#happy that other people also enjoy my silly little ideas haha
yuesya · 6 months
AAAAH IM SO HAPPY ABT THE MONDSTAT AU!!! I love love loooove your world building and I’d love to see what you do with the Archon war. Honestly you’ve only written two snippets and they’ve already got me hooked. I love the venti shiki parallels with how you have her naming godself(??) after Dec (Idr his full name T~T) just like venti and Barbatos! It neatly covered one of the questions I had from the first snippet and it makes me giddy. Of course, I’m still full of questions like what would Mond look like under Shiki’s care (tho mond would still have the hands off approach they had under shiki, and dance might be added to their roster of things to be know for?) and where is venti?? Does he remain a lil sprite or does he still gain power? Pausing my lore questions to giggle at the idea of shiki at an archon meeting stone faced with wind sprite venti zipping around, they’re both so silly…sigh. Anywho, thank you so so much for your wonderful AUs and also for sharing your amazing writing <3
Thanks! Glad you're also having fun with the Mondstadt AU haha.
I don't recall it being mentioned anywhere in-game that the bard who led the rebellion was named 'Venti,' but we do know that the current physical form that Venti takes is modeled after his deceased friend. Venti's character quest was probably one of my favorite character quests in Genshin haha.
In this 'verse, Shiki's name as a god would be 'Balor,' except she later uses the name 'Decarabian,' in memory of the original Decarabian. Playing around with the idea that the human-name she eventually uses is 'Silke.' (Frisian diminutive form of 'Cecilia,' and German diminutive of 'Celia,' 'heavenly.' Plus, if you squint at it there's a vague resemblance to 'Shiki'.....?)
Hey, if Shiki and Venti become friends, then Mondstadt gets dancing AND music/singing. Perfect for festivals!
There are a lot of ways things could go in this AU haha. Something else that might also be interesting to play around with -forbidden knowledge. We know that the forbidden knowledge in the game is defined as 'information/power that originates from outside of Teyvat.' So... Shiki's eyes and her abilities... what would they be defined as under Celestia's purview?
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ghostbite0 · 6 months
i got a ton of asks in my inbox so im just going to put all of them here so i don't spam u guys with it haha
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this is really the only guy i use. felt pen on clip studio is excellent for the sketchier style i like! when it comes to coloring i just use a basic solid brush !
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i imagine they do, and they each get assigned a baby (tanjiro with giyuu, inosuke with sanemi, and zenitsu with obanai) but it lasts for barely a day. inosuke has no idea what hes doing and obanai cant stand zenitsu
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tengens wives find the situation hysterical but they help out however they can. ofc they all fight over tengen. they love helping out with the kiddies but they especially enjoy taking care of the younger ones-- they think mui, mitsuri, and shinobu are adorable! tengen definitely tries to flirt with them but hes a cringe fail ten year old
kanao, aoi, and the butterfly girls all help out as well. kanao and shinobu are typically glued together
shinjuro and senjuro are shocked to see rengoku (and obanai) and while shinjuro is pissed off at first, he can't Not take in his boys. senjuro and little obanai are super similar in nature so
urokodaki, tengen, and nezuko are worried but excited about giyuu's transformation. they're like lets freaking go. good childhood moment
and of course genya thinks the situation is hilarious and hes happy to get to spend time with his brother, although he's VERRRRY awkward. he's a bit avoidant at times but usually gyomei and tanjiro can talk him
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aw thank you! to answer your question;; shinobu and gyomei basically spend time with him and are attentive to his wants/needs to help him recognize he does matter. rengoku and the others help with this! essentially love language stuff and affirmations and what not
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ill be honest i totally forgot about this. yea! i would say the babies are only put in a very specific area of the manor and they deep clean it constantly. if they have a good amount of sick/wounded i imagine they have gyomei or etc take them in. im not sure! in my mind the hashira all rotate and babysit and etc
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this 100% happens. urokodaki learned the news and had never traveled to the headquarters so fast
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ohh this is a fun question! truthfully im not sure what the answer to this would be... i appreciate all the questions/ideas/etc!! if anything id love to have more questions about general characterization stuff, since thats my favorite favorite favorite to talk about!!! maybe more questions about like... what their relationships are like, do they have nicknames for each other, that sort of thing... idk! either way im glad people are interested :D
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sanemi tries to make them laugh. he remembers his little siblings always cheering up when he would make silly faces and sounds, so he does that here
giyuu awkwardly pats the other baby's back/head and is like "there there" ... he remembers how sabito's hugs would make him feel better so he awkwardly hugs the other. most of the time obanai/sanemi stop crying purely bc they're confused as to why giyuu is hugging them
obanai would usually talk them out of it, but he can't do too much since he's restricted to baby babble. so instead, he will try to find one of their toys and "gift" it to them. ex giyuu was sobbing hysterically until obanai found his fox plushie and gave it to him
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awww shucks... stop it u guys.....!
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im doing ok!!! hanging in! got 3/13 commissions done so busy busy!
also, for future ref, i prefer being called "bite" !!! i know a lot of people call me ghost, so i just wanted to take a moment to correct that :D
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awwwwww this is so sweet!! thank you so much!!!!!!
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defintely one of the rodent pokemon. my favorite pokemon changes constantly but im told i have mimikyu / teddiursa / bunneary vibes. i also like espurr. i have no idea UWEIHRWE
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i think he would be a little awkward at first but he would get the hang of it. most of what he does is just keep them entertained and make sure they arent sick or hurt. though he eventually builds up the courage to ask if he can feed obanai. from that point on whenever muichiro is babysitting he's the one offering to feed him, though someone else has to make the bottle-- he doesn't know how to do that
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this is canon
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Hands down, Obanai. Though I also feel really sad for Gyomei and Muichiro, and I think Tengen's story (what we know of it) is pretty sad. I don't like comparing traumas, though! but yeah. obanai is. wow. poor guy
and to those of you sending art requests; i see them, i promise! commissions come first, so they may take time for me to get done!
thank you guys for all the questions! i always love checking my inbox and getting an excuse to talk about things...
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third-arch · 11 months
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No Surprises-A Trafalgar Law x Reader Fan Fiction Chapter 1-Birthday
sfw, fluff, some cussing
Today was your Captain's birthday. The Heart Pirates enjoyed themselves while the party was in full swing. Chatter amongst your crewmates was largely focused on other October birthdays. "I can't think of many other people who have October birthdays…" said Penguin.
"Oh!! I'm pretty sure Marco's birthday happened, and Bartolomeo's is today, too!"
"Eh? How do you even know about that? That's just weird, dude"
You giggle. One of your crewmates looks at you,
"Say, Reader, when's your birthday? You're a bit more of a rookie here than the rest of us." "It's actually one week from today! Hehe" you stare into your lap.
"The thirteenth?? Dude! We need to celebrate for Reader!" "Ah! Nonono, it's okay! Like, I don't really go anywhere on my birthdays, I kinda just like being alone..." you respond, still staring into your lap.
This was normal for you to do. You weren't necessarily the most outgoing person on board. You kept to yourself most of the time. You also loathed parties.
"Like one time, I went to this dance when I was a teenager...and..." Trafalgar Law, your captain, sat at the far end of the table, quietly listening to your ramblings.
Hm, I guess I'm still learning more about her everyday. He felt a bit torn, nonetheless. Did she show up to my party because she was part of the crew or because she wanted to? No, that seems selfish of me to think like that. Hm...
You had an idea.
You excused yourself to go get some more lemonade from the bar. You weren't much of a drinker. You liked more simple beverages, like water, and sugar water...and...pretty much water with one or two ingredients added to it.
While refilling your drink, Captain Law approached you.
“Kanna-ya, may I have a word with you, privately?"
"Oh! Sure Captain" you felt a little anxious. Hopefully, you weren't in trouble. You sometimes had a hard time reading your captain because he was always so stern. According to your crewmates, he used to smile more. But, since his encounter with Doflamingo, his smile is more of a rare sight.
You left the busy kitchen to follow your captain to a corner of the deck. He leaned against the wall, eyes closed. "Hi Captain! Happy birthday!" You smiled
"Oi, Kanna-ya," your captain responded calmly, opening his eyes "Are you enjoying the party?"
"Yeah! I'm not much of a party person, so this is really out of my comfort zone haha, but everyone has been really sweet so far!" "That's good to hear. I'm glad you're feeling welcomed, nonetheless"
You felt sort of awkward with how serious he can appear. Your Captain was taller than you, so you felt shy at times, too. Staring at a floorboard underneath your feet, you ask, "So, how has your birthday been so far?"
"Easygoing, I guess. I'm not too big on parties, either. I just wanted to make sure that you guys were having fun and had a day to unwind." You hum in agreement.
"mm...Anyways, Captain, did you need something from me?". Your captain looked at you with sternness in his eyes. “...Kanna-ya, what are your plans for your birthday?” you look down at the ground again. "Not really anything, sir. I just kinda relax and wait for my birthday to end, I guess" you chuckle awkwardly. Captain Law still looked unamused.
"It doesn't have to be that way,” he paused, taking a moment to gather his words. “Do you want to go somewhere with me? Just us...alone?”
Sure, your captain was very stern and sometimes scary. But above all else, you admired him a great deal. Captain Law is someone very important to you. Usually, when he spoke to you, his words felt warm like the sun. Anytime he was harsh was when you did something reckless or potentially harmful to your crewmates. Whenever you said something silly or asked him a stupid medical question, he played along.
You rarely approached his office, because you thought he never wanted people visiting. You gave him as much space as you could, so much that he wanted to see you more often. However, you knew that deep down, you would always be welcomed anytime. Whenever you were doing a chore nearby Captain Law, you would rant to your captain, knowing he was carefully listening to every word.
He helped you through some really dark points in your life, and this trip might be a great way to say "Thank you".
“Sure! Where would we go?”
"Well, there's an island, not too far away from here. We could make it in about a week, hopefully by your birthday. It's covered in flowers, trees, and the weather is beautiful. There's also...other beautiful places to unwind" this is Trafalgar Law's polite and extremely low-key way of saying “hot springs”
You felt tingling sensations in your cheeks. The thought of it all sounded so wonderful. A place where you could play music, make flower crowns, and just be happy. Captain Law knew you needed this more than you thought.
"Yes! I'd love to!" you say excitedly. Your captain gave you a gentle smile. "Do you think we could stop by the Straw Hats on the way there? If they're on the way, I mean. Sanji wants to give something to me. "
"Sure. We can try that."
"YAY!!! Thank you, Captain!!" You hug him, his arms trapped under your grip.
"You're welcome anytime, Kanna-ya" he replies, outwardly unbothered. Hearing his heart skip a beat, your eyes widen and you quickly step back, retracting your hold. You felt incredibly embarrassed by your sudden and unprofessional action.
"AH! I’m so sorry, captain. I don't know why I did that. I know you're not a touchy-or whatever-Ah…um, is it okay if I hug you, captain, or-" Your Captain’s eyes sparkled as he smiled
"...Of course, Kanna-ya", he said, prepared for your arms this time. You embraced your Captain, arms wrapped around his sides and your face buried right into his chest. Your Captain gently pulled you in with his left hand very gently holding the back of your head close to him. His other arm around your shoulders.
You blushed, hearing his heartbeat pound loud and fast. He felt warm, and he had a good heart. You felt safe in his arms. You wanted to stay like this, it felt right. You both closed your eyes, completely at peace with one another.
Before completely getting lost in the embrace, you suddenly remembered your birthday present.
"Ah! Captain!" You spoke into his chest, "H-Hm? What is it, Kanna-ya?" responds Captain Law, caught off guard by the sudden and soft vibrations from your voice. Your captain loosened his arms around you, looking down at you with his tender, golden eyes.
"Gimme a sec" you look down, fidgeting and rummaging your hand in your pocket, your other arm still holding his side. You didn't seem to notice that Captain Law's arms were still holding you close, and he found that adorable.
You finally pull out a small box, about the size of your hand. "Happy birthday! Just open it later!" You hand him the box and quickly escape his embrace to go spend time with the others. "Thank you for everything, Captain! I hope you have a good birthday!" You say excitedly, struggling to make eye contact with him as you walk away. “Oi! I’m your captain! Be a little more…respectful.” It was no use, she was having too much fun for that.
Later that night, alone in his quarters, Law slowly undid the wrapping that you had made for him. In poor handwriting on the box read,
🌸“To: Law Captain-ya!! :)) 🤍🤍 From: Kanna-ya!! ✨✨✨”🌸
He blushed. “Damn, she didn’t need to be that cute with it…” He whispered to himself.
He carefully lifted the lid to find two hibiscus flower hair clips with a surprise attack of a pinch of glitter now getting everywhere. “!! Jeez, it's all over my fingers and desk! That girl…I am going to have a word with her tomorrow…”
They both were carefully sculpted and crafted, yet flexible and sturdy. One was painted pink in the middle and the other was painted yellow. There was a small note underneath the hair pins.
Law picked up the letter with his glittery fingers. written in poor handwriting. It read,
” Dear Captain-ya,
Happy birthday! Thank you for all that you have done for me! I wouldn't be here without you and the Heart Pirates. You are really sweet and generous. I bought these at a Wano marketplace and thought they’d look cute good on you! I hope you like them.
Kanna-ya :))!! 🥳🥳🥳
P.S., Do you want to have lunch tomorrow/sometime with me? I can pay!! :0!!
-Kanna-ya” 🤍
Law had a big grin plastered on his face, thinking about how short and lovely you would look walking to a cafe with him. He carefully inspected the Hibiscus hairpins while he thought about you.
He liked imagining how you were a somewhat messy eater, always getting sauce on the sides of your mouth. How soft your hair might be, what you would wear, what perfume you would use. How he would have to point it out and maybe even
…no, I’m not bold enough to do that. Covering his hands over his face, Captain Law sighed. “Jeez, Kanna-ya…”. His heart fluttered, beating loudly the rest of the night.
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Hi, everyone! I hope you like my fan fiction if you stumble upon it!! This is my first time writing something like this. The entire fan fiction is complete, I'm just editing and posting as I go along. The title is inspired by "no surprises - a trafalgar law animatic (one piece)" by luseraphims on youtube!! As a huge fan of both Radiohead and Trafalgar Law, "No Surprises" (and, even more in a later chapter,) was my final pick.
Hope you guys enjoy!
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phopollo · 2 months
I just reblogged all your Fairy Tail posts like a mad man because it's all so good and I could not contain myself!!! I love your art sm especially your Fairy Tail rewrite ideas!!!
Speaking of which did you have any other ideas for the other main characters like Team Natsu? I'm really curious to see how your Gray interacts with Juvia in this and how you made their relationship more concrete.
Also did you have any other platonic or romantic pairings in mind that we don't really see in the anime?
Akfbskf I saw!! I'm so glad you like my ideas, I always get a little nervous when I post about changing character dynamics because I've been spoken to,,,,,, not super nicely about my perception of character dynamics and how I change them sometimes
I've got a lot of thoughts all the time, but let me answer your questions A bit!
Did you have any other ideas for main characters like Natsu?
Tons!! I dont even really know where to begin talking about our main cast, there's so many individual ideas for each of them
But I can say that they all learn/teach each other's magic to each other, with varying levels of success
Natsu having the most success learning Lucy's celestial magic, Lucy having the most learning Erza's requip magic, Gray to everyone's surprise coming the closest to learning Natsu's Dragon Slayer magic, and Erza having the most succes with Gray's maker magic
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I'm really curious to see how your Gray interacts with Juvia
It's very similar to his dynamic with Lucy for the most part! But sometimes, it's also like
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And Juvia will repeat herself with no hesitation, and Gray gets really embarrassed and either walks away or starts an argument depending on how many other people are around or what people they are
Did you have any other platonic or romantic pairings in mind we didn't really see in the anime?
Well, as I'm sure you saw because you went through my blog, I would absolutely kill to see a Natsu/Juvia team up, so yeah, I was thinking about that duo for this
It was mostly pretty silly-- not really knowing how to talk to each other, but managing to enjoy each other's company because Juvia can kind of bring Natsu down a bit when hes getting too worked up, and Natsu can get Juvia passionate about something she would have otherwise been indifferent to
I think I also mentioned back on the post asking about Gajeel and Juvia in particular, but I talked about Gajeel forming a bond with the Strauss siblings-- he's like the 4th sibling they never wanted (affectionate)
And even though they were kind of shown in the anime, I really wanted to explore the dynamic between Erza and Wendy more, as well as the relationship between the 3 exceeds
I think Wendy and Happy are particularly fascinating as characters, because their magic is clearly intended for support, and they're surrounded by people who can do more, even in the case of Happy with the other exceeds who can perform transformation magic and be able to put up a fight, which is why I wanted to explore the dynamics I'd mentioned haha
I'd also really like to take a bigger dive into Lucy's relationships with her spirits! Especially since one of the things that bothered me was the way the celestial spirit system worked! I had some ideas for Aries and Virgo in particular for little mini arcs, similar to the ones we got for Loke and Aquarius, and how Lucy buids her trust and relationship with the spirits who's keys she holds-- I don't wanna share goo much about that though, I actually have some really cool art pieces in progress about them and I wanted to wait to talk about exploring those dynamics more until I got there
I'd love to show you the thumbnail for one of them though
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You'll have to guess which one it is /j
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taumoebaa · 2 months
20 question for writers tag game
tagged by @softodettes (👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩)
1. Total number of ao3 works?
10 (3 are anon because they're just silly little drabbles hehe)
2. Total ao3 word count
104,415 (oopsie get this girl some sunlight)
3. Fandoms I've written in
Just Fourth Wing.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Death of a Sun A Safe Place for Change (the couples therapy fic) Good Morning Evergreen (the one where xaden's eyesight is bad) Self Control (liam pining) Solace (the one where xaden is babygirl)
5. Do I respond to comments?
Yes like 99.67% of the time :) comments make me so happy and I love yapping.
6. What has the angstiest ending?
Good Morning Evergreen.
7. What has the happiest ending?
Solace. Xaden literally just gets smooches and tucked into bed at the end. It's the happiest of happy endings.
8. Have I received hate?
Yeah, very occasionally, but I kinda deserved some of it haha.
9. Do I write smut? And what kind?
Sometimes. Mostly really mild stuff. I don't really enjoy writing smut. If it's in there it's to serve some function of the plot.
10. Do I write crossovers?
11. Have I ever had a fic stolen?
Nope. I'll probably cry if this ever happens to me.
12. Have I ever had a fic translated?
Nah. But maybe one day I'll translate one of my short fics to Chinese just for fun.
13. Have I ever co-written a fic?
Nope. But I do really want to :) Sounds like fun. I'm just too shy to ask anyone to do this with me.
14. What is my all-time fave ship?
Officially, these are evenly matched in my bookmarks. But my favourite will always be Achilles/Patroclus/Zagreus. Platonically, I also really love Zuko & Wan Shi Tong fics.
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15. A WIP I'll never finish
I've been writing Translations in Aretia in the background for months now but I'm a little scared of posting another XVL long-fic where Liam/Violet has a stronger focus. There's also a bunch of canon re-write/missing scene fics that I'm not too motivated to write, a Brennan/Reader fic, and a Max/Tisaanah fic. I'll never finish these, probably.
16. Writing strengths?
17. Writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. Especially dialogue between young characters. I have no idea how people in their late teens/early twenties talk. Tairn-speak is easier. I think the Hades fandom did that to me. I struggle with exposition too. Describing things always feels like a bland exercise. Prose is hard. Introspection is a nightmare. Writing is just really difficult.
18. Do I like foreign language dialogue?
I love it. I adore it. Foreign language dialogue and language barriers are among my favourite tropes. It's up there with accidental pet acquisition. My favourite CoD fic has a language barrier element to it. My current favourite book, Daughter of No Worlds, also has that. I just love this trope ruthlessly and indiscriminately.
19. First fandom I wrote for?
Fourth Wing.
20. Favourite fic I've written?
Good Morning Evergreen. I genuinely had so much fun writing this fic. I feel like with all my other works I'm pulling teeth just to get the words out, but with this one everything just flowed and I ended up writing it all in one sitting. I still re-read it from time to time which is crazy because I hate re-reading my fics. I also really enjoyed writing One Gentle Afternoon. Childhood memories are so fun for me :)
tagging @littlefirefox @copperfirebird @shipmistress9 but no pressure!!
omg a surprise cat
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cat-dragron-arts · 8 months
Never knew I could become fixated on my own silly Sonic Frontiers AU but it's finally at a point where I feel comfortable enough to share it with the wider world! I also wrote all this up at like midnight so sorry if stuff doesn't make sense.
Whole premise is "what if Shadow was in Frontiers" which isn't a unique thought but I wanted to try my own spin on it! Calling it the Mnemonic AU for now since that's just have I've been titling files I save for this as.
Mnemosyne Island replaces Rhea Island in terms of story progression, combining all of the towers into one. Still working on some of the finer details but the chaos emeralds are involved so that Sonic, Shadow and their koco companion can have some quality time together.
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Also! Have some rough environmental drawings because I cannot get certain scenes out of my head!!
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My whole goal of this was to explore a bit of the harder to obtain voice lines on Rhea Island and how that would play in to someone besides Sage being there to witness Sonic at his lowest before the corruption fully takes over.
Oh and also to have more qpr sonadow content that scratches my particular itch of them having an incredibly deep bond and how that gets put to its limit.
More doodles and ramblings under the cut!
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I have most of the main story beats planned out especially with how the ending plays out. It would follow the Final Horizon update in terms of how Ouranos Island plays out plus! Then there's also more potential for character interactions which I adore exploring.
Got no idea for how Shadow ends up at the Starfall Islands. Maybe he's out with Rouge and Omega and he's the only one that finds the portal that ends up transporting him to the islands. Anyways, at least he and Knuckles have that in common.
Shadow's memory token is lavender which I used primarily because it's more neutral than some of the other symbols I see with Shadow a lot. His koco's design was... a pain but I'm ultimately happy with it since they are fun to draw hehe.
The fic itself is gonna be a long one!! Not sure how long yet as I'm still writing it but I've gotten rough drafts for the first three chapters with chapter four on the way. I'm guessing somewhere around 40-60 k words?? Based purely on the chapters I have written right now and how many words they are.
I'd love to post the fic at some point but I want to wait until I have a little more of a back log/more polished since it's my first fan fic and I am a little nervous about it haha.
If you read this far thank you??? It means a lot and I just hope people enjoy this silly au hehe.
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laitoslittlemacaron · 10 months
Forgive me if you've been asked this before, but what is it that really got you so interested in Laito? If you can put your finger on it - I can understand that he has a certain je ne sais quoi.
Hello!💕 thank you for this question first of all! Its so easy but so so hard to answer as well, but yeah he sure does;v;<3 i once did a little essay on this topic on his birthday actually haha where i mentioned all the things i like about him, but..how and why and what exactly is so complicated to find out for myself😭
one important thing about me is, that it takes quite a while for me to develop a crush and strong feelings but if they are there once, they sure are🫡 and the fact that im asexual!! which makes it funny that my brain chose to focus on him (opposites attract??), but it really just means that im unable to sexualize people, allowing me to view the world and people in another way. As in many kinds of pretty and aesthetics, like art works. And certain things dont hit me that hard like they do with non-asexual people. But i'm absolutely not on the no-touchy side of the spectrum tho, i sure love affection, kiss marks and everything else (even tho i need to know the other one and like them a lot, idk ive never been in a relationship lol) , and i do enjoy his drama cds a lot 😂😭
What i meant to say with that, i didnt get into Laito because i wanted to smash him!😆 there were so many interesting things about him, that got my brain more and more interested and addicted to him and his personality. and hes so so pretty, his eyes are my exact favourite colour and his hair is autumn colours, its so beautiful and i want to braid it hehe.🍂 (looks are not enough tho and it took me quite some time.) and before i could even notice it, bam, i think i fell for him, slowly but then pretty hard. (And now its been 8 years agshshjk whaaaat-)
Hmm.. I love dark fantasy and vampire stuff a lot!! Its the twisted, the horror, unexpected, thrilling, esp about him. Its really cool. and finding out just how much there actually is to Laito, one thing after another. Besides his light hearted, funny, dark&twisted and flirty character, there are also his real thoughts, when he gets poetic, emotional and philosophic, and just then how damn cuuute he can be, and how much he actually cares after he stops pushing away emotions, and how much dumb stuff you can do with him (referencing all the funny moments, bonus cds, and silly cds). I would love to go with into cute cafes together, or showing my macaron skills, and idk there were soo many cute and stupid ideas he had that made my heart flutter and laugh a lot 🤣🤧💖 and so much more!! he makes me happy and all the love that i have stored in me can go to him🫶 (i knoww that hes fictional, but hes so well written, with so many sides, and its so nice to have smth or smn around you that/who gives you happiness!!!) but jeez i also looove vampire stuff, but it HAS to be him 😂💚
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You know what? I think for the first time…honestly maybe in my entire life…I am happy. Like, genuinely happy, content, satisfied.
I am not where I want to be, but I know I am making tangible progress towards it. Mentally, physically, financially.
My therapy sessions lately have gone from this jumbled mess of chaos and anxiety and tears to validating my own choices and feelings. I noticed it three sessions ago and she said she noticed it as well. She said I started the session out kind of asking for permission/validation for recent choices and that I just kept backing my own self up. I have not had this kind of confidence in myself since 2012.
I see several career/financial paths I could do. I am really enjoying doing Rover and still am hoping I gain repeat clientele. In the future, I can get my own pet sitting insurance and cut out the middle man of Rover. It’s exciting to think of this possibility because it’s joining my passion of dogs (that I forgot I had?!) with my independent work style. I make my own schedule, no one’s telling me what to do (other than owner instructions of course) and I’m getting to work with the best pups! I’d really like to market a little more towards basic training as well and include it as an add on.
I have an upcoming husky client who is a jumper. He gets really excited, jumps and jumps, and open mouth “bites.” The owner said he’s trained him from a puppy, but jumping is a pretty frustrating habit for visitors. I let him know I could work on the jumping while I’m there and I’m excited about that. I know a handful of ways to decrease it and just saw another method that I think I’m going to try on this husky since he’s super treat motivated.
Rover is also getting me moving around a lot more. Social work tends to be a pretty sedentary job, but I’m constantly moving when I have high energy dogs. So, I’ve also been losing weight and I feel good. Im outside a lot more and I have the benefit of walking with a dog. How fun!
Im not quite at the point where this could be a long term thing, I need to get more clients and especially dog walking clients. Im mainly doing overnight sits.
Another path I see is joining my masters degree and love of dogs together. This would be a super far out goal, but I could specialize in pet therapy. This was one of my initial goals in college. My academic advisor even suggested that I do some type of therapy work around animals. There was a vet hospital that took on interns in their pet bereavement department, but it was masters level only. So, it was literally grief therapy for pet owners that combined pet therapy (which by the way is human therapy using pets. Not therapy for the pets haha. I get weird looks when I say this sometimes).
There’s still the career paths I’ve been pursuing, but I’d only Been pursuing them because I just don’t know what else I’d do. I do like social work case management, but it’s an even lousier path in Florida than it was up north. I do like the idea of therapy, but it seems so boring to sit in an office all day talking to people.
There have been many times in my life where I was focused on animals, but it seemed too silly of a career thought to ever pursue. I didn’t want to be a vet and I didn’t want to put more money into school to be a vet tech when I was so close to my BSW (but I really did almost leave social work to pursue being a vet tech! But then my school said I could graduate in two more semesters so I let the idea go)
I was a dog walker short term between graduation and my first social work job. I didn’t promote myself anywhere tho or put any stock in it. I was training the family dog at home and helping my friend with training her dog. I began thinking about becoming a trainer. I’ve applied so many times to petsmart/petco for the dog trainer position but ultimately never pursued it and would lean harder into the social work jobs.
I do still feel a little silly being so optimistic about the pet sitting stuff because it’s not a typical route, but im seeing so many people thrive with it now. So many small businesses for pet care. I think I could do that. I think I’d love doing it.
I think i burned out from social work years ago. Maybe from the whole field. I think that part of me is tired. Which is hard to admit. Despite my best self care efforts, I’ve carried the burdens of my clients for the last 10 years. I still think about my first clients from 2014, wonder how they are, if they’re okay, if they’re still alive. Ive spent too many nights crying about my clients because I didn’t have a magic wand to make life easier for them. I’ve given my entire heart to the social work jobs I’ve had and the clients I’ve worked with. I’m tired. Empathy is such a gift And I know it’s my biggest strength, but maybe, at least for now until my heart heals, I can Channel my empathy towards animals again.
We’re finally putting money into savings despite Rover being a huge pay cut. It won’t be sustainable job once we move out, so I have from now until then to make something of it. M is so supportive of this and its helped me to believe in myself again 💚
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Some of my recent furry friends. Also M and I celebrated one year of marriage with a training walk with Mel and a night out on the town 🥰
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nhi-theuserof-this · 1 year
ok so I’m in love with gear 5 but punknoir is my number one so what if I— *spits this out*
Mild OP spoilers excluding the crazy ass(exaggeration) Gear 5 stuff and some fun and deranged thought process coming from a place of love up ahead, although all this is centric on hobie and noir interacting with OP the media not actually a crossover
Also this is probably so niche in general just bear with me lmao
-Hobie would be showing noir around and introducing him to other spider people that are willing or able to help with the different time period whiplash which would then lead to eventually meeting someone that would want to update them on media like shows and books and such
-It obviously branches off into media from not america and when you mention manga or anime you have to bring up the big three, hence one piece, doesn’t really sound interesting to either of them at surface level
-noir wants to have something modern to talk about with new people though, so he briefly researches themes of books and shows he’s heard about and rabbit holes across one piece themes of freedom and the part where (haha) luffy is like legally a terrorist or something so now he *has* to check out one piece
-He reads the manga first because he likes reading at his own pace but watches any particularly interesting parts in the anime after reading it in the manga
-noir brings up one piece to hobie pretty soon and since hobie is from like early 2000s? Or a little before?(messy ahh timeline sorry guys) one piece is probably still relatively new in his universe(if it exists in his universe)
-Hobie checks it out himself via video and or written analysis people post online about it as well as checking out the first few chapters
-I’m not very good at getting hobie as a writer but he comes off to me that he would appreciate the story one piece is trying to tell combined with its lighter tone that keeps it from going on like a ‘dark tone’ the way more current / popular anime does
-Hobie starts to occasionally read one piece since it’s not as long as it is in the universe noir picks volumes up from so he slightly might not know the commitment he’s gotten into
-He still has plenty to say about it anyhow, and Noir loves to discuss with him about their own perceptions on the ideas as well was the story itself
-Noir is fucking enraptured by one piece
(Gear 5 content ahead!)
-Noir eventually catches up to one piece and starts reading each chapter as it comes out, and imagine how fucking wild he would go when he reads the gear 5 reveal?
-Noir is from a generally dark and quite gloomy universe, and I feel that this plays a large role in how much he’d care about something so ridiculous to his own universe
-freedom freedom freedom that is like such a big theme and noir would absolutely latch onto it right?
-Noir would absolutely be bothered by plenty of things in one piece due to again, timeline differences, so the sun god nika part would likely bother him simply because of his own silly spider god scenario—I can absolutely see himself relating to luffy with the coming back from the verge of or actual death without their own say-so via their powers/granter of power
-He’d probably try to compare his own attitude and world view to luffy’s in a combination of trying to better himself as well as it’s fun to relate to a character that deeply
-from that general point onwards noir would totally try to get hobie onto one piece by watching the show together
-at this point it’s like a special thing for them two to just enjoy one piece
-when gear 5 is animated and they watch it together noir has to pause the episode a couple of times because he is so happy with how it was animated and hobie is laughing his ass off at the smear frames they land on whenever it’s paused
-they both immediately rewatch the episode like three more times and keep noticing new things, it’s a blast
Ok ran out of things to say🔔🔔🔔🔔🛎️
Sorry my silly ass couldn’t handle the pressure of not combining these two things when I just had the power to make my sillies like my other little guy that I’ve been braining over for the past week
I’ll maybe make some art!!
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abibliophobiaa · 10 months
hi luna! i want to first say that you are incredibly talented, and i truly hope you never stop writing bc you have such a gift 🥰
anyway, i can’t stop thinking about how much eddie reminds me of patrick verona in 10 things i hate about you (maybe a lil nerdier but just as dramatic and the diMples ah)
honestly thinking about writing a lil something but i also don’t know if anyone would want to read it & wouldn’t be surprised if it’s been done before you know?? i’ve not really posted my wiring on here in ages and i certainly don’t write for validation, but i will admit it feels a bit daunting to not get much of a response to my work. idk ://
- 💛
first of all, thank you so much! writing is my favorite hobby (i can’t wait to have some time this weekend to literally just do that), and sharing the silly things that i come up with in my mind is honestly my favorite. i never expect anyone to read, but the fact people do still blows my mind. 🤍
secondly, i whole heartedly agree and i definitely get the same vibes for eddie.
my other thought would be — write what makes you happy. write for the sake of writing. don’t cater to what might be “popular” right now. i think that’s when the true passion steps in, and that’s when you can tell in someone’s writing that they’re really just enjoying and losing themselves in the creative process. which is really beautiful.
like i know my ideas are generally based on things i read in books and are intentionally trope happy (and maybe people don’t like that? but i don’t care), and i just try to be true to myself and have fun with it. but I really think that’s when the magic happens. so i say go for it! write the story for yourself primarily.
also, i understand those feelings well. i know it’s hard because we all want a little validation, but i think that’s why i believe so firmly in writing what you want. because there will be people out there who want to read it. and, i mean, if you post it and send me the link i will read it, because that’s one of my favorite movies. 🤍🤍
i hope this all makes sense. i am at work typing frantically under my desk haha.
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sunmoonjune · 10 months
Hiya Moonie! So I was wondering, do you have any advice for someone trying to start writing a Poly!OT8!Stray Kids x Reader? I had an idea for a Supernatural!AU where the boys are all different types of magical creatures (and the MC is also a magical creature) and I have the bare bones of the story planned, but since I'm kinda a baby Stay (my first official comeback with them was Case 143) I'm afraid that I won't portray the boys accurately or they'll be too OOC for anyone to enjoy my fic. I'll take any advice you've got, because I could probably use it lol. Thanks in advance!
-Magic Anon (can I be Magic Anon? Is that cool?)
hmmmm honestly I can never tell if my depictions of skz or other characters are accurate?? but I can tell you how I write them?
chan to me is a good mix of giggly/silly and serious,, he's very protective of the people he loves and pays very close attention to them -- he feels like the kind of person who can tell when the boys are upset before they are in a way you know? like he just cares SO much about them and he's always watching to make sure they're safe and cared for :'))) he also is protective too,, like he's always prepared to fight for the people he cares for <3 but he's also very silly and young too! like he still messes around with the boys and plays pranks and such xD
minho is very much a tsundere to me sometimes! like he acts a little colder at face value and his expressions can be a little more stoic but he also pays very close attention to skz and the people he loves <33 he likes to do little things for the boys and he's always prepared to do things for/with them to make sure they're happy and safe :')) he's a bit of a brat tamer to me and he seems to like it when people try to tease him cause he likes to punish them for it xD like the rest of skz he's super playful and likes to play the occasional prank to get a chuckle out of everyone
changbin is the problem child of skz even if he's the third oldest XD he's extremely silly and laughs easily! he's very proud of his muscles and likes to show them off and acts really young :}} he's very giggly and is very hard working! I think I write him a little bit more of a brat in a way?? like he likes to tease and be teased and he gets huffy and loud when he's the subject of the teasing xD he feels like the kind of guy who would be protective but in the kind of way where he trusts you to the ends of the earth he just worries about everyone else if that makes sense?
hyunjin is the world's biggest brat and he's VERY dramatic so I always write him as kind of a little shit sometimes xD he likes to tease and he likes to be put in his place it seems ;) he's very silly and I'll say it again -- VERY dramatic HAHA,, he's also very artistic and likes his alone time,, he talks about doing things alone a lot and enjoying that time by myself :}} I think one of his love languages is touch cause he adores loving up on jeongin especially xD
hannie is also kind of a brat too xD he's loud and playful and he can have a tendency to poke fun at some of the members in playful fights sometimes xD he also seems introverted to me and can prefer his alone time in private sometimes he can be brash and silly so he's kind of like an extroverted introvert if that makes sense? like extroverted with his friends but introverted when he's with others (same Han xD )
lixie!!! our sweet lix <333 so when you write Felix just think sunshine and then write exactly how that feels hehe :')) Felix is fr like the embodiment of sunshine <33 he's soft and mushy and caring and sweet like :"DD he adores his members and his family and his very physically affectionate (he LOVES to snuggle) he's very personable and ppl cannot resist him cause he's just so kind and gentle (tho those taekwondo medals mean something :O ) overall just an absolute sweetheart <33
seungmin is a little more quiet but he's also a brat xD he likes to poke fun and instigate playful arguments but he still loves his members :"D he's grown a little more extroverted over the years but I still see him as mostly an introvert! as skz says he's an awful lot like a puppy and I see him as kind of a golden retriever boy but just a little quieter sometimes maybe?? he's playful and sweet too <33
jeongin is the ultimate maknae and he knows he's the baby so he uses that to his advantage a LOT xD he's also kind of a brat but again, he uses those maknae privileges to get away with stuff a lot he's very playful and silly and can sometimes surprise you how quickly he changes from baby bread to daddy toast HAHA he's a little less physically affectionate I think than the others but thats not saying much because skz is constantly all over each other HAHA xD
I don't know if any of this will help but I guess this is part of how I imagine them?? not all of it may be accurate tbh but it's how I see them sometimes :"D
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
I'm really enjoying reading through your blog, and of course it has to do a lot with the fact that I also love to bits everything Taemin puts out. Unfortunately tumblr makes it really annoying to try and get to older posts, so sorry if you've already spoken about any of this T-T
A big part of why I love Taemin's solo work so much is his unique style, which shines through both technique and performance.
Taemin has many times spoke about how he's heavily involved in everything concerning his work: styling, picking out the samples, lyrics, themes, choreo, you name it he took care of it at some point. "The taemin genre" couldn't have emerged simply out of him being an above average dancer, his signature is on everything.
But surely, very often he can't do much more than express his opinion on something, and a lot of the end product is still created by other people? It would be silly to expect him to dance, sing, produce, write lyrics, style all at once, right? Or would it?
I very, very often hear people take pride in the fact that their fav is an "all-rounder", that presumably does most of the "creating" purely by themselves, or at least can shine all alone, even without the support of a group. But does that imply that artists that only do the performing part are somehow less "authentic", or worthy of praise? Or that idols comfortable in their position as a team player aren't talented or into what they do? To call yourself a master you probably have to spend a decade on just one skill, so why expect teens and young adults to be Da Vincis?
Now, of course it's still amazing when an idol puts in the work and branches out. Taemin's vocal improvement undoubtedly gave him more creative opportunities and made his stages that much more impactful.
But even just being an idol and maintaining an attractive appearance (for criteria as harsh as it is in k-pop) would easily count as a full-time job, so I would go as far as to say that this expectation of total creative control is a little delusional.
haha it was really funny watching you go through everything! yea tumblr is really bad about that, but if you go to my blog on desktop/not the mobile version you should be able to page back through ALL my asks, which are all tagged by 'answers'. there are like probably around a thousand of those now tho.
i have kind of talked about this before, but i'm very happy to talk about it again, because i always think it's worthwhile to clarify what the actual process is like for creating a collaborative work.
you are right, taemin and every other idol who says they're 'involved' in the process in some way is most likely just picking options and expression opinions about things that designers and stylists have already curated for them. it is physically impossible for a single person to do EVERYTHING involved in something like creating a kpop cb, because there are just too many tasks. and if one person DID try to do it all on their own, it would take probably 100x as long to finish. let me use styling as an example: lots of idols have professed to have input on styling choices, but this can range anywhere from bringing in moodboards and having discussions about what styling they're interested in at design meetings, to just picking which thing they like best from a selection of clothes already provided by the designer. in NO fucking world is an idol:
taking measurements
shopping for fabric
shopping for clothing
sewing and altering clothing
doing the budgeting
labelling and collating all the pieces together
taking fitting notes
these are all extremely specialized skills that 1) take TIME to learn how to do and how to do well, and 2) just take TIME to DO. you want to know what i spend probably 40% of the total production time of a show doing when i costume design? fucking SHOPPING. an idol may contribute ideas to a design and make executive choices, but in NO way are they solely responsible for everything about styling. the only idol that i would believe to have a heavier hand than most in this regard is kibum, who does actually have a good knowledge of fashion and fabric and i could see him going shopping with a designer. but if you think that man is sewing anything? cmon.
and this is just for ONE aspect of a cb. you think an idol is also painting the set? shopping for props? setting up the lighting? most idols that are known for dancing aren't even choreographing their own work, INCLUDING taemin. it is absolutely and unquestionably delusional to say that an idol has total creative control over something. this whole idea doesn't originate in kpop (it's auteur theory's fault), but kpop does suffer from an acute version of it, because there's a general collective concensus that devalues the creative work of the labourer. basically, people will only classify you as a "true artist" if you're the one who comes up with the ideas, because ideas and concepts are given more importance and weight. it's a type of because 'being in charge'/'at the top of the food chain that's been perpetuated by capitalism and western postmordern art theory that intentionally places value of conceptual skills higher than those of craftspeople. no type of person is a ''true artist'' and most art takes many people with many different skills in order to create. i find it unintentionally very funny that you use da vinci as an example of an 'allrounder' (or 'renaissance man' as they used to be called) because he, like every other famous painter from the era, used apprentices to help paint his paintings!!!!! he was even an apprentice himself for verrocchio!! da vinci's legacy would not have been possible without all the other people who helped him create the work that he did!
what is the real kicker about this whole mess is that downplays the beauty of the fact that art is made collaboratively. an 'ideas' person cannot realize those ideas without a craftsperson there to help them. everyone who takes part in creating something is important, and it's fucked to only acknowledge specific people in that process.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
okay im typing this in my notes app but im reading burning gold
this is just going to be me screaming and going “i like this” so uh yeah enjoy!
also i didn’t read the summary or the tags i like to just go in blind (is this stupid? yes do i do it anyways? yes)
okay your descriptions are like heavenly they scratch an itch in my brain like idk the way you pick apart the world and describe it in a way that feels natural is just so eieisjwidj like i always have to take a moment to just read it and let it soak
wall of trees you say 🤨 that emoji is my fav it’s so silly
oh a machete! that’s my favorite way to greet people too!
ive watched qsmp but habe not watched in a while so im just smiling and nodding as i figure out who these characters are i really gotta get back on that
WUALCIRYI wow way to go with the spelling there. what i meant to say was QUACKITY
WOAH! abandonment and theft that’s wild wilbur
one night stand you say 🤭 ive been using that emoji too much man
wait why am i reading in silence where is my bg music
i have no clue what’s going on not for lack of the story but because i just zoned out
tallulah and eye contact so something about something yeah go me
something something about the gold that was on those trees earlier right maybe something something can’t wait to figure out what is going on
tallulah is not like other girls that’s what im gathering she got that ichor blood presumably bc wilbjr is being dicey af
eye balls
wilbjr come close you can tell me *puts ear as close to him as possible*
my darling lil girl infected but alive like a cool kid
haha how silly… how did that happen? HAHA!
yay! happy ending! i love your worldbuilding it’s so aifiqjrjwjfjwdj this was great thank you for the serotonin
this was longer than intended my apologies
- 🪿
I've always thought aspen trees are super pretty but also extremely unsettling with the way their trunks look like they're covered in eyes. I knew I wanted the forest to be an aspen forest bc of how gorgeous aspen forests look in the fall with the contrast of the bright orange leaves and the white trunks, and I thought the eyes in the bark just lended itself super well to the idea of the trees 'watching' everyone around them
honestly going in blind can be very fun I hope it made the fic more enjoyable for you!!
aaa ty I loved playing around with the descriptions in this one shot
LMAO yeah there are a lot of qsmp people here who you might be confused by if you don't watch qsmp regularly or haven't seen it in a while
philza voice: I Know What You Are
I really enjoyed playing around with the foreshadowing and worldbuilding elements of this one. specifically with the gold by mentioning the tree covered in the stuff at the very beginning, but it not being properly discussed till later on. then the little hints that something's going on with tallulah but trying my best not to make it obvious until the very end. a lot of fun balancing aspects there lol
I'm so glad you enjoyed!! ty for giving your thoughts this was very fun for me to read :)
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wikiangela · 2 years
my 911 fics ranked by how much fun i had writing them - based on the ranking by @sibylsleaves bc it seemed fun, thank you for the idea ❤️
as of now I have 34 buddie fics (lmao what), so I did a top 10 (it was hard to narrow down tbh because I generally have fun writing all my fics, but this is the top 10:
1. For a holiday (and forevermore)
Eddie's sick of personal, intrusive questions about his love life whenever he visits his family, so he starts bringing Buck for the holidays as his (fake) boyfriend. He only wants to shut them up, and doesn't expect that the small crush he has on his best friend could actually turn into something more...
my first (and for now only) buddie multi chapter fic, inspired by the movie holidate (2020) - I saw the movie and had a vision, and this started - I'm having so much fun writing this, even if some chapters are more difficult (and it's getting away from me and they do what they want lol) - and writing Eddie so oblivious and so deep in denial is just so fucking fun, overall 9.5/10
2. I can't love you any more (than I do now)
Eddie's pretty sure he and Buck are dating and kind of living together. Neither acknowledges it, until Eddie finally does.
this is my newest one rn, and it's disgustingly fluffy and domestic, and I loved writing it so much, needed some fluff with all the 6b stuff - and I've been looking for an excuse to use this song as a fic title lmao (it didn't turn out exactly how I wanted, but writing it was a blast fr haha) 9/10
3. There’s no way that it’s not going there (with the way that we’re looking at each other)
5 times people wrongly assume Buck and Eddie are together + 1 time it's actually true.
wrote this two years ago and I remember having a lot of fun with that - now there's about a hundred things I'd do differently with this one, but I enjoyed writing it at the time haha (this is also THE fic with the most kudos out of all of my fics out of all of the fandoms for some reason? lol) 8/10
4. we got time (but we're only human)
“We got time, Eds.” Buck chuckles. “Not enough.” Eddie’s voice breaks a little. Buck squeezes his hand. “We almost ran out of time, and I can’t just wait until it happens again, Buck. Besides, life is short. We’ll never really have enough time, because a lifetime with you wouldn’t be enough." Or, Buck wakes up from his coma, and Eddie, done with wasting time, confesses his feelings.
post-6x10, but fluffy and happy, really loved writing this one, had a great time with it, 8/10
5. Who said this is a good idea?
Buck and Eddie are drunk, their inhibitions are low, and things escalate pretty quickly.
one of the fictober22 prompts, one of the easiest and quickest to write somehow, had fun with this one 7.5/10
6. You love this, don't you?
Clipboard Buck makes a reappearance, and Eddie's forced to confront his feelings.
this was supposed to be a silly clipboard!Buck fic, but then it got horny so I wrote a second chapter (while lowkey cringing at myself bc it's kinda out of my comfort zone lol), and I had a blast writing it, even if it lowkey sucks (idk if it does, I'm harsh on myself lmao) 7.5/10
7. Fine
Eddie’s foot feels heavy on the gas pedal, while his hands grip the steering wheel tightly, to prevent them from shaking. He’s driving almost on autopilot, while trying his best to compartmentalize and focus on just getting to the hospital, trying not to think about Buck- about what’s happening in the back of the ambulance right now. Or, after the drive to the hospital after Buck's hit by lightning, Eddie loses it. Sort of 6x10 coda.
It was easy to write, the words were just pouring out of me, and I think I blacked out for the last 1k words, it's the saddest thing I've written lol 7/10
8. You're making my head hurt
Eddie's really tired and accidentally confesses his love for Buck.
accidental confessions are my fave to write, I just feel like it'd fit them, and it might not be my best, but I had fun writing it, 7/10
9. don't know what I'd do if your tomorrow never came
He can’t help but think that this is some kind of sick joke from the universe, which he doesn’t believe but he knows Buck would. “The universe is screaming at you and you refuse to listen” is what Buck said once, it feels like a lifetime ago. He didn't believe it, then, either. And now the universe is mocking Eddie, having him have to tell their kid about Buck, just like Buck had to tell him about the shooting. Eddie doesn’t know how Buck did it, how he had the strength, because he’s on the verge of breaking down and shattering into a million little pieces. Or, Eddie goes home to tell Christopher about Buck getting hurt.
post 6x10, only this low bc I started writing it and loved it, and then I didn't have time to finish, so I got back to it later, and kinda struggled with the second half ngl haha gotta learn to write shit down as soon as it comes to me fr, 6.5/10
10. I think he knows
Eddie just could not tear his eyes away from him. And Buck finally noticed, looking back at him. “What?” “What? Nothing.” Eddie felt his face heat up, as he took another sip of his beer. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Buck’s piercing gaze was still on him, and Eddie felt as if he could read him so easily. “Like what?” he decided to play dumb. Maybe he’d succeed. “I don’t know.” Buck responded slowly. “You’re being weird tonight. Well, you’ve been acting weird for the past few weeks, actually.” “Weird how?” Eddie frowned, his heart hammering loudly. He knew how. But was he really being that obvious? Or Eddie's crush is becoming really obvious, so he does something about it.
it was just a silly idea about them getting together happening in the kitchen, it got away from me, I had a lot of fun with this one, even if it didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it to, but I don't think as much as the previous ones (it's so difficult to rank those fr) 6/10
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starleska · 2 years
Hello! I'm one of the people who made a request and I just wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have taken from granted that you write for everyone, haha- This... Is embarrasing- Don't worry at all and thank you for let us know how requests make you feel! Again, I'm so sorry if seeing so many requests made you stressed, I didn't mean to contribute to that uneasiness! If you are okay with sharing headcanons though, please let me know! I have a few in store that may be of your interest, hehe! Again, if you are not okay with that either it's also totally okay! Have a lovely day! 💘
😭😭😭😭😭 oh angel, thank you so much!!! but please, don't feel any need to apologise - you haven't done anything wrong, neither has anyone else!! i promise 🥰 i really, really appreciate that you spent the time to send in a request, and doubly so for being so kind and considerate and responding! i'm gonna get a little bit personal under the cut;;
honestly, don't worry yourself at all - this is totally a me problem. i reckon a lot of mentally ill fandom creatives can relate to this: trauma stuff i won't get into can manifest in compulsive people-pleasing, even in spaces that are supposed to be stress-relieving, like fandom! when i used to run that other blog, i would spend hours making content that i didn't really want to make. you end up creating because it makes others happy, so you feel useful, and as an apology for existing: like, a living tax. and that is not a healthy way to live 💖 one of the hardest things you learn in therapy is that you are ultimately in control of your own boundaries, and you don't have to reply to anything online. you don't have to answer an ask, or fill out a request, or participate in a prompt, or make a gift, or give your opinion on a specific topic...yet, it's still so tough to let go of the idea that you're being rude if you say no to a request. but it's never a personal slight! all of the asks in my ask box right now are full of so much love, and passion, and creativity, and i often wish i was one of those people who pumps out ten drabbles a day and can fulfil everyone's deepest, darkest fantasies. but i've been down that road, and it just...isn't for me 😅 i've spent years crafting what i think most will agree is a wholly self-indulgent space, where i get to gush about whatever weird-ass fictional show or character seizes the autism in the right way. that makes me really happy, and it makes me even happier knowing that other people are drawn to it 🥰 i really love interacting with people who have similarly strange interests - and i came in expecting 'Big' Jack Horner to be another niche choice (oh, how wrong i was 😂). i will admit the times where i've accidentally created content for a hugely popular character (looking at you, Warren the Eagle) i have become overwhelmed quickly by the sheer volume and demand. however - this burnout it something i have to manage. i don't believe anyone is imposing on me by sending asks about something they really enjoy!! it's very silly of me to be intimidated by lots of people being excited about a cool, sexy character and wanting to hear my thoughts about him. i'm trying to remember that it's normal for people to have a backlog of requests, and that we're allowed to just...let it sit, or say no, if we don't want to answer. that's okay! tldr; you are very sweet and you've made me feel a lot less stressed about all of this;;; it's my own fault for doing so much in such a short space of time! i'm gonna keep your words in mind and try responding at a more measured pace. i would absolutely love to hear about your Jack headcanons if you're happy to share 🥰💖
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rebelspy · 2 years
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I posted 572 times in 2022
29 posts created (5%)
543 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 331 of my posts in 2022
Only 42% of my posts had no tags
#hahaha - 20 posts
#cori rambles - 14 posts
#this is cute - 9 posts
#my lixie - 9 posts
#cori talks - 9 posts
#this is adorable - 7 posts
#haha - 6 posts
#my ⛰️ - 6 posts
#send me anons - 6 posts
#i laughed so hard - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#so i recently had foot surgery. and its taking me such a long time to do simple things because i barely have been cleared to stand again
My Top Posts in 2022:
The amount of adorable in this photo!
I haven't wanted a pillow/squish so bad in a long time. I want a bbokari pillow. It would match my RJ bighead plushie.
Also as much as I LOVE blonde Felix. Look at this man! He is stunning!
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1 note - Posted May 31, 2022
The other day my friends and I were discussing what kind of drunk I would be. **note none of us drink**
We all decided I would be like Hoshi if I was drunk. That is all
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2 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written/fics you’re most proud of, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love.
I was tagged by the lovely @flurrys-creativity 💕
I've been a little MIA lately with my own medical stuff happening but I really am happy to share my top 5 favorite fics I've written!
I have written for a few different kpop groups. However 4 of my top 5 fav fics I've written have been for Stray Kids
Park Guell - This Jacob fic is actually based on my time at Park Guell in Barcelona. I don't have the cute relationship I wrote about. However I did have a cute little boy who I chatted with for about twenty minutes. So this fic was based on that interaction, and how I wish someone would look at me in that situation. This fic makes me happy and fit Jacob so well.
Hoplessly Devoted - this Han fic was such a silly one to write. I felt like crap when I wrote it. I started writing it because I needed a distraction. I'm glad I did write it, a lot of people enjoyed it.
Masquerade - I had never written a soul mate au before. I am very proud of this work. The world I created in this fic made me happy. I like the concept of it being your eyes that change, so i wrote it. Hyunjin worked so well to lead into this world, I'm excited for the next one (which is in the works).
Invisible - This Lee Know story actually started off as a Bang Chan story. However the characters quickly made that change for me. I really love this story how it played out. I also LOVE Halloween so I took lore from D&D, Supernatural, and many other 'creepy' things and combined them in this story.
Knights Tale: The Nature worker - This is the fic I believe I am most proud of. I put in a lot of effort into this one, sadly it has gotten very little love. Maybe it's the length? Anyways this story was always meant for Changbin. I always have pictured him to be a wonderful knight. In fact this is a world I hope to expand in as well. The other stories will follow the other skz Knights and nobles. I just haven't gotten to writing them yet.
Now to tag some of my favorite authors! Feel free to do this or not. 💕 @missskzbiased @mxxndreams @ateez-angel @blossom-hwa @thepixelelf
2 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
I found more stairs while on my trip.
It was amazing "unplugging" for a week. (I still had my phone though it was just a fancy camera for that week).
I'll be honest I didn't write, none of the docs nor music worked on my phone like they said they would.
So I colored, and I read so many books! I read 4/5books (one of which was 5 stories in one). All of which had 300+ books except for one about Felix the dancing spider that was a children's book yet it was entertaining nonetheless.
I have ideas for stories. I have found I need to reorder some of my WIPs because they needed some changes.
Anyways I have returned.
I hope your all well!
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4 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Kpop anatomy diagram. Featuring Minhyuk from BtoB
Part 2. My favorite back muscles 😅
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@silvfeather being as you asked for a back one lol
18 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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