heysupthena · 1 year
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On tiktok I had posted about my favorite Harry Styles Fanfics from Wattpad, and it got quite a bit of traction. This resulted in people asking for recommendations and which HS Wattpad stories I like... so here are some for you to check out if that is your kinda’ thing. :) <3
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that-1d-blogger · 3 months
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“I love you more than I planned”
“Loving me is killing you”
Two devils with hearts of an angel
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shawolsos · 2 years
but do i finally cave and read duplicity/complicity like the common wench i refuse to admit that i am?
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heyangel28 · 6 months
ROCKSTAR || Harry Styles (Duplicity AU)
Warnings: Spicy, Smut, Daddy Kink, Gun, Violence, Mafia, Cigarettes, Drugs
A/N: This is a short story I wrote about Duplicity, where there is an extra member of Duplicity that’s dating Harry instead of Aven. It’s sort of a twisted tale with my own added characters and dynamics. Keep in mind that I do not own any of these characters (apart from Eva Turner) as they were originally created by happydays1d on wattpad but nonetheless, please enjoy this alternate version. Enjoy x
Niall Horan - backing vocals, electric guitar
Louis Tomlinson - base guitar
Eva Turner - electric guitar, vocals
Liam Payne - drums
Harry Styles - vocals, lead guitar
Kiwi (Main vocals- Harry)
Why’d You Only Call Me When Your High? (Main Vocals - Harry)
Sex (Main Vocals - Harry)
Sweater Weather (Main Vocals - Harry)
My Kind Of Woman (Main Vocals - Harry, Eva)
Smells Like Teen Spirit (Main Vocals - Harry)
Wanna Be Yours (Main Vocals - Harry)
R U Mine? (Main Vocals - Harry)
Out Of My System (Main Vocals - Harry)
505 (Main Vocals - Eva)
Bad Reputation (Main Vocals - Eva)
She (Main Vocals - Harry)
~ ~ ~
Eva Turner
A lit cigarette was weaved between my fingertips that worked on the delicate strings of the red, electric guitar placed in my lap.
I run a hand through my black hair, slicking it it back and out my face. Revealing my blonde roots where it needed re-dyed. I take a drag from the intoxicating stick of nicotine, letting the smoke rest on my tongue for a moment before exhaling through my nostrils.
My ears perk up when I hear a door being open, lifting my head up to meet the green eyes of my boyfriend. Walking over, he takes the cigarette from my hand and places it to his lips as he takes a long drag, leaning his head back and exhaling the smoke above him.
“Hey! I was smoking that!” I interject, throwing my hands up in defeat.
"It's bad for you, angel." He says, taking another drag of the cigarette.
“So why do you do it then?” I smirk.
"Cause I'm an idiot." He says before blowing the smoke in my face.
“Yeah, you are.” I mutter and waft the smoke away and go back to my electric guitar. Playing a small riff to test it.
He chuckles and walks over, sitting down on the couch, his knees right behind my head.
“Play me a song then.”
I pause for a moment before playing a small riff to one of our songs. He watches in awe as my fingers move along the frets. I finish the final strum and turn to smirk up at him.
“That was so hot Angel.”
I continue to smirk and put the guitar down, standing up and walking over to him. He smirks up at me as he pulls me down, making me sit on his lap. I turn to one side and grab the cigarette from out his hand, taking one last drag before stubbing it out on an ash tray in front of us on the coffee table. He places a light kiss to my neck as I do so.
Placing a hand on my thigh the other boys finally walk into the room. Liam twirling his drumsticks around in his hand and Louis and Niall with their guitars strapped over their shoulders.
Harry look towards them, giving them a small smile. Then turns back to me.
“You ready to rock?"
“You bet your ass baby.” I smirk.
He kisses my neck one more time before patting my thigh.
“Come on, angel. Let's get this show over with."
I gently placing my lips on his before getting off his lap and grabbing my guitar, the Red electric one decorated with different stickers from all over the world. I throw the strap over my shoulder and head out onto the stage behind the curtain.
The boys take their positions behind their equipment as Harry heads to my mic stand behind the stage curtain. I look out at the crowd as I hear the boys start up, ready and waiting for my cue. Before I know it, the lights dim, the curtain comes up and we begin playing Kiwi.
All throughout the show I focus on the frets of the instrument beneath my hands. My ringed fingers delicately running over every string as I play every chord. Every so often my eyes meeting the crowd in front of me or Liam on drums.
I lose myself in the music.
Looking over at Harry I notice his eyes closed and lips slightly parted as he runs my fingers across the cold metal of the microphone stand. God he’s so hot.
The song ends and with Harry playing the final riff, me, Niall and Louis can set up for the next song. Harrys voice runs through the speakers.
“That was Kiwi and we’re Duplicity!”
~ ~ ~
The set ends and we finish the final song and head off the stage. As soon as we're backstage, my hand is grabbed and I’m pulled into a dressing room, the door locking behind us as Harry locks his lips on mine.
I’m taken by surprise but kiss back hastily, wrapping my arms around his neck. He continues to kiss me, gently pinning me against the wall beside the door. I smirk at his eagerness as I move my hands to grip his hair at the back of his head. His hands moving to my waist almost in unison. I move my hands down his chest and to his belt loop, tugging at the metal of the clasp of his belt.
“Someone's eager." He mutters into my lips, chuckling lightly. I roll my eyes at his antics.
“Someone has to finish what you started.”
"You're so goddamn bossy all the time."
“Well maybe you should fuck it out of me.” I smirk teasingly, slipping his belt out of the loops and throwing it to the floor. Making him laugh.
"With pleasure, angel." He says as he pulls me into the bathroom and pushes up onto the counter.
“I see we’ve moved.” I laugh teasingly.
“Why? Was the dressing room to open for your liking? Scared someone could walk in and find us?” I smirk, raising my eyebrows knowingly at him.
“When did you become such a cheeky brat?” He takes a step closer, gripping the back of my hair and fisting it, forcing me to look up at him. A smirk starts to form over his face. I gasp as he grips my hair. I tilt my head to side, knowing he has complete control over me. I smirk knowingly.
“Get on your knees now, angel."
I oblige, nodding and bending down, getting onto my hands and knees.
"Good girl." He says in a low tone as he runs his hand through my hair, tugging on it every so often to keep me in place. A shiver runs down my spine as he tugs at my hair.
"What now, angel?"
I breathe heavily and nod my head in silent agreement. Harry is the only man I’d ever be submissive too.
He pulls at my hair again.
“I'll let you have control again when you can handle it. Understood?”
I nod, letting him know I understood him. I lift my eyes up, looking into his green.
“How do you want to do this, angel?"
“I-I don’t care.” I breathe out shakily.
"Are you sure?" He asks as he tightens the grip on my hair, looking into my eyes, watching them carefully.
"Say please, baby." He says with a smirk as he tugs at my hair once again, his hands moving to zip his fly down.
“Pl-please…” I splutter.
"Please what, baby?" He asks roughly, pulling my hair again. I shake my head.
"Say it, angel?"
“Please-…daddy.” I breathe out.
Something inside him snaps when he hears me call him that.
“Good girl." He whispers seductively as my blue eyes meet green.
“Since you asked so nicely." He pauses and lets go of my hair, standing me back up and lifting me up onto the counter next to the sink. He kisses me hungrily and moves his hands to pull at the hem of my shirt instead. I lift my arms up, knowing the routine he pulls so well by now.
"And you're always just so ready, angel." He comments as he pulls my shirt over my head and tosses it aside, leaving me sat on the counter in front of him in the backstage bathroom in just bra and red leather skirt from the concert, a couple small tattoos inked on my collarbone and ribs now visible.
He grips my red leather skirt in one hand and the hem of my bra in the other, gently tugging on both of them at the same time.
"These need to come off."
“You’d like that wouldn’t you.” I tease. His hands go to my hips, grabbing the soft skin beneath his fingers.
“So needy." He then grabs the red leather and begins to slide it off me, leaving me only in my black lace bra and underwear. He paused and looks at the time on his watch.
“We have to be back on the bus to the hotel in ten minutes so this needs to be quick." He then goes back to kissing my neck.
“The guys are still out in the dressing room so you need to be quiet for me, can you do that?"
I nod in understanding and bite my lip to try and keep me quiet.
I gently place my hands on your hips and look into your eyes.
“Tell me if it gets too much or too fast alright?"
My head rolls back and hits the mirror as it all comes to end, my knuckles turning white as I grip the sink either side of me.
He finishes not long after me, he pulls myself out and leans forward to kiss my lips, both of our breaths coming out heavy as we try to catch them. I kiss him back with a mix of salty tears and saliva.
“Maliki’s going to kill us if we’re late for the heist.” I whisper as we pull back. He smiles at that comment.
“How long do we have?"
I reach for his wrist and check the time on his watch.
“Two minutes.”
I scramble painfully off the dirty bathroom counter and quickly try to throw my clothes back on, my makeup and eyeliner smudged as I look in the mirror, trying to make myself look more presentable. We both stumble out of the bathroom back into the dressing room and see the other three waiting for us. Louis, Liam and Niall look confused and irritated at the same time. Niall is the first one to speak.
“Where the hell have you two been?"
“Getting ready for the heist, c’mon boys Maliki had given us a job to do.” I smirk and walk over towards the door.
“Well you were taking a bloody while." Niall says as he follows me with a raised eyebrow. I lift my hand up to dismiss him as we head out the venue towards the black SUV’s.
"We're going to the warehouse right?” Liam asks, trying to get the conversation going as we walk to the vehicles waiting for us. We all hop into one of them while a man drives off towards a desolate desert.
"Do we have all the supplies?" Niall asks as the SUV begins to make its way through the night. I smirk and lift up my red leather skirt to reveal a small pocket knife strapped to a garter on my thigh. Along with a handgun.
"Oh good, you've got that with you." Niall says, rolling his eyes as he looks down and sees the weaponry.
“Let me guess, you've got more than that?"
I dig into a duffle bag beside me and pull out four guns, handing one to each of them.
“Tuck them into the waistband of your pants.” I instruct.
With skeptical looks they each quickly take the guns and do as I’ve instructed, putting them into the waistband of their pants, making sure that they're concealed and hidden.
“Don’t worry.” I say noticing the look on their faces.
“They’re only for protection.”
As the SUV pulls up at the warehouse all five of us lift our black hoods over our heads and pull up our bandanas to cover our faces.
"Let's do this." Niall says as the SUV comes to a stop outside a large warehouse with broken windows and a graffiti-covered wall outside of it. The area is completely empty. We exit the vehicle and quietly gather near where we are supposed to enter.
“What are we looking for again?” I hiss a whisper.
"Maliki said 10 mill, I believe? And a necklace?” Liam says quietly and then glances at the watch on his wrist.
“We have ten minutes to get in and out."
“Security line very entrance and exit.” I mutter in thought.
“Aright boys, let’s get Maliki his money.”
Niall gestures to the door before nodding at the other guys.
“Let's just get in and out" He says under his breath as the five of us make our way to the entrance of the warehouse, all on high alert for any guards. Liam pushes the door open quietly and we carefully walk inside.
We sneak through each corridor and looming in through small glass windows in every door.
“Does anyone know exactly where we’re supposed to be going?”
"Not a bloody clue." Niall says quietly as we continue moving through corridors inside the warehouse.
"We don't have much time, we need to find the money." Liam says as he goes to push through a door, only stopping himself when he hears voices on the other side of it.
We all freeze. Waiting for the voices to pass. I look around where we were crouched down. I notice a door without a window.
“Hey, didn’t Maliki say something about a plain door? No window?” I whisper to Harry who was closest to me.
He glances over my shoulder to the door that I was talking about, nodding his head slowly when he sees it.
“I think that must be it."
I whistle quietly to get the others attention. Once I have their attention I nod my head over towards the door. Everyone takes notice and glances over at the door I’m pointing to. Liam nods at me and gestures for me to go ahead and open the door. I army crawl out of our hiding spot and reach the door, sitting up onto my knees and trying the handle. Bloody locked.
Liam glances at the watch on his wrist and sighs.
“The last thing we need is to run out of time."
“Hold on, it’s a keyhole.” I mutter, removing one of the pins from my hair and jamming it in, hoping that when I twist it round it will unlock. The keyhole soon turns open, and with a turn of the handle, the door unlatches and you're able to open the door. I look back at the boys one last time before slowly making my way into the room and shutting the door behind me.
The room is very quiet and eerie, with only the sounds of my footsteps against the cold, concrete floor. In the centre of the room is a small table and on the table is a large, locked chest. Seems to be what we were looking for.
It had a passcode for the lock. I know that the code for it will be in one of the file cabinets. There were hundreds and we were on a time crunch.
“Fuck you Maliki.” I mutter to myself, laughing lightly as I begin searching through the file cabinets. He just had to make this difficult.
I walk to the file cabinet but as I look through it, I hear a voice from the other side of the door.
“Someone's in here!”
I panic and reach for my gun, scanning around the empty room for sight of anyone. I hear footsteps approaching slowly, then a beam of light starts to flood through the dark room, as the large metal door to the room clicks open. Two guards enter the room, weapons drawn and pointed in my direction. They are both large, burly men who look like they could overpower a grown adult quite easily. Shit.
I drop my gun, putting it back in my pocket and remove my hood and bandana, raising my hands above me showing them I’m not dangerous. Probably a stupid idea but I have a pathological need for risk.
One of the guards chuckles when he sees me drop my gun.
“She's just a girl.” He says to the other, who lets out a pitiful laugh. I grit my teeth at their laughter. How sexist. I think to myself. I could easily snap their necks in half if I wanted too.
“I-I mean no harm…please-I just…my dad runs this place and he asked me for a file but I can’t find it…and-and-“
I lie, faking crying. I’m good at acting like the weak innocent girl because that’s the way everyone’s always treated me.
“Just please…don’t shoot me…” I sniff still playing it on.
The guards all look at each other, unsure of what to make of this situation. One of them steps forward more.
“Your dad? And what's his name?" He asks in suspicion. Oh fuck.
“D-David.” I take a wild guess, it is a pretty common name right? But luckily the guard seems to buy it. Thank god.
“David...David Smith. That your father?"
I nod timidly.
“Yes sir.”
The guard looks at me carefully, not lowering his gun slowly.
“How old are you?"
“19.” Another lie.
The guard nods and lowers his gun fully.
“Okay. Can I see your identification?"
“I-I don’t have any…” I lower my head in fake despair.
“All I have is an old university card but that doesn’t have a name on it.” Man I was good at lying today.
He seems to believe that I don't have any form of ID on me. Rookie mistake in my opinion but I’m not the one that’s trying to stop me from breaking in.
“So your dad made you come here all alone without any ID? Not very responsible of him if he's sending you into a warehouse like this all by yourself. What was it you needed, again?"
“Just a file.”
“Which one.”
“I don’t know-“ I avert my eyes back to the open cabinet beside me without them noticing, I spot the note of the number code for the safe on top and smirk to myself. Bingo.
“I’m just…I’m just gonna leave- I’ll let my father know I couldn’t find the file…” I mutter timidly and walk towards the door.
Neither of the guards think twice about me heading to the door, since I seem like I’m going to leave without even finding what I came here for.
“Sorry to bother you, you seem very nice.” I say in a sweet tone, god I could almost gag.They follow out after me, leading me back up the corridor towards the exit. I spot Harry and the boys out of the corner of my eye, hiding behind a cart and out of sight. I give them a little smirk and wink, letting them know my plan.
Harry seems to notice my little smirk and wink, and his eyes light up as he realises that I know where the file for the safe is. He gives me a small approving nod, a silent message of understanding. The guards bring me back out and towards the door leading out of the warehouse. I begin to walk up the dirt track and into the middle of nowhere, the sun coming up behind the clouds. I pull my head back up to cover my head. I just hope the boys are able to get into the safe.
I continue walking away from the warehouse before finally reaching a desolate location in the desert, with nothing but dust and sand around me. I take a deep breath and turn back to face the warehouse as the sun begins to come up. The silence is deafening, with only the sound of the wind as it blows through, creating a small breeze.
Once I notice the guards had gone back inside I begin to panic knowing it’s only a matter of time before they find the boys in the room. I run back up towards the warehouse and duck, hiding behind one of the cars.
I can hear loud footsteps from inside the buildings hallway, as well as muffled voices of the guards. They had obviously realised that something was off and were heading back towards the room with the safe in it.
“C’mon Harry, c’mon.” I mutter under my breath nervously. Every passing second is a possible second too late. Suddenly, I hear the loud sound of a gunshot come from the warehouse. Followed by the sound of three more gunshots and heavy footsteps and shouting. After a few more moments, the sound of the footsteps and shouting fades away and is replaced by silence. The silence is only for half a second before the large metal doors are flung open and out run Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam, closely followed by about a dozen security. I can’t help but smile.
The remaining guards try to shoot at the four of them, I hear Harry shout towards me, barely able to be heard over the sounds of the gunshots.
I pull out my own gun, dipping out of my hiding spot for just a second to shoot a guard that was right on their tail. They run closer to the SUV and I jump into the drivers seat, desperately trying to start the vehicle. As they jump inside, the guards keep approaching the vehicle, firing shots towards us. I start up the engine and try to drive away. More and more guards are approaching our direction now, firing shot after shot, coming closer towards the vehicle.
A car pulls right up beside us.
“Duck!” I yell at the boys before a bullet comes flying through the window, shattering it. They all duck down as the bullets narrowly miss them, and before the guards manage to reload and shoot again. I start speeding away away from the warehouse and away from all the guards, taking them on a chase as I try to lose them.
I keep one hand gripped on the steering wheel before aiming my gun out of the now broken window of the SUV and shooting it right through the officers window, straight to his temple. I watch as the driver falls slump at the wheel from my shot and the car steers off track into a massive barrel of gasoline. Instantly blowing up. I can’t help but laugh maniacally as I speed off down the desert, losing sight of the warehouse and the cops. Soon enough, the dust and sand kicks up from my speed, clouding their vision, and making it hard to follow us.
After a few moments of driving in silence, I turn back to the others.
“Did you get everything?”
Harry nods his head as he looks back at you.
“Yeah. We got the money and the file from the safe. I just hope we got it all."
I laugh again, we were all high on an adrenaline rush that’s for sure.
Harry also begins to laugh. After a while all five of us are laughing like idiots as we drive into the early morning.
“God, we're actually insane." Harry says with a chuckle.
“That’s the thrill of it baby!” I shout over the wind. Harry grins at me and grabs my hand, holding it tightly in between his fingers as he looks over and listens to the sounds of the engine on the dirt track. I smile over at him briefly before Turing back to the road.
“I say we have a celebratory party! Huh Niall?”
“Fuck yeah!”
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rainwing12 · 3 years
what are tears?
I’ve reread duplicity 5 times and I am desperately waiting for the update. I am so numb inside from the heartbreak this fanfiction has caused me, and if julez ends this book as sad as it is now i might never leave my room again 
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eroda94styles · 3 years
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4loyalist · 3 years
To the girl who wrote ‘Duplicity’ (happydays1d) on Wattpad… sleep with one eye open.
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justlisten23 · 3 years
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sunflowersdosmile · 3 years
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image belongs to the rightful owners! inspired by happydays_1d's story, Duplicity/Complicity!
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avenbrooksofficial · 3 years
It's time to grow up sunflower
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violetharmonsangels · 3 years
Not violet related but these are my current reads and I’m really liking both, so here’s a couple recommendations :)
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that-1d-blogger · 6 months
Presenting Zayn Malik as Zayn Malik ( Aven’s Bodyguard)
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On Duplicity reaching 100M reads and it being one of my comfort books, I’ll be making fanarts of Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam , Zayn AND Mariana (Aven) based on the book .
Also it’s like my first time drawing Zayn , because if u have been a follower, you’ll know that JUST yesterday ( 30th March) I found out that I was finally capable of drawing somewhat real faces after practising for almost two years.
To launch into the dangerous and intriguing world of Duplicity , click here
It's s written by the amazing Julez aka happydays1d on Wattpad
To launch into a blog that has One direction content which contains short fanfics , art and edits on each of the boys,and updates almost everyday, click here
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lollypopsx · 3 years
Can you recommend some good fics?!
Okay I have way too many so I’ll give you a list of writers I love for you to binge and a few of my fave fics!
Everything these babies write is INCREDIBLE:
@harryssweatcreaturee - @damnasstyles - @meetmymouth - @erodasfishtacos - @marvelous-harry - @jawllines - @jarofstyles - @mindofharry - @swiftmendeshoran - @fkinavocado - @heshoes - @mouthfulloftoothpasterry - @harrysfolklore (does the worlds best ig concepts!!) - @loveontourlove - @finelinevogue - @rommahh - @watchmegetobsessed - @watermelonlovershigh - @sunflowervolvimp3
Some fave fics that I've read are:
Watpad: (Gang!Harry)
Oath by missluckycharms *best thing I've ever read in my life)
Angel by vanillasoy (Here's the alternative ending, which personally I prefer)
Devil's Due by petit_cerise (not yet completed)
Duplicity by happydays1D (almost completed)
Flatmate Trilogy by @heyyyharry
Valerie by @watchmegetobsessed
To Love And Be Loved by @watchmegetobsessed
Desire by @watchmegetobsessed
42 Hours by @sunflowervolvimp3
plausible deniability by @sunflwrvolume6 (This is Gang/Mafia Niall and SERIOUSLY it is sooo underrated, it’s so good!!)
Prince Harry  by @jawllines
Aster by @moonchildstyles
I Live In The Neighbourhood by @finestoflines
 I know I'll keep adding! I'm sorry if I have missed anyone, but right now on the top of my head that's who I got!
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heyangel28 · 6 months
A/N: This is a short story I wrote about Duplicity, where there is an extra member of Duplicity that’s dating Harry instead of Aven. It’s sort of a twisted tale with my own added characters and dynamics. Keep in mind that I do not own any of these characters (apart from Eva Turner) as they were originally created by happydays1d on wattpad but nonetheless, please enjoy this alternate version. This is also the second part, go read the first part to begin with so you understand this one. Enjoy x
Warnings: Violence, sexual harassment, gun violence, blood, cigarette usage, alcohol
~ ~ ~
Eva Turner
I pull up outside a quiet bar, before turning to the other and giving them spare clothes.
“Get changed into these.”
They all follow my instructions, immediately stripping off their black outfits and changing into casual clothes which would allow them to blend in better in the bar. I do the same, changing out of the black hoodie and into a dress instead.
I notice Harry looking over at me after he finishes changing into his clothes. I see his eyes lingering on me for a moment and I smirk to myself.
“Hands to yourself Styles.” I laugh without even looking at him.
The smile on his face only widens more. He walks up to me and holds onto my shoulders as we walk into the small underground bar.
“No promises." He says with a chuckle.
We head into the bar, purple LED’s making it hard to see, blaring bass music and the smell of liquor and vomit. Harry and the others follow behind me as we make our way through the bar. It's full of people, with the volume of the music at full blast. It was difficult to hear myself think in there, let alone get a word in with someone else. The room was filled with drunk people, all dancing around or sitting, drinking and having fun. Harry's eyes dart around the room, examining everyone who was in here, keeping a close look out for anything suspicious.
I make my way over to the counter, tapping the wood gently, my rings clinking against the surface.
“Cara, hey.” I smile at the bartender.
She hears my voice and turns around, looking me up and down, smiling back.
"Well, well, well...Look who it is. It's been a while." She smiles with her pearly white teeth, red lipstick on her lips.
“Yeah you know me, always busy with the band and that stuff.” I laugh in response.
"Of course. The busy life of a rockstar, I understand." She chuckles back.
I take a seat on a bar stool, looking at the blonde haired women stood behind it, an old friend of mine. She was wearing a black top which showed some cleavage and some skinny jeans.
"So, what can I get get you? I'm guessing something to drink? Otherwise why would you be here?” She asks, leaning against the bar top, her hands resting on her hips.
“I’ll just take my usual.” I laugh lightly, resting my elbows on the wooden counter.
She gives me a smile.
“Sure thing babes, one strawberry vodka and lemonade coming right up."
“How’s university going?” I ask her as she pours me my drink. She’s not much older than I am.
“Oh you know, the way it always is.”
“So shitty?”
“You betcha.” She laughs placing the glass of alcohol down on the counter in front of me.
I suddenly feel a pair of hands rest on my shoulders and I hear Niall’s Irish accent speak from behind me, it’s usual cheerful tone. He gives Cara a flirty smile. I roll my eyes knowing how many times he’s tried and failed.
Cara just laughs at him and shakes her head slightly.
“Nice try Niall. But I'm not falling for it this time. Try someone else." She turns away from him.
“How many times does she have to tell you, she’s not interested Ni.” I chuckle taking her side. She nods a small thank you in my direction.
“I don't know. She might change her mind at some point-" Niall winks at her.
“I told you once, I'll tell you again Horan. I'm not interested."
“Not yet you’re not.” He grins devilishly. Making the blonde roll her eyes.
He takes a seat on a bar stool beside me.
“Where did the others get too?”
“Liam and Louis were chatting up some girls, that's where they are right now." Niall shrugs.
“And where's Harry?" Cara adds confused.
“You think I’d know? He’s my boyfriend and still goes running off where I can’t find him.” laugh, taking another sip of my drink.
Niall starts laughing.
“Sounds about right."
Harry soon emerges from the crowd of people.
“Speak of the devil.” I laugh as he approaches behind us.
“Hey angel. I thought I'd lost you for a second." He says with a smile as he takes a seat on the bar stool, beside me.
I smile.
“Guess I can say the same for you.” I laugh lightly, getting Cara’s attention and gesturing towards Harry, Niall still trying to flirt with her again.
Cara lets out a laugh and gives Niall a playful look, rolling her eyes as she does so.
“Can't a girl get any peace around here?" She mutters, while Niall just grins and chuckles.
I chuckle light-heartedly.
“Niall, let me buy you a drink before Cara rips her hair out.” I offer finishing off my drink.
Niall chuckles with you as he looks over to Cara then back at you.
“Sure, I wouldn't want to cause any trouble. I'll take a rum and coke please Cara."
I pull out a 10 dollar bill and slide it over the counter.
“I’ll have another strawberry vodka. That should cover them.”
“No need Eva, it’s on the house.” She winks at me and begins making the two drinks. With a surprised look on my face I reach to take the money back but Niall beats me to it, slipping it in his pocket.
She hands the drinks over, passing one of the two glasses of rum and coke to Niall and the other to Harry as she hands me my drink.
Harry grabs the glass of rum and coke and takes a sip of it.
“Ahh, the perfect drink to help me forget all my problems. Thank you." He grins at me as he sips his drink.
After a couple minutes I finish my second drink and I stand up from the bar stool.
“I’ll be right back.”
“Okay, I'll still be here making sure Niall doesn’t get up to trouble.” He smiles lightly as I stand up from the bar stool.
“Fuck you.” Niall’s voice sounds as I walk towards the door, leading out into an empty alleyway behind the back of the bar. I pull out a packet of cigarettes and leaning against the wall as I light one. After a while outside I notice someone drunkenly approaching me, I didn’t recognise them.
The person continued to drunkenly walk over towards me, with swaying steps and slight staggering on his feet. He looked like he was about to approach me so I prepared yourself for the worst when he got close enough. I take a deep breath in, inhaling one last drag of the cigarette smoke before stubbing it out on the ground.
“Can I help you?” I raise my eyebrows at the man now stood before me. He just looked at me for a few seconds before drunkenly speaking, his words slurring as he spoke.
“Hey...hey...what's your name?"
“Nina.” I lie, putting on a polite smile.
He squints his eyes as he looks at me, leaning a little too close to me than necessary.
“Nina...? Nina...that's a lovely name..." He says drunkenly as he puts his arm on my shoulder.
I shove his arm off me.
“Sorry, I’m not interested.”
“Aww...come on...why not? I'd love to have some company. Come on..." He says, getting progressively more in my face as he keeps trying to pursue the conversation and get to know me. He just wouldn't take "no" as an acceptable answer. Kill all men.
I shake my head sternly and turn to go back inside.
“I won’t repeat myself.”
He grabs my wrist, Turing me back around to look at him.
“But you're so beautiful...so perfect...why would you not want to get to know me? Just give me a chance and I could show you a great time."
“If you don’t remove your hands in the next 2 seconds there’s a high likelihood you’ll never use them again.” I grit my teeth in anger.
"Ah, someone's a little feisty..." He drunkenly says, not even fazed by my threat. He continues to invade my personal space, laughing a little longer before he speaks again.
“You know...you're just playing hard to get. I've met women like you, I know you want it. Look at yourself, you dress like you're always on the hunt for someone new to seduce. I bet you’re just a whore looking for a good time.”
Anger boils inside me, something clicks and I slap him right across the left cheek.
“I told you I’m not interested.” I spit.
His drunken grin immediately changed into surprise as he looked back at me, feeling the smack of my hand on the left side of his face. He looked at me with a menacing look before he spoke.
“Did you just...hit me?"
“You wouldn’t want to try me if I were you.” I glare at him.
He continues to stare at me, trying to assess the situation. He was definitely not drunk anymore, and you could see he was becoming more and more annoyed with me.
“Do you think I'm scared of you, huh? You think you're stronger than me?" He grits his teeth before he stumbles forward, attempting a swing at me. I duck under his arm and move over to the other side of the alley, before landing a punch of my own right to the centre of his face.
His head snaps back as he stumbles backwards, blood dripping down his nose. The look on his face was one of shock, and a little bit of pain before he regained his balance, looking back at me with a look of pure rage on his face. He stumbled forward once again, grabbing his jaw and spitting out a little bit of blood as he did so. He moved forward with another swing at me.
I use the bottom of my heel to kick him backwards onto the ground, digging my heel into his chest as he lies on the concrete, unable to move. The breath knocked out of his lungs as he hit the ground. His hand grabbed his chest as he painfully tried to breathe. He spit out a little more blood before speaking in a low voice.
“You're a psycho..." He hissed in anger, staring right at you. His words were not the usual tone of drunkenness or slurs he had before, but more clear now.
“A trained fighter maybe but not a psycho.” I laugh almost menacingly, digging my heel further into his chest, keeping him in the ground. His breath came in quick, laboured gasps as he felt the pressure of your heel digging into his chest. He spat out a bit more blood as he gritted his teeth, using the last bit of his strength to try and move.
I wipe a bit of blood of my cheek that he spat at me and smirk.
“Ah someones a little feisty.”
"Shut the hell up. Let me go." He yells as he continues to try and wiggle free of the pressure I was applying onto his chest. He tries a few more times, but fails to get out of it. He then starts coughing. Keeping my heel on his chest I begin to dig through his pockets.
“Hmm, keys, cigarettes, a Polaroid picture of a girl…who’s this your girlfriend?” I taunt.
“Hmm, a wallet.” I mutter to myself and begin flicking through his wallet.
He tries to stop me as I start to dig through his pockets, he grabs for my arm.
“Hey! What are you doing...?" He says, weakly as he tries to sit up, but the weight of my heel prevented him from moving at all.
I ignore him and slip the money he had into my bra.
“I’ll save that for a rainy day.” I feel him squirm underneath my foot before my eyes catch on a business card in his wallet. I smirk to myself.
“Bingo.” I whisper to no one in particular.
As I take out the business card, he starts to panic more, trying with all the strength he had left to move me off of him. He starts trying to dig his way out from under your foot, failing once more and just grunting and groaning underneath me.
“You weren’t in this alleyway looking for a random girl to fuck were you?” I hiss.
“You know this man?” I turn the business card around in my hand, showing him the picture.
The man's eyes go wide and his face shows signs of fear.
“No, he's just a friend...I swear." He says drunkenly, his breath still coming in quick, laboured gasps as he tries to get up from my heel. He looks at the business card I was showing him, staring at me holding the picture of the man. His eyes filled with fear and panic. He knew he had been caught red-handed.
“Just a freind? I see.” I smirk and raise my eyebrows, sticking the card back in his wallet.
“Maybe he’d like me to put you out of your misery then?”
He looks at me as he continues to speak, breathing heavily.
“Please...just let me go." He says, sounding scared, his desperation was pretty clear to see.
“No can do I’m afraid.” I say reaching into my thigh garter and pulling out a small shotgun. “I had an order.”
“You see…I know something…” I begin, aiming the gun at him.
“This “freind” of yours, Kai, I work for him. Now judging by the fact that you just so happened to stumble upon me while I was alone and out of sight…” I click the gun safety off. “You must have some idea who I am.”
He finally realised who I was, he shakes his head in denial.
“N-no.” He mutters in fear.
“I’ve been given a mission. Assuming you have too? Correct?”
He doesn't reply immediately, taking in everything that I said before finally speaking up, his tone more serious and as he does speak.
“Thought so.” I throw the wallet away from me, letting the in-scripted leather hit the ground before turning back to him.
“Maybe next time you’ll be successful.” I hiss before pulling the trigger and with one single shot to his chest his body goes limp underneath me. Dead.
His eyes staring right up at me as they fade to black, the look of pure fear still stuck onto his face. I’ve done my objective, I got rid of our target without raising suspicions. As I move my foot off of his chest, he finally hit the floor with a light thud, laying there in a pool of his own blood. I quickly drag his body behind one of the dumpsters along with the wallet, before tucking the gun back into my garter and concealing it under my dress and heading back inside.
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hrryfics · 3 years
Hi can u pls recommend some series I've been finding another gem to read & I can't find anything anymore... Thank you smmm
sorry this took a while 😬😬 but here are my favorite series that ive read so far!!!!
@theasstour, @atlafan, @heyyyharry, @for-fucks-sake-h, @stylishmuser, @strawberriestyles, @mysweetestcreature, @goldenbluesuit, @angelisverba, @oh-styles, @emotionally-imbruised, @moonchildstyles, @harry-writings (ive read all of their series and theyre all my fave!!)
youre someone i just want around @adashofniallandasprinkleoflunacy
damaged goods @harrysmaraschino
saint nicholas verse @mixed-with-intellect
damaged goods @harrysmaraschino
checkmate @enthusiasticharry
i promise @meetmeinfleetwood
under the canyon moon @havethetimeofyourstyles
cloudbusting @starsstruck
i cant remember why i love you anyway @lightskinrry
another world @sunflowerstache
andddd here are some of my favorite wattpad fics
duplicity by happydays1d
devils due by petit_cerise
spotlight by kiwiharyy
stall and stall 2 by mystermixtapes
full throttle by -acidharold
disconnected by pradadevil
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sapphicgarlic · 3 years
calamity by onlytpwk
spotlight by kiwiharryy
on top by sogoldenarry
petal by kiwi_mp3 (SUPER SUPER SAD)
stall and stall 2 by mysterymixtapes
drag by missarabellastyles
duplicity by happydays1d
tumblr authors
@theasstour @starsstruck @sunfleurry @blushmis @theonewiththefanfics @erodasfishtacos @jarofstyles @permanentcross @jawllines @heyyyharry @havethetimeofyourstyles @velvetsmokes @and-im-okay-with-it @ever-since-kiwi @idkthisisjustforfanfic @givemesomeboobies @harryysstyless @haaarry @hrina @inahazzze @hazzasgayvodka @moonchildstyles @atlafan @adashofniallandasprinkleoflunacy @sunflowerstache @sunflowervolvimp3 @songbirdstyles @hunflowers @hstyles-1994 @hstylespal @celestialrry @ill-be-your-honey-bri @alltheloveflowerh @all-my-love-for-harry @for-fucks-sake-h @all-things-fic @emotionally-imbruised @stylishmuser @emotionally-imbruised @trulymadlysydney @guccixstyless @hewearsgucci @gucciwins @inkslingerharry @coochymoochyharry @eloquent--asshole @cherriesfineline @cherrygoldenharry @creativelynicole @starseeeed @oghoneytryst
everybody say thank you to the anon for serving us!!
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