#happy tumblring to you too!!! I can't leave this platform even if I wanted
konotte · 2 years
boy, at this point i'm not even sure how long i've been following you but it's always very refreshing to see your reblogs on my dash. pretty illustrations, fun and uplifting posts, and all the fun fandom art too, you and your blog's vibes are just lovely. have a great day!
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morallyinept · 3 months
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For anyone who needs to hear this today...
Dieter and I are just weighing in on some of the conversations floating around where people are feeling like they're not wanted here, or who feel like they might want to leave...
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You ARE absolutely wanted here.
Whether you're a creator, reader, silent lurker. It doesn't matter if you have 1 follower or 10k. Whether you write one chapter every few weeks, or churn out fics on the daily.
This is a fandom, not a competition.
You. Are. All. Wanted. Here.
Tumblr, for want of a better analogy, is a crap factory of a website. 😝 It's gone down the pan in the last decade massively, and it's the complete opposite of what other social media platforms do, (in terms of likes and algorithims etc... you have to re-blog everything - not like it - here to get any traction) you get out of Tumblr what you put in, effectively.
No-one here is better than anyone else, we're all part of that big Pedro table and continuously squish up to make room for everyone. And if anyone isn't doing that, then they should be the one's to leave, not you.
I get it. I feel it too. I've contemplated leaving several times. Yeah. It's a hard place sometimes to try and make a tiny space of it your own.
☝🏻But remember, even the biggest blogs on here started off with zero followers and had to build their niche from scratch. Rome wasn't built in a day.
It takes time and effort. It might look like it's easy for others, but it really isn't. And I'm in no way a "big blog" in the slightest.
But I stay here doing my own thing, because ultimately, I love writing and creating - it makes me happy, and I love the sense of community here.
I get immense joy out of making my silly banners and posts, and having a giggle with like-minded people when Pedro shaves his beard off (🫠). I ignore the drama and focus on having a positive time here.
But I get that doesn't work for everybody. Sometimes it's hard to tune all the fuzz out, right? It's massively overwhelming some days on here - I feel ya, bub.
The level of talent in this fandom is incredible, but it often leaves you feeling like "where do I begin?" Or "who do I talk to?" And "how do I talk to someone without coming across as weird?" And "how the hell do I re-blog everything and reply to comments and remember to answer DM's and Asks, whilst remembering to update my WIP and see what my fav blogs have posted, and catch up on that fic I like..? 🤯
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In short, you can't.
You simply can't do everything.
And you shouldn't try to either as that's when you'll burn out and when things start feeling overwhelming. Then your enjoyment wanes and then that's when you feel like you want to give it all in.
Just breathe.
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The best advice I can give (and I'm no expert!) is to curate your own experience here as best as you can.
Eliminate that overwhelming feeling to make your Tumblr time and space enjoyable.
Make it work for you and your needs.
Some easy things you can do that might help:
Update your notifications - I personally filter out the likes, otherwise I find I miss notifs like new followers or comments etc... Tumblr can be glitchy as hell too, so by removing the likes, you can see all the stuff you don't wanna miss. To turn them off, go into your activity (app version) and hit custom, scroll down to custom again and then untick likes:
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There's a new option now to subscribe to specific blogs you like and adjust your home feed settings to that. You click on the blogs themselves and add them to get notifications and then they'll appear under Blog Subs on your feed. You can then switch through feeds to just see the blogs you've added, rather than everyone you follow. It's then easy to switch between feeds:
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Limit your time here - if it starts to feel overwhelming, take a break! That's your brain telling you that you might need it. We'll all still be here when you come back. Don't compromise your peace of mind or happiness for the sake of scrolling for hours.
If you're a creator and have writer's block etc... again, take that break! Whether it's a day or a week, or a year. Take as long as you need. Those that are worth it will still be here and will wait patiently for you. Don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself. And if anyone does pressure you, block them.
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Forget the numbers. I know, I know, it's easier said than done. Of course we want re-blogs and engagement, it's why we're here and putting our work out there. We wouldn't do it if we didn't want that engagement. But don't let the numbers be the main reason why you do it, otherwise your expectation can often be met with a harsh reality when it doesn't go how you think it will. Do it because it makes you happy, first and foremost. There will always be someone who looks forward to what you put out there.
If you want engagement, you need to engage back. This community survives and thrives on sharing. Re-blog everything you like. Re-blogging is the number one must on Tumblr. It's how the site works. Likes are lovely, but it's simply just a book marking feature here, which is essentially useless as your likes get pushed to the bottom of your like pile the more you like things. RE-BLOG EVERYTHING. By re-blogging you can also use tags so you can easily find things again. Liked that Frankie Morales fic you read last week? Re-blog it with the tag 'Frankie Morales' for example, and then you can search your own blog to find everything you've ever tagged with 'Frankie Morales'. You can even schedule re-blogs in advance too. You can't do any of that with likes. You'd have to scroll through every single like you've ever liked to find it again... and ain't no-one got time for that. If you're someone who is asking for engagement, you need to be prepared to give it back. I repeat, RE-BLOG EVERYTHING!
"Yeah, but if I re-blog everything, my aesthetic will be compromised, or my blog will be bulky and I might annoy everyone by appearing on their feed too much..." These are all valid concerns, but you can simply make a side blog specific for re-blogging things if you want. Whatever way you choose to do it, re-blog, re-blog, re-blog!
Be bold and reach out using DM's and ASK's. I don' think there's a single writer or artist out there who doesn't like getting a comment or a message complimenting their work. And we all love to chat about it, and that's an easy way in and to make friends too! It can be daunting, but I assure you if you're polite and kind, people will want to engage back with you. We all have one thing in common here at least - Pedro! 🥰
Sometimes, it can feel like everyone has their own friend groups or cliques and it can be hard to find your own community within a community. Almost everyone I engage with on a daily basis here, new and old users, are some of the nicest, kindest people I've spoken to. You really have nothing to be afraid of. They're just like you - they want to talk and make friends.
These are just some tips that I've found have worked for me on my own Tumblr journey with quelling that overwhelming feeling. And I hope they can help you in some way, especially if you're contemplating being here right now.
You might feel that what you put out there isn't appreciated because it doesn't get the notes or engagement you want, but I promise you, there is always someone who you have touched with your words and work.
Be kind to yourself and know that you really are a valued part of this fandom.
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Do you. Then do Dieter.
Self-Care With Dieter & Jett
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While I commend your stance on Tumblr and the CEO, I think you should also be aware that the situation with Twitter and Instagram isn't much better.
Instagram's head has dual citizenship in the US and Israel and even though that doesn't automatically make him pro Israel, I think his silence on the matter says more than his words ever could (although he's been quoted as saying they "try not to lean too hard into news.") Coupling that with the fact that Instagram has been shadowbanning pro Palestine posts, I think it's safe to assume where the company as a whole stands on the issue.
And Twitter? Well, the CEO isn't without her own controversies and Musk himself, while antisemitic, is more than happy to kiss Israel's (and Netanyahu's) ass to get his fingers in their technology sector.
I can't find much in regards to YouTube's new CEO but I have seen that they're also censoring pro Palestine videos under the guise of "removing violent content."
I bring up all this to say: I think it's great that you're taking this stance but also be aware that the other platforms have the same sort of problems we're facing here.
You presence here will be missed, I wish you luck out there, wherever you land!
I had that in mind when I considered leaving Tumblr. I think every platform is somehow supporting the genocide, even without a specific call-out post pointing it out. Their silence regarding the murders makes it clear what they're standing for.
I understand, and thank you for the explanation. I admit that, after reading about the CEO being pro-Israel, I felt very angry and thought it was unfair with tumblr users that were against the genocide and wanted a ceasefire. I thought that making more content in a platform I used for the last 3 years meant I'd be helping the genocide somehow, and that I was helping them this whole time. Turns out, there's really no way to avoid this, unless we keep mass-sharing the Palestinian tag and keep relentlessly asking for a ceasefire, because it does reach people.
For now, I won't use tumblr due to the other reasons I mentioned, but I'll definitely focus on sharing more content related to the #FreePalestine tag in other places, hoping it will reach even more people.
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00-jammy-00 · 7 months
Heyo, I'm so obsessed with your work 🙂 I hope you don't mind me flooding your asks for the next week. Can I get a yan!creep? Like, he finds reader (who's like a freshman) and thinks like "Damn, their hot" or smth, idk. And after he just starts stalking them, leaving creepy *explicit* photos of reader. If you feel uncomfortable with anything about my request, you can always just cut stuff out, or not do it entirely.
Please and thank you!
(P.S: Am I the only one that can't understand tumblr's color text? 😩 Seriously, I changed one letter and the whole paragraph went orange! I DID IT AGAIN WHILE TYPING THIS)
Yan!Creep HC’s
Yan!Creep x GN! Reader
Content Warning - Yandere themes, stalking, obsession, implied blackmail, theft, nsfw mentions
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Yan!Creep who first saw you walking down the hallways, cluelessly looking for your classes. He swear his heart stopped when you looked at him with those doe like eyes asking for help.
Yan!Creep who started to accidentally follow you around. “Wow! How funny to see you here Y/N!” “This is my locker.” He struggled a bit to try and find your classes but eventually he knew your whole schedule, now he could accidentally run into you all the time!
Yan!Creep who didn’t like the way other people were starting to look at you. The guy from your science class is being extra nice to you? How strange. It’s even stranger how now the guy won’t even look in your direction without terrirfied eyes.
Yan!Creep who some how found out your dorm and also some how has a spare set of keys?? You’ve started to find some of your underwear and perfumes missing as well, it makes you paranoid.
Yan!Creep who has begun following you even more. You guys are best friends now! Aren’t you happy? Do you find him nice? Do you find him smart? Do you find him attractive? Hot? Sexy? Cute? Handsome? Say yes.
Yan!Creep who comforts you when your new friends have suddenly stopped wanting to be around you. Shh, they are just jealous, don’t worry, he’s here for you.
Yan!Creep who says he’s picked up bird watching as a hobby when you discover a pair of binoculars in his bag, this led to him frantically searching up different types of birds around your area at 5am to get rid of any lingering questions.
Yan!Creep who has a shrine of you in his wardrobe that holds everything he’s ever stolen borrowed from you. Notes, underwear, clothing, perfume, pens, water bottles, headphones, jewellery, chewed gum, fuck even sex toys are kept in his shrine. He can still smell your scent on them too!
Likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated, requests are open <3
please do not copy, repost or translate any of my works on other platforms without my permission.
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youtubesweirduncles · 28 days
Hello, and welcome to 'Thoughts on the Try Guys streaming platform thing', by basically the only remaining try guys dedicated account on Tumblr (I think (Also ignore I haven't changed my pfp after the controversy))
So, as I've said before, I think the guys really managed this very well when you compare today's video with Watcher's announcement from a few weeks back. They seem to be using the new streaming service as a fancier Patreon that you can subscribe to if you like the content and want more of it, plus the exclusive vids or extra stuff, but it doesn't seem like it's meant to replace the channel and leave the people who can't afford it behind. They are offering a lot of new shows, many of which they teased on the youtube channel. The little pilots were used not only to give us a taste of what 2nd Try will be like but also introduced the new cast members! (I guess it's apropiate now to call Johnny Cakes, Kwesi, Marissa and rest as Try Guys too?). I'm so so happy to see them now as main talent; they helped carry the new era of the channel for the last year and a half and deserve the recognition.
Hooowever, I will say this.
I feel like the way they are handling this transition (and, let's be frank, the reaction from the audience) would not have been the same without the Watcher TV announcement and its fallout.
In case you don't know: Zach and Keith told us there would be a BIG announcement around this time of year way back in December. In early May (I think) watcher announced their own streaming service and literally everybody hated it. In mid-may, on a random Wednesday, the try guys channel just? don't post anything? and it seems like a very last minute decision to not post a video when they have posted videos every Wednesday for years? And now, a week later, they announce their own streaming service (with a video that references Watcher's announcement, so we know it was filmed after that was posted).
We can only guess, of course. Nothing is confirmed. But it really seems like they were going, if not the same, a very similar route that Watcher was. This is why I struggle to give them that much credit for offering a better deal that the Ghoul boys did, since I don't think they would've taken the same decisions a month ago. I want to think they are good guys who understand that most people can't afford to pay for this and they wouldn't put ALL their content behind a pay wall. But if you asked me a moth ago, I would have told you that Ryan and Shane were incapable of that too.
So I guess I'm not sure how to feel lol.
(Also I know many watcher fans are kinda mad that the try guys are getting a better response that Watcher did and also that Keith and Zach referenced the Watcher.tv vid because they think it was shady.
Calm down. They're literally friends. I bet they know what's okay to joke about and what isn't. I even bet they spoke about this in the last few weeks. Calm. Down)
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wednesdaynn · 9 months
for everyone to see
a/n: i haven't written for women (properly) in so long, neither on tumblr so i hope i do this a bit justice, this fandom is lacking sm on the women department in general, but god, there are no fics on here. so here i am, spoiling myself a bit with my own fantasy! also this was supposed to be more porn than plot tbh but i needed a good intro... so do with that what you will.
also happy KINKTOBER, even though i won't be participating i cant wait to read all these smutty things after watching too many horror movies.
summary: marlene invites you, her girlfriend, on her stream for the first time and her fans couldn't be more fond over misty marls' sweet girl
warning: sex (duh) oral (i guess fem receiving doesn't work in this context) visual pornography.
pairing: camgirl!marlene mckinnon x fem!reader
word count: 2412
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you see her walk towards the camera tripod snapping the camera into the cage and attaching it. She checks the screen to make sure both of your body's are in perfect view and the light is correct, smiling in satisfaction when everything works out.
you lean back on your hands, rolling your shoulders back and taking a deep breath. The nerves are getting worse with the minute and you can't seem to snuff them out. you hope marlene doesn't notice your hesitance because you know she'd call this stream off immediately if she knew you were even slightly tense about this situation. and it's not that you don't want to do this with her, it's just, this is all new to you, and it's making you nervous. you've been planning this for weeks, and have been excited for weeks. The thought of it alone made butterflies go around in your belly.
Marlene turns on the camera and walks back over to you, settling next to you. She grabs her laptop and makes sure the camera is connected to the bluetooth. going to the streaming platform and clicking on the live+ button, checking the camera one last time, turning towards you to make sure you're alright to start. but when she turns, instead of meeting your excited eyes, she is met with hesitance. she frowns and turns her full body towards you, grabbing your hands and rubbing her thumb over your knuckles.
"talk to me, what's going through your head?" she asks and you shrug. you feel embarrassed to tell her what you're thinking. you look up to meet her eyes and squeeze her hand affectionately.
" ’ave got some nerves, good nerves I think." you give her a small smile as to reassure her she casts another glance over your face to make sure you're not lying just to please her, but finds no tell-tale sign of a lie. she leans over and kisses your lips.
"so, am I good to start?" you nod and she gets up from her spot and turns on the stream, looking at the screen and seeing both of your body's on the big screen and the flashing red light in the corner. you slowly start to see her subscribers flood in and the comments all talking about how excited they are about the new stream.
Marlene turns back to you and shoots you a wink before sliding behind you and maneuvering your body to face the camera. she puts her hands on your waist and slowly massages the skin there, her lips on your neck, kissing and softly nipping at your skin. you roll your shoulders back and lean into her. there's a soft ping from the laptop and you see the first tip come in, you smile softly, it calms your nerves slightly.
her hands make their way downwards towards the hem of your shirt and slowly lift up the hem and tug it off of you. revealing the lacy bra that barely covers anything. She places her hands on your shoulders, kneading out the little knots and glides them over your clavicle bones and hooks her fingers underneath your bra strap, trying to make all her actions seem as sensual as possible to her viewers.
And it's working, her comments flood with people leaving messages about how sweet you look, and how much they wish they could be Marlene right now. it gives you a certain confidence boost. you lean back into marlene, and she lets out a soft giggle. you know she does this mostly for show, but it's working for you as well.
She lets go of your bra strap and reaches between you two to get to the clasp on your back, unhooking it and brushing the straps off of your shoulders, revealing your breasts to the camera. The cold breeze makes your nipples harden.
she shuffles around and moves in front of you, sitting up on her knees. she leans over and kisses you, at first it was very soft and sweet. open mouth kisses with little pecks in between when you both need to get some air. but it turns more heated once she puts her hands on your boobs and starts kneading them between her hands, your nipples catching between her fingers where she occasionally pinches them.
you let out a breathy moan, which she swallows with her own mouth. licking your lips and sliding her tongue between. your kiss turns filthy very fast, all tongue and spit, teeth clashing and it's slightly uncomfortable but you imagine it'll put on one hell of a show.
her lips make their way downwards, resuming her past administrations by nipping at your jaw and downwards, leaving behind tiny little marks, which the camera just barely picks up. you lean your head back and let out little sighs.
she pushes your shoulders, your back hitting the mattress and her lips re-attach themselves to your skin, this time on your breasts. sucking tiny bruises on them and sucking softly on your left nipple. her teeth scrape slightly before she bites on them, making you hiss out in pain. she soothes it quickly by licking your sore nipple. she makes her way over to your right breast giving it the same treatment, leaving you breathless.
her hands find the button on your trousers and make quick work of unbuttoning them and pulling the zipper down. she reaches for the hem and you lips your hips so she can take them and your panties off in one move. she kisses the marks left by your trousers on your legs as she makes her way back up your body again. leaving a little trail of kisses up your inner thigh and bites into your skin, right where your thigh meets your mound.
blowing cold air right above where you want her the most. you lean up and rest on your elbows, looking down at what marlene is doing. she meets your gaze and you flush slightly. you look over at the laptop and see a couple thousand tips already in the inbox.
"That's all for you, baby. they're excited to see you." Marlene says. you humn and bring your hand to her head, letting yourself fall back on to her mattress, threading your fingers through her hair and giving a soft push to get her to where you need her. she huffs, acting as if she's annoyed by the gesture, but you can see the smirk adorning her face.
she licks a stripe from your hole up to your clit where she licks around it, teasing you until she wraps her lips around the bud and sucks on it. you let out a gasp followed by a low moan. her thumbs spread your lips apart. revealing more of you to her. she moves her face to the side, leaning it against your inner thigh, her tongue circling your hole. The camera can now see everything, your glistening cunt, her lips and chin wet with your slick and the way your stomach goes up and down in fast movements.
marlene's tongue pushes into you and and you keen, your hips rut up and your hand pushes her head even further. your other hand glides up your stomach and makes a line from your belly button to the valley between your breasts. you palm your boob in your hand and give a slight pinch to your nipple, heightening the feeling in your stomach.
Marlene is good at giving head. she prides herself on it, she uses it as a form of foreplay, just to tease before actually doing what she wants. but right now, she intends to make you cum, a lot. so her right hand collects your slick on her fingers and she pushes her ring finger into you, her tongue going back to torture your clit. she quickly adds another, when she notices your breaths getting heavier and moans becoming more sporadic. she pumps her fingers in and out of you and curls them in just the right way, making you arch your back and retreat your hand from her head.
you grab onto the bed sheets next you, knowing it won't be long until your impending orgasm hits you. she sucks, and licks and nips on your clit. her face fully covered in you. The sounds coming from her mouth are downright filthy. and the continued pumping of her fingers in and out of your hole doesn't make it any less dirty.
and when she curls her finger just right and sucks hard on your clit, you're a goner. your orgasm comes in hard and your mouth falls open with a silent moan. your legs start shaking and your hips buck into marlene's face who is letting you ride out your orgasm.
she comes back up and leans over you. she kisses you and your hands pull on the hem of her shirt and marlene gets up in a sitting position beckoning you to do the same. you lean on your knees, following her movements and putting your hands to good use by hooking your arms around her waist and pulling down the zipper at the back of her skirt. Marlene pulls off her own shirt and unhooks her bra, throwing both of them somewhere on the floor next to the bed. 
she grabs your face in her hands and starts kissing you again. from this side the camera can pick up on everything that is happening where it faces both of your almost naked bodies. you quickly push her skirt  and panties down and she tries her best to get them off without falling. when she sits back down with her legs spread wide open you assume she wants you to go down on her. but instead she makes a come hither motion with her finger and you lean over where she whispers in your ear. 
you nod your head and bite your lip, lean back in the same way as her. legs slightly bent and spread wide. she shuffles closer and watches the screen to make sure you’re both in perfect view of what’s about to happen. her legs intertwined with yours, her left leg pushes underneath your right one, her other leg hooks over your left leg.she moves towards you and shifts her hips, both of your cunts barely touch each other and it sends a shock up your spine when it rubs touches your clit. 
she lowers both of your legs that are in front of the camera making sure that the camera records your bare pussy’s. she makes an experimental grind against you, and you let out a small gasp. she shifts her hips just slightly, making sure your clit’s are rubbing together. hitting the right angle she starts out slowly. grinding on you slowly getting a feel for it and building up your pleasure. She knows you stay sensitive after an orgasm for a while, and normally she wouldn’t mind making your legs shake from oversensitivity, but this is the first time on camera for you and she doesn’t want to make it too overwhelming. 
 she throws her head back for show and leans back on her hands, making it easier for her to grind upon you. she speeds up and starts chasing after her own orgasm. but the angle isn’t right, it’s too slippery and you have barely any control. you can both feel it and marlene’s eyes move up your body and lock them in with yours. She moves her legs slightly, but to no avail. it makes no difference on the way it feels. you can barely reach the point of having an orgasm, and that’s with the sensitivity that you still have from your first, you can’t imagine how unsatisfying it must feel for her. 
the initial pleasure you got from this position has worn itself out. your hands push themselves upwards and and move forward the little amount you still can and sit up straighter making you practically ride her pussy. she lets out a loud gasp, surprised by your actions and leans back onto her elbows unabashedly checking you out. you graze your hand up her leg and grab onto her waist, giving you more hold to move faster and more deliberate. marlene reaches one of her hands, practicing a balancing act on her other elbow. her fingers put your hair behind your shoulder, getting it out of your face and you roll your head backwards. 
you speed up your hips, getting closer to your orgasm. “Get it baby, get what you need.” she lets out a soft laugh at seeing you get so desperate. her eyes wander to the laptop perched next to the bed, checking if the camera is still picking up the right angles and people are still putting in tips, and good lord… you make her so proud. It's been flooded with excited comments from viewers and the tips are going crazy. 
“Are you close too? marls… wanna cum with you.” your whine and your hands slips from her waist and to the bed next to her, your other hand mimicking. you lean over her and start kissing her. you can feel her nod her head and push your hair out of your face again letting everyone see your faces connecting. The kiss is more panting and moaning into each other's mouths, but it doesn’t matter to the both of you. it’s getting you closer and just being near her is enough for you. marlene starts letting out heavier moans, disconnecting from your lips and leans her forehead against yours. 
she shuts her eyes and releases a few heavy breaths before letting her head drop back and let out a silent scream, her orgasm hitting with force. You ride her until she’s too sensitive and slowly move off of her, accidentally bumping her clit and she shakes slightly, letting out a giggle. you’re both huffing and puffing from exhaustion. 
"You didn’t cum?” marlene says, pout on her face, but you shake your head. exhausted with a pleased look on your face. “It's alright, I would've continued if I needed to.” you wink at her and she leans over and kisses you softly, small laughs coming from you both. She bites her lip and looks over at the camera. she crawls over to turn it off and you throw in a little smile before the stream shuts off.
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hornystiel · 3 months
once again seeing shit on twt and i saw it here multiple times too and i just have to say
the passage that 'you write/draw/make edits for yourself in the first place and it's fun as it is!!! and you shouldn't want attention or gratification!! otherwise you're somehow a bad person!!' - sucks ass
i'll hide the rest but i want to write it all down because it's been bothering me for a while
it may be surprising for many but many published and famous authors also write because of money it brings them? and fame? and recognition? shocker right. yes, not only because of this (tho some do it mostly because of all of the above and that's why many books are shit yes come at me bro tell me i'm no critic etc etc idc) same with artists etc. and it's okay people have no problemo with it, it's actually expected for them to get paid and praised. another example - youtubers. they create shit, they are monetized, they have income etc and yet i think you heard them say at least once 'i'll release the next vid once the previous one reaches ~~~likes and comments'. and again it's nothing really. it's always your choice whether to buy that book, see that film, watch that vid, leave that comment and like. you do it or you don't
in fandom we do everything for free (i'm not talking about commissions) and yet when many creative people ask to simply reblog our stuff for it to be seen because it's how tumblr functions - we're met with the whole ass lecture that we can't Demand anything from people, and that well if you don't get shit then you're not as good because greatness always finds a way, and basically we should be grateful for what we have and shut it. it's like a Scandal every time this topic is brought up. how dare. feels like i'm running here with a gun pointed to their heads and shout at them to reblog my stuff or else. and then those same people and many others are surprised there's lack of content except screencaps and texts we've all seen a hundred times and that people left for other places and fandoms
if i wanted to create only for myself i would've never posted anything here or on any other platform. why should i, i'm only satisfying myself, right. fun! but it so happens that i also want connection with fandom, and yes, boo me, i want attention and maybe even praise sometimes. and that isn't some vile thing to want. we are all humans and we thrive on such things and yes nobody suffered from a good comment or a reblog with excited shouting
and surprise, when i see that my stuff is doing well and people reach out and people are happy or sad or just experience the emotions i wanted from them - i want to make more things quicker and i want to progress and i want to share. double win
nobody owes anybody here. you don't want to engage at all? it's your right i won't hunt you down. really, i will make my stuff regardless, it's just i don't owe anybody here either and i can choose to share only with those who are interested? and way more popular people can do the same? because why spend the energy if people only consume things silently or just glance at it and scroll down and get real defensive about their right to only like stuff on the reblogging site. dw i won't do it i'm too much of an attention whore for it and i'm not afraid to admit it. anyway it's not a ~threat~, i'm simply stating that people who create stuff can do whatever they want with it, they created it for free, 'for themselves in the first place' and you can't get deathly offended when some of them move places, change fandom just because they get what they always wanted from it, remove their stuff or lock the next chapters of a fic for the people they want to see it, especially if you were a silent spectator this whole time
idk i'm not going anywhere really with this i'm just mad how we really are 'content creators' in the eyes of many. only here to throw up our 'content' - art, fics, edits, gifs - for it to be consumed silently in some abyss, reposted, stolen, and be grateful not to be eaten by it
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
Goodbye? I don't think so. I hope not. A very, very long rant about storage (🙄), simblr and whatever the fuck else I go on about for a few paragraphs. Skip to the end at the gold text for a more.... "definitive" answer. Especially if you want to skip the nitty gritty and sappy wappy.
i dont know what to do anymore, I freed up 18 GBs of space it all managed to go down the drain in literally an hour, Im moving my blender things to my external HDD, because that alone is 20 GBs (because of Scene sizes), I just hate to free up the space because I dont want it to go right back down. This all sucks cuz I really really enjoy being on Simblr, but sims 4 just continues to be a nuisance, whether its actual problems or its storage problems, it just always finds a way, every year, to get me to suddenly decide that im retiring until my next bout of Sims 4 hyperfixation. I love all of you guys and I love seeing how you all enjoy my work, and what I do, and I love seeing your stuff, you all make such amazing creations, granted if I stopped playing TS4, it wouldnt mean I have to stop interacting on simblr, it just wouldnt be the same. A pattern I notice anytime I start a social media platform, is that something always finds its way into completely demotivating me from posting, whether it's just literal lack of motivation, depression, realizing a project is too vast for me, storage problems, it's always something and it's always when I finally get comfortable or happy on a platform, especially after making friends, not that im saying my friends are one of the reasons I leave, thats far from it. I REALLY dont wanna take a break from Sims 4, I really really genuinely wanna start posting my story (W.A.S), but I'm not like a Sims 4 youtuber, I can't remain dedicated to one game, I play other games, I wanna play the Witcher games (or at least try to play them, I kinda suck rn), I wanna finish Detroit become human, I want to 100% Beyond two souls (and DBH), I wanna finish Disco elysium (started and never fucking finished 💀), I want to play Baldur's Gate 3, I mean, I purchased it at full price and I can't even play the game??... 😮‍💨 You get the point. At this point I wouldn't consider this a "goodbye," note, not... necessarily? I just get so frustrated having no storage, not to mention the fact that I need storage to literally do the stuff I do, like make edits, make poses, make renders, so the fact that I can't even do that, is just like... what's the point of even having Sims 4 anymore at that point? But I don't wanna leave simblr, I don't want to stop creating. It's funny, as I write this, I continue to give myself more and more of a reason to leave, the only real thing that's stopping me is just the fact that there's so many nice people here, I know that if I stopped playing the sims 4, I'd probably move onto another game (BG3................,,,,,..) and leave tumblr, or, at least leave Simblr. Which as I (think) said before, that's sad, I'd be sad, I'd miss people like Lori (groovetrys) and Lauren (miralure), June (circusjuney), Jade (gamyrmaiden), Anna (holocene-sims), butter (buttertrait), Fae (acuar-io), Verco (vercosims) and god, so many others, and sorry to break the atmosphere suddenly, but as I'm writing this, I'm listening to "In another life," from Everything everywhere all at once and it's making this very emotional for me, so if it gets sappy I apologize.
And I guess to be... insanely honest, as much as I want to release my story (trust me, I REALLY want to), I'm slowly beginning to realize more and more how not-easy it's gonna be to make scenes, writing it is fine for me, its just setting up the scenes feels like i'm forbidden to a life of staring at a bunch of words (pose names) trying to figure out what's what, where is what, what to do, where is where, who is who, who is what, how is what, how and why, need I continue. Storytelling is so insanely important to me, I believe that despite how little I read and despite how terrible of a student I have been, and despite how poor my literature skills are, that storytelling is still so important, fuck it, poetry has been such an inspiration for me, but I don't fucking know how to write poetry?? I can barely understand poetry at times, but it's still all so beautiful to me, the concept and the fact that people use metaphors so meticulously to create an allegory for something beautiful, or traumatic or sad, like in not so berry, the concept of an ocean being alexanders "love," and cataleya drowning in it, and her realizing she's drowning in his "love," but when she wants to leave, she really wonders if she actually wants to leave, to conceptualize and create this awful relationship in the means of an ocean is so... well, not beautiful in a reality sense, but in a technical/literary sense, it's beautiful, it's expression, and THATS what im passionate about. Remember what I said about getting sappy? Yea, sorry about that. After a while, I wonder what good repeating myself does, I've said about 5 or 6 times that I don't want to leave, yet here I am, with the mouse over the uninstall button like an idiot about to press the big "DON'T TOUCH" button, perhaps it's the idea that after repeating myself over and over again, that maybe I'll make up my mind, do I do a coin flip? I never listen anyways, I always continue to flip until it lands on what I like. So... why am I still writing? To be honest, I should've stopped by now, but you can only stop a dam so much before it all comes out. I do this with my friends, when I'm sad, I pour my heart out until it's a repetitive and overcooked version of "I'm sad." I write paragraph after paragraph and I literally could've just said "I don't have storage. Considering leaving simblr," and the same message would've gotten across, and I apologize, if you're still reading this, for making such a lengthy post, but I couldn't quite help spilling a bit of water everywhere, although I guess now my little puddle of water has become a flood. I use metaphors a lot, I apologize... again.
So what does all this bullshit that I typed out mean?
I don't know. I wonder the same myself, I'm fighting a battle more fierce than the one I had with my period last week, "Do I uninstall Sims 4 so I can have more freedom, and enjoy more content? or do I continue this rigorous battle of needing storage for the sake of a tumblr page, my enjoyment for writing and other shit I do in the sims 4?" I cannot say I will take a hiatus, because I will procrastinate, and I will forget completely about posting, and tumblr in general. I do still, at the very least, want to release my Official Teaser for my story, whether it be my last post or not, and at the very least, I want to introduce you to the characters, whether it be my last post(s) or not. Not to mention the fact that I want to continue sharing about Roo even if it's not about sims 4 anymore, I mean hell, I haven't even finished off the Leo and Roo part of his timeline.
For an INCREDIBLY watered down answer on whether or not this is goodbye, I say to you, not in this moment, not definitive enough for you yeah? Well, that's the thing, I don't have a definitive answer, you could fucking tear apart this entire college essay mat-pat style, and still not have a definitive fucking answer, and that's because I don't, sorry to all the people who don't want to listen to me rant or who want a clear answer, but I just don't have one. I've been known to make impulsive and on the whim (when I'm really emotional) decisions, and this is a situation where I don't want to do that, because I care about what I have here with ya'll.
If this ends up being one of my last posts, I bid you all adieu, I love you all, and I thank you so so so much for the laughs, and for the mutual connection we may or may not have had, I do not know if I'll make any actual posts for the next few days as I consider my decision, I will float around of course and continue reblogging this and that, and commenting and liking, etc etc. There's also a chance I may wake up tomorrow and look at this and think I was just being overly emotional about this stuff, and that now I look like an idiot, which is the case 9 times out of 10.
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jacqulinetan · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged!!!! thank you @ursae-minoris-world, you're truly so so kind to think of me.
I'll be real honest, I'm only on tumblr very intermittently and I don't really know how to use the platform at all. I'm scared that my formatting will be really messy and make people angry if I put a wall of text on their feed. So hopefully I figure out how to do the jump cut. But I just finished a fic so it's very fun to do one of these and talk about my writing. And I always like to see other people too, so I thought, hey I will give it a shot. Here's the questions:
How many works do you have on ao3? Right now I just finished my 74th work on ao3! Fifty four of those are vld, twenty four are sheith proper
2. What's your total word count on ao3? 993,716 words. I'm set to hit a million this year, I think!
3. What fandoms do you write for? LOL can you believe it? We're still loving Mr. Keith Voltron in the glorious year of our lord 2024
4. What are your top five fic by kudos? Oh well, my sk friends aren't going to be impressed--- my kl fics always take top spots for kudos and bookmarks. I attribute this not to talent or popularity but just because that side of the fandom has a much wider reach. For the sake of the questionnaire, I'll answer properly, in order: 'it's you that's haunting me' takes the top spot by a wide margin at 2,591 kudos to date. 'that mullet, etc' is currently at 1,788 kudos, and after that it's 'cross my heart,' 'swapping out silence,' and 'things that go bump in the night.'
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! for me, one of the best parts of fic is the community between authors and their audience. For the majority of my fandom life I've considered myself more of a reader than a writer, so I really treasure it when I leave a comment and an author responds. It's so special. As an author, I do respond to every comment, though sometimes it takes me a long time. I'm always so impressed that people are not only reading my words but digesting them and thinking on them too. It's wild to me. A very precious gift.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh, my friend, that fic is yet to come. the wip I've got on my closest back burner has a real humdinger of an angsty ending. I'm excited about it. hmmmm if I had to answer now.....I'm not sure! usually I'm a happy ending kind of girl
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? well well well, now I have to answer this one properly don't I? Are we thinking happiest like 'biggest emotional pay off for the reader'? Or happiest like 'Keith is wildly happy' by the end? I think 'heart nailed open' has a very good emotional pay off (though I wrote it so perhaps I can't judge too well on behalf of the reader). If I am really thinking, in which fic is Keith truly the happiest he could ever be by the end...well, I try always to make Keith happy but, in 'the whole story' he has everything he could ever want AND a very nice couch.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not routinely. I did, actually, get a very nasty comment on a fic in 2023 and it legitimately hurt my feelings. Made me feel like I should not be writing at all, actually. But, can you believe it? Friends came out of the woodwork-- people I rarely talk to, even-- and jumped in my comments section and really defended me. like, I really had all kinds of people on my side, defending me! So that meant a lot to me, and I was honestly so surprised, and I'd like to give every one of those friends the kindest hand press because I really did feel very taken care of in the aftermath.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Oh, I don't know! I have plenty of E rated fics but I don't know if I will ever master a true PWP. to me, the sex scenes I write are not so original or exciting, nothing to really write home about lol. I'm not a fan of publicly being negative about my stuff, so I will simply say that I wish I could write some really off beat toe curling wild kink, but it's probably just not my personality to do so LOL
Is this getting really long?? should I be embarrassed ? should I close the tab and never think on this again? hmmm no
10. Do you write cross overs? Cross overs with what, my dear? There's only one Keith
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Oh I think 'it's you that's haunting me' strolled on over to wattpad or some such site without my permission back in the day, but I've never really looked into it. What I don't know cannot hurt me, right? I highly doubt that there's been some crazy highway robbery for perfchan words.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I don't think I have! But I did have someone ask to record a podfic for one of my stories, and I was so flattered and thrilled!!!!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope! I don't have much interest in this, I am very shy about my writing and I fear I would be too cagey to be a very good collaborator.
14. what's your all time favorite ship? Keith x Being Loved and Cherished the Way He Ought to Be
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? (covers face) I don't have any unfinished WIPs.... it's not in my Type A personality to leave things undone.....
16. What are your writing strengths? This is something to really ponder!!! What /are/ my strengths!!! huh!!! well. I figured out early on that my favorite things to write are atmospheric and setting heavy -- both my most popular fic (it's you that's haunting me) and my most personally beloved fic (heart nailed open) have this in common: they have a lot of detail about the setting, and a lot of effort put into ~vibes~ of the story. so I think, if I could be self indulgent and chose which writing bits I'm good at, it's that type of thing. I really like crafting a scene you can settle into with all of your senses
17. what are your writing weaknesses? too many to list!!! I very often read my own writing and I always enjoy it (I wrote it for myself afterall) but sometimes I wonder....why did I spend so long on this particular bit? I think I am not very good at making a story tight. I wish I could master the art of being able to 'trim the fat' so to speak, really be precise with the story, but I simply don't have the chops! I can never understand how to make it better than I already have! perhaps if I keep writing long enough, I will get better at this
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? this question would really open up a can of worms on the kl side of the fandom LOL. I will admit it, I've had Lance speak spanish a time or two. I don't speak spanish myself so in those rare instances I have been VERY careful to keep things straightforward and try really really hard to not be cringe worthy to native speakers
19. First fandom you wrote for? the first thing I posted online was a USUK fic in a hetalia LJ comm. I can distinctly remember the first time I ever read a fic with *there was only one bed* (it was usuk) and WHEN I TELL YOU MY EYES WERE OPENED. I was forever changed on that day. of course I wanted to try my hand at writing after that
20. Favorite fic you've written? You would ask me to chose a favorite of my children!!! Oh! I simply could not!!! No, seriously, it's 'heart nailed open.' I love that fic
This got so long !!!!!! I can't imagine anyone reading all this !!!!!!!! but omg if you did thank you!!!!!! I'm shy about tagging people in the best of times, and like I said at the very beginning, I am very very shaky on tumblr etiquette, so I had better not tag anyone. but if my friends enemytosleep or grem or kacy or monday happen to see this, I would be very excited to read your responses!!! okay bye!!
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shiguangism · 7 months
Hi, I'm anchestral and I'm mainly a fan writer who landed here on tumblr after years of being active on twitter!
Some info about me:
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 22
Languages: Italian, English and Spanish
Fandoms I'm active in: Link Click, Chainsaw man
Favourite shows: Link Click, Chainsaw man, Jojo's bizarre adventure, Tokyo Ghoul, Haikyuu, Berserk, and many others I won't list here. Just fyi, name me a show and probably I've watched it.
I've moved here because twitter was not a comfortable place for me anymore, and I've seen that tumblr is much more chill wrt those lands. Please, be aware that I will NOT engage in any kind of arguing online, so don't even bother to pick a fight with me, I've had very BAD experiences I don't want to repeat.
I'm here just to chill, talk to people about my favourite show, share insights and maybe make some friends. I'm very friendly, if you want to hit me up in the dm to talk about something, I'll answer very gladly whenever I cant! :)
If you're shy you can send me anon, I'll be very happy to answer.
In this year I've been writing a lot, I've always liked writing and I started when I was only 14. However, I'm a bit slow because I like to write first in my native language and then translate in English. Below, there is a list of my fanfic profiles and the works I like the most and I'm writing. This are my profiles for AO3 and EFP (Italian platform for fics):
AO3: Anchestral
EFP: Anchestral
Link Click Fanfictions:
Immersion: In which Cheng Xiaoshi goes back into the past to save Lu Guang
Summary: ‘Three are the rules we need to respect: first, we have twelve hours; second, listen to my instructions and don't change anything; third, leave to the past what's in the past and don't ask about the future.' Cheng Xiaoshi knew them well, Lu Guang told him those rules everytime before working. By then, he learned not to question them, they didn't know what could happen playing with the past and modifying it. But did the rules still make any sense if Lu Guang was dead?
Prevision: In which Lu Guang goes back into the past to save Cheng Xiaoshi
Summary: Lu Guang did not make mistakes, he always evaluated all the possibilities in front of him rationally, it was what he had to do to allow the survival of both of them, to allow their time travels to go as smooth as possible, but letting himself be dragged into Cheng Xiaoshi's do-gooder madness had been the first big mistake of a long chain. September 12th 2020 was the day when that realization hit him like a sucker punch straight in the center of his chest, leaving him on the floor gasping for air, in pain.
These two fics are actually related!
火锅 - Hotpot (E-Rated): Just a collection of nsfw one-shots, but it is getting serious. For now, there is only one chapter out, but I'm working on the second and it is becoming huge.
There are many ways to spice up a relationship: may it be a hot bowl of noodles, a dark room with way too red lights, or a bet on who's going to wash the dishes for the rest of the month... The possibilities are endless when starved eyes are looking at you as if they're going to devour you any time soon, leaving you feeling naked and in trembles. ----- 5 times Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang have steamy, hot sex + 1 time they can't. (the formula may be subjected to changes)
Chainsaw Man Fanfictions:
Dancin' in the devil's hand (E-rated):
Summary: The metropolis of Tokyo is torn apart by a series of unexplained, brutal murders, but all of them seem to be connected by a single thread. In this climate of terror, Aki Hayakawa has been given the onerous task of bringing light and a point to this story. --- An unexplainable mystery to solve that will lead Aki and Angel to work together, closer than ever, and maybe will give them the chance to understand something more about themselves and each other...
There are also many other one-shots, most of them are in Italian, thought, and I'm not particularly fond of the other translated because I was still trying to adjust my writing again!
I think I've said everything. I'm sorry if I make some mistakes, I'm very new to this site and I'm still trying to understand how the netiquette works, especially the one tied to the reblogs and the tags.
See you around! :3
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lynnthefrenchtoast · 2 months
Lines from "In The Other Universe" that I CANT GET OVER
in which a fanfic writer (me) overexplains her oneshot bc I NEED TO RAMBLE AND MY IRLS FOLLOW ME ON EVERY OTHER PLATFORM SO TUMBLR IS ALL! I! HAVE!
(u should prob read it first this wont make sense otherwise)
"Even though it was not his name, Yin Yu turned"
i dont know if this is a canon scene or not (sue me the books are LONG and hard to buy in my country) but i've read about yin yu getting mistaken for yizhen and getting totally upset. so i decided to start this fic with him being so okay with it that he responds to qi ying's name as if it's his own.
(also because if ur so close to someone, ur nosy abt their business because it also becomes your business) I WANTED TO CONVEY THAT CLOSENESS FROM THE VERY FIRST LINE
"Should I tell Yizhen you can't even recognize me?"
CANON YIN YU IS SO GLOOMY AND HONESTLY WE UNDERESTIMATE HIS POTENTIAL TO BE TEASY. i just know he could be. all hard workers have a sarcastic inner voice
"The man damn near shits his pants"
AHAHHA okay look. i have this tendency when writing to be REALLY PRETENTIOUS AND FANCY. and ive learnt that usually NO ONE GIVES TWO SHITS. compared to genshin, tgcf fanfics are so beautifully written and sometimes i gotta remind this fandom to SPEAK INFORMALLY (unless its qi rong. then. yea. BUT WHO READS QI RONG FICS?)
"The blank wrist that has never known the kiss of cold metal"
"In this universe, he discovers it's such a simple thing to be happy."
proof that quanyin is literally hualian's cousin
the entire earring scene
i am a sucker for qyz's over-attachment to the earrings. ik a lot of ppl think he's like this because its the only thing yin yu ever gave him but NO headcanon that even in the other universe, yizhen would be overly attached because hes a puppy
he xuan scene
canonically, he xuan would NEVER. bc 1) he's too lost in his own ways to ask for advice and 2) it would fuck with his earth master disguise too much. but since it's the other universe!!!! I CAN DO WHAT I WANT.
“Yizhen’s victory is my victory,” he declares, with a tone that leaves no room for argument. “His loss is my loss. When Yizhen cries, I am sad. When Yizhen smiles at me, my heart is so full it could burst.” He brings two jade white palms together, interlocking the fingers like entangled limbs on a hot summer morning. “We’re like this. One shared past; one shared future. As a Shixiong, don’t you think rather than being jealous, I’m extremely proud of how far he’s come?”
ONE SHARED PAST; ONE SHARED FUTURE ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? this is all i ever wanted for them. to be able to grow together and live together and die together. TO HAVE A SHARED PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE.
this line is also loaded to me bc i once wrote a fic called "entangled pasts; estranged future" that wasnt good enough to be posted but GOD IT REMINDS ME SO MUCH OF IT
"Here, he never needs to know the weight of a mask – neither physical not metaphorical."
i dont like how i worded this but IT NEEDED TO BE SAID. YIN YU NEVER NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO WEAR THE WANING MOON MASK but more importantly NEVER NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO WEAR A MASK TOWARDS QUAN YIZHEN. NEVER NEEDS TO HIDE RESENTMENT. im shaking with all they couldve been and didnt become.
"Here, Brocade and Immortal are just two words"
hear that? its the sound of me BANGING MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL AAAAAA I SO DESPERATELY WANT THIS TO BE REAL i mean i understand if they werent so tragic i wouldnt love them as much but IT HURTS! (*100 teehee)
"Sure it will."
i actually hate myself why did i end it like that even in my fanfic i cant let them be happy. huh. i have to subtly hint that this isnt what happens.
its actually so upsetting that the whole fic is so nice and healing and all of it is just overcasted by this knowledge of "its not real. they never get to be this happy. what really happens is they resent each other and leave each other and they become one shared past; two estranged futures."
you can call me insane. im aware no one thinks this deeply about fanfiction and most people are on the site for smut. BUT I THOUGHT LONG AND HARD ABOUT IT SO YOURE FORCED TO LISTEN TO ME RAMBLE
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bisquid · 10 months
A copy of the feedback I sent to Tumblr support:
I would like to know why I am being forcibly opted in to the pointless and obtrusive advert that is the 'Luffy' tab. I have not engaged with the 'one piece' fandom - I had to do some investigation to even figure out what fandom it *was* - and had no particular opinon of it, with zero interest in engaging with it in the future. I now have been *made* to engage with it and thus now have extremely negative associations with it. It is, effectively, an *anti*-ad. Congratulations! Nobody's happy.
I would also like to know why the Tumblr development team consistently rolls out a change to a small number of people without warning or explanation and no option to opt out, despite repeated requests from the userbase.
I would like to know why the Tumblr development team consistently pushes changes to the app or platform that clearly and demonstrably reduce accessibility, convenience and intuitiveness, offer responses to the resulting outrage that are not only often blatantly false but also so incredibly patronising as to be downright offensive, and then have the unmitigated temerity to insist they're doing it all to "help content creators" and "improve usability" and generally prioritize hypothetical future 'new users' over the existing userbase while simultaneously making it clear that they consider these mythical new users to be too stupid to learn the basics of a new platform.
I truly cannot properly articulate how utterly, cynically disingenuous it is to explain that they can't implement more settings options because that would be *confusing* - as though navigating clearly labelled toggles and drop down options are some hyper advanced technical skill the average user doesn't have and can't achieve - so the absence of those options actually makes the app *more accessible* than implementing any actual accessibility options.
I have been on Tumblr for more than a decade, and I love it and the community I have found. It is heartbreaking to watch it steadily disintegrate into a less functional carbon copy of all the social media sites I have hated and avoided just because the handful of people making the decisions don't understand the point and value of Tumblr.
Please. Please. If we wanted twitter we would be *on Twitter*, if we wanted Instagram, that's where we'd be. Tumblr is precious and vibrant *because* of it's difference, not *despite* it.
Ostensibly many of these changes have been made because Tumblr needs more money, and clearly the management team believes that the way to gain more money is to increase ad revenue, which is presumably why they seem so focused on pushing algorithmic content at the cost of an increasingly hostile user experience. Unfortunately that is incorrect.
Right now, Tumblr is attractive to advertisers because it has a vibrant community and is an established platform. If this trend of increasing hostility continues, more and more of the long term established users - who generate a hugely disproportionate quantity of the 'content' that makes Tumblr so unique and interesting - will leave. They will be left without the online community they have been a part of for years, something deeply distressing for them and for the community they have left, which in turn will be slowly dissolving as more and more members reach their limit and delete their accounts.
Tumblr will be left a spiralling mess of algorithm driven advertisements and porn and spam bots and a handful of bitter users, and sooner or later someone will pull the plug when it becomes apparent just how lucrative it *isn't* to advertise to non existent people.
Or you could listen to your userbsse.
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thesovereignsring-if · 9 months
HELLO THERE! Last night, I read your demo until 4 am lmfao and loved it!
I've been following you for a while now but didn't have time to check out the demo earlier, but I did, finally!
I love MC's brothers please don't hurt them and I like Finn and Linnet too, from what we've seen so far! I, as the player, was heavily suspicious of the empress, but my MC loved her a lot (even though she could never replace her mother).
I honestly can't wait for the next part (but no rush!).
I also want to mention that I saw your art and it's amazing, I hope to see more in the future!
Do you perhaps have an account (like TwitterX) where one could follow you for your art?👀
Anyways, sorry for this long message! Please don't forget to take lots of breaks, and eat and drink and rest🫶🏻
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hello thank for the very kind message! I'm very pleased you enjoyed the demo! ♡ ´・ᴗ・ `♡
I used to have TwitterX, but its inactive now and i'm not really comfortable with sharing it since it was mostly silly fandom and other personal stuff. I ended up leaving because I didn't like the platform and its new owner (`^ ´) Once I've settled in a bit more here and have a bit more content, I'll probably make a proper account along with an Instagram later to promote the game and my art. I feel very comfortable on Tumblr right now and managing more than one account is hard. ( ◞‸◟`) When the time comes, I'll definitely announce it! But thank you for asking! It makes me very happy that people enjoy my art and characters ♡ ´・ᴗ・ `♡
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de4dlyniightshade · 4 months
heyy :) erm im gonna fangirl really quick and then the request will be at the end incase you wanna skip to that part or anything, lol. okay so this is very much unnecessary and unasked for and blah blah but i don't care! i believe writers need to hear how much we appreciate them and their works because whew mama! ive been trying to write fics for like months and it actually is so horrible. i genuinely start to angrily vibrate bc my thoughts don't flow on the notes app. but i just wanted to say, nightshade, (ehehe that's so cheeky and silly for some reason) that i reallyyy love your work. its actually like horrific how much your writing just makes me so 😜😊🤭 i know you're not like a celebrity or anything, so it's gonna be weird with this like mini parasocial relationship thing, but please know your work has an impact !! a few months ago, i did something extremely bad and out of character while i was spiraling, and i decided that the best decision for me would be to quit using social media. (and beforehand i had quit using tiktok for like 7 months already and i wasn't that addicted to my phone but i still was consuming negative media) so, ofc, i stopped completely for a good month or so and only ever using youtube every now and then. buttttt, one of the first social media platforms i came back to first... was tumblr! it's actually so silly too because i only used tumblr like 4 times beforehand so i was quite new. but anyway anyway (im a yapper UGH) i really found that your posts had made me feel happy :) idk they kinda reminded me of myself before i went big bad that one time and it made me inspired to go back to how i used to be... u get me?? you're writing literally haunts my brain oh my lord it should be illegal to read your stuff because afterwards i literally have this crazy ass urge to read more and more and more. im lowkey an addict cause i be having my deadlynightshade withdrawals. the way you write is just so 😫 gosh, it's beautiful. i also love ur sillyness because like ME TOO. your random little posts are so me coded and i love it. YOU'RE SO FUNNY 😭 uhmm i just wanted to say thanks for being super cool and talented because believe it or not, the stuff you put out makes me really happy! (that was so melodramatic like mf they write about spencer being a pathetic pussy drunk bitch why are you saying it changed ur life?? its true tho.) erm yeah that's the end of that part i just again wanted to thank you 🙏 i wish we were friends SO BAD like you're actually awesome what the fuck.... but like how do u even become friends w ppl?? LMAO ERM ANYWAY 😍 can you write a blurb or h.c or something (honestly anything will make me happy) about valentine's day?? 🤭 basically spencer being SO FUCKING SHY because you can't stop touching his hands or hair subtly or like kissing his cheek leaving marks from lipstick or like getting him his favorite snacks/drinks/books/textures/ basically a gift that made u think about him?? ugh or him doing the same with you like him being the best fucking nerd boy ever and spoiling you so much like he goes ape shit spending well over his funds limit but it's worth it because it's you? or like sweet soft cutie pie sex? at the end of the day and he's like... Erm.. Pussy for 1 please! you were so pretty today... You always are-! (I'm mentally ill and writing this at 8:37 pm on a thursday night.)
this is. the sweetest shit anyone has ever said to me i actually cried ngl to you.
i'm genuinely so thankful for the little community i have created here i never expected such an insane amount of positivity and love from people just for the whack ass shit i write but that's probably just my perpetual self hatred and disbelief that people enjoy anything about me🤞
i think it's crazy how people on the internet who have never met me, don't know me, what i look like, or anything can treat me better than any of my friends have and i'll always be thankful for that.
ALSO! i love being called funny pls kiss me i never think i'm actually funny istg
i was also planning on writing a valentines fic ALREADY but this made me wanna write it even more as a thank you for this message it genuinely made my week(can't promise it ON TIME for valentines but i can try!)
i'm also so glad that my work and blog makes you happy, there's no privilege greater than making someone smile even when they don't feel like it</3
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I found your blog a couple of weeks ago and have been reading all the asks with great interest. It's probably the highlight of my Tumblr life. But I'm deleting Tumblr and I'm leaving. Gone.
I was already starting to feel a bit weary and wary on this platform but today I realised that it is, without a doubt, a toxic place for me personally.
I vented on another social media platform a couple of months ago about being harassed and receiving hate for having a m/f ship in my fandom. I make a lot of content for the ship and get hate from all sorts, mostly guys with fragile masculinity issues and the very occasional slash shipper. The harassment doesn't come too often, but often enough to want to vent once in a blue moon. I am a cishet woman if that matters and my vent was basically "Damn, feels like I can't even say I ship X and Y without someone or other getting upset around here and letting me know how much they hate it. Why can't people just keep scrolling when they see something they don't like?"
Today, on Tumblr, I saw someone say that me 'complaining about being harassed' for my m/f ship is entitled because I'm a straight woman. 'How entitled can you be?' were their words. See, I'm not allowed to complain about bad behaviour apparently. The person who replied, and who does not know me or seems to have seen any of my content, agreed saying it was nasty and entitled and that people like me who feel good about hating LGBTQ ships (!!) are just salty for being called out.
I just can't anymore. I really can't. The extrapolation from "I am sick of being hated on for shipping what I ship" to "this nasty person who loves to hate lgbtq people and must be called out" is so astounding to me I'm actually having trouble processing it.
When I dug a little deeper and visited the blogs of the people involved I saw chains and full on campaigns against people in the fandom with many piling on and just...the mob mentality scared me. It really scared me. Ever since I got on Tumblr I feel like I have to tread on eggshells, watch my back, choose my words carefully. And I don't even participate or interact with many others here at all. I just post and dip. I used to be so happy creating all sorts of content but since being on Tumblr (less than a year!) my fandom experience has become stressful and filled with anxiety.
After seeing the hate campaign against the other user on these blogs just now, something clicked, or broke, inside me and I just clicked uninstall on this app on my phone. I just jumped back on my PC to write this last thing. If anyone feels like me...if you feel strung out in your fandom and you're on Tumblr, I strongly suggest taking a break if not outright leaving.
And before other users suggest to just block people and curate your experience, this is beyond blocking and curating. This is a fandom culture issue that isn't going to be solved by blocking a few people. A large number of people here get off on these witch hunts. It's a culture I don't want to be a part of and I don't want to constantly worry if I'm next.
The fandom on Tumblr, despite the mountains of content (most of which is awesome), is not really about fandoming. It seems to be about drama, about the mob, about the high of call outs and brining others down and 'putting them in their place'. It's disgusting. And it does nothing to actually stop the issues they rail against.
Thank you for running such an interesting and thoughtful blog. This will be the thing I miss most but I have to go. For my own mental and emotional well-being. Wishing you the best!
-Ex Tumblr user.
Good for you, nonnie, genuinely.
May more people take a long, hard look at their internet habits and prune whatever is not bringing them joy and health.
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seven-ivy · 4 months
About me!
┌────────── ・ ・ ・ ・ ✦
│⁻ ˏˋ꒰ Basics ꒱ ˊˎ⁻
✧ Nikki ♡ 21, she/her, INTJ
Hello! I'm Nikki, the author of Seven (a JJK fic) and this is my page to share my work and other interests and finally start interacting on this platform with other users.
Seven will be slowly updated on AO3 as I have already pre-written some chapters but these chapters are lengthy and take a while to write and read over. Mind the tags!! There will be violence, trauma, and gore in this fic so I will do my best to display trigger warnings.
My ask box is always open, so feel free to ask anything, or just leave a message on whatever you like. At the moment, I don't take requests but that might change in the future.
I will continue to update with my latest work(s) as well as what I'm currently writing.
More about me and my work(s) below the cut! Happy reading!
│⁻ ˏˋ꒰ Writing Q&A ꒱ ˊˎ⁻
✧ Why did you start Seven?
Seven, like all my other writing endeavors, started as a little fantasy in my head as a way to self-insert into every piece of media I consume. I didn't ever think to seriously write it until Gege started upping the angst and breaking my heart in gut-wrenching scenarios when I decided to give into the delusion and finally write something that would distract me from what was going on in the manga.
Being said, as you read Seven you will start to see that it doesn't exactly follow the plot. This is mainly because I wanted to exercise a little creativity with the plot and Gege's mind, though tortured, is genius that I could never try to imitate.
I also feel like there is a lack of OC-driven multilength JJK fics in the fandom (that, or I don't know where to look) so I wanted to try my hand at filling that niche.
✧ How long will Seven be?
... I don't know? Certain parts of the plot have been running through my head over and over for months, but some things I just leave up to the madness that consumes my brain when I'm writing at 2 AM.
Like Nana, even though is an independent original character, I haven't planned out fully what she looks like (just vague references that she resembles Gojo). As I write more, I get to know more about her character, and even though it isn't a very author-like thing to do, it keeps things exciting for me as well.
But don't worry, I have some arcs briefly planned out, and the manga is still ongoing so there will be lots to keep writing about.
✧ What do you write on?
Google docs. Just one very long Google doc that I keep updating. Maybe it's not the best loading wise but I like to keep it all in one place so I can re-read everything in one go to make sure I eliminate any plot-holes that arise.
I also enjoy Grammarly a lot (my savior) and without it there would be many times Nana would become Naan :(
✧ Writing inspo/tips
This isn't my first go at writing a long (40+) chapter fic so I have experienced an immense learning curve during this writing journey.
The first is one that I used to groan at too but it's honestly the best advice. If you want to be a better writer... read more. And I don't mean on tumblr/wattpad/AO3 (how I wish it could be) but actual published novels.
And read from many different genres from many different origins from many different periods. By doing so, you will diversify your vocabulary, your knowledge, and learn the nuances of writing that can only be learned from reading a really good book.
The second is to take the time to find what works. Writing isn't going to look the same for all people. Some people can only write in the early morning, some at night, and a lucky few aren't constricted by the silly hours of time.
Some writers can listen to music, others can't. Some need to plan everything out in obsessive detail, while others just go with the flow.
Take the time to figure out what works best for you and make use of it.
The third is to write more. Simple, but to improve your writing, first you need to get all of the shaky, baby lamb trying to stand on its own, in other words, "bad" stuff out before you can start to see progress. Looking back at my first attempts at writing... I am appalled but grateful that I got through it to get to where I am now. you don't necessarily need to publish it on a platform, but just get it out. Like letting the murky water run out from a tap first before you get it clear.
✧ My recs
Don't know where to start? I'll help you out. Here are some of the media I consumed that put a passion in me to write.
JJK (obvi), old poetry classics, Greek myths and tales, research into Buddhism and Shinto, Madeline Miller novels, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Agatha Christie novels, Secret History by Donna Tartt, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, and The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
There are many more, but these have stood out to me particularly.
│⁻ ˏˋ꒰ Other fandoms ꒱ ˊˎ⁻
If you've made it this far I'll let you into some other fandoms/communities I enjoy besides JJK:
Mob Psycho, Saiki K, TWST, Demon Slayer, MHA, Castlevania, Mystic Messenger.
I'm not always active in those fandoms and I'm def forgetting some but at some point in my life I'd been very obsessed.
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