#haladriel my beloved
lizzstarkiller · 2 years
Finally started watching the rings of power. I hate it that I know all the spoilers bc I see my friend’s blissful ignorance as she experiences everything for the first time meanwhile I’m screaming crying throwing up, suffering from a broken heart during the nicest scenes.
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buffyfan145 · 11 months
Ok, the Haladriel shipper in me wants to believe Sauron sent Aragorn that vision of Arwen dying in RotK, not to taunt him, but MOTIVATE him. The small part of goodness that remained in the All-Seeing Eye didn't want his only granddaughter to loose her chance of happiness with her beloved (like he lost his with Galadriel), and he also wanted Aragorn to be worthy of her. As proud as our Dark Lord is, there's no way he would have wanted Arwen with a mere ranger. If she's going to "bind herself" to a mortal, he better at least be the High King of Gondor and have a magical sword. Grandpa Sauron was like "Boy, show me you can do more than run around forests and talk to horses. My little princess deserves the best and you're not disgracing MY line" 🤣 🤣 🤣
I love this!!! :D This goes with so many things now I see differently re-reading the books and re-watching the movies.
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liminal-zone · 5 months
fanfic round up 2023
(2021, 2022)
Crave (LOTR | haladriel | tentacles and rings of power | rated E)
somewhere in the haze (LOTR | Celeborn/Sauron | mutual stockholm syndrome | rated M)
taking me with your song (The Little Mermaid (2023) | Ariel/Eric, Ariel/Ursula | tentacles and possession and mindfuckery | rated E)
can't escape the ghost of you (The 100 | clexa, clarke/the judge | being fucked by the divine wearing the face of your dead lover is better than therapy | rated M)
Eating fire (SPN | Claire Novak | the girl who was castiel grieves for her fathers | rated T)
Bound (SPN | megstiel | a demon and her angel | rated NR)
uncharted territory (Supergirl | supercorp | the dangers of being hated by a luthor | rated M) (technically, just chapter 4 counts for 2023)
nothing can go wrong when you're in love (Nimona (2023) | Nimona/Gloreth | when your boss’ boyfriend looks like your ex, ugh! | rated Gen)
through a father’s eyes (Narnia | King Lune | dads gotta dad | rated Gen)
atomic blonde (Narnia, LOTR | Susan/Eowyn | it’s not the first time a power beyond understanding ripped Susan away from her home to fight in another world’s war | rated M)
Beware how you give your heart (LOTR | haladriel | a fourth age haunting | rated M) (a wip!!)
a little touch in the night (LOTR | haladriel | a love letter in tiny bites | rated T)
+three yuletide offerings to be revealed in January!
MCU: the king and queen of Asgard wrt Valkyrie/Carol Danvers
MCU: the final conclusion of my winterbaron sugar daddy fic
LOTR: Doriath trash party wrt Melian/Galadriel
LOTR: “Sauron becomes a tree”
LOTR: dark Galadriel/Samwise and their garden of the world
LOTR: healing generational trauma with fourth age Arwen and her peepaw
The Matrix: Trinity and Smith as mirrors
Good Omens: Crowley haunted by his angel
Star Wars: A really scandalous dinluke sex pollen
Total number of completed works/fandoms written in: fifteen completed works in 2023 for a total of just over 32k words; six LOTR, two SPN, two Narnia, the rest sundry & various.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: ::taps the top of this car:: you can put so much monsterfucking in this bad boy, jfc.
PERSONAL FAVORITE: Getting unblocked by the most unlikeliest of sources and FINISHING MY SUPERCORP HATESEX. uncharted territory finished FIVE YEARS LATER. This has been a weight on my shoulders for years; I always knew it ended with a sadistic Lex Luthor torturing Kara (oop), but it was time passing and The Flash (2023) that got me where I needed to be to get that banged out. I’m really really pleased how that ended, and that I actually can finish a WIP.
MOST UNDERAPPRECIATED: Bound is really exceptional. It was part of my WIP amnesty week, and a revisitation and remix of a meg masters fic I wrote in 2013 after I had a terrible life-altering accident. My favorite 2023 additions are how she can only speak in the language of Sodom at the end. It’s not a GREAT fic, but I really love Meg and I love Meg & Castiel.
MOST POPULAR: Definitely Nimona (nothing can go wrong when you're in love) with 1,200+ kudos. Y’all, the teen/gen fic in younger fandoms hits hard. OOPS. re: my deeply funny stats for the little mermaid tentacles fic with over 3k hits and 86 kudos. AHAHHAHAH. welp.
STORY WITH THE SEXIEST MOMENT: OKAY, so this is sexy specific to me: in Crave, Galadriel taunts Sauron about how he has to fuck Ar-Pharazôn (a mini love letter to my beloved 5ummit!) and this, to me, is everything: “And you’ll never enjoy Ar-Pharazôn’s little prick again,” she says, drinking in the horror of his recent memories, a soured scheme. “Your play at feigned pleasure in service to a base creature will be ash in your mouth now. You will only think of the taste of my cunt with his cock shoved in your whore mouth.” The crass words burn on her lips but she can sense how he trembles, even in this form. “You’ll hunger for the taste of me. And when he’s dead, when you’ve sucked the miserable mortal life out of him, you’ll never take a lover again for the rest of your unnatural life,” she says. “You know where your dick should be sheathed. In me and no where else.”
MOST FUN STORY TO WRITE: Okay, I traveled for work a LOT this year and one night I was feeling down and angry about the world and asked on twitter that for every like, I’d write a soft haladriel headcanon and by the end of the night, i had the bulk of a little touch in the night and I was such a happy delighted lil soul. Such a highlight of the year.
HARDEST: A tie between Crave, which was writing on hard mode since I’m violently anti dominant Sauron (oop), and uncharted territory since I had been blocked for years.
BIGGEST SURPRISE: The delicious lush connection of Celeborn/Sauron in somewhere in the haze that STARTED AS A JOKE and now I’m full rarepair conspiracy theory into it.
DID YOU TAKE ANY RISKS IN WRITING THIS YEAR? Posting SPN in 2023, lol what was that. And neither of them explicitly destiel. Girl. Both tanked but I love those two fics.
MOST UNINTENTIONALLY TELLING STORY: Okay, one of my yuletides this year is really too close to something I’m working through in therapy. Oop.
FAVORITE LINES/SCENES: Okay literally everything in atomic blonde, that fic is nonstop bangers imho. I love this especially:
“Ah, there it is,” he replies. Stops, and turns to look into her eyes. To drink in her fury. “This isn’t your world, Daughter of Eve. Take your cursed horn and your beautiful face and take the little shieldmaiden too for all I care and leave Middle Earth to me. Grow old and find joy in women’s work.” He blinks, nonsense words emerging out of him: “In Christian Dior dresses and Chanel lipstick, in Italian leather handbags and silk nylons, in handsome British officers and those American boys who offer more than kisses, in the rumble of a Jaguar and the cries of healthy babies who do not fear war. Live and die on an island far, far away.” He blinks again. “I do not want you here.”
MY FAVE PART OF FANDOM IN 2023: Repeatedly saying “you hear me, baby? hold together” at the haladriel fandom like Han Solo does to the Millennium Falcon and we did! We made it another year!!! Let’s go, 2024!!!! (YOU HEAR ME, BABY. HOLD TOGETHER.)
2024 WRITING AMBITIONS: same as last year’s: Write more steadily and consistently. Get back into the drabble mode. Make time, take time, just do it. It doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, it just has to be creating something. The joy of creation is like nothing else. Chase that high.
2024 FICS ON THE IMMEDIATE HORIZON: Jan 1 - htp trash fic exchange Feb 3 - rffa exchange March - haladriel exchange!
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justatinycollector · 7 months
Thank you for the tag, @wyrd-syster!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Five! I'm a newbie.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
A humble 35,362.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've only uploaded for The Rings of Power. A very, very, VERY long time ago, I started one crossover work between two other fandoms.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1: "swimming in the shallows"
#2: "if you're gonna play the game, you've got to learn to play it right"
#3: "crimson headache, aching blush"
#4: "exit light, enter night"
#5: "we could just kiss, like real people do"
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Try as I might, I can't seem to stop replying to virtually every comment I receive. It's a problem. I just...get so flattered that I want to thank people for spending any second of time reading words I strung together.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angstiest? That's a tough call, considering the route my stories usually take. I'll say "exit light, enter night" because that one is by far the darkest.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I haven't written much with what you'd call a happy ending so far - my uploaded works tend to be on the darker side. But I'd say the happiest one would be "if you're gonna play the game, you've got to learn to play it right".
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've been fortunate enough to not receive any hateful comments on my work so far.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! Not well, but yes. I usually write it with some darker elements thrown in. My beloved @thecoziestbean has told me that my smut perpetually leaves her in the following state:
Tumblr media
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
My one and only (unfinished) crossover from LONG ago was a crossover. I am far too embarrassed to reveal what both fandoms were but...it was bad.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have not. I think the AUs I write are either so specific that it's hard to lift detail or so general that I can't claim the details within them.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No, but I have plans to co-write one with the lovely @bad-surprise.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh this is TOUGH. Not including Haladriel because it seems like a copout. I...really loved Dean/Lisa from Supernatural. Me and my doomed ships, I suppose.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
"crimson headache, aching blush" is one that I get so excited about but can't seem to nail down. The other one would be the musician AU that will most likely never see the light of day in full, though I have posted it in some promptfills on Twitter.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Sometimes, when I hone in on the right details, I can make those details come to life in a fairly compelling way. I also have been told that I can create an atmosphere of dread fairly well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
There are so many I could name. I cannot, for the life of me, keep a concept alive for more than one chapter, so I've confined myself to one-shots. I linger too much on the wrong details frequently. My paragraphs aren't long enough; I separate my dialogue and supporting sentences too much. I reuse phrases and details and motifs like my work is my recycling bin. My dialogue is...boring? I think my work is fairly bland. I could go on.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Speaking just for my own writing, I'm not fluent in any other languages and therefore don't feel comfortable writing in a language other than English. In other works, I very much enjoy seeing other languages represented. I just don't feel that I currently have the ability to use other languages well in my own work. I hope that changes soon!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Okay, OKAY. I'll reveal ONE of the above fandoms. It was the Jumper fandom (originally a novel written by Stephen Gould, adapted into a 2008 film starring Hayden Christensen). You won't catch me dead revealing the other one, though.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
It's a tie between "swimming in the shallows" and "exit light, enter night". "swimming" is my first fic, and by far my best. Nothing I write ever seems to top it. It sings in all the right spots and just...works. "exit light" is not loved widely, but it is loved deeply, especially by me. I am so proud of it, of the ways that the translation from the original video game to a Haladriel AU worked so well and of the few, small details I was able to add that make it mine.
tagging @alicuntisms @bad-surprise @thecoziestbean @formerlyir @mostlydriedmango @sawdustandstardust @pursuitseternal and anyone else who wants to play! Please, understand how much I love reading these from every single author.
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myfavouritelunatic · 1 year
The Blacksmith
The beginning of the end... what will become of our beloved throuple? Can the uprising be stopped?
I am so very proud of this chapter, and I truly hope you all enjoy it. Two more to go... *hides away to await your reactions*
Pairing: Halbrand/Sauron x Female Reader; Galadriel x Female Reader; light Haladriel/Saurondriel.
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: Light violence. Major Character Death. 😬
Links to Chapter One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, Thirty-Four, and Thirty-Five!
Chapter Thirty-Six
All heads turned to the she-elf. Her eyes held the same grief within them as your brothers had when they first entered. "I came to warn you-" "We know." Halbrand interrupted, wishing to save Galadriel the breath. "My brothers have just informed us of what our people seem to be plotting." you explained, trying to contain your joy at the sight of the woman you loved. She was here. She had returned to you. "Galadriel… do you stand with us?" She let the most subtle of smiles creep into her expression, nodding her head in assent. "Hope is not lost then, my love." you spoke, shifting your gaze to Halbrand, watching the fear begin to dissipate in his eyes.
"We must act now, if we wish to prevent your people from mutiny. The minds of men are easily persuaded. The three of us should be able to repair the damage before it is too late." Galadriel implored. "Though you may want to dress for the occasion, your majesty." she scoffed, though playfully, finding it hard not to enjoy the sight of Halbrand's bare chest, and the opportunity it afforded her to make a jab at him. Your love said nothing in response, only wandered over to slide on his burgundy tunic, the one from your wedding, before putting boots and belt on, and grabbing the final touch that is required of royalty: your crowns. Once your own boots were laced up, and you fetched your dagger, you stood upright to receive the diadem once more. The people needed to be reminded of who they dared to challenge.
The five of you then exited your home, rainwater splashing under your feet as you moved through the streets. The rain seemed to have driven the citizens of Pelargir indoors, for there was no one to be found at all roaming the city. The only movement came from you. Steeling yourself with each breath you took, you looked deep within for the strength to face what was to come. For winning over your people, especially those you knew and cared for, was not going to be easy. Another battle to be fought it seemed, though hopefully this one would occur without the need for violence.
Soon the great hall came into view, and yet still there was not a soul to be found. It was all beginning to feel rather odd. "Galadriel, do you know where everyone is?" you questioned her, unable to hide the nerves in your tone. "Yes. This way." she answered, shooting you a quick glance of her crystal blue eyes. You couldn't wait to get lost in them again. Lost in her. A handful of minutes later, you could see your fear in the distance. Stood in the town square ahead, covered in sparse beams of sunlight that had burst through the clouds, were the citizens of Pelargir. Every. Single. One. The crowd was too large for it to be anything less. Your breathing hitched in your throat and you clung tightly to Halbrand. Not only were you going to convince a few dozen people, you were going to convince all of them.
Upon approach, you noticed five familiar faces front and centre in the massive group: Bronwyn, Arondir, Theo, Olwenna, and Padrig. The five people you needed to win over the most. The five that would no doubt be the hardest to convince. You stopped only a few metres from them, not getting too close, the rage of the crowd feeling like the surface of the sun. You locked eyes with Olwenna in that moment, facing your fear head on. The kind and understanding woman you knew her to be was gone. Her face was one you almost did not recognise, for it was twisted in her mourning and her anger. The lady's beautiful auburn tresses billowed out behind her, the wind flicking them like the flame upon a candle. Her eyes were as red. You felt a tear fall fast down your cheek, but this show of emotion did not quell her, for her sympathy for you had fled.
Bronwyn began her argument against you by announcing your names to the masses, as if she was reading a decree from a parchment. Though she refused to call either of you king or queen. This, both you and Halbrand, did not like. "It seems we have been premature in our celebrations. Information has come to light that leaves us, the people, with no choice but to renounce you both as our royal leaders, and offer up a vote to either exile you… or execute you."
You could feel the fury rising within Halbrand, and you tugged on him reasurringly, trying to ground him, to keep him from losing this battle before he has a chance to defend himself. Sauron or no, it was rather difficult for him to loosen his pride. He took a deep breath before answering Bronwyn. "I should have you locked up for sedition, Lady Bronwyn. This is a most disppointing sight. How is it your loyalty could falter so easily?" "Because of me." Suddenly Halbrand was ripped away from you, the force of which caused you to stumble. Once you found your footing, you looked upward and across at a scene you did not believe.
Galadriel was holding your dagger to Halbrand's throat.
It appeared now that the she-elf had been the lure on the hook, not Bronwyn. They had known your brothers had been listening. "Galadriel… what are… what are you doing?" The question could barely pass your lips. The she-elf did not answer you, not even her piercing eyes contained the reasoning for what she was doing now. All you saw in them was conviction laced with sorrow. Bronwyn spoke on her behalf. "After I witnessed the cruel murder of that poor man at your hands, after I had seen to it that my only son would survive, I spoke with Galadriel. I knew she was conflicted about which side she should fall on. Should she remain true to her intentions and kill you both? Or should she lend you the chance to be our king and queen and save the Southlanders? I… I was regretfully adamant, and admitted my mistakes. I had been blinded by the love for my people that I did not see… the monsters on our doorstep.
"I told her about what I saw. She then told me about what she had seen. That helpless village… they could have united with us peacefully, we could have brought them to see the cause that you claim!" Bronwyn was letting her temper best her, and she paused a moment to regain her resolve, stepping towards Halbrand who was not struggling against the she-elf's grip. "Galadriel told me… the nefarious means by which you attained the title of our king…" Bronwyn spoke those words so low they were almost a whisper. "That you seek only power… and nothing will stop you from gaining it." "Bronwyn, please-" you tried to interject, but the lady would not have it.
"You are Sauron. You are allied with Morgoth. You brought the mountain down upon our home." her voice trembled as she spoke. "These are things we cannot forgive!" Crying out these words, the roar of the people behind her was deafening. The contrast was sharp between your arrival in Pelargir and the scene before you now. Your heart ached as you remembered how joyous the crowd had been as they had welcomed you, and celebrated the impending nuptials between the king and the queen. Yet now their cries were maddening, filled with ferocity, betrayal, and vengeance. From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows, in just a handful of days.
Perhaps you both deserved this reckoning. You had thought Garion striking you down would be your retribution, but it seems it was only the beginning, only leading to this moment. You moved your gaze from Bronwyn with her impassioned and angry face, to Galadriel, as you attempted to understand exactly why she had betrayed you. When only this morning you were naked with her, holding her in your arms, relishing in her touch and that of the warm water of the bath. You had been absolutely certain that she was allied with you once more, that her love for you, her love for Halbrand meant her allegiances were secured. Why would she give herself over to you both if she was going to take it all back, or never meant any of it in the first place? Or perhaps, this new development was something she had not intended. She had been gone all day after all, only returning to you when it was necessary for the uprising to take hold.
Galadriel's face broke the moment her eyes locked with yours. It had been an expression of steel, of her vengeance returning, matching the violence of her holding Halbrand at knife point. Though when your eyes connected, she found it rather difficult to keep herself together. Her lips trembled, and water began to pool around her blue irises. Was this regret she was wearing now? Did she not wish to be holding your dagger, holding your love's life in her hands? Perhaps this might be the way to get through to her, and through to them all, for if Galadriel topples, then the rest of the people would be sure to follow.
Casting your vision upon your husband now, he was oddly calm, acting almost as if this was a minor inconvenience to him that would soon be sorted out. This was the mask he wore, the veil he put up to show that he would not be affected by any attempts to thwart him or his rule. Because you knew underneath how he truly felt. He was fearful, disheartened, and most definitely filled with ire. Halbrand was giving a remarkable performance, lest he give into his emotions which would only lead to his darkness escaping. He had to do everything within his power to prevent that from happening. And so did you. For if either of you lost the battle within, then you would have no chance of winning the battle without.
"Release me, elf, so that I might explain myself." Halbrand requested, ready to fight with words. Galadriel did not budge, tightening her grip it seemed, and you swore you could see a small droplet of blood exit the throat of your love. "Do as he asks, Galadriel." spoke Arondir finally, wise enough to know he might be the only one with whom she would comply. Reluctantly of course, she loosened herself from him, but remained close, dagger at the ready. Halbrand stared into Bronwyn's eyes deeply as he spoke.
"The eruption of Orodruin was a plan that I conceived, yes. Hundreds of years ago. In that time, my desires have shifted greatly." He began to pace in front of the crowd slowly, casting his eyes upon all who dared to look at him. "The words I spoke to you all during yesterday's feast… I meant every single one. For in the freedom I have found since the defeat of Morgoth, I have only desired to make right the wrongs I committed. So when the opportunity presented itself to rule over these lands… I took it as a sign. As a chance to heal this world. And to not take it would be cruel.
"The fire from the mountain rained down upon you all not because of me, or my wife, your queen… but because of your enemy. My enemy. Adar and his orcs have now claimed the remade Southlands as their own home. They are the ones who have stolen your lands from you. Their undertaking was not my hope for you. Nor do I wish to see your lives taken by their swords. I fought with you, defended you, lead you to victory because it is what you deserve. And it is only the beginning of what we will achieve together if I remain your king."
Olwenna surged from where she stood, Padrig unable to hold her back. She walked briskly towards Halbrand, and struck him hard across the cheek. He flinched just the right amount, for you doubted her strength would be enough to truly take him aback. The king placating one of his subjects for her satisfaction, which he would hope, might lead to his satisfaction later on. "You murdered my husband!" she screamed at him, her whole body shaking as she did so. "How could you?!"
In this moment, without hesitation, the words passed your lips in an instant. "Because he was going to kill me!" You stepped forward then, standing now between your love and your friend. Defending him as he had defended you. Olwenna's face contorted with rage and confusion as your words hit her ears. "No… do not lie to me again, my friend." she spat venomously at you. "This is not possible." "Why else would we have to harm him?" you urged her as she seethed silently, shaking her head.
"Show her the proof, my love." Halbrand suggested calmly from at your back. The wound to your skull had not yet healed fully, and would now, it seems, be key evidence in this terrible trial. You gently removed your crown from atop your head, parting your hair to reveal the gash in your scalp caused by Garion's blunt attack. Your eyes darted between both Olwenna and Bronwyn as they studied the wound, their mouths agape. "An orc could have done that. Easily." argued Bronwyn, not wanting to admit she was wrong.
"What do my eyes tell you, Olwenna? You know me, you sense my spirit… am I lying to you now?" Tears were fighting against your will, and you held them back as long as you could so as to stare down the red-headed woman. You did not blink, and nor did she, and you watched as it dawned on her. Clasping her hands over her mouth, she tried to hold back sobs, but to no avail. Padrig rushed to her side, and she threw herself on the young man, her grief taking hold once more. With her eyes no longer on you, you let your own tears manifest, feeling them spill over and down to the ground.
Wiping them away with your plum coloured sleeves, you placed your diadem back on your head, before stepping beside Halbrand, locking your fingers tightly with his. Surveying the faces of your people now, you saw them becoming torn. It was working. They were doubting what Bronwyn and Galadriel had told them. They were starting to believe in their king and queen once more. You even looked to Azrahin and Târikun, taking in their hopeful expressions. Feeling her people being swayed, Bronwyn threw out her final attempt to depose and dispose of you and Halbrand. "Galadriel… you know the depths of Sauron's deceit, cunning, and devastation more than any here… I now give you the chance to do what you should have done days ago… claim your vengeance."
Bronwyn stepped back beside Arondir and Theo, giving Galadriel space enough to size you both up if she needed to. The she-elf entered your vision, her back to you as she spoke to the citizens of Pelargir, her lengthy blonde locks, still slightly damp, swaying lightly in the wind against the dark turquoise fabric she wore. "I see the doubt upon all of your faces. It is the same doubt that weighs heavy on me. The choice we need to make is a burden we should not have to bear, but we bear it not only for ourselves, but for our children, and their children, and their children. And we pray that they shall never have to be faced with a choice as imperative and difficult as this.
"When I arrived in your small city days ago, I had only one goal, one objective that I desperately desired to achieve. It was the force that swept me from my elven realm, drove me to the ends of Middle-earth over this age, a force that saw all with only one eye. But since that time when my blade was prevented from ending the life of Sauron, my other eye has opened and now together they both see a view all encompassing. The good and the evil. The light and the dark. Love… and hate." Galadriel turned to face you and Halbrand then, stepping slowly towards you both. "This is what I see in you." Her head slowly moved from Halbrand, to you, and back again. "And it is what I see in myself. You have both made your choice. Now it is time to make mine."
You could only look at her and nothing else. The entire world melted away. Galadriel cast her eyes upon you, smiling softly. A great calm washed over you, her presence soothing you, and you managed a smile back, letting a deep breath work its way through your body. Her love for you emanated outward from her heart, her very spirit, and you drank it in, letting it sustain you. You felt at peace. Finally. It was a magical sensation. Everything was going to be alright, you were sure of it now.
Though something changed very quickly. The air was invaded by an unshakable sense of dread. Galadriel blinked, and you watched tears trickle down her soft cheeks. Suddenly the smile struggled to stay on her face. The next words she spoke trembled as they passed her lips, as if they were forcing their way out of her. "I choose the light. It is my destiny. As it is yours." she paused, not wishing to finish her thoughts. Shifting her gaze to Halbrand, she raised a hand to his face and gently caressed it. A moment passed, though it was a moment that felt like an eternity. "And we must save this Middle-earth."
You saw what she was going to do before she had the chance to do it. A queen must protect her king. In the blink of an eye, you forced yourself between your two loves, just as your dagger in Galadriel's hand moved to strike. Your breath hitched and your body burned painfully as the weapon penetrated you. The she-elf's eyes went wide, as shock rippled through her. Despite the near unbearable ache you were now feeling, you were able to smile at her, and placing both your hands on her exquisite skin, you pulled her towards you in a kiss. Your lips clung to hers with all your might, trying to communicate all you could about how you felt in this moment. To reassure her this was okay. That you still loved her and could never hate her.
Now you knew how your victims felt with your blade buried deep inside your flesh. The justice their ghosts must feel at the notion of it. Releasing her from your tender touch, you cast your eyes downward to see the sight you knew was there. For you had already seen it. The same image your mother had shown you, Galadriel's hand on your bloody hilt, the blade hidden within you, blood gushing from your gut. The meaning of your mother's vision resonated in your mind, as it had now come to pass. The warning you did not heed.
Suddenly, Halbrand was screaming like you had never heard, the realisation of what had just occurred hitting him like a tidal wave. A mournful cry, filled with inhuman desperation that projected itself loudly for all to hear. Losing the ability to stand, you collapsed on the ground beneath your feet, Halbrand falling down with you, keeping your head from connecting with the damp pavement. He was cradling you, holding you tight, as if to tether you to this world, to assure you would never leave it. You looked up at him in his anguish, tears running fast down his face, landing on your cheeks. Galadriel fell to her knees before you, crouching at your feet, her expression almost one of complete catatonia. Azrahin and Târikun ran to your side, clasping your right arm and hand, their sobs entering the air. You were surrounded by your family, by the people you loved. Knowing this, your peaceful feeling returned, as each second that passed ticked towards your last.
"Someone do something!" called out Azrahin urgently. "Please!" Of all the hundreds of people in the town square that day, not one of them did a single thing to save you, accepting your fate. "Bronwyn! Please help her!" begged Târikun. You glanced down at your fatal wound, the daggers hilt protruding skyward, blood continuing to flow freely from you. Slowly turning your head to your brothers, you offered them solace. "There is nothing that can be done… the blood… its too much…" you spoke between coughs. Now you felt the metallic taste of it on your tongue. "It's okay."
"No… sister… we are not losing you…" cried Azrahin, trying to change your fate with his words. You could only cough in response, small dropets of blood landing on your lips. Halbrand stroked your face gently as he gazed down sorrowfully at you, his own sobs taking control. "My love.. why did you do that? Why did you do that?" he cried uselessly, as if the answer would put things right. "I didn't need saving…"
"Yes you did… it's all I wanted to do… save you…" you uttered softly with a smile, feeling yourself growing lightheaded… weaker. Halbrand managed a laugh somehow. "You saved me long ago, my love… it was supposed to be my job to save you." "And you… and you did." you coughed again and felt your blood trickle out from your mouth. Your love bit down on his bottom lip to prevent his sobs from controlling him once more. "This… this is not how it was meant to be… you're supposed to stay by my side… my queen… my wife… I'm not ready… I'm not ready to be without you."
Raising your left hand to cup his tear stained face, he closed his eyes in his sadness, attempting to savour the touch of you whilst he still could. Then you let it move down, and using the last of your strength, you held it firmly over his heart. "Such music as this will never end." you whispered with a faint smile, and Halbrand quickly returned it, before placing his lips upon yours in one last kiss.
Your eyes did not open again.
Tagging: @denzit @heronamedhawks @pursuitseternal @coraleethroughthelookingglass @hikarielizabethbloom @restless-tides @imjustsuperweird @vaguelyvibin @gil-galadhwen
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conundrumoftime · 5 months
2023 fic round-up
Total works: 26 plus two old fics I uploaded from 2004 and 2008, across 6 fandoms
Fics I started writing on the power of irresistible vibes hoping a cohesive plot would turn up and it did:
Banquets have burned for you - Haladriel, M, written for eastwynds for the Haladriel fic exchange. The second time I have leaned heavily on Aeschylus for fanfic (first was years ago for Battlestar Galactica which lends itself very well to Greek myth and tragedy, but it worked for Numenor too). I am slowly coming round to writing a sequel for this one next year some time.
Say it like the sunrise when it’s talking to the fog - Celeborn/Glorfindel, Silm-LOTR, written for @yletylyf for the Trick or Treat exchange. Saw the pairing on a pinch hit list and the vision struck me like some sort of revelation. This was so much fun to write!
Things I wrote this year that I would not have seen myself writing:
Longfic: Shadow-Bride, Haladriel, now at 30 chapters and nearly 170k words. I have always been a shorter fic person and haven’t done epics and I am so pleased this one’s still going fine. It’s helped to have the basic plot already planned while the space around that structure has let me develop it as it’s gone along. This fic is my beloved precious baby.
Mpreg: technically (because it’s a shapeshifting Sauron taking the form of Galadriel), in To hold all the promise of blue-velvet dark, TROP, Celeborn/Sauron. I am pleased with how much this one stayed ambiguous w/r/t whether Sauron was indeed doing this to get to Galadriel or whether he started off with that intent but just got more into it than he'd planned, one thing led to another, etc etc. I think probably the second one.
Favourite AO3 tag used this year:
'Sapir-Whorf hypothesis as a metaphor for the pain at the heart of your marriage' on Softest of Tongues, Silm-LOTR, Galadriel/Celeborn.
Things I couldn’t get enough of writing this year:
Noldor-Sindar drama. I just. It’s so compelling, and I think all? of the elf/elf pairings I’ve written use it as background somehow.
Celeborn/Sauron - like @liminal-zone I have gone fully off the deep end with this one. It’s been a speed run from “haha what if THIS crackship?” to “please be seated for the 57-slide Powerpoint presentation on how It All Makes Sense.” Started when I wrote a Twitter Haladriel promptfill where Sauron referred in passing to “your pretty Sindar prince” and, well, here we are.
Galadriel and Celeborn’s marriage: I have many thoughts about established relationships as fandom ships which are for another post, but, this one’s got a lot of intriguing hints in the canon plus Noldor-Sindar drama plus more ways to write about Galadriel so I am very into it now.
Trying to fit Celeborn into Rings of Power canon, which led to the whole series offics with half-Maia Celebrían being raised by a Celeborn who knows that and is a good dad to her while working through some things himself.
Individual bits I was really pleased with:
Description of Annatar, the only time I’ve written him: [Celeborn] thinks of tiny, whirring cogs, all turning in perfect precision; of fine metal filigrees making up each fibre of Annatar’s hair, of his skin as some kind of silk stapled into place at the seams. Rarer gifts than gold, Celeborn/Sauron, Silm.
Maedhros in my Third Kinslaying Elwing/Maedhros fic knowing how to do a double hip carry for baby twins: It would make every nightingale sing, Silmarillion.
Modern-day Sauron in Blood Sugar (Haladriel) having a print of Caravaggio’s ‘David with the head of Goliath’ on his wall - the painting in which Caravaggio, in exile and facing a death sentence for murder, painted the severed head with his own face as a gift to the cardinal who could grant him a pardon.
Sauron in Tar-Mairon of the Shire (TROP fluff) as the Lord of Gifts giving away presents on his birthday, Hobbit-style.
Strangest anon hate comment:
Among all the “ugh kys freak” comments which do get a bit repetitive after a while, the one that accused me of ‘pretending to be a multishipper’ stands out. Wut.
Fandom resolutions for 2024:
I’m staying away from goals around fic completion or targets because that doesn’t work for me. Instead, I’m making more of a conscious effort to write and enjoy the things I like the way I like them. This is a pretty basic fandom tenet and I shouldn’t need reminding, really, but sometimes in polarised, fighty corners of fandoms or places where there’s a lot of fanon it can feel like anything outside fandom norms will come across as starting discourse, and there’s nothing more stifling to writing and generally having fun in fandom than wondering “what’s it going to sound like I’m saying here?” all the time.
The other fics:
The Stars My Destination, Babylon 5. Bester thinks about the nature of death.
Life After Death, Alias - wrote this in 2008. found it in my old LJ archives and uploaded it this year.
When all the leaves are gold, Silmarillion, Galadriel/Celeborn. Everything is fine in Doriath. Everyone is happy in Doriath. No you can't leave.
All that Glitters, TROP sequel to that - where Celeborn has been for the past several centuries.
Civil Twilight, TROP, Haladriel and Galadriel/Celeborn, continuity fits with the previous two fics, I love this one and am so pleased with how well it worked.
Changeling, Silmarillion, Fourth-age Maglor. Wrote most of this in 2004 (it's old enough to vote!) and never finished or posted it because the Tolkien fandom used to be terrifying to me; finished and uploaded this year.
A green thought in a green shade, TROP Galadriel/Celeborn, another 'where has Celeborn been?' angle.
Made of sterner stuff, TROP, Disa, motherhood, ambition, dwarf culture.
So Wide a Sea, TROP Haladriel and Galadriel/Celeborn. Wrote this near the beginning of the year and then said afterwards that it was kind of fun to write Celeborn but I probably wouldn't be doing it again. [comedy trombone noise]
All the kinds of alive you can be, TROP, and it's Celeborn/Sauron but Sauron in the guise of Galadriel so - pairings are messy. I was playing around with doing a longer 'what if Sauron took the form of Celeborn' thing which I'd done a bit in Shadow-Bride and then thought "wait..."
I have loved flowers that fade, TROP, Haladriel, went in a bit heavy on the Athrabeth.
Suo Gân and Arda Sahta, TROP, baby half-Maia Celebrían being raised by Galadriel and Celeborn. I got so yelled at for writing these and at one point I had multiple anon hate comments on AO3 and people self-righteously condemning Those Haladriels on Twitter, which given it's G-rated fic about a baby which was all correctly tagged and not compulsory reading was I feel a bit of an overreaction.
As little might be thought, a followup to those with Celeborn talking to Elrond about fatherhood.
Weighed against our future, TROP. Haladriel 'missing scene on the road to Eregion' fic.
The turn of the tide, TROP, 4th-age Haladriel angst.
Though I sang in my chains like the sea, TROP, Haladriel, gapfiller for ep2 and their time on the raft.
And white winter, on its knees, TROP, little Haladriel 'what if she accepted the raft proposal' fic.
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lisenberry · 18 days
Hi just wondering, do you have a masterlist or a rules post?
Actually, I was just thinking of doing some housekeeping. I haven't done one yet, but to be honest, no one really paid much attention to me until recently.
So, yes, I think it's time!
For now, I'm Lizzah!
My only rules are MDNI and keep things fun. I also try to be inclusive wherever I can.
I love reading darker fics/dead dove, but I don't write too many of my own. There are so many others out there that do it so much better than me, and I always feel a little silly. If there's something you are looking for, don't be afraid to put it in the ask and I'll give it a shot! Otherwise, I'll most likely defer to fully alive (but horny with a slight tummy ache) doves.
I only write for COD and Rings of Power/Haladriel, but I might be branching out to a few other things in the future. (Vikings: Valhalla, my beloved)
As far as a masterlist, the AO3 in my bio is the best place until I can get my shit together and start linking better on here. I have a few WIPs that I'd love to make more accessible.
Your request made me so happy, and validated my thoughts on becoming official. Thank you! 💕
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the-heartlines · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks for tagging me @madsmilfelsen! ♥️
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 82...83..including the one i have on anon shhh ;)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 208, 351 words which is crazyyy
3. What fandoms do you write for? house of the dragon primarily because i'm OBSESSED. (thank you rhaegon) i have a eversnow oneshot from the hunger games, a snow/reader one from abosbas, a uncle/niece reylo one from star wars, a darklina daddaughter one from shadow and bone, a demon/witch haladriel one from the rings of power, a hellcheer one from stranger things, a momson soulbates one from bates motel.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 
Tumblr media
5. Do you respond to comments? 90% of the time, within a few days, unless someone is just like "update now!" or something not even saying they liked the fic lol. and honestly sometimes i read the comment and forget to reply lolol.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? ...oh god my very dead dove helaena/blood & cheese fic titled anything..."daemon targaryen sends his regards." indeed he did...
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? my modern rhaegon fic: one love, two mouths...i wrote that fic during a super difficult time in my life last summer and oof anytime i went back to that fic and wrote it for the weeks i did i poured everything angsty and all my feels into it and it turned out so so fucking good!
8. Do you get hate on fics? yes lmaooo...and sometimes i just get plain dumb comments that make no sense ??? like why'd you even continue reading??? i will never understand that!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? stealing mads answer of "hell yeah, fuck yeah" because HELL TO THE YES. i feel like i write super explicit, visceral smut with FEELING, whether that be possessiveness, anger, jealousy, love, LUST. it's all very encompassing and passionate...
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
if my helaemond twins inspired by reylo force bond counts this YES i have!
i need to expand upon that and write something longer!
11. free space / no question here, send me an ask with one instead please :)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? YES one love, two mouths was
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? not yet...but one day...a beloved bestie and i want to and have talked about it before! ;)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? my fave ships are a tie between rhaegon and helaemond and they are my fave fave fave to write! especially when they're fucking each other lol
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i will not tolerate this kind of negativity LOL but rn i feel like i won't ever finish my heldaemond sequel to peaked with crimson or my rhaegon oneshot inspired by the rape me scene in succession
16. What are your writing strengths? incest smut lol no but i think i add a power punch of emotions to even the most smuttiest fics. also my symbolisms & alliterations are awesome ;)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i think some of my fics can seem similar but idk it's hard when it's INCEST and a brother wants to breed his sister =/ also i'll go back and read a fic of mine after a time and see quite a few grammatical errors or something DUMB...sooo...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i used high valyrian in one fic and meh...i honestly forget about it ngl
19. First fandom you wrote for? house of the dragon
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? my rhaegon fics: poisonous veins & suffocator are tied for my top two favorite fics. also dragon sear; seared by sunlight is my most poetic and fave helaemond fic i've written
tagging: @unusual-raccoon @barbiedragon @humanpurposes
@stxrks @arcielee
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nocaptainonthisship · 7 months
twenty questions for fic writers
thanks for the tag @wyrd-syster and @bad-surprise!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
9, as of this moment, but 10 by the end of the week.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Just over 85k which feels both low and absurdly high.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Actively, Rings of Power, though I've also got a Captain Swan one-shot, and dabbled briefly with Reylo.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(Artanis) -- my beloved. In which Halbrand is an international superstar, and Galadriel is the girl who broke his heart.
To Make A Queen -- the beginning of it all. I wanted to write a one-shot to remove the haladriel brain rot. It became a two-shot. 11 months later, we're here.
it will come back -- my longest complete work to date. I am immeasurably fond of it, and desire never to read another word of it again.
once, i belonged to you(and twice i was free) -- the rapunzel inspired dead-dove. in which galadriel is a princess locked in a tower, and halbrand is her jailor.
A Kingdom They Became -- what started as my own personal breakdown about my chronic pain became possibly the work I am proudest of to date. I am still overwhelmed by the response to this fic.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Eh. I certainly try to. However, my brain does a thing, you see, where 24 hours after I post something to ao3, the door is closed and my brain considers that fic officially DONE. After that point, responding to comments is a much steeper uphill battle. That being said- I do read and savor every single one of them.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hands down, its It Will Come Back. I had *intended* to write a happy ending, but the closer I got to the end, the more I realized that a happy ending would not have been satisfying. I'm incredibly proud of the ending I wrote, but it definitely hits the angst pretty hard.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Dangerous Creatures -- silly little aussie farm-life fluff. (But its haladriel, so Gal still kills something.)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. I have- up to this point, anyway- been incredibly lucky.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but what kind?? Still figuring that one out, so for now I'll say, "Whatever kind I can manage on any given day."
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't. I might in the future, but I do have a hard time taking crossovers seriously as a reader- I imagine that feeling would be far worse as a writer.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, thank god.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but maybe one day!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Cowritten- no. I am a beta on a fic (this is not a come-on* in any way shape or form by the lovely @ophidion) which is a process I've more than once compared to being a midwife helping someone bring new life into the world.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
All time fave seems like a great way to get me to change my mind tomorrow(no, I'm not commitment-phobic, you are!) so I'll just say I like pretty, bitey girls and bad men who want to change but don't know how. In any permutation.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Everything that is out there currently, I am confident I will finish. The things I've thus far kept to myself? Only time will tell.
16. What are your writing strengths?
This question feels like a personal attack. Yikes. I think- I hope- the way I write sweeps you up like a raging river, uses rhythm and verbiage to transport the reader entirely into a different world. I'm good at the mechanics behind making you *feel* something, of manipulating an emotion to transport you inside what a character is feeling.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Speed. They say you shouldn't care about your first draft, because you can always fix it later. Well, jokes on them, I NEVER fix it later, so I damn well better do a decent job on my first pass. This makes me slow, and makes the thesaurus app on my phone one of my top used.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I do not do this, other than perhaps a words here or there(and that word is almost always going to be a pet name I make no apologies.) I think it has it's time and place, but it can also pull you out of the story entirely.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Lost (Skate Lives, bby!) beginning wayyy back in the summer of 2005. I was 12, so I thank the gods every days that lost-forum is dead and I never cross posted to ffn. (I also wrote for twilight back in the day, but we don't talk about that.)
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
The A Kingdom, An Empire, A Home series has, I think, my most beautiful writing to date, and despite being incredibly difficult to write(or perhaps because of it) it is also the most satisfying. It is a complex exploration of pain, redemption, and the complicated feelings towards parenthood. If I traveled back in time to just a year ago and showed past!cap that prose, I don't know that she would believe herself capable of it. Turns out she is wrong, and there is only better to come.
tagging: @alicuntismswrites, @lisenberry, @pursuitseternal, @hazelmaines, @mostlydriedmango, @maironite
(I do not know who has already done this, sorry!)
(Also, if you've tagged me in one of these games at any point in the last couple months and I've ignored: I'm sorry, don't hate me. My brain has been a mess, and these sometimes seem intensely overwhelming.)
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sidprescot · 3 months
i was tagged by @dadralt my most beloved, thank you bestie 💖
last song: ghuleh / zombie queen - ghost
currently watching: nosleep vids on yt (lighthouse horror)
three ships: yenralt (the witcher), fitzier (the terror), haladriel (trop)
favorite color: orange 🍊
first ship: my first 'real' ship where i was active in the fandom was zutara (atla) but i was a sam/frodo truther before that... hobbit love 🍃
currently consuming: birthday cake flavored ice cream
relationship status: single and not bothered tbh 😂
last movie: resident evil: welcome to raccoon city on discord with melissa and it was so fucking bad 💀 and before that t.i.m in the gc and it was equally terrible lmaooo what's next lads (baghead???!!!!)
currently working on: absolutely nothing babes 🙃 rotting decaying molding like an old loaf of bread etc etc
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beyonddarkness · 1 year
⚡ Rings of Power Meta Masterpost 💍
Hi, I’m Melanie, a random person from Idaho who happens to be obsessed with Payne and McKay’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. In this blog [Beyond Darkness] I will attempt to peel back the layers of the show, dissecting scenes, characters, Bear McCreary’s incredible score, and the great volumes of text that inspired the writers, penned by Tolkien himself.
Here is an ongoing list of everything I have posted so far on the blog.
“It is difficult to say anything without saying too much: the attempt to say a few words opens a floodgate of excitement […] I shall inflict some of this on you; but I will append a mere résumé of its contents: which is (may be) all that you want or will have use or time for.” -J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion: From a Letter by J.R.R. Tolkien to Milton Waldman, 1951
BONUS (from Tumblr)
Sauron's Conditional Use of Names
Invisible Hand: in which the Boat scene parallels the final Raft scene
Always Watching Pt. 1 & Pt. 2: Sauron's-eye-view
A Shadow of the Past: in which the prologue parallels Sauron's threat
Foe vs. Enemy: Morgoth is the Foe, Sauron is the Enemy
Sauron Unchained: in which we learn of THAT first sunrise
Prince of Cats: Tevildo's characteristics in the Rings of Power
A Solace and A Burden: the origin of the DAGGER in the Silm
In the Darkness, Bind Them: to the power of Morgoth
My Thoughts on Haladriel/Saurondriel
More on Sauron and Love/Sincerity
Means of Mastery: Sauron's Influence in Off-screen Meetings
Disa's and Bronwyn's Character Arcs
Bronwyn Continued
A Bit About Theo and Arondir
What's the Deal with Gil-galad?
Gil-galad and Celebrimbor at Odds
Sauron Rebuilt: in which we see how exactly Sauron rebuilt his power
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petrichorblue94 · 1 year
Trying to reach 800 followers before NYE.
Follow me if you want more posts/reblogs about:
Wednesday in general
Saurondriel/ Haladriel
Daniel x Maura
Tarot/astrology/witchy stuff
The Sandman
Morpheus my beloved
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thedreadpotato · 2 years
10 fandoms / 10 characters / 10 ships / 10 tags
Fun way for new peeps to get to know me! Thanks @kokiricait for the tag 💜 changed up the game a lil, cus I can. I’m not active in all these fandoms, but let’s give it a go (not necessarily my all time top ten, but they’re on my mind right now, so we ye-haw onwards)
1. The Sandman - Johanna Constantine (Morphanna)
2. Dragon Age - Solas (Solavellan)
3. Doctor Who - Clara Oswald (doctorclara)
4. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power - Catra (catradora)
5. Arcane - Vi (caitvi)
6. The Hunger Games - Peeta Mellark (everlark)
7. Mass Effect - Liara T’Soni (f!shiara)
8. His Dark Materials - Lyra Belacqua (lyraxwill)
9. Bioshock Infinite - Elizabeth (none 🫢)
10. Rings of Power - Galadriel (haladriel)
whelp I need therapy. One non-canon/rarepair ship, 3 that end sad, & 3 that may still break my heart (pending)… Everlark and Catradora, my beloveds pls my sanity rests on you two (and for good reason, absolutely GOD TIER reconciliation/hurt-comfort/grow back together after EVERYTHING — IT IS FUCKING POSSIBLE TO WRITE THIS AND WRITE IT WELL AND HAVE IT BE SO MOVING AND MEANINGFUL. Yeah, I’m really fine it’s fine)
Tagging: @dreadhorsegirl @colemansdimple @featherymage @twelveclaras @lark-of-mirkwood @darkforgenarratives @s0lass @mxanigel @elementalteaparty @exohlexa (sorry if you’ve been tagged before)
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