#harrison osterfield read
imagination0708 · 11 months
Starstruck (Part 5)
Pairing: Tom Holland X Reader, Harrison Osyterfield X Gracie
Tom's POV:
During the car the ride to the premiere, I felt as though there was a tension in the car so thick that I could cut it with a knife. A few months back, (4 months), Harrison had told me that he had fallen in love with Gracie, the thing was however he didn't knowhow to make the perfect confession. NI told him to just say whatever was on his mind just like I did with Y/n. I wish he did that when he told me he was going to confess to Gracie. Harrison had also told me to time about five minutes before asking him to leave before anything happened. I did just that. When I took a quick glance at Y/n, who was seating beside me in the backseat, she looked super nervous. She was biting on her nails and shaking her leg. Calmly, I placed my hand on her thigh to stop her from shaking her legs and tell her that I was there for her. Of course once I removed my hands, she immediately went back to doing the same thing, so I just left my hand there.
After that long car ride, we were finally at the premiere. The paparazzies were taking picture after picture. Lights were flashing so much that if I wasn't blind by the time I got into the theatre, it would be a surprise.
Y/n POV:
When we pulled up at the red carpet, I felt the camera's all flashing and clicking in my eyes. Since I was wearing a low cut top, I used my hand purse to block my chest while getting out of the car. As me and Tom walked down the red carpet, we stopped along the way to talk to some of our fans and reporters while also signing different things. It was not exactly comfortable to take millions of pictures but that's what a red carpet is right? Getting your photo snapped, talking to fans and things like that. BUt of course me and Tom had our relationships under the wraps, and made sure to keep our hands of each other, dismissing everything as just being good friends.
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edna-skiffens · 2 years
Guess who has c*vid.
I’m not even home in my own bed rn. I’m out of town and I can’t bring this home so I have to quarantine here out of a suitcase. This is actually the worst. I think I might be dying. I hate this so much.
Worst june ever.
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
TikTok Prank Preference: Stuck Tampon
Description: blurb preference with the characters/people below based on the viral TikTok prank where the person pretend they have a tampon stuck and need their partner to help them to see how they react.
Warnings: mentions of period related items and topics, minimally suggestive words, otherwise fluff
Characters/people for this preference: Tom Holland, Peter Parker, Harry Holland, Sam Holland, Harrison Osterfield, Freddy Carter, Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Cardan Greenbriar, Aaron Warner Anderson, Pin Hawthorne, and Austin Butler
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Tom Holland
“Tomm…” y/n mumbled.
Tom peaked his head into the bathroom, eyes meeting her’s instantly.
“I… uhhh…. I have an issue” she whispered.
Tom raised his eyebrow at her and stepped into their bathroom, closing the door behind him
“What’s happening love?” He asked, grabbing her hand.
“So… uhh… I’m on my period…” y/n explained slowly.
Tom nodded, “did you need me to go to the store?”
Y/n smiled at how sweet he was but shook her head, looking away.
“Okay, then what is it darling?” He asked, using his thumb to lift her head back up to look at him.
“I… my tampon is… stuck” she said, looking out the corner of her eyes nervously.
“Oh” Tom said breathlessly but quickly pulled himself together, “okay. Let’s figure this out”.
“Wait, what?” Y/n asked, looking back at him with sad eyes.
“Love, it’s alright” he cooed, stroking her cheek, “we’ll get it out hmm?”
She gave him a thankful smile to which he responded by kissing her forehead delicately and lifting her onto the bathroom counter.
“So… just talk me through it yeah?” He asked shyly.
“Tom” she blushed, reaching forward to stop him.
“Darling, nothing to be shy about, I’ve seen it all before, and it’s not your fault it’s stuck” he encouraged.
Y/n giggled, burying her head into his shoulder.
She pulled back and pointed to her camera, “it’s a TikTok prank babe”.
Tom huffed, his cheeks reddening as he lifted her back to the ground.
“I couldn’t resist, but you were so sweet” she smiled, kissing his cheek.
Tom blushed more, wrapping his arm around her waist, “just as long as you know you can come to me if that really happened”.
Peter Parker
“Ummmm Peter?” Y/n called, walking into their apartment’s living room.
Peter looked up from his laptop and gave her a bright smile and nodded.
“So I uhh… Nevermind I’ll ask MJ” she rambled, looking down and playing with her hands.
Peter sighed, quickly setting his laptop to the side and walking to his girlfriend.
“Why MJ?” He frowned, pulling her to him.
Y/n laughed nervously, “it’s.. a girl thing Peter”.
“Oh” he whispered, his cheek warming up as it rested on her shoulder.
“Well maybe I can still help?” He offered, drawing shapes on her back through his sweatshirt she was wearing.
“Oh, thank you Peter” she said, squeezing him, “but I don’t think you’re going to want to do that”.
“Sure I do!” Peter gasped, pulling back to show his offended facial expressions.
Y/n bit her lip, “Peter…”
Peter’s frown deepened as he whined, “please let me help?”
“Peter-“ y/n began slowly.
“Please, I’ll do my best! I w-“ He argued.
“Peter, my tampon is stuck!” She blurted, cutting him off.
Peter’s eyes widened and his cheeks turned so red they’d have blended in with his Spider-Man suit if he had it on.
“Oh… okaay… umm…” Peter rambled anxiously.
“I’ll just call MJ and -“ y/n suggested.
Peter shook his head rapidly, “no, no. I’ll figure this out. Let me research this”.
“What?! What’re you looking up?” Y/n gasped as Peter rushed to his computer.
“The best way to help get a stuck tampon out” Peter said simply, typing away.
“Babe” y/n giggled, resting her hand on his over the keyboard.
“This article says I can simply use my hand, so-“ Peter began, reading off the instruction from the website he clicked on.
“Peter” y/n said, kissing his cheek, “it was a prank”.
“What?” He asked, turning to face her.
“It is a TikTok trend Pete; if it helps, you passed” y/n shrugs with a smile.
Peter shook his head, “of course I did, I wasn’t going to just leave it in there”.
Y/n laughed and pulled him to her for a hug.
Harry Holland
“Baz! Can you come here please?” Y/n shouted.
Harry knocked before slowly opening the bathroom door, “love?”
“I need your help” she stated, causing an instant wave of confusion to take over his features.
Harry rubbed the back of his neck, “with?”
Y/n looked away from him as she slowly sat on the closed toilet lid, “my tampon is stuck Baz”
Harry froze, staring at her in shock as he opened and closed his mouth silently.
Y/n looked up as he started to exit the bathroom, “are you just leaving me here?”
“Don’t be dramatic” Harry scoffed, “I’m getting reinforcements “.
Y/n jumped up, grabbing her phone and running to catch up with him, “reinforcements?!”
“Love I don’t know what to do, but I’m sure mum does” Harry explained, grabbing his phone from where he abandoned it on the couch moments ago.
“No!” Y/n laughed, taking the phone from his hand.
“Y/n, I’m clueless on this” Harry groaned, reaching for his phone.
“That’s fine cause it’s a prank” y/n informed him, giving him a cheesy grin.
Harry stared at her, trying to see if she was lying or not.
He smirked, grabbing his phone back from her, “you can never be too sure”.
“Holland don’t you dare!” Y/n gasped, putting her phone down as she chased her boyfriend around their flat.
Sam Holland
“Darling?” Sam called, knocking on their bathroom door.
Y/n had intentionally sat in the bathroom for far longer than normal, waiting to see if he noticed.
“I… I’ll be out soon” y/n breathily laughed.
Sam sighed softly, “are you okay?”
Y/n bit her lip as she took one last deep breath to compose herself for the prank.
“Y-yeah Sammy. I’ll be out soon.. okay?” She asked quietly.
“Y/n, can I come in?” He asked, resting his hand on the door handle.
“Why?” She asked with a fake panic.
Sam laughed nervously, “because you’re scaring me honey, can I please come in?”
“Umm one sec” y/n shouted, making a lot of noise and running the sink.
She held a towel in her hands as she opened the door for her boyfriend with a sheepish smile.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked, surveying the bathroom for clues.
“Nothing” she said, looking away as she hung the towel up.
“Darling,” Sam warned softly, grabbing her hand.
She sighed, peering up into his eyes, “my tampon is… stuck”.
Sam’s mouth opened slightly before he nodded.
“How do I help? Should I get ummm” he rambled, his eyes darting around the room, “ooh! Tongs?”
“No! You’re not using tongs down there Sam!” Y/n gasped, laughing.
Sam thought for a moment and then nodded in agreement, “Turkey baster?”
Y/N’s jaw dropped, “what?!”
“You know… the suction? It could pull it out” Sam shrugged.
“No kitchen utensils!” Y/n sighed, rubbing her head.
Sam bit his lip, “okay, well I’m coming up with ideas, you tell me one then”.
“Sam your ideas all involve medieval torture” y/n joked, “thank god it was a prank!”
Sam let out a sigh of relief before crossing his arms over his chest, “you were pranking me?”
Y/n giggled shyly and nodded, “good thing too cause now I know who not to come to!”
Haz (Harrison) Osterfield
“Okay, okay, go” y/n giggled, shoving Charlotte back to their living room, “he’ll be home soon”.
Charlotte laughed and raced back, throwing herself on her brother’s couch to wait.
Y/n set up her phone’s camera in the corner between their towel rack and toothbrush holder.
“Darling?” Harrison called out, “Charlotte says you’ve been in there a while”.
Y/n suppressed her laughter over the fact Charlotte wasn’t supposed to even say anything but was clearly eager.
“Ummm yeah, sorry” y/n sighed, making Harrison knock on the door.
“I’ll be out. I just… need a minute “ y/n lied.
“I’m coming in love” Harrison said, slowly opening the door so she had the chance to stop him.
Harrison walked to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, “are you just hanging out in here?”
Y/n laughed and slapped his arm playfully, “of course not”.
“Well, you’re completely dressed and standing alone in the bathroom, what else am I to expect?” Harrison teased, brushing some hair from her eyes.
Y/n rolled her eyes, “it’s not that”.
“Then what is it?” Harrison asked, his voice sounding concerned again.
“Do you really want to know?” Y/n asked as she bit her lip.
Harrison looked and ensured the bathroom door was shut before nodding, “of course”.
“My… tampon… is… well, it’s stuck” y/n muttered.
“In you?” Harrison blurted without thinking.
Y/n laughed and sighed, “yeah, duh”.
Harrison shook his head to focus, quickly stepping back and grabbing her shoulders, “okay… let me think”.
“It’s okay, I -“ y/n began but he shook his head.
Harrison’s eyes snapped to her’s as an idea formed in his mind, “okay, I got it”.
Y/n raised an eyebrow questioningly at him.
“Sit here” he said, pressing onto the wall of the bathtub.
“Umm what?” Y/n asked quietly, doing as he said.
“I will kneel down and we’ll get this fixed” he offered.
Y/n grinned, leaning forward and kissing him, “I love you Haz, but that’s not needed”.
Harrison rolled his eyes, “it’s not a big deal, just-“
She laughed, cupping his cheek with her hand, “it’s a TikTok prank baby”.
Harrison looked around for the camera, noticing it just as y/n pointed it out.
“You’re lucky I love you” he teased, grabbing the camera.
“Clearly” she grinned, making him blush.
Freddy Carter
“Love, I got your text, where are you?” Freddy asked as he entered their flat, setting the groceries on the floor by the front door.
“Bathroom” y/n mumbled, Freddy noticing the shyness in her voice.
“You said you need help?” He asked, knocking on the door.
“Come in please Freddy” she whispered.
Freddy opened the door, walking to her and grabbing her hand, “what’s happening?”
Y/n giggled, rubbing a hand over her face in embarrassment, “I managed to get my tampon… stuck”.
Freddy bit his lip as he watched her look up at him innocently.
She sighed with a smile, “I know”.
Freddy laughed softly, “good, well done love”.
Y/n rolled her eyes at his typical line when she made a fool of herself, and crossed her arms.
“Alright, alright “ he said, composing himself, “it’s no longer funny. How can I help love?”
Y/n bit her lip and shrugged, “it’s really stuck. I’ve tried for like twenty before texting you”.
“Pretty girl, why didn’t you call me? I would’ve come faster to help” Freddy sighed, guiding her to the toilet.
“It’s awkward” y/n mumbled.
Freddy delicately pushed her to sit down, kissing the top of her head, “no it’s not, now I’m going to need you to lower your trousers and then -“
“Freddy-“ y/n said, grabbing his hand.
Freddy looked down at her and nodded as he waited for an explanation for her hesitation.
“I really appreciate you baby, but it’s just a TikTok prank, Amita suggested it” y/n giggled, squeezing his hand.
Freddy paused for a moment, “alright, so you’re okay?”
Y/n stood up before him, kissing his cheek, “yeah, thank you”.
Freddy laughed and shook his head, “good, now help me with the groceries?”
Kaz Brekker
“Inej, no” y/n sighed, annoyed that in her drunken state Jesper convinced her to have you prank Kaz.
“Why?” Inej whined.
“Because you know how he is with touch” y/n argued firmly.
“He doesn’t have to actually touch tou, just see how he’d try to help or if he’d ignore it “ she pressed.
“Inej, no” y/n repeated, standing up and walking to Kaz’s room.
She frowned upon seeing the room was empty but she sat down at his desk anyways and grabbed the book next to her.
When Kaz entered his room, he hesitated for a moment, seeing y/n resting her head in a book on his desk.
He tried to tell himself that while her posture showed she was uncomfortable it was due to her position not what Inej told him.
Kaz wasn’t sure why Inej had told him such a personal matter in the first place, but he knew she was unusually drunk.
As y/n seemed to notice his presence, she shifted in her seat to stretch and loosen her muscles from the bad position she was in.
But Kaz took it as a sign that Inej was correct.
He sighed, slowly walking to y/n as she smiled at him.
Kaz paused just before her and his eyes ran up and down her body as he tried to think of a plan to help her without touching her.
He knew it was futile but he couldn’t ignore it either, especially after Inej went into vigorous detail about what could happen if the tampon was left inside y/n too long.
“Kaz?” Y/n asked, noticing his higher than normal level of apprehension.
“I… I don’t think I can do it y/n” Kaz sighed, his eyes on his gloved hands.
“Do, what?” She pressed, staring at him in confusion.
“Help you” he sighed, his jaw clenching in frustration with himself, “I’m not there yet”.
Y/n tilted her head to the side as she examined his eyes for any clue as to what was going on, “Kaz, I-“.
He shook his head, gripping his cane tighter, “I cannot. Inej is of no use at the moment. I will get Nina”.
She watched as Kaz turned abruptly towards his door.
“Kaz, I don’t need Nina. What are you talking about?” She asked, standing up behind him.
“Your… disposition. Inej informed me” Kaz stated, his back to her.
“My..-? Oh, Kaz, ignore her” y/n said as she caught on.
Kaz turned back to y/n, “I will not. You need help. I may not be able to but I can make sure Nina does”.
Y/n smiled and walked to him, slowly setting her hand over his on his cane to allow him the chance to pull away or stop her.
“Inej wanted me to prank you. I told her no. I guess she took it upon herself” y/n explained, smiling sympathetically at him.
“You are not at risk of poor health then?” Kaz clarified, the concern showing in his eyes.
“I mean, we live in Ketterdam so that’s a constant possibility, but no, I don’t have a tampon stuck, and no I’m not at any increased health risk Kaz” she promised.
Kaz turned his hand over to hold her’s for a moment as he nodded and let his features relax.
Y/n smiled and lead him back to his desk so he could sit.
While she wasn’t pleased Inej pushed it, she was proud of her boyfriend for finding his own way to help her.
Jesper Fahey
“You what?” Jesper asked, setting his whiskey down.
“Don’t make me repeat it” y/n groaned.
Jesper laughed and dropped his arm around her shoulders, “then let’s go”.
“Where?” She asked as he lead her through the crowd that had entered the crow’s club that night.
“To the restroom to take care of this” he shrugged.
“And how exactly are you planning on doing that Jesper?” Y/n laughed.
“Darling, you should know I’m well skilled with my hands” Jesper winked.
“Jes!” She gasped, smacking his arm.
“What?!” He feigned innocence, “you’ve seen me take apart my guns to clean them. This is not much different”.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she knew that was not what he was referring to mere seconds before.
“It is very different, thank you very much!” She argued.
Jesper smirked and shrugged as he pushed the bathroom door open after no one responded when he knocked, “you know I’m always gentle”.
Y/n grumbled, “I hate you”.
Jesper laughed, “if you say so, now stand here”.
“Jesper, stop” y/n laughed, pushing him back.
He sighed, looking into her eyes, “I’ll stop joking, but we do need to fix this”.
Y/n smiled, “it was a prank Jes”.
Jesper frowned, “you mean..”
She nodded, kissing his cheek, “thanks for helping me win the bet though!”
Jesper groaned as he followed her back out into the club, “you better split the winnings with me!”
Cardan Greenbriar
“Yes my sweet nemesis?” Cardan mumbles, glancing up from his slouched position on his lounge chair in his bedroom.
“I could use some assistance” y/n whispered.
“With?” He asks, setting his gold rimmed chalice down before standing.
“You may not be interested..” she sighs, looking away.
“I beg your pardon, you cannot truly think I would chose to not assist you” Cardan scoffs, lifting y/N’s hand to his stained lips.
“Cardan… it’s just… my tampon is stuck” y/n explains slowly.
“This is a mortal thing yes?” Cardan questions with a slight tilt of his head, the tip of his ear peaking through the curtain of his loose hair.
She nods, “which is why, I think you may need to get my sist-“.
Cardan cuts y/n off with a gentle kiss to her lips, “I understand the summation, but my Queen, I plead you let me try first on my own”.
“You’re willing to…” y/n trailed off, staring into his kind eyes.
“You need not act as if that is anything new my dear” he smirked, pulling her hand towards their adjoined bathroom.
“Cardan” She giggles, tugging him back, “it’s a prank”.
“A… prank?” He questions, staring at her.
“Basically a joke or trick for comedic purposes” y/n explains with a smile.
Cardan’s eyes darken slightly as he shakes his head, “ever the trickster aren’t you my beautiful y/n”.
She blushes as she watches him flop back onto the lounge chair and resume his drinking.
Aaron Warner (Anderson)
“Honey, I’m going to need some help in here” y/n said, knowing Aaron would rush right in.
Just as suspected, her boyfriend busted into the bathroom within seconds.
“How can I help you love?” He asked, scanning her for any injuries.
“So… ummm” she mumbled, biting her lip.
Aaron sighed tenderly, “love, don’t be shy. Not with me”.
He was being so gentle she felt bad for pranking him, but she needed to beat Kenji.
“I got a tampon stuck” she told him, eyes wide as she looked into his green eyes.
“Not a problem love,” he stated, picking her up and setting her on the bench next to the counter.
“Aaron-“ she giggled, grabbing his hand.
“It’s okay gorgeous, just lift your hips for me love” he instructed, reaching for her waistband.
“Babe, stop” She whispered, smiling at him “ it was a prank”.
Aaron furrowed his eyebrows as he stepped back and gave her a questioning look.
She bit her lip and shrugged innocently, “Kenji said that no guy would ever-“.
“You did this to prove a point to Kenji?” Aaron asked teasingly.
She nodded with a shy smile, “oops?”
Aaron chuckled and shook his head, scooping her into his arms as he began tickling her, “you’re going to pay for that my love”.
Pin Hawthorne
“I can’t right now Pin” y/n sighed, walking out of the restroom.
“Why?” He sighed, leaning against the doorframe, “it’ll be short and we’ll have dinner after”.
“I have to umm.. hang out here for a bit” She explained.
Pin squinted at her, “everyone’s left, unless you’re the horse thief I’m not sure why you’d stick around”.
Y/n scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest as she playfully glared at him.
“I’m kidding” Pin grinned, putting his palms up in the air, “but why are you staying here?”
“I have to take care of something” y/n muttered, trying to not look over at her camera she’d hidden earlier.
The girls had all agreed to try the viral tampon prank on their boyfriends this weekend and y/n decided to get it over with first.
“I own the stables y/n, I assure you that whatever Mia has you staying late for can wait” Pin sighed, expecting Mia to be the cause again this time, “regardless, I can help”.
“Not with this” She giggled nervously.
Pin pushed himself off the doorframe and walked to his girlfriend, gently interlacing their hands, “why not?”
“Pin…it’s embarrassing” She pouted.
He shrugged, “I’ve embarrassed myself countless times before you. I promise you can tell me anything”.
Y/n beamed as she looked into his warm brown eyes, “I know…”
“Then what is the matter?” He pressed hesitantly.
“My tampon is stuck” she groaned.
Pin’s cheeks flushed a crimson red color as he sucked in his bottom lip.
He forced a stiff nod, “I see”.
“Like I said, you can’t help. I tried several times and I can’t get it myself” y/n told him.
Pin raised his eyebrows as he slowly let out his bottom lip, “if you can’t reach it… perhaps… umm… perhaps I can. If you’re okay with that of course! I mean, I know I’ve only worked on horses but I think I understand the general task and I-“
Y/n giggled, reaching up to run her hand through his hair, “Pin, babe, breathe”.
Pin nodded and took a deep breath, “okay, so-“.
“No, really, baby it was a prank, I’m sorry” she explained, playing with his hair to relax him.
“What?” He whispered in shock.
“I’m sorry” she sighed, tenderly scratching his scalp, “it was Jade’s idea. It’s a TikTok trend people do with their boyfriends”.
Pin closed his eyes for a second as he suppressed a large grin, but his dimples face him away, “boyfriend”.
Y/n giggled, cuddling up against him, “yes Pin, boyfriend”.
Austin Butler
“Ugh” y/n griped as she stomped through her and Austin’s house.
Austin set his script aside as he started questioningly at his girlfriend.
He waited to see if she’d explain why she was having a fit but as she began digging in her purse while still muttering he gave up.
“Angel? What’s going on? Why are you so grumpy?” He smirked, standing up to walk to her.
“I’m not grumpy Austin” She argued, rolling her eyes.
“Mmm okay” He laughed, “tell that to the pen you threw”.
She groaned, running a hand down her face as she plopped into the dining room chair next to her.
“Y/n/n, angel come on, talk to me” Austin requested, kneeling next to her.
She shook her head, wrapping her arms around herself.
Austin sighed and pulled her chair leg slowly to bring her closer, “please”.
“I can’t” she mumbled.
“Love, we talked about communication” He reminded her, his hand resting on her knee.
She let out a loud sigh before nodding and looking at him, “my tampon is stuck Austin “.
Austin laughed making her shove him playfully as she pouted .
He shook his head, cupping her face in his hands, “angel, that’s an easy fix. You had me worried”.
Y/N’s eyes widened, “I already tried though, I can’t get it”.
Austin nodded, pulling her head delicately to him as he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, “that’s where I step in”.
She smiled and shook her head, looking to the camera against the planter.
“Angel, I know it might be awkward but it’s gotta come out” Austin said, squeezing her hand encouragingly.
“Aus” She giggled, pointing to the camera resting on their planter, “it was just a TikTok prank!”
Austin laughed loudly as he helped y/n stand up and pulled her to him, “I’ll get you back for that you know”.
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Tom Holland Navigation/Masterlist
Peter Parker Navigation/Masterlist
Harry Holland Navigation/Masterlist
Sam Holland Navigation/Masterlist
Harrison Osterfield Navigation/Masterlist
Freddy Carter Navigation/Masterlist
Kaz Brekker Navigation/Masterlist
Jesper Fahey Navigation/Masterlist
Six of Crows Navigation/Masterlist
Grishaverse Navigation/Masterlist
Cardan Greenbriar Navigation/Masterlist
Aaron Warner Anderson Navigation/Masterlist
Shatter Me Navigation/Masterlist
Pin Hawthorne Navigation/Masterlist
Austin Butler Navigation/Masterlist
Main Navigation/Masterlist (All my works)
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Combined tag lists:
@galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat @natswifey @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @laylasbunbunny @natswife-marvelicious @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r
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northsalpha · 3 months
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the  children  of  ansel    (    in  birth  order    )    as  written  about  in  a  journal  kept  by  ansel’s  bedside.
eleanor  tomlinson  as  merewina    (    merrie    )    dragenson  nee  anseldottir. 
and  though  she  came  first,  she  never  stood  with  superiority.  her  mother’s  daughter  through    &    through,  merrie  became  the  heart  of  the  pack;    beloved  sister,  cherished  friend.  it  was  she  who  would  heal  the  wounded  and  feed  the  hungry.  she  who  would  teach  the  children  how  to  read.  though  born  a  wolf,  merrie  rarely  turned  and  yet,  inner  wolf  was  never  clearer  in  the  fierce  loyalty  she  displayed  everyday.  the  same  loyalty  that  saw  her  die  at  mikael’s  hand,  shielding  families  from  his  onslaught.
joseph  morgan  as  niklaus    (    klaus    )    mikaelson.
each  full  moon  drew  me  closer  to  klaus.  it  was  undeniable;    a  strong,  stubborn  bond  that  i  could  not  shake,  no  matter  how  much  esther  insisted  i  must.  the  call  of  my  own  was  loud    &    i  yearned  to  be  near  him,  to  raise  him,  to  teach  him.  i  waited  for  the  day  he  would  trigger  his  curse    &    need  me,  but  that  day  never  came.  the  pack  was  never  complete  without  him.  i  was  never  complete  without  him.  i  should’ve  done  more.      this  insert  includes  many  hand  -  drawn  pictures  of  a  young  niklaus,  sketched  by  ansel’s  own  hands.
eysteinn  sigurdarson  as  cadman  anselson.
born  two  minutes    &    seven  seconds  before  his  twin  sister,  and  rest  assured,  he  never  let  goldiva  forget.  cadman  stood  with  the  confidence  of  an  alpha  before  he  could  even  truly  understand  the  meaning  of  the  word.  i  watch  him  lead  warriors  into  victory  after  victory,  and  he  did  so  with  a  valiance  not  even  i  myself  possess.  he  did  not  marry  nor  have  children,  and  he  believed  that  made  him  a  stronger  leader  for  it  gave  him  nothing  to  lose.  perhaps  he  was  right.  though  nothing  like  his  namesake,  i  feel  in  my  bones  father  caedmon  would’ve  felt  honour  in  knowing  my  son  fought  with  his  legacy.  
thea  soie  loch  naess  as  goldiva  anseldottir.
and  should  anyone  ever  doubt  goldiva’s  place  on  the  battlefield,  they  certainly  never  lived  to  make  that  mistake  twice.  my  daughter  was  born  with  fire  in  her  eyes    &    a  wolf  in  her  heart    /    claws  already  sharpened  for  war.  she  embraced  the  change  on  her  eighteenth  birthday,  underneath  the  blood  moon  and  standing  side  by  side  cadman,  neither  ever  truly  apart  from  the  day  they  arrived  together.  i  fear  cadman  struggled  without  her  when  she  died  at  mikael’s  hand  and  he  did  not.  it  turns  out  he  did  have  something  to  lose  after  all.
harrison  osterfield  as  ricmann    (    ric    )    anselson.
ricmann  was  a  quiet  child  and  he  remained  so  throughout  life.  the  boy  seemed  more  interested  in  nature  than  people,  whispering  words  to  the  injured  birds  while  nursing  their  broken  wing.  he  would  spend  hours  with  the  plants,  tending  to  vegetables.  though  his  name  meant  the  power  to  rule,  he  grew  up  a  gentle  soul,  burdened  by  the  weight  of  the  moon  in  the  sky.  i  could  see  the  pressure  he  felt  to  follow  in  his  sibling’s  footsteps.  i  hope  he  knew  i  would’ve  loved  him  regardless.  it  was  a  conversation  we  never  got  the  chance  to  share  before  mikael  slew  us  both.
freya  allen  as  hildegyth  anseldottir.
the  youngest  girl  of  a  large  family.  i  think  it  bothered  her  sometimes;    too  often  mistaken  for  a  child  when  she  was  so  desperate  to  grow  up  as  fast  as  possible.  she  became  the  perfect  combination  of  us  all,  carrying  herself  with  the  softness  found  in  ricmann's  heart,  but  fighting  with  cadman’s  spirit  if  ever  required.  overcame  obstacles  with  determination  that  could  only  be  learnt  from  goldiva,  yet  in  turn,  won  many  villager’s  admiration  with  that  same  ability  to  love  i  saw  in  merrie.  it  was  as  if  we  took  the  best  parts  of  us  and  gave  them  to  her.  she  wasn’t  just  a  wolf.  she  was  a  force  and  those  that  underestimated  her,  soon  realised  the  error  of  their  ways.  hildegyth  survived  mikael  and  i  watched  over  her  as  she  raised  merewina’s  daughter  as  her  own.  because  of  her,  our  legacy  lives  on.  
unseen  in  this  gifset  as  beowulf  anselson.
our  littlest  wolf.  beowulf  came  to  us  as  a  miraculous  surprise,  born  on  a  cold  winter’s  morning,  with  sif  clutching  my  hand.  we  loved  him  dearly  in  the  short  time  we  had  together  as  a  family,  and  though  i  know  he  struggled  to  remember  us  as  i  watched  him  grow  from  the  other  side,  i  do  not  regret  dying  to  ensure  his  survival.  my  approach  distracted  mikael  long  enough  for  brida  to  run,  beowulf  tucked  safely  in  her  arms.  i  died  knowing  he  was  in  safe  hands.
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junetuesday · 2 years
tom holland masterlist
♡ a collection of fics, oneshots, blurbs, headcanons etc.
♡ all tom holland x female reader unless marked with a 👤 which means the reader's gender is not specified
♡ otp
All of the stories in this section are set in the same ‘universe’ with the same couple. Apart from 12 Days they’re not in any particular order so you don’t have to read any of them to get the others. 
12 Days of Christmas (and beyond): Series Masterlist // one 🔥| two | three 🔥| four | five 🔥| six | seven 🔥| eight | nine 🔥| ten🔥 | eleven | twelve 🔥 + valentine’s day 🔥 + june 1st  🔥
On The Subject of (Headcanon Series): Forehead Kisses 👤 | Neck Kisses | Hair Playing | Big Spoon/Little Spoon | Clothes Sharing | Terms of Endearment | Random Texts 
A Covert Operation
Got a Bed With Your Name On It
Pull Over
Keep Quiet
Beg For It
Wanna Taste?
Jealous  👤
Missed You
Polo and Prosecco
Tom Holland vs Aunt Irma
Pop. Six. Squish 👤
Maybe We Could Go to the Movies?👤
Blurbs etc.
‘Distraction’ kiss 👤
‘Before bed’ kiss 👤
”We just watched Toy Story 3 and now we can’t stop crying”👤
‘Everyday😘’  (Pull Over add-on)
“Hear me out, what if we have sex?” 👤
Playing video games with Tom and his brothers 👤
Tom keeps a picture of you and Tessa in his wallet 👤
”Were you dreaming about me again? 👤
“Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?”👤
Bathing Tessa Headcanon 👤
10 Best Boyfriend Qualities  👤
10 Worst Boyfriend Qualities  👤
When it’s too hot to sleep in clothes...  👤
A surprise visit 
Physical v Verbal Headcanon  👤
Travelling when you’re sick  👤
When you’ve had a bad day at work  👤
Misc. soft shit headcanon  👤
Tom being a salty puppy when he gets sunburned  👤
That time Tom got sick on the press tour  👤
Snoozey Tom Headcanon 👤
Swimming in the sea
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♡ sweetener
Series Masterlist
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♡ au/other
Somethin' 'Bout You 
Thinking Bout You (FWB/Roommate AU)
Girls/Boys/Boys  (Tom x Reader x Harrison Osterfield)
Truth or Dare 
Forget the Bed 
When in Paris (CEO!Tom)
Release (Uni AU)
Girls/Girls/Boys (Tom x Reader x Female OC)
Good Girl (Mob!Tom AU)
Crash Course  (Fuckboy!AU)
Strange Occurences (Enemies to Lovers AU)
Safe (Friends to FWB)
“One Drink?” (Exes to Lovers)
Crossing Boundaries (Best Friends to Lovers)
Serendipity (neighbour!tom AU)
One Night (FWB/Uni AU) 
No Lollygaggin’👤
2AM 👤
Parking Practice 👤
...and they were roommates (roommate! AU) 👤
Facial Fractures and Mugs of Moscato  (Uni AU)
The Chain 👤
Absence (Uni AU) 👤
If It Means a Lot To You 👤
Gen/No Relationship Specified
Rock, Paper, Scissors 👤 (Roommates AU)
It’s Called Fashion, Thomas 👤
Blurbs etc.
Time of the Month Headcanon
Slow Down👤
Insufferable (Best Friends to Lovers)👤
Wake Up Call (Dad!Tom AU) 👤
Usual? (Coffee Shop AU) 👤
Parenthood Headcanon 
First time getting a BJ Headcanon
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northsalpha-archive · 10 months
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THE  CHILDREN  OF  ANSEL      (  IN  BIRTH  ORDER  )      as  written  in  a  journal  kept  by  ansel’s  bedside:
and  though  she  came  first,    she  never  stood  with  superiority.    her  mother’s  daughter  through    &    through,    merrie  became  the  heart  of  the  pack;    beloved  sister    /    cherished  friend.    it  was  she  who  would  heal  the  wounded  and  feed  the  hungry.    she  who  would  teach  the  children  how  to  read.    though  she  never  triggered  her  gift,    inner  wolf  was  never  clearer  in  the  fierce  loyalty  she  displayed  everyday.    the  same  loyalty  that  saw  her  die  at  mikael’s  hand,    shielding  families.
each  full  moon  drew  me  closer  to  klaus.    it  was  undeniable;      a  strong,    stubborn  bond  that  i  could  not  shake,    no  matter  how  much  esther  insist  i  must.    the  call  of  my  own  yearned  to  be  near  him,    to  raise  him,    to  teach  him.    i  waited  for  the  day  he  may  trigger  his  curse    &    need  me,    but  that  day  never  came.    the  pack  was  never  complete  without  him.    i  was  never  complete  without  him.    i  should’ve  done  more.
born  two  minutes    &    seven  seconds  before  his  twin  sister,    and  rest  assured;      he  never  let  goldiva  forget.    cadman  stood  with  the  confidence  of  an  alpha  before  he  could  even  truly  understand  the  meaning  of  the  word.    i  watched  him  lead  soldiers  into  victory  after  victory,    and  he  did  so  with  a  valiance  not  even  i  myself  possess.    he  did  not  marry  nor  have  children,    and  he  believed  that  made  him  a  stronger  warrior  for  it  gave  him  nothing  to  lose.    perhaps  he  was  right.
and  should  anyone  ever  doubt  goldiva’s  place  on  the  battlefield,    they  certainly  never  lived  to  make  that  mistake  twice.    my  daughter  was  born  with  fire  in  her  eyes    &    a  wolf  in  her  heart    /    claws  already  sharpened  for  war.    she  embraced  the  change  on  her  eighteenth  birthday,    underneath  the  blood  moon  and  standing  side  by  side  cadman,    neither  ever  truly  apart  from  the  day  they  arrived.    i  fear  cadman  struggled  without  her  when  she  died  at  mikael’s  hand  and  he  did  not.    it  turns  out  he  had  something  to  lose  after  all.
ricmann  was  a  quiet  child  and  he  remained  so  throughout  life.    the  boy  seemed  more  interested  in  nature  than  people,    whispering  words  to  the  injured  birds  while  nursing  their  broken  wings.    he  would  spend  hours  in  the  gardens,    tending  to  vegetables.    though  his  name  meant  the  power  to  rule,    he  grew  up  a  gentle  soul,    burdened  by  the  weight  of  the  moon  in  the  sky.    i  could  see  the  pressure  he  felt  to  follow  in  his  sibling’s  footsteps.    i  hope  he  knew  i  would’ve  loved  him  regardless.
our  littlest  wolf.    beowulf  came  to  us  as  a  miraculous  surprise,    born  on  a  cold  winter’s  morning,    with  sif  clutching  my  hand.    we  loved  him  dearly  in  the  short  time  we  had  together  as  a  family,    and  though  i  know  he  struggled  to  remember  us  as  i  watched  him  grow  from  the  other  side,    i  do  not  regret  dying  to  ensure  his  survival.    my  approach  distracted  mikael  long  enough  for  brida  to  run,    beowulf  tucked  safely  in  her  arms.    i  died  knowing  he  was  in  safe  hands.
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mndvx · 1 year
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therake In its inaugural edition, @Hazosterfield joins us for a sundowner and answers a quick-fire round of questions — probing into his ideas of happiness, motivation, and the dazzling superstar qualities of Prince. ⁠ Read the full story, A Sundowner with Harrison Osterfield, now live on TheRake.com⁠
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silkylovey · 2 years
Laws and Guns two
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laws and guns masterlist
Y/n have been living in Tom’s mansion for 2 weeks now. Most of the time she was in her office, investigating Tom’s case. He asked her to be his mob’s lawyer.
For a man with a baby face, his mob has a lot of cases. Those were the ones that kept her busy.
Thomas Stanley Holland is accused of the murder of Dawson Braywel. Mr. Braywel’s body was found with 2 broken fingers, his thumb and his ring finger on his right hand and his left hand has bruises that were probably caused by the power of a hammer or the back of a gun. His chest was a few cuts but not deep enough to kill him. Reporters discovered that Mr. Braywel was starved and possibly tortured for unknown reasons. The reason why Mr. Holland is accused is the last time Mr. Braywel was seen on camera. He was seen chatting with Mr. Holland at a local pub in West London. They were chatting with a lot of expressions and what seems a lot of anger.
This is why the court orders that he comes with a lawyer that can defend his case on Thursday, April 23 at 9 o’clock.
Law Courts of London
Y/n read that mail at least 3 times to realize what kind of sick husband she had. There was no doubt Tom killed that man and now she will have to defend him even tho she wanted him behind bars.
His office’s doors came into her sight. She wanted to knock on the doors but she heard moans coming from behind them. She felt disgusted, but it’s not like she expected something better. Not only is her husband a killer, but he is also a cheater.
As she was walking back to her own office, she bumped into Harrison Osterfield aka Tom’s right-hand man. “Watch where you’re going, prick!” she exclaimed with anger.
“Sorry, love but do you know where Tom is?” he asked with a smirk on his face as if he had something bad planned.
“Yeah in his office giving London another mini Tom why?” she asked him but he ignored her question and said: “He is a nice guy maybe if you weren’t so closed you would make a happily married couple.”
His sentence reminded her that she was married to him and at everyone knows her as Mrs. Holland, the wife of Tom Holland. All she wanted to do was crawl in a hole and never come out of it.
She looked back at Harrison and said: “Can I have an assistant?”
“Yeah, and who do you want as an assistant?” he asked while tilting his head.
“Adam Russell”, she told him with a smile.
Adam Russell was Y/n’s first best friend, they did everything together. She befriended him when she was 6, he was 8 at that time. They were attached by hip, her mum joked around and always said ‘Vous allez vous marier’ ( you two will get married in the future). Amanda knew about their strong friendship that could maybe grow into love but she still decided to sign the paper that gave her only daughter away.
“Yeah, I’ll get that fixed.” Harrison finally left her alone.
No, I did not ask Osterfield for Adam because I want Tom to be jealous. No way! I just feel alone and everyone knows each other here so well and I have no one.
I didn’t want to make friends in this household because I knew that everything I told someone will directly be reported to Tom. It’s like I am an experiment.
I never ate dinner with the Holland. I never stayed on the ground floor. My food and drinks were delivered to my office by Elizabeth, my favorite maid. She always made sure that I got everything, sometimes she reminded me of my mum. But I don’t trust her because I heard her tell Tom what I ate and drank that day.
That was probably the weirdest conversation I heard in this household.
But today I needed to eat downstairs with everyone to chat with them and Tom about the mail I received earlier today.
Tom called me down for dinner, he did that every evening, well he would send a maid but still. I huffed, my feet carrying me downstairs. I reached the end of the staircase and found everyone seated at the table except him.
I took my seat and started to fiddle with my hands, assuming everyone was waiting for him. I felt eyes on me so I decided to look up. Everyone was staring at me like I was mental.
One of the many maids came quickly up to you. “Mrs. Holland, you can’t sit here, that’s the boss’ seat.”
I started to look at the other chairs and realized that the one I was seated on was slightly bigger than the rest.
“Oh.” I blew out but I didn’t move. I’m sure he won’t have any trouble sitting on another chair.
“If you could please just-”, the maid started but was cut off by my short question.
“If I could what?” I asked her with an irritated look, if she couldn’t guess by my question that she was irritating me then she knew now by my look.
“I am sorry, my lady”, she didn’t look me in the eye instead she stared at the ground with what I assumed were tears. I felt bad but I have to keep my act up.
“Definitely Tom Holland’s wife”, Harry, Tom’s brother, said to Harrison and Sam while laughing.
Tom finally came down while jogging, his neck had red lipstick on it and a few buttons of his dress shirt were open and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he got laid.
As he saw me in his seat he said: “My love, this is my seat so if you could just sit there it would be just fine.” He pointed to the chair next to him and he had the audacity to smile at me as if he didn’t just bang someone while I, his wife, was in the house.
“No, thanks,” I replied with a monotone voice. After I said that a blonde lady was running to the front door with a few clothes in her hands. “Tom, why don’t you show your girlfriend the way out while, we eat dinner, thanks.”
He stared at me with pure rage in his eyes but that didn’t scare me, I just stared back at him.
He finally turned around and opened the door for his hook-up. While he did that the maids were giving us our dishes.
“Harrison do you mind coming to my office, I could really use your help on the case I am working on right now after dinner of course,” I asked him because I couldn’t face Tom at this moment.
“Darling, don’t you think you should ask that to me because it’s my case?” I heard Tom’s stupid voice, I could feel the smirk in his tone.
“You still here, I thought you were giving London more of your DNA?” I could hear his brothers laughing even Harrison.
He just scoffed at me and left to eat in his office.
After dinner, Harrison told me to call him Haz and followed me to my office.
“You know no one is or was allowed in your office, when Tom found out he was going to marry you, he was angry, yes but he was interested in you. He hired the best indoor décor person to come and design your office. Your office is so different from all the other rooms in this house.” Wow, Tom had feelings. My stomach turned at the thought of him making efforts for me.
I can’t like him, he is an ass.
I started interrogating him about Dawson Braywel and he didn’t know a lot but I created some arguments that could help Tom out of this mess.
At 3 a.m. I dismissed Haz and went to my bedroom, I didn’t notice Tom’s presence. I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower and do my skincare routine.
I opened the door that led to my bedroom and walked into the built-in closet, I took some silk loungewear that is comfortable enough to sleep in, and as I dropped the towel I heard “Fuck love.”
In fear, I picked the towel back up and wrapped myself in it and that’s when I saw him. He was manspreading on the loveseat next to the bookcase. He was looking at my body with no shame.
“What are you doing here?” the question came out of her pretty lips, the lips I thought of all day, that mouth with the snappy comebacks.
“This room is ours, just a reminder,” I told her. “Yes and that’s why I kicked you out of this room so why are you here?” she asked again.
“I just came to tell you that I didn’t like the way you disrespected me today at dinner,” I spoke so softly to her, I have never spoken to someone like that except my mum.
“You disrespected me the moment you thought of fucking that hooker, so I want you to leave my room right now or I will call your men to make you leave my room, are we clear?” she did have a point, but what can I say. A man has his needs right.
After that I just looked at her, she looked so pretty, with her hair in a bun and her fluffy towel hugging her curves. She was gorgeous.
I left her room because I don’t want my men to escort me out of my own room.
I was frustrated so I called Candy, knowing that she’ll be here in 15 minutes. I needed to take my frustrations on someone and she was a good target.
Candy: I am here Tommy
I opened the front door and led her to a random room but I made sure it was close to Y/n’s room so that she could hear how frustrated she makes me.
I grabbed her arm and shoved her into the bed. I grabbed her waist in my hand and moved her so that she was on all fours. "So rough Tommy," I shushed her as I lifted her revealing dress up.
I shoved my fingers into her mouth. I shoved them as far back as they will go, making sure to get them wet, before ripping them out and shoving them inside of her. I only gave her two thrusts of my fingers before ripping them out and unbuckling my belt. "Just take it."
With that, I rammed my already hard cock inside of her, and she gasped. She wasn’t really tight but my only thought when I was fucking her went to Y/n, what sounds she would make if I was inside of her. How she would roll her eyes, how she would hold onto me with her perfectly manicured hands.
"Fuck," she snarled, her hands finding my biceps. She dug into my arms with her nails as I fucked her with no mercy.
“No fucking marks,” I said with an angry tone.
“Sorry, Tommy,” she responded while gripping the sheets of the bed.
I continued ramming into her with brutal thrusts, my frustration and anger withering away as I fucked her. “Tommy,” she moaned, I’ve never fucked her this rough but I didn’t care.
My whole arm wrapped tightly around her throat, dick buried deep inside of her. My bicep flexed against her throat as I took her from behind. "That feels good?" I asked, making eye contact with her in the mirror. She nodded while she knew I didn’t care if it felt good for her.
I pulled out and came on her back while I did that I thought of Y/n. I thought of how she always says that London is filled with my DNA while I never came in someone. That’s only for when I am going to fuck Y/n.
Candy looked at me with a smile, I paid her and she left as usual.
I woke up tired, the whole night I heard the same one screaming and moaning my husband’s name.
I walked downstairs, the kitchen in, and Haz came up to me and said: “Adam’s here and he is waiting for you in your office. He came like 15 minutes ago.”
I sprinted to my office and saw him after 5 years and I gave him my greatest smile and a big hug.
“Salut mon ange.” He greeted me with a kiss on my cheek. (Hello, my angel)
He used the call me that all the time because that is my second name, it started as a little game to annoy me but I didn’t mind it so it stayed.
“I need your help and I remembered that your parents decided to move to England, that’s why I asked Haz to look for you. I’m just so lonely and mon mari est le plus gros bâtard du monde. J’en ai marre.” I told him honestly because I wasn’t happy here. (my husband is the biggest bastard in the world. I've had it up to here.)
He gave me a hug to shut me up. He kept on kissing my temple and at that time we heard a throat get cleared. Adam let me go and we saw Tom at my door and he looked angry.
“Adam this is my husband Tom and Tom this is my best friend Adam.” The tension between them to was so high I felt like I was suffocating.
Tom only nodded and grabbed my hand and led me to his office.
“Are you sure he isn’t your husband because you looked so cute all cuddled up,” I could hear the sarcasm in his voice.
I put my hand on his cheek and looked him straight into the eyes and said: “But the ring on my righthand binds me to you doesn’t it?” I tilted my head while I asked the question. “But who are you to judge, you fuck the same girl while you are married.” After that sentence, I felt so good that I whispered against his lips. “Don’t get mad because you do so much worse.”
With that I left his office and went back to Adam.
“Lovely husband you got your hands on,” he said with a smirk.
“Arranged marriage, Adam. I would never think of marrying someone that full of himself,” I told him while sitting in my desk chair.
“Yeah, I figured but he still is your type, brown hair and brown eyes, cocky. Better looking than Jack,” he made you laugh after weeks of working non-stop. It felt good being reunited with my best friend.
Until my bastard husband came into my office again. “Lunch is ready.”
I looked at him with a questioned expression. He never came to call me for lunch, he never ever send a maid to call me for lunch. What’s up with him?
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grussell63 · 2 years
you know what, i'm sorry but you're literally one of these butthurt f1 fans which get agitated by any different opinion! i've followed you for a while for your harrison osterfield content and then you've started calling him "lizard", which is a super level of bodyshaming. and now you talk shit about this stupid f1 team with that energy drink. like read the room. if you keep continuing this, i will literally unfollow you. do better.
okay tumblr user cyberharrington, i will try to do better for you!
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oceanmusings · 2 years
I'm pretty chill when it comes to roleplays, some days I can't plot or be able to reply, but eventually I will respond to you!
If you want the same love interest as me we can instead just do like AU type universe instead, if you really don't want to I can find a different Love Interest (but some fandom's I won't be flexible)
the amount of ♥ is how much I am interested on rping it.
♥ - 1 (not interested)
♥ - 5 (absolutely would)
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Marvel Universe | ♥♥♥
Status - watched most of the shows and movies, working on netflix shows (currently on "Jessica Jones, season 2") (9/23)
Notes - Won't write for any of the protagonist, this doesn't include the anti-heros. And I won't write for Yelena romantically, since she is aroace. Only platonically.
Claimed - Tom!Peter Parker, Michelle "MJ" Jones-Watson :: paired with Charlotte "Charlie" D'Angelo (fc, vaness marano) || Andrew!Peter Parker :: paired with Charlotte "Lottie" D'Angelo (fc, emmy rossum)
Star Wars | ♥
Status - Watched all the movies, The Mandalorian, Kenobi, and Andor. I haven't watched the clone wars or played all the games, so my knowledge is limited.
Notes - Won't write for villains, like Darth Vader (not Anakin)
Claimed - Rey Skywalker :: paired with unknown || Cassian Andor :: 0aired with Addimaev Carric (fc, daniella pineda) || Obi-wan Kenobi :: paired with unknown
Harry Potter | ♥♥♥♥
Status - read all the books and movies (except for the last fantastic beast movie, I refuse for obvious reasons)
Notes - I don't condone anything JK or some of the actors have done. I will shit talk and make this fandom my own and anything we do for the rp that will piss of JK is okay for me. But also I refuse to write Severus Snape, Voldemort, or Barty Crouch. Mainly any Death Eaters (Draco doesn't count since I like giving him a redemption arc and believe his dad forced him)
Claimed - George Weasley :: paired with Anna Diggory (fc, liza weil) || Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter :: paired with Karina Carter (fc, zendaya) || Fleur Delacour :: paired with Athena Owens (fc, jenny walser)
Marauders Era | ♥♥♥
Status - Gimmie all the headcanons, I will accept anything.
Notes - I won't write for Peter, mainly cause I just don't know him. IF you really want me to, send me things you like about him (like headcanons, fanfic, tiktok's) to help me get his vibe.
Claimed - Remus Lupin :: paired with Devyn Edwards (fc, eliza scanlen) || Sirius Black :: paired with Reese Sudsworth (fc, joseph quinn) || James Potter :: paired with Ava-Rose Wyatt (fc, holland roden)
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Daisy Jones and the Six | ♥♥♥
Status - Completed both the book and the show!
Notes - I will write for anyone
Claimed - Karen Sirko or Graham Dunne :: paired with Talia Montgomery (fc, zooey deschanel) || Daisy Jones :: paired with Andrew "Andy" Foster (fc, billy crudup)
Shadow and Bone Series | ♥♥
Status - Completed the show, read the Shadow and Bone books and the first Six of Crows book.
Claimed - Nikolai Lantsov :: paired with Elisa Volkov (fc, mathilde ollivier) || Genya Safin :: paired with Stafford Lantsov (fc, harrison osterfield)
Gilmore Girls | ♥♥♥♥
Status - Completed a thousand times, I technically have never seen the last season tho.
Notes - I'll write anyone.
Claimed - Paris Geller :: paired with Eloise Gilmore (fc, talia ryder) || Jess Mariano :: paired with unknown
Switched at Birth | ♥
Status - Currently on season 4 (9/23)
Notes - Will not write for John Kennish
Claimed - Tobey Kennish :: paired with Cora Shepard (fc, hayley williams) || Kathryn Kennish :: paired with Adalia Parker (fc, holly marie combs)
Charmed | ♥
Status - Have watched the originally many times, I haven't read the comics or watched the reboot.
Notes - n/a
Claimed - Paige Matthews :: paired with unknown
X-Files | ♥
Status - Currently on season 7 (9/23), and have never seen the movies either.
Notes - Will not write any antagonist (like the smoking man)
Claimed - Dana Scully :: paired with unknown || Fox Mulder :: paired with unknown
Teen Wolf | ♥
Status - Have finished the show to the point Stiles and Scott leave, wont go any further. (I trust Kai's judgment)
Notes - Won't write for Peter.
Claimed - Allison Argent :: paired with Adam Dorian (fc, milo ventimiglia) || Lydia Martin :: paired with Avery Primula (fc, sarah ramos) || Derek Hale :: paired with Sadie Price (fc, meghan ory)
Stranger Things | ♥♥♥♥♥
Status - Have watched all the seasons many times. Currently reading the books!
Notes - I won't write for Billy
Claimed - Robin Buckley :: paired with Daisy Hopper (fc, florence pugh) || Steve Harrington :: paired with Paige Evans (fc, kate hudson) || Robin Buckley :: paired with Vivianne Owens (fc, talia ryder) || Will Byers :: paired with Francis Levin (fc, aiden gallagher)
Supernatural | ♥♥♥♥♥
Status - Completed, have not watched "The Winchesters" (9/23)
Notes - n/a
Claimed - Dean Winchester, Charlie Bradbury :: paired with Lori Holt (fc, krysten ritter) || Sam Winchester, Castiel :: paired with Virginia "Gigi" Rivers (fc, alyssa marano) || Bela Talbot :: paired with Beau Rivers (fc, colin o'donoghue)
The Walking Dead | ♥♥♥♥
Status - Currently on season 8 (9/23)
Notes - Won't write for Negan or Merle
Claimed - Michoone Hawthorne, Daryl Dixon :: paired with Jennifer "JD" Moore (fc, jodie comer)
Criminal Minds | ♥♥♥♥♥
Status - Currently on season 14 (9/23)
Notes - n/a
Claimed - Spencer Reid :: paired with Arwen Valentine (fc, imogen poots) || Emily Prentiss :: paired with Michaela "Mika" Briggs (fc, tatiana maslany) || Any :: paired with Dana Hart (fc, deborah ann woll)
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Percy Jackson | ♥
Status - Currently on House of Hades (9/23)
Notes - Won't write for Luke
Claimed - Percy Jackson :: paired with Arely Wesseck (fc, natalia dyer)
The Raven Cycle | ♥
Status - Completed. Have not read Call Down The Hawk. (4/23)
Notes - n/a
Claimed - Richard Gansey, Blue Sargent :: paired with unknown
The Diviners Series | ♥
Status - Currently on The King of Crows (4/23)
Notes - Will not write for Jake Marlowe.
Claimed - Mempis Campbell :: paired with unknown || Sam Lloyd :: paired with unknown
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-video games-
Detroit: Become Human | ♥♥♥
Status - Completed most endings.
Notes - Will not write Richard Perkins.
Claimed - Connor RK800, Markus RK200 :: paired with Alizarin Morgan (fc, suzy berhow)
Heavy Rain | ♥♥
Status - Completed, have seen 2 endings.
Notes - Will not write Scott Shelby
Claimed - Norman Jayden :: paired with unknown
Life Is Strange | ♥♥♥
Status - Completed, have seen both endings.
Notes - I have only played Life Is Strange and Life Is Strange Before The Storm. I also won't write for David.
Claimed - Chloe Price :: paired with unknown
Red Dead Redemption | ♥♥♥♥♥
Status - Completed both games. Only seen high honor.
Notes - I won't write for Micah Bell, Bill Williamson, and Hosea Matthews.
Claimed - Arthur Morgan :: paired with Emmaline Nielson (fc, jessica brown findlay) || Sadie Adler :: paired with Delilah Matthews (fc, rosamund pike)
The Last of Us | ♥♥♥♥♥
Status - Completed both games and show!
Notes - I will not tolerate Abby slander
Claimed - Joel Miller :: paired with Fiona Kelley (fc, molly parker) || Abigail "Abby" Anderson :: Camilla Miller (fc, unknown)
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Fruits Basket | ♥♥♥♥
Status - Completed the reboot
Notes - N/A
Claimed - Sohma Yuki or Hanajima Saki :: paired with Tamaki Sayuri (fc, rinka urushiba)
Cowboy Bebop | ♥
Status - Completed both the show and live action
Notes - N/A
Claimed - Spike Spiegel or Faye Valentine :: paired with unknown
Spy X Family | ♥♥♥
Status - Watched up to season 2!
Notes - Willing to do just 1x1
Claimed - Yor Forger :: paired with unknown
6 notes · View notes
jahayla-parker · 2 years
Birthday Preference: Peter Parker x Reader , Tom Holland x Reader , Harrison Osterfield x Reader , Freddy Carter x Reader , Kaz Brekker x Reader , Jesper Fahey x Reader , Cardan Greenbriar x Reader , Austin Butler x Reader , Nikolai Lantsov x Reader
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Description: blurbs and moodboards for each character/person on how you’d celebrate your birthday with them and how they’d celebrate their birthday with you.
Warnings: some slightly suggestive content I suppose
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Peter Parker
Your birthday
Peter would go out of his way to ensure you had the best day! While he didn’t have a lot of money to spend on the day, he’d have saved up a decent amount to get you a gift and treats. He’d have purchased the item you’d had your eye on in the store window for nearly a month. He’d get pizza from either his work or your guys’ favorite place and teasingly put candles in it since it couldn’t decide on your favorite cake flavor.
His birthday
You’d of course make/buy him a spider man cake as an inside joke since only you knew his secret identity now. He’d be thrilled but also embarrassed by it. You got him a dog as you had seen him researching local rescues and animal shelters and researching which type of dog was the most protective. Little did you know that he was doing so in hopes to get you guys one to protect you when he was on patrol or otherwise not able to do so himself. But he adored the fact you knew him so well and picked the perfect dog. Plus it took a lot of pressure off him trying to do it alone.
Peter Parker Navigation/Masterlist
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Tom Holland
Your birthday
Tom would want to spoil you everyday but especially on your birthday. As a result, you two agreed that you were okay spoiling the other on special days like birthdays and anniversaries. So, Tom would take you to an early dinner at your favorite restaurant. When you got back home, he’d secretly had Harry help him set up a surprise party for you. Your closest friends and family were invited and Tom had purchased an insane amount of decorations. After the party, he refused to let you help clean up and drew a relaxing bath for you while he cleaned up. Then you two would fall asleep cuddling in bed.
His birthday
As mentioned, you’d reached a compromise with Tom that you could spoil him on his birthday. As such, you bought him the best gift you could think of, even if it was a bit pricier than you would normally spend on such an item. You knew he had been working too hard lately so you arranged a relaxing night. You’d reserved a private theater for you and him to watch the latest blockbuster he wanted to see. Then you snuck out to a privately reserved rooftop bar for some food and drinks. After that, you arranged for Tom’s family to do a video call with him since they couldn’t meet until the week after. Once the call ended, Tom held you tightly as you went to sleep.
Tom Holland Navigation/Masterlist
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Harrison Osterfield
Your birthday
We know Harrison likes to be extravagant and enjoys taking care of his loved ones. So, your birthday with him would be no different! He’d throw a large high end party with champagne, glitter, loads of friends, and your favorite cake. If you drink you’d likely end up needing him to carry you to bed that night after the party. If you don’t drink, Harrison would sense you becoming tired and conclude the party; joining you in bed to read for a bit before sleeping.
His birthday
Again, this boy can be very down to earth but also loves luxury things. So, if you two were away from home for his filming or other work projects, you’d celebrate in a more down to earth way. You’d still do the traditional birthday things like cake, candles, presents, etc. but then you’d find a relaxing location for lunch and just enjoy each other’s company. If you were home, you’d usually have a calm day like that on/around his birthday depending on how it landed. But since his birthday always landed on a US holiday, you also would have a party and on the tv you’d have it showing a feed to 4th of July celebrations in America so that you could watch the fireworks.
Harrison Osterfield Navigation/Masterlist
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Freddy Carter
Your birthday
Freddy would take you on a trip, likely just a small getaway for the two of you to a cute nearby destination. You’d spend the day doing your favorite activities and he’d of course take tons of photos of you on your birthday. It would be a nice and calming day where you got to simply enjoy life.
His birthday
Freddy didn’t have many birthday parties growing up, not big ones anyways. He used to be very shy and reserved, only coming out of his shell around those he knew very well. So, now that he’d gotten much more comfortable around others, especially his costars, you would hold an annual birthday party.
You wanted him to be able to experience a traditional birthday party where he could be his outgoing and carefree self around his loved ones and friends. You opted for him to take the night off from taking photos, instead using his Polaroid yourself to document the night. He of course would steal the camera a few times to get photos of you and you with him.
Freddy Carter Navigation/Masterlist
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Kaz Brekker (a bit long as backstory is needed to keep is as close to cannon as possible)
Your birthday
After Jordie, Kaz never cared for birthdays. He just treated them like every other day. However, when Inej noticed how personally you took it even before you and Kaz started dating, she lectured him on trying a little harder.
The wraith of course knew of Kaz’s hidden (even to himself at times) feelings towards you, so it was easy to get him to act more appropriately on your birthday.
He still wasn’t great at it, but the next year he at least addressed it; which he did each year since.
The year after that, you also found that a “mysterious and unknown” person left a small gift for you in your room. It was of course an item you’d been gazing at but hadn’t thought he’d noticed.
By the time you two became an unofficial couple, he’d taken to not only acknowledging your birthday and finally signing his name on the birthday gift, but also dedicating time to spend with just you.
Usually it would be in his office/room, but it was one of the rare times he’d leave his work alone and just be in the moment.
Once he was okay with labeling your relationship, he decided to tell you that as a gift in a way on your birthday.
As time went on, Kaz continued to try to make you see how much he cared about you and that your birthday was important to him because it was the reason you existed at all.
His birthday
Kaz never really celebrated his birthday. Even before his traumatic childhood, his family didn’t have a ton of time or money.
And now, the thought of the day often brought more memories of Jordie and how it was wrong for Kaz to celebrate a birthday when his brother couldn’t.
Therefore, when you entered his life and tried to find out his birthday he became very frustrated and tried to shut you out even more. He knew you were trying to be kind, but he didn’t feel he deserved it; nor was he sure he wanted it as it implied you cared for him which would put you in danger.
However, you were good at getting information, hence your whole role in the crows and in his life. So, you soon tracked it down, but never told anyone. If they knew, no one showed it.
You would often take food to Kaz’s office unprompted because he never took time to eat. So, you knew it wouldn’t look suspicious to do it on the day you now knew to be his birthday. As such, you made him a standard plate of dinner and departed from Your friend group for the night.
However, you first entered your room. You grabbed a small piece of cake you picked up from a bakery on the other side of Ketterdam very early that morning.
You didn’t want to push it by getting him a real gift right away, instead waiting to see how he responded to this. You then walked to his office, using your boot to knock softly since you had your hands full.
Kaz already knew it was you so he promptly signaled for you to enter.
He nodded appreciatively at you as you set the standard dinner plate on his desk as you always did.
While he hadn’t seen the other plate still in your hand yet, he sensed your nerves so he peered up from his notes in question.
He of course knew what day it was, but no one else should, so he was startled when he saw the cake in your hand.
Kaz glanced up to look into your eyes as he held a stoic expression but slightly raised his eyebrow to alert you to his thoughts.
You gave him a soft smile, “I was at the bakery… and umm.. the lady said it was on sale… so I got us all some for dessert”.
Kaz pressed his lips together as he steepled his hands together over his notes.
He sensed you were lying but he wasn’t sure if that was because you were lying or because part of him hopped you were.
Hating he already showed vulnerability in you having caught him off guard with the cake, he nodded again and allowed you to set it on his desk.
“Actually eat tonight Brekker” you teased as you exited his room.
When Kaz went to put the dishes in the kitchen, Nina stopped him.
“Two plates?” She glared, “and that one looks like it had something sweet on it. Did you eat my last waffle?! I was saving that!”
Kaz rolled his eyes, “I did not eat your precious waffle Zenik”.
“Then why the two plates hmm?” She interrogated.
Kaz groaned, stepping around her swiftly, “y/n brought me the dessert as well”.
“Dessert?” Nina gasped, spinning around to follow him.
“What dessert?!” She asked, offended she didn’t get any.
Kaz halted but didn’t turn around for a few seconds.
When he did, he asked, “You did not have dessert?”.
Nina crossed her arms over her chest, “no. There was no dessert. What game are you playing?”
Kaz’s eyes flickered to the stairway where y/n was standing with inej likely saying Goodnight.
He felt his lips curl slightly into what his body intended as a way to hide his desire to smile but likely appeared as a smirk.
He wasn’t sure why he was smiling, after all he doesn’t celebrate his birthday.
Perhaps you didn’t know, but he still felt smug over the idea that you’d only gotten him cake.
Plus, he knew given your skill, and the timing of it, that his earlier suspensions were likely true; you knew it was his birthday.
As vulnerable as he expected to feel at realizing that, he actually felt almost pleased.
You knew and yet you didn’t make him talk about it, question him on why he hadn’t told anyone, and you clearly understood he didn’t want to make a big deal of it.
He couldn’t express how much that meant to him, to have someone understand him so well and so effortlessly.
Kaz saw Inej smirk before muttering something to y/n but he didn’t look away.
Instead, he watched as your eyes scanned the room until they landed on him.
He relaxed into a faint smirk and nodded again.
You smiled widely and nodded back before giving him a small wave as you excused yourself for the night.
To say Kaz was up late that night wouldn’t be unheard of.
But he wasn’t working, instead he was thinking about what all of it meant and how to proceed.
Yet, in his traditional Kaz way of handling things, after the nonverbal acknowledgment between you two that night before you went to bed, he chose to act as if nothing happened.
However, the next year, he found another slice of cake on his desk; this time with a candle in it.
When you entered later you see if he’d eaten, he smirked and nodded towards the plate.
“You don’t need to talk about it. But I know what today is, and celebration or not, everyone deserves cake” you shrugged.
Since then, before and during your relationship, you and Kaz celebrated his birthday with full acknowledgement of the day (between you two at least).
The others still had no idea, and kaz preferred it that way.
In fact he was pleased that it had been you out of everyone who could’ve figured it out.
It also helped him explain to you a few years later why he hadn’t celebrated before.
And you guys worked together to help him accept that while he didn’t have to, he could celebrate his birthday still and that Jordie would’ve wanted him to.
As time went on, the celebration remained solely between you two and you took extreme precautions to protect his secret while still getting things back to his room to celebrate.
Over time you’d reached a point where instead of a slice of cake and a single candle, you’d been able to have him comfortable with a full (mini since it was just the two of you but still) cake and enough candles for his age.
He even soon let you get him a true gift on that day of the year; reluctantly of course, as he didn’t feel he needed any but knew it made you feel better to give him one.
He soon grew to not despise his birthday but instead cherish the alone time you two had on that day each year.
It was a type of domestic bliss he never expected to have, much less enjoy.
And he knew he never would have had it been anyone else but you.
Kaz Brekker Navigation/Masterlist
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Jesper Fahey
Your birthday
Jesper rarely stepped away from the tables, let alone on a consistent basis. However, for your birthday he routinely took a break from gambling.
Although it wouldn’t last more than a day; you both knew that. He still dedicated that day to you, refusing to let the pull of the cards and kruge distract him from celebrating one of his favorite days; the day you were born.
He knew how much you loved his rings and clothes and loved how they looked on you.
But he didn’t feel it was enough to gift you something he already owned. So, he instead bought a matching set of your favorites of his for you.
If there were no heist coming up, he’d try to make a trip to Noyvi Zem with you. You didn’t have any family left but he did and Colm had taken you in as a daughter.
He’d often have a cake and birthday gifts ready when you two arrived.
If that wasn’t an option, he’d gauge your current mood and decide between throwing a party with the crows or having a private date night. Regardless of how it was spent, he made sure to show you how much he cared about the day and you.
His birthday
Jesper always spent at least part of his birthday gambling. However, now that you two were together, you offered to join him.
He was more than thrilled to not be alone, and even better, to have you keeping him company.
You would try a few rounds but unlike your boyfriend, you knew when to stop. You still stayed, now option to solely be his good luck charm.
Or so he called you, regardless of the outcome. To be fair, he was better when you were there, his desire to impress you making him notice more of the other patrons’ tells.
But even if he lost the hand, he would kiss your cheek as you sat on his thigh, his arms around you.
When you joked about you no longer being his good luck charm, he’d scoff and pull you closer to his chest, peppering kisses all over your face.
“You will always be my good luck charm beautiful. Just look at you, you’re glowing” he’d coo into your ear as he waited for the next round.
When you were able to pull him from the tables, you would guide him to the slat. You managed to get the others to help decorate while Jesper was out with you.
He’d of course drink far too much but he had the best night and hardly ever left your side despite his drunken behavior.
Jesper Fahey Navigation/Masterlist
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Cardan Greenbriar
Your birthday
Cardan was not accustomed to celebrating birthdays given that residents of Elfhame normally lived far too long to have a reason. However, Cardan would never turn down the opportunity for a party.
Nor would he ever ignore the chance to spoil you, especially when custom dictated you couldn’t refuse the gifts.
So, when he was informed about the traditions surrounding birthdays, he went overboard.
He would throw a large party, wanting you to realize just how many people cared about you.
He’d have the staff decorate the whole castle, but often would go over and adjust things himself as he saw fit.
Cardan ensured your favorite foods and drinks, both from Elfhame and the human world, were present at the party.
After the party, he would guide you (blindfolded) to the library where he had arranged all of your gifts; over ninety-percent from him.
He would lean into the lounge chair as he watched you open each gift; explaining the ones not found in Elfhame.
Cardan would be overly thrilled to see how much you loved the personal gifts and letters he gave you.
However, despite having a great day, it wouldn’t end there.
He was not done maximizing his ability to spoil you.
Cardan drew a bath for the two of you and spend the evening reminding you how beautiful he found you.
His birthday
We all know Cardan loves a party, so while he was not used to celebrating his birthday, he wouldn’t resist your request to celebrate it.
There was plenty of alcohol, Elfhame delicacies, expensive decorations, an Alice in Wonderland themed treat table, and tons of guests.
He ignored most of them however, instead focusing on spending his night with his love.
Not caring that the guests were watching their king closely, Cardan would drag you onto the dance floor of the ballroom.
He began slow dancing with you, even though it did not match the music.
However, the music soon quickly changed to a slower beat as Cardan rested his head on your shoulder.
After the party you let Cardan open his gifts, him sometimes having to have your help understanding what some of them were since your human friends had sent them.
Just when he thought he’d opened them all he watched you slide a wrapped rectangular item across the bed to him.
He delicately -despite his drunken state- opened the gift as he sensed it was more important than the others.
Cardan gasped and his eyes watered as he looked down at a near-mint condition hardcover copy of Alice in Wonderland, “it’s beautiful y/n”.
You grinned and snuggled into his side, “it’s a first edition. Signed too”.
Cardan smiled and opened the cover, seeing the first edition stamp and the author’s signature.
He softly set it next to his bed, turning to pull you closer, “you spoil me too much”.
You knew he couldn’t lie, so he must’ve truly felt that way but you giggled and shook your head, “my beloved, I do no such thing. But, I’m not done”.
Cardan kept his arm around your waist as he watched you reach for your nightstand where another wrapped rectangle rested.
“My queen, you’ve already-“ he began, for the first time feeling as though he didn’t need anything more.
“Shh” you smiled, “or I’ll stop letting you spoil me on my birthday “.
Cardan immediately shut his lips tightly, making you laugh.
You leaned over, giving him a kiss until his lips were no longer in a dramatically thin line.
“Open it “ you said, placing the last gift on his lap.
He squeezed your hip and softly opened the item.
“It’s a collector’s edition” you grinned as Cardan’s eyes flickered over the unique coloring and design on this copy of his favorite book.
After carefully putting the books away, he made sure to show you how much he appreciated you and all you did for him that day.
Cardan Greenbriar Navigation/Masterlist
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Austin Butler
Your birthday
Austin knew you didn’t get to have big parties growing up. So he took great care in planning extravagant parties for your birthday.
He would ensure it wasn’t tacky but instead tailored to your personality and likes.
He purchased your favorite champagne and invited as many of your friends as he could contact.
He’d rented out a nearby hotel to use their event hall for the night.
Without telling you why, he had you get dressed up and head out with him for the night.
When he saw the glee in your eyes when you learned of the surprise party, Austin knew he did well.
As the night went on, he noticed you had grown tired and excused the two of you.
He took her home, helping you wash the glitter out of your hair before tucking you into bed.
After he shut the house down, he cuddled into bed next to you, holding you tightly as you went to sleep.
His birthday
Austin was known for liking nice/fancier things and you knew his birthday was no exception.
However, he rarely had the time to make plans to celebrate given his work schedule.
So, you took it upon yourself to plan it.
You worked with his agent to ensure everything went smoothly and worked with Austin’s schedule.
He knew you were working on this as you often asked his opinions on the guest list or decorations.
Austin was very appreciative as he desired a nice night to relax and have fun but couldn’t make time to plan it.
The night went incredibly well and Austin couldn’t be happier.
Watching you dance while wearing the dress you knew was his favorite on you, Austin decided it was time to leave.
He made his way across the party and whispered to you that you guys needed to leave.
You weren’t sure why at first, but once you made it home Austin more than showed you why he needed to be alone with you.
Austin Butler Navigation/Masterlist
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Nikolai Lantsov
Your birthday
Nikolai took every measure to make sure you had a wonderful birthday.
He enlisted all of his staff to take care of cleaning the palace top to bottom, making the guest rooms ready for company to stay in, trimming the gardens and sweeping the outdoor pathways.
Nikolai himself decorated while you slept in.
When he knew you’d be waking, he brought a tray of your favorite foods to you in bed.
“Good morning and happy birthday my dearest girl” he greeted, bending to kiss your forehead.
You whines as he pulled back, grabbing at his dress shirt and pulling him closer.
You smiled as you pressed your lips on his, his hand resting on your cheek.
“Morning” you breathed, taking a moment to smell the delicious food he’d brought.
Nikolai chuckled, fixing his shirt, “I’ve seen to it that the library is empty. So, when you’re done with breakfast, it is all yours. No David, no students, all yours”.
You beamed at him with excitement, “really?! Thank you Kolya! Will you be joining me?”
“It would be an honor” he smirked, “now eat”.
“You don’t have any meetings or con-“ you asked but he stopped you with a soft kiss.
“Not today y/n/n” he promised, grabbing your hand.
“Nik, no way Zoya is okay with you rescheduling” you teased, taking a bite of your breakfast.
He laughed and shook his head, his gorgeous hair moving swiftly from the action, “I didn’t reschedule, I reserved the day off”.
You blushed, pulling his hand to make him sit next to you, “I love you”.
He smiled, brushing hair from your eyes, “I love you too moya tsaritsa”.
Nikolai in fact did join you as you rummaged through the library for any books you hadn’t gotten the chance to read yet.
However, he was distracted by his nerves about the party.
He was hoping the party would also serve to get you more comfortable with the palace and your position in it.
Nikolai wasn’t unaware that this role was new to you, but he was always looking for ways to help ease the transition.
He was hopeful that tonight would allow you to relax and find joy in a more public room of the palace, enjoying yourself even while around the kingdom’s subjects.
Fortunately for him, despite your own nerves when learning of his planned event, you did enjoy yourself.
“Thank you for tonight my korol” you grinned, kissing his hand as was the appropriate ending to the night given your new status in the palace.
Nikolai smirked and snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you in for a proper kiss.
He laughed as your eyes widened as you pulled away and silently glanced around the room of guests, “I know lapushka, but this is our home, and I do not intend to behave differently within it; regardless of who is present”.
You blushed as your smile grew, burying your head in his chest.
Nikolai brushed your hair with his fingers, “happy birthday milaya, Ne koroleva!” (Happy birthday sweet girl, Long love the queen)
His birthday
You knew that his new title as king limited Nikolai’s chances to tailor as Sturmhond and enjoy the privateer side of him.
So, you made sure that he got that chance for at least a week each year, whatever week his birthday landed on.
He’d been resistant at first, fearful Ravkans would connect his disappearance with Sturmhond.
But when Zoya agreed with you that the citizens likely expected their King to be absent around a date such as his birthday, he agreed.
He still had his doubts about what his subjects would think, but he could never say no to you.
Much less when you were trying to do something for him.
Plus, he desperately needed time away from the palace and the pressures of being king.
He profusely thanked you as the two of you boarded the Volkvolny, both tailored as your privateer personas now.
You kissed his cheek, ruffling his now colored hair.
He rolled his eyes playfully, pulling you to him by your waist, “enjoying yourself?”
You giggled and shrugged, “I haven’t seen you like this in awhile is all koja “.
Nikolai blushed, the way he always did, tailored or not, when you complimented him.
“Hmm liking the tailored look more?” He teased.
You smacked his chest, “of course not, knock it off. You know better than that!”
Nikolai smirked his signature Sturmhond smirk but pressed his lips to the top of your head, “we should get out there love, I need to make sure we don’t crash”
You laughed and followed him out from his cabin on the ship and onto the main deck, watching as he directed the crew and adjusted the ship’s trajectory.
When he finished he smiled and waved you over, his arms wrapping around you tightly, “I needed this darling, thank you”.
Nikolai Lantsov Navigation/Masterlist
Grishaverse Navigation/Masterlist
Six of Crows Navigation/Masterlist
Main Navigation/Masterlist (All My Works)
Tags: @theslayerofthevampires @galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat @natswifey @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @laylasbunbunny @natswife-marvelicious @emmymaehereeeeee @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @brekkershadowsinger
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poguestarkey · 9 months
send fic recs!!
plz plz send me dramione or theo nott x reader fics that you loved!!!
i haven't found any full length theo x reader, but ive read manacled, secrets & masks, the auction, the right thing to do, all the wrong things, and BM/BS. my preferred platforms are here and wattpad but im open to others!!
i say theo and drank one cuz those are my big fixations rn but i also read for
-joe burrow
-drew starkey/rafe cameron
-cale makar
-oliver wood
-draco x reader
-jj maybank
-harrison osterfield
-spencer reid
-mitch marner
-luke hemmings
and if there's anything else truly outstanding that i must read feel free to mention it!!
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hotforharrison · 2 years
Love! I need your help as pro in Haz fics! Maybe you know work where Haz and Tom had hidden feelings for each other, but then one kissed another (at the kitchen as I remember) and it turned to smut really fast - they went to bedroom
Can you help me? Or maybe you can recommend some Haz/Tom fics with smut in it?
Hope you're nailed your weekend!
It's been a while since I read any Tom/Harrison fics, but the first one that comes to mind is this one! Hopefully, it's what you were looking for!
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Here we go again | Part two [h.o]
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Warnings: brief mentions of sex, mild swearing
Summary: The world is wide and Y/N wants to make some memories. After a pit stop in Paris, she is now trying to get to Kalokairi, where she believes great things await. Will wild and funny Haz be an annoyance or an adventure of his own?
Word Count: 4k
Okay part two of this Mamma Mia: Here we go again inspired fic is here. This was a super fun chapter to write, I hope it is just as fun to read! 
Songs Included: Why did it have to be me? by Abba
See if you can guess who the third boy Y/N will meet is? 
Happy reading, lovelies
masterlist part 1 part 3
‘I'm young, the world is wide, and I want to make some memories.’
 You sprint along the jetty, boots falling heavily on the rickety surface and bags banging into your hip.
“Hey, wait,” you throw your free hand in the air, waving frantically at the boat that is slowly getting further away, “wait for me, please.”
You contemplate just dropping your luggage right there on the jetty, you need to catch that boat.
It needs to be that boat.
You can feel it. Something special awaits you on the island and that boat is your only chance to get there.
“Wait,” you shout, hope beginning to diminish as the boat starts pulling away faster.
If you miss this boat, you know that there is a whole world of adventures that you will be missing.
It needs to be today. It needs to be that boat.
You’re almost there, almost at the edge of the dock, feet rhythmically pounding as they attempt to get you there in time.
Two kids sit on the bench at the back of the boat, watching you run after it, knowing you aren’t going to make it. They wave at you as they chuckle to one another, enjoying your failure. You stick your tongue out at them as you curse to yourself.
“Damn, I needed to catch that ferry,” you mutter.
There must be another way to get there today.
You bring your hand up and run it through your hair, ideas whirring through your mind.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, there will be another one tomorrow,” a distinctly English voice croons behind you.
“But I really wanted to catch that one,” you sigh, staring after the ferry.
“What’s so important in Kalokairi?” he asks.
“I don’t know yet,” you smile to yourself thinking of all the possibilities that await, “I’ll find out when I get there.”
You turn around still stuck in your daydream.
“Huh, well do you think you’ll miss this?”
A small chuckle escapes his lips as you look up to the person you’ve been conversing with. You’re greeted with eyes so blue they blend in with the ocean around you, sparkling like the water when the golden sun reflects on its surface. You suck in a small breath, your brain buffering. He raises a sculpted eyebrow as he holds one of your bikini tops in front of him.
Cocking your head to the side, you’re finally able to process words again.
“Hey, that’s mine.” You take a step forward, reaching your hand out.
He smoothes the garment against his chest and grins, looking down at it, "what is it not my colour?"
He starts swaying from side to side, “I think I could pull it off.” He winks before starting to whirl around the dock, keeping the swimming costume close to his chest.
“Hey, give it back,” you playfully demand.
He pauses for a moment and scans you up and down, before continuing to twirl. You drop your bags and lunge for him.  Jumping on his back, you try to reach around his arms and grab back your possession, but he manages to swat them away every time.
He is still spinning and you’re starting to get dizzy.
Oh no, gonna be sick, gonna be sick.
It seems he is too as he stops and says, “okay, okay, I give in.”
Thank god.
You jump off his back, taking a moment to reorient yourself, your head feeling heavier than normal. When you do you immediately seize your top back. The guy holds his hands up in submission.
This guy is trouble, that’s for sure. You can never trust a guy with a grin so impish and immediate confidence to match.
With his hands still raised he points one finger to the left, his eyes following the line, “can I have those then?”
There he goes with that mischievous smile again. It’s not cute, definitely not really really cute.
You look to where he is pointing. A selection of your clothes is scattered across the dock.
“Urgh god,” you mumble, a light blush blooming across your cheeks as you scramble to pick them up.
You shove them into your bag as you go. As you go to reach for the last top another hand greets yours, travelling up the tanned skin you reach his face and those eyes. They almost make you short circuit for the second time.
“Here,” he offers you the shirt, “I’m Haz, by the way.”
Hey, this isn't no romcom, buddy.
Cramming the top in your bag and zipping it back up you turn back to Haz, “I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N,” he swirls the name around in his mouth before returning his gaze to you, “I like it, it suits you.”
Hah, not falling for that.
“So, Y/N,” he draws out, letting each syllable roll off his tongue.
“So, Haz,” you mimic.
“Why do you need to get to Kalokairi today?”
“Because I have a dream.”
“And that dream is in Kalokairi?”
He takes a few steps back, leaning on the stern of a boat tied at the jetty.
“I’m almost certain of it,” your mind wonders again, “I can feel it.”
“Hmm.” Haz bites his lips, seemingly mulling over a decision. In a flash, he has jumped onto the boat.
He regally strides across the deck, very deliberately gliding his hand along the railing.
“Shame you missed that boat then,” he teases.
Watching him walk along the boat it suddenly clicks.
“You know what would be great?” You ran your tongue over your teeth.
He stops and grips the rope railings, eyes wide, “what’s that?”
Definitely more trouble than he’s worth.
“Well, if someone I knew already had a boat,” you pause for emphasis, “perhaps a stranger who I just met but would be willing to sail me over to the little island.”
“Huh, now wouldn’t that be a stroke of luck.”
Haz runs his hand through his honey hair, “now I bet this stranger would be young, spontaneous and roguishly handsome.”
You roll your eyes, “he’s probably passable looking,” you gesture towards the boat, “but he has a boat.”
Waggling your eyebrows at him, you await his response.
This guy is going to get on your nerves but it's worth it if it means that you can get to Kalokairi. Anything would be worth it if you could get to Kalokairi.  
“Yeah, that would be really great,” he begins.
He leans back, his hands still gripping the railing, stopping him from falling. His shirt tightens around his biceps as they strain under the added pressure, whilst the veins worm their way to the surface and create a pattern across the skin. You can tell he is building up the anticipation with his silence. He is loving every second of this.
The tease.
He releases his grip on the railings.
“Shame this is not my boat.”
Fucking trouble, I knew it. Not to mention a waste of time.
Your mouth falls open, all this flirting wasted. Now you still had no way to the island and you had just wasted your time trying to win this stranger over.
Haz leaps off the boat and reaches you in three elongated strides.
He pouts, “I was just trying to impress the pretty girl.”
“Urgh, I haven’t got time for this, I need to get to Kalokairi.” You push his chest lightly, picking up your bag and making your way back down the jetty.
Five fingers wrap themselves around your wrist, pulling gently, you turn your head, not really interested in anything else Haz has to say.
There is a glint in his eye, “I’m only joking, pretty girl.”
“Y/N,” you grumble.
Haz unfurls his fingers from around your wrist and your arm drops by your side.
“I was joking, this my boat,” he winks, “Y/N.”
You straighten up. “You sure?”
He looks down at your bag and then back up to your face, “well, seems like you don’t have a choice. Come on, I have time to take you to Kalokairi, it only takes a day.”
Is this a good move? He is a stranger. But a stranger with a boat. And you do need a boat. What’s the worse that could happen anyway?
You scan him up and down.
“Kalokairi awaits,” you exclaim, before skipping past him and hauling yourself up onto the boat, dumping your bag at the first opportunity.
“Come on,” you call behind you.
Haz rushes after you, a big smirk spreading over his face.
You sit on the boat, a silence overcoming the two of you, bouncing your leg up and down to keep you busy.
The silence continuing for the next twenty minutes, the only interaction you two share being a glance and a shrug.
Perhaps you won’t have to worry about him causing trouble?
The next five minutes go by and still nothing but nail picking and determinedly staring out at the rushing water.
You hear a huff to your side and Haz states, “well this isn’t going well.”
Does it make it more awkward to mention how awkward it is, or less? You can never tell.
Your expression remains stagnant as you try to figure out where to take this.
“So,” you try, “how often do you take your boat out?”
“Oh no,” Haz puffs, “this is not happening. I have a beautiful girl on my boat and I can’t let that opportunity go to waste.”
You raise an eyebrow.
A smile broadens on his face and he leaps up.
Sidling down next to you, he places a finger under your chin, lifting it to look at him.
“When you were lonely,” he belts out.
What the hell is he doing?
“You needed a man,” he flexes his arm, flashing you a cheeky grin.
“What the fu-" you start before he puts a finger to your lips shushing you.
“Someone to lean on, well I understand,” he continues.
You’re stunned into silence. Is he really singing right now? What’s his motive with this?
“It’s only natural,” he jumps up, solidly landing on the decking and holding one hand close to his heart and pointing the other towards you, “but why did it have to be me?”
“Ahh,” you gasp, mouth agape.
Haz is suddenly filled with all this relentless energy, he swivels on the spot and ducks under the sail. He watches you, waiting for you to get up and join him but all you can do is just keep staring at him incredulously.  
He may be an idiot, but you have to admit that you want to jump up and join him.
But you won’t, he doesn’t get you that easily.
When you don’t move, Haz ducks back under the sail and throws himself down next to you, the toothy grin never once leaving his mouth.
“Nights can be empty, nights can be cold.” He yawns and lifts his arm, letting it settle on your shoulder.
“So you were looking for someone to hold.” His hand creeps further around your shoulder and he taps his fingers on your bare skin. The sensation sets your body tingling and brings your attention to the fact his arm is around you.
I said not that easily.
You tap his hand and it drops behind you. Rising to your feet and shaking your head. Even though you're trying so hard not to find this charming.
He holds his hands up in mock submission, “that’s only natural. But why did it have to be me?”
Haz frowns, his eyes widening and sucking you in for a second. You shake your head to escape their trance.
For a moment his energy diminishes, he mutters under his breath, “Ummm, awkward question, but do you not know this song?”
Now it’s your turn to do some teasing.
“I do,” you answer, your tongue resting on your incisors.
He closes one eye in concentration, trying to work out what you are saying.
Slowly he suggests, “so, you just don’t feel like singing?”
The faintest splotches of pink start to appear on Haz’s face as he waits for your reply.
I’ve let him suffer enough now. Besides who doesn’t love a bit of Abba.
You stare into his eyes for several seconds before flashing your own. You reach behind and pick up a sun-bleached captain’s hat, putting it on jauntily.
“I was so lonesome, I was blue,” you sing, holding one hand against your chest and wiping away pretend tears with the other.
Haz’s face lights up, now that you are in on the game.
“I couldn’t help it, it had to be you and I,” you sing.
Haz reaches forward and grabs the hat from you. He breaks out into laughter, his tongue held in between his teeth as his body rocks. Lines appear around his mouth and under his eyes, making his face looked lived in.
“Always thought you knew the reason why,” he winks and starts walking towards you. You throw up your hand to keep him at bay.
Walking backwards, you sing, “I only wanted a little love affair.”
His eyebrows raise at that and he brings your hand into his chest, still walking towards you. You continue to walk backwards.
“Now I can see you are beginning to care,” Haz lulls.
You jump up onto the raised decking, looking down at him, “but baby, believe me. It’s better to forget me.”
Catching both your breath for a moment, you look each other over, ending at each other’s eyes simultaneously. Your heart flutters somewhat as you look into those magical eyes. Maybe it wasn’t the island itself that promised magic, perhaps it was the journey there.
“Men are toys in the game that you play,” Haz sings as you pull him up to meet you, breathing out the last few words.
His hands rest on your waist and one corner of his mouth curls up, “when you get tired, you throw them away. That’s only natural.”
You groan, trying to wriggle free, but his hands only get tighter.
“But why did it have to be me?” Haz dips you, one of your hand falls back behind your head and grazes the wooden floor. You let out a little scream that morphs into a giggle when you see the innocent look plastered all over Haz’s face. With a little too much force he brings you back up, unbalancing you and you fall against him. When you look up he is looking far too smug, so you push away from him.
Trailing your fingers along the bottom of the sail, you walk slowly in front of him.
“Falling in love with a woman like you,” he walks behind you, “happens so quickly, there’s nothing to do.”
You stop, holding onto the sail and popping your hip. Haz falls to his knees and brings his hands up around your bum, a growl escaping his lips.
“It’s only natural. But why did it have to be me?” you trill.
Laughter warms your body and you throw your head back, enjoying yourself far too much.
In unison, you sing, “I was so lonesome.”
Haz gets to his feet and chases you under the sail, but he slips and slides off the raised decking. This time the laughter doesn’t just warm you, it shakes your entire body. He rolls onto his back, defeated, “I was blue.”
You can’t catch a breath in between your guffawing. Your eyes are starting to water. You just manage to exhale, “I couldn’t help it,” breaking off before you can finish the lyric.
Haz catches it immediately, “it had to be you and I. Always thought you knew the reason why.”
He flips over onto his knees and begins crawling towards you.
“I only wanted a little love affair.”
He pushes himself to his feet, right in front of you, his eyes almost level with your own. He leaves barely an inch between you both and you can feel his shaky breath against the skin of your cheek. Your mouth is slightly ajar.
What was I saying about him before? He's trouble. Hmm, maybe trouble is good.
You suck in a breath, “now I can see,” Haz harmonises, “you are beginning to care. But baby, believe me. It’s better to forget me.”
Both your chests rise up and down at a rapid rate as you try to catch your breath and probably regain your composure. Haz starts to lean in a little, breath out, breath in, lean in a little more, breath out, until the tip of his nose is just grazing yours.
I think it’s too early for trouble yet.
“I think it’s too early for trouble,” you whisper.
“Huh, sweetheart?” he asks.
“Nothing.” Shaking your head, you walk towards the stairs down to the cabin, “where am I sleeping?”
Haz opens his mouth to speak, a glint in his eye.
You blurt out, “and don’t say with you.”
“We’ll see about that,” he purrs.
“Nothing, sweetheart.”  
You roll over in bed, away from the white moonlight that seeps in through the porthole. Sighing, you flip on your stomach, then to your other side, then to your back, unable to get comfortable on the unfamiliar bed. The blanket that you have drawn around you itches and you’re sharing your bed with an abundance of Haz’s stuff. You’ve never been good at sleeping away from your bed but tonight you just can’t seem to get any rest at all, not even a measly five minutes.
You sigh out in frustration.
Bet Haz is sleeping like a baby. Dickhead.
Not wanting to wake him you lay still, looking up at the ceiling. The moonlight is bouncing around the room reflecting off the water in your glass, causing shimmery waves above you. You watch them roll across the ceiling, trying to find peace in them. The tranquillity you require to sleep. They don’t help. You thrash your legs out in front of you, wiggling on your bed, trying to shake off all the restless energy.
You freeze, unable to identify the sound. The door behind you slides open and Haz steps out, yawning. You quickly snap one eye shut but hold the other one open curious about what your sailing companion is up to in the middle of the night, something telling you that you should pretend to be asleep. Until he walks past your bed.
“Oh my god, what are you doing?” You throw your hands up to cover your eyes whilst trying to turn your head away from the very naked boy in front of you.
"Ahh," Haz screams. He whips around towards the voice, squinting to try to make you out in the dark cabin.
You risk peeking through your eyes and instantly regret it.
“Cover it up,” you shout.
For a second Haz seems confused, then he looks down and realises his lack of clothes.
“Fuck,” he exclaims, bringing his hand down to protect his modesty.
He scratches the back of his head, sleep still fogging his brain.
“Sorry, I thought you were asleep,” he apologises.
“I couldn’t sleep.”
The silence that follows, although only a few seconds feels like a lifetime. If this were a film, you would be able to hear crickets.
“You can take your hands down now,” he says.
“Hmm, I would feel safer if you were wearing this,” you move your hand across your bed feeling for your blanket. When you get a firm grip of it, you throw it in his direction.
A couple more painfully awkward seconds pass.
“Alright, you can look now,” Haz repeats.
Tentatively you uncover your face, barely opening your eyes in case you are greeted with a less than welcome site again.
Haz has wrapped the blanket around his hips, where it is hanging dangerously loose. He catches you staring and pulls it slightly tighter. Even in this low light, you can see the definition of his abs, the strong curve of his biceps. The blanket is slung low enough for you to see the strong v formation that almost looks like an arrow pointing down towards…
Oh fuck, you weren’t supposed to find him hot.
Lucky it’s dark so he can’t see how hot and bothered you’re becoming.
“You alright, sweetheart?” he asks, one eyebrow raised.
You nod in response.
“Huh,” he smirks, “liking what you see?”
Oh great, he’s found his confidence again, didn’t take long.
“Okay, I’m going back to sleep.”
You roll onto your side, curling up into a small ball. A tiny chill makes its way down your spine as you really notice the absence of the blanket.
“Wait,” Haz says, his voice becoming quieter, a softness creeping in.
Maybe that’s why you decided to reply.
“What?” you grumble.
“If neither of us can sleep, why don’t we stay up together,” he trails off at the end.
You move so you are looking at him, “and what exactly do you think we’ll be doing together.”
“Just talking.”
That took you back, maybe his mind wasn't always as depraved as you thought. You furrow your brow, wondering what his intentions are with this. This boy always seems to have an ulterior motive. But you can’t sleep and it would be nice to have someone to pass the time with and if he tries anything, well then, you’ll just throw him out.
“Sure,” you concede.
Haz simply radiates warmth after this and clambers onto your bed, keeping a respectful distance.
“So, Y/N, what are you really looking for in Kalokairi?”
 Haz is wild and such a funny guy, one thing led to another and …
The boat bobs along the water unevenly, tiny waves lapping at its edges as it draws into the dock.
In front of you lies Kalokairi, you can’t believe you’ve finally made it. You were ready to make some memories. Even the shore felt special, the pale sand interspersed with an assortment of beautiful shells, small clusters of grains being brushed around by the light breeze. The sun reflected off the water, making it twinkle. Something you had only seen in perfect pictures. Past the beach was a stone covered path that seemed to wrap itself round and round the island. Intensely green trees carved its way.
It was like a postcard. It didn’t seem real.
As soon as the boat knocks against the wooden planks of the dock you scramble up and leap from it. Running down to the end and sinking your feet in the sand, a coolness spread through your toes as the sand settles between them. You heard heavy breaths behind you, so you spin around.
“Don’t forget these, sweetheart.” Haz held out your bags, his chest rising and falling with his heavy breaths.
“Thanks,” you beam.
You look back to the island, “it’s wonderful, isn’t it.”
“Mmm, sure is,” Haz rests a hand on your shoulder, “look are sure you’re going to be alright?”
“Yes, yes, stop worrying, I’ll be fine.”
You lean up and kiss his cheek, “thank you again for taking me here.”
You think you see him bite the inside of his cheek.
“It’s no problem, really,” he takes a step back, nodding his head solidly, “right, well, I’ll be back in a couple of weeks to check on you, make sure you haven’t gotten into too much trouble.”
“I don’t think it’s me you should worry about getting into trouble,” you chide.
Walking backwards from Haz, you wave at him and he gets the message. He makes his way back to the boat and clambers aboard, untying it from the dock.
“See you soon, Y/N” he shouts.
You blow him a kiss, then turn back to face the beach.
You’ve got a whole island to explore.
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hollandsangel · 2 years
i feel like harrison would be the perfect harry osborn😄
wait you might be on to something
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If y’all know any good breeding fics with harrison pls hmu with a reblog/ask bc i NEED IT. for reasons. 👀👀👀
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