#happy happy birthday ez!!!
leiawritesstories · 1 year
little princess
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EZRA!!!!!! @rowanaelinn you are such an incredibly talented writer and wonderful friend and i'm so glad we share this crazy fandom space <3 here's some fluffs for you❤️❤️
word count: 827
warnings: none, i swear
Eleven hours.
He’d been pacing outside that door for eleven godsdamned hours. A track showed in the carpet. The outrageously expensive rug Aelin had carefully selected and imported from Eyllwe.
“Aelin’s going to castrate you for that, you know.”
Rowan whirled at the voice, finding Lorcan casually standing at the end of the hall, observing his brother warrior with arched brow. 
“For the track?” He shrugged. “Either of us can fix it with a flick of a finger. What she doesn’t know won’t bother her.”
“You forget that she’s in no condition to forgi—”
“I know what godsdamned condition my mate is in, thank you, and if you came here to snark at me, you can shove it up your a—” His sentence cut off abruptly as Lorcan called up whatever godsdamned power he controlled and whisked the two of them out to the training yard. 
“You prick! I’m supposed to be there!”
“You’re supposed to NOT be adding worry to your mate’s labor, dammit! And pacing your big ugly boots into her expensive carpeting isn’t the way to do that. Besides, I’m willing to bet you were practically screaming your worry down the bond, which really does absolutely nothing good.”
“At least I have big boots,” smirked Rowan, glancing pointedly down at Lorcan’s everyday shoes.
Lorcan’s face split into a positively feral smirk. “Five hundred years and you still can’t accept that my sword has always been broader." 
Whatever few remaining threads Rowan had tying his self-control together snapped. And he launched himself at his brother with a growl of pure Doranellian rage. Lorcan smirked, dodged his barreling attack, and kicked the back of his knee. Rowan grunted, catching himself before he could fall, turned, and let his fists fly. Lorcan met him blow for blow, jab for jab, that infuriating smirk of his never fading. Through the mire of stress and worry clouding his mind, Rowan realized that Lorcan was giving him what he needed: an outlet for everything overloading his brain. 
Thank me later, brother, the dark-haired male's vicious grin said.
Rowan grunted. So damn full of yourself whenever you think you did something useful. He brought his flagging defenses back up and landed a punishing hit to Lorcan’s stomach. The older male grunted, backhanded him, and kicked his legs out from under him. Swearing viciously, Rowan hit the dirt of the training ring with a thud. Lorcan tackled him, promptly rolled him over, and put him in a headlock. Pinned, he slapped the ground three times, yielding, a significant chunk of his stress gone. 
“Who would have known that getting your ass kicked would help you not to worry about your lovely, strong mate?” Lorcan inquired.
“Says the one who knocked Elide up first.”
“Quite. And look how well that turned out.”
Rowan snorted a laugh. “Cal likes me best.”
Lorcan rolled his eyes. "You're just saying that because he hasn't shit his diaper all over you or spit up all over your clean fucking clothes."
"Ah, the perils of fatherhood."
Lorcan swatted him. "We'll see who's joking when--" Elide appeared from an upstairs window and motioned with her hand. Instantly, the two males were on their feet again, racing for the doors.  
“Whitethorn?” Concern creased Lorcan's normally scowling face.
“What.” Nerves and anxiety nearly overpowered Rowan's better judgment; he really hadn't meant to snap at Lorcan like that.
“Gods above, calm down.”
“I am calm!”
“In that case, it’s time to go home. Aelin and your baby are—” Rowan was gone before Lorcan finished his sentence. Lorcan rolled his eyes and followed him into the manor.
Back in the queen and king's hallway, Rowan paused before the door leading into Aelin’s room. The sharp medicinal smells from earlier were gone. His wife’s scent still hinted at pain, but also…joy. Such unending joy. He lifted his hand to knock, but the door swung open before he could. Standing there, grinning, were Elide and Lysandra. 
“Ready to meet your little princess?”
Rowan gulped, fighting back unexpected tears. Princess.
Yes, you big oaf, a daughter. Aelin’s voice. Exhausted, but not lacking that wry humor of hers. 
Rowan crossed the room to his mate and the bundle of blankets in her arms. His daughter. Their daughter. Asleep, he couldn’t tell her eye color, but the little one's face—it was a tiny, perfect mirror of Aelin's own. He slumped onto the bed beside her, overcome with awe and fear and a hundred other emotions.
“May I...hold her?” His words were thick with unshed tears. Aelin smiled softly, tiredly, and placed their baby girl in his arms. Rowan looked down into the face of his daughter. And cried, overcome with the emotions of holding the baby he never dreamed of having. The first of many, he hoped. When his eyes cleared, he sniffled and looked to his mate. 
“What are we naming her?”
Aelin's exhausted face lifted with quiet joy. "Alanna Evalin Whitethorn Galathynius."
Utterly perfect.
127 notes · View notes
rosavatar · 2 months
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Happy Birthday Mashima!!
230 notes · View notes
waterfallofspace · 9 months
A Matter Of Belief
A birthday gift for @ezynse! <333 Sooo, I'm a few days late 😭😭 but hopefully you still enjoy this~ (and maaaybe the fact it's a two part thing makes up for that..?~)
Summary: When N/anami attempts to lie about a cold, he succeeds. But when he isn't lying, well, considering what happened last time? They're not so quick to believe him. So, he finds himself having to prove his honesty.
Word Count: 4.3k (Part One: 1.9k - The Lies We Tell~ ) (Part Two: 2.4k - ~Come Back To Bite Us)
Characters: N/anami, G/ojo, M/egumi and I/tadori. (hints at N/anago, but can be read platonic or romantic, readers choice~)
(Warning, features vague notions of past contagion and light mess implications. Nothing outright stated, but be warned!)
The Lies We Tell~
A shrewd whistle pulls Nanami from his thoughts, head lifting from the safety of his cupped hands. Waiting to meet his eyes is a familiar, and deeply unwanted, sight. 
“Woah, you look rough,” Gojo hums, sucking air through his teeth with a sound not unlike a rusty gate pulling against its hinges. Hm; apparently metaphors are easier when you’re a little out of it. Or maybe it’s just Gojo that pulls that side of people out into the open. However against their will it may be. 
Clearing his throat, Nanami braces himself for the sounds that may escape in lieu of human speech. “Id’s-” A pause, cough, and tight inhale. “It’s not all that. I’m alright. Though, less so with you interrupting my work. I have a lot to complete before the day is up.” 
“Working? Is that what we’re calling ‘half-asleep in our hands’ nowadays?” Gojo retorts, a smirk creeping from his flashing teeth up to his blindfold. There’s no doubt his eyes are shining, taking in every pathetic inch of Nanami’s current state. Effortlessly infuriating, as always. 
Letting a sigh replace the urge to cough, Nanami turns his focus back to the laptop. A clear signal, leave me alone. Observant as Gojo is, there’s no doubt the signals were seen and understood.
“Whatcha workin’ on?” 
Then pointedly ignored. 
“Even if I explained it, you wouldn’t have any idea what it was.” 
Gojo lets out a huff, falling into the chair next to Nanami’s with a performative groan. Dramatic as ever, and certainly getting awfully comfortable. With a sigh, Nanami pinches the bridge of his nose, giving Gojo a light glare as he feels unease start to take root.
His growing headache protests this action, a flash of heat through his temples nearly bringing a wince. Each blink serves to bring a moment of relief, quickly dispelled as the fluorescent lighting brings another wave of pain. 
Yet, despite the agony, pain can be endured silently without much fuss. No, his rising unease belongs to an entirely different sort of sensation. One that won’t go so easily overlooked. 
“Nana-mi, how long are you gonna be working on this?” Gojo cuts in with a whine. “I’m so bored. Why don’t we play a game instead!” 
“I’m busy.”
“Oh come on, we both know you can multitask like a pro!” 
Nanami sighs, allowing a single finger to brush the source of his growing agitation. “Is it ‘name all the things you like about Gojo Satoru’? Again?” 
“We have a winner!” Gojo smirks, clapping his hands together above his head. The noise echoes through the quiet office. Thanks to a meeting, to which an invitation was respectfully declined, the office is graciously empty. Then again, if it wasn’t, maybe Gojo wouldn’t be here at all. 
“It seems to be the only game you’re aware of. Or at least the only one you have any interesting in particihhhpating in.” Nanami swallows hard as his breath catches on its own.
Each inhale from here on out is a gamble. One wrong move and the dam bursts. Best course of action is to keep the breathing shallow, wait for an opportunity, and hope to keep it quiet- 
“So you’re sick, huh?” 
The question breaks Nanami’s concentration, fingers barely reaching his nose in time to catch the sneeze. In an effort to relieve the pressure in his throat, he lets out a slight cough before the next itch takes its turn to pile on. 
“hieHh- nXGtCHhh! Pardon me.” 
“That can’t feel good,” Gojo offers with a wince, gesturing to Nanami’s throat. Admittedly, it does not. Still, not ready to admit defeat, Nanami tightens his mouth into a grimace. One Gojo seems to pull out of him often. 
“I’m not unwell, it is simply an… hiH’gehDNTchh!” Hands fly up to catch this one, Nanami leaving one hovering just under his chin as he finishes. “-immune system overreaction. Pardon.” 
“You can’t just say it like a normal person?” 
“It’s an allergic reaction.” 
“S-ee? Was that so hard?” Comes the teasing reply, Gojo managing to wink with his voice alone. Letting his fingers brush against his nose, Nanami disguises the action by sliding his glasses up it. 
“I’m fully capable of so called ‘normal’ conversations. I just prefer to choose a more sophisticated approach. Something you’d- eh’deNGTchh! Pardon. Something you’d know nothing about.”  
Gojo’s reply sounds muffled, something about ‘words hurting’ starting to fade away as Nanami gasps.
Fingers pinch his nose, giving the freedom to release an itchy hiss from his teeth. Feeling the flare of his own nostrils under his grip, another gasp gets caught in his throat. If he didn’t know better, he’d say it was an allergy. This cold’s damn expressive. 
Even if he wanted to reply, the option was entirely off the table. His entire face seems to buzz, nose practically quivering. Still, wishing to maintain decorum, or at least pride, Nanami takes another measured inhale. 
This can be held back.
“hhieh… hih-!”
At least long enough for Gojo to lose interest and leave him alo-
“eHNgdtch– hiHh’eyIESHHh-iuh!” 
The first gets squished against his fingers, but the second breaks his hold, barely managing to be caught against his sleeve. The violent nature leaves his throat raw, sinuses starting to ache as a light drip threatens to bring forth another burst. 
“See,” Gojo interrupts, seemingly oblivious to the struggles as Nanami tries to clear his throat. “-that didn’t sound like an allergy sneeze.” 
There’s a silence as Nanami pinches his nose, feigning an all too real headache. Even a single word is out of the question, there’s no way his voice won’t hold the congestion. Silence for this long though… Gojo will piece together that there’s more than one kind of irritation working its way through Nanami. 
“Whad’s thad subosed… hehh–” Nanami replies at last, deciding to take the lack of consonants over the lack of words entirely. The intensity of the tickle as each word buzzes through his throat, however, was not accounted for. 
“Jeez!” Gojo laughs, chair nearly tipping over. “I can barely understand you!” 
“hIH’ESHHH-iuh!” Nanami answers with a groan, attempting to tack on some words at the end. “Pardod be. Thad’s dot by probleb.”
“Better blow your dose, Dadabi.” Comes the retort, Gojo pinching his nose with a dramatic flair, once more seeming to wink without the use of his eyes. 
Nanami scoffs, the action triggering a heavy cough. His arm raises on instinct, chair squeaking as he manages to aim away from the blindfolded annoyance to his right. Face still buried in the warm fabric, his hand reaching blindly for the handkerchief. It’s seen its fair share of use this week. 
Alright, so maybe it’s not exactly allergies, but the overreaction part wasn’t inaccurate. And should Gojo catch on that this is a cold, overreaction will be exactly what follows. He’ll be impossible to get rid of, and the word will spread like wildfire. 
Nanami grimaces against his arm, fingers finally reaching their target as his thoughts continue to wander. He has things to do, none of which include people fussing over him and interrupting his work. 
Not bothering to open his eyes, Nanami brings the cloth to his face and lets out a long blow, feeling the congestion shift enough to allow air through his sinuses once more. Once he’s satisfied with the action, he lets the handkerchief fall back to the desk.
Gojo’s remained uncharacteristically quiet through the whole ordeal, and stays that way as Nanami attempts a light sniffle to test the waters. He quickly realizes his mistake, breath wavering as he pulls the tissues to his nose. 
“hHEDtieZSHhh! eH’GhZshhoo! hh’eDGSHh’iuh-!” 
The sounds are heavy, congestion lining each breath as he attempts to stall the onslaught at three– “hH’EMPFFfshh-!” a light moan escaping as he’s unsuccessful. The tissues manage to catch most of the attack, only the last breaking its way into his arm. 
A heat suddenly floods his mind, all symptoms forgotten as Nanami feels a light panic enter his chest. The tissues… that he didn’t grab…? Is he feverish after all- the only fabric he’d acquired was the handkerchief, yet glancing down, what remains of tissues are clearly in his hands. 
Laughter brings him back to the room. He looks up to find Gojo laughing, nearly hysterically, as he gestures to the box on the desk next to him. A coworker had brought them in last week. Along with something else Nanami is not as grateful to have obtained. 
“You- you should have- seen your face!” Gojo manages through the near mocking levels of gasping, blindfold starting to darken in colour around his eyes. 
Nanami can’t help the humour that coats his annoyance. Crying from laughter…? A bit over the top, even for Gojo. 
With a final chuckle, Gojo settles back down, lowering his voice back to its average pitch. “You looked like you needed them.” 
“Ah. It seems I did. Pardon me again.” 
It’s all the admission Nanami’s willing to allow, but it seems more than enough for Gojo to run with. He pauses, lifting the corner of his blindfold to meet Nanami’s gaze directly. “You sure you’re alright?” 
“I’m certain. One of my coworkers simply got a new scent that… didn’t agree with me...” It’s a lie, something Nanami is none too fond of, especially at such detail. However… it’s not entirely untrue. There was such an incident– it just happened weeks ago. 
Gojo tilts his head, gesturing to continue. 
“A gift from her American boyfriend. Seems they use much stronger scents across the sea.” 
This elicits a solemn nod, Gojo pursing his lips. “I’ve experienced a few of those. Powerful stuff.” 
“Interesting that I’m not getting set off though–” Gojo adds, taking a deep sniff. The crisp sound seems almost like a taunt, Nanami feeling his own sinuses protest the action. He curses himself, then Gojo’s overly-sensitive nose, before settling on a light shrug. 
“Probably got cleared out of the air by now. We do have a filtration system in the office– heh’dEHTChh-ue! Pardon me.” Gojo passes another tissue as Nanami attempts to finish the thought. “Though it seems it’s still lingering in my sinuses.”
Pausing for another blow and letting a few coughs escape under the guise of allergic irritation, Nanami sighs. “Now, if there’s nothing else?” 
Standing from the chair, Gojo sighs performatively, letting out a vague chuckle. “You’re so boring, Nanami.” 
“And yet you wasted nearly twenty minutes of your precious time with me.”
“Megumi’s off on a mission with Okkotsu,” Gojo laments, before pausing. A hint of sincerity leaks into his tone as the next words come out barely audible above the hum of the office. “Was feelin’ kinda quiet at school.” 
Nanami sighs again, certain he’s gained more oxygen in the last twenty minutes than he’s gotten in weeks from sheer amount of sighs. Gesturing towards the chair, he feels his headache protesting the action. He’s gonna regret this. 
Dropping back into it with a grin, Gojo gives a light and airy “th-ank you!” which Nanami pointedly ignores. 
“Stay quiet, I have to finish these forms.”
“You’re the best Nanami!” 
“eH’TSSCHh– ESSChh’iuh! And not a word about that.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Comes the airy reply, Gojo sliding the box of tissues closer. Fighting the urge to sigh again, a little overdone at this point, Nanami grabs a handful. 
It’s gonna be a long afternoon. 
~Come Back To Bite Us.
“nGxt– eNKxt! ah’kNXt! Oh, pardon me.” 
“Go home.”
“Megumi, that was rude!” Gojo chimes in, infinity still up as he angles his hips towards the source of his chastation, “We don’t speak like that to our elders,” before turning on his heel to face Nanami. “-but the kid’s right. Go home.” 
Releasing his nose, Nanami doesn’t miss the glare Megumi casts at him. Regardless, the itch wins out, and he sniffles lightly, clearing his throat before speaking. “I just got here. And besides, it was Itadori that called me in, not you two.” 
Nanami had been resting at home, mindlessly filling in some crosswords when he’d received what could only be described as a frantic text from Itadori. Something about ‘trouble, burning, and Nanamin’. Followed by, in all caps, ‘COME QUICK’, and a string of white boxes that Nanami elected to ignore. 
“Whatever.” Megumi’s voice cuts through Nanami’s thoughts, eyes drifting up to meet the icy glare being shot in his direction. “But I’m going back to my room. I sure as hell don’t want whatever you got.” 
Nanami blinks, pushing his glasses up with a sigh. “I’m not sick.” 
The irritated glare is almost comical, Megumi’s mouth tightening as he gestures to Gojo. “Last time you ‘weren’t sick’, this idiot showed up with a cold that he proceeded to share with all of us.” A light heat appears on the accused’s cheeks as Megumi continues, “We were all sick within a matter of days. I’m not taking any chances.” 
“Hey,” Gojo whines, crossing his arms with a huff. “That wasn’t my fault! I tried to call out, but someone had to keep an eye on you kids.” 
“Not a kid.”
Gojo grins, dropping his infinity to poke at Megumi’s cheek as he sings, “Not a child, still a kid!” before retreating with a yelp as Megumi knocks his hand away. 
“That’s no-” 
“Look,” Nanami cuts in, rolling his eyes as Gojo pokes a not-so-subtle tongue in Megumi’s direction. “Just tell me where Itadori’s room is, and I’ll find him myself.” 
“Not a chance. He’s almost as bad as Gojo when it comes to spreading illness.” 
Pouting at the accusation, Gojo rolls his head back to confront Megumi, some complaint or denial sprouting on his tongue–
“hnNGxt! agHKnt! eNGkt!”
–until Nanami cuts their bickering off once more, a ‘pardon’ getting lost behind the fist pressed against his nose. The increasing congestion leaves Nanami’s hand against his face, a sniffle loosening it more audibly than he’d desire. 
Standing from the couch, Gojo grabs a tissue with much too over-the-top of a flourish, yelping as Megumi slaps his hand again. Instead, Megumi places the box in Nanami’s reach, with another pointed glare and scoff. 
Unwarranted, seeing as, “I’b do-” A pause, deep sniffle, grimace forming as it does nothing to alleviate the ever growing tickle. Still, it allows enough clarity to continue with, “I’m not sick.” 
“Real convincing,” comes Megumi’s retort, Nanami ducking to the tissue box just in time to catch the next burst. 
It escapes before he can suppress it, a heat starting to form at the tips of his ears. Normally stifling isn’t a problem, not unless he’s been at it for awhile, or it’s a particularly nasty itch. Neither of those should be the case in this situation. Much to Nanami’s chagrin, this was simply a failure on his part to contain it. 
“You sound entirely healthy.” 
“Megumi, what an attitude!” Gojo says, sarcastic displeasure dripping from each word as Megumi sucks in a breath. Turning on his heel, he spins around to face Gojo with a look that could kill. Guessing by who it’s aimed at, Megumi wishes it would. 
“You clung to my side like a parasite for nearly two weeks.” 
“I was dy-ing! You refused to comfort me in my time of need and suffering–” 
Letting their argument fade into the background, Nanami pauses to take stock of the situation. Despite previous denials being entirely for show, this time he’s really not sick. Everything has felt fine all day, no symptoms to speak of. Even now, there’s still no rawness of the throat, or heaviness in the lungs, it’s only his nose having a reaction. 
No– actually, the itch starts in his nose, but it’s spreading. Beginning to crawl up his throat, it’s burying itself in his ears, clinging to the backs of his eyes. This is most certainly an allergy, but to what..? 
It first began when he entered Jujutsu High, so it has to be something here. It’s the middle of autumn, so unlikely there’d be any specific flowers floating around, not that those tend to set him off anyways. And if it was a heavy perfume, Gojo would certainly be reacting too. 
Nanami gives the room a scan, eyes finally resting on a bottle of cleaning supplies sitting on the counter. The brand isn’t familiar, it’s not the one they use at the office, or one he’s picked up himself before. It has some sort of apple design on the label, though it doesn’t appear to be scented. Judging by the level of liquid, and the dampness of the cloth to its left, it’s been recently used. 
“--and then you made Okkotsu miss his assignment, which meant me and Toge had to take it, despite him still being unwell.” 
Tuning back in to catch Megumi’s closing argument, Nanami interjects before Gojo has a chance to form his defense. “Not sick, just an immune system overreaction. Likely to that cleaning spray. N-now… eh’kNCHhaa! Pardon me. Now, Itadori’s room? He claimed it was urgent.” 
Gojo crinkles his nose, glancing from Nanami to the spray and back, before chuckling. “What, is that American made too?” 
Judging by the strangled noise from Megumi, he understood the reference and found it unfortunately amusing. Apparently not many details of their encounters are kept private. Though, seeing as it’s Gojo Satoru in question, that was to be expected. 
Nanami sighs, tongue pressed to the roof of his mouth as the itch spreads deeper. Exchanging it for a pinch at the bridge of his nose so he can speak, he turns to face the most likely to allow him access.
“Gojo, I don’t have tihh… time for this. I need to find Itadori.” 
“Not a chance,” Megumi calls again, arms still crossed over his chest. 
“Staying in this room is j-just… just gonna… hHiuh-!” Nanami pauses, tongue pressed harder against his teeth as he fights back the overwhelming desire to give in to the tickle. Finally with a heavy sigh, he releases the pressure. “Just going to make the reaction worse.” 
Rolling his eyes, Megumi places a hand on the doorframe, firmly blocking the entrance. “Sorry, not buying it.” 
A sigh sounds from the couch where Gojo has found himself lounging again, eyes rolling as he makes a pointless gesture. “Just let the man through. He’s probably telling the truth anyways, what’s the point in keeping up the lie if we’re still denying him access?” 
“hH’ENchHsha! Pardon.” 
“Not planning on betting with three weeks of misery over probably telling the truth.” 
Gojo leans his head back to meet Megumi’s icy gaze, beginning yet another argument as Nanami feels his head begin to pound. Megumi’s an alright kid on his own, but put him in a conversation with Gojo, and it’s nearly infuriating. 
Exacerbated, Nanami lets a groan pass through his teeth, before walking over to the counter. Hearing footsteps, Megumi raises his head, ready to prevent an intrusion, before pausing. Quizzically, he casts a glance at Gojo, who merely shrugs. 
“What are you-”
“You don’t believe me? Fair enough, I guess I’ve earned that,” Nanami begins, internally cursing himself for this half-assed plan. “Still, I intend to see Itadori before I’m off the clock, so here’s your proof.” 
With that, he takes the bottle and sprays it against the cloth, before bringing it to his nose. The effect is immediate, Nanami feeling his hands grip the cloth tighter against his rapidly flaring nostrils on instinct. A rush of ticklish irritation spreads deep into his sinuses, his eyes watering as his skin takes on a rosy flush. 
“hH’ENCHha– YEASHH’ahh! hH’NkGt-sha! aH’GngKThah! hH’DESHHh’ue!”
Megumi and Gojo seem frozen, eyes glued to the scene playing out in front of them. Shock’s written plainly across their faces as Nanami ducks closer to the ground with each body-wrenching sneeze. All three of them locked in place. 
Gojo’s the first to break the spell, rising from the couch as Nanami– “hH’eNChsha!” continues to sneeze against the cloth. Each desperate inhale bringing another round of heavy, chemically tainted, scent.  
“enCHshHAa-! egZSHHshaa-! P-pardon– ek’eNCHSh-uew!” 
“Jeez Nanami,” Gojo offers, a wince scraping from his throat. Reaching over, he pulls the cloth away from Nanami’s twitching nose. “You’re gonna smother yourself.” 
“Point proven, now try taking a clean breath instead, yeah?” 
The near whine Nanami releases as the rush of fresh air invades his sinuses is almost pitiful, eyes overflowing with allergic misery. Megumi finally takes this moment to react, grabbing the tissue box and bringing it over. 
Still barely able to pry his eyes open, Nanami only catches a second of the offering, but he’d wager the look Megumi’s wearing is a sheepish one. More than likely laced with some feigned annoyance to cover genuine concern. That kid was always a little too good at feeling sympathy for those around him. Seems Gojo managed to instill a few good traits along with all the bad. 
“Here,” Megumi huffs, actions confirming the suspicions as he presses a handful of tissues into Nanami’s frantically waving hands. 
“eh’mFFSSCHhh! ah’enCSHMFff! hiEHh– mMFFSHHhh!” 
There’s a vague murmur of concern from Gojo, his infinity breaking as his skin touches Nanami’s back, hand gently running across the violently shaking shoulders. “You gonna live?” 
“I- hHEZDCSHah! Pardon me. I told you I wasn’t… w-wasn’t… hH’ENCZSHhaa! Wasn’t sick. Now can- ah’yeISSHHh-uew! Pardod be-” 
“Breathe Kento,” Gojo mutters, casting Megumi a calculated look as he shifts awkwardly, offering another round of tissues. 
Accepting them with a heady sniffle, Nanami attempts to finish his sentence, “Dow cad I see Idadori?” grimacing at how heavy the words fall out. Pausing to blow, he accepts another round of tissues as the sensation prompts another round of heady sneezes, followed by a second blow. 
The congestion lining his sinuses seems to be more swelling than anything else, but the blows at least clears his voice enough to regain some consonants. “There’s still an hour left in the work day, and I’d like to see him before it ends.” 
Megumi winces, attempting to cover it with a shrug as he gestures towards the door he’d been previously blocking. “Last room on the left, end of the hall. He’d be there if he’s waiting for you. Otherwise you could check the kitchen, I think he was in there earlier.” 
Before Nanami can take a step, Gojo lets an arm rest on his shoulder, leaning over with a smug grin. “The kitchen was just cleaned-”  
“eH’NCZSHha! Excuse me.” 
“-How about you go get Itadori, and I’ll bring Nanami outside for some fresh air.” 
Megumi nods, walking off at a pace that, to anyone else, could almost be construed as hurried. Once he’s out of range, Gojo turns back to Nanami, concern etched across his sharp features. 
“You know, you could have just pushed past him,” he muses, grabbing another handful of tissues as Nanami’s nose twitches needily, his eyes fluttering shut. “Megumi’s all talk, he wouldn’t have actually stopped you.” 
“eNCHHff! ah’mMFFShhh-uew! Pardon me.” 
With another harsh blow, and a sigh, Nanami accepts Gojo’s waiting shoulder, beginning the nearly six feet journey to outside. With his eyes still watering and swollen, he’s relying almost solely on Gojo to get them safely to the door. 
“I know,” he begins, taking advantage of the illusion of privacy that the darkness brings. “But I couldn’t exactly blame him. I did lie before.” 
Gojo laughs, joyous and full-bodied, the action shaking them both as Nanami wrenches to the side with another– “hHENCHHshha!” that nearly topples them. 
When he can finally get a breath in, Gojo places his hand against the wall, studying the duo. Turning to Nanami, he offers a “Was it worth it?” 
“Provigg by poidt?”
 “I meant lying. Before.” 
Nanami takes a sharp breath. Once, twice, eyes blearily staring up at the sky, before a deep exhale trips out, a groan on it’s heels. 
“Lost it?” 
“Mm. I didn’t mean to, you know.” 
“To lose the sneeze?” Gojo chuckles, helping Nanami down the steps. “I didn’t figure you did-” 
Nanami cuts him off, tone softer than he’d ever admit to as he begins again. “To get you guys sick. I wasn’t planning on having you stick around, I just…” 
There’s a pause, the silence seeming to linger heavily in the air. It’s not cold enough to see your breath, but the chill still leaves Nanami rubbing his arms. No comment is spoken when Gojo leans in closer, nor when Nanami lets his head rest on his shoulder. 
Finally a sheepish laugh cuts through the atmosphere, Nanami glancing up to meet Gojo’s genuine smile. “Can’t turn away a person in need? Guess that one’s on me as much as it is you.” 
With a light cough, Nanami spins away from his position against Gojo’s shoulder, ducking towards the ground for another, “hh’RRSHHhaa! hk’EYIESHhhaa! Pardod be, agaid."
“See! Those sound like allergies.” 
Nanami turns back to Gojo, raising an eyebrow incredulously. “You’re sayigg by sdeezes soud differedt whed I’b sick?” 
A smirk meets the question, Gojo’s eyes glistening with mischief. “I’ll record them sometime. Show you what I mean.” 
“If you ever-” 
He’s interrupted by Itadori calling out, the words lost in the distance. Glancing up from behind his tissue barrier, Nanami catches sight of the frantic waving. Megumi’s leaning against the doorframe behind him, attempting to feign indifference. As their eyes catch, Nanami offers a slight nod, Megumi’s posture notably relaxing. 
“Nanamin!” Itadori calls, rushing over to them with a giant smile. One that feels deeply inappropriate for this level of exhaustion.
Still, Nanami attempts to react with one of his own as Itadori continues rambling on. “Oh wow, you look rough! I mean, Megumi warned me, but I didn’t know it would be this bad.” 
As the words continue flowing out in an almost endless stream, Gojo leans over, voice at a volume only they can hear. “Payback time.” 
He then leans back, calling out to Itadori, “Yeah, he’s real banged up, right? Oh, hey Itadori! You remember that thing Okkotsu taught you?” 
Nanami raises an eyebrow, sending Gojo a suspicious glance before a deep sigh breaks forth at Itadori’s enthusiastic response. 
“Oh right! Bless you! It’s an English custom for when someone sneezes, right Sensei?” 
“Bless you, Nanamin!” 
It’s gonna be a long hour.
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camiladnne · 1 year
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5.01 - I Hear the Train A-Comin MAYANS M.C. (2018–)
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ravennaortiz · 1 month
Mystery Birthday Bingo!
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Hello Lovelies!
I wanted to do another month long writing event like I have done in the past and I thought lets do my birthday month!
I wanted to try bingo but with mystery prompts! So choose a number in one of the squares above and choose one of the guys below and send me an ask. I will respond with what prompt it is and cover the square up.
Stories will be posted August 1- August 31.
All spots taken as of 5/12!
*Please make sure to only send one number and character per ask for this and notate its for the mystery birthday bingo*
Choose from
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deuteragonist1 · 3 months
I was going through my gallery when I accidentally scrolled almost all the way up and glimpsed a picture I took of one of your books, while I was at your house. It made me realize just how long we've been reunited, even though I can still remember all these years, most of my years, without you, and how well we've used our time together; how it would seem to an outsider looking through my photos that we were never even apart. It pleased me. You've become a fixture in my life again. My world is healing, a little.
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deadmansbistro · 11 months
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(no shadow ver. under the cut bc im indecisive)
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langdahling · 1 year
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eisayshi · 1 year
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Kitchen Timer - E. I.
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freakova · 2 years
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*Boots up sa2 menu, gets to biolizard boss, rage quits*
Thank you for being my friend (10 years YIPPEE) and I hope you have a great day!
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woozi · 1 year
Happy new years eve miss yza I hope 2023 is full of nothing but good things for you ❤️
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rayllumoon · 2 years
catch me crying everywhere
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spadecentral · 9 months
💞 Yes Dear? | Vil Schoenhiet x Reader
>> requested: no >> a/n: happy birthday @vtoriacore!!!!
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>> masterlist: here!! >> summary: vil teases you >> reader prns: they/them >> warning(s): none!
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>> twst taglist: @tulipluvlettr | @strawberry-hyacinth | @oseathepebble | @wisteriainslumber | @villaim | @pastelmages | @xphantasmagoriax | @atlasnessie | @divinesapph | @ze-maki-nin | @silly-ez | @l1vyatan | @savanaclaw1996 | @cupids-chamber | @oepionie | @ravenlking | @queerlordsimon | @kyraxiyn | @rayisalive
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the-moon-files · 3 months
Aaaaa yay, you updated for Linked Universe again! 🙏 And right when the hyperfixation was coming back for me, too 👀 
I was looking over your posts for LU, and if you don’t mind, I’d love to share some of my own random thoughts with you! I hope that’s okay 👉👈
After I read your “Humans aren't just round-eared Hylians?” post I have had,, many thoughts 👀 One random difference between humans and Hylians I thought about was the possibilities of varying strength,,, You briefly mentioned how Hylians seemed lighter than they seemed to Guide!Reader, and let me tell you, it was such a small detail, but I was transFIXED. I have this image of humans/Guide!Reader just being naturally stronger than the average Hylians - and it made me think of scenarios of the Reader just effortlessly hauling around two Links on their shoulders like sacks of potatoes- And them also picking up things that are supposed to be really heavy with ease! Like, Four would make a longsword, and Reader picks it up out of curiosity, expecting it to be really heavy, but it’s actually not that bad?? (Four in the background: 🧍)
If the Reader is already pretty strong (and maybe even has a profession in fighting, like a boxer or something,, [I might be projecting slightly—]), then ooo 👀 I can see there being this one time where a bunch of monsters ambush the Chain, and as everyone is fighting with the Reader giving them advice and whatnot, a Lizalfos managed to slip past everyone and sprint towards the Reader to attack them. The others are panicking because they won’t be able to reach the monster in time, but just as the Lizalfos raised its sword, one single punch from the Reader sent it flying back into the fray, knocking it into a Moblin. Reader is just standing there with their fist still in the air like “👁️👄👁️ h u h … whY ARE YOU GUYS STARING, YOU’RE STILL FIGHTING—”
In your newest post about the Guide!Reader’s voice, you mentioned how some entities could hear them, and I don’t know if he would, but I think it’d be kinda funny if Ganon and all of his other reincarnations could hear the Reader talking to Link- I’m not sure if he remembers his past lives, but if he does and hears/recognises Reader’s voice, I love the image of him thinking “Oh god, THIS guy again??” Because Reader WILL clown on him-
Dehydrated Ganondorf: *insert evil monologue here*
Guide!Reader: Uh-huh, sure, bold words for someone whose skin looks like a prehistoric riverbed. :|
Sage: *w he eze*
As I was writing all this, I had to think to myself, “Huh,, Guide!Reader doesn’t die when they fall into lava, aren’t really affected by harsher temperatures and winds, and also can swim against strong currents. They’re environment-resistant basically. But there’s bound to be at least one weakness to it all, right?” I did come up with said weakness, and I think it’s kinda basic, BUT one idea I had was that because Guide!Reader is so resistant to the natural elements of Hyrule, they are conversely quite weak to unnatural causes in turn. If they get injured, say they get cut with a knife by a Bokoblin, then that wound would take much longer to heal than it should. Any injuries that the Reader sustains in Hyrule are harder to heal (which I feel like could make some interesting angst,, 👀); their injuries would take more magic to completely heal them, or have more healing potions to drink. I also thought of the Reader being very vulnerable to any sort of poison- Like, if they get a pinch or two (or three) of strong poison in their system, they get knocked out for like two days 💀 
So basically, Guide!Reader is very resistant to the environment, possibly quite strong, but does not have any good constitution,,
[On another note, maybe it’s just a me thing, but I personally love the thought of Wind looking up to the Reader as like a big brother figure,,]
And also!! Happy birthday!! 🥳🥳🎉 As a way of procrastination, I’ve been compiling memes with Guide!Reader and the Chain because the brain rot is hitting HARD,, I can share it with you in the future if you like! /gen /pos And sorry if this is such a long post dkjfgndf-
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ur ideas, ur compliments, ur bday wishes, etc. hitting me like^^
Sun: Masc!Reader (he/him) this will be default unless ppl specify otherwise! , Guide!Reader, Boxer/Martial Artist!Reader
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: Most Links of the Chain mentioned + Sage (Totk Link)! No focus/centric Link
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: light cussing, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
In reference to This Post! Wait, Humans Aren’t just Round-Eared Hylians??
YOUR BRAIN>>>????!!!
This was such a yummy treat tysm for this, sharing is caring 🫶
I absolutely think Humans could be 10x stronger than Hylians, I mean if we base everything abt their universe off of Link weighing ~8 apples lmao
that means swords, armor, broadswords/claymores, battle axes, huge shields, if those weigh abt like fake swords/wooden ones back on earth to us, then i cant even imagine what canons/horses/tree trunks/boulders weigh 💀
like props on a stage weight rather than the real thing lmao
No but how many Links can you fit in one carry??
ok u got a heavier Link on your back, like Time, Twi or Wars, then Four/Wind/Hyrule/Legend (yes he’s light/smaller side, tho he may deny) in ur arms like one Link per arm, maybe 3 Links if you can like wrap ur arms around them
so like 4 Links total? well, Wind or Four r so light/small one could possibly ride on ur shoulders, so 5 LMAO??? that's like half the Chain already AHALJFAfJLL-
on another note,
I LOVEEE ganon being able to hear Guide Reader bc spent too long around them, also i originally based that off of characters who’ve shown they're meta/highly magical kinda (esp the meta part where they may have directly addressed players/broke 4th wall)
No bc Ganon would just be SO fed up by like, Wild’s time, it would literally be EXACTLY like what u said I’d imagine:
(u just playing the game and not realizing until later they can hear you)
Ganon: “ugh that blonde twink again, god when will this plan actually work-?!”
You: “eyyy, Ganon! omg, why’s he?? Hot??? damn, botw best ganon version fr”
Ganon: “you know what maybe you should just kill me right now, hero Link.”
(the thought of Ganon never being able to escape ur voice whenever Link was near him bc u didnt have a body to fight/kill, and instead he just had to deal with ur comments is SENDING ME)
changing subjects again sorry
YES!! that's the weakness/drawback I was thinking abt for Humans in Hyrule, while yes their environment isn't that effective on us, (i like to use “inside a video game” as the reason bc i think its neat)
humans are notoriously fragile in our own world already - we get sick, we get acid-reflux/throw up from bad food/food poisoning, etc.
so it makes sense we’d be more sensitive to this new environment, but even if we got adjusted,
we’re more external-proof, not internal-proof
(u know that's another reason why it works for Hylians and not Humans, we aren’t automatically healed by food, but their world does, and even in botw/totk when u have “dubious” food, its never inedible, its just useless to eat, so technically Hylians can kind of eat most anything off of that logic, like there is no such thing as “bad food” for them)
and u could take this either way tbh,
like we’re either entirely resistant to magic/dont take to it well bc our world didnt have it so potions/fairies don't work and we have to heal naturally
or just yeah, its like ur in a new country tbh, new germs/nature/food/etc. and u def cant guarantee u wont get a little sick from that
this would definitely include genuine poison!
bro the amount of WORRY the Links would feel after realizing the human guide guy who’s physically here now can barely handle their food??
Wild’s making a thorough list of what foods work for you and what don't, like safe foods to go back on, including recipes,
the way Time/Wars would absolutely be willing to take little detours/stop by towns more to make sure you have the right food you can eat,
and even tho Wild’s cooking, Sage is constantly testing for poison, like the dish itself, the herbs/plants, every ingredient needs to be extra safe even by Hylian standards (like not eating adventurous stuff like pufferfish or smth that could possibly have poison if cooked wrong/not enough etc)
that is to say, even if Wild makes a new recipe/other meal, he always has a backup safe meal to give you instead on those nights, and just way too many in general (yes he knows it doesn't buff ur health but he cant help his Hylians instincts to stuff the hurt person’s face with food ok??)
Hyrule! Is!! Losing!!! It!!!!
he has all the healing magic in the world and the one man he wants to help the most, for keeping him from being lonely on his adventure/looking out for him/being on his side no matter what, now he finds out he can’t even help them??
mans would literally keep trying to heal u til he’s drained it all out to just try and get the wound to close, if u didnt stop him
U get injured for the first time, and while a bruise/cut taking weeks to heal (depending on how bad) is normal to you, Hyrule + lowkey everyone is Freaking Out
Wounds DO NOT take weeks to heal?? They take hours at most??? Dude, are you dying-
(Wind got elbowed for that one, purely bc he voiced Sky/Hyrule/Wild/Twi paranoia out loud lol)
that is going with the version ur mostly unaffected by magic, but u could also do the human thing where we get adjusted to things over time (at least more than nothing), including food/sickness
The way All the Links just surround you or outright don’t let you come into crowded parts of town so ur poor immune system wont make u sick again 😭
on the bright side they'd all get rlly good at preventative measures like this, and taking care of sick you lol
(yes, u bribed Wind to get little bro cuddles when ur sick, it wasn't hard, he sees u as the most genuine bigger bro probably bc ur likely hte most affectionate out of all the Links)
(should I get into cultural differences between humans/hylians like humans being more openly cuddly/affectionate? like how in humans are space orcs fandom they acknowledge its unusual for us to “packbond” so easily to so many different species? and how this could possibly apply to not only Hylians but any Friend-shaped creatures across the Hyrules?? ..nah. I’ll save that for another post)
AND YES!! feel free to shoot rambles/thoughts/not even requests my way! Id love to talk abt it or just post it for the world to marvel at too lol
thank you for this, srsly /pos
Peace out,
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mixvyu · 8 months
Parfum d’étoile - episode forty-three
scaramouche x reader smau
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Extras :
• Happy birthday to me :33
• this episode is extra long because i had a lot of things to say 😭😭
★彡Taglist ! [open]
@gekkow-deactivated20230703 @aemiko @veekoko @kichiyoshi @scaramouchelover4ever @sukunasrealgf @lxkeeeee @kunisblog @yukiipc @brfrtbrt @simpforsubmissivemen @featuredtofu @fanfictionenthusiast @beriiov @lyzisbitchingagain @bluebelony @ryomiye @reinoodle @bananasquash @mikukksks @sakiimeo @kitanablades @pennyluvr @sakurapeach @crystalsguitar @feiherp @deluluangell @gracefulace200 @apinu @elernity @st4romii @cayl33n @ahseya @yelleloww @prettiestgirlxoxo @yoichiislovie @silly-ez @helix-frscr @morima2137 @boxedbest @serossidechick @yuraasia @xirthia @anastaxiah @angeilix @gyuhairclips @mikalei @yuuichilover @kacelah @sketcheeee @beebotea @keqing15 @yourmotherslover420 @m00mie-m00 @kyon-cherri @jkcryzzlis @im-inlovewithy0u @milceslv @certaindreampost @meowmeowmau @nnasv
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hwaightme · 1 year
Making wishes
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THIS IS 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI (nsfw tags under cut) (masterlist) (join taglist)
HAPPY (slightly belated) BIRTHDAY @cheollipop !!!!!! Nora I love you so so much, and when you asked me to do a lil birthday request for you I could not be more honoured. Thank you so much for existing, being the beautiful kind person that you are, thank you for sharing your art and your wonderful mind with all of us; I am wishing you happiness, love, health, luck, all the best and more <33 Smooches and huge hugs
🎂 pairing: bf!wooyoung x f!reader x best friend!seonghwa 🎂 genre: smut, pwp, fluff, established relationship into a poly relationship 🎂 summary: making wishes on shooting stars, on burning candles, you wanted one thing to come true. seonghwa and wooyoung are more than willing to celebrate the birthday girl. 🎂 wordcount: 7.0k 🎂 warnings/tags: poly relationship formation, language, an interesting kind of birthday party, slight(?) woohwa - relationship is a product of FICTION and does not imply ANYTHING in reality, food/eating, birthday wishes, woo being a menace, stalling hwa, a lot of love and acceptance, questionably edited (in true bai fashion), first poly fic so... yes; lmk if anything else 🎂 a/n: wishing everyone love and kindness. happy birthday nora, ilysm and i hope you enjoy!
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🎂 permanent taglist: @doom-fics @legohwas @acciocriativity @justhere4kpop @honey-lemon-goose @byuntrash101 @shakalakaboomboo @starillusion13 @hongthoven @cqndiedcherries @uwuheeseungie @/cheollipop @frankenstein852 @charreddonuts @miriamxsworld @mingigoo @michel-angelhoe @innsomniacshinestar @foxinnie8 @preciouswoozi @wooyoungjpg @mystar1024 @nebulousbookshelf @wowie-hockey @hongjoongs-patience @ssaboala @jaehunnyy @kitten4sannie @maddkitt
🎂 cannot be tagged: @hjoymyluv @memoriesofwoo @ate-ez
🎂 nsfw tags: soft dom!hwa, switch!woo, sub leaning!reader, blowjobs (yes, in plural), the lightest bit of degradation (not towards reader), praise, petnames (love, sweet, pretty...), throatfucking, cum in mouth + swallow, eating out + fingering, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap), cum inside, threesome (why yes, two at the same time), soft aftercare, a lot of affection
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“Hwa, do you know where-”
“Top cupboard on the far right. Behind the glass noodles packet. And no, not the blue packet. The one on the right. I told you it would be better to put it in a different cupboard.”
“... hey that’s… uh… okay… thanks.” you gave up quickly enough, fully aware that, no matter what retort you would make, Seonghwa was right. But he would never force you to change your habits and preferences even if he desperately wished so, because then who would ask him where the ingredients were in their own kitchen?
He knew you. Knew you better than you did. Seonghwa knew where you put things, knew what you truly meant when you spoke, knew how you felt depending on how you walked. Down to the tiniest tilt of your head or a raise of the eyebrow, he tried his best to read every nuance and learn every interpretation, and even after years of friendship, you were still his favourite story. If he could, he would never take his gaze off you, simply because in you he had found the tale that he always wanted to be part of.
As Seonghwa watched you reach for the bag of icing sugar - the product of you having forced your way into the preparations for your birthday after convincing him with your very best attempt at puppy eyes that you wanted to ‘share the burden’, he could not help but follow every movement. Biting his lower lip, Seonghwa desperately wished to lull his mind before it began to yell, though judging by the way his breath had gotten shallower as you lithely stretched towards the shelf, it was a bit too late for that, and instead he had to continue kicking himself. Over, and over, and over again. That he was stuck in the cliche scenario of being a lovesick best friend with no chance of ever even admitting his feelings.
It was easy to fall in love with you. So easy, in fact, that he had not noticed until it was far too late, and there was no room for you to hear his confessions. Frankly, had he been quicker on his internal uptake, Seonghwa had at least a year in his favour before the ‘official roadblock’ showed up. But no. Instead he had to be all blushes and smiles, trips to the Lego store and Star Wars movie marathons without any steps forward. Why? Because the last thing he wanted was to ever let you go. And to attempt to change things, even if Seonghwa desperately sought it, implied that the risk of you banishing him from your life would grow exponentially higher.
He could never see you as a stranger. As a daydream? Sure. As a fantasy? Undoubtedly. But as a passing face, a figure that would simply disappear from his heart and mind? After all that you had been through, the ups and downs, the trials and terrific successes, you were a permanent presence in his life. Perhaps even the epicentre of his musings, especially in the last few months. Because over this time, suddenly, he was not quite confident in his reasoning for your bashful smiles, the glimmer in your dazzling eyes, the lightness in your every step. Or at least, was not quite confident that it was ever him that caused you to act that way anymore. Seonghwa had grown too comfortable being around you but not with you, assuming that these two were the same thing. He had grown accustomed to kissing you on the cheek in greeting and in parting because that was ‘what friends did’, even though it was so far from the truth. Many times he had been questioned about your relationship, and he would simply brush it off. Apparently he did that too well. So well that you had been brushed away too and right into the arms of his own friend. Seonghwa, being the overly confident fool that he was, introduced you to Wooyoung, and watched as your acquaintanceship bloomed into friendship and soon enough into you calling that man your boyfriend. Your significant other. Any affectionate name or title that you would choose for him simply reminded Seonghwa that he had lost in the race to your heart. Nevertheless, his passions did not subside. He tried to extinguish them, tried to speak casually and behave cooly, but that only backfired when both you and Wooyoung only amplified your kindness, insisting that he needed to ‘be taken care of too’, and doting on him until all there was left for him to do was to admit to himself that he was deeply, unchangeably in love with you, and even the presence of a boyfriend could not deter him anymore. In fact, perhaps due to his close relationship with Wooyoung, he only felt that he would simply be a nice addition. Fit into your life like a puzzle piece, complementing both you and your boyfriend perfectly. He was perfectly aware that Wooyoung could satisfy you in ways that he couldn’t, but at the same time, Seonghwa knew you and Wooyoung, and thus could guess exactly how he could create the ideal harmony.
This was why he had jumped at the opportunity when you had messaged him with discussions for your birthday plans. You were never one to organise large gatherings, but even then the event turned into a family celebration to which Seonghwa was automatically invited. As such, when he heard that you wanted a more ‘intimate’ setting with just a couple of people and only your favourite things, his brain went into overdrive. A couple of people. As you had explicitly stated as soon as you invited him - you, him and Wooyoung: the most important people in your life, your past, present and future. The words had made his heart ache as he rapidly accepted the invitation and now found himself in the same kitchen as you and your boyfriend, feeling anything but like the odd one out, the third wheel.
It was in the lingering touches as you passed by him, the welcoming glances from Wooyoung as he would gingerly sidestep to get an item from another part of the kitchen, and some piece of information, a secret, strung tightly in the air right above his head and shooting between the two of you that resulted in what Seonghwa wanted to label as something reminiscent of smugness. Occasionally, you would look at Wooyoung and raise an eyebrow, as if you were waiting for some kind of instruction from him. This had led the latter to behave more freely, every bit a sly fox as he spoke in euphemisms, symbols and symphonies of comedic artistry that left Seonghwa baffled. Wooyoung’s attentiveness to the older man’s every reaction was astounding. From a light touch on the shoulder when they slumped as he was uneasy from a new mess made during cooking, or to a wink thrown in his direction as Wooyoung noticed him stiffen as you ambled past his form, hands on his waist to balance yourself as you squeezed between Seonghwa and the island counter.
A couple of hours later, in his peripherals unfolded the beginning of what he could only mark as a pivotal moment in his life. You called Wooyoung over casually, not giving a sign that there was anything particular that you wanted to ask, and how he embraced you, his chest pressed against your back only made Seonghwa want to sigh, wondering how it would be if he were to be able to do that limitlessly, instead of always worrying where his hands were, how long he should hold you, whether the action was making you uncomfortable. All he wanted was to be able to drift into a paradise with you in his arms, and feel your heart beating in unison with his. Voices dropped into a whisper, and inadvertently, Seonghwa caught himself half-closing the tap to reduce the cacophony it produced for even a little slip of a conversation to fly in his direction. To no avail - with barely any exchange between you, you and your boyfriend appeared to speak in codes, aside from one unexpectedly sultry gaze from you that sent Seonghwa’s mind reeling.
There was not much left for you to consider. It had been clear to you since a couple of years ago that you were not platonically indifferent towards Seonghwa. He was the subject of your desires, had appeared multiple times in your wildest dreams, and was both a source of comfort and agitation because, despite him always ‘being there’ for you, you wanted more. You needed more. He was like an unreachable star who you were inexplicably drawn to, and even though you had ample opportunity to be with him, and were close, it was not enough. The lightyears that separated you left you unsatiated with the relationship, because you wanted to give Seonghwa love. And more of it. With every moment that had past, you had found yourself flying deeper and deeper into outer space in the hopes of reaching this lonely star and share with it your own shine, so that together, you could be brighter than ever before. You prayed for shooting stars in the sky, so that you could make wish after wish, asking the same thing every time: that he would take the step and reveal the meaning behind his glimmer when you were around, that he would utter the words that you wanted to hear, that he would feel the same. But no such thing. You had been left in suspense - a grey zone from which neither of you dared to venture.
That was, until Wooyoung had entered your life, and set the ashes on fire. He was perceptive, a dreamer and a doer, not stopping at a set routine, always ready to find the optimum if it meant sharing happiness. To him, the situation was easy. As soon as he discovered that you were in love with Seonghwa, he took it upon himself to observe his friend, only to burst into a fit of laughter at just how oblivious both of you were, and how lucky he was to have both of you in his life along with the ability to let it all fall into place. The plan was easy enough. Without giving too much detail, Wooyoung proposed that Seonghwa needed to be shocked into a confession, and you agreed. After all, what harm could an attempt do when your feelings had reached a point of no return? You had naively believed that Wooyoung was going to approach this carefully, cautiously, likely because you had dared to believe that a flame could not be scalding, but no such luck. What you wished for, was a sacred plea to him, and he was not going to make the birthday girl wait for longer than she had already done. As soon as he moved away from you and pretended to return to his duties as chef, he lit the match and dropped it into the sea of sensual gasoline.
“You know that Y/N loves you, right?” Wooyoung shot through the silence, words sharper than a knife. Seonghwa turned his head to face the man beside him, only to see someone so nonchalant, almost bored, that he could not help but question the words. You were still, aside from the fingers that flittered across the counter, drumming as erratic as the one in your chest. 
“Ha, very funny, yeah.” he responded with forced joviality, trying to refocus on washing the dishes even though he knew this was futile. The rhythmic chopping stopped and out of the corner of his eye Seonghwa could see your boyfriend put the knife down onto the cutting board.
Rapidly placing the dish he had been scrubbing onto the drying rack, he cleared the space for Wooyoung to wash his hands. This new quiet wave, accompanied only by the running tap was more deafening, oppressive, all-consuming as the phrase echoed around Seonghwa’s mind. ‘She loves you’. This had to be some kind of test; Wooyoung was known for his tricks and banter, so it was not beyond him to spit out the wild notion just to see how his friend would react. For that extra bit of knowledge. But he gave away nothing, so he looked at you, and was pierced by your gaze. The dazzling eyes, galaxies enveloping him, drawing him in as if to command him to accept the question as the truth.
Wooyoung took his time, fully aware of the attention that was on him, and the growing distress in which Seonghwa found himself. But that only fuelled his desire to say nothing. To keep the suspicions and hope floating in the air and in his control, and have Seonghwa right where he wanted him, or more specifically, where you wished Seonghwa would be. Wooyoung watched as the water trickled over his skin, and let his mind wander. You were stood behind him, frozen in one spot as you ogled Seonghwa, waiting for any more words from him or from your boyfriend. Clutching onto a towel, you were attempting to curb and ignore the butterflies that flew to your stomach as you witnessed the change in your best friend’s eyes which could only be described as a deepset, long-concealed affection that had finally been given the opportunity to breathe. Perhaps there was a chance for change, just as Wooyoung had told you before Seonghwa’s arrival into your home. You had been explicit in your feelings when Wooyoung had asked you out, and truth be told, he had expected it; it had been surprising enough to discover that you were, in fact, single, and not on the verge of celebrating a honeymoon, so to hear that you harboured less than platonic feelings for your friend felt only natural.
Even if you had not told this to Wooyoung specifically, it was obvious: you changed when you were with Seonghwa. The very image of serenity, you carried yourself with unparalleled grace when he was by your side. Though you did let your playful and carefree self through, it was always less for companionship but for comfort that Seonghwa readily provided. He was an anchor for you. Your beacon of light that you trusted with your life and more. He was more than important - he was essential. Your clarity. Maybe if Wooyoung was foolish enough, and you had not revealed the longing you had for the taller man, he could have passed it off to be simply an example of platonic soulmates, two people who had gone through so much together that it was not possible for either of them to exist without the other. Not because they were dependent, but because they were one another’s ‘home’. It was clear that platonic boundaries had been long forgotten between you and Seonghwa, only a large question mark remaining, and neither of you daring to turn it into a full-stop and call things what they were. Wooyoung could see the yearning burning within you, how you hoped for your friend to take that next step any time you called or spent time together. Even in Wooyoung’s presence, you were unabashedly drawn to the other man, and that, interestingly enough, made him fall even deeper for you. Your unparalleled ability to give love astounded him to no end, and ignited within him the desire to provide, the desire to show you that you were more than worthy of not only his love, but the love of the first man who had become a part of your universe. Seonghwa simply needed a gentle nudge in the right direction, Wooyoung had decided, and he was the one who was going to give it - a birthday present from him to you, and a belated one for his friend.
"Listen. She. Loves. You. Isn't that right, hm?" You could only nod, attached to the scene unfolding before you with predator-like focus. Your boyfriend’s words: so simple, and yet so hard-hitting that you almost laughed at the shocked expression on Seonghwa’s face, only just barely being able to contain yourself as it transformed into one that oozed trepidation.
Wooyoung promptly shook the majority of the water droplets clinging onto his hands as he closed the tap, and methodically dried them with the towel hanging from a hook attached to the sink cupboard. He discreetly observed Seonghwa’s rising nerves, barely able to stifle the smirk, threatening to break out across his lips due to the satisfaction brought on by the suspense that he had conjured. Anxious, confused, but above all, timidly delighted in the sly off-handed comment. Without a doubt Seonghwa was trying to guess what Wooyoung had planned, and the latter could hardly contain his excitement. Perhaps in some ways, he was being selfish by being the instigator of something he too had been wishing for since you had started dating, but the older male’s burning stares and lingering gazes that had commenced as soon as he walked through the door into the apartment served as enough motivation - all that remained was the final spark.
He walked up to Seonghwa until he was in a dizzying proximity, scrutinising him through half-lidded eyes. Placing a hand on his shoulder, he beckoned the man to turn his head and face him, and asked you to come near with a quick flick of the other hand. Scoffing at the unceremonious expression of power, you bit your inner cheek to suppress a snarky remark, aware that Wooyoung was only working in your favour. Never before had you seen your best friend this on edge, simultaneously disoriented and yearning for more, glances darting from Wooyoung to you and back. Bored from the lack of a progression, your boyfriend decided to cease stalling.
"Right. How is it that you, and you, two pretty best friends, spend years together, and not once get with one another?" you could see the bobbing of Seonghwa’s larynx as he swallowed some spit. His eyebrows furrowed, and he tilted his head as though to check if you agreed with what was being said. Upon seeing no easily readable reaction, he muttered:
"I can hear the gears moving in your head Seonghwa, what's your answer?" Wooyoung was not letting up, the tension getting to him, leaving the world a climbing haze. Every single one of his senses appeared to be elevated, accentuating every sound, every smell, every twitch of his muscles against his clothes. It was impossible to contain his contentment as he took not of his friend readjusting how he was standing, as if there was a certain physical discomfort beginning to give way. Wooyoung knew well enough as to what it could be, and as such, cut off every single one of Seonghwa’s attempts to steer the conversation in a different, lighter direction.
"Do you love her too?"
"Seonghwa, do you trust me?" seeing as the taller man was not letting himself reveal his desire to simply lock you in his arms, the need contained in his burning orbs only, Wooyoung decided to slightly switch tactics bringing in their closeness as friends, as two people ready to blur the lines in search of that sensual perfection.
"Of course."
And you know that I trust you too, right?"
"I…" Seonghwa picked at the sleeve of his light blue sweater, unable to face you. He felt he was too close to ruining the years of friendship that had been so carefully built up, all because of Wooyoung. The man was surely joking, he had to be. In no way were you-
Your hand grazed his upper arm, forcing him to look back up and meet you. Ever so tender, ever so caring, it was as though you were admiring the starry night sky when you revered him - it was not too far from the truth, considering that this wondrous man was indeed, who you saw as your universe. As a keeper of stars, someone who you desperately wished would envelop you and adore you and let you and Wooyoung adore him just like you had wished, year in, year out.
"Did you short-circuit?" Wooyoung asked, voice dropping into a whisper.
"A bit."
"Time for extreme measures."
Eyes impossibly wide and cheeks going red, Seonghwa could only stop and stare as Wooyoung pulled him towards himself and plant a fervent kiss on his lips. Before he could push away the man had already pulled back with a satisfied smirk, only to turn to you and wink before leaning into another kiss. You swore you could taste Seonghwa on his lips, sweeter than you could ever imagine. Melting into the sensuality, you could feel excitement rising in your chest. The intensity heightened, and you felt your boyfriend's hands snake around your waist all the while, upon peeking, you saw Seonghwa's blazing, darkened orbs studying you. His expression was unreadable, first clenched, lips slightly parted, and only one question on his mind: 'how dare he?'
"So, how does he taste? Sweet, right?" Wooyoung asked you, voice laden with mischief and anticipation for what would be a dizzying paradise.
"Better than I could have ever imagined."
"So this was your plan?" Seonghwa broke the momentary silence, a newfound hostility with notes of unbelievably strong craving. His tone dropped lower, until it was all that you could focus on. One hand travelled to his lips, fingers cautiously touching them, in disbelief at what had just unfolded. With a smirk the man reached for you, forcing your arms to fall from your boyfriend’s shoulders, where they had found themselves when you kissed, pulling you close until his hips were pressed against you, revealing the true effect of Wooyoung’s teases.
"Because it fucking worked, alright. To answer the question, yes, I do love you. Longer than he did. And yet here he is, pulling rank, huh?" giving Wooyoung a side-eye, he muttered. 
"Oh yes, of course Hwa."
"Well aren't you getting overly friendly..."
"Depending on what you are gonna do we're about to get even friendlier than that." Seonghwa took a deep breath, eyes fluttering shut. Barely audible, you backtracked, feverishly trying to explain the thought process, the story behind this little ploy, a wave of fear inching closer to you as you felt your friend’s fingers dig into your side, breathing becoming more ragged, shallower.
"Wooyoung and I had talked about this for the first time when we started dating. I need you Hwa. He needs you too. And… well… yeah. That is… our side of the story, so… I'm sorry we should have just sat you down and talked or something-"
"Seems you didn't get a good enough taste since you are still talking."
"Oh?" Wooyoung raised an eyebrow, the switch in his friend's attitude catching him pleasantly off-guard.
"Tell me what's my limit." Seonghwa addressed you, his face barely an inch away from yours, hot breath against your skin, leaving you aching for more, for him to take the final step and let your history burn.
"Neither of you?" he looked at Wooyoung, who was observing with a wolfish grin, hand running through his hair.
“I think we have all waited long enough.”
In a matter of a single moment, a spark, Seonghwa’s lips were on yours, leading you into the paradise which you had been isolating exclusively to your musings. It was intoxicating, all-consuming, making you feel as though nothing else existed, and that you had been given the power to embrace the universe itself, the explosive pleasure of being in rhythmic bliss with the man you had longed for proving to be almost too much. And yet, you needed more, of him, of his touch, of his presence right against you. A soft moan escaped you as he deepened the kiss, which only led to him pressing himself into you, barely stopping you from stumbling back.
Wooyooung, satisfied with himself, and with the scene unfolding before him, reached out to push back a stray lock of black hair from Seonghwa’s face, suggesting that they take this to somewhere more comfortable. Breaking away, both of you looked at the shorter man, eyes clouded, lustful, and you took his hand, squeezing it in gratitude and let yourself be guided to your wildest dream that had previously been deemed unobtainable.
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"Oh no no, tonight this pretty cunt is mine. You're going to prep her for me, Woo, while I see what she can do here..."
Seonghwa ran a finger over your jawline, his other hand at the base of his cock, pumping it a couple of times. Obediently, Wooyoung followed the instruction and moved so that he was right next to your pussy, admiring just how slick it already was by running two fingers between your lips, stopping at your clit to rub a few circles, highlighting its erectness. You whined at the feeling, trying to grind into his hand in the hopes of more contact, but Seonghwa prevented you from asking for any more by grasping your jaw and guiding you onto his dick, sighing as you took his length. Stopping midway as he felt your throat constrict, he asked you:
“You okay? Need a break? So gone already?” counting your breaths, you leaned back to whisper that you were more than fine, moaning when Wooyoung licked a stripe up your pussy and stopped to suck on your clit, to be silenced as Seonghwa’s member pressed against your lips, and slid into the warmth. 
With every moan all but muted, you were a whimpering mess to which Seonghwa was already addicted. He was enthralled by how you responded to Wooyoung’s every touch, how you relaxed your throat to let him rock into you bit by bit. When his friend’s tongue curled into your heat, lapping at you to the point when a light tremble started in your legs, Seonghwa reached for your hand, squeezing it in reassurance and earning a loving glance from you. The contrast between the adorable shimmer in your eyes and the lewd act was more than enough to twist his world on its axis. As an orgasm ripped through you, with Wooyoung relentlessly pumping into you with his digits and flicking your aroused bud with his tongue, you moaned over Seonghwa’s member. He bit his lip, forcing himself to ease out, and let you regain some composure. He wiped the corners of your mouth with his thumb in an attempt to remove a bit of the dribble, a smile dancing on his lips.
"You are so beautiful, my sweet. Thank you. Can you still take care of him?" voice ever so soft, he inquired, every decision still being left to you. You mumbled in approval of the action, and watched as Wooyoung rose to meet you.
Barely having recovered, you were eager to pay your boyfriend back, giving one last glance to Seonghwa’s member, coated in a layer of your spit mixed with pre-cum as he crawled on his knees away from you, to position himself at your entrance. While he teased your pulsing cunt, running his digits between your folds and letting his tip flick your sensitive bud, Wooyoung was in front of you, demonstratively licking his lips to show how he devoured every bit of your nectar, his cock stiff in his hands, begging for attention which you were more than ready to provide.
“Hwa-a… ah!” you mewled, nearly collapsing on your back as Seonghwa slowly entered you, his hips pressed against yours, giving you some time to adjust to his length. The feeling of another cock, aside from your boyfriend’s, filling you up so well and building you up regardless of having just come over Wooyoung’s mouth was stupefying, and it seemed that all you could recall in that moment was your best friend’s name. 
Having had enough, Wooyoung guided your focus back to him, tapping you below your chin. A series of apologies fell from your lips, making the man chuckle as he reminded you that there was only one way to apologise in this case. Without needing any more elaboration, you ran your tongue over his leaking hole, lapping up the pre-release, and took him in, sighing at the feeling of being full of both Wooyoung and Seonghwa.
“What a good girl, devouring my cock like this- ah…” Wooyoung praised, brushing strands away, lazily observing you as you bobbed your head back and forth, interrupted only by Seonghwa hitting your g-spot, eliciting salacious moans. 
“She really is perfect… Y/N, you’re just so perfect for my dick.”
“Oh look at her falling apart, Hwa. You are fucking her so well.”
“So well she can’t even help you out?” he taunted you, knowing full well that the comment could only lead to one thing and one thing only. Wooyoung smirked, taking a fistful of your hair, causing you to look up at him with watery orbs as he warmed his cock in your mouth. The sight nearly tipped him over the edge, a twitch threatening an oncoming wave of pleasure. But he could not come, at least not before he could show his friend just how much of him you could take.
“Let’s show him just how well this throat can take me, yeah?” and upon seeing a small nod, pushed his length deeper, tensing as your tongue and teeth lightly grazed every vein and his tip hit your uvula and the back of your throat.
It was challenging to restrain himself from thrusting into you when you looked so marvellous, nose pressed against him, relaxing yourself to take him whole, despite Seonghwa repeatedly sheathing inside you, bringing you closer and closer to your own ruin. It was the fact that you were still so attentive, so caring towards him, equally as loving and being so unbelievably good that made Wooyoung fall even more in love with you. How you let him guide you over his cock, trusting his movements and his sensations completely, caring for his pleasure. How the introduction of Seonghwa, your first and ongoing love, did nothing to stop your adoration for Wooyoung. You truly were one of a kind, his galaxy, the keeper of the flame. It was not long until his climax reached him, pleasure searing through as his hand kept you frozen so that you would not choke as his cum painted your mouth.
Swallowing the last of Wooyoung’s hot orgasm, you yelped over the softening member as Seonghwa picked up his pace, demanding your full attention. The vibration caused Wooyoung to let out a low groan and tightened his grip on your hair momentarily, another string of release shooting into the back of your throat, nearly making you sputter. Cooing at your state, he tugged you back ever so carefully, hissing as your tongue gave his cock a final swipe, and murmured:
“Hwa, let me support her, yeah? She likes it when you go deep into her pussy, don’t you?” giving you a light pat, almost mockingly, Wooyoung sat on the bed behind you, holding you in place so that Seonghwa did not need to worry about you slipping, and instead focus on the relentless rhythm. You could not respond as the knot in your core grew tighter and tighter with every thrust. Every one of Seonghwa’s low moans that reached you was a lascivious melody, so erotic that all you could hope for was for him to never even consider stopping.
Positioned between the two men, you were in a soothing mindlessness, having the ability and the trust to give yourself up to them, let them love you. Every touch on your skin was an intimate, sensual flame, unwinding you, prompting you to gift them your very soul. You felt Wooyoung’s member brushing against your ass as you were jolted back by Seonghwa’s movements, the sensation proving to be impossible to handle as your climax approached at a startling speed. Gripping Wooyoung’s arms which had positioned themselves on your waist, his veins etching a design into your palms and leaving you breathless, you felt the wave crashing over you, sinking you into an unprecedented euphoria. Your body shook violently as your orgasm drowned out any sound, and you swore you could count the stars in your eyes as Seonghwa continued his motions, mercilessly in love with how your soaked, clenching pussy felt around his throbbing length.
“Ah… fuck, love, I-” 
“Hwa- please-”
Seonghwa continued pounding into you with reckless abandon, each thrust leaving you practically senseless as your orgasm had been long-surpassed, the overwhelming trembling of your every nerve, every muscle as your core was caught ablaze with the overstimulation completely wiping your ability to form a single coherent thought. Wooyoung groaned from the sight of Seonghwa’s downcast eyes, looking at nothing or looking within, ecstatic, and the wanton sounds of his cock pistoning into your wet pussy, hands moving to knead your breasts and pinch your erect nipples. You cried out from the added sensation, head falling back and over Wooyoung’s shoulder as Seonghwa slowed to a stuttered, faltering grind, his own climax imminent. 
“Y/N, my lo- I’m-” you heard him over your own whines, and in a matter of seconds he bucked into you one final time, almost falling towards you as your still-pulsating walls milked his release. He let out a shaky breath as his cum filled your sex, the warmth and fullness driving you to the brink of consciousness. Tentatively moving his hips, he fucked the load into you, groaning as he felt it leak out, completing the lewd scene.
“So… so gorgeous, Y/N…” He mumbled, kissing you once, twice as the ripples of pleasure overtook him entirely… “Woo… thank- mfph- thank you…”
“It’s us three now, hm?” Wooyoung responded, amazed at just how much Seonghwa had been holding back, and how brilliant it was to uncover the tandem that was now you and your two loves.
Trailing kisses on your neck as Wooyoung continued to hold you, his chest flush against your back as you rode out your high, dazed and in an ethereal bliss. Slow circles on your hips as Seonghwa pressed his forehead against yours, soothing your light tremble as he pulled out of you, the last rivulets of cum dripping onto your pubic bone. Unable to sustain the position any longer, legs having grown weak as the adrenaline subsided he gave into Wooyoung’s guidance as the man slinked away from you, laying you down onto the bed, and motioned for Seonghwa to do the same. In the quietude, you three remained in one another’s arms, only the steadying breathing and bare skin covered in a glistening sheen of sweat reminding you that this was all a stunning reality.
As you detangled from one another, Wooyoung and Seonghwa gave you one last, gentle peck on the cheek each before whispering amongst themselves. As you lay on the bed sheets, surrounded by the aura of lovemaking, unfocused gaze peering at the dark ceiling, you felt a clean towel going over your body, only to see Seonghwa gingerly caressing each limb, planting one kiss, another. When he noticed that you were watching him, he threw you a big dopey grin, only to mumble out words of adoration. He kept you grounded with his presence, his feathery touches, while Wooyoung rushed through re-dressing and picking out something comfortable for you to wear. Once done, the two men changed places, with the latter now tending to you and helping you get dressed, barely suppressing a smile as he let a large hoodie fall over your body. When you gave him an endearing thumbs up, hands barely peeking from the sleeves, he playfully lunged to hug you and make you fall back onto the bed, giggling airily into your ear and trying to wrap you up even tighter. Seonghwa joined you not long after, and you were caught in between two heavens, safe, adored, the intricacies of the world around you finally making sense as both Wooyoung and Seonghwa illuminated them. The stars in the sky, the flames on the earth, they completed you just as you completed them, and this was something that you would never wish to give up. They were here for you. You were here for them. This was your wish, a wish that had finally come true. For you, for Wooyoung, for Seonghwa.
“So… shall we have that cake then… at least?” you whispered into the darkness, immediately hearing rustling to either side of you, and a soft sigh from Wooyoung, breath tickling your ear as he inched a little closer, only to tease:
“But didn’t we just have dessert-”
“Wooyoung!” the yelp only seemed to amuse your two loves as they chuckled, with Seonghwa moving to push a few strands of your hair back, and reveal his glimmering orbs that managed to catch the light from the window, curtains undrawn and letting the city lights inside, giving the impression that the universe truly was in his those two windows to the soul. Your breath hitched as you gazed at him, head resting on his palm, as he wondered whether he was dreaming, the mumble slipping out automatically:
“He’s right. You’re sweet, Y/N.”
“Oh my goodness-”
You turned your head, only to feel soft fingers cupping your chin and pulling you into a slow, gentle kiss. Eyes fluttering shut, you sank into Seonghwa once again, the idea of him loving you back and wanting to be with you, accepting your other love who had his hand lazily thrown around your waist and face nuzzled into the crook of your neck, it was all so surreal that you were afraid to even take a peek.
“But we do have a kitchen to clean though...” you groaned, shaking your head at the choice of comment. Wooyoung was quicker to react, snuggling more closely and muttering:
“Now that can wait-”
“...and a wish to make.” Seonghwa elaborated, cutting Wooyoung’s complaints short, and lying down to hug you, arm lying atop the other man’s, drawing circled on your skin where the top into which you had changed had ridden up, “Let’s celebrate our birthday girl.”
Our. The word rang in your ears and wriggled its way into your mind, a new star shining in your sky, enveloping you, revering you through the creation of a paradise to which you thought there were no gates nor glimpses. The simple word - a spark of a lighter, eradicating shadows of doubt and setting the soul ablaze with newfound passion and excitement, turning your birthday into a renaissance celebrating love.
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Even if you had not even made your wish yet, it was obvious. You were yourself when you were with Wooyoung and Seonghwa, and you wanted nothing more but for this bond to grow into a loving intuition. You looked up from the cake, in the middle of which was a glowing candle, and admired the two men, illuminated by the warm flickering light. How they had huddled closer to one another, with Seonghwa attempting to discreetly point out to Wooyoung that he should adjust the angle at which he held his phone to capture the precious moment. How blissful, relaxed they appeared to be as they ceased their quiet arrangement, only to return your gaze. Heat rushed to your cheeks as you read nothing but adoration in their eyes, and you clenched the material of the hoodie into which the two had insisted you change, trying to steady your breathing.
Reading your actions, your best friend, turned lover, nodded in reassurance, leaning closer towards you by resting his head on a propped up hand, while Wooyoung gave you a bright smile and threw an arm around Seonghwa’s shoulders, nearly making him lose balance. The action did not seem to phase the older man in the slightest, as he simply pressed his tongue against the corner of his mouth and rolled his eyes in mock vexation, only to break out into an equally heart-melting grin. Neither rushed you, appreciating your need to take in the change, entranced by your loving peace. This new dynamic had indeed been something of a dream, and you thought that it was going to remain that way until you would be forced to forget, or live in an illusion of loving less. But now you found yourself, for the first time in some years, thinking of new wishes, musing the steps ahead.
As you blew out the fire, and motioned for the two to not turn the lights on quite yet, you were at peace. Nothing felt more right than observing Seonghwa standing up to gingerly remove the candle and slice the cake, and receiving a peck on the cheek from Wooyoung, who was now hovering over your left shoulder, fingers playing with your hair. The puzzle pieces had fallen into place, and you, like three beautiful stars, had formed a stunning constellation. In a world so fast-paced and lonely, you were surrounded by a miraculous, unconditional love - two people who not only adored you, but adored your ability to love them both equally, and in turn, love the universe. With you, they felt as though they had found their home, and were more than willing to maintain the intricate balance.
With the pair moving their chairs around the table to sit on either side of you, the action, albeit carried out serenely, quietly, expressed a boyish excitement for the development, and the way in which they seeked even more closeness with you, be it by purposefully leaning to reach for a meaningless item across the table, or by resting an arm on the back of the chair, only confirmed their shared adoration. Under the full moon that greeted you from the outside with a silvery blue sheen, you found a comfortable stillness, and as the two men raised their heads to follow your gaze to the view outside, hoped that your new wish, one for three, for years to come, would come true too.
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