#harry fuckboi styles
goongiveusnothing · 1 year
If you’ve ever needed a reason to blind yourself, well here it is. Weird how he mimes singing, he mimes playing guitar and omg the licking 🤮🤮🤮🤮!!!!!🤮🤮🤮🤮
How does their skin not crawl. There’s kids there wtaf. And also, the hints at his bedroom “skillz” - lol and condolences if anyone found that sexy or got off on it.
Keep scrolling down if you want to barf some more and you’ll also see the soft rollout of floppy wigs that are artfully draped over his bald spots, for sure this new toupee arrangement is meant to hide his upcoming hair transplants and youthifying procedures to make him look less 60.
honestly, jesus christ, what is wrong with this man?
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missmielyhoran · 2 years
How my Harry's would spend their New Year's Eve
[Warning- Smut (small bit), kissing and just shit ton of fluff which idk how I wrote]
It was 5 minutes before the midnight, and Harry was nowhere to be seen. Beforehand, it was planned by both of them that they would sneak to the balcony of her room to kiss at midnight and watch fireworks, but now, as you roamed around your house, you couldn't find him.
You were waling past library when someone pulled you inside. You were ready to scream when their hand covered your mouth and all came out is a whimper. Then the light turned on and you saw the pair of familiar green eyes.
You removed his hand from your mouth and hit him on his bicep, making him laugh. You pouted while Harry pulled you close by your waist.
"You scared me" You whispered. "I'm sorry" he said snuggling into you more. If any of his men saw him like this they would be shocked. The most feared men and their boss snuggling and purring into an embrace of woman like a cat but he didn't care. You were his owner.
Soon enough people outside in the garden and on terrace who were invited to the party started the count down.
Harry pulled you close if it was even possible.
You brought your hands up to his cheeks and drew soothing circles on them. It was just you and him there and no one else.
Harry leaned down and kissed you. Putting in all the passion he could. Your lips moved against his, and he tilted your head down to deepen it. The sound of fireworks going outside covered their whimperes.
He finally pulled apart to breath. Harry brought his forehead down to yours and closed his eyes to remember the moment for whole eternity.
"Happy new year darling"
"Happy new year H"
When Harry suggested the idea, you thought it was dumb but it doesn't hurt to try it, does it?
The incredible idea he had was to get both of you come at midnight. Rather than midnight kiss, which, according to him, was boring, he wanted a midnight orgasm.
Now, 30 seconds left to midnight, and you were close but not enough to come. The watch beside his bed on nightstand showed the passing second, and it wasn't enough.
"Fucking hell woman why can't you come today?" Harry groaned and you knew he was close.
"Maybe cause I know that I have to." You chuckled, which was cut off by a moan when Harry gave you a hard thrust.
"Fucking brat" He murmured and pulled out of you. Before you could protest he pushed you on your stomach and raised your hips up. He started pounding into you with no remorse making you scream.
The countdown started outside in the garden of Harry's frat house where the party was going on.
"Harry, I'm close. Please don't stop," you cried out. You were clenching around Harry like crazy and he had to think about the old woman down the street to not come right at that point.
"Wasn't planning on it" He muttered.
Harry slid his hand down in front of you and started making tight and fast circles on your clit.
You were going frenzy, and so was Harry. The count down drowned out by both of your moans and sound of skin slapping.
Harry kept rubbing your clit and you were about to come. He pinched your clit and that tipped you over the edge and your orgasm ran through your body like a firework.
The sound of the alarm was like a signal as you came around Harry, and he inside you. Harry fell over you like a limp body after.
People outisde cheered probably kissing their dates or partners while you just got life fucked out of you.
"Happy new year blue" Harry said, pushing his head into your mess of hair while his dick was still inside you.
"Happy new year Harry"
(Many years later than the events of Baby Honey)
Surrounded by friends and family, you were sitting on the terrace. Harry, beside you, watching the countdown.
Rohan was their with his son and his new girlfriend. Your sister was with her husband, gemma was with her boyfriend and Anne with hers.
Harry stood up from beside you and pulled you up with him. Your belly was getting huge, making it harder to move around. At first, you wanted to go he ball drop at the time square, but it would have been too crowded and unsafe, so Harry booked a hotel from where you could watch it.
He pushed the hair back from your face and smiled and brought his hand down to your belly, rubbing it.
"I love you so much" He whispered.
He looked behind over your shoulder and gave a nod, making you look over to see your sister filming with your vlog camera.
You turned back around to face Harry only to find him down on his one knee. Everyone around you was looking at you both with smile and tears.
"I will keep it short cause we are in a bit of time crunch." Harry laughed, "Y/N, you are my best friend, my girlfriend and now mother of my child." Harry started.
You were crying while your hands covered your mouth in shock. "When I saw you first time even though I was with someone else, I knew you were special. I made many mistakes, been a dumbass. Made you and me both wait to have something we could have had way earlier, but for this, I couldn't wait." Harry spoke the fastest you have heard.
You turned to your sister who was now beside you. "You let me do this in joggers?" You cried.
"I'm sorry" She also cried.
"Miss Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?" Harry finally asked and nodded the fastest you could.
"Yes yes" You cried, "Omg yes"
Harry pushed the ring into your finger and stood up, pulling you into him.
He brought his hand around your cheek and leaned down.
He kissed you soflty tasting your salty tears mixed with his own.
"Happy new year Honey"
"Happy new year indeed"
Harry was had just gave the performance of his life on the ball drop. His chest was heaving with deep breath, body sweaty from running around and adrenaline even in cold.
The countdown was about to end when Harry's eyes searched for yours. He found you standing very first like always being his biggest supporter.
He walked over to where you were and leaned down from the stage. You thought he was leaning down to hug you or kiss you but he held onto your shoulder and yanked you up on the stage like you weight nothing.
The whole croud cheered seeing that. Harry just smirked bathing in the attention.
All the boys were putting off their instruments, Mitch already down the stage beside Sarah. While Niall and Louis was chatting up some fan to kiss at midnight.
"Hi" You laughed bringing your arms around his neck. You didn't care thousands of people watching or that it would practically be on the newspaper tomorrow, you just saw him and you there.
"Hi angel" He brought his nose to your flicking it.
"The ball is about to drop" You whispered.
"I know" He replied with same hushed tone.
Soon enough the count down ended and the ball dropped. Everyone was kissing someone and you were kissing your husband, high up on stage in front of thousands.
"Happy New Year"
"Happy New Year Angel"
Taglist- @harryspirate
I'm so fucking lonely. I also wanted to make out with someone at midnight, but all I did was watch AHS.
Send me requests or just talk to me here♡
I'm writing strike pt 2. I have said before I'm shit with consistency, sorry
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sparklyoats · 4 months
I got a part two🤭 I will post it later tonight, i just need to edit 👀 also.. already have an idea for a part three, so do let me know if that would be something you’d want😳
Part one <3
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lilystyles · 11 months
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written by @lilystyles
my masterlist xx & style masterlist
authors note inspired by a dream i had about this boy HAHAHA so filthy but that's just him. (also i'm sorry if ur names emma! if it is it's still cute to be best friends w ur name twin :3) ALSO it's also inspired by style (taylor's version)!
brief description y/n has had a crush on harry since they were kids but he’s off-limits. him being her best friend’s brother and all she has never made a move, knowing emma wouldn’t approve. but lines are blurred one night and she doesn’t know if she can follow the rules like a good girl.
warnings! slight age gap, SMUT (m!receiving, fingering, daddy kink, choking, missionary, doggy) sexual tension, mentions of drugs and alcohol abuse. wordcount: [around 11.4k words, also unedited sorry:(]
fratboy!older!bffsbrother!harry x younger!innocent!reader
* * * * *
Y/n wished she didn’t fancy him. Oh, she wished it so badly.
On every shooting star or eyelash, she had to decide whether she would wish to forget him or for him to finally notice her, it was a constant tug of war between the two.
Honestly, there were so many things going against him. He was completely unavailable to her and she wondered if that’s why she wanted him most. People always say you want what you can’t have. He was older than her by a few years, he was hardly much wiser but liked to act as if he was. 
Or maybe was it just that he was a total prick most of the time, like seriously, so mean? 
She couldn’t pinpoint what exactly attracted her to Harry the most. She knew why others liked him, it was because he was so fucking pretty you just wanted to cry. He was that kind of person. And obviously, she had noticed that slight minor detail. 
She could agree that was one of the many reasons she had a massive crush on him. But she’d known him for years before he was this fuckboy fratboy who wore backward caps with the body of a Greek god and the filthiest mouth you’d ever heard. She knew him before it all. She knew him when he was just her best friend’s goofy older brother, and she’d liked him then too. Before he was smooth and his words had a sting, when he was just this little giggly loud guy.
She thinks to herself often that a piece of her would always belong to him, even if he didn’t know that. She had tried to like other boys, many many times, and though she did like them she didn’t feel even a smidge like how she felt when she saw Harry. The best way for her to describe being with someone who wasn’t Harry was like being in a state of complete darkness, only this dull twinkle of stars without any moon, and then suddenly the sun came up, all these colours painting the sky as it rose. Harry was the sun for her and those boys were just the stars.
Nearly all the time she wished for a distraction from him but that was hard considering he was always around, Y/n saw him every time she went to their house it was like totally unavoidable. They ran into each other at parties even though he was a few years older, it didn’t matter now they that all went to Uni together. She saw him everywhere! Even when she closed her eyes at night.
So tonight when she went out with Emma she was relieved and sad all at once that he wasn’t at the party, it meant she let loose more than she usually did, completely free of the worry of his judgments. She had a few shots but not enough to get her as wasted as Emma was. They danced and sang, and enjoyed themselves. Exams had been stressful and they needed a fun night, they’d spent months cooped up in the library using flashcards and reading the big textbooks. Y/n needed some time away from her laptop screen and desk. She needed to wear a tight dress, get flirted with, have some drinks and relax. She needed to fucking let loose. 
She worked so hard and she was enjoying just forgetting all her worries, Harry included, for a few hours. Sweating and dancing to trashy music was something she had been dreaming of since the start of exam season.
However, the night had taken a slightly sour turn later in the evening when Emma took a few too many tequila shots in a row and spewed down herself, covering her pink dress and shoes and some of Y/n’s shoes too, in sick. She wished she could say this wasn’t a recurring thing but Emma always took it a little too hard on nights out especially when her brooding older brother wasn’t there to help team with Y/n and wrangle her home.
It wasn’t too late probably only midnight, which usually meant they were only just getting started on their drunken shenanigans. But Y/n had to admit she was okay with going home, home being Emma’s place she was roommates with Harry, they were fairly close siblings and their parents felt better knowing they were together. Y/n desperately wanted some water, maybe a snack and to lie down in Emma’s comfortable bed.
As she was trying to find an Uber during the busiest time and hold Emma up from collapsing onto the floor a familiar Irish voice filled Y/n’s ears. She snapped her head around. Oh, thank god.
“Babe! Where are you two off to?” 
Y/n turned, “Niall! Hey, we are going home. Emma isn’t feeling too well.”
Y/n had managed to clean most of the spew off in one of the bathrooms at the Uni share house the party was being thrown at, but Emma was all wet from being wiped down and Y/n knew she needed to get her home like now. She was fading and needed her bed and a bottle of water in her, she wasn’t particularly worried but she would feel better if Harry was with her in case something happened.
“D’ya want a lift? I haven’t drunk anything I’m on my way to Paddy’s place,” He said. He looked very sober.
Paddy was his most recent fling. 
“You are a gem, I could kiss you!” Y/n said squeezing his bicep in thanks.
Y/n was eternally grateful for him being her saviour, she slid Emma into the backseat and clipped her into the seatbelt, brushing the hair from her eyes. Even with sick all over she was still pretty, Y/n envied that the Styles family had such good genes it was ridiculous. They always looked gorgeous, Anne had created three beautiful children.
Niall knew where to go since he was friends with Harry too and Emma and Y/n of course.
Y/n kept checking through the mirror to make sure she was okay and when she saw the familiar home she sighed in relief at the sight. It was this fairly small duplex but their neighbours were nice and the house was one of Harry’s parent’s properties. So they had it pretty good for Uni students. Y/n was living in a big share-house with a bunch of other people. She wished she was this lucky.
She grabbed all their purses, jackets and keys before she kissed Niall on the cheek in thanks. 
“Love you, Babe. Have fun with Paddy!” She winked, knowing Niall really liked this new guy.
Niall blushed a nice rosy colour. “Need any help getting her in?” He asked diverting the conversation.
Y/n shook her head and the two girls stumbled to the front door. Emma was slightly more awake now, her arms slinging around Y/n’s shoulders making the straps of her dress fall as Y/n hunted for the keys in Emma’s little clutch. Y/n had a key to their house for emergencies and she knew where they hid a spare, but she wasn’t going to hunt around in the dark for it.
The door opened before she found them in the clutch which had ten lipsticks that she was rummaging through.
His eyes were so green she felt like they were glowing in the dark. He didn’t say anything he just grabbed Emma and helped her inside. Whispering something to her kindly as Y/n made her way inside behind them. She toed her shoes off before she entered, not wanting to bring Emma’s sick in any more than it already would be. 
Y/n sighed shutting the door behind her as she placed all their things in Emma’s room down the hall. Harry had put her on the bed and was taking her heels off for her. He was a good brother. He was protective over both his sisters even though Gemma was the oldest.
“She always goes to fucking far,” He muttered more to himself than Y/n. Who was finding Emma’s sleep clothes in her bedside drawers, knowing she couldn’t sleep in the sick-covered ones. 
He didn’t sound annoyed at her or angry, just worried. He was a prick sure, but he cared about his family and friends. His small circle is what mattered most to him. Y/n knew his gruff and broody presence was the exterior of a very gentle soul. When he was at home drinking tea in pyjamas that was the real Harry, not some douchebag.
But she knew that he had a reputation for being a heartbreaker and a lot of people would warn you of him. But Y/n didn’t think that was the real him.
Y/n nodded in agreement, tiredly pushing the hair from her eyes she wanted to tie it up it was sweaty from dancing. 
“It’s okay, Niall helped me,” Y/n spoke softly as he stood up from the floor where he’d sat to take her shoes off. He was so much taller than Y/n, his face finally looking at hers now. She felt heat prickle up her back, and the hairs stand on her neck. 
He had such an intense stare.
“I knew I should’ve come,” He said. “I worry when you two are alone.”
Two? She thought. He’d never really shown much protectiveness on his end over her, except when guys were being gross at bars or parties. Then he would give them a stern look and tell them to fuck off. But he did that for anyone, Y/n knew that she wasn’t special. She always felt like Emma was his priority always and he didn’t care what she did as long as Y/n got Emma home safe.
It was almost like he could hear her thoughts. “I don’t like when either of you go without me. The stories Emma has told me about what they say to you Y/n, makes me feel sick honestly.”
She despised the way her stomach flipped. She was about to say that she managed okay without him. But his hand slid onto her shoulder pulling the little spaghetti strap back up over her shoulder. 
She felt breathless but tried to snap back into her usual self. Feeling more pink than usual, Harry always seemed to have that effect on her.
“I- do your frat friends know how much of a softie you are deep down? Be careful now, Styles, I might go around telling them how nice you secretly are. Ruin that scary reputation of yours.”
He smirked in amusement, Y/n had this ability to melt away that hard shell, stripping him bare to his true self. He hated and loved it all at once, he felt like she saw right through him. Even when people said mean things about him, Y/n never wavered and sometimes even defended him. The only thing she didn’t approve of was his restlessness towards women. He felt one was never enough, and was quite open about that with his hookups. Maybe he just didn’t have the right one.
He left after that so Y/n could get Emma ready for bed. He was pottering about in the kitchen and making tea, she assumed. That was his late-night ritual usually.
Y/n shook Emma awake enough so she could help Y/n a little to get her into some pyjamas. She even got her make-up wipes out and removed all the makeup on Emma’s face and tucked her into bed.
Y/n sighed tiredly at the effort of it all and felt sobered up almost completely now. Emma had the downstairs bathroom to herself usually, it was very clean in there. Y/n decided to take a shower and wash the sick smell off her skin and the sweat from the clubs and the dirty Uni sharehouse. 
She washed her hair, face and body. Emma had a lot of really sweet expensive-smelling products, but Y/n had her own little section for when she stayed over. It was all coconut-scented. She felt herself begin to droop in fatigue when she finished cleaning herself. She got the last of the makeup the water hadn’t washed off and changed into a random shirt from Emma’s drawer and some fresh knickers from Y/n’s things she’d left here.
Y/n was here more than she was at her own house. Emma always said she’d kick Harry out and let Y/n take his place, but Y/n knew the siblings actually got on rather well. When Y/n was dressed for sleep she blow-dried her hair on the lowest setting so she wouldn’t wake Emma up, but Emma could probably sleep through an earthquake she was a really deep sleeper. Then she plugged both their phones in and slid in beside Emma tiredly. She shut her eyes and turned off the fairy lights Emma had kept on, ready to lull off.
Y/n had been friends with Emma since they were little they’d all grown up together in Holmes Chapel and it was the kind of place you were just friends with everyone because it was so small but Y/n had always been closest with the Styles family. They lived down the street from each other and Emma and Y/n were never seen without each other. So Harry was used to having Y/n around a lot too. 
Growing up he had to make sure nothing happened to them, he was in charge but it was usually Emma giving him trouble Y/n was always a sweetheart, but she had a quick mouth with one-liners that almost knocked him over. He liked that about her, she was sweet but could challenge him feistily without much thought. He’d met his match when it came to arguments.
Often when the parents went away Y/n would be over and Gemma and Harry would have to make sure neither of them got up to anything wild. But it was usually just a sleepover that consisted of them laughing until dawn. Harry was a much lighter sleeper so he would always tell them to shut up. 
Harry woke up to the sound of a pin dropping rooms away, he didn’t know how his sister could snore like a freight train and sleep through herself. He also didn’t know how Y/n could share a bed with her. Sometimes he’d get up in the middle of the night for a wee or some water and would find Y/n on the couch with a pillow over her face trying to block out the noise of Emma’s snoring. 
So when he heard Y/n roaming about in the kitchen (he knew it was her because he could still hear Emma snoring) he pretended to need some water, wanting to see her. It was probably around 3 AM but he had been unable to sleep. And they hadn’t talked much when she got home. He had wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked, but he knew better. She had worn a dress that hugged all her features, it was black and simple. Hair done naturally, and makeup that was subtle but just made her that tiny bit more pretty. She always looked pretty though.
He came down the stairs from his room and walked into the kitchen. Y/n was using the fridge as a light to find things. She was making tea by the looks of things. She found some of the chamomile that she used every night, in turn, Harry added it to the weekly grocery list in case she slept the night there, and hadn’t heard him creep downstairs. 
She was in a big baggy dusty blue shirt that Harry actually thought was one Emma had stolen from him, and a pair of soft pink cotton knickers that were very small. Socks covered her feet making her practically silent. He stepped closer into the kitchen waiting for her to turn around and notice him. 
She was trying to be very quiet in every step, knowing Harry was a very light sleeper, and not wanting to wake him. When she finally did look over her shoulder her body jolted in fright dropping the box of teabags onto the floor and a hand falling to her chest. 
“Jesus, H.” She whispered, raspily. 
He let out a breathy laugh. “Sorry, Lovie.”
She squinted in the dark trying to see him. His hair looked messy like he’d been sleeping and he was just in some boxers as PJs. He ran hot in the night.
“Did I wake you?” She asked a guilty look crossing her face. Her eyes softened as she nibbled on her bottom lip.
He shook his head. “Nah. ‘Aven’t been sleeping well.”
She frowned, not liking the sound of that. She didn’t know why she cared, but she did. “Do you want a tea?”
He smiled, dimples showing. “Yes please.”
She brewed two as he whispered the truth about why he didn’t come out with them tonight. He was originally supposed to, and honestly, she had been slightly disappointed about it. Knowing she’d have to handle Emma alone.
But he told her why, in a soft hushed voice. A few guys in his friendship group had said some really mean things to Harry. Not realising he would feel them so deeply, she thought, they must think he was as mean as he seems. He told the story like he wasn’t phased by the mean comments, but Y/n could tell they had gotten to him. She knew better than his cold stone face.
“Alex said ‘I was a homewrecking prick and womanizer’.” He explained when Y/n asked what the boys had said about him. He heard a hint of protectiveness in her voice when she asked with a pinched face, and he felt a tug in his lower tummy. Why did she care?
Y/n looked up from the mugs at him. The dim lighting of the fridge meant she could only see the outline of his body and the shadows of his features. She saw a glimpse of his eyes, and she could see the look in his eyes. He believed them, he believed those comments. They were glassy with discontentment.
Her eyebrows were pinched in empathy, and she was about to speak but he cut her off. “I know I’m a total prick sometimes, but—”
She interrupted him, “—You are a prick sometimes, but people who really know you know what you're like.” She tried to reason with him. Because she wasn’t going to deny sometimes he would be just plain rude to her, and to others as well. But she also knew he did a lot of nice things too. He had a hard exterior and shied off people easily, if you didn’t know him well he would seem rude. But all his close friends and family knew that he was just standoffish with new people. And loved to tease, and was brutally honest, which Y/n had to admit sometimes that hurt more than the teasing comments. 
But he did nice things. Wonderful things, that he went out of his way to do. Like helped his sister when she was drunk, drove people home so they wouldn’t have to walk in the dark after parties, picked Y/n up from the library at midnight if she was too scared to walk home, bought chamomile tea in case Y/n spent the night, made enough dinner in case Y/n was hungry, visited the girls when they were studying with snacks and coffee, and he even helped sometimes if they were confused on work. He called his Mum every day without fail and sent his Grandma photos of birds when he saw them. 
He baked a new type of cookie recipe every Sunday and gave it to his friends. He adopted stray cats and played Scrabble with his grandparents every few weekends.
Yes, he was a prick, he said mean things and made fun of Y/n when she went on dates with idiots, and he called her names, filthy ones. And sometimes he would barely acknowledge her. But she knew there was a different reason for that, something she didn’t understand. Something between just the two of them. She thought maybe it was just a way for him to protect his sensitive side from people. From her too, hide himself away.
And yes, he did have sex with lots of people, but he did always tell people the truth before getting involved with anyone. He was honest, and open when it came to his boundaries. Y/n thought that was better than lying and acting like you wanted a relationship just so you can fuck someone. She wasn’t saying she approved of Harry’s constant line of girls coming over, maybe that was her jealousy talking, but she wasn’t going to judge him for doing what lots of people did and owning that he did it. He would never kiss and tell, he was respectful and clear with his intentions. What more could you ask of a fuck buddy or one-night stand? If you wanted a good shag no strings attached Harry was your guy, and surely most people knew from the rumours? She just didn’t understand why people put themself in that position if they knew what they were getting into with him.
He wasn’t a devious person who hid behind a mask of fake sincerity to get in your pants. He was blunt, he asked if you wanted to fuck and if you didn’t that was fine. He wasn’t picky with it either he just liked to have a good time.
She felt differently about being with a person. She usually only wanted to be with someone she had an emotional connection with. But she had a smaller level of experience than Harry, so she thought that maybe she was coming from the point of view of a less experienced person. But the point remained, Harry had his flaws, like anyone but he was good at his core. His intentions remained good. No one is perfect, and she knew Harry was far from it but so was everyone she knew!
She knew her flaws too. Flaws made people human. And she appreciated him despite it all.
“And what is that?” He was standing closer now and she felt suddenly very aware of the fact she was only in knickers and a shirt her nipples could be seen through. The way he was staring her down made her aware of her appearance, he looked almost hungry.
“Well as someone who’s known you for as long as I can remember. You’re kind, honest, open, and a good person with a rotten mouth.” She looked away from him as she spoke, flushed by his close presence. She tried not to stumble on her words but was struggling and honestly felt her hands tremble when she felt his breath hit her neck.
“Kind?” He scoffed eyes trained on her face, it was free of makeup. Her lips looked pouty and her eyes droopy in tiredness. She looked perfect. She always did. Even that one week during the bleak middle of winter when she had been sick as a dog; red nose, glassy eyes, snotty and nasally, hair unwashed, skin red, she’d looked beautiful.
“Harry,” She said his name meaning she was serious, she usually called him anything but, “these fucking friends of yours clearly don’t see you like we do.”
She leaned back against the drawers sighing, “We. Me, Emma, Niall, Gem, Anne. People who know you, people who love you.”
“You love me?” He teased. 
She rolled her eyes. Of course, that’s what he got from that. He was so annoying.  
“You’re alright.” She replied, they both knew she did, handing him the tea. He said a quiet thanks.
He placed it back down, where Y/n was letting hers cool. The face she had made smile only seconds prior melted back to a stoic look, more serious.
He hugged her and Y/n was surprised, but she wrapped her arms around him. He pulled back when he started to get intoxicated on her sweet scent, her skin smelt edible and her hair was soft against his cheek.
“I’m sorry if I’m a prick to you.”
Y/n didn’t mean to but she laughed. A giggle bubbled from her tummy out of her mouth her as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“What?” He said, fighting back the smile that threatened to tug on his lips. It was contagious. He was trying to keep his attention very far from her chest.
She didn’t know what made her say it but, but she told him the truth. “I like it. It's like a game we have. A Harry and Y/n one. I tease you, you tease me. You act like I don’t exist most of the time and I act like I don’t care. You’re mean to me and I let you be.”
Hearing her say it out loud was kind of like being winded. It had always been their game, a game neither mentioned, some sort of unspoken thing they shared. 
She could tell he was kind of speechless. 
“I don’t know why I let you.” Now that was a lie. She was trying to backtrack. 
“I do.” He said stepping closer. His bare legs were pressing into hers. She didn’t say anything, waiting for him to tell her. But he didn’t.
“You gonna tell me?” She said quietly, eyes widely looking up into his, as his hands rested on either side of her on the bench. He leaned in closely. So they were eye to eye.
She was trapped in his arms and had nowhere to look but at him, she squirmed under his smouldering eyes.
“You know why too.”
She didn’t speak. What did any of this mean? She had waited a long time to hear him apologise for being a dick to her, and he just did and she’d told him that she liked him treating her that way. What she meant was, that she liked him, she let him treat her that way because for Harry she would do anything. She didn’t care if that made her pathetic, at least she knew it was, at least she could admit it. I mean, wouldn’t you let him treat you like shit under his shoe if it meant he was at least looking at you with those gorgeous eyes? Could hardly blame the girl.
“Why did you have to meet Emma before you met me?” He almost whined with a soft scoff. As if complaining at fate’s hands for dealing them these cards.
She felt her heart rate speed up. 
“What do you mean?” She asked, playing dumb. He was talking so much and she was practically drunk on his sultry voice. It was so deep and she just wanted to hold onto the sound forever and feel it melt into her spine like it was now, and listen when she wanted to sink into a state of lust.
He lifted one of his arms and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, “Then she’d be the one who has to follow my rules, and stay away from you. I could be the one in control. Have you all to myself. No sharing.”
Y/n licked her drying lips, as she processed his words. He wanted her all to himself? “Wait, wait, she has a rule to stay away from me?”
Y/n knew Emma didn’t like it when her friends slept with Harry, it was just weird and they would always complain about how mean he was after, or even try and talk about how good he was in bed. She just didn’t like her friends dating or having anything to do with Harry period. But she assumed it was different for Y/n since she knew Harry pretty well and would consider him someone in her close circle. Even if he did ignore her a lot. She assumed she was fine with Harry and Y/n at least being friends. Y/n had bottled all her feelings away for years, she didn’t think that would ever change. Even if Harry liked her back, she wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise their friendship.
“You’re her friend, not mine.” He said, mocking Emma’s tone, making his voice all squeaky and high-pitched.
Y/n frowned. Emma had always been weird about this. She could understand to some extent, but sometimes Y/n wished she could just have a normal conversation with Harry. “Why can’t we be friends? I’ve known you my whole life, and haven’t slept with you. I think I should be allowed to have a conversation with you. I think I can handle that without pulling my pants down.”
Harry’s lips kicked up in a smirk, “You aren’t wearin’ any pants.”
“Oh shut up.” She replied cheeks bleeding pink.
“She trusts you.” Harry said trying to make Y/n feel better, “She just doesn’t trust me.”
Y/n smiled at that, trying to lighten the mood once again. “Who would? I mean this with respect, but you are a bit of a slut.” Her hand came up to play with the cross on his neck.
He giggled, “I simply enjoy myself openly. You should try, Y/n, it’s fun bein’ bad.”
She felt her cheeks warm further, “I can be bad,” Y/n argued but it was no use.
“Oh thas’ such a lie, Baby.” He laughed at her statement rolling his eyes, and Y/n’s heart skipped a beat at the nickname. He’d never called her that before and it brought a rose colour to her cheeks that Harry adored on her. She was so easy to make nervous. But he didn’t think anyone was as good at it as he was.
“It’s not,” She pouted. 
He cocked his head in challenge. “Name one naughty thing you’ve done then. Bet y’cant.”
She tried to think, that growing up she was relatively good and even now she hardly participated in much other than seeing Emma or Niall and studying. But she felt this urge to impress him, make him proud almost. Or at least shock him.
“I stole a lolly once.”
Harry found a smile slipping onto his face, he’d always seen Y/n as a fairly innocent person. And she was, for the most part. Soft and sweet in real life, like a bunny or puppy. So soft, and you just want to pick her up and put her in your arms and tell her how cute she is. But she had some mischievousness to her, like all people. Something buried underneath her innocent aura, Harry thought of that side of her often pondering what she was like when she wasn’t hiding and she’d been cracked open raw and teased beyond return.
“Oh yeah? Anything else?”
She tried to think of what would shock him but she fell flat. Until—but no she couldn’t say that, it way was too personal. 
“I can see you thinking very hard, c’mon tell me.” He whispered. Y/n shut her eyes. His voice sent shivers down her spine.
Fuck it. It was like she had no control over her mouth, the filth just slipped right out of her pouty lips. She wanted to blame the alcohol, but it was probably just his voice that had her feeling intoxicated.
“Sometimes when I touch myself I think of you.”
Harry practically froze, his lips opening to show he was indeed very surprised to hear that. There was a beat and Y/n didn’t know if she regretted it or not. She was about to tell him it was a joke and run for her life. Change her name, and move to Mexico. Her Duolingo lessons weren’t going to be enough to get by, she’d have to start really learning how to speak properly now.
“What do you think about, Y/n?”
She felt herself getting hot, she’d really fucked herself here. He would never let this go. Call it the tequila but Y/n wasn’t lying. Truthfully the only thing that got her off was Harry, she couldn’t cum unless his green eyes flashed in her vision. Which she did feel bad about like she was a pervert. But believe that she’d tried to think of others, or watching porn. But she could only ever think of him. Otherwise, it wasn’t as good, and she didn’t get the release she was chasing.
“A lot of filthy things, H.”
He bit his lip, “Like what?”
He could sense her getting shy once more as she crossed her arms and looked at her feet, cheeks all pink and pinchable. “Don’t get all shy on me now, Baby, whatever you’ve touched your lil’ clit too I’ve probably stroked m’cock too.”
Y/n was surprised, head snapping up at his words, and though he was normally very honest even he seemed a bit more nervous to admit it. He was just as bad as her. And he had such a filthy mouth, but that was not a surprise to her. She was just surprised he thought of her, she never saw herself as particularly desirable. She always imagined Harry to like those people who look good running in slow motion.
It took a lot of courage as she began to speak. “I usually think about you…fucking my throat, using my mouth however you like. I like the idea of those hands pulling on m’hair.”
Harry felt his pants twitch. His expression and dark eyes egged her on to continue. He didn’t know she was such a little minx. He’d always imagine her to like soft, gentle caresses. Which wouldn’t have bothered him, though he was fairly kinky, but he would’ve done whatever she liked.
She didn’t know if he would like this but she felt brave, “Like the idea of calling you Daddy….Want to be good f’you, Daddy.”
That’s what made Harry unable to keep his hands by his sides. He grabbed her face forcing her to look into his eyes. 
“Wanna be good?”
She nodded coyly, eyes wide. His hands were warm and she practically melted into them.
“Sleep upstairs tonight then.” He didn’t ask her, he simply instructed her. And who was she to say no? 
She nodded once again and he patted her lower back as if to say off you go then. She listened and walked slowly in front of him. She felt his presence close by, the sweet citrus and woodsy scent that followed him was right by her nose and she could hear his slow calm breaths.
Her beating heart was thumping against her chest and she wondered how it didn’t fill the quiet house (besides Emma’s window-rattling snores).
He noticed her shaky and anxious energy and his hand slipped onto her waist. “I jus’ wanna hear about y’dreams somewhere comfier, Petal, if thas’ all yeh’ want that’s all we’ll do. Plus I’m saving y’from m’lumpy couch.”
She couldn’t complain about that. 
As they walked inside she was welcomed to the scent of Harry, she’d only been in Harry’s room a few times, but never properly. He ushered her to the bed and she sat down tucking her knees to her chest and resting her chin. Examining the walls of famous singers and art that covered it. In the corner by his desk where the only source of light in his room was a glowing lamp, other than some fairy lights above his bed, was a little picture wall.
In the mess of polaroids and film, she saw one of Y/n, Emma and Harry when the two girls had graduated school. He was between them arms around their shoulders and looking to his left at Y/n who was laughing happily with Emma at Gemma who made some joke about something. Y/n knew the picture instantly because it was one of her favourites of him.
“What else, Baby?” He said softly sitting in front of her, interrupting her thoughts of that day when he’d driven home to visit them for it, and looked over to see him leaning against the headboard, arms interlocked behind his head. 
“You go.” She said, which made Harry laugh.
“I’m pretty filthy Honey, you know me. I don’t know if it’ll be something you like.”
She looked at him stubbornly. “Try me.”
He shut his eyes and only now did she see he was nervous too, “I often find myself thinking about you on your tummy, underneath me, letting me stuff you full while my hands pin yours to your back so that you’re at my mercy.”
She liked that, her tummy twisted in yerning. “I’d like you to be in charge. Help me forget.”
He was looking at her like she was the sweetest most edible thing. “Can I kiss you?”
She nodded and he placed his hands in her hair, kissing her softly at first just a whisper of a touch of two mouths moulding into one. She leaned in further into the warmth of him and hugged her arms around his broad shoulders as the kiss began to deepen, he tasted like a hint of beer and minty toothpaste. Her chest burned with what only could be described as Harry. 
He moaned into her mouth softly, sighing at the taste of her sweet tea-soaked lips. The warmth of her curves pressing into him was comforting, and though he had a desire to completely ruin her until she was crying his name, he liked taking it slow and enjoying this first kiss with her. Exploring her mouth, teasing his tongue against hers, and soft hands roaming up and down her back. 
He rubbed her back under the soft shirt, no bra strap blocking his gentle scratches. She arched into his touch.
After all, he’d been dreaming of it for years and he wanted to take his time, even though he was crazy for her and felt this deep animalistic desire, he was gentle with her. Like she could break if he was too rough.
The kiss began to pick up as she slid into his lap, and he encouraged her to rub against his bare thigh. She ground against his tiger tattoo and he could feel the wetness between her thighs leaking onto him already. She moved slowly and uncertainly, his hands moved from her shoulders down to her hips forcefully moving her against him creating friction that made her create a soft whiney noise in the back of her throat. He swallowed the sounds eagerly.
He pulled his lips away breathlessly and dragged his mouth down the column of her throat, kissing sucking and biting wherever he could. Her skin was soft and she smelt like coconuts and something that was just her. He would’ve eaten her whole if he could. She let out soft breaths and sighs, her hips had stopped moving — too distracted by his magical lips. 
He stopped to look at her. Really looking.
Her lips were more red, almost like she’d been nibbling on them, and they were all swollen from his kissing. Her cheeks were dusted in a warm pink. Eyes wild and doe-eyed looking up at him. She was picturesque. He wanted to remember her like this forever and be able to come back to this moment at any time. He soaked it in, hoping to remember.
“You seriously are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.” He said softly running his big hands through her messy hair. His rings were cool on her skin.
“Harry, don’t.” She said bringing her hands to cover her blushing face.
He sighed. “I’m sorry for not telling you every second of every day.”
“Don’t lie, H. I’ve seen the girls you fancy.”
“Only ever fancied you.” He said his hands grabbing hers and moving them away she looked at him, shocked. “Only ever look for your face in a crowd, Baby.”
She didn’t know what to say so she kissed him and he moaned softly when she rubbed herself against him. He was getting harder and harder with each movement until eventually she stopped and moved away. 
“Can I suck you off?” She asked, and the filth was shocking to hear from her soft voice and lips.
He nodded hand stroking her cheek. “Yeah, ‘course.”
She moved down to her tummy between his thighs and looked up at him. “I don’t really know what I’m doing.” She whispered. 
He laughed softly, there she was, there was his Y/n. “Thas’ okay, Love, I’ll teach you.”
She slid her hand up his thigh and her fingers found their way into the waistband of his boxers and began to tug them down when he gave her a nod of approval. His stiff dick sprung out against his tummy, and he was completely naked for her. The head of his cock was oozing precum and it dripped down to his balls. Even his dick was pretty. Which she should’ve expected.
It had a blush-coloured tip similar to the shade of his lips, he was veiny and long. So long that he reached his belly button. He was girthy too and as she moved her hand to wrap around it, he hissed at the contact, and she almost dropped her jaw at the fact her fingers weren’t touching. He smirked down at her.
Her reaction was boosting his ego in just the right way.
“You alright down there, Petal?”
She nodded, her lips grazing against his now throbbing cock. He ached for her. The sight of the swell of her ass and plush thighs was making him very needy. 
And to the surprise of them both she pursed her lips and spat down onto his dick. She was basically drooling all over him, it leaked down over the length of him coating his prick and he practically whimpered at the sight — it was one of his dreams. She then took him into her mouth and began to suck and lick, slowly taking him deeper and deeper. 
His hands had slipped into her hair holding it back from her face and he was letting out loud gravelly moans and sighs of pleasure. He was trying to stop his hips from rolling up into her throat. Her mouth was so deliciously warm and tight against him, he felt like a man deprived of water near a watering hole. Her tongue glided around swirling and sucking and teasing the tip of him. When she began to fondle his balls as well, gently massaging them, he let out a particularly loud whiney noise. She popped out off of him. 
“Shh, don’t wanna wake Emma up.” She said before dripping another trickle of spit onto him and continuing her fast and merciless pace on him. 
“Can’t help it, when you take me like that. S’fucking good.” He said, as his hips jutted into her throat roughly, without realising. “Shit, fuck, sorry,” He said hearing her throat gag on him.
She just went deeper onto him, until her nose was tickled by the snail trail on his tummy. Pulling back when all her breath had gone. She hardly needed to be taught.
She took deep breaths of air and stroked him slowly in her hand, he was panting at her touch. 
“You can use my throat however y’like, Daddy.” She said, voice all raw from his cock having stuffed it just seconds ago, before going back down onto him.
“Just tap m’leg if you need me to stop,” He said and she nodded making a noise around him. His hands pulled her hair up away from her eyes. “sucha’ good fuckin’ girl.” He said pushing her head down once more. Again and again, until he was close to cumming. Which had happened fast, and he didn’t have it in him to be embarrassed.
His balls ached for release and her teasing little hands that twisted and stroked him, along with her tongue, had him so loud he’d taken to biting his lip in an attempt to keep his sounds from slipping out. He pulled her off him stroking her cheek gently, swiping some tears away. Her eyes had begun to leak with tears from how deep she was taking him, and it made him throb.
“Gonna’ cum soon, Baby.”
She nodded. “Let me have it please, want your cum. Want it all.”
He stuffed her mouth once more at her words, rutting into her throat until she was gagging and coughing around him. His eyes squeezed shut, “Oh fuck, cummin’,” he hissed. Opening his eyes to watch the sight below him.
Her eyes looked up at him, and that’s what sent him over the edge. With one last thrust, he was cumming, hard, so hard his eyes saw white spots and he shuddered into her. She pulled back coughing, she’d swallowed as much as she could but some of it made its way out and dribbled down her chin. She swiped the rest with her thumb and licked it up.
She was just perfect.
He pulled her up by her chin and kissed her. 
“That was the best blowjob I’ve ever had.” He kissed her again before asking her, “Let Daddy take care of ya’ now, is that what y’want sweet girl?”
She nodded. “Yes please.”
“Good girl. So polite.” He said kissing her forehead. His hand slipped into her underwear circling her clit, which was slick with arousal. “So wet for me.”
She sighed leaning closer to his shoulder, pressing her forehead into him to cover her whines. He started to circle her clit faster, and her hips squirmed against his hand he then started teasing her weeping hole. She moaned deliciously into his neck. Felt so good.
“Come rest against me, my love.” She shifted her body at his command and turned to face away from him. Pushing her back into his chest, her bum tucked right against his stiffy. His legs spread open for her to sit in front of him and he grabbed the waistband of her undies pushing her undies down and she threw them to the side with her ankle. She leaned into his shoulder head tipped back and he watched from over her shoulder. Just like the rest of her, her pussy was beautiful. It was glistening in slick and begging for his attention. Beautiful and spread for him like a flower, her swollen bud was puffy and eager to be sucked, licked, and teased.
His hand slipped past her tummy and began to rub her softly coating his finger in her slick, preparing her for him to slip his fingers in. She sighed breathlessly. 
“Please, Daddy.” She whispered which made his cock twitch from behind her, she felt against her back.
He slowly slipped one in and her mouth opened but no sound came out until he was all the way inside, knuckle deep, which made her let out a broken cry. “Oh fuck, Harry.”
He began to thrust and curl his finger, moving faster and faster. Her tight pussy clamped down onto him, pulsing every few seconds, as she cried out softly into the room. Her cheeks bloomed with warmth and her body squirmed in pleasure as his other hand kept her legs spread for him. His thumb drew lazy circles on her puffy clit which had her pussy leaking even more onto his finger.
“Like when Daddy takes you like this?”
She nodded. “Mm.”
“Say it, Baby, tell me you like it.”
“I lov-love it when you take me like this.” Her voice was so soft and airy.
He began kissing her neck and shoulder, sucking a mark near her ear. She was too distracted to care about it leaving a mark tomorrow. “My pretty Baby, likes when I tease her little pussy?”
She made a whiney noise and her legs twitched almost shutting.
“So sensitive f’me.”
He slipped another finger inside her and she dripped out even more onto him, crying out softly into the hand she’d brought to her mouth, her slick trickled down her thighs too now and he didn’t slow his movements only went harder and faster into her. Loving the way she melted into his touch.
“Gunna’ cum for Daddy?”
She nodded biting her lip. “‘Feels so good. I’m goin’ ta’ cum soon, Daddy.”
He kept going kissing her skin and massaging her thighs and breasts and eventually her legs shook hard, and shut on his hand and she cried out and pulsed rapidly around his fingers, and he could only imagine how good he’d feel with her cumming on his cock like that. She looked so beautiful he felt like he might cum then and there on her back without having even touched himself. As the peak of her orgasm washed over her he slid his fingers out of her and brought them to her lips, giving her just the middle finger.
“Suck,” He told her.
She obeyed sucking dazedly still trying to calm down from her orgasm, when he pulled it out he brought the other one to his lips.
“Mm.” He said softly, she tasted tangy and sweet. 
She took some deep breaths as he held her close. “Thank you.” She whispered softly, shutting her eyes and catching her breath, she can’t remember the last time she came like that. So hard that she felt it in her entire body, so hard she saw stars and couldn’t contain her noises.
“Sucha’ good girl, you’re welcome my sweet girl.” She turned her head to the side and kissed him, very softly and slowly. Nothing feverish and rushed like their previous actions and his hands massaged her bare hips, kneading her plush flesh contently. God, she was just so soft, so warm, so wet, and so perfect. It was like he’d dreamt but better, if that was even possible. He was drunk on her touch.
When she pulled away she looked up at him. “I want your cock, please, I need it.” Her little pleads made his balls ache, and he wouldn’t have to be asked twice by her.
“Okay, Baby.” He said running a hand through his hair. She lifted her shirt over her head and threw it aside, completely bare, so perfect to him. Her nipples harden at the cool air, and her skin pimpled. Her body was perfect, every scar, mole, mark, and spot he’d have happily kissed and run his over for hours if she’d allow it.
He grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed and placed it down in the middle of the bed right in front of her. “Why don’t you lie on your tummy f’me, Petal? Rest on the pillow.”
She nodded and put her hips in line with the pillow, her bum sticking in the air ready for him. His hands rubbed her softly, her skin was so smooth under his hands and he wanted to sink his teeth into her plush flesh. She was so fucking perfect, and the way their bodies knew exactly what to do to the other was just magic like they were made for one another. Just like a pair of contrasting colours splashed on a canvas together, it just worked.
“One sec,” He said leaning over to his bedside table pulling out a condom and ripping it open. He slid it over his leaking prick that was already standing tall at the sound of Y/n’s soft moans and perfect, wet, pussy that was waiting to be stuffed full of him. 
Before he slid himself inside her she turned to look over her shoulder. “I ‘aven’t in a while. Be gentle please, Harry.”
He kissed her forehead, “‘Course, Gorgeous.”
He held her hand in his reassuringly as he slowly dipped the tip inside of her, feeling her begin to stretch for him. She was tight, from nerves and the fact he was just so fucking large. She wasn’t nervous because of anything being wrong, she just wanted Harry to like her. She didn’t know how, but he had this incredible talent of making her nervous always. He was just so much more experienced, older, and had much more sex than her. She just worried she wouldn’t be up to his standards.
But when he began to coo her gently and rubbed her back and bum with his hands to relax her, she began to feel less nervous. Harry, though a prick with a filthy mouth and a bit of an attitude problem, would never want anything bad to happen to her and liked her for who she was, as she was. They’d been around each other for years after all, and with that sort of time, you just understand each other. He was a mean prick who had sex with just about anyone and she was a naive good girl who strayed from any attention. But they could still appreciate their differences. She was pleasantly surprised at how well their bodies understood each other too. His cock was the perfect fit for her, and she melted into the pain.
Her thoughts of nervousness were lost when he had stuffed her completely full of him, she could feel the tip of him teasing that spot inside her that she could only ever reach with toys, she let out a whimper. “Fuck, Harry.”
It was millions of times better than anything she’d ever experienced.
He hissed throwing his head back, feeling her stretch around him. “So tight, Love.”
He began to move, keeping true to his word, slow and gentle thrusts. Remaining as shallow with his movements as someone could with a cock that big.
Y/n’s eyes watered in a mix of pain and pleasure. Her hand flew back again to grab his wrist. “S’big, Daddy.”
He moaned at the name, it was just so fucking cute coming from her. He wanted to take care of her when she acted all needy like that, “Yeah? Feels big inside your little pussy, doesn’t it?”
God, he was filthy, he made her stomach curl with desire. She never thought she’d like dirty talk all that much, before this she’d felt it was corny coming from boys but coming from his lips it was the closest thing to heaven she’d ever heard.
She nodded into the bed and took her hand back to grip the sheets but he grabbed her hands and held them behind her back. He used them as leverage to push her back onto him, pinning her hands back, just like he said.
“Feeling alright, Baby?” He asked. 
And she nodded once more. 
“Tell me.” He told her.
“Feels fuckin’ amazing.” She said struggling to find the words, her orgasm had made her foggy and his cock bottoming out made it difficult to think of anything else.
“Feel so good on m’cock, fucking made to take it, Y/n.”
That made her shiver, the pain had started to subside turning into just pleasure now. “Can go faster, H.” She said just above a whisper. 
As he began to go faster and deeper like he’d been desperate to, she got louder and louder, and her pussy made these filthy noises against his cock. He was ruining her completely and she was enjoying every moment. Her eyes turned glossy in pleasure.
He let go of her hands to grab her hips and push her back harder, she began to move her hips to meet his, and he cried out. 
“Fuck,” He swore, tossing his head back stray curlings falling over his eyes when he looked back down at her.
He squeezed the flesh of her ass and moved his hand forward onto her hair gently tugging it backward, as he began to pound into her even harder. 
“Such a pretty little thing, letting me ruin you, what a good girl.” He said his voice all rough and coarse.
She keened clawing at the bed, “Feels so fucking good, Daddy, I love it thank you.”
Even in bed, she was so polite and obedient, that he wondered what she would be like after being edged for a while. Would her obedience turn to brattiness? He would have to try another time. Made him speed up even more at the thought.
“Wanna see tha’ pretty face while y’taking m’cock,” He said deciding to turn her onto her back he got rid of the pillow, flipping her to face him. Her cheeks were flushed rosy pink, her hair a mess from his pulling, and her eyes were practically black her pupils had gotten so big. She was perfect, his perfect good girl, and so beautiful he could’ve cum just looking at her.
He leaned down kissing her lips, as he continued his thrusts. He dragged his lips down along her jaw and down until he had one of her breasts in his mouth. Her nipples were sensitive to his tongue and her hands moved from his hair to his shoulders, scratching along the peaks of his back. She felt so close, she couldn’t control any part of herself.
He moved his attention across to the other nipple, massaging the one that had just been marked with his mouth. She was moaning breathily, back arching up into him. She was so sensitive to his touch, so much so that every brush of skin that he dared to touch felt like it was on fire. 
“I’m getting close, Daddy.” She said and he began going even deeper, he could tell by the way her pussy was clamping down onto his prick harder and harder and more often that she was on the brink. It made his stomach turn.
“Atta girl, cum on Daddy’s cock.” Her legs were shaking and she screwed her eyes shut at his words. 
“Don’t stop, please.” She said, clawing his back. 
He didn’t dare change anything he was doing, he stayed hitting that spot deep inside her that made her scream out and claw him extra tightly. She pulled him closer so his mouth was hovering over hers, her legs wrapped around his back and she clawed his arms desperate for her release. She felt her stomach unravelling in the familiar feeling of her orgasm. 
“Gonna- fuck, gonna cum!” 
He felt her pulse rapidly on his cock and whined into her lips at the feeling. She made guttural moaning noise, all loud and high, as her legs squirmed and she shook around him. He helped her through her orgasm, stroking her cheek with his hands pecking her lips until she came down from it.
It was even more intense than her first and his cock greedily continued pounding her hardly giving her a chance to rest. He moved her leg up a bit higher against his hip and began to hit that spot even harder than before. 
She whined hands reaching up to his hair, tugging it, and he moaned. He loved it when she did that
“Can you handle another, sweet girl?” He asked he had no shame in wanting to watch her cum once more. It was too beautiful of a sight you couldn’t blame him, he was greedy for more.
And she nodded tiredly. “Think so. Might have to make me take it though, Daddy.”
Her voice drove him up the wall. “Fuck, so fucking perfect f’me. Love this pussy.” He moved his hand down to rub her clit, he wanted to speed up this next orgasm to be in time with his, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Watching his cock disappear in her was a sight he hoped to hold onto in his mind. It made his eyes roll back in his head. 
He kept throwing his head back and grunting as he continued the final stretch before his orgasm.
“Can you choke me, please? Wanna cum with your hand around m’throat, please.” She asked and it took him by surprise. Little innocent Y/n liked being choked too? God, this really was his idea of heaven. 
“Please, what?” He asked sternly.
“Please, Daddy.”
He smirked, and Y/n knew she was done for. He slipped his free hand around her throat, rings cold to her neck as squeezed the sides, he watched her become dizzy with pleasure and she start to show signs of cumming again, which was good because he didn’t know if he’d last much longer.
“Cum for me please, Princess, milk me with that perfect pussy.” He said his voice all rough and slurring, his pussy had him losing his mind. He was so far gone.
With a few more circles on her clit, and deep thrusts she was squirting all over his cock with an intense grip on his prick. He felt her drip down him around his cock making creating more friction for him to continue his merciless pace.
“Cumming,” She cried out loudly lifting a hand to her mouth to cover it, and Harry had honestly forgotten they were supposed to be quiet. The only thing on his mind was filling her with his cum. She was still feeling the wave of her orgasm wash over her and was loose-lipped and limp as Harry started to feel the knot in his tummy unravel in a familiar feeling of complete pleasure.
Her pulsing pussy was squeezing his cock so hard he couldn’t wait any longer. “Getting close, Baby.”
“Cum for me Daddy, please want your cum so bad,” She pleaded. He released his grip from her throat and let his forehead press into her shoulder as she pulled him closer. Hands scratching his hair and hugging him close to her body. Craving him. 
“Fuck, cummin’ Y/n, cummin’.” He said as his cock twitched hard while he bottom out of her, when his loud moans began to spill from his lips she brought their mouths together and he moaned against her swollen lips. 
Even after cumming he stayed inside her for a moment, absolutely spent, head resting on her shoulder. She gently rubbed his back with her hands and didn’t mind him staying close. Eventually, he lifted off of her and kissed her forehead before pulling out, she winced at the feeling of him pulling out of her ruined pussy.
“One sec, Love.”
She nodded. And shifted her hips knowing tomorrow morning she’d struggle to sit. Her hips would probably be bruised and her body would ache, but she did not care one bit. She wouldn’t change what had just happened. She had the best orgasms of her entire life, and Harry seemed pretty content too. And it had been with Harry, of all people it had been with the one person she wasn't supposed to get with.
He tied off the condom and threw it in a little bin by his desk. He walked inside the en suite in his room (he’d won the coin toss), and wet a flannel. He came back with a warm cloth to wipe her down. She squirmed at his touch, feeling very sore and sensitive. “Sorry, Love, I know, but can’t have ya’ all sticky before bed can I?”
She just nodded once again. He put the flannel back in the sink and switched the light off coming back out to find Y/n limp and star-fished in the middle of his bed on the mess of his sheets. She looked completely spent, her three orgasms had tired her out so much. 
“Y’ want something to wear?” He asked. 
She nodded. “Thanks, Styles.”
He smiled at her usual name for him. “What happened to Daddy?”
“Oh, shut up.” She said blushing, he was probably going to keep bringing that up whenever he could, just to tease her. 
He grabbed a big baggy black shirt and some plaid boxers for from his drawer.
“Y’so cute when you blush, you know?”
She frowned hands moving to her face. “Stoppp!” She whispered loudly.
He handed her the clothes and helped her slide into them, and she half expected to be sent back to the couch downstairs and told thanks for the shag, but he pulled the duvet down the bed and patted the middle of the bed for her to sleep there. She moved to lay in the spot and Harry placed the duvet over her. 
Sliding back on his boxers from before, and running a hand through his messy sweaty hair he looked over at her. “I’ll get us some water, be right back.”
She nodded. “Alright.”
When he came back with two glasses of water he placed them on the bedside table and sighed before rolling in beside her. She turned to face him. “Hi,” she said with a giggle.
“Hi.” He replied with a small laugh too. 
“Your bed's very comfy, Styles.”
“Better than m’couch.” He replied sliding a hand onto her waist to rub her side, soothing her into a restful sleep.
“Much better, should’ve shagged you sooner if it meant bed privileges.”
He scoffed playfully, “Only using me for my cock and the comfy bed, aye?”
She laughed back. “Yeah, obviously, why else?”
He pulled her even closer and turned the tone more serious. “Thank you for before,”
She frowned confusedly. “The blowjob?”
He laughed softly. “No, in the kitchen.”
She laughed at herself. “Oh right,” She said lifting her hand to stroke his cheek which he leaned into. “Well, I like your rotten mouth and shocking brutal honesty and all the rest of you. Don’t worry about those guys.”
He leaned closer, a teasing expression lighting up his face. “You like me?”
She just rolled her eyes, shoving his shoulder playfully. 
“I like you too.”
This made her blush. “Go to sleep.”
“C’mere then,” 
She got even closer and fell asleep to the beat of his heart and gentle caress on her back.
The following morning, she woke up early, which was very unlike her, and in a total panic, that Emma might have noticed she was missing from the couch. Harry groaned grabbing her, “Don’t go.”
“Have to, Em’s gonna notice, she’d kill us both.” She said, voice all raspy and eyes bleary. 
He whined not letting go. “Stupid Emma.”
“Shh. I’ll see you later.” She was about to leave back downstairs, but he grabbed her and she watched him waiting for what else wanted from her. 
She leaned down and pecked his lips which he smiled at shutting his eyes to go back to sleep, and she left sneaking back downstairs. Sluggishly wrapping the blanket around her and shutting her eyes, even though she was much too giddy to sleep. 
When Emma woke up with a throbbing head she smiled at Y/n and she started making coffee quietly since her head couldn’t handle anything loud. This made Y/n stir, sitting up and turning the telly on sleepily. A re-run of Friends was on and she wrapped herself up in the blanket and sat back watching.
Emma wordlessly passed her a coffee and sat beside her, stealing some of the blanket. They spent the rest of the episode in silence just huddling together for warmth and sipping away tiredly, until Harry’s footsteps could be heard creaking down the stairs.
“Want some pancakes, children?”
The pair nodded. 
Y/n looked over at him smiling to herself, he’d changed into a loose navy crewneck and some pyjama pants. He looked gorgeous, and she was reminded of last night. She'd liked him for years, and now she'd done filthy things with him, would she ever recover?
When the pancakes were ready they all sat together at the table. Harry was a wonderful cook, he made a variety of pancakes.
Blueberry, chocolate chip, plain, some with strawberries and cream. He'd brought out lemon and sugar too because that's what Y/n liked on her pancakes, and lots of fruit for Emma. He'd brought out two big jugs of juice for them and a coffee pot.
“Sleep well, Em?” Asked Harry, with a mouthful of blueberry pancake chewing lazily. How did he even look sexy eating?
She nodded. “Yeah,”
“Me too.” He replied before turning to Y/n, who was mid-sip on some juice, it was a mix of berries and tasted sweet. “Y/n?”
She coughed, choking on her juice, and Harry smirked knowingly. Emma patted her back, “You alright, mate?”
“Yeah, just wrong hole. I slept fine.” Y/n said.
“Hate when that happens.” Harry teased, and she wanted to kick his shin but Emma definitely would’ve noticed.
They all finished their pancakes and after the big breakfast, Emma had an aspirin and told them both she was going back to bed for a nap.
“I might head off then,” Y/n said, she wanted to go home and nap herself. Harry had kept her awake for a good portion of the night after all, and her body was very sore. “I’ll get an Uber.”
“Alright, Babe,” She said hugging her. Y/n kissed her cheek and hugged her back.
“Bye, Babe,” Y/n said with a soft smile.
“Thanks for taking care of me. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Y/n nodded. “Of course, we have to do our monthly movie marathon rain, hail, or shine!”
Emma smiled. “Perfect, get home safe.”
They parted, and Emma went back to her room to sleep. Y/n’s Uber arrived moments later and Harry watched Y/n leave waving with a big devilish grin.
She waved back hopping in the Uber tiredly, as the car pulled away and Harry shut the door, her phone buzzed with a text.
Harry Styles🍒
Can I come over tonight?
Y/n felt a big grin overtake her face. 
what on earth for mr. styles?
Harry Styles🍒
Didn’t get to give a you proper goodbye, did I?
Y/n blushed with a small laugh as she typed back. 
see u at eight
Harry Styles🍒
See you then Baby X
Y/n bit her lip. What had she gotten herself into?
oh and bring snacks 
and that new film u were raving about to niall
Harry Styles🍒
Ok, done. See you tonight. XX
Y/n felt her cheeks heat up similar to last in the kitchen. This was not the Harry she knew, but she didn’t have it in her to complain. She saw flashes of last night of them together and squirmed in her seat.
‘💗💗’ She replied.
When she put her phone down in her lap and stared out at the window she sighed to herself, knowing she was completely done for. Harry had ruined her, she'd never be able to stop thinking about him and last night. However, she had very few complaints about it. Her phone buzzed yet again. She checked it.
Harry Styles🍒 hearted your message.
She smiled even more and shut her eyes, head resting against the leather seat, as she wondered if he was smiling this big too.
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Hi Desi ! Can i ask you who is stray kids would date a woc of different ethnicities ? Thank you :)
Oop! 😳 Time to spill some more tea then 🤭
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MTL to date a WOC outside of Korea in Stray Kids:
(According to my pendulum, based off of their current energy / preferences)
Bang Chan
Lee Know
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Top row:
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Left is Bang Chan, center is I.N, and right is Felix
Bang chan's reasoning for being third most likely is because he's very sexually enticed by woc outside of his race. They peak his interest and finds them attractive. I am pretty sure he's been with them before. Some of you guys might not want to hear this but it's giving he wants to soar his oats with just about anybody 🫣. I'm not really getting any romantic feelings, so he seems non committal or he would date a foreigner, but would really have to think about if he'd marry one. He's not really mature yet long term for a cross cultural or interracial relationship. Bang Chan is still ignorant in some areas of other cultures (he just wants to fuck 🥱). It's just giving like he is aware of other people's culture and then when dating someone who's not from the same culture, it's like he think would make a better partner than someone hasn't before. A know it all who doesn't really know it all ifykwim. When its like he can't hold any of his relationships down, he constantly searches for new beginnings or the next thing sexually (for any Bang Chan fans ready to fight don't be arguing with me on anon in my inbox!!! This is his energy for now, he's in his fuckboy era, do not put the blame on me for this! Sometimes we won't always hear the most pure or positive messages about our faves and that is okay)
Ngl I.N surprised me 😳 even though I did channeled before that his future spouse was someone that had dual citizenships (Korean and British). I was pleased to hear what his response was on dating a woc outside of his country or race. I.N's view on dating a woc that isn't Korean is quite positive. He shows admiration for them and has more pure intentions than I would say in comparison to Bang Chan (💀 I mean no shade??? but eh, I said what I said). I.N would be very supportive and willing to learn about his partner's culture or traditions. He honestly wouldn't care as long as they have similar family structures. I.N is rebellious by nature, so he just cares about his happiness and the happiness of his loved ones.
Felix's reasoning for being most likely to date a woc is given the fact he feels like he is an outsider in his own country and culture as well. He is Korean, but doesn't feel Korean enough? Felix resonates more with how he grew up in Australia and misses that lifestyle. There is water here and what seems like a beach. Felix could outpour a lot of love towards people that are different from him now and doesn't judge based off of racial stereotypes. Being able to travel overseas and meet new people has allowed him to open his mind and broaden his horizons. It's almost as if he was limiting himself in some areas (caring too much about labels, what's Korean, what's not Korean, what makes him Australian or what doesn't make him Australian). Controversial maybe??? Felix could feel more loved and respected by woc outside of Korea (I laughed I'm sorry 💀). There is a cultural difference so maybe they are more expressive with their love language where as in Korea they show it differently (I.E: a foreign woc might be affectionate and show physical touch, where a Korean woman would exchange gifts). Felix's view on dating woc could be more so a romantic fantasy or he likes the relationships he's seen in movies, television, or music videos. I channeled this before in a reading for him but I always think of Harry Styles and his Grammy's performance for "As It Was" to be his ideal romance. (Felix fr just as delulu as the rest of us LMAOOO 🤧)
Middle row:
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Left is Changbin, center is Seungmin, and right is Han
Changbin is down for whatever honestly 💀. He's not the type to search for love but more so takes action only if he wants to experience it. He's romantic in general so if anyone could handle him and his quirks, then he's happy. Changbin would be very charming. I feel like he just needs the opportunity to meet a woc? I don't think he's ever dated a woc outside of Korea fr. "I had the plan, I just needed the platform" type of energy 🤣
Seungmin would be a hot mess I'm sorry 💀 I'm not even gonna sugarcoat it. It's like he wants to but he's not doing it based off of realistic decisions. It's more so he has an idea of what it's like to date a woc outside of Korea, but he's not focusing on the sentimental value of what it means to be in a relationship. Seungmin is very picky in general and makes romantic decisions based off of his illusions (another delulu??? Free the Virgos please). So because of his high expectations he would not be able to form long lasting connections. Also woc could be turned off by his behavior as well, they would most likely call him out or reject him because he's not mature enough. They won't tolerate it. Seungmin would just get his feelings hurt but it would be his own fault for being so damn sassy all the time 😂. He is stubborn though, so he would keep trying until he learns his lesson and also he finds the right person who can match his energy. The person he dates would require a looooot of patience because he is not easy to deal with. Very chaotic energy, but funny!
The reason Han is one of the members who is least likely is because he is more shy and introverted. So going up to a person and asking them out in general is not his thing. If Han were to date a woc that wasn't Korean, he'd have to be most likely friends first. "I have anxiety bruh." (💀). He'd want to take his time and get to know the person regardless of what their race is. I don't think he has much of a preference, it's just about who he's attracted to within that time. Han would be protective of his partner though and would express his love through gifts, money, etc.
Bottom row:
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Left is Hyunjin & right is Lee Know
Hyunjin for being one of the members who is least likely to date a non-Korean woc is because he is very traditional. Whenever I do readings regarding his love life he always makes this very clear. He finds some woc (yes I said some because it's not a large number of woc he likes💀) beautiful, but it's not something he wants to go through all the trouble for. Too tedious for his liking. Hyunjin's fanbase is mostly in Korea as well so he could focus more on that because that is the attention he is used to getting from, so he cares more about catering to his fans, his family's expectations, as well as his own personal preferences. It's like he's not closed off to the idea, but Hyunjin doesn't like change. He prefers to stick to what he knows and situations that are predictable. To try being in a cross cultural or interracial relationship, it would make Hyunjin really anxious, nervous, and uncomfortable, because it is a type of environment he is not used to. I can say for sure say he's only ever dated a woman who was Korean or of Asian descent. Hyunjin would have to work on his confidence and care more about his own thoughts than other people's thoughts in order to be with a woc that wasn't Korean.
Lee Know is somewhat similar to Hyunjin's response, with a nicer approach. In his opinion, he feels like it requires courage to be in a relationship with a woc outside of Korea. He believes people who date someone that isn't the same race as them go through a lot of hardship. Channeled message: "I think if I was a father and my child looked like me, or looked like me a little less because they had features like their mama, whether their skin was maybe darker or their hair was a different texture. People would be very cruel and it would make me very upset as a dad. It's not a easy route to take. Maybe in the future when I am more brave I will think about it, as for now I am okay with being a coward!" (PLS 💀)
I hope you guys enjoyed this reading! I will be forming my own harem with these 4, take care besties 💋
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blouisparadise · 2 years
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Upon request, today we have a rec list of BL fics where Harry is a bit of a fuckboy. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog the post to spread the word.
Happy reading!
1) Every Time That You Get Undressed (I Hear Symphonies In My Head) | Explicit | 12009 words
Note: This fic has mentions of BH.
An AU in which Harry is the typical frat boy who doesn't believe in love but falls for the insecure mess that is Louis. 
2) Deflower Me | Explicit | 20154 words
Louis is a proud virgin, and no matter how much society tries to make him feel like a freak for not acting on his natural urges, he doesn't suffer from his lack of experience. He has never felt drawn to someone in a way that made him want to get involved sexually with them, and he isn't planning on rushing himself so he can get some because people think it's what he should do.
In walks Fratboy, the Serial Haunter of His (wet) Dreams, who thankfully has a little business going on that might be just what Louis needs.
3) The Way The Storm Blows | Explicit | 21649 words
Louis doesn’t have a habit of thinking about Harry’s dick.
That would be weird, seeing as they’re best mates, and they share a flat, and they’ve spent holidays at each other’s family homes. Their friendship hasn’t ever risen to a point where Louis should want to see his mate’s dick, and he’s happy to keep it that way.
Except, all that Louis can think about is exactly that. The size of it. The shape. The amount of people it’s been in.
Maybe it’s the tequila talking, or the fact that Louis’ just recently walked in to an eyeful of Harry taking turns on some slags that he’s never seen before, but. Louis’ mind can’t stop obsessing over the idea.
4) Even The Best Laid Plans | Explicit | 25190 words
Louis wants to have sex with someone and decides Harry is the perfect alpha for the job.
5) Up To No Good | Explicit | 26525 words | Sequel #1 | Sequel #2
Harry doesn’t think of himself as a womanizer, not at all. Sure, he enjoys sex, enjoys how women feel underneath him, and by some people’s standards he has sex with quite a lot of people, but that’s no reason to tell him that he can’t have a female PA anymore.
It’s especially no excuse for giving him a male PA who’s possibly the most gorgeous boy in the world who won’t even let Harry look at him for too long.
Sometimes Harry hates his life.
6) Pretenses That Bind | Explicit | 27560 words
Harry’s the school’s playboy. Everyone wants to fuck him and be him. Teachers and parents are no exception. Louis is gorgeous and a year below him. He’s known for being funny and kind and an all around nice guy. He’s been lusting after Harry for years now, just like everyone else. But he see’s what other people don’t, and he knows there’s more to Harry than meets the eye. He’s dying to uncover the layers that make up Harry Styles.
7) Fake It Till You Make It | Explicit | 28777 words
After a serious error in judgement causes Harry to lie to his frat brothers about being in a relationship, he begrudgingly enlists his best friend’s omega roommate to help keep up the charade. There’s only one small issue…
8) If Ignorance Be Bliss | Explicit | 30429 words
Uni AU: Harry is too experienced, and Louis just wants to get to experience him.
9) Nicotine | Explicit | 32345 words | Sequel
“We’re two different types of people, Liam. He likes sex and drugs, I like theater and tea. Trust me, we’d never date.” Except they would, they do, and neither of them plans on letting go anytime soon.
10) Sleeping On Our Problems | Explicit | 67429 words
Louis sleeps with Harry and they have more than just catching feelings to worry about.
11) Where You Lay | Explicit | 86038 words
When Louis's upcoming heat threatens his success at his new dream job, he asks the best (and only) person he can think of to help him through it: his best mates' best mate, Harry Styles.  Harry reluctantly accepts, and together the two navigate a strange friends with benefits relationship that quickly turns complicated.
12) Baby Heaven’s In Your Eyes | Explicit | 120925 words
A sixth form!AU where Harry is the fucked up bad boy with too many problems, Louis is the perfect rich boy with too much money and their schools are right across from each other. They meet at a party and that’s the last (and maybe the only) thing they need.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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chaos0pikachu · 1 year
I can't believe Mew is fully in his Wattpad protag era right now living out his "I can fix the fuckboi with my bussy" dreams like he's the lead in a Harry Styles bad boy y/n novel
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statementlou · 7 months
Hi, I know your acc is dedicated to Louis but are you not a fan of Harry and his music too (or any of the other boys' for that matter)? Also, I was wondering if 'coincidences' like Dylan having a song called 'You're Not Harry Styles' on her discography are just those for you? Coincidences I mean. I can absolutely understand that you or others aren't sure that they are still together, but when stuff like this happens I do wonder what you think of it?
case by case! some stuff I absolutely think is on purpose, some stuff that people go bananas over I think is literally nothing, something they won't even be aware of or care about, some stuff I think does suggest they are still together, but I also think they both definitely play to the larry side of the fandom sometimes but that that DOESN'T necessarily mean anything other than that they are playing to the fans so that muddies the waters considerably as far as knowing anything about their lives (and good for them! sad for us lol but I'm happy for them). As far as fanning, I am still invested in the whole damn gang of them but with very varying placements along the line from unconditional love to frustrated irritation so I'm interested in everything that's going on and super nosy about all of it but is that being a FAN?? IDK by fandom standards but otoh like... no normal person knows as much about Harry Styles as I do so I guess you could say so lol. And I do like Harry's music! It's not as tailor made to my exact personal tastes as Louis' but I like a lot of it and like seeing him at the forum in 2018 was one of the best shows I've been to in my life, I don't hate it you know! And he can be very funny on the rare occasion we get to see it. And I love a lot of Zayn's music (and have a lot of affection for his weirdo fuckboi self) and to be honest I am EXTREMELY invested in the possibility of getting to see Zayn perform at some point be it livestream or whatever I really think it might happen?!! I will lose it if so. Liam's music, and Niall's these days, isn't really my thing, but I'm always keeping up and I can't give Liam the hugs he so desperately needs so I hope he gets his radio hit! So idk I'm still OT5 oriented in some ways but there is only one man in this world who never disappoints me/ I would give it all up for/ I actually truly think is one of the world's rarest and specialist angels/ I think is a music and business and just general industry genius of his time/ has the prettiest voice I have ever heard/ etc and I think we all know who that is...
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goongiveusnothing · 10 months
If harries are blamimg kid harpoon for writing that song, harry is still not off the hook. He was ok to sing it; record it and have it put in the vault (for later usage if necessary,). Therefore he approves of it.
Nice try harries!
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obsessedwithitall · 7 months
My Favourite Things I've Read this Week - 6th March 2024
🌶=smut 🍌=no direct smut but mentions/implications 🌸= fluff 😡=angst 🤓=silly/humour
Tattoo!Harry piercing his girlfriends nipples 🍌
By @cupid-styles
Eddie Munson x Soft girly reader 🌶🌸
Reader's jock boyfriend broke up with her but Eddie Munson is nice to her squishmellows by @hard-candy-writing
Cat And Mouse 🌶🌶
Eddie Munson stealing your things and you leaving them out for him to take by @xxbimbobunnyxx
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold
Part 1 of reader trying to get revenge on fuckboy!Eddie for her friend and every other girl he's fucked over by @belokhvostikova
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sparklyoats · 4 months
A fuckboy will always break your heart - Harry Styles.
Summary: Summary: Hooking up with one of your friends couldn’t possibly do much damage in the friend group, right?
Word count: 1.5k.
Part one.
Life had continued on since the party and everything that went on there. Of course it had. I mean, why would the world stop just because I wasn’t feeling great ?
Even the weather had been great, lots of sunshine. Which was nice for my walks to and from work. But the lovely weather also brought along happy people. Happy, loving, friend groups, or couples. It was as if the universe was taunting me, laughing at me.
It had been a few weeks already. I hadn’t spoken to either of them. Sure they had tried to reach out. Mostly Sigrid, of course. It was as if she had no idea of what had went wrong. The first week she had messaged me as she normally would. Letting me know of all the drama that had went on, either at work or in the friend group. Not even once during that week had she even asked how I was doing or even wondered why I wasn’t responding. At least that’s how it seemed. It wasn’t until I sent a message back telling her I needed some space.
‘Wait. What. Why ?’ she had sent back.
I couldn’t even bring myself to tell her the truth. Eventually I just told her that work had been crazy lately. Because it had. But that obviously wasn’t why I needed space.
A few weeks ago she had been the wonderful host of a party for our friend group. I say ‘our’, but really it’s hers. I’m really only a part of it because of her. And of course, for someone that’s never really had more than one or two friends at the time, it was lovely to be part of. But now I was alone again.
The party had been good for me. The alcohol made me loosen up a bit, as it usually did. The dancing made me happy. But I had never thought the night would end the way it did. I had stayed back at Sigrid’s place as everyone else went out to continue partying. I had slept a bit it seemed, because at 3am I woke up in Sigrid’s bedroom. There had been some noise from the living room waking me up, and I had ventured out to see what it was. I had never in my wildest imagination though I would see what went on before me in that living room. Harry and Sigrid on the sofa, making out.
It had startled me, and in my panic I had left in a hurry.
Now it was a few weeks later and I finally felt ready to talk to Sigrid. I had had time to think, and came to the conclusion that I at least should let her know what was going on with and maybe even let her explain herself. Not necessarily for her sake, but i wanted to know. Had it been a spur of the moment thing, or had she had feelings all along. I needed to know.
So here I was, sat at a table for two outside of a café, waiting.
I had messaged Sigrid yesterday, letting her know that I wanted to see her. To talk. And she had agreed to meet.
I had already ordered a glass of white wine, half of it already drunken. Of course. I was nervous. Picking at my nails, and one of my legs was bouncing up and down slightly, as I awaited her arrival. As i picked up the wine glass to take another sip, i noticed her making her way towards the gate that lead in to the little garden space i was sitting in. She waved cheerfully with a grin as she made her way, zig zagging between the other tables, and eventually she made it to ours. “Hey gorgeous.” She said as she gave me a slight squeeze on my shoulder.
“Hi Sig.”
We sat in silence for a bit as Sigrid looked through the menu for a drink for herself.
“I will have the Rosé, please.” She told the waiter.
“And I will have another white, please.” I added.
As the waiter left with our orders, Sigrid took off her sunglasses and laid them neatly beside her purse on the table.
“So… How have you been?” She asked. I could tell she was nervous. Didn’t really know what to do or say. I was nervous as well. I had tried to think everything over in my head. Trying to figure out how to let it all out. To say it right.
“I have been okay… Life has been a bit busy lately… so… yeah…”
She looked at me, waiting for me to say more, but as I didn’t, she added.
“Yes, you mentioned…” With an annoyed expression on her face. It was always like this between us. At least when I wasn’t feeling well. I would go quiet and she would have to pry it out of me. It annoyed her. I knew that. And I really did try. Especially today.
“I saw you. That night.” I looked up at her to try and see how she would react. Confused, she said.
“What ? What night ?… can you please just tell me what it is ? Im not a fucking mind reader Y/n.”
Now I was annoyed. I knew she was right, of course I did. But it still annoyed me. I took a deep breath.
“I saw the two of you on the sofa that night. After your party… “ I said and looked down at my hands that were resting on the table yet picking away at the nail beds. I decided to take a sip of my wine, a big one, before carrying on.
“Remember the party you hosted ?” She nodded.
“Remember how I stayed back at your place to sleep as you all went out?” She nodded again.
“ Well, I woke up in the middle of the night to some noise coming from the living room, so I ventured out to see what it was. And that’s when I saw the two of you on the sofa making out. And i just… “
She interrupted.
“ Of course we were on the sofa. You were sleeping in my bed.” She said, grinning.
“What’s this got to do with anything?” She continued.
I looked at her, slightly surprised.
“Um, well… I mean… I just… I don’t understand why you would even do that in the first place… you knew I liked him… “
Now she was the one surprised.
“Who exactly do you think I was with that night, Y/n?” A small smile on her face letting me know that she knew exactly what I had been thinking. She continued
“I met that guy down at the pub, darling… maybe he looked similar to Harry in the dark. I don’t know. But I surely would never go after him. He is not my type at all and you should really know that by now.” She laughed. I joined her in laughing. My face red, either it be from blushing or the alcohol, I didn’t really know or care. “Oh my god… Sig, I’m sorry.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. Just please don’t take so long to tell me… next time, I mean.” She said reassuringly.
“You got it.” We both raised our glasses and cheered. “So, do tell… What have you been up to these last few weeks?” I asked.
I felt so stupid to believe she would ever do something like that to me. I mean, this was Sigrid. My best friend since forever. The one who taught me basically everything. Okay, maybe not everything. But she’s always been there for me.
Sigrid had told me what else had went on after the group went out without me. Apparently Maria had gotten so drunk she had puked outside the pub as they got there, so they sent her home in a taxi. Not unusual of her, really. Also, Matthias and Lina had apparently hooked up. Surprisingly. But looking back, maybe not such a surprise after all.
The biggest surprise though was Harry. Apparently he had been quiet and moody the entire time. Why that was, Sigrid didn’t know. We both knew he could be like that sometimes, but no one ever really got him to talk about what was going on. He always either stayed quiet or pretended everything was okay and talked about anything else.
I suppose in that way we were quite similar.
“Hey Y/n… I have an idea.” She looked at me with an excited expression on her face. Oh dear, I thought. “Do tell…” I said rather comprehensive.
“Maybe it would be good for you to move on… don’t look at me like that, just hear me out.” She said. “I’m going to set you up on a blind date.” She said. “And it’s not up for a discussion.” She added. Blushing, I figured why the hell not. I raised my glass, “Cheers, to moving on.”
Authors note:
Thank you for reading! If you like my writing do feel free to reblog and like - and please let me know if you'd like a part three
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@jaded-and-hollow-souls @scorpiotulipicon @lomlhstyles @gem1712 @tylerstacobell @happypoptart @behindmygreyeyes @mysteriouslydecaffeinatedfox @luvingthingstherightway @thiyaabs @be-with-me-so-happily @blepskies @abihst91
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joe9cool · 2 years
Collide-Justin Herbert-26
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A/N: I do not know or associate The Chargers or anyone affiliated with them. This is fanfiction. Also you do not have permission to copy or post my work anywhere else. Thank you
Abu Dhabi was an interesting place. 
Sara met her team on the plane and they began the long flight. Everything had been cleared by security and their visa's were approved. That was the nice thing about having a manager and assistant.
When they arrived. It was early morning, and while normally they would have time to settle in, Sara was rushed to the set where she had an introduction to everyone. (She hugged Timothee hard) then the director came and asked her if she had any questions about the script. He wanted her to go over a bit with Austin Butler. She had to laugh when he came to her trailer to introduce himself to her and Erika, as her best friend was trying hard to keep her cool.
They went over their lines before they were called to do some testing photos for promotion. The movie's pr team wanted them to give the appearance of a family friendly set. As Sara and Austin spoke, Timothee joined them, as the set photographer took photos for them to post on their social media.
Then it was a dress rehearsal to make sure Sara's costumes fit. Since she was going to be playing a princess, her outfits ranged from simple and elegant, as well as regal and extravagant. Some minor alterations had to be fixed as Sara's training for the fashion show made her body more toned.
In between fittings, Sara was flipping back and forth between the script and trying to figure out when the game vs the Broncos would be on. It was going to be difficult, but Sara was determined to make it work. She remembered to message Justin that she landed, however it was probably late in Los Angeles, so he wouldn't see it until she was probably asleep.
This was going to be a test of their relationship.
Message from anon: Did you see this post? From deumoxi instagram 
Blind item: big time Hollywood actress from steel city is involved with an NFL quarterback in California. Wonder how her business focused family is taking this?
I think Sara Wozniak is seeing Justin, or at least there is/was something going on. They both follow each other, have the same group of friends.
Answer: Jeez anon, we've talked about it. It's a follow, all evidence we've seen has linked him to Taylor. As a matter of fact Taylor just posted she's rooting for the Chargers.
Anon: oh my god let it go. He's not seeing Sara, she isn't his type. She's obnoxious and fame seeking.
Answer: I can see her not being his type, but I don't get the fame seeking? She stays pretty lowkey compared to another ex of his. 
Anon: the fact that everyone treats this as another girl. She's SARA WOZNIAK, Oscar nominated, funny, smart woman. She has tons of friends, is a social butterfly. She does tons of charity work. She is wayyyy out of his league. She doesn't want a homebody, twenty four year old fuckboy. Her ex is Harry Styles, talk about a downgrade if she was with Justin.
Answer: . That's all I'm going to say.
Sara was exhausted.
It was 1:40am and she was in her hotel room watching the game. She got back from another long day of filming. They were doing the difficult scenes first. So it was physically and mentally tough on her. She got back to her trailer at 11pm, closed her eyes for an hour, and then got up to eat a snack and turn on the game on her phone.
She still wanted to support the guys, even though in her personal opinion it was stupid to play the starters when they really had nothing to play for. Justin didn't like hearing that, but it's true.
So far seeing Mike carted off and Joey limping, Sara shook her head. She liked Staley, but she could understand the fans frustration with him. Joe had no problem expressing his anger while she was texting him. She was fighting off sleep, even though she would regret it when her alarm went off in a few hours.
The game was now tied and she was upset that Justin was still playing. Why would you risk getting your star quarterback injured? It was probably Justin’s doing as well, the man was committed to football and didn't want to go off the field for nothing, even during injury.
Even millions or miles away she wanted to kill her boyfriend.
She dozed off somewhere during halftime. Her alarm woke her up and the knock of the door signaling the driver was there to take her to the set. In a hurry, she got up and jumped in the shower. Running around, she managed to get to the set on time for hair and makeup. Her phone was dead, so she handed it to Erika to charge.
Unfortunately her tiredness interfered with her work. It was an off day for her and the director expressed frustration with certain faces she made, a couple times she found herself fighting off yawns, which Unfortunately were caught. At one point Alex pulled her aside. "You need to get it together, you don't need any distractions. I don't know why you were up late, but you might need to go back on sleeping pills.
She was right, as much as she loved Justin, he was probably focused on his career,and she needed to be focused on hers. During a quick break, she quickly downed a black coffee and took a caffeine pill, her heart was racing and sure it was stupid and dangerous but she needed this.
It worked though, as the drug kicked in she found herself filming her scenes with ease, and the production team improved. During lunch Austin approached her. "Hey good job, don't worry about it earlier. Timothee got bitched out twice because he kept forgetting the desert scene." She laughed "yeah that sounds like him. I'm fine I just stayed up late, the time different just got to me."
Austin smiled. "The good news is that we are ahead of schedule. So maybe we get to go home a little earlier than expected."
She laughed again. "Yeah but I'll be back in LA with the fashion show at the end of the month, and then in February I will be in Paris doing press work." Austin nodded in understanding. "Our job never ends." They laughed, soon Timothee joining them for some more set pictures.
Once Sara got back to the trailer she was ready to drop. Erika handed her phone back and she opened all of Justin's messages. It was the usual talking about the game, he updated her on Mike and Joey's status. She replied back, even though he would be sleeping, that she missed him and loved him, and that he made her proud despite the loss. Surprisingly he messaged her back that he loved and missed her and promised he'd give her updates on Bosa and Williams. She smiled as Erika rolled her eyes in a teasing matter.
Taylor stared at the screenshot of the deumoxi post. There was only one quarterback that popped up in her head. There was no way The Sara Wozniak was seeing Justin. Granted, she was at Chargers games, but her good friend had a private suite and was a season ticket holder. Plus what about the blonde's he had been spotted with. No offense, but girls like Sara wouldn't be okay with a guy playing the field.
Maybe she was putting too much thought into it. There was Jimmy G, who had the hearts of millions of women. He was close in age to Sara, and more her type. So that would make more sense. It has to, Jimmy would fit the persona of a Hollywood starlets boyfriend. He would be on her arm at the red carpet events, not Justin. Justin would never date someone who had that level of fame. That's right, it made more sense that Sara was seeing Jimmy.
However as Taylor sat in her office, she had a feeling that she was wrong. She grabbed her phone and clicked on Sara's follow list. There was Justin, but not the 49ers quarterback. She did notice that there was Kenny Pickett, Joe Burrow, and some others in her following. She went on Justin's profile and saw that he was following Sara as well as the rest of the shows cast.
That doesn't mean they are dating though, they share mutual friends. She is at games, they probably haven't spoken to each other. Sara only knows him as the Quarterback. Taylor thought
Still, if Sara found him attractive she could easily get any man. But Justin wasn't any man.
"Taylor, any new reports?" Taylor broke her trance and looked up at her co-worker, who was staring at her in confusion. She laughed. "I'm sorry, I spaced out."
"Are you okay?" She nodded. "I'm just tired." He nodded, she continued. "So far nothing yet."
He walked away and she took a sip of coffee. "Focus Taylor." She whispered.
There was no way Justin and Sara were a thing. She is everything he is against.
She didn't feel confident in the reasoning
"How is Abu Dhabi?" Justin had her on speaker as he was getting ready to head to the facilities. Despite the 12 hour time difference they still manage to squeeze in phone calls in between the texts messages and photos they would send. Of course, Sara's photos were alot more interesting than his. The scenery was gorgeous. She made him swear to secrecy that he wouldn't release any set photos she snuck of her in her outfits, he rolled his eyes at that, which he knew she knew. "It's gorgeous, but warm, you know I hate that." He laughed, his girlfriend never failing to vocalize her taste for hot weather.
"I know you do, trust me, it's not fun practicing outside when camp starts." She hummed. "I'm sorry you have a shortened schedule this week. I don't think it's fair."
"Yeah, but that's what the league wants, and we just have to adapt, but I'm confident in the team." From all the way across the world Sara rolled her eyes. "I see you're in media mode already." He laughed as he got in his car. He sent a message to his manager to make sure to check on Nova, although she would probably be busy in her tower. As if his girlfriend knew the Bengal was on his mind. "How's Nova been?"
"She's been good, she misses you though. But she's been getting plenty of exercise on the wheel. Although I had to put it downstairs so I don't hear it at three am." He muttered and she laughed. "Well I was reading up on the breed and they are high energy cats. They are close to a dog you know." He smiled. "I know, I think that's why I subconsciously chose that breed."
"Oh you need a dog!" Justin groaned. She had been pestering about a dog since she became obsessed with Dylan. "Why don't you get a dog." He told her. She sighed. "I mean, I thought about it, especially during the pandemic. But I think with this upcoming schedule I have to put it off til next year."
"I don't think a dog will really ever fit in my lifestyle with the schedule and games."
Sara tried not to let her mind wander to the future, maybe one day they could own a dog together. "I love Golden retrievers." She admitted. Justin laughed "I like labs, good, hardworking dogs you can take fishing."
"Well they have retriever in them, so they are good helper dogs." After a pause she laughed. "I was on a dog's 101 YouTube page." Justin laughed. "You and your YouTube rabbit holes." He would always glance at her screen and find her watching the most random things. Sometimes he found himself telling her to connect it to the television so they could watch together.
The rest of the phone call she explained other deep dives she went on, before she was called to set. "I'll call you tonight." He smiled. "Promise?" She laughed. "Promise. I love you."
"I love you too, have a good day on set."
"So wait what happened?" Justin was laughing as Sara retold the story. Timothee apparently blurted out the wrong line, and the director didn't notice until he and others pointed it out.
He was getting ready for bed while she was on break. The time difference seemed to work out well so far. It had only been a week, but Justin was counting down the days when she would be back in Los Angeles. The fashion show was Sunday the 5th of February, and her plane was landing on the 27th, however she would be in rehearsal and the Amazon cameras would be following the process of the fashion show before going live. Sara did find a couple times where she could break away to see him, but it would have to be at her place. Which was fine, but Erika would be there as well.
"Can you bring Nova over?" Justin rolled his eyes. "You're only coming home to see my cat?" She laughed. "And what about it?" "Get your own cat."
"Wait a minute, first we discussed a dog, now a cat? Are we making an animal shelter?" The comment had an innuendo behind it. She didn't mean to, but she was curious about what he would say. "I mean, we both love animals." It made her smile. "I think I want a Bengal like Nova."
He snorted. "Good luck, they are a pain in the ass to train." He looked over at the cat on his pillow and scratched her head. "Isn't that right?" Sara laughed.
He decided to switch topics. So are you ready for the fashion show?" She sighed. "I'm nervous. It's live, and if I make any mistakes there's no redo. Plus I'm walking with models! Justin, actual supermodels like Bella, and AnnSophie, and Gigi."
"But there are some others. Kelce's ex is supposed to be there." He paused. "I looked up the list."
"Yeah he's supposed to be there too, so I don't know if he's an ex or what. A couple of other football players are going since one of the programs is teams. " there was a pause and justin had to ask "Is anyone else for you going?" He knew her family was out of the question. She sighed on the other end. "Alisha is going, as well as Samira, but that's for me and AnnSophie, she has her parents cause Lexi is with George for that week. So to answer your questions, no I don't have anyone."
Justin paused. In a split decision he blurted out. "I could maybe go hangout with Kelce and some other guys if I'm not still in the playoffs."
He couldn't see, but Sara's jaw dropped. Him attending a public event? Where people might speculate if they even look at each other? "Justin, I'd love it if you came! I can make sure you come in through the back way and we don't even have to attend the after party." Justin smiled. "I don't want you to miss it because of me. I know you love the people performing." She laughed. "Justin, I can see them anytime. Come on, it will be fun, we can sneak away" He smiled. 
"I'd love that."
"Erika, do you have midol by any chance?" Sara was groaning in her set chair waiting for the director to call for her scene. She had woken up this morning to her monthly gift. She was always early or on time, except that one time in October where she was two days late, she almost had Erika run to the rite aid only for it to come the next day. She hadn't told Justin because he had been on the road, plus it worked out so there was no reason to alarm him.
Erika came running into the room. "I got something wayyyy better she squealed!" Sara looked over confused. "A doctor to rip my uterus out?"
"Oh my god sis, have you not checked your messages? Oh wait only if it's from Justin." Before Sara could bite back Erika kept with the point. "Your agent called! Anna Wintour wants you to be on the Cover of June Vogue!" Sara got up faster than usual and screamed, catching the attention of those around her. "No fucking way" Erika nodded and the best friends tightly hugged. "I'm so proud of you Sara, I know how much you wanted this." It was true, while she had been on the covers of international vogue, this was a big deal. It was Vogue magazine, something she dreamed of when she was in college, her first acting gig, when things took off and people began noticing her. She pulled back and Erika was still smiling. "That's not all!"
Sara was confused. What else could there be?" As on cue her phone rang and she pulled it out of her friends hand to see it was the producers of her show. She answered it and put it on speaker. "You're on speaker"
"Oh good I did the time conversion correctly." She laughed, Finn was one of the main producers, a man in his fifties who had been pitching shows for a while with no luck until now. "You could have just Googled it." He laughed. "That isn't a challenge."
"Is there something important about the show?" Finn laughed. "Why I'm calling to inform you and the rest of the cast that the nominations just dropped for the SAGs and guess what baby! We are nominated! And you Missy, is nominated for Best Actress in a Dramedy!"
Sara screamed again. After discussing the details of the awards which her team was working on as well as a schedule to make a dress. (Designers were already reaching out about making a dress) her castmates all called her as well. She just got a message
I'm proud of you baby- Justin
She teared up. I miss you, I love you.
She couldn't wait til the 27th
"So I hear you are a fellow SAG nominee," she looked up and saw Austin smiling at her. She nodded, "yes and congratulations to you too Mr. Presley." He laughed, he had been down since the death of Elvis' daughter, who he just attended the Golden Globes with. It was nice to see him smiling again.
Before anything else could be said they were called back to set.
So far the twelve hour difference was working out as well as one could hope.
Sara was up at 5am waiting for the game to start. She sent her usual 'good luck' message to Justin then Patrick was messaging her.
It was such a good game so far. She managed to get to halftime before she had to get to set. They were flying through the scenes and they were ahead of schedule. Of course, anything can happen, but right now it was looking good.
As Erika and Sara arrived on set she was glued to her phone. So much so that Timothee kept trying to get her attention "hey!" Sara looked up and Erika snickered. "She's absorbed in her boyfriend's football game"
Sara's eyes widened as Timothee smiled. "Get out. Sara you're seeing someone?" Before she could respond he laughed. "I knew it! Those guys' clothes in your closet when we were getting ready for Virgil's party."
"So who is he?" Timothee came around to look at the screen." Sara pulled away, looking around to see if anyone was near she whispered "He is the quarterback."
"The what?" He whispered back. She rolled her eyes. He didnt know shit about football. "Just don't say anything. Unlike a big mouth." She glared at Erika who was sheepish. "I'm sorry! I can't keep up with who knows or not."
Sara shook her head. She was getting nervous. The Jags were catching up and this Lawrence dude was better than the first half. Unfortunately, she had to put the phone down to head into hair and makeup.
Deuxmoxi instagram
Word on the Dune 2 set is that an A list actress who signed on for the sequel has a new boyfriend she is trying to keep on the DL. He is athletic.
Taylor Biscotti on twitter.
The hair is flowing between Justin and Trevor on this Saturday night game! Who you got?
Twitteruser1 @/TaylorBiscotti your guy obviously
Twitteruser2 @/taylorbiscotti wish you were there to cheer him on. —---------------------------------------------------------------
Sara was going to be sick
How the fuck did this team blow a lead, she checked the score on a break and it was down to the wire.
She held her breath while looking at the Google updates. It was 3 seconds. Do or fucking die.
The kick was good.
The Chargers were out. The Jags came back.
Sara wanted to cry. She didn't know what to do. She knew Justin was nowhere near his phone and he wouldn't be for a while.
She just kept it short
When you need me I'm here, I love you and I'm proud of you no matter what.
Warning, the drama will kick off next chapter. I don’t think you guys are going to like me much once the next chapter drops. 
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flhoarder · 1 year
Calling you JV the way you say 'don't make me seem like a Lana fan' and then give him *Fishtail* instead of a more popular one <3
(which if anything in this hypothetical modern day billboard 100 AU is possibly even more incriminating than him doing Young and Beautiful or something he can just blame as a random earworm from the radio because they kept playing it)
Also potentially cursed version of that ask, new karaoke place, but they (if you want to do the rest of 41st as well go ahead) only have the top 10 pop singles from like 2000s onwards. What songs are they singing (or forcing themselves to sing). Who demostrates their Lady Gaga knowledge, pulls out some quickly forgotten 2005 hit, or reveals apparently the only popular songs they know are Gangnam style and Pineapple pen of all things ect.
...Okay, Norman and Ocean Blvd are pretty cool. And possibly Chemtrail. Possibly. And Lust for Life. IM NOT A FAN
Aha it is cursed and I like this a lot, upon first glance it's embarrassing how many of these songs I can still sing along to
...Alright then, 41 C wing (supposedly and mostly, anyway) karaoke. A handful of people agreed to go. Pryce is paying. They left the station all at the same time but somehow some of them are still late.
Sorted by the order of their arrival time:
McCoy: First one to arrive because he has discipline and he makes his partner do a song with him. Threatens to do WAP but no one is surprised by the choice of song coming from fuckboy McCoy, which discourages him. He ends up doing Circus by Britney Spears and Starboy by The Weekend instead. One is a feel-good confidence boost for him, the other is just straight up truth. He is a motherfucking starboy with the highest body count in the whole building. Competition? He don't pay attention.
Vicquemare: Doesn't want to come but knows Harry's going to be here so he's here too. Annoyed that McCoy's on time but Harry isn't, even more annoyed to see McCoy doing a song with his partner. Goes on to get out a few dry lines from Show me the meaning of being lonely in the name of soundcheck before the second group come in. He's got the right vibes for the song, but he waits until Harry gets here and goes on to do Without me by Halsy, the entire time not breaking eye contact with Harry. It’s probably the most downbeat and grim version of the song anyone has ever done in history. He also doesn't hit half of the notes even after dropping 5 octaves from the original vocal but its the message that counts. The only people who don't find this unnerving are Harry and Ptolemy Pryce. Actually it’s so uncomfortable that no one even brings up the question as to how he even knows about the song, they are just happy to see him pass the mic.
Minot: Arrives with Jean. She's not against coming here but it's not one of her top 3 places to be. Thinks its a good idea to get the song out before the second group show up. Puts out a few solid lines from Formation by Beyonce before calling it good. Jean is the only one who's not surprised by how much she rocks the song and how well it works with her voice. She slays.
Kitsuragi: That's right, he's here because Harry literally called up 57 every other day for a whole week just to ask him to come. He finally caved on the 7th day and said yes to that. Does Maps by Maroon 5 and before anyone is shocked, he explains that he doesn't dedicate songs but if he had to this would be dedicated to his partner. Jean rocks back in his seat when he hears that but an insider tells him just in time that Kim is referring to his previous partner at 57. Kim drops 3 octaves from the original vocal and manages to make the song sound mournful with a hint of wistful longing. There's not a dry eye in the audience when he's done, and he knows it. (RIP, Eyes. You are missed.)
Pidieu (Jules:) Was planning on doing This I promise you by NSYNC because he's heard it way too much when he used to drive Apricot to school. Last minute changes to I want it that way by Backstreet boys, a song he's also heard way too much during that time. The reason for the change is because Apricot told him that young people nowadays actually still liked that song. Turns out she’s right and the song becomes a group effort as soon as Jules hits the *my fire* line.
Pidieu (Apricot:) New Rules by Dua Lipa, some of the boys are curious as to why she cuts into this song like nobody's business, a brave one almost jokingly requests Hips don't lie, but one look from her shuts them all up. Not everyone can handle Pryce's business like she does, and it certainly shows.
Torson: Alejandro by Lady Gaga. He says he's doing it for a joke and makes a really bad attempt at the accent, but after passing the first two lines he gets really serious about it, at the end it almost makes him choke up. He actually really likes the song, it makes him feel some kinda way. He's not afraid to admit it, there are two women that no one can make fun of in front of Mack Torson, one of them is his mum, the other one is Lady Gaga.
McLaine: Super Bass by Nicki Minaj. Somebody tell them who the fuck he IS. Its a good attempt and he gets Mack to join in on the chorus to give the song a boost. A for effort and the energy is off the fucking roof, even though he doesn't hit many notes.
Heidelstam: Is late because he had to drop Mikael off home and make dinner first. Gets on the stage and whips out Positions by Ariana Grande. He heard this song on the radio and liked the tune, played it a lot on his commute even though he couldn't make out most of the words in the song except something about kitchen and bedroom which he felt spoke to the depth of his soul. After a while he finally looked the lyrics up, it didn't change his opinion, but he doesn't play it when Mikael is in the car anymore. Anyway, he kills the song, even though there's mumbling in between where it gets a bit more explicit. Gotta appreciate a dad's attempt, though. He also benefits from having a relatively higher pitch in his voice comparing to the rest of 41.
Du Bois: When Harry gets here he's already got a bottle of red down. Crawls up the stage to sing Perfect by Ed Sheeran, dedicating the song to EVERYONE in the audience. Jean is very snarky about it but becomes visibly less annoyed after Harry mentions his name on the list of people he likes during his drunk chat on the mic. Kim doesn't comment on it, but he thinks Harry does the song solid.
Gottlieb: Shows up close to the end, off his face drunk. Chooses Swimming Pools (Drank) by Kendrick Lamar to sing. Even at his drunkest he knows his voice and knows exactly how to use it. For most people it's a tough song to do, and not many can get the song exactly right, but he does. It's not like he's going to remember this tomorrow morning, but he woos the crowd tonight.
Pryce: Oh yes. Did you think he was going to miss out on this? Sadly he has to go because Captain duties. The song he put in the queue earlier on was We R who we R by Kesha. It's not clear whether he intended to sing or just queueing it up for when the timer ran out. Don't ask.
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tomorrowandtomorow · 11 months
taylor swift writing about harry styles: yeah man he's a fuckboy who can't drive
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twopoppies · 2 years
Hi Gina! I need your help to find 3 different fics, I tried by myself but I guess I don't remember enough correct details, 'cos ao3 tags are not helping! 1 Louis works at a summer camp every summer and he has some sort of epiphany when H grows into himself. 2 They are both boxeurs and they hate each others. I'm pretty sure they're training to the World Champs. Or maybe the Olympics?? 3 They are in two different bands and L accuses H of having stolen a song from L. It's a 90's AU. Thank you!
Okay. I think this might be the first one:
Like an Endless Summer by objectlesson (E, 87K)
You just wanna go fawn over Styles as soon as possible,” Zayn grumbles.
“I do not. Plus, he probably got ugly this year. Eighteen is an awkward time...I bet he’s got acne and one of those terrible fuckboy haircuts all the hipsters are getting these days, with the shaved sides? Just watch, the first year we’re gonna get any time together is gonna be the first year I don’t have a stupid crush on him.”
Or, Louis is a riding instructor at a summer camp, and Harry is a fellow counselor who he’s been successfully managing his crush on for the last two summers. That is, until Harry shows up this year leveled up and lethal, and all Louis’s formerly perfected veneer of nonchalance melts like a popsicle in the sun.
Link is to a download
The second I don’t think I know. And I believe the third is this one:
Remember Me Fondly by kiddle (M, 74K)
“You’ve told the beginning of the story so many times. I want to hear the end.”
Louis laughed, scratching at his chin. “I can’t say I really know when the end happened.”
“How about the tour of ninety-five?”
“Alright.” Louis took a deep breath. “But it took a few steps to get there. What would you like to know?”
Penny cleared her throat.
“How did you first meet Harry Styles?”
Grunge legends Fearless Doe topped the rock charts in the ‘90s, but they spent the decade kicking Smudge off their heels. From lawsuits to jaw-dropping scandals and a surprising joint world tour, the two bands share a complicated history.
Twenty-five years later, frontmen Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles are finally ready to sit down and tell the world their two sides of the same story.
Truth may vary.
Anyone know the second fic they’re looking for? Or have a different opinion on the other two?
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wordsinhaled · 2 years
10 songs / 10 people
tagged by @notallsandmen - thank you for the tag! :D
hmmm, 10 songs, okay, let’s go!!! in no particular order, songs i’ve had on repeat lately!
1. depeche mode - in your room
2. harry styles - as it was
3. the amazing devil - fair
4. the cure - let’s go to bed
5. estampie - trotto
6. caroline rose - i took a ride
7. geographer - when will i belong - savoir adore remix
8. david buckley - the kingdom of dreams (main title)
9. geralt of rivia - both the twn version (sonya belousova/giona ostinelli) and the one from wild hunt (marcin przybyłowicz)
10. harley reid, líue - out of time (thanks to @dancinbutterfly fuckboi hob playlist for introducing me to this bop)
tagging randomly (no pressure lovely friends, only if you wish to do it!) @ghostboyjules @rooftopwreck @wizardofgoodfortune @issylra @moorishflower @ginjones @pellaaearien @queerofthedagger @dancinbutterfly @mandolinearts 😁
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