#harry is /looking/ at peter in the last panel too
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Spectacular Spider-Man #24
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 4 months
Spider-Woman, NOT Ghost-Spider
This is a tip for people who want to go as canon as possible WITH THE MOVIES, since I feel a lot of people do this mistake because they look into the comics and mix things up.
If you want to call Gwen, Ghost-Spider in your fanfic/fanart/etc because you think is cool, go ahead! Go nuts! I'm not the canon police.
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In the movies, Gwen still calls herself Spider-Woman.
An explanation as to why this is important in the read more.
(Spoilers about the Spider-Gwen comics, I guess because I am not spoiling anything that came after 2019.)
When I say "important," I mean it in the stick-it-to-the-details type of deal; if you care about technicalities you care about this, but I know that's not the majority.
However, I do want to bring it up because the reason why Gwen switched in the comics, or rather, why chose Ghost-Spider of all things- is really neat and interesting story line that I feel a lot of people skip over when they 'chose' to call her that without knowing why she chose that name.
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If you think Gwen has it rough in the movies, don't read the comics because they put this girl through the wringer.
Let's go a little bit before she chose that name.
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As you can see, Gwen feels that she has always been marked by death, some way or another.
First her mother, then Peter, and is now hitting pretty hard after losing Spider-UK (is not Hobie, or Malala, I don't think he has appeared in the movies,) Noir and Karn, though arguably Billy was the one who hit her the hardest.
She went to other dimensions to tell their love ones that Billy and Noir passed away; it is implied how this is her way to try to make amends to what happened, make peace with herself.
But is not really enough, the topic doesn't leave her mind,
Death and pain certainly follow her often; she almost lost her dad for good, and she was definitely shaken after Harry got gravely injured precisely because he was always there for her.
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That last panel never stops hitting hard for me.
There is just some quietness to it, about how no matter what she does, how hard she tried, Death continues to follow, one way or another. Even when she tries to be a hero, to do the right thing, death follows her.
In the comics, Gwen switches her name because she is studying in Earth-616 rather than her own dimension, so she switches names in order to avoid stepping in any toes.
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So, in the movies, is kind of hard to think the switch would happen. Sure, Gwen is interacting with Jessica and other spiders, but believe me, the multiple spider-man haven't changed their names, so having Jessica in the spider society doesn't change much.
However, I do bring all of this because I think implementing this story line in the movies not only is feasible, it would be *amazing.*
The phrase "Death loves Gwen Stacy," not only hits hard for the Spider-Gwen in the comics, but for the movie counterpart too.
Think about it for a second; in the movies, Gwen feels she can't have friends because otherwise, they may lose them like Peter, she has convinced herself it can't work. And then. she goes to the Spider-Society.
And now she feels Gwen Stacy and Death always go hand in hand.
She learns how in so many universes, Peter is the one bitten, he is the one who lives, while Gwen Stacy dies, over, and over again. It almost seems like she is the outlier out of spite, how because she gets to live, everyone else pays the price.
Because Death loves Gwen Stacy, powers or not, that's not changing.
But at the end of the day-
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And that's why, no matter what, she will continue fighting to protect her people.
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casp1an-sea · 4 months
Cassander “Cas” Armyn My Spidersona
(the second one is what Ey looks like in Eir universe. Scroll all the way down to see more outfits and character designs)
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Age: 18
Gender: Transmasc
Height: 5’1.75”
Pronouns: He/Him/Ey/Em
none of these are completely 100% accurate to how I view them in my head because I am always changing his character and universe
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———————————————————————— Universe: 131313
best described as an abstract art piece that is alive. Gravity shifts changing up to down and down to up. like in the art piece “Relativity”. It’s almost like a normal city, but the gravity shifts cause it to look like skyscrapers are jutting out at random angles, or even just floating in the sky. (kind of think mirror dimension from Doctor Strange) color, ships and changes as if it’s a separate being creating, a black-and-white inky world with the floating colored shapes. some are small while some are big covering home buildings but they never stay in one place or stay the same shape or size for long. The color of this universe is almost alive. (Similar to the color in “Sith” the first episode of season, two of Star Wars visions) for example, touching an object, would push the color of the object away as the color of your hand displaces it. The color that comes off with your hand when you touch things is unique to every person. And it seems like it has a mind of its own, making constantly shifting works of art around you. Technology is about the same as our universe but the animals and foliage is otherworldly and everything has a painterly feel and the “line art” is always sketchy and smudgy similar to my own. The grass is purple and liquids float.
Canon Events:
Spider bite
Close person death
Commander death
Has been Spider-Man for roughly 4 years, in the Spider Society for 2
Movement signature: Uses alot of elements of acrobatics and gymnastics so tends to do complex jumps and flips. Enjoys falling as long as possible before catching Emself.
Goes by both his first and last name
Flaps hands when nervous or excited
Has Eczema and psoriasis
His color is bright orange 
Produces web naturally so doesn’t need web shooters but in order to continually produce silk he does eat it
Has fangs but has no clue what they do as he has no desire to bite anything 
Can see extremely long distances and also see in UV color spectrum 
Carries a spiky shield on his back resembling a yellow kite spider (can also use it as a weapon by attaching a web to it so he can throw it and pull it back) (I swear I made this up before I got obsessed with Captain America)
Shoulder panels lift up on the suit and can shoot out small needles, inspired by the tarantula; they act similar to whistling birds from Star Wars, however they just knock people out rather than exploding
Suit is decorated in paint markings to resemble real life spiders; like most art in the universe they shift and change
Has heat receptors over the eyes on the suit
Backstory: In Cassander’s  universe Alchemax was a company that closed down years ago. Casander grew up with his parents and younger sister in brooklyn. They always had a strained relationship. When Cassander way 15 Ey moved into Peter Parker’s house where he was living with his aunt and uncle so that he could attend Peter’s school. Cassander was best friends with Peter and later Harry Osborn. Peter was often bullied at school and wanted nothing more than to be popular. He used his friendship with Harry as an In to the popular kid cliche but they really only ever teased him and Cassander often had to deal with the aftermath. Cassander never hung around Harry at school much because Harry was still friends with the popular kids like Ned Leeds and Flash Thompson. While Harry did try to get his popular friends not to pick on Peter they often gave him too much slack which is something he and Cassander argued over a lot. One day the  popular kids told Peter that if he wanted to join their click he had to do an initiation ceremony. He had to stay the night in the abandoned alchemex building. Cassander tried to tell Peter that this was just to make him look stupid and asked him not to do it because it was dangerous but  Peter refused. Cassander tried to get a hold of Harry but he wouldn’t answer so instead Cassander decided that he had to go in as well and make sure Peter stayed safe. That was the night Cassander was bitten after brushing the spider off of peter. They also stumbled upon a laboratory Norman Osborn had been using to make the green goblin serum, but saw nothing because of green fog that filled the room. Peter got cut on some glass So Cassander talked him into leaving. When they exited Harry had arrived. The next day Cassander discovered Eir spider abilities. That night Cassander snuck out and decided to return To Alchemax alone to try and find the spider. Instead He had his first encounter with a Green goblin. Cassander decided he would forget about his powers and try to live normally. Harry stopped hanging out with Ned and him and Cassander got together. The next Peter looked a little strange and was acting weird.  Throughout the week peter began to act stranger and stranger. Finally one night Cassander realized he was acting like a green goblin and assumed the cut had become infected. Cassander revealed this to Peter, revealing Eir spider powers in the process. Peter wanted to return to Alchemax but Cassander said no. The next day Harry asked Cassander to go out and eat dinner with his Dad (Norman aka green goblin). Harry ended up running out of that dinner cause his dad is a bitch. Little did Cassander know he was going to Alchemax because he had stayed after Cassander and petter had left the other night and discovered his dads lab. Norman asked Cassander to stay in the desert. He reluctantly agreed but things got tense and. Norman started acting strange, violent even, Cassandee ran away in fear accidentally stumbling upon Norman’s green goblin mask. He rushed home to tell Peter but when he got home Peter wasn’t there Cassander knew that he  had gone back to Alchemax. It was too late he had been killed by green goblin, Who Cas did not know was not Norman this time but Harry. Peter's death inspired Cassander to become Spider-Man. As spider man he often worked alongside police captain Gwen Stacy until she was ultimately killed when Cassander couldn’t save her. Norman Osborn as green goblin accidentally killed himself in a fight with spider-man who hid Norman was green goblin for Harry’s sake. Harry believed spiderman had killed him. infected by the goblin serum became mad hunting down spider man. The two ultimately found out each other's identities and it was revealed that Harry killed Peter not Norman. They’re relationship is on an indefinite break, but they haven’t technically broken up, it’s complicated. —————————————————————————
Other Cassander Outfits, I was too lazy to edit the pajamas
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Harold “Harry” Osborn “Green Goblin”
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Unlabeled gender, He/They
Peter Parker
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Male He/Him
DR. Chuwi Quispe Mamani
(This universe’s Dr. Strange)
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Agender They/Them
————————————————————Aaron Davis
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@xen-blank, @thehollowwriter, @l7k-a, @ferris-the-wheel, @keii-starz
@krenenbaker @elenauaurs @the-banana-0verlord @edith-is-a-cat @dove-da-birb
@theosb0rnway @fizzydreamz @ravenwing0110
@diabollicallyangelic @xentari94 @tomatette
@dragonflies-draw-flame @sunshinechildskywalker @silly-little-goober-core
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oliveroctavius · 1 year
ALSO on the topic of domestic abuse, canonicity, and popular male characters I was thinking recently about probably the most viscerally uncomfortable to me personally comics sequence ever, More Bad News from ASM 369
This is going under the cut because it's just kind of omnidirectional pondering of something that makes me upset and therefore not really Comics Criticism but my gut feeling on JMD is that while he cranks up everything very high he's ultimately very like. centrist.
The sequence rides on the tension of justifying psychiatric restraint (the razor blade of fear being is Harry about to hurt Liz the entire time) and you have characters express pretty blunt opinions on both sides of the issue. the guys in full body armor with huge future laser guns are on the side of "locking him up and throwing away the key" and Liz on the side of "this is a horrible way to treat a person, what the fuck" which is a position she holds pretty much through everything, repeating that Harry has never harmed her and isn't going to... and which seems to be intended to make her look more delusional than he is.
like the dialogue goes all in on "I am not going to hurt you"/"I am not afraid of being hurt"/"I am in a really uncomfortable situation"/"I want to get you out of this situation" while tone and staging signal the exact opposite. is this a veiled threat? Liz doesn't take it as one but the art signals it as one.
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hang on in another panel they misspelled "Osborn" with an E on his jumpsuit. anyways.
after what Liz sees as a normal conversation (except for the audience-aimed cues that Harry is dangerous) he breaks out of the stupid metal straitjacket and starts going full alpha male rhetoric while like... grabbing Liz and it's unclear what's going on but it's definitely drawn in a way to evoke strangling. there are a lot of shirt collar and face grabs as a violation of boundaries in Sal Buscema's art for JMD around here and they kind of have this air of "you aren't listening to me, I am forcing you to face me so you listen" but the sheer aggression of the one here seems so intentionally evocative of harm that it makes me wonder what the script said in any of these.
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like, when included between in this sequence the last panel becomes much more upsetting too. as much as an in-character reading supports taking the boundary violation as "look at me" it's equally easy to read as intending harm. Harry is after all in a situation where he feels powerless and there's only one person who he can exert power over (physically) and it's Liz. this characterization is uncomfortable but that doesn't make it noncanon; a lot of the story already hinges on the fact that Norman's motivations were "love" but the output was still abuse.
at the same time the thing that feels so Gross to me is the voyeurism of the danger Harry supposedly poses as a "crazy person"—literally, this interaction is being watched by people with the power and stated motivation to find an excuse to harm him. and they're getting fuckin horror movie closeups of this sensationalist comic book staging through their security cameras, somehow.
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so Harry's only advocate is the person he's also a threat to, who is either too naiive or stubborn to understand the danger. I'm guessing the language here comes a lot from the idea that like, the abused stick with their abusers out of misguided obligation, but I feel like that applies a little differently in a situation where people are just waiting for him to so much as get his hands free so they can burst in and shoot him with stun guns. Which is what happens.
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and they drag liz away too for how upset she is at witnessing this. "he loves me! he loves me!" "sure, whatever you say." I feel so bad for Liz on every level and especially when this comes up later when MJ and Peter are trying to get her to call the police on Harry and she refuses because like have you ever had a family member acting very scary and unpredictable but you just got them out of a really really bad situation and that's the option people are suggesting again. I suppose taking everything here as face value canon, yeah actually, you would have a feeling of obligation to someone who hurt you if you knew that bringing charges against them could for real get them killed and that absolutely also traps people in bad situations! though much less often.
anyways it ends with him bodily strapped down to a bed again with multiple security cameras pointing at him. fuckin insane intense sequence. I really hate how reading it makes me feel but it's pretty telling of like the entire JMD goblin II arc
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - Story Trailer
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will launch for PlayStation 5 on October 20, 2023.
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Latest details via PlayStation Blog
San Diego Comic-Con has always been one of the most exciting times for Marvel fans. We had an amazing time in 2018 with the original Marvel’s Spider-Man, and we were thrilled to make a return trip to Hall H today to talk about Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. For those of you who couldn’t join us—here’s a recap of what happened!
We wanted to start the panel off with a bang, debuting our brand-new Story Trailer. Take a look!
The trailer sets up our story in the game while also giving you your first full look at the monstrous Venom in Marvel’s New York! Here’s Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 senior narrative director Jon Paquette to offer a deeper look:
“At the beginning of our story, our Spider-Men are at the top of their game,” said Paquette. “But both Peter Parker and Miles Morales are struggling with their personal lives. Miles is trying to find time to write his college entrance essay, but he keeps procrastinating and focusing on Spider-Work instead. Meanwhile, Peter is underwater on payments for Aunt May’s house, but he can’t sell, it means too much to him. And just like Miles, Peter tries (and fails) to find balance with so many responsibilities. MJ wants to help Pete with the mortgage, but her job is on the line now that J. Jonah Jameson is back at the Bugle and looking to clean house. Our heroes have arrived at a confluence of crossroads, with uncertain futures, and some tough decisions ahead.”
When Kraven’s hunters arrive in the city, it sets off a mystery of why they are there and who, and what, they are hunting. But as the Spider-Men and MJ dig deeper into Kraven’s motivations, the symbiote begins to threaten Marvel’s New York and everyone and everything they hold dear.
As many of you noticed in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2‘s Gameplay Trailer from the PlayStation Showcase in May, Peter’s new Black Suit affected his personality and gives him new, powerful symbiote abilities. You see bits of that in this trailer as well, and you can see Peter’s symbiote powers tax his relationships with Miles, MJ, and Harry.
(Spoilers for 2018’s Marvel’s Spider-Man ahead!) Given how much Miles Morales looks up to Peter for mentorship and guidance, this creates further problems. Beyond trying to figure out what’s next for his life, Miles continues to struggle with the death of his father at the hands of Martin Li, aka Mister Negative. As you saw from the trailer, you haven’t seen the last of Mister Negative.
We asked senior creative director Bryan Intihar about some of the new abilities that players will get to use in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2:
“We’ve always thought of our Spider-Heroes as ‘acrobatic improvisors,’ and in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we wanted to equip them with new ways to do so during combat,” said Intihar. “This includes Pete’s Spider-Arms and Symbiote powers, while Miles now brings two forms of bioelectric Venom to every fight. And when you start combining these abilities with all-new Spider-Gadgets like the Web Grabber, it can lead to some exciting combos.”
This trailer also provided some new looks at our expanded Marvel’s New York. Now, you’ll be able to swing across the East River and explore Brooklyn and Queens. Coney Island makes its debut as well in the trailer and we can’t wait for you to explore it! And one way you can explore is with the Web Wings! Let’s hear more from Senior Game Director Ryan Smith:
“We are really excited for people to try out the Web Wings,” says Smith. “For us it was a cool opportunity to bring something people have seen in comics and movies and integrate it in the game. Swinging is the core of our Spider-Man traversal, so we designed the Web Wings to work with swinging and complement it. That way you can weave back and forth between the two to build up speed and height. When you use the Web Wings with our wind tunnels, though, that’s one of the ways to go across the city super-fast and really push the speed of traversal, which was one of our goals. Thanks to the power and speed of the PlayStation 5, Web Wings, add another layer to our traversal system and change up how you look at getting around the different parts of the city.”
With the reveal of Venom we thought it only appropriate to bring out our Collector’s Edition Statue for the first time and show it to the crowd.
If you still haven’t pre-ordered yours, be sure to check with PlayStation Direct or, in countries that aren’t serviced by Direct, your local retailer!
We asked both Bryan and Jon about bringing such an iconic Marvel character like Venom to life in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.
“Our philosophy has always been that we want to respect the history of the franchise and the Spider-Man DNA, but also not be afraid to mix things up,” said Intihar. “The same holds true for one of its iconic characters, Venom. While the look of the character and several of his powers/abilities should be familiar to fans, this will be a unique Venom story that we are excited for everyone to experience this October.”
“When we decided to craft a Venom story, we knew we’d be making a bit of a tone shift. The best symbiote stories serve as an allegory: We all have darkness inside of us– but what would happen if we let it take over? With the introduction of the symbiote into our franchise, our heroes are forced to battle darkness, in all its forms,” added Paquette. “We wanted to see them change, both inside and outside, and feel the effect it has on those around them. And when Venom takes control, they face the real danger that they could lose themselves, and their loved ones, forever.”
Venom was brought to life by the sensational actor Tony Todd. We’ve long admired Tony and were so grateful to work with him to play Venom. His voice work brings to life Insomniac’s new monstrous design for the character—and Senior Art Director Jacinda Chew explains more:
“Our Venom was inspired by the comics, but there have been so many interpretations that it was fun to pick and choose what fits the game,” said Chew. “He has a unique take on the white spider icon and has the anatomy of a human. He also has powerful tendril attacks that can take many forms. It was challenging to find the right balance between liquid and solid in Venom’s materials as going too watery makes him look weak and going too solid can quickly turn him into a tentacle monster. Venom must look both powerful and semi liquid at the same time.”
We had some other fun news to share from San Diego Comic-Con. We are thrilled to work with one of my favorite poster artists, Tomer Hanuka, along with Marvel Games and Mondo, to produce a brand-new Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 poster for San Diego Comic-Con. The poster depicts Venom battling our Spider-Men in Tomer’s signature art style. While the variant screen print’s sale (Edition of 215) is limited to Mondo’s Booth (Booth 5137) at the event, Mondo has a Timed Edition screen print on sale on their website! It’s available from now until Sunday, July 23 at 9:59pm PT and they will print one for everyone who places an order. There’s also a special Promo Edition lithograph that the developers and voice actors will be signing at the Marvel Booth (Booth #2329) on Thursday, July 20.
We also discussed another collaboration with Mondo to release a vinyl soundtrack of the game’s amazing score from composer John Paesano. Kris Anka graces the vinyl with his incredible art which is currently in development. Starting today you’ll be able to pre-order the vinyl from Mondo’s website.
Limited Edition PlayStation 5 Bundle and DualSense Wireless Controller
Finally—we had one last big announcement to make and it’s one you’ve all been waiting for!
That’s right! Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will be featured on custom PlayStation 5 hardware. The PlayStation 5 Console – Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Limited Edition Bundle has a custom PlayStation 5 console cover design with the symbiote closing in on our White Spider icon. Additionally, a matching DualSense wireless controller is included which again shows the symbiote threat creeping across the entire controller! The bundle also includes a voucher for a digital copy of the game.
And you’ll be thrilled to know that for those who already own a PlayStation 5 console, you’ll also be able to purchase these Limited Edition items separately as individual products if you want. For those of you who have a PlayStation 5 console with a disc drive, you can purchase the PlayStation 5 Console Covers – Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Limited Edition. If you own a PlayStation 5 Digital Edition, you can purchase the PlayStation 5 Digital Edition Console Covers – Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Limited Edition. And finally, you will also be able to purchase the DualSense wireless controller – Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Limited Edition separately, as well.
We’re very excited to announce that the Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Limited Edition Bundle, PlayStation 5 console covers, PlayStation 5 Digital Edition covers, and DualSense wireless controller will release on September 1. Pre-orders begin on July 28.
For players purchasing the full PlayStation 5 bundle, the included game voucher can be redeemed when Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 releases on October 20. Players who purchase the bundle, which has a voucher for the digital Standard Edition of the game, will also get the same pre-order incentive items available to those who pre-order Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, including an early unlock Arachknight Suit for Peter with three additional color variants, an early unlock Shadow Spider Suit for Miles with three additional color variants, an early unlock Web Grabber gadget, and three skill points.
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measuringbliss · 1 year
Spider-Man Read-Through 013: The War on... (ASM 93-99) P1
In this set of issues, Harry fights his addictions (to male muscles and to drugs), MJ is a floozy (good for her), and Peter doesn't have much luck (as usual).
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Depicted above: Harry being confused because his beard girlfriend is seducing his crush, while Harry himself is being seduced by another dude.
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Right off the bat, I'm very sad because what the heck! The last time we saw Spidey and the Prowler interact, there wasn't any bad blood between them, far from it. Ooooh, I don't like this...
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Just look at John Romita Sr.'s stunning artwork. It's not just that these panels look out of a romance story; they embody how soapy the magazine has become after Romita's takeover. I'm not surprised people were receptive to it; it offers a remarkable counterpart to the action moments. The melodrama is gripping, and both sides feed each other, similarly (if not exactly) to the spy/romance TV show "Chuck" from 2007.
Seriously though, look how handsome Peter is. Look how pulpous Gwen is. Look at their expressiveness, at their attractive features, at their posture. It's excellent artwork. Even when the stories are lackluster, the art rarely disappoints. Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.
So anyway, Peter's about to use the big guns to keep Gwen here, which. *sigh* We all know what happens to her. It feels reminiscent of TASM2. I'm bittersweet.
Peter remembers he is Spidey, and recognizes he has no right to ask Gwen to stay.
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By the way, I love his outfit. It's *very* different to what we've seen before. I'm not sure it really actually works, but I sure love it.
Turns out the reason the Prowler is an antagonist in this issue is that he has a hard time trusting Spidey after hearing about Captain Stacy's death. Another way the action and the melodrama influence each other! I'll accept it. I'm actually happy to know Hobie has an opinion on this.
And since Romita knows how to retain customers, he gives us some fanservice. Hell yeah. For what's worth, I still haven't seen any lady in such a getup in these comics yet. It's not the only way to show appealing stuff, of course, but it's still significant that in a magazine like Spider-Man, which seems to be aimed at boys first (if you forget Romita's arrival), you see more of the gents. Obviously, I'm simplifying this whole thing, but I had to mention it.
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This batch of issues might be in two parts (or more!) since I'm spending so many screenshots gasping in admiration of the art.
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Even as though the Prowler tries to kill him, Spidey helps him break his fall by telling him to use his claws. And of course, he calls him Hobie. He undresses him (to hide his secret identity, naturally) and drops him at the nearest hospital.
Spidey goes to Gwen's to try and tell her the truth --he's absolutely determined-- but he's informed she's en route for the airport. Oof. TASM2 flashbacks once again. She's even heading for Britain too! For a different reason (family in London/studies at Oxford).
But contrary to your typical rom-com, Peter doesn't arrive in time to catch Gwen. Reality ensued.
What a great issue! I absolutely loved it.
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Not to sound like a broken record, but he can get it.
The first seven pages of the issue are a recap of Peter's origin story, which combined with the uninspired cover really gives off the impression the plot idea was paper-thin. At least the art is nice!
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Betty is also reintroduced, but more importantly, Peter is wearing the exact same shirt as last issue's -- but different pants.
By page 15, the plot finally starts and Peter stops dwelling on the past because May's been kidnapped by the Beetle. About the most fun thing about this fight is that they crash into a public swimming pool. Audacious way to give me fanservice. I'll take it!
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I have to assume Betty being reintroduced is a way to fuel a new love triangle. Oh well. Isn't she married to Ned Leeds? Is he going to be back too? I'd love that.
In the next issue, Spidey goes to London! He's wearing again his yellow jacket/blue pants combo that I adore so that's a good sign. Robbie proves he's the best character by telling Peter to go "work" for the Bugle in London.
Gwen is absolutely depressed when she notices that Spidey has been hunting her across continents. She just can't seem to get rid of him!
Anyway, Spidey finds the people he has to save in Big Ben. You know. A clock tower. Oof.
On page 19, Peter finally thinks about the question I had from the beginning: was he really expecting to be able to speak to Gwen, with everybody knowing Spidey's in London too?
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If you remember, he's been aware that Peter's Spidey for. like. maybe two years? He had amnesia, but the last time we saw him was a while ago and he wasn't amnesiac anymore. But it appears Spectacular Spider-Man #2 took place after that since Norman obviously doesn't know who Peter is.
Everybody goes to see some shows, and May and Anna are going to see Hair. I really need to watch it hahaha, it's been on my list for a small while.
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A man tries jumping off a building but Spidey saves him, and a cop kisses the man. A boy asks about it but his mom is quick to reassure him that homosexuality does not exist. It is P U R E L Y P R O F E S S I O N A L (you know, like Robbie and Stacy's interest in Spidey).
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These panels dangerously sound like a kids' after special, but I appreciate the attempt. To think Peter would deal with this much more closely in a few years...
(Edit after finishing the batch: OOPS. Harry's drug problem was not a novelty in 1973.)
MJ's once again trying to make Harry jealous --and succeeding, confusing both men.
By then, Randy's totally integrated to the group (which is lovely) and he decides to call out Norman for not doing anything on the War on Drugs, which is definitely a big theme here (with the Green Goblin's persona being even compared to drugs).
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MJ also makes a dick joke and good for her.
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Harry tries to shoo away his homosexuality ("she's so great, right dad? huh? are you proud of me yet?") and Peter does his best concerned face.
The issue ends with MJ getting a standing ovation, the Green Goblin back and his memories fully restored. Oof. How's that war on drugs going, Pete?
In this post's last ish (#97!), Harry has been having a really hard time dealing with his buried sexuality, no thanks to Peter, who keeps hanging around, wearing not much.
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Peter can't help being a condescending asshole, naturally, it's part of his character after all, but I wish he used other words in his head for Harry. It also reeks of the writers not having quite enough knowledge to handle the subject appropriately. But oh well. it was mid-1971. I suppose it comes from a good place. I just can't help but imagine Peter would try and convince me not to take ADHD meds because ~I'd get addicted to them~.
Let's just say: the writers are trying.
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Hilariously enough, it looks like Harry's really trying to get *Peter* out of his mind.
Talking about Peter, his outfits have recently gotten quite... Bohemian. Not that I necessarily dislike it, but this is intriguing.
When Harry gets back home, Peter thinks for a moment that it's the Goblin. Ha. Ha. Ha.
It's very sad to see Harry's fall (not that he ever was really high), and what must happen happens.
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That's a nice cliffhanger to end this post on. I'm also getting tired, and I'm not sure I can put many more pictures here.
See you soon, all two of you who read my posts!
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
Marvel Month :The Amazing Spider-Man Issues # 39 and # 40
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WElcome to Marvel Month where I will be looking into the wild world of Marvel .I have been a fan of Marvel since forever ,and I plan to explore diffrent films,TV shows ,cartoons ,comics and even a few oddities
I felt it appropriate not only to begin with a comic but a classic Spider Man comic penned by Stan Lee
In these issues Peter has been kidnapped and had his identity found out by the Green Goblin who reveals his true identity
So this is a big comic storyline as it reveals that the Green Goblin is Norman Osbourne and escalates Gobby from just being one of the foes to being possibly his greatest nemesis .Its also a really interesting read if one is familiar bothwiththe horrible effect Norman will have on Peters life but also.....If one is familair with modern interpertations of Peter ,Harry and Norman ....Reading this book isa trip.Also I wanna stress I like the comic,even though there are some really goofy moments .....But I like goofy so thats a plus for me
I'll start with the stuff that amused me .SO I am familiar with modern adaptations where Harry and PEter are close so I assumed in this that would be the case and that it would be a bigger shock that Norman is the Gobblin,that its someone he knows .....
1.Peter and Harry are not close yet ,Harry is even shocked to know PEter is an orphan
2.Norman has no idea who Peter is ,so when he discovers his identity his reaction is more "Wow he is younger then I thought".He isnteven aware he knows Harry till Peter tells him
3.While the reveal that the Goblin is Norman is a cool panel ,Peter ....HAs no idea who Norman is ,so his reaction is "....I have no idea who you-WAit did you say your name was Osbourne ?And you look like-Wait are you Harrys dad ??"
Also I like that there is a contrast but not a big one between Norman and the Goblin.Like in modern versions its almost a split personality....Here though,while he is definately a delusional madman ....Its not a too much of a change .Like pre accident he cares for his son but he's also a bit distant and a cutthroat capitalist,and once he has become the goblin while he is smarter and stronger,it just has enhanced those negative aspects that are already there .Also I like how they explain the costume is amusingly simple :Green is his favorite color
I also love that the second issue....Is 50 % just Norman monologuing to a tied up Peter who is just like "OK this guy is flipping crazy,but I hope he keeps rambling cause once he stops he is gonna murder me .....Also I am kind of invested "
Theres some fun fight scenes ,interesting subplot like Aunt May not being able to handle any shock or she will drop dead and I think the art by John Romita Sr is great ,as is Stan Lees melodramtic dialogue
I dunno I had fun with this ,I am a big fan of the Green Goblin so it was cool seeing Peter and Norman face eachother unmasked .....And having read another Goblin story (Green Goblins Last Stand) ,I actually find a choice Peter makes near the end interesting considering thehorrors the Goblin will inflict upon him on the future .
@ariel-seagull-wings @goodanswerfoxmonster @the-blue-fairie @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @themousefromfantasyland @filmcityworld1
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kudosmyhero · 1 year
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #54: Disaster!
Read Date: January 14, 2023 Cover Date: January 1968 ● Writer: Stan Lee ● Penciler: John Romita ● Inker: Mike Esposito ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Sam Rosen ● Editor: Stan Lee ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● picking up with Spidey having amnesia and being manipulated by Doc Ock ● (pg 2) Car 54, where are you? (I didn't realize I even had that memory! We're talking Nick-at-Nite in the 80s/early 90s playing reruns of old tv shows from the 50s and 60s. There was a show called Car 54, Where Are You? I just looked it up and realized one of the actors was Herman Munster, and that same actor was the old guy in the original Pet Sematary. 🤯 All of that from this little panel, which I have no doubt is an easter egg for that TV show)
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● so the nullifier starts to overheat, so they take it back to Doc Ock's lab for him to check it over. he discovers a missing element--isotope 16--which is stored nearby at Ft. Tyson ● Ock tells Spidey to go there and get it ● (pg 7) meanwhile, Gwen and Harry go to Aunt May's to see if she's heard from Peter because no one has seen him in days. of course all this does is worry May, who is already upset over the "poor, misunderstood Dr. Octopus!" ● M.J. shows up with a newspaper saying Spidey has joined Doc Ock ● (pg 8) Captain Stacy--Gwen's dad. Gwen calls him to report Peter missing ● back to Spider-Man, who has just arrived at the base ● (pg 9) Spidey is surprised at his super strength but didn't bat an eye at climbing walls or swinging on webs 😂 ● Spider-Man drops the map Ock gave him as he makes his escape ● (pg 12) Col. Jameson and his squad follow the map back to Ock's lab ● Ock turning on Spidey now that he has his isotope 16 ● (pg 18) Col. Jameson uses the nullifier on Ock's tentacles ● (pg 19) Spidey still doesn't have his memories, but he realizes he can't be Ock's partner ● Ock is arrested. Col. Jameson tells Spidey that he's detained, too, but Spidey runs for it ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Struck with amnesia from his exposure to a Nullifier device, Spider-Man is convinced by Doctor Octopus that he is one of his henchmen. Spider-Man then assists them to commit crimes, which make headlines. Spider-Man however, doesn't feel right about what he's doing. Meanwhile, Peter Parker's absence has gotten all his friends and family worried as they have no clue where he could have gone.
Meanwhile, Doctor Octopus tries to get Spider-Man to unmask, but Spider-Man realizes that if they were really partners, Octopus would already know his secret identity. Spider-Man realizes that he's been tricked and battles Doctor Octopus. Meanwhile, the military has been tracking Spider-Man since his last theft netted Doctor Octopus' secret missile plans.
During the fight, John Jameson manages to immobilize Doctor Octopus with the nullifier. When Dr. Octopus tries to talk Spider-Man into helping him get free, Spider-Man declines. He tells Jameson that he doesn't remember who he is, but he knows for sure that he's no partner of Octopus. When Octopus is taken into custody, Jameson asks Spider-Man to come with them as well. Spider-Man refuses and flees. Later, Spider-Man takes a look his reflection in the window hoping that it will remind him of who he is, but only sees a stranger looking back at him.
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Fan Art: Spidey vs Doc Ock by Kenpudiosaki
Accompanying Podcast: ● Swinging Through Spider-Man - episode 54
● Let's Read Spider-Man - episode 34
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evilwickedme · 2 years
What are some of your favorite books/arcs in comics?
Hello there :D you sent this the same day as that fav books ask I answered last week, so sorry for taking so long to get to this I then ALSO got the ask for beginner friendly comics and basically this is a long time coming here are a few of my favorite comics and graphic novels ever, including some repetitions from the beginner friendly ask lmao
So for Deadpool I have said this a million times and I will say this again: the 2012 run by Posehn and Duggan is fucking GOD. It's funny and witty and a little gory like any good wade comic yes, but it's also got so much heart and I love the cast and it brought in Ellie who's just fucking EVERYTHING to me. I'm also enjoying the current run of Deadpool by Alyssa Wong like no run of Deadpool since, and if you're looking for a run of marvel comics to pick up right now oh my God start there for real
Obviously another favorite is Spider Gwen - mostly the original Radioactive Spider-Gwen, but Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider and Ghost Spider are also really good, just not quite as solid and unfortunately the story told in them gets cut off and has yet to be continued. Obviously Spider-Gwen has been a solid 15% of my personality over the past year and I literally lectured on what it has to say on the main 616 universe but I just love earth-65's versions of Gwen, Captain Stacy, Harry Osborn, Emjay, and Matt Murdock (Murderdock my beloved) soooo fucking much like everyone in this cast is fucking amazing!!! If you let me talk about Spider Gwen I probably won't shut up
Anyway another one of my favorite books is Spider Men: Worlds Collide. It collects Spider Men and Spider Men II, and it focuses on two team ups between Peter and Miles, one back when they lived in separate universes and the other after the Ultimate universe got ixnayed and Miles was transported to 616. I actually prefer Spider Men II overall, I think it's a great story and it has one of best bi!peter panels imho, but both stories are great and very recommended.
Still with Marvel, if you haven't read the 2014 Scarlet Witch run by James Robinson, oh my God you're missing out. Every issue is drawn by the a different artist, except for the last issue which is drawn by the same artist as the first, which really works cause it happened right after the magneto-isn't-her-dad retcon so she's searching for her identity. The writing is gorgeous and all of the artists do an amazing job. I showed a panel to my niece once and she hasn't shut up about it for a year, it's that pretty. So it's worth reading for the art alone, I cannot emphasize this enough, but I love the story and the use of Agatha too.
I also love love love love LOVE Alias. Can we talk about how good Alias is? I feel like people don't talk about how good Alias is enough. Like I said in my beginner's rec post, it deals with really heavy stuff, but it does it with such gravitas! I love the noir feel, I love the way the art reflects what's going on with Jessica, I love the flashbacks, I love Jessica/Luke, like everything about it is amazing.
Moving onto DC, we have to mention Watchmen since it's the first comic I ever read. Is it good? ... Like I said with the question of is it beginner friendly, I have no idea. But you asked for my favorites, and as the first comic I ever read it holds a real place in my heart. A lot of it still haunts me, honestly. Say what you will on the dark age of comic books and what it led to later, I love it.
And then ofc there's Under the Red Hood. Do I even have to say it? My obsession with Jason is as easily observed as my obsessions with Wade Wilson or any version of Gwen Stacy. This story is iconic, it's so well written, I love the art, it's fucking heartbreaking. My guys I love this story so goddamn much.
I haven't read nearly as much Superman as I'd like to - I'm working on it don't you worry - but I recently read the Death of Superman trilogy and the third book in particular, The Return of Superman - also called The Reign of the Supermen in some editions I believe - is soooooo good. I actually almost sent in a lecture just about this book instead of my lecture about Smallville, but ultimately I have more to say on Smallville so I went with that, but still. Guys, the different Supermen here, the things they represent, not to mention just how fucking great Kon is in his first appearance and how much I sympathize with Lois here - there's so much to love about this. Plus I love late '80s and '90s Superman art, there's something about that specific time period's art style that I just find hits exactly in the right spot.
Batwoman: Elegy!!! Greg Rucka my beloved <3 honestly I'm still mad I hadn't read this before I did my og comic book lecture on the Jewish nature of the medium, it's so good at representing all the ideas I was trying to put into words, but also the art and the narrative and the character it's trying to introduce all make such an impression, it's so fucking good.
Moving onto indie comics, we have to talk buffy comics. I have read a lot of buffy comics. Not even close to all of them, I fell off the wagon somewhere around mid season nine and only purchased a bit of season ten, but I still have a certain affection in my heart for season eight, since I found all of it in the second hand booth at my first ever con. I also think Angel: After the Fall is fucking excellent.
This is already too long so I'll just life a few more things here - Nimona and Lumberjanes - ND Stevenson, my guys, like they just do it every time. Giant days, paper girls, also great indie comics. There's a graphic novel called witchy I really love - I recently realized there's a vol 2 and I desperately need to read it, I genuinely just thought it ended on a cliffhanger forever.
Finally, maybe this doesn't belong on this list at all, but Maus. I feel like Maus should be required reading for every adult on the face of the earth. Obviously as a Jewish person it's particularly affecting for me, but I don't think it's a coincidence there was a recent banning of the book. It's incredibly impactful and in our times of rising antisemitism it is incredibly important as well. Do yourself a favor and read it.
Okay well that was certainly a list! Everyone, feel free to let me know how you feel about any of these or if you're planning on reading them. And thanks for asking!
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 ‘Story’ trailer, limited edition PS5 bundle and DualSense wireless controller announced
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Publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer Insomniac Games have released the official story trailer for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, as well as announced a limited edition PlayStation 5 bundle and DualSense wireless controller and more as part of its San Diego Comic-Con 2023 panel.
Get the details below.
(Spoilers for the Marvel’s Spider-Man)
San Diego Comic-Con has always been one of the most exciting times for Marvel fans. We had an amazing time in 2018 with the original Marvel’s Spider-Man, and we were thrilled to make a return trip to Hall H today to talk about Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. For those of you who couldn’t join us—here’s a recap of what happened!
We wanted to start the panel off with a bang, debuting our brand-new Story Trailer. Take a look!
The trailer sets up our story in the game while also giving you your first full look at the monstrous Venom in Marvel’s New York! Here’s Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 senior narrative director Jon Paquette to offer a deeper look:
“At the beginning of our story, our Spider-Men are at the top of their game,” said Paquette. “But both Peter Parker and Miles Morales are struggling with their personal lives. Miles is trying to find time to write his college entrance essay, but he keeps procrastinating and focusing on Spider-Work instead. Meanwhile, Peter is underwater on payments for Aunt May’s house, but he can’t sell, it means too much to him. And just like Miles, Peter tries (and fails) to find balance with so many responsibilities. MJ wants to help Pete with the mortgage, but her job is on the line now that J. Jonah Jameson is back at the Bugle and looking to clean house. Our heroes have arrived at a confluence of crossroads, with uncertain futures, and some tough decisions ahead.”
When Kraven’s hunters arrive in the city, it sets off a mystery of why they are there and who, and what, they are hunting. But as the Spider-Men and MJ dig deeper into Kraven’s motivations, the symbiote begins to threaten Marvel’s New York and everyone and everything they hold dear.
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As many of you noticed in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2‘s Gameplay Trailer from the PlayStation Showcase in May, Peter’s new Black Suit affected his personality and gives him new, powerful symbiote abilities. You see bits of that in this trailer as well, and you can see Peter’s symbiote powers tax his relationships with Miles, MJ, and Harry.
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(Spoilers for 2018’s Marvel’s Spider-Man ahead!) Given how much Miles Morales looks up to Peter for mentorship and guidance, this creates further problems. Beyond trying to figure out what’s next for his life, Miles continues to struggle with the death of his father at the hands of Martin Li, aka Mister Negative. As you saw from the trailer, you haven’t seen the last of Mister Negative.
We asked senior creative director Bryan Intihar about some of the new abilities that players will get to use in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2:
“We’ve always thought of our Spider-Heroes as ‘acrobatic improvisors,’ and in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we wanted to equip them with new ways to do so during combat,” said Intihar. “This includes Pete’s Spider-Arms and Symbiote powers, while Miles now brings two forms of bioelectric Venom to every fight. And when you start combining these abilities with all-new Spider-Gadgets like the Web Grabber, it can lead to some exciting combos.”
This trailer also provided some new looks at our expanded Marvel’s New York. Now, you’ll be able to swing across the East River and explore Brooklyn and Queens. Coney Island makes its debut as well in the trailer and we can’t wait for you to explore it! And one way you can explore is with the Web Wings! Let’s hear more from Senior Game Director Ryan Smith:
“We are really excited for people to try out the Web Wings,” says Smith. “For us it was a cool opportunity to bring something people have seen in comics and movies and integrate it in the game. Swinging is the core of our Spider-Man traversal, so we designed the Web Wings to work with swinging and complement it. That way you can weave back and forth between the two to build up speed and height. When you use the Web Wings with our wind tunnels, though, that’s one of the ways to go across the city super-fast and really push the speed of traversal, which was one of our goals. Thanks to the power and speed of the PlayStation 5, Web Wings, add another layer to our traversal system and change up how you look at getting around the different parts of the city.”
With the reveal of Venom we thought it only appropriate to bring out our Collector’s Edition Statue for the first time and show it to the crowd.
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If you still haven’t pre-ordered yours, be sure to check with PlayStation Direct or, in countries that aren’t serviced by Direct, your local retailer!
We asked both Bryan and Jon about bringing such an iconic Marvel character like Venom to life in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.
“Our philosophy has always been that we want to respect the history of the franchise and the Spider-Man DNA, but also not be afraid to mix things up,” said Intihar. “The same holds true for one of its iconic characters, Venom. While the look of the character and several of his powers/abilities should be familiar to fans, this will be a unique Venom story that we are excited for everyone to experience this October.”
“When we decided to craft a Venom story, we knew we’d be making a bit of a tone shift. The best symbiote stories serve as an allegory: We all have darkness inside of us– but what would happen if we let it take over? With the introduction of the symbiote into our franchise, our heroes are forced to battle darkness, in all its forms,” added Paquette. “We wanted to see them change, both inside and outside, and feel the effect it has on those around them. And when Venom takes control, they face the real danger that they could lose themselves, and their loved ones, forever.”
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Venom was brought to life by the sensational actor Tony Todd. We’ve long admired Tony and were so grateful to work with him to play Venom. His voice work brings to life Insomniac’s new monstrous design for the character—and Senior Art Director Jacinda Chew explains more:
“Our Venom was inspired by the comics, but there have been so many interpretations that it was fun to pick and choose what fits the game,” said Chew. “He has a unique take on the white spider icon and has the anatomy of a human. He also has powerful tendril attacks that can take many forms. It was challenging to find the right balance between liquid and solid in Venom’s materials as going too watery makes him look weak and going too solid can quickly turn him into a tentacle monster. Venom must look both powerful and semi liquid at the same time.”
We had some other fun news to share from San Diego Comic-Con. We are thrilled to work with one of my favorite poster artists, Tomer Hanuka, along with Marvel Games and Mondo, to produce a brand-new Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 poster for San Diego Comic-Con. The poster depicts Venom battling our Spider-Men in Tomer’s signature art style. While the variant screen print’s sale (Edition of 215) is limited to Mondo’s Booth (Booth 5137) at the event, Mondo has a Timed Edition screen print on sale on their website! It’s available from now until Sunday, July 23 at 9:59pm PT and they will print one for everyone who places an order. There’s also a special Promo Edition lithograph that the developers and voice actors will be signing at the Marvel Booth (Booth #2329) on Thursday, July 20.
We also discussed another collaboration with Mondo to release a vinyl soundtrack of the game’s amazing score from composer John Paesano. Kris Anka graces the vinyl with his incredible art which is currently in development. Starting today you’ll be able to pre-order the vinyl from Mondo’s website.
Limited Edition PlayStation 5 Bundle and DualSense Wireless Controller
Finally—we had one last big announcement to make and it’s one you’ve all been waiting for!
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That’s right! Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will be featured on custom PlayStation 5 hardware. The PlayStation 5 Console – Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Limited Edition Bundle has a custom PlayStation 5 console cover design with the symbiote closing in on our White Spider icon. Additionally, a matching DualSense wireless controller is included which again shows the symbiote threat creeping across the entire controller! The bundle also includes a voucher for a digital copy of the game.
And you’ll be thrilled to know that for those who already own a PlayStation 5 console, you’ll also be able to purchase these Limited Edition items separately as individual products if you want. For those of you who have a PlayStation 5 console with a disc drive, you can purchase the PlayStation 5 Console Covers – Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Limited Edition. If you own a PlayStation 5 Digital Edition, you can purchase the PlayStation 5 Digital Edition Console Covers – Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Limited Edition. And finally, you will also be able to purchase the DualSense wireless controller – Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Limited Edition separately, as well.
We’re very excited to announce that the Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Limited Edition Bundle, PlayStation 5 console covers, PlayStation 5 Digital Edition covers, and DualSense wireless controller will release on September 1. Pre-orders begin on July 28.
For players purchasing the full PlayStation 5 bundle, the included game voucher can be redeemed when Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 releases on October 20. Players who purchase the bundle, which has a voucher for the digital Standard Edition of the game, will also get the same pre-order incentive items available to those who pre-order Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, including an early unlock Arachknight Suit for Peter with three additional color variants, an early unlock Shadow Spider Suit for Miles with three additional color variants, an early unlock Web Grabber gadget, and three skill points.
Read more about the limited edition PlayStation 5 bundle and DualSense wireless controller here.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is due out for PlayStation 5 on October 20.
Watch the trailers below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
Story Trailer
Limited Edition PlayStation 5 Bundle and Dualsense Wireless Controller
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"Okay-- you've bought yourself-- a cycle!"
The Amazing Spider-Man vol. 1 #66
Forget Uncle Ben. Forget Gwen Stacey. Forget Harry Osborns, forget Mary Jane in the Byrnes run. This is definitely the greatest tragedy in all of Spider-Man history. He did NOT, in fact, get a new bike!
(I was going through my panels folder, cooking a rant, when I found this saved as "ASM 066 BYECYCLE"
Description under read more:
[Image Id:
A comic book page from The Amazing Spider-Man vol. 1 #66.
In the first panel, Ned Leeds, standing next to Betty Brant in the back, offers J. Jonah Jameson, standing at the front
"Want me to see if I can find Parker for you?"
Jonah is lamenting himself, with a hand to his forehead, in dramatic yellow colors, "Don't say it! Don't say it! Not a word-- Not a sound! It's all a dream-- a nightmare-- I'll soon wake up--! Oh, the pain! The pain!!"
In the next panel, Peter is standing in front of his red motorcycle. The narration, in a yellow box, reads: "While a worried, penniless youth has his problems, too--"
Peter is saying: "I didn't want to think of it-- but I have to-- It's the only way I can raise some money!"
In the next panel, he's inside a motor shop talking to a clerk, morose. He's saying, "But-- That's less than half what it cost me-- And it's almost new!"
The clerk answers, "Look, I have to make a profit, too!"
Peter answers, "Okay-- you've bought yourself-- a cycle!"
In the next panel, he's outside, walking in front of an alley. Though he's not paying attention, there's smoke coming from it. His spider sense (represented by wiggly lines around his head) is going off. There's a few people walking behind him.
He's thinking, still morose, "C'mon, Parker-- snap out of it! You can always buy a new bike!
What's that? Why is my spider sense tingling?"
One of the men walking behind him says, "Look! In that alley--! A sudden puff of smoke-- a figure forming--!"
In the next panel, Peter's turned around so he's facing the alley. Among the smoke, a figure some might recognize as Mysterio is starting to appear. A man is running away off to the side.
Peter's thinking, "Smoke? A figure forming--? That can only mean--!!"
The figure in the smoke says, "The time has come to show myself once more!"
The man running away screams, "HELP! POLICE!"
In the last panel, Mysterio is standing at the front, arm spread to dismiss Peter, who's standing a little behind him in dramatic yellow.
Peter's exclaiming, "MYSTERIO!"
Mysterio says, "Mysterio, indeed!! The greatest mystic genius of all time! Stand aside! I've no time to waste on nobodies!"
End description.]
0 notes
jesslockwood · 3 years
Photo Opportunities
Word Count: 2.7k
Pairing(s): Tom Holland x Actress!Reader
Warnings: FLUFF with a slightly (barely) suggestive sentence towards the end 
A/n: damn I can't write anything except actress reader? smh but this is for @londonspidey ‘s sit-com Writing challenge (ik I'm early lol) but I was so excited I wrote the whole thing in one go lmao the prompt is bolded!
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Calling yourself a fan was an understatement. You were obsessed with anything and everything marvel. And oddly enough, you could after today say you were in the club. It wasn’t a public fact yet, until later that day actually, at the Marvel panel at comic con that you were being announced as the actress for the character, Felica Hardy and no one else knew except for the people who cast you and your best friend who signed an NDA. You were technically still a known actress for your roles on television mainly as Thalia on the PJO Disney + series and a couple of still decently sized films. 
You were currently wrapping up signing autographs for fans of yours for today. Your team had planned it out so it wasn’t suspicious that you were at the con with a few of your castmates scattered doing other junkets and press so people wouldn’t guess who they were acting as the cast for new marvel projects. 
You had been planning to go meet your best friend, who wasn’t in the industry before getting a text that she bought you both a photo-op with someone and she wouldn’t tell you who. You couldn’t only assume it was a marvel actor that you would indeed, freak out. 
Y/b/n: btw I brought you a mask. I get the wig lol.
You: please tell me it doesn’t cover my full face. Also, how are we posing?
Y/b/n: I bought as many photo ops as I could so a lot of different ones, And if I tell you the poses it’ll spoil it.
You: is this with the money I pay you to be my assistant with? Lol fine I’m omw with security
Y/b/n: maybe… 
Y/b/n: and they’ll need more backup security for who we’re getting a photo op with than you do for your hellfire.
You roll your eyes before taking your stuff and exiting the booth, before heading out the backways with staff security and your detailed security for the day. You only had security because you wanted to explore the con when you weren’t needed.
Your best friend had also been your assistant for the con weekend, but you didn’t want her to be confined to you the whole three days so when she could, you would let her explore it, at least she could experience it as a fan, right?
When you made it to that part of the building, you wanted to wait in line with her, which your security didn’t agree to so she texted you when there were about five people ahead of her. She was one of the last in line, with you asking her to be kind, so others would get their chance to be first with whomever it was. 
When she texted you and your detailed exit, getting a few stares and others taking their phones out to either take photos or tweet, you wave at them before joining your best friend in line.
“Here,” she says before handing you none other than a black cat mask before she puts on a red wig. 
You glare at her slightly trying to not make a scene, before putting it on. 
“I’m assuming you're Mary Jane?” you laugh figuring out that it had to be someone from Spider-Man.
“How’d you- never mind.” She laughs with you.
She then explains how she’s going to pose for your five photo ops, joking in between how she should “get a raise for this”.
You catch sight of him before sucking in your breath. This was either going to go down amazingly or terribly, there was no in-between with you. 
“Excuse Me, are you Y/n Y/l/n?”
You turn around and are met by some fans who were standing in line behind you.
“I am! How’s your con going?” you ask politely to the two of them.
“It's going amazing! We love you as Thalia! Could we maybe get a picture? Only if it’s okay?”
“Of course! Thank you for supporting me!” your best friend grabs their phone to take the photo, before you take off the mask, and stand between the two fans, and your best friend snaps a few photos. 
“Thank you so much! And Are you fans of Tom?”
You start slowly walking back to catch up to the line. 
“Yeah, I love him as Spiderman, but I also enjoy his other roles. He's very talented, I'd love to work with him one day!” 
“Have you seen him in Uncharted?  We love Him as Nathan drake!”
“I have, he was amazing per usual! How are you two posing with him?”
They show you their innovative pose. You laugh and tell them it's great before you have to wish them goodbye before heading up for your turn for the photo op. 
“How do we want to pose- hang on, I recognize you!”
You freeze slightly before your friend mouths for you to flirt. You look down at the mask in your hand before getting into character and saying “Of course you do Spidey, I'm always causing you trouble.” you put on the mask and wink. 
He seems slightly stunned, laughing, feeling like he’s seen you somewhere, not only because he found you extremely gorgeous, while in his peripheral vision he sees his brother/ assistant, Harry waving like a madman on the side. 
Your friend directs you both through the poses, first, one both him putting “webs” onto you as she looks over his shoulder, the second one, both of you kissing his cheeks, the third, all jumping in the air in your best superhero poses, the fourth one she gets a photo op alone and the last one she gives to you,
“Seriously, who are you?”
“Your Wildest dreams, baby,” you say, taking off the mask. 
Your best friend yells “freestyle” from the sidelines before Tom dips you, gently, with you shocked, holding the mask out with your free arm and the photo captures that moment. 
 He gently helps you stand back up fully, not before you drop the mask.
“Nice moves Spider-Man.”
“Not so bad yourself, Black Cat.”
You laugh before, taking off with your best friend, well more her dragging you to the printing station leaving the mask behind. Tom picks it up before shoving it in his back pocket to hopefully give back if he could find you. 
`You were sitting in the green room, trending on Twitter before you were actually supposed to be trending on Twitter, and god knows where else.  
Someone had snuck a video of you and Tom, up till him dipping you, and a video of you interacting with the fans in the line.
Your Y/b/n was currently reading off some tweets out loud
“‘A kind queen we stan.’  I agree, I also agree with ‘Date her if you can't date me tom!!!’.
‘THALIA AND PETER PARKER??? My two fandoms have collided.’ same, same. Oo this one says, ‘if she ain’t playing black cat I will sue marvel.’ I'm dying at the reply ‘She needs to post the photos or I'll sue her!’. This one’s funny, ‘she could squash him like a bug in heels but he liked his queen like that.’.”
She pauses watching you texting.
“Y/n? Y/n?”
“What? Sorry I was only half listening. I was texting my publicist. She said to stay on the DL until tonight. 
“Well we should get food, you haven't eaten since this morning.”
“By the way, your show has shot to number one on Disney +. Also, you have like three times the followers you had before, probably cause you're trending on every platform, even Tumblr!”
“Wow you should just become my social media manager now.” you joke trying to ease the joy yet weirded out feeling in your stomach.
“Does that come with a raise? Because after today I've spent way too much of what I'm paid.” she jokes back.
After finishing his photo ops Tom asked Harry who she was and to find out. By the time he finished autographs for the day, Tom and Harry walked to the panel room in the back for announcements, one that included him for the new Avengers movie, while Harry gave him the rundown.
“So she’s an actress, she plays Thalia on Disney plus’ Percy Jackson series, and that's her most known project. The other girl with her is her assistant best friend, and now she's trending everywhere. People dug up some old photos of her being a marvel/Spider-Man fan, so there's that. And she's here at the con for the rest of the weekend. She's doing photo ops tomorrow at one, and yes she's single from what I gather since you were looking at her like this.” he makes a weird face before tom smacks him.
“And plus you have time in your schedule to get a photo op with her, that is if you eat lunch quickly.”
That gave Tom an idea. 
“Harry I’m going to need you to book me one, oh and help me find a Spider-Man costume!” He says, before leaving harry to do ‘assistant’ work. entering the green room for the announcements, watching them announce a new movie.
“We are so excited to announce to the Marvel Universe, and spider-verse-” that perked tom’s ears, “-directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood, and today we are announcing our amazing Miss Felicia Hardy, please give a warm welcome to the stage, Your Black Cat!”
You suddenly emerged in an aisle way, dressed in all black with a leather jacket, black ankle boots, and of course black sunglasses indoors.
The music is marvel music until it suddenly changes after a recorded laugh from you into “I can’t be tamed by Miley Cyrus”.
You start owning the music while saying hi and touching fans’ hands. You decide to take off your sunglasses and throwing them to a fan, for them to keep, before getting on stage.
“What a Performance from the one the only Y/n Y/l/n!”
You laugh, being met with the loudest applause you had heard all con before being handed a Mic. 
“Thank you but I'm a terrible dancer.” You Joke.
Tom was staring at the screen stunned. You had been the black cat all along. You were in the marvel universe and spidey one,  so he'd definitely be seeing more of you. The hard part is that you seemed so genuine when you talked, interacted with fans and was no doubt, stunning. 
“Better close your mouth or the flies will get in.” Tom turns around to find the voice of none other than his friend slash bully, Sebastian Stan, along with Anthony Mackie.
“Looks like the kid has a crush!” Anthony laughs, pointing to the screen you were on.
“I-I don’t! I don’t even know her!” Tom tries to come to his own defense, hopelessly.
“She’s got you whipped already don’t even deny it.” Harry comes in, joining the teasing of one, Tom Holland.
“Maybe we can invite her out for drinks tonight, then fanboy over here can meet her, and then probably scare her off!” Anthony mentions.
“You haven’t looked on the internet? They’ve already met.” Seb says, before showing Anthony twitter. 
Anthony stands there slightly shocked before bursting into laughter.
“Well, she’s damn well a keeper for Tom since she obviously likes him.”
A staff member peaks their head in the green room to tell Tom he’s up next.
“Well, that’s my cue to leave you two!”
On the other hand, you were on an adrenaline high from being on stage, and seeing all the fans. You knew tomorrow was going to be crazy, as you expected people to book your photo op left and right since the announcement. 
You had decided to decline an offer from your fellow marvel universe castmates, Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie, which they so graciously told you that whenever you’re free, the offer still stood. 
You had gotten to your hotel room seeing your phone blowing up on the social media apps for the second time that day. 
You responded to the important stuff, before heading to bed, knowing it was going to be hectic.
You had been right, it was absolutely insane, the number of people who showed up. You had fully booked all your time slots for photo ops. You had seen so many people dressed up in marvel cosplay, ranging from Loki to Ironman, even some people dressed up as your character, which was wildly insane to see.
You had been nearing the end of the line and had enjoyed every moment with the fans, and you couldn’t wait for your autographing session later that day, to truly get a chance to talk to the fans and connect with them and how they felt about you being their beloved Black Cat. 
After a few more photos, posing how they wanted, you see a fully dressed, head to toe, mask and all, Spider-Man. You had seen some spider-mans but most took off their masks to snap a picture. The person was the last in line. 
“Hey Black Cat.” The southern American accented voice tells you, seeming very familiar. 
“Hey, Spider, what poses do you have up your sleeve?” you ask kindly.
“I bought a few, Cat.” they laugh.
“Okay, You can do whatever a spider can right?” you pull out a line out of the comics jokingly.
“I can do flips if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Is that some kind of nerd pick-up line? Because it’s only kind of working.” you laugh. 
“I really can, but this is one.”
He gets down on one knee, holding a black cat mask instead of a ring. The photographer captures the shocked expression on your face.
“I- Don’t- What- Spider I-” 
“Ow My feelings…” Suddenly their voice changes into a British accent before they pull off the mask to reveal-
“I guess you don’t have a spidey sense darling?” The photographer captures the moment without warning eating the moment up. 
You laugh at that. 
“I guess you found out my true identity Spider. And it’s nice to officially meet you, Tom.”
He laughs, just as nervous as you, he notices he has gotten closer to you and a strand of hair loosely is blowing in your face, so naturally, he pushes it behind your ear. Another snap of the camera can be heard. 
“NOW KISS!” a voice belonging to your best friend yells from the side, mid-eating a churro.
You both laugh really hard at that.
The both of you calm down, slowly leaning lost in the moment. The camera snaps again. You both look at the photographer weirded out, and they just shrug.
“Wait can you actually do a flip?” you ask, pulling away, not wanting prying eyes aka the photographer, to pry in your business. 
“I can, though I’d show you later, maybe in the greenroom?”
“That sounds naughty, but, sure.” you joke around. 
He laughs before, you both take off from the area going to grab the photos.
After spending most of the day together when you could, you get Tom’s number, before heading back to your hotel room. He texts you as soon as you get back. 
Spider: I had fun today, minus finding our assistants making out.
You: we should ‘snog’ too, it’ll gross them out ;)
You: I had fun too btw. Are you leaving tomorrow?
Spider: lol we should. And yeah an early flight, 6 am to be exact. Hbu?
You: Yeah me too... another day another dollar lol
Spider: ill miss you, Cat.
You: stop talking like we’ll never see each other again lol. As a matter of fact, come to my room, we’re watching a movie!
Spider: alright, I’ll order snacks. 
  You sigh smiling at your phone. You haven’t felt this giddy in a long time.
Your phone pings with a few Instagram notifications.
Tomholland2013 has started following you.
Tomholland2013 has tagged you in a photo.
You open Instagram to find the photo of him “proposing” to you posted.
“Ow, my leg, my- feelings...Welcome to the Universe, Cat.” the photo is captioned. You decide to post, the photo of him dipping you.
“So what do you say, Spider? Wanna help me pull off the Heist of the Heist of the Century?” you caption it, Before getting comfortable to watch a movie. 
What an opportunity ;)
@lolooo22 @webmeupspiderdaddy @harryhollandsgirlfriend @spideyspeaches @greenorangevioletgrass @queenofthepouges @sheranatic111 @keithseabrook27
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harper-hook · 4 years
Into The Woods | Harry Hook x Reader
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Request: Can I request a Harry X reader where the reader is Peter Pan's daughter and they hate each other at first but then things get really heated between them and it turns into full on smut?
Warnings: Oral sex
Author’s Note: This almost killed me to write tbh
The familiar scraping of metal on metal made you groan mentally and slam your locker. “what do ya want now, Hook?” You snapped, unfortunately used to your father’s enemy's son bothering you. “Just came to see me favorite little sprite.” He replied with a wide grin, seeing how it got under your skin.
You stopped yourself before you yelled at him and caused a scene. It was the day right before Spring Break and you didn’t want to damper your spirits by earning after school detention as soon as you got back. “Well you saw me. Now back off.” You ordered.
Harry stepped back, faking a wounded look. “My plans don’t involve backing off.” He smirked. “Quite the opposite in fact, seeing as you’re heading back to Neverland.” You groaned and rolld your eyes. This again. 
“If you let me tag along, I’ll make it worth your wild.” He practically purred, getting up in your personal bubble. You sneered at him. “Listen, Hook and listen good.” You poked him chest with your finger. “You will never! Set foot in Neverland if I have anything to say about it!” You hissed.
Harry’s smirk dropped and he adopted an angry glare. You were a bit nervous but you couldn’t back down now. “Then we’ll just have to hope nothing happens to ya!” He hissed. You growled, getting in his face and bawling your fists.
“Hook! Pan!” You snapped out of your rage as Fairy Godmother came bustling around the corner, catching you both. Uh oh...
One long and infuriating detention later, you were finally packing up. “Stupid Hook and his stupid face...” You ranted to Ben over the phone. Ben sighed as you leaned against the side of your car, trunk still open. “Didn’t you think he was cute when he first came here?” Mal asked, joining Ben on the other line.
The good thing about being over the phone was no one could see you roll your eyes. "That was before he opened his mouth." You huffed. “So you’re gonna talk to Tiger Peony about the trade deal between Neverland and Auradon, right?” Ben changed the subject.
“Yeah I’ll do your job while on my spring break, Ben.” You rolled your eyes. "I appreciate it, you know?" He said. "Uh huh. See if you can lower my detention sessions when I come back." Ben sighed, confirming that he said he would see what he could do.
You said your goodbyes and promised to call once you arrived; Ben always the worrier. Hanging up, you quickly slammed your trunk shut and climbed in the driver's side.
Taking one last look at Auradon Prep in the mirror, you pulled out and started on your long 6 hour drive.
The first couple of hours of the drive you didn't mind. Plenty of sunlight and good music made the time fly. But thanks to Fairy Godmother's detention, you'd left 2 hours late and now the sun was going down quick.
Driving at night didn't bother you but driving through Summerwoods at night bothered you. You turned your music down and took a deep breath, trying to keep calm. Now you really regretted turning Herkie’s invitation for a ride. “(Y/N), you’re a fucking moron.” You hummed to yourself.
Then it sounded like a gun shot went off. You let out a small shriek, thankfully not swerving your car off the road. You slowed considerably, still confused and terrified. Then you heard it, what sounded like a horse’s snort, the spluttering of air. Your heart sank, grip tightening on the steering wheel. “Are you fucking serious right now?!”
Slowly limping your car to the side of the road and putting it in park, you practically threw yourself out of the door, mood souring at the telltale signs of a popped tire. You glanced to the right and saw the back tire, flat as paper. 
You groaned, you held your head in your hands. Ok, keep yourself together, you thought. I’m a strong independent woman and I can change a tire, that’s what I keep a spare for, you reminded yourself. 
You ran to the back and popped the trunk open again. “Hiya!” You screamed, stumbling backwards and falling on the ground. You laid there in complete shock, breathing heavily and heart thumping. You could hear Harry wheezing in laughter.
After a few seconds, you sat up, gasping for air. “What the fuck?” You rasped out. Harry climbed out of your trunk, still shaking in mirth. Shakily, you stood to your feet, narrowing your eyes at the boy in front of you.
“What in the actual fuck do you think you’re going?” You screamed, no longer shaking in fear but in anger. “I’m going to Neverland, what does it look like?” He said with a slight eyeroll like you were stupid. This just pissed you off more.
“It looks like you’re some kind of fucking stalker!” Harry stopped laughing, looking at you with a positively poisonous glare. He stomped up to you, clearly trying to intimidate you. You were too angry to care. 
“You might wanna loose the attitude, lass. We’re all alone out here.” He sneered. It was your turn to roll your eyes. “Just get out of my way.” You pushed past him, peering into your trunk. “Where’s my spare tire?” You questioned, looking back at Harry who looked like a pouty kid caught in the cookie jar.
“Was awful cramped in there with that thing.” He muttered. He continued at your deadpan look. “Threw it out at the school.” You took a sharp, deep inhale, fists clenching and unclenching. You turned and slammed your trunk shut, putting your arms and head down on top of it. 
You couldn’t help but laugh. The whole irony and bullshit of the situation was honestly laughable. It would’ve been funnier if it hadn’t been you. “Pan?” You heard Harry call. “What?!” You snapped, raising your head. 
“Ya okay?” Your eyes widened as you spun around. “I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just ask me that when you literally ruined my entire evening!” You screamed at him. Harry marched up to you, forcing you back against your trunk. “I thought I told you to loose the fucking attitude.” He snapped. He grabbed the hair at the base of your neck and practically bent you over backwards on your trunk.
He leaned in close to you, cocky smirk on his face. You snarled and bared your teeth, leaning closer to his face. “Am I supposed to be scared of you? There’s 1000 things in these woods alone that are scarier than you.” You and Harry’s gazes locked. His eyes were so... blue. You really hadn’t noticed before. 
His glare softened slightly and he released his grip on your hair, stepping back. You straightened up, keeping a close eye on Harry. You’d never admit that he scared you a bit. Never.
It was silent now. You looked away into the forest. It was completely dark now. Crunching sounds from the forest made the hairs on your arms raise. You and Harry shared a look to confirm you both heard it. A nearby wolf’s howl made you gasp and reach out, a firm hold on Harry’s shirt. He held your wrist.
“C’mon. C’mon.” He ushered you to the backseat and practically shoved you in and climbed in after you. You sighed and tucked your knees under your chin. Fuck, this was bad. “Call Princey. See what kinda magic he can work.” Harry murmured, like he was afraid to talk too loud. 
“Hey, finally a smart suggestion from you.” You said with a sarcastic smile and leaned forward to your car’s center panel. You had both knees on the middle storage compartment, waiting on the phone to ring. 
“Hello?” Ben answered after three rings. “Ben!” You were instantly filled with relief. “I need some help. My car blew a tire in the Summerwoods.” You explained. “What about your spare?” He asked. You turned to glance at Harry who gave a sarcastic wave. You flipped him off and turned back around. “It was a bad spare.” You lied. “Can you send help?” 
“Uh, yeah. It’s gonna be a couple of hours though.” Ben said. You groaned at the fact you already knew. “Thanks, Ben. I’ll make it up to you one day, I swear.” You smiled at Ben’s laughter. “Yeah, just hang tight.” With that, he hung up and you tossed your phone back into the center console.
You moved to sit back down in the backseat, instead moving into something solid. While you were preoccupied, Harry had slid into the middle seat right behind you. “What are you-” You squeaked as Harry pulled you down into his lap. 
He wound his hand into your hair again and bent you backwards, leaving your neck exposed. His other hand had a firm grip on your hip. You gasped as he licked a stripe up your neck, blowing on it to make you shudder. “W-what are you doing?”
“I can see it, ya know? I saw it earlier. Ya look at me the way I look at ya.” He murmured, low and close to your ear. “You lie and say you hate me but have still fantasized about this. About me.” He placed a kiss on your neck. Your shaking hands found their place on his knees. 
“Say you want this. Say you want me. Or I’ll let you go and we never have to speak again.” Your heart hurt in an unexplained way. This bickering love-to-hate routine you and Harry had fallen into naturally, for it all to stop one day? It seemed Harry Hook had somehow managed to worm his way into your heart.
“Harry...” You murmured, looking up at him. “I want you. Now.” You said with more confidence that you’d anticipated. He looked surprised but quickly adopted his signature cocky grin. “Atta girl.” He helped you turn around to straddle him.
You bent down to kiss along his jawline before planting one on his lips. It started innocent but quickly turned rougher and more passionate. Harry raised his hand and brought it down hard on your ass. You gasped into the kiss and pulled away, looking at Harry with an indignant look. 
“That’s for the fuckin’ attitude you’ve been giving me for the last 4 months.” He growled, voice deep and husky. “You’ll get a lot more later.” He said, his tone of voice making you realize you were in for a world of hurt later.
He tugged on the bottom of your shirt before pulling it off. He grinned and pulled you back for another kiss, slowly grinding his erection against your leg. You scratched his shoulders as you pulled away. 
“I’m not fucking you on the first date.” You said matter-of-factly. He looked at you, confused and a bit annoyed. “Technically it’s not even a date. More of a car invasion.” You crossed your arms, smirking at Harry. He narrowed his eyes before grinning himself.
“Either way, I’m still gonna rock your world, luv.” He smacked your ass in the same spot, making you hiss in pain. You climbed off his lap and leaned up against the door, Harry right on top of you.
You gripped the seat as Harry kissed down your neck, teeth scraping your skin. Your head was tossed back as he moved lower and lower. "Look at me." You glanced down and could barely make out Harry kneeling between your legs.
He started tugging on your jeans and you lifted up to help him. In one fluid motion, your jeans were tossed into the front seat. You whimpered, feeling exposed. Harry shushed you, breathing close to your lower belly. "Trust me."
Your heart lurches in shock as cold metal dragged its way up your leg and hooked into your underwear, tugging them down. You felt like your face was on fire.
You took a deep breath as Harry threw one leg over his shoulder and the opposite leg was pushed to dangle over the floor boards. You flushed again as Harry kissed gently up your thigh. You shrieked as he nipped your inner thigh.
"Fucker..." You stammered. Harry laughed before he leaned down close to your heat. He slowly dragged his tongue up your slit. You moaned loudly, one hand reaching to Harry's head, pushing him down.
You sighed and moaned into your hand as Harry continued his ministrations. "I- I wanna hear you." Harry murmured into your thigh. "I wanna hear how good I'm making you feel." His voice barely more than a whisper.
"Harry!" You moaned loudly as Harry blew cool air over your slit. "That's my girl." And he went back down on you, more aggressive this time. The air in the car felt thick and foggy, just like your thought process.
Harry moved to your clit, clearly tracing a pattern. He used one hand on hold your bucking hips down as he continued. "Are you-" You trailed into a high pitched whine. "Tracing your fucking name?" You shook violently.
You could feel Harry grin against you. He moved up into your face, noses nearly touching. "Yeah. And what are ya going to do about it?" He sneered, attack your neck again with a rigorous fever. "Mine." That one word sent a fire burning through you.
One of Harry's hands moved you your slit, two fingers slipping in easily. "Harry..." You moaned, tears coming to your eyes. He was still sucking and biting at the base of your neck and collarbone, clearly trying to leave a mark. You dug your nails into the back of his neck, making him let out a few curses.
Harry curled his fingers against your G-spot relentlessly, your legs shaking and your hips bucking wildly. "Harry!" You sobbed as you finally came, back arching and world going still.
It was quiet for a moment and the only sound was both of yours heavy breathing. Harry pulled his fingers out and wiped them on his pant, sitting back on the other side of the backseat. You sat up and pulled your legs back to you.
You winced, pain shooting through your body. "What the fuck did you do to me, Hook?" You muttered. Your legs and back were cramped up and it felt like you'd been punched in the neck. He laughed heartily. "Fucked ya up good, huh?"
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but agree. Between your dried tears on your cheeks and messy hair from rubbing against the window, not to mention all the bruises.
You glanced over at Harry who was looking at you curiously. "What?" He asked. You smirked at him, leaning over him. You ran you hand down his chest and iver the bulge in his pants, making him buck into your hand. "It's my turn now."
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brawltogethernow · 4 years
Opinions on hair clip!Gwen vs MJ bangs!Gwen?
(Personally I think that the hair clips give off some kind of vibe and I don’t know what it is but it’s definitely there)
Very niche topic you were correct to guess I would have involved, impassioned thoughts about.
(Quick visual rundown of the history of Gwen’s hairstyle for the normal people out there:)
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Aesthetically, of course the bangs are superior. At least some of why the headband and bangs look is iconic is because it’s a Look™. But that’s not...the point.
Copying MJ’s hairstyle - and then immediately needing to return to having something holding her hair back and experimenting with how to do that with short bangs for a while - is one of those little things that makes Gwen feel like a person despite her comparatively minor volume of appearances. It’s just such real social circle of 17-19yos behavior. Her smiling on the outside despairing on the inside face when Harry points it out??
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Agonizing. I love it.
(Digressing but the panel immediately before this where Harry is like, “Peter, in my unprofessional opinion I diagnose you with Every Single Disease.” I love this era.)
Simultaneously, the vibes of Gwen stealing her hottest friend’s look? Her hottest friend who her other hot friend is clearly attracted to’s look?? Girl was really going through it. [Here I tried to casually insert a bi flag emoji, but there isn’t one.] Every leg of this love triangle-cum-OT3 is real.
So I love all of that, and you sacrifice all of it when you act like Gwen was born with a black headband fused to her skull divorce the bangs from their context. Having her already sporting the hyper-recognizable fringe look in high school is my sole critique of what we got of the Gwen Stacy solo title. (Marvel, please? The rest? I am but a starving Victorian orphan--) I was rooting so hard for acknowledging her awkward high school senior hair.... Like to a weird degree probably. I was texting people updates about the projected likelihood of the established hair continuity being adhered to as new promotional art dropped.
Because the clips are valuable shorthand to convey what era of Gwen you’re looking at! The sharp corners and exposed widow’s peak and old fashioned bit of curl tell you right away you’re looking at a less settled Gwen, someone with only one firm friend who, for all she’s remembered as a bookish sweetheart, did very much and by her own design hook up with Peter via an enemies-to-lovers route.
Gwen was MEAN when she was introduced! You can’t use the clips without remembering Gwen being mean, which honestly I think everyone writing her should take a couple of minutes a week to do, for health reasons. (Sometimes it’s for reasons of my health, as a reader.) I talk about how Peter/MJ is bitch4bitch and the poetry of two liars being honest only with each other, but Gwen and Peter? Very much united by a shared passionate drive to deck the world hard in the face and watch it bleed. And also science or whatever, I guess.
I don’t read Gwen as becoming a less intense, angry character through the different micro-eras you can mark by her hairstyle, but she gets more comfortable with the rest of the core cast while also picking up a thread of melancholy. (Okay sometimes...you have to read against the text a little to reconcile it with itself.) The sum effect of this mix gets flanderized into characterizing Gwen as a Good Girl, and when creators go with the headband look for periods where Gwen-the-character would be wearing hair clips, you know that even if they’re writing good content they view Gwen as a Good Girl who was Too Good For This World who would never ever start a petty feud or or insult someone who doesn’t deserve it or escalate a situation into minor violence. (Because, you know, women must not cause narrative drama by wanting things, only by being wanted.)
...More charitably, it’s just not going to hit the same, because it’s a sign the team is working with the concept of Gwen without either enough affection for or knowledge of her personal history to adhere to it. If you keep snipping bits out of her like this, you’re going to run out of girl pretty fast.
The silver clips anchor things in an era where there’s a greater discomfort with themselves in the whole cast and they’re all taking it out on each other. THERE IS DEFINITELY A WHOLE VIBE.
Also the style is actually very fun to draw, in my experience.
I’ve been sort of talking around the Doylist angle -- I think it’s excellent how much the progression of Gwen’s hair works from a characterization standpoint, given how every single minute change is very clearly a creative team shift thing. Horror art style to romance art style followed by whatever Stan Lee was doing to whatever Gerry Conway was doing had an effect on how the first stretch of Spider-Man reads you just. Could not bottle. Most of Gwen’s look shifts are very blatantly an ongoing series of nudges deeper into Romita Sr.’s favorite things to draw -- which incidentally looked excellent, so who was going to complain?
Of course, then if you continue with a meta lens beyond the JRSr era...the bangs look depreciates considerably! I was originally planning for that infographic at the top to do much harder double duty as a joke, with more images in between the last two. Death! Every single clone! Spider-Gwen! Flashbacks set before the bangs! But it’s like! How much effort do I really want to expend just to lampshade that her style has been frozen for 45 years!? Also it wasn’t going to be worth it without the skeleton as the punchline, so I had to go get that first because it was the only one I hadn’t actually seen personally, and finding it really sapped my energy for balancing good-natured ribbing with deep appreciation for a topic. I was kind of hoping people on Twitter had made that up!
Like. God damn. It still looks good, but the overlap with not really empathizing with this character or getting into her head is intense. Every day I thank Into the Spider-Verse for its bid at unfreezing Gwen’s hairstyle for the first time since 1973.
So like, yeah. I like looking at the bangs look slightly more, but adhering to them fanatically is refusing to use all the weapons in your arsenal. And to all the Marvel writers using the bangs while simping for either side of the Gwen vs. MJ thing: That’s MJ’s hairstyle, and that’s a little gay.
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oliveroctavius · 2 years
Kraven's Last Hunt. Katabasis/Anabasis. Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, spider and the man. Look, now JMD has got me doing it too.
JMD my dear boy, I might have laughed less at butt-naked Kraven bathing in spiders if you knew how to ease in to high drama. can you imagine how much more effective it would have been if you'd built the anxiety slowly until Kraven pulls out a Fucking Gun and there's a moment where everyone laughs like the tension has been broken before realizing oh god wait and then it's too late.
I love the depiction of intrusive thoughts but using the same technique on every character dilutes its power. Coming from his Goblin II stuff a while ago... of course Harry would experience overwhelming intrusive thoughts, and Peter too. But both Kraven and MJ, I feel like their personalities are based around extreme self-control. But JMD writes everyone as reacting to intrusive thoughts in the exact same flailing panicked way.
Am definitely a fan of lots of parallel visual symbolism (or traumatic flashbacks) and silent panels though. I like the use of the medium, finally departing from the classic format that leans so heavily on text it could be read aloud.
I only afterwards realized I was having one of those classic Comics Moments where you miss like two issues of a different series and have no idea what's going on. I guess Vermin is from Cap America. Still a distinctly JMD creation. Has his "monsters are created through suffering" philosophy written all over. Hurt people hurt people. And that's an order, soldier. Ha ha.
JMD wants to talk about fear. He wants to talk about it a lot.
Kraven's fear is death, which is an enemy he can't defeat, so he creates the Spider to defeat in its stead. He makes Peter live through his own worst fear. There's this insane transitive property thing going on. Spider-Man defeats death. Vermin defeats Spider-Man. Kraven defeats Vermin. Therefore, Kraven has defeated Spider-Man and therefore Kraven has defeated death and doesn't have to fear it anymore. Somehow this works for him.
Peter's fear is death. His own death and the deaths of everyone else he loves. He doesn't really get over this, he just lets his fear for others override his fear for himself. Fear for others is love, maybe.
Vermin's fear is.............. everything except for the dark. Kraven drags Peter into the dark which he thinks is his end but isn't. Peter drags Vermin into the light which he thinks is his end but isn't. I still don't know what to make of this one.
MJ's fear is helplessness which is established but not resolved.
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measuringbliss · 1 year
Spider-Man Read-Through 016: Let's finish 1972! (ASM 110-115)
Dear readers,
This is it! The Lee-Ditko team is about to break up! Conway is going to take over Lee's mantel, a 19 years old dude entrusted with what was already a renowned character.
The last batch was painful at times, captivating some other times. I especially enjoyed the fanservice.
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Want some context? Keep reading!
So this set of issue, Lee's last ish, introduces... the Gibbon.
And to be fair, the Gibbon is a nice character. For his last (regular, at least) outing, Stan introduces a character with a lot of empathy. Ostracized for his face and abilities, Marty is a gentle figure and immediately nice to the hero, which you never get enough of in these comics.
Both artists also gift me with some supreme Parker whump that just keeps on going. So here's a few panels to celebrate that!
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A look at everybody's outfit: I particularly enjoy Harry's! It feels modern, in his own way. Is it because he has a much better mental health since he left the hospital? Maybe. Gwen has bold red, it suits her well.
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Pete's still afraid of Flash stealing his girl, but Flash actually just promised Gwen he'd try to be a friend to Peter, which is great development. They do become roommates later on... Or is Ned?
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Anyway, we get to see Peter's O-Face once again.
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This issue's giving me everything I ever wanted: angst, whump, Parksborn, it's great.
When Pete wakes up, the Gibbon tries to speedrun TASM2 and quickly feels betrayed when Spidey laughs at him for suggesting they'd partner up.
Not far from them, somebody seems to be satisfied with what his gaze has set on.
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A requested villain? No way... Surely... It can't be... The Wall?
(It isn't.)
Lee's last regular issue is a surprising delight, in spite of the first look I had at it. The ridiculous costume is acknowledged, and there's plenty of soap. Luv it.
I wanted to check out the reader's letters, but my scans don't have them and the archive I used last time was deleted. In the space of two weeks!!!! This is absurd.
Let's make way for baby Conway! What's his first SM story gonna be like, under Lee's supervision?
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Well Kraven's sure gonna show us with his fabulous dancer's soles and sexy pantyhose. Turns out he wants revenge for his dino pet (understandable). So Kraven's basically Newt Geizler, nice.
As implied in the previous issue, May is going away, letting the readers (and the writers, who don't know what to do with her) breathe a sigh of relief. Peter wonders with whom May could leave, completely forgetting that she has a girlfriend in the person of Anna.
Kraven drugs the Gibbon and subsequently takes over him. It's no time for nipple lasers!
This leads me to think the reason Gerry Conway started in the middle of a mini-arc was for Lee to show him the ropes. The style is pretty much identical to Stan's, maybe so as to not shock the readers (in the same way Romita tried to imitate Ditko's style in 39-40).
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(Peter looking like a sad boi.)
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The issue features nice word art for Kraven's commands to the Gibbon.
Issue #111 is a nice one, not that remarkable. The Gibbon gets out of Kraven's grip, but nothing's too conclusive...
I have the letters, though! James Brandwein hopes Stan "doesn't do something dumb, like kill [Gwen]". Hahaha. He also hopes that Peter doesn't get married. Did he plot Mephisto's inference with the plot? Hmm!
Mark Wilson asks for a mystery villain, whose identity shall be unknown for years! He should be satisfied with the upcoming Hobgoblin storyline. He argues that back in the day, the Green Goblin's identity was a source of discussions with fellow fans. (I guess this ask actually inspired the Jackal, but his identity would be revealed not too late.)
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In issue #112, Peter gets a few new facial expressions. The mystery of May's disappearance (because it's a mystery now, apparently) paces the issue. Gwen gets some welcome characterization and also says Flash had promised he wouldn't ~ride~ Peter anymore. She's very disapproving of their bedroom activities, obviously.
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Doc Ock announced his arrival through Romita having a lot of fun drawing great perspectives. And continuing in issue 113, the perspective shots are at least nice to look at. The issue also advertises Team Up because they need that sweet money, but I don't care about it.
I was just thinking I missed the side characters when Randy Robertson pops up, which makes me very happy. He's no Hobie Brown, but he's still Randy.
The Peter whump continues to my delight, and Doc Ock looks for a nightclub. He's always had that Elton John look, so I'm not surprised. Seems like the gangs are fighting ahead, and a "Mr. H" namedrop leads me to think Hammerhead's back... I'm already dealing with him in Insomniac's Spider-Man DLC (hey, remember when he died but was revived after his death being a life-changing event for a developing character? that sucked!) And his squared head appears a few panels later, so I was right. The two villains start fighting, but Peter gets whumped harder and offers me some nice shots...
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... and the whump soon turns into shirtless visuals, as is bound to happen...
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... and turns back into whump so whumpy I might have written it when I was a teenager. 19-year old Gerry Conway doesn't disappoint.
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Romita completely succeeds at making Peter look frail in these issues (and particularly this one), so kudos to him. Please produce more of this, please.
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In issue #114, Peter finds himself a passion for architecture.
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More importantly, Professor Warren's back too. Gerry Conway, I see you... And Gwen once again gets angry at Flash for him making fun of Peter. Déjà vu... but it makes me think Flash and Gwen could be a compelling couple...
Turns out May was at Ock's, being a nice little houseworker, and she does not take Spidey intruding gladly.
In the letters, Jeff H. Berlin complains about Peter's distrust of Gwen, and I agree with him. He has no faith in her and immediately jumps to the wrong conclusion.
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May got away, and this is just a nice set of panels.
All is well that ends well (Ock does have a word with May before leaving with the cops called by Robbie), but Peter truly looks like a puppy with his shojo eyes.
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Yeah, because making an old lady work is very nice of Ock.
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Like I said, very sad puppy indeed.
You know, I'm very glad to have read this arc, because it gives context to what happens later... Hammerhead's first appearance and rivalry with Doc Ock, May's behavior, the relationships between Gwen, Flash and Peter... and since we just finished up with the year 1972, next time, we'll enter year 1973. That's right, baby, two (arguably, three) years I've fully read before, and multiple times too!
The Green Goblin (finally) comes back, in multiple ways! The first Clone Saga is ashore! Are we ready?
I repeat:
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