#hard to ignore a kara with a tie
rustingcat · 2 years
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Supercorptober day 4 -
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 8 months
Morgana AU Pt 3
Morgana screams when the raiders haul her up, and not just in pain. She bucks and pulls against the men's hold, kicking until she stumbles free. Her uninjured arm flies up, and long tree roots erupt from the earth to echo her movements. They ensnare the two men who had held her, but another three take their place, tackling her back to the ground.
The fall drives the arrow in her shoulder tip first through her body, emerging out the other side. Morgana roars like a trapped animal, struggling against the bodies pressing her to cold ground.
"Tie her up, damn it!" the party leader commands. In moments a length of rope is produced. Kara lunges towards them, but her strength is tempered by this world's, this time's sun. Two men hold her easily.
The men ignore her and Gwen's pleadings to release them, their voices falling on deaf ears.
"Shut up, or we kill the lot of you!"
The raider snaps the point off the arrow in Morgana's shoulder, but leaves the shaft still buried in their friend's flesh.
"Take them back to camp!"
Gwen and Kara follow the raiders' orders and trudge obediently through the woods with the rest of the druids, their threats halting any escape plans they might have had. Morgana, however, struggles all the way with her hands bound behind her back. They drag her kicking and writhing through the trees, until they emerge on the plain, where an army host has set up camp.
Morgana only calms when she's thrown to her knees in the center of the camp, but heaves for breath as the druids huddle fearfully behind her. Gwen and Kara move towards Morgana, only to be driven back by swords and spears.
Activity around the camp stops as a beefy man clomps towards them. Morgana has told Kara details of her captivity and her captor only once, but Kara knows immediately that this is Sarrum.
"Hahahaha!" Sarrum laughs at the sight of Morgana, who glares balefully up at him. "Couldn't stay away from your gracious host, eh witch?"
Morgana only scowls in answer, and when Sarrum grips her by the chin she bites his hand, clamping on hard enough to force him to tug free with force. His retailatory backhand sends her careening to the ground, only to be jerked back up by the arms.
Sarrum leans in close, spittle visibly flecking from his lips. "I have no well for you this time, milady," he sneers, "but I'm sure we can find something just as comfortable for you."
Straightening he motions to his men. "Take her to the tent and chain the rest!"
Kara and Gwen attempt to resist as Morgana is dragged towards the massive command tent, even as spears prod them in the opposite direction with the others. But if they weren't outnumbered in the woods, they certainly are now, and soon find themselves coffled alongside their friends on the outskirts of the camp.
The night is long and quiet, though Kara strains to hear any sound from Morgana. When dawn breaks the troops break camp and start marching. They keep to the main roads, suggesting to Kara that they have no desire to keep their presence hidden. She and the rest of the prisoners are dragged in a line at the rear, forced to step through the mud and manure churned by the preceding host.
They catch no glimpse of Morgana.
For two days they walk, and as they push further along the road, Kara notices Gwen's features growing more and more grim.
"Where are we going?" she asks quietly.
Gwen's response is solemn.
"To Camelot."
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mintichoco · 1 year
'Boruto' series re-envisioned
tw. opinions (and the wording is all over a mess so read at your own risk), plot-bashing (is that even a thing?)
[This is my opinion on what Boruto, as a sequel to one of the greatest Shounen franchises should have been. Remember, this is entirely my wishful thinking and I don't mean to disrespect any of the writers, animators or the fandom.]
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Boruto, as an MC, had immense potential. This point has been chanted to the ground but it is true. He is a third gen Uzumaki and second gen Hyūga. And we all know Uzumaki have monstrous chakra reserves. What he needed was to work hard for it. Where was the training arc?
Think about it. We never got much backstrory about the Uzumaki clan and what their motives and morals were. It would have been cool to see another character use the chakra chains (beside Kushina and Karin). He could have explored Uzushio, the plot could've called for contacting the remaining Uzumaki who supposedly scattered all over the globe.
Maybe Boruto could have worked with seals? Minato, his grandpa, is known as one of the greatest seal masters. If the writers were going for symbolism, why not use that?
Same goes for his Hyūga lineage. We get so much info about the Uchiha in Naruto, it could have been refreshing to see the Boruto lore delve into the Hyūga faction, which isarguably the third (or even the second, not counting the Senju) strongest clan in Konoha.
Think of all the jutsu Boruto could have had in his arsanel with a Byakugan. It's hightime they get the deserved recognition.
Coming to another member of Team 7, Mitsuki is a clever character idea but ultimately wasted postential as well.
If the power scaling continues to get upped in the pace as it is now, there will be nothing left for the Time Skip. Shippuden gave us Sage Mode but Mitsuki already has that. Viewers will look for something new and we all know even Kishimoto wrote himself up a wall with Rinnegan and the Otsutsuki race. What will Ikemoto give then?
Speaking of Otsutsuki, it was sort of dissapointing to see them getting introduced this fast. Some will say Boruto is slow paced and yes, I agree, but in terms of keeping that air of anonymity, it fails terribly.
It would have worked better if instead of Momoshiki landing like a bug out a tree, they got clues and rumors instead.
The whole Code and Kara situation should've been handled first and then led to the reveal of an Otsutsuki nest, perhaps?
Or a portal like the one in Last to a mirror dimension or somthing where the Otsutsuki live? Maybe a dive into how they came to be? It is revealed that humans are an entirely different race and what we see of the Naruto cast are a mix between Otsutsuki and humans.
Also, WHERE IS THE BACKSTORY? Same thing with Hyūgas really. The Hamura thing came out of nowhere. The Last is a below average excuse to tie up loose ends.
Now, Kawaki, I have a love-hate relationship with him. On one hand his backstory provides the perfect intro to post-war tragedies (and a hc of mine that smaller villages in the outskirts still get ignored in favour of the capitals)
But he just feels like a dollar-store Sasuke. As if the writers were like, oh Boruto needs a rival? Add in an angsty guy to contrast his sunny demeanor. I know this is a recurring trope in shounen but it works because it is handled well.
And people say Boruto is handed everything on a silver platter? Kawaki basically lives with the freaking Head of the Village, the elite of the elites, is looked after by the former heir to the Hyūga and gets to be a genin because he has a cool explody power? And all that why? Because he is a mistreated orphan? (what about the kids who lost their parents in the war? what about aforementioned kids in small-sized villages? what about cases like sumire? what makes Kawaki SPECIAL, naruto?)
Kawaki shouldn't have been given any of those benifits. Let him figure out how the world works, let him make mistakes, show his potential as a good guy, let him prove himself as a character worth stanning. Give him a serious politics-based arc explaining that part of the Boruto era rather than some murderers chasing a boy with some magical cure.
Coming to the side characters (yes, I'm saving Sarada for later and there is a reason behind it), let's start with Shikadai. First thought, he is the most carbon-copied version of his dad out of every next gen character.
It's no news that scenarios and often characters revered as prodigies are dumbed down to make him shine but imo most of it is owed to the factor that there is no element of suspense or an ultimatum for that matter.
Kakashi, Minato, Itachi, Orochimaru, Shisui worked as prodigal characters because of the situation. It was war time and kids were forced to grow up. The stakes were high and even then, the plot revolving around them was such that it made them raise the bar higher.
Shikadai seems flat compared to many characters. Remember, Shikamaru was not called a prodigy, he even flunked tests because he was too lazy, but whenever the situation was tense, us viewers could count on his snippets of thoughts for a clarification, or little behaviors to show he realized and often times refused to work for what is right over what is needed because that is smartness, taking a level-headed decision with the least collateral.
On the other hand, Shikadai is fed information and he just 'explains' stuff like a NPC.
I can't help but think, what if Shikadai inherited Temari's temper? Mix that with Shikamaru's actual genius (not the baby puzzle-solving we see in that one arc with Kakashi) and he could be one of the team members to look for clue about the Otsutsuki's existence. Also, I'd like more windstyle-user Shikadai plz.
Moving on to Inojin. He is also one of those characters that I neither like nor dislike. He's just... there.
What Boruto needs is better world-building and ain't no better way to accomplish that than exploring side characters. Inojin doesn't have an affinity for the Yamanaka mind-body-switch so make him train for other stuff.
Let viewers know where jutsu like that stems from (yin and yang release), give him some productive time with the border patrol, stress on the fact that Konoha's citizen don't go to sleep at peace just knowing Naruto will pull some god-level jutsu.
The Yamanaka are an extremely important part of the security system. Remember how Inoichi was part of the team figuring out Pain's black chakra recievers? Make Inojin do something similar with, perhaps some Otsutsuki relic or remains (going with the mystery au)
Then comes Chocho. How to put it simply? At first I despised her. And no, it has nothing to do with her appearance. Actually, I find her and that new girl from the recent Labyrinth Game arc, Batta, amazing.
The fact lies with her attitude. Tell me one attribute that comes to mind while thinking of her other than Butterfly mode and eating chips. Sure, she loves to eat, we get it. The fact again boils down to her falling flat as a character.
Chocho could use her lightning release in many ways and it must be strong too, considering her mother comes from Kiri. She could have earth-release, that would be great to see as none of the main cast prior to this have that.
And if they are going for a Ino-like character, let the girl have some reality to her. A twelve-year old girl is far mature and has other troubles than just thinking about cute boys and girls.
She can retain that aspect but make her serious when it comes to missions, or her family, show her spending time partaking in her hobbies that do not include eating, ogling at movie stars and muttering un-funny jokes and inuendos. Give her depth, for a lack of better words.
And for Hagoromo's sake, LET THESE KIDS HAVE SOME SORT OF GOAL and not just exist because their parents hooked up smh.
Last but not least, Sarada. I, like many others, really like her character. She isn't yet another girl who despises anything remotely 'girly' and is not afraid to show her emotions and voice her thoughts loud and clear. She is practical and relatively smart without being an overkill.
What bugs me is her very existence.
No, I do not want to get roped into a 'sasusaku : good or bad' debate but they just don't make sense to me. And this is coming from someone whose first anime ship as a ten-year-old was sasusaku.
In any case, Naruto (not citing the last few chapters) made it clear that Sasuke did not see Sakura nor Karin as a romantic interest. And honestly, I still am onboard with him being an aro ace because, hello representation!
And whatever happened behind the scenes post The Last are only headcanons, so the idea of Sasuke suddenly marrying Sakura seems a stretch to me. Let alone him having a kid who he suddenly cares so much about after ignoring her for twelve years...(coming to the problem of 'as to why he did that anyway' later)
Sarada, in my opinion, should not exist.
Like, okay, Naruto has a kid but why should Sasuke as well because of that? PTSD is a thing and we are repeatedly shown that Sasuke has grown a fear of familial bonds due to obvious reasons.
If we calculate their ages, the new gen was born sometime when they were 20-23 y/o. Yeah, I'm willing to bet Sasuke did not get past that nagging anxiety of eighteen years in just three or four.
If they wanted to make Sasuke the mysterious sensei figure who is rarely in town and is always going in these crazy amazing solo missions, don't make him a deadbeat dad. Come onnn...
Canon!Sasuke would never just abandon his wife and child for the sake of the village that ruined his family (again, trust issues), the village that he saw ab*sing a child because of something out of his control (who's to say Sarada was not picked on and scrutinized because she is a former nuke-nin's kid and an Uchiha like Naruto was due to Kurama?)
Instead, Sasuke should have just been a traveller. He should still be wandering the nations to find his way in life, being someone beyond an Uchiha and escaping the burden that was placed on his shoulders at a very young age.
You know how I keep mentioning the small villages that probably get ignored? Show him helping them, him cleaning up traces of corrupted organizations like in the last few episodes of the anime.
Show his kinder, softer side in a believable way (not the comic relief that Boruto provides), show us him seeing the beauty in life and finding a reason to live.
The Sasuke we see now just feels like an empty shell. I remember seeing a post the other day saying that he showed genuine emotions in Shippuden but now he looks like he has lost all motivation to even stay alive. And he was definitely guilt-tripped into returning to Konoha.
Yes, that would mean Sakura would remain either unmarried or marry some no-name character. Though, that seems unlikely as her pining over Sasuke eliminated all chance of relationship progress with any other character.
It would be refreshing to see her let go of her childhood crush and just moving on, leaving behind the last link to a Sakura she did not accept, the one she changed. I don't mind having an episode dedicated to them having a heart-to-heart as good old pals, all romantic feelings aside.
Maybe on that bench too, if you get what I mean. It would show us how far they have come, as shinobi, as Konoha's ninja and as people, from naïve kids to being the village's pillars.
Now, as to what the overall plot of Boruto should be, I have this idea of the war still going on when Naruto ends. Just hear me out.
If Ikemoto wants to resolve the Otsutsuki matters in this series, why not begin it with an intense fight scene where the generations following the main cast (Konohamaru and the rest) are fighting some low rank entities who serve the Otsutsuki.
It could lead to multiple of these strange class of aliens attacking from portals like ones the Rinnegan creates and base the entire series as a survival genre. Not only would that raise the stakes from being a one-episode conflict resolve, as it is now, it would mean the generation in the middle would become hardened veterans who the kids could look up to, not cannon fodder.
Make the prior war times return, but this time with an unknown race altogether. Make rifts between the Alliance, comment on how that affects the social and economical standings of various nations, involve the Daimyo.
Naruto can still be the all-powerful Hokage but make the rest of the caste equally useful.
Another idea that just popped up while writing this: what if they made mosters like in the Worm series appear? That threaten the world and some villages are forced to break the truce as they believe some ancient jutsu caused these attacks but cannot figure out from which nation.
Not even jutsu, it can be scientific modelling too since the Boruto era are scientifically far advanced.
Maybe I'm just reaching but with the huge power scaling like they have done, the stakes actually need to be high. Or else, every situation that they come across, we know they will get through it because of high rank jutsu they possess.
And for the last issue, just 'Boruto'. As in, the name. I'm aware it is supposed to be an homage to Neji but it feels so rip-off. There are so many good ones like : Hiro(for its irony as he is to be a hero and it starts with 'H'), Akihiro (personal favorite, means bright), Kaito (means ocean, an homage to the land of whirlpools), Asahi (mirror's Hinata's name meaning which is sun), Shinya (genuine, personal favorite), etc. etc.
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A/N : That is it for this part. I can make another as I have ideas just buzzing in my mind and no time to turn them into fanfiction. Let me know if you enjoyed these and feel free to PM or reblog adding your own ideas too!
Also, anyone wanna be friends? 😅 I really want to rant about Naruto with someone and none of my friends watch enough anime to even comprehend what I'm saying most times.
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inkedroplets · 2 years
2 and 76 for supercorp please
Royal AU & Did They or Didn’t They?
Genre: Modern Royal AU Rom-Com (Surprisingly no angst this time around)
Lena is the obligatory black sheep of the Royal family that keeps them regularly in the tabloids (she collects them). Something that drives Lillian up the wall. Lionel is much more amused, giving her only the most mild of scolding.
Kara is doing a month abroad with an internship waiting for her back home. She has an obligatory FaceTime with Alex every night to check in and while she has plenty of photos, valiant stabs at poetry and amusing anecdotes, Alex without fail circles back to what to her is the most salient point: Have you met anyone?
"I meet lots of people. That tends to happen when you're visiting another country," is her reply one morning while Alex is already in bed.
"You're no fun," is Alex's reply before hanging up and while there's no malice behind it, Kara finds that it hits home a bit too hard. Being single was never a problem but she has felt a creeping sense of loneliness that's getting harder to ignore and she promises herself that she'll at least be open to the possibility of meeting someone.
Everytime that Lena finds herself on the front page with a suspected new beau, Lillian begs her if she's not going to take the path that she so painstakingly laid out (the one that Lex was more than happy to take) and play the part that a Royal is expected to play, she could at least settle down. "Is it really asking that much?" Lillian would plead while Lionel silently nods in the background.
And while there are a million different excuses and comebacks that Lena could come up with she always falls back on the same one. "Jack and I are hopelessly in love," (They're not) but he is her best friend and more than happy to go along with the charade. "Just because we aren't ready to tie the knot... The more you push the less inclined I am to finally pop the question and make him the happiest man in the world."
"And all those women that Jack is seen in the company of?" is always how Lillian responds, having him followed on occasion.
"I can't help it if the man I love is a bounder and a fiend," Lena sniffs.
Try as she might, Kara can't actually psyche herself up to go to a club. But a karaoke bar is something she can get behind and when she finds one close to where she's staying she makes the trip and ends up signing herself up to sing a Spice Girls song
She gets on stage and while she realizes that this is maybe not the best way to meet somebody she's having fun and that's more than enough to get her mind off things. She belts out "Wannabe", more concerned with having fun than performing although she is more than happy to try and emulate some of the dance moves she's so lovingly honed in her own tiny living room.
There is the obligatory round of applause (maybe some are just happy that the song is over) but there is a loud and clear whistle from the bar followed by a very enthusiastic round of applause that Kara gives a polite bow to not really seeing who is the one responsible.
She sits down at the bar, more than a little winded and orders a drink, feeling that is an appropriate victory lap and while she's rummaging in her pocket for her credit card, she hears a voice from beside her: "I've got this one."
"Oh," Kara stammers, pulling out her card and sending a bunch of loose bills and change spilling out onto the floor as she looks up and finds herself staring back at Lena who was already handed her card to the bartender. She quickly gathers up everything and holds out her card feebly to the bartender who just waves it away and Kara can only stammer out a very bashful, "I've met some friendly people here so far but buying me a drink is almost too nice."
"Well," Lena says and takes the drink that the bartender slides over to her in addition to the drink he places in front of Kara, "After that song I thought you deserved some kind of tip, although I was hoping for an encore..."
"Just swing by my apartment anytime after 9 P.M. on a Friday," Kara jokes, going a bit red when she realizes what she's just said. "I sing Karaoke at home a lot. That's what I meant..."
"I'm Lena," she says introducing herself and offering her hand and the two spend the rest of the night chatting, only leaving long after the bar has emptied and while Kara points vaguely in the direction of her hotel and assuring Lena that it's not all that far, Lena still insists on hailing a cab for her.
Knowing that their time is running short and that they'll likely never see one another again (It isn't a Rom-Com after all...) she summons up the courage to ask Lena if she could kiss her and while Lena looks almost surprised at the question she doesn't laugh she only nods, suddenly looking shy and clasps one of Kara's hands between both of her own and leans in...
The next day when Lena comes down for breakfast, Lillian throws down a paper like a gauntlet and after ignoring it to take a long drink of juice, she glances down at the headline and actually blushes. On it is a picture of her and Kara kissing with the headline: A Quick Snog Before Slipping Away to a Hotel.
"Anything you'd like to say?" Lillian asks and she's pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Good morning?" and when Lillian lets out a loud sigh and sinks into her chair, Lena waits until Lillian has taken a bite of her breakfast before she says: "And it wasn't a quick snog."
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Rescue Mission – Suicide Mission.
Part 4 - Not a fair fight.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Brainy x Reader, Eliza Danvers x Granddaughter!Reader.
Word count: 2480.
Warnings: Injuries. Pain. Angst. Some graphic fight scenes I guess.
Previously on the series - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Whatever it cost.
Your life has been put at stake before. You almost died three or four times. Honestly, too much for a 16-year-old-girl. But this. This is different. There’s no aunt Alex to call for help, no Supergirl coming in to help you pick up the pieces. No Lena waiting for you at home with comfort hugs and donuts.
You land on the DEO, shaking. You thought about not coming the entire way here. What if you just wait until Supergirl wakes up so she can help? Would it be that bad?
“Brainy!” You call him, and he turns around to you. Tablet in hands, still monitoring the shapeshifters. “Can we wait until my momma wakes up? Then we can go for them. I mean, I didn’t see much damage around the city so-”
“We can’t.” He stops you.
“Why? Honestly, we both know I’m no match for a shapeshifter.” You say, and Brainy looks up from his tablet.
“Oh.” He smiles a little. “That’s what I’m counting on.”
“I’m sorry?” But it doesn’t take long until you tie all the knots. Of course. Of course you couldn’t trust anybody!
Brainy turns into Supergirl right in front of your eyes, and hits you with a blow of freeze breath that throws you back down. You fall, all fours, and look up to the shapeshifter in front of you.
“You are definitely not a match for us.” It presses something in the tablet and soon you hear a woosh of air coming from containment and landing a punch on your face.
Shit! Fuck! Damn it!
It played you just right! Made you believe that you could trust ‘Brainy’ because he found your family, and imprisoned one of the shapeshifters, but it was obviously just a plan. Now both are here in front of you, and if one was already hard enough, two looks impossible to beat.
You get up and fly out of the DEO. First superhero rule: if possible, take the fight to where no civilians can get hurt, so you will have less casualties. In this case, maybe just yours is enough.
The other two Supergirls fly right behind you. You feel one of them grabbing your feet and tossing you back to the ground. You fly up less than a palm before your body hits the concrete. You keep flying farther away from the city, but it’s forced to stop sooner than you would like.
One of the Supergirls punches you down, and you feel your body smashing against a boulder in the desert, making a hole on the hard rock. Dust rises up and around you. You cough, getting up from the hole and you look at both aliens in front of you, using your momma’s pretty face. You can’t win. You wouldn’t be able to win even if you were up against just one Supergirl, let alone two. You breathe deep. You were right. Two Kryptonians are better than one. You just wish this advantage were to your side.
“So, it was you all along.” You yell from a distance.
“I told you not to trust anyone.” You hear Kara’s voice and your heart beats faster. “But I suppose you are just a kid.”
“I am.” You agree with your head, taking a deep breath. “But I am her kid!”
You fly towards them, punching one in the face, making it fall in the hard rock, like you did, breaking it off in the process. But you won’t give it a chance of recovery. You fly down, settling on top of its body. Kara’s body.
“You don’t deserve this face!” You say, giving it another punch. “You don’t deserve these powers!” Another one. “You don’t deserve to wear this crest on your chest!” It’s where you punch after and you watch the alien losing its breath, looking as beat up as you found your momma. You raise your fist again, ready to end it, and feel the other alien grabbing your hand.
“What makes you think you do?” It says, flying high with you, while you try to untangle yourself from its firm grip. When you look up again, it has changed its form. You’re face to face with yourself.
“I’m not a phony!” You twist around, and it drops your hand, kicking you in the chest instead. You fly far away, trying to regain your breath. “But now it’s a fair fight.”
“Is it?” It asks, tilting its head at you. You look at your face staring at yourself on the other side and smile. Yes. Now it’s a fair fight. You know your strengths, and you know your weaknesses. And you have so many of them.
It flies closed fist at you, but you saw it coming, it’s always your first move. You fly out of the way, hitting its back with your heat vision, making it fall on the ground, raising up dirt all around it.
“You can’t win.” Supergirl gets up from the hole it was in. Oh, come on, it was almost gone. You use your heat vision again, but it’s met in the middle with its own heat vision. Shit, this is useless. Fighting Kryptonians it’s a fucking hell.
The other alien rises from the ground, and you see yourself between both of them. You don’t have a lot of options, it’s clear to you. You can run, but where to? You can buy yourself time, but for what? Help isn’t coming, you know that.
“We shouldn’t both waste our time with this kid.” Fake Supergirl says, almost ignoring your presence right there between them. “You know where she took them. Go get them.”
Breath stops midway. Heart stops mid beat. Time slows at its own accord.
No. Not them. Not your family.
“Oh yes, we should thank you, by the way.” The other Superkid flies to Supergirl’ side, and your eyes are filled with tears with the sight of that. You wanted that. You wanted a Superkid and Supergirl team-up. Instead, two monsters are using your faces, bodies and powers. They don’t seem to acknowledge your discomfort with the scene, as they go on.
“Getting the whole family together in one place. You just made our job a lot easier. Now we can kill Supergirl and everyone she loves in just one blow. And you? You’ll be alive to see it all going down with your help.”
You swallow hard knowing they are right. You helped. You thought you were the one doing the saving, but they were letting you. They were playing you, so you can do the job for them and that’s why it felt so easy. That’s why you encountered almost no resistance; it was all for this moment right here.
It’s your fault Lena has no memories. It’s your fault Jamie was taken. It’s your fault Supergirl is not here defending the city and the family. And now it will be your fault they’ll kill all your family in one blow.
You feel something burning inside of you. It’s not anger, it’s not sadness. It’s a mix of all the feelings you once had. It’s the slow burn of love, and the heavy taste of hate on your mouth. It’s the bittersweetness of having such a strong and rotten last name, and the wonderfulness of being a part of this family. It’s the cautiousness of hiding your powers, and the relentless yearn of letting go and bursting into flames, destroying everything and everyone on your way. But most of all, it’s that moment where ‘you should do better’ kicks the ‘you’re doing great’ to the side of the curbs and takes a hold on you.
You could even try to hold this feeling inside you, but you know better. This is the time to stop thinking, stop using your powers, and let them use you instead.
“Don’t thank me just yet.” You say with a little smile playing on your lips.
Fighting two of them was never going to be a fair fight and you know it. Even with you letting your powers take over you, even after beating them, even with this faintest feeling that you might -just might- pull this off because you’re fighting for the right reasons.
It doesn’t take long until you find yourself trapped under both getting punches after punches. The taste of blood is strong on your mouth. You know you’re going to lose. You’re minutes away from blacking out.
You have been beaten down before. By red kryptonite Kara, by villains using green kryptonite against you, by aliens from another dimension, by your own fears and your anxiety. You were once beaten down to the point of suffocation. You were once covered in your own blood and vomit. For time and time again, you thought you were going to die. Once you even prayed that you would.
This moment right here, feels like another one of those. You can feel it. When they’re beating you down so hard your blood is the one splashing on their faces, when you slowly feel yourself losing consciousness. When the last thing you see before your mind goes totally blank is Lena’s eyes and Kara’ smile. Maybe this is the last time you feel you are going to die. Maybe this time you’re actually dying.
And you know what comes next. They’ll go to the Fortress. March in there using your face. It’s your face your family is going to see blowing up the entire place. And when they realize it’s not you, it will be too late, they will be doomed. Your whole family will be destroyed like they promised in the message.
You won’t accept it. You may die, but your family won’t.
You untangle yourself from them. Grab Supergirl’s cape -capes are lame, you still remember that- and fly up. Up. Up. Up. The other shapeshifter follows you, trying to catch you before you do what they understand now it’s going to happen.
“If you do this, you will die!” You hear Kara’s voice. But it’s not her, and you know your Kara would do anything to protect her family. Anything.
“I don’t care if it kills me. All I care about is taking you down with me!” You say and you reach the exact point. You know if you keep going, you’ll be too far gone. You almost died in outer space once. You don’t know exactly how you survived, but you know this time you can’t pull it off again.
You hold Supergirl’s cape stronger and spin it around. You see the shapeshifter trying to change its form, but it’s too late. You toss it into space and look down to the other one.
“Two Superkids dying in outer space together is almost… Poetic.” You fly towards the other shapeshifter, the one with your face.
“You don’t want to do this.” It says, staring at you, like it's looking at your soul.
“You’re right, I don’t.” You grab its throat and look up. “But it’s whatever it costs!”
Up. Up. Up.
No air left in your lungs, no other thought except that this is the right thing. Dying was never going to feel right but dying for your family, it’s the closest you could ever feel to death being right.
The other you are now transformed back into its ugly alien form, turning blue. They’re gone. It’s over.
You close your eyes feeling light-headed and you feel like crying. It doesn’t matter if it’s the right thing or if it’s for your family, you still don’t want to die, and you’ll still miss them.
You know this won’t matter. But maybe, just maybe, the watch will send them a signal and Kara will come for your body when she wakes up. That way they can mourn you properly. All of them, but Lena since she doesn’t even remember you anymore. At least she won’t suffer, you think. You press the emergency watch. And you’re out.
“Will you please stop going to outer space?” You hear softly in your ear, and you open your eyes trying to focus them on what is before you. Blonde locks flying in the wind, a perfect baby blue sky over you, and that warm smile only one person in this universe has. “I’ve got you, little one. You’ve got me before; I’ve got you now.”
You smile. And before passing out again you think that you have to stop almost dying. It’s starting to get truly exhausting.
You open your eyes, looking around to make sure you actually didn’t die. It’s stupid, you know, but still you find it’s hard to believe you pulled it off. Somehow you pulled it off.
Alex is in the bed next to you, awake, finally. Brainy is also in a bed, the real one that was probably hurt by the shapeshifters so one of them could take his place. Kara is pacing around nervously, and the rest of the family are also in the infirmary, creeping around the sick ones.
“You fucking dipshit!” Jamie slaps your arm, and you almost feel the sting. “I told you to come back. You promised you would come back whatever it costs!”
“Well… I’m here.” You give her a little smile and she rolls her eyes, full of tears. Next thing you know, she is hugging you tight, and sobbing on your suit.
“I hate you.” She whispers in your ear, and you smile, while the whole family looks at both of you. “I hate you and your hero complex.”
“I love you too.” You smile and she lets go of you with a smile. Kara is the next one to throw her arms around you and kiss your temple.
“You’re the best superhero in this town.” She says, and you almost believe her. Almost.
“Mom.” You let go of Kara and look around in the room. “Where is she?”
They all stare at you blankly. No one says a thing.
“Where is Lena?” You demand, and Kara drops her head low and lets out a sigh.
“We’re gonna get her back, kid.” Her hand cups your face, and she strokes your cheek. You see the pain in her eyes, and you feel tears forming on yours. “One thing at a time.”
Your heart squeezes on your chest, and you forget about the fact that you were probably actually dead for at least a minute, not long ago. This doesn’t seem remotely important, as Lena not having her memories and not knowing who you are right now. You almost died, and your mom is not here to hold you gently and say, ‘you’re ok babygirl’.
Kara seems to be able to read your mind, like Lena usually does, when she puts her hand on your knee and gives it a gentle and assuring squeeze. “One thing at a time, baby.”
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“Is this going to become unpleasant? Having Kara here?” “I’m not a child, Arthur. I can be in the same room as my ex-wife without causing a scene.”
“I know, dear, I know,” he soothes in that grating voice of his. “I just want you to be comfortable.” His grip on her arm is anything but. She smiles through the discomfort like always and places a hand affectionately on his chest. “I’m certainly not comfortable,” some old hag Lex invited chimes in. “I can’t believe they even let that creature in here.” It takes all of Lena’s self-restraint not to deck her clear across the face. To stand there with a placid smile while her present company disparage the woman she’d once vowed to have and to hold till death. It’s been a year since the divorce and it hasn’t gotten any easier.
“Now now, can we please be civil?” she hears behind her, and again she’s forced to focus all her energy on maintaining an air of indifference as her darling brother arrives. “That thing was Lena’s wife for a while, after all.” His smile is anything but kind, his figure imposing as he steps in close. “Yes, well,” Lena says with a passable smile, “we all make mistakes, right?” Arthur laughs and the hag laughs and Lex puts a brotherly arm around her to pull her in close, close enough to whisper against her ear without drawing attention, “Let’s not make anymore, hmm?”
He squeezes her so hard he nearly breaks skin.
Their story goes like this: They fall into a mad sort of love, one that consumes and surrounds and heals. They marry in the spring with flowers in their hair.
They finalize their divorce before the leaves brown and fall.
Lena manages to avoid Kara for most of the night.
Partially by her own efforts, partially from Arthur intervening. No one wants another Lena-Kara cat fight, not tonight at least. While it can be fun to watch the former spouses quibble over politics, tonight is meant to be a celebration honoring the most important thing in this world, something so important no drama should overpower it: Lex. Lex is running for senate. They announced it earlier in the week to great approval and support. Arthur figures he’ll spend a few years working the senate before making a bid for president. They’ve already written the campaign slogans.
“I’m so honored you all came here to join me for this momentous occasion,” he says, and he smiles at the crowd with equal parts affection and disgust, though perhaps only Lena can recognize that second part. “We stand here now at the precipice of a historic moment – an end to the horrendous occupation of our planet. To freedom from otherworldly invaders.” As if on cue, all eyes turn to Kara. The lone alien in a room full of bigots. Everyone knows who Kara is, of course. Even those who somehow missed the great identity reveal know her by her scars. Even in the face of hatred, she stands tall. Unwavering. Staring down the man who wishes for her demise.
“It’s amazing, the hubris. We can’t even have a moment’s peace at a banquet, can we?” Lex says, earning a round of laughter. Lena stares steadily ahead at him. She can’t stand to look at Kara right now. “I’m here as a concerned citizen, Mr. Luthor. Nothing more.” “Of course, as a citizen,” his voice drips with disdain. “Well then please, stay. I support all of my great state’s citizens. I’m a man of the people, after all. I represent all of my human constituents, but please. Enjoy the lobster.” The night moves past that temporary discomfort, and Lena almost finds herself settling into it when, of course, her ex-wife approaches.
“Mrs. Danvers,” Kara greets her, and she rolls her eyes like always. “Always a pleasure to see you.” “It’s Ms. Luthor now, Supergirl. Surely your alien memory can recall our divorce.” “My mistake. Sometimes I forget you’re really a Luthor,” she smiles, like she’s trying to joke with her. “You’ve got so much hair, after all. Your genes haven’t quite kicked in yet.”
Lena doesn’t smile. Doesn’t do anything more than stare. She can see Arthur in her peripheral vision stepping closer, but she holds a hand up to stop him. No need to cause a scene.
“Do you need something or are you just here to harass me?”
Kara just shakes her head, stepping back. “I apologize. Just wanted to say hello to an old friend before I left.”
“We aren’t friends, Supergirl. Feel free to leave now,” Lena sneers with a dismissive wave of her fingers. That is finally what does it – Kara gives her one forlorn glance before exiting the ballroom. The crowd around Lena snicker as she departs, and Arthur lays a too-large hand down on her shoulder.
"Security should have never let her in, love,” he says, genuinely apologetic. “What do you say we forget this unpleasantness and dance?” He doesn’t wait for an answer. He takes her hand and leads her out to the dance floor and she smiles at him, with the burn of unshed tears at the back of her eye, and together they dance.
This is how their story plays out to the public: Lena Luthor marries Kara Danvers and, unknowingly, she marries Supergirl.
Kara Danvers is Supergirl – something she didn’t know, something the world didn’t know until human hero Lex Luthor reveals it. When he heroically saves her from her mistake. Everything she has built as a human crumbles in one fell swoop. The legality of her marriage – the legitimacy – is questioned. How could an alien love a Luthor? How could a Luthor love a Super? Should humans and aliens even be allowed to marry?
Lex Luthor is released from prison with a pardon, and the anti-alien movement gains traction alongside him. There’s talk of voting out the Alien Amnesty Act and making public its list of intergalactic immigrants.
Lena files for a divorce, one the press lovingly reports on how it is in no way amicable. Kara Danvers stops existing as a reporter, as a person.
Lena takes her place beside Lex, leaves everything she ever built with Kara behind. She takes back up the mantle of Luthor and all that it entails. The world sinks back into its own bigotry, rolls back rights hard won. Lena falls in love with someone new – Arthur White. A family friend and loyal employee of Lex Corp. Gossip magazines love to talk about their romance, but always mention that Lena wants to take things slow. She’s in no hurry to tie the knot again.
When asked, Lena denies ever knowing Kara was an alien.
Lena finds a moment’s solace in the bathroom.
There’s something soothing about the rhythmic routine of scrubbing soap into her skin, under her nails, over and over like maybe the motion will be enough to fully wash her clean. She hasn’t felt clean in a long time. The bathroom door opens behind her but she hardly notices, too focused on her ritual.
“Lex is always such a charmer,” she hears from behind her, and of course. Of course, it’s the person she’s so adamantly avoided all night. Of course, they’re alone together. Not that Lena is ever alone anymore. “Sometimes I almost even buy the crap he says.”
“You know, I told Arthur I didn’t need to extend our restraining order but you’re making me think that maybe I should,” Lena says without looking up from her hands. Again and again she rubs them together under the water, scrubbing until her skin turns red. “You need to leave.”
Kara doesn’t leave. Worse, she locks the door and slowly approaches.
Lena looks up at her reflection in the mirror in alarm, eyes wide in terror, and she shakes her head frantically, mouthing ‘no’ repeatedly as Kara draws ever closer. Kara pulls out an earpiece from her ear and holds it up to Lena’s. “Listen,” Kara whispers. Her front presses gently against Lena’s back, bumping her into the sink. Lena grips the sink in a white-knuckled hold.
Through the earpiece, soft echo of someone quietly sobbing plays out. “Brainy’s looping this audio over your bug,” Kara whispers against her other ear. “They can’t hear us. To them it just sounds like you’re crying alone in the bathroom.”
“You can’t be sure,” Lena barely breathes out even as she sinks back against her former spouse. “Lex-” “Isn’t listening. I promise. Trust me.”
That really is all it takes. Lena will always trust Kara.
She’s turning and shoving before Kara can say another word, pressing her against the wall with a desperate kiss. It’s frantic and dirty, both of them gripping at each other like they don’t know where to touch, like any minute someone will catch them and it’ll all be over. “Baby,” Kara breathes against her lips, and Lena nearly melts. “My love.” Lena just moans in reply. Licks into her mouth, desperate, trying to work her hand underneath Kara’s gown, trying to take advantage of every second she’s allowed to be near her, but they’re both distracted by the rapid beeping coming from Kara’s communicator.
“We’re out of time,” Kara gasps against her. Lena shudders at the feel of her lips moving against her own. “Dammit, dammit!”
She pushes away from Lena with an anguished sigh, running a hand over her mouth. Lena leans heavily against the bathroom stall trying to catch her breath. “We have twenty seconds until the loop ends,” Kara announces, looking at her cellular device.  “Listen, I’m going to come for you, okay? This isn’t over. Don’t give up. We just need a little more time but he is not going to win. Just stay strong, my love, okay? You have to believe me.”
She kisses Lena’s forehead, then her mouth. Lena tugs her in for a longer, frantic kiss, like she’s scared to let her go. “I love you,” Lena says, because she doesn’t believe it. She doesn’t believe they can beat him. But she does believe in this: “I love you so much, Kara.” Kara kisses her again, then again, then the beeping becomes too much to ignore. With one last, lingering look, she turns and vanishes in a quick gust of wind, leaving Lena alone in the bathroom. She takes just a few moments to get herself back together. Wipes her face clean, her eyes dry. Washes her hands once more. When she steps out, Arthur is there waiting. He holds his arm out for her to take, and she loops hers through it. His grip is tight as he leads her back towards the main hall. “Crying in the bathroom?” he says, voice low. “How embarrassing, Lena.” The mask she wears falls back into place at that as the high of Kara is shattered. “We all have moments of weakness, Arthur. Let’s just go back to the party.” And so they go.
Theirs is the story of two factions facing off in a cultural war.  
This is how their story goes for years and years, told through newsprint and blog posts and gossip whispered on the streets. Their story of lovers turned enemy, of humanity versus the other. Luthor and Super, alien and human.
But the real story, the truth hidden by all the gossip and hearsay, is so much worse. Beneath it all, theirs is a love story.
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korra-the-red-lion · 3 years
I will forever be salty that LoT doesn’t let Sara explore her grief a bit more, it seems. Anyway, enjoy some angst with a happy ending!
Sara put down the make-up brush and stared at herself in the mirror. It wasn’t a lot, but she felt confident in what she did for herself. Lightly, she put on the finishes touches to her lips and was ready for the big event.
In just a few short hours she’d be marrying the love of her life.
But why did her heart feel so heavy? Shouldn’t she be overjoyed that she was marrying Ava? But it only took one quick glance to the photo sitting her in locket to remind her why she felt this way. Laurel and Oliver smiled up at her, their faces alive and happy. Sara picked up the locket, holding it gently in her hand. At least Oliver got to marry the life of his life, Laurel never even got that chance. Both men she loved were tragically ripped away from her, before her own life was as well.
Although Laurel told her it was the right decision, Sara couldn’t help but still feel guilty that she didn’t use the Loom of Fate to bring her back. Why did someone like her get so many chances at life yet her sister didn’t? It was a cruel thing, fate was. Sara would have gladly given one of her several returns to life in exchange for Laurel to be here on her wedding day.
And Oliver too, who would never see his daughter grow old. How was it fair that someone who gave so much and rarely asked for anything in return was not allowed this once in a lifetime opportunity. At least Mia had Felicity, who was one tough cookie. It just felt like some cosmic joke to her. Oliver wasn’t perfect, but he deserved to grow old with his wife and children.
Sara blew a frustrated breath through pursed lips. She needed to stop thinking about this. About them. Today was supposed to be about her happiness, her love. About her and Ava finally retiring from saving the universe and enjoying life. It wasn’t an easy decision for them to make, especially for her. Sara had been fighting since she was teenager. What would the domestic life feel like? Going for walks with having to watch your back? Talking about that silly thing the neighbours did with Ava? Sara honestly couldn’t even picture it in her mind.
There was a knock at her door, startling from her thoughts. Sara put on a brave face and called out, “Come in!”
Nyssa walked into the room with a smile adorning her face. Sara smiled back, but Nyssa was not fooled. She had known Sara for a very long time and knew when she was hiding her feelings. Nyssa closed the door softly before turning to face her former love.
“What is wrong, Beloved?”
Sara smiled softly at the familiar expression. “It’s nothing, really. Just got thinking.”
“Thinking about what?”
“How much I miss them,” she said, looking down at the locket again.
Nyssa nodded in understanding as she came to sit next to Sara. “I miss them as well. I cannot imagine how difficult this must be for you.”
Sara clutched the locket, holding it to her heart. “I wish they could be here to see this. I want to let them know that I only got this far because of their support. Especially Laurel’s…” the tears welled up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.
“Sara…” Nyssa reached for her hand, squeezing it in comfort. “They may not be here physically, but I know Oliver and your sister. They’re watching from wherever they are currently. They would be so happy for you, so happy that you found the love they wished for you. Do you understand that?”
“I do,” said Sara with a small voice, “but that doesn’t make me miss them any less.”
Nyssa hugged Sara tightly. All she could hope was that Sara could feel her emotions through the hug. That it was okay to grief those you’ve lost, you just cannot let it consume you. Sara hugged back just as tightly, wondering when the emptiness in her heart would finally feel a little more whole.
Another knock at the door broke the pair apart. Ray stuck his head into the room, his smile instantly dropping when he saw Sara. He wasted no time in walking across the floor and scooping the tiny assassin into a bear hug.
“I have no idea what’s upsetting you, Sara, but I’m not going to let it ruin your wedding day,” he said firmly.
Ray put Sara onto the floor before getting to work straightening out her wedding dress. “Sara, I’ve known you for a very long time. Heck, I think you’re my oldest friend at this point. You were there for me when Nora and I tied the knot. We were there for each other through all the hardships that we’ve face. I would never let you do this alone.” Ray stepped back to make sure there wasn’t a single wrinkle left. With a satisfied nod, Ray placed a gentle hand on Sara’s shoulder.
“You deserve happiness and peace, Sara Lance,” said Ray with watery eyes. “I believe that more than anything else in the world.”
Sara swallowed thickly while blinking out tears. “Thank you…” She fanned at her laugh with a wet laugh. “Oh God, my make-up. Ava is going to freak out if I don’t get a move on things.”
“I believe I can help with that,” said Nyssa with a smirk. She held up the eye make-up with a fire in her eyes. “I am quite good with my hands, after all.”
Sara burst out into laughter while Ray looked pleasantly confused. Together, Ray and Nyssa got Sara ready to walk down the aisle.
Quentin looked like he was trying his hardest not to cry as he walked his daughter down the aisle. Sara squeezed his arm tightly as they did, trying to keep her raging emotions in check.
“I’m so happy for you, baby,” he said in a choked whisper.
“Thanks, dad.” Sara sniffled slightly. “I’m really happy too.”
He gave her a kiss on the cheek as he left her at the alter. He joined his wife in the front row. Sara took in the crowd. Jax and his wife were here with their kids. Thea and Roy were in the crowd chatting quietly to Dinah. Sara couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow when she noticed that Dinah had her pinkie finger linked with Laurel 2.0. That was unexpected. Barry and Iris were sitting next to Kara, Alex, Lena, and Kelly. Ray waved to her, his arm linked with a very happy looking Nora, who was also waving. Mona was seated next to Gary, who was already ugly crying. Nate was on Ray’s right side, and he was beaming up at Sara, Zari holding his free hand. Charlie was with her band, providing the music for the wedding. Amaya came from the past to also watch her former captain and friend tie the knot. She was seated next to the Hawks, which they had been hard to track down, but Kendra had been Sara’s first friend aboard the Waverider, and there was no way she was going to miss this for the world. Nyssa sat with Sin, who was looking so much older than Sara last remembered.
All her friends and family were here, and it was a wonderful sight to see.
Charlie looked up towards the doorway and motioned to her band to start playing the music. Sara’s heart was beating like crazy with anticipation as the doors swung open.
Ava walked out from behind the curtains. Her smile was wide and there were already tears in her eyes as she walked towards Sara. Her dress was nothing fancy, but that’s exactly what suited her best. Mick was walking her down the aisle. They had an unlikely friendship, but Ava had helped Mick with so many things in his life, he felt it only fair to return a favour. There were tears in his eyes as he helped her up the steps. He gave Sara a quick nod before clomping back down to take his seat next to Spooner, who was sitting with Astra and Behrad.
“Alright,” said Diggle with a clearing of his throat. “Sara and Ava both asked that this not be fancy. Sara said to me, ‘I already have enough drama in my life, I don’t need it at my wedding too,’ and I couldn’t agree more.”
This drew laughs from the crowd.
“So, Sara, do you have anything you want to say to Ava?” asked Diggle.
Sara nodded quickly. “Ava, I just want to say that you’ve made me the happiest girl in the world. You just get me, and that is so important. We’ve had our rough patches, but we always got through them together. You’ve been with me through thick and thin. I love you so much that it makes me lie awake at night thinking about it. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” She smiled brightly, ignoring the tears that flowed freely down her face now.
“Ava, do you have anything you want to say to Sara?”
“Yes.” Ava took a deep shaky breath. Sara could feel the tremors in her hands as she spoke. “I hated you the first time I saw you.” Everyone laughed at that, including Sara and Ava. “But you slowly broke down my walls and taught me how to really live. If it wasn’t for you, I probably would still be working for Rip, without ever realizing the person I could have been. You helped me because the best version of me, because that’s what’s being a person is all about. Helping each other grow. I hope that we can continue to do just that, because you’ll be spending every moment with me, and I can’t wait.”
Diggle smiled at the two of them before saying. “Okay, well, go ahead then!”
Sara dipped Ava and gave her the most passionate kiss she could muster. It would take some time, but she was hopeful that Ava would help her fill the hole in her heart. She already had, in some way. Because Sara knew that this right here meant that she was no longer lonely. She would always grieve the death of her Laurel, her wonderful and beautiful sister, and her best friend in Oliver. But she also knew that Ava would always be there for her, every step of the way.
And she was ready to see where that path led.
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marvelsdc22 · 4 years
The Professor And I Season 2 (pt. 17)
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Intro: Y’all really thought I’d be that evil and leave you on that type of cliffhanger, huh? Sksksksksk, here’s the true last chapter, enjoy ~
Note: Y/N has to learn to cope with everything that happened, them and Lena reconcile, we find out what exactly happened to Kara.
Word Count: 915
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Red… That’s all you saw; Dominguez had done it and your father was now bleeding on the ground in front of him as Dominguez held his hands up in surrender when the cops arrived “No!” You cried, slowly falling to the ground with Lena holding onto you tightly “Let me go” you sobbed, quickly going over to your father and taking his hand “Dad-“ “This… Is not… Your fault” your father struggled, looking at you and giving your hand a small squeeze “But it is… I’m so sorry” you said, wishing you could do something as you looked at him “No need… I love you… Tell your mom… The same” he managed before you saw the light leave his eyes “No…” you cried, shaking him some in an attempt to wake him “Dad!” You cried, all but collapsing when you rested your head on his chest, feeling hands on your back but you didn’t care, your dad was gone.
When you got to the hospital, you were taken into a room and were put back on your I.V.s and whatever else you needed, you didn’t fight it, you didn’t have the energy or the will to fight it “Y/N… Talk to me” Lena said softly, her being the only one in the room with you since Alex and Maggie were with Kara and Lara was getting checked out herself “What is there to say? My dad’s dead… The one thing I tried to prevent” you said softly, knowing you would blame yourself for this the rest of your life “Honey… It’s not your fault, you did all that you could” Lena said, going and taking your hand, your eyes starting to feel droopy “It wasn’t enough” you whispered before letting the drugs drag you into a dreamless sleep.
When you woke up, you saw Lena curled up in the very uncomfortable looking chair by your bed while your mother sat in the corner of your room, staring blankly at the wall across from her “Mom?” You asked softly, watching as she looked at you and gave you a sad smile before slowly going over to you “Hey, baby… How are you feeling?” She asked, her voice scratchy from crying and her brushing some hair out of your face “I’m so sorry” you said, completely ignoring her question and watching as she bit her lip “It’s not your fault, your father was always apart of a dangerous family” she said, pulling a chair up by your bed and willing to tell you as much as needed to get you to understand that this wasn’t your fault, but she knew that it might never happen, you had your father’s stubbornness, no matter how much she wished you didn’t sometimes.
A few days later, Lena was helping you get ready for the funeral, the doctors letting you be released for the day so you could attend “How’s Kara?” You asked as Lena kneeled down to tie your shoes, you still struggling to tie them with one hand “They still don’t know what Dominguez injected her with, but they’re going to keep trying… For now she’s sedated” Lena said, glancing up at you and the two of you having started to make amends over the past few days “That’s good” you said softly, sniffling some and quickly wiping your eyes, stopping when Lena gently cupped your cheek “Are you okay?” She asked, clearly worried about you as she looked at you “No” you said honestly, not going into any further explanation and Lena wasn’t going to force you, so she went back to helping you dress.
The funeral… Was rough, you never thought you would lose either of your parents this early, you were only 21 years old, you thought you had a lot more years than you did before one of them died, but now here you were, at your father’s funeral… And it was your fault, at least that’s what you thought, getting pulled out of your thoughts when Lena laced her fingers with yours, giving your hand a small squeeze while Alex rested her hand on your shoulder and gave it a squeeze as well, you knowing this was going to be hard to get through, but both you and your mom had a great support system.
A few weeks later, you were getting ready to leave the hospital since your stitches were out and you’d be getting molded for a prosthetic in the coming week, you were going to be living with Lena for the time being since none of them wanted you on your own while you were still getting used to having one arm, looking over at the door when it opened and you saw Alex standing there, looking worried “They think they might know what Kara was injected with…”
Walking with Alex, you listened to her as she explained that they had looked at the stuff you had in the vial from the lab and discovered that it matched what they found in Kara’s blood “What are you saying, Alex?” You asked, looking at her and stopping when she stopped in front of Kara’s door “Kara has powers” she said, opening the door and watching as you looked in the room, barely dodging out of the way when a laser shot out at you guys “Kara?” You asked, looking in the room and seeing her glaring at you guys with red eyes… This was going to be a long next few months.
To be continued...(Yes, I mean it this time)
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Supergirl Taglist: @x-danvers-x​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @aznblossom​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @stop-drop-and-drumroll​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @worlds-in-words​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @wlw-in-space​​​​​​​​
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End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed it!! If you would like to be added to a Taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask!! Have a good day/night!!
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intergalactic-zoo · 3 years
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Whoopsie, went a whole year without posting.
I very much enjoy the Arrowverse shows, even though the only episodes of Arrow I've seen are the crossover tie-ins. Legends of Tomorrow is a constant delight, Black Lightning is incredible, The Flash is good superhero melodrama, and Supergirl is fine. It's fine. It's generally mostly fine. 
Look, Supergirl started out strong on CBS, but since it moved to CW, it's been plagued by recurring problems. The cast is stellar. I love every actor and character on that show. Dreamer is a revelation, and I want to see her ongoing comic series (where maybe her powers will be slightly more clearly developed). 
But the politics? The recent episode dealing with violence against trans women (and trans women of color in particular) was a welcome and refreshing shift in the show's usual tone of Peak Liberal White Feminism. For a show that has its heart so clearly in the right place, tackling real-world issues like internment camps for immigrants and the radicalization of cishet white men into fascist paramilitary organizations, it has also featured a hero who, up until last season, was consistently working with a government organization and adopting center-left approaches that openly demonized actual leftists and ignored intersectionality in favor of a lily-white worldview. 
Buckle in, comrades. This is an anarchist blog now. 
There are other problems as well. The way they derailed the Kara-Jimmy relationship to pair her with Mon-El for a season, then fumbled around to find something to do with his character until he left the show, feels more than a little casually racist. I think there are legitimate queerbaiting complaints to be had about how they've handled the Kara/Lena relationship. Alex's shifting desires and priorities have felt less like character development and more like trying to figure out where she fits in the show now.
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There's a lot of good, too, especially with some of this most recent season's course corrections. Killing Dean Cain's character offscreen was a hilarious solution to that unfortunate problem. I appreciated Brainiac-5's evolution that gave him a more comics-accurate Coluan appearance and removed some of the played-out "smart guy doesn't understand emotions" character type. I like that every time Lena says "Non Nocere" it makes me think of standing in a Buffalo Stance.
And I've liked Tyler Hoechlin and Bitsie Tulloch as Superman and Lois Lane, on the occasions where they've appeared. Tulloch isn't my favorite Lois, and I wish Hoechlin's costume had the trunks, but they've been quite good when they've shown up. And, you know, this is the first live-action Superman show with tights and flights and the word "Superman" in the title since 1997. I am, unexepctedly, excited for that. 
Besides that, it's a different take on the characters. Lois gets second billing, but rather than being a will-they/won't-they romantic dramedy, it's centered on Clark and Lois as an established couple and experienced parents of teenagers. Personally, I'd prefer the kids to be younger—Crisis changed their single infant into two teenage boys—but I suppose there are some story and tone reasons to prefer teenage kids. Overall, I think a lot of the choices are really savvy: setting the story in Smallville immediately sets this show apart from urban Supergirl, and the teens who cut their sci-fi melodrama teeth on Clark and Lois and Lex in Smallville are now in their thirties, settling down and having kids of their own. This show has the potential of tapping into that 20-year nostalgia cycle for the mid-2000s.
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But...well, my excitement has been dampened somewhat in the lead-up to the premiere. Naturally, there's the stories Nadria Tucker has told about experiences in the writers' room, how they dismissed concerns about racism and sexism, about "#metoo jokes" and the like. There's also the optics; Supergirl is coming to an end next season, and it's hard not to feel weird about the diverse, female-dominated show about found family being more-or-less replaced with the nuclear family show whose principal cast is four white people, three of them dudes. I never really watched the trailer, but the response to it on my social media feed was largely negative (though for whatever reason, my social media feed is heavy on people who apparently aren't happy if Superman's not snapping necks in a rubber suit). On the other hand, I've seen really positive responses from two of the Superman fans I respect the most, Charlotte Finn and David Mann. And that clip of Hoechlin in the Fleischer suit and the Action #1 pose? Yeah, that's pretty cool. 
So I'm not sure what to expect as I finally hit up the ol' TiVo and watch the two-hour Pilot. But I'm about to find out. 
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fernwehbookworm · 4 years
Haunted- Chapter 6
Lena feels giddy with her first bite of food. Solid food. Because she is solid again. The warm tomato sauce bursts across her tongue, mixing with the garlicky crust and earthy flavor of mushrooms. A tomato slice pulls off with the melted cheese and Lena moans into the bite. Kara laughs from across the table in the rundown pizza place tucked into a forgotten alleyway. It was the best pizza Lena had ever had, living up to Kara’s claims. The pizzeria sold by the slice or the pie, Lena getting the former, Kara ordering the later. Which didn’t surprise Lena at all, after practically being by her side for a week. The Pizzeria was also open twenty-four hours a day, which was great for the starving CEO at 5 am.
Lena wipes at her lip self consciously as she notices Kara staring. “What?” Lena asks.
“Nothing, just still can’t believe you are actually here.”
“You’re telling me.” Lena laughs, “I was very worried when you went to your sister’s. I didn’t think I would ever be able to reach you.”
“Hey, I was freaked out. But we are here now.”
“Yes, we are.” Lena smiles softly. “Does this count as our first date?”
“Only if that means we get a second. This isn’t what I was thinking when I asked you out. I planned on roses and candles and probably some cheap champagne.”
“I think this is perfect.” Lena takes another bite and chews quickly before continuing. “Everyone always wants to woo me. To give me fancy things and impress me with money. This,” Lena gestures with her slice around the dimly lit pizza parlor, “This is wonderful.”
“Good, because I am far from fancy.” Kara smiles, a blush coloring her cheeks as she and Lena lock eyes. Kara only looks away when her phone rings.
“It’s Alex. Hold on,” Kara says and Lena nods. “Hey, Al. Any news? Okay, great. Yes, I’m sure she will want to be there. Thanks. See you soon.”
“Well?” Lena asks as Kara hangs up.
“They will have the warrant within the hour. They have enough to seize records, thanks to you. The team is gearing up to arrest Max Lord. I figured you would want to see that.”
“See it? I want to be a part of it. Come on.” Lena stands and takes one last bite of her slice and drops a large bill on the table. Kara scrambles to follow after Lena with her pizza box.
“Where are we going?” Kara asks through a mouthful of triple meat pizza.
“Lord Tech, of course. I need to talk to Max himself, plus he’ll need to be distracted. Otherwise, once he catches a whiff of the feds, he will disappear.”
“So what's your plan?” Kara asks.
“To go rub it in his face that I am not actually dead and then keep him talking until your sister busts down his door and cuffs him.”
“Doesn’t sound like much of a plan. How are you getting in?”
“Oh honey, I’m a Luthor. I can get in anywhere.”
Lena flags down a cab and Kara climbs in the back seat with Lena, continuing to eat her pizza. Kara offers Lena a slice but Lean declines. Kara just shrugs and hums happily as she finishes the last three before they get out in front of Lord Tech. Lena straightens to her full height, gathering an air about her that directly contradicts the sweats she had put on to replace the lab clothing she had been trapped in, collected and held for testing, of course. The MIT sweatshirt even covers most of her hands and Kara has tried very hard not to be distracted by that fact.
Lena strides into the building like she owns it, not even stopping as a confused security guard calls out for her to but then choking off their commands as they realize that a ghost has entered the building. Kara trails behind, unwilling to let Lena out of her sight now that she isn’t at risk of losing her.
The elevator is quite as Lena begins to set up the chess pieces in her mind. She is thinking through the moves Max and she had been playing for since taking over for Lex. She will play him like a fiddle until the FBI shows up. Lena smirks at the thought.
“So… this is my most interesting first date. Saving my date from completely disappearing, pizza, and now an arrest. I don’t think I can ever top this.” Kara breaks the silence and into Lena’s thoughts.
Lena laughs. “Yeah, it is pretty memorable. You are pretty memberal.” “And you are very pretty.” Kara grins, cheeks stretching with the width of it. Lena laughs again and that is all Kara wants to hear. It is a great laugh.
“I have a feeling that the two of us working together will be a great thing,” Lena says honestly.
“Me too, but we can still go on a second date right? This isn’t going to be one of those situations that you don’t date people you work with, right?”
“I just don’t date people who work for me. Not with me. The better the chemistry, the better the result.” Lena winks. Kara is saved from stuttering out a response when the elevator doors open and Lena strides out. The CEO is no doubt on a mission. Kara is just along for the ride as the powerful woman tears a warpath past upper-level executive offices and makes her way to the giant doors clearly installed to stroke Max’s ego, his initials inlaid in gold, taking up the entire floor to ceiling doors.
Ignoring the stuttering secretary, Lena pushes the doors open and sweeps into the room. Kara mumbles an apology to the woman before brushing past also. Max stands quickly at the intrusion from behind his desk. Lena suppresses a chuckle. Max gathers himself and straightens his tie.
“L-Lena Luthor. What are- How are you not—”
“Dead? Yes, it seems like it was quite a misunderstanding.” Lena makes her way to the wet bar and pours herself a drink. “Want anything Kara? Max here only stocks the best whisky. It’s really his only redeeming quality.”
“Oh, umm, no thank you. Whisky isn’t really my thing.” Kara decides to hang towards the door.
“And who is this?” Max asks, noticing Kara only after Lena drew attention to her.
“Oh, the reporter who saved my life after my lab accident. She really is quite brilliant. And her story on my death will be printed in the morning, and then her story on my resurrection will be printed the day after. But I am sure, her article on your arrest will earn her awards.”
“My arrest?” Max repeats, indignantly.
“Why yes. You see, Max, you slipped up. You got sloppy and greedy while I waited for the opportunity to strike. I—” Lena is interrupted by Max’s phone ringing.” Don’t you need to get that? Could be important.”
“No, I am much more interested in how I might be arrested. You and I both know that I am too careful.”
“Oh, you used to be. But I think you have grown careless in your own age. Also without Lex protecting you and holding your hand, you got in over your head. I mean, really, trying to kill me when you were literally the only one who knew my plans had changed. That was just idiotic. And then, your man didn’t even do it right. He left it up to chance. An experiment gone wrong. Granted, it was almost clean. You almost got away with it, you just didn’t count on such a connection between me and a stranger.”
“What are you even talking about?” Max seems to be reigning his composure after his initial surprise.
“Are we really going to play this game?” Lena sighs after taking a drink and sets her glass down, purposefully next to the coaster. “Fine. I know Max. You sent in a sloppy assassin to kill me after I told you I couldn’t make our meeting because I was stuck in the lab. He just changed the settings on my matter transporter and it didn’t kill me. Instead, I was stuck in a state in between being molecularly solid and being separated. Luckily, I was able to anchor myself to my favorite pen and then communicate with Miss Danvers here,” Lena pauses to point to Kara, who wiggles her fingers in an awkward wave, “And she was able to reverse the conditions to bring me back.”
“And what proof do you have of all this pseudoscience you claim to be happening?”
“Oh not much on the actual science yet, but the assassin and your shady dealings, plenty.”
Max smirks. “That seems unlikely. Why else would you be here? You are just trying to scare me into confessing something that is untrue.”
“Oh, no. I’m just here to watch.”
“Watch? Watch what?”
A commotion sounds in the hallway and heavy footsteps thunder towards them. Kara moves away from the door and urges Lena to the side of the room as Max’s eyes go wide and fix on the closed office doors.
“Watch you be dragged away kicking and screaming,” Lena smirks as the doors burst open jackbooted, FBI swat troops storm in. The women raise their hands but are completely ignored as the agents surround Max Lord.
Agent Danvers strides into the room and begins reading out the arrest warrant and Max’s rights. She pauses briefly to salute Lena silently before shoving Max out the door.
Kara is busy watching her sister and doesn’t notice Lena dialing her phone.
“Yes, Jess? Dump our stock in Lord Tech. I have a feeling it’s about to tank. And anything of L-Corp buy up. I'm about to rise from the dead."
A couple of agents stay back to escort Kara and Lena from the building. By the time the reporter and CEO make it to the lobby, a massive crowd has gathered out the doors and Max Lord is struggling as he is pushed through the crowd. He bites comments at the reporters, jerking his head side to side, much like a muzzled dog on a leash. Lights flash like fireworks and Lena holds back, slowing to a stop just short of the doors.
"You should probably wait. This will be a mess." Lena says softly, taking a moment to actually look Kara in the eye.
Kara smiles softly, "Hey, we've made it this far together. I'm seeing this through with you."
Lena seems to deflate with relief to not have to face the mob alone. Then she takes a deep breath to build herself back up. One of the agents opens the door for them, the other leading the way with the first following behind the two women. It takes a moment for the press to turn from where Max Lord was loaded into a government SUV and to turn to look upon the newcomers. Kara could have sworn she could hear a pin drop in that second. But it would have been lost in the next as the reporters scramble to get a  good look.
More agents force themselves between the crowd and the CEO, forming a small circle to give her room. Lena ignores all questions and waits for the chaos to die down as she levels a glare over the crowd. Soon just the flashing of lights and shuffle of feet fill the air.
"Now, I realize you have many questions. I will not answer most of them, the exclusive will be going to Catco because, with their reporter's help, I was able to contact the FBI and help provide information for them to arrest Max Lord. As you can see, I, Lena Luthor, am not dead. Nor was I ever. I sincerely apologize for the multiple power outages and L-Corp will be working to help those affected. The rest of the story can be read tomorrow through Catco. Good day."
Lena strides towards The final government SUV without waiting for more questions, Kara right on her heels. The questions come anyway, some even thinking to throw some towards Kara. Kara follows Lena's lead and ignores them all. Once an agent closes the door, all the shouting is finally muffled and the flashing lights are barely visible through the darkly tinted windows.
Lena deflates once more and leans her head against the glass, closing her eyes. Kara watches her. That's all Kara feels like she is doing, too afraid of Lena suddenly disappearing again. Without looking, Lena holds out her hand and Kara just stares at it. Lena sighs and opens her eyes to look at Kara.
“I thought there was going to be handholding that came with our dating?”
“Dating?” Kara asks, still confused.
“Well, we had one date, and I would like to go on a second. Multiple dates usually means dating. Unless you didn’t enjoy our first date?” Lena raises an eyebrow at Kara.
“No! What? I mean, yes! I had a great time. How many people have a first date that ends in the arrest of a corrupt businessman?”
“I’ve had three. Granted, the man was the date for the other two, so this is far better.”
“This has been the best first date I have ever had.” Kara twines her fingers with Lena’s and relaxes against the seat of the car.
After a debriefing with Alex, Kara and Lena were free to go. Kara shuffles a bit on the sidewalk outside of the building, unsure what to do. She wasn’t really ready to go home just yet. “Would you like to come back to mine and watch a movie?” Lena asks as if reading Kara’s mind. “I need to shower first but we could order more food and just hang out. I don’t think I’m ready to be alone yet.”
“Me either. Is that weird? I mean it was only a couple of days, but it's like I am so used to your presence now, it will be weird to be without.”
Lena smiles softly, “Same. Come on.”
A short cab ride later, and the couple make it to Lena’s penthouse. Kara tries not to snoop too much as Lena showers but Lena did say for Kara to help herself to any drinks in the fridge and pick from the take out menus in the drawer. Kara orders from her favorite Chinese place and settles on Lena’s much too comfortable couch to look through her video streaming services.
Lena is out before the food arrives and she pays cash when it does. It’s a weird sort of domesticity that Kara feels settling over her as Lena pads towards the couch with a paper bag in her fuzzy socks. Kara smiles at her and Lena grins back.
“There are some sweats and a t-shirt I put in the bathroom if you want to change,” Lena says while unpacking the red and white cartons.
“Sounds perfect. I’ll be right back.”
A quiet evening in with a wonderful woman is just what Kara needed after all the chaos and panic of the week. The food dwindles to just enough for leftovers as Kara and Lena pick at it. Lena stands to put it away before settling on the couch, right next to Kara. Without thinking, Kara lifts her arm and places it around Lena’s shoulders, pulling her close. It felt like something she had been doing for years, not for the first time. Soon the two begin to slowly sink lower and lower into the couch, and by the time the credits roll, Kara is half asleep on her back with Lena snoring softly in her chest. Kara manages to reach the remote to turn off the TV and pull a blanket over them. There was no way she was waking Lena now, plus the couch was really comfortable.
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returningwriter · 4 years
Suiting Up for Her
Part 1: By Her Side Part 2: At Her Place Part 3: At Her Work Part 4: There For Her
Kara puts on a special suit for Lena p.s. I have no idea why I wrote this!
Kara studied herself in the full-length mirror. This felt good, strange but also very good. Despite what people thought, mostly Alex and her friends, she wasn’t as oblivious as they all probably thought she was when it came to women. In fact, she had noticed and remembered quite well how Lena had looked at her that day the CEO had marched into the CatCo offices with an armful of red roses to stake her claim. And since she'd deduced that Lena liked seeing her in a man’s shirt and a jacket it was only fair that she'd indulge her girlfriend’s desire in that regard further. Thus, calling in a favor or two, she’d ordered a new suit to be tailored for her. Not a super-suit, but a real suit.
Buttoning up the blue waistcoat of her newly acquired three-piece suit she grinned at her reflection. It was of the same blue color as her Supergirl suit in fact and that was by design. Lena would love this and hopefully be suitably shocked. Fixing the red tie which she’d picked out because matched the color of her cape, she adjusted the knot. When it had come to tying the actual knot, YouTube had been a big help and she decided that she might write an article about it later.
Taking her hair and pulling it up into a tight bun, she then fixed the golden cufflinks that adorned her pressed white shirt. With her hair done up and cufflinks ermm cufflinked she looked at herself from the front and the side smoothing the shirt and vest down over her breasts. The pulled-up hairstyle looked good she decided and putting on her thin-framed glasses she took a deep breath. What she was planning to do would be a first for her, and she didn’t want to mess it up.
“Miss Luthor, I’m here to pick you up for our date,” she said, practicing sounding more like Supergirl while being Kara Danvers.
“Hi, I’m here to take you out,” she said, testing out another version of the line, and tried making her voice a little bit deeper.
“Lena, would you come with me please?” she asked in an even deeper voice but then broke down into giggles.
Shaking her head, she pulled on the dark blue jacket that completed the look and buttoned one of the buttons before deciding against it. Leaving the jacket open, she carefully folded up the matching red pocket square and stuffed it into the breast pocket of the jacket. After a bit of a fight with the crimson piece of silk, she finally got it the way the YouTube tutorial had said it should be.
“No big deal, picking up Lena in a suit that’s all,” she reminded herself and sat down on the bed. A bed she’d shared with the green-eyed genius on three occasions already and the sheets still smelled of Lena’s perfume and other aromas. Blushing at the thoughts the smells aroused she cursed her stupid super senses.
Pulling on a pair of dark brown shoes over her red socks, she laced them up tightly and began giving them a good polish because she wanted to look her very best for Lena today. The raven-haired CEO had been so good to her over the past few weeks and even though they were Facebook-Official now, which had freaked Alex out, she felt like she owed the woman a grand gesture.
Finishing polishing up the shoes she grinned at the memory of Alex showing up at her apartment the morning after she and Lena had made things official. In Alex’s defense, her sister couldn’t possibly have known that Lena would be standing in the kitchen in only an old worn and stretched out Midvale High t-shirt and with one sock on and to Lena’s credit she wasn’t fazed at all when Alex had pulled a gun on her. Speaking of stretched out t-shirts. Oh yeah she loved that her girlfriend was busty!
Her calling from the bedroom for the raven-haired beauty to get her fine behind back into bed because she wanted seconds. That had in Alex’s words scarred her for life and no amount of good whiskey, graciously provided by Lena, could erase that memory from her sister’s mind.
“I can do this, I’m Supergirl, I can do this,” she said to herself in the mirror and adjusting her belt she grabbed the car keys from the nightstand.
The car she'd be driving was J’onn’s car, which she managed to fast-talk her space-dad into letting her borrow for today. Since she couldn’t very well fly and carry Lena while wearing a three-piece suit. Picking up a single red-rose, picked from a garden in France and carefully flown across the Atlantic, she checked herself in the mirror one more time. Satisfied that she was sufficiently suited-up, she drove to L-Corp with butterflies in her stomach.
Parking outside the L-Corp building she fixed her glasses in the rearview mirror and steadied herself one last time. Time to be bold Danvers, time to be bolder than you’ve ever been in your life! She thought to herself and got out of the car drawing the attention of a few passers-by.
The elevator ride felt like it took forever but the secretary smiled at her and waved her inside. When she stepped into Lena’s office, the mind-numbingly pretty CEO was hard at work, with her hair up in a messy late afternoon bun and those stunning emerald eyes focused squarely on her laptop. Holding out the rose she cleared her throat and pushed her glasses up on her nose before she spoke.
“Come here often?” she asked and instantly wondered to herself why that was the first thing to come out of her mouth.
“I think you could say I live…” Lena replied with a smile, but the words died on those red lips when the pale-skinned and raven-haired beauty looked up at her. “...here,” the stunned CEO finished.
“Well I think…” she started off sounding too much like Kara Danvers but then she stopped herself and tried again.
“Good thing I'm here then, I’m here to take you out to dinner,” she declared while sounding as firm and in command as she could muster under Lena’s piercing green-eyed gaze as she held out the red rose trying not to shake.
Lena in response, looked her up and down like she was a snack. The woman’s green eyes were appreciative of the blue suit she could tell but that unyielding gaze made her stand up straighter. Come to think of it, probably the only thing straight in that office right then and there was her posture.
“Is that so?” Lena asked playfully and pushed herself back from her desk.
With the CEO of her heart uncrossing her smooth legs, she could see that the woman, she'd somehow lucked into dating, was wearing a form-hugging black pencil skirt with a white blouse open at the collar and a matching black vest.
“Yes, and no ifs or buts about it,” she replied but struggled not to grin and then not to drool at what Lena did next.
“Feeling forceful this afternoon, are we?” the raven-haired CEO asked while undoing the messy bun holding her hair up and shaking all that lustrous, soft, and dark hair free.
“Yes, now close that laptop and get into my car already,” she playfully ordered the green-eyed genius. Who responded by sauntering up to her and plucking the rose from her hand.
“Or what? You’ll pick me up and carry me over your shoulder downstairs past all my employees like I've been a bad girl?” Lena teased her back and put one hand on her arm while raising her eyebrow suggestively.
“Don’t tempt me,” she countered the woman's teasing and flexed her bicep under that gentle touch. This was too much fun but it was also making her feel hot under the collar. Oh and she finally got what that saying meant!
“What if I like tempting you?” the green-eyed temptress asked innocently and brought the ruby red rose up to her cute nose for added effect.
“Then I’d say be careful, or you'll get what's coming to you,” she replied, purposefully lowering her voice an octave and letting her hands fall on those shapely hips.
“Oh darling, we both know that you...” Lena started teasing her again but she had no intention of allowing the brilliant and beautiful woman to finish what she'd started saying.
Leaning down she captured those wonderfully red lips in mid-sentence and thoroughly kissed the girl of her dreams while pulling her in closer. The rose dropped to the floor and she could feel those pale hands pawing at the front of her suit and then with a content sigh, Lena let her win. Running her fingers through all that soft dark hair she growled and Lena whimpered into the kiss. Pulling away only when the raven-haired beauty had been kissed to within an inch of her life and was left sufficiently breathless, she flashed her own version of a cocky grin.
“As I said, we’re going out. So close that laptop and get in my car... now,” she repeated herself and the reaction from Lena fried what few functioning brain-cells she might have had left in her head after that kiss.
“As you wish, daddy,” the green-eyed goddess replied demurely and breathlessly as she batted those long and dark eyelashes up at her.
Lena glided back over to her desk with a sway to her hips that was hard to ignore. She closed the lid on her laptop while making damn sure to bend over suggestively as she did so. Then turning back around the stunning woman walked back up to her with that same hypnotizing wiggle to her snake-like hips and fixed her tie with those soft and pale fingers while humming. Finally, the CEO of her heart adjusted her glasses and wiped away the smudges of red lipstick from the corners of her mouth before flashing her a smirk.
“I love the suit by the way,” her girl purred and brushed her hands down the front of the blue waistcoat then pulling away right before her fingertips reached the belt.
“I thought you might like it,” she replied, now feeling very cocky and offered Lena her arm which the still grinning woman took with an uncharacteristic giggle. She had no illusions about this, however, Lena would always be the boss, but being in charge every now and again felt nice too.
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You Look Perfect - Supercorp
Read at AO3
She was staring, she knew she was staring, she knew she should stop, look to the other side, stop being a creep, anything. But her eyes were glued to the vision in front of her. Kara was using the most perfect thing Lena had ever saw. Her hair was down, almost like Supergirl’s style, she was using some light make up around her eyes and light pink lipstick that made her beautiful blue eyes point out. Kara was using a simple white blouse with sleeves that ended on the crook of her elbows, a black belt holding her long flowery skirt that fell flawlessly to her ankles, where Lena could see a black boot.
Lena started wondering if it was possible to forget how to breathe, or think, or live.
“Here.” Maggie had suddenly approached her holding a napkin, that she promptly handed to Lena with a smirk.
Still distracted by the image in front of her, Lena took it without a second thought. “Thank you.” She held it in front of her for a couple of seconds, until Maggie’s laugh shook her away from her thoughts. “Wha-“ She looked down at the napkin and frowned. “Why?” Lena asked the detective.
Maggie shrugged, looking too innocent to be real. “For the drool.” She pointed to Lena’s face and, out of instinct, the CEO raised her hand to touch the sides of her mouth. Maggie laughed happily while Lena rolled her eyes. “It’s so fun to have you around.”
Lena wrapped the napkin in a angry ball and shoved it back into Maggie’s hand, ignoring the woman’s laugh. “Very funny.”
“I thought so.” The smaller brunette nodded delighted with herself. “So, what’s the occasion, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Kara didn’t tell you?” Lena was greatful for having a distraction from the woman looking so gorgeous from across the room, so she turned to look at Maggie with one raised eyebrow.
The woman shrugged again. “Like she can say anything without stumbling in her own words when it comes to you.” She looked at where both Alex and Kara were talking across the room and smiled. “Do you think I can make the same joke with Kara?”
Lena rolled her eyes. “Go ahead.” She knew better than try to stop the woman of having some fun. “I have a brunch to attend and I asked her to go with me.”
It was Maggie’s turn to raise her eyebrows. “A brunch? And you’re both dressed like that? Is it at the Bunckingham Palace? Are you meeting the Queen?”
Lena looked down at her own clothes, the dark blue three pieces suit and black shoes, and frowned. “No. It’s a brunch with the members of the council of L Corp, you know, the thing you have to do once a year to keep people at your good side.”
Maggie nodded. “It has to suck to be rich.” She teased. The CEO laughed softly and opened her mouth to say something, but Maggie raised her hand. “Wait, wait, wait, that’s my chance!” She was out before Lena could understand what was happening.
She wasn’t alone for too long, Alex quickly occupied the place her fiancée had just left. “You’re looking good, Lena.”
Lena tilted her head to the side as a silent ‘thank you’. “Not as much as Kara.”
“It took her five days to choose it.” Alex confessed with an eye roll. “Please, tell her she’s looking good, she almost didn’t left her room when you got here.”
Like Lena would ever be able to say anything else. Actually, scratch that, she could say something else. Kara wasn’t just looking good, she was perfect. Absolutely and undoubtedly perfect. Huh, maybe she should have taken Maggie’s napkin after all.
“What on Earth is my woman doing?” Alex asked exasperatedly while putting both hands on her hips.
Lena turned to look where Maggie had joined Kara and was now handing her the slightly crumpled napkin to the blonde. The CEO saw as Kara looked at it a little confused, before Maggie said something, clearly the same thing she had just said Lena if the way she was pointing at Kara’s mouth was any indication, and then the blonde woman was blushing. Hard. And looking even more beautiful than before while doing so.
Kara apparently was a little more affected than her as she visibly tried to gather some coherent answer, but then she looked up and their eyes met across the room, and the world stoped spinning around them.
There was only the two of them, staring at each other’s eyes.
“Alex, quick, grab a bucket before the apartment floods!” And with that the moment was over.
Lena was just a little bit thankful for Maggie, because she had no idea how long she would have just stand there and stared at Kara. Hours, probably.
Alex apparently didn’t shared the same opinion. “Jesus, Maggie, you’re such a bad person.”
Maggie raised one eyebrow and smirked at her fiancée. “Are you saying I’m a bad girl? What are you going to do about it?”
“Ooook.” Kara’s nervous laugh cross the room towards her and Lena could swear her knees started trembling. “Not what I needed to hear.”
“What? We have to watch you too eye-fuck for months and you can’t deal with a little flirt?” Maggie teased as she walked back to Alex to give her a kiss. The agent pulled away before Maggie could get too into it, thankfully. “Eye-fucking here, and eye-fucking there, and eye-fucking in public, and eye-fucking...”
Lena fished for her wallet inside the front pocket of her pants and took a hundred dollar bill out. “Here, I’m going to pay you to be quiet now.” She joked.
Faster than anyone could see, Maggie grabbed the bill. “Sweet.” She turned back to Alex. “Honey, go change, I’m taking you somewhere nice today.”
There was a few seconds of silence before they all bursted in laughs. Maggie handed her the money back and Alex pulled her into a hug, shaking her head to the ridiculousness that was the other woman. Also laughing, Kara finally approached Lena, who was stuffing the money back into her pocket. Kara shook her head once she stoped in front of the CEO, placing both hands on her shoulders.
“You guys are silly.” She said between giggles, then she slid her hands down Lena’s shoulders to her chest, smoothing her striped navy blue suit. “You’re looking very good, Ms. Luthor.” Kara bit her bottom lip as she toyed with the collar using the tip of her fingers.
“You think so?” Lena smiled. “I decided not to use a tie. Thought it was maybe too much.”
Kara nodded in agreement. “Super good.” She joked.
The brunette’s smile grew even bigger as she pulled Kara closer by her hips. “Look who’s the one to talk, Ms. Danvers.” Was it possible to split your face in half with how hard you were smiling? That was never something she had to worry before. “You look perfect.” Lena declared in a whisper, before she leaned foward to place a sweet kiss on the other woman’s forehead.
There was nothing else she wanted to do than lean and kiss the soft lips she loved so much, but it would ruin their lipsticks, especially since she was using a dark shade of red. So she would be glad with what she had, after all, kissing Kara in any form was a blessing.
When she pulled away, Kara was blushing one more time. “I could change, put some heels or...”
Lena placed her index finger under Kara’s chin top stop the woman to look down like she knew she wanted to. She kept a gentle soothing smile on her face as she shook her head. “You look perfect.” She repeated in a way softer voice.
Kara bit her lip again, but to stop herself from smiling this time. ��So do you.” They both ignored Maggie fake coughing behind them. “Am I approved for our first outing as a couple?” She let go of Lena’s collar to take a hold on her skirt. The blonde raised the edges a little so she could swirl her knees from one side to another in a silly dance.
Lena chuckled as her hands raised to cup Kara’s face. “You could be using your ugly dinosaur sweater and I wouldn’t care.” She whispered between two kisses on Kara’s nose.
The blonde crinkled her nose adorably. “Stop saying shit about my sweater!”
“It’s a bad sweater, Kara.” Alex eagerly said from her place.
“It’s so ugly!” Maggie agreeded fast.
Kara looked around Lena to stick out her tongue for both of them. “You’re just jealous.”
Lena laughed as she turned to look at everyone else. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yes!” Kara nodded. “Wait! How long till we eat?” When everyone laughed, she frowned. “I need to know if I have to eat before we leave!”
Kara was nervous. Deep down she knew there was no reason for it, but she couldn’t stop feeling a bit worried about what was going to happen. Lena had told her it was a simple brunch with the members of her board, where some boring white dudes would be talking with her non stop, trying to get in her good grace and sell their own projects. Their wifes would all gather in some corner to gossip and not eat because they were too worried with gaining weight. Nothing for her to worry about, but she was anyway.
Because that was the first time they were going out as a couple, correction, as an official couple, because they had hang out before under the pretext of their friendship, but Lena had released a press report saying they were, in fact, dating two weeks before and they had basically decided to stay in and out of the streets to avoid the paparazzi. So the brunch was actually the first time they were going to be seeing together in public as a couple.
She was allowed to be nervous because of that, right?
Lena stoped right before she opened the glass door that leaded inside the restaurant they had booked for the brunch. She kept her hand in the handle, but turned around to look at her. “Are you ok?”
Of course Lena would be able to pick up on her agitated and uncomfortable manners. “Yeah, of course.” Kara tried to smile to soothe her girlfriend, but Lena could see right through her.
“Kara, we promissed we would only tell the truth.” Lena’s voice wasn’t accusatory or mad, instead she gave her the most kind smile and took two steps away from the door. It was enough to make Kara’s body relax. “Are you really ok?”
“I’m a little nervous.” Kara admited shyly. “It’s just... You work with these people, what if I do something wrong and...”
“Kara.” Lena interrupted her gently, grabbing both of her hands. “You have nothing to worry about. They’re some old boring men talking about numbers and trying to buy my support with lies. I would rather spent this day cuddling in your apartment, but I have to be here.” She grinned at her with a wink. “You, in the other hand, doesn’t have to. I can ask my driver to take you back, I’m sure you could watch some movies with Alex if you want to. I can meet you both later.”
Lena was the most perfect person in the world. Kara smiled at her and took a step foward, promptly walking into the CEO’s open arms. “It would be a shame to take off this make-up, it took me a very long time to do it.”
The brunette giggled as she pressed a kiss on top of her head. “And you’re looking really pretty too.” Lena teased.
Kara chuckled and took a step back. “Ok, yeah, let’s go, I’m ready.”
“If you want to leave at some point, just let me know and I’ll call Jerry.” Lena said. “Besides, I only have to stay for like, two hours.”
“I promisse I won’t leave you to deal with those men alone.” Kara joked and steped around Lena to open the door herself. She was feeling way better, still a little nervous, but totally ready to face the people inside. She took a step to the side and tilted foward dramatically, motioning for Lena to get inside first. “Madame.”
Lena bent her knees and raised her imaginary skirt, smiling at her girlfriend. “My, thank you.”
The CEO stoped inside to wait for Kara, reaching out for her hand, which was gladly taken. They interwined their fingers and Kara instantly felt a calmness rush through her body. Lena was first approached by a short bald man who looked like he was in his late fifthies. He had a drink in his hand and there was a very tall supermodel looking woman walking beside him.
“Lena! Always in time.” The man said with a smile that Kara was sure was too sweet to be real.
“Not one minute after.” Lena agreeded with the voice that Kara had identified as ‘The CEO’ very early in their friendship. “Glad you could make it, Harold.”
“Like I would miss it.” He laughed and his big belly bounced with it. “Anyway, I believe you haven’t met my wife yet. This is Michaela, or, how I like to call her, Mrs. Damion.”
Was Kara the only person who thought it was weird to call your own wife like that? Couldn’t he call her... Chaela? It was way better. Lena apparently didn’t thought it was so weird because she didn’t even flashed an eyelash before she leaned foward to squeeze the woman’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Damion.” She gave the supermodel a small smile. “This is my girlfriend, Kara.”
“Oh, what a pleasure!” Harold took a large step foward to give her what had to be the most awkward hug she ever received, but Kara took it without frowning, which she was proud of herself for. “Your face seems familiar!”
Kara froze in panic for a second – she really should stop reacting like that, because her reaction alone was enough to let people know there was something weird going on. Lena, in the other hand, only pulled her closer, putting her arm around Kara’s waist. “Well, that’s because she’s a reporter.” The brunette gave her a calming smile, trying to let her know everything was under control and Kara couldn’t not believe her with all her heart. “The best reporter at CatCo.”
Her girlfriend’s words made a light blush rise on her cheeks and she had to battle her desire to hide her face on the crook of Lena’s neck. “Oh, stop it.”
“It’s only the true.” Lena praised before tugging at her hand discreetly. “If you excuse us, Harold, I’m going to say ‘hi’ to everybody before they serve the food.”
Too distracted by the word ‘food’ Kara totally missed whatever answer the man gave her, she simply followed Lena around while she talked with everyone there.
Lena waited until they were out of hearing to speak again. “All people in my council are very polite, as you can see.” The sarcasm was dripping of her voice as she rolled her eyes.
“They don’t...” Kara paused for a second to consider her next words. “They don’t seem to like you very much.”
Lena actually laughed at that. “No, they don’t. I’m used to that, it’s quite funny see those grow ass men trying to pretend they enjoy my presence.” She made a stop to grab both of them a drink and leaned to whisper in the blonde’s ear. “Don’t tell them that, but half of them won’t be here next year.”
Feeling a little giddly to be let inside that internal –kind of cruel – joke, Kara chuckled. “Starting with Harold?”
“Actually, no. Harold is a good man, he’s just a jerk sometimes. Besides, I need him to look over the money, he can deal with that like nobody else.”
The final round of presentations ended mostly like she expected, but this time the men’s wives called her to join them in a large table at the corner while ‘they talked business’. Lena squeezed her hand to let her know it was ok to stay if she wanted or to go with them, but Kara decided to follow them and get away from the nerd talk that was about to happen. There was three group of men around the room and it remained divided like that all the time as she watched as Lena waltzed her way between them while hearing complaints or other boring things they wished to tell her.
Shortly after the food started to be served and Kara was glad to see the waiter put down two plates with appetizers and potsickers! She quickly stuffed her plate with food, but all the other women around her only picked one or two small snacks. Kara tried not to be too self conscious about it, but it was hard to ignore when everyone else in the table wasn’t eating and you were the only one who had a mountain of food on your plate. But she was really hungry and everything was really good, so Kara kept eating until both plates were empty. She saw the waiter putting some random plates around the room with potsickers and she kind of wished they were closer to her because everybody would notice if she got up to grab even more food. The supermodel from before was staring at her since her second sandwich.
Kara was already conformed she was going to starve for the rest of the brunch when she felt and heard Lena approaching her. She was able to tell apart Lena’s heartbeat in any room, so it wasn’t hard to tell when the woman was getting closer to her. That and the fact that her body instantly relaxed when Lena was around.
“Hope you’re having fun.” Lena said while she leaned to place a kiss on her cheek. Their lipstick was long gone thanks to the food and drinks, so Kara was happy to press her cheek against her lips with a huge smile. The CEO rested one hand behind her chair and placed one of the potsickers bowls in front of her. She didn’t adressed it and everyone else in the table seemed to be too distracted by her to notice it, so Kara only smiled at her in gratitude. “And I hope no ne here is telling her all of my embarrassing stories.” She joked. “I’m trying to keep this one, you know.”
Everyone laughed and they actually sounded genuine this time, not like their husbands. “Oh, please, Lena, like you had ever done anything of the kind.” One of them said.
“You never know.” The CEO shook her head, before looking back at Kara. “You good?” She whispered.
Kara bit her bottom lip and looked around the table. Most of them were kind of rude and the other half had barely looked at her properly. “Yeah.”
“Ok.” Lena leaned to press a kiss on her forehead this time. “Call me if you need anything. And if you wish to join me, I’m going to talk with Harold now. He’s trying to make me buy an island.”
“An island.?!” Kara was too shocked to say anything else for a while. “You said he was good with dealing with the money.”
Lena laughed. “The company’s money, yes, but he does have sixty cars.”
“Sixty?!” Kara’s eyes went wide with that and it make the brunette laugh again.
“And you complain about my shoes collection.” Lena winked at her and took a step back. “I only have fifthy two!”
Kara shook her head as she watched her girlfriend walking back to Harold, a fond smile on her lips. Lena was too cute, too perfect, the best thing that ever happened to her, for sure. And she brought her potsickers! The superhero was sure that restaurant didn’t serve potsickers, so she must have found a way to provide them to her because she knows how much she loves it. Lena knows her so well.
“So, Kara, how long are you two dating?” One of the woman asked her suddenly.
Kara had to swallow down her potsicker too quickly to answer and it went down completely wrong. “Oh, around six months.” Like she didn’t know the exact day, hour and minute they started dating.
“And you’re a reporter?”
“Yes, I am. I work at CatCo.”
“So you know Cat?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Stephanie. Cat doesn’t go around talking with every reporter that works for her.”
And that might be true, sure, Cat didn’t had the habit of knowing all of her employees, but the way the woman said it made her mad. “I do know her, yes.”
She managed to handle five minutes of that talk before she make some lame ass excuse to get up and walk away. She found Lena with some group and she quietly put herself behind the other woman. Apparently, however, she wasn’t the only one who had developted a sixth sense, because Lena turned halfway around to curl her arm around Kara’s waist.
“You ok?” She asked, totally ignoring whatever the man in front of her was talking.
Kara nodded. “All fine, yeah.” Lena didn’t had super hearing so she couldn’t whisper things under her breath for only her to hear it, so she tried to communicate the unspoken ‘just needed a break’ with her eyes.
The CEO seemingly took the hint, because she beamed at her and offered her some potsickers she had stocked on her napkin to bring to her later. Kara’s eyes clearly sparkled with the vision of her favourite food and Lena chuckled when her girlfriend almost ripped the food out of her hand. Lena put a lovingly kiss on the side of her head before returning to her conversation like she hadn’t stoped to give food to her girlfriend.
In the end, Kara was happy she got to be a part of that brunch because she had never ate so much potsickers before in her life, and she would like to remind everyone that she was an avid potsickers eater.
When they entered the car, both glad to be able to put some distance between them and the boring men, Lena sighed tiredly. “Sorry you had to go through this.”
“Well, you did feed me all the time, so...” Kara joked, snuggling against the brunette’s side. “It wasn’t so bad.”
“I’m glad you think like that.” Lena threw her arm around her shoulders and sighed again. “Thanks for coming with me, you made everything better, for sure.”
“I didn’t even do anything.” Kara protested.
“Of course you did, you were there.” The CEO kissed her forehead and smiled this time. “And I’m greatful for that.”
They stayed in silence for a couple of minutes, enjoying each other’s presence, until Kara realized they weren’t going back to her apartment, or to Lena’s penthouse, like she thought they would. “Hey, Lee, where are we going?”
“Well...” Lena singed. “Since we did something totally massive in my behalf today, we’re doing something you love tonight.”
“Lena! I’m sure you’re tired, we don’t have to...”
“No complaints, Kar!” Lena interrupted her quickly. “Everything is already set up. I called our friends and they’re going to meet us, it’s happening. Unless you’re too tired, in this case we can go home, but not because of me. Besides, it would be a shame to use the gorgeous clothes you’re wearing only for some old men to see.” Lena smiled, one of those smiles that made Kara forget her own name, and all protests she might have come up with were gone.
“Where are we going?” She was more excited now, specially after finding out their friends would also be a part of it.
Lena pursed her lips, pretending to think for a second. “Well, I can tell you, but only if you promise me you’re going to sing me a song.”
It took Kara a few seconds to understand, but, when she did, she squealed happily and hugged Lena ever tighter. “Karaoke?!”
“Not feeling like going home then, huh?” Lena teased. “Yes. I heard a lot about your legendary skills on karaoke, but I never saw you performing at one before, so I couldn’t lose this chance.”
“It’s going to rock your world.” Kara joked with a nod. “But, babe, I hate to say this, but you’re a totally overdressed for a karaoke bar. It’s a very good suit.” Kara commented with a smile. “I loved it.”
“I noticed it.” The blonde blushed when she winked at her and Lena laughed. “So, what song are you going to sing for me?”
Inspired by Lena Luthor three pieces suit and Melissa Benoist look at the Dior Show
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leroyzboots · 5 years
The Best Decision//Bruiseshipping//
Everything was perfect.
From the seating to the very kind of flowers, every possible detail was as impressively set to perfection.
Cole Brookstone nervously adjusted his tie, making sure he could breathe. He noticed the Master of Lightning standing underneath the archway, his dark blue suit adorned with tiny lightning bolts, and holding a bunch of flowers.
Along with the others, Cole sat down in the middle row, letting out a tiny huff as he did so.
A few moments of awkward silence and murmuring, before the bridal march started playing.
Nya practically glided down the isle, the white dress she wore glittered slightly blue in the light. And the way Jay beamed at her broke Cole's heart.
He could feel tears bubbling up already, it would be hard to explain why he was crying before the vows. He could feel eyes on him. Turning to his left, Kai was staring at him with a peculiar look on his face.
Cole turned back quickly.
Everything the priest said was muffled, as though underwater. Not a single word that escaped Jay or Nya's mouths even triggered in his brain. 
"If one of us believes these two should not be united, speak now or forever hold your peace."
He heard that alright.
He had to force himself not to say anything, not to screw it up, not when Jay looked so happy.
"Yeah, I do."
Cole started.
He hadn't said that, had he? No. The whole auditorium had turned to look to his left.
The red ninja was standing up indignantly, a serious look on his face.
"Kai, what are you doing?!" Nya whined, which was rather unlike her in a way.
"Don't worry sis, I'm not objecting for myself."
Kai strolled out into the middle of the isle, planted his feet firmly, and spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Nya, I don't know who you love, but it isn't Jay. And I know Jay doesn't love you."
There were mutters of "rude" and "at his own sisters wedding, too!", but Kai ignored them. Stepping over, he looked Nya dead in the eye.
"I am not going to let my sister rope herself into something she'll regret later."
Leaning towards Jay, Kai added another thing.
"Stop lying to yourself."
Cole's heart pounded. Jay's eyes had flickered towards him at this. His knee bounced as he anticipated the next move.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Jay stated confusingly. Kai groaned, muttering things under his breath. Walking back to the seats, he grabbed Cole roughly by the arm and drug him up the steps, placed him in Nya's spot, and stepped back again, his eyebrow raised and arms crossed.
Cole tried not to go red in the face, as Jay was staring at him looking very puzzled. He could feel the lump in his throat coming back, if he cried now, they'd know, they'd know-
"Kai," He mumbled loosely; "We should just get Nya back up here and not do this, I don't know where you're going-"
Jay suddenly threw down his flowers, grabbed Cole by the face and pulled him in, practically crashing into a kiss.
It took Cole a millisecond to process what had happened before he kissed him back, hard, wrapping his arms around the blue ninja and pulling him close. It could be his only chance, but it just felt so amazing to hold him, the feeling of his brown curls between his fingers, the tips brushing against his skin.
Pulling away, he finally let go and his face turned the color of Kai's gi.
"I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry-"
Cole was cut off abruptly. Jay had taken his hands.
"What are you doing?"
Jay smiled warmly, his freckles dancing across his face like a constellation of stars.
"We do have a ceremony to complete."
Cole could have sworn his heart burst out of his chest right then.
"You wanna m-marry me?" He stammered like an idiot, astounded.
"Don't tell you're getting cold feet now!"
The smile in Jays face made Cole lose it. He broke out into a big stupid grin, the tears he had repressed earlier now freshly streaming, but this time with joy.
Once again, everything the priest said was lost to his ears, but this time because he couldn't take his eyes of of Jay. He managed to squeak out an "I do", when it was his turn, and no one objected this time. Nya even gave a celebratory whoop.
"I gotta tell you something." Cole whispered so that only Jay could hear, and he turned, his bright blue eyes caught in a gaze of curiosity.
"I think I might love you."
Jay laughed so sweetly, so beautifully, Cole knew in the moment that he had made the best decision of his life.
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Da-iCE ARTICLE: [HOMINIS] Da-iCE’s new song for their 5th anniversary is a heartwarming love ballad created by the members’ bond (11/14/18) | CGM
With implied and literal translation. PM me for mistakes/errors. Please put proper credits if you use.
Da-iCE’s new song for their 5th anniversary is a heartwarming love ballad created by the members’ bond
Da-iCE “Kumo o nuketa aozora” Release Interview [pt.1]
Da-iCE is a 5-member vocal and dance unit who made their major debut in 2014. Unknown of staying put, their course continues as they would release their 5th anniversary 3rd single, “Kumo o nuketa aozora”, on November 21. With the five members who are running their 5th year anniversary at full speed, we talked a lot about the ‘points to listen to’ in their new song, up to the thoughts about their 5th anniversary.
First of all, please tell us about the points to listen to on the new song “Kumo o nuketa aozora”.
Hanamura Sota (will be referred to as “Hanamura”): This time, there are a lot to listen to. The melody from A has the same melody, but because the sound of the backtrack is different on the first and on the second, the approach is completely different. Also, since there were 3 people assigned to write the lyrics, I would like you to listen to it while reading the lyrics, carefully.
Wada Hayate (will be referred to as “Wada”): Yes. Since it’s the first time that the song with lyrics written by the members became a single, it also became such a song with strong emotions. I’m on the performer-line, and so I want to show the quality of this song to the audience through dancing.
Kudo Taiki (will be referred to as “Kudo”): It is already unusual for us to have warm ballads in our songs, the more unusual it is for it to become the title song. But, our theme this year is to challenge different things. Since all the songs that have been released this year are challenging songs that we haven’t yet done before, I think this song would also make another challenging ballad. I think that if you listen and compare it to the songs that we have so far, you will know the difference.
Iwaoka Toru (will be referred to as “Iwaoka”): For sure, since many of our ballads are songs for the broken-hearted, I think it is indeed a rare-type of gentle and warm ballad for us.
Ohno Yudai (will be referred to as “Ohno”): This time, we will not appear on the MV. This is our first attempt of doing so, this is because we feel like we want to impart the meaning of the song firmly. First, we want you to focus on the lyrics, and sway with it after. Since the dance comes with a really nice choreography, I would like you to see it.
Iwaoka: The songs of Da-iCE are songs that is complete with choreography. The lyrics, the tune, and the performance are all matching to this song. It is a song containing a lot of emotions and dancing.
The lyrics were written by Hanamura-san, Kudo-san, and Ohno-san. How did the three of you assemble the lyrics?
Hanamura: First, we established the concept of the song as one that can be played even at a wedding. Since we were informed that they would choose that brightly warm ballad song through a competition, I told the staff that, if I could, I would like to participate in that competition. And so, they gave me a pleasant “OK” (suddenly, Ohno begins to tie Kudo’s shoelace and his shoelace like in a three-legged race)… w-what are you doing? (laughs)
Ohno: Just tying the laces… All right! I did it! (grins)
Kudo: Thank you. Continue…?
(laughs) Hanamura-san had requested personally that he wanted to participate in the competition.
Hanamura: That’s right. And so, they let me… (Ohno is now connected with Wada, Wada is tying his shoelace with Iwaoka’s, the “4 people with 3 connected legs” is then completed perfectly. Hanamura looks at the 4 people that seems satisfied) Sorry, my head is a bit blank with these unexpected actions.
Kudo: (as if ignoring the upset Hanamura) Since Sota has already done writing the 80% of the song, rather than to collaborate from zero [scratch], once turned over to me, I changed a little bit the framework that Sota has made first, and then further, Yudai revised it, and then, I revised it a little bit one more time with Yudai. Since it took a lot of process, I think, those steps had led it up to the first place.
What is your impression when you first read Hanamura-san’s written lyrics?
Kudo: I thought that Sota has written a truly good theme. Sota is good on writing such. There was only a little bit of editing of words after, and so I can say that it already contained a convincing substance.
What’s your favorite part of the song?
Hanamura: There are a lot of parts that I like, but if you’re asking for a particular one, I think it would be “What’s two until now, will be as one from now on” [two will be as one] [ima made wa futatsu, kore kara wa hitotsu]. This line was suggested by Yudai-kun but, I wrote it originally as “What’s 1 person until now, will be 2 people from now on” [1 person will be 2 people] [ima made wa hitori, kore kara wa futari]. However, when I thought that the suggested line was already customary and a very common thing, Yudai said, “There are lot of things that can be as one”. Surnames, for example, and two houses as well can be as one. I think it’s nice indeed to have those words with such potential I’ve never expected.
Ohno: Thank you for saying such compliment. I have the same answer. When I was thinking then, the idea about names just came out suddenly. Two will have one surname, won’t they? Those are the words that came to me. To make people sing to it, I made various suggestions thinking that my words, even only a little, if included, may add more feelings to the song. It was my first time doing it this way. Still, I had so much fun.
Kudo: It was our first time to write the lyrics as three. I like the story of the lyrics. Because, there was a proper beginning and ending, and the process in between was well established, leading up to the scene envisioned by Sota, until the end. It was quite hard to synchronize such scenes with co-authors, but in this case, they matched up quickly. I wonder if this was because of the members.
Wada: As for me, I like this song a lot. I already liked it on the lyrics of melody A. Ha! Happy? (laughs) Since there are many parts that everyone can easily relate to, I think it would remain in the heart of the people.
“Kono kyoku no sei, 5 Voice and Acoustic version” is also included in the coupling. It was a song released from 2015 that you recorded again with 5 vocals, is that right?
Kudo: Yes. It has been released on 2015. It is a song that has grown in our LIVEs since then. It was a challenge. We thought that it would be great if the 5 members could remake the atmosphere of the song that the audience is enjoying singing to. It was a challenge because in this, 5 members would be singing in unison for the first time.
What was it like when you were singing it again?
Wada: The recording was fun and so, I think it would give joy to everyone as well.
Iwaoka: I agree. This is one of those songs that brings unity to everyone whenever we perform it LIVE. It is that special for us to sing it as five.
Hanamura: It is our first time to sing in unison as five. It was fun because we know our voice in unison. This time, since the recording was done separately one by one in the past, we wanted to try a pattern in which the 5 of us are singing together in the recording booth. It might have been ‘interesting’ if we sing together as five in great chorus.
Ohno: “Say!” is the only part that we yelled and sung together in the recording booth, right?
Hanamura: That’s right. “Say!” is the only part the we sung together. Because we only did an endless and continuous “hooray” in there, it was mixed up in all the versions in the rough mix that we had up to the time of this very interview, it’s quite funny (laughs).
Ohno: That’s depending on the “Say!” that was used. Perharps, it would develop to something like what Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi-san did in “Bodyguard” [TV Asahi’s 1997 drama].
Hanamura: Who’s that?
Ohno: (while pumping his fist) Say! Say!
Everyone: (laughs out loud)
Hanamura: Everyone went hyper as we moved to the second half of the song. At first, we were just yelling the word “Say!”, but when we moved to the second half, I was in a situation where the tension was so high, I don’t know whether to yell “Say!” or “Hey!”. On the contrary, I think it’s quite funny if you leave it as it is, though.
You focused on recording “Say”?
Ohno: Yes. On “Kono kyoku no ‘Say!’”.
Hanamura: AHAHA! Kono kyoku no ‘Say!’, that’s not bad at all!
Everyone: (laughs out loud)
Kudo: We should turn the title to “Kono kyoku no Say!” then!
Ohno: It’s confusing (laughs).
Currently, Da-iCE is in the middle of a nationwide tour, right (the interview was done in mid-October)?
Hanamura: As of now, we successfully finished the tour in Chiba, Osaka, Tokyo, and Niigata.
Ohno: We’re glad that it started really well.
What do you mean by that?
Ohno: Because we tried various things since it’s our 5th anniversary… maybe, “we won’t make it to the schedule!” – I was so scared then.
Hanamura: This time, not only the sound system, but also the staff for the LIVE had changed a lot. Although it was quite difficult, with that, I learned a lot of new things. I think that it’s a year wherein we’ve grown matured for real.
What had impressed you in those 4 locations? Were you able to eat delicious foods in those places?
Hanamura: I’m so thankful to Niigata, the tickets were sold out, and the catering was very luxurious! There were ramen and curry.
Iwaoka: Curry! It was really delicious!
Hanamura: There was this seemingly famous curry which you can get from the line, called the “Curry of the Bus Center [place in Niigata]”, and it was included in the catering there. It was delicious ~ They wrote “Niigata sold out” on the whiteboard as well.
Kudo: We were so happy that the SOLD OUT happened in the biggest venue in Niigata.
5th year is wonderful indeed. What are your plans, such as gatherings, to celebrate your anniversary together as five?
Ohno: Oh, right… Now I wonder, where should we eat after this?
Everyone: (roar of laughter)
Kudo: Well, how about, let’s get together… in summer after 3 years or so?
Ohno: That won’t be our 5th anniversary anymore! (laughs)
Do you celebrate [countdown] the date of your debut?
Ohno: We do it every year.
Kudo and Wada: We do.
Iwaoka: It’s exciting, actually. We do it with our arms [wrap around, shoulder to shoulder] together.
Hanamura: AHAHA! We don’t (laughs).
Iwaoka: We’re all good friends.
Wada: Yes…
Hanamura: Well, if you’re doing this (4 people with 3 connected legs [of which Sota is excluded]), I’m surprised, you’re being bad to me now.
Ohno: (playing innocent) What? This?
The bond is connected.
Hanamura: I am the only one that’s not connected (laughs).
Iwaoka: Then hurry and tie yours [to us]!
Hanamura: Okay, I’m just holding back (laughs).
Iwaoka Toru - Release Interview [pt.2]
Hanamura Sota - Release Interview [pt.3]
Wada Hayate - Release Interview [pt.4]
Ohno Yudai - Release Interview [pt.5]
Kudo Taiki - Release Interview [pt.6]
From: https://hominis.media/category/musician/post2679/
Note: a-is, I think… THIS IS IT!!! They will now sing in UNISON! (even though it may be just the word “Say!”)
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cicinicole-14 · 7 years
let’s just talk for a moment here. 
I’m gonna say it: Lena Luthor loves Kara Danvers. loves her. and there are soooo many reasons why. 
first, let’s just list the reasons off the bat, then I'll explain my reasonings. 
lip bites/glances/looks
the thirst factor
food dates
meeting Alex
her heroics
“I've never stood behind a man” 
“I'm here for you, if you still want that��
“I miss you”
“I didn’t see your name on the by line”/ “unquit”
“I trust you”/Catco
heart emoji
ok let’s get started:
first, the doughnuts.
 lena is known for eating healthy. she drinks kombucha. she gets kara to probably eat vegetables. y’know the regular. probably is on a no carb diet. we never see her eating anything bad, because she’s probably been preened all her life to be picture perfect and eat only what’s good for you. but here comes her bff, her gal pal kara danvers, traipsing in with a bag of doughnuts. this happened a couple times, actually. lena indulged in a doughnut for kara. 
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the lip bites, holy fuck. I'm going to tie this in with the glances too. because holy mother of god. 
lena is always checking kara out, biting her lip (most likely surprising moans bc hot damn she’s in love with this woman) and the looks. the looks of. pure. unadulterated. love. 
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I mean you cannot tell me the look on lena’s face is anything but love? come on. even a blind man could tell. 
next, lena’s thirst factor. 
girl, she is always, always, (almost) always seen with a drink when around kara! 
exhibit A: their first meeting, lena has to pause and get herself a damn glass of water
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exhibit B: granted, yes they’re at a restaurant, but lena’s got an almost empty glass, bc hot damnvers kara is something. (lets take in account that kara’s glass is empty)
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exhibit C: in the most recent episode 3.01, lena is yet again, shown pouring herself some water bc girl is thirsty af 
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exhibit D: oh looky here, Lena’s getting a drink. I am pretty sure Kara just makes her speechless and she needs water to talk
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exhibit E: y’all see where I'm going with this, right?
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their brunch/lunch/dinner/kombucha dates
lena always seems to have a food date with kara. always. I mean it’s one thing to have one on occasion but they’re known to have these? and I know damn well that kara isn’t always the one to initiate them. lena is probably the one to invite her because she’s rich and offers to feed kara’s immense appetite. 
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what about the first time lena was introduced to Alex properly?
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this. this is the face of jealousy. she shows up unannounced at kara’s apartment (where’d she even get kara’s address?) and sees this beautiful woman in kara’s apartment and she’s jealous af, and Alex doesn’t let on anything. doesn’t, for a split second, let on that she’s kara’s sister, because I'm pretty sure she knew what Lena’s thoughts were. she knew for a flash of a second, lena was actually jealous, but ew gross, kara is her sister, and that’s when kara finally speaks up, and Lena’s face softens, and she remembers what she actually came over for... 
the gala
she invites, not only kara and supergirl to the gala, but kara’s man friend, mike of the interns, because she doesn’t care. if kara’s friends with this person, she figures she can trust this person too, who tf cares if you met them five seconds ago and could’ve easily told him “It’s an elite party, and I’m inviting kara as my plus one, sorry” but no, she extends an invitation to mike of the interns...
the flowers: plumerias
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these are plumerias, for anyone who hasn’t seen them before. they come in all different colors, ranging from blues, pinks, purples, melon, peach, yellow and white. they are an exotic flower, and a bit hard to come by. they have to be imported, usually from Hawaii. they have a few different meanings, but in Chinese, they symbolize love. they mean “I love you” and “you are special” 
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and kara’s office, just so happens to be overflown with flowers, most likely plumerias because she mentioned they remind her of her mother, and lena would totally import those flowers and fill her office as a thank you to saving her just because she loves kara. and you know damn well she knows what those flowers mean. she’s smart, we’ll touch on this fact later.
lena being a hero
she is.. its a fact. whether it’s supergirl or kara danvers’s hero, national city’s hero, or anyone’s hero, lena is a hero. 
lena chooses kara and being the hero and will always choose kara and being the hero. when it came to saving jack or saving supergirl, she chose kara over her ex-lover. and we can probably assume that because a) lena is young and b) lena is a luthor, jack was probably her only real relationship. she did love him, you could tell with the emotion from the kiss and even the relaxed-ness of her date with him, they were friends. and she did miss is company, though she wouldn’t date him again. yet then it comes to kara, as supergirl, and she has to choose whether to save jack or end his life to save national city’s hero. she chooses to let jack go, therefore ultimately killing him so she can save kara. she also saves kara’s man child boyfriend from the evil daxamite guard. by shooting him with an alien gun. and she and Winn made whatever that thing was under the table at the gala and it stopped those evildoers from attacking supergirl, and the kicker, my favorite, saving the whole population of national city, not once, but fucking twice.
in s2e8 lena, after finding out her mother is the ringleader of CADMUS, and kara ultimately yells at her and accuses her of knowing what her mother did, etc, still saves national city. she undermines her mother, weasels her way onto her mother’s good side, double-crosses her and makes the medusa virus inert, therefore saving national city’s population of aliens when the only friend she had hated her for the moment. she could've easily just given in and killed all the aliens, but she didn’t. she chose to save them because she loves kara and her pro-alien bleeding heart views, even when they sometimes disagree and fight. 
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and then again in s2e22, lena, and with the help of Lillian, build a device to rid the planet of the daxamites invading earth. a device that sends out lead into the atmosphere. and she knows what it’ll do. she knows that it’s going to send Mon-el away, and you know she was lowkey happy about that, but she knows it'll put kara through hell, yet she let’s kara make the ultimate decision to choose whether to go on with it, and kara does. supergirl tells them to use the device. and lena yet again, saves everyone, all because she loves kara and kara is her hero.
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and let’s not forget the best time lena was a hero and shot Corbin, therefore saving none other than Special Agent Alex Danvers with the DEO... hot damn, she’s my hero.
lena’s never stood behind a man
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*eh hem* I'll just leave these here. two examples of lena never standing behind a man, because she’s independent and fierce, but Kara is always protecting her and she lets kara/supergirl. we know damn well lena can hold her own, she is a Luthor after all, but she lets kara take the forefront and she stands behind her with grace and poise and love and admiration. 
“I'm here for you, if you still want that”
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Lena knows the hell kara is going through. she knows that kara lost her man child thing of a boyfriend she liked for five days. and kara is going through hell. and yet, she’s still cautious. I think this is one of the most significant things ever and we’re going to dissect for a second here. in the second image: kara tells lena “I'm right here” letting lena know she can talk to her and she wants her to, she’s almost willing her to. 
yet in the top image, lena adds the “if you still want that”. she is letting kara know a few things here. a) that she feels guilty over the lead being released in the atmosphere b) she doesn't want to use kara, because she’s not a talker herself. her walls are always built up so sturdy until kara breaks them down with her super strength and c) she doesn’t want to lose kara. she’s letting her know she’s there if kara wants her because its kara’s choice. she’s not going to force kara into being her friend just because kara is the only friend she has in national city and she will be ready to help kara any way she needs when the time comes. 
“I miss you” 
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this also follows with the “if you still want that” because she’s telling kara that she’s being ignored, but she’s not pushing. she knows that kara is distancing herself. but she still lets kara know in a subtle way that she’s still here, she still loves her and that she truly misses her best friend. she just misses her. she misses Kara Danvers, the girl she’s falling in love with more and more as each day passes.
“I didn’t see your name on the by line”/”unquit”
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now, first off, kara does anything lena suggests. Lena suggests, she become a reporter and guess who becomes one? Kara. lena tells her in such an unprofessional manner to “unquit” her job. and according to my laptop, unquit isn’t even a word, yet it came out of poised, perfect, prestined Lena Luthor’s mouth. “unquit” 
so kara unquits, and lena sends a heart emoji
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a red heart emoji. man, do I have some words about this. Lena, you little lesbian in love with your bestie, damn. lena could’ve easily replied back with a “okay” or “sounds great” or even a “see you tomorrow!” or if we’re going the emoji route: a smiley face, a thumbs up, or fuck idk, a yellow heart? because lena is very, very, very smart. and we all know she knows the meanings that colors represent. like how yellow means happiness, friendship, sunshine, and energy, yet miss luthor sent kara a red heart. red meaning love, passion, heat. you can't tell me she doesn’t know what they meant. she could've replied with so many different ways, yet she chooses a red heart.
and lets not forget the last points: lena buys fricken catco–– “I trust you”
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lena “I bought your job for you and I have no fucking idea how to run catco” luthor bought a multimillion dollar corporation so a sexist bottle of cheap cologne couldn’t and she has literally no idea how to run the company, yet she’s enlisting and trusting her best friend and the woman she likes to run it with her. she bought kara a company. because kara asked and she 
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lena just dropped everything, and potentially could ruin her career for this woman, and she did it all out of love. 
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she even admits to not even knowing how to run the place! yet, just because kara asked, she did it. kara says “jump” and lena asks “how high”. the girl will do anything for the woman she loves. 
anyway, so those are my thoughts and reasonings as to why I believe lena is in love with kara. you can agree or disagree, leave your opinions if you like, but if you’re anti-supercorp please do not leave your opinion. 
*please note: gifs and pictures are NOT mine and I will not take credit for them, I simply borrowed them from the internet. also I stg if the gifs don’t load I will cry, I don't know if they actually will, let’s hope.
edit: none of the gifs loaded I hate everything... oh fucking well, you get my point and y’all probably know what each gif is a scene of anyway… fml
edit pt2: I fixed/reuploaded some of the gifs that I could find!
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queercapwriting · 6 years
Cap!! Could you write Kara showing up at gala in a suit and Lena having a gay heart attack?
She picks it out with Maggie, and has Winn tailor it to fit her just so.
James does a photoshoot with her beforehand, because Alex bought an outfit to match.
“The Danvers girls, or the Danvers daddies?” Winn mutters to James playfully, and he laughs so hard he nearly drops his camera.
Alex wears bright red lipstick with her suit – a corset pushing up her cleavage underneath her fitted blazer – and Kara completes her suit with a skinny black tie that Maggie said would drive Lena out of her mind.
And Maggie is absolutely right.
Not that she sees Lena’s reaction herself; she’s too busy having her own reaction to her own Danvers girl.
But James gets it all on tape.
The way that Lena Luthor, recipient of National City’s Humanitarian of the Year award (she plans to centerpiece the irony of the name in her speech), is standing, elegant and gorgeous and poised on moment, laughing with National City’s biggest names (Supergirl, for the moment, not among them; her date will have to double-time tonight) effortlessly.
And the next moment, dropping her jaw to the ground and tripping over herself, because Kara Danvers has walked into the event in a sharply fitted black suit, a fedora tilted just so on her head.
“Ms. Luthor,” she greets, her voice Supergirl-style low when she gets close enough to her girlfriend to speak. 
She nearly drops her glass of champagne and she certainly forgets what breathing is.
Winn steps up behind her gamely to remind her. 
“In through the nose, out through the mouth,” he whispers, his fingertips on her waist to steady her before winking at Kara and slipping off to find Lucy.
“Kara, you look…”
“Not nearly as beautiful as you,” Kara shakes her head, her eyes running up and down Lena’s body with an exquisite combination of sheer, gentle admiration and raw want.
“Amazing,” is all Lena manages to splutter, and Kara adjusts her glasses and her tie and takes a gulp of steadying air.
“Lena, may I have this dance?” she asks, holding out her hand and looking into Lena’s eyes, ignoring every flashbulb and tuning out every murmur.
Because all she can see is the look in Lena’s eyes, and all she can hear is the way she’s made Lena Luthor – always composed, always ready with a retort, always graceful and poised and elegant – into the spluttering mess that she usually is.
And that, combined with the tilt of Lena’s head and the shine in her eyes as she accepts her hands and follows her, entranced, to the dance floor, is enough to make her nearly float.
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