#hancock's power works on everyone but luffy
franeridan · 8 months
I've been thinking about this but isn't it amazing that oda makes every single background and side character in op bisexual for absolutely no reason and gives it no explanation whatsoever
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capisback · 1 year
the world of one piece is just a bunch of bisexuals with one really powerful asexual
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
I remember Oda did this thing where everyone was 40 then 60 Years Old, and I thought it would be cool to see that for Eri!Reader (But it’s when she’s 20 and 40 years old instead) When Something Goes Wrong vs Good Ending
When Something Goes Wrong (Bad Ending)
20 Year old Eri: Emotionless, Lifeless and a Hollow Shell of herself, doesn’t see the point in trying to have hope (Or she takes a path similar to ‘That Man’ and is wearing an oddly familiar Plague Doctor’s mask)
40 Year Old Eri: Unknown, MIA (Presumed Deceased) all records and information about her don’t seem to exist (All information about her was burned and destroyed by order of the Five Elders) as well as any intent to try and find out about her results in immediate execution
Where Everything goes right (Good Ending)
20 Year Old Eri: Beautiful on the inside and out, with the kindness that rivals a Nun, travels around to help those she can, very optimistic and enjoys trying and learning new things (Her beauty rivals that of Hancock and Shirahoshi)
40 Year Old Eri: Content with her life, still kind, sweet and gentle, she’s happily married to Momonosuke (They’re currently expecting a child *Her Brothers are currently chasing Momo in pure rage that he touched her*) she still helps others, but she’s starting to settle down since she’ll become a Mother (Her brothers are crying because Momo ‘Stole’ their little sister) 😂
Ooh I love all of this!! And I can see it fitting!
Bad Ending- 20 Years- She's like a doll, emotionless and does nothing unless if she's ordered to. Only certain high-level officials know of her, and they are the only ones that are able to give her orders, and she only listens to them. Sometimes, she remembers the sea.
Bad Ending 40 Years- She has been declared deceased many years ago, but only those highest in power, the Five Elders, know the truth, and she is there little doll, working for only them now, following their orders. She is considered the worst kind of taboo to talk about, and anyone who does, risks being immediately executed.
Good Ending 20 Years- She still lives with her family, but she is regarded as a saint, who helps others with her abilities, much like how Marco helps out as a doctor. She would definitely have Chopper teach her how to be a doctor and her family adores her!
Good Ending 40 Years- there are many who want to marry Eri, but they have several challenges between them, mainly in the form of her family members, with the final challenge being Luffy and Ace (and Sabo too ;) ) but if they prove they are worthy, they will let Eri marry. Jokes on them, because she ends off sneaking off to marry Momonosuke, as he makes her happy. Her family does accept it, but the moment they find out that she's pregnant, everyone except Chopper, Nami, and Robin are chasing him down, going to kill him for touching her.
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nicorobinmywife · 2 years
One Piece boys dealing with an insecure partner
Summary: headcanons of how they would help you to deal with your insecurities. GN reader.
Character: Luffy, Zoro and Ace.
your captain is so strong and determined and you've wondered if you really deserve him.
if he is going to become king of the pirates, he will need an equally strong partner to protect him.
when you saw the pirate empress boa hancock saving him, you couldn't hide your sadness.
" - hey y/n why are you so sad?" - he sits next to you.
"- I wish I could be strong like the pirate empress boa hancock so I could protect you, she's so powerful and beautiful, she deserves you more than me." - you cried, Luffy took off his hat and put it on your head, you were shocked, Nami was the only person he trusted his hat.
" - y/n, if I didn't think you were strong I wouldn't have asked you to join my crew, i know how hard you work to protect me, i'm so proud of you, now stop crying, you are prettier when you are smiling " - he wraps his arm around your body and hugs you.
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during a battle against marine soldiers, you were not at your best and were easily knocked down.
" - hahaha, what is a weak pirate like you is doing next to Roronoa Zoro, one of the strongest and most feared men in the world?", the soldier makes fun of you, but zoro cut him with his sword and saved you.
since that day you felt insecure and you started to avoid Zoro.
at first Zoro preferred to respect your space and leave you alone.
but of course he missed you and went to talk to you.
" - Did I do something that made you sad? why are you avoiding me?" - he sits beside you.
" - the problem isn't you, it's me, I'm tired of being weak, no matter how hard I train, I'll never be strong like you, you're the strongest man in the world, you don't have any flaws, I don't I understand why you waste your time with someone like me, you deserve someone better than me." - you sighed.
" - you are wrong, I do have my weaknesses, I also fight with my own demons every day, always trying to overcome myself in order to protect you, our captain and the others, I am also afraid of failing and disappointing everyone." - he puts his hand on your shoulder, you've never heard him talk that way, you've never seen zoro's vulnerable side.
" - I didn't know you felt that way Zoro." - He smiled and wiped a tear that was running down your cheek.
" - these are the moments where i look to you for strength, you taught me that being strong is not just about physical strength, you are strong in your own way y/n, don't let insecurities control you." - he hugs you, that's when you finally understood how important you are to him.
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note: Ace and whitebeard didn't died in this headcanon.
whitebeard decided to throw a party to celebrate ace's successful rescue.
everyone was drinking and dancing, but ace missed you and decided to look for you.
" - hey what are you doing here alone?" - he laid his head on your lap.
" - it's nothing, you don't have to worry about me." - he knows you very well and always knew when you were lying.
"- you know you can trust me, y/n, tell me, what's bothering you?" - you broke down in tears.
"- I was so scared of losing you, you were only captured because I wasn't strong enough to protect you, if you had been executed I wouldn't have forgiven myself, I can't even look you in the eye and ask your forgiveness for being so useless." - when he heard that he quickly got up and pulled you into a hug.
" - never say something like that again, it wasn't your fault okay? being captured is a risk any pirate takes, Luffy himself told me that he couldn't rescue me without your help, I trust you with my life y/n and I'm very proud of you."
" - i love you so much Ace." - you kissed him.
after this conversation, expect a lot of compliments from him, ace will do anything to make you not feel insecure.
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moongothic · 4 months
Hey so also have Sir Crocodile brainrot and have recently reread Impel Down. This is probably nothing at all but it made me question the artistic choice made. Like we dont see Crocodiles full face until Luffy recognizes him. Before that tho he joins in on Jinbei & Ace's convo about Whitebeard and is shown to (non-)react to Boa Hancocks visit. But we only get his face in shadows or see the hook. Which. Why. Oda we know what he looks like and who the guy with the stitches on his face and the hook is. WHY OBSCURE HIM.
My friend, this is what we call a "cocktease"
Okay jokes aside, yes it was an artistic choise. More specifically, a storytelling technique Oda masterfully used to build up hype and excitement to Crocodile's eventual reveal and re-introduction into the story.
So thanks to Ms Goldenweek's cover story (which ran back during Water 7/Enies Lobby) we already knew Crocodile along with Daz, Bon-chan and Galdino had all been sent to Impel Down, when we also learned about Impel Down, Marineford and the Gates of Justice (+ the giant whirlpool between the three locations) to some extent. ((Now of course, if you were an anime-only then you would've had no idea about the former BW members being in Impel Down. And even if you had read the manga you still would've had to actually pay attention to the cover story and its lore, and not forgotten all about it))
So even before Luffy decides he's going to head to Impel Down to save Ace, we know Crocodile's going to be somewhere down there. The second Luffy arrives there, we are immidiately reminded of the fact when Domino mentions Crocodile taking the traditional "bath" new inmates take at the entrance. And as we descend deeper and deeper into Impel Down, with those cuts to what's happening down at Level 6 every now and then, as well as with the Baroque Works Countdown, Oda time and time again keeps on reminding of us of Crocodile's looming presence in the background. This is all absolutely deliberate. Crocodile was arguably the most iconic (maybe not most popular but iconic) One Piece villian at the time, if given an opportunity of course the readers wanted to see him again. But just letting us see him right away would be anti-climactic, and distracting from what's actually important (Ace, and Luffy getting to him as fast as possible). So keeping him hidden could serve multiple purposes:
For one, Crocodile doesn't get to steal the spotlight from the other characters (at least not too early). We can focus on Luffy, Ace, all the new Impel Down characters and the other returning characters in peace, while Crocodile waits for his turn. Another thing is that Crocodile's presence being downplayed gives off the impression that perhaps him being there isn't that important to the story. Thus, him teaming up with Luffy to break out isn't such an obvious twist (and so when that happens, it's ever more hype as a result)
But indeed, the most important part is that by teasing us constantly through out Impel Down, Oda creates hype. He makes us the readers excited if/when we might get to see the bastard, even if it was just a quick little cameo. So when Luffy finally reaches Level 6 and we finally do get that reveal, everyone loses their fucking marbles over the HISASHIBURI DANA MUGIWARA when we finally get to see The Motherfucker Himself. (And indeed, then getting to see him fight alongside Luffy is cool as fucking hell, completely unexpected and absolutely delightful)
But there's also another thing building up to Crocodile's reveal does. Compare his original introduction to the re-introduction
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Compare Crocodile at the height of his power and influence, to the absolute rock bottom he has hit. No longer happily laughing while looking down on people (literally), he's filthy, he has given up on life, with sunken eyes and a hollow look on his face, only moved by a thirst for petty revenge (/an opportunity to go out with a bang). He doesn't even get the whole page for his grand reveal anymore, he's been shuffled to the side so the plot can progress on the same page.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
And to some degree, this is kind of meant to be a shocking realization to the readers. That this is not the same Crocodile we remember from Alabasta, that Crocodile died when Luffy defeated him. This is just the husk that remains, a shadow of what was once there. It's a sad sight, and probably not what the readers who loved Crocodile The Villian wanted to see. It's not the epic Return of the (Evil) King they wanted. And that juxtaposition helps, because Crocodile doesn't return into the story as a villian, but as a frenemy/ally-on-thin-ice. And that idea is easier to signal to the readers in a lowkey manner when you do his re-introduction like this.
So yes, Oda refusing to show Crocodile's face until Luffy found him was 100% a deliberate artistic choise. This is fantastic storytelling
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peonac · 10 months
I’m so glad to have a friend who enjoys One Piece! How did you get into it? Do you have a favourite character? One you can’t stand? A favourite arc? Any fic recs?
probably the longest post I have ever made incoming:
I got into it in April 2003 (I was 11 at that time). Watching anime on TV was the only way for me and my brothers, there was no computer and internet around. We were hooked since episode 1 and never missed an episode, we would watch all the re-runs and be hyped about every epic moment and cry our eyes out at every tragedy or happy moment. Laughing our asses off at the jokes (Skypiea and Thriller Bark are imo the funniest!) And since then I'm a huge fan, though there were several years I lost touch. I picked up the series again a few months ago and stopped at the beginning of the Wano arc (due to low energy, yk how it is with taking care of the family etc).
And OMG I have so many faves!!! Nami!!! Her arc inspired me so much I took her name as my nickname. For a lot of rl friends, I'm just Nami, sometimes my teachers were confused and asked me if it's my middle name fklsdhfsjdůlkasd!!! She is so caring! Big sis vibes!
Zoro! He is so cool! Do I need to explain this? (also I find his relationship with women really interesting, the guy is so traumatized! And also he would literally die for you!) Devil Child Nico Robin. She is smart, powerful as hell and MORBID and her sense for cute things is just immaculate. The episode when she got to be part of the Strawhats is still one of my favorites. Maybe I'm mistaken but she is the only one that invited herself and not because Luffy told her so. I... okay, I will stop because otherwise, I will write a whole ass essay about her and why she is THE QUEEN of all queens!
The future king of the pirates Monkey D. Luffy! Period.
Trafalgar [redacted] Law.
You will understand once you watch more.
PERONA. I don't know why but I fell in love with her so hard I want for her to be real so I can propose to her! (but I also ship her with Zoro)
And here is a list of others I like: the whole strawhat crew (Jimbei ofc included), Sir Crocodile, Bartolomeo the Cannibal (I couldn't get enough of him, he is so silly), Donquixote Rosinante, Smoker, Tashigi (I ship her with Zoro too, wtf is with me to ship Zoro with so many characters!), Bon (Mr. 2), Boa Hancock, Bepo. I'm sure there are more, but I will stop here haha. I hate Donquixote Doflamingo, the Cipher Pol agents, Big Mom (she...I... she is a monster, like...wow), Buggy the Clown (imo the most pathetic anime guy in history, but the comedy around him is good), most of the Marines (what a bunch of assholes, really, it's a mirror to our world) and ugh, I'm sure there are more, but I can't remember XD! Fave arcs: Arlong Park, Loguetown, Alabasta Saga, Sky Island Saga, Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark, Summit War Saga And here begins the controversy, ofc I'm not including the Wano arc because I haven't seen it whole yet...But I'm not able to enjoy the after-time-skip arcs. Great animation moments, the story is amazing too, but the pacing is just so bad. So many fillers within the episodes too, Dressrosa was a torture to watch. So if I just judge it by story everything is great! Maybe reading the manga would be the better choice. But I didn't want to miss the great animation.
I haven't read any fics yet but I have a few in my marked for later list:
What I enjoy the most are artists that create nice little stories and AUs! I'm going to make a separate post and tag you, the list is too long!
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henrioo · 5 months
Sorry one more thing I had been so suck on. Is that I was once just scrolling thourgh twitter and saw someone say that one Piece fans need to stop making up a buch of stuff up. What they meant was that they need to stop saying for exempel that nami is lebisan. And pointing out that if you say that nami is not lebisan and is not in love with vivi. And that you have to accept that nami will never be lebisan. And that one piece isnt about lqbtq. Honestly ir sounds like this person is saying that it is a buch of bullshit.
Tbh don't know what to say. Iam just really unsure.
I know I sound so rude., but iam new to the one piece fandom. And seeing different sides of the fanfom.
(Btw detalte if too much)
Yeah they are saying a lot of bullshits
And don't worry for real, when i started one piece i was so confused about everything and take a little to i understand better all
So, you have to know that the biggest part of the fandom are a bunch of nerd creepy guys that like to watch porn and don't have a girlfriend
So yeah they say a lot of stupid things, and they get angry with lgbts hcs because one piece is not LGBT and bla bla
And yeah, one piece is not an LGBT work, they are not wrong
One piece is a work about a pirate world, and in this word exist lgbts people, and not only they
One piece talks about a lot of subjects, talk about racism, about sexism, about lgbts, transphobia, corrupt government, abuse of power, slavery
And you know why? Because one piece is a world like any other world, all worlds have this, our world have all these subjects
One piece is a work to criticize all of this, is the way of Oda shows how unfair is our world
In fact, we can't know if Nami is a lesbian or if she likes Vivis, but what difference that makes?
Everyone when watching a show likes to make couples and stuff, if you aren't killing someone because they disagree with you there's nothing wrong with that!
These people only get angry because is an LGBT couple, if you say that Hancock and Luffy will get together they will not complain, BECAUSE THEY ARE ONLY HOMOPHOBIC
So babe, like whatever couple you want, of course not a pedo one hahaha, but if you like Nami and vivi don't worry about, if you like zoro and sanji it's okay
There's nothing wrong with that and you are totally free to say about them and show that you like them
You gonna find a lot of people that don't like that, but you also will find people that like, you only have to find your safe place and everything will be fine
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roleplayacc2020-blog · 8 months
Anime/Cartoon Request thread
Here you can find a selection of Anime/Cartoon Rp's I'm currently interested in doing. Just a few things to keep in mind!
All characters are aged up accordingly to community standards
I'm primarily looking for Canon X Canon stuff
These rps will feature adult content including romance. I don't do fade to black
Please take a look at my about me section
You can find me at Discord: Traveler217
Naruto/Hinata A somewhat AU idea but I'd like to do something where Hinata and Naruto have more interaction in those early (age appropriate) years. I like the idea of taking the Naruto movie concept where they go on a mission together and during that mission Naruto finally stops being an idiot and realizes that Hinata loves him. He also realizes he feels the same way about her. This would just happen earlier in their life. I'm open to ideas on this one and figuring it out with someone.
Loid/Yor When it comes to spy fam, I'm of two minds for it. One is that we just do the canon story with adult content and them actually being together or we do an AU. If we do the canon story I'd love to start it with them agreeing to be wed and then them also deciding that means that they can enjoy each other and share a bed during that time. IE i'm not looking to do something of a slow burn with them. I'd like them coming together in this "ruse" with a level of attraction and desire for one another. That goes into my AU idea to. My AU idea is that they both know the other is a spy and assassin. Because they work for the same goverment. In this AU idea they know of each other and have had run in with each other before. Past missions where they've teamed up. During those tea ups they've been very into each other and the chemistry has been there. So much so that they've left each other gifts, flirted, and even gotten close to tumbling in bed together before things forced them apart. So when the government gives him his mission and says he needs a wife, Loid requests her. She's estatic because she gets the man she's wanted and we go from there.
Nami/Ace During the years everyone goes off training on their own (or close to the end) I think it would be fun to do an AU where Nami and Ace are together and get quite serious. I don't have anything much aside from that so let me know if you have ideas!
Boa Hancock/Luffy I should clarify that while I do try and make Luffy the fun loving free spirited pirate that he is in the anime, I don't play him as an idiot. Nor do I play him as a unaware of women type. This would be a story about Luffy reciprocating Boa's feelings and wanting her to be his pirate Queen. Which means this would be a dominant Luffy who has half a mind to use his stretchy powers to tie Boa up and have his way with her (Con of course).
Roronoa Zoro/Tashigi Who doesn't love enemies becoming lovers? For this one, I could either see Tashigi and Zoro meeting in secret for a time and growing closer and closer together, or we skip that part and have a series of circumstances lead to Tashigi joining the Straw Hats. We'd have to work out some kind of happy ending as I don't want to play a story where they're doomed to fail or anything like that. So, please keep that in mind.
Sanji/Nico Robin Nothing to hardcore for this one. Just Sanji realizing he's being dumb by crushing on Nami so hard and also realizing how great he and Nico are together. This one has the cutest SOL vibes to it.
Ikki Kurogane/Stella Vermillion If anyone knows of Ikki & Stella and would be willing to pick up where Chivalry Of A Failed Knight ended (or redo it) then please let me know! I love this anime so much and hate that it ended unfinished. I know it's a longshot because most people have never even heard of it but I'm putting it on here because I'd absolutely die if I could find someone who has seen it and would want to do something based off of it.
Kirito/Asuna I'd love to do something with Kirito and Asuna either all grown up and living an SOL life together (married young please). Or I'd like to do a thing where they're still in the original Sword Art Online and have as well grown up quite a bit and still aren't out.
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aceopmari · 3 years
If the Straw Hats Had a Reality Show Dedicated to Pirates Headcanon! Ft: Law!
With how infamous the pirate crew gotten, it was only natural that they were soon granted the rights to have their own reality show, like other famous pirates in the Grand Line and the New World.
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Get ready for Keeping Up with the Straw Hats!
Luffy: Whether it was his strength, or his childlike innocence, Luffy was a fan favorite!
He often ignored the producers suggestions to make the show more interesting.
Luffy didn’t like when the producers told him to punch a random person on the street when they were visiting an island.
Was not getting paid, as he owed the producers over 10,000 berris for punching the camera one time in anger, when the director attempted to take his meat away. The director was only making a suggestion for a much healthier diet for the star of the show.
Luffy also skipped out on a lot of confessional sessions. Mainly because he really didn’t have much to hide to begin with. But if he did go, it was mainly to either show appreciation for his crew or to make public declarations:
“Sanji’s cooking the BEST!”
“Do we get free meat with this show?”
“I’m going to kick Mingo’s ass!”
Zoro: The viewers found Zoro amusing! Whether it be him constantly getting lost, or his heated arguments with Sanji. The producers would rush over to him, cameras and all whenever they caught the two together.
Zoro was surprisingly popular with female viewers. They enjoyed watching him sweat whenever he would work out in the crows nest.
Zoro didn’t care about the show really. Just as long as he gets to work out, drink booze, and sleep, he’s good.
The producers always looked forward to his confessionals after he fights with Sanji:
“That damn shitty cook! Just who the hell does he think he is?!”
“That curly brow dumbass is gonna get himself killed one of these days!”
Sanji: Was angry that Zoro was racking in more views from the female viewers than he was!
Why him?! Why not me?!
He kicked the camera man straight in the chin when he told him that Zoro was naturally more popular than he was.
Sanji desperately tried to win over the female viewers by showing off his fighting skills or his culinary expertise.
He was excited when he finally got some fan mail from the fans!
It turned out to be from the okamas though…
If Sanji went to the confessionals, it was usually to cry about why women weren’t interested in him…or to talk shit about Zoro:
“Just what does he have that I don’t on this show?”
“Why aren’t all the beautiful ladies watching me?”
Little did Sanji know, he caught the eyes of Violet and Pudding.
Nami: An absolute slut for the camera! The producers LOVED her!
One couldn’t tell who was using who more. All that mattered was what would bring them more views and more money.
Whenever it was filming time, Nami would purposely wear a bikini without the jeans to draw in the male viewing audience.
Add the extra seductive act she would put on, and nosebleeds would cover millions of transponder snail television screens.
Loved to give tours of the Sunny and show off her designer clothes.
Would parade around the islands, using Momonosuke as an accessory to manipulate the fans into loving her more.
Nami LOVED to take advantage of the fanbase, often subtly asking for gifts mainly money through the fan mail she receives. Next to Robin, she had the most.
Nami became very vain and strict with the crew on how to present themselves for the camera and had to keep members like Luffy in check to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid to cause the show to be cancelled. But just in case, as a backup, she could always start an Only Fans.
One might say that the fame and fortune was getting to her head, as she would purposely start up drama whenever she was out on an island. Would probably steal from a city mayor if it meant she could get the fans taking for weeks.
Whenever she was in the confessionals, it was mainly to complain about Luffy’s or Zoro’s antics.
Would probably shit talk about Robin, although faking it the whole time, to get some drama started:
“Honestly! I wish Luffy would just use some common sense for once!”
“Robin thinks she’s all that! But everyone knows, I’m the prettiest girl on the show!”
“I’ll let you film me in the bath. It’ll cost you 1 million beri!”
Franky: Loved the camera! One sided on the producers part since they didn’t enjoy Franky’s sense of…ahem…style.
He would dance, be loud, or show off his cool body.
If he was in the confessional room, it was to complain openly to the producers on why they did him dirty.
“Hey! I saw last weeks episode! Why did you cut my scene out, bro?!”
Ussop: Although not nearly as popular as Nami, Ussop was interesting enough to get some viewers watching the show, even unintentionally.
Ussop used the show to make himself seem cooler, mainly through the confessionals.
The lies he told caught the attention of viewers worldwide, though very few could sees past his lies.
The producers didn’t care, so long as there were viewers.
“Yes it was I! The Great Captain Ussop who defeated CP9!”
“Wait wait! Cut that out! Cut that scene out! I meant SniperKing!”
Chopper: The Worlds Favorite Cutie Pie!
Choppers looks alone were enough to win the hearts of viewers! Mostly the female reindeer mink.
Combine that with his child like innocence and he’s instantly a popular household name!
On top of that he already has many sponsorships from multiple sweet brands. (Mainly cotton candy ones.)
Choppers pretty shy on camera and often does his usual dance when he’s nervous. The audience eats it up.
He doesn’t gossip. When it comes to confessionals, he’s usually talking about Zoro’s recklessness when it comes to bandages, or Sanji’s nose bleeding habits.
Jimbei: Not particular interested in TV or fame, but used being on TV to his advantage to spread his word and try stop discrimination against fishmen.
The producers found him boring and didn’t look forward to filming him, especially at confessionals…but at the very least, he was able to bring in views due to his former status as a warlord.
Robin: Had many admirers! She enjoyed being on the show. Often is seen on screen on a lavish shopping trip with Nami.
She does her part to make the show more interesting, whether it is be her dark sense of humor or putting her devil fruit powers to good use.
She once used it on a producer when he asked her to do something suggestive for views. After that, the producers never messed with her again, out of fear for their lives.
Not much for confessionals though, except when she’s expressing how amused she is at Luffy’s antics.
She may appeared to be calm and quiet but you better believe that the rumors she would stir up, would get the people talking!
Piers Morgans was having a field day with the headlines:
“Did Cat Burgler Nami Get Breast Implants?!”
“Roronoa Zoro: Honorable Swordsmen or Man Thot?! Gets Caught Sleeping with Wano’s Most Beautiful Woman!”
“Is Monkey D Luffy, Secretly Seeing His Crewmates Sister From the Germa Kingdom?!”
Brook: Fans loved seeing Soul King on screen. In some episodes he’s either playing music or he’s attempting a panty raid in Nani’s room. Which often results in him getting beat up by her every time.
Anything he says in the confessional‘s ends up with his signature laugh.
Law: Made a special guest appearance since starting hiw alliance with Luffy.
You can imagine his look of surprise, when the crew showed up on Punk Hazard with a camera crew and all.
He wasn’t at all interested in being on TV. His famous “I hate bread” made him an instant fan favorite. And meme along the fanbase.
He didn’t like that…
Law hated being followed around by the camera crew on the Thousand Sunny or when he simply just wanted peace. He frequently scolded the producers to stop or told Luffy to call off the cameras, but neither listened.
He only wanted to discuss the alliance plans in private with the crew and didn’t want the producers to catch any of it for the world to see.
As time went on, and Law was getting sucked into the Straw Hat shenanigans. He found himself wandering into the confessional where he would frequently complain about the crew. Mainly the captain.
“Mugiwara-ya will be the death of me…”
“Rorona-ya has no sense of direction…”
“How has the crew survived this long? They don’t ever strategize when it comes to making a plan!”
Viewer Reactions:
Sabo: Enjoys watching his little brother on screen, and always has a good laugh. Koala would often scold him for abandoning his duties to go watch the show.
Hancock: Would briefly abandon her duties as Pirate Empress for the whole day if it meant, she could watch Luffy on screen.
Took up most of his fan mail, and gifts that had meat.
Hancock would be envious of Nami and Robin on her screen, wishing she was their with Luffy.
Mihawk: Reality shows weren’t his usual choice of television entertainment, but he did watch, soley to watch over Zoro’s progress as a swordsmen. He would lie if Perona asked him if he found what he saw the slightest bit amusing.
Ace: He got a kick out watching his little brother on screen. Often laughing at Luffy’s antics. He saw that Luffy’s crew was slowly riding in more views on the reality show The WhiteBeard Pirates had. Ace wasn’t too worried but he knew he had to step it up.
Shanks: Often shaking his head and smiling in amusement at the sight of Luffy on screen. Would sometimes watch the show with Ace as the two spoke fondly of him.
Big Mom: Was furious that Luffy was racking in more views than her crew combined. Everyone used to love Big Mom’s wedding cake special episodes.
Garp: Nearly choked on his crackers at the sight of his crazy grandson invading his screen.
Smoker: If any marine soldier was caught watching, Keeping Up with the Straw Hats, you better believe that he’ll would be raised at HQ. in secret though, he would watch it. Not for entertainment, but more so to study the Straw Hats moves.
Buggy: Screeching out in jealously seeing Straw Hat Luffy was popular enough to be given his own show and not him.
Kid: Was sitting at a bar one night and spat out his drink in anger at the sight of Straw Hat on his screen.
Nearly popped a blood vessel when he saw Law on screen.
“The hell?! Even Trafalgar?! How come those bastards get their own show?!”
Killer remained silent. He knew the reason why the Kid Pirates never picked up the rights to a pirate reality show was because of how scary Kid was.
Dragon: Used the show as a way to keep up with his son. Although in secret, since he didn’t want his army to notice.
Germa 66: Mixed reactions.
“That’s no son of mine.” Judge would say.
Reiju giggled at the sight of the screen. After a mission, she would look forward to watching the show to see her brother.
Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji expressed annoyance and criticized Sanji. Although would never admit that they were each jealous that Sanji got to be on a reality show instead of the Germa Kingdom itself.
Yamato: Wants to be on the show. Not for the fame, but mainly to spread the word and tell the world what a horrible father, Kaido is and spread Oden’s legacy to the world.
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franeridan · 9 months
love that luffy's habit of making friends and allies wherever he goes is first outright acknowledged in the same arc in which hancock is introduced because it draws an obvious parallel between her "i can do whatever i want because I'm beautiful" and everyone bending backwards to give her a hand and luffy's "i can do whatever i want because i say so" and everyone answering "that's sound logic sorry let me give you a hand". only luffy's power worked on hancock while hancock's didn't work on luffy, which makes luffy actually the most dangerous person alive re: doing whatever the hell he wants without facing any kind of consequences ever
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animebw · 3 years
Reading One Piece: Chapters 581-582
-There’s a lot of really great stuff going on in this montage. All the pirates and navy reacting to the monumental changes on the horizon. Everyday citizens praising the Navy’s triumph because they truly believe the power structure is just. Whitebeard’s death leaving a power vacuum for opportunists to take advantage of, causing yet more chaos while everyone thinks peace has descended. The world is shifting under our feet, and everyone’s caught up in its wake.
-I’m glad Hancock is taking charge of this situation. Oda hasn’t forgotten that she’s a bad bitch who gets shit done.
-Well, shit, the worst prisoners of Impel Down are loose on the world. And of course the Navy would rather cover it up to save face than admit they screwed up and actually work to fix it. Dicks.
-Jesus Christ, Doflamingo just gets scarier every time he’s on screen. He’s clobbering Moria like it’s nothing.
-Welp. Rise and shine, Luffy. I hope you’re ready to face what’s ahead of you.
-”GET OFF! GET OFF ME!” nope he’s not ready at all oh fucking christ
-God. The despair. We’ve never seen Luffy this broken before. He’s been able to fight through every obstacle in his path, but losing Ace? That’s something he can’t defeat no matter how many new gears he unlocks.
-Oh? Luffy and Ace backstory? At long last?
-Hah, I like how Garp was relying on criminals to raise Ace in secret. Even back then, his Navy principles came second to family.
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voodoo-do · 3 years
I actually wanted to make this post a while ago, but a while ago I wasn't making any posts, and I just remembered it now, so here we go:
Do you know the anime one piece? I can only assume that if you know what the word anime means you know what one piece is because it has been one of the bigger fandoms since a very long time ago? I don't really know how to say what I want to say but I think I made what I want to say clear?
Anyway, the main character, Luffy, is the love interest of Boa Hancock, the most beautiful woman in the world, who also possesses the power to make anyone who falls in love with her Turn to Stone (together with the fact that everyone just falls in love with her because she is so beautiful), but then she meets Luffy, and he doesn't fall in love with her, so when she tries to turn him to Stone it just doesn't work, which made some people say "oh he's asexual", which made other people say " no he's not, here's a picture of him seeing Nami's ( another character in the series for those who don't know) top half naked and obviously being aroused by it"
So, that made me think "oh, he's demisexual" because demisexuals are only attracted to people who they already made emotional connections to, and Nami, by the point in the series he saw her half top naked, has already made an emotional connection with him, unlike Hancock, who he only met a few hours before then and did not make an emotional connection with yet.
Anyway that's my opinion and my idea about how that works, what's yours?
This is been my rant of the day, thanks for listening have a nice week!
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 3 years
The Voyage So Far: Paramount War (Part One)
east blue (1 | 2) || alabasta (1 | 2) || skypiea || water 7 || enies lobby || thriller bark || paramount war (1 | 2) || fishman island || punk hazard || dressrosa (1 | 2) || whole cake island || wano (1 | 2)
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the introduction of the celestial dragons really is just so brutally effective. this is the first time we see them, and before they even show up on page they immediately establish themselves as both absolutely powerful and absolutely despicable. everyone is watching them commit atrocities in broad daylight, and nobody dares say a word. 
i mentioned it back in the enies lobby post, i think, with spandam, but oda is very, very good at creating villains who it just feels so good and so deeply satisfying to see them get annihilated, and the celestial dragons are maybe the crowning example of it. 
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i really like how none of the strawhats are really intimidated or impressed at all by the celestial dragons, in sharp contrast to how everyone else responds to them. some of that is ignorance, but you can’t tell me zoro would have acted any differently in this scene had he known charloss was a member of the world’s ruling class. all the power the celestial dragons have comes from fear; of course their greatest weakness is someone who just doesn’t care. 
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obviously this moment is just excellent, no qualifiers needed, but one thing i really love about it is how all the bad shit that results from this does not detract from the sheer satisfaction of what happens at the auction house at all. like, even though this leads directly to the strawhats getting crushed by the pacifista and kizaru and scattered by kuma, i’ve never once caught myself thinking luffy shouldn’t have done this. 
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i’m a huge fan of how rayleigh introduces himself. he knocks out the whole action house with conqueror’s haki, but luffy is completely unaffected, and the two of them just watch each other down the aisle for a moment as everyone else collapses around them. 
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i don’t know that i’ll ever get over the fact that oda created and designed the supernovas as he was writing sabaody. they’re all such distinct and memorable characters, and almost all of them have fit neatly into the post-timeskip story one way or another. they really feel like a part of the world that was always meant to be there. 
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i think the way roger as a character is handled is very, very cool, because we don’t really meet him as a person- when we first learn of him, on the very first page, he’s a myth, a story, a framing device. which is fitting, because that’s all the characters know him as. the rest of the world doesn’t know what roger was like as a person or why he did what he did, and so neither do our main characters and neither do we. 
and then we learn, slowly, by following in roger’s steps and meeting the characters who did know him, like rayleigh and whitebeard and garp. and through their testimony and memories, over the course of the story, roger goes from being a faceless myth to being a proper character.
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i think this panel, where luffy says he just wants to be the freest person on the seas, might be my favorite luffy panel. if nothing else, it’s definitely one of the ones i think about the most in terms of his characterization. luffy’s been defining himself by his dream since the very start of the story- he’s the man who’s going to be king of the pirates! but it’s only here that we learn what that goal actually means to him, and what he actually really wants. he just wants to be free. 
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the tone shift of sabaody really is impeccable. because up until a certain point, everything seems pretty par for the course. the strawhats make some new friends, get into trouble for their sakes, get into a hard fight where they all have to work together but eventually scrape out a win. 
but then kizaru shows up, and another pacifista, and kuma himself, and for the first time in the story luffy says this is a fight they can’t win- 
and then zoro disappears, and all of the audience’s expectations for how this is going to play out get thrown completely out the window. 
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it’s not that we haven’t seen luffy upset before this- his fight with usopp in water 7 and merry’s funeral are the two obvious examples that come to mind- but we’ve never, to this point, seen him as crushed as he is at the end of sabaody. it really drives the abrupt tone shift of sabaody home, because we’re used to seeing luffy be generally cheerful, and if not that, at stubbornly determined to power through. but here, he’s just wrecked- and the paramount war saga is just getting started. 
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every time i see hancock i’m reminded what a lesbian i am.
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i’m talking a lot about character introductions this post, but a lot of really good characters get introduced in the first half of this saga, from the supernovas to rayleigh to jinbe. on that note, i really like hancock’s introduction, for reasons similar to what i said about roger earlier. she’s introduced as a cartoonishly evil one-dimensional bitch, and she leans hard into that characterization for the first half or so of amazon lily.
and then luffy narrowly keeps her and her sisters’ worst fear from being realized, and her facade starts to slip, and we get to know her as- still kind of a bitch, but also a deeply traumatized person who has very valid reasons for being the way she is, and someone who is overall a lot more complicated than she appears at first glance. 
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one of my favorite things about luffy is his ability to always, always defy expectations. hancock is dead certain he’ll take her offer of a ship and abandon marguerite and the others, but he doesn’t even hesitate before doing the exact opposite. luffy is always turning people’s worlds upside down.
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i have a friend who coined the term “conflict of interest arc” to refer to the arcs where a crewmate is forced to choose between the crew and some obligation or baggage from their past- arlong park for nami, whole cake island for sanji, etc. 
marineford is luffy’s conflict of interest arc- he has to make the choice, here, to prioritize saving ace over reuniting with his crew. where it differs from all other such arcs, then, is that nobody else can come to back him up. he’s well and truly on his own. 
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i love how thoroughly expectations get turned on their head with jinbe. for the longest time, all we know about him is that he’s a shichibukai and arlong’s former captain, so given what arlong was like and what the shichibukai encountered thus far have been like, it’s a fair guess to assume he’s pretty awful.
and then we meet him, and he’s ace’s friend, sitting bloody and beaten in the deepest dungeons of impel down for refusing to fight in an unjust war.
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bon-chan is really one of the greatest examples of one piece’s stubborn refusal to treat any character as disposable, and oda’s endless ability to find new and interesting ways to fit them into the story. in pretty much any other manga, it would be all but guaranteed that we wouldn’t see a character like bon-chan again after the conclusion of the alabasta saga. here, luffy straight up would not have made it to marineford without him. this is true for mr. 3 too- who would’ve thought his ability to duplicate keys out of wax, established and promptly forgotten some three hundred chapters ago, would be the thing that let luffy free ace on the scaffold?
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magellan is a good antagonist. i’m not saying i like him- i don’t particularly- but he’s a great antagonist for a couple reasons, and one of them is that his powers are terrifying. magellan is essentially what might be called in video game terminology an advancing wall of doom- the only viable strategy for dealing with him is to run.
i had more i wanted to say here but it literally kept turning into a rant about one piece’s take on morality no matter how many times i tried to keep it short, so i’ll settle for just saying that magellan is an antagonist but not a villain and i think that’s interesting. 
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the absolutely ridiculous, eclectic mix of people that luffy winds up gathering to escape impel down is possibly my favorite part of the whole arc. i just think it’s so fun and so characteristic of him that even when separated from his crew, he winds up attracting the weirdest, most powerful bunch of people around to break out of prison with. 
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the relationship between luffy and blackbeard is a really interesting one. it’s been plenty clear for some time that blackbeard is almost certainly going to be luffy’s final opponent to become pirate king, and yet they’ve been mostly running on parallel paths through the world, only occasionally coinciding (such as here and in jaya) and generally seeming pretty unconcerned with each other. it’s a really cool way to handle the built to an eventual showdown, and i really like it. 
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this is one of my favorite spreads just for sheer smile factor. i love it so much. i think we should get to see jinbe’s whale shark buddies more often, it’s a crime we haven’t seen them since this. 
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
30 Day One piece Challenge : Most hated character
I can feel that this is gonna be really controversial. Oh god. Please, don’t throw tomatoes at me...I CAN EXPLAIN. *laughter*
WARNING : This is a really VIOLENT post. 
It’s not Orochi, not Saint Charloss, not EVEN Trébol. It’s no one else but the crowd’s beloved 
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Guess her charm didn’t work on me
I will first explain why I chose her out of everyone. Because “morally” speaking, so many other characters are way WAY worse than her. The explanation to this is quite easy : She isn’t SUPPOSED to be hated. 
♡ I can’t hate on a character that is supposed to be hated. Orochi is supposed to be horrible and disgusting, same with Spandam, same with Trébol. In my eyes, I can’t feel a strong dislike towards these characters. They make me feel indifferent, and I do admire some morally questionable characters like Doflamingo because they are written to evoke that kind of feeling (mixture of fascination and horror.) 
♡ On the other hand, One of Boa’s role is supposed to be an “ally”, a help to Luffy. Her flashback is supposed to make us feel compassionate towards her. But nothing is an excuse to act like she does. 
♡ Because...She hit a puppy and she threw an elderly woman out of the window. 
♡ I dislike arrogance, I hate when people act like they can be forgiven everything because they are “Beautiful”. I dislike that people are willing to forgive a criminal IRL because they’re attractive.
So this is personal, I guess Boa triggers that subject that is so sensitive to me.
♡ The fact that a 29 yo woman is into an underage character really messes with me. 
♡ The fact that she is ONLY a love interest, how it all feels staged and forced, how flat her character seems because she’s all lovey dovey once Luffy appears...Ugh..I just don’t stand that. 
♡ The only development she got was falling in love with Luffy. 
♡ So.Much.Fanservice.
♡ Her power is kind of meh ? I mean, I can see a LOT of men not getting affected by it. For starters, my beloved Koby. So it’s useless towards such opponents. It feels kind of bullshitty too, because I am sure that so many men aren’t into her type, and also, it doesn’t work on straight women. (I assume?)
♡ How on earth is she the most beautiful woman in One piece ? I can name a lot of more beautiful characters. 
♡ I would have loved her if some changes were made to her character tbh. The biggest one acting like she can be forgiven for everything because she’s pretty and the “omg I’m so in love with Luffy” while being terrible to everyone else- part. I mean, she is EVEN terrible to Amazon Lily citizens. Yikes. 
♡ She has a huge forehead . Ok I know there are some things “good” about her, but the bad outweighs the good for me. It’s my personal opinion guyz <3
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legitimateluffy · 4 years
One Piece Animation Thesis: Sabaody
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One of my favourite arcs not only story wise but production wise! There’s a lot to talk about in this one, but it should be fun and I’ve really been looking forward to it!
The Master Google Doc is found [HERE]
Here are the individual posts that are posted here on Tumblr: [East Blue] [Alabasta] [Skypiea] [Water Seven] [Enies Lobby] [Thriller Bark] [Sabaody] [Impel Down] [Marineford] [Fishman Island] [Punk Hazard] [Dressrosa] [Zou] [Whole Cake Island] [Reverie] [Wano]
Sabaody is a great small arc that is, once again, a pivotal point in the One Piece story. Seems like every arc to One Piece is important. How does Oda do it.
Kazuya Hisada continues his role as character designer for his second arc, which allowed me to find a new character sheet for Luffy in his base form and we can compare how styles and times have changed.
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Left is Kizumi, right is Hisada.
Luffy’s look has slowly changed throughout the series, and while watching it, it’s something that is easily not noticed, especially when binge watching. However when you take time to step back and compare designs, the differences are quite noticeable.
Early Luffy’s design had quite short legs and torso, and his features were a lot more exaggerated. His hands and feet were massive, and his hair is thinner with more individual strands of his bangs being shown. Lineart was also thicker, especially with his eye scar being somewhat thicker and more prominent compared to later designs where the line variation is practically non-existent. The straw hat also felt more flat, lacking any type of depth in the brim while also fitting his head more snuggly.
The design used for Sabaody shows Luffy to be taller than his beginner design, however not as tall and lanky as that of the Water Seven-Enies Lobby era. Less hair strands are used for his hair, reducing the number of bangs. His face remains being round, however his smile is not as prominent and exaggerated like it once was. The biggest change I think is definitely how the hat is drawn. The top of the hat doesn’t fit as snuggly as it once did, and the brim begins to have more depth. At this point, the hat is fine however in some instances it can be very overdrawn and bloated and it, quite frankly, looks so awkward and large on his head that it looks absolutely ridiculous. 
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These are the designs of Luffy from the specials Episode of Nami and Episode of East Blue respectively.
However during this time, Sabaody till Impel Down is an arc that feels quite loose and is a little jarring to the rest of the series. This is definitely not a bad thing and I think is quite welcomed, especially due to One Piece being a long running anime series. Change is necessary otherwise it looks boring, stale and repetitive. That is, when it is executed properly and boy does Sabaody knock it out of the Sabaody park (Haha).  Ba Dum Tss. Yeah yeah, look Tuna forced me to put that in so thank him for that. Unfortunately, many believe this arc to be one of the ugliest because of its loose style in places. But this is something that I think greatly enhances and appropriately fits the style of One Piece and Oda’s wacky designs. 
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This is a plus in my book. Having a good character designer and strong character designs allows animators to be more flexible in what they’re working with. That is why, up to this point, Baron Omatsuri was the best animated thing that Toei had produced at the time in regards to One Piece. So let’s have a look as to who shines as bright as Kizaura’s leg before striking down Zoro’s head.
Naotoshi Shida continues to show off his striking skills, especially with Rayleigh’s striking kick against Kizaru. The camera moves with the character, with incredibly smooth movement and his iconic sharp shading and effects. 
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Yoshikazu Tomita shows off how powerful his hits and effects hit, making each of his scenes feel incredibly powerful.
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This is the last time that Naoki Tate is this prominent in the series with his key animation. His style is absolutely incredible, having very subtle character acting showcasing the absolute terror of the situation. He continues to pop up here and there as the series goes on.
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Ryo Onishi makes a great spectacle here, really portraying his character acting in this arc. You can feel exactly how each character is feeling and their thoughts all without even hearing the voices of the characters as well as music placement. 
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Hiromi Ishigami makes sparse appearances throughout the series, having a similar style to Tate during this period. Subtle movements and pudgy shapes are used to make the character convey their actions.
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Ken-ichi Fufisawa makes his characters feel really bouncy. Luffy feels like actual rubber in his cuts by the way he makes the arms flail when stretched. 
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Kenji Kuroyanagi really knows how to turn and rotate the characters in his scenes. He also makes simple scenes look interesting, with Hancock he makes the whole body move in order for her to pull her arm up. He also knows how to make the camera follow the characters so it always feels like the scene is moving.
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A massive thank you to everyone who has participated and uploaded at Sakugabooru! Without it, I would not have been able to make nearly as much as I have without all the hard work in identifying and tagging animators’ work! Most of the footage used to showcase these animators has come from there! I simply just turned the videos into gifs for an easier showcase.
I would also like to issue a big thank you to Animators Corner! The staff listing really helped me in determining who worked on what episode to identify animators and their works!
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ghosts-and-swords · 3 years
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Before Romance Dawn
Mihawk has a crew but has been keeping away from them for more than a decade to hide them from the government's radar. 
Each crewmate had their own coffin boat they used for stealthy attacks.
He met Shanks some time before Roger's execution, but their friendly banters began almost right afterwards. Mihawk's goal had always been to become the strongest swordsman in the world, and Shanks became aware of how weak he was when his captain was executed, so he promised himself to become the very best as well.
At some point, the two of them were considered part of the “Supernovas” of their generation. (I compare them to Luffy and Law to some degree).
Shanks does know and is friendly with Mihawk's crew, just as the swordsman is with the Red Hair Pirates. He keeps their secret and supports Mihawk's play pretend to make everyone believe he's a one-man-crew.
Sometime before Shanks stayed for a year at Dawn Island and lost his arm, their fights became so stupidly dangerous their crews helped the locals evacuate the area for safety.
Eventually they both grew desperate there wasn't a clear winner and they decided to call it a truce, only to fight on a daily basis over the dumbest things.
Over the course of a single year, they had dance-offs, sing-offs, food wars, eating competitions and many many other dumb stuff Mihawk would rather not talk about ever again.
Shanks, on the other hand, won’t shut up about them.
Hawks is a very good cook and a terrific dancer because of that, tho.
Mihawk accepted the title as Shichibukai ten years ago, only because he was bored. Shanks had already lost his arm and mostly no one was able to stand against him in battle, so he took the position to be left alone.
The reason his crew managed to stay off the radar was because Mihawk alone became really famous thanks to his rivalry with Shanks. Though the crew was feared, most people never knew their captain was none other than Hawk Eye Mihawk. When they vanished from sight, most people believed they had been either captured or killed.
Before the timeskip
Mihawk is Shanks' son goth-father (lol. And yes, you know what child I'm talking about you cannot take that headcanon away from me). If Mihawk ever got a child, he'd pick Shanks as their godfather too.
He hasn't considered parenthood as a viable option, but if he did, he'd rather have a daughter (*coughcoughcough*).
His attendance ratio to meetings with the government is below 40%. He only attends when absolutely necessary mostly because he doesn't want to lose his privilege of being left alone.
He's not friendly with the other Warlords, specially Doflamingo, Crocodile and Moria, knowing of the abuse they make of their positions.
Mihawk was ok with Kuma, though he's often tired of his religious preaching. He knew of his alliance with the Revolutionaries before turning into a Pacifista, but doesn’t dwell on it. He’s kinda bitter he sent him Zoro and Perona, though, even if he grew to like the two of them.
He'd never met Hancock before Marineford, but had heard many things about the Snake Princess that made him want to fight against her at some point.
He was actually friendly towards Jinbei until he got imprisoned at Impel Down, but he always believed he was kinda foolish for risking too much in defying Big Mom and joining Luffy’s crew.
Law seemed a promising warlord and another interesting rival swordsman, but it was more than obvious he was just using the government as a stepping stone. He wishes he could also fight him at some point.
He doesn’t have Blackbeard in good regards for his underhanded methods. He didn’t like him because of his beef with Shanks, and he likes him even less afterwards what happened in Marineford. He’s intrigued by his Devil Fruits’ powers, but doesn’t wish to fight against him.
Mihawk knows Buggy is Shanks' friend but cannot believe he was appointed as a Shichibukai. He'd fought against him briefly at Marineford and he thinks Buggy is just one very, very lucky idiot with a bothersome Devil Fruit.
The moment Weevil was appointed as a warlord, Mihawk knew the government no longer needed them. 
Living with Zoro & Perona Pt. 1
Mihawk felt he had lost a spark until he met Zoro. When they clashed in East Blue, he took a liking to the young swordsman because he greatly reminded him of himself when he was younger.
We joke a lot about Mihawk’s chronic depression, but I hc that he actually suffers from it. He has a strict training regime and often follows a tight schedule and diet to keep it at bay. 
If he feels like his depression is hitting him hard, he stops drinking for a while. He doesn’t take medication.
It was getting really bad until Zoro defied him and later on he and Perona crashed into his home. Ever since the three of them had been living together, he has felt his depressive episodes are shorter and not as hard to overcome.
He has never told anyone about this, though he is sure Shanks and his former crewmates know.
At first he was really annoyed Kuma had sent him two children to take care, but as time went by, he began to enjoy their company a lot. Zoro was a good practice partner and Perona had similar tastes in decor, books and fashion.
He still thinks they are annoying, mostly when they fight, but he gets them to shut up real fast.
Mihawk kills bugs around the castle for Perona, after too much nagging.
He forbid Zoro from drinking while mastering haki because he knows that’s what works for him when he needs to focus.
You’d never hear him say it out loud, but he’s quite attached to the humandrills. When they became a bit more amicable, he’d usually talk to them and pat them.
Contrary to what Perona and Zoro initialy thought, Mihawk is a dog person. He doesn’t dislike cats, but he freaking loves dogs. 
He would never want to have one, since he believes he’d not be able to take care of another living being.
Perona considered giving him one, but decided it was better not to piss him off or she’d end up taking care of the pup.
In some timeline in which they keep living together (andmarryandhaveadaughter) they do adopt a dog and call him Cerberus. Mihawk likes crafting armor for him.
Mihawk is good at remembering important dates and very good at giving gifts. He once gave Zoro a silver flask and Perona a very beautiful sundress. In return, they try to give him cool gifts for his birthday, but they never manage to win against him lol
Mihawk pretends he doesn’t know where a certain cocoa tree came from. Perona knows.
TBC Other Headcanons 1 | 2 | 3 
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