the-city-kitty · 2 years
“Harbinger” AU
A ROTTMNT AU work in progress. I really wanted to introduce this AU with some cover art but that’s not happening anytime soon, and this is sort of just meant to be something I play around with at no regular intervals, even the title might be subject to change, it’s pretty much on the back burner compared to my other stuff especially since I mostly want to do illustrations for this rather than a fic. With that let’s begin this mess:
Out of context quote: “Is this my destiny? To always be the one who destroys the world, no matter how hard I try to be the hero?”- there’s a decent chance this will never actually be said in the AU proper, but this sort of encapsulates the basic driving idea behind this AU.
AU Summary: When Casey is sent through the Time Gate, rather than ending up in Times Square he actually does end up in the right time and place to stop the Foot Clan from getting the Key. The only problem is that with his interference in the chase, they end up driving away with Leo instead.
Out of context quote: “Well if we don’t have the Key, why don’t we simply pick the lock?” - Foot Lieutenant. The Foot Lieutenant realizes that they may have lucked out in getting Leo. He surmises that getting the Key back from the other turtles will be too difficult, so instead the Foot Clan plans to use Leo’s portal powers as a sort of “lock pick” into the Prison Dimension. Following some ancient dark magic, they paint a bunch of mystic runes on Leo to force his powers to open a gateway to the Prison Dimension.
The turtles (+April+Casey+Splinter) rush to Leo’s rescue but by the time they arrive the ceremony has already begun. As the portal opens they witness what appears to be Leo’s body disintegrating as the Foot Clan force activated his powers, forcing his body to become to portal itself. Fueled by grief and rage the Mad Dogz rush in to begin fighting the Foot Clan and the Kraang. They still find themselves quickly overwhelmed, so Raph orders Donnie and Mikey to retrieve Leo’s katana’s, which have not disintegrated and seem to be what’s maintaining to portal.
(Quick warning, some body horror up ahead, this is where the AU gets kinda dark) Leo’s katanas are firmly planted in a set of stone plinths, keeping the portal open. Donnie and Mikey rush up the dais to remove the swords from their plinths, only to find Leo’s seemingly disembodied arms also still firmly holding onto his swords. Swallowing down how much that freaks them out, Donnie and Mikey pull the swords from their plinths and close the gate…. And Leo suddenly reappears, but he’s….. different….. he’s floating and…… glowy and….. are his limbs detached but still floating where they ought to be?? Is this even Leo???
There’s no time to process this as as soon as Leo’s(?) body reconstitutes itself he takes stock of the situation and somehow teleports everyone back to the lair, from there things only get more chaotic.
Aaaaand that’s all I have properly written down for this. I absolutely have more ideas and plan to come back/develop this further but like I said, it’s mostly on the back burner and just something to toy around with for fun between my main projects and the general struggles of being a student. I will definitely get around to illustrating what Harbinger!Leo looks like at some point because the way I want him to look is honestly kinda hard to describe in words which is why I mostly want to do this AU through drawings (even though I’m only okay at art but this gives me a good excuse to practice) so yeah, thanks for coming to my TEDtalk about yet another goddamn Leo AU
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los-ninos-tortugas · 1 year
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Had a creative itch that I just had to scratch. So here are my very poorly drawn renditions of some of my au Leo’s (it’s a learning curve)
We’ve got harbinger!Leo who, in my brain, had the most difficult design out of all of them so I didn’t work too hard on that one cuz I know I just won’t get it right right now anyway.
NIY!Leo wearing his little coronet that is very obviously inspired by Sylvie’s little horn crown from Loki, but Leo’s isn’t broken for obvious reasons.
And we have mute!Leo who’s design mostly consists of gradual changes to his look/accessories as time goes on, the most drastic of which is his tongue piercing that he’ll get sometime later in his story once I finally get around to writing it.
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look-a-draw · 1 year
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FINALLY finished the headbusts, now with Omega Gold Saints
Part 1 // Part 2
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express-archives · 5 months
i think i should put faye, emilio, and hestia all in a room and see what happens
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maria-the-actress · 4 months
Isso me deu mais trabalho do que eu tinha pensado inicialmente
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yutopia-eleftheria · 1 year
Saint Seiya Oméga Sexuality Headcanons ; Gold Saints
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Kiki : Heterocurious Maverick Trans
Back when he was a kid, he was making fun of his master Mü for his feminine appearance, despite considering himself as a man nonetheless. Little did he know that this little joke will become way more as he grow older. When he became a Gold Saint, Kiki let his hair grow and tie them in the same fashion as his beloved master and father figure.
Moreover, his student Raki was not really confident about herself. But seeing that Paradox/Integra and Sonia managed to become Gold Saints, she felt a bit more confident. But with Sonia literally dying because of the Scorpio Gold Cloth, she was scared.
Kiki then had a full change of minds ; as he will start transitioning from male to female. She promised Raki to grow stronger and form a beautiful mother and daughter bond, like the one she had back then with Mü as a little boy.
Family : Mü {Master and Adoptive Father}
Husband : Genbu
Children : Raki {Student and Adoptive Daughter}
                 Huanyuu {Son}
                 Lucy {Daughter}
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Harbinger : Aroace
Let’s be quick for that because there’s not much to say in all honesty : ever since what happened to him when he was a kid, Harbinger doesn’t trust anyone that easily, so forget about love, except if you manage to break his shell... Plus as the new Pope, he doesn’t even think about those kind of things at all.
Child : Ish-Thinn {Daughter ; with Kiki as donnor and surrogate mother}
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Paradox : Lithromantic Heterosexual
If there is something Paradox never thought would feel one day, it’s clearly love. Her parents cared more about her twin sister Integra, as she was strong, smart, and more importantly not “cursed” (that’s the words her parents used to describe her powers).
But one day, her parents died in a fire in their house, and she was saved by Shiryû, who was merely a stranger to her family. She immediately fell in love with her savior, and her dream was to marry him when she grew older. But her chance was lost... Shiryû married his childhood friend Shunreï and they even had a son together.
At first, she was enraged and even wanted to kill Shunreï (yeah she is clearly a Yandere), but when she met their son Ryûhö, she fell in love with him, as he looked a lot like his father. Obviously, he was rejecting her because of the age gap (I mean that’s clearly pedophilia so...), but surprisingly enough, she likes it. Probably because she is used of being rejected. 
Of course, she will never have him, but perhaps she finally feels love with someone who didn’t reject her, probably because God made them as teammates twice.
Family : Unnamed Parents (Deceased)
              Integra {Younger Twin Sister}
              Bellanca {Mother-In-Law}
              Tokisaki {Sister-In-Law}
              Fudô {Brother-In-Law}
              Amor {Brother-In-Law}
              Cavalo {Nephew}
              Jakarta {Niece}
              Jade {Niece}
              Ejurua {Niece}
              Skun {Nephew}
              Filigree {Niece}
Husband : Tokisada
Children : Parshéa {Daughter}
                Keleos {Daughter}
                Shimizu Rui {Son}
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Integra : Cisgender Pansexual
Unlike her sister, Integra is way more open to relationships. She doesn’t care about their gender, sexuality or anything else, because it’s their life and choices, and why not showing love for everyone ?
Family : Unnamed Parents (Deceased)
              Paradox {Older Twin Sister}
              Tokisada {Brother-In-Law}
              Tokisaki {Sister-In-Law}
              Fudô {Brother-In-Law}
              Médéa {Sister-In-Law} (deceased)
              Ludwig (Mars) {Brother-In-Law} (deceased)
              Sonia {Niece-In-Law}
              Éden {Nephew-In-Law}
              Sôma {Nephew-In-Law}
              Aria {Niece-In-Law}
              Parshéa {Niece}
              Keleos {Niece}
              Shimizu Rui {Nephew}
              Jade {Niece}
              Ejurua {Niece}
              Skun {Nephew}
              Filigree {Niece}
Husband : Amor
Children : Cavalo {Son}
                Jakarta {Daughter}
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Schiller : Intersex Polyamorous
Schiller has always looked feminine. This is because of what cruel people has done to him in his childhood. Not only was he the only survivor in his town after the war, but he was also abducted and experimented on by some mad scientists. That’s what turned him Intersex (of course the scientists didn’t know that they put this “side effect” on him), but he managed to escape thanks to his eery powers.
After all of this, he thought that his survival depending on others’ own survivals. But despite that, he wants some love, and he doesn’t mind at all being in love with Strandeads.
Husband : Aiacos
Wife : Violate
Children : Skyler {Daughter}
                 Carda {Son}
                 Don {Son}
                 Pine {Daughter}
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Mycenae : Aromantic Agender
Romance isn’t really what Mycenae is looking for. However, he accepts with pleasure to take care of his fellow Gold Saints’ children. Probably because Éden said he was an amazing teacher and father figure. He may be a proud warrior, but his soft spot for taking care of children is as clear as day. He will definitely be the type to adopt children that were abandoned and orphaned.
Children : Thorx {Son}
                Brittany {Adoptive Daughter}
                Nash {Adoptive Son}
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Fudô : Omniromantic Quoigender
“What is Gender ? It doesn’t make any sense to me. Does that even matter ?” Is what Fudô is saying when speaking of Genders. But other than that, he is also fairly open in relationships, but not all so, you better be careful, or you’ll feel his mighty rage.
Family : Bellanca {Mother-In-Law}
              Tokisada {Brother-In-Law}
              Cheerilee Ickle Muse {Niece}
              Ardalys {Nephew}
              Saree {Nephew}
              Keleos {Niece}
              Shimizu Rui {Nephew}
              Kiyan {Nephew}
Wife : Tokisaki
Children : Jade {Daughter}
                Ejurua {Daughter}
                Skun {Son}
                Filigree {Daughter}
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Genbu : Biromantic Deminonbinary
You can trust this man. He is by far the most loyal. He is looking for a special somebody to hold in his arms all day long.
Wife : Kiki
Children : Huanyuu {Son}
                 Lucy {Daughter}
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Sonia : Dysphorasexual Demigirl
Yeah, you read that right : Sonia is a bit scared of the act. It’s probably because of that that it took the couple quite some years to even trying for a baby. But despite wanting a kid so much, Sôma was patient for his lady : anything for Sonia. 
Family : Ludwig (Mars) {Father} (deceased)
              Misha {Mother} (deceased)
              Médéa {Step-Mother} (deceased)
              Éden {Younger Half-Brother}
              Kazuma {Father-In-Law} (Deceased)
              Aria {Sister-In-Law}
              Silvushka {Niece}
              Alicia {Niece}
Husband : Sôma
Children : Corny {Son}
                 Feather {Daughter}
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Seiya : Demiromantic Homocurious
It took quite some time for Seiya to fall in love too, but he will be happy with his Goddess Athéna. yes, the one and only Seiya managed to get the Saints’ Goddess as his one and only. They even raised Kôga as their son despite him not being their biological son.
Family : Seika {Older Sister}
Wife : Saori Kidou “Athéna”
Children : Kôga {Adoptive Son}
                Chronos Kidou {Son}
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Ionia : Heterosexual
Purely Heterosexual, nothing more to say... Oh yeah ! He fell in love with Athéna when he saw her as a BABY ! This level of pedophilia is way more terrifying than Paradox falling in love with a teenager that is the son of the one she dreamed to marry one day. But anyways he still has a heart btw. When he killed his students because they rebelled against them, he knew his actions were horrible and he imprisonned himself and let go of his Gold Cloth (Shura was his successor and predecessor). Athéna gave him a chance though and he got his Gold Cloth and pride once again, but he doesn’t want to see her suffer anymore so... He pretty much abandoned his feelings of love too.
Wife : None (probably had at least one in his past life)
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Tokisada : Polyromantic Genderfluid Abrosexual
Yes, Tokisada is one that is in a relationship with more than one person, two specifically. But the fact that he is both Abrosexual and Genderfluid probably adds some more into his relationships. He may seem a bit harsh and all, but when it comes to love, he’ll give you literally everything. In fact, his more violent personality wasn’t there before ; it came out because of a fairly dark reason. But when you get to know and befriend him, he is actually pretty wholesome.
Family : Bellanca {Mother}
              Tokisaki {Younger Sister}
              Integra {Sister-In-Law} 
              Amor {Brother-In-Law}
              Médéa {Sister-In-Law} (deceased)
              Ludwig (Mars) {Brother-In-Law} (deceased)
              Sonia {Niece-In-Law}
              Éden {Nephew-In-Law}
              Sôma {Nephew-In-Law}
              Aria {Niece-In-Law}
              Fudô {Brother-In-Law}
              Jade {Niece}
              Ejurua {Niece}
              Skun {Nephew}
              Filigree {Niece}
Wife : Paradox
Husband : Rhéa
Children : Cheerilee {Illegitimate Daughter}
                 Ardalys {Illegitimate Son ; with Amor}
                 Saree {Illegitimate Son ; with Amor}
                 Keleos {Daughter ; with Paradox}
                 Shimizu Rui {Son ; with Paradox}
                 Kiyan {Son ; with Rhéa}
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Amor : Trixique Maverick
Even though he likes to tease men, Amor was always attracted to women. But Amor is just Amor, so he considers himself unique, and gifted because of his abilities he shares with his older sister Médéa. It’s probably because of that that he got twins with a Genderfluid person...
Family : Médéa {Older Sister} (deceased)
              Ludwig (Mars) {Brother-In-Law} (deceased)
              Sonia {Niece-In-Law}
              Éden {Nephew}
              Sôma {Nephew-In-Law}
              Aria {Niece-In-Law}
              Paradox {Sister-In-Law}
              Tokisada {Brother-In-Law}
              Tokisaki {Sister-In-Law}
              Fudô {Brother-In-Law}
              Parshéa {Niece}
              Cheerilee Ickle Muse {Niece}
              Keleos {Niece}
              Shimizu Rui {Nephew}
              Kiyan {Nephew}
              Jade {Niece}
              Ejurua {Niece}
              Skun {Nephew}
              Filigree {Niece}
Wife : Integra
Children : Ardalys {Illegitimate Son ; with Tokisada}
                Saree {Illegitimate Son ; with Tokisada}
                Cavalo {Son}
                Jakarta {Daughter}
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devitalise · 2 years
cole in early season 4 is kind of a loser. no powers, no fiancée, not really doing anything useful. flop
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truevedicastrology · 10 months
Unraveling Mars Across the Astrological Houses 1-12
In the realm of Vedic Astrology, the cosmic dance of celestial bodies paints a unique tapestry within the twelve houses of your chart. Each house, a stage for planetary performances, unravels a saga of influences. Mars, the celestial warrior, graces these houses, igniting diverse flames that shape one's essence. Let's embark on an odyssey through the cosmic abode of Mars, unwinding the enigmatic energies it bestows upon each house.
#1 The Martian Incarnation in the First House In the inaugural house, Mars orchestrates a symphony of war and aggression. Aligned with Aries, Scorpio, and Leo, this celestial warrior molds individuals with an innate inclination towards assertiveness. While viewed as a double-edged sword, the Martian presence ignites an indomitable spirit, fostering drive and self-reliance. The pulsating energy may, at times, manifest impulsively, a testament to the intricate dance between strength and restraint.
#2 Mars' Stint in the Second House As Mars graces the second house, financial realms become a canvas for its assertive strokes. Ventures burgeon with calculated risks, unveiling a heightened awareness of one's worth. The duality emerges ��� a prowess in wealth accumulation juxtaposed against the specter of aggression and competitiveness. Mars in the second house, a financial maestro, beckons a narrative of both prosperity and caution.
#3 The Enigma of Mars in the Third House Nestled in the third house, Mars births assertiveness and boundless energy. A harbinger of curiosity, individuals become swift responders, navigating life impulsively. Independence becomes a beacon, steering the ship of self-control. Yet, the paradox unfolds – the boon of ambition accompanied by the bane of impulsivity. Mars in the third house, an enigmatic force, grants vigor, demanding a delicate balance.
#4 Mars' Homely Vigor in the Fourth House In the fourth house, Mars dons the mantle of a domestic force. A patriotic fervor, a love for the home, and an independent streak mark its presence. The warrior's link to the land roots individuals deeply, fostering both independence and combativeness. A complex interplay unfolds – self-reliance and ambition converging with potential aggression and impatience.
#5 The Fiery Canvas of the Fifth House Within the fifth house, Mars paints a portrait of fiery spirit, impulsive nature, and quick temperaments. The canvas reveals a penchant for challenge, drawing individuals to conflict-laden arenas. Energies surge, propelling assertiveness and focus, yet pitfalls loom. Negative signs cast shadows – anger, conflict, and potentially dangerous inclinations. Mars in the fifth house, a dynamic brushstroke, depicts both vitality and caution.
#6 Mars' Work Ethic in the Sixth House Positioned in the sixth house, Mars becomes the driving force in the realm of work and service. An individual emerges, resilient, driven, and dutiful. Work ethic becomes an emblem, and competitiveness a potent ally. Yet, lurking beneath are shadows of over-competitiveness and relentless perfectionism. The sixth house echoes with the paradox of ambition and stress, demanding a nuanced understanding.
#7 Mars' Assertiveness in the Seventh House In the seventh house, Mars radiates with assertiveness and confidence. Ambition drives a thirst for achievement, entwined with an individual's maturity and chart dynamics. The pendulum swings – a testament to both beneficial leadership qualities and impulsive tendencies. Balanced management of impulses becomes pivotal, lest they cascade into destructive behaviors.
#8 Mars' Determination in the Eighth House As Mars graces the eighth house, determination and focus come to the fore. A relentless pursuit of goals defines this period, where hard work intertwines with assertiveness. Yet, the delicate equilibrium trembles – the risk of veering into aggression and impulsive realms surfaces. A thorough exploration of individual placements is imperative to unravel the intricacies of Mars in the eighth house.
#9 Mars' Influence in the Ninth House Ninth-house encounters with Mars bring forth a tapestry of beliefs and emotions. Attractions to power and authority emerge, adding complexity to professional and personal landscapes. A compelling trait arises, juxtaposed with potential insecurities. The ninth house dances on a tightrope, balancing a robust belief system with a rebellious streak, navigating a journey through philosophy and self-discovery.
#10 Mars' Ambitions in the Tenth House In the tenth house, Mars signals a symphony of ambition, competitiveness, and an ardent desire for success. A canvas painted with determination unfolds, portraying an individual driven to leave an indelible mark on the world. However, caution is advised – the penchant for aggression and excessive competitiveness lurks, posing potential conflicts with others.
#11 Mars' Vision in the Eleventh House Nestled in the eleventh house, Mars orchestrates a vision of energy, assertiveness, and a commitment to the greater good. A leader or pioneer emerges, propelled by an unwavering desire to make a difference. The dichotomy of strength and challenge surfaces – a surge of energy, passion, and initiative intertwined with the shadows of anger, aggression, and impulsiveness.
#12 Mars' Passion in the Twelfth House Mars takes residence in the twelfth house, unveiling a passionate and determined individual unafraid of confronting challenges. A leader in the shadows, creativity intertwines with self-expression. Challenges arise – struggles with self-confidence and hesitations in taking worldly actions. Yet, strengths surface – a reservoir of passion, drive, and intuitive prowess. The twelfth house echoes with the complexity of self-expression and an innate talent for healing.
Follow our Facebook page Mage Magic Touch for personal consultations https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565561190268
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starsfic · 3 days
Never too early to make a poll
Uncaring of timelines, several children's entertainment companies meet up during a convention, including Elliot Ludwig of Playtime, Isaac Indigo of Indigo Park, and Henry Emily of Fazbear.
AU where the TLT are all streamers- Xiaojiao does video games and motorcycle care, Red does fashion and invention history, while Xiaotian does speed paints and character design. This October, they decide to do a massive stream together of horror games.
AU where Macaque gets married to the wealthy and charming Azure Lion to support his failing theater. However, there is a darkness about his new husband and his mysterious first husband.
AU where Azure Lion sees and falls in love with Sun Wukong...and kidnaps him to Heaven in a rare burst of instinct.
Long Xiaojiao teams up with several other streamers, including speed painter Marcy Wu, conspiracy theorist Todoroki Shoto, and figurine maker Gangle, to play Mario Party for charity. Shenanigans happen, including magic outbursts, old bullies popping up in chat, and general chaos.
To boost morale for the anniversary of Elliot Ludwig’s death, Playtime Co. sponsors a happy hour at a nearby bar for the workers. However, the phrase “loose lips sink ships” rings true, especially when those lips are loosened by alcohol enough to share stories of several weird occurrences. The toys and children alike aren’t sure what to think when, the next day, they’re set free.
Based on this post, the gang is hired to investigate the rumors of a bunny animatronic ghost overnight. The truth is a little more tricky.
During a scouting mission gone wrong, the boys find themselves locked in Draxum's home, hunted by a mysterious figure.
An unsolved mystery show wishes to interview April on the anniversary of her mother's death. When Leo's invited along, he suspects that these detectives are more than what they seem.
The cycle, as it turns out, does not reset the Harbinger when the cycle resets.
When local lord Sun Wukong begs for martial help from powerful witch Azure, Azure decides to help...by killing Wukong's husband.
I make another poll of fics from 2022-2017 and rewrite the chosen one with my current writing ability.
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Welcome to the Masterlist of all my fanfics! I'll try to update it and keep it organized as much as possible. All fanfics can also be found on my AO3.
All NSFW works will be marked with a *.
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Calling Them Beautiful (Headcanons)
Boku no Hero Academia:
As Fate Would Have It (Dabi x Reader)
First Snow (Headcanons)
Call of Duty:
Back From a Mission Gone Wrong (Headcanons)
*First Time (Headcanons)
Like A Kitten (Ghost Headcanons)
How We Got Together (Soap Headcanons)
The Rules of Simon Riley (Ghost x Reader)
Types of Kisses (Headcanons)
Until the Final Bullet (Price x Reader)
Genshin Impact:
Coffee for Cuties (Thoma x m!reader)
Comfort (Headcaonons)
Blood Red Wine (Diluc x Reader, Kaeya x Reader): Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3
Have you ever loved me? (Wanderer Headcanons)
Honey So Sweet (Harbingers x Reader): Pt. 1, Pt. 2
Not Mushroom for Love (Tighnari x Reader)
Not So Sweet (Neuvillette x Reader)
Tighnari Birthday Headcanons
The 11th Harbinger's Right Hand
Jujutsu Kaisen:
*Getting Heated (Headcanons)
Kaiju no. 8:
Boyfriend Headcanons
Isao Shinomiya Headcanons
Reno First Date Headcanons
The Distance Between Us (Error 143)
Obey Me:
Drunk in Love (Lucifer x Reader)
Fights (Headcanons): Pt. 1, Pt. 2
First Kisses (Headcanons): Pt. 1, Pt. 2
Mafia AU (Headcanons)
Tears of Themis:
Overworked (Artem x Reader)
Tokyo Debunker:
I Hate Leo. (Leo x Reader)
Jin x embarrassed!reader Headcanons
Star Rail Headcanons
To Crave and To Yearn (Haku x Reader)
Uneggspected (Haru x Reader)
Tokyo Revengers:
Are you Delusional?! (Mikey x Reader)
Wind Breakers:
Confession Headcanons
Wuthering Waves:
To Give Up Isn't To Fail (Mortefi x Reader)
Zenless Zone Zero:
At Your Service (Lycaon x Reader)
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
🪴May Astrology🪴
🦂On May 5th is Lunar eclipse in Scorpio. This will bring shadowed information to light. Scorpio is an intense, deep, mysterious sign. May it give you the courage to reveal more vulnerable and powerful parts of yourself. This eclipse will bring an end to something that started during this period and may now end. You will let go of things that no longer serve you. Eclipses are harbingers of change, pushing us to let go, ready or not. Or something that has dragged on for a long time will now come to an end, or you will find out something that you didn't until now. Scorpio rules the truth-which means that the truth you've been looking for for a long time can come to light. The eclipse will be opposite to Uranus- which means that you can experience a lot of surprises or something unexpected can happen.
🌙🪴Venus enters Cancer on May 7- this means that love will be more emotional. Venus in Gemini was more playful, unstable and all over the place. Now, with Venus in Cancer, you will feel the warmth of people, their feelings, and emotions more. You will look for people with whom you will feel more at home and comfortable. You will be seeking comfort, security, and deep bonds with loved ones. Love will have a sense of home and familiarity. Cancers are looking for someone who is caring, empathetic. Relationships will be more nostalgic.
🍃Mercury Retrograde in Taurus ends on May 15-You will start to feel better. Communication will no longer be so unclear and strange. Things will start to make sense again and you won't think so much anymore. Venus will be trine Saturn till May 18-What kind of karmic, fated relationships can happen or you can connect with someone more seriously.
🎡Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16- This will have a positive effect on people who have a taurus placements. A strong self-image or feelings of self-worth contribute to success. Jupiter in Taurus is a chance to make real movement towards a dream or long-term goal. This is a good time to look into our financial standings and find chances for growth.
🦋On May 19 will be New moon in Taurus- a new beginning that includes your value (set your values ​​and stick to them), money, material values. To set up something stable. Taurus New Moon is especially focused on doing things that are real. It’s about making something happen that has substance to it.
🌶️On May 20 Mars enters Leo- things will become more dramatic, lively. Leo is a fixed sign, so it also means that stable actions will come with it. You will gain more self-confidence, pride and you will dare to do more. We go after what we want in a direct, self-assured manner, desiring dramatic results. Mars in Leo can awaken a competitive spirit or drive. We’re more willing to take risks to get what we want. This transit is passionate, ardent, and dramatic. And I also think that this transit is good if you want to do something related to your creativity (to be visible), this time is good.
🎢On May 21 Sun enters Gemini -There will be more inspiration based on communication, sociability, playfulness, you will be everywhere. The Sun’s transit through Gemini is a fun and lighthearted time to meet new people, explore new ideas, and learn new things. You will feel like you want to explore more and you will be more curious. You'll want to multitask. And you can also be much more talkative than you normally are. You will express yourself more through writing, mentality, communication. You can be more enthusiastic about books. You can also learn something new by meeting new people. Also it is great time to buy a book, computer, journal, phone.
📚On May 24 Sun will be in 3 degrees of gemini -This is good if you want to talk to someone or resolve the conversation. Also it will be mercury day so it is really great day to talk. Sun will sextile moon& mars- this means that emotions will be lighter and so will actions. Sun will sextile neptune- it can also mean a more spiritual conversation or a spiritual experience (going somewhere more dreamy). And also moon will be in Leo conj Leo Mars- makes you stronger, sexier and more courageous. This is a time for taking the initiative and being passionate about any emotion, also for relying on instinct and fighting the good fight for happiness at home.
🧚🏼‍♀️On May 27 Moon in Virgo trine jupiter & mercury with this, you can expect greater stability in communication and more happiness. Also u can be more open-minded and optimistic. It brings good feelings, happiness, emotional growth and self-understanding. It makes sharing your feelings with loved ones very easy. Venus sex Uranus- something unexpected can happen or you can see someone from your childhood. Venus trine Neptune- You can get some nostalgic feeling or have more relationships that are emotional or spiritual.
☁️If you have any question or want to know more about your transits planets you can book a reading with me🥰
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the-city-kitty · 2 years
In spite of planning some peepaw art for the Harbinger AU, it won’t be canon and peepaw is never gonna appear in the AU, (I just also desperately want to draw him and Harbinger!Leo interacting) aside from haunting the narrative, I am kinda considering having ghost Future!Mikey be canon and literally haunt the narrative as in, he’s an active participant in the events that are happening cuz ngl, I feel like if you sacrificed yourself to send your nephew back in time and he succeeded at the task he was given, only then for the past version of your older brother to be turned into a living manifestation of an inter-dimensional gateway, I think that would be alarming enough to yeet yourself back out of the afterlife into a bifurcated time branch to find out how the hell things went so fucking wrong
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Hi :D I love your new au!!
So for your prison dimension au, what’s up with draxum? Bc the turtles kinda thwart his second attempt at world domination when they’re older
And the Shredder? Is he tearing up NY? Or do the Foot never find out that Splinter has the final piece?
And in the inevitable future when the Foot get the key and open the portal, is anyone trying to stop them? Is there a Casey Jr in this au harbinging the apocalypse?
Back with the boys, do they know what happened? Why they’re trapped? I know in Mikey’s description the kraang see him as another way out so they make him practice, but did they explain it to them?
Are the dynamics between the kraang and the turtles in any way ‘nice’? Are they attached/loyal or waiting for an escape? If there are any differences there, does it create tension among the turtles?
Ok so sorry if that was too much I’m just really interested in what’s going on here. Again love love love your au
Have a nice day!
ah okay- so for the first couple questions,, i'm gonna go with the general answer of this takes place around the start of the first season,, so half of these things haven't happened yet,,
but i'm working on the actual plot stuff for most of the stuff regarding draxum,,, as well as what splinter is doing !!
as for the prison dimension key?? that's what the turtles exist for. their whole goal and purpose of their training is for mikey to portal the turtles back out so they can retrieve the key and open the real portal, thus actually freeing the kraang and technodrome.
the boys aren't exactly... fully aware... that they came from earth??? they obviously don't remember portalling to the prison dimension as babies. what they're essentially told is "we're trapped here, but orange has the mystic abilities to get out and find the key"
i would say the nicest dynamic between all the turtles/kraang would be purple and the little kraang, but even that's kinda iffy sometimes. that being said, they're all still loyal to the kraang. (leo being the most loyal,, but mikey probably being the first one to even consider not being loyal)
and that does indeed cause tension ! whoopsies
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suniverseastro · 1 year
In big 6, the most influential Aquarius usually has a small face and pointed chin. Appearance is usually slim, duck and not fat Male Cancer Sun, combined with Leo Mars, is highly intuitive and ready to protect, manipulate, and protect the person they like.
Venus trine/sextile moon brings attraction to both sexes. Usually has a feminine energy and soft voice, similar to a girl's description, likes peace and doesn't like loud, likes to work slowly, doesn't compete, doesn't compete
Venus, Mercury, Moon, Jupiter form good angles with each other… very suitable for teaching and evangelizing
Mercury in Pisces in 8th is usually quiet when studying, others feel they are quite vague but actually their intuition is quite high. They also easily feel pressured when there are tests
Jupiter trine / sextile Venus easily feels and receives the affections of many other people, they feel loved. With a more difficult angle, the person often feels that they are unlucky in love even though there are many people who like them.
Pisces Moon likes to be complimented, introspects, or flirts only with the people they like, doesn't like to go out much, I think because Pisces is influenced by Neptune, the nature of Jupiter manifests in where at home they often search for information sources on their own using the means they have
Sagittarius/Jupiter influencing the sun often likes to go abroad, or like to go everywhere
Women with the Sun in the 1st house are usually very confident, they have a lot of skills and good thinking
In the sysnastry chart, the angles between Venus and Moon/Mercury, Sun/Moon and Mars in opposition, especially perpendicular, are often initially attracted to each other by sexual energy but actually the difficulty of getting along; the harbinger of a relationship will be difficult if there are many opposing angles in the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, the sun
The Sun and the rising sign of two people conjuncted can understand each other terribly and help and support each other in study very well, if you add Mercury of the two people in good combination, it feels like they like soulmate
Sagittarius is compatible with Aries (maybe > Leo> Libra, Aquarius>...)
Cancer men can be very unfaithful, it also depends on other important planets in the chart such as the moon, Venus and Mars. I think maybe because the moon is in the state, it is easily affected by other planets
This is a personal observation, if you feel it is inappropriate, please comment in good faith and ignore it <3 My ask box always welcome
Have a nice day
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therkalexander · 4 months
I remember reading and re-reading Receiver of Many back when it was in AO3 and one of my best memories of it was Persephone's meeting with the Fates. The moment I read "the blessed harbinger who reaps the reaper’s heart" I was just * leo decaprio pointing meme * and thought MAKARIA/THANATOS ROMANCE??????? And now knowing you have future books after The Good Counselor has made me wonder possible side pair????? More Cthonic romance!?!?!?!??!??!?!?? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'm just super excited about your current and future works and I can't wait for more Cthonic stories (@////7////@)
Oh yeah. There’s SEVEN books planned in the series. At least. Plus I was to write a Titanomachy prequel because honestly who doesn’t want that?
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And while I’m working on that,
things are heating up again with the TV Series for Receiver of Many, and we are solidly in development at this point and if things keep moving how they’ve been moving we’re looking at a start to pre-production by the beginning of next year.
They have a solid idea who they want to play Hades, but who would be Demeter? Persephone? Sisyphus?
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thedawningofthehour · 4 months
What do you think would be Draxum's favorite Disney movie? Other than The Lion King or Bambi.
Hmm, ignoring the timeline aspect of it-he probably hasn't seen anything made past 1992, considering Bella was too old to watch children's movies at that point and Pax experienced a lot of rapid adultification after the death of his parents and was no longer interested in a lot of kid things, and Draxum wouldn't have watched them of his own volition. (Bella would absolutely be down to watch Disney movies now, but she was one of Those teenagers who were too cool for that) Plus while Draxum will consume human media, (kind of hard not to, especially considering Yokai don't really have much of a TV/movie industry themselves) he's pretty picky about it and would probably be overly critical of Disney and consider it to be a harbinger of intrusive Americanization and commoditization. He let his niece and nephew watch Disney, but he also encouraged them to watch foreign movies and shows just to branch out. If he raised Gale as a child he probably wouldn't have allowed him to watch much Disney at that point. (though if he raised all the turtles I expect he'd eventually give up as the reality of raising four hyper-destructive children who were designed to be hardy and relentless and basically hell on earth came crashing down on him and he would be willing to turn on anything if it meant he could get a break for an hour and a half)
That said! Well, he'd love Mulan. Draxum grew up very close to his mother and the warriors of his tribe skewed more female, so he was surrounded by a bunch of tough Norse ladies and thought that was just how all warriors were. (finding out that humans did not do this probably contributed to his resentment, lol) He loves a good girlboss. Really, a Draxum who raised the turtles would be starved for good female representation, considering they're all boys being raised by gay dads and don't really have any women in their lives. (besides Bella and her endless line of girlfriends) (the first time Leo repeats something misogynistic he heard on Youtube Draxum goes fucking apeshit on his ass) On top of that, Mulan is honestly just a really well done movie. He'd also appreciate the emphasis put on Mulan's brains over her innate talents-she's a badass fighter, of course, she worked very hard for that and deserves to be recognized for it, but the movie makes a point of repeatedly showing how intelligent she is and what a naturally strategic mind she has. She doesn't outfight Shan Yu-she outwits him. Draxum would go absolutely feral over her.
He'd also like Aladdin for similar reasons, his wit and compassion towards others. I feel like he'd also begrudgingly enjoy Robin Williams as Genie. "Well, humans are on the whole abhorrent beings, but this Williams man defied the odds. He is...strangely delightful to behold." He's also 100% that person that criticizes historical and cultural inaccuracies in movies though, and he'd absolutely do that here. Splinter is sitting next to him groaning and telling him just to enjoy the movie and to stop bothering Purple with his lecture about orientalism and actual history about the Islamic golden age.
I feel like he'd also really love The Little Mermaid. No particular reason, just kind of that vibe.
Hmm, what else. This is all Disney Renaissance stuff, because that's what I grew up with. Atlantis, he'd love Atlantis, and he'd bemoan how uncultured humans were for not appreciating it. He'd watch The Emperor's New Groove very begrudgingly, because his kids begged him, and try to hide how much he actually enjoys it. The Incredibles, for obvious reasons. He'd cry at Up. And at Coco.
He'd also like anything in universes where everyone is animals, for obvious reasons. But be like, really really critical of it. "Why does this hippo child need to duck to go through her doorway?! Her house should be built to accommodate animals of her size! Her society has failed her!"
(Draxum is not a fun person to watch movies with)
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