#hanuman x reader
royalsunshinehotel · 4 months
Love and appreciate your Dev content!! Would you consider writing more monkey man kid x reader - maybe something where he praises and talks the reader through it, starting gentle and then figuring out he can be rougher because reader likes it that way. He would start out wincing through the pain caused by his fighting, but eventually forget about that. Praise/dominance part inspired by him saying "good girl, do you like that?" to the dog in the film 🥵
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Good (Kid x Reader, drabble, 18+)
He thinks you're adorable. It's a part of why he keeps coming back to see you. You'd do the same, if you knew anything about him.
But for now, you don't need to know. He's come to you after a rough night at the Temple, and what started as you putting his pieces back together, has once again ended with you, flat on your back.
You'd always gotten the sense that he was being careful with you, whenever he worked you open for him, feeling his mouth on the most sensitive parts of you. It always felt as if he was holding back.
A small knot of guilt twisted in your belly, you know.
You know he's in pain, and he's fucking you anyway. He should be convalescing on your couch, not ....whatever this is.
He hits a new angle and you gasp into his mouth, foreheads pressed together. He doesn't have to hold back...
"Harder," You all but whimper into his mouth, "I want it harder."
The words make him pause, large brown eyes staring into your own. Whoever he was, he saw right through you, even now.
His shoulder stopped hurting a long time ago, and he'd even go as far to say he was enjoying himself, enjoying you.
"Harder?" He confirms, "Like that?" He catches your moan with his mouth, after snapping his hips down into you. It was experimental, if you said "never mind", he'd forget it.
You think it's pathetic, how your eyes practically roll back. The effect he has on you is embarrassing.
He on the other hand, thinks you're lovely. You have to be an angel, floating into his life, trying to heal him, trusting him even though you have no reason to. It occurs to him that there will be a day he'd have to give you up.
Not yet, he thinks.
"Yes..." You trail off, "more please!" He chuckles lightly at how polite you were, even now. And he continues with a harsher pace, a tighter grip.
Your hand finds his, and moves it to your throat. His eyes go round at that, as he takes a comfortable grip. Alright...
Your wail comes out stifled against his mouth, as he tries to soothe you against the harsh pleasure of him, "Good...good girl, there we are..."
He bats his wet eyes at you, and suddenly your breath escapes you. You clamp down around him, clawing at your lover, "Always so good to me, that's it."
You're beautiful, and worn out. You smile sleepily into his mouth, fluttering, as you let him chase relief for himself.
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jd-loves-fiction · 4 months
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"There’s people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow you’re close" + "I’m dying and I’m confessing my love for you"
✦ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: "The Kid" (Monkey Man) x GN!Reader
✦ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff + angst
✦ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: wrote this on the plane hope this good :)
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[21:54] Chest heaving, legs burning and eyes darting for somewhere to hide, panic grips your heart like a vice. Spotting a suitable hiding place behind a dilapidated half wall, you grab your injured companion and urge him towards it. You let him lean on you while limping over to the wall and struggling over from the pain and blood loss.
“Hey, hey! Keep your eyes open, please.” You whisper, panting from running for several blocks to escape your pursuers, while brushing the man’s sweat-soaked curls from his sweat-slick forehead. His eyes droop and flutter, exhausted yet still squeezing a hand over bleeding bullet wounds. 
Multiple thunderous footsteps and shouts draw your attention away for a moment, looking just above the half wall to watch as the police force darts past where you’re hiding, making you breathe a shaky sigh of relief. A bloody hand grasps your elbow to direct your gaze back to its owner who lies bleeding and struggling to speak.
“Save your breath,” You plead, pushing down the rising queasiness to replace his hand with yours over the bulletwound at his shoulder and pressing down, ignoring the pained grunt he emits in response.
“There’s something… I need to tell you…” He wheezes, hand squeezing your elbow to hold your attention. But you shake your head – there'll be time for confessions later – you tell yourself. There has to be. If not… you won't think about that.
“Please,” he speaks, surprisingly firmly for a man losing time in your arms, leaving a bloody print on your cheek as he holds it to draw you so close you can feel every shaking breath, smell the sweat and blood on him.
His eyes, deep, dark and wet, take your focus, counting each of his long lashes, hoping not to forget the sight of him living and breathing. Though imagining him as anything else makes you sick right down to your heart.
Luscious lips move and oh, how you wish to see them quirk up in that rare, awkward smile – the smile of a man with so little good in his life and deserving of so much more of it.
“I–” he starts, or tries, before cutting himself off with a pained groan and a deep heaving breath that has you leaning forward to… comfort him? Kiss him?
“I love you.” What?
The fact you see his lips moving around the words keeps you from thinking you've just experienced an auditory hallucination, but if the contrary were to be proven, you wouldn't be surprised.
You simply blink at him for a moment and that blessed smile is back again, born from your doubtlessly amusing expression. The sincerity of his gaze would've floored you were you not already sitting on the grimy street.
His bloody caramel hand slides over your skin, wet with sweat, grime and now his life's essence. You grab it, keeping it against you despite the sticky feeling it brings, “I’m afraid that might be the blood loss talking.”
Dark curls move in all directions as he vehemently shakes his head, eyes open and honest, genuinely terrified that his one chance to tell you how he feels is slipping between bloody fingers.
You take him in one last time – this is the man you love. Despite the mystery and the danger and the secrets. Because he cares, and shows it when it matters most.
And he will not die here today. Not on your watch. Not before you've properly savored this wonderful new feeling.
“I love you too.” You speak resolutely, arm reaching under his to support his body as best you can, “But if you intended for those to be your last words, though they are very lovely, I won't let that happen.”
Seeking his fluttering eyes, you hold his gaze, “You are not dying here tonight.”
Taking a deep breath, you begin walking forward out of the alley as he watches – falling for you all over again.
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jalinaalkenza · 1 year
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chaithetics · 6 months
Late Night Mends
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Pairing: Kid (Monkey Man) x reader
Word count: 2.1K
Warning: 18+ MDNI, mentions of anxiety, injuries, not a lot of spice, some fluff, not proof/beta read lol, does not contain spoilers for Monkey Man.
Note: Absolutely am in love with Dev Patel, he adores the world and fandom love! Also special mention to my friend @mittos who helped with this prompt/story ideas. Go and see Monkey Man if you haven't already! And if you have go and see it again! Also jaan is a Hindi term of endearment. Also can we take a moment for Dev Patel's side profile?! Comments, and reblogs are always appreciated as well! I hope you enjoy!
It was late, extremely late. It had been a slow night but it was quickly becoming the latest it had ever been without his tired, bloody presence. It made you uncomfortable how late it was becoming, he never took this long to show up after a big match. You bit your nails as you couldn’t help but think about the possibility of where he was and scarily, what condition he was in. 
It was a risky field that Kid was in, especially when he was the losing dog for the overeager, sweaty crowd not to bet on. He took the punches and rarely complained about it, you’d only ever been to one of his fights before and never again. It was too painful to watch, you’d bitten each of your fingernails right down to the beds, and you swore that it gave you a few grey hairs. If you had any, each of them could be traced back to being his fault, you were sure. You loved him, truly adored him, but he certainly knew how to stress you out. 
You’re sitting down waiting for him to arrive. You don’t even realise that you’ve put your hand up to your face to bite your nails but now you know that you must’ve as you’ve been subconsciously biting them as you look out the window waiting, lost in your thoughts. You could think and use that as a distraction but no, the more you think or gaze off, the more you think about him, worry about him and overanalyse every little thing to be analysed, including what would need a magnifying glass to do so. You sigh and rub your face tiredly and also as another poor attempt at a distraction to take your mind away from him. 
It was a ridiculous thought, nothing could distract you from him, Kid lived rent-free in your mind 24/7, no matter what you did or wanted. And now was his prime time for filling your head. 
You rub your face some more and then look up, you can hear the door quietly open and the sound of gentle footsteps start to make their way to you. You look up as you try to glimpse the start of his lean shadow to confirm that he’s really, really, finally here. The light switch turns on as you see his arm stretch out and then he’s standing there in your doorway. 
You look up at him as he stands, he just looks at you for a moment. His gorgeous doe-eyes are wide, he looks exhausted and defeated but there’s a small smile on his face as his eyes meet yours. Ever since you’d known Kid, he had always been a man of few words, which seemed to balance out just how expressive his handsome face was. You liked that though, that his eyes truly were the window to his soul. You did like his voice though as well, you’d have no problem with him using it more. Sometimes he would talk though, about his sweet mother, the stories of Hanuman that his mother had told him and that had vividly stuck with and inspired him still. 
You quickly take him in, there’s sweat in his hair, a cut in his cheek, and his knuckles are bloody as always. You bite your lip as you look at him, chewing over your words so you don’t come across as either a scolding lover or treating him like a patient. 
“Your hands…” You finally say as he steps closer to you and you can see that he made some attempt to cover them with a bit of cloth but the blood is all over his right hand. 
“It’s fine.” He says in a soft whisper, his voice is melodic as always but a little hoarse and deep. He looks down at his hand he tries not to flinch when you take his hand and it’s further proof that no, it really isn’t fine. You sigh and move his hand to check his fingers, it causes discomfort but based on the movement you know it’s not broken at least. It was genuinely impressive that he was still alive, still functioning and not just with everything he’d been through as a young boy, but with the amount of beatings he’d taken at the club. That he’d somehow avoided major damage to his body, that his handsome looks were still intact, and also his teeth. That was a big surprise you had to admit. 
“Sit down.” You look at him with a look of concern, one that he doesn’t like. “Come on, I’ll clean it up.” You say softly.  He runs his right hand, his good hand through his damp but perfect locks and he sighs, sitting down, waiting for you to fix his wounds and to feel your tender touch. 
You’d had the first aid kit ready to go, sitting on the floor waiting for his entrance. You always used it, he always needed it. Your medical background certainly helped, some nights you’d crack a joke that that was the only reason why he was with you. The first time you made that joke his eyes widened at first, and he immediately stuttered to try and reassure her that that wasn’t the case. He didn’t realise that it was a joke. You’d kissed him to reassure him and he kissed you back so sweetly. Now when you made the joke he’d just look at you and give you a small, precious chuckle. You just want to make him smile, make him laugh, bring him joy, and make him feel safe. He deserved that at the very least, especially with his gigantic hug. 
His hand clearly had taken the worst of it, you hold it gently in yours, and his hand twitches for a moment. He’s spent most of his life being devoid of affection. He craved a gentle touch, to feel seen and safe in the company of another. He’d started to find that with you, in the way you looked at him, how you carefully held his hand in arms when cleaning an injury and wrapping it up. You somehow had never noticed it, he figured it was because of how attentive you were to his injuries, to him, and his lips quirked up into a secret smile you’d miss over the irony of you not noticing this because of how attentive you were being to him. 
“You were later than usual.” You say as you clean his bruised and bloodied knuckles. 
“I know.” He whispers as he looks up at you, he’s tired but there’s a small smile on his lips as he knows the scolding is incoming, just what degree is it going to be from you tonight, is the question. 
“I was worried, my fingernails are almost as bloody as your knuckles because of how much I was biting them.” You say as you try to clean his hand gently, noting how his hand occasionally twitches in response.
“Would’ve been quite a match.” He whispers before he looks at your hands, noticing your nervously bitten nails. His cheeks heat up as he can’t help but feel a little bit of guilt about causing you to worry so, he’s spent so much of his life without someone who cares about him like this. You sigh and roll your eyes at his response. 
“You’re going to be the cause of every single grey hair I have in this lifetime.” You say as you treat the knuckle wounds, making sure you’re gentle. “All I do is worry, you spend every night getting beaten, thrown off tables. It’s going to be too much one day. Something will go wrong. Then what?” Kid can’t help but look up at you, it’s a conversation that’s happened more than a few times. “What if it’s your spine or something? I won’t be able to fix that-” “It’s okay. It’s fine. I’m okay, jaan.” He says as he looks up at you, his big brown eyes are widened and he’s looking at you with his sad puppy dog eyes, he feels bad for making you worry so much. 
You sigh, biting your lip as you try to stop yourself from saying anything else. He’s too sweet and so you nod and finish cleaning and bandaging everything. After a moment, you cup his cheek as you look at his warm eyes and you go to get him some water to drink. He watches you and continues to as he drinks the water. You two have become quite good at playing a game of watching each other, almost like it’s a sport to observe the other. 
He looks at you, tilting his head which tousles the gorgeous locks he has a little. You sigh and run a hand through his soft brown curls, damp with sweat but somehow miraculously not blood. His hair has always been absolutely perfect. You feel bad for essentially venting your anxieties at him right as he’s come from a long night of work at the club. 
“I only scold because I care.” You say but you’re not sure if it’s him or yourself that you’re trying to convince more as you say the words, but it’s true technically. “It’s a form of doting really.” You say as you look at him as he adjusts in his seated position, looking up at you with his wide, doe-eyed orbs. Even if it was a form of doting, you could never stay mad at him for long when having to look into those gorgeous eyes. They’d melt away any troubles and you’re sure if awards were given out for best brown eyes, he’d win. You hated that he did this, that this was how he had to get by. That he had to take these awful, unhealthy beatings but you love him anyway.
He was freshly bandaged now, he moved his hand up and Kid started to slowly caress your cheek, he traced some invisible line so gently with the pads of his fingertips as he looked at you. His doe eyes were filled with adoration and peacefulness as he concentrated on your beauty. You let him, it was soothing and sweet and you had no reason to even consider stopping this. You were his and he was yours. 
Your eyes glance down at his fingers, and then you put a hand up to cup his cheek and look into the most beautiful eyes you could ever imagine seeing. After he feels your touch his eyes quickly close and he inhales. He isn’t sure if he’ll ever get used to the feeling of your fingers on his face, of how your hair feels against his skin, or your breath, but he knows for sure, that he’ll at least never tire of it. 
His fingers glide down do your mouth and he traces your lips as he looks at them. He tilts his head and before he can even move, you’ve moved your head to press your lips together. There’s something about how gentle his hands are with you, how they feel even after everything that has happened to him and that he does. How it just takes a glance at you for him to melt into a puddle. 
You put your hand back into his hair and run it through his curls as he kisses you back and the kiss deepens almost immediately. He cups your cheek gently as your lips move together in sync and you can’t help but start to tug his locks a little and his hand moves to your waist to hold you close against him. You continue to play and tug his hair as his lips move down your chin and jaw and he kisses your neck. You gasp out and tug on his hair a bit more as you feel his breath tickle your throat between his passionate kisses. You struggle to not let out a giggle as he does this and you feel your cheeks heating up as you tilt your head back so your neck is as exposed as possible for him while he kisses your throat and makes his way to your collarbone. 
He always gets like this, and so quickly. He just needs a little touch, the reassurance of you being there and he feels an all-consuming need to make up for the years of loneliness, the lack of affection, the lack of physical contact outside of a fight he was guaranteed to lose. He has you in his arms and it’s something right for once, if it was a game this would be a victory, some kind of peace.
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axailslink · 2 years
Shuri Udaku x Jabari tribe FEM reader
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Warning: Vulgur language, fingering, and a bit of original character personality from the first movie.
A/n: You all can thank my geeky side for this fic I found the second pic and just made some shit up.
Summary: Truthfully not really story based I just needed a reason to practice writing smut on my own accord.
Snippet from the fic: “ "Speak. Up." Shuri fidgets reaching for your hand but you glare at her daring her to touch and see what happens. "Please touch me" you hum in satisfaction but you wonder just how much more you can make her say ”
Your eyes are on Shuri the whole time she speaks with M'Baku she's a beautiful woman one who when you first met was full of vengeance and truth be told she definitely had your attention then so much that your waking nights were just thoughts of her and what you'd allow her to do to you. Truthfully it's a little sad how a woman you've only seen every so often can just run free in your mind like this without a key, card or permission. You're so in your mind that you don't notice M'baku giving you your orders "Y/n I hope your ears are working fine" you nod "yes they are" he bites on his carrot of course to drag this embarrassment out but you truly don't mind he gets a light laugh out of it and honestly the man needs one after putting up with Shuri's always serious attitude. "Then why are you not following her?" You quickly catch up to an already disappearing Shuri who seems to be walking rather fast when you're used to a normal paced stride. "Prince-" she doesn't even let you finish because of how wrong you are "queen" you do love a woman that'll correct you but good Hanuman she's a bit much. You take the safest bet and call her "panther if you do not mind my question I have to ask what is my assignment?" She stops walking and stares at you in the dark hall "are you all just this incompetent and forgettable?" You can't help but take this to heart because who in the hell does she think she's talking to? Definitely not you. Surely not. You bite your tongue "no I'm a bit out of my head my apologies" Shuri seems surprised seeing that you don't argue with her even though what she said was a bit much and bitchy but you know better than to argue with the queen of Wakanda especially with how heartless she's become.
The path that you and Shuri take is one completely familiar to you from the trees to the way the ice thickens on the ground it's only when you're there that you realize it's your home. "Oh?" Shuri turns to you and finally states your orders that you would have known if you weren't so zoned out by her threatening beauty earlier "there's no more room for people there and M'baku being the dear friend he is has asked you to provide shelter for me while we work to restore the beauty of Wakanda." You gawk for a moment because how in the hell did you miss such an order!? The queen is going to be living in your house you can't help but feel nervous now your house is never nasty or dirty but now nothing seems fine now you're wondering if the curtains have dust on them or if you washed those last dishes good enough but Shuri pulls you out of those thoughts just as quickly as they arose when her soft voice starts to shake from the cold biting air "are you going to invite me in?" You quickly open the door and invite her in offering her something warm when you both get settled she's on the couch and she's almost cute as she holds her cup of warm herbs to her lips with both hands but you block those thoughts out of your mind as you walk up the stairs to find her something of warmth. That suit looks swell but you can tell it was made in a hurry and from her voice wavering earlier she surely didn't make it with thoughts of being in the mountains. You grab what you hope she can fit and come back downstairs "you seemed cold earlier this may be warmer would you like a blanket too?" Shuri isn't surprised to see someone worry about her that's all everyone's been doing since Namor started the war but now that it's over and people are still seeing her as weak it can get a bit irritating. "I don't need them" you look at the furs in your hands and then her suit "you obviously do vibranium does a lot of things and protects a lot of people however I don't remember it being able to keep you warm. You are in my home and I will not be responsible if you die of frostbite but please be my guest." You gently toss the furs on the couch beside her and walk back upstairs Shuri is of course taken back by such lack of care when you speak to her. You're not afraid to say what you really want to and she likes that because with anyone else they just say what she wants to hear or what they know won't upset her. You don't she likes that. This prompts her to glance at the furs and then her suit before she places the glass in her hands down.
Shuri undresses herself slowly unzipping the suit of hers and she's careful as if a tug with too much strength might rip it. You're doing the same in the privacy of your room except you cover yourself in a blanket instead of a robe since you gifted Shuri your handmade robes. Finally undressed and comfortable a loud knock makes your heart pound "yes?" Shuri opens the door taking this as an invite inside but thankfully you're already covered with your blankets when she does the only thing her pretty eyes can see are the dips of your collarbones and a bit of your exposed leg. While on her you can see a lot more the robe is heavy on her you can tell she's not used to carrying that much weight so she's holding most of it in her hands while the rest wraps around her. The fur looks beautiful against her skin it's wrapped around her neck but then it takes a swooning dip in-between her breasts you honestly can't help but stare but as quickly as you do you look away. "Thank you" you nod but Shuri doesn't leave she's staring at you too admiring your scars "how many of those do you have?" You furrow your brows unsure of what she's talking about "oh I have many furs and they're all ha-" "-scars how many scars do you have?" You nod and look down at your body before turning around and showing her the ones on your back.
You don't notice Shuri's moved from her place until you feel a cold finger trace over the scars on your back you let out a quiet gasp but Shuri's intrigued she moves your hair to better see them now. "They're beautiful" you smile as you grab your blanket and pull it over your chest "thank you" Shuri hums as her hands rub down your sides "my queen" you can't deal with this kind of touching from anyone especially not Shuri Udaku. "My apologies you're just so beautiful to me" she pulls her hands away and you swear your warmth goes with her "I don't think you should touch me like that." Shuri nods while you continue to stare at the wall "I once again apologize for over stepping boundaries you offer me your home and your furs and I just take advantage of that I'm sorry." You nod as you feel your bed lighten a bit. You're ridiculous her touch is something you've craved yet when you get just a bit of it you allow her to stop you swallow trying to push away your nerves "I'm beautiful to you?" You ask as she makes her way to your door barefoot "yes... I think so but it's possible I could just be missing home and... Other things." You nod pulling the blanket over your shoulders "I'm sure there's no woman like me at home." Shuri smiles to herself "you are so right about that."
"I know because no woman you know would do or risk what I'm about to" you turn towards her now your feet dangle off the edge of your bed as you let the fur blanket pool around your waist exposing your naked body to Shuri who doesn't let her eyes leave you. You can feel that stare of hers looking at every part of you from your round breasts to your bare feet her stare is one you can't avoid one that makes you warm without even trying. To even the air now Shuri drops her furs at her feet exposing her naked body she walks closer to you now and it's your turn to admire. You stand in front of her and take the time to just look for a moment and to your surprise your stare has the same effect hers does on you and you can tell as her chest rises and falls as her body silently begs you to touch it but you don't not right away. You let the cold air bite at her as you size her up glancing at every piece of ink upon her skin. You've seen the hand one and the one on her neck but never have you noticed these new ones but you always imagined what lay beneath that suit of hers and to finally see it you're amazed.
The tattoos paint her skin they're beautiful.
Finally you trail your fingers from the tattoo curling around her shoulder to the one wrapping around her waist she shivers from your touch you're not sure why so you come to a stop whispering to not ruin the moment "do you want me to stop?" She shakes her head "no." You continue letting your hands gently caress her skin and moment after moment you get more comfortable and so does she as you start to leave kisses on her tattoos. You find your way to your knees in front of her and she watches expectantly but you tease because you want her to beg or ask nicely. You kiss your way around her pussy avoiding it as if it's not staring at you begging to be touched screaming at you as it drips from nothing but the soft touches of your lips and hands against her body. You're convinced she hasn't been touched like this in a while because she's so needy you can see it on her face but breaking that face of hers proves to be a bit more complex than you would think. The room being filled with nothing but gasps and light moans finally changes when you mumble against her skin "do you want me to touch you?" Shuri nods but that's not the answer you want you want words and you're going to get them. These sweet whimpers and gasps are pretty but nothing compares to begging and crying. Especially with Shuri's pretty eyes you just know she'd look amazing crying before you and begging you to touch her. Crying goodness maybe one day but you won't go that far... No. Not today. You give what you consider to be a light tap on Shuri's ass but it doesn't prove to be as light as you thought when Shuri cries out "shit." "I'm sorry baby but I want to hear you. Can you speak up or can you only use that pretty voice of yours when you're commanding someone else to do something?" Shuri mumbles "I want you to touch me."
Just to be a bitch you say "I'm sorry?" Shuri speaks up repeating herself but it's still not enough for you so you use two fingers to tease her wet cunt gently patting it letting your fingers get covered in her liquids and letting her get riled up. "Speak. Up." Shuri fidgets reaching for your hand but you glare at her daring her to touch it and see what happens. "Please touch me" you hum in satisfaction but you wonder just how much more you can make her say "touch you how my queen?" You keep your fingers still now gently but firmly pressing onto her clitoris "I want you..." She pauses as if to muster up the courage before finishing her sentence "I want you to touch every part of me I want you to do whatever you want to me." You're the one at a loss for words now but you don't stay like this. You pull her to your bed and make her sit down on the edge propping her legs up "I want to hear everything I want to hear your moans your gasps and your cries can we do that? If I see you thinking about covering your mouth I'll leave you just like this needy and craving an orgasm. Uyaqonda? (Do you understand?) Shuri nods earning a hard smack on her thigh "yes."
You take the time to admire her pretty pussy everything about her is pretty her lips her eyes her hair her thighs but this... What sits in front of you waiting to be touched as it leaks holds a beauty that the goddess Aphrodite herself must have gifted. you rub her thigh and she sighs but seeing her obviously irritated only makes you smile as you suck on her clitorus causing her body to hitch not expecting that so suddenly but you only hum loving the way she's currently trying to stay still. Yeah you've got to get rid of this whole not doing what she so obviously wants to do thing it's holding her back and can ruin this moment for her you don't want that so you give her a little motivation slipping two digits inside of her wet pussy causing her to let out a sweet whimper. Pulling away from her clit for just a moment you tell her "don't be shy you can ride out your orgasm reach your high as you please shit you can grab my hair but I want to see that you're enjoying this too... Okay?" Shuri nods "yeah I...yeah." you're not rough with her from the get go no you ease into it starting off gentle massaging the inside of her walls occasionally curling your fingers causing them to hit the right spot just where she seems to love it because she gets louder when you do this and her body lifts off the bed trying to fuck herself on your hand. It's cute seeing how when she's near she doesn't run away from the feeling instead she runs to it head first. That's good it lets you know that she's comfortable now but letting her be comfortable for too long can be boring so you of course have to change it up getting faster and rough with her using your free arm to keep her in place as she gets louder and finds it hard to be still fucking herself on your hand. The sounds coming from both of her lips are sinful and just like you imagined her moans are beautiful and remind you of a melody but the rasp behind them itches your brain just right and the lewd wet sounds coming from soaking pussy only encourages you to continue.
You watch with a smile on your face as she bucks her hips into your hand "mhm c'mon baby" your encouraging words bring Shuri to her climax. When she looks at you her expression immediately reads embarrassed but you lick your hand clean watching her as you do to show that none of that matters right now and she surely has nothing to be embarrassed about. "You want me to run you a bath?" Shuri nods and you get up dusting your knees off "princess" earlier she corrected you and you wonder will she do it again? "Queen" you hum as you run her some hot bath water and she follows behind you. "You seem embarrassed" Shuri shrugs "maybe... it's just been intimate in a while and I don't think one time did enough for me." Oh... You're surprised but not all too much you knew from the start she could go rounds and that's great because you have a box of toys with her name on it. "So what? You already staying the night we could let this water cool hm" Shuri nods as she glances at your lips just for a moment she hopes you didn't see her but you did and you smile "you want to kiss me?" Shuri stares at your lips now licking her own at the thought of yours on hers. "Can I?" "No. Not if this is casual I don't kiss hookups. They don't deserve it." Shuri nods as you turn on your heel to walk out of the bathroom but Shuri's voice cutting through the air makes you pause in your steps.
"So what if it's not casual?" Did you just touch your way into a relationship with the queen of Wakanda? Yes. Yes you did.
A/n: gentle reminder I do not write smut so please be respectful and think of that before you comment. 😀
Taglist: @verachii @mocha-aya @shuriszn @lolas-bunny @lucillele @shuri-lover @quintessencewrites @yamsthoughts @saintwrld @rxcently @lunax0654 @karimwillia @adeola-the-explorer @garbagesleepschedule @bratydoll @trixielwt @6-noir @annoyingtidalwavequeen @atssukoo @shuri-my-love @inmyheadimobsessed @letitias-fav @rxcently @iwillbiteabitch
@malltake12 @mxyx-rx444 @kiwidreamersstuff
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓃮 Even the Sun Influences the Tide: Chapter Three
Even the Sun Influences the Tide: After the death of your foster brother, King T’Challa, you had spent much of your year of mourning in isolation. When your mother gathers you and your sister to end your mourning period, you encounter the newest threat to Wakanda: Namor. You don’t know what to think of Namor, but you do know one thing: he probably shouldn’t be making trips to see you at your beach hut.
Warnings: Angst.
To Note: Namor/K’uk’ulkan x Fem!Reader, I Tried To Make The Yucatec Maya & Xhosa Translations/Traditions As Accurate As I Can Get.
Word Count: ~2.7k
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You didn’t have much choice in dressing up for the council meeting, but for once your mind was too distracted to care. So walking into the throne room wearing your official royal dress and Xhosa beaded head veil, you calmly walked over to Okoye and pursed your lips.
“Have you found anything regarding our uninvited… guest?” You softly questioned, looking at the faces of the elders already in attendance. There was an air of tension, like thick smog, it was uncomfortable to say the least. Okoye’s forehead scrunched in distaste.
“No, my princess,” She answered, dark eyes meeting yours with a thunderous clash. There was nothing Okoye hated more than being out of the loop, or having a potential threat and enemy, breach Wakandan borders without knowledge. “There was no breach from the skies or land, we would have detected it.”
“He came from the water, Okoye, I suspect that is how he was able to enter undetected.” You pointed out. “Do we have any security or defense measures in place regarding our rivers and streams? They are connected to the ocean.”
“None at the moment, there was never a need.” Okoye grudgingly admitted. You hummed in response before hearing Ramonda approach, turning in place, you looked to her with a raised eyebrow.
“Anything yet?” Ramonda sighed and shook her head.
“She is still looking into it, I suspect we shall have more answers soon enough.” She told you before sweeping around and elegantly sitting down on her throne. Sighing at the lack of new information, you took your seat on her right and folded your hands in your lap. Ramonda lifted her gaze to Okoye. “Have you done what I requested?”
“Thrice,” Okoye answered, her lips pressing together. “Heaven Scrapes had no evidence of any activity at all.” As she spoke the ceremonial doors boomed open and M’Baku entered flanked by four of his strongest warriors. Everyone in the room let out a collective sigh, knowing his proclivity to be prideful and, well, for lack of a more eloquent answer: blunt and a bit crude.
“So our river border has been breached? I once more offer the support of my Jabari Hell screamers. If my soldiers were present this... fish man, would be bound before us as we speak.” M’Baku spoke out, taking bite out of the carrot he held. Your eyebrow rose and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. The naval officers bristled at his tone and criticism of their duty.
“If your muscle brains were present, they would still be there choking on their fuzzy adornments.” Okoye cooly returned, her lips sneering. M’Baku glared at her and raised his carrot in her direction.
“You bald-headed demon—“
“Enough you two, show some respect,” Ramonda enunciated, shutting down the short quip between Okoye and M’Baku.
“Respect?” M’Baku repeated before rounding on the Naval officers. “Why are they guarding the river anyway? Because they did well in swimming school? These men should be ashamed to show their faces!”
“Watch your tone, Jabari!” The captain snapped back. The Jabari started to hoot, imitating their ancestral god, Hanuman.
“Elder M’Baku,” You voiced loudly, cutting the deep calls off. “Would you please take a seat so the council may convene?” M’Baku glanced at you for a brief moment, before huffing and taking a loud bite from his carrot, grudgingly sitting down. “Thank you.”
Clearing her throat, Okoye began reiterating all surveillance that had been reviewed since Namor had appeared.
“There is no aerial surveillance footage of him.”
“And nothing on radar as well.” The naval captain contributed, causing unrest to bloom among the council. The River Tribe Elder tilted his head.
“So he swam underwater for 60 miles?” It was nigh unbelievable, even with the many gifted individuals within Wakanda. No one had that ability. The elder turned to you. “And have you, princess, seen any visual of this man? You live on the fringes of our society along the river linked to the sea. Surely if anyone was to have seen him before he made his presence known, it would be you.”
You went to reply but found your throat freezing up and no words emerging. You were certain you had seen Namor two months past, hovering in the distance and watching. But he hadn’t approached you, or threatened you, and you were fairly certain that all Namor wished was for his people to be protected. Just like Ramonda. You made the hard decision to hold your tongue.
“No, Elder, I have not seen him before. I believe I would remember seeing a man with wings on his ankles. I’m sure it is not a sight one forgets.” You replied, letting your eyes drift to your lap. “If I saw what I perceived to be a threat to my home and country, I would not hesitate to inform the queen mother.”
The Elders all hummed in agreement, knowing that your undying loyalty to your home was unflappable and unwavering.
“He claims to command a massive army. I know a threat when I hear one.”
“He is trying to protect his people and his nation, queen mother,” You reminded her.
“And he is still a threat, Y/N.” She returned, giving you a stern look. “He came into my country, unannounced and unwelcome. You are soft hearted, my daughter, and your preference for diplomacy is valued beyond compare, but not in this moment.” Her words stung, but they were true. You didn’t back down from her gaze.
“So you believe that handing over the scientist to Namor is our only option? That the hands of our great country Wakanda have been tied!?” Ramonda’s stare into your eyes was hard for a few moments, you were talking to the queen, not your mother. “You know that he will probably kill them, is that what you want? Blood on our hands?”
“Blood on our hands will be the least of worries if he chooses violence, my child,” It was a loosing battle, certainly with this council. The Mining Tribe Elder shifted in her seat and chose to speak her thoughts
“We have never faced an enemy with access to Vibranium before, and we have no Black Panther to protect us.” Not this again. As you sighed and rubbed your forehead, M’Baku made a sound of sarcasm.
“Because this wise council allowed Killmonger to take the throne and burn up all of your precious Heart- Shaped Herb.””
“What would you have us do?” Ramonda questioned, waving her hand. M’baku snorted.
“We find the fish man and kill him.” You muttered several curses beneath your breath, earning a disapproving look from your mother while the Border Tribe Elder exhaled harshly.
“Who is being foolish now? You would have us make war with a man we know nothing about. At least we have intelligence on the Americans.” M’Baku countered just as strong.
“If we do what he wants now what’s to prevent him from coming back and asking for more?”
You hated that he was right.
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The council had dispersed and you stood in front of the grand windows overlooking the city, your arms crossed. It was decided that the scientist would be located, but you weren’t sure what your mother would do once the scientist was in Wakandan control. At the very least you could take comfort in knowing that there still would be several weeks before any action would take place.
“Y/N,” Looking over your shoulder, your eyes watched as your mother slowly walked over to you, hands clutched in front of her. “I know you do not care for the decision made by this council…”
“Have we not lost enough family members to violence and ilk?” You softly spoke, underlying pain echoing in your eyes and voice. Ramonda’s gaze softened and she let out a breath, reaching out to lay a hand on your arm.
“That is precisely why I must protect Wakanda, protect you and Shuri,” Ramonda enunciated. “You and her are all I have left of my family and I do not want anything to happen to you.” She stroked your face, remembering your child self, broken and despondent after the death of your biological parents’ death, and the promise she had made. Ramonda had promised to protect you and never let any thing happen to you, she wasn’t about to break that promise now.
You looked down and pursed your lips.
“Regardless of the council’s decision, I would like to be updated on the situation with Namor.” Ramonda’s eyes tightened at the underlying message within your words. You were not staying within the city walls.
“You’re going back to your beach,”
“I am still finding myself, mother, and until I feel that I have a purpose within my nation, I would like to stay there.” Your decision hurt her as a mother, but as the queen, she understood your reasoning.
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The ride back to your beach hut was quiet despite Shuri sitting across from you, staring at you. You knew that she was itching to question you about the council meeting, itching to question your opinion on Namor. Shuri didn’t care for being subtle when she wanted to know something. Like a dog with a bone.
“What is it, Shuri?” You questioned, finally addressing the elephant in the talon fighter. She made a face at you and crossed her arms.
“Why are you still insisting staying in that shack,” She asked with a wrinkle in her nose. The beads of your head veil jangled together when you shook your head.
“I’m not arguing with you on this Shuri,” You murmured, looking down at your hands and wishing that she wouldn’t continually pick fights with you about your choices to stay away from the citadel.
“So you are just going to ignore me then?”
“I said I’m not doing this with you Shuri,” You repeated firmly, your hands clenching. “Because you and I? We’d obliterate this universe with our anger and pain, and I refuse to take you down with me.”
Before Shuri had a chance to retort or counter your words, Okoye, who had been flying the talon, announced your arrival.
“We have arrived, princess.” You stood up and addressed Okoye before she landed the ship.
“I’ll take the beam,” You announced, hitting the open button for the tractor beam. The circular doors retracted and Okoye looked over her shoulder with a disapproving look. You gave her one last look before stepping over the edge and falling from the ship. It was only about ten feet you fell, your body gracefully folding and absorbing the impact like you had been taught, all too easily. Bouncing back to your full height, you held your hand up over your shoulder in a goodbye. The talon’s retreat was quiet and soon you were standing alone on your beach with the breeze softly blowing your dress and head veil.
You found yourself staring out across the water, a sourness in your stomach and an ache at your temple. Reaching up, you pulled the head veil down and held it tight in your hand. You thought you had been feeling better, but now you felt just as lost as when you had first come to this beach. Sighing deeply, you turned to your hut. It was time to change and start your dinner.
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After changing into a cropped banded top that left your midriff free and a pair of loose pants, you carefully folded your dress and placed it into your dresser for safekeeping until someone came to visit and could take it back to the citadel. It was time to get back to your simple life. Rolling up the ends of your pants, you retrieved your weighted fishing net, put your pack on your back and departed your hut to fish for your dinner.
You had decided on a fish and corn chowder for dinner this night, needing something to take your mind off the politics of Wakanda. You had goats milk in your cold storage that needed using and your corn supply was plentiful. Not to mention potatoes grew like weeds in your farming patch in back of your hut. Slinging the fishing net over your shoulder, you carefully picked your way down the path to a fishing spot you knew would prove to be fruitful.
Reaching the spot, you carefully waded into the water and wiped your brow of sweat before readying the weighted net. Your fingers curled around the net and with a twist you let the net go flying. The weights hit the water and sank deep, and hopefully, catching your dinner. You repeated the process, slowly filling your pack with nile perch. Walking back to your beach, you scratched your sweaty neck and groaned. Feeling clean was one luxury you did miss.
The sun was setting when you had all the ingredients in the pot over the fire, bubbling and emitting smells that made your stomach rumble. All you had to do was wait for it to finish cooking. You took to looking skyward at the stars sparkling overhead, the sun only just illuminating the horizon and the bush nightlife coming to life.
“I can see why you like it here,” Gasping at the soft words breaking the peaceful silence, your hand dove for the vibranium knife at your hip and you twisted on the sand, moving into a defensive crouch. Namor stood a couple of meters from you, head turned to the sky.
“Ngqundu wako, Namor!” (You ass) You hissed sharply, your left eye twitching as your mind wondered if he had really, once again, snuck into Wakanda. The man eyed you with a charming smile.
“Ma'lob ak'ab, princesa,” (Good evening) You scowled at him and sunk your knife into the sand next to you.
“You can’t just go sneaking into Wakanda!” You exclaimed while clambering to your feet in a huff. Namor stepped to the side to face you, and a lopsided grin appeared. You felt like tearing your hair out. “Do you not understand how angry my mother is that you snuck in once! Why did you come back!?”
“Call it… curiosity?” He offered, as if he hadn’t thought of that reason himself.
“Your curiosity is going to get yourself killed, Namor,” You huffed at him. His eyebrow arched at you and amusement flickered within his brown eyes.
“Have you decided that I am your enemy, princesa?” You snorted in disbelief and looked around you, waving a hand.
“I don’t know you!” You answered him, eyeing him up and down and noting how relaxed he seemed. “And I doubt my mother would approve of me speaking with someone such as you with intimate names.”
“Would she?” Namor mused, stepped closer to you. You wanted to step backward, keep the distance between you and him. But the fire was directly behind you, you had nowhere to go. You could hear Okoye’s lecturing voice in your mind, telling you how foolish it was of you to get into vulnerable position. You lifted your chin and stood your ground.
“I’ll tell her that you came again.” You warned. He appeared to be amused by your threat, and a knowing smile stretched across his lips.
“You had an infinite amount of chances to tell her about my appearance two months past,” Namor reminded you. “Yet here we are.”
The look in his eyes told you everything. He knew that if you had told her, you would have never been allowed to return home to such a remote place without guard.
“What do you want from me?” You asked, deciding to just get answers. Another boyish smile appeared and he raised a hand, brushing his knuckles against your jaw before taking one of the braids framing your face and examining the beads braided there.
“I want to know more about you,” Namor explained honestly with a shrug. Behind you came the furious boiling of your dinner, but you didn’t dare move your eyes from his.
“My dinner is about to over boil so I think I will have to say goodnight to you, Namor,” You stated firmly. Namor smiled once more and reached for your hand. Your fingers twitched in his grasp and it took everything you had not to blanche and yank your hand back when he bowed his head and pressed his lips against the back of your hand.
“Ku méejtech uutsil, princesa,” (Have a nice meal) He murmured, maintaining and electrifying eye contact with you. Your fingers were released and Namor stepped back. Then with the grace of dolphin, dove into the water and disappeared. You turned and looked at your bubbling stew, bending down to remove it from the heat.
“Saved by the stew.”
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Date Published: 3/19/23
Last Edit: 4/2/23
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mermaidchansons · 2 years
Warm Colors: Chapter 6
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SugarDaddy!M’Baku x Oshun(reader)
Summary: M’Baku has a future-determining meeting whilst Oshun reveals secrets to a friend.
Words: 2800+
Warnings: None
A/N: YERRRRRRRRR! Hi, lol thanks for reading!
Translations: irhamncwa (monster), inkosikazi (wife), umntakwethu (brother)
Chapter 6: 
A familiar icy wind brushed against M’Baku’s arms as he trekked to his throne room for a meeting with the Jabari council; Lady Ifechi and Akunna; heads of two of the Jabari’s eldest families. This meeting was one that had weighed heavy on his mind. When he first met you, he never had any intentions to let it draw out this far; to allow your courtship to gain meaning. Yet, as time wore on, he found that when he left you behind in the Americas, he had left a piece of himself with you. To feel as if something was missing in his homeland was a foreign notion. He chided himself at the idea of it, a sense of betrayal to his people creeping up his back. But there was no shaking this warmth that you had stirred within him. You had done what countless women had failed to achieve in the past. Capturing the Great Gorilla’s heart and mind was a feat that you accomplished gracefully. Now, he had to approach the council with this fact. 
Hanging birch logs illuminated by lights greeted M’Baku as he entered the throne room. Jabari warriors nodded their heads toward him as he passed. He sunk down into his masterfully crafted throne and assumed his usual widened position. M’Bele, one of his most trusted friends, soon took his place beside him as the council funneled into the room. 
“Thank you all for meeting on such short notice. I have made a decision regarding Ochuko’s treason and treachery. Banishment seems a worthy punishment,” M’Baku declared.
“You would let this irhamncwa live after he injured one of our people and attempted to kill many others in your absence?” Lady Ifechi had been beside herself ever since M’Baku formed an alliance with King T’Challa. She didn’t approve of the time he spent away from Jabariland as an ambassador for a king who only ‘welcomed the Jabari in when they needed our help’ she’d said. 
“I will not send him to the ancestors before his time. It is their decision when he has served his purpose on this plane. Akunna?”
“Though trying as it might have been to witness a betrayal on our own land,” Akunna uttered, shutting his eyes at the thought of what could have been. “Taking a Jabari life would not sit well with our people.” 
“So it is settled. Ochuko will live the remainder of his days past the borderlands of Wakanda. I have already spoken with the Border tribe leader and he will put him to work. In my future absences, M’Bele will step in as second in command,” M’Baku noted. 
Ifechi nodded in agreement knowing that she was outnumbered. When it came to the safety of his people, it was hard for anyone to speak against him. Though he was revered as their leader and chief, the council would always contribute to the finality of each decision; which only made him all the more apprehensive. Puffing out his chest, M’Baku gathered himself in preparation.
“Before we end, I have a proposition of sorts. I have spent too long guiding our people with no one by my side. I would like to take on an inkosikazi.” 
“Lord M’Baku, what a wonderful sentiment. Our people need a chieftess and now is the perfect time to do it. To produce heirs to lead the Jabari. Glory to Hanuman.” Lady Ifechi waxed poetically, as she had been waiting for him to bring this up for quite some time. Though never to his face, she never failed to ‘mention’ M’Baku’s need for a wife and that he wasn’t getting any younger.
“Glory to Hanuman,” the room erupted.
“One of our fisherman’s daughters, Imani, is of age. She would make a great chieftess,” Akunna informed the council. 
“I’m sure Imani is beautiful but I’ve already found someone. While I’ve been away, I have been courting a black American woman and I wish to take her as my wife.” 
M’Baku watched as the smiles dropped around him. His brows furrowed as he watched Ifechi and Akunna's faces contort with disapproval. 
“I’m sorry but I must vote against this request. Black Americans have brought no good to this country. Look what happened when they let a child without a tribe sit on the throne in the Golden City,” Lady Ifechi reproached. 
“Council, if I may, Lord M’Baku has given so much to us as a people. He has always had our best interest at hand. He has led us in battle and in life. M’Baku sacrificed his pride so that he could provide for our people. I beg’o, when will enough be enough? How much more will you have him sacrifice?” 
M’Bele’s query to the council was met with silence. Rarely did he talk out of turn but he knew what needed to be said at this moment. M’Baku quietly thanked him for his words and returned his attention to his council. Tightening his fingers around his staff, he watched Ifechi and Akunna gather their answers. 
“We cannot allow it. We must learn from the Golden Tribe’s mistakes. The border tribe has still yet to recover their forces. The general’s own husband taking up a sword against her over a black American with no past and no future. Is this what you wish for our people?” Akunna’s question echoed in the room and M’Baku sat defeated. How could the council ask him to choose between his heart and his people? He simply grunted in response and the council took it as his answer. They knew what kind of leader he was. His people would always come first, even if it meant sacrificing his happiness. 
“It is resolved. If you want a good wife and a chieftess for our people, we will find one here. One of our own,” Lady Ifechi says before leaving the throne room, with Akunna in tow. 
Disappointment swelled in M’Baku’s chest. This answer was the one he expected but not the one he hoped for. The Jabari had come so far in their joining of the other tribes. He himself sat on the elder council in The Golden City and provided efforts to ensure the future of all the tribes represented there. And yet it was not enough for some Jabari. Just as he had refused the need for technological advancements in the past, some of his people hesitated in walking into this new future of acceptance. His council included. 
M’Baku rose from his throne and rolled his shoulders back, trying to elude the building grief within him. He turned to face M’Bele and placed his hand on the warrior’s armored shoulder. 
“I will be gone for a week, please ensure that no mischief arises. Though you are in command, try not to imbibe on the job,” he joked half-heartedly. M’Bele chuckled but saw through his friend’s need to lighten the unfortunate situation. 
“My comfort for you, umntakwethu. I know you care for this woman deeply.” M’Bele bowed his head in shared sadness and M’Baku patted his shoulder once more.
“Unfortunately, it is much more than that. I thank you for your words of comfort, my friend. I must go prepare for my trip.” 
The Ritz Carlton, Los Angeles
Megan was rolling pieces of prosciutto for the charcuterie board while you and her chatted. You groaned, standing on your toes to grab three wine glasses from the cabinet. You, Megan, and Shellee had planned a girls' night to catch up but Shellee was late as usual. Being an entrepreneur with singular control over 3 luxury nail salon locations couldn’t be easy and you knew that. But you couldn’t ignore that it was taking a toll on your friendship with her. Check-ins were sparse even during your two-month ‘break’ from sugaring. And in the times that she did call, she was hard to talk to. She was overly critical about your choices in life and was iffy at best when it came to pursuing art. Your situation had afforded you all this freedom and Shelle was always busy. You simply chalked it up to being a product of adulthood and tried not to dwell on it too much. 
“So when’s M’Baku coming back? Is everything alright between y’all?” 
“Things are good. We revised our contract. He’s coming back tomorrow night and then we’re leaving for a week,” you answered, walking over to the living room and placing the glasses next to a bottle of Veuve Clicquot. 
“Not you getting flewed out right after punishment sex. Where’s sugar daddy taking you this time?”
You smiled as the butterflies in your tummy stirred at the thought of going away with M’Baku again. It had been a while and you couldn’t wait to make up for the lost time. Megan watched as you melted and you both erupted in giggles. 
“I’m not really sure, Meg,” you beamed, placing a few pillows on the floor, “when we first made our little agreement, he asked me to make a list of places I wanted to visit. He just chooses from there.” 
“That’s cute as hell. He must really like you, O.” Shrugging your shoulders, you helped her bring the food over to the coffee table. 
“I don’t know about alladat. He’s just fulfilling his end of the deal.” 
“Oh please,” Megan dismissed your minimization. “It’s giving Pretty Woman.” 
A knock at the door interrupted you and Megan’s gushing session. Standing, you pulled your pajama shirt down and sighed. 
“Okay, don’t mention you know who when she comes in. You already know what she be on,” you warned before heading to open the door. 
2 Hours and a Few Drinks Later
Shellee had brought a few pre-rolls to relax with you and Meg and it didn’t take long for the stress of the day to escape her. All three of you ate, laughed, and drank. And for a moment, through the haze of smoke and champagne bubbles, it felt like old times. 
You leaned your back against the newly clean couch and gave into the heaviness of your eyelids. Flashbacks of why the sofa needed to be cleaned came with each blink. His hands squeezing and kneading your hips and thighs; the gushing noises your body made every time he stroked in and out of you; his deep, rough voice singing your praises in your ear. Both your mind and your body ached for him. Getting lost in your thoughts was far too easy when it came to him.
“It’s so nice to finally be with y’all. This place is gorgeous, Oshun,” Shellee complimented, raising her glass to you. Her compliment drove you back to the present and you clasped your legs together in an attempt to distinguish the fire M’Baku continued to set even in his absence.
“It really is gorgeous, which is why I’ve been meaning to ask; can I use your loft while you’re gone?” Both you and Shellee looked at Megan in confusion. 
“Meg, you have a whole ass apartment and a man,” you chuckled, “why you wanna stay here?”
“Wait, you’re leaving somewhere, O?” 
“Her man is taking her on a trip, she won’t know where till tomorrow,” Megan spilled before taking another puff of the indica pre-roll. You hit her stomach and Megan coughed wildly, realizing what she had just said.  
“You have a whole boyfriend, and you didn’t tell me,” Shellee questioned. Both you and Megan looked at each other and back at Shellee. 
“Not exactly. It’s more of a situationship.” 
“A situationship and he’s flying you out places? Nah, be fucking foreal. You got this new loft, and new clothes, you handed me silk pajamas when I walked in. What is going on, O?” You sat with Shellee’s inquiry for a moment to gather your thoughts and took a long drag from your blunt. If she really wanted to know, you’d tell her.
“You remember when Meg and I went to DC like 5 months ago? I met someone that weekend and we hit it off. But he doesn’t have the freedom to have a normal relationship so we made a sugaring contract that works for both of us and-,” you were cut off by the sound of Shellee chuckling. Your face dropped and you rolled your eyes at her. 
“Why are you laughing, Shellee? You asked her to tell you,” Megan said, coming to your defense. 
“I’m sorry, I just... I thought you were smarter than this, O?”
“Smarter than what? You always so damn judgemental,” you scoffed.
“Oshun, what do you know about this man, really? What does he do for work? Where does he live full-time? Who is he around when you’re not with him?” You leaned back into your pillows, looking down into your glass. You couldn’t answer any of her questions. 
“You don’t even know anything about him. You can’t honestly think that this is going to last. I hope you’re at least saving whatever allowance he’s giving you. Maybe then you can actually do something with your life instead of scribbling and being some man’s pet.” Her words shot through you and blinked wildly at her. 
“Oh, so I’m a pet now? This is exactly why I don’t be telling you shit. Excuse me if I don’t have my master's in business or manage multiple locations. Not everyone wants to live your #girlboss life, damn,” you shut your eyes and took a deep breath, trying your best to keep calm. 
“And what, being easily expendable is better? This can’t be all that you really want, O. What do YOU want?” 
“I want him! I want to paint and fuck and be happy with him and be able to breathe in this claustrophobic, capitalistic, bullshit-ass country. Is that so bad,” you yelled back, tears threatening to roll down your cheeks. Shellee immediately regretted her words as soon as she saw you cry. She knew she could be harsh but seeing you visibly hurt was eye-opening. 
“Shells, let’s just table it for now,” Megan muttered while rubbing your shoulders and telling you to take a couple of deep breaths. 
All the previous comfort had been sucked out of the room like a vacuum. What started out as a relaxing girls' night quickly went left and Shellee knew she had caused this. It wouldn’t be the first time her words had brought down the vibe. You thought you’d be used to it by now. But seeing your position with M’Baku through Shellee’s perspective took her over the edge. It was too much for you to bear. 
“Listen, I just want more for her. I’ve sugared in the past, I know how this ends. He got me through undergrad and right as I began to fall in love with him, I found out he had a whole wife and kids. He supported me for 3 and a half years and fell for him like a fool. Not realizing I was just the hired help,” Shellee sighed. She tucked a loose loc behind her ear and wiped a sole tear from her cheek. 
“I know I can’t stop you from making your own decisions. And I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come at you like that. But just be careful. Try not to fall in love just because he’s showering you with lofts and trips. He could take it away at any time.” 
“Too late,” you chimed. 
“M’Baku wouldn’t do that, Shells. I’ve seen the way he looks at O. It’s not just a contract like they say it is. Even if it took til now for Oshun to admit it.” Megan had pointed out your lackluster confession and you groaned in despair. 
“So everybody knows about this M’Baku except for me? The fuck is-” You and Megan’s pointed glares made her stop talking and she put her hands up in defeat. Shellee would just have to meet M’Baku at a later date. She grabbed your free hand and rubbed her thumb across your knuckles. 
“I love you, O. And if this is what you want, I’ll support you. Regardless of the outcome, I’ll be here,” Shellee said before placing a kiss on your cheek. You silently thanked her and leaned into your two friend’s embrace. 
“So can I show Shellee the painting that you did of M’Baku? He really is fine as hell, you gotta let me show her.” Megan’s request disrupted your group hug and shook your head in disapproval, chuckling.
“Oh my god, Meg. Be serious for once!”
“Nah, if he’s as fine as she says he is, I’ma need to see. To the painting!” Shellee and Megan ‘wooed’ as they left your embrace to go to your painting room. You shook your head and laughed at your friends’ antics. A chime drew your attention to the phone sitting in your lap. Unlocking your phone, you saw a new text from M’Baku.
I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. Time away from you is never easy - M
I can’t wait to see you either. - O
Taglist: @great-neckpectations @babybluepeaches @muse-of-mbaku @melaninmarvel @ashanti-notthesinger @naturallyqueenie @howtoshuckatlife @tgigoldie @archivistofwakanda @alexundefined @minyara-kun @destinio1 @siriuslycollinss @raysunshine78 @madamslayyy @notdsg @ghostfacekill-monger @soufcakmistress @greennightspider @bitchacho25 @elaindeereads @whatthefuckbilly143 @jordanhelah @puremolasses @ajspencer1892 @wakanda4everinthisbitch @monochrome-pineapple @psuedo4 @bubblyqueen​ @chaneajoyyy @blowmymbackout @tchallasbabymama @bellabiachi
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adropofmelanin · 5 years
Song Shorts
I just felt like writing small bits to some music that came on.
T’Challa Udaku: 2012 by Chris Brown
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T’Challa's lips moved from your lips and down your neck without skipping a beat. His weight felt like a sort of a shield from all the bad and wrong in the world, his scent added to the peace that you felt when you were around him. 
“T’Challa...” Was all you could push from your lips when he bites down onto your shoulder with a groan. His bite hurt but it was quickly replaced with pleasure when his hand gripped you by your ass, and then smack. Your breath hitches and you couldn’t help but giggle and smile knowing how much spanking and your reaction turned him on. You could hear T’Challa chuckle before smacking that ass once more. He began to make his way back to your lips, revealing an abundance of hickeys, you belonged to him and even though the whole world knew, he needed to prove that all of you belonged to him. You loved his territorial demeanor, especially from a man so poise and about business like him.
His hand snakes from your ass and on up to what he desired most but you knew he was going to take his time as he rubbed gentle circles around your begging slick. Your fingers dug into his bare and strong back as you arched your back into him, pulling him closer, “I-I want...”
“You want what my love?” His nose nuzzled your hair and kissing your temple but you only whimper when he applies a little more pressure, causing your womanhood to clench around nothing.
“I plan on taking my sweet... time,” He sighs into you and inserts a digit only to remove it and return to your bundle of nerves. You groan and frown only earning another chuckle from him so he returns his digit and pumps slowly, “Mmmm, so wet for me.” T’Challa’s plump lips take yours once more and you can’t help but moan into them.
Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens: Fade to Sade by Lyrica Anderson ft. Chris Brown
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The second Erik entered your bedroom, you pushed him down on your bed and straddled his lap, connecting your lips. Erik’s hands gripped your ass and hums when he didn’t feel any fabric until he reached your waist, “Mmm, that a thong for daddy?” He growls and you smile and kiss along his jaw. The two of you were fuck buddies at work and had a mutual understanding that from the time he walked through your door, it was time for fun. Today you have been eyeing one another all day at work and getting one another hot and bothered, so when you said you called him, of course, he was going to come.
“Soft ass lips,” He whispers into your kiss, “so fuckin’ soft.”
You could just feel the level of freakiness rising within Erik until you could feel a lump in the basketball shorts that he had on. Both of your hands find their ways to the back of Erik’s neck and you moan into his lips, grinding your hips against him. It was amazing the effect you had on this man. He growls and his grip on your hips tighten as he continues to guide your hips against his own. He wanted so bad to feel you around him, hear your voice catch against the overwhelming pleasure that he was about to provide for you.
Erik’s breath shakes a little and he curses, his grip on your ass getting harsh and he effortlessly stands to his feet, with you tight in his grip. You let out a small yelp, surprised by the sudden action. Erik turns the two of you and leans down, resting you on the edge of the bed, his lips still attached to yours.
He grunts as he lowers himself to his knees and eye to eye with your soaked lace. He bites his lip before smiling, “You been fuckin’ wit’ me all day, now I get to fuck wit’ you.” 
M’Baku: Body Party by Ciara
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His rough hands somehow felt so comforting resting on your hips as you gaze down at him, light beads of sweat decorated his forehead and his chest rose and fell. M’Baku’s thumb rubbed your smooth skin while his brown eyes stared lovingly back at yours, “I want more,” you try to say but your voice came out hoarse instead. 
M’Baku is silent. 
All he does is watch you and you wonder if he heard you so you raise a brow and he does the same. You begin to pout and M’Baku chuckles, he adjusts himself so that he was a little more comfortable under you since you. His movement causes you to wince a little at the soreness of your thighs. 
“Looks to me like you cannot handle ‘more’ my love,” The gruffness in his voice was enough to get you riled up once again. You’ve already gotten a piece of M’Baku but you were greedy and wanted more. You knew for a fact that your apeman had many more rounds left to go.
“But M’Baku,” You move your hips and he groans at your wetness, your own breath hitches, “I can’t get enough,” you lean forward and take his soft lips between yours. His hips rise on their own and you moan into his kiss. You loved the way he tasted and you could still taste a bit of yourself on his tongue. He holds your hips down and pulls away from you so he looks up at you. You watch the lust return to his eyes and it sparks something in your core
“Well then,” He growls as his nails dig into your sweet flesh, the slight pain only adding to your desires, “Take all of what I give, no running.”
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zorilleerrant · 3 years
How do I trick more people into picking up Monkey Prince? Demographics, babey! We got to break down what comics people like.
Batman. Hands down the most popular DC character and series. But, you know, I’m also obsessed with Batman, so that should work okay? Marcus is already in my Batfam Beyond AU, I’ve just got to put more work into getting him into the other stuff.
Thor. Did you know Marvel is more popular than DC? Ridiculous. This guy’s comic is a big one. But here’s the thing, is I love Loki? I’ve written Loki before, I can write them again! And Loki is a great one, on account of...the shapeshifting! Shapeshifting into animals especially! And the whole pantheon thing, which is a good sandbox
X-men. This one seems doable, on account of there’s no particular powerset, and you can get mad political with the conflicts. Would Monkey Prince be friends with Magneto? Probably! He seems slated to be a bit of an anti-hero, so let’s see!
Spider-man. I can do that! I mean that’s just a spider that swings around from rooftop to rooftop, how hard can that be to mesh with a story about a monkey that flies around from rooftop to rooftop? Probably not very?? I will have to make them the same age which seems to piss off the hardcore Marvel fans but I don’t know what to do about that.
Venom. I’ll be real with you, I know nothing about Venom. I mean I know about Symbrock from tumblr obsession, but I think that may not be what comics fans are going for.
Because I want people who read comics to read this comic!! Other topics I may want to research to broaden the fanbase (feel free to chime in if you have information or opinions on that):
What superhero movies are the most popular? What TV shows, both live action and cartoon? I mean I know the MCU but I also feel like that may be a little oversaturated at this point.
What comics are poc and specifically Chinese people more likely to read and/or care about? Likewise, probably, movies and TV that could draw people in with crossovers.
What comics get at the mythology crowd? I feel like Thor is going to be one of those again, maybe Wonder Woman? There have got to be a lot of people who like various pantheons in their comics.
Actually, what fandoms are going to draw in the mythology nerd overall? I might need to draw in PJO fandom, that seems like probably a good in. They might like all this monkey business. There’s a huge general Greek Mythology fanbase on tumblr, too, how do I get them invested?
I have GOT to find a way to target the Hanuman fans.
Figure out what’s the biggest nerd fandoms overall. The question is whether this is just current trends, or should I go with the biggest historically? Like people are still into Buffy crossovers just fine, but will that attract new readers?
Marcus is also in high school, so maybe I should get on the teen soap angle? What even are teen soaps these days?? (I’m watching Euphoria but I think that may be the wrong one)
Monkey fans? Like fans of monkeys, the animal? Is that anything? Maybe fans of other primate superheroes?
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devnicolee · 4 years
Anniversary Blues
A/N: just some slight angst then fluff... idk, this is random but I decided my weekend needed some of our favorite Mountain King. Enjoy!
M’Baku x Reader
"Leave us!" you called out, authority reverberating throughout the throne room as you marched down the center aisle to your husband's throne. Like a hunter eyeing its prey, you only had eyes for the man sitting tall and proud at the front of the room as weeks of building frustration propelled you forward. You were so distracted that you did not really pay the rows of soldiers much attention. You tried to be understanding for over a month now. But this was the final straw. You finally had enough.
The chatter in the room ceased almost immediately as the men and women around you looked from you to her husband, waiting for the leader of the Jabari to speak. He simply looked at you with confusion. If you hadn't known him as intimately as you did, the flicker of annoyance and frustration that passed behind his brown eyes would have gone unnoticed. But you noticed and like gasoline to a fire, your anger exploded.  
Once you reached the front of the throne room, you sighed deeply at the sustained presence of others in the room. You turned to find the group gathering their things at a painstakingly slow pace, not with the haste you required and demanded. 
"Are you all suddenly hard of hearing? I said: Leave. Us. Now. Do not make me repeat myself again."
As the Queen of Jabariland, you were known for your gentleness, your compassion, and empathy. The calm to M'Baku's fire. In your two years of marriage, most had never even heard you raise your voice. This was uncharted territory and no one needed to hear or see anything else. They quickly scampered, scurrying from the room as if they were trying to escape a literal fire. You waited for the heavy wooden doors to slam shut behind the last person before you turned back to your husband.
"What is the meaning of this Y/N? I was in the middle of a meeting."
"I know. A meeting that was more important than our anniversary?"
M’Baku’s heart fell into his stomach. That was today. His eyes studied your body, taking note of the black skin-tight dress (his favorite) covering your shape, the makeup on your face and the small gift-wrapped box in your hand. He hung his head, guilt rushing through him, as he remembered the private chef and dinner you planned in the city to celebrate two years of marriage. Though he would never admit it to you, your anniversary had not even been on his radar before you reminded him of this dinner. And it didn't stay on it long because he quickly forgot to add it to his calendar. 
"Y/N… I am sorry. Today has been hec-"
You raised your hand to silence him. His excuses had long grown tiresome, you were not interested in them anymore. "Is everyday not hectic for a chief? That does not excuse broken promises, M'Baku. You are a man of your word, are you not? That is certainly one of the reasons I married you... because you are trustworthy and reliable. So, you are going to need to do a whole hell of a lot better than that." You were not angry that your husband was busy, there was no leader on Earth that was not burdened with too much. And since rejoining Wakanda, your already overflowing workloads had only grown larger. But this was not an ordinary evening, he was not just missing dinner in your private quarters or movie night. It was your anniversary, your night to celebrate your love and commitment to one another, your night to make each other a priority.
"I am sorry, Y/N. I will make it up to you, I promise."
"'You'll make it up to me?' How? When? It is not like you are ever home," you retorted. Your eyes rolled up toward the ceiling as you tried to stop tears of anger from falling before you took a deep breath and continued. "We barely see each other. I fall asleep alone almost every night. I wake up alone every morning. I eat alone, I am basically alone in this marriage. When will you carve out time in your busy schedule to make it up to me? I mean... I just asked you for one night." Your voice trailed off as your anger dissipated and hurt seeped in. 
"I am trying to run an entire tribe, Y/N!" M'Baku said defensively, frustration taking over as his pride could not tolerate an attack from his own wife. " I can't always be with you! And it is unfair for you to be angry at me every time I have to prioritize our people." 
You almost considered just turning on your heels and walking out the door as you listened to him. You knew exactly what moment you were approaching in this argument, his voice steadily rising to the point where he simply shuts down and refuses to listen or see reason any longer. You let out a deep sigh, trying to calm yourself before attempting to explain your position again. 
"I am not asking for always M’Baku! I mean Hanuman! At this point, I am not even asking for sometimes. Merely occasionally. It is not about one dinner. It is about you being emotionally and physically unavailable for over a month. I understand you are running a tribe but lately, it seems like you do not have time for me at all."
For the most part, you had enjoyed a union of marital bliss for the last two years. No real issues, no real arguments. Your marriage and the foundation of your marriage were seemingly solid and unshakable. But something shifted in the last month. Your husband stopped being your husband and he became your coworker. Your marriage stopped being a marriage. It was as if someone extinguished a fire and robbed you of all the intimacy you required to survive. If it did not pertain to a council meeting or tribal business, M'Baku carved out no time to talk to you, much less spend time with you. You had not gotten married to be lonelier than you were before. 
You could justify the late nights, missed dates, lack of intimacy to a point... He gave you many excuses but you made them for him as well. You tried your best to bury your frustration and disappointment, pretending like rarely seeing your spouse did not bother you. Because you did understand he served a higher purpose, his responsibility to your people was too important. But, last week, everything changed for you. You started viewing his absence differently, examining whether he actually had time for you or the little ones he desperately wanted. How could you be a successful couple... successful parents if you existed as co-workers and not as husband and wife? 
"I cannot ignore my responsibilities to be with you every second Y/N! You knew that when we got married." The bark and anger of a scorned chief now fully coloring his words.
You pinched the bridge of your nose. "I am simply asking you to remember you have a wife, other obligations outside of these four walls," she argued, gesturing around his throne room. "When was the last time you asked me how I was doing or asked me something unrelated to being chieftess?" you listed. "You claim to want a family but how? When you barely have time for me?"
"That is enough!" He yelled, his fist banging loudly on the arm of his throne as his hubris and exhaustion made him unwilling to continue listening to his wife's very valid criticisms of his behavior. "I said I was sorry Y/N! I will not apologize again. The Jabari are my obligation first and foremost. We can discuss this later in the Golden City when you have calmed down and can see reason."
You scoffed, knowing there would be no later. Tomorrow morning, you were both supposed to head down the mountains for meetings and King T'Challa's birthday party. You saw the jam-packed agenda the Queen planned for the week; there would be little time to breath, let alone have private conversations.
"No! Go by yourself!" Your mind conjuring up the only consequence you could think of.
He immediately shook his head, almost scoffing at your assertion. "Absolutely not. First, your presence is required as chieftess. And second, I am not leaving you here alone for a week."
"It would not be any different than the last month. I will not go down the mountains to smile and put on the show of the happy chieftess when I am everything but happy. You want to be alone? Fine. Enjoy doing your job alone." You turned on your heels to leave him, ignoring the rage painted on his face. However, before you took a step, you whipped back around.
"Oh, I almost forgot. Happy anniversary Lord M’Baku," you stated stiffly, voice void of the love and adoration it usually held for him. You tossed the box at him before you walked out, leaving him alone.
You sighed as the masseuse kneaded your tense shoulders and pounded into your back. You preferred M’Baku’s massages… his gentle touches melting away all the tension you housed in your muscles. Usually those massages turned into less medicinal activities, which made you crave them even more. You missed that, especially now, after being deprived of his soft, sensual touches for a month now. But this was a fine alternative for when your stress levels ran too high. The tranquility and meditation was short lived when the shrill sound of your beads, a recent gift from the Wakandan Princess, rang out loudly. You lifted your head to see who was calling before slumping back down angrily. 
I should have known who it was.
Three days had passed since your argument in the throne room, three days since you had spoken to your husband. You ignored his 50 calls a day, they were nonstop and incessant. You knew it was not rational to be this angry over one missed dinner but you stood firm in your position. You refused to speak to him unless he was calling to apologize and promise to change his behavior. Any other conversation was useless
The ringing continued, leaving you frustrated. It was over. Whatever relaxation you hoped to get from this would not be achieved with him bothering you. You politely asked the masseuse to finish up. When she was done, you covered yourself in a thick navy blue robe before calling out to Amari, who stood on the other side of the door. 
"I think I would like to go to the market to do some shopping. Can you prepare the carriage?" you asked when he poked his head into your bedroom door. 
"Are you sure, my lady? There is supposed to be a storm tonight. Lord M'Baku told us to ensure you were safe while you were alone."
You cut your eyes, "My husband does not dictate my movements around my kingdom. This is as much my dominion as his. We will make it back well before the storm. So please, prepare the carriage," you responded coolly.
"Yes, ma’am," he answered, retreating to make preparations.
Less than 20 minutes later, you were off on the winding roads down the mountain for much needed retail therapy.  You knew you would find no real comfort or answers in the racks of clothes but it was the only thing to keep your mind off your very real problems at home. But you figured it was a necessary trip either way, you would need new clothes in a few months anyway.
"Lord M’Baku, I was sad to hear Lady Y/N was not able to attend," Nakia offered as she and M'Baku shared an embrace at the entrance of the banquet hall.
"W-well yes, she was sad that she could not attend either. However, she was under the weather and we both felt travel was not in her best interest," he lied, fidgeting with the cuff links on his suit. He was not a fan of lying but admitting to his King that he upset his wife so much that she refused to come did not seem like a better option. 
"Understood. We are happy one of you was able to make it and perhaps we can all get together soon for dinner. The next time you both can make it down the mountains?" T’Challa offered, as he took Nakia's hand again. M'Baku caught the subtle motion with the corner of his eye and a tinge of sadness blossomed inside as he tried to make it through the night without his partner in crime. 
"Y-Yes, that is a great idea. Happy Birthday again, King T'Challa. Will you excuse me?" He saluted his king and queen before finding his seat. He was not in the entertaining mood, nor had he been in the socializing mood any moment since his arrival. He had not really realized how much he relayed on you to survive these hellish events until you weren't there. You made every meeting and event more tolerable, you knew exactly what to say or do, how to charm the right people. His fingers picked at his beads as he contemplated stepping out onto the balcony and calling you. He knew you would likely not answer, like the other 100 times that day. But he needed the silent treatment to end. He missed his wife. 
It only took the length of the ride down the mountains for him to see the error of his ways. Your words echoed in his head every night and free moment since the blow up in the throne room. He wasn't listening then, but he heard the words loud and clear now. He had been absent and unavailable. He could see the path littered with broken promises and miscommunication that led you both to this exact moment. It was entirely his fault. He could always count on you, you never missed a beat, never failed to be present for him. And he was unable to be that for you. He spent most of last night brainstorming ways to make it up to you immediately and ideas to balance his schedule to make more time for you in the future. 
His desperation to go back home showed through the Jabari King's sulkiness the entire evening, only engaging in conversations directed at him with short responses. His internal debate on whether to call you raged on as he listened to the leader of the mining tribe drone on and on about something uninspiring. He feigned interest in her story until his head guard raced up to him.
"We need to return to the mountains. There has been an accident!" He kept his voice low, as to not attract too much attention, but he failed to limit the frenzy, urgency and fear coloring his words. 
Confusion clouded his eyes as he looked up at Dakarai, trying to understand what accident could warrant interrupting an official ball. No one paid the two Jabari any mind as they mingled and danced among themselves. "What kind of accident? Surely the warriors and Lady Y/N can handle it?"
"No! Lady Y/N was in an accident," he stressed. "In her carriage, it hit ice coming up the mountain. She is hurt, the healers are tending to her."
Dakarai was unable to conclude his thought; M'Baku was out of his seat and racing toward T'Challa the nanosecond he heard your name. He resisted the carnal instinct to strangle his guard for wasting precious time and not leading with the critical information first. He caught T'Challa's attention with ease, the King abandoning his conversation immediately at the site of M'Baku's face. M'Baku didn't take a breath as he explained the situation and excused himself from the remainder of the week. 
"Take the Royal Talon. Ayo can have you there in under 20 minutes. Ayo," he motioned for the Dora soldier who arrived at his side in seconds. "We are praying for her. Update us when you can."
M'Baku nodded and shared a salute before he marched quickly behind Ayo. They were loaded in the Talon and zooming toward the snow-capped mountains of Jabariland within five minutes. He paced up and down the small ship, praying silently for her health as it zoomed toward home.
M'Baku ignored any and everyone he passed as he ran through the Lodge to your private quarters. He threw the heavy double doors of his bedroom to find you in bed, chatting with his private healer. The healer was replacing a bandage on your head gently when M'Baku approached him. You were listening to the healer tell a story about his daughter while patiently staring around the room. You wanted this examination to end so badly, you were exhausted and just wanted to rest. 
However, your face lit up when M’Baku walked into the room. You felt bad, the clear anxiety etched in his eyes. You both connected eyes and you offered him a small smile, mainly to reassure him that you were indeed ok. You were in pain, sure, but given the state of the carriage when the guard helped you out, you were just thankful everyone walked away. 
“Lord M’Baku, I am glad you were able to get here so quickly. Lady Y/N is going to be fine. No need to worry,”  the doctor prefaced quickly, getting the important information out of the way. “The head wound was pretty bad, which caused a bit of panic. But otherwise, all the injuries will heal with time. And the baby is doing just fine as well, Glory to Hanuman. A strong heartbeat.” He turned to address you, “You are certainly lucky, Lady Y/N. The damage could have been significantly worse.”
M’Baku let out a deep sigh of relief, he was so elated to hear that you were indeed alright that he almost missed his last statement. “T-thank you. Th- wait. The baby?” He turned from the doctor to you, waiting for confirmation. If you weren’t so tired, you would have hit yourself in the face for forgetting to tell him not to mention the baby. 
“Surprise?” you offered quietly, with a tentative smile on your face. 
The healer’s eyes widened and he bowed his head, “A-ah… M-My apologies, Chief M’Baku. Lady Y/N found out last week. I assumed you knew.” 
M’Baku smiled politely, mainly to assuage the man’s obvious guilt at spilling his wife’s secret. Of course now, your anger the other night made so much more sense. He, not only missed your anniversary, he ruined what would have been a life-changing surprise. “No need to apologize. S-she had not gotten the chance to tell me. B-but thank you. Could we have some alone time please?” 
He bowed to both of you before quickly exiting, leaving the two of you alone.
“You are supposed to be in the Golden City,” you smiled softly, as you pushed yourself up into a seated position. 
“Well, the well-being of my queen is my top priority, my only priority. When you are in trouble, I come running.” He walked up to you and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. 
You grimaced silently but held on to him as tightly as you could with one arm in a sling. While you would have loved different circumstances, you hadn’t been in his arms in so long. Your body filled with warmth like he was hot chocolate on a cold day. He shifted and pulled you so you were curled up in his lap, your face buried in the nape of his neck. You stayed like that for a few minutes before he leaned back to look at you. His finger lifted your chin as he examined the bruise growing darker on your cheekbone. 
“None of it is that bad,” you promised. “It is my own fault. Amari warned me not to stay out too late, that a storm was heading through. I lost track of time because… I-I didn’t want to come back here and be alone. I missed you,” you whispered, your fingers played in his beard as you spoke. You had every intention of making him sweat originally but now that he was here? You just wanted to be close to him. “I thought we would make it back in time. Thankfully no one was seriously injured. I am sorry, it was reckless of me.” 
M’Baku shook his head, “Don’t apologize to me my love, this is all my fault. You were right, I have not been the present or attentive husband you need. I get so wrapped up in the tribe and obsessing over every little detail, I lose sight of the bigger picture. I couldn’t last 2 days without you. I am in love with you and I know I can’t do this job… this life without you. You were right, my head hasn’t been here with you and certainly not enough to start our family. I am just sorry it took so long for me to see that. Can you forgive me?” 
Part of you was hesitant to forgive him so quickly. After all, actions did speak louder than words and recognizing your faults did not mean his behavior was going to change. You picked at your nail beds as you responded, “I will always forgive you, my King. I-I j-j-just need to know you are there, you know? I thought about it and I shouldn’t have waited until it built up to say something. If we are upset or disappointed, we are supposed to speak up… talk. And I didn’t do that. I am sorry too.” 
Silence fell over you both for a few moments before you spoke up, “This wasn’t how I wanted you to find out by the way. I had this cute onesie and everything. That was the gift I threw at you.” 
M’Baku’s loud laugh rang out through the bedroom, “I don’t care how I found out. You have made me the happiest man in the world, Y/N. I swear on my life, that you and our child are my first priority, now and always.”
“I will hold you to that,” you giggled as he peppered your face with soft kisses. He picked you up and carried you to the bathroom. He sat you down and filled the oversized bathtub with your favorite bubble bath and hot water. 
“How about this? After the bath, we can pick a movie to watch tonight and a few more for tomorrow?”  
You paused as you tried, pathetically, to strip off your clothes with only one arm. He turned and chuckled before helping you. “What do you mean tomorrow? You still have meetings in the Golden City?” 
“No I do not. T’Challa will understand. I am all yours. I told you, you are my priority.”
“I like the sound of that.” M’Baku helped you into the tub and slid in behind you. You laid against his hard chest, your eyes lulling closed as his finger traced patterns into your stomach. His lips placed soft kisses on your neck. 
“I love you… more than anything,” he said quietly. 
“I love you more.” 
Tags: @muse-of-mbaku @jellybean531 @destinio1 @skysynclair19 @ashanti-notthesinger @gloriousgam3r @archivistofwakanda @leahnicole1219 @mygirlrenee @dramaqueeenamby
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greennightspider · 5 years
A Lover and a Fighter
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Summary: Just a fun oneshot about a Dora Milaje-in-training who manages to slip up on the one day the Jabari Lord is in town. What is she going to have to do for redemption?
**Smut Warning**
M’Baku x Reader
“Now remember, all you need to do is stand still and follow the others around.” Your cousin Okoye hissed. “No funny business.”
“Yes yes I know I KNOW. Haven’t I proven myself by going through your rigorous training?”
“You may know the golden city, but you have no experience with the Jabari.”
“Oh come on. I made it into the Dora Milaje, I can make it through one ceremony.” You giggled, Okoye sighing and shaking her head with a grin she couldn’t hold back. You were a wild card who had managed to reign herself in enough to rise through the ranks and at 20 become one of the youngest recruits of all time.
Some who were foolish would say it was nepotism. However Okoye did nothing but discipline you twice as hard as any other junior.
The Great Gorilla M’Baku and his highness King T’Challa were not due for another 30mins, so Y/N thought this was the perfect time to let off steam before she had to stand still and be orderly for a good 20mins.
“Watch me cousin, soon, I will be challenging you.” You laughed maniacally, twirling your spear and pointing it at the Dora Milaje leader who was looking quite amused. Until she saw something in the distance that made her turn cold.
“Uh, Y/N-“
“Muahahahaha, and who knows? Maybe I will even challenge for the crown one day!” You declared, twirling your spear and yourself into a circle so fast everything around you was a blur. But you had practiced this move to the point where you did not grow dizzy. Faster and faster you went, the blur of the wind near your ears muffling out the sound of what you assumed was your cousin telling you to calm down as always.
But you would do no such thing!
Your twirls became faster and faster, blinding you to the changing scenery, or the two figures who added to it. “And then, I would VENTURE into the infamous Jabari mountains, and even challenge the great Jabari Lord himself! Dazzling him with my wiles, my intellect, my wit and of course my signature move! HiiiiiiiiiiiiiyA-“
Just as you had finished your last rotation and twirled the spear in your hands you lifted it above your head and struck outwards. Except your strike only went half the distance you had planned. Landing on something hard, while your body movements had followed through with your head staring straight at the ground in front of you.
There’s feet in front of me.
Slowly your eyes travelled up the gigantic man in front of you with an open mouth, your gaze infally resting on your spear.
That was… resting squarely on top of the Jabari Lord’s skull.
Oh fuck my life.
Turns out, T’Challa and M’Baku had arrived early and in his own personal craft he usually parked just behind the official runway, and that Okoye was trying to warn you of the two men approaching you.
The more menacing one….you just hit… in the head… with your spear.
After a moment of complete silence the Jabari Lord flicked your spear away like it was nothing, and stepped even closer to you while your head shrunk into your shoulders, frozen. Your instincts told you to run, but your brain told you running from a predator was definitely suicide. His dominating glare almost made you wet yourself.
That is, until you realized he hadn’t blinked in a while. Your fear started to mix with curiosity, but before you could dare ask if the Jabari Lord was okay he promptly fell sideways and collapsed on the runway.
Oh shit I just murdered a guy.
Wait.. does this make me ruler of Jabari Land?
“Y/N!” Okoye’s bark snapped you to your senses, as T’Challa and Okoye rushed towards the Great Gorilla.”
“Is he dead?” You squeaked.
“No you idiot he is UNCONSCIOUS!” Okoye all but screamed.
“Will he be okay?”
“You will be lucky if this doesn’t start an INVASION.” Okoye seethed. “Now the least you can do is see to him so that when he wakes up you can apologize before he gives us a declaration of war.”
You sat with M’Baku in the medical wing of the royal compound as Shuri performed scan after scan, making sure that the head injury didn’t cause any substantial or permanent damage. “Lucky for you Jabari skulls are thick.” Shuri turned back with a smile. “He will be fine.”
“Oh thank Bast!” You collapsed on your knees, Shuri giggling at your drama. Which was not unwarranted. You couldn’t fathom what the repercussions would be if you had permanently sidelined one of the biggest and most frightening warriors you had ever seen. Okoye would probably happily hand your ass to the Jabari all wrapped up in a bow with an apple in your mouth.
“I will keep him here for a few more hours, but then I will have transfer him to his guest quarters.”
You almost stumbled when you felt a firm hand clap straight down on your shoulder. “And YOU are going to be right there to apologize and to tend to his every whim.” You felt the hand clench. “Is that clear?”
“Crystal clear Okoye!” You managed to squeak out, wondering if you’d still be able to serve Hanuman his every whim with one functioning arm.
“Good.” You heard Okoye smile sinisterly from behind, letting your shoulder return to its normal shape. “I better hear good things about you, the fate of the nation depends on it. No pressure!”
“No pressure my ass.” You grumbled, as you found your way to the Jabari living quarters. It wasn’t hard per say, as the Jabari royal guards were hard to miss, being male, almost two metres tall and muscles for days. You weren’t the only one who noticed, as you saw almost half a dozen Dora Milaje take the longest most inconvenient route to the dorms, which happened to be right past the hulking warriors. You couldn't blame them really, we were warriors, not robots. We did have eyes.
After making it past the guards the door opened to a still unconscious chief resting peacefully.
How the hell does he manage to make a double bed look small? You thought, grabbing a small stool so you could sit closer, as ordered. Which gave you a front row seat to the sleeping man.
He was still intimidating even when he slept, his face only looking mildly slack. You decided to get a closer look at him. His face was not unattractive, albeit for the bandage on his head courtesy of you. 
His beard, while bushy was neatly trimmed, his broad shoulders giving way to thick beefy arms. As you got even closer, you noticed he smelled strongly of pine and snow, as if that could even have a scent. He was lower half was covered in a thin blanket.
Woah hold up. Is he-
Suddenly the Jabari Lord’s eyes snapped open, and in his haze seeing nothing but a shadow hovering over his body he instantly grabbed at the intruder and rolled over so he had them in a bear hug underneath him.
“Who sent you assassin!” He roared.
You barely had any breath to answer him, being crushed by his arms and his body and his-
“My Lord I was sent to give my apologies!” You managed to squeak out. “I’m just a Dora Milaje trainee!”
The Jabari chief took a minute to register what she was saying before registering his surroundings, and the shine of the gleaming golden city gave him pause. Enough to let you at least wiggle one hand through so you could hold yourself up and breathe.
“Damn do you guys wrestle bears in Jabari Land?” You wheeze.
Noticing you were still there and underneath him, not ready to let go until he had all the answers. “And why was I unconscious.”
He noticed at this you stopped squirming. “I uh, accidentally high kicked your ass and knocked you out?”
The Jabari Lord scrunched his face. “Really?”
“YES! And by the way your morning wood is in my ass so unless you’re just really happy to see me-“
The great gorilla instantly released you and flung himself to the other side of the bed, hastily scrunching all the sheets toward his torso.
“Wow, do all Jabari sleep naked or is it just you?”
“I run hot.” The Jabari man grumbled. Interestingly enough you thought he looked slightly cute all embarrassed and such.
“My apologies for tackling you. I thought-“
“Oh spare the formalities you’ve already almost gone to 3rd base with me.” You chuckled. “I’m Y/N.”
“M’Baku. Just M’Baku will do.”
You smiled, grateful that this didn’t look like it would turn into a national disaster after all. “Well as an apology for the accident I’m here to assist you with anything you may need here during your stay.”
“Anything?” M’Baku growled.
“Anything?” You smiled pertly.
“Aaaanything?”M’Baku slowly drawled out.
“Yup anything!”
All of a sudden you felt a hand grab you and yank you forward, squeaking louder than you wish you had. And when you blinked you found yourself in the lap of the great gorilla and his… other great gorilla.
“Anything?” He asked again, slowly snaking his big hands up your hips and waist.
“I uh- My Lord?” You stumbled.
“I said I run hot.” M’Baku said as he drew you in so he could sniff the nape of your neck. “The trip here was so long, so draining, with no... company to sate me.” He chuckled darky, his breath on your skin making your shoulder. “We Jabari men can be very.... virile. As you can see.” He slowly grinded his member into you. “And I am already at my limit.”
You helped but made no move to stop the naked, herculaic man beneath you, wondering if this was just a too-good-to-be-true sex dream.
“Will you help me, little Milaje?”
You tried to catch your breath as your hands rested on his chest, taking in the sculped naked body before you. You could feeeeeeel the common sense leaving your body with every second that passed.
His voice drew you back to your sense, and he could already see your eyes become heavy lidded with lust. M’Baku didn’t break eye contact as he lifted your hand to his lips, kissing your fingers softly.
“Well, if that’s what you wish I can only happily offer my services.” You could barely get the last words out before you dragged your face to his, drawing him into a deep kiss. You felt his member pulse between your legs, and you couldn’t help but grind into him in response, earning you a deep growl.
“Undress.” He commanded in a dark voice, and as soon as your upper half was exposed he latched onto your breasts, moving from one to the other hungrily. You moaned in approval, helpless as the Jabari Lord led you deeper and deeper into depravity.
He continued to tease you by letting you grind your now soaking pussy against his member, its length and girth already making you drool. Finally you couldn’t take any more, bracing yourself on his shoulders while he held his cock in place, eagerly awaiting you. You both moaned as you took him fully, knowing he was your biggest partner yet.
“By Hanuman Y/N you feel so good.” M’Baku moaned, as he started to grind his hips upwards into you, making you yelp in approval. His strokes were long and broad letting you get used to him, but it wasn’t long before you were bracing your self on his shoulders once again while you bounced in his lap.
You couldn’t get enough of him, your lust blinding you to all reason and sense. You started calling his name with wild abandon, which would only seemed to spur him on. Noticing your moans get higher and higher he pulled you in for another long kiss. As you parted you saw the lust lidded in his eyes. “Are you going to cum, Y/N?”
“Yes M’Baku, yes yes yes!” Was all your brain could form, and at this M’Baku grabbed your hips and pounded into them from above, your moans turning into screams of ecstasy.
M’Baku watched you cave into your desire, and the sight of you bouncing in his lap made him come undone, kissing you as he thrusted into you with no restraint, filling you with his seed.
You collapsed in his lap, M’Baku wrapping his arms around you and slowly pulling himself out of you. You felt some of him dribble out of you as he did, the Jabari chief slowly drawing the blankets over you both.
“Well that was-“
“Indeed.” M’Baku replied lazily, unconsciously drawing lazy circles on your back. “I think it very much cured me of my injury.”
At this you burst out laughing, snuggling more into his neck. “Oh really?”
“I am sure of it.” M’Baku nodded with a serious face, before side-eyeing you. “Although I think treatment needs to be administered daily.”
“Multiple times.”
“Oh of course.”
“For maximum results.”
“Oh absolutely.” You grinned mischievously. “Anything for you my Lord.”
“So the Jabari Lord is awake?” Okoye asked.
“Yup, he seems to be fully functioning.” You replied with a smile.
“And he is still open to negotiations?” T’Challa inquired.
“Very open. Once I cleared up my mistake he was very understanding.” You grinned.
“Okay. That will be all Y/N, just be more careful next time.” Okoye pleaded.
“I will I will don’t worry cousin!” You called out as you almost skipped out of the palace chambers, leaving Okoye and T’Challa sighing in relief, while Erik with arms crossed side-eyed both of them as they all watched you go.
“So none of ya’ll gone tell her about the big-ass hickey on her neck?”
Tagging: @supersizemeplz @bidibidibombaclaat @hidden-treasures21@justanothermorty @muse-of-mbaku @letsshamelessqueen-m @theunsweetenedtruth @therealcalicali @themusingofagothicsoul @draconicuchiha @selina122 @chocolatemetalprincess @tomarisela @mbaku-babygirl @laketaj24 @myboyfriendgiriboy (Let me know if you want to be added, comments always appreciated)
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weirdletter · 4 years
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Phantasmagoria Magazine, Issue #16, edited by Trevor Kennedy, Phantasmagoria Publishing, Late Summer 2020. Cover art by Randy Broecker, internal illustrations by Franki Beddows, Randy Broecker, Dave Carson, Mike Chinn, Stephen Clarke, Peter Coleborn, James Keen, Allen Koszowski, Reggie Oliver, Jim Pitts, GCH Reilly and David A. Riley. Info: amazon.com.
Randy Broecker! Ramsey Campbell! Richard Chizmar! Interviews with Malachy Coney, Anna Taborska, Douglas Tait and Mathew Waters! Plus: Elak, King of Atlantis with Adrian Cole and Jim Pitts, Stephen Jones’ The Best of Best New Horror: Volume Two, The Phantom of the Opera, Psycho, Jaws, Candyman, Quatermass, Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Twilight Zone, Before You Blow Out the Candle... Book Two, 1970s horror films, R. Chetwynd-Hayes, fiction, artwork, reviews and more!
Contents: A Note From the Editor by Trevor Kennedy Randy Broecker interview and portfolio Ramsey Campbell interview Richard Chizmar interview (including reviews of Gwendy's Button Box and Gwendy's Magic Feather) The Many Faces of... The Phantom of the Opera: feature by John Gilbert Vic and Son: cartoon by James Keen Phantasmagoria at The Secret Bookshelf: feature with Trevor Kennedy and GCH Reilly Meanwhile, Back in Atlantis: feature by Adrian Cole, with artwork by Jim Pitts and review of Elak, King of Atlantis by David A. Riley Anna Taborska interview (including illustrations by Reggie Oliver from Anna's new book, Bloody Britain) The Fundamental Power of Psycho (1960): feature by Barnaby Page Jaws, Forty-five Years Later: feature by Barnaby Page Resurrecting the Candyman: feature by Michael Campbell Phantasmagoria Fiction: "Eigenspace X" by Mike Chinn "Hanuman" by David A. Riley. "Liver and Bacon" by Joe X. Young "Beady Eyes" by Barry Bellows "Shadow of an Incubus" by Christopher Fielden "Tomatoes According to Geoff" by D.T. Langdale "The Discontinued" by Jessica Stevens "Wolf Hill" by Sean O'Connor "He Thought He Was Dying" by David A. Riley "Towak" by Richard Bell "Three Sure Sentences" by Emerson Firebird Introducing Before You Blow Out the Candle... Book Two: with Marc Damian Lawler Malachy Coney interview Quatermass and the Kid: feature by Raven Dane. Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970): feature by Dave Jeffery Twenty-first Century Twilight Zone: feature by Abdul-Qaadir Bakari-Muhammad Douglas Tait interview Mathew Waters interview 1970s Horror Films: feature by David Brilliance Reading R. Chetwynd-Hayes with Marc Damian Lawler Phantasmagoria Reviews Readers' Comments Acknowledgements
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So Tense
Pairing: M’Baku x black!fem!Reader
Warnings: Tis smut my dudes, cursing as well, and I did not proofread 
Author’s Note: I can’t believe I really left for FUCKS ever then came back to write smut and not continue any of my series first
Tags: @thotyana-in-this-hoe @neeadinghugs @purplledumplings
Masterlist   Black Girl Insert Series
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Your eyes jump open when you hear the shout of frustration from above you. Smiling softly to yourself, you lift your hand to the women drying you, “Thank you very much, but I must attend to my husband. Can you hand me my robe please, Neti? Alna, my braids please.” As you slip the short robe over your naked body, you wait for Alna to secure the last band around your braids to keep the wet mass from hanging heavily down your back.
Whispering a soft thank you followed by gentle kisses to the cheek, you leave the women and make your way upstairs to your room. The sound of M’Baku stomping around is unmistakable, and rather loud. The two men stood outside of your room flood with visible relief when your head surpasses the stairs you’re climbing. “Leave me with him, you can take the evening to drink and be with family.” You tell the men, waiting for them to be out of sight before you open the doors to your room.
M’Baku has his back to you, his large shoulders heaving as he mutters curse words out to the mountains. “I take it the visits were not as cathartic as T’Challa promised.” You call out humorously, wondering when your Great Gorilla will learn that T’Challa will say what he must to get him to attend meetings and do rounds. “Do not like fun at me, woman.” M’Baku grunts, turning his head just slightly, but you see his body has relaxed.
“I’m not. It would have to be funny for me to poke fun.” You reply, closing the doors and chuckling. M’Baku huffs again, but faces you now, his face an almost childish depiction of disappointment. You can smell Wakanda on him. The fresh water, the cool soil, the heat of the beating sun, you can smell them all on your husband, but none of them wash out M’Baku’s own scent. The earthy richness embedded in his skin.
“Are you done?” Your husband asks, his bottom lip puckered ever so slightly. Not bothering to hold back your laugh anymore, you begin to make your way to M’Baku, the Great Gorilla meeting you halfway and leaning into your hug. As you rub your hand in soothing circles on his back, M’Baku sighs, holding you a little tighter. Immediately, you know what you have to do. Ceasing your rubbing, you gently push M’Baku away from you, “Sit down, my king, I will return shortly.”
M’Baku heeds you’re direction and rests on the edge of your bed, watching as you leave the room. Your braids leave a trail of water droplets as you disappear from his sight. The large sleeves of your robe flutter behind you as you make your way downstairs. The soft padding of your feet a stark contrast to the booming thuds M’Baku’s makes when he walks, but that’s how the two of you are. M’Baku is the strong water, crashing against the shore and able to sit calm and beautiful until provoked, and you are the air, crisp and fresh, light in your skin and enough of you always brings a beautiful serenity to those in your presence.
You find the men just where you thought you would, set beside the large fireplace, their colleagues with them as they tell the tales of what they had to endure doing rounds with M’Baku and T’Challa. Laughs bounce off of the walls until Alna spots you and clears her throat to silence Nuka, “Y/N.” She addresses you, bowing her head slightly, the others joining her. Huffing a laugh, you wave your hand dismissively, “Please, do not feel the need to stop on my account. Alna, I actually wanted to ask if you’d retrieve the singers for me and have them join me and my husband upstairs.” The young woman stands and bows her head again, “Of course, my lady. As you wish.” You begin up the stairs before stopping, “Don’t forget your retelling, Nuka, I would like to hear it when I have soothed M’Baku, as I am sure he will not be willing to tell me himself.” He agrees happily and continues his story.
Nuka’s voice disappears quickly as you find your room again. M’Baku is exactly as you left him, and still just as pouty and sullen. “Oh, my king, you need to relax. You do not have to tell me what happened, but I do see that it has made you tense and tight. Come now, let me help you get those hot furs off.” M’Baku walks over to you and stands still so you can begin undressing him. “My Jabari king, you had quite the last few days, haven’t you?” You ask softly as his cloak drops to the ground. The Great Gorilla just nods, his weariness slowly trying to take over him. “And I am sure T’Challa made it no easier on you.” You coo as you slip off his arm guards and push down his grass overlay. “Take off your shirt and go lie on your stomach, I will be right behind you.” M’Baku pulls his shirt off and wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you into a loving kiss, pouring in all of his appreciation and care before going to lie down.
You’re grabbing the bottle of pleasantly pungent oils from your small beauty table when the small group of singers appears in the doorway. Smiling a welcome at them, you wave the four entertainers into your room, “Close the door behind you, please. By the window is fine, you’ll get a nice draft, and I think the ambiance would be fitting.” You cross paths with the singers as you cross to your bed. Toeing aside M’Baku’s boots, you crawl up and straddle his lower back, pulling a groan from the mountain man. “A nice lulling assortment, please, much like what you’ll perform for my baths.” You command as you get comfortable, eyes on the broad back of your lover.
The singers waste no time, beginning quickly with a piece low and warm to the soul. “What exactly do you have planned for me?” M’Baku asks, turning his head as far to you as he can. “Some tension relief, now relax and let me do some work for you.” You answer, rubbing your oiled hands together as you lean down and press a kiss to M’Baku’s neck. As soon as your hands make contact with his back, M’Baku groans, deep and rumbling in his chest. You hum softly with the songs you know, rubbing any knots out of your husbands back as he releases a grunt here and there.
Running your hands over his back one more time and feeling any tensing released, you stand, “Turn on to your back, Baku, let me get the front now.” As M’Baku turns, his erection under his leather pelt does not go unnoticed, but you don’t acknowledge it, instead lowering yourself back down so your straddling M’Baku’s pelvis now. The Great Gorilla has his eyes closed as you run your hands over his neck, digging your fingertips in just hard enough to soothe his muscles. M’Baku doesn’t open his eyes, but rests his hands on your naked thighs, rubbing .
Your senses open more with each added source of contact, and a fire kicks up in your abdomen, begging you to supply release. But, this is your king’s time of relaxation, and out of respect for the hard time he has had, you shove down your desire and drag your fingertips down his chest. M’Baku growls under his breath, the rumble making your hands and other intricacies of your body tickle. Sure to control yourself, you push your hands gently just beneath his waistband and massage there, first pressing your thumbs, then running the tops of your nails over the skin until your hands emerge from under the material and up to his collarbone.
Having fallen victim to the ambiance yourself, you completely forget about the singers being present at all, until M’Baku’s hands still so they’re gripping you and he begins to rock you back and forth over his pulsing erection. A huff of amusement passes your lips when you find you’re being moved to the rhythm of the soft tune the singers are pouring their hearts into. You keep your cool and stay at a leisurely pace as you continue, but you could not be more relieved with M’Baku’s neediness and it’s, luckily, equal thirst to yours.
Rocking your hips, slow and strong, you bend and kiss M’Baku’s collarbone, flicking your tongue out to taste some of his scent, his journey, his exhaustion, best of all, his need. Your tongue makes a slow trail up to his ear, stopping just at the lobe so your lips can hang there, open, the warmth of your breath and physically hearing your desire making M’Baku shiver pleasantly. His hands move from your thighs to your ass and your teeth latch themselves to M’Baku’s ear.
The rock of your hips has almost become a bounce as you lift them to roll them on descent, enjoying the noises your Great Gorilla can not, and refuses to hold at bay. “Would you like more pleasure from your queen, M’Baku? Would you like for me to push your pelt down just enough? To take you inside of me and let my body give you the relief you deserve?” You whisper to M’Baku, planting a kiss at the end of each question and driving the Jabari king mad. “Would you like that of me, my love?” The sweet pet name paired with the foul acts you’re promising stir up a passion in M’Baku and he pulls you down onto him in a thrust, “Hanuman, yes. Do not tease me, woman.” M’Baku says, gravelly in hopes of pushing an ounce of dominance into the situation for the people watching, but both of you know that he has surrendered himself to you and doesn’t regret it one bit.
His response makes you smile and you squeeze your arm between your bodies to squeeze and pump his length through his layers. “Singers, you have done a lovely job, but lest you feel privy to watching me fuck the king, I would encourage you leave.” You give a choice, but your vulgarity makes it clear that it is not smiled upon for anyone to stay and see the work of the woman that can leave the great M’Baku shuddering beneath her with barely a touch. Once they have all cleared and the door to your room is closed again, you strip M’Baku completely. Standing at the edge of the bed, you look at the large man waiting for you, his legs spread slightly, his eyes fighting to stay open, even now, and his cock twitching on his stomach, hard and lonely. He’s beautiful and he is all yours.
You climb onto the bed and slowly run your hands over M’Baku’s legs as you travel up, touches electric. “Look at you, my king. Shuddering beneath my hands, barely able to keep your eyes open. Take hold of yourself and work while I please the rest of your body some more.” M’Baku wants to argue, you can see it when his eyes widen and he lifts his head, but any disappointments are thrown when your mouth latches to his pelvis and you begin to suck there, licking and nibbling, making the Great Gorilla huff and jerk under you. His large hand is wrapped around his cock and his hips are stuttering, but M’Baku dares not cum before he can feel himself wrapped in the warmth of you. Sweat is building on M’Baku’s skin and his legs are shifting, struggling to keep his seed inside.
“You have sat so serenely with your treatment, my king,” You praise M’Baku, straddling his pelvis again and rubbing your thumb over his lips. Unable to tear his eyes from yours, M’Baku sticks his tongue out and runs it over your thumb, wetting it before taking the entire digit in his mouth and swirling his tongue over it. Pulling your thumb from his hot mouth, you bring it to your clit, opting to just push aside the flap of your robe instead of taking it off. M’Baku nearly drools as he watches you rub his saliva in firm circles over your clit as your hips push against your hand.
A drop of water falls from your braids and onto M’Baku’s leg, pulling his out of his daze and he stops his jerking, “Your king would like to fuck you now.” M’Baku says, sounding more like himself. Opening your eyes that had drifted closed on pleasure, you smile at your husband and remove your fingers from yourself, pushing his hand away from his own pleasure as well.
Eyes burning bright, you look M’Baku right in his eyes as you line him up with your entrance and start to sink. Living up to the stories whispered in circles of gossiping villagers, M’Baku is so thick you can barely fit him. His cock stretches you almost painfully. Knowing what he does to you, while also fighting the overwhelming urge to thrust into you as hard as he can, M’Baku grips your thighs with comforting strength. Smiling your gratitude to your king, you take a deep inhale of breath and thrust the rest of him in yourself, the loud moan leaving your mouth drowning out M’Baku’s curses.
You have to pause for a moment and let his length settle inside you before moving and causing any damage or unnecessary sensitivity to yourself. A handful of deep breaths later, your discomfort begins to subside and pleasure replaces it. “We have to find a way to shorten the time you need to take me in, my love.” M’Baku says, his eyes closed as he pulls you down for a sweet kiss. Laughing, you begin to lift yourself, “Or maybe we can find a way for you to save some of the growing until I have you all the way inside me.” M’Baku joins you in your laughter now, “Maybe we can reach a compromise. You can -” M’Baku’s loud groan cuts off his words as you sink back down, grinding on arrival.
By now, he is sweating freely and your thighs are aching from the grip he has on them to keep himself together. Up and down, you squeeze his cock inside you, relishing in the effort you see it takes for him to not cum in you immediately. The singers have long gone, but you find yourself moving to a rhythm, a song of sensuality and pleasure playing in your head as you bounce on M’Baku. Seeing the tensing of his jaw, you slow your bouncing just a bit, “Would you like to take control, my love?” You ask, swirling your hips. M’Baku shakes his head, not trusting himself to do anything, lest he spill his seed inside you without letting you get your orgasm from him first.
You already know what he’s playing at, so you still completely, “Do not think of me. This is time for you, but it will be for nothing if you are not relaxed. Are you relaxed?” M’Baku takes a deep breath and nods. You grab his tensed jaw and rub circles into it, “Do not lie to me, M’Baku. I do not appreciate it. You have tensed yourself to fight off your orgasm. Do you know what I want more than anything right now?” You ask him, riding him slow and placing barely there kisses to his neck and chest. “Right now, your queen would like nothing more than for you to release your seed into her, warm and rushing. Burst after burst until both you and the seed can no longer fit. All I want is for you to release yourself. I have gotten my pleasure, I want you to have yours. Can you do that for me, M’Baku?”
The Great Gorilla does not answer with words, instead jerking his hips into yours as his orgasm rolls over him like a wave crashing through a dam. And much like you predicted, he spills so much cum inside you that his softening cock is pushed out. M’Baku’s entire body deflates as his orgasm ends, and you place one last kiss to his lips before going to clean yourself off. You return with a warmed towel and wipe M’Baku down, wiping the sweat from his forehead, rubbing any tension from his chest, then you clear his semen from stomach and cock. After you dispose of the cloth, you lie beside M’Baku, letting him rest his head on your chest while you rub your fingers over the tight curls in his hair.
“Thank you, Y/N. You always know how to make me feel better.” M’Baku murmurs as he presses a kiss to your breast through the robe. “I like this, robe. I only have to move the sides away. Very convenient.” His quieting voice clues you in to M’Baku’s drifting, and sure enough, when you look down, his eyes are resting closed. You lie with him a few moments longer until you hear his heavy breaths become soft snores. Then you lift your tired king’s head from your chest and rest it on a plump pillow.
Removing your robe and setting it on the bed, you go to your chest and pull out a warm pair of pants and a soft tunic before letting your braids fall, most of their wetness gone. Leaving your room, you close the door behind you and listen to everyone preparing for dinner. Down the stairs, some of the men and women are still gathered near the fire, now with cups of wines and water. Upon seeing you, Neti jumps up and grabs you a cup as well. “Nuka, I would like to hear of your adventures, if you don’t mind.” You say to the man as you settle with your cup, M’Baku sleeping away the last of his stress upstairs.
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limjaeseven · 5 years
You’re My Light
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Pairing: Hoseok X Reader
Word Count: 5,336
Genres: Smut, Fluff
Summary: A call from your best friend inviting you to the yearly Diwali celebration has you and your boyfriend really excited but what would happen when you stumble across your troublesome ex on such a good day?
Warnings: oral sex (m&f receiving) sub!reader, dom!Hoseok, Sir kink, ass spanking, sex toys, bondage, overstimulation, creampie, dirty talk
[A/n]: I’ve been working on this for so long and I’m so glad to finally post it. Thanks to @uwugalore for giving me the honour of starting this project off. Shout out to @jamaisjoons for writing that last part and all the other people in the collab who helped out every step of the way
25 Days of Christmas: A BTS Anthology Masterlist
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You had just finished an important business meeting when you got a call from your childhood best friend and partner in crime, Dhiraj. 
“Hey D, what’s up,” you asked as you jammed the phone between your ear and your shoulder as you pressed the button on the lift. 
“Nothing much, kiddo. Just called to invite you to the Diwali function next weekend. Knowing how busy you were, I knew it wasn’t likely you’d see my email. And when I didn’t get a response, I decided I had to call you. So, please check your emails more often,” he scolded. 
Working at KM Entertainment was hard work and it left you little time for yourself. You were pretty sure half your friends were going to leave you for not responding to their texts for weeks. The only person you had time for was your boyfriend, Jung Hoseok. 
“I’m sorry, D. You know how busy I am. I’ll check the mail and I’ll come for sure. See you there, bye,” You said before cutting the call. 
Now, to convince your boyfriend to come along with you.
It’s not that Hoseok didn’t like your family, he loved them. He just didn’t enjoy the questions of ‘when are you getting married’ that all the uncles and aunties asked. That’s why he didn’t like to come along with you when you went home. He loved meeting your parents as long as it was either at your guys’ place or a restaurant. 
You had grown up in a small Indian community in Seoul, full of people who mainly worked at the tech companies or hospitals in the city, i.e. it was a typical Indian society. Everyone was a doctor or engineer. That’s why when you sought out to become a music producer, the uncles and aunties weren’t happy. Your parents on the other hand were very supportive and encouraging.
That’s how you met Hoseok. He was a choreographer at KM Entertainment, the record label you worked for. One of your co-workers told you about him and basically got you to go on a blind date with him. You guys had instantly hit it off and became the most loved couple in the office. 
So, coming back to the Diwali celebration, you really wanted to go. Diwali was your absolute favourite festival of all time. Where as everyone was excited for Halloween and Christmas, you were the only person who cared about Diwali. You loved the festival because it was a night full of adrenaline, fire crackers, and sweets. It was six hours of good, pure, unadulterated fun. Especially, when it was with your friends.
You had four best friends growing up: Arshad, Rajveer, Dhiraj, Alex. The five of you were truly the best of friends. All of you lived in the same building and went to the same small public school together. You guys lived by the ‘one for all, all for one’ philosophy. If you got a new boyfriend, they would have to approve him first before he was allowed to date you. Being the only girl in the group, they were quite protective of you.
So, the fact that your friends hadn’t met your boyfriend i.e. Hoseok, was driving them crazy. That’s why they had Dhiraj personally call you, cause they knew you wouldn’t turn him down. You had always had a soft spot for him. You were just hoping Hoseok would say yes because you yourself hadn’t seen the boys in a while.
“Hey, babe,” you said as you entered the house, calling out to your boyfriend, who was sitting on the couch watching TV. 
“Hey love! How was your day,” Hoseok asked as you sat down on the couch next to him. 
“It was alright. I do have some news to share though." 
Seeing your nervous expression, Hoseok got a bit worried too and sat up straight, looking concerned.
"Don’t tell me you’re breaking up with me,” Hoseok said and you burst out laughing. 
“Of course not, babe. I’m not breaking up with you. I wanted to ask you if you’d accompany me to the Diwali celebration this weekend with my family and friends,” you said. Hoseok had known you enough to tell that you were hiding something, so he raised an eyebrow at you.
“The catch is it’s at my home,” you said and Hoseok immediately refused. 
“No way.”
“Please baby, I really want to go,” you pouted and managed the best puppy eyes you could.
“Alright fine!" 
Hoseok sighed and you hugged him, thanking him continuously. Smothering his face with kisses, you told him how much you loved him. 
"Babe, what is Diwali,” Hoseok asked out of nowhere and you facepalmed. You had completely forgotten that your boyfriend didn’t know about this famous festival.
“It’s a long story, so brace yourself,” you said. “There are two major epics in Hindu culture, the Ramayan and the Mahabharat. Diwali is based on the former. Dasharath is the King of Ayodha and has three wives, Kausalya, Kaikeyi, and Sumitra. They bear him four sons, Ram, Laxman, Bharath, and Shatrughan. Ram is the perfect son and the heir to the throne. Kaikeyi, Bharath’s mother loves Ram just like her own son. But she is manipulated and convinced that it is her son that should be the ruler of Ayodha and so, she approaches King Dasharath.
“She brings up an old debt he owes her and tells him to exile Ram to the forest for 14 years and to make Bharath the crown prince. The king is devastated but has no choice and so Ram, along with his wife, Sita and brother, Laxman, leave for the forest. While living there, Shurpanakha, a demoness becomes infatuated with Ram and tries to kill Sita. Laxman ends up wounding her and she runs to her brother, Ravan and asks him to avenge her. Ravan had heard of the beautiful Sita and decides to abduct her as revenge. 
“Ravan is able to trick both Ram and Laxman into leaving their house in the forest, leaving Sita behind. While they are away, he manages to abduct her and take her away to the island of Lanka. Ram and Laxman travel far and wide to find Sita, but to no avail. They finally come across a band of vanaras, or monkey-men, who pledge to help him. One of the warriors of the vanaras, Hanuman, becomes Ram’s devotee. The vanaras seek out traces of Sita and find she has been taken to Lanka. Hanuman flies to Lanka and contacts Sita and informs her of Ram’s whereabouts, promising that they will be back to rescue her. Before returning to the mainland, Hanuman sets fire to the whole city of Lanka.
“Ram, Lakshman, and the vanaras army build a causeway from the tip of India to Lanka. They travel to Lanka, where an epic battle follows between the armies. Ravana is finally killed by Ram, and Sita is freed. The day Ram returns to Ayodha with Sita and Lakhman after his 14 year exile, and after having slayed Ravan, is celebrated as Diwali.”
“Wow,” Hoseok said, overwhelmed. 
“I know it’s a lot, but I’m so happy that we’re going. Let me call Jiwoo, we need new clothes to wear,” you said before getting up to call your best friend. You met up and she helped you design the outfits. 
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“We’re here,” you said excitedly as you stepped out of the car. You picked up the box of sweets and headed towards your building. Hoseok knocked on the door and your dad opened it. “Y/n, Hoseok! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? Come inside,” he said. You both stepped inside and were greeted by your mom. The four of you had a chat over chai and sweets.
“You both look so good. Where did you get these clothes from?” Your mother asked and you told her how Hoseok’s sister was a designer and you both designed them together. It was your idea and her expertise made them perfect. 
A navy blue lehenga comprising of a short blouse and a full length skirt for you and a sherwani that fell till Hoseok’s knees for him. Detailed with gold embroidery, Jiwoo had gotten in touch with a woman who specialised in that type of work. Small mandalas that you designed decorated the dresses.
“It’s time for puja. The three of you, come with me." 
You and Hoseok followed your mom and headed to your prayer room. She taught Hoseok how to do the prayer and he happily helped. You father smiled at you as you both watched your mom bonding with your boyfriend. After you finished praying, you gave your boyfriend a kiss on the cheek and complimented him for doing the puja.
"It’s time to go,” your mom said. You nodded and the four of you got up to leave. 
“Where are we going,” Hoseok questioned. You just smiled at him as you guys walked towards the local school. As soon as you reached the school grounds, Hoseok’s eyes widened. 
“Welcome to our yearly Diwali Mela,” you exclaimed as you gave him a tour. There were multi coloured tents that sold everything from snacks to jewellery. The scent of cardamom and cinnamon flooded the air as you crossed the stall selling biryani. There were a good selection of rides as well, all of them bringing back memories from your childhood.
You were about to buy yourself and your boyfriend some Pani Puri when someone hugged you from behind. Just the scent of his perfume could tell you who it was. In the 15 years that you knew him, he never wore any other perfume. 
“D! It’s so nice to see you again,” you shouted, turning around to hug him properly. 
“Hey, y/n! Hey, Hoseok! I’m glad you guys could make it. The guys have been waiting for you,” Dhiraj said before dragging your away.
“Look who’s here,” Arshad said when he saw you. Individually hugging each one of your friends, you introduced them to Hoseok. 
“This is Arshad, Rajveer, and Alex. Don’t take anything they say seriously,” you warned Hoseok but your friends just laughed. 
“Y/n, Seema has some work for you, why don’t you let us have a friendly chat with your boyfriend over here,” Alex said.
“Okay, fine. Don’t you dare trouble him,” you warned before turning to leave. On your way, you gave Hoseok a chaste kiss on his cheek and whispered, “They’re harmless, don’t worry." 
You went to find Seema when you saw her standing by the stage in the middle of the ground. 
"You needed me?" 
She turned around and gave you a hug before asking you a couple of questions. You agreed to what she said and followed her backstage.
"So, Hoseok, how long have you two been dating,” Rajveer asked. They were sitting in the back row on some plastic chairs that were arranged in front of the stage. 
“Our second anniversary is next month,” Hoseok replied. The boys seemed pretty nice. They knew you inside out and really cared for you.
“Don’t worry, we aren’t going to ask you when you’re getting married,” Arshad laughed. Hoseok looked mortified. He thought you told them about him. 
“Did y/n tell you that,” Hoseok asked. All four of them burst out laughing. 
“No, she didn’t but we were sure you would have been asked that question a million times cause y/n is our community’s sweetheart. She has always been the perfect friend, daughter, niece, student, you name it. She was really popular in school for being the best dancer. All of the people here want her married off to a good guy,” Dhiraj explained.
Hoseok took a sip of the beer they gave him when he realised something. “Wait a minute, did you say dancer?" 
They nodded. Hoseok was confused. He never knew you danced. You had never mentioned it before. Just when he was about to ask the boys another question, the lights on the stage turned on and the music started playing. It was a peppy Bollywood song. The dancers danced gracefully on the stage. But what shocked Hoseok was the person standing center stage.
You, in all your glory, were standing in the middle of the stage, dancing to the beat. Your movements were fluid and flawless. Hoseok’s jaw dropped as he watched you go through the choreography. Being a dancer himself, he could see the technique as well as the grace in your dancing. Your skirt swirled beautifully, complementing your each movement.
Hoseok stood there, mesmerized as you finished performing and stepped off the stage. The crowd clapped loudly and you folded your hands together and bowed. When your eyes met Hoseok’s, you were quick to look away.
Dhiraj gave you a tight hug and complemented your dancing. Hoseok was still with the rest of the boys when someone called for you and you disappeared. 
"She’s a wonderful dancer, isn’t she,” Alex asked and Hoseok agreed. He told your friends that he needed a drink and went to look for you. 
You were speaking to one of your childhood friends when you noticed something. It was an old dirt path that went behind your school. The memories came back to you. You walked along the path and reached your hideout from when you were young. It was a small patch of grass atop a small hill. You sat down and looked up at the sky, reminiscing about the good times you had had in that very place.
Someone sat down behind you, but you were too lost in your own thoughts to notice them. They cleared their throat and you turned around and gasped. Your ex smiled at you and you quickly stood up. 
“I’m leaving,” you said as you walked away. He grabbed a hold of your wrist and pulled you to him. 
“Where are you going, love,” he cooed.
“Leave me alone, Jimin,” you said. 
Jimin was the only non-Indian kid in your school and you helped him around and ended up falling for him. It was you, who introduced him to your community. They absolutely loved him and he ended up moving in when he graduated. The both of you dated for about three years before you found out that he had cheated on you with your best friend. He begged you to forgive him and you eventually did.
But then, the day before your fourth anniversary, you walked in on him fucking the same best friend. It was only when he realised that you were absolutely ready to leave that he confessed that he had been with her off and on for almost a year. That day, you applied for a college far from your home and made sure not to come back often so that you didn’t have to meet him.
“Still feisty, huh? I missed you so much, love,” he said. His hand stayed firmly on the small of your back, exposed due to the short length of your top. You squirmed in his hold but he tightened his other hand around your wrist. Trying to push away from him, he pulled you closer to him and kissed you. You didn’t reciprocate the kiss but tried to get away from him.
“The boys said you’d be he—” Hoseok gasped as he saw you kissing some random guy. Jimin finally release you and you ran to Hoseok. 
“It’s not what it looks like, baby,” you said as you hugged you. 
“Who are you,” Hoseok asked Jimin. 
“Park Jimin,” he said and Hoseok immediately understood the whole situation. You had told him about your ex before.
“Get away from me, you cheater,” Hoseok said and pushed you away. 
“Please, Hoseok, listen to me,” you begged and Jimin smirked. He was really enjoying watching the scene unfold. The anger and resentment was evident on his face. Hoseok walked up to him and grabbed his collar. 
“Stay away from me unless you want your pretty face broken." 
Jimin looked genuinely scared. He quickly scurried away and Hoseok looked back at you.
You were sitting on the ground, crying. You had gone through a horrible break up with Jimin and all the memories flooded back to you. Hoseok was your everything, you wanted to marry the man someday. Your boyfriend sat down next to you and put his arm around you. 
"I know that you didn’t kiss him on purpose. I just wanted to make sure and seeing him smirk when I called you a cheater, I knew it was him who kissed you,” Hoseok said. You hugged him tight and explained exactly what happened.
“I know you wouldn’t do such a thing to me, y/n. I just hated the fact that he hurt you so badly and still had the audacity to touch you. I would have broken his nose if I could” Hoseok comforted you.
Caressing your face, he cooed and tried to calm you down. That’s when you heard a loud sound. The frown on your face disappeared and you pointed at the sky. Beautiful colours filled the sky and the sound of sizzling filled your ears as the crackers burst above you. You had once told Hoseok that your favourite memory was laying in your hideout and watching the crackers.
You both layed down and watched them, fingers interlocked. Hoseok struggled to keep his eyes on the sky as his gaze would always wander back to your face. He couldn’t help but admire your flawless features and pretty smile. You looked at him and saw him staring at you, specifically at your lips. Turning onto your side, you held the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss.
You don’t remember most of it, but you somehow said your goodbyes to your family and friends and got to the car. You were wrapped in Hoseok’s spare jacket as Hoseok played his ‘songs for sex playlist’. You had always found the playlist ridiculous mainly for including songs like 'Give It To Me’, 'Singularity,’ and most importantly, 'Expensive Girl’. 
The moment Hoseok parked the car you rushed out to call the lift. Hoseok followed behind silently before he pinned you against the wall of the elevator when it arrived and kissed you roughly. He pulled  you out of the lift when you reached your floor and quickly unlocked the door. You haphazardly took your heels off while Hoseok closed the door. 
He throws you over his shoulder before you could utter a word, cause a yelp to escape you and took you to the bedroom before dropping you onto the bed. Your clothes, quickly discarded and you were pinned beneath your boyfriend. He devoured you with deep kisses as both your lungs strained for air, his soft lips coming down on yours aggressively. 
Hoseok makes his way down your body, littering kisses here and there. His fingers snake around you to take your bra off before it is thrown away into a corner. Mouth attaching to one nipple, he uses his hand to massage your other breast before switching. He nips at your skin till he finds your sweet spot and sucks hard, making you moan and squirm in his hold.
He placed a chaste kiss on your belly button before getting up to walk to the closet. Rummaging through the drawer, he picked out a few things before returning to you. He pried open your legs and settled between them before grabbing both your hands and bringing them to the front. He tied your wrists together with some red rope.
You knew he was pissed off about the whole Jimin thing and the only way he would calm down was by punishing you. Not that you minded, though. You were such a brat that you would go out of your way to ask him for punishments or act bratty just to get him to punish you. Once he finished tying you, he tapped his thigh and you got up off the bed. Over the years that you’d been together, you both had developed a sort of non-verbal communication system.
You bent over his lap, your ass in the air. Hoseok grabbed the leather paddle from the nightstand and ran it over your backside and thighs. Goosebumps rose on your skin as you awaited the first blow. It came down harshly and you hissed at the pain. 
“One, thank you, Sir,” you muttered. 
The rough edges of the paddle made dark blue and purple lines on your ass. Bruises formed all over you as Hoseok continued to deliver hits. The hits got harsher as they came down on your skin.
“Twenty, thank you, Sir,” you said as tears streamed down your face and your boyfriend finally dropped the paddle on the floor. He tapped his foot twice on the floor and you immediately got up.
Kneeling in front of him, you settled between his spread knees and looked down at the carpet. You winced as you sat down on your sensitive ass. 
“What an obedient slut you are, aren’t you? But you still had to make Sir mad and you’re going to pay for it. Open,” he commanded and you immediately dropped your jaw, opening your mouth as widely as possible. Digging his thumb into the hollow of your cheek, he made you open your mouth wider, making your jaw hurt.He pushed his boxers off letting his already hard cock out of the dark material.
“I’m going to fuck your throat and you’re just going to take it all, understood?” he warned and you nodded.
A sharp pain blossomed across your cheek as Hoseok slapped you. 
“Yes, Sir,” you corrected yourself. Without further delay, he stuffed his cock down your throat making you gag, but he didn’t relent and continued until your nose brushed up against his pelvis. You willed yourself to breathe through your nose as Hoseok thrusted in and out of your mouth. Tears and saliva dripped down your face, making you look like a mess. Hoseok smirked down at you and thrusted even harder.
Your muffled moans and his grunts filled the room. Your throat felt all rough from your boyfriend’s relentless pounding. His balls slapped against your chin, making your face hurt. You were just about to tap out when Hoseok gave out a broken moan and came down your throat. You swallowed it all and opened your mouth to show Hoseok. He patted your head before tucking his hands under your armpits and lifting you onto the bed. With your head down and your ass up in the air, he spread your knees apart after discarding your panties so that you couldn’t move.
You moaned as you felt his tongue flick your clit. He immediately stopped and lifted you up by the hair. Grabbing the ball gag, he fastened it around your head. 
“Shh, babygirl, you don’t want to make Sir angry, do you,” he cooed and you whined. 
Getting back to work on your core, he inserted two fingers inside you, curling them and finding your g-spot. Muffled cries escaped your lips as your orgasm drew near. Just when you were about to cum, Hoseok pulled away.
“My little slut knows better than to cum without Sir’s permission, right,” he asked before pressing his favourite vibrator against your lower lips. Tears streamed down your face as your orgasm started building up again. Your legs shook as you tried not to cum. Hoseok didn’t stop even though your moans were getting more and more desperate. Before you could tell him to stop, he threw the vibrator away and without warning, he sheathed himself inside you in one smooth stroke. You squealed through your gag as started thrusting.
Gripping your thighs harshly, he pounded in and out of you at a slow yet hard pace. You whimpered and tried to tell him to go faster but were muffled by the gag. 
“Want me to go faster, whore? Then beg for it,” Hoseok hissed and you continued trying to beg with the gag still in your mouth. He just chuckled. He slowed down further just to frustrate you.
“What a pathetic bitch, can’t even beg properly.” Hoseok pulled the gag out of your mouth and let it hang around your neck. 
“Pl-please, go faster, Sir,” you begged, which he rewarded with a slap to your already bruised ass causing you to whimper. He humoured you by going a tad bit faster but not fast enough to get you to cum.
“Faster, Sir, please. Please,” you begged further and Hoseok finally gave in, pounding into you at an inhuman pace. Broken moans escaped you as he abused your g-spot and grinded against it. 
“So tight,” Hoseok gritted.
“Are you close, babygirl,” Hoseok asked in a soft voice. You nodded which resulted in another slap to your ass. 
“Use your words, slut,” Hoseok said. 
His fingers tightened around your thighs, sure to leave bruises, not that you minded them. You loved to see marks that your boyfriend left on your body.
“Please Sir, I’m s-so close. Please, let me c-cum,” you muttered. The pleasure was getting too much to handle. You needed to cum but you knew very well that if you came without Hoseok’s permission, you wouldn’t be getting any sleep. 
“Go ahead, cum for Sir,” Hoseok cooed and you let your body fall over the edge. 
You chanted his name as you came. He helped you ride out your orgasm, but didn’t stop even after you came down from your high. Fucking you into overstimulation, you cried as he reached his own high. Cumming deep into your pussy, he pulled out and rolled over to lay down next to you. Both of you laid there in bed for a few minutes to catch your breath.
He untied you and ran a bath for the both of you before picking you up from the bed and carrying you into the bathroom, setting you on the counter. He sat in the tub and pulled you in to sit between his legs. After a long relaxing bath, both of you collapsed on the bed, limbs tangled. 
As you stared at your boyfriend’s beautiful face, you recalled the incidents that had taken place over the course of the previous hours and felt an indescribable feeling towards him. Your love for him was infinite but it somehow continued to grow.  
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Over the next couple of days, you didn’t leave your studio at all. You barely interacted with Hoseok during this period of time. You slept on the couch in your studio a few times and other times you would get home really late and leave really early. Your boyfriend was getting nervous and was confused as to why you were behaving in such a manner. He was worried that he went too overboard that night and that you were mad at him.
In reality, you had gotten this idea stuck in your head since the day of the Diwali celebration that you just needed to get out and the only way you knew how, was to make a song about it. So, that’s exactly what you did, spending those days composing and writing nonstop. When you were finally done, you recorded it to send it to the team for approval. Once you got the thumbs up from the higher ups, you send it to the group you were in charge of for final recording.
Hoseok was in his dance studio when one of his co-workers came in to give him a new song for him to choreograph. The track was titled, 'Lights,’ and he played it on the speaker to hear it and start working on it. He heard the signature synth sound that you added to every song that you produced, a sort of signature, if you will, to indicate that the song was made by you. As the song played, his eyes filled up with tears.
“When I close my eyes
In the darkness, your light
Lights the way for me
We can walk forward without fear, you & I woah
You’re my light you’re my light
Always shine into my heart
You’re my light you’re my light
No matter how far apart we are
Your light shines on me”
He realised why you hadn’t been interacting with him and he also felt guilty for doubting your love for him. He concocted a plan to surprise you. You had revealed to him quite a secret recently that helped his plan perfectly.
You got a call from Hoseok in the middle of a writing session, asking you to come down to his dance studio in half an hour. You finished your session just in time and headed towards your boyfriend’s practice room. When you knocked on the door, Hoseok asked you to come inside. The members of your group and your boyfriend were sitting on the floor, clearly exhausted after a long practice session.
“So, as you all know, our lovely producer, y/n, over here made you guys a new song. I got the track today and was asked to choreograph it. But after a long discussion with the CEO, Mr. Kim Seokjin, we’ve come to the conclusion that I won’t be choreographing the song." 
Loud gasps filled the room as the boys looked at their teacher with confused expressions on their faces. 
"Instead, your choreographer for the song will be y/n herself!" 
You were shocked at Hoseok’s sudden revelation. 
"What,” you asked, confused. The boys started asking Hoseok why you were going to be in charge of the song.
“Your noona here is a wonderful dancer. I didn’t know this fact until recently, either. But after having a conversation with Mr. Kim, we’ve decided that this song should be choreographed by noona." 
You told them that you’d come in tomorrow for working on the song and you and Hoseok left to go home. "What in the world just happened?” You asked your boyfriend and he just smirked. You felt confused and happy at the same time because this was a big opportunity that you weren’t expecting at all.
The articles said everything. 'Lights’ had set innumerable records on the music charts and was the group’s best selling single. When asked about the song, the boys all credited you for producing and writing it. The choreography was also applauded as one of the best ones that the group has ever had. Your fan following and popularity skyrocketed to the point where the CEO offered you to quit your job as a producer, and join as an artist and you immediately agreed.
You and your boyfriend curled up on the couch after coming back from a party that was held by KM Entertainment for the success of 'Lights.’ 
“I’m so proud of you, baby,” Hoseok cooed as he ran his hand through your hair. You snuggled into his chest as he praised you. 
“I should thank you for letting me choreograph the song,” you muttered.
“By the way, why didn’t you ever tell my you danced,” Hoseok asked. You had never actually had a conversation about this topic since that night. 
“I was too insecure. I always thought I was never as good as you, Hobi,” you confessed. Hoseok chuckled.
“Are you actually kidding me? You’re a way better dancer than I am. I almost lost my job because of you. If Seokjin hadn’t asked you to join as an artist, I was sure he was going to make you the new choreographer." 
You hit your arm playfully against his chest before you turned to look up at him. The pride and adoration on his face was so evident that it made your heart beat faster. 
You placed a chaste kiss on his lips, whispering, "I love you." 
Hoseok hummed in response, the sound echoing your own sentiments. Arms wrapping around you tighter, he pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
"I love you too.”
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25 Days Of Christmas: A BTS Anthology Masterlist
194 notes · View notes
Shopping p.3
AN: so we’re just not gonna talk about how i was gone for a year, but I’m back and finna write up a storm. BIG ups to @chaneajoyyy​ for proof reading dis shit! 
pairing: m’baku x reader
warnings: cursing i think thats it lol.
word count: 2312
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Courting with M’baku was a.... interesting process to say the least. Every morning you awoke he was on your mind, you felt the ghost of his hands wrapped around your waist possessively as you slept and the same kisses that he peppered all over your face to wake you up as you walked around your small house. By the time that you walked out of your house you always practically tripped over the guard that he had stationed outside who was charged with protecting you. 
“You know” You said as you made your way outside of your house the guard following close behind you. “If we’re going to be spending so much time together it’s only fair that we know each other's name.”
You heard the man chuckle behind you.
“Eamon” he said following you on your walk.
“Eamon” You toyed with the name in your mouth “I like that name, you know I have a thing about names. I don’t understand how people end up with ugly names, it’s the simplest thing yet somehow overlooked.” You hit a quick left turn, you wanted to teach m’baku a lesson about sending guards to your house. You weren’t some frail flower that he had to protect at all costs. 
“Are we taking a detour today or are you trying to lose me again?” Eamon asked matching your quickening pace.
“We’re taking the scenic route to work today Eamon, stop assuming the worst about me” You smiled back at him but you were greeted with nothing but cold eyes.
“y/n lets go your shop is the opposite way we’re not doing this again.” 
“Fine” You pouted turning around “I don’t need to be watched, you do know that right? I’ve run my shop and walked from my house to it and back everyday since I was 18. You don’t need to protect me”
Eamon laughed to himself, “You think this is about you? I’m here because my king requested that I protect the woman that has stolen his heart and I serve his majesty. This has nothing to do with what I want to do it’s all up to him.”
The rest of the walk to your shop you spent in silence reflecting on your subtle realization, M’baku wanted to protect you, he wanted to make sure that no one in the entire world would be able to mess with his girl. And he wanted you to know that. While your mind wandered astray your feet had taken you to the street that your shop was on. A bouquet of roses sat on your step, the bright red in bright contrast with the blank white snow that surrounded them. You smiled to yourself, he’d been sending you gifts all week  and today’s gift had been roses. You picked up the bouquet and pulled out your keys unlocking your shops door. You hummed to yourself as you held the door open for Eamon to walk in behind you, he took his normal seat next to the door and pulled out his phone, no doubt informing m’baku that you had arrived at your shop and had started your work. You picked the note off of the flowers.
My dearest y/n,
       Roses today, diamonds tomorrow.
       Nothing is too good for you.
           See you tonight my love.
                       ~ M’baku
You smiled at his sweet note and felt a rush of happiness seep into your system, the blush redding your cheeks. Deciding to busy yourself you placed a pot of water onto a small burner.
“What are we feeling today Eamon?” You asked pulling out the rectangular tin that held your teas.
“What are my options again?” Eamon asked rising from his seat to walk over to your counter.
“Jasmine, ginger, green tea or this herbal blend that my mom gave me” you looked up at Eamon for his decision and he looked puzzled.
“You can pick this time y/n, I’ve tried all of them I don’t know which one I like the most” Eamon said as he returned to his seat at the front of the store.
“Ginger tea it is then.” You said grabbing the two tea bags and placing the top back on the tin and sliding it back into its place. While the water boiled you moved around your shop turning on your machines, you ran your hands over your records settling on the miseducation of Lauryn Hill. You popped the record out of its sleeve and placed it on the record player, intro played through the speaker on the record player, as you walked around your shop your mind flashed back to the last time you’d seen m’baku it’d been far too long...
“Why must you be so stubborn isithandwa?” M’baku asked. It was the third day that he had come to visit you since you agreed to let M’baku court you. He’d drop by around closing time and talk to you while you cleaned up your work for the day. He would walk you up to your parents house and talk to your Mom and Dad for a few hours before you fell asleep (with one of his arms wrapped around your shoulder and your back pressing up against his torso no doubt) he’d try to gently wake you up before deciding it would be easier to just call a car to come pick the both of you up and drive you back to your home. He’d open your front door and walk you back to your bedroom with you in his arms bridal style and plop you onto your bed, first he’d start by pulling all of your outside furs off leaving you in whatever pair of sweatpants or leggings you wore to work that day and a matching t-shirt. Next it was onto your hair most of the time your hair was pulled up into a puff so he would remove the hair tie that had kept it up, always earning a groan from you. Next he would throw on whatever bonnet he found laying closest to your bed making sure your head was on the silk pillows. Finally he would pull all the furs onto you that he could find. The first night that he had taken you home and wrapped you up in furs he looked down at his handy work and was immediately disappointed . “How is she still cold, she’s under 12 furs” he murmured to himself. He debated climbing into bed with you but he didn't want to overstep his boundaries. You whined pulling the covers up onto your back, M’baku noticed you start to shiver. He couldn’t leave you cold and alone in your house “Fuck it” he said as he started shedding his outer layer of clothing and climbing into bed next to you, wrapping  his arm around your waist pulling your body against his own.
“M’baku” you would whine out his warm body instantly sending blood flowing through your entire body.
“Ssh ssh ssh my love” he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Sleep now, sleep”
This night was no different M’baku sat on your counter his long legs touched the floor, his coat long forgotten hanging on coat rack along with most of his protection from the cold outdoors.
“I’m not being stubborn m’baku! I don’t need to be followed around!” you retorted back at him.
“He won’t be following you he’s just there for your protection. He will be seen and not heard I promise” M’baku stood up and walked over to you as you turned off the record player.
“I don’t need protection M’baku! What would I even need protection from? I work in a weapons shop for hanuman’s sake!” you turned back to face him.
“I don’t know y/n protection from anyone or anything, I just want to know that you’re safe!” M’baku came back at you with a fire you hadn’t seen in him before. “I-“ he paused, his voice had gotten softer and his hand had found its way to his forehead and started massaging his temples. “I just want to make sure that you’re safe y/n that’s it.”
You paused for a moment and looked M’baku up and down scanning his body for any sign that what he just said was a lie. You wrapped your arms around M’baku and placed your head into his chest. “I’m sorry” you said quietly into his chest.
M’baku took a deep breath in. “No i’m sorry isithandwa, I shouldn’t have pushed you. You said you didn’t want the guard and that should of been the end of it. Do you forgive me?” 
You pulled your head out of M’baku’s chest “Of course I forgive you M’baku, do you forgive me for being so stubborn?”
M’baku lifted your chin up and brought his lips down to deliver a sweet and tender kiss.
“One guard” you said after the kiss “One guard, not seen AND not heard” you saw the smile form on M’baku’s face. He lifted you up off the ground as his hand found your thighs.
“M’baku stop!” you exclaimed laughing with him as he spun the two of you around “You’re gonna drop me! ”
That made m’baku stop spinning “Eh? you think I'm gonna drop the wife that hauman gave me? what am I crazy!”
The shrill scream of the teapot snapped you out of your dream like trance. You walked over and grabbed two handmade mugs and poured hot water into each mug.
“Are you sure you want ginger Eamon, this is your last chance?” you looked over to see eamon gazing out of the window, he turned his attention to you. As the steam hit you, you flashed back to another time  M’baku had spent the night at your house.
You awoke to the shower running in your bathroom, no doubt M’baku had decided to shower at your place tonight. You looked over at the clock on your bedside table it shone bright with 1:38 am. The shower turned off and within a few moments the bathroom door opened and a wave of steam hit your face. M’baku emerged from the bathroom and his eyes met yours. 
“See something you like isithandwa?” M’baku smirked at you adjusting the towel around his waist.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about M’baku” you said plastering an innocent smile across your face.
“You looked me up and down like you wanted to pounce on me. Is that what it is? You want me?” M’baku cooed at you as you sat up in bed.
“Don’t test me m’baku, I’m following your customs by withstanding from sex with you until marriage. If it were up to me i would of been showering with you just now” you said crossing your arms and pushing your bottom lip out into a pout.  
M’baku walked over to you and placed a kiss on your lips. “I appreciate you and thank you little one, i know it’s not easy for you but trust me once we get together I will make it worth the wait”
“Yea it better be m’baku, hurry up and put some clothes on I wanna cuddle, I’m cold!”
Eamon’s words snapped you back to reality “Eh ginger is fine” 
You hummed along to ex-factor as you dunked the ginger tea bag into eamon’s drink and then one into your own drink. You walked over to Eamon and handed him his drink. 
“Thanks” he muttered focusing back outside the window after a few sips.
“I'm gonna get started I've got three jobs on back order so I might not be able to hear you with all the machines running”
You turned on your heels and walked into the back of your store and started on your work for the day.
Around 6 hours later you were done with two out of three of your orders and wanted to finish the third one tonight. You were blasting music so loud it blurred out your own thoughts, just how you liked it. You hummed along to your music as you grabbed the knife out of the ice bucket and turned around to set it on the tray.
“M’baku shit!” you dropped the knife you’d been working on to the floor. M’baku just smiled up at you from a chair sitting in your studio. You cut your eyes at him before you walked over to your speakers and turned it down so you could hear him.
“You really shouldn’t keep your music up that loud love” M’baku said to you as he watched you pick up the knife and survey it for damage.
“You really shouldn’t tell a woman with a knife in her hand what to do.” you said back to him. “How long have you been sitting there?”
“I don't know isithandwa it’s hard to remember I was so enchanted with watching you move and sing as you worked” M’baku chuckled making a mental note to remember this conversation.
“M’baku I'm serious! When did you walk in?” you whined out still facing him toying with the knife in your hand.
“ An hour isithandwa at max I swear!” he lied through his teeth he’d been there for at least two. You turned you back to him as you set the blade down on the counter and went back to your work. You heard M’baku stand up and walk towards you, you felt warm arms wrap around your waist with ease and his breath down your neck.
“Come with me today” M’baku mused in your ear, giving it a little nibble.
You felt your entire body relax into his arms and you let out a deep exhale releasing all of your pent up stress from today. “Go with you where?” you asked
“Come home with me today, let me take you to my home” he corrected himself “Our home”
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KinkToberFest Fic Collection #3🔥🔥🔥
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Title: Your Body is My Wonderland 🔥🔥🔥
M’Baku x Reader {One-Shot}
Warning: SMUT, NSFW, Body Worship & Sploshing (Edible Body Paint)
Word Count: 3.8K
Note: The second man I am apprehensive to write about, or even dare to post about. M’Baku wives, please forgive me if this does not fit your king, I did try my best. As always, thank you for reading!!!! {I got a little carried away, oops.} FOLLOW THE RATING UP TOP.
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
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It had been a long winter. A winter that had many, many problems. Problems that began with the fishing quantities and went on to a lack of resources in the harvest to divide adequately among the tribe. It was a winter for the books, and your husband, the chief of the Jabari was the one everyone looked to not only to solve the problems but calm everyone’s worries. It was a big job for one man, a job that often required long hours, sleepless nights and countless trips away with his men. So, what did that mean for everything and everyone else? Loneliness.
  It was now April; the snow and ice had melted, and the days were longer with more and more sunshine. Though the days were warmer, your nights were still chilly, even more so because your husband, the Chief, spent many of them working. It seemed there had been no time to rest. After the complex winter months, the grueling spring ones were upon you now. Crops needed tending; each family within the tribe needed their own attention from the Chief and Chieftess, diplomacy needed to be handled delicately, especially now when the big city and those of the Jabari were forging a new path—a united one.
M’Baku was gone every morning before you woke and in well past when you went to sleep, no matter how hard you tried to remain awake for him, it never worked out in your favor. You even tried to steal moments with him throughout the day in between each of your engagements. All that equated out to be were slight hand grazes, longing gazes, and near kisses. Every time you glanced at him you could see a storm brewing behind his deep soulful eyes. You didn’t know if it were from all the stress he was under, or perhaps he’d grown tired of you.
  You’d been married for barely a year now. You’d expected the embers of love and desire to still be burning brightly, but it was not, and you didn’t know why. Before you married, you’d heard quite the rumors of your chief’s appetite for all things amorous. Many of the unwed women whispered among each other of the tales they’d heard of his stamina, his technique, and even his preferences. From those rumors you’d gathered he was a passionate man who enjoyed pleasure thoroughly. When you married, you worried you wouldn’t be able to satisfy him because of your inexperience and shyness, but he was kind to you, took his time and taught you many things. You’d begun to think it was you. Perhaps he’d grown tired of teaching you and wished for a woman—a wife who could please him properly. Those thoughts worried you.
  Sighing, you walked into your Chieftess quarters and closed the heavy sliding wooden doors behind you. You pressed your back to the door, closed your eyes and tried to center yourself. It had been an exceptionally long day, and it wasn’t even over; it was barely close to sundown. You shouldn’t have been hiding out, but you were. This was the first free moment you had to yourself all day. Just as you felt yourself relaxing there was a knock. “Hanuman!”
  The knock came again, and you opened the door to see your most trusted friend on your detail, En’eyea. “I am sorry for the interruption, Chieftess; I have a message for you.”
  “A message? From whom?” She held out the folded paper. On the outside of it was the seal of your husband. It was such a formal way for him to send a message to you. Usually, he would send any messages that were not private through word of mouth through one of your maids, or even a simple note. This was not simple. You took the paper.
  “Thank you, En’eyea.” She nodded and bowed her head to you before she backed away and walked down the hall. Staring at the paper for far too long, you rolled your eyes, broke the seal that held the image of the great gorilla god, with the intricate and elaborately crafted letters “M” and “J.” it was his seal no doubt, even it demanded respect and asserted power. As you opened the note you recognized M’Baku’s handwriting.
 I wish to see you this evening. When the sun disappears behind the great mountain, come to the Waterhouse.
  It was direct, not an ounce of affection in it besides his nickname for you. You stood there reading and re-reading the note allowing your thoughts to run away from you. Before you knew it you were more than fifteen minutes late for your next obligation.
  As you hurried there, you tried to focus on the task at hand; this was your pet project. You’d worked hard to bring together all the female members of the tribe. You wanted each and every one of them to know they served a higher purpose than cooking, cleaning and taking care of their men. You’d established opportunities for them to learn more than others thought they should. You’d fought long and hard with your husband to do it. Now every woman of the Jabari could learn and practice anything they wished. You sat with the women and listened to them all, and it was enough to take your mind off of what your husband could possibly want to see you about.
  When the last of the group left the room, you saw the sun had just about disappeared and created a dewy glow across the sky. It was like one of his paintings that hung in your martial chambers. Excusing yourself, you dressed in your furs. While it was April, once the sun disappeared there was a slight chill in the air, and the path to the Waterhouse was higher in the mountains which meant the breeze was stronger. Once you walked outside of the palace you followed the torch-lit path through the village. As you passed tribe members they all graciously nodded their heads to you and even saluted you showing their respect. Before you were the Chieftess, they all knew you and your family; they’d seen you grow from a child to a woman. You were not a stranger to the tribe.
  Once you made it to the great mountain and you began your twelve-minute walk to the Waterhouse and enjoyed the beautiful views of Wakanda at the same time. It was perfect, and you could not imagine being anywhere else on Earth. As you neared the mountain you saw a trail of flowers begin, and your feet stopped looking around you. Not seeing anyone around, you continued wondering what was going on. When the gate to the Waterhouse was in sight the trail of flowers turned yellow and red, the colors of the flowers from your wedding day to M’Baku. You bent down and took up a few petals and examined them. They were, in fact, the same flowers. Your heart began to beat rapidly. Once you stopped at the gate you took a few calming breathes and walked through it.
  The courtyard of the Waterhouse was a favorite of yours. It always reminded you of a serene garden no matter the time of year. In the winter, it was snow-covered with crystal-like icicles and winter flowers of blues and gold. In the spring it had sprigs of green grass growing from underneath the cold earth, and green leaves beginning to sprout from branches with red and yellow flowers as far as the eye could see. In summer it came alive with an abundance of colors, smells and sounds, and fall was when the air carried the fragrant smells of purple flowers across the mountains down to the tribal lands.
  The red and yellow flower trail continued to the door of the house, and before you pushed it open you noticed the slight tremble of your hand. Once you did, you stepped inside and looked around the familiar surroundings. This was a place that was meant for the Chief and Chieftess, but M’Baku opened it up for all of the tribe. The therapeutic waters and transcending views worked miracles on the body and the mind. You slowly walked through the house along the flower trail to the door when it stopped. Opening the door, you saw your Herculean built husband standing before a stone tub with nothing on but his tribal wrap around his waist. It sat just at his hips, giving you the mouthwatering sight of just how much muscle he’d added over the winter.
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Where some men added extra pounds during winter to keep warm, your husband added muscle.
“Intaka encinci entle.” You smiled at the term of endearment. M’Baku held out his hand to you, and without hesitation you crossed the wooden floors to him. Once before him, you placed your hand in his. M’Baku lifted it to his lips and grazed a soft kiss across your knuckles. You unfolded your hand and caressed the soft skin of his cheek.
 “Othandekayo,” you whispered.
  “I am sorry.”
  “What are you sorry for?”
  “It has been many months since I have been a husband to you. It has been far too long since I have shown you just how precious you are to me sithandwa,” M’Baku spoke with his forehead pressed to yours. Your heart soared hearing his words especially since your day was spent worrying he felt the opposite for you. A tear slid down your face. M’Baku pulled you back and watched it drip from your jaw.
“Uyakhala. Yintoni sithandwa?” His thumb brushed across your cheek, drying the salty substance.
“I am sorry, my love.”
“Tell me what I have done.” You crashed your body to his and pressed your cheek onto his bare chest. The sound of his heart pounding was just what you needed.
“Y/N, ndiyacela.”
“It is nothing, my love. I just feared you had tired of me, feared you no longer loved me.”
You heard his heart slow before he pulled you back to stare deeply into your eyes.
“I could never. Hanuman as my witness, my love for you shall never fade, and my desire for you is relentless. It has killed me not to be able to have not even one day to show you. I am endlessly sorry. Intliziyo yam iyakulangazelela.”
You could see the passion and heat behind his eyes, and it made your skin prickle with goosebumps. M’Baku’s lips dropped to yours and softly kissed you with an increasing intensity that sucked the very air from your lungs. When he pulled back you gasped for the lost air as his lips connected to your neck and peppered kisses down to your shoulder. M’Baku’s fingers deftly unlaced and unfastened the garments on your body. One by one each layer fell to the wood floor until you were naked before him. His gaze slowly traveled across every inch of exposed flesh then you heard him suck in a breath.
“Ukumkanikazi wam omuhle.” He dropped to one knee before you.
“My king, what are you doing?”
“Bowing to my queen—my only.”
You smiled and dipped down to claim his lips in another heated kiss. As M’Baku rose to his feet, he lifted you in his strong arms and held you against his heated body. Before you knew it he was allowing you to slide down into warmed water.
“Allow me to make amends, my wife.” He dropped to his knees beside the tub and gathered the fabric along with the bar of soap and began making a lather. When the cloth swiped along your arm up to your shoulder it left a fragrant path of luscious suds in its wake.
Slowly he bathed you taking care to wash every area of your uniquely, curvaceous body. As his hands slowly traveled across your skin you noticed his eyes never left the path of the cloth he held. With every passing minute you could tell what he was feeling. You knew what he wanted. When his eyes met yours you nearly came undone right there.
“Stand for me, my chieftess.” You stood in the water, and the soapy trail slid down your body. M’Baku watched each bubble on its race to rejoin the water around your shins. His tongue snaked out and across his bottom lip. Gathering both hands filled with water he stretched onto his knees and released the cascade onto your body.
“You are so beautiful. Every inch of you, I have longed for this view for more nights than I can ever explain. His hands slowly descended your body, beginning at your neck then across to your breasts. He then gently cupped them and kneaded your flesh.
“I worship at your feet, my love. Every inch of you. Your skin is like spun honey and sugar with the grace of the purest silk.” His hands dipped across your stomach then over the full swell of your hips. M’Baku pulled you to him, and he bit onto the flesh of your belly. You hissed at the sudden slight pain. It was only momentary pain though, M’Baku’s lips were there to soothe it instantaneously. Your hands connected at the back of his head and then you felt his lips trail to your pubis. Your head fell back when you felt his lips kiss the most intimate part of you.
“M’Baku,” you whispered. It was his encouragement, an encouragement he willingly obeyed and delved his tongue between your folds. Your moans were the only sound in the great room.
Just when you were getting weak in the knees, M’Baku quickly stood claimed your lips and scooped you out of the tub before he was walking again. When you pulled away to see where he’d taken you, you saw you were in another room with a large white mat across the center. You looked to M’Baku for any clue as to what you were doing here and what he had in store. All he did was smile.
“Uyandithemba sithandwa sam?” You studied his eyes and nodded your head.
“With all that I am othandekayo,” you responded.
He smiled, kissed your nose, and walked you to the mat then lowered you onto it. Once you touched it, you recognized it didn’t feel like a regular carpet or mat. It felt textured, similar to his canvases. “What is this, M’Baku?” When you looked to him he was walking away to the opposite side of the room. You took the time to admire his frame. Your husband was the most beautiful man you’d ever laid eyes on. When he turned to look at you, you could tell he knew it. A cocky smirk decorated his lips as he walked back to you with a trey in his hands. Once he was again by your side he placed it down and stared at you. Your belly flipped, and you smiled, feeling a little embarrassed under the intense heat of his eyes.
“Lie back for my Y/N.” You did as he requested and lied onto your back and waited for him to make a move. For almost a minute, he did not; he just scanned your body. Then he opened the lids off the nine jars that were on the tray then took up a brush to dip it into one of the pots. When he lifted it the tip of the brush was coated with a white substance that looked like paint.
“You are my muse and my subject, you are my canvas, and your body will be my art, my love. I plan on worshiping every single inch of you with my love.”
M’Baku trailed the tip of the brush across your skin in swirls. The coldness of the paint, coupled with the whispy strokes of the brush made you wriggle under his expert wrist strokes. When he lifted the brush the center of your body had a beautiful swirl.
“Try not to move, my queen.” He slid his tongue across the painted swirl he just made along the entire trail of it, ending just at your collar. Once he was finished you were already a panting mess. You moaned and looked to him, his mischievous smile made your spine heat.
Again he dipped the brush into one of the jars and came away with a bright yellow paint this time. M’Baku circled each of your breasts, then dipped into another pot and painted smaller red circles around your nipples. He then inched back and admired his work before he smiled and continued his painting. Every dip into a jar produced a different colored paint that he used to decorate every inch of your skin with intricate symbols of the Jabari. As he painted across your skin he whispered what each symbol meant. “Love.” “Passion.” “Desire.” “Obsession.” “Life.” “Beauty.” “Intelligence.” “Skill.” “Power.” “Joy.” He was truly worshiping every inch of your body, not only with the attention of the brush but that of his lips and hands. No part of him left any part of you.
By the time he stood to examine his work, every inch of your skin was covered. “You are more beautiful than the rising and setting sun my love.” You were so on edge you needed more of him than ever before. As if he could read your mind he smiled “Roll for me intaka encinci.”
You rolled across the canvas slowly. Every roll you made the painted symbols imprinted into the canvas. His smile widened the further you went. You lost track of how many rolls your body did. Once you stopped he was standing above you again holding four of the jars. Without a word he poured them onto your body. Your eyes never left his. You dropped your hands to your body and rubbed the paint across your skin, up your belly around your breasts to your neck and jaw. A splash of the pain landed on your mouth, and you tipped your tongue out surprised when it tasted like berries, coconut, lemon, and other fruits that corresponded with the color. Somehow he’d made edible paint. Your realization made him smile widely. A wave of love washed through you. “Roll.”
Again you rolled across the canvas slithering your body across it. M’Baku slowly followed you until you stopped. He was now standing between your spread legs. You lifted your legs and hooked your toes into the waist of the tribal wrap he wore, and you pulled it until the fabric fell, finally revealing him to your hungry eyes. You sank your teeth into your bottom lip.
“Is it my turn, my Chief?” M’Baku dripped to his knees between your legs and pressed his heavy frame to your body. You moaned and claimed his lips as yours. His moans echoed in the room feeding the fire of your desire. His lips dropped to your neck and lapped at the flavored paint that was smeared across your skin. His movements were not slow, which said he’d pushed himself to the edge of his need. When his lips sucked, licked, and lapped at your breast you hugged his head to your body and relished the feel of his mouth on you.
M’Baku dropped his mouth lower to your nether lips and hungrily savored your taste. Slow was not in his vocabulary right now; he licked and teased your flesh as expertly as ever. His tongue quickly flicked against your swollen need, and before you knew it you’d came right on his mouth. He lapped at your juices but didn’t look as if he had any intention of stopping.
You had other plans. With all your strength, you pushed at him and rolled onto him. You were surprised you were able to overpower him, and by the look on his face he was also surprised. M’Baku smiled. “Feeling powerful, my queen?”
“You are about to see how powerful I feel, my king.”
You reached for the jars and retuned the favor pouring their contents across his chestnut skin. It was a sin for any man to possess such beauty, you thought as the colorful paints combined and swirled across his skin. Lifting the paintbrush you swirled it around the pool of paint and absentmindedly began making your masterpiece. You didn’t paint anything in particular you just had to fake it long enough to drive him crazy.
He knew just what you were doing, and he didn’t allow it for long. After a few minutes, he grabbed your wrist, and the brush fell. He pressed you to his chest and kissed you hungrily. He the slickness of the pain against your bodies made this feel incredibly erotic. You tore your lips from his and traveled across his chest down to the delicious snack that awaited you. Dropping your mouth over his swollen length he grunted and bucked his hips. The mixture of flavors in your mouth made you moan on him which made his length violently pulsate. 
After only a few minutes, M’Baku rolled onto you and settled between your thighs then thrust forward, fully sheathing himself within your heat. From the first touch of bliss, neither of you could wait any longer, and soon you were going at it like his namesake animal. Neither of you held in the sounds of your pleasure or passion for the other. Your name from his lips bounced off the walls, and his name was muffled into the canvas once he flipped you onto your stomach.
As he pounded into you, he proved to you just why he was Chief of the Jabari, just why so many in the tribe lusted after him, why he demanded attention, respect, and authority with every move he made. This man was born to be a king; this man was your king, your one and only.
You screamed loudly when your felt yet another orgasm rip through you. “Y/N!” You felt M’Baku’s strokes speed and become sloppier as he chased the release he’d denied himself for weeks. The way he hammered into you made you weak, and you knew you’d be sore for the next several days. You didn’t care, it had been way too long, and you needed every inch of him.
Without words, he obeyed your demand and delivered one bruising thrust after another into your leaking cavern of love. “M’Baku!”
“Shower me with your love, Y/N. Let my seed take bloom!” You felt the eruption within you as he filled you. The force made you clench around him, which made him push you to the canvas again with his hand harshly gripping the back of your neck as he delivered the final two, three, four thrusts. On the last the both of your shouted in unison and allowed your pleasure to dance through you.
Your bodies shook together, and neither of you could move. Before he crushed you, M’Baku rolled off of you hooking his arm around your abdomen to keep himself buried deep inside of you. You now laid on your sides with him behind you kisses your shoulders.
“Your body is my wonderland intaka encinci entle. I will worship at its alters until my last breath.”
You smiled and settled into his protective arms and found the first satisfying sleep you’d had in months.
 - Uyakhala. Yintoni sithandwa = You cry. What is it dear one?
- Intaka encinci entle = Beautiful little bird.
- Othandekayo = Beloved
- Intliziyo yam iyakulangazelela = My heart yearns for you.
- Ndiyacela = Please
- Ukumkanikazi wam omuhle = My beautiful queen.
- Uyandithemba sithandwa sam? = Do you trust me, my dear?
-Sithandwa = My Dear/Dear One
**Translations Courtesy of Google.com
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