#harold scary stories
starlightwoofwoof · 2 months
how literally NOBODY has thought of drawing this crossover (to my knowledge) is beyond me but yeah
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and here’s an extra thing cause I thought it was funny lol
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bracketsoffear · 7 months
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Alpharius: Head of the Hydra (Mike Brooks) "As this post says, "Alpharius is the Primarch of the […] Alpha Legion, and aside from the ones that have been fully expunged from all Imperial records, he's the primarch we know the least about. We're fairly confident he's actually two twin brothers pretending to be the same guy, Alpharius and Omegon, and that he specializes in infiltration. Beyond that, all bets are off. Literally every event in his life has at least two versions that have been printed in official books and directly contradict each other. The book that compiles his backstory in a neat and sensible manner that doesn't have any internal or external contradictions opens with the blatant admission that all of it is a complete fucking lie. Supposedly, he died at the battle for Pluto, but then he is reported to have been killed several centuries later somewhere else by a completely different guy. Only complicating matters is that pretty much every member of his legion undergoes extensive plastic surgery to look exactly like him. Most of them introduce themselves as Alpharius. It might very well be that both of the times he supposedly died, it was actually just a body double and he's still out there, pretending to be a normal legionary. Every single member of the Alpha Legion is Alpharius, and an alarming number of them actually believe themselves to be him." Anyway, this is the backstory book in question."
"Harold" from Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill your Bones (Alvin Schwartz) "Two cow farmers, Thomas and Alfred, were bored with their monotonous work one day, so they decided to make a scarecrow out of old sacs stuffed with straw. They based its appearance after another farmer they both hated, even giving it the name: Harold. They tied it to a pole and made fun of it, doing impressions of what his crazy voice might sound like or even just taking their cruelty out on him by kicking or punching him, or smearing food over the sac that was its face. One day they heard a grunt that could only have come from Harold. Thomas suggested throwing him in the fire, but Alfred insisted it was nothing to worry about. Then, Alfred noticed that Harold was growing bigger, but again told themselves it was just their imagination from being in the mountains too long.
Then one day, Harold stands up, walks out of the hut in front of Thomas and Alfred, then climbs up onto the roof and starts stomping around on it like a horse on its hind legs. Terrified and wanting to get away from Harold, they leave with their cows that same day, but halfway there they realize they forgot their milking stools and have to go back. The farmers convince each other that there really is nothing to be afraid of and draw straws to see who will go back. It is Thomas who drew the shorter straw, and now has to go back to to the hut, telling Alfred that he will catch up with him later. When Thomas does not return, Alfred returns to look for him, and sees Harold on the roof of the hut laying out Thomas' skinned corpse to dry in the sun."
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Phrases that have unironically entered my daily vocabulary:
“Can I hear a wahoo.” -Antony J. Crowley “Good Omens(2019)”
“With a backup dancer.” -Brenda Meeks “ScaryMovie2(2001)”
“HEY UGLY!” -Chowder “Chowder(2007)”
“And Everytime we kiss.” -(usually) Karina Farek “Drawfee”
“(Something really mean, said the same tone and cadence as “way to go!”), Superstar!” -Glamrock Freddy “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach(2021)”
“Good for you Sweatie.” -my friend Grace
“Congratulations.” -Harold the Fish “SpongeBob SquarePants(1999), Season 2 Episode 23b, Bubble Buddy”
“This is harassment (repeated).” -Miles Hampton “WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE NETFLIX (W/ Kenny Knox) (2018)”
“*high pitched voice* Oh no Harry.” -JonTron “The Zoo Race Video (2014)”
“Errr naurrr Kleor.” -someone on TikTok and my friend Erica, it’s “oh no Chloe” from H20 said in a bad American imitation of an Australian accent.
“Just do the (thing), (thing-doer).” Ghost Stories English Dub ‘2005’.
“I’ve been told, to think about the ocean when I’m stressed and I’m looking at that and I’m real stressed. I’m just gonna go meditate, imma think of the ocean- bye guys. I’m peacing out…” -Princess Elise/SnapCube “Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Real-Time Fandub Games” (2019)
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artfulprankster · 2 years
Help to the rescue! || cont @madeimpact
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The boy sputtered at the sight of a ghoulish guy quickly approaching him. The boy looked scary! Cool, but SCARY! The small merphin quickly attempted to back away, dragging his new limb with great strain to try and get some semblance of space.
It didn’t go well.
He quickly became too tired to drag around his new tail and with a wheezing huff, succumbed to his fate of being eaten by the ghoul. Ah well, at least he went out in a cool way! What a cruel fate! How terrib-
The boy blinked. He…didn’t know any ghouls… did he? He slowly turned to look back at the other ghoul, squinting through the black haze that started to fill his vision. “Sora…?” He croaked, blinking.
Recognition slowly spreading on his pale face.
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And low and behold, the boy was indeed sora! Harold smiled, doing as told and wrapping his little arms around the other’s neck, letting the other pick him up, dirt covered tail and all. “Sora…! I didn’t know you were here too…! I got a flier and it took me here and now I’m a dolphin and I really need some water please…” he rambled, voice growing quieter as he squeezed the words out with a single breath.
“Also hi…! It’s nice to meet you!”
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totalswagisland · 3 months
the killer bass are telling each other scary stories and on harolds turn he just starts telling them a horror story that is obviously him just reciting ben drowned from memory
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wyvnspng · 4 months
Mum said it’s my turn on the writing.
Ive never posted a fic before call me cringe but oh well.
My interpretation of the au and characters! probably takes place somewhere during the world’s worst roadtrip arc or whatever we called it. I love monsters and Clyde is so cool to me.
Sorta beta’d by my good friend Clemin thank you kindly.
Harold's job was a boring one. Just a cashier for some no-name gas station. Every day he spent his work hours hoping for something new and interesting to happen, and yet it never did.
Each day he entered the building was just as boring as the last, and as much as he wanted to, he could not quit in order to look for a more interesting job, as he needed the money to keep a roof over his head and food in his belly.
His energy was spent on the monotonous tasks that came with a cashier job, and his thoughts were reserved for daydreaming away the slow and boring days without directly falling asleep.
His mind yearned for stimulation, something to distract himself from the dreary repetitive days he found himself trapped in. Yet, as he eyed the literal monster currently occupying the room with him, his mind and body frozen in terror from it simply existing in such close proximity, he can’t help but miss the simple yet boring days of the past.
Whatever this thing was, it was definitely the eastridge demon or whatever it was called. He’d unfortunately never paid too much mind to the stories about the thing, instead brushing it off as some fairytale, but from what he can recall people saying about it, the thing in front of him matched the description.
Curiously, it was accompanied by a human. One Alex Williams if his memory is correct. He recalls briefly seeing (her? his?) their wanted poster. They were talking to the demon as if the two were friends, which might be the case. Probably why they had a wanted poster. Is conspiring with demons illegal? He’s not sure.
He’s also not sure how they are so calm around that thing. The sight of it makes his blood freeze in his veins and its voice makes his ears ring. He feels unbelievably cold, his terror so overwhelming that he can’t even shake in fear. Yet Alex(?) looks right at home around that thing. They don't even react to the terrible cacophony that is the demon's voice. Layers of voices and sounds that mix into a terrifyingly unpleasant sensation that grates at the ears, yet somehow this random person is completely fine. They even respond to the monster, as if the incomprehensible mess of sound was some understandable language.
A small part of Harold feels envious. How cool it must be to have befriended such a creature. He wonders how something like that happens. There’s probably an interesting story there, but he won’t dare to ask and risk irritating the demon.
The two seem to be arguing (how brave they must be to argue with it,) and from the half of the conversation he can understand without being distracted by his rising dread, the monster is asking to buy stuff that they can’t afford. Oddly childish for something so scary, but he won’t say anything.
The demon makes a new sound, which he is capable of recognising as a fucked up growl (or hiss?), and somehow his body gets even colder, nausea biting at his insides. If he was actually this cold he’s pretty sure he’d have hypothermia by now. Its long tail whips at the floor irritably, leaving noticeable scratches, and Alex scolds it. For some reason it listens, and seems to calm down somewhat, resigning to their shared fate of being poor.
Alex does allow it to grab one thing, and it picks a jar of jam for some reason. Oh well, who’s he to judge if the demon likes jam? It is pretty good after all. The duo then makes their way over to him, and he can’t help but flinch away from them. Neither pay mind to it, and simply pay for all the items they wanted. His movements are choppy and his limbs jerk around awkwardly, but they don’t comment on it. He specifically avoids looking at it, keeping his eyes on the more comforting figure of Alex. (He can still see its face in his peripheral vision.)
After paying the two just.. leave. No killing, no destruction beyond a few scratches and misplaced items. He didn’t calm down immediately, it took a while for his body to move properly again, and his arms shake for the rest of the day. He’s noticeably spooked by the time his shift is over, and he doubts that he’ll recover from this any time soon.
The rest of his day is spent looking over his shoulder, paranoia biting at the back of his neck. He can’t bring himself to turn the lights of his house off at night. Maybe that makes him a bigger target, but the image of something towering over him, the only thing he can see of it being a pair of eyes and maybe a wide grin of teeth. The image terrifies him endlessly.
Harold doesn’t sleep that night.
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pinetreeparadoxx · 1 month
PART 4 or whatever!!
Uhhhh I can't relax so! These screenshots will be mooched from Reddit I am so sorry lmaoooo but they're all of available things so
Harolds Ramblings?
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I legit don't know this one lmaoo
If you type Platinum Paz, you get
Which means
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👀👀👀 interesting...
Now this is so funny
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Blind eye gets this
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Which says "they'll all see" in cipher
Pines gets this. A pun and sweet!
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Book of Bill...
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Some without screenshots...
Alex leads to a google search for flannels
Divorce leads to a zip file of the O'Sadley's logo
Axolotl or God leads to "you ask a lotl questions"
Help Me leads to a video on the monitor of an axolotl and bill
Yes leads to "what's McGucket's favorite soda"
No leads to "your loss"
Love leads to the Love Triangle book
Weird leads to Weird Al inside the computer, wondering how he got there and blaming Bill
Horror leads to a story called The Always Garden
Scary leads to another one of Bill's parody products, a book called B. Chipher Spoomeups (spelling? Did the redditor misspell it lmaoooo)
Game Theory leads to Matpat
Nacho shows creepy Bill art
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Whatever the heck this means?
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Fucking MEAN to him oh my god
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You can click on these
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DKDLSJDKSJSJS Stan... the things you get yourself into...
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This feels like Stan trying to make his fears funny somehow and failing AND succeeding. HM
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We get 2 important things; Stan is sad about his fake funeral and he writes smut. One is sad and one is the FUNNIEST thing
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Stan these are awful. AWFUL
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I would think chewing the way out of the trunk of a car would qualify but whatever ANYWAYS
That first one. Ow? Filbrick you asshole??? No wonder Stan has so many. Issues. Poor man.
Yeah of course his birthday was sad
Fucking hell he was heartbroken they almost ran off
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It's his darkest thought bc he feels bad for thinking it 😭
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Well you're still in super hell therapy so I'd say he did beat you so there
Stan :(
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thelarriefics · 1 year
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ONLINE DATING FIC REC: Below you will find fics where Harry and Louis meet online in some way.
📖 Falling In Love Through The Phone by @larryfanficwriter98 (63k)
Name: Louis Tomlinson Age: 23 Commitment: Committed/Looking For Someone To Marry Interests: Skiing, Surfing, Writing, Reading, Singing, Playing Guitar, Football, Traveling, Watching Movies, Musicals Dislikes: Hiking, Cats, Cycling, Running, Yoga, Avocados, Cooking, Horror Films, The Vegan Craze, Trendy Shit Name: Harold Stones Age: 21 Commitment: Committed/Looking For Someone To Marry Interests: Singing, Dancing, Baking, Cooking, Travelling, Reading, Swimming, Surfing, Skiing, Snowboarding, Canoeing, Musicals, Films, Photography, Writing, Playing Guitar, Volunteering Dislikes: Horror Films, Spiders, Mountain Climbing, Skydiving, Archery, Paragliding, Mountain Bungee Jump, Volcano Boarding, Heights, Roller-coasters
📖 We Don't Need No Piece of Paper (From the City Clerk) by @2tiedships2 (26k)
Harry sat on his bed and stared at the pile of luggage by the door. This was really happening. He was being shipped off to America to get married. In a matter of months, he would be bonded to an alpha his father had chosen for him. Someone that Harry knew nothing about. Not even his name.
📖 He Was a Different League (When I Was Nothing Much) by @afangirlfantasy (21k)
Sick of being alone, Marcel is forced (by Niall) to join an online dating app. The idea is well and all, except for the inconvenient fact that he hasn’t moved on from his childhood sweetheart - Louis. If only Marcel could learn to let go, he might actually be able to love again. Or, an AU where finding that 'someone new' actually leads to finding that 'someone old,' and Marcel is painfully oblivious.
📖 you don't have to play the part  by @lookslikefairytale (16k)
or the one where Harry is Britain's new pop sensation, Louis is R&B star Zayn's sassy social media manager and things get confusing.
📖 Found My Missing Piece by @styleandsin (16k)
Louis and Harry are both fashion bloggers. Louis' been following Harry for years. Harry and his blog really gave him the confidence and the push to make his own. His sister and best friend have been making fun of his silly little crush on him ever since. But that's all it is, a silly, harmless crush because there is no way Harry knows who he is. Or does he?
📖 room for your love underneath this tree by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (11k)
Because Harry Styles is -- he’s next level kind of famous. Louis has two million subscribers on his YouTube, but Harry has eighteen times as many followers on his Twitter alone. He’s had three number one hits in the last year, and his last album had charted at the top spot for a record breaking 27 weeks. He’s a singer, actor and philanthropist, and there is no way in hell that Louis can get him to come meet Daisy for Christmas. So of course he laughs, even if it’s a little bit breathless, and nods at her. “One Harry Styles for Christmas, coming right up.”
📖 Lately You've Been On My Mind  by @lululawrence (9k)
Or five times Louis makes reaction videos to Harry's performances and songs, and the one time they actually meet.
📖 You're Invited by @becomeawendybird (8k)
Harry loves the Christmas season, but she does not love her office Christmas party. Every year it's the same old story, all of her male coworkers that she thought were nice, normal guys during the year turn on a dime and won't stop hitting on her. She backs herself into a corner when she accidentally blurts out that she can't attend the party with any of them because she's bringing her girlfriend. One problem: she doesn't have a girlfriend.
📖 Nailed By Louis by @haztobegood (6k)
It had started as a joke, just two months earlier. Louis had tried to make recipe from HarrySizzles Instagram account. It looked doable: no strange ingredients, no scary kitchen machinery. Just a simple layered lettuce salad. The result had been catastrophic. His friends had laughed so hard at the disgusting appearance of his salad, and after a few drinks, Louis had been convinced to start his own Instagram to track his food failures.
📖 Two nightstands by @louisthiccsexyglitteryass (2k)
When Niall dares Harry to match with the first guy on Tinder, he does not expect to find Louis Tomlinson. But he did.
📖 Beat the Odds Together by @ireallysawanangel (2k)
Harry and Louis are both YouTubers who met and starting dating through YouTube. One morning Harry wakes up to a surprise video from Louis.
📖 100ft Away by @jaerie (2k)
Harry opens Grindr for a hookup and ends up with more than he bargained for. It all works out in the end.
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starlightwoofwoof · 3 months
‼️⚠️ Quick CW ⚠️‼️ Disturbing Imagery
uhhhhh I thought of another stupid dumb dumb weird crossover AU (it’s kinda like a swap AU as well lol)
sooooooo I thought it would be a good idea to mix my two favorite spooky fandoms together :D (well Spooky Month isn’t really an outright horror thing but still)
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AAAAAA what goobers
here, e x t r a m e m e t h i n g s
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might do more characters if you guys like it and I feel like it lol, I already have so many ideas-
I also kinda rushed this because I was excited to show this soooooo- ye
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bracketsoffear · 7 months
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Coraline (Neil Gaiman) "The presence of another world that resemble the one you know but different, the Other Mother whole deal and the fact that she spies on people using dolls and sews buttons in place of her victim's eyes."
"Harold" from Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill your Bones (Alvin Schwartz) "Two cow farmers, Thomas and Alfred, were bored with their monotonous work one day, so they decided to make a scarecrow out of old sacs stuffed with straw. They based its appearance after another farmer they both hated, even giving it the name: Harold. They tied it to a pole and made fun of it, doing impressions of what his crazy voice might sound like or even just taking their cruelty out on him by kicking or punching him, or smearing food over the sac that was its face. One day they heard a grunt that could only have come from Harold. Thomas suggested throwing him in the fire, but Alfred insisted it was nothing to worry about. Then, Alfred noticed that Harold was growing bigger, but again told themselves it was just their imagination from being in the mountains too long.
Then one day, Harold stands up, walks out of the hut in front of Thomas and Alfred, then climbs up onto the roof and starts stomping around on it like a horse on its hind legs. Terrified and wanting to get away from Harold, they leave with their cows that same day, but halfway there they realize they forgot their milking stools and have to go back. The farmers convince each other that there really is nothing to be afraid of and draw straws to see who will go back. It is Thomas who drew the shorter straw, and now has to go back to to the hut, telling Alfred that he will catch up with him later. When Thomas does not return, Alfred returns to look for him, and sees Harold on the roof of the hut laying out Thomas' skinned corpse to dry in the sun."
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faetaiity · 2 years
Okay so, someone asked if they could get a Chameleon or Komodo Dragon Mutant Reader, and I chose Chamelon for the One-Shot, I went with that, BUT I forgot they wanted a One-Shot, so here's the story ver instead of the HCs, but honestly, I'm just gonna do both because why not. (Komodo will be for the HCs)
Dark AU! Turtles x Chameleon Mutant! GN! Reader
Format: One-Shot
CW: Long set up for the story, Implied that the turtles believe Y/N says hurtful things/gaslights(?) Kidnapping, Blood/Gore, Implications of murder/maiming, OOC Characters (I ain't ever written for some of these bitches, gimme a break) and bad writing (Haven't written anything in like a month, because being burnout as someone with ADHD and Autism fucking SUCKS.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You hated Guard duty.
You helped out Repo-Mantis and the other mutants keep the Repo Yard a safe place for Foot Clan and Big Mama's targets. Humans, Yokai, Mutants, they were all welcomed here as long as they left their weapons in the Hands of the people who run the Yard, as a safety precaution, of course.
You hated Being lookout and Guard, as sometimes you'd have to turn people away, effectively killing them, sooner or later, you'd hear on the news of them brutally attacked and put down in the streets like animals.
You fumbled with your Kevlar vest, the material making your recently shed skin feel itchy and mildly painful, sometimes you wonder why you even accept when you're assigned guard duty, but then you look at the Mutants you've started to call friends and remind yourself 'They saved you.' You groaned, knowing that you owe them for taking care of you and keeping you safe while you were injured.
Manticat came over to you, nuzzling into your face and purring, as much as the Giant Cat Mantis Mutant made you nervous sometimes, she was a sweetheart, she stayed for a few minutes before resuming her patrol around the Yard
It was a few hours before the day patrol came back, clearly beat, their human cloaks bruised and bloodied, clearly, they just wanted to take the cloaking brooch off, inform the night patrol of their findings and pass out, you couldn't blame them, you've only been on City Patrol once, and you have scars from it.
You never gave them trouble when they tried to enter the yard, they had already been through enough shit in the 8-12 hours they had been in New York City.
"Bad day?" You asked one of the Sando Bros, he only grumbled in response, Repo was another one out of patrol, he walked up to you and said "Sorry 'bout him, got his ass beat by that Jones girl in the Foot Clan." you snickered in response, shaking your head, Warren passed by without saying anything, you think out of all the Mutants here, he considers you one of his least favorites, maybe not, but it's the impression he gives off.
"Hey Repo, Who's on night patrol tonight?" You asked, making sure that you weren't on it, Repo's been trying to get you to do another Patrol but your first (and only) one was pretty bad, Repo thought for a minute before speaking up "Should be Hypno, Meat Sweats and GhostBear" he responded, they always took the stronger ones out at night because of the Turtles, you nodded "But...." 'goddamnit, here we go' you thought bitterly, Patrol was scary at night, you've only been out on patrol during the day, that Mantid bastard better not- "Sorry, Y/N, you gotta shadow them, you can't always be in the yard."
"Can't I do tomorrow?? I've been out on Guard duty for SIX HOURS; I can't do another 8-12 in the CITY!" you whined, he sighed, knowing that this isn't the best timing, but he has to get a fourth person on Night Patrol
"I'm sorry, but you KNOW patrol policy, four people out during night, you're the only one who can do that, Kendra and Harold got injured last week." you groaned at those words, "Fine, can I at least go rest? It'll take them 30 minutes to 2 hours to explain everything they saw on day patrol" he nodded and made a motion for you to go to the barracks, you ripped off the Kevlar vest and threw it at Repo, running full speed to your bed, throwing yourself on it and passing out without needing melatonin (Or any other sleep aid you use.)
You were woken up about an hour and a half later by Hypno, at first you considered him intimidating, but he's a pretty decent person, you groaned and gave a thumbs up, signaling him to leave so you could put on your gear, after a few minutes of fumbling, you walked out to the exit of the Yard, joining the other three, they nodded in acknowledgement to you, after a minute of making sure everyone's gear was ready, you four walked out of the Yard and made your way toward NYC.
Due to protocol in City Patrol, (ESPECIALLY Night Patrol) nobody is allowed to talk unless necessary or split up willingly, the only exception for the talking rule is whispering or ASL, you walked in between GhostBear and Hypno, with Meat Sweats in front of you three.
Once you four reached a decent scouting point in the Middle of the City, Hypno whispers in your ear "You think you can make it to the skyscraper up there and give us access?" you nod and say "I can try" a good thing about being a Chameleon Mutant is that you can blend in with your surroundings (NOTE: irl chameleons don't do this, their skin change is for emotions but because Reader has the intelligence of a human, He uses it to sneak around) as well as climb rough vertical surfaces such as most buildings.
You breathe in and let out a heavy sigh, your scales shift colors and make you vanish, you climb down the building and quickly bolt over to the Skyscraper, due to your time as a young, rather stupid and bored kid, you know how to pick locks, which did get you into a metric fuckton of trouble sometimes.
You climb up the Skyscraper, you always hated climbing up larger buildings that are more than two or three stories, because if you fall, you're dead, it takes about thirty minutes before you make it 75% of the way, another twenty until you reach the top. Heaving a sigh of relief, you get out your Walkie-Talkie and speak into it "I'm up here, it might be another hour before I can get you guys inside" ....
No response, maybe you're too far away? You shouldn't be! These are Professional grade! They should be able to reach one or two miles!
you look over to where you saw them last, they're... gone? That's not protocol! they should be waiting for you to get inside!
You try to reach them for a few more minutes, getting more and more irritated as time passes, you can't stay invisible forever, so you let your guard down for a few minutes, your scales returning to their normal color, after a few MORE minutes, you growl angrily, looking down to where they should be!
You hear someone trying to sneak up behind you, not good, you try to give off the impression that you didn't hear them until they rushed up behind you and placed a sword across your neck
"Don't say anything, Handsome~" The voice hissed out, you remember it from your first Patrol
He attacked you as the sun went down during that blasted patrol and you almost got killed, He and his brothers would try to sneak into the yard several times, always getting chased off but there had been reports of them trying to get into the Sleeping barracks where you were healing, you heard three other people walking over to you two, you knew who they were.
"H-Hello." You croaked out, trying to sound brave but honestly, you were scared shitless, you had no backup and no weapons, you were basically at the mercy of a Sociopath. You heard Leonardo laugh, if you didn't know he had a sword up against you, you would've said his laugh was almost affectionate
You knew better though.
"Cuff 'em, I don't want our little lookout getting away~" he purred out, you felt one of his brothers cuff you, oddly enough he removed his ōdachi from your neck, you looked over to him, clearly confused
"You can't evade us for long if you have cuffs on." He elaborated, rather bluntly too, despite being bigger than him, he easily picked you up, instinctively, you wrapped your tail around him, fully expecting him to throw you off the skyscraper, Instead he handed you over to Donatello, he looked at you oddly, it was mostly disgust, but also content, Donatello activated his Battleshell, after a few seconds he lifted off, making you squeak loudly and wrap your tail around him tightly, making him growl in disapproval.
"I'll meet you all back at the Lair, don't fuck up the Tank, gods know you three are shit drivers" he hissed out, flying over the edge of the Skyscraper, you started shaking at the sheer height, holding onto Donatello harder, nuzzling into his neck, trying to not look at the ground, you couldn't see it but there was a small ghost smile on him
It took about fifteen minutes before you were back on the ground, he opened up the Manhole cover and awkwardly let you fall down onto the floor, you curse under your breath as he gets on the ladder and covers the manhole once more, he drops down next to you, as you struggle to get up, he sneers and places his foot on your back and adds pressure, making you fall back down, in response you growl and sweep your tail under his feet, making him fall, he doesn't react other than a snarl as he gets back up.
He lifted you over his shoulder and walked you into the lab, ignoring Master Splinter's questions of who you were, once in the lab he chained you up to the wall and waited for his brothers to join him
After a few minutes his brothers come in, instantly Michelangelo bolts over to you and gets into your lap, you cringe as he is covered in blood and smells awful, he churrs affectionately as he nuzzles into your neck, smearing blood all over your scales.
You freeze, unsure of what to do, the last time you met Michelangelo he seemed fully intent of hurting you, Leonardo seems to notice this and says, "We're not going to hurt you unless necessary." you are baffled, his tone is unnaturally soft, typically from what you've heard people say about him, he's actually a really bad egotistical dick, but ever since you got into the lair, they have shown more normal traits
'Most likely a facade' you think, unwilling to think they've changed, especially with blood on Michelangelo, Raphael comes and sits beside you, making you flinch, he seems unaffected by that and he rubs your back, Leonardo and Donatello don't come close, but they seem jealous.
"O-Okay... I'll bite... what are you guys' planning? none of you are.... ever this nice." they all seem to stiffen before Michelangelo coos "Nothing, darling, we just want to keep you"
you stay quiet for a few seconds, his words slowly starting to register in your brain "Keep... Me...?" you ask, shaking slightly, Michelangelo perks up "Yeah! Ever since we first saw you, we just couldn't get you out of our minds!" you stiffen, Michelangelo purrs as he nuzzles into your jaw, suddenly you become hyper aware of his affection and try to recoil from it, which doesn't end well as he growls and pulls you closer, as well as becoming hyper aware of his touch, you begin to notice how... affectionately his brothers are looking at you
"N-No! I... what makes you think I'd reciprocate?!" you hiss, actively trying to push Michelangelo away, he snarls as he holds on tighter, there's a second before you feel him bite into your neck, making you scream in pain, He starts losing his cool, and fast.
"NO! you WILL love us; I'm not taking no for an answer!" He screams, once he finishes his sentence you can hear him sniffling, like he's on the verge of tears or a meltdown, Donatello comes over with a Syringe, "You'll learn to accept this, Y/N, we love you, no matter how hurtful your words toward us are." you try to say something but before you can, he shoves the Syringe into your shoulder, you cry out as the contents are emptied into your bloodstream, you start to lose consciousness as you hear someone say "You belong to us, love."
yeah, sorry it's ass lmaooooo
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Eleven: Shoot me (Do it)
(I skipped 'Up the Creek' because it mostly focused on the Screaming Gophers, and when it did mention the Killer Bass Duncan barely was in it)
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All you know about today's challenge is that you are going to make it as dramatic as possible, is what you told yourself. Today was friday, and you were going to be on your medicine. So today's story will be told from Duncan's point of view.
Duncan always thought the way her body processed her meds was interesting, because her mood always changed right away.
He watched as Chris handed her the two tiny pills and she swallowed them quickly. Your teammates were looking at you both confused. Suddenly her body did this strange little shudder and she broke out into a smile.
"Today's challenge is all about survival." Chris explained. "We're going hunting." The man smiled cheerfully holding up a gun. "That's more like it." Duncan smirked and gave his (girl-) friend a fist bump.
"Isn't that a paintball gun?" Harold asked. "Why yes, Harold. It is." Chris shot him rather quickly. "So we're not killing anything." Bridgette asked sounding dissapointed.
"No. This is the first ever paintball dear game ever. So finish up breaky and I'll give out teams in the woods." Chris pointed at Owen who had finished off his teams can of beans.
When all of you guys finally got into the woods and Chris announced the game. There'd be 'hunters' and there'd be deer. Each team would be split of both. Duncan, Y/N, DJ, Courtney, and Sadie were deer.
Duncan complained but quickly shut up when she looked at him in his costume and giggled. "Looking cute, bambi." Her fingers booped him on the nose. "Cute to you, mean to anyone else." Duncan muttered a blush forming on his pale face as he pulled her in by the waist.
Chris gave the deers five minutes to hide from the hunters.
So everyone dispersed quickly.
Duncan had a realization as he and you both trudged through the woods. Chris had done this type of challenge on friday just to put the team at a disadvantage. Chris wanted her to be high as the clouds so she'd freak Duncan out.
But Duncan didn't scare easily.
"Hey, darling?" He asked as they both silently walked by a pond in the woods looking for any hunter. "What's up, cutie?" Her eyes flickered to look at him.
He didn't like it when she took her meds because he didn't know what was real and what was fake. But he wanted you to take your meds because you looked at peace for once.
"Real or not real: there's something between us?" He muttered. She gave him this smile and he wanted to hit her. "Whatever between us is realer then the sun shining on a sunday morning, baby." Her teeth shined as she laughed.
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The day progressed pretty calmly to say the least which Duncan was thankful for. Almost no one shot at them, only Owen tried a few times but luckily for Duncan, his girl and him were a scary duo.
He and his girl sat on the grass, your back leaning against his chest as his arms slithered around your stomach.
Her voice was coming out but he wasn't even listening to the words, he was listening to the sound. Her voice sounded like a song he'd listen to every day if he could.
It tooks about two hours until he felt her body relax. Since everyone at camp was so loud he was keeping track of who was in the lead. So far, it looked like you guys were going to win... by a lot.
Duncan smiled to himself as he gently layed your head onto the grass. He remembered the first time he had played a game with guns, accept it was real guns.
Russian roulette was always fun.
Four years ago
Duncan was thirteen. He had been diagnosed with paranoia, anxiety, as well as DDD. He certainly was an interesting boy to say the least. The first juvie center he stayed at didn't give him his meds, so he acted insane.
"Alright new-blood, let's see if you've got what it takes." James threw the gun to the young boy who put it against his head without flinching. He clicked a bullet without blinking.
"My dad started me on russia roulette when I was five, try harder." Duncan smiled.
The game ended, the killer bass had won and Heather lost her shit on Beth. Duncan noticed that her meds were wearing off once he saw how drained she was acting.
She was quiet, and she nearly collapsed on her bunk when the team had finally returned back to the cabins. Courtney must've noticed the worried glance Duncan had given the girls side of the cabin because she whispered.
"We'll watch over her." She smiled kindly.
So that night, Courtney had directed a tired Y/N into the bathroom to change and wash your face, as Bridgette layed you on her cot putting a trash can beside you in case your body reacted poorly from your new change in your meds schedule.
Which it did.
The cameras caught Sadie holding your hair back as you dry heaved into the can. (#girlsprotectgirls was already trending on X)
"I hope you know how obvious you are, man." Geoff grumbled as he watched Duncan smoke from the window. Duncan smirked flipping the boy off. "I have no idea what your talking about." Duncan smiled.
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whiskeybottlebullshit · 2 months
the idea has been cooking in my head a bit...
The Croon could be like the witch that turns people into a horse with a bridle, but for my idea, she uses something else to allow them and Perrine, who wears a moose mask, to hide as the form of moose if they need to. Maybe add in old folk inspirations of witches turning people into specific animals, a trope that goes as far back as Circe turning men into pigs. Their appearance however mixes that of a large corvid skull over their face with equally large moose antlers. Loose story inspirational reference: 'A New Horse' from Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark, 'Such Things Happen' from Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones
The Storyteller can have many sources, but appearance wise gives me the feeling of Harold, the scarecrow that comes alive after much abuse from the ones who made him. though instead Storyteller is possessed by the soul of the one who had been murdered and the scarecrow was made in the likeness of. The only caveat that I have to figure out is Cole having a rabbit mask since Storyteller wears no mask at all, though his bond with Storyteller could be that they showed the 'old scarecrow' kindness by cleaning them up, repairing them, and putting them where they 'might stay undamaged'. Loose story inspirational reference: Harold, Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones
The Enkindled is like, pique nature and primordial horror, maybe with a mix of paranormal horror in a sense? Think of the horror of nature and the primordial fear relating to it. Kingsley could get possessed by The Enkindled as a sort of root in the mortal realm, wearing a mask ambled after a tree to pay homage to The Enkindled. Loose story inspirational reference: 'Bess' from Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones, Centuries of stories about fae, fair folk, and fairies
The Bellringer could EASILY be a religious/paranormal horror combo, given that bell towers are often in clock towers or cathedrals, having a sheep-headed look, whether it's a mask or their actual head. Which could combine all four Horror Harkers, Clementine could be like, a newly indoctrinated child meant for sacrifice that Bellringer took a strong liking to and spared from the sacrifice, Clementine donning a mask depicting a young goat. Loose story inspirational reference: "Hårgalåten" folk song from the North Swedish location of Hårga
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mossiestpiglet · 3 months
That Claudia post reignited my internal screaming about Manfred’s situation in the story and how he is treated in the narrative (likely specifically because it is a middle-grades series).
Manfred is treated as a very unsympathetically evil villain because the story is told from the perspective of his victims. Which, in fairness, is basically everyone on the “good side”, whether they know he contributed to their problems or not. Plus all the kids in the school who are afraid of him just as a bully of an older boy who has scary powers. Even when the narration is from Manfred’s perspective he sounds like an ass; the story is just really driving home that this is not a likable guy.
The thing is, when looking at his situation in the context of him as also a child, it reframes things so that he can become more sympathetic. The story shows him hurting people and participating in kidnappings as a child in order to make him seem even more creepy (this is how the “good” characters react to it), but these are actions Ezekiel and Harold guide him in. It’s explicit in the past scenes that when he harms people it’s because they want him to, he is a weapon because they raised him to be one. Almost everything he has done that harmed someone during the series was on instruction from Ezekiel (more rarely Harold), and even the stuff that wasn’t can still be attributed to how they raised him to act and use his powers to serve their interests.
Sometimes characters in situations like Manfred’s are written so that, while no one in the story sympathizes with them or is on their side, at least the audience will be. But Manfred doesn’t even get that. The audience is not meant to care about him, they are meant to feel satisfied at an evil boy burning up in his own flames.
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lilqu33rboi · 20 days
Funny theater stories!! (Feel free to rb with your own!)
⁃ one time in middle school i was playing cinderella in cinderella which was my first lead so i was super psyched and before one of the shows i actually lost one of my shoes. it was hella scary at the time but looking back it was also hilariously accurate to my character. i found it before the show started btw ⁃ we used a real pineapple for a high school play once and it had to be thrown across the stage at one point and there was always pineapple juice all over the stage after every show so our director just kept buying more pineapples after every show and he bought too many so then he just had a random pineapple hoard at his house for a while ⁃ So for the school musical one year we combined with the middle school to do Music Man, and during the read-through the guy who was playing Harold Hill (🥛) accidentally missed a line & then said "OH SHIT" rlly loud and everyone just went 😨 ⁃ my theatre friends and i went to see one of the middle school shows and we went to a local gas station afterwards just to hang out (pathetic ik, our town has NOTHING to do 💀) and everyone got milkshakes and shit except for 🥛 who just got waffle flavored milk and beef jerky (yes that's where i got his emoji from) ⁃ one of my theatre friends hosted a watch party for some of us to come and see the movie version of our school musical and somehow while we were there we got really off topic and two of the guys ended up getting "married" (i was the flower boy) ⁃ during one rehearsal for a summer show, the school was being cleaned so a bunch of stuff was moved around and we were gonna go practice something in the band room but the piano just. wasn't there. and we could not find it anywhere. we lost. a whole ass. fucking. grand piano.
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mang0tang00 · 1 year
Scenario: Feeling alone but Viktor isn’t there to comfort you this time.
Viktor x NB! Reader
Word count: 634
Warnings: Angst, rambling, description of abandonment-ish, no happy ending just hurting, not proof read
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Loneliness .
You are alone.
You've been waiting.
Waiting for who?
Why wait for someone when you know the outcome of every conversation about the loneliness. Why do you let it get this bad? You didn't mean for it to get this bad. You hate the way your mouth becomes stitched shut once you want to become vulnerable. When you thought you were being vulnerable, you have many more walls you didn't know you had. You know why you're alone. But being alone is what you're afraid of. What's that saying again? You attract what you fear? Is it true then? I’m attracting the loneliness I so desperately want to escape? But my escape was Viktor. Where's Viktor?
You look around the darkened room. When did it get so dark? You get up from the desk and look at the ticking clock. Almost midnight again. Again. Again. Again. Again.
You slap the clock onto the floor. You never liked that clock anyway. You closed your notebook filled with what reminds you of him.
Viktor, him, your partner. Where was he again? Oh right the lab, only other place he'd be.
Gathering your things you look around the space you two live in together. The small corners on the tables and stands dulled from the constant dumping and rubbing against. The room where personalities collide into harmony and a beautiful story. Except it's just you. Alone. Should you go to him? No, let him come to you.
It's what's driving you two apart.
Viktors fear of inadequacy rising, being unnoticed, un spoken and causing a tremble.
Your fear of being alone, not being able to rely on those you trust. More trembles.
Trembling becomes violent.
Clashing. Yelling. Words never meant to be said to the one you love. Mistake.
Was it a mistake? No you were right he's wrong. Viktor acts like a no it all so just this once can he be wrong…?
But he's not, he knows you. You're hiding from him again when you're right in front of him. You promised to let him know when things got bad again but in the wrong way. He knows now but it came out too snarky, too aggressive, too misunderstood. Festering.
God why can't you just let him in. Why can't you just let yourself in? Stubbornness?… no wrong word again. You are afraid.
Afraid of what you are not a child cowering in a bed, trembling because of the darkness and your eyes tricking you into seeing something scary. But you are trembling while standing at the door making an illusion of something you know is not true. Viktor understands now, you talked. Talked? No, it was yelling. He is right. You’re pulling away and fulfilling the same thoughts you two share.
You’re inadequate for each other .
“Viktor please I’m sorry…” you heaved with such sadness that sounds like regret, unwillingness?
“Y/n?” You look up like a puppy in trouble. Hesitation is clear to Viktor.
“Look Viktor… I’m sorry, my words hurt and I’m so sorry. I felt alone again and scared. Scared about how you’re knowing more and more about me. Too many things that make me vulnerable…” That's good! You’re getting good words out. He understands, hopefully.
“I just have a hard time putting my feelings into words. I don’t want to lose you but I am. I am and I hate seeing it happen and don’t know how to fix it!.”
You finally make eye contact again.
Void of emotion.
Void of life.
This is why you bit your tongue. This is why you sat like a dog loyal to an owner who doesn’t care. No words. No movement. Not anything. This isn’t Viktor.
This is the Machine Harold.
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