#haleighs personal life
growingingreenwood · 8 days
I promised myself that I wouldn't post any new Effects Of War chapters until I had three new chapters finished to try and prevent another long ass hiatus
But now that I'm done 1.7 chapters........ I wanna post a new one so bad
I'm just sitting here like
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redphlox · 2 months
No matter how bnha ends, I'm grateful that I became invested because it brought me joy, and it gifted me the euphoric experience of getting to know one of my favorite characters ever: Touya Todoroki, Dabi. I will always love him, and he will always have a special place in my heart. Nothing can change that or take that away from me. Shouto, too. The soba brothers are eternal to me.
It's so typical of me to be drawn to the mysterious, cold, brooding characters, haha. Shouto and Dabi immediately captured my attention when I first watched/read bnha with @fox-conscious. I took a break from following the series for a few years until November 2020, when I casually logged into Tumblr after months of not checking and saw chapter 290 Dabi's Dance leaks. It must have been fate. Suddenly, I was fully immersed in the manga again, excited that the obvious familial connection between my two favorites was officially confirmed. This reveal reignited my excitement and gave me something to focus on and look forward to during a challenging first semester in grad school, when I was on the cusp of realizing I needed professional help for my eating disorder.
To deal with the stress and have fun, I turned to reading and writing meta, and trying to make friends to share the experience with. That's the most important thing that has come from following this series... I've met so many incredible people who mean a lot to me:
@haleigh-sloth has become a really dear and close friend of mine. We met because of this manga and bonded over crepes, breakfast foods, pasta or ramen dinners, shopping at the mall, swimming in the river, walking her dogs, sleepovers, traveling, and road trips because of our shared love of the characters and story. We are basically the same person and constantly say the same things at the same time. Through the ups and downs of school, work, moving, and even now, we've always had each other's backs and shared countless moments of laughter and ugly cackling because we can't take shit seriously, ever. She's one of my best friends for life and I can't imagine NOT having her around!
@todomitoukei was one of the first friends I made in this fandom. I can always count on her to make the funniest jokes I've ever heard, especially during a completely serious conversation, and I'm astounded how smart, quick-witted, and talented she is. Truly an inspiration. I always look forward to seeing notifications that she messaged me because she brightens my day <3
I've had the great pleasure of meeting and hugging @hamliet TWICE! She has a generous heart and an inviting, calm aura. Her kindness and intelligence are remarkable. I genuinely enjoy discussing all sorts of topics with her, both silly and serious: life, hopes and dreams, fears and daily struggles, funny memes, reading and writing. I also love seeing her pet photos and can't wait to meet them in the future.
@transhawks is truly my most insane friend, and I say that lovingly and in the most ironic way because he's level-headed, creative, articulate, and self-aware. I'm always learning from him. I can talk to him for hours and never run out of things to say, and I always look forward to his insightful commentary about anything and everything.
And of course, I'm grateful for all the discord shenanigans with my friends: watching the anime together, voice calls, memes, sharing ideas, etc. @chocolate-biscuit who always pops into the chat with funny one-liners that leave me cackling for days when they flash in my head randomly, @bootlickerhawks who is the bestest horse person ever and I get excited to see on my dash, @helga-grinduil who is the saltiest and funniest person on this hellsite and also happens to make the best bnhaedits in this entire fandom, @jecook who is one of the sweetest people I've ever met and can't wait to read fix-it fics from, @mettywiththenotes who sends cute dog pictures and makes the most hilarious memes. Together we are all unhinged, and I love it. Despite living in different time zones, different counties, we've all create a fun space to cohabitate, and I think that's really cool and beautiful.
Hmm. Looks like the real treasure was the friends I made along the way, and the shared trauma of having our favorite characters mishandled by their creator was worth it. Can't wait to keep writing fics, making memes, and making new friends like @shortstrawberryshake because of this manga. And, I can't wait to keep loving Touya and Shouto Todoroki, of course <3
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transhawks · 1 year
Honestly that's why I think endeavor is a character so divided in the fandom.
Some readers see an abusive parent getting redemption and they hate it because of their trauma while other readers see an abusive parent promising to be better without expecting forgiveness or it being a honeymoon phase and they love it because that's what they expect of this type of people.
As Haleigh said "his arc either sits with you or not and both are valid"
I've said this time and time again - half of the argument is whether abusive parents should be redeemed or not. I keep pointing this out, but stories where abused kids get to walk away and be happier for that choice are rare in media. Most media tends to want reconciliation, or makes the person much unhappier for that choice. Family trumps all, in all cultures. Even stories like Encanto which had a Matriarch confronted with her abuse of her grandchild and child still ended in reconciliation. In real life, most of us don't get that ending, or it's an ending that hurts. I'm personally constantly having to navigate my parents' abuse of me and the understanding that on my father's part, it's because he was heavily abused and is from a culture that didn't embrace psychology. That's not even taking into consideration the fact I'm queer or that I'm closeted as trans from them and will be until the one family member I'm holding out for passes on. I know my story will end awfully with no reconciliation, and damn do I wish that there were stories of people like me being happy. BUT - that's not everyone. Not everyone finds happiness in cutting their family off. Some people want that reconciliation, want their parents to apologize, still need that healed. And from arguments with people on that side, I just think both of us feel invalidated by the existence of the other, even if I'll argue the reconciliation people have media power on their side more than we do. But that does make the conversation so hard. I think I tend to clash with my own group (the cut them off) the most because they just...can't stand to see this narrative for the Todoroki family. I've seen people say that Horikoshi doesn't understand abuse (wrong), is an abuse apologist (I disagree), or just wants to pretend it doesn't matter when the core of his story surrounds so much of this and I think ultimately what we all need to get is the people arguing about how much they hate the Enjidemption or how it's going so far is that they needed something else.
Need. Like I said, the people who favor this position rarely see themselves in stories, rarely see representation of broken family dynamics where a person gets to walk off free and happy. It's why League Found Family is so popular among these types - what's better than walking off into the sunset with your friends? Two years ago I would have agreed. But that's not the story Horikoshi wants to tell and he's not wrong for it. Because ultimately the "reconciliation can happen" camp is as valid in existence as we are, the main difference is that you see the "cut them off camp" less. But it's hard to make that argument. People are too hurt by the idea that there's someone who can have that reconciliation. Meanwhile the Reconciliation camp feel like our side makes them feel guilty for wanting that connection in the first place.
I think it's just too fraught a conversation for most of us to have, especially if the people having it are not in therapy, are not medicated, or just not really coming to terms with what's happened to them. Heck, some of the people arguing over this are still being abused. It's just not a conversation we're able to have civilly, because abuse isn't civil.
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chrisbangs · 3 years
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oh my precious little meow meow .. welcome home little one..
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
hi haleigh! sorry for the long ask, i ended up rambling too much :( i know you answered asks in a similar vein, but do you have any scenarios in mind to how shigaraki will react seeing his dead family appear in the battlefield? they are tenko's repressed trauma manifesting so he probably won't have any control over them, but i have so many thoughts... will they be able to talk, will they try to stop/hold shigaraki or maybe apologize like in the dreamscape? how do you feel about where this is going?
and you've also talked about shigaraki's perception of his own worth, the way he thinks he's not worth saving. i think something he might wonder is what makes bakugou so special that he is saved over and over again. even he himself in a way tried to save bakugou after the sports festival thinking that bakugou was also being oppressed lol.
what makes bakugou so special that edgeshot has sacrificed from his own life and mirko lost another limb so that he can live on. is it because he is a kid? tenko was a kid, shigaraki's still young. is it because saving people is what heroes do? that's such a hypocritical thing to say or think facing someone you've been trying to kill up until that moment. will all the heroes there being "we will save this kid because heroes save people" get a reality check after watching whatever is about to go down with shimuras? to clairfy i don't think anyone will think about actually trying to save shigaraki before deku arrives, but it could change the mood for them enough to consider supporting deku's attempt to get through to tenko when he does. do you think that could happen?
This is gonna be a long response lol, whoops:
On whether they’ll talk or not—I have NO idea. I am surprised (in a good way) by this development. It definitely wasn’t on my bingo card (speaking of, I need to make one of those lol). I do not know if they will be fully detailed replicas of the Shimuras (plus the old lady who ignored him), or if they’ll just be figments of them made out of flesh ಠ_ಠ.
How do I feel about where it’s going—I am so excited. Very. It’s surprising, but it’s fantastic and I personally love it.
Is he going to suffer a lot more? Yes lol. The issue of his feelings surrounding his family is something he represses deeply and avoids confronting, because the reality of the situation would be a lot more painful to face than what he believes right now. He rid himself of his guilt surrounding his family dying by just telling himself that it was fate, it was meant to happen because he wanted it to, and that all he can do is destroy. Why feel bad about something happening if it was fate? He called it a “fateful day”, then said he felt relief from the burden of guilt as his family crumbled in front of him. But—the truth is, he didn’t want them to die. And I suspect the revelation that he wishes they were still here will come up fairly soon, especially after these developments. And instead of feeling guilty, he just believes that he’s only good for bringing mourning and destruction, which means there’s no point in feeling guilty, it was always gonna happen, it was meant to happen, it was fated. Which leads to the issue of how he views himself and if he’s worth anything to anybody, worth saving at all. We saw in this chapter that in his mind, he’s not. If something is already broken, there is no point in trying to save it right?
The issue with his family is complicated—because it’s not just that they died. It’s that they died at the worst time possible. He hangs onto those moments and can’t move past them, even though he’s tried:
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Because we know from how BNHA handles families (and from the reality of how families are irl)—Tenko doesn’t actually hate them. He loves his family, hence the guilt. And him trying to move on by forgiving and forgetting. It’s because he loves his dad that the cruelty of his dad’s last moments weigh so heavily on him. It’s because he loves his family that his pain and trauma associated with them is something he avoids actually confronting like the plague.
They died when they were at their worst, as a family. And they died before they could try to make it better—which we know was where it was going, because Nao was putting her foot down after the incident:
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So them dying was traumatic enough, but the long lasting effect from their deaths is that Tenko has only been able to hold onto the final moments he’s had with them. Those are the memories that stick, the ones we see, that he can’t look past. And a lot of that is due to the circumstances, yes, but also we are explicitly told that AFO has a huge role in his inability to move on:
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So because of the sheer fact that he has not had any type of healing when it comes to his family, I see no way for this to end well. And by that I mean—we will probably see him get worse mentally and emotionally. He’s already prone to having mental breakdowns literally in public in front of everybody lol—I don’t think this will be any different.
And the ending result I think we should expect is for him to lose himself more and more to AFO in the possession. Because as long as he keeps getting worse, he will continue to lose his agency. It’s been said a bunch of times already, and it was reinforced with the symbolic little Tenko still being present inside. But seeing that symbolic Tenko start to actually show physical signs of stress is not good. It means all those feelings are being internalized really deeply in Shigaraki right now. It’s so triggering for him that it’s affecting the core that up until now has been shown to still hold onto hope of being saved.
On Bakugo—I think it’s perfectly in line with the idea behind saving, and have pointed it out before, just last week. Shigaraki has seen Bakugo be saved by diligent groups of people 3 times now. One of which Midoriya was involved in—which I expect to matter later. It DOES sting to see them save something already “too far gone”, or broken.
It reinforces Shigaraki’s belief that heroes just continue to pretend not to see the people they can’t protect. Him being one of the people they ignore. It also plays into Shigaraki’s negative thinking about himself though.
Bakugo is useful to society, therefore it’s worth putting in effort to save him.
Tenko killed his family. And even said he felt as though being ignored back then was a punishment for that. But because he’s only good for destruction, he isn’t useful to society and therefore, not saving.
It all ties together nicely and it all bolsters the points several people have made now. Shigaraki’s guilt about his family’s deaths is still very much present, he just tries to mask it by telling himself he was fatefully meant to destroy, and bring nothing but misery to the world. But, those thoughts just resulted in a lot of self hatred, and THAT resulted an inability to retain his agency against his abuser. Literally everything has worked against him being able to move forward.
So while I don’t think what’s happening right now is going to be anything positive—I think it’ll pave the way to really positive developments later.
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her-storybooks · 3 years
Big Brother
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Criminal Minds (US TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Aaron Hotchner & Reader, Aaron Hotchner & You, Aaron Hotchner/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Jack Hotchner, Aaron Hotchner, Reader Additional Tags: Domestic Bliss, Fluff, Family, Pregnancy, Jack wants to be a big brother, Mentions of Haleigh, Angst, but only a lil Summary:When Jack started calling Y/N ‘Mamma’ and referring to Haleigh as ‘Sky Mom,’ Aaron knew he had his son’s blessing to get re-married. Now newly weds and settled into their life as a little family, Jack wants to know why his Mamma and Daddy have yet to give him a baby sibling.
Author's Notes: I got another anon request over on Tumblr and it was a goodie! ‘Hotch x Fem!Reader who are married and Jack is asking them for a sibling! So Hotch and the reader start discussing expanding their family.” Well, I’m a sucker for domestic bliss, so let’s do this!
“Did you know Ben’s mom is having a baby! He’s gonna be a big brother.” Jack piped up as Y/N placed his dinner in front of him.
“Really? How exciting!” She beamed enthusiastically.
“His mom says he has to show the baby how to be a good person. To be brave and strong.”
“She’s right.” Aaron agreed, sitting down at the table with his own plate. “It’s a big responsibility being an older sibling. You have to show your little sibling everything you know.”
“You don’t just get to play with them and boss them around?” Jack asked innocently as Y/N sat down opposite him.
“Well, that is also part of it,” Y/N smirked in reply. The family ate in calm silence. Y/N and Aaron both kept glancing at one another and smirking. Jack was being very quiet, which meant he was concentrating, thinking. And by the frown on his face and the serious way he looked at his peas, he was concentrating very hard. After a few moments, Aaron and Y/N began talking about their day, swapping notes, and making jokes with one another. Eventually, Jack put down his knife and fork and looked up at his parents.
“I’ve decided I want to be a big brother.” He announced. Y/N and Aaron stopped talking and looked down at the boy.
“Oh, really?” Aaron asked.
“Yes!” Jack said with a big smile. “You and Mamma are married now! Are you going to have a baby?”
“Umm well…” Y/N stuttered.
“You should have a girl! You already have me! And I’d prefer a little sister! She wouldn’t want to play with my soccer stuff.”
“Not necessarily,” Aaron argued lightly. “Girls can like soccer. What about Chrissy in your class? She’s on your soccer team.”
“Yeah but all the other girls don’t play soccer.”
“Well, there’s actually a female soccer team who play on Saturdays in the park.”
“Really? Can we go watch them?”
“Sure, but only if you tidy your room. Me and Mamma have been asking you to do that all week.”
“Okay, I will!” Jack went back to munching his peas and Aron finished the rest of his meal in silence. Y/N simply looked between the two dumbfounded. How did the conversation of babies move on to Soccer? She looked at Aaron but he was already cleaning up his and Jack’s plate and reaching for his bag to look over case notes. Shaking her head in disbelief she finished her dinner and focused on getting Jack ready for his bath.
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I love how @haleigh-sloth and me keep going back and forth with our comparison between Naruto and Sasuke and Deku and Tomura, (you can check this link and this link to understand more of this).
I just sat for a second thinking about it.
Let's go first with Tomura and Sasuke. Aren't both of them victims of their hatred? A hatred that is not original in them, but that someone put in place as a part of a bigger picture. They were both little siblings trying to do their best to reach the expectations of their parents, with a very sweet mother and a very strict father. And both their families got completely murdered. Although there's a clear difference between who did it in both cases, both Tenko and Sasuke were filled with shame and rage for not being able to stop it or doing the killing. Both Tomura and Sasuke too had to remember that terrible day in more than one ocasión, and had external people pressuring them to avoid a possible healing process.
Thinking about the relationship of AFO with Tomura, it also reminds me of Orochimaru and Sasuke. The invasive power taking over their bodies, the isolation, the idea of forming a group of friends to use them, even the color palette matches: the purple and black and red and grey and white.
Both Sasuke and Tomura are the product of a society full of violence. In Sasuke's case, the battle between Konoha's form of government and the Uchihas (don't judge me too hard, it's been many years since I last saw Naruto Shippuden). For Tomura, it was the fight between AFO and OFA. They weren't exactly pieces of the game, but life and society and family forced them into it.
There are many differences, of course. There are more parallels of Sasuke in bnha, and there are completely opposites like Shouto, (he and Dabi are a negative copy of Sasuke and Itachi). But then you have, like I said, the similarities of AFO and Orochimaru.
Wanting to live forever, experimenting on dead bodies (Doc Ujiko serves as an extension of AFO), the many servants willing to die, the grooming children and using them... Orochimaru and AFO share the god complex in terms of seeing life as a group of arbitrary facts that can be altered to one's needs. They criticize society in terms of wrong or right and have a very fucked up morality because of that.
With Naruto and Deku, it's so easy to see. Cheerful, yet discriminated and lonely. Good with kids (Konohamaru, Inari, Eri, Kota), with older people, have many teachers and mentors trying to help him (and sacrificing themselves for him), a colorful group of friends his age, spring themed designs (Deku is full of green and prosperity, Naruto full of yellow like the sun, both implicating grow, light, power).
Both have a power that has been passed on from generation to generation, and they have had the help of the other users of the power in their favor. Both their powers have certain personality willing to give them a hand. Both their mentors (Jiraiya and All Might) are cheerful big dudes, very wise, who yet have fucked up before and have failed in saving or helping certain people. Their principal powers are related to air, have messy hair, bla bla bla.
What I care about the most is the fact that they started as outcast in search for a secret method of getting good to be a proper hero/ninja. They were very lonely in their childhood, but they never gave up. They are very rebellious too. They're choosing their own way, inspiring people with it. And they are very empathic, sensitive when they see injustice, it doesn't matter if they are villains or enemies.
They fight to bring back home and help and redeem their counterparts: Sasuke and Tomura. They are mirrors of each other, light and dark, death and birth, moon and sun. They all know loneliness, they all know how heavy is the weight of the social opinion. And they communicate with words no one else could hear. Their hearts are connected, they can get in each other's minds.
You know, there's this whok academic issue about the Me and the Others, and who our world is built in terms of what I recognize as the person who sees, the viewer, me, my identity, vs the other, the strange, the different, the unknown, etc.
What happens with Sasuke and Naruto and with Izuku and Tomura is that they recognize themselves in the other. There's a type of recognition you can't understand or explain, one that makes you want to protect the other because you see yourself in that person, and it's like seeing yourself getting hurt. That recognition, that knowledge, is love in terms that lack words. It's about shared experiences, about bonds built by going through the same traumas.
It summarize in Sasuke and Tomura wanting to go home more than anything, but not feeling like they are worthy.
They feel dirty, they're searching for forgiveness, they feel guilty and ashamed, like monsters, like people who can only destroy and can't get better. They think "What if I do it again? I am evil. How can I love? I am evil. I must be lying when I say I love my friends, because I am evil. I am a killer. I am a coward. Bla bla bla”.
And what do Naruto and Deku do about it? They bring them unconditional love. A light só strong that shines through every shadow, a hand always extended, an unbreakable will. Trust. "You are not evil". To face an identity crisis, they bring the view of the outsider, saying "I am seeing through the fog clouding your eyes and you're good, you're worth it, you are already getting better, you have it in you to grow and heal and change. The things in your mind are not the truth, trust me. I will never fail you. Trust me. You have not failed me”.
I think it is half a tale of how we all are very afraid of being bad and how we need people to remind us that we have a choice. We don't have to stay closed in our mind with our demons. We can communicate. We can reach for help. There are people out there, there are people out there, who believe in us even if we don't understand why. People who would go to the end of the world to save us. Because we all deserve a little saving and we all have the ability to be the person bringing that comfort, extending that hand, supporting the ones who can't stand by themselves.
Even when there are many differences between Naruto and Sasuke and Deku and Tomura, the message is very similar. I don't know why so many people hate so much the whole thing being about friendship. Aren't we all looking for someone to connect with? That understand us? Don't we all need people by our side? Isn't this all about how we need to learn to communicate with others so we can avoid tragedies? About how being selfish and proud will only isolate us and make us suffer even more?
This is an already long post and I don't want to make it longer. I would love to see more comparisons between Bnha and other Mangas, so this is my contribution.
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hamliet · 3 years
Analysis tag game
Tagged by @save-tenko-and-akito :) 
Answer as few or many of these as you like. Enjoy! 1. How do you begin writing your analysis: do you start writing about the first thing that strikes you; or do you step back and look at the narrative structure first; or something else?
I usually start from a question I have about the narrative; my metas usually start with me wanting to learn something rather than me having something I want to prove. I always have to be interested in the subject!  2. What do you like to keep in mind while writing your analysis/meta?
Er... nuance and empathy. ;) It’s hard to balance that in some ways because like... in literary criticism you literally cannot be too blunt. You do not say “seems.” You do not say “likely.” You say “is.” You declare. That... does not always get received well in fandom, though :P So there’s a balance between sticking to an argument and acknowledging that not every statement applies to every situation in the world, or even to every interpretation of the work. 
3. Do you try to keep your value judgments separate from your analysis?
Is value akin to like or to morality in this question?
For the former, I think that there is a line between “I don’t like this” and “this is objectively bad,” but either case is okay to make--as long as you have evidence to back it up. If you can explain why X twist doesn’t make sense with the previous parts of the work, it’s not just “I don’t like this.” Also, you can think things are objectively good and dislike them, or think they are objectively bad and love them anyways (2ha’s last arc for me). You can even be a hypocrite (I disliked the end of TG and of 2ha for the same exact reason--protagonist halo--yet still enjoyed 2ha and ended up with a much harsher opinion of TGre for no other reason beyond just personal taste + life circumstances + expectations etc.) There’s a lot of shades of gray (nuance!) in there as well. 
For the latter... I know based on spoilers, for example, that Qiang Jin Jiu’s ending might be objectively well done, but it doesn’t necessarily seem to jive with my particular values. We’ll see how it’s executed/framed. But that doesn’t inherently affect my view of the story’s quality. 
4. Do you prefer analyzing characters, or arcs, or both?
Both, but characters are the main substance of a story for me. I have been more nerdily interested in structure lately though. I’d like to think Professor B is proud of me for how often I think back to his class...  5. Do you think receiving feedbacks/responses on your analysis/meta help improve your critical skills?
Yes! When it’s constructive and when there’s discussion backed up with evidence (whether in support or disagreement). I’ve learned a lot from other meta writers, and made some great friends! Literary analysis is always a discussion (even historically speaking!) so it’s 100% a valuable part of the experience. 
The problem, of course, is that people can be rude and social media encourages less-than-stellar engagement and out-of-context understandings, which means it’s often just safer to be like “I’m not discussing this.” :/  6. Do you consciously decide which media you want to write analysis on or does it naturally come to you?
Kind of goes back to question 1 for me; if I like a work and have questions about it, I’ll often write about it.  7. Do you prefer writing long or short metas? Which ones do you prefer to read?
Long for both, I guess, but honestly it depends on the topic and what it requires! Some short blurbs are great, and concise. I am in general not concise.  8. Which are your favourite analysis/criticism/meta blogs?
@linkspooky @aspoonofsugar @redphlox @haleigh-sloth I know I’m forgetting many great people.  9. Which shows/movies/media do you think deserve to have more analysis done on them?
Qiang Jin Jiu--it’s a novel fans are really sleeping on (at the same time, that ,means there is no Shen Zechuan discourse which is inevitable if it gets popular, so I get to love my stabby son in peace). It’s also quite rich in themes. 
RWBY. There actually is a fair amount of content for RWBY, but less analysis, which I’d love to see more of! I think the story is really well done so far (not perfect, but good) yet a lot of the hot takes about RWBY are... they kinda misrepresent the show, which is a shame. 
Scum Villain. It often gets overshadowed by MXTX’s other works and while it definitely does have more obvious flaws (it’s a first novel and that’s clear), it’s no less thematically rich than MDZS or TGCF, and also just as clever. I also think its being a different genre plays a role in it being overlooked; a lot of critiques I see are exactly the point (like Binghe’s over-the-top behavior being designed to make you question tropes, the cringe sex scene is cringe for a reason, etc).. 
10. According to you, what are some prerequisites for good quality analysis?
Simply put, you’ve gotta be deferential to evidence. Support your claims, and also answer the “so what” question (ie why does x point you’re making matter?) Also, be willing to change your mind based on evidence, and also stick to the work. Which doesn’t mean you can’t empathize or theorize about why x people like y or how culture/authors impact work/the perceptions of a work, but that you should do so with self-awareness and humility. Fiction and reality have a nuanced relationship.
Oh, and don’t be afraid to be wrong or to change your mind. I’m wrong all the damn time. You learn through doing, right or wrong! 
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shanaraki · 3 years
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🌸🌼 send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going 🌼🌸
By : @slasherdabi 💕
Thank you 🥺🥺 I hope you're having fun today. Please remember to drink enough water and rest enough, take care of yourself and stay safe and healthy as much as you can. I adore you, Myers. You're such a wonderful person too.
@a-tired-humanist : we're holding each other at gun point in a battle of falling into each other's fandoms and interests.
@sckmylightsaber : who I always leave on read 😥 but who loves me and I love them with all my fucking heart
@punkdorkdotcom : because they just keep up with all my bullshit and awkwardness in an amazing why and being honest, I just adore how they fill my chat with all type of posts about anything and everything. Love you, Nik 🥺💕
@anxiouspuddle : who lives to reblog and like my many posts and who I wish I could hug in real life as a thank you.
@raspberrysflavour : who I appreciate to the moon and back and who I would defend against anyone because she is just so precious and deserve so much love and recognition.
@crow-with-a-knife : because she just feels my live with fun and happiness (she really is just a super gentle person and I adore her for that).
@beware-thecrow : who I'll never get tired of ranting with in Spanish, because she's just amazing as that. Also their art? Crazy, Geri you're crazy for that.
@haleigh-sloth : who I admire from day one from all the meta content and who turned out to be an amazing gentle and nice mutual. Absolutely wonderful, in my opinion. (do you a favor and go check her art asap!).
@godofvillains : who is always helping me and who I'm always having amazing conversations with. You're so nice and kind and I hope you know I love your art with my whole heart.
@fi-nn : who's art is also mind-blowing and who I'd send any type of pirate content as a form to show how much I adore them. No, seriously, now I can't see something pirate related because I think of Finn wkehksjdj.
@kovits-cheese-grater : who got me into horror story of cannibalism and some cute stories and who I adore with my whole heart.
@mirkaaaluv : who never fails to make me smile when I see the notifications of the bunch of likes 😭😭 I adore you so much.
@cazeaje : who also never fails to make me smile when I see the likes, specially because I reblog only shitpost in this blog aidgjehdbdjdbdjjdjd.
@trans-t0uya : Because you're an amazing person and you deserve all the love and I adore to send you asks 👉🏼👈🏼 sorry if sometimes I'm a little annoying.
If any of you ever killed someone I would help you hide the body and confuse the police by creating more crimes and help you get out of the country. We can do carpool on our to hiding the body 💕 I'll make us a playlist, bestie.
Note: none of you are obligated to keep this game on. Defy the rules 😌 go break the chain if you want to. I got your back.
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hollowscreekrp · 3 years
group para: the kidnapped
When: Sometime around January 23th Sinopse: A glimpse into the life of Maya, Chris, Nate, Micah, Jett and Haleigh while while they were kept hostage during the plot drop event of January 2022. Written by: Sarah, Anne, M, Bec, Pea and Chelsea. Wordcount: 10.4k
Maya walked through the mansion, still trying to breathe normally. It made her chest ache, but she knew from having cracked ribs before that breathing shallowly might make things worse. Her hair felt strange now, short and singed at the ends. Judging by the light coming in the windows, it was getting late. Of course, she wasn’t sure she should trust the light coming in the windows. She walked into a room with a long wooden table piled high with food. It was enough to make her mouth water. She was starving. She wasn’t sure when she had last eaten, but it was definitely before the fight and getting snacked on. Approaching the table, she licked her lips. With the strangeness of the house and their inability to leave it though, she felt cautious. Although, maybe a house no one could find or leave wasn’t the worst place for her to be right now. Hearing someone behind her, she half turned to ask, “What do you think is the over-under we eat some of this and end up like Persephone?”
Chris didn't know how long he was out. He came to his senses in a sort of main area, hands free, tape off his lips leaving just a cut on the bottom one, and he scooted towards a shadowy corner right away. Everything hurt and he'd much rather not move, so maybe he'd feel better after a nap, he thought. Maya's voice woke him up though and he chuckled "I've watched Pan's Labyrinth, I'm not touching any of that." He said, trying to be playful "And I thought you had standards for your baked goods, Maya."
Maya's gaze went immediately to Chris, heartbeat picking up. She'd twisted her torso just enough to tweak her ribs. A grimace momentarily twisted her features. As she recognized him, her expression smoothed, heartbeat returning to normal. "Yeah, well, beggars can't be choosers and I'm fucking starving," she replied and leaned against the doorframe. Standing up was getting difficult. "So unless the fuckers let you pack some granola bars or something," she said.
"Well, there's no tiny fairies around" Chris shrugged and then winced. Stupid shoulder. He tried to sit up, leaning back against the wall "So I think you're good. Besides" he cleared his throat, breathing slowly, already too tired "If a Pan comes out of nowhere, we can just poke his eyes on his hands and we're good." There was a pause "You shouldn't be here, Maya."
She caught his wince and frowned. "Is it dislocated or just fucked up?" she asked gesturing at his shoulder. Maya had to wonder too if she looked as bad as she felt. She'd yet to see a mirror, but she knew she had a split lip, some road rash probably and then her burnt hair. "Poke his hand eyes out, roger that," she shoved herself off the doorway with her shoulder and entered the room properly. His last statement though pulled a laugh from her. It was followed immediately by a grimace as her ribs protested. "Yeah, no shit," she replied, "Pretty sure you're supposed to be at home with the boyfriend and your dogs. So we're both fucked on that one."
Micah jerked awake, pain shot through his body as he stood up. He leaned the wall heavily, as he took in his surroundings. He was in some kind of room, maybe a dining room of sorts. He moved carefully as he heard voices near by. Micah a took deep breath, pressing his arm to his side as he moves towards the voices. His eyes adjusted to the dim light, as his senses took over before he made out a familiar face. “Chris?” Micah asked as he moved towards the other wolf before he looked over at the blonde. “And person I don’t know.” Micah said, taking another breath before he leaned on the wall. “Are you guys alright?”
Chris clicked his tongue "Dislocated, I think. Hurts like a-" he cut himself off, he was really bad at swearing "a lot." He shook his head at that, eyes threatening to fill up with tears "I was sleeping in my place. He has no idea I'm here. I was busy this week, I- I wonder if he noticed I'm gone." He was startled by Micah's voice, and the wolf took a moment scanning the wide room to find him "Micah?" He called back, sitting up straighter. Chris noticed he had the same collar, though Maya didn't. "Yeah yeah, I- I guess. This is Maya. Are you okay, Micah?"
"Like a motherfucker?" Maya supplied. She then continued, "I can put it back for you if you like, just hurt for a second." She crossed the room towards him, making it nearly halfway. "Of course he no..." she started before another voice grabbed her attention. She whipped around. "Ouch, fuck," she cursed under her breath, hand going to her rib and eyes squeezing tight against the pain. "Yep, Maya present and accounted for," she said, opening her eyes again. She gave the newcomer a once over, deciding that he too had been brought here. "And yeah I'm great, aside from the fucked up hair, the cracked rib and the fact I got kidnapped." She looked between the two men. She noted their collars and could feel that she didn't have one of her own. "What's up with the collars?" she asked, "Are they new?"
Micah crossed the room to reach Chris and Maya. He shrugged slightly. “I’m alright as I can be.” Micah said as he glanced around the room before his eyes fell onto Maya. “I would say nice to meet you, but under these circumstances it’s not how I like to meet people.” Micah said as he shrugged slightly, before he let out a soft groan at the pain in his side. He raised an eyebrow when the collars were mentioned, as he reached up and pulled on the collar. “How do y’all get here? What do you remember?”
Chris closed his eyes when they started talking, taking a momentary break as if the 10 extra seconds of stillness would make his energy come back. He opened them back up when she asked about the collars "It's poison, to keep us weak" he said simply, sighing before looking up to the man. He tried to take his collar off before, but he was never strong enough, so he gave up. "Someone broke into my house, caught me sleeping. Three men, they took more people too. I don't- I don't know why though. They said... They said we were a message."
Maya nodded and managed a crooked smile, "Yeah, no, usually I'm a right fucking delight. So I'd much prefer a different circumstance." She turned back to Chris, frowning. "Keep us weak," she repeated before asking, "What kind of poison?" Her head was swimming. She forced herself to sit at the long dining table. If she didn't sit down, she was going to fall down. "Um..." she cast her mind back, "Got suckerpunched on my way out of a bar. Chased down an alley, hit with some fire and then some bitch blew sleeping powder in my face. I think he just made fun of me for trying to stab him." She picked up a piece of bread near her and considered eating it. If they were a message, they wouldn't want them dead. "Soon as we get out of here I'm going to fucking stab him."
Micah pulled at the collar again before he watches Maya sit down. “I would say for me and Chris, wolfbane.” Micah said with a scoff before he shook his head. “Dumbasses need to find a better way to keep me weak.” Micah said as he followed Maya and sat down at the table. “Yeah, got jumped at the bar as I was locking up for the night, guess they weren’t expect a fight.” Micah said as he looked over at the food before he looked back to Chris. “Well if we are a message, they are picking the wrong people. Someone will be looking us.”
Chris nodded when Micah talked about wolfsbane, an apologetic smile when he looked at Maya. He hadn't told her he was a wolf before, that was not how he wanted to come out. His eyes moved back to Micah soon after though "Wait, yeah, you're half wolf, right? Axel told me, I think" he mused. Still, they collared him, maybe because of his scent? Chris was quiet, watching them move towards the food for a minute. His mind was taking longer than usual to put the pieces together. "Maybe they want us to be found. Maybe this is a trap."
"Well, the good news is I can fix that," Maya said, "Bring your neck over here." She gestured for Micah to come closer so she could undo his collar. She didn't move closer to him. After all, she was a stranger and he had no reason to trust her given the strange circumstances. She gave Chris a nod, not worried that he hadn't told her her was a werewolf. It wasn't as if she had told him that she had magic. She managed to hold her tongue when Micah said that someone would be looking for them. People would look for the two men, sure, but no one would look for her. "I should be able to get yours off too Chris, then pop your shoulder back in," she said, voice a little too tight, expression a little too stiff.
Micah looked at Maya when she suggested that she could take the collars off before he shook his head. “I don’t think it’s gonna be that easy.” Micah said as he looked over at Chris at watched him for a moment before his eyes fell back onto Maya. “I don’t think these collars are meant to come off.” Micah reached out for a bread roll and moved between his hands. “Yeah I’m only half, so unless they did something more to me. The wolfsbane isn’t going to do much.” Micah said as he pulled the bread roll apart before he took a bite, not really think of the consequences of eating it could bring. “It’s a good thought, blondie. But it’s too easy.”
His thought fell on deaf ears, but Chris didn't mind, he kept mulling I over. The good part of being weak was that it was harder for him to spiral into overthinking, what with his head working slowly. He smiled tiredly at Maya when she offered to fix him up "My hero" he said playfully, leaning his head against the wall "I'd much rather you wait for me to pass out to put it back though, so I don't have to feel it. Because I'm pretty sure it hurts, doesn't it?" He said, frowning when Micah said it was too easy. It was true. "You're right. Have any of you noticed the windows?" He asked, eyes moving between them "They're open."
"Not even going to let me try?" Maya teased, "And here I thought we were becoming best friends." She gave Chris a smile and shrug, "Just a bit." She'd dislocated her shoulder before. It hurt to pop it back in, but it was always better than the alternative. Still, she wouldn't force her help on either of them. Instead, when Micah didn't immediately start convulsing, she took a bite of the bread in her hand. It tasted bland, artificial somehow, even as hungry as she was that didn't escape Maya's notice. Still, it felt good to eat. "I don't know about easy," she said with a shrug, "I just know I'm stubborn and cleverer than I look." Or stupider than she looked considering wolfsbane was still toxic to humans. It wasn't as bad as for werewolves, but it should be handled with gloves. Following Chris's words, she looked to the windows. Her brow furrowed again, "That can't be a good sign," she said before adding, "Too easy." If it was as easy to escape as jumping out a window then their kidnappers would've kept them chained up and the windows locked. She had a bad feeling about what open windows and untied hands meant.
Micah growled softly as he looked at Maya. “Sorry, blonde. But I don’t do friends.” Micah said as he looked over at Chris. Did Chris consider him a friend, sure they slept together and made small talk every now and then. But were they friends, if they weren’t it was than likely Micah’s fault. “The wolfsbane is slowing down our healing, so you are going to feel it passed out or not.” Micah said softly before he looked back at his bread roll, as he listened to the two talk. He raised an eyebrow before he looked over to windows as well. Clearly whoever took them, knew that they couldn’t leave. Why else would they let them roam freely for. “Is there anyone else here? Or just us?”
Nate woke up on the cold hard floor, his body felt heavy and there was a burning sensation around his neck, he soon found out it was due to the silver chain and even though he tried taking it off, pulling on the necklace it only caused it to burn more so the half vampire decided not to mess with it, for now at least, he was going to need his hands there was no need to mess them up. He took in his surroundings, it seemed like an abandoned mansion and he could hear voices coming from somewhere inside the house. He decided to ignore them for now, noticing the window in the room he had been left in was open, no locks, not very smart on whoever had captured him. Nate stared outside, he could make the jump easily so he decided to try it only to jump across the room falling back on the floor, cursing due to his injuries. So it wasn't going to be that easy to leave, there was a spell or something preventing him from escaping. Nate stayed on the floor, catching his breath, what he wouldn't give to be back at the apartment, warm under the covers, arms around Axel, the werewolf was sure to be looking for him. He had faith that his partner would find him, he was probably turning the town upside down as soon as he saw that he hadn't made it home. He missed Axel. The half vampire pushed himself from the floor, groaning at the pain. He made his way to where the voices were coming from and was surprised by the dinning table. full of food and what seemed to be water, he was even more taken back by who he saw there, Chris, Micah and a girl that he didn't recall meeting before." I am also here." Nate said, pulling on one of the chairs and sitting down." I wouldn't jump from the windows, I tried and it threw me back in."
Chris winced "Okay, maybe that could be a good idea" he said. He was already in pain, what was a bit more to it, right? The I don't do friends stung a bit, sure, he was probably just a notch on Micah's bedpost, if that even, but Chris didn't want him hurt. He knew people cared. "You should tell that to Axel, he's pretty sure you're both friends" Chris said, slightly bitter as he pushed himself off the floor. His stomach was growling, he should eat something before he passed out. "There's another guy, I saw him before" he said, though he couldn't remember his name, the man who said he could heal Chris last time he woke up, but then he heard Nate's voice and it was like a cold hand squeezed his heart. "No, not Nate too" it was under his breath and came out almost like a whine, but he didn't care. Oh god, Axel must be going crazy by now. He took a couple of shaky steps towards the table, stopping beside Nate and pressing a delicate hand on his shoulder. "Are you hurt?" he asked, noticing the chain. Was that like vampire wolfsbane?
Maya huffed a laugh. It was strange to hear something she would say repeated back to her. "Okay Batman," she replied, "I'll put a hold on the friendship bracelets." She kept eating as someone else walked into the room. She didn't recognize him either. "Fantastic," she said though at the news that they couldn't just leave out a window. Maya wasn't surprised, but she was disappointed anyway. "Has anyone checked if they still have a phone?" she asked.
Micah rolled his eyes as he heard Maya. “Am I meant to know who that is?” Micah asked before he looked over at Chris and frowned a little when he said Axel considered them friends. He shrugged a little. “Give a dog a bone, and they come back to the hand that feeds them.” Micah said as he pushed himself away from the table, he looked down at the bread roll in his hand before he tossed it onto the table. He walked closer to the windows and looked at them closely. It was clear that it was just a false hope for them, teasing them with a way out. “Whoever took us, is smart enough to lure us in a state of false hope.” Micah said as he turned and face the other two. He was about to speak again when another voice joined them. He watched as the new person joined the party. Nate. Micah laughed softly, shaking his head. “Really, they took Nate as well. Do they not realise who they kidnapped. These people are bloody dumbasses.” Micah said as he let out a laugh as he moved back to the table and sat down near Nate. He looked him quickly before his eyes zeroed in on the necklace Nate was wearing. “Are you alright?” Micah asked before he looked over at Chris. “Are they trying to keep us weak for a reason?”
Nate had to laugh at Micah's words." You make it sound like I'm royalty but I do agree with you, they are not very smart." The half vampire reached out for one of the water bottles so that he could have a drink, at least this time he was with friends and not alone like the first time he had been kidnapped. He shook his head at the girls question." No, they took my phone." Nate looked between Chris and Micah, noticing the collars around their neck." Could be worse. Apart from a dislocated arm, a bad headache and some bruises. I would ask if you are both alright but due the circumstances I already have an idea of the answer." He sighed." Probably. I can't take this necklace, it's burning my skin." He turned his attention back to the girl, she had no necklace or collar but she did have something else, two very distinct marks on her neck.
Chris offered him an offended look when Micah didn't recognize Batman, but he was past offended when he said those things about Axel, comparing him to a needy dog. "This already sucks, you don't need to be mean, you know? He's probably looking for you, your fiance is too, eat and redirect that anger. We're on YOUR side" Chris almost barked, glaring daggers at Micah. "No phone either, they took me when I was sleeping" he said, gesturing to his pajama pants and dirty tank top, clearly underdressed for the cold. His eyes moved to the chain around Nate's neck and Chris moved his fingers up "Excuse me" he muttered before he gently touched the chain, trying to see if it was enchanted or something and finding it didn't hurt the wolf. He moved it then, pushing his fingers between the chain and Nate's skin, as to release some pressure then, frowned, trying to find the clasp for it, maybe he could set Nate free, but it was hard to keep himself on his feet, it was even harder to think.
Maya was starting to feel out of place. Ironic that she'd been kidnapped and yet she still managed to feel out of place. She nodded when they all said that their kidnappers had at least been smart enough to take their phones. She was about to offer the newcomer her help when Chris was already up and on his feet. So she kept eating. As did, she pulled her legs up to sit as small as possible on the chair. She couldn't do much until she got some of her strength back. No one was looking for her, she was sure of that, but at least they were looking for the others. Silent, she turned the kidnapping over in her mind. It seemed they all had some connection to Axel. Although Maya thought hers was tenuous at best. They hadn't been killed which meant they were probably supposed to be alive. And whoever had taken them obviously wasn't worried about them escaping or helping each other. With Chris and Micah already close to fighting though, maybe they were hoping they would kill each other. She glanced around, just checking if there were hidden cameras. If there were any, she couldn't see any. "Does Axel have any, like, enemies?" she asked, "Seems like kidnapping all of you would send him a message." She swallowed, pulled her body in a little smaller, "If a message is what we think the point is."
Micah glanced at Chris for a moment. Before he signed as he moved away from the table when Chris moved closer to Nate. “What’s a few broken bones, between whatever we are.” Micah said as he looked back at Chris. For the first time he took in what Chris was wear, and realised he really wasn’t dressed for this. Micah pulled his jacket off, and handed it to Chris. “Here.” Micah said softly as he gave a soft smile. “I run hot, so I won’t need it.” Micah said before he shifted away from the table. He was starting to feel sick, the wolfsbane was having more effect than he was letting, and he was still suffering from the silver poisoning a few weeks ago. “Trust me, if this is to do with Axel. I wouldn’t be here.” Micah said, trying to keep his voice steady and not let on that the pain in his body was stating to get worse. “I’m gonna have a look around, see what I can see.” Micah breathed out as he moved around the group in the dining table
Unlike the others, who were clearly huddled around the food which was likely POISONED, Jett was on the move. He was trying every window and door he could find, hoping that one of them could be the key to getting the hell out of there. He already went through the front door only to come back in at the back one who knew how many times now. The male wiped sweat from his brow as he marched into the room they were in, without a word, to double check the windows and bang against them, before he turned and stalked back out. "Maybe I can tunnel out of here," he muttered to himself, disappearing around the corner as his steps faded. Was he going to go tear up the floor in another room to test this theory? Yes yes he was, as soon as he found something to help pry those old floorboards up!
Chris felt bad the moment he said that, but he wouldn't take it back. Micah was being a meanie, that was the truth. The half wolf probably noticed though, because he offered his jacket and Chris blushed slightly when he accepted it. Maybe it was the wolfsbane, but he was feeling cold. "Thanks" he said simply, taking it as a friendship token. They WERE friends, Micah liked it or not. While the others talked and Micah left, Chris' eyes were caught by that man, trying the windows. Was he human? That would explain the energy and the lack of a collar. He opened his mouth to ask, but then he left and Chris sighed. "Yup, that's... the man I talked about. So we're..." He counted in his head "Five total here? I don't know if he's friends with Axel... Though, let's be real, most of the town is friends with Axel, he's pretty friendly."
Nate allowed Chris to touch the necklace, it provided some relief to his not bruised skin." I think there is no way to take it off, who ever put these on us did it as a sort of punishment, I assume." The half vampire rolled his eyes, deep down he knew that Micah cared why else would he been giving his jacket to Chris, he turned his attention to the other." Thank you Chris but you should rest, sit down and eat." He assured him, gesturing for the seat next to himself. Nate frowned at her question, Axel having enemies? Sure, that was a possibility it would probably be something petty and nothing this elaborate, Nate had dealt with far worse individuals than his boyfriend. If anything he was the one with enemies." I don't think we are here because of him. " Nate closed his eyes for a moment, feeling his head spin again." Chris is right, Axel has made it a point to befriend everyone that he crosses past with, do you know him?"
Maya raised an eyebrow when Micah said if it was about Axel then he wouldn't be there. She didn't say it, but she had no business being there either if it was the case. But they had already established their captors were idiots. "It wouldn't be about if you think your friends, just if he thinks your friends. And that bar seems pretty low for Axel," she paused realizing how that sounded. "I didn't mean that as a bitchy thing, I meant that as a he cares about people and someone is going to take advantage of that someday thing." She almost laughed as Micah laughed, but not before giving away his jacket with practiced nonchalance. It was something she would do. She didn't call him on it. Instead she poured herself a glass of water. She only nodded when the vampire, guessing by the silver giving him trouble, said he didn't think it was about Axel. Mostly, she was spitballing. Feeling a little better, she stood and started searching the table. "Hm?" she half asked, bringing her mind back to the conversation,. She almost said yeah he thinks he's going to save my life. She went with, "Yeah, we met awhile back. Ran into each other when I got here. I wouldn't say we're friends, but it might not be about what I think."
"But" he started when Nate told him to sit down. Using his last few brain cells, Chris reached for a napkin on the table, dripping it on itself a couple of times before tucking it between Nate's skin and the chain. If that was the reason for the skin to be burning, it should help at least a little bit. Once he was done, Chris took a seat beside him, reaching for what looked like a cinnamon roll. He was about to argue about her comment on Axel (what was it with everyone picking on him???) when she added the apology and Chris chuckled. She was bad ass, but she wasn't an ass. "Is he our only link? Do we have anything else in common?" He wondered, chewing around the cinnamon roll, eating the frosting first like a sugar goblin. "Sebastian works with some dangerous people, I don't know if Micah knows him, but you do, right Maya? He told me you met the other day" he smiled at the memory, heart tugging at the thought of Sebastian, eyes getting watery "He said Nyle recognized you"
Nate offered Chris a gentle smile." Thank you, that helps." It came out almost as a whisper, he was feeling more exhausted than he let on." If you met Axel once that is enough for him to consider you a friend, you are probably stuck with him forever now that you crossed paths." He replied to the girl, reaching out to grab a piece of bread for himself." Maybe there is something else, beyond just knowing him. I'm finding it hard to come up with a reason on why they would kidnap us, clearly they don't want us dead, they had an opportunity for that and they are offering us food and drinks... It doesn't make sense." The half vampire took a bit out of the bread." They have only become targets now,"
There was, of course, one person who very much wanted Maya dead. She didn't mention him though because if Shaw had anything to do with this, she'd be dead already. And he wouldn't have mucked about with magic. Not when one cannot suffer a witch to live or whatever the fuck he thought. She didn't say anything in reply to the man, instead casting her gaze back at the table as she kept looking. She knew how things went with people. They met, sometimes they liked her. And then someday, for a host of legitimate reasons they didn't like her anymore. It was, in her mind, as sure as the tides. She was too difficult, too quiet, too slutty, too much, always too something. "Yeah, I know Sebastian," she said. She moved some things around. "But I wouldn't look too much into my connection," Maya added, "We've already established our captors are idiots." "Ha," she exclaimed, "I found a knife." She picked it up. It was a steak knife. She'd much rather a chef's knife, but she would take whatever tools she could get. "Offer to try and get that collar off still stands. Or your necklace," she said, "And you should let me pop your shoulder back in." Now with some food in her stomach, she felt better. At least better enough to pretend she was handling it.
Chris sighed happily to know he offered Nate some comfort. "It's true. The same day he moved in he decided we were friends, it's really weird how easy it is for them." He chuckled when Maya said their captures were idiots "They really are. My boyfriend is a Marine sniper and I just joined Jason's pack officially a couple of days ago, he's-" his smile faded as realization dawned on him "Oh god, he must be worried sick." He groaned, there he went, making it difficult for the people he loved. Chris was ready to go into that maybe it's better if they don't find me spiral when his attention was caught by Maya and her excitement over a knife. He smiled tiredly, shoving the last of the cinnamon roll into his mouth and sitting up straighter, left arm still limp at his side. He opened his arms in offering, eyes closed " 'om ack me" he said around the food, a poor excuse for a much cooler sentence. Come at me.
Maya nodded with a plaster smile. "Suppose I better take care of y'all then, get you returned safely," she joked. It was easier to joke than to admit to the pit in her stomach. A subtle change came to her smile as he agreed to let her help. Good, she could do something. "Collar first or shoulder first?" she asked as she got closer.
Chris noticed her smile and felt a bit better. Swallowing, he took a deep breath "Shoulder" he said "I don't know how bad the- the poisoning is, but if you take the collar off and for some miraculous reason my healing kick in it could- well, my shoulder could heal in the wrong place" he look at her "Right?"
Maya nodded. With werewolf healing, they wouldn't want it to heal into place wrong. She set down the knife. "Alright, so it is going to hurt. But then it'll hurt a hell of a lot less," she explained. Gently, she set her hands on his shoulder. At first, she just felt it, trying to figure out exactly how it was popped out. Feeling confident, she continued, "Okay, I'll pop it in on three alright? One...two..." She popped his shoulder back in. The problem with the counting was that the person tensed on three, which didn't help at all. But the first two numbers helped a bit. "Now, let's fish out some ice," Maya picked up a napkin to wrap ice in, "And then I'll see if I can work out that collar." She stretched to pick up a water pitcher with ice in it. When the movement aggravated her ribs, she couldn't help the grimace that contorted her face.
Chris nodded along, trying to calm down his breathing. He was terrible with pain, he wasn't tough like Sebastian and Maya. He was weak and he knew it. "Okay" he agreed, and before the third could he let out a scream of agony, eyes wide in surprise as his lungs struggled to keep breathing. "YOU SAID ON THREE" he complained, but as if like magic his shoulder was in place, the staggering pain now just a dull ache. "Thanks" he said after a few breaths, catching on her pained face "You're hurt too, aren't you? Where is it?"
Maya shrugged, "Yeah, well, I'm a bitch so." She folded ice into the napkin. She added, "Plus you would've gotten all tense if I actually went on three." Holding out the makeshift icepack to him, she said, "Here put this on your shoulder." She turned her attention to the collar on his neck. She stared intently at it before even trying to touch it. They had to have had some way to put it on him, so there might be an easier way to get it off than trying to saw through it with a steak knife. She shook her head at his question, "I'm fine, don't worry about it."
Chris smiled at it, feeling slightly more playful now with sugar in his system "I'm apparently a dog, so we're fine" he gestured to his neck, with no courage to actually tug on the collar just for comedic value. He nodded at her words "Still, low" Chris pouted for a moment, then frowned "Is it your leg? Maybe you should sit down. I'm sure being fed on has taken a toll on you too"
"Good company at least," Maya joked when he mentioned that he was a dog. As far as her misleading him, she only shrugged. He didn't have to like her methods, but she knew they worked. From personal experience, she knew how she had went about it was the least painful option. "Legs are fine," she replied. Although now that she was thinking about it one of her knees did hurt from crashing to the asphalt, but she could ignore it. Still, she did sit next to him. There was a lock on the back of the collar. She'd need the key or a bobby pin to do this the easy way. "Fine," she muttered more to herself and the collar than to Chris, "we can do this the hard way." Then to Chris, she added, "Don't move okay?" She paused, picked up another napkin and said, "Maybe see if you can get this in-between your neck and the collar."
Chris hummed, not believing for a second that she was not hurt. He was glad she sat down though "You really don't let people take care of you, do you" he murmured, so it was just between the two of them. Chris stood still then, grabbing the napkin with his good hand and trying to do the same he did with Nate on his own collar. "What is the hard way? I kinda really like my neck, you know."
Maya shrugged. It was hard to let people take care of her when it was hardly offered. Better to take care of herself and not try to rely on others. "I've been taking care of myself for a long time," she said as if that was an explanation. "Oh, I'm just going to saw through it," she explained, "No neck harming involved." She carefully slipped the steak knife under the collar on the side of his neck. She then took hold of the collar with one hand, and another napkin, before attempting to saw through the offending material.
"They're not mutually exclusive" he said tiredly, eyes closing "People can take care of you even when you're usually the one taking care of people" Chris murmured, then nodded and sat extremely still, the hair on the back of his neck standing on end when the sound of the knife scraping against the collar hit his sensitive ears.
Maya couldn't exactly disagree with that. She didn't say anything for a long moment, instead focusing on the task at hand. It helped. It was useful both in distracting her from the literal pain in her ribs and the metaphorical pain in her shipwreck of a heart. "I learned a long time ago that I only had myself to rely on," she said finally, "And it's just a cracked rib. I know how to handle that."
Micah took another shuddering breath, as he stood up. Walking around the mansion proved pointless. Couldn’t get out through the windows or the doors. There seemed to be some bedrooms, but nothing else. He leaned against the wall, and took a moment. Looking down at himself he saw blood forming on the bottom of his shirt. “Well that’s not good.” Micah muttered as he adjusted himself, ignoring the pain in his side and whatever bones may be broke. He put up a good fight, but unfortunately it wasn’t good enough. Micah made his way back to the group, and sat down on the chair at the far end of the table, watching Maya and Chris.
"Well, you have me?" He offered with blushed cheeks and little to no strength "It's not much, but if there's anything I can do to help, just say the word" he hummed. He didn't push because Chris knew there wasn't much that could be done, he had his fair share of broken ribs back in the day and was pretty sure he had a couple now, all that was advised was just to stay still and rest, and that was mostly what they could do now. He opened his eyes again when he heard movement coming from the door and the wolf found Micah, his eyes going straight to the blood on his shirt "What- Micah, did they attack you again?! What happened?"
Maya didn't say anything. She was making some progress on the collar, although not as much as she would like. There wasn't anything to say. Chris was here now, sure, but she was too cautious to let herself rely on him. Anyway, there wasn't much to do with her ribs. Wrap it maybe, but other than that just rest and try not to breathe shallowly. They were interrupted, perhaps luckily, by Micah returning. Like Chris, Maya's gaze went straight to the blood on his shirt. "Holy shit," she slipped the knife from under Chris' collar. Then in perhaps a show of stunning irony, she asked, "Have you been bleeding this whole time? Why didn't you say anything?" She stood, looking around for something to use as a makeshift bandage. More than human or not, it wasn't good to lose that much blood.
Micah shrugged a little as he watched the two. “No, they didn’t attack me again.” Micah said as he looked down at his shirt before he looked at the two. “They probably just busted my stitches when they jumped me.” Micah may be a half wolf, but he didn’t heal like a full wolf. So sometimes things took longer to heal than others. He leaned his head back and sighed a little. “It’s fine, really. I can go along with the other injuries I received from them.” Micah said as he shifted a little. “What have you two been up too??”
"Stitches?" Chris frowned, leaning onto the table now that Maya let go of the collar, listening to his back crack. Oh god, he was so stiff from standing still so much. His inner wolf, if it had any energy, would be very upset right now, craving a run. "Did you check them?" Chris groaned, he wanted to get up and go to him to check himself, but his legs were too heavy to move "Maya was trying to get rid of the collar for me"
Stitches, Maya could fix that. Well, if she had a needle and thread she could fix it. They just seemed to be short on supplies. Still, they should stop the bleeding. She unzipped her jacket and shrugged it off. Despite the fight before being kidnapped her jacket had protected her shirt from getting dirty. Given its being fire resistance, it had probably saved her from the worst of the fireball too. Stripping off her shirt, she tossed it to Micah. It left her momentarily in a lacey red bra. "See if you can't stop the bleeding with that until we can find something to sew you back up," she said. Her tone brokered no argument. She was pretty sure that was the best she could get him to do for now. Slipping her jacket back on, she turned her attention back to Chris' collar. She had managed to make a sizeable cut into it. It wasn't enough she thought that she could rip it off quite yet. "Give me another fifteen, I think," she said, sitting back down. Glancing back at Micah, she asked, "Find anything interesting out there?"
Micah shrugged a little when Chris questioned the stitches. “Got stabbed a week or so ago. Axel tried to help.” Micah said as he looked back at Chris. “Can’t get them checked if you do them yourself.” Micah said as he watched Maya for a moment before he looked away as she pulled her shirt off. “If it wasn’t a silver blade, it would of healed by now.” Micah caught Maya’s shirt as it was tossed towards him. He rolled his eyes a little at her tone. “Find me a needle and thread, and i can fix myself up.” Micah said watching as Maya went back to Chris’s collar. “Not a lot, some bedrooms. Crossed paths with another person, but we didn’t make small talk.” Micah pushed his shirt up before he pressed mayas shirt to the wound. “No way out.”
Why was he stuck there with the two people who were less likely to accept help? Was Chris in his own personal hell? Was this The Bad Place? He shook his head, trying to shake his thoughts away "You say stabbed as if it was a normal thing to happen on a Tuesday" he said, looking away when he realized Maya was stripping. His cheeks got a deep shade of red when he realized she took her shirt off while Chris was there, wearing the man's jacket, something that was already his and could be stopping the bleeding. Such a nuisance. "We're They looking for you? Is that why they used the silver blade? Doesn't sound like a random bar fight" he mused "Wait, do you think those people are the same that took us?" Chris sat up straight when Maya moved back close to him, offering his neck, yet trying not to look as desperate to get rid of the collar as he was.
Maya shrugged, "Sometimes you get stabbed. Shit happens." She had been stabbed before. It wasn't so bad. She returned to her work, carefully trying to remove the collar from Chris' neck. "Don't be stupid," she said to Micah not bothering to look over at him, "You stitch it up yourself when there's no one else around. I'll stitch it if we find a needle." She listened to Chris' thoughts about perhaps Micah's bar fight and their kidnapping being related. It was plausible. She had no further thoughts though. It seemed like this was related to some deeper town politics that she didn't understand. The best thing she could do for now was get this collar off Chris' neck and then maybe see if Micah would let her get rid of his.
Micah laughed softly as he watched the two. “Would it be funny if it was a Tuesday?” Micah grinned as he ran his eyes over Chris for a moment before he shook his head. “Not the first time I’ve been stabbed, probably won’t be the last.” Micah said before he shook his head slightly. “No, they were just some wannabe hunters that were hassling a vampire.” Micah said as he watched Maya again at the collar. “They ran off as soon as they stabbed me. They didn’t know what they were doing.” Micah said as he looked down at his side before he sighed and placed the shirt on the table. “I can stitch it myself, I don’t need the help.”
Maya bit back a laugh at Micah's question. She listened quietly again as Micah explained he didn't think the two events were related. Without more information she couldn't be sure. He seemed rather confident though. "I didn't say you need help," she replied and glanced back at him. "You're supposed to keep that on until the bleeding stops." She turned back to the task at hand, "I said, I was going to stitch it up for you." The irony did not occur to her. Maya was merely thinking that it would be better if she stitched him up rather than him trying to do it himself. It was simple as that
Micah glared as he watched Maya. “If I bleed out, I bleed out.” Micah shrugged as he stood up, stumbling slightly before he found his footing. “Are you going to let me strap your ribs or set any broken bones you may have?” Micah asked with a raised eyebrow before he shook his head slightly, watching Maya working the collar again. “It’s not going to work, they clearly don’t want us to take them or at full strength”
"Oh, so you're stupid then," Maya replied. She watched him stand out of the corner of her eye as he stood and stumbled towards them. When he pointed out that she wasn't letting anyone help her either, she turned to glare at him. Her green eyes were dark, clearly annoyed with both his stubbornness and with being called out. "Fine, you can strap my ribs and I get to give you stitches," she said after a long moment of mental judgement. She huffed as he said that it wouldn't work. She paused, turning to face him again. "Oh, so I should just make snarky comments and bleed out instead?" she asked.
“Well yeah, everyone knows that.” Micah said with another roll of his eyes as he moved towards Maya and Chris. Micah smiled softly when Maya glared at him, knowing he pushed some kind of button. “It goes both ways, blondie. I don’t have to like you, to help you.” Micah said as folded his arms and leaned on the table, keeping his eyes on the collar around Chris’s neck. He shrugged slightly as he heard Maya. “Why not? It’s working out well enough for me.”
Their arguing was making him disoriented. Chris had closed his eyes and now it was hard to pry them open. Maybe this was his body trying to tell him to rest. So he leaned against the back of the chair, resting his head on the top of it. The angle still allowed Maya to mess with the collar, but it demanded less energy, so with a sigh, Chris let the world fade back to black.
More than actually frustrated with him, Maya was mostly annoyed at the situation. Plus she was tired, hungry and in pain. It was never a good combination. Knowing this, and knowing it would be a long kidnapping if they were at each other's throats, she managed a laugh at his words, that he didn't have to like her to help her. "You're better at that than I am, " she said with no additional information. She let Chris lay down to rest without cutting him in the neck. It was close enough, she decide she should try for ripping it. Especially when she had some excess annoyance to get out. Not bothering with the napkin, Maya gripped the two sides of it and ripped. A burst of pain sparked in her back, an injury she had realized until now but probably from the impact of the fireball. But more important was the satisfying rip of the collar breaking apart. She tore it off and tossed it towards the window. Turning to Micah, she asked, "So ribs first or stitches first?"
Chris was shook awake when he felt the collar snapping, eyes blinking open glowing neon blue, as his wolf was awakening with him, even if still weak. The wolf turned to look at her, a smile on his lips as his hands moved up to scratch the bruised skin of his neck "Maya... thank you" and he truly meant it. He didn't know how to help her, and she seemed like she was going to be entertained with Micah for the next foreseeable future, so Chris pushed himself up from the table, taking a deep breath with a tiny wince "I'm going to check the rest of the place, see if I can find some clean fabric for bandages" he announced "Maybe I can find somewhere we can shower." He looked at Micah "We don't know how long we'll stay here, and if you're getting new stitches we need to make sure they don't get infected" he walked towards the door, stopping when he was beside the wolf to add "Please don't die before I come back, I'd never hear the end of it" Chris offered him a small smile, thinking of his big brother being his dramatic self as he left the room.
Meanwhile Nate had gone off to find a place to rest, his head had been killing him and there was no point in wasting energy, not when he couldn't think straight. The half vampire pulled on the chain around his neck, it was an annoying piece of jewelry and he wanted nothing more than to get rid of it. The burn marks around his neck weren't going to heal, that was a certainty. He cursed under his breath, letting go of the silver. He hated this, not being able to do anything, the stupid spell around the mansion, the collars, what was even the point? He pressed his back agaisnt the wall, staring down at the ring in his fingers, just days before he had been talking to Axel about the wedding and now here the half vampire was. Nate sighed, closing his eyes, it was getting harder to stay awake.
Chris was slowly making his way to the mansion, mentally cataloguing the items he found, when he found Nate. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. Chris knew he wasn't, none of them were, but he didn't know how to ask more accurately. Do you need help this instant? didn't sound as caring as he felt. "Maya got my collar off" he announced pointing to his neck, the angry purple bruise around it made it seem like the wolf had come straight from his own hanging, though he was unaware of it "Which means they're not held on by magic. I can- I can try to take yours off. If you let me?"
Nate opened up his eyes at the sound of Chris voice."* Never better.*" He joked with a small smile, he glanced down at werewolf's neck." That's good. Hopefully it won't take long to heal." The half vampire pushed himself up, nodding at the offer." Please, I think if I keep this necklace any longer it will cut straight threw my skin. "
Chris chuckled miserably, shaking his head and stepping closer "You know, if there was someone that could hurt you" he started, reaching for the necklace, trying got figure out which ring was the weakest "I'd have all my bets on garlic. Not silver. Silver sounds way more like our thing, don't you think?"
Nate shook his head." Clearly whoever took us didn't even do us the courtesy of searching our backgrounds. Garlic would have been the obvious choice." The half vampire stood still so that Chris could take a better look at the necklace." I keep going over, why take us in the first place? There seems to be no point to all of this other than just annoyance." He sighed." How are you holding up Chris?"
Chris was thankful for Nate's try to give him a sense of normalcy and he half shrugged (only with the good shoulder because he was being careful) with a tiny playful smile "I read somewhere that the misconception about vampires having a reflection was due to the fact that most old time mirrors were lined with silver" he said, tugging on a particularly rusty ring. His hands were so uncharacteristically cold that he didn't notice the frostbite on his fingertips. "I'm-" there was a knot on his throat and Chris moved to look around for something else to use. He ended up grabbing a small piece of metal from the floor, coming back to push it in the hole of the ring, trying to delicately make a lever "I'm scared" he breathed out, eyes glued to the chain on his hands "Last time something like this happened, I had Sebastian with me. Now... I don't know if I'll ever see him again."
" Chris." Nate's voice was calm, if there was one thing the half vampire could do in a situation that they were in was keep himself level headed and give some hope to his friend." You are stronger than you might give yourself credit for. This situation we find out selves in , its not favorable but yet here you are helping me. It takes a lot of strength to remain calm." He paused for a moment, glancing down at his ring, he had thought the same thing, if he would see Axel again." Then let's keep each other safe so that you can see him again. I imagine that they are doing everything in their power to find us, I'm surprised that no one has burst into the walls yet."
"Oh, I'm not calm" he said, still conversationally, using all of his focus on the mechanics of a simple lever "I'm just- I couldn't feel my wolf since we arrived, you know, because of the collar. So I'm just a bit out of it. Give me a couple more hours, I'll freak out properly" he tried to joke, but sighed at his words "Sorry, joking about it is... as much as I can offer, I guess" he said simply "I'll be lucky if Sebastian and Jason haven't killed each other by now. I bet they're super serious doing stuff and Axel is driving them crazy talking his mouth off" Chris mused, somehow the thought of their loved ones helped. Placing his hand on one side of the necklace, Chris used the weight of his body to create the lever, effectively snapping the ring and watching as the chain fell to the floor. "There you go!"
Nate laughed at the thought." He probably is, knowing him I'm sure that he would want to jump head first instead of following a plan." As the necklace broke, the chain falling to the ground the half vampire let out a sigh of relief, rubbing his neck to try and make the pain less. Finally free from his restrains. " Thank you Chris, I'm sure that Edward would be proud." It helped to joke, take his mind of their situation." But I do mean it, you are far braver than you realize." With that Nate looked over at the sole of his shoe, poking at the end revealing a hidden compartment with a vial with red liquid. That's one of the things he learned last time he got kidnaped to be prepared. " I'm sure it won't take long until they find us."
Chris chuckled at the mental picture, smiling when Nate thanked him. "Oh no, thank you. I'm pretty sure the first guy who got to me was a vampire, I'm all for Team Jacob now. You're my only exception" he said with an embarassed chuckle. Chris watched him with interest then, eyes wide when he saw the vial. "Wait, is that- is that blood?"
Nate nodded, he pondered for a moment if he should tell Chris about his past, part of it at least." This isn't the first time I've been taken." The half vampire said." Last time my captures did not feed me, sure they gave me food but that was not enough. It did not end well for them." It had been a blood bath really, sometimes he still dreamed of that time, it was then he decided to run away and leave his previous life behind." So I keep it for situations like this, it also helps me heal a bit faster." He opened the vial, taking a small sip before putting back on the hidden compartment.
Chris hummed, grimacing at the mental image "Do you know why they took you before? Maybe they're the same people" he said. He read a lot about captors for hire in his line of work, the dark web was full of them, but he never realized there were actual people on the other side. "Werewolf blood... Is poison for you, right?" He said, then rushed to add "Just- just thinking about it."
" Yes. " Nate stared back at Chris, shaking his head." It is not them. They would have taken you or the others, nor would they have kept me alive this time I'm sure." He tilted his head to the side." Since I'm half human I can drink a small amount of it but it's not recommended. Last time I drank more than I needed, I ended up getting very thirsty I almost went threw all the blood bags I had." the half vampire couldn't help but smile amused." Were you about to offer yourself Chris?"
Chris frowned "What happened? Back then? I mean, why- why would they kidnap you?" He said, listening "I remember. Like Minecraft zombie flesh" he added, then blushed deeply and shrugged "I wanted to know where we stood. If you got hurt or something, I- I wanna know how I can help. I've been... pretty useless since I woke up here."
Nate didn't know how much information he should share." My past line of work it..." He tried to think how to elaborate." I was in business with some dangerous people and I thought I could outsmart them, for a while it was working fine until I could caught. One of my clients wasn't happy and so they decided to teach me a lesson." He sighed." The only ones that know about this are my older brother, Axel, my old crew and now you. I trust that you won't share this information." Nate raised an eyebrow."* Pretty useless?* Chris you just helped me by breaking my chain, I would say that you are pretty useful and might I remember you that my burns could have been worse if you hadn't thought about putting the napkin between my skin and the necklace."
Chris listened looking at his hands. There were small red marks where h gripped the chain, maybe werewolves weren't as resistible to silver as he thought. He looked up when he talked about who knew it, offering Nate a secretive smile. "Well, I won't. I work with some pretty, uh... underground people too. When people ask what I do I just say oh, I code apps but uhm, some of them have kind of... sketchy uses. Like instant transfer for money laundering or generating fake serial numbers for painting dupes." He blushed, then shrugged "And no one knows the specifics. Not even Sebastian. So uhm, a secret for a secret, I guess?" Chris smiled at his words, blushing slightly. He was just so used to being useless in dire situations, he hadn't noticed he did manage to make the half vampire's stay less miserable, even if just a little bit. "Thanks, Nate."
Nate listened to what Chris was saying, he would have never thought that the werewolf would be in the same world as he." Wait-" The half vampire frowned slightly." You generate fake serial numbers for fake paintings?" Now that was a coincidence." I dealt with fake paintings, it was what got me into trouble. Well-" He smiled." I stole the real ones, replaced it with a fake and then sold a fake in case I wanted the real one for my collection." Nate rubbed his neck, the feeling still there." A secret for a secret." He nodded." Thank you, Chris."
Chris laughed at that "Seriously?" He asked "Welp, it might've been me then. It really is a small world." The wolf smiled, shaking his head then nodding towards the corridor "Come on, I was on a mission. We need to find fabric for bandages, Micah is hurt" and just like that they were off.
The only problem with being one of the few humans trapped in this place was that there was nothing to accelerate her healing. Maya just had to deal with her ribs. In this case, that meant trying to figure out how to test all the exits without harming herself further. The front door was easy enough. She simply had to try to walk out of it. It didn't work of course, but she had to try. Now, armed with a piece of charcoal to mark useless exits, she stared out the window in a dusty, disused library, trying to figure out how to open it to start with.
She sighed as she sat on a nearby chair, just taking in everything around her. She managed to get kidnapped, guess she could check that one off the bucket list, right? Getting up, she decided to walk around and see what was out there. Lighting a match she had found, she started walking when she heard a noise and turned. "Who's there?" she called out
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growingingreenwood · 3 months
We had some art therapy today & we were drawing Hummingbirds and using watercolors to color them in. And, well, I accidentally made mine a little ✨️cranky✨️
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"I prefer Nectar from a blue flower, but I GUESS this will have to do 😠" -- The Hummingbird, probably.
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ih8bb · 4 years
Hello I have a question bc I haven’t watched bb in a few seasons. I fell in love with Bay this season and want to know what happened to her on her original season but I don’t want to watch Tyler again. So can you tell me what happened btwn them? Briefly lol why were they holding such a grudge against each other? Thanks!
okay SO basically bay and tyler were kinda close on bb20 on a personal level but game wise they were on opposite sides of the house. THENNN the hacker twist happened and tyler basically tried to convince everyone bayleigh was the hacker and was just taking shit about her which turned people against her. then haleigh called a house meeting and revealed that she was the hacker and to stop treating bayleigh so badly. during the meeting, tyler continued to provoke bay and called her a liar and all this other stuff. meanwhile, it came out later that bay was pregnant during this and the stress from the house (amongst other things maybe idk) led to her having a miscarriage. NOW i am NOT saying tyler caused the miscarriage bc bay said she doesn’t want people perpetuating that idea and i respect that. however it is possible that maybe bayleigh just associated tyler with that traumatic moment in her life and on top of that it was televised. so once the show ended, they stopped talking. they hadn’t talked before bb22 but bay says angela reached out to swaggy before bb22 started maybe trying to mend things between them? it’s also been stated (and proven) that tyler had a thing for bay when bb20 started but she chose swaggy and maybe tyler is salty about it? we’ve never heard him say it but it would make a lot of things make sense
side note that i think is important: during angela’s hoh, she told bay that she wanted to see her be the first black woman to win big brother then the next day put her on the block to backdoor her which is super unnecessary and rude. if she didn’t mean that statement, she shouldn’t have said it.
ik you said brief but this was as brief as i could make it lmao. they have a lot of history between them but now i think it’s time to close that chapter. they just aren’t good as friends especially bc tyler turns on her every chance he gets.
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chrisbangs · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Haleigh!
Hyunjin Looking Fine™ for @hyunjins
Happy Birthday Haleigh! 
Congrats on being the funniest, kindest, coolest person ever. You’re truly one of a kind and I’m so luck to know you and love you. You’ve been my friend for so long (Like I do think you’re the oldest friend I have on here... It feels like we’ve been pals forever??) and through a lot of bad times, and for that I’m always so grateful towards you. You’ve given me advice and helped me smile when I was at my worst, and those moments mean so much to me. Even if we became friends because you (wrongfully) accused me of being a furry, I’m still so happy we’re friends. Getting to see all the wonderful gifs you make and all your funny tags is always such a blessing. Just being your pal makes me smile. Thank you for being so funny, thank you for always being honest and real with me, thank you for believing in me and giving me a safe place to speak my mind, but mostly, thank you for being you. I’m so grateful to have you in my life Hales! Happy Birthday baby! I love you so much!
Love, Ganguli! 
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Hello there! My name is Haleigh and I’m 23! Currently living in south Texas, but I’m hoping that will change soon as I am job hunting and literally applying all of the freakin US. Honestly, don’t know where I could be in a few months time(hopefully). Anyways, I’m here just seeking out whatever! I’ve always been pretty chill and go with the flow. I have lots of love to give in whatever capacity and in general I think I’m a pretty good person to have in your life. I do tend to be a little clueless with some things like flirting so don’t take it personally😂 sometimes you just gotta be a little more direct with me! So please message me whether you want a friendship or more! Lets just see where the conversation takes us😌
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Hey There!
I really wanted a way to archive my life- the good the bad, and of course the ugly too. I have a lot of things ahead of me and I wanted a digital journal of sorts to show as time goes on how I myself have change, how my life and my environment change over the years. This is the start of a long road. In my following post Ill give you some history and my current stats just for the sake of noting changes in the future. This is obviously a blog that you can follow should you so choose. But it will be all about me, my struggles, my changes, my progression and whatever else I deem relevant. The reason this is a public blog, and not a private one is I don't want to feed into the ideal that college stress, personal struggles or life is unnatural or that you aren’t normal for not being at the top of your game. This blog will, as I said before- show all sides of my life. I will be honest about my thoughts and feelings as time passes. I hope if you follow, you can maybe learn something, or better understand how to cope with things after seeing my struggles and ways I cope. Anyway! Welcome to Once upon a time with Haleigh!
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kayah16 · 5 years
College Dance (AU) (If Ardian went to the same college as Haleigh)
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Turning the hot water off from his shower Ardian stretched his muscles a little bit. Tonight was the night of his school's dance and if he was being honest he was excited. He wasn't going to go but the guys he was sharing a dorm room with wouldn't let him miss it. He wasn't a party person but this was college he could put his dislike aside fot crowds and people. Stepping out he grabbed his towel wrapping around his waist.
Wiping the steam from the mirror he ran a hand over his face as he looked at himself. Looking around for the stocking cap Benny got for him he spotted it and grabbed it putting it on. He took an extra 20 minutes in the bathroom brushing his teeth and doing his normal bathroom routine. Seeing that he was alone Ardian sat on his bed for a few minutes thinking.
Bad side to going to the dance people are going to annoy him. Good side to going he gets to see Haleigh. Looking on his dresser he grabbed his phone and seen he had a few messages from Haleigh. One of them being she better see him at the dance if not she was going to fight him. Laughing Ardian stood up and looked at the three outfits he had laid out.
First outfit was a white button up with black pants. Na, most of the guys are probably wearing that. Next outfit was a black silk shirt with black pants. He was going to look good either way but he didn't want to wear that. Last outfit was a white shirt with white jeans and he wear his white shoes. Perfect.
Playing one of his favorite reggae songs while he started to get dress. A few minutes later he was checking himself out in the mirror removing the stocking cap. Grabbing his wave brush he started to brush his hair making sure his waves was on point.
Hearing a knock at the door Ardian frowned as he went to answer it. It was one of his classmates her name was Janine. Did it start with a J? Hell he didn't know.
"Can I help you?"
He asked politely as he continued to brush his hair.
"Uh yea, my name is Kenzie I'm in your math class. Ramone told me you didn't have a date."
"Okay.... So why are you here?"
"Ramone said you wouldn't mind taking me to the dance. So here I am."
Ardian almost sucked his teeth but Kenzie was an innocent person.
"Alright, give me a few more minutes."
Closing the door Ardian went back to the mirror making sure he looked good. Grabbing his cologne he sprayed a little bit on him and retrieved all his items then left. As soon as Kenzie and Ardian got to the dance all the students were on the floor and the music was blasting. Kenzie pulled him to the dance floor which made Ardian frown. Kenzie started to dance smiling widely, being the nice person he is Ardian started to dance with her.
A few minutes into the dance Ardian felt eyes on him. Looking around the crowded hall until he locked eyes with Haleigh. His stomach fluttered and his heart beat became faster. Kenzie noticed it and rolled her eyes seeing Haleigh.
Making his way through the crowd of students Ardian felt like he was floating. When he got in front of Haleigh best friends smiled at each other while Kenzie continued to try to get Ardians attention.
"All white? Who are you trying to impress?"
"Nobody, Pig Tails. The other two outfits didn't fit my plan. I have to let these fellas know I can steal their girl."
"And what girl you trying to steal?"
"I don't know yet, I see by the end of the dance. Look at you though, you look beautiful."
Kenzie was growing tired and stood in front of Ardian wrapping his arms around her. Removing his hands Ardian sucked his teeth and started to mumble.
"I'm Kenzie, is this the best you can dress?"
Standing in front Kenzie, Ardian stared at her for a few minutes making sure he said the right thing.
"Don't you ever in your life disrespect my best friend. I gave you two rules and you broke both. Bye."
Kenzie sucked her teeth while Haleigh stuck her tongue out at the girl. Morgan laughed to herself. After Kenzie found another guy to dance with Ardian turned back around to a smiling Haleigh.
"I get the feeling you happy, I kicked her to the side."
"I am. Come on brace face. Dance with me."
Grabbing his hand Haleigh brought them to the dance floor and began to dance on him. Luckily Ardian knew how to dance and was able to keep up with her. Morgan took a few pictures of them dancing and laughed seeing how comfortable they looked. Now only if they got it together.
AN: Fluff. Sucks. Sorry
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