#harry carlyle x Sara Ryder
vorchagirl · 6 months
Saints and Liars - Chapter 11
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Saints and Liars - Chapter 11
Harry brings Cerys back to his apartment while she's recuperating from her surgery, but getting a good night's rest is the last thing on either of their minds as Harry decides to show Cerys exactly how far from a Saint he is. (Yes, this is a very smutty chapter!)
Art is by @savbakk. Snippet is below the cut:
“Right now for instance, I want to see you kneeling on the floor in front of me while I fuck your mouth.” Harry’s hand tightened around hers and he stood up, drawing her up with him. “I want to deep throat you and see you struggling to breathe around me.” He pulled her to him, and Cerys moved as though in a trance. “Does that scare you?”
“No,” Cerys’ voice was breathy and small, and her heart fluttered madly in her chest. “It excites me.”
Harry sucked in a breath and he tugged her closer, his eyes so dark with lust they almost seemed black. He wound an arm around her waist, holding her flush to his body so she could feel his arousal, while he raised his other hand to her face and traced her full lower lip with his forefinger. Cerys could see what he wanted, and parted her lips, obediently sucking on his finger when he pushed it into her mouth. 
“God, you’re so right for me,” he told her, his voice a low growl as she sucked on his finger. Her own excitement building at his visible response to her. Harry pressed his hand into her lower back, grinding her against his erection as he added a second finger to her mouth. “You let me fuck that sexy little mouth of yours, and I’ll go down on you afterwards. How does that sound?”
Cerys nodded, grazing her teeth against his fingers as she kept sucking, her heart beating so fast she felt dizzy. Harry slid his hand from her lower back up to her shoulder and pressed down, encouraging her to go to her knees. She went willingly, kneeling in front of him as he slowly pulled his fingers from her mouth, tracing her lips with their glistening tips. 
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fereldanwench · 9 months
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tfw you get them to clip just right ⸜( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ )⸝♡
⚠️ do not reupload or edit my shots without my permission ⚠️
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natsora · 4 years
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Bulldog - Chapter 1
Art by @seokanori and beta-ing by @ainzaphir
Tags: Violence, Gang violence, tattoo, street fights, nudity, origin story, teacher-student sex, smut, first aid,
Summary: Harry Carlyle, a man, a doctor, an enigma. He joins the Andromeda Initiative as a doctor. He travels 600 years from the Milky Way. But who is he really?
Find out who he is before the man you see now. Trace his story to his earliest days and find out what makes him the person he is now.
Read Chapter 1 on AO3
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First Choice: A Harry/Sara one-shot
It’s the twins’ birthday and they are expected to perform the little song and dance at their AI’s official birthday party. Both of them soldier through it, looking forward to their private party at the Tempest.
Sara hates the spotlight and cannot wait to escape her public Pathfinder persona to spend the time with her friends and her partner, Harry.
Sara’s POV. E for especially suggestive language.
Birthday gift for the awesome @ainzaphir. 
Read on Ao3.
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kenshi-vakarian7 · 6 years
Another writing prompt fill request for the awesome @katevidal .  This one is for ‘Shouldn’t you be asleep?’ with Sara Ryder/Dr. Harry Carlyle.  Thank you so much for your patience. :)
Dr. Harry Carlyle still remembered when he overheard that Sara Ryder would be placed in a coma.  She had been in the process of getting out of stasis (or a six-hundred year nap as most would call it) when the Hyperion hit the scourge, disrupting the process and throwing everything off.  Dr. T'Perro had suggested letting her wake up naturally just to be safe.
The moment he heard the conversation, Harry immediately worried sick about her, a feeling he didn't think would hit him so hard.  He didn't even have the chance to process it with everything that happened so soon afterwards – jumping on a new planet that ended up being uninhabitable, finding himself in an intense firefight, losing Alec Ryder on his watch, and also nearly losing Scott Ryder in the process.  By the end of all of that chaos, Harry realized that he was no longer cut out for working on the field.
It was why he was now working on the Hyperion.  And perhaps, in a small way, it was an excuse to be close to Sara.
It still surprised him how much he cared about Sara.  It had been the last thing he expected, especially with their age difference.  She still had her whole life ahead of her and so many things to experience (new galaxy notwithstanding).  Harry was still physically fit himself, but he couldn't help but wonder how long that was going to last.
No.  It would never work out, Harry rationalized in his mind.
For weeks after the Hyperion arrived in Andromeda, Harry focused on his work – caring for all his patients, checking over those who just got out of cryo, and reading up on news here and there about the Initiative's progress.  Sara's brother Scott, who became the new Pathfinder after Alec's death, visited every time he and the rest of the Tempest crew stopped by the Nexus where the Hyperion was docked.
Harry was still mind-blown how one time, SAM was able to connect the twins via their SAM implants so that they could talk to each other.  It was an amazing thing to witness.  And on a small note, it felt nice to hear Sara's voice again, the first time since before they left the Milky Way.
After many weeks of waiting, Sara finally woke up from her coma.  It'd only been barely a day at this point, and Scott had paid his first visit mere hours after the fact.  It was heartwarming to see the two of them interact and talk about what's been going on since Scott became Pathfinder. And Harry wasn't surprised when Sara tried to get right up on her feet.  He and Scott were the ones to catch her before she fell after having not moved for a while.
After Scott left, Sara slept on and off throughout the day – part of recovering from a coma – and Harry had expected her to be out like a light when he walked through the medbay to do final checks before his shift ended. When it came time to check on Sara, he was surprised to see her sitting up and looking over a datapad.  Then again, he shouldn't be surprised at all.  The name Ryder might as well equate with the term, 'stubborn.'
“It's late.  Shouldn't you be asleep?” Harry asked with amusement in his voice.  He walked over the bed and went over her vitals with his omni-tool to make sure everything was good.
Putting the datapad down beside her, Sara resisted the urge to roll her eyes as he worked.  “I think I've done enough sleeping to last seven lifetimes.”
“Does that include the six-hundred-plus years we spent in cryo?” he teased.
That earned an actual eye roll from Sara this time.  “Not even close.”
Harry's omni-tool readouts showed that everything was good.  With a quiet sigh of relief, he turned off the orange interface.  “What are you reading?” he asked her.
“Just information about some of the planets Scott visited while I was taking a 'nap,'” Sara explained.  “From the description, Aya sounds like a paradise.”
“So I hear.”
Sara gazed up at Harry with a small frown.  “You haven't visited any of the planets yet?”
“Just... Habitat 7,” Harry mentioned with a small sigh.  He quickly shook the incoming dark thoughts from his head and kept his focus on Sara.  “But maybe once humanity finds a home and things are less chaotic, we can both visit Aya.”
The words came out before he thought better of it.  The two of them, spending time together on a planet that's easily compared to a tropical paradise?  Harry was certain that Sara would rather visit Aya with someone more... closer to her age.  What would she see in him anyway?
But to his surprise, and adding a little hope about the future, Sara gave him a warm smile. “That'd be great.  A nice break for the both for us.  You from your work, and me from my... nap.”  Her smile quickly faded as she let out a small groan.  “It's so frustrating just... laying here when there's a whole new galaxy to explore.  I was telling Scott earlier that, for all I know, we're still in the Milky Way.”
“I know, I can only imagine the frustration,” Harry tried to assure her.  “But you'll be up and running laps around the Hyperion before you know it.”
He felt his heart pound within his chest as Sara smiled again.  “The run would be better around Aya's waterfalls.”
“Right,” Harry agreed. “Don't worry, that'll happen sooner than you think.”
“I hope so.”
The doctor smiled.  “You will.  Anyway, I need to get going, but I'll see you in the morning. Good night, Sara.”  He then turned around and began to walk away from her bed.
“Harry?” Sara uttered just after she yawned.
Harry stopped in his tracks before he turned his head back towards her direction.  “Yeah?”
He could tell she was trying to keep her eyes open, but it seemed like sleep was winning based on her slow but frequent blinking.  Even her voice at her next words were slowing down with each syllable.  “When... when I'm feeling a little... better... do you think you could... wheel me to a nearby window?  Maybe tomorrow?  I... I want to see... the nebula.” She let out another yawn before she turned her head a bit into the pillow she laid on.  “Tired of... looking at... medbay.”
Harry had to smile over how she tried to stay awake while talking.  Clearly, sleep won over as her soon became slow and steady.  He walked over to bed and took a moment to adjust her blanket, making sure that she stayed warm in the usually-cool medbay.  As he did, the urge to kiss her forehead overtook him, but he forced himself to stop before he moved.  For one thing, they weren't exactly alone in the medbay.  Besides, it seemed inappropriate and who knows if this young lady even felt the same way he did.
So the best he did for right now was give her a small pat on the shoulder.  Harry wasn't sure if she had fallen asleep at this point, but he decided to answer her nevertheless.  “I'll see what I can do tomorrow, but no matter what, we'll definitely make it happen.  I promise.”
Her light snoring was his answer and that made him chuckle lightly.  “Good night, Sara,” he said before he turned to leave.
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seigephoenix · 7 years
“There’s no way I’m letting you spend Christmas alone.” f!Reyder or Evfra x Sara
So this wound up being Harry x Sara from my fic: In My Time of Need. Sorry about the feels I'm about to punch. XDSara sat in the Pathfinder's quarters on the Hyperion, replaying the last Christmas message Ellen sent her. She'd been unable to get leave that holiday due to red tape and it was the last one her mother had alive. The message was cheery but Sara could still see the paleness in her mother's face and the deep lines around her mouth."Hi honey! Wishing you a very Happy Christmas! We all miss you and can't wait to see you after the New Year. Oh, your brother says he doesn't because now he can have the cake all to himself. We all know he'll miss you the most of all my darling girl. Love and warmth from us." Sara drew in a ragged breath through the burning in her throat. Scott was still recovering and had wanted to spend a quiet evening with Cora, and Sara didn't have the heart to deny him that. So she sat in her father's quarters, she'd never think of them as hers, drowning in her memories. SAM had been uncharacteristically quiet, but Sara was grateful for it.Her head jerked up as the door opened with a quiet hiss. Her mouth dropped as she saw the familiar face standing there. "Dr. Carlyle?" Instantly she suspected SAM of reporting her mental health to him and whirled to give the AI a verbal lashing. Harry raised a hand to stop her before she started."SAM only told me because I asked. I noticed you weren't at the small party that the Initiative threw for the Pathfinders.""As if I'd be in a party thrown by Tann. I'd be concerned there'd be arsenic in my drink." Sara crossed her arms and turned her head. She had given him the space he requested after that night when she'd stupidly thrown herself at him and been soundly rejected. It was still so painful to next to him, yearning for what she couldn't have."Sara." He tried to sound stern, he really did. The laugh was there and ruined it. "Tann would hardly be so subtle." "You have a point." Sara felt the ghost of a smile tug at her lips. "So what are you doing here?""I wouldn't let you spend Christmas alone." Sara felt the tears sting her eyes and she shook her head to ward them off."You told me your feelings quite plainly Harry. If this is just some misguided attempt at giving me a father figure? You can stop. I had one and he's gone. I don't need another. That's not how I think of you anyway." She turned her back on him to hide the pain etched on her face. "I'll be fine Harry."She heard the sigh and felt the pair of warm arms that slid around her. His chin rested on the top of her head as his chest pressed into her back. "I'm still old enough to be your father.""This again? Peebee's old enough to be my grandmother, but you didn't have a problem suggesting her." Sara grumbled as he tightened his hold on her in warning. Just a tight squeeze to cut off the tirade."Asari are different and you know it. I'm far too old for you. I should know better." Harry's calm voice soothed the sharp sting of rejection in her heart. "Yet, it took everything in me to turn you away that night. It also showed me that I didn't think of you as my friend's daughter anymore." Hope began to rise in her chest and she turned her head towards him to see his face."I can only see you as Sara Ryder, Pathfinder of the Andromeda Initiative and savior of the Heleus Cluster. And I know that if I let you go, it would be the biggest regret." He was cut off as Sara stood on her toes and placed her lips against his. "I'm willing to be patient and work slowly with you on this Harry. If you are?" Sara smiled up at him as he took a moment to gather his thoughts. It did wonders to her ego to see the handsome Dr. Carlyle fumbling for words after a kiss. "All right Sara.""Happy Christmas Harry." She smiled as he cupped her face and laid his lips against hers. The kiss was one of quiet promise and a steady affection that had the potential for so much more.
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starsandskies · 3 years
For the WIP game: Chocolate? 👀
Mmm, this one is a suuuuuper old prompt I got back in mmm I’m not sure, 2018? for Harry Carlyle and my Sara Ryder. I think it was something like chocolate + wine + undress with teeth.
This is how it starts (they’re messaging each other, but I’m still not sure how I should format it). Thank you for asking! ♥♥
‘Hey Doc, are you free tonight? I’ve got something for you! >;)’
‘You here?’
‘Yep. We just docked : D’
‘What about Kadara and that… thing you told me about?’
‘The Architect? What about it?’
‘Thought you guys still had to deal with it?’
‘We already did! Easy peasy. Just in time to celebrate my boyfriend’s 47th birthday :>’
‘Oh yeah? Such a lucky guy, that boyfriend of yours. 47, though? A little older for you, don’t you think?’
‘Oh, he might be old, but my God, the things he does to me :3’
‘What? It’s just the truth you silly x_D See you in your apartment. Don’t be late, old man.’
‘I won’t. Make yourself at home, okay?’
‘Sure thing <3’
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coverartbyseokanori · 4 years
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story by @natsora @mellowcornryder belongs to @seokanori
Interested? Read ‘Splintered Minds Hype Post‘ for warnings ;)
song: Massive Attack - Paradise Circus
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fereldanwench · 8 months
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⚠️ do not reupload or edit my shots without my permission ⚠️
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natsora · 4 years
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Ryder paced, sweat beading across her forehead, collecting on her upper lips, trickling down between her breasts and her spine. She was uncomfortable and irritable, but that’s a given for being planet side. Elaaden was hot and activating the vault hadn’t changed it that much. She still needed her armour when she stepped out into the open. Dry winds always hit her in the face like a punch whenever she stepped off the climate controlled shuttle after a job. 
Still there was something to be said about being planet-side and not stuck in a rattling tin can of a shuttle. No amount of modding or fixing she did on that thing would improve how it flew. That was beyond her skills and wallet. 
But she was pacing, in the small two bedroom prefab house she shared with Drack, not because she was hot and sweaty but because she was scared. Their quarters were set in New Tuchanka, gifted to them by Morda. “As a welcome present,” the leader of the krogan colony said upon her arrival. 
Ryder wasn’t stupid enough to think this gift didn’t come with strings, but at least Morda was straight forward. And krogans were just way easier to deal with than assholes like Tann and Addison. 
Read the last chapter on AO3 | Read Splintered Minds from the start
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Sara was looking forward to a new chapter in her life in the Andromeda galaxy. Instead, she was given the tremendous responsibility she has never wanted. Without her brother to back her up, she relies on her friend Harry to have her back. Perhaps he can help her stop feeling like a failure from the start.
Read here on AO3
A Sara Ryder/Harry Carlyle short story for @ainzaphir.
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kenshi-vakarian7 · 6 years
Last Line Meme
I was tagged by @makocartwheels
I’ll tag anyone willing to do this.
“It's late.  Shouldn't you be asleep?” Harry asked with bemusement in his voice.
Sara resisted the urge to roll her eyes.  “I think I've done enough sleeping to last seven lifetimes.”
For an upcoming Mass Effect: Andromeda fanfic prompt request fill featuring Harry Carlyle/Sara Ryder.
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katevidal · 6 years
Fanfic Update
New update on the absolutely awesome story “Human”. Read on AO3!
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starsandskies · 3 years
I finally finished rewritting this old one-shot from 2018. I’m still not able to write anything from scratch, but it’s something! Especially considering that it’s only the same plot /and setting) as the old one, everything else is completely new. 
I wasn’t going to share it again, to be honest, but yeah, no regrets. You all already know me, lol.
Little Black Dress
Pairing: Sara Ryder/Harry Carlyle. E-Rated.
Prompts: Caught masturbating, little black dress and maybe dirty talk. It’s so old that I’m not 100% sure, though.
 AO3 (Kudos, comments and love are always welcome! ♥)
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Harry entered his apartment, then shut the front door closed after him, trying to catch his breath, a very untimely erection straining against the front of his black jeans. He turned the ambient lights on, letting out a loud sigh as he fell down on the couch, mortified by his behavior. Not appropriate for a forty-five-year-old grown man by any means. He looked like a horny teenager unable to contain himself at the mere sight of his—what was he supposed to call her? Fuck buddy? His friend with benefits? Whatever. Ridiculous for someone who might as well be her dad.
That was, to his dismay, the unwanted effect Sara Ryder had on him. Well, Sara, that too-tight little black dress and her damn hot performance on the dancefloor. And while Harry had tried to keep it together, the moment he had laid eyes on her, his body—his dick, actually—had decided to play solo, reacting in the most embarrassing possible way.
At least no one—as far as he could tell—had noticed his hard-rock problem. He had managed to slip out the Vortex before he might end up making a fool of himself in front of her, the woman that had had him wrapped around her little finger since day one.
Continue reading on AO3.
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vorchagirl · 9 months
Writing update: Saints & Liars (my Reyes x Sara x Harry Carlyle fic) is going very well. I have chapters 1 - 10 written, and chapter 11 is on the way to being done.
I need to get some art for this fic - I have a few artists in mind who I know like drawing ME characters, so I'll have to check if commissions are open and how much they are.
Despite my best attempts to keep this at 15 chapters, it's currently looking like it's going to be 17 chapters at least, but that can't be helped - and honestly, I'd rather have shorter chapters than have needlessly big ones.
So far the whole fic is written from Sara's POV, but I'm going to go back and write bits from the guys perspective otherwise some things just won't make sense.
Plus, I think it's kind of nice to show what they're thinking in a situation like this. The guys have some veeeery interesting thoughts.
The fic is also REALLY smutty. Like I think I'm writing smut or something super sexual happening every other chapter. I wasn't intending to pack this fic so full of sex, but apparently all three of my characters are pretty hungry for each other.
Ah well, it is what it is.
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fereldanwench · 9 months
this might be the year i revisit my mea stuff
idk could just be the coffee talking
i had started going all again shortly before cp77 just took over my ENTIRE EXISTENCE and i do still have such a fondness for one dr harry carlyle
i love my ryder, too, although i think i'd have to age her up even more to get back in that headspace. iirc, i made her 25 instead of 22, but as of this april i feel like i can officially say I'm very much pushing 40 and I'm good to leave the 20-something experiences far behind lmao
and i was taking some pretty cool shots using the basic features of ansel and having no idea what i was otherwise doing. it'd be fun to revisit ~*virtual photography*~ in another game. i don't think anything is gonna come close to vp in cp77 tbh but mea is a very pretty game with very pretty characters uwu
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