#happy valentines day... less happy start already and its only 7:30.
rubiesintherough · 8 months
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giowritess · 4 years
— prompt & trope list  —
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p r o m p t & trope l i s t  —   m a s t e r l i s t
 — under the cut you have a compilation of prompts and tropes I’ve created and found here on Tumblr and internet. 
— don’t forget to check my fandoms post to see who and what I write for!
1. Christmas
2. New Year
3. Valentine’s Day
4. Mother’s Day
5. Father’s Day
6. Wedding
7. Arranged marriage
8. Babysitter
9. Coffee shop
10. Book store
11. Fake dating/marriage
12. Forbidden love
13. Pet store
14. Parent
15. Teacher
16. Flower shop
17. Locked in a room
18. Bed sharing
19. Stranded due to weather
20. Next door neighbors
21. Bakery
1. You seem like a bad boy/girl/person type. 2. Oh my god, did you just say that out loud? 3. You expecting someone? 4.Do you need a place to stay for tonight? 5. Look at us, we’re basically a couple already. 6. Compliments won’t pay my drinks. 7. Maybe, just maybe, if I get a free drink I might consider talking to you. 8. That won’t work. Try again. 9. You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions. 10. Do you trust me? 11. Can I kiss you? 12. It’s lonely here without you. 13. Is that my shirt? 14. You own my heart. 15. We’re more than friends and you know it! 16. I don’t wanna sleep alone tonight. 17. It was you the whole time. 18. I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending they’re you. 19. I’m not going anywhere. 20. You make me want things I can’t have. 21. Steal the blankets again and I’ll put my cold feet on you. 22. You’re in love with her. 23. I don’t know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge. 24. Are you even listening to me?! 25. I didn’t think you could get any less romantic. 26. You make everyday worth living. 27. You’ve shown me what love feels like. 28. You’ve always felt like home. 29. I can’t imagine a world/life without you. 30. I am home. 31. I’m right where I belong. 32. Can’t you stay a little longer? 33. You’re the only one I wanna wake up next to. 34. You make me want to be better. 35. I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me. 36. I think you’re just afraid to be happy. 37. Why haven’t you kissed me already? 38. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. 39. I can’t stay away from you. 40. I’m better when I’m with you. 41. I tried my best not to feel anything for you, but I failed. 42. I don’t want to be alone right now.  43. I don’t trust myself around you. 44. I don’t think anyone’s ever said that to me before. 45. Can we just lie here for a moment? 46. I’ve never hated you. You just... make me feel things I don’t understand. 47. If you don’t tell me to stop, I’m going to kiss you. 48. I could get used to waking up next to you, actually. 49. Please, don’t cry. I can’t stand to see you cry. 50. You’re a terrible liar. 51. You’re the only person I want to be with tonight. 52. You’re not going anywhere. 53. You were always good for me. 54. You’re more than just a one night stand. 55. I’ve been falling in love with you since the first day we met.
1. I can’t stand the thought of you. 2. Don’t fuck this up. 3. How stupid do you think I am? 4. You broke my heart and all you can say is sorry? 5. Don’t you dare to leave me. Not now. 6. I’m dying. There’s nothing you can do about it. 7. I’m not gonna lie. This isn’t how I planned for this to go down. 8. I can’t do the things you do. 9. I might never get another chance to say this. 10. Tell me I’m wrong. 11. How much of that did you hear? 12. I thought I could trust you. 13. Are you just going to leave me here? 14. Don’t. I don’t have to hear your pathetic excuses anymore. 15. You knew about this all along, didn’t you? 16. I still believe there’s a good person in you. 17. It was necessary. 18. I’m sorry this had to go down like this. 19. What the hell is wrong with you?! 20. Is that how little you think of me? 21. I’m too sober for this shit. 22. It’s not that easy. 23. You’re more than that. 24. She’s hot, but she’s evil. 25. Well, behaved women rarely make history, do they? 26. That’s not what I meant and you know it. 27. I have to tell you something. 28. Why am I not surprised? 29. She’s not yours. 30. There’s no us. There never was. 31. I made a mistake. 32. Please, don’t walk out that door. 33. When were you going to tell me? 34. The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you. 35. Would you just shut up and listen to me for two goddamn seconds? 36. If i asked you to stay, would you? 37. I don’t know who you are anymore. 38. I trusted you. 39. Hang on. You’re gonna be okay. Keep breathing. 40. You crossed a line. 41. There’s no turning back from this. 42. I needed you, and you weren’t there.
SMUT — 18+
1. Don’t make me take you home and punish you. 2. I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly. 3. You’re more than just a one night stand. 4. Like what you see? 5. Try to stay quiet, understand? 6. We’re in public, you know. 7. I really don’t care. You still look hot and i’m trying not to kiss/fuck you senseless right now. 8. Are you sure? Once we start, i might not be able to stop. 9. Make me. 10. Stop teasing me so much. 11. You’re in trouble now. 12. First one to make a noise loses. 13. Mine. 14. Behave. 15. What did you just say? 16. Come here. 17. Watch me. 18. If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god. 19. If you insist. 20. Could he make you feel as good as i do? 21. You make a sound and its game over. 22. If i have to stop what i’m doing, you wont be able to walk for the next week. 23. I haven’t even touched you and you’re already this wet. 24. C’mere, you can sit on my lap until i’m done working. 25. What? Does that feel good? 26. If we get caught i’m blaming you. 27. We have to be quiet. 28. Tell me again. 29. Say it. 30. If you don’t like my teasing, then why are you moaning? 31. I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever even met that asshole. 32. You better shut that pretty little mouth before i put it to work, doll. 33. I really want to kiss you right now. 34. Then do it. 35. You’re not taking me to bed. Ever. 36. Who said it had to be on the bed? 37. She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but i bet behind closed doors she’s latex and whips. 38. Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. Thats cute. 39. Don’t fucking touch what is not yours. 40. I’m not sure if its a sexual thing or not. 41. There’s people here. 42. I don’t care what you do,  just fuck me. 43. Fuck you. 44. I’m not going to touch you unless you beg. 45. You can’t tease me like that and expect not to be punished. 46. I’m gonna strangle you. 47. Is that a promise? 48. You look a bit tied up, want me to come back later? 49. Stop distracting me. 50. I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that. 51. Saddle up doll. 52. What are you doing in my bed?! 53. If you're going to act like a little brat then I'm going to treat you like a little brat. 54. You'd better be quiet or everyone's going to know what a naughty little slut you are. 55. Look at you, I've only started using my fingers and you're already shaking. 56. I can't wait to be on my knees for you later. 57. Oh honey, you know, you really shouldn't tease me. 58. If you keep making those sounds I'm not going to be able to stop myself. 59. Such a needy little thing, aren't you? 60. You better watch your fucking mouth. 61. I love the way you look with my fingers inside you. 62. Wanna see what I'm wearing underneath all this? 63. I wonder what your girlfriend/boyfriend would do if they knew what you were doing right now. 64. Do you know how beautiful you are? It's truly distracting. 65. If you leave the house wearing that then the second you get back home I'm going to bend you over that bed. 66. I'm gonna fuck you in front of the mirror, I want you to see how pretty you look when you're spreading your legs for me. 67. Let me show you what happens to little brats who don't follow the rules. 68. You know, there wasn't a single thing to eat in the kitchen until you walked in.
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anerdinallherglory · 4 years
Approaching Sun (30)
Author’s Note: Happy late Valentine’s Day! Fun note: I actually started A.S. on this very same holiday a couple years back. And I did not expect the length or plot this story has taken at allll. Again, I am sorry this is so late. I am hoping to update a LOT more this summer (only one summer class this time!) Unless I get the new job that I am hoping for (fingers crossed). But if I get this job, my free time to write will really open up for me. So it’s a win-win for this story either way.
Also, I want to especially thank these readers: adarkunicorn, softshelldefence, seafoamsands, hatakeliz, harza4925, peachop, cheese-and-biscuits, epitomeofprocrastination, tamnobela, and andreeastroe. These readers really encouraged me to keep writing this story after I was ready trash and take it off all of its publishing sites. You can thank them this story continues.
To all my reviewers, I seriously love you ALL. I am hoping I will get to a point where I can take a break from student emails and respond to each and every one of your reviews in the future. That will be my new year’s resolution this year! I am going to be better. You are all amazing and bring me so much joy and encouragement.
Pairing: SasuSaku
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
Chapter 30: A Very Dangerous Game
Sasuke hated Kaguya’s sand dimension even more than he disliked the desert that covered the vast majority of the Land of Wind. This dimension was forever hot despite that the dimension’s otherworldly moon hung low in the dark horizon, a massive orb of blinding white that mirrored the Earth’s moon in exact replica. Sasuke had always felt like the illusion was a reminder of the Otsusuki people, and that Kaguya had designed this dimension to display something that reminded her of home. To Sasuke, the dimension moons eerily reminded him of Kaguya’s pupil-less irises, always watching the spaces that existed between nothing.
Glaring at it in paranoid response, Sasuke, deprived of chakra now, walked toward it slowly and determinedly as a challenge. He would show her exactly how her dimensions were now his domains. The Uchiha decided he would walk freely here because he couldn’t do as he pleased his own world. He wanted to scream curses at that eye-like globe, demanding the Otsusuki show up and take him on now in his weakened state.
“Come on!” he screamed. “All of you! What are you waiting for? Let’s get this over with! I will find you all eventually!” He wanted it done. He wanted this over. He wanted to have a life despite his promise to be the worlds’ sacrifice for peace.
As if to taunt him, Sasuke’s shuffling feet snagged over something in the sand, and he glanced down at his feet in surprise. A ninja’s vest, half-burnt away from acid, displayed itself like a green bearing flag left behind by those who had explored a barren planet. Even though Sasuke had been the only human to ever walk here, Sakura’s old vest that Sasuke had used as a teleport connection between dimensions back when he had been trapped here, always served as a call to his more current jumps. In other words, every time Sasuke had come here over the past couple of years, no matter where he opened the portal, he would always land within a few feet of it.
In the past, he had thought of removing it because it was a painful reminder in many ways. But as he returned consistently to the same spot, Sasuke began to theorize that it had something to do with his ability to travel here. At first, Sasuke believed it was because during teleportation, his path crisscrossed into a connection that had already been created and used before—this was the most likely explanation; his chakra simply wasn’t strong enough to rip a new tear in the fabric of space and time. But as he looked at it now, Sasuke wondered if there was more to it than that. Did emotions tie him to this piece of fabric? And because Sasuke’s friends always existed somewhere in the back of his mind, did his chakra seek it out as something familiar to secure itself to before flinging him through the vacuum of nothingness?
Sasuke glared back at the moon in hatred, wondering too, if it could be just a sick part of Kaguya’s illusions, knowing that the vest had in the past and always, always would continue to stop the Uchiha in his tracks. A temptation reminding him of a different life, one that would cause him to ignore the Otsusuki. Kaguya would want that.
He sat down beside it despite how much he wanted to turn and walk away from it as he always had. This time, he let it be his beacon out of the void, drawing some sort of strength from it in his chakra-deprived state. The whole point of being this exhausted was to avoid thinking of her, but the tattered shinobi vest always pricked him with guilt, especially now when he had left her alone in Sunagakure despite his promises of partnership. It was as if the green material had a voice of its own, saying “See how far she would go for you?” And Sasuke, keeping his thoughts private from the ever-watching rock above, would think to himself “I am doing this for her, too. She will understand eventually. She will accept just how far I am willing to go for this peace we both envision. We have the same goal.”
As Sasuke thought these thoughts again, Sasuke accepted that if they couldn’t be united in love, then at the very least, they would be united in the same goal, the same vision of happiness. It comforted him ever so slightly.
He sighed as he fingered the chakra pills at his waist, guilt invading his chest and suffocating him. How could he tell her his true feelings and make her accept what he was willing to accept? How could he satisfy the both of them and do the least damage?
Sasuke exhaled and leaned back in the sand once more to sleep, sweat beading across his brow in the high temperature. He turned on his side and faced the vest in exhaustion, pretending it was her—pretending to be satisfied with this small piece of the woman he loved and would ever allow himself to dream this close to.
. . . . . . . . . . .
The blackness pervaded all of Sakura’s senses as soon as her feet hit the ground opposite the giant hole she had just created in the sand. She blinked hard, hearing the cursing and alarmed proclamations of those she had attacked. The darkness was like a leaden mist before her eyes and Sakura instinctively created the sign of “release” for genjutsu. And whether it was from her lack of chakra, or because this was a ninjutsu, Sakura’s attempts yielded zero results. The blackness remained and blinded her past several inches in front of her face. When she heard Isao’s shout for her, she had no choice but to dart forward blindly, determined to reach him before someone else did.
“Let go of me!” the child screamed, his pursuer unfortunately catching up with him. Sakura navigated through the pillars of sand-dripping earth that now projected themselves in the air around her. With hands outstretched, she cursed herself. The blow had meant to disorient her opponents and it had, but this damn thickening darkness made it difficult to move forward through the landscape of her own destruction. Thankfully, the waterfalling crumble of sand masked her rushed footfalls.
The kunoichi drew upon her chakra once more, but it came as slowly as before, the medicine still lingering in her system with its toxic chakra clotting effects. Sakura moved hurriedly ahead, hoping that she wasn’t the only one choked with darkness.
Isao’s curses came and Sakura finally rounded a huge boulder to find herself facing the back of the thug’s head. He had his massive hands around the child’s throat, weapon tossed aside in favor of a crueler death to the victim that had caused him so much trouble. Despite his struggle for his life, Isao made eye contact with her the moment they were close enough to see each other. His attacker saw recognition register in the boy’s eyes and spun to face her. But it was too late. Sakura’s kunai was slicing the gray flesh of his throat before he even had time to see her, a final blow that had been delayed from earlier, but determined by fate to be his cause of death. The brutish ninja dropped to the ground instantly and Sakura justified the blood that pooled freely at her feet by remembering his cruel actions to the child that struggled to catch his breath before her.
Sakura picked up the abandoned weapon, the weight unfamiliar in her hands. The sound of the man’s death had betrayed her position, and the footsteps of his companions crunched closer to her location. Terrified, Sakura clutched the child, pushing him behind the jagged column of rock behind her.
“Isao,” she pleaded in a whisper. “You have to make a run for it.”
“I won’t leave you,” he declared, determined to fight to his death for her.
“The only thing you can do for me now is to go get help,” she said honestly. It was a half-truth. There were only a few realities before them, and Isao making it back to the village and bringing help was not likely due to how much time it would take. But Sakura was desperate to remove the brave child from the scenario. She cared too much to let him sacrifice himself for her.
“Miss—” he protested, but Sakura propelled him forward in the blinding darkness, an enemy’s footsteps rounding the earth that cloaked him. It was too late to argue, and Sakura turned to face the phantom-man who stepped toward her in visibility, shadows curling around him as he cleared a path through the inky mist.
Sakura faced him squarely, taking a defensive stance and raising the wicked katana with her sharper green eyes, sending a stare to him along the metal’s surface. The shadow-wielding ninja smirked and the rest of his crew appeared beside him.
“Go!” she screamed in final command at the child whose feet took off into the black at her back.
Sakura brandished the sword in confident threat at her attackers, herself serving as the shield between herself and Isao; they wouldn’t move an inch in pursuit of his direction if she had anything to do with it. Sakura had never wielded a sword before, but in the absence of chakra, she would become a master at it in this moment. Sakura was a kunoichi, a medic, a chakra control master, the pupil of a legendary Sanin, a rising legend herself, and today, she would add something else to her list. Scratch that. She would two things tonight: she would eradicate this new movement of anti-peace revolutionaries, and she would do it at disadvantage with the weapon of her enemy.
. . . . . . . .
As Isao ran, he clutched his side in pain, a sharp stab in his waist. The man who Sakura had killed moments before must have broken one of his ribs as he crushed Isao to the ground. At first, the young ninja pitched forward in blackness, half-debating to turn back to help the pink-haired ninja. But Isao knew the truth. He had been foolish to pursue her and her kidnappers alone and he cursed himself for his rash decisions in his fear of losing sight of them; he should have told someone else even if he lost their trail. Any of them, anyone at allwould have been better help to Miss Haruno than he had been.
Isao’s bravery amounted to nothing and it was evident in every piercing word from the medic kunoichi: The only thing you can do for me now is to go get help … Isao let the command fuel him forward despite the pain, until the night faded into morning hours later and the mighty walls of the Sand Village came into view.
He didn’t know how much time had passed and he didn’t wait to scream for help. The Kazekage was not in the village—he had overheard that much. Neither was the teammate that traveled with Miss Haruno. He yelled the only name he could think of, the name his heart still cried out to despite how much he hated him. The roaring sand shrouded his cries, and the prison walls would buffer it completely, but Isao begged to the air, shouting over and over, “FATHER! HELP ME!”
. . . . . . . .
The taste of the chakra pill was bitter, smoky and acrid. The Uchiha almost gagged trying to swallow it down, and he silently confirmed that Sai had been right—although Sasuke hated to agree with anything his entitled replacement said. What had he called them? Mudballs? Despite the accurate term, Sasuke feared his kunoichi companion more than he hated the taste, so he would keep the complaint to himself.
The pill pooled in his stomach and Sasuke took a breath, focusing on the ignition starting in his core. The rush of power was exhilarating as it topped off his chakra supply, overflowing visibly in a blue-purple halo around him. It sizzled along his skin and Sasuke grinned wickedly as a spiraling vortex appeared before him, much larger than any he had been able to create on his own before.
This was it! It was working! He pushed beyond the core dimension easily, his ready supply of chakra speedily fueling the tunnel between the void, but it ate and ate away at his energy and the color disappeared from his skin. Running off his own meager supply now, Sasuke exhaled and grinded his teeth in concentration. Finally, the connection was made and Sasuke threw himself through it.
He landed roughly, skidding to a halt, and he was ironically thankful for once for the Land of Wind’s high volume of sand. Sasuke found himself smirking up at the lightening sky as he recovered, because this was his first victory in a long struggle of jumping dimensions. To the Uchiha, it was proof that he was doing exactly what he was meant to do: beat Kaguya and the Otsusuki clan at their own game in their own territory. Giddy in his success, Sasuke used the last of his dwindling energy to rise to his feet, his thoughts immediately turning to the woman who had helped make this all possible—he hadn’t achieved this on his own; Sakura deserved the credit. And it was the first time that Sasuke could admit that he needed someone else’s help in his goal.
The dark walls of Sunagakure cut the bright morning horizon in half and Sasuke’s gut twisted in a combination of emptiness and guilt at the thought of returning to Sunagakure to face his friend after their… kiss. Sasuke was torn between finding her immediately to tell her that their plan had worked, pretending the kiss never happened in typical Uchiha fashion. But the time he had stolen away from her “to think” brought him to only one conclusion: he needed to apologize—again—and at least explain why. He had made her a promise to be a partner that depended on each other, and here Sakura was continuing to keep that promise, while Sasuke stole moments of happiness and bailed when he had to face the consequences. Suddenly remembering their sunset conversation the last time he had returned after leaving, Sasuke felt a fresh stab to his consciousness as he recalled her statement: “a part of partnership is communication.”
Sasuke slowly made his way toward the village gates. When he passed through the canyon-like entrance, people greeted him with “good mornings” while others stared openly at him. Their gazes were a little different, warmer, and Sasuke wondered if his teammate’s influence in the hospital had something to do with his newreception in Sunagakure now.
Feeling even more ashamed, Sasuke resolved himself for his female companion’s wrath and made a straight line for the hospital.
When he entered the hospital’s double doors, Sasuke came upon a scene that made his stomach drop into his feet. Kankuro, who was haggard from exhaustion, and had apparently returned sometime in the night, was fisting the collar of a hospital staff member.
“What do you mean they’re not here?” he bristled. “If she’s not in her rooms, then she should be here. Where’s Mako? Where’s the kid?”
“I don’t know sir,” came the panicked response from the employee, terrified to be facing the Kazekage’s right-hand man. “I’m sure they’re in the village somewhere.”
Hearing those words had Sasuke acting before thinking and the Uchiha rushed forward to fist the shirt of the same medic. “Are you talking about Sakura?” His eyes darted between the both of them and Kankuro’s grip released from the startled staff’s shirt in the same moment he shoved Sasuke’s own hand away.
“Where the hell have you been?” Kankuro accused icily, and a fire Sasuke didn’t even know he had left in him, surged from his throat in anger.
“What the hell is happening?” he demanded, taking another step toward the puppet wielder.
Kankuro pinched his nose in frustration, then beheld him in shock. “You mean Sakura isn’t with you?”
Sasuke eyes widened in immediate response, an answer refusing to form on his lips. Instead, he shouted, “You don’t know where she is?!”
Kankuro frowned deeper at his sudden animosity. “She hasn’t been seen since yesterday morning,” he explained quickly. “The innkeeper said she never came back to the inn. Mako, another medic, and Sakura’s young patient are missing too.”
Sasuke didn’t wait for any further explanation before he began sprinting up the stairs to the second floor of the hospital, the filter for his behavior now completely removed. Let everyone think what they want! That bastard! When Sasuke got ahold of Mako, he wasn’t sure what he would do. Sasuke’s feet were unusually heavy and his breath labored as he continued climbing to the third floor toward the medicine preparation room they had occupied together only recently.
“Sakura?!” He kicked open the door and furiously searched the vacant room with his eyes. After seeing no one, Sasuke stared at the empty couch where they had sat so close to one another the night before last. As if his memory of her there could recall her, Sasuke gazed openly at it, breathing hard.
Having followed the Uchiha, Kankuro appeared in the door behind him. “We’ve already checked the hospital. She isn’t here. We need to check the rest of the village, quickly!”
She couldn’t be missing. Was she really with that assistant of hers or that child?  Were they off somewhere else doing something medical, or were they truly missing? Shit. Shit. Shit.
He turned on Kankuro in his unnerved rage. Sasuke wanted to demand where they had been, he and the Kazekage, but Sasuke remembered that Sakura had told him that they were investigating trouble near the border. He cursed himself again for being selfish and leaving her here alone.
As if reading his thoughts, Kankuro explained, “I was sent back by the Kazekage in the night. He is handling a situation regarding the ninja Sakura said ambushed you both in Tanigakure. The incidents were apparently related.”
“What do you mean?” Sasuke suddenly asked, a deep and cutting sensation coming over Sasuke that he hadn’t felt in a very, very long time: fear.
Kankuro looked down and away from him, debating on how much to reveal. “With some unmentionable methods, we were finally able to find out who their target was,” he finally informed with a sigh. His eyes rose to meet Sasuke’s and the Uchiha saw the same raw fear mirrored in Kankuro’s eyes. “It’s Sakura.”
At the very moment that Sasuke’s knees felt like collapsing beneath his weight, the same staff member that the two ninja had threatened seconds before, came running into the room, panting heavily from having hiked the floors.
“Come quickly,” he urged between breaths, turning immediately to run back down the steps. “Isao has returned.”  
Kankuro made eye contact with the Uchiha before they both bolted back down the stairs, taking two and three steps at time. Sasuke cursed his lack of chakra that kept him from just teleporting downstairs.
Sitting in a chair, the child clutched his side. Sasuke noticed that he kept trying to rise, but the staff held him down as they tried to bandage a wound on his arm. Deep purple finger marks circled around the child’s neck like a collar.
“Not me! Her! Go find her, please!” he shouted as he struggled against them.
“Calm down boy,” a woman medic urged. “We have to staunch the flow of blood from your arm.” The child looked at his wound as if he didn’t even know it had been there.
When Isao caught sight of Sasuke and Kankuro, he started to cry. “HELP! Please help!” he shouted, and they quickly moved to hover over the child. Kankuro suddenly kneeled before him, taking the gauze from the medic and wrapped the child’s arm himself as he questioned.
“Speak kid,” Kankuro urged, “What is going on?”
“Miss Haruno,” he choked between tears. “She’s still out there! Please, we have to go!”
Before Kankuro could ask the child why, Sasuke did something appalling, an act that Sakura would be disappointed in him for. His sharingan flashed bright, soaking up the last of his chakra like a sponge, and he caught the panicked child’s stare in his own crimson and purple one.
Just as he had to Isao’s father, Sasuke stepped into the child’s memories. Isao’s recollections were almost too overwhelming for Sasuke to handle at the moment, each image dripping with the fear in which young ones saw the ninja world. There was also bravery in them and familial concern for the pink-haired kunoichi. Sasuke skipped through the memories like speeding up a film, an act that made his head throb in pain. He didn’t care about his own state at the moment though, seeking the green-eyed face of the woman he had come to love.
There. Isao’s most recent memory Sakura was of her telling him “to go get help.” Sasuke didn’t have time to go back further and he let the memories play out from that point, mapping the child’s nighttime desert sprint, hours long, from the empty desert back to the gates of the village.
Not needing to explore the child’s mind further, he released Isao and they both gasped. Sasuke clutched his eye, ignoring the angry glare on Kankuro’s face. He didn’t care about Kankuro’s morals or even the child’s shocked state at that moment. There was only one thing he cared about. He would let the child explain the details to Kankuro; Sasuke didn’t have the time to explain things to Kankuro. Instead, the Uchiha did the unthinkable, playing the very dangerous game of popping another chakra pill into his mouth as he sprinted out the hospital doors.
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
quindo quindo quindo quindo quindo (look I know they're the main ship but this is where I have laid my affections)
Alright, Operation: Bite-Sized Kiersey Valentines is a go! Yes, I made up that name on the spot just now. No, I won’t apologize for it, even though it’s terrible. ICYMI, I’m taking submissions to my ask box for Kiersey ships (either romance or friendships) to see in little Valentine’s Day snippets. I’ll take these from now until when I go to bed (around 9 PM EST), and I’m doing them in order of how they came in!
So first up: Rachel. First of all, you loving Quindo brings me joy, since they’re also my favorites. I guess it’s kind of obvious that they’re my favorites, since I’m the creator and I’m the one who decided they’d be the main couple, but whatever. The point is, bless you for this request. I’ll never say no to some good old-fashioned Quindo.
BTW, to anyone who’s reading this, I’ll take duplicates of these— in other words, if I get more than one request for the same ship, I’ll just show you two (or three or however many) different Valentine’s Days.
Anyway. On to the soft.
february 14th | freshman year
Quinn has never had a Valentine, before this year.
For that reason, he thinks, he’s never truly seen the appeal of this holiday. The February fourteenths of years past have been little more to him that opportunities to lament his own singleness, and daydream after the boyfriend who, until earlier this school year, only existed in his imagination. They’ve come and gone like any other winter day.
And then Sebastián came along. And Quinn’s love life has, honestly, felt a bit like a daydream all its own ever since.
Today, Valentine’s Day starts early. To be more specific, it starts the moment he wakes up, since Sebastián spent the night in his room last night. Bunking up together in Quinn’s single has become the norm, especially since the start of spring semester, and Quinn is not complaining even in the slightest. He gets a snuggly bout of kisses in the dark hours of the morning, then sees Sebastián off to morning practice. When he wakes properly, he finds a handwritten card left on his nightstand, and enters a soft state that lasts him the entire day.
Spring musical rehearsal goes a bit late, tonight, thanks to some blocking issues, plus a case of harmonic discord in the “Disappear” ensemble parts that their music director was really bent on ironing out. Quinn truly wouldn’t mind this, on any normal Thursday, but the fact that it’s Valentine’s Day— and for the first time in his life, he’s excited about it— sort of jogs at his impatience on this particular evening. When Dr. C finally, mercifully calls rehearsal, just after 7:30, Quinn packs up and zips out into the Beckett Center lobby like a bat out of hell. Truly, he can’t get back to Wilson Hall fast enough. He’s ready to spend the evening in with his boyfriend. Homework be damned, even.
But when he actually reaches the lobby, he stops clean in his tracks. On a bench by the entrance, campus’ cutest boy is already waiting for him. They haven’t planned this particular meeting, but it wouldn’t be the first time Sebastián has picked him up at the end of rehearsal.
“Hey, baby!” In a lovely Kiersey blue sweatshirt and joggers that fit him nicely, Sebastián is all smiles. “How was rehearsal?”
Quinn cannot help it. He smiles like a lovestruck fool. It’s all he’s been, today, and he’s completely content in that fact. “It was quite long, but just fine, thank you,” he replies, and crosses to the bench to close the distance between them. “And hello, honey,” he adds, as Sebastián rises from his seat. “It’s nice to see you here.
“It’s nice to see you, too,” Sebastián laughs. The moment he stands, Quinn realizes that he’s come bearing gifts. On the bench by where he was sitting sits a bag that looks distinctly as if it holds Bluegrass Café take-out, and in his hands... Sebastián is holding a bouquet of flowers. White tulips, to be specific. They’re wrapped in paper and twine.
He must note that Quinn is looking at them, because he holds them forward, with that handsome smile ever still. “Here,” he says, and presses them into Quinn’s entirely undeserving hands. “These are for you.”
“Oh, my goodness, honey,” Quinn murmurs, and takes a moment to smell them. Clean, fresh, and beautiful, they’re perfect— and he thinks he may melt, right here in this lobby, at the sheer softness this boy brings into his life. He looks up to meet his eyes, and Sebastián looks just a bit bashful, with both hands held behind his back. “These are beautiful,” he tells him, and puts a hand to his heart. “Thank you so much.”
Sebastián laughs again, then takes him by the shoulders, and kisses his forehead gently. “You’re welcome, baby,” he hums. “Happy Valentine’s.���
“And to you as well,” Quinn replies, and then wraps himself up in his arms for a good, long hug. He holds the flowers close to his face ever still, and takes care not to crush them in the embrace.
He is so lucky. Goodness. He still has trouble believing this boy is actually real.
He draws back just a bit, enough to rise on tiptoe and give him a kiss. “Can we still spend tonight in?” he asks, after he’s succeeded in that mission. “I have some things for you back at my room.”
“We can definitely do that,” Sebastián replies, with this little twinkle in his eyes, and Quinn thrills a bit at the thought of getting round two to the lovely little kissing session they had this morning. “And also,” Sebastián adds, “that’s food.” He tips his head back toward the bag on the bench. “Like, dinner. In case you were wondering. I also have some candy?”
Quinn laughs into his chest. “Oh, my goodness, my dear, you are outdoing yourself.”
“Naaaah,” Sebastián says, as if all of this is no big deal, as if it’s obvious. “Only the best for you, baby.”
Quinn swats him, just gently. “Sebastián. You are such a flirt.”
Sebastián winks at him. “I can’t flirt with my valentine?”
Quinn thinks he may be melting again, but then— from behind, an interruption halts their moment in its tracks. “Hey, no jocks in the lobby!”
Quinn whirls around, and shoots daggers at Maggie, who’s just emerged from the stage door, the next cast member to leave rehearsal. With her bag over one shoulder and her script in her free hand, she’s effortlessly glamorous, as always. “Magdalena,” he says, “I will kill you.”
“No, you won’t.” She blows a kiss, then waves her script in the air. “Hey, Sebastián!”
“Hey, Maggie.” Sebastián is infinitely less homicidal than Quinn is. “How was rehearsal?”
“Oh, it was good.” Maggie flashes a smirk, as she goes to slide her script into one of the pockets of her bag. “Quinn was bursting at the seams to get out of there, and now I guess I know why.”
“I beg your pardon,” Quinn cries, in a likely useless effort to defend his own honor. “I didn’t even know he’d be meeting me here.”
Maggie’s smirk widens. “Wow, what a fun coincidence for you.”
Sebastián laughs. Quinn sniffs his flowers again, and hopes that Maggie is watching. It isn’t as if she’d be jealous. She received flowers from five separate boys today, which is what she deserves.
“Have a good night, lovebirds,” she sings, as she nears the exit. Over her shoulder, as a parting gesture, she calls, “Use protection!”
Quinn hides his face in Sebastián’s sweatshirt, so he won’t see just how much that particular comment makes him blush. “I hate her,” he mumbles. “I hate her so much.”
Sebastián is still laughing. He eases him up to his eye level, then gives him a gentle kiss. It’s a bit easier for the embarrassment to wear off, after that.
“What do you say?” Sebastián asks, with one big, steady hand resting at the small of his back. “Back to your room for us?”
A few butterflies surface in Quinn’s stomach. He nods. “That sounds lovely,” he replies, and proceeds to spend the night exactly as he intended to.
Sebastián is truly the greatest valentine a boy could ever ask for.
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What a Jerk
It’s Valentine’s Day. For Castiel & Dean, that means war. 
Read below or on AO3: HERE
"What a jerk," Castiel grumbles, closing the door as the delivery man leaves.
"Who?" Benny asks from his spot on the couch a few feet away. He turns to look at Castiel, more words about to come out. Then he sees the giant bouquet of flowers in Castiel's hands and grins. "Oh. Dean."
"Stop smiling. He's an asshole." Castiel storms off to the kitchen. Since his penthouse apartment is an open-floor plan, though, he doesn't escape Benny. He just gets his bitch face from a new angle.
"Yes," Benny says sarcastically. "What an asshole for buying you flowers."
Castiel huffs as he searches for a stupid vase for the stupid flowers. "I told him not to do this."
"Yeah, bad idea. Telling Dean not to do something is pretty much the equivalent of challenging him to a duel."
There's a dusty vase beneath the sink. Castiel takes it out and fills it with water, not bothering to clean it first. When it's filled enough for the flowers to survive - because Castiel isn't a monster, he's not going to purposely kill beautiful flowers - he stuffs the bouquet into the vase.
"There." He sets the vase on his kitchen island and breathes a sigh of relief. "At least it's over now. Right?"
Benny snorts. "Dude, it's 8 AM. There's no way that's all he has planned for the day."
"You work for me, ya know," Castiel says in a voice that's supposed to be threatening but isn't. "You have to take my side."
"I'm your bodyguard. I keep you safe from bullets and kidnappers. Not overbearing lovers."
Castiel sighs in frustration. He pulls out his phone and very aggressively types in Dean Winchester's number.
Dean answers almost instantly. Clearly, he had been waiting for this call.
"Hey, C-"
"This stupid romantic nonsense is a waste of money and I swear Dean Winchester if you get me any more presents today I'm going to break up with your stupid ass!"
"So you got the flowers," Dean says with a smile in his voice. "Good. You should get ready for work, my love. Don't want to be late."
"Don't ignore me, Dean! You promised. You promised not to do this!"
"No. You ordered me not to do this. I never agreed."
"Have a nice day, babe. I'm sure I'll be hearing from you soon."
"Oh, and Cas?"
Castiel grits his teeth, fuming. "What?"
"Happy Valentine's Day."
Castiel growls - yes, growls - and hangs up. He throws his hands in the air and turns to Benny. "What a jerk!"
When Castiel stops at his favorite coffee shop for his usual morning Americano with cinnamon, the barista already has his order ready. It has a message written on it in Dean's hand writing, black sharpie scrawling its way across the disposable cup.
You are so brew tiful. I love you like I love my coffee - inside me (;
Castiel rolls his eyes. "What a jerk."
"Sorry?" the barista says in confusion.
"He's a jerk." Castiel grabs a disposable cup from the stack beside the register. He pops the top off the one Dean wrote on and pours his coffee into the fresh, non-Valentine cup. Then he tosses the graffitied cup and nods at the barista. "Have a good one."
"Uh… yeah." The barista watches him go, looking crestfallen. Clearly she had found it romantic. Disgusting. "You too."
Another bouquet of flowers is waiting for Castiel when he enters his private office. He glares at it from the doorway for a long moment before huffing in annoyance, going over and grabbing the damn thing. Still dressed in his trench coat, still with his briefcase in his left hand, Castiel walks down to the bull-pen and lifts the vase in the air.
"Who fucked up today and needs a Valentine's Day present for their significant other?" he yells, his anger making most of his employees shiver or tense up.
It takes a second but then a woman in the back tentatively raises her hand. Charlie. She's dating Dorothy from accounting. They're a cute couple.
"They're yours," he announces, thrusting them out in the air to silently tell her to come get them.
Blushing, she makes her way to Castiel. She mumbles something about not forgetting but running out of time this morning. Castiel couldn't care less whether Charlie forgot or not. He just doesn't want to stare at the damn flowers all day.
Once they're out of his hands, Castiel waves a hand in the air and says, "As you were."
Benny is smirking when Castiel gets back to his office.
"What's so funny?" Castiel asks in a voice that's supposed to be threatening but just makes Benny's lips lift higher. "What?"
"I'm assuming you didn't see the box of chocolates."
Castiel parts his lips, about to ask what Benny means, when he sees a heart-shaped box beside where the flowers had been. He deflates. Goes over to his chair. Slumps down. Sighs dramatically. Then he takes the box and reads the attached note.
Life was like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you're gonna get. - damn glad I got you, babe ♡
"What a jerk," Castiel growls at the box. He rips the lid off and snatches a piece of chocolate before pushing it toward Benny. "Stop fucking smiling and eat. And don't tell him I ate any of it. That asshole knows I can't resist chocolate so you have to lie."
"Sure thing boss," Benny says with a wink. "Sure thing."
"Are you Castiel?" a man dressed in a cupid costume asks.
Castiel shakes his head. "Nope."
Unfortunately, he's in the breakroom at work and his employees think this whole battle between Dean and him is hilarious. Balthazar says, "He's lying" at the same time Chuck says, "He's Castiel."
Castiel decides he's going to fire them both.
The cupid smirks and turns to Castiel. Castiel puts a hand up in protest. "Whatever it is, I don't want-"
"Lord Almighty,
I feel my temperature rising
Higher higher
It's burning through to my soul
Boy, boy, boy,
You gonna set me on fire
My brain is flaming
I don't know which way to go
Your kisses lift me higher
Like the sweet song of a choir
You light my morning sky
With burning love"
"Nope," Castiel mumbles under his breath, grabbing his lunch and heading out the door. "Nope, nope, nope."
The damn telegram follows him. Everyone in the office stares, their jaws dropped open as the goddamn CEO is followed around by a glittery man dressed as cupid singing an Elvis song. Castiel isn't even embarrassed. He's just pissed.
Castiel enters his office and shoots a glare at Benny who had conveniently been gone to the bathroom when this all went down but is now back at his rightful place by Castiel's side. "Make him leave."
"It's coming closer
The flames are now lickin' my body
Please won't you help me-"
"Why? He isn't a threat."
"He has a weapon!"
"It's a plastic bow, boss."
"And my chest is a-heaving
Lord Almighty
I'm burning a hole where I lay."
"I own this goddamn building and I'm telling you, head of my security, to kick him out!"
Benny gives him a wry smile. "I'll get right on it, boss. Highest priority."
"Cause your kisses lift me higher
Like the sweet song of a choir-"
"You're fired."
"Oh, well, in that case I suppose he'll get to stay."
"Ah, ah, burning love
I'm just a hunk, a hunk of burning love."
Castiel grabs his office phone and presses 7, gritting his teeth. With every ring that passes, his rage boils. He's a breath away from exploding.
"Singer's Auto, this is Dean."
Castiel slams a finger down on speaker phone and turns to glare at cupid as he finishes the damn song.
"Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love
Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love
Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love
Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love."
Finally, it's over. Cupid winks at him before leaving. Benny smirks. Dean - the jerk that he is - is laughing hysterically on the other line.
"I hate you," Castiel states very matter-of-factly.
"Oh come on!" Dean snorts a laugh. "It's Elvis! You love Elvis!"
"Not anymore! Congratulations, Winchester. You have officially ruined Elvis for me."
Dean laughs harder. "God, I love you babe."
"Gaaaah, no!" Castiel hangs up the call before Dean can use his mystical powers to sweet talk Castiel into forgiving him. It ain't happening.
Castiel bangs his forehead against his desk a few times before deflating against it. "What a jerk."
Castiel walks into the first jewelry store he comes across. He storms past all of the stupid Valentine's decorations and up to a young man in a sharp suit who is smiling far too wide if you ask Castiel's opinion. Castiel smacks the palm of his hand on the glass display in front of the man and growls, "I need a goddamn engagement ring."
A ring box heavy in his pocket, Castiel stands outside Dean's small two-bedroom house. The yellow paint is peeling back in places, revealing the blue beneath. They come from two completely different worlds. Dean, the eldest son who sacrificed everything he had to raise his baby brother, dropping out of high school, working two jobs, scraping his father off whatever bar floor or sidewalk he ended up on most nights. Castiel, the eldest son who had the world handed to him, private prep school, undergrad at an Ivy league, two master degrees, no student loan debt, a $100,000 no-strings gift from his father to start up his own company.
Dean lives in a house that was foreclosed and rotting on the inside. He’s owned it for three years now. The floors and roof have been replaced. The staircase rebuilt. The walls repainted. The kitchen remodeled. The bathroom gutted. All Dean’s doing since he couldn’t afford to hire contractors.
Castiel lives in a penthouse apartment in a building that’s only seven years old. He got to pick in a catalogue what model of every room he preferred. Professionals molded his home into exactly what he wanted it to be in two weeks, handing it to him furnished and beautiful.
Dean works 60 hour weeks at his uncle’s auto shop, always smelling of oil and sweat. He drinks Jack Daniels. Listens to classic rock. Wears stained jeans and cotton shirts so worn they have holes in the collars and become see-through in certain lighting.
Castiel works 80 hour weeks, but only 30 of them are spent in the office, the rest spent on his phone or at his home so he can lounge on his couch and peruse documents without worrying about employees bothering him. He’s currently working through a bottle of 1926 Macallan. He listens to classical music, as well as plays it himself on his own grand piano that overlooks the city. Wears tailored Brioni suits and silk ties to work, settling for Gucci denim pants and cashmere sweaters when he's casual.
They should have never even met. Castiel would never take his car to a low-grade dealership like Singers. Never. You just don’t do that. Castiel was sure they wouldn’t even know what to do with a custom built Tesla like his. Yet, there Castiel was, broken down outside of the city with a migraine the size of Texas and stubborn impatience that made waiting for the professionals from the dealership that would take 3 hours a choice he wasn’t willing to make. So, he typed in auto shops on google and picked the one nearest to him.
Singers Auto.
Dean had showed up all southern drawl and warm smiles. Flirted right past Castiel’s foul mood. Stroked the hood of his Tesla like it was a cherished pet. Spoke to Castiel confidently about his knowledge on the vehicle. He offered to tow it into the city for Castiel if Castiel wanted but assured Castiel that if he chose to let Dean bring it to Singer's Auto, Dean would be able to take care of it.
“Easy fix,” Dean had said. “In and out. Twenty minutes.”
Castiel had agreed. It was completely out of character but he couldn’t help himself. He wanted more time with the mechanic.
He left that day with a fixed car and Dean Winchester’s number.
They never once brought up the salary gap between them. Some nights they’d crash at Castiel’s. Some nights at Dean’s. They’d go to five-star restaurants and gorge on filet mignon and lobster. They’d go to McDonalds and demolish burgers and chocolate milkshakes. Neither of them so much as blink.
Castiel smiles to himself as he looks at the house again. Where will they live? Castiel could care less, if he’s being honest. He’ll move here if Dean wants. He can deal with the furnace that needs to be kicked every few days as a reminder to work again. He can deal with the pipes that always freeze in the winter. He can deal with the way the fifth step creaks because Dean messed up when building the staircase. As long as he has Dean Winchester, he has everything.
“The hell you doin’ out here?” Dean yells from the front porch, snapping Castiel from his thoughts.
The ring box in his pocket grows hot in anticipation.
“It’s Valentine’s Day!” Castiel yells back, casually walking across the street from where he parked. “I figured if you’re going to insist on celebrating the idiotic holiday, I might as well win by outdoing you.”
“Oh, really?” Dean huffs a laugh, taking the porch steps two at a time until he’s on the grass of his front lawn. “How do you expect to do that?”
Castiel stops when he’s on the sidewalk, about five or so feet between them. He gives Dean a cocky grin that makes Dean’s smirk fall just an inch. Dean Winchester doesn’t like to lose at things - especially all of these silly competitions they get themselves into.
How long can they go without having sex or masturbating, and who will break first and beg the other to fuck him?
Who can eat the most pie in one sitting?
Which one can buy the best Christmas gift?
Who can win the most tickets at the arcade?
How long can they keep their prank war going, and who will be the one to finally throw in the towel when it goes too far?
Who can scare the other badly enough to make them scream?
Which one of them will win the cheesy romantic award of Valentine’s Day 2020.
Castiel won the 1st, 3rd, and 6th.
Dean won the 2nd and 4th.
Neither have won the prank war bet - it’s still on-going.
But Castiel Novak is going to win this damn Valentine’s Day award. If Dean wants to play this game today, it’s on.
“Dean Winchester,” Castiel says softly, in a voice sickly sweet and loving. He lowers himself to one knee and reaches into his pocket.
Dean’s eyes flare with rage. “No! Don’t you dare!”
“You’re the love of my life-”
“I can’t imagine any possible future that doesn’t have you in it-”
“I hate you so much right now,” Dean chokes out, eyes welling up.
Castiel smirks and opens the ring box. “Will you marry me?”
“No,” Dean grumbles with a pouty look on his face. Then he growls low in his throat and shakes his arms like a toddler on the verge of a tantrum. “Fuck - fine! Yes. I’ll marry you.”
Grinning, partly because the love of his life just agreed to marry him but mostly because instead of Dean evening the score Castiel is now 2 points ahead, Castiel pushes to his feet and slips the ring on Dean’s finger. He tugs Dean into his arms and kisses him breathless.
“Proposed to me on Valentine’s Day,” Dean says with an incredulous huff, resting his head on Castiel's shoulder and hugging him. “What a jerk.”
If you enjoyed this, please consider supporting my starving artist bum by donating at my Ko-Fi or becoming a Patron <3 Everything helps!
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mahou-queen · 4 years
♡52 Weeks of Lolita Questionnaire♡
In a recent Lovely Lor video, Lor answered questions from Loliprompts’ questionnaire “52 weeks of lolita”. It seems like a fun list of questions and I thought I would answer them too~ ♡
1. What is your favorite brand, and why? What’s its history? ♡  I guess my favorite brand would have to be Angelic Pretty. I love a lot of other brands, but the majority of dresses in my wish list right now are Angelic Pretty. As for their history? I don’t really know haha, I guess I should research that a bit.
2. How would you describe lolita fashion to a curious person you met in passing? ♡ I always just say I am apart of a fashion club? People don’t generally require more than that but if they did I would probably tell them that it’s an alternative fashion based on Victorian fashion and we have a fashion club and we get dressed up and meet for tea and stuff.
3. What style do you think is the most underrated, and why? ♡ qi and wa lolita. I almost never see them, or see interest in them which is a shame because there are some really beautiful dresses out there that are suited for these styles.
4. What does the phrase “lolita lifestyle” mean to you, and do you, or would you like to, adhere to it? ♡ lolita lifestyle is when you try to bring lolita or lolita-esque aesthetics into every aspect of your life. Maybe wearing lolita every or most days, and having a very “loliable” home/room. I could never be a lifestyler because I have other fashion interests. Also lolita is not appropriate at my workplace.
5. What do you think constitutes lolita etiquette or good manners? ♡ I don’t believe there is any “lolita etiquette” I think you should just be yourself. Good manner are good manners, don’t be rude to your comm members, don’t dance on the tables at a tea party. But that’s just commonsense I don’t think there is a way to behave that is lolita.
6. Does your style change with the seasons, or do you dress the same and try to bear the cold/heat? ♡ I try, but admittedly I am awful at it. I try to keep berets in the cooler months, as well as long sleeves. BUT I’m a sucker for ankle socks and I wear them all year despite the cold and I do freeze my legs off at winter meets. 
7. Do you have a fashion role-model? What do you admire most about them? ♡ I actually have several! I will list them and their instagrams here: sleepyriri  - Her coords are so dreamy looking, very light floaty aesthetic which I love. She also has her own lolita brand! Le_verger_sucre - Her coords are so pink and princess-y. I find myself sharing her photos a lot. Fannyrosie - the classic lolita queen. Need I say more? Tokimeki.bunny - I love the cuteness of her coords. They always have a lot of extra elements and are so well balanced. She’s also really good at coordinating printed tights which I am awful at. Tsumikko - Lavender QUEEN! I love her use of aprons, layering, and color balancing. Very light, floaty vibes.  Milkcircus - Print QUEEN. Her use of prints and patterns absolutely inspires me. Coords are always very multi-dimensional  Cursed.Kaiser - They’re coords are honestly so cool, there’s a kind of drama in them that I really like. Darkxdelirium - She almost made me want honey cake with her impeccable coording skills. 
8. What are the top 10 things you love most about lolita? Can you also compile a list of things you hate? ♡ I don’t think I can come up with 10 but I’ll do my best. ♡ Loves: The community aspect, the ability to reclaim my femininity through lolita, the creativity that goes into building coords, crafting to make one of a kind pieces, being able to feel beautiful without being “sexy”, having a hobby to focus on when I need something to escape to.
♡ Hates: Second-hand market price fluctuation, brands still releasing dresses with a max 96cm bust, buying petticoats, storing my stuff (especially purses), brands who charge astronomical prices for low quality materials (AP purses, Q-pot jewelry, etc).
9. How strict are you in applying the rules to yourself? To others? ♡  I am pretty strict on myself. For a long time I was terrified to be seen as ita. I was even afraid to wear bodyline for fear of being ”ita” even though my coord was good. These days I am less strict on myself and worry much less about these things, but I still struggle to get out of the strict mindset from time to time. others? I love experimentation even if I am afraid to do so so I am really not too strict on others, if it works, it works, and I am not going to criticize anyone. 
10. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever incorporated into a coord, or the weirdest material you’ve ever worn? ♡ The weirdest thing I think I have ever worn in a coord were a pair of korilakkuma bell earrings. As you can imagine, bells on your ears? not great.
11. What’s the story behind your discovery of lolita fashion? ♡ When I was a senior in high school, a new girl started attending my school. She wore fairy kei and sweet lolita to school. We became friends through art class and eventually she ended up teaching me about the fashion. She sold me my first dress, and later my first brand piece. I am really glad to have met her and to have been exposed to lolita. You can follow her on instagram here
12. What is the one item that you’ve owned the longest? ♡ I still own my very first dress I got in 2012. Bodyline Squirrel Party. However, I am planning to sell it since I’ve worn it in everyway I can think of.
13. Do you think lolita is only about clothes, or does it also encompass a certain attitude or mindset? ♡ Lolita is about the fashion. All kinds of people are lolitas and they like it or wear it for different reasons. 
14. Have you ever decorated a room or other space (car?) with lolita aesthetics in mind? ♡ My old bedroom used to be very “kawaii”. I love pink so my car stuff, my desk, as much as I can get away with, is pink. 
15. Is it possible to be too obsessed with lolita? ♡ If lolita is interfering with your ability to pay your bills, or to be happy, or to focus on school or work or family then you should probably pull back. Some people do get very absorbed by things and in those cases it can become too much.
16. What are you favorite and least favorite trends? Do you think it’s important to follow them, or to do as you like regardless of them? ♡ My favorite trend ever is the chiffon half blouse. So comfortable, affordable, light, cute, and much more size inclusive. Least favorite trend? mis-matched shoes from the 2010 era. I like my shoes to get equal wear. I think these days more than ever, you can really just do whatever you want. Wear the fashion is right now is like anything goes which I think is great,
17. How do you define “lolita cosplay” and how do you feel about it? ♡ Lolita cosplay is stupid. sorry
18. Are there other fashions that you wear regularly, or are you an everyday lolita? ♡ I don't wear other street fashions anymore. I used to wear fairy kei and himekaji but these days I just dress regular outside of lolita.
19. Do you look for bargains to save as much money as possible, or are you willing to make sacrifices for high-quality products? ♡ I try to find the best prices when applicable but if I am in love with something I’ll do what I have to do.
20. When was the last time you wore lolita, and what did you do that day? If you wear it daily, when was the last time you went OTT or extra-fancy? ♡ The last time I wore lolita was in April lmao. For a virtual meet-up with my comm.
21. If you were to combine lolita fashion with an unrelated style or theme, what would your new creation be? ♡uhhhh I honestly have no idea at all. 
22. What is your favorite accessory, and why is it your favorite? ♡ I have 2, 2-way bow clips from back when bodyline had a massive “sundries” section. They're no longer available and haven't been for a long time. I am really glad I got them, I wish I had bought more sundries when that section was still there.
23. What’s your favorite online lolita community or forum? Are there any that you avoid?  ♡ I don’t have a favorite tbh. I have never been on 4chan and I never will be.
24. What is your favorite theme (e.g. school loli, pirate loli, nurse loli) or motif (e.g. deer, music notes, stars/constellations)? ♡ black and gold stars! Valentines day! fruits! gingham!
25. Is there any music that you associate with lolita? ♡ orange caramel lol
26. Will you ever be too old for lolita? ♡  never
27. Do you enjoy sewing? Why or why not? ♡ I don’t know how to sew :(
28. How does your location affect your involvement in the local lolita community? Would you like to move elsewhere to be closer, or perhaps farther away? ♡ I drive about 1.5 hours for meetups because that’s the closest active comm. I do not mind so much. I’d like to maybe be closer.
29. Does your sleepwear resemble lolita at all? ♡  not at all. I sleep in oversized t-shirts
30. Can you admit to any unpopular opinions regarding lolita? ♡ I hate peeking bloomers. I’m sorry :(
31. How do you feel about Visual kei or Jrock, and do you feel it’s related to lolita, or not? ♡ Love it, and absolutely. Visual Kei is like lolitas relative. 
32. Whether or not you wear them (looking at you, Ouji), do you prefer the look of skirts, JSKs, and OPs with or without prints? ♡ I like both, but these days I am appreciating non-printed items more.
33. How has your style evolved over time? ♡ It hasn't really, just gotten more refined. 
34. If applicable, what other communities do you belong to? What other identities do you adopt? ♡ I’m queer, so the LGBTQ community is important to me.
35. What are your favorite shoes to wear with your style, or what’s your dream pair? ♡ I love heels. I do not like flat shoes because I like to elongate my legs. I don’t have a dream pair.
36. Would you, or have you ever, dressed your pets in lolita? ♡ lol I’d try but I don't think it would work.
37. How do you feel about people who wear lolita for Halloween? Does it depend on whether that person is already a lolita? ♡ Wearing lolita for Halloween as a lolita is fine, but wearing it as a costume is kind of meh.
38. Excluding fashion shows, what’s the most amount of outfits you’ve ever worn in a day? ♡ just 1 haha
39. What’s your worst lolita horror story? ♡  I don’t really have any. I one time went with some of my college friends to a con and I left my dorm building in full sweet early in the morning. I was afraid my dormmates would see me cause I did not want to explain but luckily no one was awake and I made it to the van unscathed. 
40. Do you like sweets? If so, what’s your favorite dessert? ♡ I love angel food cake 
41. Do you have any beauty products, health routines, or special diet to keep you at your best? ♡ I take co-q-10 for my eczema, I like laneige lip sleeping mask, especially in the winter.
42. What were the best and worst meetups you’ve hosted? If you haven’t hosted, would you like to someday? ♡ I wanted to host a garden meet this summer but covid ruined that. Maybe next year.
43. Who is your favorite artist? If not famous for lolita art, do you think they have lolita appeal? ♡ I love a lot of artists, some of them I think are lolita-adjacent because their style is kawaii. I’ll list some here: jisaaaa!  ubokhee MISOART_ meowwniz gojio_ hanavbara Fancy Surprise Arcade Healer Yurie Sekiya and many many more. Go stalk my following on instagram for lots of kawaii artists.
44. How do you feel about wigs? Do you wear any, or style your natural hair? ♡ I used to wear wigs, but my hair is too long now so I use my natural hair with fake bangs.
45. What’s your favorite animal motif? ♡ bears?
46. Have you ever visited a brand’s shop/boutique? If so, what was your reaction? If not, what shop would you most like to visit? ♡ I want to visit AP San Francisco 
47. Do you think posting photos of your coord online is a crucial part of belonging to the community? ♡ YES, it’s how we all stay connected and inspired 
48. How has the lolita community changed since you became a part of it? Where do you see lolita heading in the future in terms of community and networking? ♡ I think it’s become way more accepting and accessible. When I got into lolita there were virtually no legit resellers, the community was entirely on livejournal, buying second hand was a nightmare. Buying anything! was a nightmare. There was so much stress around looking “ita”, and the superiority of brand. These days its just not like that. So much amazing taobao brands have really helped even the field for lolita. We have so much more access to the clothes, the community, everything. It’s great. I only see it getting better as years go on.
49. What advice would you give someone who is nervous about starting lolita? Or do you think they should learn their own lessons? ♡ I think too many lolitas today rely on seasoned lolitas to tell them everything. I would say, go watch lovely lor, read @lolita-tips and look at other peoples coordinates. Lolita Tips tumblr taught me basically everything I know back in the day and it a wealth of info and concrit. Part of what makes the lolita journey so great is the research, the learning, the mistakes. You don’t wanna be like someone else, you wanna be you. So you really need to do the work yourself so you can put your personal flair into the fashion. That’s when it’s at its best. 
50. What’s your dream dress/garment? Is it a faraway goal or have you obtained it? ♡ My dream dress was AP sweetie violet jsk in lavender. Which I got in 2019. My new dream dress is AP rose tea garden jsk in navy. It’ll probably be a while before I can afford to buy one.
51. How do you feel about the stereotype that lolitas are full of drama? What’s the worst drama you’ve ever witnessed or been involved in? ♡ I think any and all groups of people are bound to have drama. I don’t believe that’s specific to lolita at all. I personally have not been involved in any lolita drama.
52. Are you loyal to any particular makeup brands? ♡ I am very particular about my makeup because I do not like to use certain ingredients. I really like Pacifica. But I also like some Korean brands like The Saem, MISSHA, and TonyMoly.
This was super long but I had fun answering all the questions. Have you done this questionnaire? I’d love to see your answers~
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meepface · 6 years
oof, thank you lmfao
1: is there a boy/girl in your life?
there’s a boy in my life which is crazy to me bc i was starting to think i could only feel this way about girls. i am bi though, that is very much so confirmed
2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
i can think of two people right now honestly and i forgive them both. i learned from them and i grew from those experiences and i hope they do as well. i wish nothing but the best for them
3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
my best friend got a new cat and she’s SO SMALL and she likes me a lot and cats don’t usually like me so it’s great
4: what’s something you really want right now?
to hang out with my boy but i’m doing that tonight! also i would really love to go to Iceland
5: are you afraid of falling in love?
oh absolutely terrified, yes, but it’s a growing experience every time and i think it’s always worth it whether they end up being the one or not
6: do you like the beach?
not really at all honestly
7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
8: what’s the background on your cell?
my lock screen is my dog Sophie and my home screen is just some pine trees
9: name the last four beds you were sat on?
my own, my brother’s, my boyfriend’s and my best friend’s
10: do you like your phone?
i honestly wish i didn’t have a phone a lot of times lmao i hate texting people and i hate social media and i hate being subconsciously addicted to it. i’m definitely trying to work on using it less
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned?
not at all but they’re going pretty fucking great so i’m not complaining
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
a new coworker of mine
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
both i love dogs
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
both ??
16: are you tired?
a little bit, i just woke up and i definitely wanted to sleep in a little later than 10:30 but my body will not go back to sleep
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact?
lmaooo since middle school, he was actually my first “boyfriend” if you even count the like 4 days we dated
18: are they a relative?
not at all, just some crusty boy i don’t even talk to anymore. last i heard he moved and is trying to be a monk which is strange considering the person he is
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
i would not
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
he texted me this morning but the last time we spoke was like over the phone two days ago. he’s been busy moving and shit and so we haven’t gotten to see each other for a lil bit but i see him today so it’s all good
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
not today, i’d definitely still wait and if they’re the right person i’m sure they’d wait too
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
oh my god absolutely, i’m gonna kiss him so much tonight
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
none, i don’t really care for bracelets
24: is there a certain quote you live by?
there’s a few! “let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier,” “if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely,” and “be kinder and gentler.”
25: what’s on your mind?
i’m kind of hungry and i definitely smell pancakes in the other room but other than that i’m super nervous to hang out with my boyfriend’s friends for the first time today bc i want them to like me lmao
26: do you have any tattoos?
i have three, a sun and moon on my wrists and “lovely” on my inner arm
27: what is your favorite color?
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
29: who are you texting?
my friend Stein, my friend Joe and i was texting my boyfriend but i think he fell back asleep
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
yes lmao all the time
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
yes my good pal Joe and also my friend Brendon and also my friend Cory and also my friend Derryck and also my boyfriend but he’s more than just a friend so i don’t think that counts
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you?
i would hope my boyfriend does
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
i get that fairly often actually bc my eyeballs are fucking massive and bright green and it makes me happy when people say that bc i used to hate em
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
i would be really really really disappointed and upset bc he knows how difficult its been for me lately and he knows i’ve been cheated on before and he’s been so fucking good to me so it would be a huge knock down to my ability to trust anyone. i’d honestly just break up with him quickly and as kindly as i could and just not talk to him again. i definitely think it would be harder to trust afterwards and i’d be heartbroken but luckily we wouldn’t have been together long enough for it to fuck me up too bad yet. BUT, he’s literally an angel and i can’t see him ever doing this to me so this is all hypothetical
36: were you single on valentines day?
no i was not
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed?
we’re dating
38: what do your friends call you?
my name
39: has anyone upset you in the last week?
i think my parents at one point but it’s all good, i’ve clearly already forgotten and moved on
40: have you ever cried over a text?
plenty of times
41: where’s your last bruise located?
i have a random ass bruise on my knee and i have no idea what that’s about
42: what is it from?
no clue
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
oh all the time lately, it’s hard to be at home right now. but i also just want to be out of state for a while
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with?
my best friend called me to tell me how her date went
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
yeah i have these bright white pumas that i loooove they look so cool and they’re so comfy
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
yep, i look good in snapbacks and dad hats so it works out
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style?
no i don’t have the face shape to pull that off
48: do you make supper for your family?
i would but i’m so bad at cooking that i don’t think they would want that
49: does your bedroom have a door?
50: top 3 web-pages?
youtube, netflix and then my school’s login page apparently
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping?
my mom does
52: does anything on your body hurt?
my stomach is a little upset but it’s not too terrible
53: are goodbyes hard for you?
depends on who i’m saying goodbye to
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
55: how is your hair?
messy and in a bun bc i just woke up lmao
56: what do you usually do first in the morning?
lay in bed for like an hour and text people back and briefly social media bullshit, then i usually immediately shower once i get up
57: do you think two people can last forever?
i don’t know but i hope so
58: think back to january 2007, were you single?
59: green or purple grapes?
purple but i like em both
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug?
when i see my boyfriend today, he’s been pretty stressed and he definitely needs a hug
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
i’d say with my boyfriend but i’m pretty fuckin comfy in my bed right now so i mean, he can come join me here instead
62: when will be the next time you text someone?
whenever someone texts me back 
63: where will you be 5 hours from now?
a music festival
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning.
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked?
yes i was dating her
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today?
not yet but i will
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
i have no idea, i was probably just nervous about today
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
70: how many windows are open on your computer?
just this one
71: how many fingers do you have?
10 lmfao???
72: what is your ringtone?
idk whatever the apple default one is
73: how old will you be in 5 months?
still 21
74: where is your mum right now?
she’s in the kitchen making pancakes which i’m about to go hit up
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
we just didn’t work out
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
yes, three days ago though bc we’ve both been busy
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
some of them yes but i cut off a few of em for the better
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
definitely my friend Brendon, we didn’t work out bc we were both queer as fuck but he’s still one of my best friends to this day. i also had a huge crush on this girl that i don’t really talk to anymore bc she definitely gives off that whole “i’m better than you” kind of vibe
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike?
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
yep & i get to tonight !! my bf is so cuddly when he’s sleepy
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months?
five LMAO but i only tried things out w three of em bc i knew the other two wouldn’t work out. ended up with the one i liked the most to begin with so everything worked out in the longrun
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
my boyfriend lol
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight?
yep a whole bunch i’m so excited
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
oof, i don’t think i’d yell at em but i guess my friend Monica, that’s some shit she’d drag me into doing lmfao
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care?
he is to an extent and it doesn’t bother me as long as he’s safe. i barely consider weed a drug anyway
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
my bf and i fucked in my car at 3 AM afterwards LMAO
87: who was your last received call from?
my dad
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
i think i would initially agree bc i need that money but i don’t think i’d have the heart when it came down to it
89: what is something you wish you had more of?
money would be nice bc i’m tryna move out
90: have you ever trusted someone too much?
91: do you sleep with your window open?
nah there’s mosquitos outside
92: do you get along with girls?
yes!!!!! i love girls
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
no, i don’t really see much of a point in doing that
94: does sex mean love?
not necessarily but loveless sex isn’t as good
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
not at all
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
97: did you sleep alone this week?
yeah except for on monday night and i don’t have to sleep alone tonight either so it’s all g
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
99: do you believe in love at first sight?
nah but i believe in infatuation at first sight sure, i believe you can have a feeling about someone at first sight, like you can tell if they’ll be in your life or not kind of thing
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise?
i think my best friend
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easkyrah · 8 years
Elorcan Werewolf AU Part 4
I apologize if I put you to sleep. I’m in dire need of sleep myself.
“it’s hard to wake up from a nightmare if you aren’t even asleep”
Elorcan Werewolf 4
Six months later
Having Lory around almost fulfilled the absence of her pack. The dog was a menace to anyone she invited over, and Elide learned the hard way to not invite her business interests or corporate companions over.
Today, mercifully, was her day off. She was lazily sprawled across the couch, scrolling through all the romantic puns on twitter in event of Valentine’s day.
Aelin: I want to burn my mate’s nonexistent dick off.
Manon: No amount of magic could enlarge an already dead thing.
Rowan: You don’t hear my other consorts complaining.
Aelin: Mmhmm. Why am I wasting time on you when I should be preparing for my date my boyfriend’s holding?
Rowan: Since when do you have a boyfriend?
Chaol: Since you failed your mate.
Elide rolled her eyes. Manon had informed her later on that Aelin had paid Chaol, her past ex, to keep up the facade of the fake boyfriend to see if Rowan did indeed care about her. The only response she’d gotten was Rowan leaving the Fireheart Pack and storming back to the castle where the Princess Remelle awaited.
Aelin had decided to reject Rowan tomorrow, Valentine’s day. A symbol of the utmost love at its highest failure. 
“I hate the moon goddess,” Elide moaned. “She paired me and Aelin with the worst.”
Lory lifted his head off the mattress, and scooted closer to her toes. Elide snuggled into the animal’s warmth, stroking his head.
“I mean, why do we have to be paired with unfaithful males? I want someone who will prove their love to me, but also someone who had proved their love to me.” 
The dog jumped up onto the couch, snorting as Elide popped off the couch. He was so large that Elide wanted to check if he was overweight, but Lory had adamantly refused to go to the vet’s.
Letting out a sigh, Elide stroked Lory’s soft head. It took awhile for the beast to get used to Elide constantly petting him, but a few days later, all he did was demand attention, even when she was on a phone conference. When one client even asked for a date at the end, Lorcan had knocked her couch over.
Needless to say, she didn’t get the date.
But Elide was determined to go out on a date tomorrow, Valentine’s day. She deserved a chance at love. No mate was going to stop her.
Lory let out a huff, placing a massive paw on her thigh, almost as he were urging her to continue.
“His name is Lorcan,” Elide said, looking out the window. “He’s a Lycan. And apparently my mate. It’s weird, because he’s apparently almost as old as Manon. Isn’t it cradle-robbing?”
Lory let out a low growl, his ears twitching back — as if he disagreed.
“Anyways, if he really treasured a mate, he would have waited for her — like I waited for mine — only to find out that I wasn’t going to be his first. Ridiculous, isn’t it? Why am I still hung up over this?”
Lory gave her a stink eye that might as well said you should be hung up over this.
Elide heaved a giant sigh. “He’s probably at some she-wolf’s house right now.”
Lory let out a disgruntled snort, placing his snout directly between her breasts. Elide let out a squeak as the animal licked her collarbone, and snuggled against her. Five seconds later, when Elide started scratching the fur along his neck, a giant purr erupted from his throat.
Elide let out a screech in surprise, and slid out from underneath. Lory let out a discontented growl, and jumped off the couch, pacing in circles around her.
“Sometimes you really confuse me,” Elide said. She dusted off her jeans and headed to the closet. She needed to get ready for her blind date tomorrow Aelin had set her up for.
Elide slammed her fists against her work table, and rubbed her eyes. All the types of diseases were blurring her eyes, and she couldn’t even differentiate between the two main parasite branches of the mermaid currents.
Lory lifted off of his haunches and then placed his paws onto her knees. He rubbed his maw against her, repeating the motion. She loosed a breath, and closed her eyes. Instead of choosing a dress, she’d ended up studying her notes for her aquatic parasitic exam in three days.
“I don’t even know how I’m going to get a perfect sore!” Elide rolled off the chair and onto the floor. Lory immediately pounced onto her, settling himself over her prone form. She let out a giggle as Lory started licking her face, his tail wagging vigorously. She itched his ears, a satisfied sound emerging from Lory’s throat. “It’s sad. Valentine’s day is less than three hours away and I’m studying.”
Lory let out a noise that oddly sounded like a confirmation, but remained lying on top of her.
Elide lazily glanced at her open closet, staring at the hanging dresses. She only had one dress that wasn’t business related, and it was a provocative, short, and skimpy, her breasts nearly spilling out of the thin material. Manon had sent it to her a week ago, and Elide had immediately shoved it into the back corner of her closet.
Lory followed her line of vision and let out a questioning bark. Elide smiled and scratched his head reassuringly.
“I’m going to go to the grocery store. You seem to have a penchant for raw food. Be a good boy and I’ll buy you some.”
Lory let out a yip, and bounded off of Elide, galloping to the front door. He swerved to avoid knocking down the clay vase she had bought a day ago, and she crossed her arms, smiling fondly down at the animal that had become so essential to her life.
Elide opened the door and watched the animal bound towards the forest. She knew it wasn’t healthy to keep a large dog like Lory inside all day, so she had let him run loose for hours a day, trusting him to return.
He always did.
As soon as she pulled up along the gravel, Lory shot from the trees, bounding towards her and barking merrily. She smiled, and lifted the trunk open. Lory dutifully gathered the ends of the plastic bag in his mouth and carried the groceries inside.
Elide gathered the rest and slammed the trunk close. She was lucky that Ansel’s Assortment Store was open 24/7, even though the cashier hadn’t been happy to see her at 11:30 pm.
Elide glided up the porch and pushed passed the door. Lory was already pushing the containers of food out of the bags with his jaws. She smiled at her companion. She couldn’t imagine a life without him now. Maybe she didn’t need a mate nor a male if she had Lory. She started to realize she preferred things that didn’t talk and that she didn’t mind the silence the cabin gave her.
In fact, when Manon had visited once, the only sound that had pierced the house was the wind blasting down the chimney and slamming against her windows. Lory had always demanded to go out for his runs in the woods whenever company came over, even though she’d always wanted to introduce her pet to others, and she’d come to realize that her dog was as much as a hermit as she.
She set the foodstuff in their respective positions, and took the packaged raw meat out of its syringe wrap. “Here you go, Lory,” she hummed.
Lory wagged his tail in anticipation as she lowered the container to the floor. Her canine companion merely looked up at her as she washed her hands. “What is it?”
Lory moved away from the meat and brushed his nose against the bucket full of plums. He nudged it to her, rolling the fruit out onto the floor. Elide blinked. “Do you want me to eat, too?”
Lory nodded and pawed the plum near her feet closer. Grinning, Elide plucked it off the floor and rinsed it in the sink. Lory watched her the entire time and didn’t touch his own raw meat until Elide took her second bite. She ruffled his head as he greedily finished the remains of his food within record timing.
By the time they had finished, Elide had collapsed on her bed, Lory curled up at her feet. She smiled fondly at her companion, grateful that he had come into her life. Even though she had to buy a new bed that could stand his weight, she wouldn’t replace him with anything.
Elide yawned, and flopped over the bed. Her eyes widened and she hopped off the bed, not noticing Lory anywhere. As much as he hated to admit, she loved the animal’s warmth and security he seemed to bring.
Her clock drearily blared 8:00. Her date was supposed to pick her up at 9:00, for Hellas’s sake.
She quickly showered and scrubbed her teeth and face. Slipping into her slippers, she cursed Manon as she slipped into the black dress. After a moment’s thought, she tossed on a ruby red blazer that draped past her knees and switched her stilettos with black flats.
As she moodily tromped down the stairs for single’s awareness day, she spotted Lory eagerly panting at the bottom. He cocked his head as his eyes swept past her outfit, and a growl rising from his throat. Elide patted his head, and immediately stacked his food bowl. “Didn’t you eat around midnight last night?”
When she set the plate down, Lory refused to touch it, and clawed the edges of her blazer. Elide tried to unhook his abnormally large claw away from her blazer, but instead shrugged off the material, the sound of cloth ripping as her cover fell to the floor.
Lory let out a loud howl as he stared at the dress she was wearing. Elide immediately felt self-conscious and tugged the material down. “What?” she snapped. Seriously, was her dog bullying her into what to wear?
Lory closed his eyes and stared at the ceiling for twenty long seconds. When Elide was about to move to the pantry, Lory wagged his tail and bolted down the foyer. Smiling, she chased after her dog, and nearly slammed into the door as he abruptly stopped.
There, on the middle of her carpet, Lory had ripped open her bag of candied, valentine hearts. Her canine companion had laid out the pink hearts in an own heart formation with the candied enscript of be mine in the middle. The other colors dotted around the room in mini hearts and swirls, ribbons torn from the plastic bags hanging near the windows.
Lory blinked up at her.
A sob wrecked itself out of Elide and she rushed for Lory, burying her head into his chest. Lory let out a content noise and buried his own snout into her head, his tongue licking her neck.
“I’m yours.” Elide smiled faintly. “I love you, Lory.”
Lory barked, a noise of agreement. The satisfied sound easily turned into a low growl as the doorbell rang, and Elide sashayed away to greet her date.
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scarletjedi · 8 years
do alllllll of them!
oh gdi pop - cut for length
1:Is there a boy/girl in your life?
My lovely wife :D
2:Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
define “hurt” - physically? Of course! I twas an accident and she’s 3. non-physically? yeah, I do.  
3:What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
Oh, no, where did you pee!?! (Our cat has been stress-marking)
4:What’s something you really want right now?
Someone else to bring the boxes from my office up to the attic
5:Are you afraid of falling in love?
Already there, luv. It was never the *love* that scared me. 
6:Do you like the beach?
I do! I like to swim, and I’m not bothered by the wildlife. I’m less fond of heat/no shade, but those are manageable. I like the “shore” even better - boardwalk food!
7:Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
Yep! Mostly in college, though my wife and I have napped together on the couch a few times. 
8:What’s the background on your cell?
The lock screen is Gimli face-palming from CAA, drawn by the lovely @kooriicolada. My home screen is Legolas laughing from the same pic. 
9:Name the last four beds you were sat on?
Um? I sat on my bed here, my bed at my mother’s house, the bed in the hotel room from my cousin’s wedding, aaaand...my mom’s bed, probably? 
10:Do you like your phone?
I do, mostly. It’s an iPhone 6 and still working, though I should get a new case for it. 
11:Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
I honestly thought I’d be making more money/have a full-time career (thanks for that, economy), but I *did* think I’d be with my forever someone so--yes and no?
12:Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
Ha! My cousin on Christmas eve. I laugh because I remembered that! 
13:Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?
14:Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
15:Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
Depends on the season. 
16:Are you tired?
At the moment or in general? 
17:How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
12 years. (You do mean “speed dial” yes?)
18:Are they a relative?
Technically? I married her. 
19:Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
No. We all ended for very good reasons. 
20:When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
In person? 5 hours ago. 
21:If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
I’d marry her again in a heartbeat. 
22:Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Of course :D
23:How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
0! Because I am working. 
24:Is there a certain quote you live by?
Make Good Art. - Neil Gaiman
25:What’s on your mind?
That I have far too much shit in my office. 
26:Do you have any tattoos?
I have a half sleeve of a dragon against a nebula. The nebula is in color. The dragon is not. 
27:What is your favorite color?
It changes. I’m partial to red at the moment, but it’s also been blue and lie green. 
28:Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
When she gets home tonight. 
29:Who are you texting?
My wife and my best friend. 
30:Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
Yes. I don’t think these questions are made for married couples. 
31:Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
Yep. All the time. My favorite are the “So and so is dead” phone calls that I get--I can tell from the ring. 
32:Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
33:Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I’d hope it’s my wife
34:Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
I hear it all the time. I believe it from my wife. 
35:Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
that depends entirely on the context of the situation. 
36:Were you single on Valentines Day?
37:Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
38:What do your friends call you?
my name, usually. It’s short, and hard to make nicknames from. Or “SJ” or “Jedi” or occasionally “Scarlet” 
39:Has anyone upset you in the last week?
40:Have you ever cried over a text?
Not really? 
41:Where’s your last bruise located?
My leg, I think.  
42:What is it from?
I walked into the coffee table.
43:Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
44:Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
My mom. 
45:Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
I’ve a pair of black doc marten boots that I wear nearly every day. They’re the same boots Ray Kowalski wears in Due South. Yeah. I’m that nerd. 
46:Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
Not really. I can’t keep track of them. 
47:Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
Sure. I’ve near-buzzed my hair before. I liked it. 
48:Do you make supper for your family?
I tend to bake rather than cook, and my wife cooks rather than baking. But yeah, we’ve made dinner for the family. 
49:Does your bedroom have a door?
50:Top 3 web-pages?
By visit? Tumblr, ao3, and youtube
51:Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
*raises hand* Though I hate it less than I used to. 
52:Does anything on your body hurt?
My head. I think i’ve got a weird stress headache thing going on. 
53:Are goodbyes hard for you?
Depends on the situation. I’m a rip off the band-aid sort of person. 
54:What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Coffee. The answer is always coffee. 
55:How is your hair?
Fine, how are you? 
(I need a haircut, but it’s short on my left and longer on my right--say 2 inches vs 6 inches? and my natural blonde)
56:What do you usually do first in the morning?
check my phone. 
57:Do you think two people can last forever?
yeah, i do. 
58:Think back to January 2007, were you single?
Ha! yes! I was. My wife and I started dating that March. (though, to be fair, we were the friends who were practically dating but not officially at that point). 
59:Green or purple grapes?
60:When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?
When she gets home from work.
61:Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Scotland was lovely. 
62:When will be the next time you text someone?
Probably when I’m done with this meme. 
63:Where will you be 5 hours from now?
sitting on my couch watching tv (or possibly while my wife plays Skyrim), and writing in my notebook. 
64:What were you doing at 8 this morning.
65:This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
My wife?
66:Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
My wife. 
67:Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
My wife. I’m sensing a pattern. 
68:What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I was thinking about @fialleril‘s double agent vader stuff, particularly the post-vader parts. I’m in love with that AU. 
69:Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
*looks at stack of rejection letters* Yep. 
70:How many windows are open on your computer?
Browser windows? 1. (11 tabs, tho) 8 total (pages, word, and itunes)
71:How many fingers do you have?
72:What is your ringtone?
the bobs burgers theme. My mother has the godfather theme. 
73:How old will you be in 5 months?
31. my birthday is St Patrck’s Day. 
74:Where is your Mum right now?
I’m not sure. 5 on a Wednesday? Probably at Ruby Tuesday with my stepfather and their friends for dinner before they go to bingo. 
75:Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
I am. I may have dated before her, but I fell in love with her. 
76:Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
yep. my wife. 
77:Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
yep! I’ve only added friends since then. 
78:Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
what’s that in American? 6th grade? I don’t think I had one, yet. Unless you count, like, Luke Skywalker. real people didn’t interest me until 7th grade. 
79:Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?
several. I’m related to a few of them. 
80:Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
yep. the wife. 
81:How many people have you liked in the past three months?
...i’m not even gonna say it. 
82:Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
*stares at camera like on the office*
83:Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
*Stares at Camera like Ben Wyatt*
84:You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
I’m not doing that? 
85:If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?
Oh yes. 
86:What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
I SAW ROGUE ONE. That’s an event in and of itself. 
87:Who was your last received call from?
My mom. Unless you count my wife calling so I could find my phone.
88:If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
It says something about how little money I have that I considered it. COME ON GUYS! COMMISSION ME! I NEED TO PAY OFF MY CREDIT CARD BEFORE MY JOB ENDS.
89:What is something you wish you had more of?
Money and Time. 
90:Have you ever trusted someone too much?
Yep. My consolation is he was terrible in bed. 
91:Do you sleep with your window open?
92:Do you get along with girls?
I do! I don’t understand a lot of hyper-femininity (In that, I think its too much work for me/I’m not practiced at it), but I’m cool with them being into it as long as they don’t look down at my boots. 
93:Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
Not that I can think of. 
94:Does sex mean love?
No, but I’m inclined towards liking it better that way. 
95:You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
Only if I haven’t eaten recently/there isn’t a bathroom. But you mean sexy stuff, don’t you? You saucy minx!
96:Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
No, but if I play my cards right, my wife might get to (I’ve been thinking about it, but it depends entirely on my job situation). 
97:Did you sleep alone this week?
98:Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
I do!
99:Do you believe in love at first sight?
I don’t think so--i think love, real love, is based on trust. But! I do believe in that moment of “oh, it’s you!” with someone you’ve never met before, and I do believe in soul mates. 
100:Who was the last person that you pinky promise?
Ahh....*shrug* probably the one friend I have from elementary school. We kept that up through college. 
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everydayhybridity · 8 years
366 Days of Music - A Social Media Experiment
I began the year with an absurd and largely pointless resolution. This was partly my desire to rebel against the vacuous resolutions of losing weight, and giving up smoking. I wanted to commit to something daft. I decided to post a song on my Facebook page everyday for a year. So, the task was not entirely pointless. I also wanted to resist the way in which we have become accustomed to posting certain things on certain social media platforms. The occasional song on Facebook is appreciated. But a year of them. My wife said ‘people will unfriend you.’ Perhaps they would.
So it occurred to me that this would ultimately be a social experiment. Could I do the whole year? Would people become irritated with me? Would people enjoy the music? Would I start to pander to the taste of my audience? and also how many people would also acknowledge the project in real life.
Early I found that I was actually caring about my audience more than I had considered. I wanted to present a range of music so people would not get bored of the same types of artists. I did however commit to only posting songs I really liked. No fads, but songs I had committed to and enjoyed. 
Early in January during the commute to work I had my music on shuffle and I listened to David Bowie’s cover of ‘ I know its going to happen Someday’...I hadn’t heard it for ages and I thought I must post this, but I already had another track in mind for that day. As a matter of coincidence I found out a few hours later that Bowie had died. A coincidence, and an oddity that I had not posted the song. But then everyone was posting Bowie’s music on Facebook... My experiment became lost in the sea of music I would scroll through in my feed. Within a few days it had all calmed down again. I continued.
By Day 40 my enthusiasm wavered and I queued up a few posts on Buffer so I could ride out the Chinese New Year holiday without forgetting to post. Over this period I got a few responses from friends. People were asking me about songs and some friends even took to posting a song or two also. It was at this moment that I had a peculiar thought. Why is there such reticence to share the music your love on Facebook in contrast to the pictures of our daily life, or favourite pop culture news, recipes, or political convictions? Facebook, again and again seems to be a platform of managed self presentation, not so much earnest and impassioned sharing. This is underlined even more when you try to resist the ways in which Facebook is used. i.e. for self display. Sharing music you love almost seems to be more intimate than family photos. Lets be honest here, those family photos are the ones you have selected, the selfies are the ones you have posed for numerous times - but I can’t do much about my love for 80′s Pop, Shoegazers, and Vanessa Carlton. I began to think. Is posting music too honest?
It was around this stage I embraced a sense of abandon. I am thinking less and less about my audience. This mirrored an experience I had at the skatepark where I had my spotify playing on random. A whole bunch of gnarly tracks which were great to skate to were flowing. Then suddenly Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies’ comes on. Not the sort of track one listens to at the skatepark? I decided to embrace it. If I can listen to Beyonce at the skatepark, I should cater even less to the Facebook audience and embrace the freedom that this project provides.
By day 50 I was in full swing. One friend had asked me to add all the tracks onto a Spotify playlist. It was good to get such feedback. The thing that I wasn’t enjoying was the fact that I was spending more time on Facebook than ever before. Using it consistently everyday made me use it even more than the simple posting of tracks. This was not my plan. I engaged in the project to disrupt the banality of Facebook not become more immersed. I was uncomfortable with this. By day 53 I got the tragic news that a friend had a freak accident and died. Social Media always seems most trivial at these times. But it was a lifeline in communicating with friends, and my late friend’s wife. Even so this was the moment that I wanted to leave Facebook. Social Media is not a place to mourn. It was my stubborn commitment to the music project that made me stay. I immersed myself in a few days of Jazz...It appears that my friends don't seem to like Jazz.
What happened after that is a little unclear. I continued until day 84, March 24. Then I just stopped outright. The project failed. and like so many new year’s resolutions it did not endure. I felt imprisoned by the task a totally ill at ease with Facebook. I remain on Facebook in an uneasy peace, mostly because I have too many research contacts through Facebook. I cant afford to lose these. 
I had some great exchanges with people I seldom communicated with. people shared stories of tracks they really loved, or memories of songs. It was a fun experiment until it became a prison.
In order to complete the experiment and to document the task, I kept a list of all the songs I posted up to the end. Here they are. Farewell 2016.
Day 1- Mega City Four - New Year’s Day 
Day 2 - Miles Davis - Flamenco Sketches 
Day 3 - Lissie - Pursuit of Happiness 
Day 4 - Stevie Wonder - Blame it on the Sun 
Day 5 - Public Enemy - Don’t Believe the Hype 
Day 6 - Rodrigo y Gabriela - Tamacun 
Day 7 - Curve - Coast is Clear 
Day 8 - Tom Jones - Tower of Song 
Day 9 - Bob Dylan - Maggie’s Farm 
Day 10 - Le Tigre - Deceptacon 
Day 11 - Submotion Orchestra - All Yours 
Day 12 - David Bowie - Lazarus 
Day 13 - Herbaliser - 8 Point Agenda 
Day 14 - Louis Armstrong - I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love With Me 
Day 15 - Papa Brittle - Twisted and Feckless 
Day 16 - Marlena Shaw - California Soul 
Day 17 - Eurythmics - Here Comes The Rain Again 
Day 18 - RZA Bobby Digital - Build Strong 
Day 19 - Portishead - Glory Box 
Day 20 - Rolling Stones - Wild Horses 
Day 21 - Heart - Barracuda 
Day 22 - Ben E King - This Magic Moment 
Day 23 - Husker Du - Ice Cold Ice 
Day 24 - Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy 
Day 25 - Mega City Four - January 
Day 26 - T-Rex - Suneye 
Day 27 - Rainer Maria - Long Knives 
Day 28 - Art Blakey - Moanin’ 
Day 29 - Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike 
Day 30 - Supergrass - Late in the Day 
Day 31 - Janis Joplin - Piece of my Heart 
Day 32 - Bone Thugs n Harmony - 1st of tha Month 
Day 33 - My Bloody Valentine - Only Shallow 
Day 34 - Rahat Fateh Ali Khan - Man Ki Lagan
Day 35 - Kate Nash - Foundations
Day 36 - Nine - Fo’eva Blunted
Day 37 - Earth, Wind and Fire - September
Day 38 - Vanilla Fudge - You Keep Me Hangin On
Day 39 - Husker Du - New Day Rising
Day 40 - Death - Politicians In My Eyes
Day 41 - Pharcyde - Runnin'
Day 42 - Louis Armstrong - Perdido Street Blues
Day 43 - Leatherface - I Want The Moon
Day 44 - Elvis Costello - A Good Year For The Roses
Day 45 - Vanessa Carlton - I Don’t Want To Be A Bride
Day 46 - Men Without Hats - Safety Dance
Day 47 - Charli XCX - Superlove
Day 48 - Bruce Springsteen - The River
Day 49 - Bomb the Bass - Winter in July
Day 50 - Midway Still - Boys of Summer
Day 51 - Teenage Fanclub - Mellow Doubt
Day 52 - Phoenix - Summer Days
Day 53 - George Lewis - Burgundy Street Blues
Day 54 - Thelonious Monk - Sweet and Lovely
Day 55 - Salt N Peppa - Shoop
Day 56 - McRad - Weakness
Day 57 - The Strokes - Under Cover of Darkness
Day 58 - Stevie Wonder - We Can Work It Out
Day 59 - Tricky - Black Steel
Day 60 - Ride - Dreams Burn Down
Day 61 - Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody
Day 62 - Cornershop - Norwegian Wood
Day 63 - Bullet For My Valentine - Waking The Demon
Day 64 - Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy - Television The Drug Of the Nation
Day 65 - Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - The Frim Fram Sauce
Day 66 - Soundgarden - The Day I Tried To Live
Day 67 - Operation Ivy - Take Warning
Day 68 - Nas - If I Ruled The World 
Day 69 - Public Enemy - Fight The Power
Day 70 - My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay
Day 71 - The Flirtations - Nothing But A Heartache
Day 72 - The Subways - Alright
Day 73 - Alicia Keys - Reckless Love
Day 74 - Queen - The Hero
Day 75 - This Will Destroy You - I Believe In Your Victory
Day 76 - RJD2 - Making Days Longer
Day 77 - Martika - Toy  Soldiers
Day 78 - Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love
Day 79 - Rainer Maria - Breakfast of Champions
Day 80 - PWEI - Wise Up Sucker
Day 81 - Sloan - Underwhelmed
Day 82 - Bessie Smith - Reckless Blues
Day 83 - Clifford Gilberto - Restless
Day 84 - The Four Tops - I Can’t Help Myself
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skiasurveys · 6 years
1. When did you both get together? we started to flirt/hang out around april 2016, we officially started dating in may 2016 though.
2. Who made the first move?  he did
3. How long have you been a couple? its been 2 years and 2 months
4. How did you first meet?  online dating app
5. Were you already close friends before going out as a couple?  not rly, we tried to date before and that lasted for a week..didnt talk for a while. when we got back into contact around end of the march of 2016 we kinda were “friends” but not rly.
6. Are you/Were you ever in the same class at school?  no
7. Are you long-distance?  nope
8. Are you in an open, regular or committed relationship? committed
9. Do you live together?  we did for a bit. not anymore. were planning on finding our own place soon though now that we both have jobs
10. Are you engaged? If yes, describe your proposal. If no, what ring would you like?  yeah we got engaged in feb. basically connor wanted this TV he found on kijiji and we went to go get it. it was in a town that was 40 mins away, anyways on the way back we pulls over on the side of the road and im like wtf and then he got down on his knee and asked me to marry him. it took me by surprised, bc i wasnt expecting it obvs and i didnt think he would ever ask me tbh bc he said he didnt like the idea of marriage.
11. Are you married? If yes, describe your wedding. If no, would you consider marriage?  ^ yeah
12. Which one of you is older? What is the age difference?  he is by 6.5 yrs
13. Which one of you is taller? What is the height difference?  he is by a foot 
14. Do you share any of the same hobbies/interests/passions? yeah we like the same movies, tv shows, video games
15. What fictional couples would you compare yourselves to? idk lol
16. Sum up your relationship in 6 words or less.  were comfortable and happy
17. Doodle a little picture of you both as a couple.  no
18. Describe your relationship using only emoticons.  :3
19. Share a cute photo of you both together.  check my instagram @ wolfkhid
20. Top 5 fav things about your partner. he is funny, handsome, tall, he understands me,hes smart
21. Your partner’s top 5 fav things about you. ask him
22. What physical traits do you find most attractive about your partner? his face and his arms/hands. mmm
23. What physical traits does your partner find most attractive about you? he likes that im small, he likes my body shape (short stacked)
24. What personality traits do you find most attractive about your partner? he is funny,  he tells me the truth, hes honest
25. What personality traits does your partner find most attractive about you?  he likes that im caring and that im funny
26. Do you hold hands in public? Any other public displays of affection?  we do sometimes. he doesnt like pda too much. he’ll smack my ass tho lol
27. List your top 3 turn-ons about your partner. he is tall, his domiance, and hes funny 
28. List your partner’s top 3 turn-ons about you.  im small, my ass and im submissive 
29. How would you seduce your partner? How would they seduce you? food obviously.
30. Innocently or not, where do you like your partner to touch you?  my thighs or sides
31. Describe your partner’s eyes. Amber brown and round. theyre really nice. im not poetic  32. Describe your partner’s hair. dark brown, short and messy lol 
33. Describe your partner’s smile. happiness
34. What is your partner’s voice like? deep and nice 
35. What is your partner’s scent like? idk how to explain it
36. How does your partner impress you? How do you impress them? harfcore eating skills
37. What outfit would you like to see your partner in? What would they like to see you wear?  he likes me in short skirts and thigh high socks. i honestly dont care what he wears as long as its nice. he looks good in skinnyish jeans
38. Show your fav picture of your partner that they’ve posted online. not sure if he would be okay with that LOL
ROMANCE 39. Do you have cute pet names for each other? yeah
40. What’s one of your favourite memories as a couple?  theres so many
41. Describe your favourite date so far? when we played super smash bros at the college
42. What’s the sweetest thing that your partner’s ever done for you? paid off my credit card bill. made me a really nice  salad, etc
43. Do either of you get jealous? i do lol cus im insecure. he doesnt unless he does and i just dont know  
44. Is one of you protective of the other? we both are
45. How do you both like to kiss? passionate 
46. How do you both like to cuddle? all tangled up
47. What’s a gift that you’ve given to your partner? And one they’ve given to you? i got him some nice cologne and he gave me some money to pay off my card, and also he got me a nice ring
48. Are you an openly mushy couple or a reserved couple? reserved honestly
49. Does one of you like to cook for the other? we both do
50. Do you have unique ringtones/images for each other on your phones?  not unique 
51. Have you ever had your initials written on a tree or in the sand? haha no
52. What’s “your song”? i cant help falling in love with you
53. Do you own any items that are a special symbol of your relationship? sure
54. What did you both do for Valentine’s Day? he proposed to me :D
55. Do you express your love lavishly or discreetly?  both?
56. What’s the funniest thing you can remember your partner doing? theres a lot..lol he pretended to be a snake
57. Does thinking about your partner still give you butterflies?  kinda
58. What’s the weirdest part of your relationship? everything hahah
BEING TOGETHER 59. Fav things to do together on a rainy day? playing WoW together, or watching movies, or going to get Thai food!
60. Fav things to do together on a sunny day? Same thing, go for walks maybe bike ride.
61. Got any plans together for next week? not really. hes going biking with his friends and im working lol but ill prob spend the night on Saturday
62. What’s your favourite thing to share together? Food
63. What did you do for your partner’s latest birthday? What did they do for yours? nothing for him, he doesnt like birthday parties so we didnt do anything, but i bought him a present. He gave me some money, and we hung out, except he worked that night so we couldnt do much.
64. Where would you like to go on holiday together? maybe Disneyland
65. You have a whole weekend to yourselves and 500 in cash- what do you do? maybe we go to Banff and have a nice stay there
66. How would you comfort your partner on a bad day? How would they comfort you? I would make him a nice meal maybe or rub his back. I would tell him everything is OK. It depends on whats bothering him. For me he would hold me and watch movies with me and kiss me.
67. Where would you both get takeout together? thai place downtown i forget the name
68. What’s the longest time you’ve been apart?  About 1 month and 1 week, he went to Prince George to see his Dad and some family. 
69. What things remind you of your partner? What things remind them of you? Pokemon honestly lol and idk honestly. maybe nuggets
70. Has your relationship changed at all since it first started? well yeah! we are more closer, i feel like i can be myself. 
71. Have you ever worked on a project together?  kinda. not rly.
72. Have you both influenced each other in any way? sure
73. Have either of you made sacrifices for this relationship? yes. Connor literally slept behind a couch for like 7 months because he wanted to stay in RD and didnt want to leave me, and he didnt have a place. (he couldnt stay with me b/c my family is really conservative and we couldnt afford a place together). He honestly is so wonderful. He now has a place
74. Has you discovered anything surprising about your partner? yes. 
75. How have you both made a positive impact on each other’s lives?  i would hope so.
76. What do you both mutually agree is the most important part of your relationship? honesty, conversation/communication, loyalty. 
EVERYDAY LIFE 77. What are the everyday things you both do to show you care about each other? being there for each other, talking, etc.
78. Do you follow each other’s blogs/twitter/instagram? yes but he doesnt have IG or Twitter, but i follow him on other stuff
79. Is there a favourite place that you both frequently go to together? not really.
80. What TV shows do you like to watch together? theres too many to name honestly.
81. How do you relax together? chilling and netflix
82. What sleep positions do you tend to sleep together in? spooning usually, or tangled up. depends on how hot it is though
83. Do you borrow each other’s clothes or other items? not so much clothes but items yes
84. Do you ever share the bathroom together? yeah 
85. How do you both keep in touch when you’re away from each other? texting
86. Do you share secrets between each other?  yes
87. Do you rotate house chores or do you each have assigned chore duties? well we dont live together but i help him clean his place if he needs help. But if we were to live together we would rotate it.
88. Do you remember how your partner takes their coffee/tea/bar drinks?  he doesnt like coffee or tea and doesnt drink so much
89. What does your partner think of your Tumblr? nothing?? i guess?? he doesnt rly care he doesnt check on it
90. What characters do you play as together when playing multiplayer games? we do a lot of rpg games
COMPATABILITY 91. Are you both introverted/extroverted or opposites?  hes more intro than me, but im like a mix/
92. Who is the more dominant/submissive one? hes the dom for sure
93. What are some major differences between you both? he is more messy, and chill/care free than me.
94. When are you both “in your element” together? what
95. Who would win in an arm-wrestling contest? him obvs
96. What are each of your zodiac signs and how do they compare? he is a Taurus and im  Sagittarius . and idk b/c i dont read up on that shit
97. What are each of your MBTI types and how do they compare? omg idk what his is! im an isfj
98. What are each of your Hogwarts houses and how do they compare? n/a
99. If you were both in a dating sim, what character tropes would each of you be? idk
100. If you were both animals what would you be? Would you be the same animal?  he would be a cat, id be a raccoon obvs
101. How does your partner’s wardrobe differ from yours?  he is more laid back, just jeans and tshirts, or sweat pants. I wear a lot of nice shirts, skinny jeans/ leggings and buisness casual if i have too
102. Have you ever both said something at the exact same time? yea
103. Rate your relationship on a scale of basic vanilla (1) to extremely kinky (10)  um like maybe a 7
104. Mix your fav colour with your partner’s fav colour- what is the result? Magenta
105. If you were both ingredients, what would each of you be and what would be the resulting recipe? (e.g. PB & jelly sandwich) ummm lol idk
106. Which of you would win in a Pokemon battle? Assign yourself and your partner a fitting Pokemon type (e.g. water, grass, poison etc). Are either of you super effective against the other? he obvs cus he knows more about POkemon lol
CONFLICT 107. What happens when you argue with each other? How do you both make up? we stay silent for a bit or we talk it out. 
108. What’s something that your partner does that annoys you? How do you annoy them? he doesnt text back all the time -_- and i probably annoy him with my constant questions or reassurance
109. What are some imperfections that you love about your partner? he is a derp
110. What are some imperfections that your partner loves about you? 
111. Has your partner ever accidentally hurt you? Have you accidentally hurt them? i have scratched him by accident, and he has bruised me while wrestling lol
112. Is there anything about you that your partner just doesn’t understand? yeah my mental illnes
113. Is there anything about your partner that you just don’t understand? why does every little thing make him mad lol
114. When was the last time you cried about your relationship and why? idk 
115. What is something you love that your partner hates? im not sure honestly.
116. What is something you hate that your partner loves? anime
117. When was the last time you had to apologise to your partner and why? when i got mad at him and was being a smart ass
118. Do either of you get too clingy? both of us but me abit more
119. Do you have any insecurities about your relationship? yep.
120. When was a time that your relationship was put to the test? never?
121. What would your partner have to do to make you end the relationship?  cheat on me honestly, or just start changing completely.
RELATIONS 122. Does your family approve of your relationship? yes
123. What do your friends think of your relationship?  they like him
124. How do you both act together around others as opposed to when you’re alone together? when we are around others we can tease eachother and just be together but when were alone were more open, flirt more, etc
125. How did you first reveal to people that you were going out?  told them..and also facebook
126. Do you think you and your partner look similar to each other? lol not really..i mean we both have dark eyes and hair, but i dont think we look anything a like. He has some turkish in him too so theres that lol im just a white bitch
127. How does your partner treat you special compared to everyone else in their life? he opens up to me, tells me his deep secrets, teases me, etc
128. Do you both have a mutual friend group, or only separate friendship groups?  both, but his friends dont rly see my friends that much haha
129. What’s a common misconception about your relationship? earlier it was that he was too old for me. idk what ppl think anymore
130. Has your relationship affected any of your relations with others? i dont think so.
131. Has anyone tried to sabotage your relationship? yep
132. Quote something somebody has said about your relationship. “you guys are so cute together!! couple goals”
133. Quote something somebody has said about your partner. “he’s glad your dad is dead” - some cunt LOL
FUTURE 134. What do you hope for the future of your relationship? that we can live in a nice home and be happy lol
135. If you both got married, what would you want your wedding to be like? intimate and small.
136. Can you imagine what your ideal home would look like? something simple.
137. Do you have kids/want to have kids? What would they be like?  we both dont want kids. 
138. If you could do anything for your partner what would you do? make him happy
139. Do you think you’ll still be together when you’re old and wrinkly? i hope so, i believe so
140. Got any relationship advice?  just the basic , dont be with someone all b/c youre lonely. 
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skiasurveys · 7 years
doing this cus hes moving away and ill miss his bitch ass
THE BASICS 1. When did you both get together? May 10th 2016 2. Who made the first move?  we both did, i guess. It was mutual. we had dated 5 months previously for like 2 weeks, and we got back into contact and we both knew we liked it eachother. 3. How long have you been a couple? 10 months. will be 11 in april  4. How did you first meet?  OKCUPID 5. Were you already close friends before going out as a couple? I guess so, we had been talking for like a month til we officalized it. 6. Are you/Were you ever in the same class at school?  no. He graduated 5 years before me 7. Are you long-distance?  nope. but we will be in a couple of days :( 8. Are you in an open, regular or committed relationship?  committed. 9. Do you live together? we were going too..but he didnt get a job, so hes moving back home to live with his dad and work there for a bit, and then in the summer we will be moving in together :) 10. Are you engaged? If yes, describe your proposal. If no, what ring would you like? no, and i dont know. 11. Are you married? If yes, describe your wedding. If no, would you consider marriage? No, and yeah id consider. 12. Which one of you is older? What is the age difference? Connor is older. by 6.5 years.  13. Which one of you is taller? What is the height difference?  he is haha, by a foot and 2 inches. Im 5 feet, and he’s 6′2. 14. Do you share any of the same hobbies/interests/passions?  yeah we both like the same stuff, but im more artsy than he is. but we like the same shows/movies/video games.  Thats how we gt  along very well. 15. What fictional couples would you compare yourselves to? i dont know.  16. Sum up your relationship in 6 words or less. happy, strong, crazy, great, safe. 17. Doodle a little picture of you both as a couple <- no 18. Describe your relationship using only emoticons.  cant do this not on my iphone.  19. Share a cute photo of you both together.  i dont know how to share on here, but if you go on my personal account you can find some. just go. Justskia.tumblr.com/tagged/connor 
ATTRACTION 20. Top 5 fav things about your partner. his arms, his humor, his laugh, the way he talks about his passions, his smile. 21. Your partner’s top 5 fav things about you. ask him. 22. What physical traits do you find most attractive about your partner? his arms are really fucking nice. and his height. 23. What physical traits does your partner find most attractive about you? i know he likes how small i am, and short and my butt for sure cause im short stacked lolol 24. What personality traits do you find most attractive about your partner? His humour really.  He is very funny, and I like how real he is with him. He’s romantic and senstive and he only shows that to me.  25. What personality traits does your partner find most attractive about you? i dont know, ask him. He likes that Im good company, that I dont complain and bitch him out, and that i make him happy, but i dont know ask him lol 26. Do you hold hands in public? Any other public displays of affection? if we do show PDA its either like hand holding or like a kiss on the cheek. 27. List your top 3 turn-ons about your partner. His arms, his aggressiveness, and his facial hair 28. List your partner’s top 3 turn-ons about you. ask him. 29. How would you seduce your partner? How would they seduce you? I dont really need to seduce him. 30. Innocently or not, where do you like your partner to touch you?  my sides or upper thigh. 31. Describe your partner’s eyes. dark brown, they are kinda sad and it breaks my heart. 32. Describe your partner’s hair.  Brown and messy but like a nice messy. 33. Describe your partner’s smile. His smile is big, and he smiles with his eyes and it makes me feel homesick, and I love it. 34. What is your partner’s voice like?  deep but not too deep. Like rough, but sweet. I love it. 35. What is your partner’s scent like? manly and musky,its so fucking nice. 36. How does your partner impress you? How do you impress them? he tries to show off how strong and good he is at his video games. hilarious. I just try to show off how funny and cute i am.  37. What outfit would you like to see your partner in? What would they like to see you wear? i wouldnt mind him in like plaid shirts and I know he lieks me in mini skirt and socks. 38. Show your fav picture of your partner that they’ve posted online. not gonna post that just cause i dont know how he would feel.
ROMANCE 39. Do you have cute pet names for each other? not really. 40. What’s one of your favourite memories as a couple? I have way too many. seriously. I like the one where he called me at 11:30 Pm saying he knew i was lonely and that he could come get me, that was nice. but i have lots. 41. Describe your favourite date so far? honestly, i cant think of one. Our first date was so fun but not my fav..idk 42. What’s the sweetest thing that your partner’s ever done for you? hes been there for me when i needed him. 43. Do either of you get jealous? i do. 44. Is one of you protective of the other? i am and he is too. 45. How do you both like to kiss? just like kissing normally, but i like to press my tongue on his tongue.  46. How do you both like to cuddle? either when were spooning, or i lay my head on his chest, or he lays on me. 47. What’s a gift that you’ve given to your partner? And one they’ve given to you? Idk I give him a lot of shit. He gave me his truck. 48. Are you an openly mushy couple or a reserved couple? half n half 49. Does one of you like to cook for the other? im a bad cook. 50. Do you have unique ringtones/images for each other on your phones? no but i have a image of him on my phone  51. Have you ever had your initials written on a tree or in the sand? no but i could  52. What’s “your song”? I cant help falling in love with you 53. Do you own any items that are a special symbol of your relationship? a few 54. What did you both do for Valentine’s Day?  we didnt do much really, actually. 55. Do you express your love lavishly or discreetly? discreetly kinda. 56. What’s the funniest thing you can remember your partner doing? hes so fucking funny. I cant choose. dont make me  57. Does thinking about your partner still give you butterflies? yeah 58. What’s the weirdest part of your relationship? that people keep trying to take us away. 
BEING TOGETHER 59. Fav things to do together on a rainy day? watch a series 60. Fav things to do together on a sunny day? Go for a walk or something  61. Got any plans together for next week? spending my finale days with him until we see eachother again.  62. What’s your favourite thing to share together? my bed. 63. What did you do for your partner’s latest birthday? What did they do for yours? he actually didnt want to do anything for his birthday, but for mine we just hung out and were cute together/ had dinner. 64. Where would you like to go on holiday together? somewhere far. like disney.  65. You have a whole weekend to yourselves and 500 in cash- what do you do? I dont know, thats not a lot of money.  Probably a night in Banff  66. How would you comfort your partner on a bad day? How would they comfort you? Just like hug him or let him know Im there, and hed probably cuddle me 67. Where would you both get takeout together? probably some thai or chinese food. 68. What’s the longest time you’ve been apart? 5 months 69. What things remind you of your partner? What things remind them of you? anime. and I dont know. 70. Has your relationship changed at all since it first started? we have gotten more close and he tells me more. hes more open. 71. Have you ever worked on a project together? no 72. Have you both influenced each other in any way? yeah 73. Have either of you made sacrifices for this relationship? oh god yeah. 74. Has you discovered anything surprising about your partner? yes  75. How have you both made a positive impact on each other’s lives? i like to think so  76. What do you both mutually agree is the most important part of your relationship? communication 
EVERYDAY LIFE 77. What are the everyday things you both do to show you care about each other? just talking to eachother, spending time with them.  78. Do you follow each other’s blogs/twitter/instagram? he doesnt have those. 79. Is there a favourite place that you both frequently go to together? subway hahaha 80. What TV shows do you like to watch together? way too fucking many. 81. How do you relax together? Movies, cuddles, sex. 82. What sleep positions do you tend to sleep together in? spooning.  83. Do you borrow each other’s clothes or other items? no 84. Do you ever share the bathroom together? yeah 85. How do you both keep in touch when you’re away from each other? Texting, phone calls, psn calls 86. Do you share secrets between each other? yeah 87. Do you rotate house chores or do you each have assigned chore duties? we dont live together. 88. Do you remember how your partner takes their coffee/tea/bar drinks? he doesn tlike coffee  89. What does your partner think of your Tumblr? he doesnt know mine haha  90. What characters do you play as together when playing multiplayer games?  we play eso 
COMPATABILITY 91. Are you both introverted/extroverted or opposites? Hes introverted and im ambiverted.  92. Who is the more dominant/submissive one? hes more dom, and im sub. 93. What are some major differences between you both? He is more real, just tells things how they are, i like to sugar coat shit. 94. When are you both “in your element” together? in my room 95. Who would win in an arm-wrestling contest? he would  96. What are each of your zodiac signs and how do they compare? im a sag, and hes a taurus  97. What are each of your MBTI types and how do they compare?  i dont know his actually 98. What are each of your Hogwarts houses and how do they compare?  i dont know lmao  99. If you were both in a dating sim, what character tropes would each of you be?  i dont fucking know man  100. If you were both animals what would you be? Would you be the same animal? hed be a cat for sure.. 101. How does your partner’s wardrobe differ from yours? hes just more dude like? 102. Have you ever both said something at the exact same time? yeah sure  103. Rate your relationship on a scale of basic vanilla (1) to extremely kinky (10)  like a 6-7  104. Mix your fav colour with your partner’s fav colour- what is the result? its make like a violet  105. If you were both ingredients, what would each of you be and what would be the resulting recipe? (e.g. PB & jelly sandwich) im fucking dead at this question  106. Which of you would win in a Pokemon battle? As sign yourself and your partner a fitting Pokemon type (e.g. water, grass, poison etc). Are either of you super effective against the other? hed win.
CONFLICT 107. What happens when you argue with each other? How do you both make up? We have had only 2 huge arguments, usually we just do what people do and just fight and just get it over with..talk it out. we dont fight really, and im happy for that. we do get into little bickering shit but thats it.
108. What’s something that your partner does that annoys you? How do you annoy them? when he games for more than like 10 hours or whatever, like I actually don’t care if hes gaming, hes relaxing for me to being doing my own thing and him doing his. But sometimes he does online game a lot and is chating with friends for really long periods at a time and its like yo can we like chill and talk. But im not crazy like i want him to spend time with his friends but there is a limit i guess. and I think i annoy him when im constantly texting him n he doesnt respond. But he doesnt rly tell me what annoys him
109. What are some imperfections that you love about your partner? his little ego haha he is always bragging about how great he is at something and i love it. He’s not a jackass or douche about stuff but sometimes hes bragging and im like smh 
110. What are some imperfections that your partner loves about you? i dont know, i don’t wanna ask LOL 111. Has your partner ever accidentally hurt you? Have you accidentally hurt them? Physically and emotionally? yeah. who hasnt though? I did hit his head once and he was like wtf? and it was by accident ahah. But yeah i have said shit to him where it hurt him and its like fuck i didn tmean it like that. It sucks
112. Is there anything about you that your partner just doesn’t understand? probably my mental health to be at most part. He doesnt understand some things i do.
113. Is there anything about your partner that you just don’t understand? yeah like why does he try so hard to act like he doesnt care when he does. Its kinda weird. 114. When was the last time you cried about your relationship and why? today but thats cause hes moving away today, and so i was crying with him cus i didnt want him to go.
115. What is something you love that your partner hates? cringe  116. What is something you hate that your partner loves? anime  117. When was the last time you had to apologise to your partner and why? Today because i by accident was being a little too pushy and i felt so bad.  118. Do either of you get too clingy? me at most part i think. i like his clingyness but he isnt too clingy actually 
119. Do you have any insecurities about your relationship? yeah, i do. Just cause i hate myself and im scared he will find someone else.
120. When was a time that your relationship was put to the test? i dont know? 121. What would your partner have to do to make you end the relationship? cheat, break the law ( like murder/rape/rob a bank lmao), insult my family too extreme for no reason. 
RELATIONS 122. Does your family approve of your relationship? meh, not really. whatever 123. What do your friends think of your relationship? they think he’s super nice and that he makes me happy. 124. How do you both act together around others as opposed to when you’re alone together? hes more romantic with me and like more feely but when were with friends hes like reserved but he doesnt like hide our relationship.
125. How did you first reveal to people that you were going out? i took a picture of us together and posted it on instagram and facebook i believe and then i just told people. 
126. Do you think you and your partner look similar to each other? both have brown eyes but thats it lol 
127. How does your partner treat you special compared to everyone else in their life? he spends his time with me the most, he tells me everything ( well at least i think he does haha ), hes opened with me. Hes very reserved around others. 
128. Do you both have a mutual friend group, or only separate friendship groups? separate, but i do like hanging with his friends. 
129. What’s a common misconception about your relationship?  oh that hes “way too old for her” hes only 6 years older, its not 16 years smh. also that people think that I let him walk on me and do what he wants but I don’t let that, i do let him do what he wants but he doesnt walk all over me. 
130. Has your relationship affected any of your relations with others? yeah. 131. Has anyone tried to sabotage your relationship? yeah. a few actually. fuck them.  132. Quote something somebody has said about your relationship. “i dont see why you waste your time” that is what some ppl say. a lot of people like us together but some don’t. dont know why, actually. 
133. Quote something somebody has said about your partner. he seems really nice or that he makes me happy or that hes too old like wtf no in between.
FUTURE 134. What do you hope for the future of your relationship? i hope that we grow as individuals and in our relationship and that we make it offical. RING BABY. 
135. If you both got married, what would you want your wedding to be like?  my dream wedding is something small but not too small but not big where i dont know half the people. something fun that represents us as our relationship but sometimes romantic too.
136. Can you imagine what your ideal home would look like? yeah, i guess probably like studio apartment, or something. idk we dont reallt talk about that. 
137. Do you have kids/want to have kids? What would they be like? no and no  138. If you could do anything for your partner what would you do? i would get him a nice place for him to stay, a really nice 4K TV and maybe take him somewhere where he wants to go.
139. Do you think you’ll still be together when you’re old and wrinkly? honestly i do  140. Got any relationship advice? dont let people tell you what to do. If you want to be with them, be with them. But make sure to pay attention for warning signs too though
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