#has been RUINNING my business
ea-nasir-1750 · 1 year
I am tired of all these Karens.
All this " this isnt the copper i bought" and " I haven't received my copper yet"
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fucked up ship bingo.... i feel like you've finished dunmeshi? so i will say. farcille!!!! & also tidalwave :]
i have not actually finished dunmeshi yet !!!! im still relatively close 2 the beginning actually, i took a break from reading it to go hardcore finishing moby dick (which i still have not done yet. you might even call it. my white wha *gets shot*)
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I have a lot of feelings about farcille though <3
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i dont actually want them to kill each other but theyve definitely tried to before so i had to include that one. actually i also should've added the vampire bat one. im not sorry for being a tidalwave enjoyer it WILL happen again. worlds worst divorced single fathers. i think tide should visit him in prison
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jemgirl86 · 1 year
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🌚 If I speak…
Cause how you manage to almost ruin an old fanon ship (and repeatedly disrespect the main character) all in the span of 6 episodes???
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piopon · 9 months
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My my what a charming smile
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tokayfeathers · 1 year
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do not separate
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
Love characterising nishikiyama as a booze hound drug hound meth addict high every day body mass 75% alcohol hands constantly shaking literally spacing out while driving fifty over the speed limit using elderly folk as speedbumps one hand on the wheel and one hand free to do more drugs and coming into work while functionally deaf and blind and he is still leagues more competent at his job than kiryu
#Yakuza loveblog#i dont talk about nishikiyama enough because im kazamapilled and hate him a little bit but im also kiryupilled and love him so much so you#see my problem? like i adore when nishiki is just. better in every way than kiryu and nobody ever sees that because theyre all too busy#sucking kiryus cock like okay nishiki had the rest of his life planned out when he was twenty and he was an extremely successful criminal#and getting himself noticed in many many circles then kiryu steps outside and gets into a street fight immediately and the entire tojo clan#surrounds him to throw cash at him like nishiki was actually doing so well for himself before his life was ruined. nothing is his fault#like i love just accepting that nishiki has one hell of a substance abuse problem and nobody cares enough about him to talk to him about it#and kiryu thinks its normal because hes the only one who can see that nishikis doing some great work out there so he must be doing#everything right. inconceivable that nishiki has any sort of ‘problem’ hes the real screwup and kiryu knows he makes life harder for himself#but he refuses to change because hes convinced that thats the only thing hes good at. like i believe that nishiki has a coke snorting#mechanic in game like harry db and without his coke buff he cant do as much damage like with it his output is on par with kiryus whos just#been blessed since birth by the violence gods. anyway kiryu is the only person in the world who thinks that nishiki is great do you get it#nishiki has lived his entire life in kiryus shadow and he doesnt care that kiryu has a natural charisma that he will never have. he has to#get out there every single day networking and socialising and hustling and nonstop landing interviews with cool magazines to get his name#out in the world while kazama takes kiryu out and drags him by the elbow to meet people like this is my son kiryu who has every disease and#everyone claps and cheers like i cannot stress enough how on top of the game nishiki is compared to kiryu. he has a car. kiryu doesnt even#have his own lighter. they are not on the same playing field and yet nishikis always trailing behind him because opportunity is always#knocking at kiryus doorstep whether he likes it or not and nishiki gets fed scraps and nothing else and hes the one with ambition he wants#the view on top and most importantly he wanted his brother there with him but nobody ... likes him ... nobody likes nishiki nobodys in his#corner he onky had kiryu and when he lost him it was quite literally him against the world. it always made me laugh how at the end of yk1#harukas paying her respects at nishikis grave when the only time he ever cared about her was because he wanted her little pendant and he#(actually fucked how alone nishiki was he didnt even have his own fucking men to rely on he was basically working alone with someone he knew#was using him like ??? he was fucking desperate) anyway i really love to think that kiryu being nishikis only friend and the last person in#the world who thought kindly of him (barring like ... kashiwagi) was grieving terribly over his death and haruka being a sensitive and#sweet little girl took the initiative to ask about nishiki and i think kiryu would tell her stories every night of the kind of stuff he and#nishikiyama would get up to when they were her age. he would tell her how amazing nishiki was and how he always looked out for him how he#took care of his sister and how he would always be the one to remind them of impending birthdays and the like. nishiki cared about the#little things .. and he made kiryu want to care about them too but theres just something different between them because nishikis always#been a better person than him .. and he would tell haruka in a voice that sounded like he was begging her to understand that nishiki wasnt a#bad person.. though he did bad things he was a good man and he still wishes with all his heart that he could have done more to save him ...
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appsa · 1 year
Whatever the fucking pale is in disco elysium........ im going bonkers for it its such a delicious concept 2 me..........
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It's my 12 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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I did something recently that hurt my mom's feelings and the world has come to a fucking halt about it. Everyone keeps reaching out to me to be like "hey you hurt your mom's feelings idk if you know" even though she and I have extensively talked about it and I've given multiple genuine apologies because she keeps going to everyone who will still talk to her in our family (not very many people) and complaining about me and I'm just like. Genuinely I am very remorseful that I hurt my mother but like. Where the fuck was all this energy when she was hurting her fucking children for 30+ years?
#i technically uninvited her to something#the situation is that i planned a whole birthday party for myself and then BECAUSE MY MOM PICKED A HUGE FIGHT WITH ALL OF HER SIBLINGS#like 75% of the people i invited (my aunts and uncles and cousins) canceled on me#so i canceled my birthday party but asked my brother sister and my brothers wife to still come over that night#they were only coming to see my apartment for the first time. our plan was to get kind of drunk and loud and do karaoke on my couch#my mom has seen my apartment dozens of times#ive invited my parents over for multiple casual dinners. they HATE driving to my area bc its too busy#my mom HATES loud chitchat and music and bad singing and staying up late.#all things we did that night!#and if i were confident i could extend a polite invitation that would have been turned down for inclusion's sake then i would have done that#but i fucking didnt invite her! because she would have said yes! and then she would have been policing the event and my behavior all night!#BECAUSE SHE IS A DIAGNOSED NARCISSIST WHO DOESN'T HAVE THE SKILLS TO PREVENT THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR#and i know she can't really help it. i know her life was so fucking hard. but she made MY life hard. she STILL makes my life hard.#i just wanted one fucking night to have fun with people that love me. just one fucking night! and she tried her VERY best to ruin that#even without an invite#and tbh in some ways she really succeeded in ruining it. half the fucking time was spent talking about her and how to handle this situation#and if this is a precursor to her gettting fucking worse again and going back to inpatient#im just fucking tired of it man
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potpiehead · 8 months
ive been more depressed lately
#if you cant tell#during the summer i had some zest for life and felt actually happy lol but with the turn of the season it just disappeared.. so annoying lo#i keep having thoughts that boil down to "id be happier if i were happier' like lol#i know that spending time with my friends and family; always having something going on; engagine with my interests and keeping myself busy#all make me feel good and i think those things came easier over the summer#when im doing something of interest i just feel this whole world open up and everything feels lighthearted and easy and then when i fall ou#of those habits and start doing less everythig just feels dark#the depression i have now is 100x better than the depression i had as a teenager though. i didnt have the life experience to know that#things could be better#it does make me feel good to know that there are things that help#i just feel so mentally weak like there are times when i think of the thing i want to do but the effort it would take is monumental#and it stresses me the fuck out#i applied to a couple of jobs today because i just need a change of fucking scenery and i feel stagnant.#evereythig feels bleak and meaningless but i have moments where i feel everything open up. idk#i have hope for myself lol just that today in particular has been shitty like a concentrated version of the past few months#but i did apply to jobs which is something i was stressing about! and i bought some shit i needed to buy that i kept putting off#i often have so much on my mind and am so overwhlemed i cant even think of getting shit done. this shit is ruining everything#catastrophizing was my specialty in early high school ive been here before its just that being a young adult is a new frontier.#and i feel like ive been sitting in one place not moving even though i have been doing things i need to CHANGE things#i have moments of strength but i know that overall im struggling.#anyway thanks for reading. i have work tomorrow gn!
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Why is my granddad messaging me and shading my uncle
#my uncle’s business was featured on a youtube channel because he and various other people at the business collaborated with a local artist#on a very (physically) big project#(i’m being deliberately vague to avoid doxxing my uncle)#and tell me why my granddad was like ‘he’s doing so well. i didn’t know he had it in him’#sir THIS IS YOUR SON#you invested in his business!! did you do that thinking it would fail#i’m ngl it sounded like kind of a bizarre idea when he pitched it to us all; but it also sounded like an untapped market & something that#could be a goldmine in the right hands. and it does seem to be in the right hands#i was just like ‘yeah i didn’t expect this either but it looks great’ and left it at that#i am once again asking when me and my uncle traded places as ‘the successful one’ & ‘the black sheep of the family’#i would never suggest that there’s a correlation. but also since my uncle started his business; i have been mugged twice#my mentor who i trusted tried to ruin my career and did succeed in making a lot of people lose respect for me; i had to leave the only job#that accepted me because they tried to make me work thrice as many hours as i was being paid for and gave me zero support#i was unemployed for months and losing my mind and finally had to become a barista and just as i was starting to enjoy that; i dislocated#my knee & sprained two joints in the process#oh and it wasn’t the first time!! i’ve actually dislocated that knee four times. all during the time my uncle had his business#let’s not even talk about how i got covid 3 times or all the shit that happened to me in 2021 because i really will scream#2021 literally had it in for me in every single way#i literally think my uncle was being dunked on by the universe but he found a way to dodge the curse and he has no descendants#so it just passed to me. i need to hand this curse over to a child#maybe i should just start a business. doing what though 🧐#personal
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
anzai from devils line fic WHEN………
I’ve been writing so much about the Blond™️ that I haven’t taken the time to branch off and write for different fandoms again!!! I did it the summer of ‘21 and it was a nice break from exclusively writing for bnha and I wanna do it again
writing for pretty dead fandoms is a little suckish bc you don’t get as much interaction bc……no one is there lmfao but it’s worth it getting the thoughts down and having someone tell me that they’re glad they found that very obscure idea for an unpopular character lol
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
In the cool, plush core of the moon sleeps a mouse as we speak, dreaming of a world lush and green, then golden and undulating, then chopping and churning, a world of many surfaces with skies of many moods.
When it awakes, it will poke its tiny head out of a crater and bask in your glow as it does every morning. Here, all is still and silent. On that sparkling planet in the deep black distance, the sun seems capricious. But the mouse lives in the abyss of the body and therefore with a unique perspective on its essence. The mouse sees what other life does not see.
One needn't worry about unbecoming for the sake of containing a sun. Clouds may blanket the atmosphere of a planet, but still there burns a sun. The spots on the sun's surface may grow and shrink and shift, but still there it burns. And if one decides to cool it down like a waning flame or expand it in a cataclysmic supernova, still there it burns, and one has the right to revoke the state of their existence and become new.
Because perhaps the truth is you are not the sun--not alone--but it is rather a part of you. Your body is the solar system, each planet a world within the body, and each knows this glow in different ways. Some are nurtured by its warmth, others by its distance. Regardless of the sun's changes, they stay the course encircling it.
The universe cannot be held back, harnessed, fully comprehended. It pulls at the seams of solar systems as it pulls on its own seams. In that unstoppable shifting, we stumble. Sometimes it feels like our love and light slips from our fingers, shattering irrevocably in our falls. But what makes us cannot be seperated from us, even in times where our essence is obscured.
There is always another life to appreciate your life, no matter what happens. And in the least, there is always a little mouse in you that understands you in telescopic clarity and offers forgiveness for every change--no matter what, right into the end of time.
#answered#this was sitting in my inbox for a little while#and i wanted to answer properly but i fear that responding back is a little...hard#not that i dont want to its more like this was so prettily written and just so beautiful i fear if i responded id just ruin it lol#so im responding in the tags bc i feel better about doing that#i appreciate whoever decided to write all this up and leave it here for me it means a lot#more vent in the tag#not really vent but ig just reflective i suppose with the last week:#i think i may have actually talked about it before but you have no idea how happy i am with just. the people im surrounded with these days#because even if im going through something ill always push my feelings down in order to make someone else happy#because idc what happens to me overall. if i can make someone else happy thats all that matters#but ik a lot of people take advantage of it so when something bad happens when im unable to help someone they used to get mad at me for it#so more reasons to kinda push my feelings aside to cater to them etc etc etc#but i think the past week has been nice too in realizing that the people around me are patient and just overall kind -- not really expectin#much of me#ig theres this understanding that we all have busy lives now and maybe thats just the gift of maturity as a whole#even if im not the super positive or comforting presence people put me as at least people still care and thats how i know im loved at least#ig in a way this ramble is just a very big thank you to everyone for that#theres a lot of kindness and warmth in this ask that i appreciate and only want to spin back to friends. i hope they can feel it#or that it reaches them#anons#kind messages
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hollyhumbrstone · 1 year
hot girls have sad rants on tumblr dot com
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fizzlehead · 2 years
do you guys think i should steal the outdoor cat that’s been roaming around my apartment complex and just keep her in my apartment. know that if even one person says yes i will probably do it
#she very clearly belongs to someone like she has a flea collar on (with no information on it mind you). but she’s just been like#running around the parking lot and hiding under cars and we’re right next to a really busy road!! and she keeps coming up to my#screen door and meowing and if i go out on the patio she’ll sit with me for like an hour at a time and if i walk outside sometimes she#comes running to me :-((( she’s like the sweetest cat I’ve ever met and she should not be roaming the parking lot!!! yesterday she was#fully asleep in the MIDDLE of the parking lot I had to pick her up and move her into the grass#i’ve already named her. and we’re bonded at this point i don’t know that i can live without her (it’s been 3 days). she’s my best friend#one of my neighbors has already told me i should keep her. if it weren’t for my sister’s cat she would be in my apartment already.#but im considering it anyways. i could make it work#also like i don’t necessarily WANT to steal someone’s cat but as far as im concerned if you choose to have an outdoor cat yoh surrender all#ownership of thag animal. if someone decides they want to take your outdoor cat and keep her inside and give her a safe life that’s their#cat now. you don’t have a cat anymkre. maybe try again when you learn how to take care of animals#anyways uhmmmm. this is my situation. i have not been able to think about anything else for 3 days because I’m so worried about her getting#hit by a car or something. so at this point stealing her would be for my own mental well-being. but also i definitely should not do this. so#OH ALSO. there’s a second cat that also definitely belongs to the same person that i discovered last night when I was looking for the first#cat. and I definitely cannot steal both of them. so keep that information in mind when you are giving me your final decisions.#maybe I could steal both of them. this is ruining my#life#taylor xoxo
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swordsonnet · 2 years
hey folks, just wanted to let you know that i'll be taking a break from tumblr for a little while (see previous post for explanation). i've realised that all this drama is really getting to me, and so i think i should keep my distance for now to protect my mental health, until things have calmed down and/or i'm in a better headspace to deal with it. i'll definitely be back though! i love my weird little corner of the internet too much to abandon it permanently. thank you to everyone who reacted to my vent post, it made me feel a lot less alone <3
#atm there are so many different opinions floating around that i find it very difficult to make up my mind about the article#i still think that at least some of the points are valid but it may not be as simple as people (myself included) have made it out to be#harlan guthrie of malevolent made a post about it that imo offers a really interesting alternative perspective#so i'd encourage people to check that out if theyve read the article so they can get a more balanced view#but i'll try not to draw any conclusions until we have more evidence#but i think its important to remember that boycotting rq network shows because of this will only harm the creators#and even for tma i personally dont believe that rq deserves sole (or even most of the) credit#for turning it into something that resonated with so many people#many of those who worked on tma arent rq execs or even all that involved with rq outside of tma (including jonny himself ofc)#so i think itd be a real shame if rq's (alleged) shady business practices ruined tma for people to whom it really meant something#my excitement about tmp has certainly been... dampened but i'll still try to approach it with an open mind#as long as jonny is working on it (and seems genuinely excited about it) i'm cautiously optimistic that it won't be a bad story#but i'm rambling again so tldr: shit is complicated#i really need to pick up my meds today because this is not a great time to be going through antidepressant withdrawal#todays a bad pain day so i'm not thrilled about leaving the house but whatever#anyway bye for now! see y'all (hopefully) soon :)
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