#gwt me started on this other guy
ea-nasir-1750 · 1 year
I am tired of all these Karens.
All this " this isnt the copper i bought" and " I haven't received my copper yet"
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swampghouls · 5 months
out of context danny working in customer service: i hate entitled rich white ppl in their 50s here in denver
#shut up danny ur dumb#this couple comes in and IMMEDIATELY theyre all over each other shes like batting her 50 year old eyelashes at him he spins her around so im#jus like. .... hi guys. what can i get for you.... and they BOTH ignore me and start looking at the menu n he just says uh my regular! so#i just stare at him. and he finally says a large latte but hes still lookin at the menu so im like. hes still looking for things to order ok#but he starts asking about other drinks n asking if we had a raspberry tea n i tell him no so i start trying to tell him what teas we have#BUT HE TALKS OVER ME AGAIN is still trying to look at the drinks we have so i just wait and he asks abt a refresher but this man already#told me he doesnt want smtg sweet so i tell him. thats a very sweet drink. so he goes oh no no no nothing sweet. goes back to looking. asks#asks abt the medicine ball so i tell him what it is n explain it has honey and lemonade but i dont gwt to finish saying everything he CUTS M#E OFF AGAIN. his 50 y/o gf is like oh thats iced never mind babe n im like. no. its steamed its hot. n im still just. donkey staring meme.#he goes im a regular. every time im in town i come here in the morning for a venti latte. i was here this morning. and im still just.#man standing emoji. okay. okay. what do you want rn. and this GROWN MAN is like oo oo no i know what i want!!! that salted drink you guys#have. i had it in california do you have it here. and km jus... the salted caramel cold brew?? n hes like jumping for joy. man well into his#50s. n i still had a large latte on his order bc he NEVER CLARIFIED so im like. okay it was 2 drinks?? and HES STILL IGNORING ME. TALKIN ABT#SMTG OR OTHER ABD IM JUST. DO YOU WANT THE LATTE STILL YES OR NO. and he finally goes oh no god no and im like okay. finally.#his 50 y/o teenage gf also had such bad filler that literally had shifted to Above her lip. it looked so bad 🫢
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dickarchivist · 8 months
I am obsessed with your OC Clone squad. Thanks for sharing them with us!
You said you’re taking requests so I’m sliding in with one 👀
I’m taking from the same delicious NSFW prompt list @dystopicjumpsuit used!
The prompt is “Keep your eyes open, look at me, baby.” with Ghost. He seems so sweet and deeply caring. With his cybernetic eyes perhaps eye contact is important to him/his partner???
Do with this as you please, no pressure! 💕
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Thanks @starrylothcat for the fic request!! I'm so excited to deliver, and for my sweet boy Ghost too 😭
I Will Know You Forever, Even In Darkness
Clone OC Ghost × fem!Reader (civilian mechanic) (new relationship)
Word count: 2860
🔞Minors DNI🔞
Prompt: “Keep your eyes open, look at me, baby.”
Summary: After a scare on a mission, your new sweetheart's in recovery at the hospital. When you're finally allowed in to see him, you make up for lost time.
Contents and Warnings: fluff and smut the ultimate combo, bit of angst at the beginning, PiV sex, mentions of eye trauma (nothing graphic), yearning good lord the yearning this man does for you. Happy ending, pinky promise.
Author Notes: This fic takes place directly after the mission that causes Ghost to lose his eyes and get his prosthetics. No actual eye trauma is described in detail, it's only stated that he lost them from acid splash, and he's given cybernetics as a replacement.
Small cameo of others in Grave Squad, the jedi of the 404th, and even smaller cameo/mention of two other sw OCs I've made over the years.
Sorry this one's so long, but also not sorry at all because I think it's really good.
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When The Crypt lands in the hanger, you're absolutely thrilled. Ghost and his brothers were home at last. You set down your tools and twll your assistant you'd be back in a second, to which they roll their eyes with a smile, "Boyfriend's back huh?"
"Shush," you giggle, and start toward the ship with glee. But the closer you gwt, the more your smile fades
Wraith is out first, Specter and Banshee carrying a stretcher after him, "Careful! He's fragile, don't jostle him, I just got his vitals stable again!"
Guilt bubbles in your stomach as you hope and hope that the clone on the stretch was Phantom. You wouldn't wish for any of them to be hurt, but please. Please, anyone but--
"Ghost's gonna be fine," Phantom stretcha as he gets out of the ship, play wrestling with Wraith in a bad attempt to lighten the worried media's mood, "You saved his face, I'm sure he'll thank you for that when he wakes up."
"If he wakes up, Tommy!" Wraith spits at his brother, poking his finger hard into his chest, "Like I said, he's fragile, we can't be too cautious! I don't know the extent, he could die for all-"
"Wraith." Specter's voice cuts like a knife. He had noticed you when you'd arrived, and knew all the talk wasn't helping your anxiety.
"He's... he's not going to die, right?" There's a tremble in your voice, your hands are gripping the front of your jump suit so tight its almost hard to breathe, "He can't, he's- please..."
Phantom pushes his brothers along, the stretcher jostling just enough that Ghost's arm falls limp from it, and the cry that comes from you is mournful enough to make the hanger fall silent.
Wraith tries to comfort you, but his anxious yammering only proves to make things worse. Phantom catches your shoulders, then pulls you into a hug, "Hey, hey Mesh'la, it's fine. It's fine, Cap's been in worse spots than this. His name is Ghost, not Dead Guy, right? Afterlife can't get him, he's stuck here with us. Take a breath, okay, it'll be fine. He'll be fine."
His brothers keep you up to date while you aren't allowed in to see Ghost. He's lost both his eyes. They tell you he was heroic, only thinking about the lives of the people he was protecting during the battle. Wraith later confides in you that he believes it was his fault, that if he hadn't forgotten his helmet, Ghost wouldn't have given him his. Ghost's eyes wouldn't have been lost. You want to be angry, but you know them too well at this point.
"Rai, you didn't take his helmet off him. You didn't throw the acid. You didn't do anything malicious... Specter said you kept him alive, it was your quick actions that saved him. Stop calling yourself Ghost's attacker, he'd hate to hear that..."
Wraith nods, but doesn't say anything else, just goes back to Ghost's hospital room to do his best in helping his brother. You get the feeling that Wraith isn't going to belive it's not his fault until Ghost tells him that himself.
On the fifth day, you hear a voice you don't recognize.
"I don't care, no one is going to replace Captain Ghost." There's a few garbled words, then the voice came back, more forceful, "Ghost, not CT-1313." There's another pause before you hear a snarl, "HIS NAME IS GHOST!"
There's hushed murmers, then the voice speaks again, "Good, now that we're clear that this is a man and not a number: you'll give him new eyes. Yes, I do mean that. I do not care what it costs you, he's an irreplaceable asset to the 404th, and I will not have him decommissioned when the best course of action is to replace what he's lost."
You don't realize how close you've gotten to the door until it a little girl grabs your hand, "It's not polite to easedrop... it's fun to do though."
You'd seen her once before, Ghost called her "Vod'ika", and you aren't sure if that's her name or not. She's got her ear pressed to the door, and she giggles, "Oooh, Master Dax is angry, he's using his little voice."
"Master-" when the door opens, a yellow zebrak in jedi robes stands before you. His bright blue eyes catch you, then the little girl behind you.
His glare turns to a funny face immediately. Hands beside his head flaired out, tongue sticking out, eyes crossed. It makes you laugh for the first time in days. "Good!" The zebrak booms, holding your shoulders, "We like happy. Happy means hope, and what's wrong with a little hope right? You must be this "Cyare" Ghostie has been muttering about in his sleep, I know all his brothers, and none of them have that moniker, Athena there is "Cyar'ika", so Cyare must be you!"
You know that word, you heard it often when you were a mandalorian foundling as a child. Beloved. Your face blooms with blush, and you look down at the kid behind you, then back to the man, "uh... y-yeah, I guess so."
"Good, good good good, excellent, good!" He puts his arm around your shoulders, leading you away from the door you'd been camped in front of since Ghost was admitted, "Listen Cyare, Ghost's gonna be fine, Wraith and another clone, I don't know if you know him, Repeat, they'll be preforming Ghost's surgery. Why you ask? Because I don't trust those smug asses with my boys!" His laugh booms again, and you can't help your giggle either, "Now, Re is from my previous Padawan, now a master, so proud. Re is from Annika's battalion, the 418th, let me tell you..."
Master Dax talks your ear off for hours. But it takes your mind off of the situation, and before you know it, Specter is collecting you from the enthusiastic jedi, "Buir, shut it. C'mon, Ghost's up, he wants to see you."
You wave to Dax and Athena, thanking them for spending the day with you. As you walk the now familiar path to Ghost's room, you find that your pace moves quicker the closer you get. Specter chuckles at your side, "Just run, we told the staff to let you in."
"Thanks," you manage before sprinting away. You're running so fast the doors don't part for you at one point and you slam directly into them, eliciting uproarious laughter from a few of the clones lucky enough to see the disaster. It takes a lot of patience to slow down enough for the automatic doors, but eventually you're where you need to be.
Wraith is waiting inside Ghost's room for you. He's fidgeting more than normal, and when he sees you, his speech goes into over drive, "Okay keep in mind I'm not perfect I did my best and he's my brother so of course I did my very very best for him and Repeat was a huge help please don't be mad at-"
"Wraith," Ghost's voice sends your heartbeat further into overdrive, "Shut up before she thinks you killed me." There's humor... stars you're so happy to hear that light chuckle, "C'mere Cyare, I want the first thing I see to be you."
Before you go to his side, you stop at Wraith, kissing his cheek lightly, "Thanks for brining him back to me..."
"Y-yep." As Wraith stumbles out of the room holding his cheek, you cross to Ghost.
Your hand finds his, and immediately his head turns to you with a smile, "There she is, my heart. Rai said the bandages could come off a few hours after surgery. Told him I wanted you to be there for it, hope that's alright."
You don't say anything. You climb into the bed with him, your arms wrapping around him, tangling your legs together as best you can with the blanket over him. Ghost kisses the top of your head as you settle in, rubbing your back, "I'm alright..."
"I know."
"If I'm not handsome anymore, you can always date Phantom, he hits on you enough to where I think he might be serious." He chuckles, but when you don't, he stops. Ghost's hand finds your cheek, and brings you to look at him, even though he can't see you yet, "Hey. I'm not going anywhere, alright? I'm alive, and I want to see you... please Cyare, let me see you."
You move on him, straddling his hips, thankful for his eyes being the only injury this time. You hold his face gently, and he steals a kiss to your palm, making you blush. "Ghost..?"
"It's not just your looks, you know that, right? It's you. Even if you're still blind, or your face is weird, I'd still want to be with you... Phantom's gross anyway, not made of boyfriend material like you." When he laughs this time, so do you. Hope, you think, a little hope is good.
Careful, so much so you're holding your breath, you begin to take off Ghost's bandages. His eyes are closed underneath, and you cover your mouth for a moment. It's like a mask of scars tissue, still gently pink from the acid. When he flutters his eyes open, white irises meet yours, and you can help but cry. Tears stream down your face, and Ghost looks almost dejected before you croak, "You're okay..."
Ghost lets out a breath of relief, his new eyes focusing on you, "I was hoping to see you smile, but I'll take happy tears too. They are happy, right?"
"Yes!" You burst, bouncing in his lap a little with the laugh, reaching for him again as you go to kiss him.
Ghost gives an appreciative "mmm~" as your lips find his. He puts his hands on your hips, one leaving its post rather quickly and rubbing across the small of your back and side. He's surprised when you deepen the kiss, and you feel his length move under you as your tongue slides over his. He chuckles when you part, and looks up at you with new eyes, "Careful there Cyare, I'm getting excited."
"Is... is that a bad thing?" You bite your bottom lip a little and deliberately roll your hips on him this time, "I... I missed you, and these last few days, I couldn't stop thinking about... a-about how I don't want to be without you."
Ghost throbs against you, but you get the feeling it wasn't because of your movements on him, rather your words. You keep rolling your hips on him, wanting to feel him yourself, "For a moment I thought you were gone, and I realized I didn't get to tell you how I feel-"
"Stop," he holds you still, his hands finding yours, "Don't say it. N-not unless you mean it, got that? Don't say it because you feel like you have to."
You recognize the look of fear in his eyes, of rejection, pain from a love once spurned. You're not each others firsts, but you do know one thing, you want him to be your last firsts. You put your hands on Ghost's and guide them to your heart. It beats fast against his palms, much as his does on yours when you reach out to him. You mirror each other's moves, one hand each going to hold your cheeks. His thumb rubs your cheekbone, eyes locked with yours, "Cyare..."
"Kar'taylir darasuum." The mandalorians who found you, became your family, they had taught you this phrase when you left them. With how Ghost's eyes soften at you, you know he understands them too. You repeat them to him all the same, beginning to rock on him again, "I will know you forever, Ghost."
Ghost repeats them back to you, his hand guiding your face to his for another kiss. It's slow and lingering, when you pull back, he's smiling so warmly, lips gently parted with soft breath, "I will know you forever, even in darkness."
Ghost's eyes roam down between you, and blush finally shows on his face, "Cyare, if we don't do something about these clothes, I might throw a fit."
You're both giggling as you fumble with your clothes. Soft stolen kisses, small gasps of appreciation, little stories of "What's this scar from?" And kissed freckles. When you're standing beside Ghost's hospital bed fully bare to him, he looks at you with so much adoration. His hand reaches for yours, and you're guided back to his lap. He's bigger than you thought, his length hard in your hand. "Wow..."
"I could say the same," Ghost chuckles and puts his hands on your hips, eyes on your slick folds before slowly working up to your eyes again, "Never seen such a beautiful body before."
You bite your lip as you move against him, running his length through your folds to slick him. The groan he makes joins yours as you toy his tip against your clit. Ghost smiles up at you, hands holding your breasts, circling your nipples with his thumbs, "Stars you feel great already... Cyare, mmm~"
Your eyes flutter closed as you take him into your waiting walls, "Ghost..."
“Keep your eyes open, look at me, baby," when he speaks, it's so soft, so breathy and light, you're not sure if you heard it or thought it. You look down at him, and he already looks love drunk. Eyes half lidded, his hands move down to your hips again and pull you further onto him. You moan, bracing on his chest, and he groans with delight, "That's right baby, eyes on me... I want to see you."
"Ghost... kriff, s-so full," your eyes stay on his as you start to move on his lap, taking him fully each time you lower back down. You start slow, easing yourself through the burn of the initial stretch, but soon you're at an even pace. The sticky wet sound of his length moving in and out of you fills the room with your tandem breathing.
His hands hold you tight, hips bucking up into you as you bounce on his length. His eyes flicker between yours, your breasts bouncing, and the way he glides in and out of you with such easy. You whine for him, hands balling in his chest hair, clenching around his length, "Feels so good, Ghost, s-stars." When his fingers slide to your clit, you cry out for him with an arch of your back, "Ghost! Ah!"
"D-dont look away," his other hand holds your face, thumb running over your bottom lip before you take it in your mouth and suck. Ghost's eyes widen a little, his hips stuttering before the pace quickens, "Oh kriff..."
You release his thumb and lock eyes with him again, "I'm close, do-don't stop, don't stop, Ghost, oh-" a whine releases from your lips as he rubs your clit faster, eyelashes flutter but you keep your eyes open, closer and closer to the edge, "Ghost, oh, oh baby, oh Ghost!"
"S-stay with me baby, come on, s-so close, so--" he grunts, his hips snap up into your walls in an intense build of pressure before he sits up off the bed with a cry of your name, spending himself inside you without restraint.
His wild bucks and intense attention to your clit were enough to get you to the edge, but feeling him fill you with his spend, it sends you over into ecstasy. You collect his lips in a kiss as you orgasm, body clenching around his length and shuttering with aftershocks of pleasure. Tears prick the corners of your eyes as you come down, and as Ghost holds you close, kissing your neck and shoulder, you feel so warm and safe.
Small drops of warmth hit your shoulder, and for a moment concern holds your body still. Was he hurt? You pull away to see Ghost's face, and to your surprise, tears are filling his new eyes, falling down his cheeks. You hold his face gently, wiping the tears from his unmarked skin, Careful of the sensitive scarring, "Ghost... what's wrong baby?"
"Nothing," he laughs a soft cry, kissing your lips just once, "I'm... overwhelmed. Spent the last month thinking of this, the last week needing to see you, just one more time, and..." He chuckles, feeling silly, kissing you again, "I can't believe this is real."
Your heart flutters, how is he this sweet? You press a delicate kiss to his forehead as you ease the both of you down. You nestle under his chin, still full of him, not willing to let that feeling end yet, "It's real, I promise."
After a few minutes of silence, Ghost rubbing your back in soothing circles, you're nearly asleep when you hear him again, "Did you mean it...?"
"You love me?"
You press a sleepy kiss to his jaw, "I love you, Ghost."
His heart picks up, you can feel it against your own, and it has you smiling. Ghost gives you a little squeeze, going back to rubbing your warm skin, "I love you too, Cyare."
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cheegu3 · 5 months
I've been gone for a while and came back to realize I hadn't finished The Glory your enha series. I was up until 4 am reading it. I want to say that you are a fucking great writer. Idk if I mentioned it before, but the fact that you didn't (idk if you do now) stan enhypen but took the time to research and analyze their content to gwt an idea of the type of yandere/bully they'd be is just..omg the best. I'm sad it's over, but loved things that most people mentioned, Luke her sticking to getting her revenge, not letting the horrible things that happened to her make her lose her compassion and ultimately gave Jake another chance, the dynamic of certain bullies in the group, her closeness with Soobin. Jake was starting to change because the fact that he went to the house to try to help her despite Jungwon almost killing him says a lot, the way Jungwon seemed like a good guy because he protected her from heejake's advances. You had us all on edge waiting, wondering and questioning. I loved that Yeonjun was underestimated, but I was wondering what he was up to, and it turned out that he was working to take them down. I had to remember that they were just spoiled, maybe bored high-school kids seeking attention and possibly more. The fact that their parents were rich and powerful could make one think they were untouchable but not the case. I'm glad they were punished in the way that would be realistic and that she had her happy ending.
ahhh omg this was so sweet and fun to read, thank you so so much & thank u for ur support and love of the series 🤍🤍😭
I'm so happy you liked it and appreciated the things that you mentioned, u 100% understood my brain which is fascinating and fun :D
I was always very excited when writing these chapters to see how others interpreted things and what were their favorite bits when reading the end, and people did not disappoint! ✨✨🤩🫶🏻
It makes me happy to see that pretty much everything I wanted to convey hit the mark for my lovely readers and they understood why I wrote/planned things in a certain way and also the ending being the way it was, as u said c:
I'm also a little sad that it has ended, but maybe smth similar will pop up in the future, since I definitely miss having a weekly updated series 👀
tysm again sweetheart <333 I was smiling like an idiot when reading this, love youuuu 💗💗
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nyxthejinx · 2 years
Ok ok listen! What about
Part two to Castaway, where its a couple years into the future and the sibling basically turned into a manga version of collei? Or something like that 😅 and maybe diluc spots them, and feels SO guilty. He might try to silently follow them, convicing himself its cause he doesn't trust you, not cause he feels guilt. But after you spot him yiu dont even recognize his face maybe? And theres no comfort! Maybe the two get into a fight and the sibling gwts badly injured and diluc once again is conflicted on whether or not to heal you and take you in for questioning or Finish you off right then and there. You can decide that part tbh <3 LOVED pt1 so much i just had to that off my chest haha
OH, IS THAT ANGST NO COMFORT I SEE?? this goes back to another ask I have yet to answer, but it's an interesting insight cause if I was in reader's shoes I'd probably be a violent, unhinged little shit. BUT in a realistic context it would make sense if the trauma was so strong they forgot about him or kinda erased most of their memories with him, it's a natural coping mechanism our brain uses after all.
Diluc on the other hand is so relieved they're alive and "well", but feels also extra guilty after noticing the catatonic state they're in. Yeah, he'd be on the fence when it comes to heal their injury, a bit cause he'd have to treat reader as a criminal, and also because he's afraid the winery/any other familiar place will trigger them in a bad way.
In the end a good solution would be lo leave them by a Fatui camp, but does he really want to leave his sibling now that they've found each other again? Does he really have the right to be selfish a second time and try to have them back?
we'll see
You guys are feeding me with so many ideas, I think I'll start drafting out some chapters for a small series yep :)
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harleyliloquin88 · 4 years
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Memories ( Dean x Reader)
Warning:/sadness/ heartache/ heartbreak/ tension/ depression/ pain
FYI I wrote this while I was watching the notebook lol
Hey guys sorry its been a while since i wrote, took  a year off and needed to get some ideas and was reading others work and it helped me to do better writing and put more of me in writing so , sorry its so long was just really was in the mood. 
Summary: Dean and you broke up many months ago You both decide it was best after everything that went on, but one night changed for the two of you.
Tagged list @deanwanddamons @holylulusworld @marvelfansworld @donnaintx @katymacsupernatural @myinconnelly1 @amanda-teaches​@nikki082489​ @flamencodiva
let me know what you think and reviews and thanks so much​
(Dean pov)
She was my everything. O client ask for a better girl. It was like that one movie she made me watch. Beauty and the beast. That movie was one of her favorites. I didn't understand why she told me it was our love story. Pssshhh me And love stories ha.
I didn't understand what she meant by it but later I knew what she was telling me. The beast was a mean person who was cursed and didn't have many friends or family. Until one day belle showed up and taught him how to live and learn to love again. I could see why she called me the beast. She was my belle. No matter where she was she always call me her beast and I would call her my belle.
Walking to to old bedroom we use to sleep in together. I turn on the light. So empty and quiet her stuff is gone and the room feels cold and lifeless. Sighing to myself I lay down on the bed. Placing my head on the pillow. The sweet smell still lingers on the pillows. That sweet scented lavender honey mixture she loved. Closing my eyes for a few seconds it feels like she still here.
Few hours later I slowly wale up. Sam wasn't home yet so I decided to get dinner ready. As I started getting out of bed I noticed something odd. The book shelf that was near my bed had some kinda of box.
I reached over to the side pulling it towards me. Taking into my hands. I notice it had belong to (y/n). It wasn't just any box it was one of those chinese boxes she tried to get me interested in(fyi my dad has these when I was kind I loved them so much )
Trying for about ten minutes I was about to give up when I slid one more piece and it popped right open. Placing the box down on the bed I remove the two items from the box .
As I remove the items from the box I find a picture and a letter. i Uncrumpled the picture. It was from when me and (y/n) met for the first time. She was so beautiful and she was so perfect, Moving my finger across the picture. My eyes start to well up. Sniffing a little bit, As I put the picture down I find a note. Opening the note.
August 12. 2013
Dear, Dean
I have had to write this note about 100 times, im not even sure how I am gonna give this to you or maybe send it, ummm. Dean there is so much I wanna tell you but I am not sure how the words can come out. Dean I know life hasnt been easy for you and sam. I know you try to play this tough guy but i know deep down your afraid but its okay. Its okay to someone in. I know i know i have my own issues that i have to slove but Hey we are a team.
He laughs a bit. Runnin his finger down the letter. Few droplets start falling on his face. He finishes reading.
'Dean i hope you know that no matter what happends in life or even in choas times you will always be my beast and i will always be your Belle.
I love you dean more then you know.
Love (y/n)
Dean rubs his hand over his face sighs to himself and sets the paper down. Looking one more time at the picture. Something clicks in his head. He grabs his keys and heads out to find you and tell you he needs you.
Driving for a few hours i decided to stop a motel. I called sam letting him know i was okay. He gave me information on (y/n) .i needed to see her .
Putting my key into the lock of my room. Opening up the room had a very errie look to it. Walls painted like a yellow vomit with a few chipped paint. Walking in i set my bag down on the bed.a part of me wanted to just say fuck it and go back home she wouldnt wanna talk to me.. what could i say to her. A millon thoughts running in my head. I decided to just relax and try to call her. Making my way to thw bathroom when my phone lit up.i grab my phone before i could answer it was (y/n) number lighting up. I quickly answered it.
'(Y/n) i said with a hushed whispear
'dean' she says with a quite sleepy voice.
'Umm hi" i can hear the nervous way of her talking.
'Where are you' she ask me.
'Im in georgia just needed sometime and a vacation"
''IS sam with you'
'Nope just me'
I could hear the nervouseness in her voice. My thoughs were running a millon times fast. I could hear the movement of.my heart muscles beatting so fast it was like it was gonna fault out. For a few minutes there was nothing but silence.
'Is everything alright are you okay? Do you need me to come-
"No sam okay everything fine" i say with a bit of a laugh.
"I just needed time to think and gwt my thoughts in order. I say scratching under my chin.
“Hmmm dean Winchester traveling without his brother  wow sounds very serious” you say with a small chuckle .
'I got the letter you wrote me on the first night we met' i say breathing slowly,
I hear a small laugh on the other end.
'Oh that letter yeah i meant to give it to you but i guess i never did. I rewrote that letter like over a thousand times. It was when i wanted to tell you instead of face 
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better 
I close my eyes and listen to her soothing voice
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better
Hey Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better
a tear drop falls from my eye, Trying my best to stay strong and not given in, I remember that song, I would sing it  to her when she was sad or when she needed a friend. My heart started to beat more and more it, I was scared it was gonna fall out of my body.
And anytime you feel the pain
Hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool
Who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
Na-na-na, na, na
Na-na-na, na
“Dean” You say as tears fall down your face, Trying you best not to break down in front of him. you breath in then out,
“Yes baby” I say 
“I miss you” You say trying bot to breakdown and wantng him to come find you and just hold you until you feel whole again.
“what happened between us (y/n)” We use to talk about everything and anything and even when we couldn't  talk we just be there. Dean says breathing softly.
“i think we just stop fighting for each other and just didn't care anymore “ You sit down at the kitchen table,
“i  think everything changed once you went to hell and you became a different person it was like no matter how hard i fought myself to stay with you in the end i just couldn't do it anymore  Breathing and sighing a bit,
I swallow a huge lump in throat.tears falling down my face and brushing them away with my face.
“(y/n) Im so sorry i should have never put you through what i did. i wasn't even thinking of your safety or was thinking about you. Dean says rubbing his neck.
“Dean it wasn't your fault you had so much going on and you had to do what was best for you” 
“Dean” You say with a whispear.
“ Never In a million years did i think having this life would make things seem less crazy but the one thing in my life that was normal and happiness was you”
“after we broke up nothing felt right everything just seemed like i was living in a nightmare and i didn't wanna  wake up” Dean says pulling out a tiny small box with gold writing.
“No matter how many bars i went or drinks i had i cloud not stop  thinking about you” A part of me wanted to find you and bring you back here and try again.” but i knew I cloud not  be that guy i once way. 
“Hell changed me in a way i cant explain so many things so many emotion. so much horrible things i cant even put into words princess” Dean says shaking his head and tears falling down  his face.
you can feel the pain in deans voice, you can hear him crying and trying his best to stay so long. You knew he had been struggling and you knew he wasn't the same. A part of you blamed yourself for why you and dean fell apart, Hearing the man you love trying this best not to fall to pieces you cant help but feel your heart ripping into two.
"baby I need to know one thing and please tell me' you can hear the pain and sadness in his voice.
"what dean" you say with a hush of your voice.
"I need to see you. I need to feel you with me. All I wanna do is hold you in my arms just hear the you laugh .
"dean" you know you needed dean touch you needed to see him so bad but you didn't know if you let him back in would you go back to normal or would you try to fix it.
"dean" you sigh closing your eyes and breathing deeply.
"I ___ phone goes dead'(y/n(yn)
Dean throws the phone on the bed
"dean dean" she about to call him back when she looks up to see the one man she fears.
"hello(y/n) we meet again soon everything goes black.
"put her in the car come on boys we have a play date"
What do you guys think I may make a second one not sure. I know this isn't my best but I'll be working more on my writting so bye ;)
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cutiewithamind · 4 years
Roleplay Plots and Rules
18+, I am currently 19 years old
I am the female in the plots but dont mind which gender you are
I usually do first POV but can do Third
I usually can do from 3 sentences to 3 paragraphs depending on responses
I have kik and email
1. Me and you meet one night at the carnival that comes to town every year before school starts. We hit it off well— having some make out sessions and some other things. We exchange numbers and agree to go out sometime—there was undeniable chemistry that we both wanted to explore. All of that comes crashing down when I , who is a senior in high school, walks into class on the first day and finds you sitting behind the teachers desk.
2. You hear alarms go off in the city, radios turns into saying that there will be nuclear bombs coming soon. Amd tv shows turning to these screens. Being in school the principal and school board lwt us go to our family. Since i was an orphan, i just went to the store, getting some supplies, clothes and a duffel bag for all the stuff, then i put everything in and goes to the closest apartment or office. Running into it as other people run out, people on the highway, trying to find a place to go, and i gwt down on the lowest level, and goes to a room that seems good enough, knocking on the wall. Seeing if all the walls are concrete.
3. Many years later, we had a big war that were bigger than all others. And as it did, it destroyed many of our land. Making people adapt, and some didnt make it. - I was at a lake, with some bottles of water, trying to get some water to heat up and drink. Also next to me is a backpack and a baseball bat
4. I lived in a poor family, with my parents in debt so i did whatever i could to help them. So i looked for a good paying job. You were looking for a personal assistant, and i thought it’ll be okay. So i applied for the job and you wanted to interview me.
5.We were two strangers that were kidnapped. And i was tied up, having a ball gag in my mouth, music blaring from the headphones that covers my ears. I couldnt tell where i was since they also covered my eyes, leaving me defenseless in all ways. All i knew that i was tied down on a flat surface and that im n.aked.
6. I am your neighbor for a year and i am a little but ive never told anyone. I have the small town house next to you and i have a cute cat that loves to go into your backyard. So i always have to knock on your door to get her back.
7. I was one of your "girls" or what your gang likes to call us "whores". Most of them were more mature, bigger breasts and asses. I was more petite and was picked on more by the other girls and guys. You were the leader of the group. I couldnt tell if you ever liked me around but one day you snapped at an other girl for pushing me on the ground.
8. It was a year after everything collapsed, government, police, economy. There were some communities and it was lucky for someone to move into community without any suspicions. There was a group that would kidnap people in an area. Where they take the victims, it wasnt really known. It was a high school that looks lifeless. There were wooden boards up on every window. There mustve been insulation so no one can hear what happens in it. There were mostly women that were the victims. The men would make the women work, separating peas from the leaves or stitch up clothes, and fullfill their se.xual favors. Some women were older with others and when they find no use for a woman they will take her to a random place and leaves her there. Making sure that the woman is far away from the site.
9. It was during a war. Men came through our town, sirens going off and yelling. I was young, 16, moving with my mother as soldiers pointed us the direction of where to go. We load up on trucks, not knowing if we were going to live. As we are being transported, gun fire goes off and my mother covers me, making me lay down as her body covers me. Men start yelling then shoot again, now at us. I hear screaming and gun fire. Then nothing.
10. You lived on your own but you wanted to visit us. I am your little sister, still in high school and living with mom and dad. You were out of the house for acouple of months.The thing is that mom had her schedule switched so she is gone most nights and dad took advantage of that. You called mom that you were coming over. She was so happy and so was I. Dad wasnt happy or looking like it since it would now be harder for him to take advantage of me.
11. I walk into the town, deserted with rusted cars, weeds growing on the sidewalk and dogs roaming around. I quickly move around, not wanting a bad group to find their way to me. I have a backpack, duct taped boots, hoodie, sweatpants and a bat with me. My hair was always up, I couldnt have it in my face, i needed to watch for things coming my way. I turned a corner hoping to find a supermarket so I can get some canned food.
12. You love going to your favorite restaurant, it is cheap but also great food. You knew mostly all the staff except the new server. She is following around another server, getting a feel for her role. They come around to you and she starts with her lines. "Hello, welcome to Anthony's Diner, is there anything I can get you started with?" I say nervously.
13. We are both in college, you are 2 years ahead of me. I just started and you always tease me when we pass each other since we are step siblings. We got an apartment together, since it was easier. There is a party tomorrow and you hear me talking to my friends about going.
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Please message if interested
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sockpansy · 6 years
Lost At Sea
Hey! This is a fic based off of two drawings done by the amazing @thelazyblueshipper who gave me permission to write a fic!
Warnings: blood mention, ghosts, kidnapping (its too a mermaid) and let me know if I need to tag anything else!
Roman had wanted to do it for years, ever since the pirates found out about them. Ever since they started to take, kill, sell their kind.
Roman wanted to stop them.
But Logan wouldnt let him.
"Its too dangerous Roman! As long as we stay farther down and away from nets, we can be safe."
"But then we have no freedom! We are confined to the deep waters only! We have to watch how fast we go, we can even float on the surface to sunbath!"
"But if they catch us, we die." Logan spat. "If we go after them, we Will get caught, then what do you suggest we do?"
Roman fell silent, not able to make a reasonable agrument.
"There are ships we could fix up easily and-"
"No Roman."
That had been the end of that argument.
"Help! Help!" Patton sped through the water in search of someone, anyone who could help.
He found Roman and Logan, who had heard him and came as fast as they could.
"Patton! Calm down padre, what's wrong? Predator? Underwater volcano?"
"Virgil!" Pattin cried.
Logan looked around."where....is Virgil? Patton what happened?"
Patton's tears floated in thw water. "I just wanted to go above for a little bit, i didnt know they were so close! I didnt know there net was so close!"
The rest was lost in cries, but it was obvious what happened. Virgil had saved Patton but got caught by pirates instead.
"Roman." Logan starred at the water above them.
"We need a ship."
Luckily, Roman knew were a ship was in...ok condition and not filled with water completely.
"How did you even find this?" Patton asked as they arrived at a small islabd with an old ship on it. It had a hole in the side and a broken mast,but was rather alright.
"Before we started to stay under, I found it."
"We better get to work if we want to get Virgil back before they reach a port then." Logan was still unsure, but...they couldnt just leave Virgil,to be sold or...killed, if he wasnt already.
It took a few days to fix the ship, but they found swords, and old clothes they could wear when they transform in homaniod forms. Roman was the self proclaimed captain, with logan as the firdt mate who has some common since. Patton was the one incharge of leading the way to Virgil right now.
But logan still worried. They only had three people, a small, barely afloat ship, and they are all secretly mermaids. They were up agianst a full pirate crew, on a big ship, who catch mermaids.
They needed a plan.
"We need a plan." Logan said one night. "We can't just attack, we will be killed or captured."
Patton looked down."if I just stayed away..."
"Patton, we have been over this, it isnt your fault, and we sre gdtting virgil back." Roman said, tilting his captain's hat up.
Patton sniffled but nods, pushing his new glasses up. (He put on a random pair and found out that he can see a lot better with them, same with Logan)
Logan,nods as he thought."we could go under the cover of night, but even then they will have people awake and ready to fight..."
"What about during a storm?" Roman suggested.
"Well they will be busy with the storm right? We can show hi in mermaid form, get in, pretend to be part of the crew, get virgil out and only have the fight if we get caught." Roman suggested.
Patton lit up."that could work! Its dark during storms, and...and if they see our patched up ship, they can think its a ghost ship!"
Logan nods along as he listened. "It...could work...that we need some way to have our clothes when we are in the water so we can change quickly..."
Roman hummed."we could...get dressed on there ship?"
Logan shook his head."too wierd and supious."
"We could pretend to be crew members who fell over?" Patton suggested.
Logan nods, "yes...but only one of us, it will be easier to get one then...and other two will stay on the ship and act as ghosts." He grinned ad the plan started to come together.
Virgil didnt know how much time past. He remembered pushing Patton away from a net, just cor his tall to get caught, he remmebered being hauled up over the ocean. He remembered being out in a barrel filled with water, and a lid being put on with holes so he could breath. But he lpst count of the days and nights he spent in there.
He had given up after day two, accepting his fate.
He could feel a few rain drops through the holes in the lid, and couls hear yelljng do the ship didnt get blown off course.
Then he heard screams for help.
A scream from the water.
That sounds way to familiar.
Pattin was screaming for help. They caught him.
Virgil started to fight inside the barrel, knowing full well that it was tied up so he coulsnt move it or knock it over, but he ahd to try. Patton was in danger. Why wasn't Roman or Logan with him!
He could hear pattin on the ship.
"Thank you, i fell off in the storm."
Wait, what?
He couldnt hear much after that, because there was yelling about a...ghost...ship?
It wasnt long before his barrel was opened and Patton stared st hin in human form. He,smiled and held a finger to hus mouth to tell Virgil to stay quiet. Held helped Virgil out of the barrel and threw him over into the ocean, and Patton jumped in after him, transforming once he was in the water and gathering up his clothes.
"Hey Virgil, long story short, we need to get to the pirate ship."
"But we just got off it!" Virgil said, before coughing. He hasn't used his voice in a while. Patton just grabbed his hand and swam to a different, smaller boat.
Patton helped viegil onto the boat and Virgil saw Roman and Logan standing and facing the other boat in human forms, as if daring them to attack in thus storm.
Patton put on his clothes as he got out some for Virgil. "Ok, short story longer, im so sorry I got you captured! We fixed up an old boat Roman found and came up with a plan to save you. I pretend to have fallen overboard in a storm, they gwt me up, i fins you, Roman and Logan pretend to be pirates on a ghost ship, and we are all free!" By the time he finished talking, Virgil was dressed and then hugged tightly.
"Im sorry i wasnt more careful Virgil...you could have been..could have..could...could have..." Patton sniffles aa he held virgil tight.
Virgil hugged back."im right here pat, i promise, id do it agian to save you in a heartbeat."
The ship turned away from the other and left the storm. Once a safe distance away, Virgil was covered in hugs.
Virgil smiled as he stood and loked st his pirate clothes, "ya know guys...why dont we do this all the time?"
"Uh Virgil, I dont think getting caught is something id like to makw a habit." Roman suggested.
"No, i mean...saving mermaids. You guys have a plan that worked. And with an extra person, you have a bigger crew. Why cant we save more of our kind before we are the only ones left?"
"I agree with Virgil." Patton smiled. "And i like being in the sun." He giggled.
Roman tipped his hat grinning. "And ive been wanting to do this forever!"
They all looked st Logan. The first mate. The logical one. The one who fixes plot holes and makes sure everyone is safe.
He gave a smile. "Well, we have to name the ship first, dont we?"
It took a while, but soon, a legend was born for the small crew.
Legends that say that if you are a pirate crew transporting mermaids, avoid storms.
For in a storm, you will come across a ship called 'the Siren' with ghosts on it.
No one knows how many are on the ship. They only know that there are always four who will always be seen at one point.
There is a boy with square glasses and a dark blue bandana around hus forehead. If you see him in the ship, watch him, for if he gets into the water, your ship will sink.
Then there is a boy with round glasses, and a light blue scarf around his waist. He seems sweet, but it will be too late when you realize it is him. He is a spy who boards your ships as crew. He is the reason you get caught.
There is a boy with purple hair and eyes. Much like dark blue, beg that he stays on the ghost ship. If you don't see him, then you must fear everything around you. You never know what he will take. Food, gold, your life, maybe all three.
Then there is the captain, who stands at the end of the bowsprit, sword held at his side. It is said that his eyes are red with the blood of those who he has fought, and if you get close enough to see the color, he will add your blood to his eyes as well.
The legends warns you to be wary of boys with light blue eyes on on your ship. To stay clean of storms. To release mermaids when you see the ship, so many you will live to tell about the encounter.
Legend says that it is safer to let mermaids be free.
Yes i was tempted to name the ship lamp.
And done! First off, i know i kinda skipped around, but in happy with how thiz this turned out!
Bowsprit: the poll thingy at the front of a ship
Also! Some things i wanted to to say! The crew does get bigger. Some mermaids they save decide to,join, others will stay until they heal if they are injured then leave. Others stay to repay a debt, so the amount of crew members change.
At the end, the legend talks about each side a bit, and i wsnt to explain why i chose to do that the way i did!
Logan is logic. He is smart and you can do a lot of damage (probably) to the bottom of a boat if you know what your doing. He breaks boats (with help from other crew members) to make them sink. But only some.
Patton is morality. He is cute and sweet and he volunteered to be the spy. He joins crews and finds out how many mermaids are on board and finds a way to get the ship into a storm. Sometimes he will disappear from a crew ship a few days ans reappear like he never left. He swims right under it and will go inform the sides about the boat by leaving at night.
Virgil as Aniexty. He causes fear. Patton will tell him were gold is, food rations, and on occasion, jerks who need to be taught a permanent lesson. He sneaks on and steals, throws overboard, does anything to inconvence the pirates.and because well...they are pirates,too, they need money!
Roman is creativity. And he is the captain. And what js scarier than the red eyss he has? He started the rumoe about his eyes himself, and does sword fight on occasion. I just feel it fits him to stand dramatically xD
Part 2:
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ameliagiovanna0 · 3 years
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I posted 211 times in 2021
28 posts created (13%)
183 posts reblogged (87%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 6.5 posts.
I added 316 tags in 2021
#chicago pd - 48 posts
#reblog - 47 posts
#upstead - 45 posts
#jay halstead - 43 posts
#hailey upton - 43 posts
#chenford - 21 posts
#the rookie - 21 posts
#tim bradford - 17 posts
#lucy chen - 17 posts
#hank voight - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#i could go on forever with these hashtags because chronic illnesses dont get enough attention and us warriors dont gwt enough credit
My Top Posts in 2021
My mom sat down next to me eating an orange. I started laughing. She asked why.
My brain:
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42 notes • Posted 2021-12-01 22:48:16 GMT
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I am literally GIDDY at the thought of them getting married. I literally smile every time I think about it. Can we please see some kind of acknowledgement of their engagement on screen?? Can we please see Hailey get a ring???? 😭💍
Super excited for tonight's episode. K, Imma go hyperventilate in the corner now.
📸 @hello-shell
48 notes • Posted 2021-10-07 00:34:55 GMT
Why did we have to lose Jackson? SERIOUSLY?! And Titus making us think it wasn't him that died
Tim and Lucy. I can't. That scene at Tim's house. That hug. The way they looked at each other. They were literally about to go to each other before Tim came out with the info about Angela
Wesley doing whatever it took to get Angela back
Grey showing his emotions and saying Jackson was like a son to him
Angela being a total badass despite literally being in labor. She named her baby after Jackson
John saving Wesley
Tim and Nyla working together
I'm fine. Everything's fine. I'm good.
55 notes • Posted 2021-09-27 14:15:24 GMT
Hailey: Detective.
Jay: Detective.
Jay: I got you something… *hands Hailey a key to to their new home*
Jay: I guess I���ll see you at home. *raises eyebrows*
Adam: *comes in eating pickles out of the jar*
Jay: *uncomfortably stares at Adam*
Adam: Yo, you guys know we all know you’re doing it, right?
Jay: “Doing it?”
Adam: Doing it.
Kim: You do know we all know you’re together, right?
Hailey: *tries not to laugh*
Jay: Yeah, I’m aware of that. What I don’t get it is why that was a non-event, but this is a thing. We’ve been staying at each other’s apartments for months.
Adam: Well, 'cause, then you were just doing it. *shrugs* Now, you’re doing it.
Jay: It's the same thing.
Kev: It’s most definitely not the same thing.
Hailey: *still trying not to laugh*
Jay: Let me tell you something right now. I look around this room. You know what the first thing I think is? Here’s a bunch of relationship experts.
69 notes • Posted 2021-10-07 16:31:39 GMT
I haven't seen anyone point this out, so I feel the need. I didn't notice it until I watched the scene for like the tenth time, but once I saw it, I couldn't unsee it. IDK why I love it so much, but here we are
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83 notes • Posted 2021-11-17 14:35:48 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Yesterday stories and todays kie cring games
Supernaral sceanes in the movie so true events from born true
Yesterday night
I dissided to talk to dean out of hell
Then i brought him some stuff to smoke
I forgot to pay off the store out their angels warn dean about catagrismic of smoking
About stealing and eating
Then angels got mad demons agreed not they have to feed
Then kie ask satan to take him again
Then kie took demons and agenles and bringing them back to ocean bay city
Wait now on that new bugging boring city nothing but boring outsiders and goobers and gobber's signs up sign down to distract the non livers here fuck that take the island f u all this is shit town
Today stories is erales saving kie
She didnt know on how he got here
Well long time ago
The storie of kie
He almost killed himself
On a roof top in brooklyn ny
First hd writing many stories
Then he got paanoad
Then smoke came threw the mist
Saw his fellow comrad effect him
Saw that then he didnt smoke
Smoked in the demons venasa house he saw it and wanted to know
Smoked from the demonz
Blood of dawn
Then more movie were brought
Andy beat up fake shit
Kie said not my prob
Then another guy was called
Kie said take her
Then venesa started new blood
Kie started to win and loose all the time
Movie came between brooklyn
The fight of war
Bring back before i go foward
Supernatural started in the 70for dad and mom
Mom desided to take bare of her stomack
She stated this kidd is smArt but hon weektheld the babie secrete of him
Carlos and kie bagan to play fight new moves kie got kicked and hit theheat meeter past out with a bruse slash on his eye ..jonathsn shegod
The son of kie a demond took him. And both of them showed them thir future past and present real shit
It felt kie cried for the devils and christ
Both desided tk give him something a saving mission for kie so kie laged on the crown and said devil
If u take me and give kie everything
So movies after movies started
Kie over whelmed with marijuana
So he deside to take a jorney
Back to the worlds of worlds
Kie first lost jonathan at home threw his movue
Then kie started a show
Then kie fir got cuase kie
First was on a mission of
To forget knowing not why
He began to expectations expirence
Ladies came gone
Kie got mixed up woth real and daydreaming still to this day daydreaming and night dreaming
Some dream came threw
Black calm dreams of tottal blackness
Rest came hs becomes immortal in his future --- back to the begining
Greedy krueger came and lie got taking
Unrissitable to the lives of all shegods
And freedy and lie became best kids friends to save kids and give the kids all the dreams they had but soon cops got in the way and thought they where stealing but the kids where still becoming strong and the freedy kids and lie kids became a well of pals on an on saving the Miss treated kids.
Then kie started to pay off with the mission if the gods and the guardians of the heavens door verizon and all wifi mofted with tv.ma netflix to certify and certify and fda approved most still pending lie netflix under lulygeo netflix and kie verizon ai come to get her for once to save the underworlds of kids
Kie kept going back to see gods in heaven
Then kie started to fade
The kie started
To make a ruetine with the family
That came later still in the movue
Kie still in school college hofstra .audio research .meds school. He died as a homie pig back at it again Ginnie pic for most meds ..wats that certifying most meds seeing wats new invega keep him dead in the movies like dead walking movie robot to the future robots kept him
Calos when kie got hit the gods took both of us robots did
Im not sure what happen when i got kicked and steemed
Mom came with her man thought
Kie thought it was dad mistake
Thoght it was mom too
Both of them feel out
Kie sent down to family cuase kie didnt finish
Cuasin came from padros and nito family
Drugs came kie was to small for biz
Gif small time gangster if candy sweet candy games for kids all hollween candy
Mom use to give him his favorite candy corn
Kie started to sees that to guy cry and run over by the ppl of god fa
Kie still playing with his god father
Went to have better days with godparents
Went out to places with them unreal family  love that he missed
kie started to eat alot of evetything godparent gave him to this day
Then ice truck cames
Jimmies ice truck kie loved that giving and resiving ice
That girl from that huse ppl where still living there
Kie ramiged to closets having fun and making a mess
Then the
Jerking cames kie started to jerk to the movies but loosing his sperm so
Hi desided to grow up get a girl
Kie guvkef gor his first time in weldon
But she was hairy so he didnt like it
So kie stated
About the lock
Kie mother went to work kie broks the doir again becuse he left the kie inside
Mother that took him left everymornin
He didnt havd a phone
Wat to do i shouldve waitef but ppl
Where still movies
Didnt have anyone but david and joshawa
The wroked constinlately
Kie stupind broke the door becuase for noresson hd just was scred of seeing the family leave so he told they left him without keys
I broke the door and found rooms closed his room was still there
Ghost home
No brother monfamily
He fell asleep in that house with ghost
Kie and john in the movie they where showing him kie died dereck died john and kie rapef and abused
Kie dont remember of that but images of waht papa saids no so i stoped
Then continualed with gods mission
Saved john
Saved dereck saved carlos irving and suhey coco and all of the family
Kie speacial boygirl
Kie kept smoking finding out this boy just smoked everything
From bleach to deroritns
Secrets he put on from that took showers with one smoke
Kie left desided to go to god
Kie got birnt in his room alive what a murder for kie
Then fifty camehim and fifty
Something eles
Kie shot him self with a gun fifty jumped and died
Kie alond with his shadows becames stronger smoked wih them but didnt know he was with them
Luz came in thats fity ppl
Kie here with ppl on top of him kie
Watching is movie unvale
Luz started to take care ofge came back luz was here is that lucy
Kie didnt know
Gorge started to love wachother inba family way
Themove second in the 2000
Kie was piss broke so lucy got him in the syic kie stated to be a ginnie pig for the hospitals still is falles asleep after ever drug doss still the young doctor wanted to help
So wifi and all wifi bacame outside and inside kie desided to do contruction fir borroughs the kid got scared and said to everybody leave the water is coming
Kie started to ebsorb plans
Ameeb cam after sandy
Kie ysed it saved everybody everytume after weasther
Kidd alla doing it wring kie
Said stop u doing it wrong kie said the weatger we in ths black hole dont wroory about the weather
Aquamen put us uderwater on the world island saved us if was anazing she just saved us water all around in the clouds
I knew she wilk saved
Stop doing that kidd alla ameen
He stoped kie stop abd just called rhe supervilluns and superheros
Soon kie get swiped by this all the time
All his stuff that goes to the movie and music goes out all the time
Jumpers came.
Rapits gods that wore rapits saw his future
Kie desided that was a fare deal
Lucy kept getting swipped looking for kie wgwn they moved here
Kie started to go to programs and movie and music
So kie started to creat the phone with metro pcs
Swipper was still at work ppl shoyld play play with that for tv and for ppl but ppl gst convused it does take time u have pay with ur phone uf all have unlimmited verizon started to say kei work
So i wirk with all wifi-$
Money little
Kie cry more money kie cry kie got
Kie got bomb shehe loves that
A relive cane he serches fir that
That its hapoyndss us coming to a bigning
Thwn bigie and teo pack past in the 1900
Then kie broght back twopack and biggie
Gorge got a job
Shehe still gwts swipped for leaving
But kie savs shehe all over i call him that becise she hears the sound of shegods he goes beserk kie too
Boobs and tits got to get out
Momie backing looking like fools mmey lier u git beutiful and kie see u louching
Rich as fuck and dont give a fuck money yes
Metrotron jailed kie
For hitting a cop then kie desided
Ti become a cop then the love stories became for àtill as a 4 year old he atill does good and legit and some dont know they get tricked by the other cops
All Fun and games
Kie cried
Kie moved over here
With crookes and. Murders and inzane in thek kie membrain
Ppl loved kie fight lived kie
Kie started with muaic kept getting swipped messed upcant issis came2002
Kie cryed
Kie astarted with saint jons
Work came
Came prat
Fifffty came
Fity got shit
Jokes cames
That mother fuckder always loves to asmoke awoke and a dick wide he ia
Fight comes to movies
Follow them i want some issis coochie
Gangster mother fucker no call me mother fucker oooooo i want some kie dick swippped kie fucking shit chinesses food came a black humain soulder super soulder dilvered his no smokes and just food kie is alive he been getting his stuff and dillivering it to ocean bay i
Astill in the study room where I made all my rhymes for all the rhymers for black people latinos and all artistitas..still making
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crummyyoungcreator · 7 years
Dear past me , dear now me , and dear future me ?
Dear past me, don't worry about your 6th grade friends, they aren't very reliable, and eventually you meet a wayy cooler crowd you still talk to. Speaking of, stop being such a downer and definitely stop getting stuck in the middle of such petty drama! Life sucks but it gets better in a year or so. Be picky with people. I know you're feeling listless, maybe even without a purpose or drive, until you start doing art. You’re an artist now, wild right? With practice you CAN do it! You'll meet some kiddos who'll let you know that yes, you can like boys, and girls, and everything in between. Speaking of, don't worry about dating, it's not really that important. Also stop worrying about being chubby, puberty hits and most it it goes to your chest anyway! Good luck!Dear Present me: Seriously get your stuff together!! You can do it! Fix your sleeping habits and find that motivation deep within you okay? Yes, classes suck and feel irrelevant to your future career as a (hopefully!!) animator but you gotta gwt through them now. I believe in you.Dear Future me: Geez you better be doing better! Am I married or not? If so to a guy or gal or other? I hope we adopt because I've always wanted to. Is mom okay? She lives in a nice house right? If not you should probably help out some more, she deserves it for raising you and Ivan mostly by herself. How is your brother? You better be helping him out! Is he a teen yet? You probably feel like a 2nd mom to him considering the 12 year age difference. Heck I already feel like a 2nd mom right now! Don't let him do any needle drugs cuz ew. I assume you haven't either and you better not have become addicted to cigarettes cuz those things are nasty af and smell awful. Doubt you would though. Also, go take a walk, im sure you've spent all day eating baked goods and drawing and could use a good leg stretch y’know? Anyway I just spent 30 minutes or so writting this instead of fixing my sleep schedule so I should probably hit the hay or whatever.
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recycledcactus · 3 years
Exactly someone needs to gwt my boy dan out of hell or else im going to lose it. Maybe if someone helps him face his guilt like lucifer did with that other guy he'll be able to get to heaven.
Maybe eve will join maze in hell? Like two badass hell queens.
I was rooting for them the whole time. When they were fighting and eve almost died i almost thrwe my computer because like i have waited so long for them to just be together and then they broke up in the hospital and i wanted to punch a fucking wall. But now they're okay and happy together.
Ella need to find out. Also it's going to be so weird because she will just be praying to lucifer??? Like imagine. Especially since she is religious finding out would be a huge shock for her like imagine this guy who works with you being lucifer the supposed devil who is now god?
How will lucifer manage to be ruler of the universe and still keep his relationship with chloe? Surely being god would be a hard task to manage?
Anyway Dan's death made me very sad especially everyones reaction. Don't even get me started on lucifer's reaction to chloe's death and vice versa that episode was a fucking rollercoaster.
Sorry that got a bit long i just finished it so it's all really fresh in my mind -rubi
lucifer s5b spoilers ahead
Dan cannot just stay in hell. yeah, sure, he had some tough moments where he appeared to be the 'bad guy' for a bit, but he didn't end up like that!! overall, he was a really good man and a good character. he deserves a better ending, imo.
please two badass hell queens would be great (but also i think eve deserves her second chance at life, you know?)
i fear for ella's reaction. like, not that i think she'll shut them out or anything. i just think that's.... a helluva lot to take in. your best friend being the devil? god retiring? him turning into god by fighting the angels? chloe died and went to heaven but is back and has a ring of immortality? dan is in hell? she met the actual god? her 'ghost' friend is the angel of death? ella is in for a lot.
i hope their relationship works out. if deckerstar isn't endgame..... sadge
it's okay, i like talking about it!!!
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venusbrinas-blog · 5 years
Life just happens..
hey guys. whats up..!! whats ur plans today..whatcha all been up 2..?? YA, i started this blog off with 20 questions.. honestly,i love hearing from you all and finding out plans from other moms..it keeps my mommy brain rolling and gives me some ideas of things to try with my wittle people...i really hope u all had an amazing blessed night.. so as u all know my kids are on school break for there summer vacation..well the ones of you that follow me daily know..which means its harder to find the time to just sit down, relax an write...well in this case type,to post on my blog or well lets say BLOGS.. lol..i have other social sites, i just never use them as much..i"ve had a busy kinda rushed mornin, when i get home to my minis im positive it will get even busier..on the bright side,i finished working for the day and now im at the gym..so my day is half way over..no more important things on my to do list today.. when im finished here i can go home an spend the rest of my day with my babies an casson..some much needed time...during my run i was thinkin hmmmm when can i post today or even have time to write..then it hit me...after my run i can sit in my car for a bit an blog befor i head home..all ive posted today so far was a pik of my bruised knotted head and i did that while i was in the tanning bed gettin my tan on..lol... why not right....itl be so much easier & i could actually hear myself think..i could even proof read an edit....well guys..i just finished my destressing workout & run...so here i am all excited sweaty tired and coolin off winding down to GOSSIP then head home..... im comfy in my car..i did it..i made time for a chat..lol...see my mommy brain has good ideas...all im missin is my wine..im actually starven now..the antibiotics for my kidney infection/uti makes me nauseated so i havent ate much since the day b4 yesterday which was ummm,Monday right..ya monday..so im runnin on empty ive been chuggin water and i had my protein drink b4 my workout..that wasnt very filling...the nausea meds seem to be helping ..THANK U JESUS..i can handle pain but im a big baby when nauseated..i just cant handle how bad it makes you feal..the problem is phenagan knocks me out..i crash amd get a little moody after it settles in..i hate havin these infections hell any infection..it just makes my whole body ache an makes u feal like shit..literally..and when your a mom of 5..honestly who has time to ne sick with anything..the dr said make sure you get aome rest i just laughed in his face..again im a mom of 5...ANT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR DAT..LOL...i love that lady..hahaaa...i mean ya would i love to relax an rest of course i would..will my kids let me..absolutely not..hahaa..am i right momz..im sure its not just mine..im not about to post a lie an be like i laid around an my lovely family took care of me even cleaned the house a bit...thats laughable..reply to my post if u find that a dr sayin rest is laughable...lol...!!! were not alone..i just need some mommy encouragment an I'll survive..i like to think of myself as a bad ass beast mode momz even when i feal like the moon fell from the sky an landed on top of me..watch me get back up brush myself off an go again..at least i hope thats what happens..we cant all be as lucky as our husbands whom all turn into an extra baby when sick..unfortunately we still have mommy chores to do an people to feed an keep alive lol..this was suppose to be a quick short post to say hi..lol..i gotta head home people are lookin at me weird as they come out to leave the gym lol..one lady pulled up beside me when i got in my car..she jusy finished an came out to me still sitting here lol..as much as im loven no interruptions ive gotta head home..so i guess ill draft this an pick back up when i gwt home..ill get my little people busy doinh somthing so i can finish talkin lol..mayb vlogging would be easier for me..i dont no..something to think about..well,ill be back in a few minutes..its 1:56 p.m now..lets see how long itl take me to find the time lol....... N~SERTING SILENCE HEAR LOL..
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clowntools · 7 years
i was tagged by the lovely @all-i-see-is-sky
rules: answer these 83 statements and tag 20 people
ok so i don’t know most of you bc im an online introvert (i wont do 20)(don’t feel obligated!!):
@hrilows @broadwaylesbian @helloimliterallydead @broaaaaaaaaadway @wendlaswound, and uhh, you if youre reading this, youre not tagged and you want to  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1. drink? root beer 2. phone call? my firend KATIE 3. text message? also my friend katie 4. song you listened to? scenes from an italian restaurant by Billy Joel 5. time you cried? today when i was watching supernatural and the kid told his ghost mom he was ok (don’t judge me)
Have you ever…
6. dated someone twice? no 7. kissed someone and regretted it? no 8. been cheated on? no (i have never had a love life) 9. lost someone special? when i was in fifth grade my best friend died and so did my grandma (separately) (im ok now im a big girl) 11. gotten drunk and thrown up? im not about that life
Favourite colours:
12. cobalt blue 13. light green 14.
In the last year, have you…
15. made new friends? yeah! 16. fallen out of love? nope 17. laughed until you cried? yeah 18. found out someone was talking about you? probably but not off the top of my head 19. met someone who changed you? yeah 20. found out who your friends are? ooh boy yeah 21. kissed someone on your facebook list? no
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? all or most,, i only use it for real shit 23. do you have any pets? i have 2 cats (1 sweet bb  and one BITCH), one dog (sweet cutie patootie) and one frog wwho just kinda,, swims around 24. do you want to change your name? literally never. i feel like my name is like the only thing i have tying me to myself of that makes any sense,,, its me. i am my name and my name is like my esssence 25. what did you do for your last birthday? i went to the diner with 2 friends the night before and then the day of me and my mom went to this little tea house by use 26. what time did you wake up? 12:45 pm 27. what were you doing at midnight last night? tumblr 28. name something you can’t wait for: i cant wait to 1. gwt a lead in a musical  2.have romance in ay capacity :’) 29. when was the last time you saw your mom? like an hour ago when i ventured out into the house 30. what are you listening to right now? billy joel (the song atm is “she’s always a woman”) 31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom? yeah this guy who my dad civil war re-enacts with 32. something that is getting on your nerves? my dog keeps taking all the space in my bed :’’’,,,’’) 33. most visited website? either this hellsite or the website i get my tv from  34. hair colour? brown 35. long or short hair? haha medium bitches (i think im gonna cut it shorter soon tho) 36. do you have a crush on someone? i havent in literally 3 years and im so forlorn 37. what do you like about yourself? im smart n hot,,, the full package (minus a winning personality but you know what,, i take what i can get) 38. piercings: my ears 39. blood type:uh,,, 40. nickname: people call me Snarah (snake sarah) bc i was a snake in the school play 41. relationship status: single 42. zodiac: capricorn 43. pronouns: she/her 44. favourite tv show: atm: community; all time: chowder parks and rec 45. tattoos: none 46. right or left handed: right 47. surgery: nOPE 48. sport: hockey! (go rangers!!) 49. vacation: maybe baltimore 50. pair of trainers: my “converse” (theyre airwalk)
More General: 51. eating: nothing 52. drinking: nothing 53. im about to: to sleep 54. waiting for?: school to start again tbh 55. want?: to sleep 56. get married?: gosh hopefully 57. career?:uhhhhhhh
Which is Better
58. hugs or kisses?: well, a i am one for two, hugs 59. lips or eyes?: eyes 60. shorter or taller?: taller 61. older or younger?: uhh 62. nice arms or nice stomach?: uhhhhhhh 63. hook up or relationship?: relationship 64. troublemaker or hesitant?: hesitant
Have You Ever
65. kissed a stranger: no 66. drank hard liquor: no 67. lost glasses/contact lenses: yeah 68. turned someone down: yeah 69. had sex on the first date: no 70. broken someones heart: maybe, but i hope not 71. had your heart broken: uhhh 72. been arrested: no 73. cried when someone died: i cry when side characters die in tv shows, of course 74. fallen for a friend: yeah in like the 6th grade
Do You Believe In:
75. yourself? yeah mosty 76. miracles? maybe 77. love at first sight? call me a suckerr, but yeah 78. santa claus? not since he got me the wrong size pair of ice skates and we returned them to modells lmao 79. kiss on the first date? yeah why not 80. angels? nah
81. current best friend’s name? katie  82. eye colour: brown 83. favourite movie: the princess bride
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cutiewithamind · 4 years
Roleplay Plots
I'm the female in the roles, but I dont mind if you're a female/male or whatever
I do first POV but I can do third person
I'm 18, so 18+ please
Can roleplay on kik or email
1. Me and you meet one night at the carnival that comes to town every year before school starts. We hit it off well— having some make out sessions and some other things. We exchange numbers and agree to go out sometime—there was undeniable chemistry that we both wanted to explore. All of that comes crashing down when I , who is a senior in high school, walks into class on the first day and finds you sitting behind the teachers desk.
2. You hear alarms go off in the city, radios turns into saying that there will be nuclear bombs coming soon. Amd tv shows turning to these screens. Being in school the principal and school board lwt us go to our family. Since i was an orphan, i just went to the store, getting some supplies, clothes and a duffel bag for all the stuff, then i put everything in and goes to the closest apartment or office. Running into it as other people run out, people on the highway, trying to find a place to go, and i gwt down on the lowest level, and goes to a room that seems good enough, knocking on the wall. Seeing if all the walls are concrete.
3. Many years later, we had a big war that were bigger than all others. And as it did, it destroyed many of our land. Making people adapt, and some didnt make it. - I was at a lake, with some bottles of water, trying to get some water to heat up and drink. Also next to me is a backpack and a baseball bat
4. I lived in a poor family, with my parents in debt so i did whatever i could to help them. So i looked for a good paying job. You were looking for a personal assistant, and i thought it’ll be okay. So i applied for the job and you wanted to interview me.
5.We were two strangers that were kidnapped. And i was tied up, having a ball gag in my mouth, music blaring from the headphones that covers my ears. I couldnt tell where i was since they also covered my eyes, leaving me defenseless in all ways. All i knew that i was tied down on a flat surface and that im n.aked.
6. I am your neighbor for a year and i am a little but ive never told anyone. I have the small town house next to you and i have a cute cat that loves to go into your backyard. So i always have to knock on your door to get her back.
7. I was one of your "girls" or what your gang likes to call us "whores". Most of them were more mature, bigger breasts and asses. I was more petite and was picked on more by the other girls and guys. You were the leader of the group. I couldnt tell if you ever liked me around but one day you snapped at an other girl for pushing me on the ground.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
8. It was a year after everything collapsed, government, police, economy. There were some communities and it was lucky for someone to move into community without any suspicions. There was a group that would kidnap people in an area. Where they take the victims, it wasnt really known. It was a high school that looks lifeless. There were wooden boards up on every window. There mustve been insulation so no one can hear what happens in it. There were mostly women that were the victims. The men would make the women work, separating peas from the leaves or stitch up clothes, and fullfill their se.xual favors. Some women were older with others and when they find no use for a woman they will take her to a random place and leaves her there. Making sure that the woman is far away from the site.
9. It was during a war. Men came through our town, sirens going off and yelling. I was young, 16, moving with my mother as soldiers pointed us the direction of where to go. We load up on trucks, not knowing if we were going to live. As we are being transported, gun fire goes off and my mother covers me, making me lay down as her body covers me. Men start yelling then shoot again, now at us. I hear screaming and gun fire. Then nothing.
10. yoυ lιved on yoυr own вυт yoυ wanтed тo vιѕιт υѕ, ι aм yoυr ѕιѕтer and ι aм ѕтιll ιn нιgн ѕcнool. yoυ were oυт oғ тнe нoυѕe ғor aтleaѕт a coυple oғ мonтнѕ. ι lιve мy мoм and yoυr dad. тнe тнιng ιѕ тнaт мoм нad нer ѕcнedυle ѕwιтcнed ѕo ѕнe waѕ gone мoѕт nιgнтѕ, ѕo dad тooĸ advanтage oғ тнaт. yoυ called тo тell мoм тнaт yoυ were coмιng over and ѕнe waѕ нappy jand ѕo waѕ ι, вυт dad dιdn'т looĸ ѕo нappy ѕιnce ιт woυld вe нarder ғor нιм тo тaĸe advanтage oғ мe.
11. I walk into the town, deserted with rusted cars, weeds growing on the sidewalk and dogs roaming around. I quickly move around, not wanting a bad group to find their way to me. I have a backpack, duct taped boots, hoodie, sweatpants and a bat with me. My hair was always up, I couldnt have it in my face, i needed to watch for things coming my way. I turned a corner hoping to find a supermarket so I can get some canned food.
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