#half the time when I’m creating a better world it’s cause I need it
realising just how alone many of us are rn. and I’ve being saying ‘distribute social capital’ for years but it’s not that simple is it? like it’s something you have to build with every person, and we’re all so traumatised it just makes it twice as hard to get past all the coping mechanisms and life as it is now doesn’t allow the time for it. and it sucks to know I’m good at this very thing but at the same time, there’s only so much one person can do. like I struggle to pull together the people to make my own needs get met
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rinrinx2 · 10 months
can I request ready x tan or sanzu. Whoever you choose tbh from bonten who is cheating on the reader but yn is a bad bitch so she humiliates him in don’t of everyone and he starts crying and begging for her not to leave him. Like they can host a dinner party and everyone thinks they’re the happy couple. Sorry I love these men but I need to see them crumble too.
Ran the man we can’t stand
Ran x reader
Warnings: language, mentions of cheating.
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You swore that if you heard another porcelain plate clank against a metallic knife or fork you were going to end up stabbing the owner of the utensil with it, and it didn’t help you any further that the person making the most noise was none other than Haitani Ran, your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend who had caught in the Roppongi red light district every night for a week when he claimed he was working overtime.
Your boyfriend who had portrayed you as the naive gullible type, the type that would blindly believe his lies.
But you weren’t and if he were a smart cheater he would’ve at least have his younger brother be able to lie for him when you called asking what time he would be home instead of being met with a surprised Rindou who had no idea what you spoke about.
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You watched as his glass clanked on the wooden table as he drank carelessly just as he was, careless, without a care in the world.
“You okay (Y/N)-chan?” Kakucho asked as he softly, breaking you out of you thoughts.
“I’m fine” you replied forcing yourself to soften you gestures to create a semblance of a smile.
You weren’t angry at Kakucho or anyone at this table or at this annual supper they held for the Bonten members.
Your hate sat with one man, a man with lilac hair and stupid smirk that you had half a mind of punching away.
Ran sensed your thoughts as his attention shifted from Sanzu to you.
“What’s wrong pumpkin not enjoying the food?” Ran asked from his seat parallel to yours.
And you held a feral gaze, crazy enough to pull Ran over the table and pull his eyes out but you didn’t want the rest of Bonten to think less of you so instead of getting physical you decided to get verbal.
“Nothing is wrong darling” you replied loud enough that it had caught some members attention, but you left your reply to hang in the air causing activities to go back to what they were prior to you reply that was until you decided to speak again.
“Wait actually Ran there is something wrong” you said now much louder than before getting every member’s attention now.
“What is it my love I’ll fix it right away” Ran replied playing the perfect caring boyfriend.
“I’m wearing a pair of black lace panties, and I wore the other two days ago but I saw another pair in your car on the way here and last I recall I only have two pairs of black lace panties” you said with confusion in your voice.
“I don’t think this is an appropriate conversation at such an event” Ran said with a smile trying to save face from other members.
“Well when should we discuss it cause I’d hate for whatever woman you took that from to lose them” you said with a smile.
“Come on now (Y/N), have some decency”
“How about you get better at cheating you dumb fuck” you spat at as you looked Ran dead in the eyes with a tedious smile. You had Ran right were you wanted him, looking like an idiot.
“Oh shit Rannie” Sanzu laughed out watching the altercation occur.
“Shut-up Sanzu” Ran snapped finally losing his cool.
“Now you know well enough I wouldn’t cheat on you”
“Oh really Ran, you’re as shit as lying as you are at cheating. Next time get your brother in on your cheating schemes so that he can at least lie about what you’re doing” you said as you stood up, your chair making a loud screeching sound.
“Don’t drag Rindou into this, his innocent in all this-”
“Congratulations you admitted to cheating you stupid shit” you said cutting Ran off as you walked out of the massive dining room.
The only sound being heard was that of your black heels as and the only feeling being that on the black fabric that clung to your skin as you walked your way to the exit.
And for a minute that was all you head till you ears picked up another, the footsteps of Ran running after you and then the feeling of his hand grabbing at your wrist.
“Don’t do this shit to me, you need me” Ran said pulling you closer, so close that you could feel his cool breath against your lips close enough to kiss them.
“I don’t need shit from you” you said placing a soft kiss on his lips as you pulled your wrist out of his hand.
“Fine be a bitch you’ll never find someone like me with the power or money that I have” Ran said watching your figure walk away.
And the moment Ran’s words met your ears you turned on your heels just before you reached the door. A massive smile painting your face.
“I’ll see you later tonight Koko” you said blowing the man a kiss.
Your words causing Ran to spin around to see not only Koko standing in the corridor but the rest of Bonten.
“Don’t forget to put on the little outfit I left on the bed” Koko replied back with a wink, as you left the Bonten headquarters.
“You’ve been fucking my girlfriend” Ran said as he stormed over to Koko grabbing the man by his suit collar.
“Ex-girlfriend buddy. You snooze you lose. I mean no one told you to get your rocks off to those girls at host clubs”
“It’s a dog eat dog world. So no hard feelings Rannie” Koko said as he removed Ran’s hands from himself, dusting his collar off as he made his way back to the dining room.
Ran stood there his eyes blown wide from the disrespect he had just experienced. A man like him has never been spoken to like that before to be treated like his words didn’t hold power.
“You were fucking host club girls” Takeomi laughed out, causing Ran to snap his attention back to the group of men. As he realised that the whole of Bonten just witnessed what had occurred.
“This man lost his girl to Koko” Sanzu said laughing hard that he nearly farted.
“Tough one Ran” Mikey said with fake sympathy as he walked back to the dining room.
“If you were gonna cheat on her why didn’t you just let me date her” Rindou complained following after Mikey.
“i’M rAn I cHeAt On bEaUtiFuL WoMeN FoR GiRls WhO pRetEnD To cArE AboUt WhAt I sAy iN hOsT cLuBs” Sanzu said mimicking Ran’s voice as Mochi and Kakucho laughed as they walked back to the dining room with their backs turned to Ran.
“Shut up” Ran shouted looking all distraught.
“ShUt-uP, I’m RaN wHoSE GoNnA UsE HiS hAnD toNigHT”
Hope you like it 💕
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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gothicwidowsworld · 1 year
Don’t fuck it you muppet L.N
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“I’m scared…” the man admitted, ashamed, his declaration lacked his usual cocky confidence but it was pure honesty. “I’m scared I’m going to fuck up.” The man spoke again, still uncertain but gaining courage. 
“Your Uncle Carlos told me to not fuck it up…. “Don’t fuck it you muppet.”” Lando laughed quietly at his awful attempt at the Spaniards accent, “Although I probably shouldn’t use that sort of language around you. Your Mummy would have my head.” Lando added teasingly, his denby azure eyes settling on the woman in question. Even after all these years just looking at Y/N made his heart flutter. She was wearing an extremely old Carlin team t-shirt, she looked so natural and at ease. A Goddess among mortals honestly. Even now he didn’t understand how he got so lucky with her, they’d met in the Karting World years before, back when Y/N towered over Lando and regularly showed the Tanned Brit what losing felt like. She’d been loud and mouthy in a lovable sort of way, even giving Oliver a run for his money at times. 
The soft chatter stopped abruptly as the y/h/c young woman shuffled & shifted, the mid January sunbeams that had managed to break its way through the cracks in the curtains trying to desperately ease the woman out of her much needed slumber. “Norris close the curtains.” the y/h/c woman mumbled gently, snuggling deeper into the pillow, swatting at the man’s usual position beside her, blindly hoping the driver heard her and took pity on her utterly shattered body. The rough start to motherhood was still taking its toll on Y/N, despite the long nights the young couple had spent pouring over parenting advice books, the parenting courses, the inner circle of family support the y/h/c young woman was still wiped out. 
The golden rays of sun refused to let y/n return to slumber. Perhaps a subtle message to not miss out on this small moment, fighting the urge to close her eyes Y/N turned to face the man. But instead her y/e/c orbs focused in on a sight that she’d only been able to dream of in the past couple of months, it felt like she’d waited a lifetime to witness this moment and it was just a random Tuesday morning. Lando resting against the headboard, donning mismatching socks and joggers, tanned chest on full display cradling the small life they’d managed to create. In that moment the failed five year plan, horrendous morning sickness, 17 hour labour and general pregnancy blues seemed so worth it. “Morning.” Lando whispered a reddish blush filling his cheeks at the prospect of being caught singing the anthem to his anxieties aloud. But even then the Brit couldn’t help small twitches of his upper lip as he tried to bite back a content dopey grin. Slowly Lando raised the hand that wasn’t holding newborn close, reaching out to brush the strand of y/h/c hair that had managed to escape from Y/N’s now messy ponytail out of her face. 
“Did I miss her crying?” The y/h/c woman asked concern lacing her tired voice, trying to sit up despite the lingering post-labour pain. Shaking his head Lando replied reassuringly, his voice soft and low trying not to disturb the sleeping new born, “No no I was just up early.” 
‘How are you feeling?’ Y/N could hear the apprehensive concern partnered with his words, Lando had watched all night, an undeniable sense of guilt hitting him each time Y/N winced in her sleep, the y/s/c woman still unable to find any comfort. There wasn’t much the Driver could do, but that didn’t ease the guilt that he had caused Y/N this pain. 
“Honestly I’ve been better.” Y/N admitted bashfully. In fact Y/N was sure she could have been hit by a lorry and still felt more refreshed than she did right now. But watching a domestic new dad Lando made it more bearable. The pain and postpartum bleeding was temporary but her growing little family with Lando was forever. 
A/N it’s shit, I know it’s shit but this idea has been bugging my brain for the past few days and i’m like super sick so this is written half delirious, on pain medication whilst binge listening to The 1975... so yeah
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azsazz · 4 months
CC3 Anon
spoilers under cut
I finished CC3 last night and yeah. I enjoyed the pacing at the beginning of this book more than the first two books because we’re already in the thick of the climax and don’t have to build up suspense again but omg it dragged in the middle.
I did not care for Ithan at all I’m sorry. And yes he hasn’t been a pro sun all player in YEARS idk why she keeps bringing it up. I think someone stumbled and he caught her and Sarah went “his sunball reflexes” HES A WOLF HE WAS ALWAYS GOING TO HAVE QUICK REFLEXES. Had him running up and down to resurrect Sigrid and in the end it DIDNT EVEN MATTER.
Lmaoooo Ithan mostly acted ago appropriate if I think about it. He's like 20 I'm assuming since he's around college age. He's def not my favorite character either tbh. Love how everything fell into his lap tho. Literally anytime he was mentioned so was snuball it was so fucking dumb.
I know you like Tharion but can he do anything right omg. Ithan carried him with the Viper Queen. Sathia carried him in front of the Ocean Queen 😭 I WAS SO PISSED ABOUT THE ANTIDOTES OMG and then Ithan went and did the same. I see why they are best friends like wow stupid really follows stupid.
LMAO I love Tharion, yes he'd definitely dumb and needs to make better decisions but I liked how witty he was in the first book. He really needs to stop with the whole woe is me act tho. omg the antidotes shit don't even get me started. half of the stuff that she wrote for the book didn't even matter in the end. like, we could've cut this damn book down 300 pages tbh, nothing would've been missed because nothing made sense even.
I don’t hate Bryce. She did annoy me though. I hated when Aelin wouldn’t tell people about her plans and could not stand it from Bryce here. Her yelling at Hunt about having to face the consequences of their actions. I’m like dude you went to another world and came back powered up. Hunt stayed and was tortured brutally like what? I know why she doesn’t want him to have guilt about it but it’s his 3rd time going through this and failing. And now he has more to lose. Of course he would be feeling a type of way.
I do not like her at all lol. The whole not telling people plans things pissed me off because her loud mouth is not like that. AND THEN SHE HAS THE AUDACITY TO TELL HUNT "OH YOU DONT EVEN WANT TO BE HERE" girl maybe if you told someone the fuckin plan they would feel a bit more confident about going through with it for fucks sake. she's a mean girl and i can't stand her and i don't think she's funny at all she is so cringe to me haha. HUNT HAS ALREADY TRIED GOING AGAINST THE ASTERI AND HE WAS TORTURED FOR 200 YEARS?! Then he gets freed and has to do it all over again?! Like, why are we yelling at this man? of course he's weary.
I’m not the biggest fan of her swagger at times. Like sometimes we don’t need the quippy (read: unfunny) one liners :/
The STAKES???? Bryce should’ve stayed dead! It would have been a lot more impactful. Even the torturing scenes kind of didn’t hit as much after the fact cause everyone can just regrow their limbs and be fine. No one had a single nightmare about what happened to them? I thought we would see something like that beyond “a glimmer of darkness in his eyes” idk :/
The entire "someone dying only to be brought to life on the next page" has definitely fucking worn off now but sjm apparently can't see that. she created a world with 50+ characters only to not use half of them when it matters. so stupid. Also, i don't remember them being able to regrow limbs tbh.
Maybe the book would’ve been too long but I was genuinely shocked we didn’t get more scenes of anyone on the actual battlefield. We were mostly in the palace after Bryce and Hunt teleported, and then the moment with Lidia and the sprites. But maybe the book would’ve been too toooo long idk.
Yeah there really was only like 60 pages of the end scene. but as soon as i saw the word space i actually almost DNFd it because what the actual fuck was that.
I will say I really like how the male friendships are genuine. I honestly can’t tell you that Bryce, Fury, and June are friends LMAO. (I’m exaggerating but I do kinda agree with this) .
Yeah, i love Ruhn, dec, and flynn's relationship. i think sjm tries to be like "oh yeah girl power, strong fmc's" but there's no women in the books? and they all don't like each other? like danika, bryce, fury, and juniper seemed like mean girls? girls that didn't give a fuck about anyone else? idk. the way that the men to women ratio in her books is very interesting to me. and the fack that EVERY man that comes across bryce thinks she's the most gorgeous girl to have ever lived...fuck off with that logic.
My girl Jesiba :////// She was my favorite for sure. I'm indifferent about her lol. Her entire storyline i feel was just made up like two months ago so she could connect to the other series lol
I do agree with what you said about Bryce (I legit almost wrote Aelin LMFAO) . I was not expecting her to just say no rulers for the Fae at all. But I guess a Senate would be more democratic.
SO STUPID. The Senate (starwars)
Im sure there will be a fourth book but I am so uninterested in Tharion and Ariadne like who caresssssssss. If Im interested in Ithan, it’s because I want to see more Perry. I wonder how connected this world and ACOTAR will remain.
I honestly hope it ends at 4 books. I think that would be a perfect ending because there's four houses. no need for more im already sick of it. yeah i liked perry too. i hope they're no longer connected lol.
Ruhn and Lidia :) but HE LEGIT SHOT HER?? I know she was acting irrationally because of her sons and he wanted to make sure she didn’t get herself killed but then he shot her. Like okay 😭. I think my favorite couples are Bryce’s parents and Lidia and Ruhn. Ruhn just seems so hot 😭.
Ruhn is a winner for sure for sure.
I’m writing too much and I’m scared this app will just shut down so I’ll quit here. I still think the first book is the worst one in this series. But I had fun with this one (despite my hang ups) and I’m glad it’s over (for now :/).
CC anon!! I went to goodreads to read reviews of the book and I genuinely cannot believe how many 5 star ratings this book got. I mean, I can and can’t believe it. Atp anything Sarah puts out will average at least a 4 star rating on there and sell a crap ton.
I think people just give her that rating because she's popular, not because they read lol. oh yeah, why do you think she released 5 different bonus chapters. talk about a greedy cash grab. that mentality kinda makes me sick im not even going to lie.
I was reading through the 2-star reviews and someone mentioned their shock at how quickly Ruhn and Lidia resolved their issues which I totally agree with. She said she hated him and would never forgive him for what he did, and she was right! I know why Ruhn did it, but I genuinely still cannot believe he actually shot her, even if she was gonna be okay. That’s a terrible time to be worrying about a wound like that when you want to be at full strength to fight for your children.
Yeah half of the plot lines felt stupid? like what? he couldn't have stopped her any other way...really? i feel like she did not think this book through as well as she thought she did tbh. seems to be her thing these days.
(Even when Hunt said he hated Bryce for stopping him from killing Celestina, I was like Oh!)
The reviewer said Sarah should have left their relationship on the rocks so we could get Ruhn groveling in the fourth book, and I can’t get that idea out of my head. ESPECIALLY with their bonus scene. Idk if you’ve read it but I was like ??? I like them as a couple and I like their story, but it did seem like it was all patched up insanely quickly. Like if you shot me then the very LEAST you could do is get my kids to safety. That alone would not necessarily make me forgive you.
I didn't read their bonus chapter but i can't believe they moved in with each other literally after like two days of knowing each other in real life. bro, you just found out she has two kids? you don't know the woman at all lol. no, everyone has to have a happy ending by the last page of the book or else. lol. no suspense.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 2 years
Creator reader who is Aether and Lumine’s big sibling or parent? They come to check on Teyvat after not finding their siblings in various other worlds they made and are not happy with the sustainer of heavenly principles.
So they grab the traveler while also adopting Paimon, then go straight to the Abyss and get the abyss twin and say “time to go fix this MESS”
so then they go find Dain and say “these are my siblings/kids I’m sorry for whatever trouble they may cause because they’re clever and resourceful. Anyways if you could babysit them I’d love that just call my name if you need anything” they of course tell him their name and stuff
then go off to get all of the archons and go tear Celestia a new one because of how many lives they ruined.
So they topple Celestia and take over so they can make things genuinely better for Teyvat and the abyss alike.
At this point Dain has had to deal with the twins and Paimon for about half a day when reader comes back and says “thanks for babysitting, I know it was sudden but I’m also doing stuff to fix the last 5 centuries”
So then Dain now has a family again because reader decides to say ‘screw it’ and let their simping get the better of them
This is so long I’m sorry I just want it to be organized 😭
Ok, first ,every religion has a "Creation of the universe in the way that we see it", and many of them begin with a couple. From them , Creator, Aether, and Lumine started to exist (Creator as the creator of everything, and the twins as the stars).
Now, in this scenario, the Creator is a pretty chill God. They aren't even intimidating or anything, they just like to create, make new stuff, and OOOOH they love humans! What a masterpiece they could have achieved! Now, their relationship with the twins is a simple one. They care for each other and, since they are still too young to become full gods, the Creator gives them the full freedom that they could have, letting them explore various worlds, see more people, and have fun, as long as they don't create any trouble, of course.
Lumine: Y/N! We found a new and funny world! Y/N: Is that so? So, how was it? Aether: It was colorfull! With a lot of life! And there was this strange creature, similar to a ball, that ate stuff and took its power from that thing! Y/N:...What?
So, at some point, the Creator decides to have fun like their siblings and explore a little. A more than well-earned vacation! I mean, they make up all of Teyvat. They are exhausted! They don't exactly give all power to the Archons, just enough to not let things slip, and to make sure that, if things go bad, they can tell the sustainer of heavenly principles...Because they are the only one that can contact them.
And that was a terrible idea.
When the Creator got back (imagine in the same way as Merlin in the Disney movie, dress up just like him), they found out that their siblings were gone. For the same reason that there was an Archon war and many of them were gone, there was a huge cataclysm and many nations that they likee were RIPPED OFF from Teyvat.
Y/N: I 'literally' left for a few years! What happened?!* Zhongli:..Well, you better sit down for this... it can be quite overwhelming. Venti: In our defends... we tried. Y/N: Who the hell are you? Zhongli: It's the Anemo Archon, your grace, Barbatos. Y/N: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OTHER? Zhongli:..As I was saying, you may sit for this one.
Did you ever leave a blog with a few people and come back to find that everything you had done had to be redone? Yeah, that's the feeling. 
The first thing you do is take back your sibling, the traveler. It's not a problem; they are the ones that came back first to you. The abyss one is quite problematic, but it's not like you can't try to do something right and resolve what the other gods have made. Not to mention that, when you left, you noticed this nation that prospered without the aid of a divine power, and you were quite optimistic and interested in their work! So yeah, you are quite pissed. 
Once you found out the last of the fallen kingdom, you humbly apologized and promised to do the right thing. Imagine the faces of Dain and Kaeiya. They knew that the gods are strange, but you are quite the subject!
Y/N: Okay, I'm going to deal with the susteiner and stuff. Still, I know I can't bring back all of the kingdom. But at least I can reverse the curse that was imposed on your people. Dainsleif:I'ts..already enough, you gr- Y/N: You can just call me Y/N. And don't thank me, this is the least thing i can do for your people.
After having dealt with all of this stuff, it's time to deal with the seven (the Archons are cool, but you need to speak to them about some of their behaviour) and the other gods that still live in Celestia (that is technically your house btw). Let's just say that it's time to downsize the number of deities, especially the ones that had a lot of fun mistreating mortals, so you stripped them of their power and now they have to live with them (LOL serve you right). One day, a giant throne will be thrown from the island in the sky. You don't need that thing, so you replaced it with a desk, which is far more comfortable and useful.
Y/N: Shit, I hope this thing still moves... Venti..move? Y/N: Well yeah, Celestia move in the sky...it rotate you know? It follows the- Venti: It moves?! But... why?! Y/N: A more favorable viewpoint! If you wish to see clearly, you must go to the higher ground! Venti:So, it's not a metaphor about the insignificance of the ones that live under it? Y/N:...WHAT?! NOOOU! I even have a control room there!
Finally, things started to get better. You fixed all the mess, and now you have to look after your rebuilt world. It's a mess, it's not simple, but you have a lot of new helpers that wish to be useful. Especially Dainsleif!
He had noticed that you don't show the same characteristics as the other gods; you are... human. Capable of admitting mistakes and that your downfall was due to misplaced trust, but yet you didn't give up and fix what you needed to be saved. He can't see you as his god, not to mention that you don't want to. More like a friend.
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maltinonka · 2 years
I don't know you yet - Eddie Munson x Reader
Pairing: Eddie Munson x female Harrington Reader
Word count: 996
Warinings: mentions of dying, mentions of blood, not the best writing, Eddie should really sort out his priorities
Summary: short fic created from the inspiration of @loveronlineee 10k Celebration. Check out her blog, the fanfics there are out of this world! 💜 This is the shortest fic I have written so far but I hope you enjoy it! And congratulations Willow for the 10k! Totally deserved it! 💜💜
Song prompt: IDK you yet by Alexander23
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How can you miss someone you've never met? Cause I need you now but I don't know you yet...
The van's wheel bumped into the hole on the road and Steve heard a whine coming from the back. He cursed under his breath and stepped harder on the gas pedal.
"Watch out there Steve!" Dustin shouted, his hands squeezing some bedsheets he found in Eddie's bedroom to the wounds on both side's of Eddie's stomach. "How much longer does it gonna take for you to get us there!?" his face was all wet from crying.
"I going as fast as I can Henderson! You better make sure he doesn't die again before we get there!" their plan was the most stupid one they have come up with yet, but they had no other choice if they wanted Eddie to survive. Steve finally saw the hospital building and some people already waiting outside for them. "Finally! Get him ready Henderson!" the car braked sharply and he jumped out.
"Steve! Where is he!?" you ran to the boy, the medical team right behind you.
"He is in the back, Y/N" Dustin opened the side door and helped them put Eddie on the bed. "He is bleeding pretty badly, we tried to stop it and his heart was not beating for like three minutes, maybe four." Steve was rambling, trying to give you the most informations he could. You had to squeeze his shoulders to calm him down.
"It's okay Stevie, let us take him from here. You two can wait by the front desk, I will get to you." you helped push Eddie's bed." We need a surgery room ASAP!" That's all they heard before the door shut behind you.
Steve hugged crying Dustin.
"Everything will be okay man. He is in best hands I know." they slowly moved inside. 
Eddie felt like he was drifting, both light and heavy. He weighed nothing but at the same time was so heavy that he couldn’t even open his eyelids. If anyone would ever ask him, that’s how he imagined zero gravity in space to be. Floating around, not a single sound or light, his body was cold but didn’t shiver – just this weird state of no control. Am I dead? – was his first thought. He tried to open his mouth but just like his whole body it was too heavy to even open. 
But can you find me soon because I’m in my head? 
A weak sound broke the overwhelming silence. For a minute he thought, he had made it up but then it repeated slightly louder. It was a voice – he couldn’t understand the words, however he was sure it was calling him.  
“...breathe, c’mon, breathe...!” he suddenly realised he was holding his breath all this time, his lungs started to ache and squeeze, desperate for air. He tried his best and was able to breath in, the sensation of air coming through his nose and down his throat was burning, like that one time he stole uncle Wayne’s whiskey and drank half of the bottle when he was 12.  
The voice was getting louder and louder, being the only thing he could hear, then it all hit him at once – the gravity pulling him down on, he assumed, some kind of bed, the sounds of machine’s beeping and people shouting, the sudden brightness behind his eyes. He opened them, only to be blinded by the lights. 
“That’s it kid, keep those heartbeat for me!” he turned his head to the person that dragged him back. Eddie never even in his weirdest dreams could imagine someone so beautiful as the creature in front of him. She saw his face and smiled the brightest smile imaginable. “There you are. Don’t scare me like that, okay?” he was struggling to keep his eyes open, the sudden weakness overwhelming him. He only managed to slightly nod before drifting off. 
Yeah, I need you now, but I dont know you yet.
Next time Eddie opened his eyes he was able to define his surroundings. He was laying in hospital bed, connected to some machines next to him. His whole torso hurt like shit. He moved his head to the side and saw the person from earlier. 
You were scribbling something down from his monitors. When you raised your head and saw him staring at you, you smiled that bright smile. 
“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.” Eddie slightly blushed at the nickname. “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m... good.” his voice was hoarse like he ate sand. 
“Gave us a huge scare, you know? Your heart stopped beating for 5 minutes.” you raised his bedsheet and started checking his bandages. He blinked, surprised trying to process what you just said. I was really dead?
He winced in pain when you touched his stomach.
“Oh, sorry. I will call a nurse to give you something for pain, okay pretty boy?” he turned red, still not exactly wrapping his mind around everything that was happening. You tucked him back and moved towards the door. 
“W-wait...” he tried to get up, but whined and fell back on the pillow. “Where I... Who are you?” you turned to him and his big doe eyes melted you on the spot. 
“I’m doctor Y/N Harrington. You are in Community Hospital in Anderson.” you smiled at him. 
“Harrington...? Like Steve Harrington?” his voice was finally returning back to normal. Why is Harrington always surrounded with pretty ladies? 
“He is my baby cousin. He was the one that drove you here, with a little boy.” Eddie wanted to ask more questions but you raised your hand. “No more talking for you mister. I have work and you need to rest. I will call Steve that you are awake and come check on you later. See you soon pretty boy.” you smiled at him and left his room. Eddie closed his eyes, a smile creeping on his face. She called me pretty. 
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imaginebabygurl · 2 years
Desire part I Alec Volturi
A/N: Also had this shit it's a long one so buckle up and relax 😌 also this is about movie alec never read the the books.
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Alec POV
Never in the rest of my never-ending life would I have wanted something, no someone so bad. It bothers me to want someone, to hold to want, to desire but my cold blood rages on and a never-ending storm. The dark residue of the burning flames and grey smoke surrounding me and my sister remain, staining my heart from red to black. How can I love and want something I hated the most, the thing I use to be… a human, but I decided that day when master Aro turned me into a vampire, I would cause the most destruction. Leaving behind my humanity and rationality as they did to me and my sister. I left that village red and let the flames rage on to hear the terror I caused but the time Jane and I were done we left it black, charred to nothing every human down to the crawling creatures perished and that’s when we joined the Volturi. They gave us endless possibilities to have the things that we could never obtain in our old life. But if I’m being honest, I remember so much but every time I remember something good I remember the smoke, the fire and the flames. But can Y/n change me… do I even want to change at all and have the world be cruel once more... to take something precious for me. I don’t think I can…..
Y/n’s POV
Present Day….
Its been a while since I’ve been back in forks with the events of what happened to my sister Bella Swan, she’s not my biological sister but she feels like it anyway. Charlie is a great dad and I couldn’t have asked for a better caregiver for someone to take care of me. I missed her and dad. I finally graduated high school and Bella and the Cullen’s came back for a visit or at least that’s what I thought anyway. I knew all their secrets them being vampires and wolves the whole shebang which didn’t bother me because when she told me, I laughed in her face and called my sister a buffoon for thinking I was going to fall for some lame prank, everyone in the Cullen house laughed that day, even Edward laughed too. I still didn’t believe her until she told Emmette to show me and scared me half to death!. I tell you this man picked me up and threw me into the air, I was free-falling I thought I was gonna die but he caught me in mid-air and put me down. As soon as I got my bearing and was able to get on my feet, I ran to the nearest bush and threw up. But after that day I never really spoke about it again we just went about our normal lives, I would see my sister, chill withness and life went on but my birthday was today and that’s when shit hit the fan. The Cullen’s also seemed to get in trouble with Volturi it never failed. And to be frank with you I’m surprised that the Cullen’s are still thriving, alive sort of and well because if this Big and Bad Volturi were cruel from what I heard. “Don’t give second chances, to me that’s a bunch of crap.”
As I was reminiscing I was brought out of my wandering train of thought by my Dad Charles, he hates I made that his pet name.
“Hey kiddo happy birthday, I bought you a present I hope you like it.”
Y/n opened her present
“Dad you got me and art supplies, these are all so expensive, you should have, seriously. But it thank you.”
“Well I know how you love your artwork and the things you create are quite beautiful so, your works should be shown to the world and every artist needs good supplies, so yeah. Oh, I forget bells called and said to meet her at the Cullen’s she has a surprise for you. Gosh, every time I see her it’s like she never ages.’
I pretend not to hear the last part.
“Sorry, what was that dad?”
“Oh nothing kid, go have fun and be careful at night I won’t be home for a while I’ll be going on a getaway.”
“Yeah, yeah old man, you told me nearly a thousand times it practically drilled in my brain, Now go enjoy yourself with you new soon, I hope fiance with Ms.Sue….hhhmm VEEERRY interesting.”
I raised my eyebrows and winked.
“Hope you guys have a great time.”
“ Stop that. I see you later I have gotta go. Please for your poor old man be good. Don’t be another Bella.”
“You got it, commander! SEE Ya!”
I saluted bye to my father.
“Your one strange kid, You know that.”
“YYYEEES, you tell all the time now gooooo, sue’s probably waiting on you. Love you BYYYEEEE!”
“Love you too, later kid.”
I watch my dad drive off and then go back to the kitchen to eat my birthday cake Sue made me earlier and drooped it off and she left a note with a handmade beaded bracelet.
“ happy birthday love, you beautiful young woman and I hope you looked the bracelet I made for you. And don’t worry I’ll take care good care of your dad ; )”
I laughed she’s was the sweetest woman I knew, she always treated me like her own daughter. I dug into my cake, showed and then headed for the Cullen’s. Finally arriving at the cullen’s I didn’t even have time to part before Alice jumped on the hood of my car.
“ Y/n stop being so dramatic, if you did I would have seen it and therefore not have scared you, you’ll live , now hurry up everyone’s waiting for you.’’
I climbed out og=f the car and headed in
“ Aww, thanks guys”
“ Here a present from me you.”
Alice put a black box in my hand. I pulled out a Y/F/C dress.
“Alice this is beautiful. I can’t , wait are thohes jewels real I really can’t.
“Yes, you can now go try it on.”
I couldn’t argue with Alice, if she wanted it her way, thats what it was going to be. When I came back everyone stared in aww.
“Woah, you look amazing, geat Alice, trying to shgow me up shes my sister.”
“Sorry Bella, WhenCullen’s I saw the dress I knew it was perfect for Y/n.’’
“Well i guess its, my turn here you go its from me and Edward hope you like it.’’
I opened the small box and in it was a vintage polaroid camera.
“Guys I Love it!!!”
I squealed, hugging both Edward and my sister, smiles spread across their faces.
“Your welcome ( insert pet nme Edward gives you.)”
I hope you didn’t forget about me.”
“Ness of course not! Were Gal Pals!”
AS the night went on musicand laqughter the night went on pretty smoothly, well until Alice almost dropp[ed my cake,that look in her eye a vision which was never good sometimes. I hoped it was good but her expression was sad mixed with worry. Carlisle spoke:
“Alice whats wrong-”
Before carlisle finished speaking she cut him off.
“ The Volturi... their coming…”
“WHAT!, WHY!?”
“ They’re coming for Y/N, to kill her… because she isn’t turned”
“We have half to get her out of here.”
Rosalie :
It’s too late for that, there gonna find her anyway.”
“Roses is right, for now we must prepare for the worst and the best-case scenario.”
Y/n :
“ whats the worst.”
Y/n respond the fear and terror in her voice.
“It’s Death and the best is becoming a.”
“ Bloodsucker.”
Rose said with pain and anger invoice.
“Well, there’s nothing we can do now let’s get ready, Alice when are they coming,” Jasper spoke.
“There already, here.”
Then there was a knock on the door and there they were the Volturi, in person, they look much more terrifying knowing the dire situation you’re in. Carlisle welcomed them in. You knew every one of them because Carlisle showed you pictures of them.
“Aro it’s nice to see you again.”
“Same to you Carlisle, might I say wha-.”
Caius the blonde hair man spoke.
“Brother, we’re not here for pleasures, where’s the human so Felix, can deal with the disgusting creature.”
“ I’m disgusting, you look like a lab rat.”
“Oh, you dastardly little beast wait till ii get my hands on you.”
Alec spoke
“Alec, you speak when you’re spoken to.”
At this point, the blondie Caius was enraged and ready to take me out himself. But Aro stepped in.
“Now, now brother we did not come here for a fight only for the girl to come with us.”
“What no, you can’t take her. I won’t let you!!” As Bella stepped in front of me.
“Well, my dear it’s not your decision it was fate and it turns out Dear Y/n is Alec’s mate, so, therefore, she will be coming with us or she dies.”
Y/n stayed silent as a mouse in the affair that was going on but looked over her sister’s shoulder to see Alec and his Sister jane staring back. Alec was expressionless, but jane on the other hand showed disgust probably at the fact that her brother’s mate was not a vampire as of yet. I snapped out of the trance I was in looking at Alec.
Marcus the sombre face man spoke.
“Bella I assure you, that your sister is Alec’s mate and no harm would come to her.”
With that, the conversation was over and everyone started at me knowing I had two choices, to die or to live forever young. I didn’t know if I wanted any of those options but it seems life has given me a poor set of cards that I have to deal with.
“Well, Y/n.”
Aro held out his hand with a glint in his eye. Because she probably already knew my answer. And I took his hand.
“Okay I-I guess, I’ll go.’
“Y/n No!,”
My sister shouted but there was nothing she could do, and I didn’t want to die yet.
“Please, don’t take her, she doesn’t want this.”
Caius spoke.
“Well, we don’t always get what we want now do we.”
With that, I hugged everyone to say goodbye. I was sad because I didn’t even get today goodbye to Charlie or Sue. But I felt scared and was curious about what was to come. Y/n fell asleep on the plane feeling like an eternity of trying to sleep with eyes all on her.
Alec’s POV
A human… my mate the very thing I hate but she’s beautiful.
Felix spoke:
“Alec stop staring at her like that. You probably made her uncomfortable.”
“I’m not staring at her. And what does it matter to you anyway.”
Demetrie sp[oke
“Maybe you should get to know he-”
“Absolutely not, she disgusts me, and is going to make the rest of my days a living hell.”
Aro spoke
“now, now Alec my child, that’s not something you should say about your, mate, its very rare to find one again if you will ever find one again so you must cherish her and not waste nor dwell on the past.”
“ With all due respect master, my brother does not need a mate because we have each other.”
Marcus spoke
“Dear jane it will be different, for you as well once you find your forever person. Alec, it might not be easy for you to trust but with time you’ll learn to appreciate the gift you have received.”
Thatès the thing I didn’t want to trust anybody besides my sister and that was gonna get between us well maybe if I treat them horribly or maybe ignore them, they would want to go away on their on
A few hours later
When I had awoken again I was in an unfamiliar bed, one that wasn’t my own. I slow;y got us checking my surroundings. Well, I was still unsure of what to do, but I found a pair of fresh clothes to put on. The good thing was I was able to keep my art supplies and the gifts everyone had given me. So instead of sulking in a room, I got dress after I showered and headed out on my own. Somehow with all the wandering, I did I was finally able to find the kitchen, well only because I smelt the eggs and bacon and boy I was starving, so I quickly made way and there I met Heidi.
“Goodmorning Y/n, I’m glad the clothes I put outfit you well and I see you’re an artist, well I must say that artists don’t all have to be mad to be good or starving how about, I show you around and you can find a place to paint the garden would be lovely.”
She said with a warm smile.
“Uhh, that-that would be nice thank you.”
“ Your welcome now hurry and eat a long day ahead of you"
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softguarnere · 8 months
Like A Girl (Like A Man)
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Like A Dream (Like A Plan)
Shifty Powers x OFC
Five: How Zenie Met Bobby
Summary: Bobby nods quietly. “Don’t worry Zena, I’ll keep your secret.” He offers her a kind smile. “Not like I have anyone to tell, anyway.” A/N: Finally, the Zenie and Bobby content we've all been craving Warnings: brief mention of ongoing Indigenous genocide, Zenie's dad cameo Taglist: @dcyllom @liebgotts-lovergirl @latibvles @mads-weasley @ithinkabouttzu @lady-cheeky @lieutenant-speirs @hxad-ovxr-hxart
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North Carolina, 1941
It is the time of year where nature balances on the precipice between winter and spring. Warm afternoons give way to chilly evenings. Mornings begin with frosted grass blades and sweaters but end with romps in the creek to cool off by the time school lets out. The temperature is unpredictable, yet it only lends to the sense that something is happening, that the world is waking up and about to burst into bloom before your very eyes. Possibilities hang in the air like dandelion fluff.
Frost laces the windows of the kitchen, a cloud of condensation separating the warm world in the house from the chill waiting for her outside. She will need a sweater over her uniform, or a light jacket.
From across the table, Mama reaches over and squeezes her hand. The gesture does nothing to block out the tirade from the other room, though. Neither does Zenie’s intense focus on the frosted glass, how she tries to take in every detail of it, tracing it over and over with her eyes and memorizing it for lack of anything else to do – other than scream in frustration.
“Look at him out there,” she says suddenly, making Granny jump where she sits beside her at the table.
Mama leans closer to the window, squinting. “Who?”
Teddy, the old Paint horse, mills about in the pasture, nose creating small clouds as he huffs warm air over the cold grass. Old, stubborn Teddy. He likes to be scratched behind his ears. And he doesn’t mind giving rides, not really, as long as you let him truly open up and run at top speed at least once because he likes to show off his speed.
Teddy, the horse who no one has been allowed to ride since Matthew left for the Air Corps. Not even if they need a way to get to their first day at their new job.
“He’s like some kind of metaphor for all of us,” Zenie mutters into her coffee cup. “Perfectly capable, but useless because of the way he’s treated.”
“Zenie!” From her tone, Mama is either shocked or hurt. Maybe both. But is it because of what Zenie said, or because she knows it’s true? Of course she knows it’s true – they would have to be deaf to not hear Zenie’s father ranting in the next room about how the horse isn’t going to leave the pasture.
Before she can cause any more upset, Zenie stands, pushes in her chair so angrily that it squawks against the floorboards. “I better go. If I’m walking, then I don’t want to be late on my first day.”
The cold morning air does nothing to dampen the white-hot anger that boils in her veins as she takes off towards town, gravel crunching under her shoes. Her shoes, which were so nice. The one’s that Marilyn used to wear when she was a waitress in high school. They’re too small for Zenie, but she forced her feet in anyway, determined to look as nice in the uniform as her sister did. Though at this rate, the shoes will be scuffed and dirty by the end of Zenie’s first week.
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Her first day goes well enough. The owner makes it clear that he only hired her on account of being Marilyn’s little sister, so she’ll have to prove herself. As if half her life hasn’t already been an epic struggle to free herself from her older sister’s shadow anyway.
The morning is slow. She doesn’t mind. Old folks come in and chat while she pours them rich coffee so strong that the aroma alone keeps Zenie herself awake. Lunch is about the same, although dread slowly begins to pile itself in her stomach like heavy stones whenever she thinks about the after-school crowd that will trickle in a little before the school day officially ends.
Before all too familiar faces begin flowing through the door, one that Zenie did not expect comes trapsing in – wearing one of the diner’s uniforms.
Bobby Dills from next door nods to her in acknowledgement as he makes his way to the back to deposit his belongings. There is no formal introduction – at least not that either of them will ever remember, anyway. It seems like they just fall in sync, waiting tables, helping each other carry out large orders, and offering each other the occasional encouraging smile.
She knows from living next door to him that Bobby is younger than her, but that’s about all that Zenie knows about Bobby himself. That, and that he has a limp that every now and then a customer will crack a joke about. Although Bobby smiles and laughs along with them, Zenie recognizes the look in his eye whenever he finally escapes their presence, coming back to the counter to wait with Zenie for the next round of guests to whisk one of them away.
 Bobby, however, seems to know something about her.
“You walked here,” he says matter-of-factly. The diner has been locked up for the evening, and the two of them stand in the fading light outside, waiting.
Zenie nods. “I did.”
“Why?” It’s not mean or judgmental. Just a genuinely curious question.
Should she tell him? Zenie has never told anyone about the strangeness that exists inside her house in the form of her father.
“Because I don’t have a car,” she finally answers after a moment of hesitation. “And my dad wouldn’t let me ride the horse like I had planned.”
“It’s cold,” Bobby notes. “You shouldn’t have to walk every day.”
“I don’t mind,” Zenie lies. The too-small shoes pinch her feet.
“Well, I do.” Bobby removes a set of keys from his pocket and makes his way over to a red truck parked in the corner of the diner’s parking lot. He looks back at Zenie after a few steps. “Are you coming?”
With you? She stops herself from saying. There’s nothing wrong with Bobby, or any of the Dills, that she’s aware of. But Mama has always made it very clear not to go accepting rides from anyone if she can help it. Too many women get taken right off the street just for being an Indian, and Zenie isn’t eager to become one of them.
Her feet throb, and the steady heartbeat she can feel in her cramped toes drowns out every warning that Mama has ever given her. She climbs into the truck.
It will feel silly one day, to look back and think that she was afraid of Bobby Dills, even for just a second. He’s a sweet kid, if not a little shy, but he makes polite enough conversation, and in a tone that makes you want to keep talking to him. Because unlike most people, Bobby talks to you, not at you. And he seems to want to get to know her, and maybe even enjoys her answers to his questions.  
The ride doesn’t feel long enough. Before she knows it, Bobby is idling the truck at the top of the drive, the place where the little gravel roads split off, one leading to the Dills’ house, the other to the McGlamery’s.
“Right here, tomorrow morning,” Bobby says. “I’ll pick you up on my way to school.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I insist.” Bobby smiles. “I want to.”
No one has ever said something like that to her before. Zenie can only nod. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” As Zenie gets out of the truck, Bobby rolls down his window, not yet allowing the conversation to end. “I don’t understand why your dad would make you walk like that. You would think he would have an appreciation for modern transportation, in his condition.”
In his condition. She almost snorts. “Because of his limp?”
Bobby’s brow furrows. “Because he’s missing a leg,” he supplies.
Now it’s Zenie’s turn to be confused. “What?!”
“Your father. He only has one leg, doesn’t he?” When Zenie only gives him an even more befuddled look in response, he rushes to explain. “He lost his leg in the war. That’s what I’ve heard him say around the farm store, when the old men stand around and tell war stories while buying their chicken feed.”
“My father wasn’t in the war. He was never even in the military. He limps because he fell out of a truck when he was eighteen. He’s nothing but a liar and a deadbeat.” The last part escapes her without her permission. She slaps a hand over her own mouth as if to contain the flood of words, but they’ve already escaped her. Bobby looks stunned. “Sorry,” she says when she feels safe enough to lower her hand. “I didn’t mean to say all that. Please don’t tell anyone.”
Bobby nods quietly. “Don’t worry Zena, I’ll keep your secret.” He offers her a kind smile. “Not like I have anyone to tell, anyway.”
There it is again – that same loneliness that Zenie recognizes from seeing it so often in herself. To think, she’s almost always felt so alone, yet there was someone right next door who might feel the exact same way.
“You can call me Zenie,” she offers. “Most everyone does.”
He smiles. “Sure thing. And you can call me Bobby.”
Zenie’s eyebrow quirks. “I was already calling you that.”
“Yeah,” Bobby replies, still smiling. “But you’re the only one I’ve given permission to.” He slaps a hand against the truck door to punctuate his own joke. “I’ll see you tomorrow!”
Zenie steps away to let him maneuver the truck down his driveway. She waves, then starts down her own.
Granny is waiting in the kitchen when she steps inside. “Who was that?”
“Bobby Dills, from next door. He works at the diner. Gave me a ride home.”
Granny hums. “He seems like a nice boy.”
“He is.” She hasn’t known him that long, but she feels certain in saying it.
And the next morning, when Bobby’s truck is waiting for her at the top of the drive, she knows that her assumption was correct.
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yakool-foolio · 10 months
I love everything about your death knight yakou AU! It’s incredibly interesting to read about. also i agree that yakou should have the right to wield a sword
I’m assuming Yakou will be much more involved with every investigation/case in this AU, and I was wondering if there would be any changes in relationships/character dynamics due to that. I’m mostly talking about Yomi (since he wrote the anonymous letter to manipulate Yakou and likely doesn’t initially know that Yakou had his memories about that whole ordeal taken away), but I would also love to hear about the other master detectives too haha
To format this so it doesn't become a mass of unorganized paragraphs, I'll write up a short list that contains a few dynamic changes, serious and non-serious.
Yomi - Yomi is quick to be frustrated by Yakou's antics. With what's been recently established regarding the Book Of Death, he hones in on Yakou, waiting with bated breath for an inevitable mistake to create an opening for him to arrest the chief. He's keen on observing Yakou's connection to the NDA detectives, especially Yuma. While he's never able to see Shinigami, he can tell with ease that the pact has been formed. He hides his knowledge of that fact well till their inevitable showdown in chapter 4.
Halara - As much as Yakou fears sinking into a sea of debt, he has no choice but to employ Halara's assistance for the Nail Man Killings just this once. The stingy detective continues to throw fees his way, but he reinforces his avoidance to spend more money than he needs. He hopes he can find a roundabout way to have the WDO pay off Halara instead. Once the culprits' souls for the serial killings are reaped, Halara understands the chief's concerns and offers him a candy cigarette free of charge. A symbol of their comradery being enough of a payment... for now.
Desuhiko - With Yakou in charge, Desuhiko can't get away with his flirtatiousness on the job. Quick to scold him, Yakou remains vigilant in keeping the little rockstar in line. However, there are still times where Desuhiko will slip from under his watch to try performing on the stage, frightening the poor chief. Shinigami wishes Yakou would allow the shorty to have a little more fun, but she's swiftly opposed by Desuhiko's comments towards her. Both Yakou and Shinigami grow ever tired throughout the mystery labyrinth. In the aftermath, Desuhiko continues to strive for fame from the successful mission, leaving Yakou both worried yet happy to see him determined to achieve his dreams.
Fubuki - Explaining the wonders of the world to an excited Fubuki proves difficult when Yakou holds a 'glass half empty' perspective on life. He doesn't shy away from telling the blunt truth of the things she's curious about. He believes it's better to anchor yourself in reality than venture off too far into unrealistic expectations that won't be met. However, Fubuki's adventurous attitude is admittedly contagious. He wonders what it's like to see the world through Fubuki's eyes, wishing he could be as optimistic as her. When the NDA detectives reunite after the culprits for the bombings and flood are caught, he senses a spark of a brighter future ahead of him.
Vivia - They start out wary of each other, exchanging their suspicions through side-eye glances. Vivia being fully aware of Shinigami's presence causes a rift between them. The death god grows paranoid, but Yakou wants to know more. This urge to better understand each other allows them to grow close, finding a connection through the loneliness clinging to their backs. When the time comes, there's no one Yakou trusts more with the harrowing investigation of his wife's death than the phantom detective. Yakou still has the capacity to love despite his losses, and Vivia blissfully floats in to fill that hole in his heart.
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sandycookie · 2 years
Chapter 7′s Distribution
(Pretending my fic doesn’t exist hahaha)
So, I believe I am not alone in having gone crazy waking up and seeing that Chapter 7′s first part is coming out this mid-December (and Sebek’s dorm uniform AND his first event SSR in late December! Sebek fans, stay strong). It’s crazy, I thought it wouldn’t be until 2023 that we’d see any news about Chapter 7 releasing. There was also some Asia  Disney accounts that were teasing anime, of which was TWST, and yes it does seem to point to a late December or 2023 release but there’s yet to be any word from the TWST account themselves of this, so I’ll save that for later. I am super excited for the anime though. On another note, ch7 is actually releasing around the 1000th day of TWST’s service, as if it’s tying in Malleus’ line of ‘1000 years is only a moment when you’re asleep’, which is really neat!
(More below the cut)
Anyway, what stands out about Chapter 7 other than its story content is that there is a statement that Chapter 7′s distribution is going to be different from the previous chapters’ 
Naturally, this made many of us TWST brainrotters lose our minds even more, as if we needed to have more of our brain matter at forfeit. 
Firstly, I must confess I’m half-lying. Rather than releasing the ‘first part’ of ch7/Ruler of the Abyss, it’s the ‘first chapter’ of it. Seeing as the length of Chapters have been increasing exponentially (ch4 has ~41 eps, ch5 has ~75 eps, and ch6 got ~213 eps), this points to the formatting of ch7. I think it’ll be similar to how events such as Vargas Camp and the Halloween events work. It’s not necessarily batches of episodes being released, but rather chapters that each create the larger story. I think the # of eps ch7 will get could be in the 400 - 500 range, it really depends on how batshit crazy it all gets. 
Aside from basic releases, there has been speculation from JP about how the content itself will play out. Up until now, TWST’s main story has been told primarily through Yuu’s POV, though there are plenty of instances where we see character’s outside of Yuu’s POV acting and moving the story along. For the most part, the information we learn is also information that Yuu gains as well. Many theorize that rather than Yuu’s, or at least rather than Yuu’s POV being the main lens in which we view the story, there will be a retelling of the main story up to this point all from Malleus’ POV. This is interesting in many ways, as this would be the first time we would be primarily experiencing the story through a POV other than Yuu’s. It would allow for different views on the world of TWST, in the shoes someone who’s acquainted with its culture and customs, and would also allow us to be privy to the actions and maybe even thoughts of a character who has so much lore and mystery hanging on his actions. Putting in my own 2 cents, I don’t think that ch7 will be entirely from Malleus’ POV, but given the trailer, Sleeping Beauty, and Maleficent, it wouldn’t be out of the question if there’s a chunk of the story from Malleus’ POV should he cause Yuu or NRC to sleep, though I don’t think the chunk of story would be dominated from Malleus’ POV. If that does happen, I think that there’ll at least be some of Yuu’s POV as they confront the various dreams they’ve been having, maybe even more Mickey stuff as he can only meet Yuu in his dreams (maybe Yuu will meet the Great Seven? Or at least encounter manifestations of them?). Though I think it would be neat if we could get other characters’ POV as they confront aspects about themselves, particularly the OB boys and the steps they’ve taken to better themselves. 
I don’t think the entirety of ch7 will be the retelling, but I think it is a good idea to have in many ways as it helps players review the past story content without them having to retreading charted waters while also providing new story content in the form of Malleus’ POV. 
But the main appeal of this is connecting back to the famous Time Loop theory. If you don’t know what it is, it’s a theory that all of NRC is in a Time Loop and that Yuu is there to prevent the threat (likely Grim) of tragedy. There’s a lot of variations on this theory and I won’t go into detail, but you can find plenty of Time Loop theories. I recommend this video from princessmacarons as I believe it does a solid job of getting the solid ideas of the Time Loop theory out. But the core idea in this case is that Malleus is in a Time Loop trying his best to find his ‘happy ending’. 
Another theory is that there will be a route split. I personally don’t think this will be the case, or that if there is something like this then it would be written in a way to be contained in ch7. I’m certain that there will be story content beyond ch7, such as ch8 for when Grim OB (and TWST is huge in JP; I don’t think they’d end its service in as short a time as 3 or 4 years) or even content that expands beyond NRC’s walls; RSA, or the world of TWST in some sort of summer break thing. There’s also the Spring Break! Either way, having a route split would be create a lot of work for future content depending on the route split. As nice as it would be for Yuu to have more story presence, they have so far only been a stand-in for the audience; placing the choice of the course of a story in the hands of the player isn’t anything new, but for a online game such as TWST, I don’t see that happening. Part of the joys of being in the a part of a fandom for an updating story is being able to theorize and speculate on future content. And a major part of that is having a overarching, main narrative at the forefront. Having a single narrative play out creates a sense of unity among the player base, and for a game like TWST that is a visual novel and thus relies on its story to draw in fans, this is even more important. Yes, there could always be this ‘whose side are you on?’ kind of thing that can work, but again, I don’t see this happening, at least in ch7 when the story can still feasibly go on. A route split I can kind of see happening is maybe something at the end of the game, where Yuu chooses what they want to do (i.e go home, stay in TWST, etc.).
Still, I guess I can somewhat see a reality where there is a route split; TWST’s quality has been improving by leaps and bounds. But I still don’t think it’s very likely, as cool as it would be to have. 
We still haven’t gotten any actual content for ch7, only teasers and trailers. We’ll have to withhold any solid conclusions until we’ve finished ch7, or get a good chunk of it. I don’t think anyone expected for ch6 to take place in the Isle of Woe at STYX, and it was a major shock that it happened. Point is, TWST has proven to us, not just in events, that it has a way of subverting our expectations. ch7 can go in so many ways its not even funny. I eagerly await Chapter 1 of Ruler of the Abyss and how ch7 will play out, and I am equally elated for the many questions we have regarding lore.
Thank you for reading my half-baked half-thought brainrot of a rant. Go drink some water, maybe get a snack. You deserve it. 
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pukanavis · 4 months
Plum Blossoms and Snowflakes | Plum Blossom 2
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Madara: “A big thanks to everyone for coming to our live today~!”
“Let’s get excited and stop Mayoi-san from needing to repeat a year, woo-hooo ☆”
Mayoi: “Madara-san, I would appreciate it if you didn’t say that so loud…”
Eichi: “Yes, there’s no need to raise your voice. I’ve had speakers installed so that you can be heard all throughout the school.”
“In fact, we’re broadcasting across the entire world ♪”
Mayoi: “Hyaah! D-Did you say the entire world!?”
“This is too much shame for me to handle, I want to crawl into a pit…!”
Niki: “Mayo-chan, Mayo-chan. Before you go hiding in a pit, can you do me a favour?”
“I’m feeling hungry, so would you go backstage and grab me something to eat?”
Mayoi: “Huh? But we’re in the middle of a show!?”
Niki: “I’m a danger when I get hungry, I’ll go on a rampage if this doesn’t get fixed!”
“If you won’t go backstage then I’ll just have to eat you instead!”
Mayoi: “Uhm, Shiina-san, I’m not food?”
Niki: “Nyahaha, that mouth-watering scent I’m picking up says otherwise~” 
“Can I take a bite? Just a finger will do!”
Mayoi: “Ah, please get away from meeee!”
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Mayoi: —What if it ends up like that…!? Aaah, just thinking about it makes my stomach churn.
Akiomi: Why would you ever pick those people?
Mayoi: I thought it would be better to imagine the worst possible scenario.
Akiomi: I see. Well, Mikejima-kun and Tenshouin-kun have already graduated, and Shiina-kun isn’t even a student here so the combination you’ve thought of is entirely irregular…
Besides, you don’t need to form a team entirely with strangers. Don’t you remember? I said I’d prefer you to find people you don’t interact with often if possible.
I assure you, there’s students out there that want to help you. Even if it has only been half a year, you must have formed some sort of bond with the others.
I’m eager to see what you’ll do, Ayase-kun.
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Time: A few minutes later
Mayoi: —I’ll excuse myself then.
(How pathetic of me. I’ve been living carefree without any concern for how my credits have been faring.)
(I need to find people outside of ALKALOID that I don’t regularly talk to…I could ask Narukami-san or Kagehira-san, couldn’t I?)
(The idea of working with people I’m not close to is terrifying, so I can’t even begin to muster up the courage to approach anyone.)
(But I have to form a temporary unit in order to graduate. If I end up having to repeat the year—)
(...That reminds me, Ritsu-san mentioned how he had to repeat a grade.)
(He said it wasn’t entirely a bad thing.)
(Although I’ve been enrolled at Yumenosaki for three years, I’ve only been attending like a ‘real’ student would for six months or so.)
(If I repeated a grade, I could remain a student for one year longer…)
(I might even be able to create the memories I longed for to make my own graduation album.)
(Not to mention, I’d be in the same class as Hiiro-san and Chief—)
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Mayoi: (Ah, I forgot about Chief! If I graduated, he’d be left all alone in the Ninja Club!)
(Aah, I couldn’t possibly abandon him like that!)
(I don’t know what I'd do with myself if I put him through such misery…!)
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Mayoi: (...I’m terribly sorry, Kunugi-sensei, but I’m going to surrender myself to the course of fate. I’ll repeat another year without resistance.)
(For someone as socially-inept as me, forming a temporary unit was a lost cause from the very start.)
(This is the best choice. I’m sure of it.)
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ariesmemes · 1 year
♡    ╱    SUNDAY BRUNCH SENTENCE STARTERS ( created using chapel's 2017 album sunday brunch. feel free to adjust to fit your muse. )
"you're nothing like your mother said you'd be"
“why do i bother?”
“this high is getting the best of me”
“don’t deny you made me choose”
“all the things you made me do.”
“you were all the rage of 89′“
“what i’d do to you doesn’t compare to how you never keep me in line.”
“i’m so caught up in the shit that the world throws at me”
“the only girl i loved is married to someone else”
“why do you always do the same things?”
“how are you?”
“i wanna be free to do what i want to like i used to when i was young.”
“my room still smells like the dreams that died long ago”
“i hate the thoughts that develop when you’re all alone”
“i’d rather be broke than brain dead”
“my friends are all hitched and happy”
“i’m working all week but my ends don’t meet”
“it’s all the same”
“i could use a break”
“we know we’ll never see the money”
“we’re better on our own”
“we’ve got soul”
“i just want a chance to break the mold”
“i’m a boujie ass bitch deep down in my bones”
“i haven’t washed clothes in six weeks”
“what’s wrong with you?”
“i’m missing getting high with brian”
“my brain is fried”
“i ain’t even trying”
“i need to know where i should go”
“i’m praying for some sort of miracle from you”
“i’m waiting for someone to take me home”
“you got me messed up”
“i always find a reason to run into you”
we got that history that’s something you can’t teach”
“he’s got the master key”
“he’s a crying little bitch that doesn’t get it up”
“she’s a tennessee ten”
“she doesn’t get enough”
“i’m trying to make it rain”
“i wanted all of you”
“i feel like such a fool”
“why do you do this to me?”
“our session’s overdue”
“love’s just not made for two”
“you’re such a mystery”
“i need a little extra credit”
“i need that guilty free”
“i’m sitting at home in my boxers”
“thinking we were meant to be”
“i hope i’m figured out by the time i’m thirty”
“i’m tired of waking up to ramen”
“forever seems lonely without you”
“i hate the way it feels”
“can we go back to the taste of something real?”
“i will always wait for you”
“i think i’m in love with you”
“i can’t get enough of you”
“don’t you love me too?”
“she’s kinda classic”
“she had me sprung just a little prematurely”
“she ghosted my two-for-twenty”
“it’s a cheap date when you’re eating alone”
“does he bore you half to death?”
“should’ve listened to what your momma said”
“i wanna find love, whatever that means”
“i missed seeing your face today”
“waiting for death to call me up”
“i have a lifetime of things to say”
“i hate the smell around this home cause it reminds me of who it once belonged to”
“when will it go away?”
“hurting’s such an ugly taste”
“what if we were wrong?”
“what if when we die there is no one?”
“i was hoping i might see you again”
“i miss saying that i’m okay”
“i’m craving your sweet tea”
“mom isn’t make it quite the same”
“i gotta sleep with the tv on”
“i still hum your favourite songs”
“i’m forgetting how it goes”
“i would be so scared”
“tell me abut the boy you love”
“you vandalised your past with achievements you’re making”
“a splash of paint can be covered in a weekday”
“show me what love feels like”
“i’ve never felt it”
“was it the sex i gave or the lies i told?”
“to hell with you”
“did i care too much?”
“was i just too cold?”
“i messed it up now i’m all alone”
“in the morning i take my daily dose of stress”
“black out just to make it through the day”
“i wanna get drunk with my friends again”
“as my hair recedes, i still don’t know what’s best for me”
“to hell with me”
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airi-p4 · 2 years
Postponed plans
Hi! I wrote this story a while ago and I forgot to post it... So I’m posting it now because I’m feeling short of salt. And sugar. Especially SUGAR. I needed a dose of Lukanette FLUFF. So here’s a fic that have both sweetness and a pinch of salt. Enjoy?
Luka invites Marinette out, but she already has plans with-…
(Or why Marinette isn't allowed to have the peacock Miraculous)
Warning: Chat Noir salt
Marinette checked the time on her phone screen. Her university classes were finished for the day. If she hurried she could make use of some spare time to work on that secret project of hers… she was so lost in thought she didn’t notice the person she was thinking about coming from behind until he tapped her shoulder.
“Hello, Marinette”
She jumped from the surprise, but when she turned and Luka was still there after she rubbed her eyes a few times, she beamed and enthusiastically jumped to his arms. “Luka! You’re back!”
“I’m back”, he reciprocated the hug.
“I didn’t expect you until next week, but I’m so happy to see you!” she said. “I missed you so much”
“I missed you, too. I got impatient to see you and came back earlier” he confessed.
“You should have told me!” she pouted.
“That would have ruined the surprise, wouldn’t it?” he winked teasingly.
She couldn’t disagree. And gosh- he really looked handsome. Better than in those posters, TV, magazines or even in those video calls. Suddenly, the present she was working on for him didn’t matter anymore.
Luka was back. And he said next time he came back, he would be staying. In Paris. With HER.
‘ And that’s all that matters ’, she thought while melting in his warmth.
“I know it’s sudden but can I take you out tonight, Marinette?” Luka asked, his arms weaker to give her some space to look at him. She gave him an apologizing smile.
“I’m sorry, Luka, but I already have plans tonight. I promised a friend…”
“Oh. Well- I was aware it could happen with how popular you are” he kissed her forehead with a chuckle before she could protest. “May I ask who is the lucky person?”
“Well… It’s Ladybug”
“Ladybug?” he blinked twice, confused, as she had expected him to react. “But you’re…”
“Shhh!! Not here!” her index pressed against her soft lips for a moment, but then her hand slid down to take his. “She raised up on her tip-toes to give him a quick peek on his still half-opened mouth, and it immediately changed into a wide lovestruck smile. “Come with me!” she pulled his hand and he was more than happy to follow her like a puppy.
“Ok- so…” she started, once they reached a quieter, more deserted, place. “You know how packed my schedule always is, right? How I always have to come up with excuses and leave whenever there’s an akuma and all the lies I have to take to protect my secret…” He nodded. He knew too well: it was what caused their break up some time ago. “Besides you know how Chat is…” she groaned. “I’m so done with him and I’ve been wishing I could relegate my work to someone else for so long now… Except I couldn’t! Because I’m the guardian and I have the responsibility to keep an eye on the Miraculous and Su-Han is pressuring me with stupid training and- Arghhh!!” She pulled her hair in frustration. “It was such a mess!”
“I can imagine…” he sympathized. His thumb caressing her cheek calmed her. “I wish I could have been here to help you earlier…” he lamented and she smiled at him with that look she showed him only.
“I know. You did a lot even before you knew, and I was the one who suggested you to stay away in order to protect you. If the villains had targeted you… I don’t want to ever think about it…”
“I know” he held her hands in ressurance.
“Everything has been much better since you’ve been supporting me, Luka. But with University and you traveling around the world, I came up with a temporary solution: I created a new Ladybug: a Senti-Ladybug”
“A sentimonster?”
“Yes. Convincing Felix was not easy, but I managed somehow. Then, I projected all my best qualities to the sentimonster, gave her the Ladybug Miraculous' powers and sent her to fight whenever I couldn’t or I didn’t want to deal with Chat Noir- which was, honestly, most of the time” she rolled her eyes. “She’s a great Ladybug”
“That sounds very helpful and convenient. And clever" he praised. "Are you inviting her to thank her for her efforts and good job?”
“Well- Not exactly” she smiled amusedly at Luka’s questioning expression. “I’m inviting her because I want to apologize”
“Yes, you see?” her hands swinged rhythmically with his as she spoke. “I don’t want to brag but I did a very good job with Senti-Ladybug. So good that no one in Paris could tell she isn’t the real one! Not even Chat Noir!”
“No way!” Luka exclaimed, trying not to laugh.
“And poor Senti-Ladybug has been dealing with a lot of flirting and stupid jokes for a long while. Chat Noir even created trouble and willingly encouraged people to get akumatized just to spend time with her!” she groaned. “That’s without counting how he’s still insisting on revealing our secret identities to each other… As if he didn’t know where that led us before!”
“Wow… I knew he was bad- but I didn’t know it was this bad … I’m sorry to hear that” Luka’s fingers tightened support in her hands.
“Yes… That's why Sentibug talked to me last weekend. She said she rejected Chat Noir… more than 20 times!- and that she was tired"
"Tired? Isn't she supposed to follow your will?"
"That's right. Imagine how bad she must feel! Poor thing! She said that she can’t stand Chat Noir anymore and told me she wanted to quit- which I can’t blame her, since I did the same - so I decided to step in” Luka kept listening attentively. “Both of us met with Chat, and he was incredibly shocked and frustrated when he learned the truth about Sentibug. I thought Sentibug was exaggerating but he seriously had no idea or even suspected that Sentibug wasn't me all this time! He’s unbelievable! We’ve been partners for years and yet- It’s disappointing, really…” she sighed tiredly. “So yes- I’m apologizing to Sentibug for having her go through all the trouble she's been enduring for so long. Mostly Chat, because she deals with akumas very quickly and efficiently”
“I think inviting her is a wonderful idea, Marinette. She seems to have worked very hard so far,” Luka kissed the back of her hand and she blushed. “What are you going to do about Chat?”
“Well- I think he’s reflecting on his actions after we called him out... Knowing him, he’s probably still in shock” Luka nodded in agreement. “If Sentibug doesn’t want to work with him anymore, I think I’ll take his ring for good” there was another deep sigh from her. “You know? even despite everything, I’m not happy with the idea… He's been my partner since the very beginning and it was Master Fu who chose him… Looking back, that's most likely what's been stopping me until now, I think." His head lowered as she shrugged in nostalgia. "But he’s had a lot of time to change after I first warned him, and he didn’t…. Besides, it’s not like he's been very helpful recently- no, he isn't most of the time-, so… It feels like I have to do it this time”
Luka couldn’t disagree with those last statements. Flirting, joking, exposing himself directly to danger, self-sacrifice, wishing for people to get akumatized so he could meet with Ladybug…Yes- Paris sounded much safer without him around.
“Yes. I think that’s the right move, too” He said, and Marinette let out a relieved sigh. She was always happy to have Luka’s wisdom backing her decisions up. And if he ever thought there was something uncertain in her plans, they would debate it and come to the best possible solution. As they caressed each other's hands, they smiled at each other. Luka continued. “I think you really owe her dinner after all, yes” he chuckled.
“Right!?” She jumped. “I feel so sorry for having her go through that! She’s been very helpful and I want to be a better friend to her!”
“Sentibug sounds amazing, Marinette,” Luka chuckled. “Do you think I could join you? Maybe just to introduce us?”
“No! Impossible!” Marinette loudly protested. Luka stared at her confused and her cheeks turned red at her own reaction. Her hands finally left his to cover her face. “I mean… I projected a lot of myself into her- my best traits: Ladybug’s traits. She’s like… a perfect Ladybug. No clumsiness, no rambling, no panic or accidents… But what if I projected too much of myself into her? What if my love for you found its way through her, too!? Or maybe you'd prefer her since she’s a better me!? I can’t risk it!”
There were a few seconds of silence.
And Luka burst out laughing.
“What!” her face reddened, but he didn’t stop laughing for a minute.
“Gosh Marinette! You’re so funny!” he said, straightening up from being bent double. “I would never not know you. And I would never not love you” She relaxed at his loving expression, but her redness didn’t fade off her face. “I love you as you are: with clumsiness, rambles and everything” He assured. “A Marinette without those traits wouldn’t be the Marinette I love. I wouldn’t change you for anything or anyone, melody”
It didn’t seem possible, but Marinette blushed even more. She moved closer to rest her face on his chest, breathing his cologne and enjoying his warmth. She surrounded his torso with her arms and he gently returned the gesture.
“I don’t know how I’m so lucky to have you in my life. You're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for, Luka” she pulled even closer, enjoying a kiss on the top of her head and his fingers playing with her loose hair. “I love you so much”
“I think I'm the lucky one, Marinette” she melted as he whispered in her ear. "I love you too"
After a long tender moment enjoying their closeness, while keeping her arms around him, Marinette pulled slightly apart and raised her face to meet his, almost knocking his chin with her sudden move. Their eyes met.
“Let’s go out tomorrow! To make up for today!” She suggested. He smiled lovingly at her glowing, enthusiastic eyes.”Or maybe we can go enjoy the night view of Paris from the Eiffel Tower after my plans with Ladybug are over tonight!”
“OK then- let’s go out tomorrow. And we can go to the Eiffel Tower after our date, if you still want to” he replied with a smile. “Oh, and I’m the one inviting” she pouted at that but he kissed her before she could complain. A long, loving, sweet kiss that made them forget about the rest of the world. He pulled her into a hug again. “I’ll be looking forward to it”
“Me too” She beamed, and sank her face on his chest once again to muffle her happy squeal. After months and so many fiascos, a proper date with Luka sounded too good to be real…
She couldn’t be happier.
“Have fun and enjoy your time with Ladybug tonight,” She nodded, snuggling even closer, to his contentment. “And if you need me… I’ll be close by, in my room, composing a thousand love songs for you”
“Then I’ll make sure to listen to all of them tomorrow” she hummed happily.
She rose once again on her tip-toes to give him a soft kiss on his lips and he took the chance to surround her with his arms, raise her light body up and spin her around before giving her one more long, loving, and long-awaited kiss with a taste Marinette decided to call ‘ Happiness ’.
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4filen0tfound4 · 2 years
hey can you do a character analysis/comparison on zonic and shard to find out what silver likes in his men
Cries. They’re both stupid guys who piss her off idk. Real analysis tho
Ok Ok so Shard and Zonic have completely different origins. One was created purely to cause chaos and the other was created purely for order and stability.
However, they’re both Sonic. Yet how they view that is also entirely different. Ever since Shard was just “Metal Sonic” his entire purpose was not only to live up to him (power wise), but to best him. After he was rebuilt, he wanted nothing more but to live up to Sonic. Sure he could match with him power wise, but he couldn’t just copy and paste his exact personality and friend groups. I think his entire arc was him becoming his own person and realizing he’s more than just Metal or Sonic. With Zonic, he knows he’s just like Sonic, and even believes that he can beat him if he really needed to. Due to his origins, he feels superior to Sonic, while Shard looks down on his origins as it’s the exact cause of his insecurities. I believe, despite these differences, their core values and personalities are very similar. Zonic puts up this serious front for the sake of a mission, but it barely lasts that long. They’re both so. GOOFY. They make terrible puns nobody laughs at besides themselves and can act cheeky if they believe they’re better than whoever they’re being cheeky with. They’re also quick to act. Like a pathetic wet cat. The moment their insecurities are exposed and if there’s a doubt in their mind they fumble. I think it affects Zonic more than Shard, because he’s so used to being so sure of himself that if something goes wrong, it messes him up like crazy. Thissss is what also affects how they interact with Sonic. Despite his superiority complex, Zonic is really dependent on Sonic. This can stem off of his own fears that are now eased when he works along Sonic, or just the fact that Sonic is from the Prime Zone and without Sonic there’s literally no. Purpose for him. No matter what, Sonic is the OG and Zonic is the copy. His entire world is structured after Sonic’s and made to protect and defend Sonic’s. Shard has the exact same dilemma concerning Sonic, but it’s now taken from a more personal level (which I rlly enjoy and makes the comparison more fun) His interactions after he was rebuilt started out tense, but through the development of friendship and his displays of kindness, he was able to become Sonic’s friend. I’m not gonna say Zonic and Sonic didn’t develop a friendship bc they definitely did, but Sonic put trust in Zonic *after* Zonic revealed he was him. It was more like a “I have to trust you bc you are me even tho I can’t always agree with you” then develop a friendship rather than “You have to earn my trust because I never had any for you in the first place” like it was for Shard
BUT WHATEVER WHO CARES AB SONIC LETS TALK AB SILVER !!! Shard and Silver had more of a one sided enemy thing going on. Silver wasn’t there to make friends, but ended up making friends anyway because idk this is sonic the hedgehog. They were very. Brash and rude to each other, but Shard was clearly having fun teasing and messing with Silv while Silv was debating on killing him like half the time (I’m getting lazy just reread the wiki page like the rest of us) Because Zonic fucking DIED and every zone was erased besides the prime zone (which was a fucking LIE bc of the silver age and like several other issues but whatever) Silv and Zonic never interacted howeverrrr it’s easy to predict how they’ll interact. Silv, unless told that he could trust him in the beginning and that they need to work together, would be hostile and probably bite him ngl. Zonic, esp after the Silver Age, would probably arrest Silver. This would cause Silver to be on edge and they would probably fight a lot. Zonic would win but not rlly bc Silver doesn’t stop fighting that’s like his thing. I still think that although their fights would like strain their relationship, they would end up becoming allies due to having a similar goal and a similar way to attain it. Also thank god Silver is finally partnered with someone who wouldn’t blink if told he needs to kill someone in order to maintain order. They both have the same job and morals, so if they ever got over their differences then they would probably make a good team. So um TLDR Silver likes guys that he hates and finds annoying and only get in her way, only to find out it’s a good kind of annoying and they can rlly be her friends. They’re just like me fr
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gunnerkriggcritical · 2 years
I've been a consistent reader of Gunnerkrigg since... god, I think I found the first book in the store and picked it up that way, so around 12 or 13 years? I was around Antimony's starting age when I picked it up, I know that much, and I've only been reading one webcomic longer (Order of the Stick, if anyone's curious. Going strong and much better than this has). I loved the bizarre world presented to me, and I felt like I was growing up alongside Antimony and Kat to a certain extent, with the story growing deeper as I got older to be able to appreciate it more. Everything about it has always been fascinating to me, and every new element as the story progressed felt like it was building so well. All of that is why I think the slow deterioration has hit me as hard as it did. I'm still reading, but it's felt like a habit more than an actual want for what feels like years now. If I had to point and say "this is where it started," I don't think I could, but I think I really *noticed* at the start of the Loup content. Coyote and Ysengrin were characters that I really enjoyed, because I adore seeing characters who are so far above everything that the world is their playset. That sort of viewpoint is fascinating for me to explore, and even more so that of the one being toyed with. Having those two sacrificed for Loup of all characters, who has what I would say are the worst points of both, felt like a kick in the gut. He's just not interesting to me, and the things he does are just... I don't know, they're all such impulsive decisions that it feels like he's just around to cause problems in whatever way will send the plot in the direction it needs to go. Two incredibly complex characters being combined to make *this* feels. Insulting??? And on top of that, there's everything with Anthony, and how Antimony and Kat barely feel like the main characters of their own story half the time anymore. I'm probably going to keep reading. I've put over half my life into this, and I do want to see the end, even if it's just going to be me habitually checking in on update days. But I have a feeling I'm not going to enjoy the rest of the journey, and that's deeply, deeply upsetting.
I agree with everything you’ve said, and I feel for you. Loup is such a disappointment in every way. Just as you said, he’s an extremely uninteresting, flat, uncompelling character, and the fact that two fascinating characters were killed to create him is painful to think about. I’ve been hoping and hoping that he’s temporary, but he’s now been around for almost five YEARS (!! I can’t believe it) and I’m starting to think the loss of Coyote and Ysengrin is going to be permanent. It sucks! I feel your pain. Thanks for sharing.
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mitch42 · 1 year
We’ve been “bankrupting our future” for as long as I have been alive
As a nerdy kid who was too attached to the TV, I watched morning news before school, evening news with my parents, and sometimes weekend news talk shows. I was relatively aware of current events and politics, even if naive about the meaning of it all. 
I remember hearing that social security would be bankrupt before those working in the 80s would retire, much less for Generation X to gain the benefit. I remember Reagan talking about the debt and spending. I remember Perot with his flip chart commercials talking about the deficit. I remember Gore’s “lockbox” solution to protecting Social Security while we tighten our finances. For as long as I can remember, the US has been inching toward bankruptcy, spending it’s future, and saddling my generation and those that came after with debt. 
But we’ve continued to spend. GOP and Dem administrations alike cut taxes and increase spending. Cut the budget, but don’t touch the biggest slices of the pie like defense. And all the time - “we can’t afford that program”, “the deficit is terrible”, “we’re in so much debt”. We can’t afford to help out the poor, the disabled, the under privileged. If they’d only learn to help themselves, we could all prosper, but you’re condemning your grandchildren to poverty if we spend more to help them now. 
Does anyone else remember this? I never hear it discussed that these problems have been around for half a century and their dire predictions have never come true. I’m politically aware but I can’t understand how when programs were going to be untenable 40 years ago they are still around. We can’t possibly afford to shore up these safety nets, but we can cut taxes and not cut the budget and we’re still around to spend more. It sounds like, frankly, horseshit. 
It sounds to me like someone has been trying to scare us. While the working classes are tightening their belts and trying to find a bootstrap to lift themselves up by, corporations, criminals, and the top 1% are getting richer and more powerful and eating even larger slices of the pie. 
Just like the billionaires can exploit the loopholes in the system to prevent them from ever falling on really hard times, our country - the wealthiest in the world - exploits the systems we helped create to keep us on top. Why shouldn’t we exercise that power to help our working class - people who really need help - and bring everyone along, rather than condemn anyone to poverty and disease? 
Really - someone explain to me how the financial doom and gloom of the 80s and 90s that our “run away spending” would cause has only hurt the middle and lower classes while the top 1% continues to thrive. And explain why we should not take from them to better everyone.
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