#has to be signified by her CALLING him dad you know? it can be like 'this is my other dad. i call him miles'
miafeystits · 1 year
current conclusion from the trucy poll: either my family is just weird or none of you have step-parents i think
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scoobysnakz · 11 months
Hard Luck
It’s hard finding love when your sole reason to live is your daughter, but when her best friends dad is annoyingly attractive and might have something to do with your rent randomly getting paid, who can blame you for being a little curious?
||* mentions of masturbation (m receiving)
Chap i
The crisp autumn air carries a sense of nostalgia, which surprises you. It has been a while since you've experienced autumn in this way, but nostalgia is supposed to be a pleasant feeling, right?
Your daughter's small, chubby fingers firmly grip your hand as you playfully swing your arm out of her reach. You can't help but laugh at her adorable pout when you pull your hand away.
"I'm just teasing you," you say with a wide grin, extending your hand for her to take. "Stop being a grouch and hold my hand, RayRay!"
Her scowl quickly turns into a cheesy grin as she latches onto your hand. The sound of her pencil case and notebook thumping matches the rhythm of her skipping, and her glittery, purple sequin backpack bounces on her back.
Raya, or RayRay as you playfully call her, is your best friend. It's a bit sad, you know, but you've never really had time for friends. Ever since her dad left, she's been the only person in your life, aside from colleagues and your parents. And it's not so bad. She has adapted to your lifestyle, developed a sense of humor—her sarcasm is surprisingly on point for a nine-year-old.
The journey from your rundown apartment to her school isn't long, but it's far enough for the houses to transform from shabby boxes with crooked slate tiles to fancy condos with gleaming windows. It always amazes you how a few turns can take you to an area where people don't even know the meaning of a food bank.
You can tell by appearances alone that you don't fit in. The navy blue cable-knit sweater and boyfriend jeans, dirtied with mud stains, don't exactly scream, “I can afford more than one vacation a year!"
On the other hand, Raya always looks pristine. Well, maybe that's an exaggeration, but you'd rather wear nothing than have your daughter look as unkempt as you. Ensuring she has enough clean, stain-free clothes is your number one priority.
As you round a corner, narrowly missing a puddle that Raya "only wanted to look at" and not jump in, her disappointed expression gives her away.
Parents bustle around, urgently trying to retrieve their kids from the playground. It's nearly impossible to spot her teacher amidst the crowd of what seems like millions of moms, dressed in thick white scarves and thigh-high brown boots.
And then you hear it—a loud screech that, under different circumstances, would signify fear instead of the original joy it was intended for. "RAYYYY!" an excited girl squeals from the opposite end of the playground. Her dark brown hair is scraped back into a painfully tight ponytail as she races toward your daughter.
The two girls jump up and down gleefully, holding each other closely. It's a nice seeing her not alone.
You're so engrossed in watching your daughter giggle with her friend that you fail to notice the tall man standing next to you. What catches your attention first is his cologne—it's expensive.
The scent of thick oak is overpowering on its own, but it's tempered by the most unremarkable shower gel known to man.
"They're cute, aren't they?" he asks, causing you to turn your head and face him. You bite your lower lip for a moment, trying to figure out who this guy is. "Yeah... they are," you murmur, tilting your head to the side.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Your words come out ruder than you intended, but you can't be bothered to fix your manners when a surprisingly attractive man is staring at your daughter, enjoying her time with another child. If you weren't genuinely confused about his identity, you might have reacted more strongly. Instead, you stand there, arms folded and brow furrowed.
"I'm... sorry, I'm Gabi's dad," he explains, his tone surprisingly apologetic.
That's her name.
"I'm Raya's dad," you reply, nodding toward the two girls. Hearing who he is instantly eases your fear that he might be something worse than just a father.
An awkward silence ensues as the man continues to study your appearance, seemingly taking you in. With a soft laugh, he smiles at you—a warm and irritatingly charismatic smile. "You don't look like a dad," he grins.
You open your mouth to give him a sharp, quick-witted retort, but your expression falters when you realize your mistake. Refusing to let this stranger have the upper hand in your first interaction, you smirk at him. "What do you mean?" you ask, poking your tongue past your lips to swipe across your teeth.
He instantly catches on to your smirk, and to be honest, it's endearing. "Because you don't look likea typical dad," he responds, matching your quickness. The same mischievous grin is plastered on both of your faces as you engage in a playful stare-down.
This morning, when you hastily applied expired mascara and cheap lip balm while trying to wake up Raya, you never expected to encounter such an annoyingly funny and undeniably attractive man—by your standards, at least.
With high cheekbones, thick eyebrows, and broad shoulders, anyone would take a second look at him.
The loud peal of the school bell interrupts your scrutinizing gaze, drawing your attention back to your daughter. You quickly give her a kiss on the cheek, and she instinctively wipes it away while giving you a glare, before you push her towards the school entrance.
The man—whose name you still don't know, aside from being Gabi's father—does the same, but his daughter doesn't wipe away the kiss.
"When I asked who you were, I was hoping for a name," you mutter, mostly to yourself, but hoping he hears it too.
"Miguel," he responds, his voice lacking the warmth he had when his daughter was present.
"I'm..." you begin to introduce yourself, but he cuts you off, his voice now tinged with cockiness.
"I know who you are," he says, raising an eyebrow. Your scoff makes it clear how creepy he sounds. "Gabi talks about Raya a lot, and with you being her mother, it's only natural."
You narrow your eyes at Miguel, feeling a mix of surprise and curiosity. Raya is your world, and beyond that, you've kept everything else tightly guarded. It's a defense mechanism, a way to shield yourself from potential hurt or judgment.
"What exactly does Gabi say about Raya?" you ask, your voice tinged with caution. You're not sure if you should be flattered or concerned that your daughter is a topic of conversation between Miguel and his daughter.
Miguel chuckles, seemingly amused by your response. "She just talks about how funny and cool Raya is," he replies. "They've become good friends at school. Gabi is always excited to see her."
There's feel a sense of relief that washes over you. It's comforting to know that Raya has found a friend who appreciates her for who she is.
“Well I need to go,” you say while motioning over to the school gates. “Work and stuff.”
He nods his head, expression just as nonchalant as it was moments ago.
After dropping off Raya at school, and a brief yet intriguing conversation with Miguel, you head back home. It's considerably warmer now than it was before; sun poking out of the clouds, shining down onto the leaf-littered pavement. The odd car whizzes past and it's all you can do to jump away in time before it splashes you in murky brown liquid.
Fortunately for you, you don't have to leave for work until ten so you get some time to yourself. As soon as you unlock the door to your apartment, it took longer than you'd like to admit as you forgot which way to turn the key, you flop down onto the worn-in sofa. It creaks beneath you- a sign that you need to get a new one.
If you had the money, you would. God, if you had the money you’d move out of this shitty apartment and into… anywhere else. Maybe a house on the coast would be nice, or one of those fancy condos by Raya’s school. Either way, you want out.
You feel your eyes grow heavy, the temptation to allow yourself a few moments of sleep all too good. With a low groan, you pull yourself up off the sofa and drag your feet over to the kitchen to make yourself some coffee.
You open the jar only to find a minuscule amount granules left- six to be exact. All you want is that burst of energy and yet you are denied it. “Fuck me,” you grumble under your breath.
Even though it was a painfully short moment between the two of you, Miguel decides you are tolerable. Okay, maybe you’re more than tolerable, he'll settle for bearable as he's feeling especially nice today. You’re funny, well that might be a bit dramatic since he hasn’t even had a proper conversation with you, but you made him laugh- internally that is.
But right now he needs to push you, the nice lady with a pretty smile and even prettier face, out of his mind. He has to focus on this paperwork that's been sitting on his desk for God knows how long.
Begrudgingly, he picks up his pen with a sigh and starts scrawling his signature on the limitless reams of paper. It's all nonsense about him signing off on random projects, and safety procedures and- those sweet lips.
Something about you is intoxicating. Even when he was skimming through the infinite amount of universes, you didn't seem that special. Yes, there were the odd facts that caught his attention but everything else just seemed… dull. So why now, after not even a full five minutes of your company, can't he get you out of his head?
At first, he assumes it's because you’re oddly charismatic but that's not it. You weren't even trying, you just didn't want him to pull a fast one on you. Maybe, just maybe, he underestimated your personality and being around you as a real person and not some fact file actually made you likeable- no, bareable.
Double checking his office door is closed and the blind is pulled down over the frosted glass before sliding back into his chair. “LYLA,” he calls out, words muffled by his head in his hands.
There’s a small glitch next to him that quickly turns into a digitalized woman. “You called?” LYLA asks, hands on her hips.
Fuck he feels guilty but maybe seeing that cocky smirk on your face will ease the culpability he’s feeling. “You… you know what I want and I don’t want teasing or anything about it, just do it, ‘kay?” Miguel’s voice is gruff, full of an annoyance he doesn’t even know he’s feeling.
“Why would I tease you about wanting to innocently look at something?” she drawls with a smirk.
He shoots her a look, an unamused one at that. Giggling childishly, LYLA pulls up a screen full of writing. Miguel’s eyes flicker back and forth trying to find something until he catches a glimpse of your name.
He swipes and flicks the blue pixels a few times before your socials are pulled up. It’s nothing much, just your Twitter, Facebook and a surprising amount of Instagram accounts. That, makes him laugh. He can tell exactly which ones are the accounts you use for stalking people and which ones are for actually posting things.
There are mostly pictures of you and Raya together on days out but there are a few of you on nights out nights out alone. He immediately notices you never post anything with friends and it’s oddly comforting because it’s not just drunk girls with smeared eyeliner that’s missing from your pictures. It’s a boyfriend as well.
Not that he wants to fill that missing gap in your selfies, he's just feeling a little lonely cooped up in his office. He's in this universe for Gabi and no one else, not the lady with a pretty smile.
Just as he’s about to zoom in on a picture that shows an alluring amount of your cleavage, LYLA cuts him off. “I like her smile,” she says while getting up a different picture. This time it’s one of you and Raya in last year's Halloween costumes. Pirates. That’s the two of you had dressed up as.
You’d drawn a black beard on her face, Raya’s outfit cute with the oversized black and white striped shirt meanwhile you… A tight black and red corset pushes your chest in a way that makes something inside Miguel stir.
He shouldn't be looking at you like this- it's wrong and perverse. The two of you only met today and yet he's salivating over a picture of you in a Halloween costume. Yet he can't stop himself from allowing his body to react to the way you look.
That feeling slips down from his chest to his gut until it eventually reaches his crotch. You look so pretty like that, cheeks appled and eyes wide as you pull a stupid face with your daughter. The picture is innocent enough in its own right but seeing you in something ever so slightly revealing makes his brain malfunction.
He bets could make you prettier, more gorgeous than ever if you let him. His cum painting your perfectly plump lips and his hands gripping bruises into your supple flesh.
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starz-saintz · 2 months
Lovely Headcanons
I finished all the vampire listener designs. So, I plan on posting headcanons for each of them and the design at the end.
-> In Redactedverse, she would be Polish.
-> Is considered dead to her family.
Not in a "you're dead to me" way, more of a "you died" way. The Department said that there was an accident and staged her death.
-> The model daughter anyone could ask for, like seriously
Straight A's, did a bunch of extracurriculars, had the most volunteer hours, helped with her mother's garden, etc, etc
-> She went to WonderWorld to prove her friends wrong. There were no ghosts, and she was not a wuss nor a goody goody.
-> Went to an out of state college near Dahlia. She's originally from Nebraska and a freshman.
-> Lovely visits her grave every now and then in Nebraska. It's always neat and decorated with stuffed animals, candles, and flowers.
-> When she had first turned, she almost attacked a woman passing by. She felt disgusted with herself when she was back to normal. Took a lot out of Vincent to restrain her.
-> Really likes Darlin's company. If Vincent is busy, she'll call them or go to visit.
-> Lovely and Darlin will sit and gossip about the house. Darlin only gets half the story, and since Lovely doesn't really talk when the House gets together, people feel comfortable enough to talk shit in front of her. She will clear up any misconceptions Darlin has.
-> Inherited her mother's green thumb. She has her own rose garden.
-> Someone pointed out when she met Lovely that she was a reincarnation. Lovely was dumbstruck when they told her that what she thought was heterochromia was a signifier.
-> Private school kid. (take that as you will)
-> Really likes to paint.
She didn't paint as much when she started college. It was demanding of all of her time, and so was her job. She really likes that she has more time to paint now.
-> Her dad will still leave her voicemails. When she had first died, there were weekly check-ins, him asking for her to return his call and to take care of herself. Now, it's bi-monthly.
-> Her name was Andżelika Rozalia, but after she was turned, she went by Angelika Róża.
-> She will defend Peanut Butter and Peanut Butter flavored things with her life.
-> She can sing really well. G3 to F5 range.
-> Has really enjoyed using the bloodbags given out, but she knows that she can't live off of them forever. She fears the day she has to hunt
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Darlin' might be next
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baobhanlore-art · 1 year
*Across The Spiderverse Spoilers*
I'm just gonna rant a bit about whitewashing Miguel O'hara and how people don't know the difference between race and ethnicity.
Disclaimer: I am not poc. I'm white passing (Jewish whiteness is complicated) and if you are poc then I'd love to hear your perspective. I'm just repeating the views and teachings of poc figures and their analyses of media and representation.
So there's been a lot of crackering towards Miggy. It's happened to most of the poc characters, don't get me wrong, but I feel like Miguel's has fallen under the radar for the most part. But Miguel is often drawn with very light skin even though the movie has portrayed him as having light brown tan-ish skin.
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This is a screenshot from the train scene. As you can see he is still very much a light skinned person, not pale but a light skinned poc. And yet somehow people still make his skin way lighter than this. Practically the same colour as me and I'm Scottish and have ridiculously sensitive skin that makes me avoid harsh sunlight. Like it's not even that dark. And the train scene is bright as hell anyways, harsh sunlight and the white train exterior reflecting onto the characters, everyone's skin was lighter so I'd say his skin tone may even be a bit darker than this.
And often the excuse is that he's half Irish. But like, do you realise how terrible of a justification that is? Zendaya is half white. Barrack Obama is half white. Halle Bailey is half white. Are they perceived as white? No. Lukas Arnold is half black. Halsey is half black. Are they perceived as white? Yes. I'm not arguing Miguel doesn't have white heritage, but Miguel, at least in ATSV, is Latino passing. Just like I'm half Jewish and half British White but look more like my white mother, with the exception of my warm undertones and dark hair, meanwhile my Dad, Aunt, Grandad and Uncles are very explicitly Jewish/Middle Eastern passing. Nobody is arguing I don't have non white genes in me and according to eugenics I'll never technically be white, but I'm white passing. Similarly, Miguel has white genes in him and his Irish heritage could very well be part of his identity (I haven't read the comics so idk) but he's Mexican passing. He has Mexican phenotypes and you are erasing them by lightening his skin.
In short, if you want to know if a character or person is white or not, ask yourself how cops or airport security would profile them. That will give you your answer.
This is something Harriyanna Hook touches on in some of her videos, she's a queen, but I think the main reason why whitewashing Miguel isn't as openly critiqued as whitewashing other ethnicities, including light skinned ones, is that light skinned and white passing Latine people are overrepresented in Hollywood and the media to the point where people who aren't even Latine can be cast as Latine characters. Case in point: Ronni Hawk. It's incredibly rare to see anyone in mainstream Hollywood who doesn't pass the paper bag test unless they're a black man, which has its own history of fetishism and abuse (Watch F.D. Signifier, he talks about this in his colourism video.) Race and ethnicity are not the same thing but they influence how you're perceived.
(This is not me saying that they don't deserve to be represented, every culture deserves attention and representation, but dark skinned Hispanic and Afro-Latine people often get erased. Miles Morales is the exception, not the rule.)
So people don't tend to pick up on the erasure of Latine features and skin colours because it's so normalised.
I don't want to call out any artists in particular, that's not cool, but if you do see an artist who lightened the skin, I think it's important you let them know that it's an issue. They're more likely ignorant than intentionally harmful, but I feel like education around this issue is still very important.
Also idk if this is an ethnic thing but please stop giving him a K-popish soft boy face. This isn't an ethnic issue, it's an artist's having same face syndrome issue, but Miggy is hot enough without you erasing his sharp facial features. Istg if it weren't for his suit half of his fanart would be unrecognisable.
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ickbite · 1 year
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09. Happy birthday
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as soon as jaeden woke up, she was running around the house. with her and Y/N spending the night at Heeseungs the previous night, it was easier to wake both of them up.
she was planning on starting with Hee, running to his room and slammed open the door, only to be met with both of her parents in the bed.
due to it being late at night and both adults were exhausted, they simply just slept in the same bed, no harm there, right? wrong. when jaeden climbed onto the bed, she saw that her parents were — quite literally — cuddled up to each other.
"wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up," the six year old mumbled, shaking both Heeseung and Y/N.
jaeden only quickly gave up after realizing they were passed out and wasn't gonna be waking up anytime soon.
Appeared on Heeseungs phone, should she pick up? should she decline? the answer was quite obvious.
"hello? who are you?" jaeden asked, her little arm wrapped around her waist while the other one is holding the phone to her ear. 
"who am i? who're you little girl?" the masculine voice of the other side responded, his voice laced with nervousness.
"i'm jaeden! why're you calling my dad?" she pouted, looking at the bed to see her parents who looked like they got even closer.
"dad? since when was Heeseung a dad? did you know Heeseung was a dad, Nik?"
"hey! i told you my name! you have to tell me yours, jerk!" she whined, stomping her feet down the hallway to the guest room she claimed as hers.
"okay, okay! i'm Sunoo, why do you have Heeseungs phone?"
"this is my dads phone, he's asleep right now, but i can tell him whatever you want me to tell him!" the ravenette smiled, looking through the shirts in the closet that belonged to Heeseung.
"Sunoo, who're you talking to?" an even more masculine voice asked, obvious tiredness in his voice.
"i called Hee like you told me too, and this child picked up, she's saying Hee is her dad?"
and like that, jaeden heard fighting, noises that signify the phone is being taken from Sunoo to the phones owner.
"who're you?" the five year old was tired, all she wanted to do was have pancakes and hang out with her parents for her birthday, and instead, she's talking to her fathers weird friends.
"hi jae! i'm your uncle Jay! how are you?" the voice sounded happy, like his tiredness suddenly disappeared.
"uncle Jay? daddy has a brother?" she mumbled, thinking if he mentioned anything about a sibling.
"no— not blood brother like a soul brother, kinda thing, yunno?"
"soul brother? like that one song? hey soul sister, ain't that mr. mister on the—"
"no, not like the song, but it's nice to meet you, finally. i'm still frustrated Jake got to meet you before me."
"Jake? you mean the minion?" jaeden visibly shuddered, thinking of her last interaction with him.
"yeah, him! listen, jae, i'm so much better than the minion, trust me, isn't it your birthday today?" and without giving her time to answer, he started singing happy birthday to her, she could even hear everyone even joining in the background.
"jae, do you know where my phone is?" Heeseung asked, walking into the jaeden's room to see her in his shirt, his phone pressed to her ear, and her hair in a bun like her mothers was the previous day, "why do you have my phone?"
"is that Hee? run!" Jay warned.
"i tried to wake you and mommy up but you wouldn't wake up and uncle Jay and Sunoo called you so i picked up, am i in trouble?" she pouted, her posture slouching as she looked at the ground.
with a sigh, he shook his head, grabbing her hand and bringing her to the kitchen table where her mom was making pancakes in the kitchen.
"good job, jaeden. always guilt trip your dad," the man on the phone cheered, clapping his hands.
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vinnie2757 · 2 months
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dont look too closely at any of them i hate freehanding lol
anyway jess' tattoos are an important part of his journey on account of being the human manifestation of a bad idea. every single tattoo has Meaning(tm) even though prior to sig arriving he has no idea why. they make a lot of sense once he knows who he is really. he has scandinavian heritage in every human lifetime, having become "human" during the danelaw, but he doesn't know his dad to know exactly what that heritage is (double lol) im just really enjoying hashing out what kind of cringe little runt nerd jess is
hold fast, harpoon, swallow, rope around wrst and crossed anchors: sailor tattoos, as he works on a fishing ship (he snuck aboard when he was 13, having just lost his mother, and lied about his age. the crew took him on, giving him a spare sweater, because he was not dressed for the weather, and he still has that sweater now as captain 20 years later)
algiz on the back on his neck as protection
part of vegvisir on his head to guide his two selves back together, and you bet the crew let him know about it whenever they get caught in bad weather. he grows his hair out into a mop of blondish curls and wears multiple beanies to hide it but they still wrestle the beanie off him and slap him upside the head like he's an old tv whenever they get caught in a storm. he sees the funny side most of the time
a vaguely norse looking fenrir on his shoulder, a half skull girl on his thigh and the altuna stone thor vs jormungandr carving on his ankle for his babies (fen thinks its hilarious when he sees it, and licks it anytime he can. jess does not appreciate it. jorm loves having his dad on the water, so he doesnt even mind the insulting tattoo. jess thinks thor's face is stupid which is why he got it. hel doesn't even know)
he drunkenly got 'lo do they call to me' over his heart. he thinks its for his mother. it is not for his mother (it's for the twins that died to bind him, though he doesn't know it's happened. sig has to tell him after a thousand years of holding that fucking bowl. she could do that argument in private. she is not going to do that argument in private)
the runes on his second knuckles are signifiers of bountiful harvests, safety and water, a makeshift spell to make sure their catches are good
please do not come for the runes, it is a quote unquote spell to keep the allfather's eye averted and keep him from sight. he pretends its to keep the slight of hand a little more magical because he does a lot of street magic when he's not on the boat. he doesn't realise until he survives near lethal injuries that he's using actual seidr to con hen parties out of fifty quid)
the symbol of eternal love in red on his collarbone because it is the place his wife kisses him most, on account of height difference my beloved. he doesn't know he's got it for her yet, he hasn't met her in this lifetime, but sig's coming. most of his tattoos are drunken spur of the moment ideas, and his tattooist finds this one incredible as he has never had a long term relationship and all others are blue)
he has heterochromia in both eyes and it gets progressively worse as the magic in asgard wears off and he starts gaining his godhood back until they go full gold. sig misses them when they're gone, but he doesn't miss the 180p he was using as his vision cone prior to the change.
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generalkenobee · 1 year
Hiiii could I possibly request a little Mando x reader where reader was raised by the tusken raiders? She's like their princess in a way. She doesn't wear the face thing BUT she's not allowed to leave her hut ever because they see her as super important. But one day she HAS to leave (idk why lol) so they ask the mandalorian to escort her away. Now she travels with him and they have crushes on each other. I'm thinkin tomboy edgy type reader who's also a bad bitch lol
Warnings: body guard Mando, FEM! reader, reader is kind of a bitch to Mando, I MIGHT MAKE THIS A SERIES MAYBE!, let me know if I missed anything
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"Fine.. I'll get you ice cream"
"ok and why do I have to go?! I don't want to go to a stupid invitational" you huffed trying to walk away but your dad grabbed your arm signifying it was no option
Your translator came in the room holding a long flowy purple dress "mi'lady, your father requested that you wear this to the invitational" she smiled at you holding the dress out. You sighed grabbing it
"something the matter princess?" She had a look of genuine worry on her face as she questioned you
"I just feel like everyone keeps making all my decisions for me! I don't want to go so I shouldn't have to..."
You looked down feeling defeated.
And your translator looked away blushing "what is it?"
"I-I have news but now knowing how you feel.." she took a deep breath "you're not going to like it"
You rolled your eyes again Turing to look at her and smiled "nothing could be much worse, what is it?"
"y-your father.. he well- well your father requested that you ha-" she was interrupted as a mandolorian walked in the room "who the hell are you?! Get out!" Your translator looked over at him "I haven't broken the news yet!" She whisper yelled.
As the mandolorian left she turned back to you "mi'lady I'm so sorry.." and it all fell together "no"
"mi'lady try to understand that this- well your father-"
You sprinted out from your hut only to be tacked to the ground "unhand me!" You started to scream and kick your feet back and forth "let me go! Now!" You heard a dramatic sigh "this is a lot harder for me then it is for you" the mandolorian said as he put you down back in the hut
"how is this harder for you mandolorian?"
"I just had to carry you back to your hut and I've only been on the job for 23 minutes-"
You groaned and threw your head back "this is so unfair"
"brat" you head the mandolorian mumble under his breath
" I'm sorry, but have you been locked in a tiny hut your whole? Oh and also, the only time you get to leave is to go somewhere you don't want to go!" To be honest Din didn't like the sound of someone being treated like that
You were right, it was unfair
Your translator was currently doing your hair, painting your nails, getting your shoes on. Basically some finishing touches before you had to hit the road with your mysterious new found mandolorian.
"hey mandolorian, is your ship big?" You called over while she was on her knees in front of you. She looked up at you once she had put on your shoes for you and looked away blushing
"you're all ready mi'lady.."
"thank you so much Amber" you leaned in kissing her cheek, this was considered all natural in your culture
You waved good bye to Amber while your mandolorian escorted you off to his ship, which was indeed..big.
He pushed in the code sending the door flying open "here" he said pointing to a small cot. "If you get tired you can sleep, and I have some nutrients bars and blue milk over on the bed side table" you watched as he pointed over to the objects he was talking about but you couldn't focus.
What was under that helmet? Why did he wear it? What was the point? But then again he probably had some of the same questions about your culture.
"so it should take about four or so hours to get to your invitational then I'll-"
"FOUR HOURS?" you whaled out "no no no please don't you have like a light speed thing?"
"then just fly faster!"
"if you could lower your voice, that would be amazing 'princess' "
Your face felt hot when he called you that..
"and why s-should I?" You tried your best to maintain composer but with the tall man looking down at you and now calling you "princess"?! Impossible.
"kids sleeping" your heart fell..he had a kid, did that mean he had a wife? Husband? Significant other? Where they married?!
"well he's sort of.. adopted"
Oh thank the maker... "Can I meet him? Please"
That was the first time you had shown respect for the mandolorian, asking him please and everything wasn't like you at all.
"he's sleeping.."
You wandered through the big ship, looking at the big boxes of cargo and wires everywhere. This place could use a serious makeover
"hey Mando.." you said leaning over the his seat feasting your chin on his shoulder
"I'm boreddd" you sounded so over dramatic (as usual)
"can we stop and like get ice cream?" You looked into his visor with pleading eyes. "Why would I get you ice cream?"
"because there's nothing to do on this old rust bucket! And also- I'm hungry" your stomach was starting to ache due to the little amount of food you had the last few days.
"and your little bar things aren't helping much!"
"fine..I'll get you ice cream"
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lisiya-gori · 2 years
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(from @sxnyarostova​ on this post. thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about this!)
so, we all agree that sonya and boris are narrative foils, right. this much is obvious. two children who grow up on the periphery of the rostov family, in it but never really of it. neither of them ever able to forget this fact. sonya is natasha’s best friend growing up, and boris is nikolai’s. sonya has an innocent little incestuous childhood romance with nikolai, and boris (remember!) has one with natasha. nikolai and natasha can act like they don’t notice their friends’/crushes’ lack of financial and social stability, but boris and sonya have to notice. it’s the defining fact of both of their lives. I don’t think tolstoy meant to do this but the fact that we never get either of their full names has always felt important to me. it signifies that lack of stability, the fact that they’re not completely established or accepted in the society of the novel
ok, so they start off in the same place, but then their paths diverge rapidly. again, narrative foils. @alleyskywalker wrote me a whole yuletide request about this back in, I want to say 2017? and I wrote this a couple years ago, which touches on it. boris leaves, sonya stays. sonya devotes herself to the rostovs, boris devotes himself to the grind. I feel like you can even say something here about their respective involvement with hélène and dolokhov? it would work better if it were anatole, but still—
anyway. boris has a last name. he has a living parent, even (whose patronymic we do know). he grows up enmeshed in the rostov family, but he also has his own, separate identity that exists outside it. boris is a boy, and he has a mom who’s willing to work vasily kuragin for his benefit, so boris gets to have a career. that career is what really takes him away from the rostov family circle, and the more he advances in it, the greater that distance grows. boris doesn’t have a dad. presumably he had one at one point, but we never hear about it and nobody seems to care. boris isn’t living up to anyone’s legacy. he’s not in line to take over anyone’s estate or fortune, and he doesn’t have to deal with anyone else’s baggage. he’s as self-made as you can be in an aristocratic society. he’s anna mikhailovna’s son, and his own creation. 
sonya has a dad. he’s dead now, but we know he existed, and we know his name. sonya has parents who aren’t count and countess rostov, and no matter how much she wants to be part of the rostov family, she can’t get around this. she calls the countess maman, but she also says things like “if I were maman’s daughter.” it doesn’t really matter who alexander is or was; the only relevant thing about sonya’s “alexandrovna” is that it isn’t “ilyinichna.” sonya is a girl, so if she wants to escape the rostovs she has to do it through marriage. but who does sonya want to marry? the one guy who will allow her to tie herself to the rostovs forever. sonya doesn’t have a last name. people assume it’s rostova, even though there’s no actual indication that it is, and isn’t that sort of typical of her whole situation? she can never fully be a part of the rostov family, but she also can’t envision any kind of life outside it. she ends up permanently stuck in this sort of halfway position, a not-quite daughter, a not-quite sister, and eventually a not-quite wife and mother. 
so there you go: sonya has a patronymic but no last name, and boris has a last name but no patronymic, and you can absolutely read that as symbolic if you try hard enough
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hot-for-rock · 2 years
Blackrose’s and Rockstars
Glenn Tipton X OC {Isabella Blackrose}
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Warning(s): None.
Plot: Isabella “Izzy” Blackrose is the co owner of a pub in a small town in the worcestershire country side. One day a rockstar walks in and her whole life changes.
Please feel free to like, reblog and comment on it, it’s much appreciated, enjoy! <3
Isabella’s POV
Today sucked, yesterday sucked, this whole week sucked, hell this whole month and year sucked. Yet I power on. I power on for my mum and my family legacy if not for that I would have given up a long time ago.
Two years ago, my dad passed away and when he did I abandoned school in Birmingham to come home. I knew I needed to be here for my mum, to help her run the pub in his absence. I don’t regret my choice, because I know it’s the right one, still doesn’t mean I don’t wish I didn’t some days and today is one of them.
Nothing went right for me today. I slept through my alarm and I had to rush off to get here in time, in the process I managed to spill my tea all over myself, staining my shirt.
Then once I got here one of my bartenders was fighting with another over some bloke,and I had to break it up. Then my third bartender, the one who also runs food and drinks to the tables, called in sick and I had to fill in for her. Not to mention the order I got delivered was all wrong.
I haven’t had a second today to catch my breath, and the day is far from over for me. After all, in about two hours the after work and supper rush will come through. It’s a weeknight so the evening and night should be all to bad, since it’s a small down and everyone here is pretty working class meaning they can’t afford to fuck around on a week night. It will get dead at about eight o’clock and that’s why during the week we close my eleven.
I tuck that one annoying strand of my ginger hair behind my ear. It fell out of my messy bun ages ago. I just haven’t had the time or bothered to fix it. Just then I hear the bell on the door ring, signifying someone has entered the pub. I look up, with a smile on my face expecting to see someone I know or recognize. After all, this is a small village and I grew up here my whole life. I’ve seen every person who lives here at least once, especially considering this is the only decent place to eat or get a drink in the whole village.
Yet I don’t know this man. He’s got long hair that is heavily highlighted with blond, so much so you can barely see the darker colour underneath. He definitely stands out. You never see a bloke with long hair around here, and definitely not one of his age. He’s not young, he’s Middle aged I’d guess. Though time has definitely been kind to him.
He’s wearing a simple outfit though, not something you’d expect from someone with hair like that. He’s wearing an oversized plain black t-shirt, some jeans and a pair of trainers. He’s not wearing much accessory wise, except a sliver watch, a silver pinky ring and a pair of round sunglasses.
Despite not being able to see his eyes, he’s very handsome and intriguing. I wonder what his story is, did he just move here or is he just a passer through?
He takes a seat at the bar and I take my opportunity to see if I can solve any of this mystery as I serve him.
“Hello, welcome. What can I get you?” I greet him with my usual smile.
“Hello. Just a pint of whatever’s popular.” He replies, returning my smile and man does he have a beautiful smile.
“It’s a lovely place here.” He comments as I begin filling up a pint glass with our best seller.
“Thank you, I own the place. Well, I co-own it.” I tell him as I set the pint in front of him. “That will be £3.”
“Oh really? Well you’ve done a great job.” He says, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his wallet, before pulling out a £5 pound note and handing it to me.
“It was all my dad really.” I admit as I ring him up and pull out two one pound coins to give him as change.
“Keep the change, love.” He says waving me off, “In that case you’ve done a great job preserving it.”
“Oh- Okay, thank you.” I say taken slightly aback, no one in this town has exposable income, so that never happens here. I mean yes it’s only two pounds but still.
“Are you new in town?”
“Yes actually. I moved into the big Georgian estate house nearby.” He tells me and I must admit I wasn’t expecting that from him. He doesn’t strike me as someone with a lot of money. He certainly doesn’t look the part with the long hair and rather plain clothes. Then it hits me. The long hair.
He’s most likely a rockstar. It would explain how he can afford to live in such a big house, you can make a lot of money doing that if you’re in one of the bigger bands. I'm trying to rack my brain. Is he familiar to me?
I happen to be a fan of rock, but I'm mostly a fan of the 70’s stuff like, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. In fact those are my three favourite bands. I do enjoy a bit of 80s metal as well but more like the glam metal stuff then the true metal. So it’s possible he’s in a band I’m not a big fan of there for I didn’t recognize him.
“Oh, well I guess I’ll be seeing more of you then. I’m Isabella, or Izzy Blackrose by the way.” I say introducing myself to him hoping he does the same and his name seems familiar to me.
“It’s nice meeting you, I’m Glenn Tipton.” He says back.
Glenn Tipton. I sit and ponder that name for a second in my mind to see if I recognize it, then it hits me. He’s the guitarist of Judas Priest.
“You’re the guitarist of Judas Priest then?” I ask just to confirm though im sure it comes off like me being a fangirl or something similar.
“Well I was, I'm not sure there really is a Judas Priest anymore though.” Glenn tells me sounding rather not happy about the last bit, and in a way I feel for him. I’m sure the band was his life, and must be an adjustment for it to be over.
“Are you a fan?” He asks, looking at me curiously.
“Honestly? Not really. I like rock and metal, that's how I know. I'm more of a 70’s gal then an 80’s gal though, unless it's glam.” i tell him, feeling a bit bad about that he seems like a nice bloke. “I'm sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it, love.” He laughs, “I was just going to offer an autograph, is all.”
“Oh, well thank you.” I say, feeling relieved he's okay with that, not that he'd really necessarily care as i said before he seems really nice and chill. He didn't walk in here with some rockstar attitude or saying im so and so, and he has my respect for it.
Then an idea hits me. Since he's offering anyway, why don't I take him up on it for the bar? I mean I could always use some new decor and would it be cooler than a signed photo of a famous customer?
“Actually if you wouldn’t mind I'd like a signed photo, for the pub. The decor is lacking a bit.”
“I'd be happy to love.” He smiles at me, “we can do it now if you have a camera, and I can come by and sign it whenever it’s developed.”
“I’ll just go get my camera real quick, it’s in the back.” I tell him to disappear into the back room where the office is and nicking my camera making sure it has film, which it does.
“Smile.” I tell him as I aim the camera, giving him a second to compose himself which he does rather fast. Something I’m sure he’s learned from years of having his photo taken as a rockstar.
He smiles at me and lifts his half gone pint in one hand, and I think that’s a pretty fitting pose for the wall of the pub. I snap a couple for good measure then lower the camera.
“I’ll give you a ring when they are developed?” I ask, I’m sure he’ll come back. This is the only restaurant or pub for miles, but I just want to make sure I don’t forget the photos or something when he does come around again. Also he’s cute, I’m not saying I’d go after him because why would someone like him want me when he could get a model or something, but it’s still nice to have a cute blokes number.
“I’ll give you my number.” He tells me, as I reach text to the till where I Keep a couple extra pens in case my waitresses lose one and grab a napkin handing it to him.
I watch as his long fingers grip the pen and he gracefully writes his number on the napkin. His handwriting is oddly neat for a man.
“Here you are love.” He says, handing me back the pen and napkin containing his number.
“Thank you.” I say taking it and gently folding the napkin pocketing it.
“Well I best be going.” He says looking down at his watch, then downing what’s left of his pint. “My ex should be dropping off my son soon.”
Oh so he’s single, is the first thing that comes to my mind as he says that statement. It’s only natural, he is very cute and nice. Not that he’d ever be interested in me, but a girl can dream.
“It was nice to meet you.” He smiles as he gets up, “I’ll be looking forward to your call.”
“It was nice meeting you too, please feel free to come by whenever.” I say with a smile, as he turns to leave. I must admit, I’m rather looking forward to seeing him again soon.
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narhinafan · 2 years
Actually Hinata didn’t land any hits on Pain unfortunately… the effects you see signify Pain simply blocking her attacks. Not only does Sakura have more badass moments than Hinata, but she’s also a better written character too. Hinata was well written in part 1, but in shippuden, her whole character ends up revolving around Naruto despite the fact that Naruto only shows romantic interest in Sakura the whole time. Naruto even ignores Hinata’s love confession, shows he wants to confess to Sakura and calls her his girlfriend to his dad. Hinata deserves better.
Wrong besides the fact the gentle fist can't be blocked so those still count as hits, the fact Pain gets pushed back at all shows she is hitting him add that Pain didn't defend himself with Shinra Tensei as usual also implies that she was the reason he got pushed back. In all his fights have you ever seen Tendo Pain block normally or get pushed back even once no cause he never had to since he has Shinra Tensei. So Pain still took hits from Hinata no matter how you look at it.
You are completely wrong about Sakura like what is badass about bringing your teammates down and needed to get saved all the time. While she has some good moments, but they instantly get overshadowed by somthing.
Really your complaining about Hinata liking Naruto when Sakura is obsessed with Sasuke, the only reason Sakura became a ninja was cause of Sasuke till Sasuke left the village Sakura never bothered with her ninja training. Hinata at least has always taken her ninja training and career seriously outside of Naruto. The only reason Hinata doesn't show up much unless Naruto is around in part 2 is cause the manga is about Naruto, it's not a character fault, but a story fault that Hinata simply didn't get many scenes in part 2 unless Naruto was somehow involved. The same applies to many other characters they don't get to show up unless what Naruto is doing at the time or what they are doing at the time somehow involves Naruto.
Incorrect what Naruto felt for Sakura was only shallow crush which developed from his rivalry with Sasuke. In part 1 you would notice that whenever the crush gets brought up it is only when Sasuke is involved usually after he rejects Sakura in someway. Even in part 2 it makes it clear that it is shallow and more somthing Naruto does out of habit not realising that what he feels for Sakura isn't romantic.
Really Naruto didn't ignore Hinata's love confession and Hinata's confession actually gets misinterpreted due to Japanese cultrate and language. Due to Japanese being shy about showing affection they rarely use the phases that when literally translated means 'I love you' instead they usually use Suki or Daisuki which means like, but can very easily be taken in a platonic way so it is very easy for Naruto misinterpreted as her meaning she is fond of him and sees him as important friend and not that she was confessing that she loves him romantically. In English however especially those kinds of words in that scene can only really be translated into 'I love you' which in ours and most other languages leaves no room for misinterpretation. So you see Naruto didn't ignore her confession, but rather it is simply taken the wrong due to Japanese culture somthing Hinata also understands hence why she doesn't get to hung up on her failed confession cause she knows Naruto misunderstood and not that she got rejected.
It doesn't really show him wanting to confess to Sakura the closest was Sai misinterpreting and even then Sai admitted his understanding of emotions and them in general wasn't the best. Plus Naruto at that point doesn't realise his crush on Sakura is shallow, he didn't understand what actual romantic love feels like and hence doesn't realise that he isn't serious about Sakura.
in fact near the end it implies that Naruto was realising what he felt for Sakura isn't romantic love. Like during her fake confession Naruto wasn't happy at all and caught on to her lie straight away now him catching on is understandable, but he would have shown some happy reaction before realising the truth, but he doesn't. Sakura's confession even before he notices something is off doesn't make him happy and instead he just questions it, further more the fact Naruto takes her fake confession quite well further implies that his feelings for her wasn't serious. Like if the girl you liked faked a confession you are going to be a little upset no matter what, but Naruto isn't cause what he feels for Sakura isn't somthing that would make him happy or upset over a confession.
When Naruto says she is his girlfriend to Minato in the manga there is a pause before he replies with "I guess you can say that" Naruto himself was hesitant to agree and gave only a half hearted reply, this is different from how Naruto would normally quickly agree or getting embarrassed over someone suggesting Sakura was his girlfriend. There is clear contrast between how Naruto reacts and treats his crush on Sakura in part 1 then part 2 and that is cause Naruto was growing up and starting to become aware that what he thought he felt towards Sakura wasn't romantic love.
Naruto in part 1
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Naruto in part 2
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scentedchildnacho · 2 months
The personnel from the health care team with the city....I talked to a young man who showed me he is so into himself as a gender he does hate women I think ageing and not into supporting him as a ho
He gets so into people being a schizophrenic he doesn't like women unless they forcibly support him as a ho....his dad probably told him to get a job instead of search for schizophrenics but
He had a small low fat build and appeared conditioned to find his physique an intellectual superior.....
To him women just have too much fat and don't provide enough
So I kind of went through his pharmaceutical rep talk by giving him the common sense due process he wasnt doing that made him look like a crack dealing ho
He kept wanting me to consent to medication so I told him that is a you are God statement and you cannot make any diagnostic decisions if you haven't provided basic needs and police due process
I haven't been allowed a shower in months or regular stable consistent meals so you have no basis for diagnostics until you establish rule outs like traumatic abuse and assault
I don't think he is a mental he is too eager to deal pills and mentals do understand meaning and he did not I think he is a terrorist maybe
Mentals do have to take tours of facilities and meet people and are reticent to have to get involved in the drug dealing aspect it's ya know what he was very very eager to put me on drugs without basic needs met
I do as an actress go with scene so if I'm treated like I can be disposed of for large population replacements I view him as just one of maybe a large Indian school and there is lots of men that need a charity job for family income
The shelter told me pill policy is about children and they asked me to not have mental episodes around the children so I told her I agree with her policy for children that's why I am pressuring you follow due process and criminal rights theory so I don't have a pill induced mental episodes around the children
He kept wanting to put me immediately on abilify so I kept explaining I am ageing and those pills are much too strong for my deprivated condition and that on attentionals I could start being so focused that things like lights flashing from a car turn could cause me a seizure and nausea and I could fall down around the children like i had been shot at
Tranqs anti psychotics like tranqs are known for causing anti social paralysis until people have violent catatonic suicide homicide ideation so that also is not correct around children no
He wanted to know if I recalled any beneficial psychiatric medication so I said no I'm a cissex woman and toxicology is the relevant science
People are like conduits and without natural subsistence the human body has a lot of heavy metals in it like one's ear goo like lead and that can really lead people into really really hard and demanding detective work or religious aspiration
It is like a CIA idea and the worst part of my life it's truly very undesirable of a condition to be selected for till I never pray it called God cruel and hateful of humanity and I don't believe that
Its been my experience that psychiatric pills are about transexuals quite frankly psychiatry I do find inherently about gender
Some male to female do find a lot of release from depression if allowed hormones drugs like psychiatric drugs I am a woman and it was just excruciating to ever be bisexualed....
A lot of female cats don't appreciate being called Ed with do you work
He asked me if moldenhauer was European so I said no Wisconsin I was white...a judge told me I do have indigenous DNA to the states it's not an indigeneity though I was more Latin white moldenhauer is Latin
Some people stop abusing and exterminating if moulding is spelled a wood architecture in antebellum homes signifying growth under a crescent moon
I don't fully understand it all myself you have to know infectious disease history and revolutionary modern independence
It is all 20th century so its a lot more post doctoral then hanging out
Or Kitty hart moxom some clinicians if they equate me with km or the financial release of getting to help Holocaust victims experience a lot more ease and comfortability then tolerating the case history
The 1950s off helping Holocaust survivor refugee emigration was wealthy and very little poverty and if people may use the initials they do experience a sense of tuning in that's a lot more beneficial
Kitty did survive to have a physical therapy practice so it can be really therapeutic to use the initials
Frederick Douglas inspired negro rights a lot of black men do more have indigenous DNA but they are not to be incriminated and forced to be a native their black men and black men achieved the vote first
I was white and they have tried to force me to understand trade and subsistence in non monetary systems I am not a native and will continue to die of poverty if I may not experience financializing
There was a lot of protests like the Arab spring about continued displacement of United States populations by Africans and that's why it became important
France also the passport programs have not been appreciated
Its maybe because many populations from the states do have really sad southern stories of being slowly over beared and stifled by family and emigration has been so refreshing and beneficial and hopeful of a disruption especially to entrepreneurial capability......but poverty and disease hasnt stopped
I wouldn't know what I would do in Wisconsin.......if I went back I would go if people would truly let me be a very studious geek if I ever went back there I would truly sit and research because
Otherwise the continued Chicago land area is still making it an ecology really for everybody and that's become negative for people on many points to few social values to little regulation too manic
I swear I feel trapped in a comrade project forever where no one truly gets to know each other or establishes enough safety
For everybody....gay though that's gay
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newsworld-nw · 11 months
TikToker 'so bored' with 9-to-5 job 'I don't have time for anything.'
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A TikTok user has obtained practically 2 million views on a video he posted expressing frustration about how little time he had left after his conventional, in-person 9-to-5 job with an extended commute and an eight-hour workday. "I do know I am in all probability being too dramatic and boring; however, that is my first job," stated TikTok person Brielle, who solely wished to make use of her first title as a result of privateness issues. video. "I haven't got time for something!" Brielle, a 21-year-old current school graduate who works in advertising, defined that after working days and commuting two hours every means between her house in New Jersey and her workplace in New York, she was shocked and “very upset” by how little time she had and that he had the power to train, meet his associates, and even cook dinner. "How's your pal? How's your time for courting?" he stated within the video, posted on October 17. “There is not any means I can afford to stay within the metropolis proper now... I want to stroll to work; however, I am not.” The video obtained practically 15,000 pieces of feedback, with many from customers expressing sympathy for Brielle's sentiments and their very own criticism of the standard workplace schedule. "The 40-hour work week is outdated and your emotions are completely legitimate," learns the highest remark, with more than 39,000 likes. "The 40-hour work week was designed with a housekeeper to care for the home tasks," one other person wrote in regards to the conventional work week. "There isn't a time for something." One other commenter was extra blunt: “That is so repetitive and irritating. I feel you are a lady."
People are questioning the standard work week
The response to the video signifies how rapidly people have turned in opposition to the five-day commute to the workplace that was as soon as thought about as the default mode of labor. For instance: 81% of People who work full-time would favor a four-day workweek, according to a survey from Aug. Bankrate It was discovered that almost all of the respondents stated they might sacrifice something to make this small hour an actuality. A study of 61 firms within the UK that attempted a shorter working week discovered that these firms reported greater revenues and fewer worker turnover, whereas most staff within the trial experienced much less burnout and more satisfaction with their work-life steadiness. Commuting remains an enormous downside for commuters. In 2023, research discovered that workers who earn a living from home save an extra 72 minutes a day. Non-commuters devoted 40% of that additional time to their jobs, 34% to leisure, and 11% to caring for their kids or others. New York Federal Reserve researchers additionally discovered that individuals who work remotely and do not commute have extra time for leisure and sleep. However, some people see nothing unsuitable with the standard means of handling issues. An article about Brielle's video revealed by Insider obtained dozens of comments on Facebook. -4.17%, Lots of the customers joked in regards to the declining work ethic of the youthful era. One person wrote, “Welcome to the true world.
'I can not think about working dad and mom on the market.'
Brielle instructed MarketWatch that the protection and commenters appeared fast to criticize him, as an alternative to inspecting the difficulty he was attempting to boost within the unique video. "A whole lot of the information proper now could be about portraying me as a spoiled member of Gen Z, slightly more than calling for a reevaluation of insurance policies," he instructed MarketWatch by way of email. And responding to the Insider article in a video Tuesday, Brielle stated she's grateful to be employed in any respect—and that she's not the one employee fighting the inflexible construction of a conventional workplace job. "I cannot even think about working dad and mom on the market," she stated. "I give them loads of credit scores because, in America, it is extremely tough to be emotionally and mentally steady when your days are structured like this." "What I am saying is sure: America's 9-to-5 schedule must be reformed," he continued. "It isn't truthful that the ones benefiting are those that both run firms... or who're extraordinarily rich or influential and do not work on an everyday schedule." See extra: Why does TikTok hate the 401(okay) a lot? #TikToker #bored #9to5 #job #dont #time Read the full article
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valdederon · 1 year
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER #15 graduation,first dungeon
taiga seeing the large delphox still dripping wet pass out in his nest with a chuckle. he lets valdederong sleep and the next day lunch rolls around valdederon having been wiped out fron the previous days antics he gets up and grumbles missing his evry day cup of coffee after waking up., he heads out to the mess hall and looks for somthing strong to wake him up settling on some tomoto berry juice while reading up on some news that was just posted to a news board in the mess hall after awhile he finishes drinking the juice and then eats a bit of meat loaf that was left over from the previous nights dinner. soon he heads to the training room to continue his training to become a pheonix hawk learning from zelania the many dangers of mystery dungeons the problems they cause what they do to pokemon who get traped in side what it does to them even normaly timid and shy pokemon becoming near insane hyper agressive . and they continue the trainin even as zelania passes him shes surprised greatley as he stays to learn more.
zelania---mmmm.. your the first mon in awhile to want to take the advanced courses your started when you were 13 and your now16 .. so hmm.. you know..im still pissed when you made me ball my eyes out but..you helped me let go of alot of pain ..for now take a break for a few days ugh.. my dad wants to groom my furr again.
valdederon gently ruffles her head furr
valdederon--- well having your furr taken care of is realy good for you and makes you stand out some day you might even find some one you love through your amazing furr
( this will be important below in the near future be sure to read carefuly )
for the next few years valdederon continues to learn and train in zelanias advanced classes. untill he is 23 and has learned ervything he can.
mean while in another part of the continent farr off into the east a small tribe of lucario and riolu stop to rest near the edge of lake palicon all of the lucario resting in the sun light while the riolu play in the water. none of them aware of the coming dangers while an elderly lucario observes a verry fiesty little riolu whi is at this moment 18 aproaching 19. with in the next couple weeks the little riolu practicng fighting mooves and manipulating her aura bone into a spear . much to her surprise the elderly lucario shakes his head and makes a stance that signifies to make it longer as its shorter then she should have it.
back in the guld valdederon celebrates his birthday with the guild and looks in surprises as hes gifted a bottle of oran berry tomoto berry wine a sour and spicy combo and he puts it in his adventurers bag with a smile thanking evryone as it was brewed fresh in the guild and a large feast is prepared for all the graduates of the basic class and valdederon of the advanced class for pheonix hawk training.
valdederon--- ill definately try the wine at some point though im not a big drinker so it might take me wahile to open it up guess its time to eat up now he he.
he heads to the dining table and uses psychic to gather a couple plates of meat vegies and a slice of cake and begins digging in happily.
he heads over to after awhile a slightly smaller then usual goodra beeing 22 years old comes over with a smile ( drae- go ) draggo--- hi my name is draggo.. and im a goofy goodra.. id love to join your team..
valdederon chuckles with a smile the goodra dripping slime evrywere next to him
valdederon-- sure ill form a party with you but were sparing first.. id like to gaugue your skill abit.. i dont want to end up draging you some were were you get hurt because you couldnt avoid to many hits.
draggo--- sounds understandable.. though you realy should pour your self a glass of the wine.. he he i helped brew it.. i have somthing ofmy own i can share later if your willing.. its called goodra tonic its not a alcoholic drink but most other pokemon cant have it because its slightly toxic not deadly toxic more long a realy bad day in the litter box toxic.. and a angry stomach.
valdederon chuckles--- ooohf ive been there once or twice my self in my past life. once at a fruit calle the zeerkon berrie and .. well.. lets just say i dont envy the inkeepers who had to tend to my matress
draggo chuckles and begins to laugh teasing valdederon at the obvious implication that the bed was soiled
valdederon-- ha ha ha yea laugh at the delphox real mature dragon breath
draggo-- heeyy i resent that name.. ha ha ha ha ha ha.
in a matter of moments the whole mess hall is a buz of laughter and joy. later that day they both begin to prepare for the raid beeing acompanied by zelania as an observer as they head to a dungeon just a 30 minute walk north of the guild after a quick sparing match.
once in the dungeon draggo and valdederon keep a close eye on thier surroundings while exploring .
draggo-- so whats with that branch your carrying.
valdederon-- found it in an old crypt awhile back ago it channels my magic far more effeciantly then using my paws or the stick i evolved with. magic will one day return to this parched realm filled with dangers and wonders of plenty.
draggo--- ya talking crazy bud your a pokemon.
zelania-- actualy hes an outworlder.. and a pokemon hes a good guy though some times beyond blunt and rude.. but even when hes beeing as blunt as a wood hammer strike hes never evil or malicious about it.. though he does say hes done some . evil things in his past life witch i do not believe in the slightest.
valdederon chuckles as they take cover as some ferral pokemon begin to come out of a room ahead of the hallway they were walking in. they manage to sneak past and valdederon looks at the mission they picked up witch is to find a pikachu who got lost and sperated from his pack as they had passed by the dungeon just after it formed.
valdederon-- says here they dont know what floor the little pikachu is on keep yoru eye spealed draggo.
drago nods as they are currently on the 3rd floor of the dungeon a damp and dimly crystal lit cave full of moss and vines. the slodly trudge on keeping a observant look around thier surroundings eventualy finding the crying pikachu badly cut battered and cornered by 5 ferral scyther
valdederon---shit this isnt good.. draggon use draggon tail to shatter some rock and cause a dust cloud ill rush in and tend to the pikachu youl have to deal with the scyther untill hes healed .
draggos fists clench as the pikachu is clearly young maybey no more then 10 or 12 years old at best zelanias face going white as she observes the sight sings of the small electric mouse having been battered all over thd cave red smears across the walls ciealing floors along side scuff marks. with in moments a gre cloud of dust violently errupts as draggon unlesshes a powerful draggon tailc ratering the floor and valdederon darts through it sliding between 2 scyther and picking up the pikachu his back slaming against the wall with a loud thwack echoing off the walls causing him to be dazed for a second but he pulls out bandaging up the pikachu and giving him an oran berry
valdederon--- your save now reekoon.. your pack sent us to rescue you eat these they will heal your injuries but youl probably have scars
the pikachu nods weakly grabbing the berry and nibbling on it and then beginning to hork it down hungerly having been stuck for sveral days eating the bitter and yuky tasting moss and vines then drinking from the offered water skin as valdederon sets him down and covers him with a blanket to help drago take on the 3 remaining scyther a show 3 hours later the fight is over reekoon the young pikachu asleep in draggos arms and zelania coming over shaking sligning scared and worried.
valdederon--- you ok zel.. you look abit rocky .
she whimpers softly
valdederon--- lets wait to return to the guild i think we could all use a break ill set up a camp fire and get some meat roasting . good thing were all omnivorus…
zelania lays down shaking heavily having never been on an observation run before as usualy others would do it but those who have done it before have moved out of the guild
draggo--- youl have to get used to this kind of stuff as an observer hun. some dungeons can be far worse then this.. its not uncomon for pokemon to die in a dungon..ferral and non ferral pokemon both..its your job as an observer to report progres or failure of teams like ours its not an easy job to bear.
she nods as they rest and eat the snack of deer meat and then retrun to the guild tired but overall in good shape kleo barreling into him at high speed scales freyyed with worrie as he thumps to the ground on his back with a yelp
valdederon--- mom i nearly smashed my spine into a cave wall rescuing a pikachu please be careful…mmmmph jesus mother of mercy that hurt..
she chuckles and gets off of him apologizing as shed been worried
valdederon--- im fine mom im home.. gues i dont need to say that now ha ha,…
draggo---seems like shes been worried sick with you in a dungeon. dont worry mam we were carefull… up untill we found the little mouse.. surrounded by scyther… we had to jump in with out a full prooof plan.. but it worked out.
the psychic pokemon teleport the pack of pikachu in and smile as they all rush over to reekoon and picking him up giving valdederon and draggo both a coin pouch of 250 mewn each and a pile of berries as well
valdederon--- thanks but you guys shouldnt give us thi smuch money we were happy to rescue your little one.. he still needs abit of medical attention hes super weak and dehydrated.. and abit malnourished
they all shake thier head at the payment bit but nod knowing that valdederon is right and they head to the medical wing when evergreen shows up to take the injured pokemon up
draggo--- so whats next..
valderon-- a nice hot soak in the hot springs my furr is a frazzled mess you can come soak with me if you want .
they both head out to the hotsprings to take a nice soak
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taiblogcomics · 2 years
All Movements End
Hey there, sentient weapons. Well, it's time to finish The Movement. All our movement has been spent. We will stop moving and become still. And other such jokes!
Here's the cover:
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A neat poster-like look, showing our main cast. Weirdly, Burden's front-and-center, perhaps to signify his new acceptance of himself. But really, it should be Virtue in the middle. I also like seeing Vengeance Moth included, she's no less a team member just because she's a wheelchair user. Background's a little disappointing on this one, but I suppose that can be forgiven. It's a little weird to have "The Team Triumphant?" as a question for the last issue. That doesn't quite fill you with confidence~
So we open at the back of Jose's Taco Heaven, where Virtue is taking her 15-minute break. Captain Meers approaches her, having tracked her down with the info he dug up. He's surprisingly not here to arrest her, which she appreciates. Instead, he just wants to hear her whole story. Why the Movement? She says he'll laugh, but she basically wanted to just be the Justice League. She wanted to show people that compassion is not weakness, and all that. But the gods on Mt Olympus don't notice those down in the 'Tweens. And honestly, I don't remember the Justice League's roster changing during the whole New 52~
Meers tells her the world isn't her responsibility, and she disagrees. Her mother would disagree, anyway. She was six when she developed her emotion-reading powers, which turn out to be hereditary for the women in her family. A great-grandmother had such powers, tried to help poeple with 'em, and was burned as a witch for her troubles. And similarly, Virtue's powers were too strong for her, and she started having seizures. Her mom got scared, and said "You're moving with your auntie in Bel-Air Detroit." And on top of that, also told her pa that Virtue was dead.
So then we rewind back a day ago, where there's a small scene where James Cannon visits his wife's grave, then goes to visit a particular cop, who has agreed to his terms. Meanwhile, the Movement are helping Mouse try to lay off Tremor. It's gotten to the point that his refusal to stop hitting on her is annoying, so they're introducing him to someone else: Margaret, who works at the local pet shop and loves rats. She's even brought a wheel of stinky cheese as a gift. Mouse apologises to Tremor. He's in love with a girl named Margaret, you see. A bit adorable, all told~
Before they can get to work on Burden's relationships next, they're suddenly alerted by intruders in the tunnels. James Cannon has come a-calling, and there's a quick altercation between his female minions and the Movement before he tells everyone to knock it off. He confesses to the whole thing: his son is the Cornea Killer. And he wants their help to stop him before he lives up to his name and kills again. It cuts back to Virtue and Meers, revealing that these "24 hours ago" flashbacks are a story she's telling him.
So yeah, the Movement ends up believing him, on grounds that parents will do terrible things because they love their kids. As evidence, Virtue brings up the time she was ten and fancied a girl (which seems a bit young to be fancying anyone, in my experience) and her dad disagreed with the whole idea. She didn't know how to control her powers yet, and the red light of rage put dear old dad in the hospital. And that's when Mum tells Pa that she died in the altercation and sent her away. So yes, parents can do wonderful and terrible things.
Anyways, it's those very same powers that convince Virtue that Cannon is on the level. The Cornea Killer, Terry Cannon, meets his dad in the graveyard where their mom/wife (respectively) is buried. Terry doesn't like being reminded about it, and James simply wonders "Am I gonna have an 'accident' too someday, son?" Terry says of course not, pulling his dad into a hug, as the Movement show up. They tell him to come quietly, but he shoves his dad out of the way and prepares to attack. Virtue smirks. That's what she hoped he'd say, and they dive in.
See, they agreed not because they trust Cannon, exactly, but because they know he's desperate. Their big mistake, though, is forgetting how kill-happy the Cornea Killer is. I mean, it's right in the name! Mouse gets pretty badly stabbed, and even trails off like a death rattle, telling Burden to tell Margaret he liked her cheese. Burden hulks out into Big Red Devil mode in response. And that's when the other shoe drops: Cannon gets on the radio to that cop he mentioned. It's that asshole, Whitt, and he's got a snpier rifle.
Burden takes a big shot to the chest, causing him to drop Terry in the process. Katharsis likewise takes a glancing blow to the temple, and that's when they realise they're under fire. Terry calls his thunderstorm, and declares all lives are his. Virtue grabs Cannon, trying to get him to reveal that he called the Movement, and is thus as guilty. Whitt aims at Virtue, and Terry sees him and attempts to intercept him. Alas for him, Whitt's next shot goes right through Terry's brain, ending the conflict and the Cornea Killer in general.
Vengeance Moth uses her powers to grab Whitt, while Cannon sobs over his son. Virtue is able to get the full read of his emotions: he did want his son taken out, but he wanted a hero's death for him in the process. Credit him with taking out Coral City's "terrorists": the Movement. That's where the story ends, and in the present she asks again if Meers is here to arrest her. For what, getting shot at? Which is, in fact, his reply. Instead he invites her for a milkshake after her shift is over, and she's still hesitant. So he tells her a story himself.
Her father was running a bank. You remember? He didn't have a choice in shooting him, a weapon was raised against him. There was no way he could know that the gun wasn't loaded. Just a big tragedy all around, unlike the Cornea Killer's thing. The two have a heartfelt moment, with Virtue explaining why she was so crabby with Meers when they first met. After all, her father never got over her "death", and then he died for real, while Meers got a promotion. Meers confesses that he hardly sees his own daughter, so maybe he could look in on Virtue from time to time? And she agrees, and they hug.
They part, and he tells her that there's still no way that they're ever going to fit in with the Justice League. She knows this, but replies that sooner or later, people like the Justice League will realise they will have to fit in with the Movement. And we get one last shot of our team walking away from the graveyard, which is the best indicator we have that Mouse didn't die. Which is nice, because I like these characters. And the issue closes with an apology that there's no next issue, but a thank you for following The Movement.
So yeah! The Movement! It was pretty good, I think. Touched on some real world topics that are still relevant today. And as a bonus, I just want to mention how all the covers in this series were also great. Like, I don’t think there’s a dud cover in the bunch. Just a good comic to read, and a lot more relatable than its sister comic, The Green Team. It even got to finish all its plots and flesh out its characters, which is very nice.
Next time, a short little something to tie in to the current season, and a return to a long-time staple of this blog--sort of. You’ll see~
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robin-in-a-hoodie · 2 years
Hello, i am very Jewish and i listen to ghost quartet too much and I've had a thought about it lately.
Consider, ghost quartet is a Sukkot story
So for the uninitiated, Sukkot is a week long holiday where we build a little hut as a memory to living in little huts in the fourty years in the desert thing, it's one of the high holidays but it's also the least thematically relevant to the season, it's also officially the time we pray for rain, it's the official end of summer kind of thing, there's a lot happening in it
See, this lack of thing makes it so there's no real way to have a story for the holiday? Like. There's no real tale we can just have the same way other holidays do. But i come here to argue ghost quartet is a Sukkot story.
So one of the themes of the holiday is that there's four plants we gather together and wave in six directions, each plant representative of a type of person, them coming together is the people coming together, waving is to signify god around us everywhere.
Person one, citrus, who has both taste and smell, is a person who has both knowledge of the Torah (religion and stuff) and what I'll call kindness? A carying for others, kind of goodness
Person one is pearl
All her versions seem to be aware of the mechanism of the universe, that life is constantly happening to them in different ways. She's the one telling the story, she's the one asking others if they remember yet, she's the one who tells us what dying feels like, she's knowledgeable. She's also kind, giving the honey as the soldier, giving the star dust as the story teller, smiling for the camera for the ghost picture, she wants to help rose even when it leads to het death because she cares.
Person two, the palm tree that grows dates, has taste and no smell. That person knows a lot and doesn't have kindness
Person two is Brett
So our man "practices a lot" which in show is a short hand for religious. He's also the dude screaming about the apocalypse with a bible in hand, as well as being the one to actually exchange information with pearl ("they had kids you know"), not to mention he can talk to the dead according to the song of the astronomer.he also turns pearl's remains into a fiddle, he has skill and craft tied to music, which in the play is holy. Clearly knowledgeable man in the religious and spiritual stuff. He also shoves a girl to the train track, leaves his parents as soon as his sister dies, mocks his father, has plans of selling drugs, lies to rose just to get some honey, kills the story teller, you get it. He's a bad man. Brilliant, knowledgeable, practices a lot, but bad man.
Person three, Myrtle plant, has smell and no taste. I'm sure you'll be shocked to find out, this is a person with no knowledge but who is kind.
Person three is David
So he has an entire song about not "practicing" which, again, is to say he's not religious. Sure, he'd like to be, but he doesn't actually do the job of practicing his spirituality, he's guessing there might be a ghost behind the door and tries playing music for it but so far it doesn't look like there's much truth to that, he doesn't even know why monk would still be in this ralm. He's basically just guessing, possibly an extension of him wanting to be a spiritual person but failing at it. On the other hand, he's a nice dude (we'll get to him also being a bad boyfriend don't worry) he thinks of his dad tacking him in when he drinks, trying to relate to the man, he cares for his wife and reads to her to help her calm down, he tries talking to his kids and giving them actual advice and relating to them ("it's a big house, i know it gets lonely but we're afraid rose is holding you back from playing with the other kids" "my son get away, don't ever look back"), hell the man thinks there might be a ghost around and decides to play for him because he was a musician, even though it physically hurts him. He gives pearl her final rest by fishing her from the pond, he's a kind dude
The forth person, willow, has no taste or smell. I assume you can imagine, it's a person who doesn't do religion or kindness.
Person four is my beloved, rose red.
She lies to a soldier to take the honey, she doesn't help pearl not get murdered by a train because she needs to take a picture, she lies to the story teller saying she definitely cares about her suffering, she kills her sister, she tells her parents that they can die already and see she's right, you know the play. She also isn't interested in religion, like sure she's good with describing what she sees in the stars in a meaningful way but she has no real ties with music other than dancing when she was younger, she doesn't really know about her other lives, she just kinda. Does what's best for her and that's it.
The ritual is about all of these coming together, again and again, uniting as people and just kinda. Vibin' at whatever higher power there is. The play is about these four types of people, coming together again and again, interacting, contemplating the world and existence and religion and the meaning of life and the past and the present. If that's not vibin' in all directions of god, what is?
But wait, there's more!
The two types of people i marked down for kindness do bad things. I do think it's possible for people who are genuinely kind people who genuinely care for others to be kinda shitty, for their own reasons. Maybe she really loved this man and didn't want to live without him even at the cost of her sister, maybe she was scared of hurting her too much to let her know he doesn't love her. Maybe he was so desperate to be anything close to spiritual he felt like stealing rose's words is the only thing he can do, if not being spiritual himself at least looking like he has some knowledge. Being a kind person does not mean not being shitty sometimes, it just means that for the most part, you do care for others at least as much as you do yourself.
So is that it? No, of course not
There's also the wind and rain and other water referenced all the time in the play, and this holiday is also a water holiday, the beginning of rain season, we call for the rains to come this time. We ask the wind and rain to come.
There's also the existential themes of it all, being part of the high holidays means it is inherently related to matters of higher being, regrets, trying to think, what could i have done better? What can i do better? Who did i harm? How do i change? Am i who i want to be? It's the closing holiday of the season, it's officially the end if the time of year dedicated to these concerns, it's the last few seconds before the gates of the heavens close and it's time to move back into the more material world.
There's also the feeling that these characters don't have a set home. They're played by the same actors, flowing in and out of their times and their spaces, weaving into each other's stories, their homes are in flux, they're wondering the desert for fourty years, lying down in a makeshift hut that has a roof through which you can still see the stars.
In conclusion, ghost quartet is a Sukkot story.
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toastedkiwi · 3 years
Pearl Ring
Summary: a certain ring on a certain finger has the world believing a Stark is engaged to a Wayne and your father isn’t happy.
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Stark!Reader
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11:00 EST. Fifth Avenue, New York.
Bruce gave you his right hand. You took it into your left hand as stairs are not your friend especially in heels. He knows it to be a fact as you have fallen down the stairs in his manor. Thankfully, it was just him around and you both got a good laugh over it. Since then, if you’re together and you’re in heels, he’ll give you his hand.
You both deal with the flashes of the cameras and the shouts of the paparazzi as you head to Alfred’s car. He awaits to open the door for you two to slide in once close enough. Bruce had you slid in first while Alfred took the many shopping bags from your hands. The door is shut and you looked at Bruce.
“My dad is gonna be pissed if I’m photographed with you again,” you said with a grin.
Bruce chuckled. Your dad hates him. He can’t stand him especially if he’s near you, his eldest and first born. It’s not at all like Bruce would hurt you purposefully and shit, you know you’re safe with Bruce. You two aren’t even dating. You’re probably the only friend that Bruce can tolerate and understand his grunts or at least not get pissed about it like his kids do. You both just understand each other better than most.
“I’m pretty sure I can handle Ironman,” Bruce said as Alfred got into the driver’s seat.
“I do believe that you would then have the whole Avengers coming after you, Master Bruce,” Alfred said driving off.
“I’m sure I can persuade some to not go after Bruce,” you said. “And I’m sure the kids will come to his aid in battling my father.”
“Oh, I’m more than sure that they’ll watch it all go down with popcorn,” Bruce said.
“I will be too,” you said grinning.
Bruce grabbed your hand and noticed you placed your grandmother’s ring on the wrong hand as you’re talking with Alfred. You always have it on your right hand on the finger in between your pinky and middle finger.
“Give me your other hand,” Bruce said.
You give it to him. He slipped off your ring and you just stopped speaking. You were getting the ring professionally cleaned and so you got the very busy Bruce Wayne to join you in New York to help you kill some time before you could get it back. And you put the ring on your ring finger meant to signify that a person is married or engaged. You aren’t at all and you’ve just been spotted holding hands with the guy you consider to be your best friend and your dad doesn’t approve of him.
“Oh my god, I’m such a dumbass,” you said as he slipped the pearl ring onto the right finger for you.
“You’ll be alright, you dummy,” Bruce said.
You back handed his bicep and said, “you asshole, we were holding hands! They’re gonna think we’re engaged or married!”
He smiled and said, “the boys would be happy and don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it.”
“It’s probably too late already,” you said.
It was. The paparazzi were quick to sell the photos which eventually started the process for news sites/gossip sites to write the story and examine the photos for little details. It would be a nightmare but it’ll be easily cleared up in an interview which you’ll probably have to do.
15:30 EST. Avengers Tower, Manhattan.
“Congrats on your daughter getting engaged, Mr. Stark,” Peter said.
“What? What do you mean?” Tony questioned narrowing his eyes at the poor teenager.
“Oh- uh— ummm, I thought that Y/n and B-Bruce—,” Peter said getting nervous.
“If you say Wayne, you are no longer an Avenger,” Tony growled.
“Why can’t the poor kid say Wayne?” Natasha asked appearing into the hallway.
“Because I hate the Waynes and specifically Bruce Wayne,” Tony said.
“Wow, you’re already hating your future son in law?” Natasha teased and shooed away Peter.
Peter quickly escaped to safety. Natasha pulled one of the breaking news videos on her tablet and showed Tony. Tony is ready to start WWIII and it won’t be a pretty thing.
“Friday! Give the location on my daughter NOW!” Tony yelled.
“Which one, sir?” She asked.
“Her phone is turned off,” Friday informed.
“Track Bruce Wayne,” Tony said.
“Seriously, Tony?” Natasha said.
“Y/n always has her phone on,” he said.
“Gotham Academy,” Friday said.
16:30 EST. Gotham Academy, Gotham, NJ.
Bruce and Damian were walking down the stairs at the front of the building. Ironman dropped down in front of them. Damian smirked and Bruce couldn’t be more annoyed. He immediately put a hand in front of his son. It might be for Damian’s protection or Tony’s.
“I didn’t propose to her, Stark,” Bruce said.
“Where is she?!” Tony asked.
“She should be at her apartment in Manhattan,” Bruce said. “Probably taking a nap.”
The nanite helmet came off and Tony has this look on his face that Bruce knows all two well. Damian glared at Tony but Tony can’t be bothered by him. He doesn’t know where you are.
“Did you walk her up?” Tony asked.
“I carried in her shopping bags,” Bruce said. “And then I had to come back to Gotham.”
“Her phone is off and on the counter. I checked. She isn’t there,” Tony said.
22:00 EST. Scarecrow’s Hideout, Gotham, NJ.
“No, Daddy! Please don’t! P-Please don’t kill him!” You cried out.
It freaked Tony out. You’re terrified. You had been kidnapped and dosed with some psychotic. And you keep calling him. You’re begging him not to kill someone but who?
“B-Bruce, d-don’t go,” you whimpered.
Batman pulled out the anti-venom for the fear toxin. He’s hopeful that it’s the most up to date as Scarecrow takes his time to perfect each variant. It should at least dim down your hallucinations.
“What are you doing?!” Tony yelled running to where you and Batman are in the warehouse.
“Get away! B-BRUCE!” You screamed seeing a scary monster with big fangs in front of you. “HELP!”
He injected you with the anti venom into your thigh like an epipen. He hates seeing people close to him go through their worst nightmares. He’s clearly a part of it.
Your dad attacked the Batman while the rest of the team handle the goons as well as Scarecrow. Batman is quick to dodge the attacks as your father is a bit sloppy in his technique.
“I’m trying to help, Tin-Can,” Batman hissed.
Nightwing quickly came to your aid and fought off goons with Black Widow.
-on the quinjet. Not taken off yet.
“Bruce,” you cried for.
“You should call the billionaire,” Natasha suggested.
Tony huffed. However, Batman came aboard. He could careless about the others. You’re calling his name. He crouched down in front of you and took off the cowl in front of you.
“Bruce,” you whispered.
You went into his arms and cried in relief as he held you tightly. The others turned to see that Bruce Wayne is Batman. It’s shocking especially for Tony. He’s always thought so low of Bruce Wayne. He thought Bruce was just like him before becoming ironman. But it all had been a show for Bruce to put on.
“D-Don’t leave me,” you begged Bruce.
“I’m right here,” he said softly.
“I- I— I c-can’t lose you,” you whimpered.
You’re holding onto him so tightly. You don’t want to let go of him. Tony could tell this. Bruce means a lot to you and probably more than your father will know.
“Shhhh, breathe, Honey,” he said.
Bucky came over with a blanket and put it over you. Bruce helped wrapped it around you.
“You should get seated,” Bucky said.
Bruce scooped you up and sat down on the bench.
“You know you look like shit,” Tony said.
Of course he does. He’s bleeding. He’s got bruising on his face. It’s all because of Tony using his metal fists to beat him. He’s only human.
The jet took off to the upstate compound. Bruce kept you close and reassured you that he’s okay and that he has you.
08:00 EST. Avengers Compound, Medbay, New York.
“Hi,” Bruce said when you opened up your eyes.
“Hi,” you whispered.
“Are you feeling alright?” He asked seeing that you’re shaking a little.
You nodded your head looking at him. He’s in a black Avengers issued hoodie. His hair isn’t styled like how it usually is. He’s patched up and makeup isn’t covering his bruises. He’s sitting in a swivel stool right at your bedside.
“You’re really Batman?” you asked.
“Yes,” he said.
You smiled and said, “I knew it.”
Bruce chuckled. He stood up from his seat. He leaned over the bed railing and kissed your forehead.
“Can I go home with you, Mr. Batman?” You asked.
“I don’t think your father would like that,” he said.
“Screw him,” you said jokingly.
“Excuse me?” Tony said walking in with Alfred behind him.
“Master Bruce, I brought you a suit so you can change out of those awful clothes,” Alfred said.
“That is rude,” Tony said.
“My sincerest apologies, I do not care,” Alfred said.
You laughed seeing your dad’s face. Bruce thanked Alfred.
“I’ll be right back, Darling,” Bruce said.
Alfred and him headed off. Alfred went off back to the car while Bruce went into the bathroom to get changed. He put his batsuit in the black suit protector and he covered what bruises he could with makeup. Only the Avengers who went on the rescue mission to get you and Dr. Cho know about his alter ego.
“I still don’t like him,” Tony said.
“That’s a lie,” you said.
“You really like him, don’t you?” your dad asked.
“Yeah, he makes me really happy, Daddy,” you said.
“You know he’s got like 20 kids,” he said.
“So do you,” you sassed. “They just aren’t legally yours and most are fully grown.”
“Maybe we can all go out to dinner or something,” Tony said.
“I’d like that,” you said.
Bruce came into the room and Tony turned his head to see the billionaire fresh faced— no longer sporting any nasty bruises.
“What happened to the bruises?” Tony asked.
“Concealer,” Bruce said simply.
“Your butler brought you makeup?” Tony asked.
“I have a secret identity to protect, Stark,” Bruce said. “And no, he didn’t bring me any. It’s in my belt.”
You laughed and said, “your tool belt is like chick’s purse.”
Bruce smiled at you and said, “the boys would laugh at that.”
“Wait,” you said connecting the dots. “Damian isn’t Robin, is he?”
“We’ll talk about this later,” Bruce said.
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