#happy mitsu day!!!!
kukurubean · 3 months
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3.2 💖♟🖤#studio_placious
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happy mothers day to the best mom ever
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nordicbananas · 2 months
U, who suddenly spawned in my inbox one day and has been a dear friend since, was born today a number of years ago!! And since then, u have made a bunch of changes to everything around u just by existing, personally, u changed my life for the better, and I always have fun talking to u :DD even when we don't rlly talk often
bcs it's wat u appear as to me in my head (also bcs art block🫠)
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me rn
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im genuinely so :((( <333 rn
GASPPP..... IT'S ME...
I'm gonna use that mushroom somewhere WATCH ME. I will. I think I'll use it to replace the icon on one of my blogs
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sysig · 1 year
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Sleep tight <3 (Patreon)
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raamitsu-personal · 1 year
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not my elder sis came back from work and bought these cute ass ice cream cupcakes for my birthday 😭
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lees-chaotic-brain · 4 months
Angel (Ages 5-13)
Points in time through your friendship with Bakugou, from its beginning, to its transformation into love, to its demise. Inspired by Angel Pt. 2 by Fast and Furious (feat. Jimin)
Word Count: 2,655
CW: mentions of injury, some violence less than canon-typical though, reader uses female pronouns, hurt/no comfort, angst angst angst, mental health struggles, mentions of self-hatred
Part Two | BHNA Masterlist | Blog Navigation
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When you were five years old you and Bakugou lay sprawled on soft green grass. You closed your eyes, the fading sunlight painted the inside of your eyelids a pinkish orange. Inhaling deeply, you enjoyed the peace and tranquility of the moment.
Just minutes ago, Bakugou had declared the trek up the hill a race and shot in front of you, determinedly pumping his legs in an effort to win. Screeching that it wasn’t fair, that he got a head start, you raced after him, catching him just in time to tie. The buzz of cicadas filled the heavy summer air swirling languidly through your neighborhood; the quiet soundtrack of summer.
Fluffy clouds painted pink and orange in the light of the sunset drifted high above you in the sky. At your young age this was the happiest you had ever been. After a long day filled with squeals of laughter, and getting into mischief with your best friend you were exhausted, but content. Suddenly feeling sentimental, you rolled over and poked your friend’s shoulder. Said his name once to make sure you got his attention.
And on the evening of that perfect summer day you extended your pinky and interlocked it with Bakugou’s, forever sealing the promise the two of you made.
“Hey, we’ll always be this happy, right? We’ll always be best friends.” 
“Tch. What, are you stupid? Of course we will. From now to forever.”
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When you were seven years old the two of you had already made plans to become heroes and open your own agency together. And to Bakugou being a hero meant beating up any and all bad guys. Always winning the fight. Some boys stole your lunch money? Well then they were villains, and he had no choice but to take them on. So what if they were a few grades older than you? They were thieves and had to be punished. If he didn’t put them in their place, how could he call himself a hero? 
Walking across the uneven gray concrete behind the school, he approached the group of older boys and gave them his signature look. A promise of violence gleamed in his ruby red eyes as a cocky smirk pulled at the baby fat still adorning his cheeks. Calling out to the extras he got their attention before charging at them, sparks flashing in his palms.
When you found him later his clothes were disheveled but a look of smug satisfaction was painted across his face. Rushing over, you check him for injuries, brushing the dust and dirt off him and straightening his clothes. Other than a small red scrape on his cheek from skidding across the concrete and little burns on his wrists where the sparks from his quirk had burned him he appeared mostly unharmed. Suspecting the answer to your question but still needing to confirm your suspicions you demand that he tell you what happened. With an air of arrogance, he regales you with his tale of victory over the evil extras, hamming it up to impress you, carefully watching your reaction as he recounts his story.
After he finishes the tale, you sigh and tell him you wish he would be more careful. But he saw the admiring sparkle in your eyes as he told his tale. He knows that deep down you were impressed. And that’s enough for him. 
“You really need to think more often before you charge in.”
“As if, I’m gonna be the strongest, remember? No extra is ever gonna take me down.”
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When you were nine years old it had become a running joke in the Bakugou family that you were ‘Katsuki’s angel.’ And although he always protested and fake gagged when his parents called you that, inside he secretly liked the idea that you and him were meant to be together. The first time Mitsuki called you Katsuki’s angel, it was Katsuki’s birthday, and Mitsuki was trying to wrangle him into a custom made suit jacket she had designed especially for him. Chasing him around the house screaming obscenities and calling him an ungrateful brat she tried to force him into his gift. Katsuki had been screaming back at his mother, hurdling over comfortable yet tasteful couches and using his quirk to evade her every movement. Then you walked in, and the second he noticed you Katsuki skidded to a halt, clamping his mouth shut at your disapproving look. 
Walking over to him, you cuffed him on the ear and firmly told him that he shouldn’t call his mother an old hag, and that he should be grateful she went out of her way to make such a nice present for him. Opening his mouth to retort, all it took was one disappointed glance from you and he was turning to face his mother. Grumpily he muttered out a half-assed apology and allowed himself to be tucked into the perfectly tailored jacket. It was a smooth, rich, smoky gray with orange embroidered accents. Honestly it was so nice it seemed a little obscene to give as a gift to an unappreciative nine year old. But you were entranced by it.
Stepping closer to Katsuki, you couldn’t help but run your hands over the front of his jacket, marveling at the texture and the intricate work of the embroidery. Not noticing the pink flush that tinted Katsuki’s cheeks, you ran your hands along his chest admiring the jacket. “It’s so pretty.” You muttered it quietly under your breath, but Mitsuki heard it. Perking up, she announced that she was so glad that you liked it, because she had a matching dress made for you! Surprise!
Quickly waving your hands and telling her that she didn’t need to do that, protesting that you couldn’t accept a gift that nice (your parents had raised you to be a polite young woman, and while they failed in most regards you had still managed to retain some manners) and that she should give it to someone else. Insisting that the only person the dress was meant for was you, Mitsuki dragged you upstairs and gently helped you into it. It was a lighter shade of gray than Katsuki’s suit, and the accents were a paler shade of orange, closer to the color of the sunset than a violent shade of neon orange, but it was undeniably a match to Katsuki’s jacket. 
Self-conscious because it was your first time wearing something that luxurious, you anxiously asked Mitsuki if she was sure she was okay with you having it. Reassuring you that she had made it for you and that you looked beautiful she led you downstairs and called for her son, asking him what he thought of it. 
Stomping angrily out of the other room and demanding to know what was so important he stopped when he saw you, his eyes softening as he gaped. Looking down, you nervously played with the hem of your new dress. When he didn’t say anything, you apologized, saying that it wasn’t right for you to match with him because it was birthday and you didn’t want to take any attention away from him. Turning, you began walking up the stairs but paused when you heard him speak. Quieter than you had ever heard him speak before, he told you that he didn’t care about stupid things like matching, and that it suited you. The last part was spoken in a near whisper, then he scoffed and stormed away, loudly griping about how annoying all the females in his life are.
Later that night when Mitsuki was talking to Masaru, she mentioned Katsuki’s behavior towards you. Recounting the events, she wondered about his change of attitude when it came to you, pondering aloud if perhaps you were some sort of angel sent to make their son behave. Unbeknownst to her, Katsuki had been coming downstairs for a glass of water and heard everything, quietly sitting on the stairs eavesdropping as he wondered what the strange feeling inside his chest was.
“I’m telling you,He was gentle! I’ve never seen our son so sweet and well-behaved. It’s like she’s his own personal angel, sent to make him behave!”
Hm. His own personal angel…well, you were a little too aggressive and sarcastic to be considered an angel, but for some reason the idea of you being his angel pleased him.
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When you were eleven years old you asked Bakugou to stop fighting your fights for you. When you were younger, you held your own against anyone who came your way, but as the two of you grew up he became more and more protective until it got to the point he was fighting all your fights for you, not allowing you to intervene. What he didn’t realize was that having an explosive guard dog at you back 24/7 only made things worse for you. For one thing, it made you feel bad about yourself. All your life you had prided yourself on being strong, a bit of a wild child, and a lot more rough and tumble than the other girls your age. While the other girls your age had pretend tea parties and played with dolls you wrestled with the boys in the grass, often beating them. But when Bakugou fought for you he made you feel weak, like he didn’t believe you could hold your own when you knew you could.
In your opinion, every pair of pants with the knees ripped, every callous, every scrape and cut, every grass stain and bloody nose was a mark of pride. It was a mark of your strength, a sign that even the boys couldn’t beat you. Screw the patriarchy! But your female classmates disagreed. They would gossip about you in loud stages whispers as you walked by, wondering if you were even a girl, and that it was no wonder you were friends with all the boys with that haircut. You looked exactly like one of them. 
When Bakugou caught wind of it, he wasted no time giving each of them the verbal beatdown of their lives, unaware that one of them was the younger sister of an eighth grader. After the humiliating experience she had gone to her older brother, and now some older boys were constantly harassing you, shoving you around and mocking you. Your pride didn’t permit you to tell Bakugou, and honestly you saw this as a perfect opportunity to prove your own strength not just to everyone else, but to yourself as well. But before you could confront the group of boys, Bakugou caught wind of the bullying and was demanding to know why you didn’t tell him.
Bluntly, you told him it was because you wanted to take care of it yourself without him. A little stung, he asked why you wouldn’t let him help you. Was it because you thought he wasn’t strong enough? Exasperated, you explained that no, it wasn’t because you thought he was weak, but because he was treating you like you were weak. 
While he understood what you were saying, and felt guilty for making you feel that way, he still demanded to at least be present when you took on the boys. You were okay with it, as long as he promised to not get involved. With a little smirk, he agreed, saying his only intention was to watch his best friend kick some ass. 
And true to his word, he sat on the sidelines, not getting involved. Although, he was the loudest one cheering you on as you wiped the floor with those assholes.
“What? You didn’t think a girl could beat you up? Huh? Speak up.”
“Hell yeah! That’s my best friend. Get ‘em! Punch his teeth in!”
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When you were thirteen, you were truly disappointed and angry with Katsuki for the first time in your ten years of friendship. For years, there had been tension between you and him about the way he treated Izuku, someone the two of you had been friends with since you were small. While Katsuki went out of his way to be cruel and derogatory towards Izuku because he was quirkless, you remained good friends with Izuku, often sticking up for him.
That cruel behavior had been the cause of many arguments between the two of you as you tried to understand why he treated Izuku the way he did. You knew that Katsuki was a good person, and while he was your best friend and you wanted to always support him, you couldn’t condone his behavior. This created a weird limbo where you helped Izuku out as much as possible while at the same time giving Katsuki space in regards to the matter, hoping he would eventually work out whatever was obviously going on inside of his head. But no more.
You had been waiting for Katsuki at your usual spot, ready to walk home together but ten minutes had passed and you were impatient so you went to find him. Walking through the clean well-lit halls of your school you headed to his homeroom, stopping when you heard his voice. Assuming that he was just having a conversation with his friends, you marched into the classroom fully prepared to drag him out because you wanted to go home-but nothing could have prepared you for hearing Katsuki tell Izuku to take a swan dive off a building and pray he had a quirk in his next life.
Frozen, you couldn’t believe what you just heard. Because there was no way that Katsuki -your Katsuki- had said something that vile. But he had, and seconds after the ugly, vicious words had spilled from his lips your hand came into contact with the side of his face with a harsh resounding smack. Hand flying up to cup his smarting cheek, he looked at you in shock. Not expecting you to continue, he wasn’t fast enough to block the unforgiving knee you crashed into his ribcage, nor the fist you sent flying at his face. He staggered back, coughing as blood dripped from his nose. Snapping his head up prepared to scream at you, he stopped short at the look on your face. You were looking at him like you didn’t recognize him, disgust and anger painted clear across your pretty features. 
Not even bothering to speak to him, you turned and walked over to Izuku, quietly asking him if he was okay. You helped him gather up his stuff, packing his backpack and retrieving his notebook from where Katsuki had sent it flying. Slinging an arm around Izuku’s shoulders, you walked with him out of the classroom, straight past the shell-shocked Katsuki, not even sparing him a glance. 
Later that night when Katsuki stormed over to your house to “apologize,” you were cold, and laid down an ultimatum: decide between being an insecure asshole, and being your friend. As long as he treated Izuku that way you wouldn’t and couldn’t support him. For the first time since the promise you made when you were five, Katsuki was worried about the state of your friendship. So, he managed to somewhat pull it together, ignoring Izuku for the rest of eighth grade instead of tormenting him. But he would never forget the feeling of your anger and fists being turned on him, or the look of pain and disgust you had leveled at him. No. That look was forever ingrained in his memories, reminding himself why he had to be better. He had to be a person worthy of your friendship and affection.
“‘M sorry I guess. Don’t know why you would pick that quirkless loser over me though.”
“This. This is my problem. Get out of my house. Get out of my house and stay out until you can figure out how to be a decent human being. Until then, stay the hell away from me.”
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Alright! That's part one! Let me know if you want to be tagged in part two!
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tarobii · 7 months
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"It is I, Killer! Mitsu!!! Surrender your tasty goods!! I have two eye patches on so i cannot see!! >:D"
"(Also do not worry! for this is not a real life, but a Toy Knife i found buried underground!)"
Have A Spoopy Day!!!
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"happy halloween, kid. take as much as you want. be careful tho"
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kimetsu-chan · 4 months
Happy Valentine’s Day from MitsNo!!
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I had to guess for Mitsu’s uniform color—
Mitsuki is not my oc, she belongs to the lovely @sweetstarryeyedgirl
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argumentl · 1 year
Report from Tora no ana, Osaka (2023/03/10)
I had a decent ticket number, so was not so far from the front, I ordered a gari chuhai from Kaoru's special menu, and bought merch after getting inside. Everyone was given two sheets for submitting questions to Kaoru, but most seemed to be using one for submitting and one for keeping.
As far as I could see, I was the only non-asian person there, so possibly the only foreigner???
Kaoru came out at about 19:15 with Fujieda and Takabayashi. Short, black hair, hanging in his eyes a bit, wearing a loose, black, kind of shellsuit jacket, a white tshirt, and tracksuit pants/trousers.
The event was being recorded. From my seat I could clearly see the computer screen of the guy recording the event, so I saw lots of close ups of Kaoru via the screen, as well seeIng him in person.
Kaoru raised a toast to start...joining him for this was one of my life highlights. Audience members were ordering food and drinks for Kaoru and the managers throughout the event. They ended up with far more than they could actually drink. Some quite expensive things too, like Yamazaki whisky etc.
Kaoru said he has been bothered by hayfever. He said when he woke up on Friday morning, his eyes felt swollen.
Kaoru commented on the state of the street outside the venue, it filled up with dodgy looking types as soon as the sun went down. (*It really did*)
After getting settled, the talk got underway, and they started with a recap of the Dir activities of the last year. Starting with the Studio Coast live, and running through to the talk with Hazuki in Nagoya recently.
Fujieda was very enthusiastic talkIng about their visit to the Yamazaki whisky distillery.
Kaoru explained again about how difficult the anniversary tour was for him. He struggled trying to stop his old self emerging during that tour.
About the Hazuki talk, Kaoru had agreed to appear on Hazukitchen with Hazuki, but he said this time that he would not cook. He is happy to appear if all he has to do is eat what Hazuki makes.
The recap of last year lasted until almost 9pm, at which point Kaoru suggested a 10 min toilet break.
Getting back on stage, they got started with Q and A session. Despite having probably about 150 submissions, only a small handful were read out.
I have to start here by saying that MY QUESTION WAS CHOSEN! 🥴😱
I asked if Kaoru has been to see any of the other members' lives. Fujieda read out the question, and then also mentioned my name with it, so I was basically screaming in my head. Anyway, Kaoru answered that he has been to see Sukekiyo once, but thats it. Fujieda asked him if he wanted to see Decays and Seraph, and he replied 'Hmmm....' with an expression that said, 'NO' 🤣
Other questions were:
What type of curry do you like? - He likes many types. The fan who asked the question said she likes green curry. Kaoru likes this too, but said that there are a few members of the band who hate Thai food, which is tough when doing overseas tours, because Thai food is often suggested as an option by overseas staff.
Which Slam Dunk character would make the best lover? From a male viewpoint, and a female viewpoint - Kaoru said, Hanamichi for male, and Mitsu for female. Then he revealed that the white tshirt he was wearing was actually a Mitsui tshirt, he pulled back his jacket to reveal the shirt design underneath.
Which direction does you hair spiral at your crown? - Both managers got up to inspect the crown of Kaoru's head, but couldn't see much of a spiral. Kaoru said that since his hair tends to fall over his right eye, that probably influences which angle its growing from his crown.
What food reminds you of the taste of home? Kaoru says his mum always makes this dish using the fish buri during the first few days of the year.
How do you deal with creative slumps? - Kaoru basically said to embrace slumps as part of your life journey. They are what they are, and they will lead you to your next path eventually.
What is the best souvenir to get in Osaka? - Kaoru was very adamant about this, and his answer was kasu udon. The type that you can buy in a box from Shin Osaka station, and its very delicious apparently. He wouldn't hear of any other souvenir being suggested, is HAS to be this for him.
I think these are the only questions he answered, but the talk continued nevertheless. Other topics of conversation included:
The shops in the vicinity of Tokyo Garden Theatre. Fujieda is very impressed with the giant Daiso (100yen store) and the giant Mujirushi there. He mentioned a few things he likes to buy at Mujirushi, and then Kaoru says he gets his slippers at Mujirushi, especially slippers for summer time use. He gets a pair there every year without fail, and explained them as something fairly similar to this --> ルームサンダル・鼻緒 (google this product with 無印良品)
Kaoru also said he is planning another art exhibition hopefully in summer this year, but it will probably only be in Tokyo. He said he has just recently finished four or five pieces, and he hasnt been writing any new music at all these past few weeks.
Focus moves onto Takabayashi, as he has been fairly quiet. Kaoru says that Takabayashi is one of those people who knows something about everything. Wherever they go, he will be pointing out trivia and facts about everything they see.
Takabayashi said he is no good at talkIng at length, and this reminds them of that Youtube/TFOE combo that he MC'ed for remotely in 2020.
Kaoru said he wants to organise a trip for Tora no ana next year, but maybe somewhere where Dir have never played a live before. Suggestions included Wakayama, Saga, Shimane etc.
When talking about the photo exhibition, Kaoru said that the shot of him looking backwards which was used for that ticket/sticker was him turning to ask the staff, 'Shall we go get something to eat?', but the photographer got a quick shot at that moment.
Fujieda mentioned about Die surprising Shinya at the Seraph event, which Kaoru had no idea about! He asked Fujieda what the event itself was like, and Fujieda explained that Shinya talked a lot. After each song ended, he would say, 'Hai!/OK!' very swiftly, before going on to explain what the next song would be. This had Kaoru CRYING with laughter! He said 'Imagine Kyo screaming the end of a song, and then saying 'Hai!' each time. Kaoru said (while wiping copious tears from his eyes) he might think about going to a Seraph live, just to witness this!
Fujieda said he was having so much fun, he wants to do this kind of event every month. Talk began of how Toshiya is really the only member who doesnt really do this kind of thing, so Kaoru suggested Fujieda to persuade Toshiya to put an event on.
As this month is Toshiya's birthday, Kaoru raised a toast in celebration of Toshiya, and wished him a happy bithday.
A lot more chat about this and that went on in addition to the above, but the event lasted 4 happy hours, which for ¥3500, is not bad at all!
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𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐥
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For the past few days, you noticed that your partner, Mitsuri, appeared to be stressed and exhausted. She tried her best to remain as bright and cheerful as she usually is but she appeared to be burnt out.
You attempted to get her to take breaks but she would always say that she would feel incredibly guilty if people died or were injured because she took the day off. You knew work as a Hashira was difficult since you were one of the Hashiras as well.
You felt bad for her and wanted to do something special to hopefully relax her even if it was just for a short period of time. While she was out on another mission, you decided to cook her favorite meal which was pork cutlets, omurice and of course, sakura mochi.
You went out to buy the ingredients and once you returned home, you got straight to work. You made sure to thoroughly follow the instructions so you didn’t mess up, you needed the perfect meal for the perfect partner. After almost two hours, the food was completed and you made sure to cook a lot of food, Mitsuri was definitely going to be exhausted after her mission. 
You didn’t know how to make Sakura Mochi so you just picked up a bunch from Mitsuri’s favorite restaurant, you were definitely going to attempt to learn how to make them for her sometime. Some time passed before you heard Mitsuri return home and you got up to properly greet her.
“Hi Mitsu! How are you?”
Her face lit up when she saw you and she giggled before running up and hugging you.
“I’m doing better now that you’re here!”
She exclaimed and kissed your cheek before burying her face into your neck.
“The mission was sooo long and stressful, I thought my arms were going to fall off!”
She whined as you stroked her hair, you could tell she was extremely tired due to how much she was leaning against you.
“Aw I’m sorry about that Mitsu, but I believe I have something that can cheer you up.”
She asked with wide eyes and you nodded with a smile. You led her to the dining table and a bright grin spread across her face when she saw the fest you prepared for her.
“Oh my gosh you are the best! Thank you thank you thank you!”
She hugged you tightly and peppered your face with kisses.
“You don’t know how much joy and happiness this brings me! Did you cook all of this?”
“Mhm, I cooked everything except the mochi since I didn’t really know how to make it.”
You laughed nervously and Mitsuri stared at you in awe with stars in her eyes.
“You really are the best! I love you so so much Y/n!”
You chuckled as she began to scarf down the food with a pleased expression on her face.
“Mhmm it’s so good!”
Her voice was a bit muffled from the food and you felt accomplished. You managed to cheer her up and get her mind off of work for a while, maybe you would ask Master to give her a vacation week, she deserved it.
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adokle · 1 year
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Just drawing chars from various past drawings and stuff is all. Now with names.
Added: Some lite char info and pic links after the cut.
Thabang: A waitress at the Savannah Sunset Bar, part of a network of dive bars in-between the long stretches of roads favoured by the bikers of Efrika.
Mitsu: A youth taken in by a member of the Hagakure ninja clan. She has rather good eyesight.
Gianni: A young man from Soleanna with his eyes (there's two eyeballs in there despite appearances) set on making an impact.
Vivienne: Was member and coordinator of a Spagonia based Resistance cell up until it's disbanding at the end of the Infinite War.
Billie: Fiction writer and Head of "Les Éditions Moebius" a publisher with a focus on publishing and distributing works originating from Great Francopolis region of the Delmont Province.
Tucker: A drifter with a taste for punk music.
Tippy: Just a happy little Pocky living with Carlie and family.
Carlie: Just a kid growing up in Green Hills now that her dad works and lives there. She wants to be a veterinarian one day.
Serene: A Dentist. Also married to some actor or something.
Rosen: Head of the department tasked with managing official records of the Sol Empire admiralty.
Paf: A Black Bed native known as a skilled fighter in his prime. Wrestled during his time travelling outside of north island.
Pitch: Current Left winger of the Arcadians wing ball team. Known as "The Guy of Arcadia" for being the team MVP since joining.
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kazumist · 1 year
masterpost / timestamps don't matter
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extra notes.
yoimiya uses pick up lines as a way to start a convo with ayaka
they've been dating since their 3rd year
their lovestory: 1st yr - distant, not close w each other > 2nd year - got closer (their friend grp was formed by that time), started to catch feelings for the other n vice versa > 3rd year - ayaka asked yoimiya out the same day yoimiya was going to ask ayaka out too > 4th year - officially dating right after they asked each other out 🎉
happy pride month to the gays (me)
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what happens when scaramouche, your rival since the first year of highschool, had some annoying admirers on his back? easy—he (fake) dates you to shoo them off. nothing can possibly go wrong with faking a relationship with the guy you hate, right?
spoiler: apparently, a lot can go wrong.
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taglist (open): @niiheng @yinyinggie @ilyuu @veekoko @motherscrustytoenailclippings @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @akairaindrops @kichiyoshi @lxkeeeee @user11918163805279 @sketcheeee @yukiipc @kyouzki @quokkatss @ynverse @yuyumaru @danhenglovebot @sheep-from-rad @gekkow @aeongiies @scararaw @beriiov @thenightsflower @simpforsubmissivemen @sakurapeach @akxtagawaxryxn0sxke @naheana @supernova25 @mitsu-moshi @yelleloww
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❝ You don't have to believe every single thought that tumbles through your head, just 'cause it sounds like you talking! Sometimes all you can do is say goodnight and tuck your demons into bed, 'cause they're not worth fighting! ❞ - TURN OUT THE LIGHTS, THE CRANE WIVES, 2016
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Hi there! Or, as we say in Unington, howdy-doodle! Welcome to the corner of the net where you can find anything and everything to do with the town of Unington! This blog is run by 6 5 people, and we have 2 admins! So, without further ado, let's introduce our lovely little blog's showrunners, along with our admins!
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Hi there! Name's Kel, but my friends call me Kelsey! If you want, you can too! But not Kelly. Never Kelly. I like cats, producing music, and my favorite food is a nice cup of coffee paired with a nice hot bun from The Suave Cafe (or Peggy's, as us locals call it :> )!
my text will look like this!
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AAA HI EVERYONE !!! I'm Yashiro Nene, but you can call me Yash!! :D Some things abt me!! I like my friends (love you nerds >:] <3), strawberry rice cake, fishies, boys (ignore that, that was cringy :P ), romance novels, disney movies, the occult (somewhat, i'n not toooo into it, but it's fun!) annnnd thats it! I'm suuuper happy to be here! :]
my text will look like this!
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Hey, losers everyone. I'm Mitsuba, and no, you cannot call me Mitsu like my friends. It's Mitsuba. You hear me? Mit-su-ba. I'm the designated pink guy of the blog (NOT YOU YASH STOP TRYING TO STEAL MY COLOR ISTG IM ABOUT TO WWE GRAND SLAM YOU), and the 'group asshole'. I take that title with pride. Things I like...uh, my friends, begrudgingly, the buns + anything sweet from Peggy's, photography, oversized shit, and...yeah, thats it.
my text will look like this.
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Hi! I'm Kou!! My name's too short so I don't get a nickname rip 😞🙏‼️ (Technically they all call me ed sheeran because I'm GINGER but thats MEAN so don't call me that) I'm an exorcist (please do not ask me to prove this I suck ASS at it), and some things about me: I like baking, exorcising ghosts (WHEN I CAN DO IT IM SO BAD AT IT GUYS ITS HONESTLY UNFUNNY), taking care of the house and my friends and family (even if they call me a housewife, i still love you stinkers), and my friends! :]
my text will look like this!
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Wsp! Hanako here, do NOT call me Amane, I will shove my foot. up your ass. You can call me Hana tho! That is allowed!! Nywho, things about me. I like donuts (ESP FROM THE SUAVE CAFE PEGGY IF UR READING THIS PLEASE STOP REJECTING MY APPLICATION I SWEAR I WONT STEAL ALL THE DONUTS AGAIN I SWEAR I SWEAR), the ladieeeees ;] (and men i swing both ways hmu ;]) [MOD EDIT: Nobody hit Hana up. Please. You'll give him an ego. ~ MOD M], ghosts n spooky shit like that, helping ppl out (yeah ik im "☝️🤓"), animals, my friends, and having fun! I'm a cool dude. I think. [MOD EDIT: Due to the other 4's request, I would like to state that no, Hana. You are not as cool as you think you are. ~ MOD M]
my text will look like this!
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here, we would like to highlight our two amazing mods who're helping with the blog!
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Howdy! Name's Bendy! You probably know my face from your childhood, haha! Anyways, I'm a father of one, unhappily married, I like the arts, the burgers from Peggy's, and moneyyyyyy >:] That's all, folks!
my text will look like this! my mod edits will be signed off with '~ MOD B'!
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Hi! I'm Monika, but you can call me 'Mon', if it's easier! I run a club with me and my four best friends (Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki, and MC! Love y'all :] ) called the literature club! It's fun. Anywho, I like coding, baking, piano, valentines day, and the color emerald green! (P.S. Thanks, Kel, for letting me use it :] ) I'm a mother, and a wife, sadly. I'm so happy to meet you all!
my text will look like this! my mod edits will be signed off with '~ MOD M'!
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Whoo-wee! That was a lot of people! Welp, at least you got to meet us all! Well, we're all so excited to be here, and thank you for stopping by! See you all soon!
~ The Unington Crew
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Kai Drew was Unington's shining star, a singer, a daughter, a sister, and a friend to all. She was 17 years old, and a firecracker to boot. Nothing could keep her down.
Also, she's not dead.
She just left to go on tour in this town called Hatchetfield and we really miss her.
Come back girl we miss you :[
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#kelsey speaks - Kel's tag for posts! #yash's yaps - Yash's tag for posts! #mitsu contributes - Mitsu's tag for posts! #hana says shit - Hana's tag for posts! #kouposting - Kou's tag for posts! #mod b: back from the dead - Bendy's tag for posts! #mod m's quotes - Monika's tag for posts! #ask and ye shall receive - Tag for posts where asks get answered! the proper tags for which character is speaking will be added!
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mitsuris-writing · 1 year
Hi there! I would love to see how the Hashira help out someone who has been overworking themselves, and the reader has been denying it. I know this is a strange request...but this is me right now!
Your wish is my command!! It isn’t a strange request don’t worry!! (I tried my best! 😅) I skipped Gyomei and Tengen because I didn’t know what to write for them- same with Muichiro.. I hope you don’t mind!!
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Giyuu Tomioka
He’d probably ask you why you’re overworking yourself and when you answer with “I’m not.” He’ll (force) politely ask you to take a break and try to remove all distractions from around you.
“L/N, you should take a break from working.” “No it’s fine! I don’t need a break.” “Yes you do. Go take a break..”
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Mitsuri Kanroji
This sweetheart would be so worried about you! She’s ask if you’re doing alright and listen to everything you have to say. She ask you to take a break and just talk to her for a bit hoping it’ll make you feel at least a little better!
“My love! How has your day been? And why do you keep overworking yourself…?” “It’s been good! And I’m not overworking myself, Mitsu.” “Yes you are.. come on! Let’s take a break there’s a dango stand around here that I’ve wanted to take you too!”
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Obanai Iguro
He already knew, he observed you enough to know that you’ve been overworking yourself and won’t listen when you say “I haven’t.” Or “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Come on.” “Huh? Why?” “You’re going to take a break. Don’t even try saying no.”
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Sanemi Shinazugawa (I tried my best 🥲)
His would be somewhat of a mix of Obanai’s and Giyuu’s. He’d slightly observe you and then force you to take a break not even trying to be polite though.
“Go take a break.” “I don’t want to?” “It wasn’t a question now go take a break.”
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Kyojuro Rengoku
He’d probably do something similar to Mitsuri like asking how you’ve been and then inviting you to go out and eat with him as a break.
“L/N! Let’s go get food together!” “Huh why?” “Because you need a break! You’ve been overworking yourself! You deserve to have a break!”
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Shinobu Kocho
You and her both- she overworks herself as well especially with being both a Hashira and a Doctor.. she’d be quite sweet and actually list things to do when you’re overworking yourself! She’d listen to anything you have to say and reply honestly.
“Ah, my dear, have you been alright recently? Come with me we can talk privately in my office I’ll be happy to listen to whatever you say.”
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amyythestarry2 · 3 months
I feel like my hc that Tsukasa likes mitarashi dango was the best.
He canonly loves food and just putting stuff in his mouth whether it’s edible or not.
Like, I imagine if you just give him one stick of mitarashi, he will be so so happy and eat it in one go ( And probably take more than one from you ).
I don’t think I’ve ever said this before, but Mitsuba definitely gives Tsukasa, stuff. It could be anything. He likes doing that because Tsukasa is always happy when he does. He can also go outside of the school, so he just goes shopping for sweet Tsu unintended.
Food and snacks is one of the things he gives to Tsukasa, he just comes to him one day and asks whatever his favorite snack/food/drink, and goes to get it.
A minute after saying he likes mitarashi, Mitsu comes and brings a whole box of it from who knows where.
Mitsu tried the dango, he didn’t like it much because it was salty. But, he pretended to like it anyways ( He did give the rest to Tsukasa though ( Tsukasa ate all of them ) ).
Tsukasa also likes bubble milk tea, and Mitsuba went to get that. He tried it, and gagged on the tapioca pearls, not choke, he literally spit them out.
Tsukasa just drank Mitsuba’s drink.
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raamitsu-personal · 10 months
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My mom’s red and peach Hibiscuses 😍💕💕💕
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