#harada risa
riewritten · 9 months
in satoshi's dreams, risa's voice isn't always kind.
inspired by @satorisa's recent fic because it altered my brain chemistry for worse
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drearyrie · 6 months
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keikotwins · 2 months
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They're friends.
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karinonsan · 1 year
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SatoRisa shopping date break ❤️
This was made a long time ago but I am too tired and too lazy to polish it further, and I just hate to see it buried 🥺
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niwatari-rei · 1 year
All the Stars
For @drearrrie When was it that he began to look at her in another light? That she began to be all that was on his mind. Harada was quite different compared to the other girls. They’ve been going out for how long now? Truth be told, it was for the past couple of months. Even now Satoshi stood next to her, holding her hand as they walked down the snowy streets. “What’s on your mind? You seem a little distracted today, Hiwatari-kun.” Harada tilted her head to look up towards him, looking quite worried. “It’s nothing.” He shook his head. How was it that she could be so distracting at times? Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks. “Don’t you think that all the lights at night look beautiful?” Her face shone amongst the various streetlamps of Azumano. “I think you’re beautiful too.” At those words, her face began to redden. “C-could you please say that again, Hiwatari-kun?” Blinking in confusion, Satoshi repeated the words once more. “I think you’re beautiful too.” He froze in realization. The two stood in silence for quite some time. After a moment, it was Harada who had broken the silence. “Well…I think you’re beautiful too.” She quickly looked away, face turning another shade of red. His cheeks began to flush as well, not once looking away. He cupped her face, then leaned in to close the distance between their lips. It began to feel like an eternity before the two reluctantly separated. Coughing to recollect himself, the boy spoke. “Thank you for being by my side for all this time.”
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candiirabbitart · 2 months
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DNAngel keychains now in production!
I really love Towa and Argentine, but I’m afraid that they might not be popular enough for me to make keychains of them too
In the meantime I’m designing other DNAngel fan merch. As a longtime fan I’m soo happy to finally make my dreams come true
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dnangel-alley · 10 months
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Yukiru Sugisaki, 2021.
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crossoverheaven · 9 months
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fugitivehues · 8 months
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Whumptober 10. “You said you’d never leave.”
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drearyrie · 2 years
quick sketch (or wip? lol)
from kiss me by @satorisa
in which risa blurted out “kiss me” in the middle of a thunder so satoshi asked her to repeat it KSKJJSKJ
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readtilyoudie · 4 months
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D.N.Angel Vol 3
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satorisa · 10 months
To Infinity, Forever
Rating: T Summary: Detailed herein is the story of Dark Mousy’s one and only posthumous heist in which he, equipped only with a love that refuses to die, tries to steal a love that will continue to grow today, tomorrow, and in the future beyond. Ad infinitum. Alternate Reading: AO3
Inspired by a tumblr post (that I can no longer find but do have a screenshot of) created by @riewritten that is transcribed as follows:
"why am I thinking of a potential hurt/comfort and tooth-rotting fluff fanfic where grown up satoshi and risa is in an established relationship
but since satoshi can still remember dark, as well as risa's unwavering love for him way back, he still couldn't come to terms with the fact that the risa right now actually loves him to the core
then there comes subtle gestures from risa implying that 'the me right now will be choosing you under any circumstances, no matter what. that'd shake satoshi to the core bc 'does she have any idea of my current concerns or is she just doing this subconsciously'
then later on, satoshi realizes that the 14 y/o risa already hidden in her deepest depths of consciousness - the one who had this love for dark but wasnt allowed to remember it - was also trying to assure him somehow that she also chooses him this time around, and that he has nothing to worry about but stay with her."
Hope you enjoy, dear~
Their reunion at that group date in New York City could only be described as serendipity.
After Dark’s disappearance, Risa and Satoshi’s relationship never developed beyond being friends of friends; they naturally went their separate ways after graduating from high school. And yet they applied for grad school in the same city: a decision that landed them both mere kilometers from each other where, on top of their professional obligations, Risa dated a slew of terrible guys while Satoshi continued to turn down anyone interested in him.
Risa’s friends urged her to go on a group date to potentially break her streak of awful dates and ex-boyfriends, and Satoshi’s friends urged him to go just to humor them this once. The two of them gave in, eventually, and were surprised to see each other on what they thought would be yet another forgettable evening.
They exchanged their new contact information after the mixer, finding comfort in knowing someone from home, someone from before their life in New York City, amongst the sea of people. At their first meeting, fueled by a yearning for familiarity in a foreign land, they learned that they enjoyed each other’s company. And, as they spent more time together, Risa began to fall for Satoshi’s kindness after the parade of garbage men in her life (and the fact that he had become more toned since their high school graduation—oh mama), and Satoshi began to fall for Risa’s thoughtfulness regarding his feelings and boundaries that those who previously tried to pursue him lacked (and the fact that she had, somehow, only gotten prettier since their high school graduation—my word).
It took a visit to the MET, and unconsciously holding each other’s hand while admiring Claude Monet’s Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies, for them to begin dating.
And, surprisingly, their relationship flourished. They squabbled every once in a while, as usual in a relationship, but they always made up before retiring for the day. Despite their busy schedules, with her pursuing a PhD in East Asian Studies and him pursuing a PhD in History of Art and Archaeology, they carved time for each other, whether it was working on their own thing at a coffee shop or crying in the bathroom at four in the morning because grad school can go suck its own dick.
But there was one thing that Risa, unconsciously, would always remind Satoshi of:
The lingering remnants of Dark Mousy.
He didn’t think much about Risa’s obsession with all things Korean; after the Hallyu boom, such fascination became the norm. She never forced him to engage with it, but he knew that she loved indulging in the overly-produced music scene or modern rom-coms with increasingly ridiculous premises in the peripheries of their shared experiences.
One time, however, he had come over to her place, wanting her company while he read through some research papers, before they had dinner that evening. He arrived at her apartment, backpack slung over his shoulder, to hear music blasting from her TV.
“Hey,” she greeted.
“Hey,” he returned, taking off his shoes once he stepped inside.
“I’m cleaning up right now, so it’s gonna be a little noisy. Do you mind?”
Satoshi motioned towards his bag. “I’ve got my headphones if I need them.”
“Just to block out the noise?”
“Just to block out the noise.”
She shook her head with a smile. “Just use earplugs, you weirdo.”
He came into the living room and sat down at her coffee table, placing his bag on the floor next to him. Satoshi glanced at the men dancing on the TV, spotting someone who looked nearly identical to Dark Mousy, before Risa turned it off.
His heart fell.
“You didn’t have to turn it off,” he told her, hoping that vocalizing the sensible reaction to the current situation would calm him.
“Nah.” She motioned towards the countertop. “I have headphones, too. And I use them, yanno, like normal people. To listen to music.”
She laughed, returning to the kitchen while he got out his laptop. He watched Risa wash the dishes while it booted up.
“Who were they?” he asked.
“The group I was listening to earlier?”
Risa lit up, putting down the mug and sponge in her hands, before rushing towards him. She knelt beside him with her phone in hand, eager to share this with her boyfriend.
“They’re this group called ‘Black Wings!’” she said. “They just debuted this year and, oh my god, they’re so good.”
“You have a bias?”
“Of course! Hold on.” She tilted her phone back towards her, fingers quickly moving before showing Satoshi the screen again. “This is him!”
He looked almost exactly like Dark with the purple-black hair, the mullet-esque haircut uncommon in the K-pop realm, and those chiseled facial features. Somehow, despite the time that had passed and the memories that she had lost, Risa was still holding onto some semblance of her first love. Satoshi knew, logically, that she most certainly loved him more than that accursed phantom thief, but Risa fawning over this uncanny look-a-like disturbed him.
“You like guys like that?”
“Yeah,” she admitted. “Doesn’t help that most of them are assholes, though.”
“Yet somehow you ended up dating someone with the aesthetic of a college professor.”
She kissed him on the cheek before hopping back up and returning to the sink. “Because you’re the shining light in the darkness of my dating life. And you’re just as hot, if not hotter, than them! We could totally give you a makeover and—”
“Absolutely not.”
“Boo! You’re no fun.”
The next time she was unconsciously reminded of Dark Mousy was on their way to a Broadway show. They passed through Times Square so Risa could indulge in the noisy tourist attraction, taking photos of them that she would post on social media later that evening.
They were holding hands the whole time, partly because it was cold, partly because Satoshi didn’t want to lose her in the crowd, and partly because Risa loved holding hand. But, while he was engrossed in the ads on the screens surrounding them, he felt her grip slack.
Something entranced her.
He followed her gaze to see someone who vaguely resembled Dark Mousy chatting with someone who vaguely resembled Krad, and he could only respond to such a mocking sight with a bitter laugh. Risa was too focused to notice Satoshi’s discomfort.
It took a crying child to snap her out of it.
She then began to march towards Broadway, tugging him along while talking about her excitement for the show. He squeezed her hand, partly because it was cold, partly because Satoshi didn’t want to lose her in the crowd, partly because Risa loved holding his hand, and partly because he was terrified that he wouldn’t be able to overcome Dark’s imprint on her.
Satoshi began to have nightmares of him, Risa, and Dark.
Each one started differently, taking place in a myriad of settings, before converging to the same ending: Dark and Risa, holding hands with their backs towards him, as they disappeared from his line of sight.
They encountered another doppelganger at the restaurant they ate at for their one-year anniversary. Their waiter came by, flashing Risa a stunning smile while he poured their wine into crystal flutes. She wasn’t as distracted as she was in Times Square because they had food and wine to reel her back in, but her eyes would always trail towards the waiter in the lulls of their conversation, punctuated by a contented sigh before she jumped back in with the same energy as before.
The look in her eyes haunted him on the way back to his apartment, as he made love to her, as she slept cuddled up next to him. Satoshi knew he didn’t have to compete with a first love that no longer existed in her life, in all the senses, and that it was hard to override the precedent set by said first love, but that niggling fear that Risa was only using him to soothe that phantom pain only grew louder each time he noticed.
He was far from Risa’s type both then and now. They only began dating because of sheer luck and impeccable timing. Any moment sooner, any moment later, and he knew that this serendipitous meeting would’ve never happened.
Slipping out of bed, he went outside for a smoke.
How pathetic was he for something like this to eat him up?
Despite Satoshi’s kindness and genuine empathy for the world around him, he was surprisingly closed off. While Risa learned a lot about him before he asked her out, he never divulged anything particularly personal. He had anecdotes and advice for anything and everything, but it was rare for him to share any thoughts or emotions about how it related to him.
He had a way to foster a sense of closeness with someone despite being so distant.
And Risa was excited to see how dating him would change that.
Satoshi’s true thoughts and emotions rarely surfaced in their day-to-day. Their daily interactions had clear indicators of their intimate relationship, such as their playful banters or their unconscious physical touches, but he maintained that casual familiarity while the sun was up.
She only became privy to his inner world during either intimate conversations, brought upon by late-night fatigue, drunken courage, or the general afterglow of sex, or crises in both his personal and professional lives. With everything she gleaned, she learned how to accommodate, to challenge, to adapt to him, just as he did to her, and she believed that their stark differences in most everything in their lives were but a footnote to how committed they were to each other.
Which is how she noticed when that distance began to return to their relationship.
She remembered the night in his apartment after their one-year anniversary dinner. He left the bed in the middle of the night and, despite his best efforts, returned smelling faintly of tobacco.
He only ever smoked when something bothered him.
It was a bad habit he picked up while working in Japan before coming stateside. That and heavy drinking.
She could usually pinpoint the reason why he would need a smoke: unable to get funding for his department, his PI rejecting this dissertation topic for the umpteenth time, the time he and Risa nearly broke up and so on. But she didn’t know what was bothering him this time.
And she knew that she couldn’t force it out of him either. He only shared his struggles with her when he was ready to, on his own terms, and never before that unless it was an extremely heated conversation.
So, when he returned to the bed, she wrapped her arms around him.
“I love you,” she lazily whispered.
“…I love you, too.”
And he hugged her, tighter than usual, before they drifted back to sleep.
Risa had a bad habit of zoning out around people. So many thoughts raced through her mind, both relevant and irrelevant to the conversations at hand, that she needed a pause to make sense of them before she could speak again. Either that or an attractive guy rendered her speechless.
Thankfully, it was a habit she mostly fell out of once she began to date Satoshi, but she still spaced out whenever she saw men that checked off features from an extremely specific list. They were always tall and lean, sporting a charismatic smile (if she saw it) and long, dark hair. For whatever reason, this specific combination always made her feel nostalgic yet wistful, and, oddly enough, conjured an image of black, feathered wings in her mind.
Her friends joked around about her getting tired of Satoshi whenever a guy caught her attention while they were out. And, while Satoshi didn’t seem to mind it all at first, asking if she had spotted a bias look-a-like or someone from the K-pop groups she followed, she noticed how his face began to fall in her peripheries whenever she’d snap out of it.
And then it happened during what was supposed to be a fun trip to the Strand.
Risa needed to stock up on some stationary while Satoshi wanted to browse the selection, hoping to add a couple of books to his ever-growing library. Pleased with the journals and pen she found, she weaved through the shelves to find Satoshi. She eventually spotted him with his nose in a book.
But she also saw someone who matched that dangerously specific set of criteria right behind Satoshi.
The image of black wings flashed in her mind, and those confusing feelings washed over her. And when she was able to break out of it, reminding herself that her boyfriend was a bookshelf away, she met Satoshi’s gaze.
He stood there, petrified, book still open in his hands. His eyes were wide, and his face was paler than usual.
Risa trudged through the quagmire of guilt as she scurried towards him, pulling him into an embrace. She dug her face into his chest, hearing his heartbeat, smelling the detergent and cologne on his clothes. He returned her hug as he rubbed her back with his free hand.
“Are you alright?” she whispered.
“I am,” he answered, his voice rumbling through her head. “Did you see another guy who looked like your bias?”
“He didn’t look like my bias,” she replied. “There’s just…something about the way he looked.”
“Because he’s your type?”
“Well, yes but…” She looked up at him. “I’m sorry. You probably hate it, don’t you?”
He shot her a smile to reassure her, but she could tell it was forced. “It’s not that I hate it. It’s a lot more complicated than that. Probably just as complicated as it is for you, right?”
She always wondered how he just knew things like this. How, even when they were experiencing any form of disconnect, he was always able to tie them back together. Validating her feelings when she couldn’t validate his. Seeing through whatever act she had put on that day because he didn’t want her to hide her true feelings from him, positive or not.
Risa nuzzled her head back into his chest. “I love you.”
“I know. I love you, too.”
And while she knew that he did, she heard the trepidation in his voice.
Both Risa and Satoshi began to spend more time at the other’s place than in their own apartments, alternating depending on their schedules that week. They were learning how to spend longer periods of time with each other, adapting to their partner’s living style, before they took the plunge into living together.
(It was something they wanted to rush into considering the price of rent in New York City, but they both knew they needed to acclimate to living together first. As appealing as the idea of cheaper rent was, they wanted to ensure that their domestic disagreements wouldn’t break their relationship.)
And so Risa had become acquainted to the silence in Satoshi’s apartment that amplified the noises of the city. And Satoshi had adapted to the constant stream of K-pop from Risa’s television.
Risa turned it on the moment she woke up, humming to the songs as she went about her business, and only turned it off before she had to leave or go to bed. She loved having it on as background noise and, even after Satoshi began to spend more time over at her apartment, she still kept it on because her boyfriend tended to keep to himself.
Somehow, she managed to get him to tolerate most of the music that she had on. She couldn’t sway him to liking visuals of their music videos, the looks of the idol members, or the quality of their choreography, but he came around to enjoying how the music sounded even if he didn’t understand it.
However, while he mostly blocked out the television whenever he was ever in the living room, she noticed that he would always watch Black Wing’s music videos. He knew immediately which songs were theirs due to the frequency that she played them, but he would always, for the three to five minutes they were on, give the television his undivided attention before returning to whatever he was doing.
And, after the incident at the Strand, she found it concerning.
The day after their date, she was at home doing chores while Satoshi worked on his research at the low table with printed copies of papers and textbooks, highlighted and annotated, radiating from where he sat. He had gotten into the habit of not using his headphones anymore, in case Risa had something to tell him, and his head had shot up immediately once Black Wings was on.
She stopped what she was doing before sitting down on the sofa behind him.
“Do you like them?” Risa asked.
“Not really.”
“But you’re always watching their videos.”
“Yeah. You’re doing it right now.”
He turned around to look at her, and she prepared herself for a smirk and a quip. All Satoshi did, however, was meet her gaze.
“Why do you like Bam out of all of them?”
“Because he’s hot. And my type.”
Satoshi blinked. She expected him to take her answer at face-value before turning back around, but he didn’t. He kept her gaze, almost silently pleading for something.
But what did he want?
“Um, do you actually want to know why?”
“You like him for other reasons?”
Risa nodded as the group’s harmonized vocals filled her living room. “Like he’s super talented, too, right? And there’s just something about his charismatic personality that shines whenever the group’s on reality TV. But, hm, how do I describe this?
“Every time I look at him, I start to feel things. Like, I get giddy, but I also want to cry? And, for whatever reason, I start to think of black wings. Not the group of Black Wings, but an actual pair of black wings, feathered and all. So whenever I see guys that remind of Bam, all that just washes over me?” She sighed. “I don’t know; it’s weird.”
The song ended.
And the expression on Satoshi’s face broke her heart.
He turned around quickly before shutting his laptop. Satoshi shot up.
“I need some time to myself,” he muttered before rushing out the door, slamming it behind him.
And she sat there, staring at where he just was, while another upbeat song played from her television.
Satoshi returned later that evening to pick up his things before leaving again, citing some excuse about something coming up. She didn’t push him to explain the lie, deciding to give him the space he needed to sort out his emotions.
Risa expected that he would reach out to her within a couple of days. A week at most. But, after the second week of silence from him, she sent him a message before going to his apartment.
He didn’t answer the door when she knocked, but he had given her a spare key so she could let herself in if he wasn’t around. She didn’t want to use it, especially considering where their relationship stood at that moment, but she knew it was safer for her to wait inside.
And if he kicked her out the moment he walked in, then that was that. Their relationship would end because of that unknown demon plaguing Satoshi, and she would have to find a way to get over someone she legitimately wanted to marry one day.
C’est la vie, she supposed. All things had to come to an end one way or another.
“Excuse me,” she whispered, letting herself in. She slipped off her flats, leaving it in the empty spot reserved for her shoes, before walking into the living area.
It was a mess.
Satoshi wasn’t an organized person despite how he presented himself, but he managed to keep his place somewhat tidy if Risa decided to pop in unexpectedly. She tiptoed through piles of books and papers and laundry (whether clean or used, she wasn’t sure), before placing her bag on the countertop.
Risa checked her phone to see if Satoshi had responded to her message, but there was still no reply. She began to clean to pass the time, moving books and papers into cleaner piles based off their topics while she did his laundry.
Midnight had long passed when she finished, and Satoshi still hadn’t returned. He also hadn’t responded to her message. So she stayed up to wait for him, watching dramas on her phone, until sleep finally took her.
Risa came to, covered in a blanket, with someone holding her hand.
She leaned over to see Satoshi passed out on the floor, hidden by the other half of the blanket as he held her hand. He frowned before unconsciously tucking himself under the covers.
A smile erupted on Risa’s face, and she squeezed his hand before getting up. She went to the bathroom to tidy up and came out to Satoshi sitting up, eyes squinted, with a pout on his face.
“Why did you leave?” he whined.
“I needed to use the bathroom,” she answered. “When did you come back?”
“Late. Or early?” Satoshi yawned. “I just know the sun was already up.”
“Were you working late?”
“No. I was out with friends. Drinking.” He scrunched his face again. “Shit. My head’s pounding.”
“Well, how much did you drink?”
“A lot.”
She shot him a look. He groaned before climbing onto the sofa, curling up in a ball, and covering himself with the blanket. She chuckled seeing her usually aloof boyfriend act so childish, but this always happened after Satoshi had enough to drink.
(Risa was usually as drunk as Satoshi whenever he got like this. So, instead of watching on in sober amusement, the two of them ended up fawning over each other like lovestruck teenagers.)
“Do you need me to grab anything? To help you sober up?” she asked.
“No. I’ve got instant noodles in the pantry and kimchi in the fridge.”
She recoiled at the combination. “…are you sure?”
“Yeah.” His head poked out of his blanket cocoon. “Can you please prepare the ramen for me?”
“Of course.”
She navigated his kitchen, having made instant noodles for them countless times before. And, while she waited for the pot to boil, she turned around, expecting to see Satoshi tucked back into the blanket.
Instead, she saw him sitting up, looking directly at her with a serious expression on his face, possibly induced by his hangover-induced headache, that was seriously undermined by his ridiculous bed head. Risa cracked a smile.
“Headache’s killing you?” she asked.
“Yeah,” he grumbled. “How’ve you been? These past two weeks?”
“Tired. Stressed.” Risa shrugged. “You know, the usual.”
Satoshi kept his gaze trained on her, as if he was expecting her to say something else. She tilted her head in response, nudging him to continue, but he shook his head.
“It’s nothing,” he assured her. “Can you also get me some water?”
“What about coffee?”
“I’d like to hydrate before I dehydrate myself again.”
Risa filled a mug using the filtered water pitcher on his countertop before handing it to him. He chugged half of it, pausing for a breath, before drinking the rest.
“More water? Or is it time for coffee?”
“…I think coffee can wait for now.”
She refilled the pitcher before bringing it to him. He poured himself some more water before downing yet another mug. When she heard the water boil, Risa added the noodles and seasoning to the pot before setting a timer.
“You’re not making any for yourself?” Satoshi asked.
“I just had some yesterday,” she said. “If I have more today, I’m scared it might ruin my physique.”
“Says the woman who ends up eating more than me whenever we share a meal.”
Risa smiled to herself, relieved to hear the joking lilt in Satoshi’s tone. She took some kimchi out from his fridge and cut it into bite-sized pieces. The timer rang when she finished, and she poured the noodles into a bowl before delivering the food to Satoshi.
He slid off the sofa before eating, punctuating his elegant slurps with the crunch of the kimchi. And Risa sat across from him and admired the way her boyfriend, who usually pecked at his food, devoured the meal like he hadn’t eaten in days.
Although, if Risa had to be honest, there was a chance he probably hadn’t eaten a full meal in a while.
Only when Satoshi finished eating did he break the silence.
“Are you not upset over the fact that I haven’t texted you in two weeks?” he asked. “I figured you’d have some pointed words for me when the moment arose.”
“I know I can get like that sometimes, but I can’t do that to you. Not when I’m sure the whole thing’s been just as hard, if not harder, for you as it has been for me,” Risa answered. “I was actually bracing myself for you to break up with me when I came to your apartment last night.”
Risa’s words made him instinctively reach for her hand across the table. His thumb rubbed circles on her skin in a feeble attempt to comfort her.
“What’s wrong, Satoshi?” she asked. “What’s so terrifying for you that you had to leave my apartment like that? That you had to avoid me for this long? That you’re so scared of us talking about it?”
“…do you love me?”
She pulled away from him before looking down at their now disconnected hands. The centimeter between their fingers was painful enough. But if she saw his usual aloof expression on his face after asking such a loaded question, it would kill her.
How could this man, after all the time they spent together, the long nights spent either pouring their hearts out or cuddling or making love, think that she doesn’t love him? This was the man that she could imagine herself getting married to, and yet he didn’t feel the same?
Were his words about their potential future after graduation just empty promises?
“…how could you ask me that?” she said, feeling the tears bead at the corner of her eyes. “Why…are you asking me that?”
“Because of Bam. Because of all the other guys you’ve looked at that momentarily take you away.”
“But I don’t love them!” Risa could no longer contain her shrill voice. “Just because they’re my type and because I find them attractive doesn’t mean that I don’t love you! You’re—”
Risa’s throat constricted in terror, unable to tell him the words that she wanted him to hear. She felt the grip on her sanity slipping. If he dismissed her words of love as just a passing whimsy, hysteria would overtake her.
“…I know why you like guys like that.”
The shock of his words quelled the flurry of her emotions.  Risa’s head shot up to face him. Satoshi wasn’t even looking at her.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Remember when I met you at that lamppost all those years ago?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper. “When you were crying about being unable to remember the person you loved? That person…he looks exactly like your type.”
“How do you know that?”
“Dark Mousy was part of an artwork created by the cursed blood of my ancestors. And when he was sealed away on that fateful day, almost everyone except for a handful of people forgot that he existed—ah, can you hand me that scrap piece of paper and pen?” She did as she was asked. “Thanks.”
Satoshi gingerly took the pen from her hand, careful not to brush against her fingers, before sketching a portrait. And when he finished, despite how rough it looked, Risa’s heart both soared and cried just like it did whenever she saw someone who was her type. How strange it was for something to simultaneously look so familiar and unfamiliar.
“When you were fourteen, you fell in love with this dashingly handsome phantom thief named Dark Mousy, unaware of his true identity. You showered him with your unconditional love, continued to do so despite everything you learned about him, and he eventually reciprocated, falling just as madly in love with you.
“He is your first love.”
A tear rolled down Risa’s face.
She was so overwhelmed with this information, with all those feelings, that it paralyzed her. Satoshi stood up before leaving the peripheries of her view.
“I’ll leave you for a bit to process all that. And, when you’re done, feel free to leave.”
“…where are you going?” she squeaked.
“Out. Don’t wait for me to return.” She heard him slip on his shoes. “If you want to break up with me over this, I completely understand. Take as long as you need to make that decision, alright?” The door swung open. “Goodbye.”
When the door closed behind him, the finality in his farewell hit her. And, only when she was alone in his apartment, did she crumple onto the floor and cry.
Satoshi returned to his apartment after yet another long night of drinking with his friends. He abstained from most alcohol this time, unsure if he could contain what occurred earlier were he to get drunk, so he entertained pints of beer until they decided it was time to retire for the day.
Only then did he realize how neat his apartment was.
The piles of laundry that he had no energy to tackle were gone. And his research was piled in neat mounds, out of the way of any foot traffic. He was too preoccupied that morning to even notice what Risa had done for him.
He found a note on the low table, scribbled on the piece of paper that he sketched Dark on.
You’re an idiot and a coward, Satoshi.
I’ve made up my mind. I’ll see you tomorrow to tell you my answer in person.
Satoshi shook his head.
There was the Risa he knew. However, even he couldn’t tell whether she was joking or being as blunt as she could considering the precarious state of their relationship.
The exhaustion of the day finally caught up with him and Satoshi, one to adhere to his nightly routine, just passed out on the covers of his bed.
Satoshi had a dream that night of Risa, at fourteen, standing by that forsaken lamppost. He expected to see her crying, just like she was all those years ago, but she just turned towards him and smiled.
“Why are you crying, Hiwatari-san?” she asked, curious yet kind.
Only then did he feel the warm streak of tears on his cheeks. He stood, frozen, while Risa came up to him and pulled him into a gentle embrace.
“I know it seems like a terrible fate to have forgotten the person you’ve loved to the point that you can’t even put a name or a face to those feelings, but I don’t see it that way. Dark’s a part of my past, and that’s where he’s going to stay. Honestly, it’s a blessing that I have no recollection of him anymore.”
Risa let go of him and wiped the tears from his eyes. “You and I both know how difficult it is to let go of our first loves, but that’s all they were: our first loves. They’re not the people we’re in love with now nor the people we will be love with in the future. I’m still unconsciously holding onto Dark because he’s such an important part of those blindingly beautiful days of my youth. Nothing more.
“But, Satoshi, you’re my present. And I hope that you’ll be my future, so take good care of me, alright?”
Satoshi began to sob, and Risa hugged him once more.
For once, this was a dream that he didn’t want to wake from.
Satoshi woke up to banging on his door.
He ignored it, hoping that whoever it was would eventually leave him alone, but the knocks continued. Satoshi got up, anger rising with each step he took to the door, until he swung it open, ready to—it was Risa.
“Are you that upset to see me?” she asked, letting herself in.
“No. Sorry, it’s just��your knocking.”
“Well, someone wasn’t opening up when I was still polite about it,” she sang.
“…I just woke up.”
Risa nodded before plopping down on his sofa. “So, are you ready for my answer?”
“Honestly, I’m a bit scared. You’ll either give me some of the best or worst news I’ve heard in a while, and your current nonchalance is not reassuring in the slightest.”
“Ye of little faith.”
“Do you know how terrifying your cheerfulness can be?”
Her dulcet laugh filled his living room for what may or may not be the last time. And when she finished, she grinned which, unfortunately, was scarier than if she was taking this seriously.
“Marry me, Satoshi.”
He blinked. “What?”
“Well, I was trying to come up with something super romantic that would hopefully let you know how much I love you, but this was all I got. It’s corny and cheesy, right?”
“Risa, you’re not the one who’s supposed to be proposing.”
She rolled her eyes. “Woman have just as much of a right to propose in a relationship as a man does.”
“Yes, I’m aware, but that’s not the issue at hand right now.”
“Then what is?”
“We are far from financially stable to even think of a wedding right now. Completing our dissertations come first. Besides, we don’t even have a ring, so—”
“I know, Satoshi. I know,” she said. “Marriage is so far off that I shouldn’t even be thinking about it right now, but I’m telling you that I want to marry you because I see a future with you. That I love you so much that, right now, I can’t imagine anyone else by my side for the rest of my life. I love you so much more than you think I love that Dark guy, and I will continue to love you as best as I can for as long as I’m alive.
“The official proposal and marriage can wait until we’re ready. But, right now, I’m letting you know that I’m choosing you. I’m choosing you today, and I will continue to choose you tomorrow. Ad infinitum.”
This was playing so similarly to his dream the night before that he couldn’t believe the words coming out of Risa’s mouth. He had to be dreaming.
“Pinch me.”
She complied. Her sharp nails dug into his skin.
“So this isn’t a dream…”
“I’m offended that you thought my sweeping confession was a dream.”
“No, it’s just—I had dream similar to this last night. I wanted to make sure this was reality.”
“You’re just saying that because you think that’s what I want to hear.”
“No, I’m being serious.”
Satoshi took her hands in his. And, feeling the warmth of her skin through his palms, he began to tear up.
“I love you, too, Risa. And, when that times comes, I will get down on one knee with a ring of your liking to ask for your hand in marriage because I don’t want to imagine a future without you by my side. For now, all I can say is that I will continue to choose you today, and I will continue to choose you tomorrow. Ad infinitum.”
Risa pulled Satoshi into a hug, rubbing his back. “If my husband-to-be is already crying telling me how much he loves me now, how will he fare when he has to do it in front of all our loved ones?”
“He will cry just as much, if not more, in front of an audience because he cannot believe he gets to spend the rest of his life with someone like you.”
Their hands cupped their lover’s face. With their eyes locked onto each other, they had the perfect opportunity to seal their love with a kiss. But they didn’t.
Risa beamed, her delight so infectious that Satoshi, with his most content smile, just leaned his forehead on hers while his tears kept falling. She kept tutting about her emotional boyfriend as she giggled and wiped his tears away. That feeling of comfort, of safety, of their physical closeness, of their emotional intimacy, was love.
It was their love.
And it was one of the few things that the infamous phantom thief, Dark Mousy, and the cursed Hikari blood in his veins, couldn’t take from them.  
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niwatari-rei · 3 months
card + Argentine&Risa :>
Glancing at the card, the girl sighed, noticing that it had no sender.
Compared to all the others that she had received, Risa had to admit that this one felt particularly different.
There were no words of admiration towards her, nor of deceit.
As she pored over the contents again, the young girl could almost feel the writer's indifference.
"I wonder who you are."
She hummed in deep thought.
It'd be a lie to say that she wasn't curious about them.
Especially since most people preferred to be interested in her company rather than herself.
Setting the card down, Risa sighed once more.
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dnangel-alley · 2 months
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On 20 March 2024, Triball announced new D.N.Angel merchandise for the Yukiru Sugisaki Exhibition.
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Risa: Psst, Riku, lemme copy your homework
Riku: HELL NO! Why would I do that?!
Risa: Well, you always get straight A's
Riku: Yeah! Because I do the work! You think I'm going to community college?! Get the f*ck out of here!
Risa: C'mooon! Pleeeease?
Riku: And why don't you have your assignment done?
Risa: I... forgot to do the reading last night...
Riku: You *always* forget! In fact, when's the last time you ever read anything?!
Risa: Well-
Riku: A. Reading articles about Dark doesn't count.
Risa: Then I... can't... remember
Riku: That's what I thought, just get to class, idiot. If we're late, Mr. Kaseda will make us knife fight for everyone's enjoyment again.
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fugitivehues · 1 year
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one fish, two fish
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