randomlyjay · 5 months
@hangingoninquietdesparation I'm not sure if I am a song but! Charlie says it might be hard to play a Jay since I am pretty complexicated!
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15 Questions, 15 Mutuals I was tagged by @the-hollow-quiet (…) 1.Are you named after anyone? Not that I’m aware of. But I’ve altered my name and also made up a new one. Identity crisis? 2.When was the last time you cried? Don’t remember, we’re talking decades. 3.Do you have kids? No, and no plan, possibility, or passion. 4.Do you use sarcasm alot? Only to the face in the mirror. 5.What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their presence. 6.What’s your eye color? Blue, but someone once told me they weren’t, but blue is undeniably true. 7.Scary movie or happy ending? Don’t particularly like scary movies, never seek them out but am likely to endure if tricked. Happy endings work well as I regard them as pure fantasy. 8.Any special talents? I wish. 9.Where were you born? In the land of shame and long shadows. My poetry might give further clues. North Europe is a good starting point. 10. Hobbies Watch paint dry. 11.Do you have any pets? No, never had an interest in pets. 12.What sports do you play/have you played? Ice hockey, football, basketball, volleyball, rounders, handball, cross country and alpine skiing, swimming, running, high jump, long jump. 13.How tall are you? 182 cm according to my passport, but I’m sure I’m shrinking. 14.Favorite subject in school? Too long ago to remember clearly but I’ve always had a fascination with languages. Probably because communication is not my strong suit. 15.Dream job? I’ve only had one job in my life so I suppose that was a dream job. Now that’s behind me I’m not sure I ever want to work again. Had an idea once of becoming a writer but that thought was lost in the mist of time. I’m not sure if we’re mutuals any more but I’ll tag a few on this side of the pond. @giraffevader @definegodliness @jonaswpoetry @hangingoninquietdesparation @dg-fragments @shipshapewithsliders
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For my Secret Valentine. Can you figure out where I took the excerpt from? I really hope you like it! @hangingoninquietdesparation
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braincoins · 5 years
hangingoninquietdesparation reblogged your post:This match is everything I started watching soccer...
And congratulations.
thank you 
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fakesurprise · 6 years
Making A Choice
My cellphone is sitting on the table in the restaurant even though I left it in my motel room. It rings, the sound joyous and excited, filling the entire restaurant with something akin to a course. Anya picks it up and answers, then hands it over to me without a word, trying not to grin.
I might have yelled at Jay last night on the phone, which is never a good idea at the best of times.
“Hi, Charlie,” he says excitedly. “Did you know I’m in Newcastle upon Tyne, and Tyne is kind of grumpy about it?!”
“Jay. What are you doing in Newcastle upon Tyne?”
“I’m having adventures and! did you know that every woman under seventy gets called pet here!”
“I did not.”
“And you’re totally a woman, you know! Unless you aren’t?!”
“...I am, yes,” I say as evenly as I can. Jay needs reminders of some things. Often. “So you called to tell me you aren’t hiding?”
“Yup! And proving a point!”
“What point would that be?”
“I’m not sure yet cuz there are always lots of points you know.”
“Yes, there are. My point last night is that Honcho and I are not your pets, kiddo.”
“But but but I’m yours so that means you’re mine too.”
The phone has turned itself onto speaker. Even Noah is smiling at the sheer exuberance in Jay’s voice.
“I’ve never seen you as a pet, Jay. Many things, but never that.”
“But we’re bestest friends so that means I’m your pet,” Jay says, as though that makes all the sense in the world.
I gulp back more coffee, which doesn’t help much. “And it means that because?”
“Cuz dogs are the best friend to people and I’m a best friend to you and you’re a best friend to me,” Jay offers up happily.
Anya is covering her mouth to stifle giggles. Noah is staring at the phone in bemused disbelief.
“So. A Jay is a Charlie’s best friend, and a dog is too so a Jay is a dog?”
“Which is a pet,” Jay adds.
“Right. We’ll talk about this when you get back,” I say finally.
“Okay! I’ll see if Tyne wants to play another game,” Jay says, and hangs up.
Noah looks up from his phone. “Charlie? Tyne is a river. The name might even be river river.”
“Jay does like making friends. Can you keep an eye on news from the area, just to be safe? I’ll call Dylan and see if he is keeping an eye on Jay.”
The phone call goes even worse than I expect. Since Dylan apparently isn’t allowed in England over some agreement with another forest spirit and is just getting helpful updates from Jay that just serve to worry him. I don’t know Dylan well at all, beyond that he is a forest spirit and very, very old. None of which seems to have prepared him for Jay.
“I think I need to call Jay later,” I say as we finish the meal. “Properly. According to Wilbur, the wandering magician has gone off, by which he means letting the magic dictate what he does and going with the flow of that. Balancing out scales, though I have no idea for what. I’ll see if Wilbur can meet up with Dylan and they can return to Luxenford for a while.”
“And Jay?” Anya asks.
“He might have to travel with us.”
Noah goes quiet, even for him, eyes wide. Anya turns pale.
“He is trying to fix his own mistakes, at least. Beyond that, it’s mostly stopping him from learning things. Especially on tumblr,” I add, and wish I was drinking something far stronger than coffee.
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definegodliness · 6 years
So, not an ask, but, go listen to side 1 disc 2 of ELOs "Out of the Blue" Which is entitled "Concerto for a rainy day" Or, if that's TLDL, just listen to "Standing in the rain" Preferably rather loud. Yours, etc...
Standing In The Rain will be the next song on, and I’ll listen to the whole Concerto For A Rainy Day when time/mood allows it. Making the playlist as I go, 4 songs at the moment: Paolo Conte - Max ; Radiohead - No Surprises ; Neil Young - After The Gold Rush ; R.E.M. - Find The River. Thank you very much for sending me a music recommendation! I’m always up for those.
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softheartedpoet · 7 years
Because you stuck a foot out, and i tripped over it, and looked at what had disturbed my stride, and found it interesting and different and something to learn from. Only a fool ignores such a thing.
this is wonderful, thank you so much. ♡ (I hope you didn’t scrape your knee when I unsuspectingly tripped you!)
(tell me, anonymously or not, why you followed me)
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writteninjoy2 · 7 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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autumnsunshine10 · 8 years
Imaginative At least a smidgen wry and Nothing short of spry
@hangingoninquietdesparation 😀
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imperiallefty · 6 years
i once knew a man, a poet whose quiet desperation kept him hanging onto life.
15-word myth #38 - @hangingoninquietdesparation
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feverfewm · 5 years
21 questions
I was tagged by: @bloomingparanoia -- thank you! :D
Rules: simply answer the following 21 questions and then tag 21 (or however many) people you’d love to get to know more!
name/nickname: fever, flower
zodiac sign: sagittarius
height: about 5′6 ? whatever 1,70 m is in feet
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw, last time I checked
last thing I googled: evergreen clematis
favorite musician/s: X Japan, Oysterband
last song I listened to:They Shall Not Pass by Grace Petrie
song stuck in my head: London Bridge (bc it’s in my Uke beginner’s book, and I just practised, and I need to listen to something else to get it unstuck asap D:)
followers: 377
following: 180
amount of sleep: not enough
lucky number: don’t think I have one
what I’m wearing: loose pants, t-shirt (it’s hot outside and I hate it)
dream job: grooming (and cuddling) donkeys, designing crochet jewellery
dream trip: staying at home
favorite food: icecream
instruments: trying to learn the ukulele, got no talent whatsoever but it’s kinda fun anyway
languages: German, English, a wee bit of Japanese, forgot most of my Latin, Russian and Babylonian
favorite song/s: Rusty Nail by X Japan, Native Son by Oysterband, Bloodlines by Merry Hell
random fact: I like donkeys :D
aesthetic: put together a bit of classic, some skandinavian and a lot of boho, shake well and pour over boring old stuff to make it beautiful
I am tagging: @admiraljane @braincoins @b3nc0  @dokidokibaka  @luciology @fakesurprise @hangingoninquietdesparation and ... Charlie ..... haha, joking, of course I mean @randomlyjay (even though he has probably already done this)
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randomlyjay · 1 year
Charlie says she’s very sure I don’t have a kilt, @hangingoninquietdesparation?!
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Zurich, Switzerland- October 2018
Ian - this one is for you
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braincoins · 6 years
hangingoninquietdesparation replied to your post: rainwindandstars replied to your post: ...
Me me me me! Wanna snow!
Oh if I had the ability to package up snow and send it away from me...
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fakesurprise · 6 years
hangingoninquietdesparation replied to your post “Making A Choice”
Of course, the Tyne's great sister is the Tees river, known as the steel river, inhabited by smog monsters.... Nothing stranger than real life, not even a Jay
Jay would argue he’s strangely Jay, quite proudly, but .... yes. He is wisely kept away from the news and just now strange real life can be :p
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definegodliness · 6 years
Hi DG, I've seen a couple of people recommending their favorite Tumblr poets lately and I find it really nice! I have discovered a few writers I didn't know about and whose work I really like. I was wondering if maybe you had some faves of your own to recommend?
I’m out – hope I didn’t forget anyone [ nightmare with such an extensive list ] but among these blogs surely there’ll be new ones to discover! Cheers!
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