#hands on the back with a hmmm expression lmao
ironunderstands · 3 days
I decided to take notes while I played through 2.3… so here they are
First Scene
-stellaron sealed when we were asleep apparently 
-was Sunday the one to tailor everyone’s dreams?
-dreamscape itself exists???
-march’s memories are weird as normal, tentacle tried to reach into her brain but found SOMETHING???
-we were asleep when this all happened and we woke up and immediately asked if it was a dream so something is already up oh boy 
Second Scene 
-firefly and silverwolf yay 
-firefly is still on the wanted list, as Firefly this time 
-it was a missing part of her life she got back 
-Silverwolf helps her out with not being able to move freely, giving her a way out of dreaming ig??? Helps her navigate through unbothered ?
-idk the mechanics of it if you can’t tell
-Miss Samuel as a fake name lmao 
-firefly’s script isn’t over yet (third death I assume?)
-“didn’t bring you back to hear an answer like that,” did SW think she already experienced the third death? On her second death was SW the one to revive her, as it seemed like she did that on her own in 2.2?
-yeah she hasn’t done 3rd death yet, and I assume the “unforgettable reward,” is *sighs* time with the Trailblazer 
-“How will I know if I don’t try?” Hmmm this confuses me 
-SW says she’s already made up her mind 
-ooh Kafka asks for some gifts LMAOO, fashionable as always
-to Oti mall I guess, isn’t that one of the people who expressed disappointment in Sunday?
-BLADE ADVICE? telling her to not get tempted, tempted by what?
-oat cakes for SW or Kafka or Blade? Aww Stellaron Hunter family bonding 
-oh is she trying to defy the script?
-adding new footnotes to her destiny, hmm
Third Scene
-were are on the Radiant Felddpar ship 
-Family is there but “Big Boss” isn’t, I assume that’s Jade
-there’s music notes in the air? Robin?
-Topaz points out how weird this choice of location is
-ship belongs to Alfalfa Family
-npc we are talking to also thinks it should have been held in a more secretive area (Moment of Morning Dew)
-not serious enough atmosphere 
-something’s up definitely 
-Topaz thinks conference is just a prelude- whatever Family organizer wanted to assess the IPC’s stance beforehand
-she thinks they either have their own ambitions and want a preliminary agreement, or want to make the IPC back off, we shall see ig
-Big Boss is a her (definitely Jade), Topaz complimented, saying others must be cautious of her 
-tells subordinate Thomas to just tell the rest of her employees to stay focused on the task ahead 
-yeah it’s Jade, act shocked, also she’d get mad if he called her that 😭😭
-walking around time 
-there is music all around the ship 
-not very important but there are paper birds here too
-none of the important figures have arrived to the meeting room yet, so let’s look around 
This is just from looking around:
-why are there dream pools on the ship? I thought we were already in the dream?
-the torment eagle things are here too 
-and nightingale paintings
-Sparkles bombs, delightful 
-why is there a room on the ship that looks like Mishas room in the dream 
-it seems like the Family is already aware of the bombs and is looking for them based on the dialogue of the NPCs
-there’s a lost kid on the ship?
-so many doors are closed off
-absurdist clock fun 
-the quest is titled “All About Eve” like Eve from the Bible? Is that referring to Jade?
-exhibit that hasn’t been delivered yet
-Robin has instructed them to prepare some things but it seems like the Family isn’t ready yet?
Ok I’m gonna talk to the workers now
-ok talked to the one by Sparkles bombs and Sparkle started talking 
-Numby can hear her I think, I don’t think Topaz did
-yeah Topaz doesn’t know they are bombs that Sparkle hands out, apparently she was disguised as man- maybe Sampo?, uh no all the Buttons are in one place 
-somehow nobody pressed a button, I don’t believe that, the NPC also says that all guests are terrified of death, but like, how did nobody press it?
-yep we are in the dream bc she wants to feed Numby and questions the food quality in a dream
-Numby does not like Oat Cake Rolls
-Topaz will give them a better meal in reality
-so why is there a dreamscape pool in the dream 
-asks more about Radiant Feldspar, which is also owned by Oti Alfalfa, just like the store Firefly wanted to go to
-built an Amber Era ago, it sails across all 12 hours- so they are connected you just have to cross them I guess? Or like does it slip through dimensions 
-Topaz recognizes Old Oti, however what’s weird is that despite how she points out how well decorated it is, there seems to be a lot of stuff missing + Robin thing from earlier
-only prestigious guests are invited, so how did that Pepeshi get lost?
-Ship had been sailing since it was built but was halted due to the recent reverberation 
-reverberation aka whatever the fuck just happened in 2.2
-Family attendant repeats that everything has been resolved and the Charmony Festival had to be temporarily postponed 
-so it’s gonna happen on the ship now, and will also resume the ships voyage, so I guess that’s why Robin ordered some things and everything is a bit out of place
-However, why are they gathering Sparkles Bombs onto the celebration + meeting ship? Why not anywhere else?
-Talent Motivation Department mention 
-ppl still coming after Topaz for Jarilo I will kill them <3
-poor girl can’t get a break, JADE IS HERE
-Numby does not trust or like Jade at all
-Topaz is fucking star struck on her knees dying down bad gay gay gay 
-Jade commends her for the Jarilo project, saying the Express’s favor is far more valuable than the planet itself 
-Jade says Topaz can tell her anything, then holds out her Cornerstone as if Topaz would talk to it???
-“you can always tell me anything, remember?” Ah so they are close, and Topaz seems to trust her and vice versa, however I (and Numby) do not trust Jade so there is something sinister going on 
Alright cutscene yapping over
-Jade says to drop the title, that they are equals
-Topaz calls her a senior, but I think she just means in rank
-Jade wants Topaz to be at her best- upcoming negotiations leave no room for error
-true purpose of conference: Oti testing limits of 2 stonehearts before offical negotiations can commence, works in their favor bc it will cause future negotiations to go smoother if they can reach an agreement (this is obvious benefit)
-hidden benefit: demonstrates the Family isn’t all that united bc he’s meeting w them first on his own territory + taking control of Charmony Festival too
-they aren’t entirely influenced by the Harmony so their personal desires shine through, influential figures haven’t suppressed their own 
-with the Dreammaster gone, the Family has begun to fall apart slowly, seems like after 2.2 Oti took over 
-Jade taught her to Listen, test and strike, Jade teases her that she changed the order on Jarilo- Topaz’s personal experience  caused this (her seeing her past/trauma in Belabog)
-meeting time!
-meeting esteemed “supporting actor” hmm
-goal is to create an opportunity for IPC to enter Penacony- Aventurine made a small hole for them to enter, and they are going to tear it wide open
Some more looking around 
-the bombs/buttons are gone 😨 and so is that guard 
-was there a projector in that room (with the dream pool) before?
-diff family attendant at that spot before
Ok back to plot time
-oh this is the place where the divergent universe takes place (I started it a bit yesterday lol, oops), seems like that’s what the Genius Society will get a hold of at the end of this?
-Oti is a Pepeshi, and I really like his character model, he seems welcoming?
Looking around time again 
-the mechanism they use for the Divergent Universe is already there- did Ratio and Screwllum meet with Oti beforehand? Is that how he figured out Dormancy?
-some more locked doors
-Whales outside the window.. (Childe flashbacks)
-let’s talk to Jade before we see Oti
-oh we can’t it just makes us walk beside her
Conversation time
-Oti is hospitable, asks them to forgive him for the wait
-Oti is such a businessman that the Strategic Investment Department makes it a requirement to read his biography
-she’s trying to flatter him but I think Jade is also warning him that she and the rest of the department know everything about him and who he is 
-Topaz doesn’t seem to notice that though and praises him for single handedly building Penacony economy 
-Oti noticed Jade’s tactics I think
-he gets straight to the point- future of Penacony
-Oti questions wtf Aventurine was doing and why 😭, almost getting killed and for what?
-oh he figured them out LMAOO, yup that was for an opportunity 
-haha Jade says “fuck he figured us out” nicely
-she puts the pressure back on him, asking Oti how he would respond 
-he first admires her composure at being called out
-“Oti won’t sit idly by when faced with a greedy wolf,” is he referring to the IPC, Aventurine or both?
-offscreen negotiation
-seems he said something that offended Topaz and Jade, Jade says she’s all ears
-Oti says he requested this meeting to dissuade the SID from trying to lay a finger on Penacony
-asks them to back off before they lose face in the future 
-Topaz points out their fuck ups- Aventurine almost getting murdered and the Charmony Festival fuck up, that there are plenty of real issues plaguing the area
-Oti says they need to be more creative in the land of dreams 
-“My actions will help Penacony take a significant step forward by “self-listing” and going public!” What does that mean 
-Jade asks if he’s gonna bypass the IPC and go public on a universal scale (still don’t know what that means)
-rather than letting the IPC take hold, he’s gonna open the sweet dream to everyone in the universe- which is worded REALLY sinister if you ask me- is he gonna try and make everyone in it dream?
-he redirects and says that from today, anyone can become a shareholder in the Land of Dreams, and that’s the Path of Harmony he chooses
-Oti was aware of the Oaks family’s entanglement with the Order, calls them blockheads who prevented this from happening sooner
-Oti is thankful that the “reverberation” (Sunday and Order’s downfall) has allowed for the obstacle between him and his reforms to be eliminated
-publicize their finances so the universe still has faith in them + the Family remains confident in its future
-neither Jade nor Topaz seem happy about this, seems like they don’t feel as if they are on equal footing
-Jade asks Oti if he’s being waiting for Penacony to regain the spotlight, so if the IPC does anything, their actions will be scrutinized by trillions of people 
-asks them to consider their next moves carefully 
-Jade suggests they conclude the first half of their conference, and that they will respond on the behalf of the IPC later
-he just tells them to take their time (Oti is confident he is in control)
Scene 4- Trailblazer POV
-seems that meeting has concluded as Dan Heng asks if the Alfalfa Family had a meeting with the IPC
-Aventurine told them that to “return the favor”
-I wonder what happened in the meantime to get us here
-Welt points out that Penacony hasn’t changed much since the prison era, suggests that Penacony would rather invite the IPC to the table- on the surface to cooperate- but in reality to secure their own survival 
-which is why the Astral Express are now mediators, and Dan Heng doesn’t know who to stand behind
-Welt doesn’t trust the followers of the Harmony to be as innocent as they presume they are
-if either the Family or the IPC were to take control of Penacony, the efforts of the previous nameless to free it from that illusory hedonism would go to waste
-we were in a deep sleep apparently (uh oh)
-one of the dialogue options says that TB felt like they were in a really long dream 
-another asks where Himeko is
-Welt says their adventure in Penacony is reaching its conclusion
-After Ena’s dream shattered, Montour System’s branch of the Family took control of the situation, most members of the Oak Family fell unconscious? But their lives weren’t in danger 
-Gopher Wood, the previous Dreamaster was confirmed to be the mastermind behind everything, however we know that Sunday killed him. But didn’t he kill him in the dream? So how did gopher wood die in reality? Or did like, the power of the Order that Sunday must have used on him cause that, or did he step outside the dream to face Gopher, then go back in?
-Sunday will face a trial: the Family won’t disclose any further details 
-public perceived incident as an attack by evil forces targeting the Charmony festival, believing the Family had failed to safeguard the sweet dream which eroded their credibility significantly
-at least it has the least impact? Even if it’s far from what really went down 
-she says they will get over it
-“you don’t know who’s awake and who’s pretending to be asleep”- another ominous line 
-gives them a toast 
-trailblazer asks why she’s there again, Siobhan is just confused 
-asks when they will leave Penacony
-Welt says they will stay a bit longer, just not too long 
-she says this farewell is missing something 
-“maybe a special drink to honor those who are not here” oh yeah Gallagher is gone GONE
-To the Nameless resting in peace… and to Gallagher, oh he’s so gone
Walking around time again 
-everyone but Himeko is here 
Ok taking this many notes is exhausting and is lowkey killing my enjoyment 😭 so I’ll just leave the REALLY important stuff from now on 
-The Family claims the Oak Family used the stellaron to help sink everyone into Ena’s dream 
-others had their own delusional dreams 
-DH says the hidden dangers of the Order have always been within the Harmony, an issue that has persisted in the Family from the very beginning 
-more awareness makes this complicated 
-March has a button now too, says she was told the buttons will explode Penacony if pressed 
-himeko’s been up to something lately she will tell us at the festival
-Siobhan gives us another drink, saying it will “bring back the flavors of Penacony” which makes me believe it will help us get back here somehow 
-Welt is sure it will leave a lasting impression, hmmm
-she says if we happen to find Gallagher, to let him have a sip 
Scene 5: Jade POV
-Oti is tricky but there is still hope
-Jade asked Topaz to make a phone call offscreen, presumably to the express who agreed
-talking in code
-Jade asks Topaz if she thinks Penacony is worth it
-Topaz says yes
-Jade questions if this project is too bland for her
-Topaz says she would be here if it weren’t for Aventurine
-Jade pointed out she entrusted him with a cornerstone, which is as precious as life itself to finish this gamble 
-however Topaz points at out that Jade’s stone couldn’t have made it in without either of their cornerstones: and that the Jade stone allows Jade to see all desires that flow through the dreams to gain a bargaining chip in the negotiations: this must be the “harvest” Jade was referring to in 2.1, seems like this is her Cornerstone’s ability 
-Perhaps that’s why she held it up earlier? To allow Topaz to vent her feelings into the Jade stone?
-Topaz actually staked her Topaz’s stone for Jade’s sake, not Aventurine’s
-Jade is greatful Aven is alive, saying it’s the best outcome, Topaz immediately says they have strayed off topic
-Jade says she will go alone, instructs Topaz to meet “honored guest”- likely the Nameless
-Jade spots Robin
-turns out we were actually in the previously locked off rooms in the back of where we met Oti, he’s still there, and he’s wearing glasses? Was he before? We can’t talk to him tho 
-ah this also unlocked some more doors- it’s where the ship is captained, but the captains room is locked 
-Robin is preparing for Charmony Festival
-Jade lies saying she’s on her way to meet Oti really she’s just here for info before meeting him 
-Robins never met him, she says Alfalfa is respectable when it comes to business, but not necessarily in other respects
-Jade asks where Robin thinks Penacony is heading, Robin is hopeful, thinks Harmony needs new direction 
-“no permanent allies or everlasting enemies,”
-2nd half of negotiations- no Topaz this time
-Jade is gonna be meaner bc Topaz isn’t here you go manipulative queen 
-says Oti is not the only merchant who has seen the changes in the cosmic market over the past ten Amber Eras
-Jade declares that Penacony has no way of sidestepping the IPC and going public, that they can’t stop the IPC, the IPC will tear down and rebuild as they see fit
-tells Oti that if he doesn’t want to be a laughingstock and have everyone after him, he better drop his “pie-in-the-sky-plan” perhaps he was planning on using Sparkles bombs to take out the IPC ambassadors now that the protection of not being able to die in the dream is no longer there- or at least he has control over it
-Jade reminds him IPC controls more than half the news in the universe 
-says trillions of customers will receive a, “The Family’s protection for Penacony has expired. Any mishaps in the Dreamscape could result in permanent brain death,” message from the IPC if Penacony decides to go public
-threatens to make his entire currency worthless with how many contingencies the IPC has, Jade is confident she can pull it off, even from Pier Point
-she promises that the IPC won’t jeopardize the interests of the Family heads under Oti’s leadership if he gives up the plan to go public 
-they (IPC) want allies in Asdana, Jade says they can assist Penacony with financing, will acquire 30% equity shares from the Family, and in exchange will also help rebuild Penacony 
-Oti thinks it’s too much, and worried about the future 
-Jade happily says there are no guarentees- this is based on mutual respect- but the board of directors will consider the interests of the Family heads to some extent
-she points out this would be beneficial for the Family, and for him, if they both take a step back, also points out this will attract more customers like he wanted 
-as the head of the Alfalfa family, Oti accepts, seeing no reason to refuse, but as THEIR (Xipe’s) chosen one, he still needs one final answer (hmmm this is an interesting detail)
-talks about the rise of Xipe and fall of Ena, he asks why the IPC seeks to collaborate with the Family (Harmony) rather than the Order, who is far closer in ideals (Preservation)
-Jade says it’s about credit, saying that through the Preservation, the IPC can perpetually ensure credits value, meaning they have no need for the Order, as they have made their own, with Qilpoths “credit” being the heart of everything
-Oti understands this will eventually lead to the IPC taking control over everything 
-“this universe doesn’t need two types of Order” (Preservation and the Order)
-Oti says he’s convinced 
-code words from before come back in (shit I should have written them down, it was poison something, sweet dew, and apple something, sweet dew shows up this time per Topaz’s invite)
-unsurprisingly, it’s one of the Nameless: Himeko
-Astral Express will be shareholders? Perhaps this is so they can guarantee the future the Nameless wanted like Welt mentioned
-IPC gets 30%, gives 5% to the express to “honor the sacrifices and contributions made by the former Nameless to the Land of the Dreams,” which is A) true B) the real honor is the express now having a foot in the door to prevent Penacony from being like it was before
-Himeko is a member for the board of directors- what board? One in the IPC, or for Penacony, the Family?
-crew agreed to assist in reconstruction of Penacony, and commit to bringing the dreams of Penacony to other worlds 
-However, they really wish for the Harmony to not be distorted again, that tragedy must never occur again
-negotiations end, we (as Jade) will go to meet up w Topaz again 
-Jade believes the family heads will soon realize the situation, and that Oti’s agreement didn’t just represent their agreement, but the followers of the Harmony in general (this last part is only implied though)
-Topaz says she will handle the arrangements for formal negotiations 
-Jade allows her to- gives Topaz a sense of control OOOH THE MANIPULATIONNNNN
-Topaz is shocked bc big responsibility, but Jade interrupts
-she says that Aventurine initiated this case and Topaz was his project partner, but since he overplayed his hand (taking on a case he couldn’t handle on his own?) Jade got pushed to the forefront 
-OOH MORE MANIPULATION, Jade says she came here to help Topaz sort out the toughest issues, saying “I trust you’ll be able to wrap things up quite nicely, little Jelena,”
-Topaz’s objections immediately get pushed aside bc of Jades words, and asks Jade to give Diamond her assurance
-Jade tells her to not worry, Diamond has always trusted them, and Jade will put in a good word for her, and Topaz will get her position (P45) back in no time
-Jade claims her business is done so she’s gonna indulge in her own little hobby (I’m scared)
-which is opening a Bonajade Exchange branch on this ship, whatever that is, Jade believes the guests on this ship had or a wealth of valuable treasures tho 
-it’s a pawnshop, and Jade says she will leave, saying she’ll “see you around Topaz”
-Topaz has one more question, Jade gladly lets her ask, she asks about the dose of “bitter poison”, wondering how Jade got it (I’m guessing her Cornerstone), it wasn’t her cornerstone, a “lady concerned with the future of the Harmony” told her (maybe this is Robin? But it seems like that was their first meeting? Hmm) 
-Jade says she agreed to help her with something later (which makes me think this was Sparkle now haha), and that they can deal with it after they leave Penacony
-“that’s what ‘investment’ is all about”- the seeds of opportunity have already been soon and Jade simply gives them a little bit of nourishment for them to take root, afterwards all they (her and Topaz) need to do is wait patiently 
-like right now, and Jade’s final “guest” boarded the ship
I’m insane about this actually yall. TOPAZ CENTRIC STORY??? WHAT IF I DIED. Also I love the way Jade was written in this, they made her as manipulative as I wanted her to be, so yeah I love her THEY COMMITED TO THE BIT I PRAYED FOR TIMES LIKE THIS
Scene 6: Firefly POV
-she boards (rather sneaks onto) the ship, so I assume she’s Jade’s final guest 
-oh she’s heading to the pawnshop that grants wishes (it’s definitely Jade’s), perhaps to get those gifts she wanted earlier, or defy her destiny like she wanted to earlier?
-hey those closed off areas are unlocked W
-she spots TB, Robin is also there 
-there’s a nice banquet table for people in that room, we got a shot of it earlier during Topaz, Jade and Oti’s meeting, idk what line of dialogue it was for tho 
-Firefly overhears Robin saying that she will, “present a gift to the Astral Express on behalf of The Family as a token of gratitude for the Nameless’ contributions to Penacony”, asking for the staff to help her w the arrangements
-Firefly then asks how to get to the pawnshop, yup it’s Jade’s spot, she gets the directions 
-Silverwolf was gonna meet w the Genius Society? Why? Also apparently she mentioned Jade’s stuff earlier, I don’t remember that though, maybe I forgot to write it down
-we can look for the TB so I’m going to 
-TB is being a dumbass as ever and Firefly is amused 
-she wants to talk to us but Firefly wants to meet Jade first 
-we can’t go over there even if we want to
-Jade made her exchange in the dream pool room for some reason 
-asks Jade to call her Samuel
-Firefly says she wants to give up living, and that she’s willing to give up everything she has
-even Jade is gagged
-Firefly is like yup! Everything!
-Jade says she should turn around bc she’s not familiar with the term, “pawn” aka she’s betting quite literally EVERYTHING
-Jade says she doesn’t have anything of equal value to offer her
-Firefly is upset, says this shop must just be a marketing gimmick 
-Jade says she will help Firefly understand what she means, telling her to go and talk to the other customers, when she understands what “pawn” really means
-we see the TB being stupid again, this time w Dan Heng tagging along
-again she plans on catching up w them later
-first person she meets, Stacy, finally won a gamble w the blessing of Lady Bonajade
-there also seems to be way more guests on the ship 
-second person she meets, a Pepeshi named Dell, gets his crush named Dorothy to go out with him, implied that he wished for her to say yes
-ppl seem to be gossiping about a grey haired person, either Firefly or TB
-yup it’s TB
-someone has been hiding in the Moment of Sol in Penacony under a fake identity, proposing as a professor at Paperfold academy, apparently this intellatron (Walker) found him (idk who him is) with the help of an influential figure 
-ah this is unimportant this was just the wishes of the third person
-Firefly still doesn’t get it, but their wishes did seem to come true
-Jade said it was just to show the exchange was genuine, how she shows how all three of them gave up so much in exchange for their wishes, so yeah, glorified drug dealer, but it is an equal exchange, and Jade only encourages these people’s delusions, giving with the power of her Cornerstone for a hefty price
-uses their endless cycle of desires to get what Jade desires from their whirlpool of horrific decision making 
-Jade knows Firefly’s identity, and she asks Firefly if she’s really willing to give up everything, Firefly isn’t surprised though 
-Entropy Loss Syndrome was thrust upon all of the Iron Calvary in order to keep them fighting for Glamoth, and from falling into the wrong hands 
-Firmament Front is gone so those who know the secret and could cure the disease are nowhere to be found, but Firefly still wishes to continue her existence 
-Firefly asks if the IPC has a remedy 
-Jade just says there might be a silver lining and leaves it at that 
-Firefly realizes that she can’t provide anything of equal value bc nothing she owns has any meaning 
-asks Jade if she’s gonna ask her to restrain the other Stellaron Hunters for her survival 
-that’s not the case though, Jade acknowledges how remarkable close the Stellaron Hunters are, compares them to the Stonehearts, OOOHH LORE DROP
-Jade says like how the Stoneheart follow Diamond, the Stellaron Hunters are, “Traveling on the Path of Finality but struggling against your destiny, attempting to move in the opposite direction?”
-Firefly remains silent
-Jade hopes all of them will visit her pawnshop one day
-Firefly asks if she can see this as an invitation from Diamond to the Stellaron hunters behind the IPC’s back
-Jade says to consider it a person offer, not representing the IPC or SID
-Firefly says she will pass on the offer, but she has a question
-Firefly points out that SW could let the entirety of Pier Point know of this in seconds, so why would Jade ask this 
-Jade says it’s because she believes her and Firefly are the same
-she believes the Stonehearts band together to get what they want, and have been invited by Diamond to join them whilst on their own journeys
-Jade says all stonehearts carry a void (ambition) that can only be filled from the outside 
-so Diamond promised them something, he divided the power of the Emanator of Preservation into ten pieces (for the ten stonehearts) and gave each of us a Cornerstone to fill that void 
-“Mortal flesh is fragile, yet my heart is unyielding like the monolith. For without this resolve, the way of the Preservation would fade into oblivion.”
-Jade says this pledge goes beyond a mere oath, it’s their collateral in exchange for the Stonehearts desires, and their future 
-whatever they gain from it will make the Stonehearts stronger, allowing them to achieve the great cause of the Preservation (what Diamond wants) when the war among the Aeons eventually comes (HUHH WHAT NOWW I MEAN WERE GETTING THEIR GOALS AT LEAST?!!)
-Jade tells Firefly to take her time 
-Firefly says she will, and says it’s shame that the pawnshop won’t give her what she wants, as her last attempt (death?) will end with “hope”
-Walker comes to give her his memories
Scene 7: Trailblazer 
-he points out how the meeting went smoother than expected 
-Charmony festival opening ceremony is starting soon
-Boothill threatening Aven jokingly but not jokingly, Aven brushes it off
-seems like they came to an agreement off screen
-he notices us + typical flattery, Boothill gives a normal greeting 
-Aventurine admits his words are nothing more than flattery and not genuine (at least due to the option I picked) 
-Boothill says to set aside the under the table stuff as to not spoil the mood
-Aven gives congratulations bc he can’t be there personally (he’s a hologram) to witness the crew getting celebrated 
-Aven says his job was just to give the IPC an opening, which he achieved (even if it was a mess
-Aven says he wouldn’t have been able to dig up such dirty information without the help of a “knowledgeable friend” HMMM IS THAT RATIO???
-Acheron still fucked him up though, and he admits this would have gone smoother had she not injured him 
-we thank Boothill, he’s like it’s nothing I’m a galaxy ranger it’s part of our duty, he’s happy Galaxy Rangers are making a comeback and asks the TB to pass on his regards to any Hunt followers he meets
-Aventurine also talks about the feud between the Marketing Development Department (Oswaldo) and Strategic Investment Department (Diamond) is fairly well on wok, but he didn’t expect the Galaxy Rangers to get involved
-he thinks things are gonna get spicy 
-I wonder if the IPC knows about this deal between him and Boothill, I doubt it though, and I think Aven might be hiding this from everyone 
-this reminds me that he was deliberately acting like he hadn’t grown around Jade during their conversation in 2.2, which makes me think he’s planning to do something beyond just whatever he is gonna do with Boothill, or at the very least Aven wants to make things easier for himself by acting as if Penacony didnt change him 
-they wish the TB well, Avens hologram disappears 
-he’s standing where the now activated Divergent Universe thing is AAAA
-it’s all over the screen/hj
-OFF THE BAT TSUNDERE - “your performance at Herta’s space station was… adequate, I suppose,” thats high praise coming from you hehehhehe
-“Hm, no wonder the gambler likes you so much.” HUHHH??! Can’t keep AVENS NAME OUT UR DAMN MOUTH FOR MORE THAN 5 SECONDS??? We didn’t even bring him up 
-“This individual is my responsibility during the trip. Hmph, nothing more than an errand from the Office of Academic Affairs,” the who of what now? Not the “hmph” and downplaying 
-tells the Trailblazer to take advantage of the opportunity the Charmony Festival provides 
-TB asks Ratio how he rates Aventurine, Ratio says that the IPC and Guild position them as strategic partners; but Ratio sees himself as a teacher, and like everyone in Ratio’s life, Aventurine as a student, Aven isn’t an ideal student, but not utterly obtuse. He remarks that the void inside of him (which could be referring to either the one mentioned as being filled by the Stonehearts or just Aven’s general lack of a will to live) cannot be filled by talent and knowledge. Ratio hopes he doesn’t turn into a philosophical zombie. Which I like that up, and it’s basically someone who behaves like a person but does not have a conscious experience. What I think Ratio is suggesting is that what Aventurine is missing isn’t talent or knowledge, but genuine connections with other people, goals, desires, a purpose, things that aren’t so material 
-TB teases Ratio, saying they thought he would make them get their act together, Ratio says that saying such a thing means we haven’t grasped the essence of learning, OH MY GOD HE SAYS EXACLTY HOW I BELIEVE HIM TO VIEW KNOWLEDGE SOMEONE SEDATE ME
oh my god, that’s why Aventurine isnt his typical student, to improve Aventurine’s life, he DOESNT need knowledge or talent, so Ratio has to try other methods…
Forgive me for the person I’m about to become I fear 
-we say good by to him 😭😭😭😭
-“I detest noisy gatherings, as they intrude upon my thoughts.. What a waste of time” AUTISM!! BRO IS OVERSTIMULATED LEAAVE GO ELSEWHERE WHY ARE YOU HERE UR CLEARLY HAVING A BAD TIMEEEE
Alright bye Ratio onto the next one
-Topaz eco ship mention??
-ooh we ask her about her Cornerstone and if she can transform herself like Aven
-her ability isn’t as “visual”? So it’s not a transformation 
-LORE DROP; abilities of Ten Stonehearts are all different, some can even read thoughts and grasp desires (Jade), she warns us to be careful 
-Topaz is greatful for the timing in Belabog bc it let her and Bronya be friends 
-Jade convo next!
-I picked Sundays name and she went “not a bad name, just lacking in virtue,”
-she does her deal shtick, I’m gonna ask to revive Akivili 
-poor girl is dumbfounded, but she accepts 😭
-she asks for the tail of an animal and I think she asks for the tail of the cat in the stellaron hunters 😭
-sorry Akivili you aren’t returning 
-his lines aren’t voiced unfortunately 
-he’s talking about the beauty as always, saying we are already walking that path due to our virtue 
-apparently if an admirer of Beauty gets lost in the pursuit of power, they risk descending into “the Omen of Evil” a form that’s neither human nor beast 
-he compares this to Sunday; whose actions argenti believes were no different from the Omen of Evil, and that he lost his way along the path of righteousness 
-he wasn’t there at the final battle because Ena’s dream was too realistic and he couldn’t bid farewell to a fallen friend who had turned into a beast, so Argenti stayed within the dream for a while 
-he blames himself for not passing the trial of Beauty this time, and for hesitating, wishing to become more determined that ever 
-him and Sunday competing for who has more religous trauma LMAOO
Alright I’m done talking let’s wait for the opening now
-Firefly is here!
-we go over how wack the plot has been 
-she asks if we will be leaving again 
-I picked the idk option and Firefly says not to worry bc we are on the path of the Trailblaze
-Elio told Firefly that her journey will tell her how to live on and the rest is up for her to find out, and she will hunt for leads everywhere, including Penacony 
-TB says that no wonder she was investigating the Watchmaker, but even if she didn’t get what she wanted, Firefly says she get a deal from Jade
-we warn her not to make deals w the IPC bc they are shady
-Firefly is like no dw I didn’t do anything stupid or get anyone involved 
-she apologies for lying to us earlier about being from the Iris Family
-I accept it bc I’m not a cunt but I’m glad they allow you to turn her down 
-uh oh bloodhound family is here 
-Firefly is sad and like “I guess we have to say our goodbyes”
-but she’s hopeful bc her “script” hasn’t ended yet- so they will meet again 
-TB is worried but figures she will be fine, we decide to check on her later after we attend the festival 
-we get a message from Firefly, saying she handled everything but she’s sad she won’t get to see Robin perform 
-Ceremony begins and Robin shows up
-March is fangirling
-Robin is eating as always 
-she’s like “yeah this has been crazy but hey we’re doing it now!”
-thanks Oti Alfalfa for his dedication 
-she’s like thank god it’s over
-oh she brings up the Watchmaker
-she gives a tribute to Misha/ Mikhal Char Legwork for laying the foundations of Penacony
-thanks him for allowing the Dreamscape to exist, that Penacony’s success is rooted in the Trailblaze that the Watchmaker brought with him and only by honoring that spirit can harmony be spread 
-everything is back on track, and Penacony’s family give the Nameless a token of appreciation 
-They give the ship to the Astral Express?!!? That’s a fun one, I think Robin pulled some strings for that one to screw over Oti for throwing Sunday under the bus
-she toasts the Harmony, the Trailblaze, the future of Penacony and the universe, and the generous Alfalfa Family Head, Mr. Oti Alfalfa
-Oti is amused by Robins cunning
-she put a bomb in the ship and we got 10 minutes to find it oh boy 
Cutscene over 
-she gave us a map at least 
-this is great it’s bomb hunting time
-because the hounds are stupid and gathered everything spending 48 system hours to press all her buttons 
-it’s hidden among 999 dolls and the challenge is to find where the real one is hidden 
-Robin asks everyone not to panic and that they will prepare for evacuating 
-however the Oak Family has relied on the power of the Order for the guarantee that you can’t die in dreams, but since the Order’s blessings are lost, this bomb might actually kill people 
-everyone agrees to help
-Aventurine isn’t taking it seriously likely because he isn’t actually there, he’s like “Wanna bet who will survive this?” and Ratio’s like “k” bc he’s done w Aven’s shit and higher priorities 
-Black Swan finds 131 fake bombs, area gets evacuated 
-Boothill finds 217 of them with the help of the hounds and Ratio wearing his alabaster head, nobodies found it yet but nobody seems too concerned 
-Argenti finds 145 bombs but again, duds
-IPC found 329, but again, nothing 
-last one is in the cockpit 
-Sparkle rickrolls us
-it’s a bomb 
-they found the remaining dolls but nothing
-Sparkle gives the coordinates of the last, true bomb, and everyone agrees to gather there 
-TB finds Firefly standing by Sparkle’s bomb 
-Sweet Dream no longer has the Order’s protection and if it were to blow up there could be bad consequences 
-she says the design is unique and as if it’s been locked by some mysterious Path force
-nobody knows how to deactivate it 
-Firefly doesn’t think anybody there can fix it
-she says Black Swan might be able to teleport it, but Firefly found a note inside the doll
-a note that’s complete nonsense and says it contains a virus very dangerous to Memetic entities like BS plus a bunch of Bananas for some reason? It’s all very unserious 
-Firefly reminds us that she has three “deaths” in the Land of Dreams
-so this is the third time 
-we’re like nah ur not dying 
-Firefly says she’s not in the dream like normal people, she has a Stellaron Hunters special method (Silver Wolf) that let her to be in here , and it lets Firefly perform feats others can’t 
-as long as she can bear the pain of the memoria pressure, she will be able to dive into the primal Memory Zone and extend a lifeline to the Radiant Feldspar
-she’s gonna try and take it into the depths of the Dreamscape (Primordial Memory Zone) so nobody will get hurt 
-Firefly tells us not to worry and that SAM will allow her to get back safely if she lucky 
-determined to give this story a happy ending 
-Firefly reminds us of Acheron’s words, “The so-called impossible is merely something that has yet to happen..”
-the moment that could disprove the “impossibilities” hasn’t arrived yet
-Firefly has so many choices to make before her “death” in whatever form it takes, and she believes that when the moment arrives for us to make a choice, the answer to our end will already be in our hearts 
-“it is not destiny that shapes us, but we who shape destiny,”
Compare astral express and stellaron hunters like light and shadow and tied together 
-Sparkle detonates the bomb early but it’s actually fireworks 
-she then bops us off the edge of the ship but Firefly catches and saves us
-it’s really cute tbh
-she reaffirms what we said, both that destiny is ours to choose and that the reason why life slumbers is because one day we will wake up
-there’s a little procession of scenes of everyone so far
-highlights being Ratio leaving and Boothill pulling out a gun due to Argentis yapping
-and Aven reminiscing in the place where he found himself again
-we also get a little peak at what Acheron is doing
-she put three flowers on the graves of the Nameless, officially saying by to them 
Cutscene over 
Scene 8; Acheron (although still from TB perspective)
-child wanted to put flowers down for the Nameless? I don’t really understand her first line in this 
-oh the child is Mikhail and the flowers are for the other two Nameless, and when he’s  gone someone placed one for him
-she says “your wishes will always be remembered by someone,” likely talking not just to Mikhail, but the audience
-Now Penacony has finally welcomed the dawn after the long dark night, even if the path ahead won’t be easy 
-“Tiernan, you can now go home”
-the Nameless are also preparing for our next stop
-we say goodbye to the old Nameless, Gallagher and Acheron 
-“in the Land of the Dreams, anything is indeed possible,” - March
-“History may not remember the names of the dead, but the stars will attest to their journeys, the first glimmer of light in the prolonged night often illuminates little, as it is fleeting and the darkness too vast. But because of this, people will remember: As long as something shines in the night sky, then when the first star falls.. countless more will follow, streaking across the horizon.” - Dan Heng, I loved his speech so I had to write it 
-they give a toast to the fallen Nameless
-“A toast to history that no longer remains silent, the passionate and courage’s pursuit, and a voyage that traverses the stars,”- Dan Heng ur COOKING
-we can talk to Acheron, and she calls it a fitting end to our story
-we say bye to Gallagher, who we don’t even know if he was a “living person”, callback to the 13 thing, an “enigmatic” character for sure
-at least our journey and his love for Penacony was real
-we toast him too, and using the drink that Siobhan made for him 
-“to all lies, and the singular truth,”- March 
-she also asks him to not speak in riddles if they ever meet again 
-we say bye to Micah, Welt apologizes for only now speaking to him, Welt asks what the people of Dreamflux Reef do now, many will continue to live there, and “those accustomed to being away will mostly have a hard time getting used to a life of darkness with their eyes closed,” Micah will also watch over the primal Memory Zone as the Order has faded 
-“Penacony’s nights are long, and there are many who are still far from a good nights sleep,”
-they still manage without the Sweet Dream
-toast to the ppl in Dreamflux Reef and their tenacity 
-we finally say goodbye to Mikhail, it started from the moment we met him and it ends by saying goodbye to him
-“just like a clock’s hands that turn round and round, the start and end of each day will always land on twelve o’clock- the advent of time moving forward,” - Himeko, it really is over isn’t it, honestly I wonder now is just what that dream pool and projector were for 
-the entire adventure started bc of Mikhail and it’s ending because of him
-“And then, a new page will be turned.”
-“To Penacony’s past, present, future… and the child’s unwavering dream unto death,”- Himeko
—“the Trailblaze can illuminate the way, but ultimately, the future of a world belongs to those who live in it,” - Dan Heng, just like Belabog and the Luofu huh 
-March has a strange feeling that she had a few stops ago that’s really strong this time, she talks about how many stories these three Nameless have experienced, and she compares them to the current Nameless and their own adventures, and that they lived the “every day” we do now
-but it’s all in the past, and TB says to her that we should live in the present, but that’s what March can’t get out of her mind
-she’s upset at that the Nameless then didn’t get their happy ending, but the TB now shouldn’t live through them, however since us (especially March) has witnessed their lives, their are special to us now, so she hopes their story gets a good ending when it comes 
-but what if those Nameless and us now aren’t special, and we won’t get a good ending?
-if Mikhail might not have had no regrets, how can we know we won’t? 
-“Then, what is this regret we feel in our hearts right now…?”
-Himeko assured that all of them are searching for the answer to this question, that against the backdrop of a cosmos, our lives are fleeting 
-however, even if the universe doesn’t remember the never ending Trailblaze, but people, and those who travel along the silver rail themselves will
-“As long as we remember, their stories (The Trailblaze) will never end,” OH MY GOD THIS MIRRORS WHAT BS SAID IN THE ONE TRAILER WHERE WE WILL CARRY OUR WISHES TO COUNTLESS STARS AAAA
-Mikhail answered this question himself, dying with a smile on his face even after his complicated life
-its meaning will be interpreted by those who come after us 
-it’s not the answer that’s important, but what we can learn from others answers 
-“This is what Trailblazing is”
-March tells DH to tell a dad joke to lighten the mood
-he won’t 
-it’s never a bad thing to reflect 
-we got a long way ahead of us WHOOO
-so it’s time to tell PomPom what we saw
-then prepare for the next stop
-time to say final goodbye to Acheron
-she asks if we remember our first meeting
-we reminded her of an acquaintance 
-because of the Self-Annihilators curse, what she thought was a familiar meeting was merely an illusion, attributing her feelings of that old friend to us the TB
-however you can ask if it wasn’t an illusion 
-Acheron says it’s improbable we ever met before, and there’s nothing left to retrace but Nihility 
-I can keep pushing 
-she doubles down, said this me and your memory of her aren’t the same person
Red Text oh my god
-“But some things will never change,”
-she just laughs in response 
-oh my god she’s talking about her past companions oh no her Kiana her Bronya noooooo NOOOOOOOOOO
-they didn’t achieve the outcome they wanted, but our sheer stupidity makes it feel like they never even left
-she talks about how things can seem so similar yet so different 
-Acheron has wandered alone, encountering “acquaintances” who’s silhouettes overlap with her past
-she asks us what we think her “Deja vu” means
-im going with “the wish to return to the past”
-she says all of our possible answers are incomplete
-it’s something that’s not external, but something that’s within us, an emotion spanning across time from a certain moment in our past to reach us
-every time we reminisce, we notice both the tiny but unforgettable things we leave behind, and the other things that remain constant throughout 
-that’s the summary of our lives, the proof of our shared path 
-within those small moments, those tiny regrets, we glimpse our own essence, and truly “exist”
-Acheron says to “set forth on your voyage without hesitation, Nameless, on the path of the Trailblaze”
-even if our ending has been predetermined (OOH CALLBACK TO 2.1 and 2.2 AAA) there are countless things humans cannot change 
-but before that, there are still many things we can do
-“And because of this, the “end” will thus reveal a completely different meaning”
-“this is the meaning of ‘journey’” 
-“all those things, beautiful before, are still do now. And I believe… It will still bloom at the end of the Nihility, until we meet again beneath the sun’s rays,” OH MY GOD SHE HAS HER HORNS AND OLD OUTFIT SHES SO BEAUTIFUL 
Back at the Express
-Pom Pom is crying 
-Dan and March bickering 
-Pom-Pom started crying over the adventure, March has never seen them so sad before 
-now they are angry
-we caused so much chaos and threw the time-table off and if we keep acting like this the Express is gonna run out of fuel 
-well not really they are just masking their sadness
-we take a break in the next car while Himeko comforts Pom Pom
-we chat a bit, those three Nameless must have meant a lot to them 
-we don’t know shit about Pom Pom’s past lmao, but their emotions haven’t become dulled by the grind of time, and they still value every journey 
-we might actually run out of fuel bc due to our existence Pom Pom has had to delay the warp jump schedule 
-the express converts every “Trailblaze” into the energy it needs to run, like a perpetual motion machine
-we are using up fuel much faster than expected, and can only pull off two more warp jumps at most
-which means we must consider our next destination carefully 
-the two worlds nearest to us are the oceanic planet of Lushaka and the Agate World Melustanin
-we still need to vote 
-Welts like ‘alright give us the juice’
-she overheard how the express obtains fuel 
-her suggestion could be the lifeline that saves everyone
-“those mired memories of yours”
-if the express needs a special trailblazing expedition to recharge its engine, then they should go to a world that even Akivili never even reached, and the express will never have to worry about energy again
-March is like “is that possible?!!”
-a world many don’t even know exists, hidden away by outside observation, only revealed by the light from the monitor of the Garden of Recollection
-fettered by three Paths, its destiny hanging in the balance 
-“The Eternal Land, Amphoreus”
-she calls Sunday a child
-it seems like he tried to escape and got caught
-he thinks he’s gonna die
-his fate is entirely in Jade’s hands
-he wants the pretenses to be over and to just have time to talk 
-she’s glad he’s still a cunt 
-she came to fulfill Robin’s wishes, to offer a trade if he’s willing to accept 
-she talks about his oath between him and Robin of building a haven where everyone can attain peace 
-she asks if he would be willing to speak to her if there was a chance to fulfill that vow 
-Jade sets him free, tells him to see the world for himself
-Sunday doesn’t want to accept it though 
-however the trade is still up, and Jade is willing the wait for his answer 
-she gives him a word of warning 
-“Life is too short to miss out on golden opportunities”
And it’s over
Wow that was great 
OK! I will definitely not be doing this again because oh my god this made the quest take like 10 hours (most of the time was just typing it tbh 😭) made it far less fun than it could have been, however it also really helped me understand what was going on a lot; and I’ll look back on this if I want to remember the plot in 2.3
Overall I think it’s a really satisfying conclusion for Penacony, and any of the things I thought were weird kinda dissipated because they are minor nitpicks at best, and we did say Penacony would have to figure itself out from here
if you somehow decided to read all of these, I admire your patience lmao, and I hope you enjoyed all of the parts in which I started absolutely losing it
I recommend you don’t do this lmao, it’s more fun to just play through and look at the wiki later imo, maybe take more overarching ones after you have already completed a scene? This was certainly a learning experience at least
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iracundiias · 10 months
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astarion standing like dads who stand in front of the tv and watch it for 20 minutes instead of sitting down
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gojoscloset · 5 months
“You smell sooo good.”
“Thanks! I taste even better.”
with JJK boys (Choso, Toji, Gojo ) NSFW/Suggestive
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He took notice of your new scent and decided to act on it. He complimented you but he did not expect what you had to say in return.
“Thank you! I taste even better.”
You give him a wink and instantly he was a mess. He was at a loss for words, his throat and mouth suddenly became dry and his mind couldn’t help but wonder if maybe you could help him quench his thirst.
Choso’s nonchalant expression switched up to a more shocked one. He looked away, tugging at the scarf around his neck to ease the sudden heat that reached his body. He was thankful for the baggy-ness of his clothes, otherwise a growing tent would be present for everyone to see.
He didn’t hold back, when does he ever? He caught a whiff of your scent once you got in his proximity and he couldn’t help himself.
“Damn girl, you smell good enough to eat.”
His lips curled into a smirk and made his way closer to you, the sweet aroma enticed him and whatever it was you were wearing was literally good enough to make his mouth water.
“Then why don’t you?”
You dared him and looked straight in his eyes, your innocent expression challenged him and he wasn’t one to back down from a challenge.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, chibi.*” Toji smirked and crossed his arms over his broad chest, he looked down at you, the size difference more noticeable as he closed the gap between you and him. Before you even said anything his mind wandered to all the things he could do to you. How he would bend and fold you and how he would have you at his mercy. He was known to be a demon with his mouth and questioned how you would receive him. Would you really be able to handle it?
“I know what I’m getting into, I think I can take it.” …
Satoru invaded your space, as always. He practically placed his nose in your hair playfully taking a deep breath. “Wow you smell delicious, is it new?” He smiled and moved his hands to waft the air closer to him, like you were some kind of freshly baked dessert.
“Thank you! And if you think that smells delicious just wait till you taste me.”
Satoru cocked a brow and gave you a confident grin.
“Hmmm. Sorry princess but I don’t think I CAN wait, you know I have a sweet tooth.” He licked his lips and moved closer to you, taking in your scent once again. “As a matter of fact,I’m craving something sweet right now.”
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Authors notes:
*Chibi can be used to call someone shorty.
I came up with the idea because I recently bought hella stuff from Bath and Body Works and I smell so so so delicious and have been getting compliments. LOL
Also I can’t believe I wrote for Toji 🤢 I h8 him but I did it for the girlies lmao
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peachdues · 2 months
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A/N: ok, this one is just pure fun. Enjoy our two lovebirds being idiots.
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His fingers brushed delicately against the curve of her cheek. “You’re ashen,” his frown deepened and his hand smoothed worryingly over her hair. “My treasure, are you unwell?”
She closed her eyes against the comfort of his touch. “I suppose I haven’t been sleeping as well as I could,” she admitted shyly.
A shadow passed over Giyuu’s face. “And I am to blame.”
“No!” Y/N’s hand covered his where it rest against the side of her head, and she wound their fingers together. “I’ve also felt rather nauseous — I haven’t had the stomach for much, lately.”
But Giyuu did not look convinced, and his hand slid to her forehead, testing her temperature.
“Perhaps I am only feeling hungry,” the Miko offered with a faint smile. It wasn’t true; she hadn’t been able to muster an appetite in days, but she wanted nothing more than to soothe his nerves.
“You haven’t eaten?” Giyuu’s hand dropped from her forehead and he rose. “Then I shall prepare something for you.”
“Giyuu, please don’t trouble yourself —“
“I won’t,” he said plainly, as he began rooting through his cupboards. “It won’t take me long.”
“Here,” Giyuu slid a steaming bowl in front of her with a soft smile.
Y/N looked gratefully up at her raven-haired lover, and she reached to cup his cheek. “Thank you.”
Giyuu almost blushed under the stroke of her thumb, but he nudged the bowl toward her. “Eat up.”
Her eyes dropped down to the meal her beloved had so carefully prepared for her and her stomach dropped.
Somehow, the broth looked both thick and thin, and it had taken on an unsettling muddy-gray hue. Large chunks of something white floated just above the surface, mixed in with what looked like brown seaweed.
She looked back up to him. But at the first glimpse of the quiet pride brimming in his eyes, the shrine maiden balked.
Y/N brought the bowl to her lips and took a long sip.
Her eyes flew open.
For one, dreadful moment, the Miko agonized over whether to spit out the rancid, sour broth or whether she should fight it down, Giyuu’s soup festering on her tongue all the while.
After another torturous beat, Y/ N chose the latter and with a hard gulp, she swallowed. The liquid and whatever chunks Giyuu had thrown in to create the abominable concoction were slimy as they slid down her throat.
The shrine maiden forced her mouth into a smile as she fought to conceal her shudder. “It’s wonderful,” she managed through clenched teeth. “Truly, I — hand me that bucket now.”
Her fiance had barely managed to shove the wooden basin under her chin before Y/N wretched, her body convulsing.
She’d been wrong, she decided between the few quick, gasping breaths she managed before her stomach revolted against her once more. However bad the soup had tasted going down, it was infinitely worse coming back up.
Finally, her heaving subsided though her nausea remained. Slowly, Y/N managed to lift her head up, in search of Giyuu, but when she found him, she was met with an expression that she could only describe as tortured devastation.
Guilt bubbled up hot in her throat alongside the bile she desperately fought to keep down. “It wasn’t you, I promise!” It was. “I’ve not been able to keep much of anything down lately — your soup was wonderful.”
A half-truth, but Giyuu looked so crestfallen and she couldn’t bear it.
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hmmm I wonder why she’s feeling nauseous??? Also Giyuu is indeed a horrible cook lmao
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miyaur · 1 year
𝄞 — zhongli (gn!reader) — ❝ two is better than one! ❞
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summary: your calm, sensible, and handsome boyfriend wants to take your relationship to the next level, ready for slow intimate moments together, but what would you think if you saw what double digits he had like down under!
a/n: saw a lovely fanart of zhongli, gave me big idea for a fic and i love zhongli so much :)!
warnings: nsfw, mentions of double dick zhongli (LMAO), riding, doggy style(?), dom!zhongli, sub!reader this time, don't know what else, enjoy though!
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You and ZHONGLI have been dating for a bit, slowly and surely you both grow more deeply in love than before, Hu Tao mentions how horrifyingly you both looked like a cheesy teen couple in highschool on their first date.
Shopping, or getting some coffins from imported land with you and ZHONGLI is a nightmare, Hu Tao quoted. Both of you often glancing at each other and growing red, then looking away from each other once more, all wanted is for you both to just get the damn coffins into the carriage and back to home sweet home!!
Although this may have ticked Hu Tao off about how cheesy it all was, and as much as it is cheesy, it's nice seeing you, her close friend, finally getting along with your obvious crush for a bit now, aka ZHONGLI.
Finally putting the coffins back into the parlor, and in display, you both finally get "kicked out for being too cheesy", aka Hu Tao saying enjoy your date tonight!
Strolling through the streets of Liyue, small stares at each stall. You both fonally decided on just a small snack at Third Round Knockout to end off the day. ZHONGLI surprisingly paid this time though (must be a special night hmmm?)
Finally crashing down on the bed in ZHONGLI's home. Lying down, so tired from everything (eating and putting a coffin in a stroller and arranging it for display) that happened today. "Beloved, today I would like to.." he clears his throat, "Take our relationship to another level. "-We've been together for quite some time, and we both know we can't spend eternity with each other forever." You sat up looking confused, "So, what's the surprise, sweetheart?" you asked.
He pins you down with his geo-scattered hands onto the bed frame. "I would like to be intimate with you, at least just once, if you would allow it my love?" He said, breathing a bit heavy, not so hard to carry though. "Sure, what could go wrong, right?" You giggled. ZHONGLI's breath slowly getting closer to your neck, biting it, marking you as his.
You moaned slightly, whimpering at the sudden bites, "Mmm, your neck is sensitive isn't it, honey?" he said muffled, but understandable, you nod in a bit of excitement. He bites a bit more and let's go. ZHONGLI lies himself down and lets you hover on top of him. (ok u both are naked at this point dont ask how) You turn your head to see his cock(s) (LMFAO), dripping with precum. "O-oh.. I kinda see you only wanna do this just now.." "You never fail to amuse me, love"
Inserting one of them up your hole, you whine as it struggled to fit. slowly riding him, you both moan out each other's names. hours go by, many rounds have taken place, you both are a mess, he has you hands pinned to the bedframe, fucking you senseless, slowly noticing the belly bulge forming in your stomach. "Feel that, babe? That's the mark. The mark that shows my ownership over you, got it?" Your fucked dumb hazy expression was enough for him, fucking into you more, "s' close again 'li, just a lil' m-more.." you moaned out about to cum for the last time, this time with ZHONGLI.
"Me too, honey. Just- haah.. just wait a little long- haah! longer baby." Hard thrusts went in and out, each getting harsher and faster. Both of you finally came, feeling his hot cum shoot up inside you. savoring this little intimate moments together.
"two is always better than one, no?"
i live and breathe for this man 🥰‼️
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cocogrrrl · 11 months
HIIIIIII ugh ur writings are so freakin good and so fun to read it makes me AHHHH could I request kyle, stan, and kenny (separate) with a f!reader that can’t control her facial expressions at all so she’s pretty much an open book? Maybe have the reader be an artist so when she’s drawing she’s like 🤩😙🙁😋🤨😱😐 THANK UUUUU
(headcannons + drabbles!) the main three's separate reaction to their artist gf who is very expressive whenever they draw (requested!)
main three (separate) x female!reader no cws wc: 1007 overall
an: omg its my first time writing in an hc listed format also the drabbles are a lot more artist gf than the expressive thing sorry huhuuu (also i forgot to reply to the ask last time i took up a request LMAO)
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🍀 k. broflovski (wc: 330)
He really wants to comment on it, but doesn’t wanna bother you
I don’t mean that in a bad way! I just think that he finds it entertaining to see your mood and facial expressions shift around a lot
Like okay imagine you two parallel playing, both of you off in your own worlds
Kyle looks up at you to see you go from happy to frustrated to upset to shocked all in the span of a few seconds
He definitely finds it adorable and just basks in it by the side
Completely forgets what he was doing cause you’re just so gosh darn cute awwww
You were lying face down, arms holding you up, on his bed. You were tasked to make landscapes of any place but from different perspectives and views. To be honest, you were struggling a little bit. Backgrounds and scenery aren’t quite your strong points, but that didn’t mean you weren’t trying! You were lying down there, tongue poking out as you focused really hard to get the drawing looking at least a little bit realistically correct. You were real deep into it that you didn’t even realize Kyle was watching you until you heard a soft giggle in the back, which immediately made your head whip up. “Hmmm?” You hummed, questioning what he was laughing about. “Ah, it’s nothing.” He smiled at your curiosity. The look of amusement on his face was still there, so you had a hint of what was going on. “You’re just really pretty." You felt your cheeks heat up, giddily smiling to yourself as you felt your legs kicking back and forth in happiness. “Thank you…” You hummed. He only laughed more in return. “Don’t thank me.” He said, lifting your head up by the chin with his fingers as he placed a little kiss on your nose.
🍁 k. mccormick (wc: 360)
but definitely teases you about it like
“You should take up acting, YN. You’re really good at changing emotions.”
Do you know how some people make facial expressions and random body movements for reference while drawing?
When he sees it for the first time, with no context whatsoever, he thought you got possessed or something CAUSE YOU WERE JUST FLAILING YOUR ARMS AROUND WHILE LOOKING INTENTLY AT THEM
I can just imagine him lying down, watching you drawing, while he’s kicking his feet in the air HEPL
You and your boyfriend, Kenny, were sat slumped against a wall in the back of some alleyway, spending your time together in the quiet where only sounds of passing cars, footsteps and chatter of pedestrians, and the soft winds blowing every now and then. You were getting into your drawings on your little sketchbook, moving from one doodle to the other and leaving many unfinished. Every couple of minutes, you’d revisit the other, but that was only if you were still up to it. Other than that, you had new ideas pulling you away from your drawings every other second. Kenny was playing with the hair that fell by the side of your face as you were doing your own business—twirling, braiding, and unfurling it over and over again. You stretched out your hand and formed it in a reached-out, grabbing motion, shifting it every so often to get a better view of what it looked like. Kenny watched you observing yourself in intrigue as well, resting his chin on your shoulder. As soon as you were done and about to get back to drawing, he lifted himself back up and started to play with your hair once more. While you were drawing out the hand same hand you motioned earlier, you felt a soft kiss on your cheek, which caught you off guard. You turned your head in Kenny's direction, giving him a look that asked, ‘Why?’ Not in a bad way, just out of curiosity. He shrugged in return, cupping your face in one hand with his fingers resting on both cheeks as he squeezed them. “Cutie.”
🎸 s. marsh (wc: 317)
He doesn’t pay much mind to it honestly
He sees it for the first time and thinks it’s kinda silly, but not much after that
He brings it up sometimes though like
“Oh, yeah, I think it’s funny how you’re really expressive.”
But really its not something that bothers him
If anything, he finds it really adorable sometimes, especially when you get a little too into the zone and you’re just changing expressions every millisecond
Honestly, I think it’s a neat little dynamic since you’re probably really bubbly while Stan’s more aloof
You and Stan were in your favorite corner of the world—Stark’s Pond. Okay, technically, it’s one of the farthest things from a corner, given that it’s a whole landscape, but it was a special place unbeknownst to many, especially people who aren’t from the small town of South Park. You two were sat on a bench by the pond, Stan playing the guitar cross-legged, and you were leaning towards it while drawing on your tablet. You hummed along with the songs he was playing, familiar to you as it was your relationship’s self-declared theme song. Your face was twisted in a pout, trying to get a small detail, but important (to you), correct. You clicked your tongue, flipping your canvas every so often to make sure it looked right or physically possible. You sighed, resting your body weight on Stan as he paused to look at you and your art’s progress. “Frustrated?” He hummed, putting his arm down so that it was more comfortable for you to lean onto him. “No,” you clicked your tongue. “Just need to get around this little part. Like, I can’t  draw feet for the life of me.” You sighed, tipping your head a little further as you ground into Stan's shoulder. He found himself giggling at you, patting your back, and giving you a little kiss on the cheek.
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Good Morning!!
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It's easier to wake up if you have someone next to you.
(\ _ /)
Childe x fem!reader
Warning!!! NSFW below the cut!
AFAB reader, no pronouns used to refer to reader, Nonverbal consensual sex, morning sex, a little bit of clothed grinding, mutual masturbation, pet names (baby, bunny, doll), praise, oral receiving, multiple creampies, and slight overstimulation.
Note: I was supposed to have this out at the start of my winter break lmao. I wanted to do something to get me back into writing before doing the rest of the requests. I am very determined to finish them fr fr. Anyways, happy late holidays and a new year !!!
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You peeled your eyes open, letting out a soft groan, and rolled over to your side but you felt a body blocking you from doing so.
“Hmmm, Ajax,” you groaned with your eyes barely open, “we have to wake up.” You heard the man beside you grumble before throwing his arm over your body. “Not funny, Childe. I have to wake up.”
“5 more minutes,” Childe said, pressing his torso against your back, “ ‘s too comfortable, and warm.” You were about to relax, but your boyfriend’s morning wood left you wide awake. It didn’t help that he was rutting right on your ass, basically trying to rub one out without you knowing. 
“Childe,” you muttered, slipping out of his hold. Pulling his boxers off and pumping his cock, causing a gasp to erupt out of Childe. “Were you really going to hide this boner from me? You were practically fucking my ass with this, Ajax,” you whispered into his ear.
“Fuck, baby,” Childe choked out, thrusting up into your hand, “keep going, hah, just like that.” His hand wrapped around your waist. His touches were so light, you didn’t realize his fingers grazed right over your cunt, rubbing generously on your clit. You moaned into his lips, suffocating your noises while riding his fingers.
“God, your fingers are too good,” you said, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Take off your pants and I’ll make you feel, real good doll,” he speaks into your ear before taking your earlobe into his mouth. You whimper at the action, before doing as you were told, slipping off your pjs and panties. Tartaglia pulled you over on top of him, but to your surprise, your pussy could feel his hot breath. Before you could comment, Childe’s fingers pungled inside of your dripping cunt, curling the digits down and hitting your g-spot. 
“Oh, archons~! Ajax~!” you whaled, throwing your head back. You tried to wiggle away but Childe’s calloused hands held you firm, “Fuck~! Too much~! I’m gonna~!”
“Gonna what, [Name]?” Childe teased, followed by his lips latching onto your clit, sucking the bundle of nerves like a piece of candy. Your hips bucked frantically up and down, trying to find some relief under Tartaglia’s control. And as you peaked, the stimulation was completely removed.
You gasped and whined, “Childeee~! What the fuck~!?” You craned your neck to look at him and his smirk.
“I would keep going, but I’d preferred if you came on my cock instead, [Name],” he said rolling you off and quickly mounting you. His heavy veiny cock resting on top of your stomach. “You’d do that for me right?” Childe kissed your cheek while rubbing up and down your sides.
“Of course, although I’m still pissed that you didn’t let me cum,” you muttered between kisses, guiding Childe’s cock to your wet entrance.
His cock went smoothly inside of you, since he stretched you out so well and got you soaked. You whimpered as the cock’s head pressed against your cervix, Childe watched your expressions as he bent down to kiss you. “Hold onto me, ok?” He pulled you up so your arms could wrap around his neck, as he adjusted his hands back to your waist.
“I’m gonna go fast ok?” His lips ghosted your own before placing a kiss on them. You nodded, bracing yourself for his brutal pace. “Fuck baby, mhhm,” he buried his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent as he thrusts his cock in and out of you.
You could feel yourself quickly return back to your high, your moans increase an octave as Childe’s cock hits your sweet spot. “Augh♡~! Ah♡~! Oh♡~! FUck, Ajax♡~!” You cling onto him, feeling your face turn hot as Ajax pulls you into another deep kiss.
“Yeah? Yeah? You gonna cum?” Childe teased, sucking on your neck while maintaining his rough pace, “you wanna cum on my cock? Hm?” You whimpered and nodded, already at the beginning of your orgasm. “Yeah come on my cock, just like that,” Tartaglia began rubbing your clit, sending you crashing into an orgasm.
“AgH, fffuuck Ajax♡~! Cumming♡~!” Your legs shook violently in the air as your cunt began squeezing around Childe’s dick.
“Just like that bunny. Oh, FUck! [Name]!” his cock reached the deepest parts of you, his cum spilling inside of your womb, pumping you full of his seed. You were still trying to catch your breath, but Childe manhandled you into his lap, fucking up into you.
“Childe, wait~! I just came!” 
“Too late, I’m already wide awake. Just bare with me for a little bit, ok?”
"Ok," you muttered into the crook of his neck. Pressing your lips onto his freckled skin, before sucking in a hickey.
Still thrusting into your heat, Childe's cock was fully pressed at your cervix, pushing his cum to the sides of your walls and out. Causing a small puddle of a mix of your essence to form underneath the two of you. 
Your whimpers and pleads fueled Childe’s need to fill you up. Watching how; your eyebrows furrowed harder as he guided you on his length, your nails digging into his back surely leaving behind marks, and even your hole twitching and clamping around him after so much stimulation. Gods, he was on the verge of losing all sanity.
"Ah, Fuck! Baby!" He growled, laying you back down on the mattress. Throwing both of your legs on his shoulders, while his hands held onto your waist, slamming you back onto his cock.
"Ajax♡~ Close♡~!" You whined, hands trying desperately to bring him closer to you, as your hips humped up and down his crotch.
Ajax saw this and lifted you up pressing your back against the wall and your chest flushed against his own. Continuing to pump his cock into your dripping cunt, you felt yourself release suddenly. Clamping down around Childe, while tightly gripping his ginger hair. “Fuck, y-yES!” he choked out a whimper, crashing his lips onto yours as his cock heavily throbs against your walls, before releasing his seed into you.
Childe continues to steal your breath as he slowly brought the two of you back down to the mattress. Once resting on your bed, Ajax pulled his soft cock out of your spent hole, resulting in a chuckle from you, and soon after a soft hum from him. “Come over here, you,” he said pulling you on top of him, and wrapping his arms around you. 
You allowed his embrace for a minute, before realizing, “Childe, let me go! I have work in less than an hour!” You groaned lightheartedly.
The man below you let out another hummed chuckle, squeezing you closer to him, “I can’t, remember? I’m already so comfortable, and you’re too warm,” he said with a cheeky smile.
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yanderu-deredere · 9 months
LMAO that anon is SO innocent bc my first thot when i heard about the train system is which yandere oc would definitely fuck their darling on the train
a/n: hey u kno sometimes it just be like that lmaooo! this is the anon post that they're talking abt
not a lot of them would ill be forreal with you for one reason or another (the biggest being only theyre allowed to see you like that) but have these two idiots who i think would be the most likely out of all my ocs
warnings: reader is gender neutral but leaning feminine becos they're wearing a skirt, but gender neutral pronouns! and no mentions of specific parts, public sex but like incognito LOL word count: 922
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yeong-bae kigal ★ soren kumar
You frowned as you were pushed flush against Soren's chest with Yeong-bae pressed against your back. It wasn't uncomfortably hot or unbearable but the way your body kept bumping back and forth between them was a tad irritating.
You knew what it meant to date a couple of famous performers so you didn't complain when they had to 'go incognito' sometimes on dates. However, this was just pushing it.
They explained that they couldn't take any of the cars because they were too identifiable, that the fans and the paparazzi could easily find you just from the make and model alone.
So, that was why the three of you were stuck on a train car that was stuffed to the brim, everyone pushing and pressing against each other.
You could at least be thankful for the fact that both your partners were overprotective and that they preferred you blocked away from the crowd by their rather tall and lanky bodies. You were sandwiched in between them, as far away from any strangers as possible.
That eased a bit of your annoyance but not much.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt Yeong-bae's arms wrapping around you a bit more tightly. You also felt them nuzzle their face into the crook of your neck, their lips ghosting over your skin at first before pressing a bit more firmly.
Then, just as suddenly... Was that his teeth?
You made a questioning noise in your throat.
"Y-You… uh…" Yeong-bae muttered against your neck and you raised an eyebrow. However, when the train car rattled a bit and you pushed back into Yeong-bae, you understood completely.
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You had been so focused on the crowd that you hadn't realised that you had pressed your ass against Yeong-bae's groin. You could feel their cock, hard and insistent, pressing against the crack of your ass, even through his pants and your underwear.
The noise in your throat immediately turned understanding. Both noises, of course, attracted the attention of your other partner. Soren turned away from the window behind you to you, his curious expression much more devious than yours.
"What's this?" Soren chuckled, his free hand cupping the back of Yeong-bae's neck, his fingers threading through their hair and gripping it tight "Something happened?"
Instead of answering, Yeong-bae just gripped onto you tighter, his hips stuttering as he tried his best not to grind against you. Because of the shaking train car, however, the only thing he succeeded in doing was rutting against your ass.
"Well, looks like you're giving our sweet partner a hard time, baby." Soren brushed his lips against your jawline, his velvety voice smooth in your ear "Why don't we help him out a bit, hmmm?"
Soren's other hand, which was settled on your hips, reached out behind you. You didn't hear anything but you felt the vibrations of Yeong-bae's zipper being pulled down.
Your eyes widened and you turned your head a little to stare at Soren, silently begging him not to make a scene in the middle of such a crowded train.
"Don't worry, nobody will notice." He chuckled, his chest rumbling against yours.
Yeong-bae apparently didn't have it in him to protest because all he did was sigh in relief against your neck, lips still tickling your skin.
You didn't know if the relief was because Soren would do something with their problem or because their cock had been released from where it was confined in their skinny jeans.
In any case, you could feel the heft of it in between your ass cheeks, even through your underwear. Understandable; you knew how big Yeong-bae was after all.
That thought didn't assure you though because the fear of getting caught was still burning in your veins.
Still, you tried your hardest to relax, knowing full well that there was nothing you could do once Soren made up his mind about something. The man was the most stubborn person you knew and, though Yeong-bae usually reeled him in, Yeong-bae's brain notoriously shut down pretty fast when they got horny.
All of that aside , you immediately tensed back up when you felt Soren's same hand move from Yeong-bae's cock to your underwear.
You huffed, squirming a little as if that would deter him, your hands on his upper arms gripping tighter and tighter. You muttered his name under your breath in warning but all you got in reply was a huffy laugh.
Before you could do anything else, you felt the tip of Yeong-bae's cock pressing against your entrance, the head parting your walls both painfully and deliciously.
"Fuck." Yeong-bae let a small punched-out moan, his voice sounding a bit too breathless for somebody who was just standing with his partner on the train.
You, on the other hand, hid your face into the crook of Soren's neck, whimpers leaving you a bit more freely than Yeong-bae's lips.
"Shhh, shhh, shhh." Soren pressed a kiss against your temple. "Nobody'll be able to see anything because of your skirt, baby, but they'll definitely think something's up if they hear you."
You nodded hastily, trying your best to hold back your noises. Part of you needed Yeong-bae to stay as still as possible. The other part of you wanted him to jack-hammer his cock into you until both of you came.
The latter was the smaller part, of course.
"Don't worry, baby. You'll just cockwarm Yeong-bae a little, hmm? Then we'll find the nearest love hotel, I promise."
You didn't know if you'd get that far.
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confused-beany · 6 days
Birdmen Re-read Rambles!
"Oh wow this kid would get hit so hard if he was real" were my first thoughts the first time I met our beloved Eishi. I'm gonna see if I still feel the same now lol. I'm gonna try to do 10 chapters per post and day to pace myself I think cause I tend to think and ramble a lot while reading.
Putting it under keep reading cause we be known it gonna be long.
Even though I think of him fondly now, our Eishi is still a bitch lol. "I could've made that... I never tried it tho" boy...
"It's better to be alone" <- Mr. C0-Founder of an entire new species of children.
I forgot he used to wear glasses it's so weird
ohhh i never really noticed how much airplanes (Eishi's motif? and his abandonment issues and what changed Takeyama's life) haunted the narrative in the beginning. He was always looking for or at them huh
"I've more or less decided I want to enter an all-boys school" Listen I am a very simple person, I see gay I call it Gay
UMINO!!! :DDD (I'm gonna react extravagantly when I see them all appear for the first time one by on lol. They make me very happy)
Oh my god the bus scene was so abrupt it caught me off guard. It's interesting to see it like this again though. I've become kinda used to picturing it as the more dramatic, cinematic animation Soh did a while back. To the point I forgot how quick and simple it was in the manga. I suppose the point was to just get them into the situation and shock us about it but that's such a pivotal moment to everything I kinda forgot how simple the art itself was ig?
"Are those glasses really that important to my character?" YES! You became a completely different person without them!
Oh the wings coming out when Eishi is calmer (meditating) and thinking of Takeyama....
LMAO Kamoda recovered so quickly Love my unfazed loyal boi
"We made a contract" I ligit thought they were alluding to a deal with the devil or something the first time reading around and I was so fascinated. But no it's just a 15 yrs old boy with no social skills and cryptid tendencies.
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My favorite Eishi to draw, smol and angry
I do love how Eishi has always been the one to tactically think about everything, including weapons and locations. He's a brat and a worrier, but someone needs to be. I always appreciate that
OHHH his transformation is soooo cool I remember taking so many screenshots
Strange that Takayama's motif blackout appeared so close to Umino. I never figured out why, is is like, they appear to more vulnerable/ less densely populated birdmen areas? hmmm
Ah... Eishi and I both got sucker punched with the information that Takayama was dealing with them since he was a BABY
"Is it ok to wear socks" Sagisawa love never change
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Ah Takeyama and hand-holding
Takeyama is always so smiley it's kinda unnerving if you don't really know him. Annndddd he speaks like a fortune cookie
It's always interesting when arguably the most logical member of the team works better with his powers when he's more emotional and working on instincts.
Feeling them more acutely than anyone else...Holding hands and following into fire... ahhh
BIRD CLUB!!!!!!!!
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I can make... SO many tasteless jokes. So many.
Takeyama was really surprised when Eishi got away. I never really took the time to notice all of those little expressions the first time
Kamoda being Eishi's number one fan and hype man is so cute always.
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Sonic Movie 2 Rewatch Live Reaction
tSame deal as the first let’s GO
It was what properly got me into the fandom and made me wanna write stuff I’m sorry
I love the opening so so much
“The question is, for whom am I narrating this?”
Eggman absolutely kills three people in the beginning of this one
God I have such fond memories of laughing about the probable death count with friends
Oh I want a size comparison between him and Sonic and Tails IMMEDIATELY
Sonic absolutely ends up shorter than both of his brothers absolutely
Imagine if the third movie opens with Eggman finding Shadow and Shadow starts manipulating him to parallel this
Hi hi Sonic my friend I love you mwah mwah
This movie makes me so so so happy
That drawer has a lot of stuff in it I love it so much
So does he um. Does he get traumatic flashbacks to the moment BEFORE everything went to shit with Longclaw?
Ooookay so like. Sonic loses his first night of sleep when he does the crime stuff. First night of no sleep plus using his powers plus physical activity. Loses his second night of sleep when Eggman and Knuckles attack the house. Second night of no sleep plus using his powers plus physical activity plus getting hurt. He does get in at least a couple hours in Siberia but considering they arrived when it was already dark, spent probably a couple hours partying, slept in a probably not super comfy spot, and then woke up in the day I’m willing to bet not a super great quality of sleep and not super long either. And then a SUPER long day of adventuring in which Sonic almost died multiple times. Boy must have passed the fuck out after getting back home. Hmmm. Do I add insomnia to the list of mental illnesses
Poor Tom and Maddie trying to properly parent Sonic must be really hard
On one hand. Hearing Sonic say “You’re supposed to be my friend, stop trying to be my dad,” breaks my heart. On the other. Lol lmao Sonic friendzoned his own fucking DAD
“Being a hero is about taking responsibility for other people” oh okay so Sonic is Tails’ hero and Tom is Sonic’s hero okay cool I’m totally not gonna go bawl my eyes out
“You don’t choose that moment. That moment chooses you,” So nic choosing Tom in the first movie.... oughohgsuru my mental illnesses are going CRAZY rn /pos
“My dad taught me this lesson in this very boat and now I teach it to you in the same boat.” “Okay bestie”
Portal scene is os so so cute
Tails arriving in the human world and immediately stealing a cop car vs kleptomaniac Sonic stealing everything he’s ever needed or wanted in his entire life FIGHT
“So whatever is is you’re doing I’m sure you can undo it by the time we get back-”
Third time Sonic has been attacked/threatened in his home :(
Oh he’s going RIGHT for the kill
Sonic’s tone when he says “I get it,” sticks in my head 24/7
Brother meet brother
Insane that Sonic met Knuckles before he met Tails
Idris Elba arrived on set ready to give the best vocal performance of the century and I am so happy about it
Second time his home has gotten destroyed by an echidna :(
Second time it’s gotten destroyed by Eggman too :(
So if the powers can be activated with emotions does that mean Knuckles is always either in pain or angry
Okay so if Sonic’s got the eye glowy thing. And Knuckles has got the eye glowy thing. And powers are triggered by strong emotion/personal revelation. What if Tails gets the eye glowy thing after the “because you just told me, fox boy!” scene in movie 3
Rouge gets the eye glowy thing after seeing the Master Emerald
Me and my friend were losing our MINDS when we first saw this scene
Ah yes time for the Eggman yassification scene
“Earth is my turf, g. If you don’t know how to floss you’ll be lost without me.” “I understand nothing of what you just said.”
So uh did Wade know about all of this and then just NOT contact Tom?
Sonic absolutely has some trauma from Knuckles so sorry
When my friend saw the Master Emerald she said “oh my god is that the thing Sonic uses to turn blond?!”
Is that the first time Sonic ever heard Longclaw say that she loved him
He has the same little belt things he uses in the games cus his gloves are too big
Can’t believe Agent Stone outfruited Sonic the Hedgehog
In this world we don’t say “I love you” we say “I never stopped steaming your Austrian goat’s milk”
“trained in all forms of lethal combat” does Knuckles know how to use a gun
Sonic in the first movie: I want a friend (gets a friend)
Sonic in the second movie: I want... multiple friends (gets multiple friends and also a dad and a mom)
Sonic in the third movie: I want... a BOYFRIEND (Shadow breaks down the door and attempts to kill him)
I don’t even ship Sonadow all that much but PLEASE it would be so funny. I know they’re gonna make him have a crush on Amy but pls I want the writers to trip ass backwards into implying he has a thing for Shadow as well it would be the funniest possible characterization
“Don’t worry! On Earth, people are very welcoming and love taking complete strangers into their homes!”
Sonic DEFINITELY got grounded for lying directly to Tom about where he was
The. The freaks scene. Oh so many thoughts too little words
Unironically love the dance scene. Especially since everyone in that bar was probably completely smashed at that point in the night
If we get any adventure 2 poses in the third movie I’ll cry and scream and sob and wail and vomit an
I wanna see Rouge do some of her poses please it would be so cool
LOVE the animation in this movie
When I saw the chaos emeralds for the first time in the movie I screamed out loud cus I knew we were getting Super Sonic
Just realized Longclaw’s entire existence implies the Babylons. Oh I want a Riders movie so bad I wanna see Wave beefing with an 8 year old so bad
Imagine if there was like a little side pod on the thing Eggman rode in for Knuckles. That would be so funny
Sonic hurling the missile at Knuckles. Oh that was a murder attempt. Or at least he did not care if it killed Knuckles
Get therapy the both of you
Second movie feels like so much more of an ADVENTURE i love it
You can visibly see Knuckles start to reconsider when he sees Sonic go to help Tails instead of for the compass
Skipping wedding scene because second-hand embarrassment bad
Oh my god I forgot Sonic got tased right in front of Tom and Maddie. And then shoved into the cage. Btw it’s my personal headcanon that the cage was electrified so he couldn’t get out without hurting himself. Or maybe they’d threatened to kill Tom/Tails if he tried to escape
Oh just realized the compass has gems which are the colors of the Chaos Emeralds on them. Maybe it’ll be used next movie to find them
Sonic deciding to run across the ocean for hundreds of miles all alone against the wishes of everyone else despite knowing it could KILL him is something that lives in my head rent free. Baby girl there is something wrong with you and that thing is self destructive behavior bordering on suicidal impulses.
“I’m not letting anyone else get hurt because of me” :(
He really went from running across a lake while clinging to a boat while his dad was there to having an argument with his dad and then running across an ocean for hundreds of miles ALONE in a storm and almost drowning
He has two almost drowning sequences in this movie MAN
Movie Knuckles is SO SMALL compared to humans but also SO BIG compared to the other Mobians
Rouge has gotta be at least as tall as him in the third movie
Robotnik coming up with like. Innocent sounding nicknames that he says in a mean way. i HAVE to include that in Empty Space and the AU that is slowly forming in my head
Robotnik. Fondness for electricity. Hmmmm. Sonic with electric looking powers. Hmmm
“Because my destiny is to protect my friends and family.” HE SAID FAMILY ALREADY
Only thinking about Knuckles giving Sonic fighting lessons after this movie
The scene where Sonic beats Knuckles into the rock is so FUCKING cool they better give him even more cool scenes in the third movie I wanna go apeshit in the theater
Thinking SO hard about the one shot where Sonic is holding his arm after Knuckles almost kills him
The brief hesitation before Knuckles says “friend” breaks my heart
“Chaos is power”
Sonic actively diving into water to save someone who just almost killed him. Oh my god baby you are a hero 
Idk why but Sonic’s mild obsession with being perceived as manly comes off as very transfem to me. I’m making her transfem now you can’t stop me
Did Knuckles have to drag Sonic both up out of the temple and then all the way back to the island? That must have been traumatizing for Sonic
Sonic throwing sand at Knuckles immediately... I love her... love them so much. 
Movie Sonic having brothers now is something that can be so personal to me. Everybody either adopts her or she adopts them
Knuckles starting to rib Sonic immediately after bonding with her is something that can be so personal to me
Transfem movie Sonic meeting Amy in third movie and having her egg cracked is something I HAVE to write as soon as that movie comes out. Like she meets Amy and goes “oh that dress looks so nice I would look good in that dress” and then goes “WAIT” 
Trans man Eggman and trans woman SOnic. Trans mlm/trans wlw violence
Agent Stone and Eggman are SO fruity on main
Wade gets so much shit in these movies and he’s just vibing. 
Trans fem Sonic realizing she’s trans and then immediately being like. Well now I have to be the prettiest girl sorry Mom it’s a competition now
“Doctor! Take me with you!” and then Eggman DID
If the Master Emerald did turn thoughts in reality the world would be SCREWED if I had it
Big brother Knuckles and little brother Tails and middle sister Sonic is something that can be SO personal to me specifically
Sonic just got SMACKED off that plane holy shit
Movie Knuckles is like twice the size of the other Mobians I love him so much
Better see Knuckles being a protective older brother in the next movie
Also I still love the idea of movie Sonic being like 13-14 and the others being their normal age. Knuckles is horrified when he learns what Sonic’s age is and Sonic doesn’t give a shit and just starts calling him an old man
Sonic experiences SO much in this movie like leave her ALONE
Maddie and Tom are so ride or die for their daughter I love this family unit so much
Movie Sonic realizing that she is loved and has a family seconds before “dying” vs Tails seeing the person he’s come to view as family plus extended family “die” in front of him
Movie Sonic comes out as trans to Robotnik and Robotnik sighs and goes “guess I have to make Metal Sonic a girl now” and Sonic just go “wait what”
Trans fem Sonic not giving a shit about pronouns but every time someone refers to her as a girl she gets the most intense wave of gender euphoria
So she definitely sent the Chaos Emeralds into space. Hope we get other zones in the next movie
Oh my god everyone but Sonic is so dirty. She stays winning.
Main movie over. Credits look so good tho and I LOVE the song
Movie over I am going fucking INSANE I love them all os much. Trans fem Sonic I am holding you so gently. 
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nellie-elizabeth · 1 year
8, 10, and 15 for Malex for the OTP asks?
8. What were their first impressions of each other?
I feel like they probably knew of each other vaguely once Michael was back in Roswell and they were at the same school, but they don't have like... a specific memory of the First Time they saw each other. But Alex probably had this vague sense of Michael as an outsider, maybe even knew he was poor/didn't have parents, and didn't really think much about him more specifically than that at first. Then I picture one day people are giving presentations in class and Michael stands up and pulls something totally brilliant, and Alex suddenly notices how smart he is... and he's so cute, too...
And then Michael thinks of Alex as Liz Ortecho's friend, whatever, but then does a double-take and starts noticing Alex when he shows up to school with a septum piercing for the first time. And then he's like hmmm okay I've gotta get this guy's attention somehow...
10. Write a ~300 word argument scene for them
"It wasn't exactly your finest moment," Alex says with an eye-roll. "You were supposed to be my rescuer and you left me chained to the radiator."
"Oh, come on!" Michael says, indignant. "I accurately assessed the degree to which you were going to be an idiot and run straight for danger if you were free--"
"Says the guy who ran full-tilt towards my father holding a gun at Crash-Con."
"Yeah, after you confronted him first. I'm only stupid after you've been stupid. My stupidity is actually the inevitable consequence of your own bad decision-making."
Alex raises an unimpressed eyebrow. "Sure, yes, it's definitely all my fault."
“I didn’t exactly have any other choice. And besides, I’d done exactly what they wanted. I didn’t think they’d hurt you.”
“Mm,” Alex says, vague and quiet. He stares down at his hands, and Michael’s no longer sure the degree to which they’re joking about the ridiculous circumstances of the past, or if this is actually bothering his husband, all these years later.
"Hey. I really would have come back for you," Michael says, a little more gently. "You know that, right? Always.”
Alex looks up, a smile tugging up one corner of his mouth. “Yeah. I know.”
15. What are traits they dislike in one another?
I think an actual genuine trait that Michael dislikes in Alex is the way he shuts down and turns really cold and logical during an argument. Alex is getting better at it now that they're together, at actually accessing his feelings and expressing them, but for a long time he'd shut down and make it hard to get to the actual core of an issue, and that makes Michael feel rejected and like his own emotional reaction isn't being respected/taken seriously. He also wishes Alex would admit when he needs help more readily, although Michael has gotten better at giving him the space to feel comfortable being vulnerable.
And I think Alex probably finds some of Michael's frugal habits from his years of housing insecurity to be frustrating. Like, Michael always wants to keep doing things the way he's used to, because it's "fine" that way, and Alex doesn't like having to convince him again and again that they can afford something a little nicer and more convenient. Getting Michael to buy and use suitcases when they go on trips instead of just using garbage bags. Or spending extra money on a nicer item of clothing that will actually last longer.
I also think when they first start cohabitating they move each other's shit around a lot? Michael is trying to consolidate/make sure he knows where important things are located at all times, and Alex is trying to tidy up, and they're both constantly like "where tf did you put my shit" lmao. They get better at it after a while.
But in all the ways they clash, they both take their relationship super seriously and have learned to talk through and find solutions that work for both of them.
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satankilledmyghost · 2 years
Request for Eugene gale with a older sister figure friend, shes kind and eays worrying about him. thank you:)
eugene x reader - sisterly love
first of all, i'm so, so sorry that it has taken so long, i feel horrible that i've made you wait this long. i've been fighting writer's block for this fic with my life lmao. secondly, i cannot express how excited i was when i first saw your request in my inbox- i was on crack and cloud nine for the rest of the day.
IM STILL WORKING ON THE OTHER REQUESTS I PROMISE. I SWEAR IM NOT FORGETTING ABOUT YOU😭 i'll try to have another one out later tonight and if not, it'll be out tomorrow.
thank you for your patience anon and all the other anons. i really appreciate it :)
i hope i have done your request justice!
warnings: swearing, f/n means friend's name
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It was Saturday and you were supposed to be out and about the town with F/N, but your mind seemed to wander back to the same thing.
Is he okay??
You haven't heard from Eugene in a long time, and while you know he has his own life and doesn't solely revolve around you, you get anxious at the thought of his absence.
You weren't stupid, you know what Eugene's been through all of middle school and you can't imagine what's happened in high school that has caused Eugene to stop contacting you like he's currently doing.
You can't even try to estimate how many times you've met up with Eugene after school a year ago just to see bruises and bandages on his face, his glasses messed up, his clothes stained and drawn on with insults.
It infuriated you every time you saw it, but you knew that you couldn't do anything. Eugene wasn't even in the same school as you, and you going up against whoever bullied Eugene was definitely not a good idea. You'd die, probably, if you were lucky.
You watered down your rage for his bullies by helping Eugene clean off and hanging out with him until you knew that he felt better. You were always there for him- you always will be.
You try to believe that he's finally made other friends beside Rowan, that Eugene's found his little group that accept him for who he is. But that stupid, tiny part of doubt in your brain takes that string of hope and lights it on fire, leaving a pile of ashes to lay meaningless on the floor.
"Y/N? Are you even listening to me??" You blink, your conscious throttled back to reality. "Huh?" You turn to look at your friend who was holding up a book. "I asked if you've read this before? I don't know if I want to get it because of how expensive it is, but if it's worth the money, I'm getting it." She rambled.
You take a moment to look at the cover. "Well, if you're thinking like that, you should just get it. You haven't bought a new book in, what, a month? Two? Just buy it. You have the money." You reasoned, shrugging. F/N bites her lip and narrows her eyes at the book, flipping it in her hand to look at the cover again.
"Hmmm- okay! I will!" F/N finalized, visibly brightening up at her decision and skipping towards the checkout counter. You watch her retreating figure and start to follow her.
Waving goodbye to the cashier, you both head out the door. It takes one block for F/N to abruptly stop, causing you to look back at her. "What's wrong?" You ask.
"My mom needs to run to the store but she doesn't want to leave my brother home alone so I have to go back and watch him." F/N looks up at you with sad, puppy dog eyes. "I'm so sorry! I really wanted to hang out with you more! I'll make it up to you, I promise."
You smile and wave her off. "Don't worry about it- when duty calls, you answer. I'll see you at school tomorrow, anyways." Your sentence was ended with F/N flinging herself onto you for a hug. "Oh thank you! You're always so understanding! Bye!" And before you knew it, F/N was racing down the cracked pavement and out of your sight.
You sigh and turn to continue your way through town. You didn't have a specific place in mind and you didn't want to go back home so you chose to just walk. Passing by a local connivence store, you decide to go in- your rumbling stomach helping you to make the decision.
Whilst flitting through the aisles trying to decide what to eat, your thoughts drift away and back to Eugene. What was someone supposed to do in this situation? Sure, you've known Eugene for years and you're basically his older sister by now, but that doesn't mean you can pry into his life like you were his actual sister.
You know that Eugene is forgetful about things when a lot is going on in his life, which doesn't help comfort the nagging fear that he's being severely bullied. Again. You sigh and limply reach for your comfort food, trudging to the cashier.
You made it ten steps before you heard your name being called out to you and a hand on your shoulder. You spun around real quick at the contact and was met with Eugene right behind you.
"H-Hey! What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in awhile." Your eyes widened at the sight of Eugene. A million thoughts raced through your mind, questions you wanted to ask and have answered.
Your eyes scanned him for any signs of bullying, happy that you found none. And then the emotions came. Sure, it hadn't been years since you two had talked last, but you grew up with the boy in front of you. You knew him inside and out. Every look, every tell, you knew. You always did. You gaped at him, "E-Eugene?! Where have you been? I haven't heard from you in weeks!"
A regretful look crossed over Eugenes face, and he sheepishly pushes up his glasses. "Yeah, I guess I haven't talked to you in a long while, huh? I have a lot to catch you up on- Actually, I can tell you everything in a second. Let's go pay so I can introduce you to some people." You quirked a brow at his change and suddenly became aware of the abundance of snacks he was carrying.
Your heart fell. A bread shuttle, again?? He led the way to the cashier, and as soon as you both had paid, he took your hand and dragged you to the door.
Eugene was babbling incoherencies but you managed to follow along. "You're going to love them! And they'll love you! Oh! Rowan's here, too! It's been a while since you two talked, right? Then he'll have to catch you up on his stories from when he was in Australia!" You would bet a million yen that your body looked like a rag doll being dragged behind Eugene.
You were in shock, Rowan was back? Why didn't you know that? How long has he been back? What does he look like now?
You and Eugene managed to leave the store in which you were abruptly blocked by a wall of orange. You looked up, and to say that you were shocked was an understatement. "Hey what took ya so long?" Someone said, punching Eugene in the shoulder. That someone, you quickly realized, was Rowan. He looked a lot different- he was way taller than you remembered and he looked older, more mature.
And his hair- you let out a little giggle which caught both Eugene's and Rowan's attention. He looked at you, confused, for a quick moment before his face lit up in realization. "Y/N? Is that you!?" Rowan's haircut looked even more ridiculous when he was facing you and you broke out laughing.
"I'm sorry. It's just- your hair. What'd you do to it?" You broke out laughing and Eugene joined in with you. Rowan was fuming, protesting while you two continued to poke fun.
"You're meaner than I remembered you to be, y/n, how could you do this?? I thought we were friends!" Rowan wailed when you finally settled down and stopped laughing. "I'm sorry, but it's good to see you again. And why haven't you bothered to tell me that you were back?" You asked, pointedly looking at him.
Before Rowan could respond, another voice interrupted you three. "Hey! You guys! What are you doing? I'm hungry!" You turn to look at the origin of the voice and reality was suddenly slammed back into you.
Is this the guy that's making Eugene be a bread shuttle? The figure catches up to your group and you take in his features. He's tall, has toned skin and reddish hair.
His dark eyes flicked to you and he faltered, about to say something. “Oh, hey, Big Ben! This is my friend, y/n, we haven’t talked in a while so I was just taking her to meet everyone.” Eugene greeted,
Big Ben’s eyes went wide. “You have friends besides us and you didn’t tell me?! Eugene, how could you!” He pouted, but that isn’t what ticked you. “Friends??” You meekly asked, looking in between the three guys in front of you.
Eugene puffed out his chest and you could see his eyes gleam when he nodded in confirmation. “Yeah! That’s who I’m trying to introduce you to. The rest of the group is gathered around the corner. Come on, guys, let’s go. I’m sure Gray and the others are waiting.”
Big Ben got over his fit and straightened up immediately, clearing his throat. He turned and lead the way down a couple blocks to a place with outdoor tables. It was kind of busy, as expected on a nice afternoon.
Towards the outside of the group of tables, you could see four boys who looked about your age. The taller one with the green hair and a shorter, black-haired guy were bickering between themselves while the other two were sitting there, watching the scene go down.
"HEY GUYS! WE'RE BACK AND WE GOT A SURPRISE!" Big Ben's loud voice startles you and you take notice of the four people now staring at you.
Coming to a halt in front of the table, you stand awkwardly next to Big Ben while Eugene passes out the contents of his plastic bag. "Guys, this is y/n, Eugene's friend!" Big Ben puts a hand on your shoulder and you nearly jump from the contact. "Y/n, this is Alex, Gray, Gerard, and Teddy." Eugene adds in, pointing to the names respective person.
You nod and manage a wave and a small smile. Gray smiles back with a simple "nice to meet you" while Gerard and Alex seem more enthusiastic to meet you. Teddy stays quiet, studying your interactions with his friends.
When Eugene was done passing out snacks, he comes to stand by you. While you knew Eugene inside and out, he also knew you inside out and meeting a bunch of new people at once wasn't your best situation to be in.
"Where'd you two meet?" Gray's voice cuts everyone else's off and you reply. "We grew up only a few doors down from each other. Our moms are friends so it was only natural for us to hang out a lot because of that."
"And then I came in and made the friendship more awesome!" Rowan exclaims coming up behind you both. You instinctively roll your eyes, "Sure you did. You keep telling yourself that, Rowan." Rowan pouts at you and you flick his forehead, laughing. "Ow! That hurt!"
"Says the one that took down a ranked Daehyeon member" Eugene mutters. Your eyes widen and you quickly spin your attention to Eugene and Rowan. "What??" You were well informed about Shuttle Patch and anything and everything else that came with it- you were friends with Eugene and Rowan, after all. "You haven't heard about Rowan's fight with Daehyeon's Eunchan?" Big Ben asks. You look at him and shake your head. "No, Eugene hasn't talked to me since the beginning of the school year so I have no idea what's going on-"
"Don't worry, I'll tell you! I was so amazing- I could take on Donald Na next!" Rowan exclaims, taking up everyone's attention with his reenactment of what happened(according to him). You ended up taking a seat halfway through Rowan's story. Gray was next to you and eventually everyone settled down into their seats.
Rowan was finishing up his story when he cut himself off. "Oh! And let's not forget about the time me and Eugene took on Wolf!" Your eyes bugged out. "Wolf Keum?!" You gasped. Rowan nodded proudly, "Yep! I decked him right in the jaw with my trusty elbow!" You squinted your eyes doubtably at him, but the red head just nodded in reassurance. "It's true! Eugene and Gray were there! Tell them!" Eugene blushed and stammered his way through his part of the story. Big Ben and eventually Gray joined in, finishing it off, and you listened intently, on the edge of your seat.
It went on like that for who knows how long. It was one story after another and by the time they were all done, the group moved on to other topics of conversation. They all made sure you were included and put your two cents in on the topic.
The next time you were aware of how much time had passed was when you noticed the sun was setting. The loud bantering and side conversations dulled in your ears as you sat back and watched everyone.
Time seemed to slow as you took in Eugene's smiling face, his demeanor felt care-free and he looked at home. Were you seeing this right? Did Eugene really, finally find his group of true friends? A safety net he can fall back on? Someone besides you? You felt a sense of relief bubble up within you, and something told you that maybe, just maybe, that the little pile of ashes that are on the floor aren't meaningless after all.
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convxction · 1 year
ooc. here we go. buckle up, guys. we are diving in. ofc all under read more because lots of pics and stuff. this post is only art thingies!!! lines for another post~ mwah hahaha
the first pic i appreciate the allusion to his famous pose by kozaki
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but this allusion is a false one u know because this chrom is not the chrom you know. in a wise blond man's words 'FAKER!'. also it is funny that he got this new supposedly looking like a sword made out of grima's ...fang? horn idk man and yet the man keeps Falchion's sheath behind him. that swiggly thing wont fit into Falchion's sheath buddy.
now to the ... THE CAUSE of his death.
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the pikachu lightning bolt he got is shown!!!!! this detail is important because again this was his cause of death in some parallel worlds, or crippling him in others. idk if they mean that this wound is never ever healing and it will forever be 'hurting' him.
there is an old hc post about plegia and all on my old mm blog [here] and i talked about plegia's name / the flower/ and how it looks like grima and
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it feels like an overstretch to assume the crystal thingy on the sword is similar. i thought it might be but ...not really. maybe if i want to personally hc it and there is nothing wrong with that~
something that caught my attention this morning when i saw the art was his cape.
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for me, it looks like a torn butterfly wing. and we know butterfly motif in awakening signifies going back in time to fix things--moving forward; hence the butterfly following lucina when she made the jump (and the butterfly following lonqu--ke'ri's soul helping him to move on??) remember chrom's resplendent cape?
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something similar in the motif. chrom's cape tells you more about him in each alt imo. in his fell version it is just a broken butterfly that couldn't defy fate.
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kinda wished for something cooler than just mark on his arm; something like the outsider mark on zeal's arm haha. like... idk the mark eroding the entire arm that bears naga's brand u know~ maybe i will hc that too~ CUZ IT FUCKING MAKES SENSE THAT TWO 'POWERS' WILL CLASH IN THE SAME BODY OK??? and since he is dead he is basically in grima's domain more than naga's right? so expect more of the fell brand affecting his arm.
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the ripped part is honestly ... really ... lame. like the whole armor is so intact and yet you see this part only ripped. unless you count the mark of thoron is one and the ripped part is well, grima's way of mocking by ripping it off chrom's armor to in return mock naga that her favorite lad is in their hands now then...oke. or chrom himself ripping it off but i ...would've again imagined something would be done to it, like scratch marks, maybe *insert nami from 1piece scene and what she did to her own tattoo* u know???? but since i always take what they give us and do whatever the hell i want i say again his arm is all corrupted and naga's mark is damaged by scratches or whatever. break dance.
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i thought it was familiar until i saw oscar's tweet. bless u iris prince number one. Kimihiko Fujisaka is doing all the glory works to preserve chrom even in his fell mode. god bless your soul. give that man a big beary hug.
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how can a ded man still be seggst yes? the eyes chef kiss. thanks Fuji-san!!!! the hair~ OH WAIT I AHVE NOT CHECKED IMPORTANT THING...ZOOOOOOM ENHANCE
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dang it fuji san... the eyebrows tho... tis fine. .... *taking points from the art because no cool eyebrows pinocchio nose*
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again... chef kiss expression. personally, i feel like dead chrom would not ...feel pain u know? he ded. he wouldnt have much emotions right? but i dig that look. cool cool cool. love it.
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also. WHY THE FUCK YOU COVER THAT PART HMMM? MEANS THAT THE INJURY IS SOMETHING OF A KEY ELEMENT TO HIS 'CORRUPTION' RIGHT? of all things he would protect, he protected the thoron injury. man is so brainwashed lmao.
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look. the circular whatever vortex thingy around him. my brain was like hmm what does it mean??? then OK BUT AS I SAID TWO POWERS???? THAT WOULD'VE BEEN SICK IF THERE WAS LIKE A HINT OF NAGA IN THERE YES YES? chrom being the catalyst of both good and evil at the same time wahahahahaha.
overall the design is like ... 6.5 at best for me, personally. i just dont find 'red' chrom color no matter what. there was a reason why kozaki did not go for a red cape design for him initially and went with white so he does not be 'ike copy'. i get that they want 'fell' colors but there is some kind of irony in keeping the white but 'taint' it for more impact. like look at the cipher card RKC
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the simple visual mistake you gonna make if you saw him from the back that he is chrom but once he turns viola thats not chrom my fried. that illusion that he is still him is what makes me like the lighter tone for RKC. it dos not try to SELL IT too hard that he is 'dead and dangerous' u know? simple things like the glowing dangerous and perhaps lifeless eyes, pale skin, corrupted falchion?? things that are 'clothes'. Grima didn't 'mmm lets give you a new look' when they turned him. like why bother??? it is honestly scarier to see someone somehow look the same but suddenly get the 'out for your life' treatment than someone who looks like they are out for your life u know? its just me. then again, like the design but too edgy to make him 'fell'. like ....idk man??? the colors just kind of made him ..unseen? can you really see 'Chrom'???? all i see blackish and red things and little of him. anyway anyway!!!!! i am still happy he is there. good. perhaps we can see kozaki in the future give his um... version🥺 👉👈 i know he said that he kind of found it challenging to draw chrom again for the legendary one but ... sobs..kozaki san know i love your chrom please. SAVE THE EYEBROWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aaaaaand thats it ??? oh wait. check the chibis!!!!!!!
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tiny dead lad.
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marinesocks · 2 years
Find the Word Game!
AND HERE WE ARE with the FINAL find the word game from my weekend hiatus!!! thank you to @andromedatalksaboutstuff for tagging me <3
i've been switching up the source material for these last few tag games!! for this post i'll be taking snippets from in the ataraxis of aftermath („• ֊ •„)
ummm hmm i dont have anything for this one so ehh... fun fact i have 12 pieces of art featuring naoko, only three of which were made by me!!! out of all of my characters with designs, naoko has the third most art (only behind CJ and Tjositer!), and probably the most art that wasn't commissioned :)
She made pretty good time. Naoko stepped off on the final wooden panel, shoulders finally unwinding. She took the rope from her backpack and carefully tied it around the roof of the house, then carefully made her way down the side, near the attic window. Swinging back, Naoko pushed both of her feet against the glass, doing this again and again until it finally shattered. - unagi station
and i dont have this one either so another fun fact ehhh... well this project was sort of the catalyst into me realizing i was a lesbian, so woo hoo? obviously there were other reasons for that as well but when i realized i was writing a wlw relationship with on accident and with really no reason i started to go hmmm at my perceived heterosexuality lmao
She balled her hands into fists and swung them into her sides. Her mouth moved beneath her mask, shaping the words her voice was too hesitant to speak. It would work this time, she would say it this time, she could do it this time, this time was it, this time was the last warm-up, this time she’d do it for real, this time she’d say it, this time she’d actually manage to say- “Hello?” - moru station
Naoko turned to Keyla, quickly, desperately, searching for a way to say what she meant, to express her thanks, her gratitude, her joy, her, well, anything really as long as it worked, as long as it conveyed the bubbling, weightless thing that was filling her heart. No words made it out of her mouth, but somehow she knew that Keyla understood. Keyla got it, that was clear, etched in the dent of her smile and glittering somewhere in her chocolate eyes. Keyla understood, and that was so much more than enough. - velas blancas harbor
i'm going to formally tag @moonscribbler , @ziyin , @authorofstories55 , @thetruearchmagos & @the-stray-storyteller , as well as keeping it an open tag as always!
and as always i’m adding my own rule that if you can’t find a word in your work then you have to tell me a fun fact about either your WIP, your writing process, or one of your characters ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
have fun, writers!! drink some water!!
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byakuwan · 1 year
writer interview as requested by @hopeswriting
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
10, with 12 more oldies in a private collection. ( i should probably make those public again... )
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
95 kudos: Setting up Senpai (Enstars)
83 kudos: Your Darling (Darlifra [E]
81 kudos: Summer Triangle (Enstars)
71 kudos: Cinnamon Spice (Darlifra)
67 kudos: Freedom within Dependence (Enstars) [E]
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i used to not respond, but i don't think there was a reason? i do now though. i value all comments so so so much and have to express it somehow!!!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i'm pretty sure it's one of the twewy ones? i remember Paradise (TWEWY OCs) and/or No Last Words (TWEWY + DMMD) were really sad but i remember next to nothing about anything i wrote before i was in the enstars fandom in 2019 lmao. so no promises on those.
i am Horrible with writing sad endings these days, so i generally end up not writing them anymore RIP. i apologize bc it's hard to even read them without having the urge to make a happily-ever-after in my head OTL
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
oh hands-down Setting up Senpai -> Summer Triangle. those two together were a reimugi origin story that i have heard from multiple different people they based their understanding of the ship on. it's unfortunate bc i did not know how to write rei at all so i'm still hesitant to reread it.
however, that's where you can first find my habit of ship or character manifestos begin.
7. Do you write crossovers?
not really? i think about them a lot, though. like... a lot.
i'm more of an RPer at heart, so most of my crossovers are through RP. shout-out to the dreamwidth RP where i wrote byakuran having a deep conversation with an azula where they talked about being 'monsters.' it was Fascinating.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i don't think so? it was definitely just on RP. i have heard so many tales of "mary sues" and fem OCs getting hate though.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes....... mostly ends up consensual stuff but with really wild kinks or situations. you can ask but no promises lmao
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, but i have had some of my OC art / lowkey designs stolen? which is honestly flattering to me idk. probably bc i thrive off of having my creative stuff seen and enjoyed. (i don't get all that many comments in general so idk.)
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i think one of the darlifra ones was?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes, an enstars one that i consistently forget about for some reason?
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
... :') i'll get back to you on this one. (what are decisions?)
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Lost at the Crossroad. another manifesto of why reikei is not always as light-hearted as i think it seems.
i can't bring myself to finish it for a ton of reasons... namely that it ended up my first NOTP in forever as i was writing it...
15. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and flow according to others. plot according to me.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
motivation. if i don't throw progress at cheerleaders and get encouragement i struggle to maintain interest in writing much of anything.
that's also why i did a lot of gift fic, but one of them... went over very poorly last year, so i'm not super sure if i want to go back to doing that.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i... don't have the opportunity to and i'm OK with that. formally knowing JP may or may not be very useful on ao3. i wouldn't know. maybe romaji?
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
hmmm. naruto OCs, i think? back in 2005 when i was a tiny beginner in fandom.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
most of my all100 agenda LOL. tsuna and spanner come to mind but i have no faith i'd be able to write tsuna so. it also doesn't help that i usually like having my hand held when writing new characters i'm not familiar with.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
well. if On Cloud Nine existed anywhere but wattpad, i'm still passionate about that one. i literally have a whole almost 20 chapter plan for it and... i feel like continuing someday, but maybe after darlifra gets a new season lol.
Bonus facts for no reason!
i have to imagine my own validation for the most part and generally have no idea what anyone thinks, ever... i'm trying my best to combat the resulting social anxiety, but it's hard. think of it like being seen without knowing why people are looking in the first place. positive, neutral, negative? if i don't know anything, it scares me.
(having a queue helps a lot because i don't have to look at all and there are things being posted anyway.)
rest assured that every single reply, comment, tag, reblog and/or like means the world. if i am shown somehow that someone enjoys a thing i made, i will Thrive for like. a week. it's just weird if i send 'thank you for the like/reblog!' but i definitely think that.
in any case? y'all are so appreciated. thank u for following me and liking whatever brain rot i have on any given day. 🙏💝💖💞 please accept my love. YOU'RE THE BEST
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seelestia · 2 years
v v true!!! oooh omg i remember watching coraline. i'm not much of a horror movie fan (says the one who writes stuff like yandere lmao) so honestly speaking that movie creeped me out esp the eyes halkjfdlakjsd i'm a scaredy cat yup- corpse bride was a delight to watch tho! comfort movies... hmmm. here's the thing, i... i don't watch a lot of movies hahahh 
both you gotta do both. remember to not always give in to that charming smile and scold him sometimes lmao awh lil tsundere lia and the deredere ayato.... new trope unlocked? ;) hsldjfl that sounds very cute and adventurous...... i'd imagine if i caught you two sneaking about at night i'll shut my lips (nepotism at its finest-) and silently sends you away- oh dear hello professor zhongli fancy seeing you here so late at night wow sure is sunny tonight huh haha haha oops i mean moony uh um heh-
THAT WOULD LITERALLY BE ME omg i'll nestle right onto his sides and tuck myself in a floofy blanket and fall asleep hearing his soft breathing. heizou would talk your ears off throughout the movie. somehow predicts the movie's plot within the first ten minutes of watching. welp since the movie's spoiled anyway let's just sleep 😴 
ooooh i am e.x.c.i.t.e.d!!! lmao oh no is this my cue to swoop in to grab zhongli's hand and propose like "I HAVE MONEY YOU CAN USE IT"-
lia. lia i have seen you fawn over scara on your priv. you're down bad. the gremlin man has taken hold of you hsldjfklsd have you seen his teaser? and the voicelines? my god. i am so glad i'll be pulling for him. dw i shall take a lot of screenshots hehehehehehe
we've got meteors and air blades falling from the sky.... next we know al haitham's burst would be durians falling from the sky or something- /j
you're finally welcoming your beloved in your arms!!! woooo!!! so. when's the wedding gonna be at- /lh
it's ok if their back aches we can always pull them aside and persuade them to spend time with us with a massage ✨
well, rin jie, you're stuck with me because i love horror movies (but i prefer psychological horror that makes me take a step back to think) 🤫 i am linking my arms with you so you cannot escape as we speak, hehe. (/lh) and dw abt not being much of a movie watcher, comfort comes in many ways and objects like food and blankets and zhongli's arms—
i am pretty good at scolding people without being a spoilsport (and i always happen to get attracted to brats with brains heizou and scara), so rest assured ayato is left under good supervision! >:) AND I SWEAR I AM A HOSTAGE-TURNED ACCOMPLICE... rin jie, your kindness will be the kickstart to my nepo baby era. (/j) but i'll do my best to make you proud! you can trust me on potions and herbology ;D i think ayato would excel at charms and have lots of interest in the study of ancient runes?? but wbu, what subjects would you and oh-so gracious professor zhongli would teach?? hehe, my fav couple to tease and giggle at as long as i don't get points off hufflepuff >:3c (/lh)
and i've gotta say that zhongli genuinely looks like he'd be the warmest and coziest to cuddle out of all the men?? i'm not sure if it's the earthy color palette he has, but i still gotta hand it to you 🤧 ayato's is also cozy since you get bonuses of having your hair smoothened and played with whilst you snooze on his chest or maybe i'm just biased, HELP??
yes, i've finally put aside my pride to admit that i am now an official scara kisser. i can't believe i have way more posts on my priv about denying scara instead of expressing my love for ayato 😮‍💨 i'm not sure if you played thru the interlude quest but lmk if you did because that quest was the final push for me personally, UUUUUU. OH AND DO SEND ME THOSE SCREENSHOTS 👀 make him do a michael jackson spin in the air (/j)
I SAW ALHAITHAM'S LEAKS... and iirc, the names for his talents are literally topics in physics??? THIS MAN 😭 good luck getting him soon, rin jie! it seems yaoyao will be on his banner?? she's super cute, but i'm still waiting for kaveh tho fhejkskek. OH AND I HOPE YOU'LL WIN THE 50/50 FOR AYATO TOO! <3 this update's 2nd phase is about to be my spending phase because i'll be pulling for ei on 50/50 after i get ayato 🤧 i think ei + ayato will be a good combo, so i'm really hoping i get her! if not, then guaranteed for alhaitham maybe?? or i'll save for another rerun or for future fontaine characters >:)
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