective opened his arms in a defeated gesture. He had just arrived and didn't understand anything.
-"Y/N is testifying right now, we couldn't avoid it. She and her colleagues published the investigation under their names, so...I couldn't stop it. Jay is by her side. The baby is here for protection".
-"She really is a hell of a journalist". Upton mentioned with admiration.
-"And a very brave woman. We owe her a lot in this case". Hank stated.
-"You know? You would have known about this if you had arrived in time to work". Burgess teases Adam.
-"Is there any news about the trial?" Platt wanted to know, worried about you.
-"Not yet, but Jay said he'll be in touch". The boss stated. -"You know these trials take time".
They weren't conscious about it, but the whole Intelligence squad looked hilarious talking with whispers and walking in tiptoes as they went back to their workplaces.
Time passed and the girl was still sleeping safe and sound, until Adam decided to stand up to stretch a bit and stumbled with some cables on the floor. Naturally, the clatter woke up the little baby.
-"It had to be you, right?" Kim mocked her husband as she helped him stand up.
Hailey and Kevin ran to the coffee room as if they were running a race. It was him who got there first and held the baby girl.
-"There, there. Uncle Kev is right here". He tried to reassure her. -"I had siblings and took care of them when they were babies. I can manage another one".
But after a few minutes, she was still uncontrollable.
-"Ok, it's my turn". Burgess got into the game and took the baby off his partner's arms. -"I'm the only mom here, the only one who has a real daughter. I know how to do it".
-"What are you talking about?" Trudy Platt laughed. -"Makayla was already a grown up when you adopted her!" And she grabbed the baby to accommodate her in her chest. But the crying did not stop.
-"Oh, no. What are they doing to you, sweetie?" Upton grabbed her and laid her in her arms. -"I am her godmother, she knows me better".
The baby Halstead slowed down her crying, but she was still restless.
-"Well, how many detectives do you need to sleep a baby, hum? You don't know anything". Hank Voight gasped. -"Give her to me, I'll show you all". But as soon as she was in the arms of the boss, her crying increased. -"Oh. I've lost touch!"
Jay and Y/N were already at the bullpen, waiting in the stairs. They got in time to witness the fluffy scene.
-"Hey, guys? She's not a rag doll, you know?" Jay said laughing at the scene and his friends turned around with surprise. -"She just needs her daddy's arms''. He took his daughter to stroke her and almost immediately she calmed down.
-"That's not fair". Platt crossed her arms.
-"We brought you coffee". You smiled, leaving the box you were carrying on one of the desks. -"There's not enough caffeine when you take care of a newborn. There's one for each of you, just as each of you like it. Look for your name in the tags".
-"Geez, thanks!" Adam said gladly and balanced the table. -"I was denied entrance to the coffee room the whole morning".
-"I'm sorry". You turned red.
-"Don't listen to him". A chorus of detectives said.
-"She's really calm, it was no problem". Kevin asserted and everyone else agreed.
You approached your husband and as soon as you were in your daughter's sight, the baby started to smile and giggle, throwing little kicks into the air.
-"What? Why are you laughing so much, baby?" You raised your hands and freed Jay's arms. -"Come with mommy, sweetie".
Everyone stared at the scene with tenderness, especially Kim, whose eyes started watering.
-"You wanna hold her?"
She just nodded and took the opportunity.
-"How was the trial? Are you alright?" Platt inquiered.
-"Yeah, I mean it was really scary, but I think it went fine". Y/N hands started to shake a little bit, but she was fast enough to hide them in her pockets. Nobody noticed, except for Jay.
-"She did a great job". He hugged you by the waist, trying to secretly ease you.
-"I have no doubt about it, she already showed us how much of a badass she is". Hank smirked.
-"I will just be more comfortable if you stay in here at least until the Jury deliberates, or as soon as I can go home with you. It's just a precaution, I'm not being paranoid or something".
-"Yes, I agree". Voight followed the idea.
-"Sure. Whatever you think is better".
The baby yawned and stretched herself so adorably, that she caught everyone's attention again.
-"I should put her down to sleep".
-"Alright. Take my seat, Y/N. We don't know how much we're staying here". Jay pointed out.
-"C'me on, Kim. Give the baby back to her mommy".
-"If you need help with the baby or you get bored of these people around, I'll be downstairs". The desk Sergeant winked at you and you smiled back at her back.
-"She won't be bored. She has me here". Hailey pulled a face.
-"I'll take provisions just in case the little one takes the coffee room again". Ruzek rushed to the kitchen.
Everyone else rolled their eyes in a funny way.
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sayafics · 1 year
Just For A Moment - Part 1
Jay Halstead x OC/reader
This is my first time trying to write something angsty, so please be kind! I've seen quite a few fics where the partner always gets seen when they see their SO cheating, and its always teary denials and breakups, I wanted to put a spin on it and go down the line of "she knows, but she doesn't tell anyone" and the OC kind of just thinks of them as broken up and strangers without telling their SO that.
My plan with this storyline is that everyone kind of sides with Jay because no one really knows why she's being so cold with him, and it just carries on building until it reaches the breaking point. The question is, who'll break first?
Please let me know if you enjoyed this!
TW: cheating, (slightly?) angsty
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Voight had extended an offer for Aurora Gallo to join his Intelligence department a few days after Erin had left, Erin's departure left a gaping hole in the team and Voight was hopeful that Aurora would be the one to mend it.
Aurora was the daughter of an old friend of Hank's. She'd spent a few short years working her way through different organisations such as the CIA and FBI as an undercover operative.
But she needed a break. She was slowly losing herself in the multiple lives she had lived, and she needed a change.
Aurora hadn't expected the offer from Voight, but she was grateful all the same.
She moved to Chicago shortly after his offer, joining the Intelligence office and being partnered with him.
Jay Halstead.
Jay was an enigma - one she couldn't get enough of.
She had heard the rumours, of course. Of how Jay had been in love with Erin before she left.
And she had been the one to replace Erin, in both the team, and now in Jay's life.
It was hard not to draw comparisons. The whispers of the department always found their way to her, and, sometimes, when she looked into Jay's eyes, she always thought she could see him longing for more.
But she told herself not to worry, that Jay cared for her, that Jay chose her.
Not Erin, and definitely not anyone else.
That's what she continued to tell herself. Even after Hailey joined the team, even after Hailey found ways to get close to Jay when she wasn't his partner.
Soon, the small habits that Jay carried out for Aurora, he would carry out for Hailey too.
Checking up on her after a tough case, bringing her coffee in the mornings, dropping her off home after a late day at work, and picking her up bright and early in the morning. All of it, once done just for Aurora, were now moments and memories she shared with Hailey.
And just like that, those actions lost their meaning. But Aurora learnt to hide her hurt, instead choosing to ignore her heart and listen to Jay.
They were just friends.
That was what Jay had said the first time she expressed her concerns over their relationship, and she believed it. That everything Jay did for Hailey was out of the goodness of his heart because he was just so good.
So, on the night of their six month anniversary, when Aurora had dolled herself up and grabbed the cake, she had spent the whole day baking, on her way out of her apartment, she had left with a heart full of love and excitement.
The team had the day off today, and she had spent most of her morning at Jay's house before drumming up an excuse to go back to her apartment so she could finish her preparations.
Aurora held no sadness in her heart at the idea Jay might have forgotten their six month anniversary, after all such a thing wasn't significant to everyone.
But it was special to her, and she wanted to celebrate it with Jay - surprise him even.
Before leaving his place, she had asked Jay if he had plans, and he denied saying his only plan was to drink beer and watch the game. The revelation had calmed her nerves as she promised to text him later if she was free, knowing that she wouldn't because she wanted to surprise him instead.
And that was why she now stood in front of Jay's apartment, a small box with the cake she had baked and decorated that afternoon laid by her feet as she rummaged for the spare key Jay had given her for emergencies.
This seemed like the biggest emergency of all. If she stayed outside any longer, the frosting on her cake would melt off. And no one likes melted frosting.
As she quietly opened the door, she prayed silently that Jay had fallen asleep on the couch as she bent over to pick up her cake before walking through the door. As she closed the door behind her, her heart had calmed at the silence that rang through the apartment, hopeful that Jay truly had fallen asleep so she could set up the kitchen table before waking him.
She had taken two steps towards the kitchen before her eyes landed on the couch, and through the dim lights of a table lamp, she could make out that it was empty. She frowned slightly, hoping Jay wasn't asleep in bed - he rarely slept well, and the idea of waking him from a deep sleep rather than a nap would have just made her feel guilty.
If he had, she would just have to surprise him in the morning, and the thought brought a timid smile onto her face.
She continued her walk towards the kitchen, her steps quiet but hurried as the skirt of her deep blue dress billows around her thighs. She sets the cake on the kitchen counter, hands ready to lift up the lid to see the damage her journey here had done to the cake before she heard it.
Aurora felt her heart sink, pressure building in her sternum as the sound she heard repeated over and over again, not only in her head but in the apartment.
It sounded like... a woman?
She felt her breath stutter, the quiet moans she heard building in volume as she slipped her heels off and treaded cautiously towards the room she knew to be Jay's. After all, she and Jay had been in there many times.
As she got closer towards the room, her hands trembled as she stumbled, her feet catching on clothes thrown astray. The sight caused her to hesitate, frozen in a stupor as she looked at the articles of clothing which littered the floor.
Shoes, trousers, shirts. Women's clothes.
Aurora screwed up her eyes harshly, her breaths coming out in ragged pants as she tried to control herself, trying to convince herself that she was wrong. That Jay couldn't do anything wrong. He cares about her. He loves her. He said so himself. Her Jay wouldn't do something like this.
She opened her eyes, determination painted her gaze as she continued her path to Jay's room. His door was cracked open, and she held her breath as she peaked through.
Aurora's heart fell to the ground - shattered and broken. She had hoped, and she had prayed that the grunts and pleas - sounds she was so familiar with - were just a trick her paranoia was playing on her.
But looking into Jay's room, there was no denying it.
There sat her boyfriend, on the bed they had made love in, fucking another woman. Jay was leaning against the headboard, his head thrown back in pleasure as his hand gripped the waist of the blonde woman perched on his lap, his knuckles blanched as he ground her hips against his, the motion causing a moan of pleasure to wrench itself from her throat, his name on her lips as she spoke - "fuck, Jay, I'm so close."
The blood had drained from Aurora's face, she knows that voice.
"I know, baby. I'm close, too. God, Hail you feel so good."
Tears began to well in Aurora's eyes. Jay calls her baby, and now he's called her too?
This wasn't some one night stand or some mistake. No, Jay cares about Hailey, so much so that he is willing to betray Aurora to have her.
Aurora's throat ached as she held back her sobs, her heart burning in agony as she stepped back quietly from the door. She made her way back to her things and hastily grabbed her box of cake and shoes as she scrambled away from Jay's apartment, running away from the her own nightmare.
She made it to her car, hands shaking as she shut herself in and sobs poured out from her.
Aurora had no one to go to. She didn't know the team as well as Jay, and she hadn't been around Chicago enough to make close friends. Her previous career and her lifestyle made it hard to make friends, much less keep them.
And now, when she needed someone the most, she had no one.
And she had lost the one person she thought she could always go to.
Aurora's eyes were filled with tears, and her heart filled with pain as she drove home. Her hands were shaky on the steering wheel, and she relied on muscle memory to bring her back to the place she felt the most safe in.
The place she had allowed Jay in, the place she was the most vulnerable in. And he ruined it. He ruined her.
Without warning, anger began to bubble in her chest. Anger towards herself for being so naive to believe Jay when he said they were just friends, anger towards Jay for lying to her, for betraying her, anger towards Hailey for being a friend to her only to betray her too.
The anger that built up in her on the drive home festered throughout the night. As Aurora lay in bed, struggling to quieten her mind enough to get some sleep, her eyes burning from all the tears she shed and her throat raw from her screams and cries, she felt her anger morph into dread.
Tomorrow, she would see the man that betrayed her, and the woman she called a friend.
On her nightstand, her phone continued to light up the ceiling as notifications popped up. But Halstead's texts went unanswered.
The next morning, Aurora had awoken from a restless sleep, and she instinctively reached for her phone, a ghost of a smile on her face as she looked for the sweet 'good morning' messages her Jay would send her every morning.
Hey baby, you okay? You didn't come back over yesterday.
Aurora felt her smile falter - the most recent text Halstead sent caused the memories of last night to flash past her eyes. The remembrance of his lies and his betrayal once more brings tears to her eyes as they fall, leaving hot trails in their tracks.
Her eyes then fall to a text from Voight - Case. Meet at 9.
It was currently 7:30am, which gave her plenty of time to pull herself together and push away the dread of having to see the two people she trusted most after their betrayal.
She pushed herself out of bed, shuffling towards the bathroom - dear God, she looked a mess. The makeup from last night still painted her face, but her mascara and eyeliner were now smudged and drawn down her cheeks in smeared streaks, and through the smudged-off makeup, the faint lines of the scars she hid could be seen.
And her eyes, they looked sad.
And that realisation made fury bite at her, she looked so pathetic.
God, it was her fault. To let him in so easily, after all she had been through and all she had learnt about men. She had still gone and trusted one with her heart.
Aurora had come across all kinds of men and stood against them undefeated - those who beat their wives and children, those who hurt and raped the innocent, those who killed without fear of consequences and those who tortured with hearts full of glee.
And yet, it was Jay Halstead who broke her. All because she let him in, let him get too close.
Determination set in her gaze once more. She wouldn't let Halstead be the end of her. No, she was stronger than that, better than that.
With that thought in mind, Aurora got ready to face the man she once called her boyfriend and the love of her life.
When Aurora stepped into the district, it was obvious to Sargent Platt that something was different.
She looked the same - her hair pinned up in the same sleek ponytail, dressed in the same long sleeve jumper and cargos. But her face was void of emotions, and her eyes looked like they were drowning in them.
Sargent Platt liked Aurora. She was a good kid, and despite all the years she spent around violence and horror in her years undercover, she had managed to keep a pure heart and a joyful soul.
It seemed now that both of those things had been drained out of her.
"Hey, kid. Come here a sec."
"Sorry, Sargent, got a case," Aurora nodded stiffly in Trudy's direction before walking up the steps to the intelligence office.
Aurora has called her boss, even Platt. When she tried to push her friendship with her, Aurora would even call her Trudy, sometimes, in a teasing manner. But she had never been so formal, so devoid of emotion.
Trudy felt worried for the girl, her mind running countless scenarios as she wondered what had made her lose her light in such a short amount of time.
When Aurora had made her way up the stairs, the office was already buzzing, her team talking and walking around in circles as they discussed the case on hand - a twelve year old boy had been kidnapped, this was the third case over the last ten days and the other victims had been found dead. Homicide had turned up empty in their investigation, and given how close the last case was to their district, Voight offered to take it off their hands, to which they gladly agreed.
She looked over her colleagues, scanning the room for the one person she was unsure of if she would want to see. But it seems his eyes found her first.
"Babe, there you are," Jay's voice sounded exasperated as he leapt up from his seat at his desk, and just like always, Hailey was hovering over his shoulder.
Usually, the action would cause her to feel slightly annoyed, the feeling being quelled when Jay would hold her hand or kiss her cheek or just say her name.
Now, the sight brought a burst of emotions, all of which she fought down and locked away to face at another time when she was alone and it was safe to be vulnerable.
Halstead made his way to her, his hands cupping her cheeks as he looked at her in concern, "baby, you didn't answer my texts, I was so worried."
Aurora shrugged lightly, her face still blank as she found she had no energy to even fake a smile to him, "I was tired."
No apology, no placation. Because he didn't deserve that.
It seemed that Jay had noticed her lack of reason and apology, too, the concern in his eyes growing as Aurora pushed his hands down gently - "we have a case to work."
She pushed past him and walked to her desk, ignoring the 'hey, Aurora' Hailey had thrown her way, grateful when Voight had chosen that exact moment to step out of his office and brief them.
Unbeknownst to her, Jay continued to eye her in worry. He had already been struggling to fight off the guilt he felt when he stepped out on Aurora and slept with Hailey, but to see her so drawn away and isolated only made that grow. Paranoia ate at his heart, but he knew there could be no way she caught them.
Voight had given them the basics of Aurora's past career as an undercover agent, and Jay knew that if she had caught him and Hailey, they would be working on their murder case right now instead.
What do we think? Do we want a part 2?👀
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Hey besties.
So thanks to an influx of new followers and from different fandoms and interesting requests I’ve been getting I figured it was needed to repost this.
Things I WILL NOT write for:
-Non con or even CNC
-Age gaps. (Realistic ones are fine. But i refuse to do 18 year old super genius yn who graduated Harvard already and 40+ year old character falls in love with them).
-Basically YN under the age of 30. I’m in my mid 30’s and most people in the industries that my fics involve would be in that age rage, or late 20’s at best if you’re looking under, go elsewhere.
-Underage yn’s. If you want a fic where yn is the chlld this is NOT the place.
-stories involving losing virginities. While i may write someones first experience with the the same sex, or a specific style, i do not write virgin characters
-pregnant y/n’s. It’s very rare I will accept requests involving pregnancy
-Male yn’s. Nothing against it but as a female, esp when it comes to smut I’m uncomfortable writing it.
-Same goes for medical conditions. There are certain that I am familiar with or are easier to research or I have close friends who can give insight to, otherwise i feel like I’m not doing it justice and also dont want to offend. Dm or send an ask if you have specific questions.
WHO I Write For:
(just because there is someone on my masterlist does not mean i still write for them. i only write this list.)
Law and Order(SVU/OC/ OG)
-Rita Calhoun, Casey Novak, Elizabeth Donnelly, Alex Cabot, Grace Muncy, Tonie Churlish, Melinda Warner, Pippa Cox, Sonya Paxton, Amanda Rollins, Peter Stone, Mike Dodds, Joe Velasco, Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Terry Bruno.
-Ayanna Bell, Samantha Maroun
-Calex, Barhoun, Calvak, Novelly, Benhoun.
Criminal Minds:
Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Alex Blake, Tara Lewis, Aaron Hotchner
House of Cards:
Heather Dunbar, Jackie Sharp
-Duckie (heather x jackie)
Elizabeth Keane
Grey’s Anatomy/Private Practice:
-Addison Montgomery, Amelia Shepherd, Charlotte King
Abigail Borin, Anthony Dinozzo
Chicago PD:
Hailey Upton, Kim Burgess, Erin Lindsay, Kevin Atwater
DM/Ask box for taglists!
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i-spaced-sorry · 2 years
Optimal Road Trip
Characters: Jay Halstead x Hailey Upton x Halstead!Sister Summary: Halstead!Sister gets math homework and decides it needs to become a reality. 
Square Filled: Road Trip for @resanoona  3K Fiesta Bingo (I hope this counts since it’s talking about planning a road trip)
Working overtime was standard when it came to tough cases, but the idea of getting to go home and have a rare day off for 3 days was always the best reward. However for Jay and Hailey, when they walked through their front door of their shared apartment, expecting to be able to fall into bed and pass out, instead they were greeted with a very hyper 17yr old Y/N. 
“Oh good! Your home! Guess what I got assigned to do for math homework!” exclaimed Y/N as she came barreling into the front hallway. 
“Well hello to you too Y/N” chuckled Jay while kicking off his shoes. 
You stopped bouncing and looked very serious, “Jayyyyy, guess.”
Sighing, Jay replied, “I don't know, you got assigned to go to bed?” He wasn’t in the mood for your hyperness at 6:30pm on a Friday, when he had been up and at the station or other crime scenes at 4am most days this week. 
Rolling your eyes, you replied, “In math this week we have been learning about graph theory! So our teacher Ms. Hunnicutt assigned us a project where we pick 5 cities, not including Chicago, and we have to find the most optimal route for a road trip! Isn’t that fun!”
Smiling to himself, Jay replied, “so much fun kiddo”
The couple and the youngest Halstead at this point had migrated to the couch in the living room. 
Once everyone was sat down comfortably, Y/N swiped her notebook from the coffee table and started opening it to a page, “My teacher was talking about how when she was in high school, she was assigned this project and her parents had actually taken her on the road trip she created, ya know to test out the theory.” she began. “So I was thinking maybe if you guys could get the time off, we could do that?” she added while finally flipping to the page she was looking for. 
Glancing at Hailey and glancing back at his sister, Jay sighed and spoke, “It depends on where you want to go. I’m not making any promises but I will hear you out on your city choices.”
And with that, Y/N smiled and began listing off her cities, “Okay, so we have Chicago - which doesn’t count - then we have New York City, any city in Puerto Rico - I need help in that realm of things - Portland Oregon, Appleton Wisconsin, and Houston Texas!” Once she listed off the cities, she looked up at her brother and sister in law and waited for them to say something…anything… but she was not prepared for what her brother did. 
Jay just started laughing. 
Furrowing her brows, Y/N asked, “What’s wrong with the cities I chose? New York would be so we could go see Aunt Erin. Puerto Rico would be so we can visit Uncle Antonio and Aunt Gabby, Portland was so we could see Uncle Casey, Houston was so we could see Uncle Rixton, and Appleton was so we could see Aunt Vanessa! I chose places I knew you guys would enjoy going to!” 
With Jay continuously laughing, Hailey spoke up, “Y/N, those are good options if you didn’t want to go on a real road trip, but we can’t go to most of those places in a real road trip”
“Why not?” whispered Y/N, clearly not as hyped as she was at the beginning of the conversation. 
Jay finally composed himself enough to side hug his sister and calmly respond, “Hailey is right kiddo. We a. Can’t possibly make it to Puerto Rico anytime soon. And both Uncle Rixton and Aunt Vanessa are deep undercover, so technically we can’t really even get in contact with them or even know where they are located at the moment.”
Your lip started to quiver as you began to tear the page out of your notebook, but before you got very far Jay stopped you. 
“But let’s all sit here together and come up with some cities we can visit. I liked your idea of visiting Aunt Erin and Uncle Casey.”
So for the next 45 minutes you, Jay, and Hailey all spitball cities and people you could visit in this fictional but real road trip.  
“So our final round of cities are as follows, 1. Chicago - which we said doesn’t count in the 5. 2. New York City - to see Aunt Erin, 3. Portland - to see  Uncle Casey, 4. Milwaukee - to visit the Halstead family cabin, 5. Wilmington - to visit the locations of my favorite show Dawson’s Creek, and 6. Malibu - to visit the location of Jay’s favorite show MASH” recited Y/N. 
Smiling, Hailey spoke, “I think those are some very nice cities and very feasible places we can visit. Jay and I will request PTO on Monday when we go in.”
Stretching his back and yawning, Jay adds, “Agreed, now if you don’t need us anymore. I think Hailey and I have a date with our pillows. Please don’t need us until at least 11 am tomorrow” and with that Hailey and Jay hugged Y/N and headed for their bedroom.
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wordsandupstead · 2 years
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I posted 245 times in 2022
That's 245 more posts than 2021!
55 posts created (22%)
190 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 91 of my posts in 2022
#jay halstead - 28 posts
#chicago pd - 23 posts
#unsteady - 21 posts
#jay halstead fanfic - 20 posts
#hailey upton - 18 posts
#upstead - 17 posts
#jay halstead fanfiction - 14 posts
#upstead fanfic - 12 posts
#jay halstead x reader - 8 posts
#jay halstead fic - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#reblogging because i'm 5k into a follow up to this and trying to talk myself out of scrapping it all and starting over
My Top Posts in 2022:
working late
Weight of the World - Jay HalsteadxReader 
A/n: starting this as a little mini series of blurbs. it’ll be all over the place, but i’ve always loved writing shorter freeform pieces. Y/n will remain the same as far as personality, occupation, family, etc. across the pieces but each imagine can be read as a stand alone. As always, i’d love to hear your thoughts or any feedback :) 
summary: Jay's subtle way of taking care of you and looking out for you when you're stressed and unexpectedly having to work late.
words: 1.4k
warnings: references of implied child abuse (very brief reference)
Your phone buzzes on the desk in front of you causing your attention to stray from the computer monitor to the phone screen just long enough to recognize your boyfriend’s name and a new text notification. Instead of checking the message, you force your attention back to the screen, trying to remember what was said in a phone call earlier today so you can make sure to document it correctly.
A few seconds later, your phone buzzes again, another text from Jay, and this time you grab your phone, dropping it into your purse tucked away below your desk. Glancing at the numbers in the bottom right corner of the computer screen, you realize it’s 5:57pm. Shit. You were supposed to leave work almost an hour ago. You’re supposed to be at the restaurant right now for a 6pm dinner reservation with Jay. 
Groaning softly, you cover your face with your hands briefly, trying to let some of the stress of the day leave your body. When that doesn’t work, you force yourself to take a deep breath. You’ve been looking forward to this dinner all week. This morning when you came into work, you were determined to leave on time. However, you were assigned a crisis shortly after 3:30pm, and everything from then until now has been a blur. 
Reaching down below your desk, you dig your phone from your purse and immediately click on Jay’s contact to call him, not bothering to read any messages first. “Hey babe.” Jay’s voice floats through the phone. His calm demeanor immediately contrasts against the way you’ve been feeling all afternoon. 
“Hi,” You sigh, his voice alone manages to relax you, even if just a tiny bit.
There is a pause, and you want to start apologizing because you know Jay is probably already at the restaurant, but he speaks up before you can, “What’s going on? Is it work?” 
“Yeah, I’m so sorry babe. A crisis came in.” You prop the phone between your ear and shoulder, and scroll though the document you’re in the middle of drafting. 
Between your job and Jay’s, you both understand that plans are usually tentative, no matter how much you wish that they could be dependable. Clocking out has never really meant clocking out for either of you, and it is something you’ve both had to accept, although it definitely wasn’t easy. 
“It’s okay, just take care of what you need to.” He responds without even a hint of irritation or disappointment, probably because he knows if you heard that in his voice it would only make you feel worse.  
“I’m sorry,” Despite Jay’s understanding reaction, you still feel bad. “Are you already there?” 
“Don’t worry about it.” His non answer is all the answer you need. 
“I’ll make it up to you. Next week, I promise!” But you both know that’s not exactly a promise you can keep. You never know if you’ll get another crisis or if intelligence will get a big case and you won’t see each other for a few days or sometimes even longer. 
“You don’t have to make it up to me. It’s no big deal.” He responds, “I’ll let you get back to work. Are you the last one?” 
You look around briefly. Alisha was the only one still in the office when you walked back in after returning from the crisis call, and you vaguely recall her calling out goodbye to you a while ago before leaving. “Yeah.” 
“Okay, I’ll talk to you soon.”
You bite your tongue to stop yourself from apologizing again. “Talk to you soon, bye.”
“Bye babe, try not to stress too much.” 
After hanging up the phone, you walk over to the break room and brew yourself a cup of coffee before returning to your desk and making your way through the mountain of paperwork while waiting for your phone to ring with your supervisor returning your call, so you can finish your documentation and finally go home to your boyfriend. 
A knock sounds on the front door to the office, startling you. Alisha must have locked the door behind her on her way out, so whoever is out there can’t get in.
“Y/n, it’s me.” A muffled voice calls from the other side of the door and you immediately sigh in relief, practically jogging over to open the door. 
When you pull open the door, you see your boyfriend standing with a white bag that you can only assume holds food in one hand and a drink cup in the other. 
“I brought food.” He holds the bag and cup up a bit higher and your heart fills with so much love for the man in front of you. Stepping across the doorway, you wrap your arms around him, reveling in the comfort his presence brings, not to mention how grateful you are that he brought you food. If he didn’t you probably wouldn’t eat until after you finished all your paperwork and finished making the necessary calls, which could easily be after 10pm. 
He holds you as best as he can with his hands full. 
See the full post
252 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
Jay HalsteadxReader 
summary: Y/n witnesses Jay in a life threatening situation for the first time and it affects her more than either of them expected. words: 4k warnings: canon typical mentions of violence, descriptions of anxiety and symptoms of ptsd.
“Get down, get down!” You recognize the voice before you see the person yelling. Instinctively, you listen, dropping straight to the ground and ducking behind a parked car. Your coffee that you had bought moments ago sloshes over the side of the cup at your sudden movements. Your heart is pounding loudly in your chest as you watch the scene unfold in front of you. Three men are running in different directions, each holding what appears to be a gun. You can hear the gunshots ring out, and people are screaming as they all frantically try to find cover. You remain crouched on the ground, but you peek cautiously around the car. You know who you’re looking for, even if it means you’re more in danger because you’re not completely tucked away. 
When your eyes find your boyfriend, you don’t feel relieved like you had hoped you would. Instead you feel more frantic and afraid because you can tell he’s mostly out in the open, pursuing the suspects. He doesn’t see you, and you intentionally don’t call out to him. He’s yelling at the guys to stop, shouting, “Chicago PD, stop!” while yelling at others to get out of the way, the same way his warning had told you to take cover without even knowing that it was you. 
Everything happens in just a few seconds. More gunshots ring out and you watch Jay as he ducks behind a parked car before calling for backup. You hope that this means he’ll be safe, but before you know it, he’s running back out into the open, continuing to pursue them on foot as they turn down an alley. You feel stunned as Jay disappears from sight. The adrenaline is still coursing through your body, but suddenly you feel sick with worry. 
Blue lights and loud sirens flood the area as cops and ambulances arrive on the scene. You can’t help but continue to stare at the corner of the building where you last saw Jay. You don’t know where he went or if he’s even safe. The fear and worry settles in your stomach, and as much as you want to make sure others are okay, you can’t move from your spot tucked between the rear tire of a parked car and the sidewalk. Pulling your phone from your pocket, you immediately text Jay, “Are you okay??” Is all your fingers can type. You click send and then stare at the message, just waiting for the three dots to indicate he’s typing a response. The dots don’t come. 
A police officer approaches you, snapping you out of your trance. “Miss, are you okay? Are you hurt?” 
Shaking your head frantically, you check your phone again, still no response from Jay. “I-I’m okay, I think, but my boyfriend. I–I don’t know if he’s okay.” 
“He was here with you? Was he hurt?”
“No – I mean – he was here, but not with me. He’s a cop. He was chasing the guy.”
“He’s intelligence?” The patrol cop asks, and you simply nod.
“Please, can you see if he’s okay?” You plead motioning toward the radio. 
He hesitates before speaking into his radio, asking for an update on the foot chase. There is no update immediately. “Sorry miss. They don’t usually update us unless they’re calling for backup.” 
You nod and thank him anyway before glancing down at your phone again. Still no response to the text. You know he’s working and he’s busy. Just because he hasn’t responded doesn’t mean he’s hurt. Even though you logically know all of this, you still click on Jay’s contact, calling him. You just need to hear his voice. You need to know he’s okay. The phone rings five times and then goes to voicemail. Although a part of you knows Jay is busy working and just because he’s not answering doesn’t mean he’s hurt, another part of you is becoming more and more frantic with every second that passes without hearing from him. The cop eventually wanders away after realizing that you’re fine and not hurt. Finally, after waiting a few more minutes, you can’t take it anymore and you call Voight, he answers on the fourth ring. 
“Voight, is Jay with you? Is he okay?”
“Jay’s not with me, he’s at a scene.” Voight’s voice gives no indication that anything is going on, but you know he has to know what just happened. 
“I know. I’m on fourth and central and I was here when they were shooting. I saw Jay running and they were shooting at him and he’s just gone now and he hasn’t answered his phone.” All the words tumble out of your mouth so quickly you’re not even sure Voight can understand what you were saying. 
“Y/n, slow down. I’ll have Jay call you. Just hold tight.” He responds, his voice still completely calm and you wonder how he can sound like that after everything that just happened and everything you just told him. 
“Okay, thank you.” You force out, barely managing to take a breath. 
About a minute later, your phone is ringing. This time, it is Jay. “Are you okay?” You ask instead of saying hello. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You can hear him breathing loudly, but that’s the only indication that anything just happened. “Are you okay? Voight said to call you, what’s wrong?” 
“I’m on fourth and central.” You whisper. Hearing Jay’s voice reassures you a little, but the image of him running and the guns pointed at him and then him running after them while they could turn and shoot him at any time continues to run through your mind. 
There’s a beat of silence as he processes your statement and takes in what that means. “I’ll be there in three minutes.” He responds. 
“Jay, are you okay?” You repeat your question, “I saw you running and they were shooting and –” 
“Y/n,” he cuts you off calmly. “I’m fine. We got one and the other two got away, but I’m not hurt. I’m fine, y/n. Are you okay?” 
“I just want to see you.” 
You can hear the sound of his truck door slamming, then he says, “I’m almost there. I’m just a block away.” 
See the full post
318 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
Worst Patient
Summary: Y/n doesn’t tell anyone she’s feeling sick and ends up fainting. Protective/worried boyfriend Jay. 
Word Count: 2k 
Warnings: mentions of blood, injury, fainting, medical/hospital setting
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What started out as just a headache this morning as you were leaving for work quickly turned into something more, but you have a big project due and can’t afford to go home or take a sick day, so you stick it out. At lunch time, just the thought of eating the meal you packed made your stomach turn, so you skipped it in favor of more coffee to keep yourself from falling asleep and attempt to keep your mind clear enough to focus on the work at hand. 
By the time you walk out of your office after six pm, you’re feeling hot and cold all at once. Your phone rings, a facetime from Jay, and you immediately answer. When his face fills the screen, you can tell even in the little corner box, that you don’t look so good.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” His voice comes through the phone and his face suddenly fills the whole screen as he holds his phone close to his face to get a better look at yours.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I’m just tired.” You brush off his concern with a little white lie. 
“Are you sure?” He questions, and you nod. Pain shoots through the back of your head at the movement, but you quickly force your face back into a neutral expression. If Jay notices something is off, he doesn’t bring it up. “I was just calling because we caught a case so I’m stuck at work. Are you still covering at Molly’s?”
“Shit, yeah, I forgot. I’m heading over there now.” You had completely forgotten that you promised Hermann you’d cover the bar tonight with Stella so he could attend his son’s award ceremony at school.
“Y/n, are you feeling okay?” Jay’s concerned voice cuts through your thoughts.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Work was just busy and I forgot about Molly’s.”
“Okay, I’ll talk to you later. I’ll try to stop by if I get out of here early enough.”
“Alright, I’ll see you later,” You tell him before ending the call and walking the rest of the distance to your car. You had thrown a change of clothes in your car this morning since you knew you were going to be working at Molly’s, so you drive straight there and find Stella behind the bar.
“Y/n! Thank god you’re here. I don’t know what is going on but it seems like everyone is here tonight, and I can barely keep up.” She calls out, seemingly flustered by the crowd and amount of work to be done. 
Stella wasn’t wrong. It seemed like you didn’t have a moment to catch your breath from the second you walked into the bar. You were constantly moving, despite feeling sicker and sicker by the minute, you couldn’t leave Stella alone behind the bar, so you just stuck it out.
When Jay finally walks in, you’re not even sure how late it is, but all you want is to fall asleep. He takes a seat and you place a glass of whiskey down on the bar in front of him. You can feel his eyes on you, as you turn to grab another glass for another customer.
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Jay jump out of his seat, and you don’t realize why even as you stumble on your feet.
“Y/n, y/n!” You can hear Jay’s voice, but when you open your eyes for a split second, the pain in your head is excruciating, and it feels like there’s ringing in your ears. You close your eyes tightly again. You just want the pain to stop. There’s more commotion around you, but you have no idea what is going on.
“Y/n, hey, can you look at me?” His voice is worried and forceful, cutting through the fog.
You force your eyes open to meet Jay’s green eyes. “Don’t move,” He warns, and only then you realize you’re surrounded by broken glass. Your right forearm stings and is dripping blood. There’s a towel on it, so you can’t see the damage, but you guess that you fell on the glass. You don’t even remember dropping the glass, but you don’t remember putting it down either.
Stella hands Jay a glass of water, and he holds the glass to your lips. “Slowly,” Jay warns, as you take a few sips.
You sit back, his arms still around you, “What happened?”
“You fainted. When was the last time you ate something?” You shrug because the truth is you don’t really remember.  Jay doesn’t stop moving, he’s checking your body, examining you for glass or wounds or injuries. When you don’t give an answer, Jay asks another question, “How long have you not been feeling well?”
“All day.” That’s one answer you know for sure.
Jay sighs and shakes his head, whether with disappointment or worry, you can’t tell, and you’re feeling too out of it to try to decipher his expression. Jay carefully places your injured arm over your stomach then wraps an arm under your legs, supporting your back with his other arm as he starts to stand.
“What are you doing?” You question, but the words come out in a mumble and your head falls against his chest as he starts walking toward the exit, calling something out to Stella about how he’s taking you to Med.
“I don’t want to go to Med.” Your eyes fall closed. When Jay doesn’t respond, you plead. “Can you just take me home, please?”
“Y/n,” Jay replies, keeping his voice soothing because he knows what he’s going to say will upset you, “You fainted and there’s glass in your arm.”
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337 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
Frantic Call
Jay HalsteadxReader
summary: Y/n’s bad day just keeps getting worse, and when she can’t take it anymore, she calls Jay, crying.  words: 1.5k
The sound of metal crashing against wood catches your attention and momentarily stuns you. As you turn your head to the passenger side of the car, you realize you weren’t watching that side as you backed up, and you smashed your mirror against the telephone pole outside of your house. Your heart immediately sinks to your belly. 
“I gotta go!” You shout at your phone, despite hearing your brother’s confused questions coming through your cars speaker via bluetooth. He had been practically yelling at you over something that had happened between him and your mom, which is not uncommon. As the middle child, you’ve always been the mediator, even though you’re all adults with separate lives now, things somehow still come back to you, as if they expect you to sort their problems out. 
Putting your car in park, you jump out and rush around to the other side. Your mirror is hanging from a cord, and the paint on the passenger side door is scraped. Part of the metal is caved in too. You force a deep breath into your lungs and try to remain composed despite wanting to burst into tears standing there on the street.
The argument your brother had with your mom left you feeling like things were already falling apart. His yelling was just enough distraction to make you forget to check over your shoulder while backing into your driveway. You always check over your shoulder, except today. 
You somehow manage to hold it together enough to park your car in the driveway properly. As you get out of your car, you glance at your work phone to see a new email from your boss.  
I need that incident report by tomorrow.
That’s all it says. Your workload had increased significantly a few weeks ago, and the constant stress of the day to day at work has been getting to you.  You’ve been making small mistakes that you’d never have made otherwise. There was an incident with a client that you don’t even want to think about, but your boss, as is his job, has no problem reminding you. 
After a moment, a text from your brother comes in. Call me back. And you sigh, standing there in a daze in the driveway, you can barely get yourself to move. 
Between work, your family drama, and now knowing you have to deal with getting your car fixed, you really just want to take a shower and crawl into bed,  but you can’t do that, because it’s 2pm on a Tuesday, and you have an online meeting in thirty minutes. 
Your fingers hover over the contact in your phone. He’s at work, and you don’t want to bother him, but he’s the only person you want to talk to. His voice is the only one you want to hear right now. You can feel yourself holding it together by a thread as you press on his contact and start walking into the house, leaving your poor car in the driveway. 
“Hello?” He answers.
“Do you have time to talk?” You question, unsure of whether he’s busy or not.
He probably senses the urgency in your tone, “Yeah, I have a couple minutes before I have to be in the interrogation room.” 
A part of you knows that since he said he has a couple minutes, this probably means he was supposed to be in the interrogation room five minutes ago, and he doesn’t actually have time. You almost say never mind and end the call, but you can’t keep your composure any longer, and you need to talk to him. 
“My brother got into a big fight with my mom and I was backing up and I hit a telephone pole, and I messed up at work and I’m scared that I’m going to get in trouble.” 
“Whoa, hold on, are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine, my car’s not.” You respond.
“Are you sure you’re okay? Was anyone hurt?” 
“No, no one was even on the street, it was just me, hitting a stupid pole because I didn’t look over my shoulder because I was distracted because my brother was yelling at me and I was rushing home from work to do the stupid incident report that I should have done by now. And I have a meeting at 2:30.” 
The tears start falling and then you’re fully sobbing. You’re standing in the kitchen, just sobbing as Jay tries to understand everything you just said. You can hear shuffling on the other end, but he doesn’t say anything right away, and you continue crying and mumbling something about your car. 
“I’m coming home.” You finally hear him say. 
“No, you have an interrogation!” You respond, knowing you’ll feel even worse if he just leaves work right now. “
“Y/n, you’re not hurt, right?” He questions, completely ignoring your reminder that he’s supposed to be working. 
“No,” You mumble behind the tears still falling. You force a deep breath and try to slow your sobs. “But I have that meeting. It’s at 2:30.” You repeat yourself. 
“Okay, are you inside?” 
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427 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Jay HalsteadxReader
summary: Y/n and Jay lost touch after high school, but run into each other years later. Y/n insists she doesn’t need help, but Jay’s detective instincts won’t let him let her go. 
words: almost 8k
warnings: unhealthy relationship dynamics, domestic violence, physical abuse, emotional manipulation, toxic relationships. 
a/n: i’ve been wrestling with this piece for weeks now, and i could go through and edit it probably two more times, but i’m going insane, and i want to post it so badly, so this is what you get. hope you enjoy, feedback is always appreciated! 
also this should go without saying, but please heed the warnings, there are some graphic descriptions of dv so please please do not read if this is a trigger for you. thank you. 
“Halstead, over here!” The voice is just loud enough that it cuts through the constant hum of the crowd and catches your attention. You know that name. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t still think about him, didn’t still wonder how he’s doing, or daydream about running into him since moving back to Chicago three months ago. 
Without realizing what you’re doing, you swivel around on the barstool, somewhat accidentally making eye contact with him in the process. The recognition crosses his face, mirroring the expression on your own. It’s really him, not his brother or another guy named Halstead. It’s him. 
“Y/n?” He says in disbelief, immediately changing his pathway and walking toward you instead of stopping at the table his friends were all crowded around. He approaches you silently, studying you, almost like he cannot believe it really is you in front of him, and you don’t blame him. 
“Jay,” You breathe. 
“You’re back in Chicago? How are you?” A genuine smile crosses his face as he stops in front of you, and you remember a day when you would give anything to be the reason for his smile. 
“I’m–uh- good.” Your eyes drift to behind him at the rowdy group of guys looking in your direction, and you know they are about to yell at him, to call him over, probably tease him for talking to you. “It looks like your friends are waiting for you.” You point out the obvious. 
“They can wait.” He responds, unfazed. “How long have you been back?” 
“My boyfriend and I moved back here a few months ago.” You force a smile onto your face, intentionally mentioning your boyfriend, knowing that is likely to end the conversation much faster. There’s something else you could say to end the conversation even faster, but you hold back. A part of you doesn’t want Jay to know your life now, to know what it’s become. Maybe he still sees you as the carefree teenager you once were, and maybe you’d like to keep it that way. 
“Oh, nice!” If Jay is shocked or disappointed, he show it. 
“Detective, get over here!” One of his friends, who already seems to have had more than just a few drinks, slurs in your general direction. 
“Detective? You’re police?” You can’t stop the surprise from coming through in your own voice. 
“A lot has changed, for both of us, I guess.” He says with a shrug and half smile. He taps his fingers on the bar in front of you, “It was good seeing you.” He says with a look of finality in his eyes. You have a boyfriend. He has to go celebrate with his friends. 
You nod, “You too.” And watch out of the corner of your eye as he makes his way to his friends. They shout as he enters the circle, slapping him on the shoulder and handing him a drink. The word detective keeps being thrown around in their group, and you deduce that he probably just got promoted, and they’re out celebrating.
“Who was that?” Sam asks, approaching you, while nodding in Jay’s direction. You silently curse, realizing he saw at least the tail end of that conversation, something you were hoping to avoid completely. 
“Just a guy I knew in high school.” You respond nonchalantly. Sam takes his spot on the stool next to you, resting one hand on your waist to show the entire bar you’re with him. He flags down the bartender with the other hand, never missing a beat. 
“You just knew him.” The intonation in his voice ensures this doesn’t come across as a casual question. 
“Yeah, nothing happened between us.” Not for lack of trying. You can’t help but think to yourself. 
It was just too much. Between his mom getting sick and dying and your far from perfect life at home with your mom and stepdad, there was no room for anything that would last. He left for the army the week he graduated high school, and that fall you were off to California for college. Things maybe could have been different for the two of you if real life hadn’t gotten in the way. 
“You’re lying.” Sam whispers, his voice so low and deep, it almost sounds like a growl. 
“I’m not lying. I swear nothing happened.” You turn meeting his eyes, silently begging him to believe you, to drop the subject. 
His hand tightens around your waist, and you have to stop yourself from visibly flinching.
“Sam, stop.” You whisper, scooting even closer to him, hoping for some relief under his grip.  
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532 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
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slytherbun · 3 years
💦 Ice play with sub Hailey
you shoved another cube inside her hole, having her wet folds spread as you watched it disappear as hailey whimpered and thrashed under you. you smirked and smacked her cold clit. "guess you should of listened earlier.
tears formed in the corner of her eyes as she felt the cold ice sizzle into freezing water, wanting to get up tilt her body to remove it but you kept her down by kneeling on her thighs.
hailey had to say the safe word, so you assumed she was ok as you picked up another cube and set it on top of her clit. freezing her poor nub before rubbing it between her folds. "i think one more should do the trick." you chuckled and then slipped it inside her cunt.
you grabbed the last cube from the cup and teased her nipples with it, watching as the aching nipples turned a darker red before pushing the cold block inside of her once again.
she shivered from the contact and felt relieved after having 5 shoved inside of her and you leaned down to kiss her lips, soothing her by rubbing her clit. "you were such a good girl." you spoke against her lips with a smile.
she wrapped her arms around you and rubbed her pussy against yours with a whine but you shook your head. "go to the bathroom first then maybe i'll finger you under the covers." you murmured, wanting her to be safe before giving her a kiss on the cheek and watching her walk to the bathroom.
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