#hastags so cool right
rivercule · 2 years
If cas had kissed dean in despair dean’s emotional floodgates would have come down he would have reciprocated the love confession AND told cas that he can’t live without him and cried. A lot.
And this would have upset cas so he’s no longer perfectly happy and the empty wouldn’t have snatched him because dean ruined his sacrifice
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ad0rechuu · 1 year
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۪ ★ ۫ MILKY WAY ୨୧
based on milky way by seohyun
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SYNOPSIS. ━━━━━ It’s not everyday that your friends childhood friend turns out to be the girl that you literally have a fan account for, but for Seonghwa, San and Mingi it’s become a reality. being able to get close to your bias is great! even if she does have a raging crush on someone else…
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6mar23 | st. 09/03/23 / fn. 31/08/23
pairing. ━━━━━ college students! fans! park seonghwa, choi san, song mingi x fem! idol! reader (x idol! oc)
featuring. ━━━━━ ateez, kang seulgi (red velvet), fatou samba (black swan), park sujin aka swan (purple kiss), shin yuna (itzy), do hanse (former victon) oc, fem oc
genre. ━━━━━ smau, written, humor/crack, fluff, angst, suggestive, love square, idol/college au, strangers to friends to lovers, really slow burn, pinning, secret identity
warnings. ━━━━━ i’m not a native english speaker so my english might be a little off sometimes ! ! ! timestamps/sm numbers mean nothing, sexism/slutshaming, swearing, mentions of food/sex/serious topic, kys/kms and other questionable jokes, use of pictures for yn but only for reference (only of dark skin poc used), cyber bullying, ssngs, mental illness/anxiety, mentions of alcohol/drugs. small age gaps, more thorough warnings in the actual chapters, let me know if missed smth
notes. ━━━━━ the taglist is closed, spam likes are fine but consider reblogging with comments of ur thoughts (not only on my work but on other authors work too!) credits to the rightful owners of all the graphics n music
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★ CH 000. prologue: HONGJOONG HAS FRIENDS?!
★ CH 009. IS YN OKAY?
★ CH 027. WTFDYM
★ CH 040. LOVELY
★ CH 043. OOPS
★ CH 048. LE’ ASTRE
★ CH 053. OK? OK! OK
★ CH 058. XD
★ CH 060. LOVE
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★ 0ii. LOM(OMMY)L
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★ 0ii. MINE.
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milky way © ad0rechuu, 2023. do not copy/repost.
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itscolourmix · 5 years
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Figuring out what I'd look like as a Disney Space Princess
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I hate SOME metalheads so fucking much
I always avoided the fandoms online for some reason, even tho I'm literally in love with all types of rock & metal. But today I scrolled a bit through some posts on insta and I wanna puke.
Literally half of the comms are dragging down one direction and pop artists in general. And I'm usually not that annoyed by that, since their superiority complex usually comes from other people making fun of them. But this ain't it
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I just think it's funny, cuz this is how most of them sound like anyway:
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What I'm saying is... What s wrong with liking more than one genre of music? I can fucking listen to One direction or Lady Gaga, while also enjoying Queen or Nirvana and singing along with Rob Zombie or In this moment & screaming the lyrics of Ashnikko or Lizzo
Someone's music taste can be multiple things at once. You aren't as cool as u think if u consider yourself superior cuz u have Iron Maiden posters in ur room. I mean... U ARE PRETTY COOL THO, keep going🤘!! AND if u have Camilla Cabello (I m not sure if I spelled it right) U ARE EQUALLY AS COOL!!! Listen to whatever the f makes u happy
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umm I feel like I'm using to many hastags, sorry
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hackedmotionsensors · 3 years
I do this about once a year but here it is again
Hey so we all know I love coffee right? And I have a full caffeine addiction right?
This is just a reminder that energy drinks are
Especially if you’re a young adult or a teen (obviously don’t give them to children???). Older adults shouldn’t drink them either but I think you hit a certain age and the desire to slam a rockstar might not be as high. I think for the most part you hit your thirties and would rather be the sleepy time bear on the tea box rather than a MONSTERRRR.
But since there’s a new tiktok viral thread of some doofus marketing his energy drink (tho not using the hastag ad which is...illegal [Danny Gonzales has a whole video about it) and there are videos of kids who don’t normally drink tea or coffee trying these energy drinks bc they “taste like bubblegum and crack” and then absolutely losing it.
A link here is the health and human services government website
Here’s a Harvard article about it
Let me break down what I read this morning on about four different medical sites
Energy drinks companies are not mandated by any US Food and Drug law to list the quantity of their caffeine. A cup of coffee (about 8oz) will have around 100mg of caffeine in it. That’s black coffee straight from the coffee bean. No additives. 
A regular can of basically any energy drink will have about four times as much caffeine. And that’s from THE CAFFEINE aspect. That’s not adding in guarana, sugar, taurine, ginsing, vitamin b etc. They do not have to add the total quantity of all of this in the caffeine measurements if they even add it at all.
So not only have you quadrupled the caffeine content you’re also slamming a fuck ton of sugar. A 16 oz can of Rockstar will have 63mg of sugar in it. A kit-kat bar has 23g for a four bar serving. 
The other warning these sites gave were that things like red bull vodka are extremely dangerous but that’s more along the lines of slamming a bunch of caffeine and sugar with alcohol and not realizing how dehydrated you’ve become. Plus a stimulant and a depressant at the same time isn’t always a great idea. That’s a one way ticket to barf city.
Another thing and this is my number 1 reason why I tell people PLEASE do not drink energy drinks AT ALL. My first day on the job at the hospital and one of my patients (I delivered food so its not like I was a nurse or a doctor) was in the room because his kidneys had failed because he just kept slamming energy drinks. Now that’s probably an outlier but I think the environment behind energy drinks is more to do with RADICALLL COOL GUY E-SPORTS OR REGULAR SPORTS!! MOTOR BIKE YEAHHHH attitude (similar to the whole mountain dew do the dew vibe) combined with people who are forced to work excruciatingly long hours (Doctors, Nurses, College students, people with multiple jobs, people who have to wake up at extremely terrible hours like teamsters) and that rather than give them appropriate working hours so they aren’t burnt out they promote these horrible drinks to force them into working longer harder hours. Or people like twitch streamers or e-sports players who have promos or sponsors because whats one thing gamers love to do ? Stay up all night and day gaming. What can help you do that? Fucking energy drinks. Instead of giving proper hours and saying hey I’m gonna take a solid eight hours from gaming and I’m going to go the fuck to sleep they keep pumping these awful drinks into their system.
Again. I drink  AAA LOTTTTT of coffee. I was a barista. And the only time I’ve felt like my heart was going to EXPLODE was drinking a starbucks energy drink so I could stay awake in class. Nevermind that part of the problem was that I was working and going to school and drawing all day and night instead of going to sleep and drinking water.
Energy drinks are marketed to teens and young adults so basically this is a long post from an older person BEGGING YOU PLEASE do not drink Energy drinks. We’ve had coffee and tea for almost as long as humans have been alive. We KNOW what coffee and tea does. If you need a boost of energy you’re safer having a coffee or a candy bar or just getting a little bit of exerise. You’d be surprised what a walk around campus or the neighborhood can do. Or drink water. DRINK WATER!!!!!!!!!
YOU NEED WATER!!! Humans are basically houseplants. We need sunlight, water and fertilizer(or food if you will). 
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swarmishstrangers · 2 years
So, I come back with news, news that isn't happy but.
Devsisters had decided to go through with their plans of making NFTs. Despite the fact the community made an entire hastag #StopCookieRunNFTs to protest the plans for Devsisters to make NFTs, the community was so against this idea that they even got this hashtag trending on twitter for a while and when it wasn't the tag was still being posted to frequently with the community being against this idea.
Devsisters had released a statement acknowledging how the community felt about it. I can't say it's an apology or that it even addressed the situation very well because it really didn't, nothing in it said anything about discontinuing the plans to make NFTs.
And now recently it's been made apparent that they aren't going to discontinue their plans because it's been found out that they are trying to hire people for these NFT plans
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The amount of disappointment I have, even saying it's disappointment is a complete understatement.
As of right now. I have no idea what to do with this Tumblr. It's my first ever blog on this site, it started as my general dumping ground for art relating to Hiveswap and. When I got into cookie run I met a lot of cool artists I adored, mutuals, and even awesome friends that I do talk to from time to time. This little cookie game brought me so much joy and inspiration, I enjoyed making the art I did and I appreciate you all for liking it so much and I hit milestones I didn't even think was possible for me to achieve.
Thank you all so much. But. Now I don't know what I should do with my account. Many people are taking the stance of separating the characters for the game but tbh, I'm not sure how I'd feel about doing that.
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leighlim · 3 years
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I think this is one of the sweetest responses I’ve come across. A very good alternate to: You’ve got a point there.
(Hopefully by this point you’ve finished all 111 minutes of ‘Moxie’, the kind of person who isn’t bothered by spoilers, or are just deciding if you still want to keep watching.)
This is what I’m wondering: how did Sean know about the stars? Is it because he read the previous Moxie issue?
PS: One of the reviews mention that the film misses its target demographic. Do you think it misses its mark? Or are there still environments that High Schoolers still aren’t able to speak up when there is harassment? Or maybe even had no idea some things are actually harassment?
PPS: More of a visual person? Here’s a collection of gifs (via @pureheroines ) that are related to my ‘Screen To Script’ exercise below.
VIVIAN puts her phone in one of the check-in pouches.
LUCY approaches.
LUCY Good morning and welcome to the revolution. Bam!
She flashes the star and heart art scrawled on both hands.
She puts her hands on LUCY's wrists. Smiling and impressed.
KAITLYNN puts her phone in one of the free pouches and glances at the emblems with interest. She leaves without saying a word.
LUCY Please tell me you did it.
VIVIAN Yeah. Duh.
A thumbs up to show what she has on her left hand: stars and hearts.
LUCY Yo. I took this picture, and I started the hastag #MoxieGirlsFightBack.
VIVIAN leans in to see.
LUCY There are more of us than you think.
LUCY scrolls.
VIVIAN Oh, that's so cool.
VIVIAN'S POV: Time slows. Another hand puts in a phone that has a homemade FTC sticker. Rings on each finger and a gold bracelet on the wrist. Most important: the hand has a star and a heart scrawled on it. 'Fire with Fire' by Gossip plays louder.
The camera pans right and reveals the owner. SETH, giving us a smile.
As he walks away...a reverse shot of the girls, watching him. Enchanted.
LUCY That's hot.
VIVIAN lets out a breath. She probably even had no idea that she was holding it.
My verdict of the film: 5/10
Link to the timestamp commentary: None (Maybe if there are requests...)
A Formal Review: Find it on ‘Comedy To Watch’
More of my comments about the film: No plans (unless requested)
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laststandx3 · 4 years
My two cents on frozen 2:
Anyone who has seen my blog knows I am an Hans stan (and also a former Helsa shipper) and yes I was kinda disappointed when there was absolutely no Hans in the new movie. But above all the discussions I'd like to tell all those who are much more disappointed than me (and posted complaints and eventually started arguments about it) what happened and why it's important.
So what happened exactly in Frozen 2:
most of the female characters wore trousers. This sounds like nothing I know, but the only others disney female characters who had this privilege were Jasmine in aladdin (1996) and Mulan (1998). So yes it took 23 years for a Disney princess to wear pants again.
ok lets forget about the trousers, what I'm trying to say is that we live in a ridiculously awful time (ridiculous because one would think that in the 21st century people understood the basic human needs):
-right wings are being more popular than the last 30 years with them there's growing racism, xenophobia, all minorities (lgbt+, ethnic minorities, religious ones.. ) they are living one of the worse possible scenarios.
-Also the rising of the feminist movement create a public backlash of those who consider women nothing more than housewives.
-Climate change exists and is our fault.
Frozen 2 touched these 3 major arguments in a fairytale way and it was the best thing they could ever do.
-They explicitly address the fact that the supposedly good side (Arrendellians) have committed slaughter towards a peaceful native tribe. What a wonderful Thanksgiving we had this year, where the usa couldn't hide behind the turkey.
The grandfather It is not even the main villain, the villain in the story are the consequences of hatred and lies, how it destroyed the forest, caged those who were not able to make peace and ultimately how it hid the truth about Elsa's magic origins.
- both Elsa and Anna are incredibly 3 dimensional character, they have passions, interests, ambitions, things they hate, things they love. They are NOT there to be pretty and poised. They have their own will in the second movie much more than the first.
Please dont forget the scene where the little girl asks Elsa for a scientific instrument instead of a toy, it was subtle, but how many women can't get close to sciences and math because they believe that is something for boys: Too many.
In Frozen 2 Anna faces the death of whats left her family and still has the strength to destroy the dam flint had problems with water too i guess which was the symbol of the oppression of the nourthuldras. She doesn't free Arrendellians, they might loose their houses, but they are already free. They can leave if they want, they can rebuild, they have possibilities. The Northuldra don't and she chooses to give away even her own house to fix 30+ years of unfair inprisonment in a magical forest without being able to see the sky
Elsa instead goes on a journey to find her true self, which is different than not believing yourself as a danger to others (see plot of frozen1). She finds she had much more power than she thought, show yourself is canonicaly an empowerment song. After that she finds her own freedom too. The freedom to choose where she wants to live, how and in which terms. Although she might even be siuted for being queen, she choses to live a different life than the one paved for her by her parents. And she does it without closing doors.
- how they addressed climate change, it was subtle yes, but it was there. The elements of nature dont answer anymore to the humans will. Well in truth they never did. But they didn't even rebel too much either.
In frozen 2 nature rebels willingly towards the people (Arrendellians, Northulrda, all of them). The spirits are clear: you either make peace with each other and fix the damage you caused to the forest, or f* you, we can't live without humans, humans without us, let's find out.
Elsa sacrifices herl life to find the truth on how to fix their relationship with the Northulrda.
I'd like to point out that granpa was all about killing the Northulrda, and not about killing the forest, but he ended up damaging nature in his way of genocide, because guess what, that's exactly what happens when you try to damage a population of any kind, you start by damaging their land.
Eventually being able to make peace with other humans was also the key to make peace with nature, as if not trying to destroy each other could bring benefits.
-and least but not last, the question far too many people ask about: Elsa sexuality. THE MOVIE DOESN'T EXPLICITLY ADDRESS IT. But the writers and Idina Menzel and probably the whole cast were totally cool with the giveElsaaGirlfrien hastag.
If they ever going to address it directly I don't know, but I glad that disny stopped teaching girls that their final goal is to find the love of their life.
Marrige is not your first purpose.
You can do anything in the world before choosing to be with someone. Im not saying do things alone, but do it knowing that you don't have to have a love interest to be happy. Find what you love to do for yourself, your passions your interests, everything that brings you joy, dont just end up with someone because movies shoved romance in your brain since you were 3. Have fun with your life. For yourself.
After this long rant, back to the starting point, having Hans in the movie would have made me a much happier human, but that's just not what the world needed. Writers knew hundreds of thousands would go watch the movie, and they will re-watch it again and again; it was their chance to make an impact on the audience, and those little boys who will grow up having Kristoff singing he missed his love maybe will be more open, maybe they won't have so much toxic masculinity in them because movies are changing the way they portrait even strong men. And maybe girls will identify with a powerful goddess who has a gentle heart of maybe they will find more inspiration in a very brave and loving new queen, who could chose to do the right thing despite losing all she had.
Hans would have taken away too much of the message they are trying to make.
Maybe there will be a Frozen 3 one day, who knows. But if I had to pick between a favorite character and a movie with a real impact on youth that is about changing the way we see ourselves as a society and how we can cooperate to make a better world. I'd pick the latter.
Hans is a rounded character, has personality and everything, but he's just not worth the world
So please stop bagging about hans not being in frozen 2 and stop insulting the authors.
Im referring to those in the hans fandom who are rude and act like spoiled brat. The others know they didn't do nothing wrong.
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bridgertonlife · 5 years
I was so NAIVE... (Endgame)
They just fucking did it. I’m just a fool. I’ve been having hope, against all odds, for an entire year. True, unadulterated HOPE. Not that kind of sweet talk with oneself someone gets into while bracing for the worst. NO. I had hope. Hope for a happy ending for Tony and Pepper, my most beloved fictional characters EVER. I really thought they would get their most deserved Happily Ever After. 
Why? I think it was because the alternative, a world without my safe heaven, sacared me too much, and my subconscious was literally trying to protect me.
PEPPER & TONY They were my safe heaven, after a bad day or when I felt depressed or anxious I could go to the “Iron Man” movies or the “Avengers” movies and rewatch them. I spent a lot of nights up and even full weekends writting fluffy and sometimes smutty fanfiction for them, in English and Spanish. I wouldn’t get outside with family or friends, I’ll chose to remain in my room, in front of my laptop and I’ll write thousands of words, only for the sake of having fun. Let me tell you, it was worth it, it was amazing, I enjoyed it inmensely, loved to write about them, get inmersed into their world, which I loved so much. For the most part of 11 years they were my happy place. The fantasy garden I could feel safe and happy in. My own personal beacon of hope, if they could go in life sorting their big problems, then so would I. 
Let me say that I’ll be forever thankful to Jon Favreau, Robert Downey Jr and Gwyneth Paltrow, for giving me this, for creating them. For giving them life. Wouldn’t have thought of more kind humans and better artists to achieve this level of humanity.
We were so lucky. Truly.
This tumbrl exists because of them too, I ended up here looking for gifs of my babies around the time I saw “Iron Man 2″ back in May of 2010. 
You read it right. I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for Tony Stark and Pepper Potts and the “Iron Man” movies. I will love them forever, because they changed my life, for the better. Once I was here, I realized there’s a lot of people like me in the real world, outside, people that love fictional characters like they are their own friends and family. People that get emotionally attached. That care so much, it HURTS. 
For a long time in my life, I thought I was alone in the world. I had friends but you know, for some people or the vast majority of people, movies are only movies. Entertainment is only entertainment. That’s all. But not for us. NOT FOR US. I believe we really are special. 
What I don’t even know anymore is if the people behind this so called “products” really believe their own words when they say “they love the fans” or “they make it for the fans” Really? It’s hard to tell, as they openly lie to us in order to sell movie tickets or literally crush our hearts deliberately. And with the pretext of “protecting the viewer experience” ask from us to not spoil the movie. Yeah, don’t spoil it, in case some of you, puppets, gets ahead and chooses not to see the garbage we’ve been cooking for 3 years. Only for the sake to be edgy, surprising, subverting expectatives and make a name for ourselves in the industry. They think they are so cool, right? Joe? Anthony? ¬¬
I really miss the simple times of my infancy and my teen years, when blockbuster movies sagas ALWAYS ended in a high note, full of hope and brilliant futures. HAPPY ENDINGS were the rule and maybe even, guaranteed. But not anymore.
I miss it. I miss the original Star Wars trilogy, Indiana Jones... More than ever. 
Life is sad enough, cruel enough, awful enough. And they just robbed us of our happines, of our belief in that you can have a happy ending if you work for it.
Now, there’s nothing into the other side. Only tears. It doesn’t even matter how hard you fought for your happines. You can’t get it. Because you need to sacrifice for the universe.
 At the end of the day they only want our money (producers, execs...) I know this is the new rule of corporate bussiness nowadays but couldn’t they at least fulfill the dreams we are paying them for? Not even that anymore. We are mere idiots filling their pockets with cash at this point. They can deliver whatever shit they want to, because they KNOW we’ll be paying for it. In advance. Without proof that what they are offering is, indeed, what we wanted. 
Truly terrifying if you ask me.
But back to you, MCU FANS, passionated people, because you really matter. You really make the difference for a better world. I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. 
You are truly special.
We, let me tell you something about the #PepperonyFandom, the irreductible, brave, fighter, amazing, kind, awesome, loyal, #PepperonyFandom. Do any of you remember when during the “Civil War” promotional tour we spamed FB, Twitter and every social media channel of the Russo bros with the #PepperonyForever hastag? And how that ended being the Wakanda war cry on “Black Panther”? They took that idea from US. They stole it, from US. And we made oursleves be heard. It was just for a momment in the grand excheme of things, but it is now history of cinema.
Just always remember how amazing and powerful you are. You guys are SO, so amazing. Every single one of you who I had the pleasure to meet here on tumbrl or in twiter or in Facebook... In every social media. Giffers, Artists, Writers... All my beloved creators, you put all your heart and soul in truly awesome pieces of art made just for pure fun or for fulfilling your friend’s heart’s desires. You work so hard whithout even getting paid. You gifted me so many hours of pure, unadulterated joy, and in most cases, you even gave me your unconditional friendship too. I love you all so much. 
YOU ARE LOVED, TREASURED AND VALUED. I know that you, special people, need to hear this right now, I know guys. I understand and feel your devastating pain, your sorrow, your disappointment. I’m honored of having being part of this fandom for 11 years. I love you all.
But I’m sad to say, I will no longer be a rabbid MCU fan. I won’t be their puppet anymore. I’m breaking ties with Marvel Studios and Disney. I can’t forgive what they did to us. This ultimate betrayal. And after all, I was never really interested in what’s to come afterwards, anyway.
Now that we have been forcefully robbed of our special safe heaven, I need to tell you all that I’m broken inside. My heart is in pieces.
I don’t know if in the future I will be able to write fanfiction again, or enjoy being here or simply hang out with you all in the Pepperony tag, you know? I really don’t want Marvel to take this away from me too, but I feel so emotionally destroyed right now. I just don’t even know anymore.
I knew I shouldn’t trust them with my babies. Joe Russo, Anthony Russo, Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely they never cared about them. Captain America was always their favourite character, so in the end, they gave him the happily ever after ending with Peggy Carter, which should have been Pepper and Tony’s. They got their subverted expectations and their shock value ending and all that. Hope they are proud of themselves.
But no one will ever convince me that they loved the Pepper and Tony fans. They didn’t.
The last memory of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts that I will EVER have, will remain ingrained in my head forever while I’m alive, and it’s gonna tarnish all their history, all the good momments, all the good movies, all of the best things the MCU brought to my life. FOREVER.
And honestly, it’s gonna be awful to keep living with that. 
I feel so sad, angry, betrayed and disappointed. If you ask me about my emotional investmen in the MCU though 11 years and 22 movies? 
It wasn’t worth it, and sure as hell, “Avengers: Endgame”  didn’t pay off. 
At all.
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
Pinehead Headcanons: Oscar’s Fairy Godmother
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Top of the morning to you fellow Pineheads, it’s the squiggle meister here with another Pinehead headcanon. Last year May 8th, I shared this musing post based on a question asked by @darleenas-art regarding the group going to Atlas. In this post, I shared an idea about the heroes meeting a character inspired by the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella. This is what I said:
“…Imagine if…Team RWBY and Team JNOR attract the eye of a renowned Atlesian fashion designer/stylist like the character Cinna from the Hunger Games series.
This particular designer is well known around Atlas for the fabricated masterpieces he’s crafted with the ole school technique of fusing dust with fabrics. However lately the designer has been suffering from a harsh block of creativity…at least until he meets our heroes for the first time. We haven’t seen much of dust-infused fashion since Cinder Fall in V2.
Imagine…this Atlesian designer being assigned to supply the team with Atlesian wear and/or tailor original designs for events for our heroes are invited to attend in Atlas. Fellow Hunger Games fans, remember Katniss’ Girl on Fire and Mockingjay dresses from the first and second films?
I want Ruby to have something like that—a gorgeous red dress fashioned from red fire dust that even reacts to her semblance so that if she twirls or uses her speed, it creates this gorgeous vortex of burning red rose petals around her. And as an added feature, it even has a hood to match the silver-eyed girl’s taste. I want Ruby to have a dress like that sooo bad!
Even better, imagine…Team RWBY and Team JNOR receiving new threads for the Atlas Arc—special-made clothes that were designed to support and in some cases even amplify (somehow) each of their individual weapons and semblances while appearing ultra stylish so that the gang can kick ass in style.
 We have yet to meet an actual character in RWBY who is tasked with literally designing clothes for our main heroes, particularly combat-ready fashion. Oh! Let that be the name of their collection: COMBAT READY.
Y’know what I want now for the Atlas Arc? Can RWBY have its very own gender bent Edna Mode character inspired by Cinna from the Hunger Games but mostly based off of the Fairy God Mother from the Cinderella fairytale in terms of personality; voiced by Tim Gunn from Project Runaway?
What? If anyone’s going to voice a fashion designer/stylist animated character, let it be big boy himself. I don’t care how RoosterTeeth do it but I want it to happen. Somehow.
They got Michael B Jordon, a.k.a The Killmonger from Black Panther, for the future gen: Lock series. They can totally get Tim Gunn to voice a character in RWBY, right? Right.
 Make it work…”
This is what I said last year. I’ve been thinking about this theory lately a lot so I figured I’d revisit it again. Since Ruby Rose found her mentor in Maria Calavera, for the Atlas Arc, I really want to see this fashion designer character based off of the Fairy Godmother. And what would make this idea even better is if this designer takes a special shine to Oscar since he reminds them of their son that passed away years ago.
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The reason I want Oscar to have his own Fairy Godmother (or father, either can work) is because I’m picturing a scene where there is some dance or charity ball that the heroes have to attend for a mission or something and the Gala is of course hosted by the Schnee Dust Company or sponsored by it so naturally Jacque Schnee and Whitley Schnee are attendants.
Remember that theory post I made about Weiss needing a favour from Whitley and Whitley only granting it to her on the terms of Ruby agreed to accompany him to the gala as his date? So as a favour to Weiss, Ruby begrudgingly agrees to attend the gala with Whitley while Oscar shows up as Weiss’ date to the gala.
As an alternate version of this concept, imagine if…there is some kind of annual Winter Ball hosted by the Atlas Academy and sponsored by the SDC that the heroes decide to attend as a sort of cool down after an open invitation from Team FNKY.
Oscar bucks up the courage to ask Ruby to be his date to the dance to his surprise, she agrees. In my head I picture Oscar asking Ruby right in front of the listening ears of their respective teams, especially Jaune, Nora and Ren.
After Ruby says yes, at first Oscar tries to play it cool as if he isn’t internally screaming and doing summersaults at the idea of a night of dancing with his crush. However the instant Ruby walks away and Oscar is back with his team, the JNPR squad just break out in delighted squeals and cheers as Jaune, Nora and Ren each show their support of Oscar finally getting his chance with Ruby.
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Another reason why I want Oscar to join with JNR and revive Team JNPR. I can totally see Jaune, Nora and Ren becoming Oscar’s surrogate big brothers and sister being all super supportive of him especially when he starts expressing his crush on Ruby.
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So Oscar is all set to go the dance with Ruby but doesn’t have anything to wear. So the JNPR squad roll out to help Oscar pick out his tux for the dance while doing a little group shopping themselves. At some point the JNPR squad run into Oscar’s Fairy Godmother---in my head I christened her Poppy Merlin (because she’s a magician with dust-infused fabrics and creates mystical designs that works wonders for her clients)---while shopping in one of her stores.
The minute Poppy hears that Oscar needs a tux for a date with Ruby, she immediately, in a rather overdramatic fashion orders that Oscar be permitted to not touch any of the other tuxedos in the store calling them ‘garbage’ and insisting that Oscar gets a Poppy Merlin original---basically she offers to tailor Oscar a one of a kind tux specially for the dance and it’s an offer that Oscar unfortunately could not refuse since Poppy would not take no for an answer.
Ya’ll know how much I like promoting that #EverybodyAdoptsOscar hastag so I would love it if Oscar gets his own Fairy Godmother who is a fashion designer. Overall I just want to see a fashion designer character introduced in RWBY especially one who infuses dust into their fabrics.
The only time we’ve seen this technique done is with Cinder Fall in V2 and then it’s never see again in another volume. I want to see  more dust infused fashion and of all the Kingdoms that could bring this to us, Atlas is the place to be because I’m still envisioning Atlas being like the Capitol from the Hunger Games.
I keep making a lot of references to the Hunger Games with RWBY because that’s how I feel the Atlas Arc will be like once the group arrive in Atlas. Atlas is going to probably look like the Capitol… or y’know Wakanda. One of those things. And since Atlas has made mainly strides with its technology, I’d like to think it’s also known for its fashion too.
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Really want an Atlesian fashion designer who works wonders with dust-infused fabrics, based off the Fairy Godmother who also takes a liking to Oscar. Probably asking too much here but it’s something I’d love to see if possible.
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~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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worldoflis · 5 years
Close Binaries 7. gradual / star
A/N Longest one yet! Though I really need to make them SHORTER I can’t keep writing when I should be sleeping. AND! We have a title! I’m not sure if I’ll be sticking with it yet, but I feel it’s good to have everything under a decent umbrella. And we’re finally, slowly, getting to some actual proper interaction, so yay?
Also, the duck is real.
1. athlete / snowman  //  2. bury / cinnamon  //  3. camera / candle  //  4. deputy / paper  //  5. exclude / ribbon  //  6. feed / festival
When Blaine finishes his run that afternoon, he’s actually feeling good. It’s been a week now of running 5 minutes every day - or, well, almost every day. He’d skipped Monday, because after learning he’d been paired with Rabid Rachel for their camera assignment, he’d deserved an evening of wallowing in self pity in his couch.
So even though he still feels silly getting all dressed up and going out to Central Park for a mere five minutes of running, and even though he hasn’t lost a single pound (yet), he’s proud of himself. He’s even almost looking forward to tomorrow, when he’s going to add five more minutes to his routine, effectively doubling his running time.
He spots a bench nearby and walks over to it, looking out over the lake as he holds on to it to stretch. It’s surprisingly calm for this time of day, only a few people up on the path where he was running just a moment earlier, and one guy standing closer to the lake. He’s tall, hair coiffed high, a brightly patterned scarf draped carefully around his shoulders as he stands and stares at the ducks. It’s his posture that strikes Blaine, though - chin up, shoulders and back straight, a gentle air of confidence that draws everyone’s attention. He seems vaguely familiar, but it’s not until he turns around that Blaine recognizes him.
For a few long, endless seconds, Blaine is conflicted between saying hi or disappearing in the background. On the one hand, it’s not like he actually knows the guy, and what is he supposed to say anyway? “Hey, you sold me some cupcakes two days ago, remember me?” On the other hand, he’s been raised good and proper, and an Anderson always greets his peers with a smile.
He’s saved from making a decision when the guy catches his eye, eyes narrowing just the tiniest bit before a smile of recognition washes over his face - a smile so warm and welcoming that Blaine is already dreading the end of the conversation before it’s even begun.
It’s awkward. At least, Blaine is pretty sure it’s awkward, because how could it not be? He should’ve broken eye contact, he should’ve just pretended to not notice. But no. “Hi”, he’d said. “Hi.” Like a moron, like a complete fool, like a parrot unable to come up with his own dialogue - and who even started a conversation like that anymore? “Hi.” People had often told him he was a good conversationalist, and up until now he’d always believed them.
Clearly, though, they’d been lying to him.
“You go to NYADA too, don’t you?”, the guy asks, seemingly not noticing -or pretend not to notice?- Blaine’s social ineptness, and Blaine’s not sure if that’s a blessing or a curse. “We met the day before yesterday at the Cupcake Festival. Two Straw-Bette Middlers, if I recall correctly.”
He remembers Blaine. He remembers Blaine’s order, and Blaine barely even remembers his own name.
“Good memory! Two Straw-Bette Middlers, indeed, and they were a-mazing. Had to take an extra round around the park to keep them from sticking to the hips, though. Still, if you’d be willing to share the recipe, I’d love to give you my e-mail.”
Great - not only is he implying that he habitually runs not one, but multiple rounds around Central Park, when really, he barely manages to cross it, he’s also upped the creep factor to ten.
Again though, Kurt just smiles, looking genuinely flattered.
“I’d be happy to,” he says with an obliging head tilt. “Is your school e-mail fine or do you not use it?”
“No, I do!” He’s talking too fast, he’s seeming too eager, and what is even happening to him? Since when can he not have a normal conversation anymore? “So yes, absolutely, school e-mail’s fine. It’s Anderson. Blaine Anderson.”
“Bl- Blaine?”
It’s the first time the guy actually seems to be thrown off, looking at Blaine as if he’s not entirely sure he can trust him anymore.
“Blaine, yes. B-L-A-I-N-E. Like Blaine Scully?”
“Oh, I don’t watch baseball,” the guy dismisses his mnemonic, but then nods decisively. “I just need to have a conversation with someone. Blaine Anderson. Ok. I will remember that. However, if you do not mind, I think I’m heading home. I’ve been staring at those ducks for ten minutes and my feet are starting to freeze.”
“Oh no, please don’t let me keep you - I wouldn’t want to be responsible for any toes falling off,” Blaine quips. “Just don’t tell me you’ve been feeding them leftover cupcake crumbs, because I might have to fight them over that.”
Perfect - now he looks like a creep and an animal abuser.
To his surprise, though, the guy bursts out laughing, an honest-to-god, genuine, heart-felt laugh, and if Blaine was basking in the guy’s smile before, that was nothing compared to this laugh.
“I promise, I did not give the ducks any leftover crumbs,” the guy reassures him, still grinning widely. “No - I had to impersonate a hungry duck earlier in Tibideaux’ class, and got reprimanded for the lack of compassion in my performance. So I came to observe the ducks and see if I could find any compassion.”
“Nothing.” The guy shrugs. “There goes my dream of becoming a famous Broadway star. All because I couldn’t find the compassion in the duck. I did see an orange fashionista duck, though, so at least that was cool.”
“A what?”
“There’s a bright orange duck on the lake,” the guy repeats, pointing at the lake and beckoning for Blaine to follow him. “See? There, behind that branch. Little fellow, feathers sticking out front and back?”
The guy’s right. There on the lake, between the dozens of common wild ducks Blaine’s used to seeing in the park, is another duck, littler than the rest, with a bright orange neck and golden feathers sticking up from his back, wiggling his green-and-white tail as he climbs out of the water.
“That’s a Mandarin duck,” Blaine says, taking out his cell and getting closer to the water.
“A what now?”
“A Mandarin duck,” Blaine repeats, the shutter of his phone clicking with every picture he takes. “My uncle used to have some on his pond, just cause they’re pretty to look at. I have no idea how this one got here, it must have escaped from somewhere, it definitely is not a native bird.”
He’s scrolling through the pictures, selecting a couple to post on his Twitter.
“There,” he says. “Hastag astarisborn, hastag centralparkcelebs. What do you think?”
The other guy smiles in approval, and they talk for another minute or so before they say their goodbyes, after wich Blaine realizes two things.
One. He somehow managed to get through this whole conversation without knowing or asking the other guy’s name.
Two. He’s been talking to the guy after his run. Which means he was sweaty. Which means his hair broke free out of its gel-mediated confinement. Which means that while he was worrying about his social awkwardness, what he really should have been worrying about were his curls sticking out in every which direction.
And he is absolutely mortified.
8. house / gift
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nightqueendany · 5 years
Alright, initial thoughts after watching it three seven thousand more times:
This is like The Long Walk promo for Season 7. It’s not actual footage for the next season but just meant to tease us with the actors in their costumes - which sadly haven’t changed - and promote the new season.
Jon walking by Lyanna’s tomb...meh. It’s like last year when we saw the promo pics of Jon in the crypts and yet nothing came of it. The way he just walks by her in this one as if she is nothing to him but stops in front of Ned just really fucking irked me. THAT’S YOUR MOTHER JON SNOW!!!! Show some respect!
The statues of Jon, Ayra, and Sansa, however are interesting because those had to have been very expensive set pieces for HBO to just have them made for the promo. They could be real and end up in the season or the could be just for this promo. We already know HBO shelled out big time for each individual episode so it would make sense they’re shelling out for the marketing campaign as well.
Sansa passing a likeness of Cat - I don’t like this on so many levels. a) we’ve never seen it before in the crypts in the seasons after her death - wouldn’t Arya and Sansa have visited her as well when Arya returned home? b) Cat is still alive and her body unavailable for burial as she’s up and walking around in the Riverlands in the books c) Cat isn’t a Lord of Winterfell and her likeness wouldn’t be carved in stone for her tomb. Just very very sloppy.
This is all about Jon. He walks by Lyanna’s likeness - we hear her talk about how Ned needs to protect him. Sansa walks by Cat’s likeness - we hear her talk about loving a motherless bastard, i.e. Jon. Jon walks by Ned’s likeness - we hear him talk about Jon having ‘Stark’ blood. It’s all about Jon Snow.
Something is coming for them in the crypts. Obvious answer is the army of the dead but this could also be the dead from the crypts rising as it’s been foreshadowed many times in the books. That would be cool to see, I guess.
The voice in the music at the end is pretty creepy. Sounds like a child, the kind of music that plays in scary movies before someone uncovers something that will get them killed. So that’s fun.
April 14th....really was not expecting it that early. (Frantically checks school calendar to make sure that’s not an important day).
Is it wrong that I laughed at the fact that Sansa didn’t have a sword to draw at the end like Jon and Arya? Foreshadowing maybe?
I’m fully predicting the Jonsas will predict that Sansa walking by Cat and Cat mentioning loving a “motherless bastard” means Dany will die in childbirth and Sansa will raise Jon’s bastard and Jonsa is endgame. They’ve got to make everything about them, of course.
This could also be a dream sequence - or at least, the idea of it. Someone, likely Jon, in the crypts, passing all his dead family, and then seeing his living family carved in stone as well along with himself. It wouldn’t be this footage, but it could be very similar to this. 
Where the fuck is Bran? Yeah, I get he can’t walk but he should have been there waiting in front of the statues or something and have a statue of his own. I really really fucking hate how the show has just written him off. It makes me so incredibly mad. I’m re-watching Season 1 right now and he was such a great character!!!! Bran is just as much a Stark as Sansa and Arya and deserves to be treated as one even though he’s also the Three-Eyed-Raven. I just really fucking hate that he’s not in this promo.
I just really have no idea how this fits in with the Fire&Ice on the Painted Table Promo. Seriously, that one, this one, the #ForTheThrone hastag, it’s just all thrown me off. I really don’t know what the fuck is happening.
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uriduriragwaenchana · 5 years
First Impressions
°•°The Boyz°•° || Hyung Line || Middle Line || Maknae Line
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Crucify me but one of the reasons I wasn't too hot on stanning the boyz earlier was because of him and Sangyeon.
Please jost kill me
They just looked really large and much too old to be apart of any group literally called 'the boys'.
They looked like uncool dads in all the little clips I saw and I was just not digging it.
I hate myself
Guess who's double biasing Sangyeon AND Juyeon????
There's no actual scientific reason why his hands are so big but I think we need to run a few tests because there should be
There's also no reason for him to be walking around looking like that
Why's he so long
Legs !!
This gif is demonic
I called him Dk pt2 when I was learning names because his nose reminded me of Seokmin's and it's the same for you too don't lie.
He photographs really well
I also find it really cute the way he kinda loses his temper when he gets teased by the members, he really can't take jokes I
A little intimidating when he's not smiling but still so cute
Anime boy™
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I kind of didn't see him that much at first.
I knew all the meme-y things he said and did before I knew he was a part of a group
I've always liked him though he seems like a really cool person to talk to and be friends with
a loud mess lowkey
He's so cute; him being a massive Beyonce fan, cute.
How awkward he is in front of the camera, especially if he's speaking English, super cute
His lame twitter captions?? SUPER CUTE I LOVE HIM
He's just so cute. I love watching them all together and then just hearing random English phrases coming from him offscreen
He's such a pure gem too like anything he puts on social media and hastags are so cute I can't deal I might actually combust
This writer on here said his voice sounds like diamonds and its all I've been able to think about for a good month now. I've never read anything so accurate in my life like I
Felt that.
His voice. Is so sweet. I could listen to him talking all day
it almost sounds like he's always whispering but dhdhhf I love it.
This red hair was a power move. Maybe even,,, the 2018 power move.
I'm how he pouts and speaks in pouts but has no lips like I dhfhchf
I love him though I'm fighting everyone for him
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This is no one's hyung
Surely this is their youngest member??? Right ?!?! He's so cute and small I almost can't beleive he's older than anyone but then he's really mature
He reminds me of Jimin for obvious reasons:
Pretty bratz doll lips✔
A fluff who looks good w pink hair✔
Tiny one✔
Beautiful voice✔✔✔✔
Listen, if mr. Chanhee was not on Right Here's bridge w his gorgeous voice I wouldn't be here. I would have peaced tf out but he came and he delivered and now I know why yol call him godchanhee
He's mostly quiet but after watching more of their content I didn't know why I thought he was one of their youngest. He's cute and activates the member's and my love and protect function, but he's very pensive and has a very confident aura
Like he always knows what he's doing.
I mixed him up with Q alot. Just their names they don't look alike but I always thought he was Q and the other one was New sjdjf.
His vocals are so pretty. I love and hate big groups for a lot of reasons but I hate them because I never get enough of something I like
I need more Chanhee vocals in my life
They really clown him though ffjhfc
His relationship with Younghoon is the cutest.
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He is so cute and tiny omygawd I want to put him in my pocket !!!
This one, is also not older than anyone
but he is !!?!
So cute. Truly. Idk what it is w me and one singular dimple but I think thats so cute and strange like why just one?
and that cue thing he does?!? pls !! The fattest heart eyes.
Main dancer ??? How? he's so small and unassuming and tbh I really didn't like get it until he did that main dancer thing w Soonyoung and Shownu and thems and up unil I watched and paid attention to him in their dance practices
He's really powerful and he smiles alot in choreo which is really nice it makes me feel like he's having fun and doing what he really likes and is happy so that makes me happy uno.?
His smile ?mmmdjd. He and Chanhee look like cute lil bugs they're my actual babies.
Ik main dancers are usually sticklers about choreo and really domineering when it comes to practice but I couldn't imagine him being this way he was just too adorable
I was so wrong
He told Chanhee to 'stop joking' I believe when he was arguing about how cool he was with Sunwoo in one of their hundred reality shows and I haven't figured out how to make that one, cute sentence my ringtone so if yol figure it out hmu
I collapsed, still in recovery just from that alone
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endormifleurs · 6 years
Some For The Road
Ashton Irwin drabble? Oneshot?.. I haven’t written in a while, my autocorrect is off, and I’m bad at catching errors. Brace yourself.
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so, basically, what i was thinking of was, uh
hem, mings,
so sorry omg. lets get started with this
basically, a rundown of my idea for this was that you’ve been dating ash for a while now and this is the first time he’s gonna be going on tour while he’s with you. you can’t exactly come along because of your occupation/college/university responsibilities so he’s off alone without you for the first time. he gets... curious. he stops calling, he stops answering your calls, perhaps out of guilt for doing something?(one)(s)
ash cheats.
thats what he does.
if that will upset you please dont read further. be safe.
“Are you sure you’re alright, Ash? You haven’t returned my calls. And the only time I hear from you it’s a voicemail from some ungodly hour and you sound like you’re drunk. Please call me back... I love you...”
“Y/n... It’s been five weeks. I don’t think he’s going to call you back.” Lydia said quietly while scratching her arm. “I know that isn’t what you want to hear, but maybe you have to hear that...” Lydia didn’t meet her eyes.
Y/n bit her lip and tried to hold back the tears threatening to pour down her face as thoughts ran through her head. Finally, Y/n met Lydia’s eyes. “You don’t think this is his way of dumping me, do you?” Y/n’s eyes begged Lydia to tell her otherwise.
“What? No!”
“But, how do you know that?”
“I don’t,” Lydia rose from the armchair and made her way over to Y/n to place her hand on her shoulder, “But, if that is what’s happening I will fly out there and beat his ass.” Lydia paused and thought it over.
“Actually, I’m going to beat his ass nonetheless.”
“For what?”
“Not contacting you at all except a drunken voicemail with some girl’s voice in the background that definetly wasn’t Crystal.”
“Wait, why don’t you think it was Crystal?”
“Well, for one she sounded like she was French.”
Y/n looked even less hopeful than before. “You think he’s cheating?”
Lydia took a deep breath. “...Maybe.”
Y/n shook slightly, holding back the waterfall in her eyes.
“Hey, hey. Y/n, come on. Don’t cry. You don’t get to cry over him.”
“I... I don’t think I can help it.” Y/n said softly as a single tear escaped.
“Listen, how about we beat him to the next tour destination, live it up in London until he gets there, and then confront him.”
“Okay.” Y/n said with a small huff.
“Did you grab your passport?” Y/n questioned once Lydia opened the door.
Lydia’s eyes widened and she quickly turned back into the house. Y/n chuckled when she heard her friend’s sneakers squeak on the floor.
When Lydia got back she was breathing heavily and holding her passport triumphantly.
“Does Naomi know we’re ready?”
Lydia facepalmed.
“Naomi we’re ready!” She called out to her sister.
The girl suddenly came into view covered in paint. “Do you care if I get paint in your car?”
“I don’t care I just don’t want to miss the flight.”
“Okay cool,” Naomi reached out for the keys and Y/n passed them off.
In the car, Lydia plugged in the aux to her phone.
“I’m gonna shuffle my soundcloud?”
“Sure. Go for it.” Y/n mumbled.
As soon as Lydia hit shuffle, Lie To Me began playing.
Y/n visibly tensed.
“Sorry! I’ll reshuffle”
Like Satan himself was controlling the shuffle, an acoustic version of English Love Affair burst through the speakers.
All the girls in the car starting laughing.
“We got great seats! We have so much leg room!” Lydia gushed.
Y/n stayed silent.
“Ash and I met on a plane...”
Lydia gave her a look that was a cross between side-eye and pity.
“Sorry to be a downer. It just feels like the end. Also, I’m bummed out because you let She’s Kinda Hot play and Ash’s solo came on and I nearly cried.”
Lydia huffed. “Sorry. Let’s just...” Lydia paused trying to think of something. “Do something to take your mind off of it?”
“Like what?”
“Play twenty questions!”
“What are you, a seventh grade fuckboy?”
Lydia laughed out loud.
“That was the longest flight ever oh my gosh.” Lydia said while rubbing her hand down her face.
“I know rig-”
Y/n got cut off by a fan yelling across the airport.
“Isn’t that Y/n? Ashton’s girlfriend?”
“Oh no..” Y/n whispered.
The group of four girls ran over.
“Are you here to join the guys on tour?”
“Uh, actually I’m just paying Ash a little visit. Don’t tell anyone, I want it to be a surprise.” Y/n quickly came up with.
“Oh! Okay! Bye!”
With that, the girls left.
“Hm, that was easy...” Lydia mumbled.
“You’ve also never dealt with fans...”
The day before Ashton and the rest of the gang got to London, the pair were hanging out in their hotel room on their phones.
Lydia was scrolling twitter and decided to check the 5sos tag.
Her heart sank.
“Drummer of 5 Seconds Of Summer Ashton Irwin Spotted With Multiple Women In One Night.”
She clicked the link and it brought her to a news article with attached pictures of Ashton and various girls kissing. One in particular had the bottom half of the photo blurred and Ashton look like he was receiving a... service...
“Oh my gosh...”
“What?” Y/n looked up from the movie she was watching on Netflix. (It was Lemonade Mouth btw)
Lydia couldn’t figure out how to tell her friend what she just read.
“Um... I literally don’t want to do this, but I have to..”
“Spit it out, Lyds!”
“Go on the 5sos tag on twitter...”
Lydia refreshed and she saw that the hastags #ashtonthecheater #bringy/njustice and #respectwomen were trending.
She looked over and Y/n’s eyes were brimmed with tears.
“Hey, Y/n-”
“No.” Y/n shook herself off and she gained a fire in her eyes.
“This prick won’t even know what’s coming to him.”
Y/n whipped out her phone.
“What’re you doing?” 
“Calling Cal.”
“Um... For what?”
“Making sure Ashton is gonna be somewhere.”
“Wh-” Y/n cut off Lydia with her finger.
“Hey Calum!”
“Oh, I’m- I definitely could be better.”
“No, I’m not sick.”
“I need a favor.”
“Do you think you could make sure Ashton stays off social media?”
“Yeah. Bye Cal.”
Y/n set her phone down.
“What was that about?”
“Showing him what he’s missing out on now and slapping the shit out of his annoyingly attractive face.”
It was seven now and Bust The Windows was playing.
Y/n zipped her jeans up and flattened out her top whilst looking in the mirror.
“You look great.” Lydia commented. “That dick-bag is getting what’s coming to him.”
“Should I reapply my lipstick? Its smeared on my cup...”
“He might think you kissed someone, keep it that way.” Lydia smirked.
Y/n rolled her eyes.
She stared into her own reflection and still couldn’t help but feel sadness. She poured her heart out to him and this is what he gave her in return? She shared her secrets with him and he shared his lips with others. This was just plain cruel.
“You ready to go?” 
Y/n hesitated a second more. Finally, she nodded. “Yeah. I am.”
“Do you have the backstage passes?”
 Y/n lifted the lanyards up.
“Okay, great. Let’s get going.”
Once the first song started, Y/n’s heartbeat quickened.
There he was, innocently playing the drums towards the back of the stage.
She felt Lydia’s hand rubbing her shoulder.
She was in for a long couple hours.
The boys were in the middle of their final song when Dave came to get the girls.
“Calum told me about your... Situation. Would you like to go now?”
Y/n took a deep breath. “Yes.”
The girls followed Dave backstage and he showed them to where they could wait for the boys to come out.
Y/n couldn’t stop fidgeting.
“Calm down, Y/n/n. Once it’s over we can eat all sorts of ice cream. I’ll buy you f/f.”
Y/n nodded.
Then, they heard the boys finish up the song and the crowd screaming while they walked off stage.
Then, she saw him. Still as angelic and heavenly looking as ever. It killed her.
Then, Luke looked over. He looked very confused. (Elevator music... pfft)
He tapped Ashton and pointed the pair out.
When their eyes locked, her heart stopped.
Soon enough he was right there, hugging her.
“What’re you doing here baby?”
It felt so nice she almost didn’t shove him off. It broke her heart, but she did.
He was so caught off guard that he stumbled back. 
“I’m-” Her voice caught in her throat. It was so much harder with him right there, beautiful eyes gazing into hers with confusion. Her stomach still fluttered around him. Despite what she knows he did. “I’m here to break up with you.”
He flinched.
“I’m not repeating myself.” Her words were like steel.Cutting like a blade.
“Why?” He almost seemed guilty. Maybe piecing together why she was truly here.
“You know what you’ve done. You know how you broke us.” As she uttered the sentence, her voice and heart broke simultaneously
He chewed his lip, “Baby-”
“No. Not anymore. You ruined that with infidelity.”
His brows furrowed, it seemed like he was searching for something to say.
The rest of the boys had walked over and began eavesdropping. (Luke and Lydia hugged upon greeting each other ;) )
“Wh- What makes you think I cheated on you? I could neve-”
“It’s all over the internet, there’s pictures and everything.”
“Those are ol-”
“No they aren’t.” She glared at him.
He sighed deeply.
“Why’d you do it?”
His eyes scanned her body for the first time, stopping in places. “I was.. Drunk, lonely..”
“That isn’t an excuse and you know it.” Y/n snarled.
“I’m sorry.”
Michael stifled a chuckle.
“I still love you?”
Next thing you know Ashton was clutching his burning face and Calum was trying not to laugh.
“Ow!” He whipped his head up.
“You don’t get to say that. Not after this. You don’t get to try to make it better.” Her face grew red and tears formed in her eyes.
“We’re done.” 
Once they were in the car, she broke down.
Omg how was it guys??? I love feedback omg
tell me how you feel??
give me constructive criticism i need it trust me.
please lmk!!!
thanks for reading xx sav 
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raven-black102 · 7 years
Colby Brock Pranks Elton Castee
Watch this Video of Colby dumping a bucket of dish soap on Elton
(Y/n)'s POV
"Babe you ready to head to the gym?" I heard my boyfriend called out. "Yeah let me go change!" I yelled back as I went to the bathroom and change into sweatpants and a black Nike sports bra. I stopped as I heard Colby talking to himself in his room.
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'That can't be good.' I thought as I grabbed my phone and headphones then went down stair to the garage. "Ready?" I asked closing the door behind me. A small blush appeared on my cheeks as I saw him shirtless. A smirk appeared on his lip as he walked towards me causing me to step back.
I bit my lip as my back the wall letting Elton pinned me on it. "Maybe we can skip the Gym." He purred out as he placed his hand on the side on my head. "I-" I started only for Elton to kiss me. Even though we've been dating for 2 years now it still felt like our first kiss.
I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss as he moved his arms down my hips. I jumped wrapping my legs around his waist. A small moan escape my lips as he slowly grind himself agent me. He slipped his tounge with mine exploring ever inch. I moved my hand through his hair as I grind my hips more on him causing him to groan.
I pulled away as he kissed down my jawline to my neck. "Elton~" I moan panting softly as I leaned my head back to the wall tugging on his hair. He hummed as he nibbled down on my sweet spot. "We... Need to go... To the gym..." I said in between moans. He stop sighing as he lets go of my legs as he put me down. "Maybe when were down with out workout. We can finish once me get home?" He said smirking as I felt my cheeks heat up more.
I bit my lips then nodded before kissing him one more time. "Now lets go work out." I told him patting his chest. He chuckled as he put on a blue 'Send it' tank top and gave me a small matching size one. "So where going to be matching?" I asked as he opened the door for me. "We can't match?" He asked closing the door behind him.
I giggled kissing his cheek as we walked towards the front door. I looked around noticing the house was quite... to quite. Elton opened the door for me making me step aside as I notice the a package conveniently placed down opened.
I stayed behind as Elton moved the skateboard to the side then went to pick it up. "Hey Elton!" I heard Colby voice yelled making me look up and moved from the side. Orange and blue gooey liquid covered him. I covered my mouth as Sam, Colby, Corey, Chazz, and Taven come out of know where.
I quickly moved out of the way as I saw Colby grabbed the hoes. "Elton you smell pretty bad." Colby said as I stand next to Sam. "Oh my god..." I mumbled as Corey was hold the camera. "Its a good thing I got out of the way." I told Sam making him and Corey burst out laughing.
Elton moved away as Colby hoes him down. "Stop. I can't see." Elton said as Corey gave Sam the camera and went out his car to get what looked like more soap. "It in my mouth." He added making me giggled. "Remember when you said 'Clean your dishes Bitch.' Well guess what?! Clean your body!" Colby shouted.
"At less he smalls good now right?" Colby asked as I notice Corey sneaking up behind Elton. Colby hoes Elton down the spread his face to get more soap off him. "Elton? Are you okay?" I asked as I stand back knowing he was going to do something.
Elton opened his mouth as Colby spread more water down making Elton gurgle. "That's so unattractive." I mumbled as Sam aimed the Camera at me. "You got lucky." Sam said making me chuckle. "Not really. I just notice how a package was conveniently placed down is all." I told them.
I stared at them for as Elton tried to get the soap off his eyes. "Wait Colby stop. Let Elton dries off for 2 second." Sam said making me frown. "You okay babe?" I asked walking towards him only for Colby to stop me as Corey got behind Elton. "I literally can't open my eyes cause I know I'll just get more soap in my eyes." He told me.
Then just like that Corey poured more soap down on Elton. I notice Elton posture and quickly covered my eyes as he shook his head violently from side to side getting soap everywhere. "Its Marko Paulo." Sam said as Elton tried to move quickly with his eyes still closed. "Colby." I warned as Colby turned on the hoes again and spears Elton with water.
"Look at the bubble between his arms and his nipple!" Corey exclaims making me giggle. "Oh my Ahhhhh." Sam said then scream like a terrified little girl. Colby washed Elton face as I looked down noticing I had soap on my shirt and sweat pants.
"Remember what you did to my car?" Colby asked as Elton moved around toward Colby's car. "You wrapped it a couple of times. You put tin foil all over it. You put cared boar- No?!" He yelled making his voice crack as Elton tried to opened his car door. "Hurry let lock him out." Sam said making me roll my eyes as everyone went inside.
"Babe?" Elton hearing the door open and slammed closed. "Yeah?" I asked getting the hoes for him. "Lets get the soap off you." I told he grabbing his hand. "Thanks..." He mumbled under his breath as I got most of the soap off if his face so he can open his eyes. "Does your eyes hurt?" I asked as I wash the soap from his hair.
"I'm fine." He mumbled then smirked as he hugged me getting me wet. "Elton!" I squeal as he grabbed the hoes and spread me with water. He chuckled stopping the water and took off his shirt. "That's not fair." I pouted making him chuckled as he turned the water on to get the rest of the soap off him.
I chuckled helping him get some of it off his back. We both turned hearing the door opened only for Sam and Colby popping there head out. Not really hearing what they said Elton grabbed the hoes from my hand and tried to spray them only for them to screech an close the door.
"I think you need to go in the pool." I told him making him sigh as he sadly walked around the back of the house. I bit my bottom lip as he took off his shoes and socks before he did the saddest dive in the pool ever. "Your so silly Elton." I said taking off my shoes and sock before I rolled up my sweatpants. I sat down on the edge of the pool as Elton swam close to me.
I turned to see Colby and Sam opened the door camera still in his hand. "Elton that was like the saddest walk I've ever seen and dive." Colby chuckled making me giggled as Elton sat next to me in the pool. "Hastage team Colby Prank war!" Colby shouted making me look at Elton. "I clean my dishes when I use them..." I started to giggle slightly. "And I mostly use paper towel when I eat anyways." He added making Elton burst out laughing.
"You sound so proud of it." Elton laughed. "Is that why you wanted me to by dish soap?" I asked making Elton grin as Colby looked at me. "You where in on it?" Colby exclaimed making me shrug my shoulder. "Kind of? I mean I just bought the soap he didn't tell what he was going to use it for." I said defending my self.
Elton got out the pool making me stand up. "You two need to do a flip so you can seem cool in my vlog and then we're all good." Colby said making me sigh as I took off my sweats and shirt leaving me in my sports bra and boxer. "Fine..." I mumbled as me and Elton both stand on the edge of the hot tube the did a flip together.
"Yeah, that my Aunt and Uncle." Colby cheered as me and Elton surface. "We were going to the gym and get all sweaty so do you want to do that again when we come back?" Elton asked making me giggle. "Yeah, of course." Colby said. "I feel fantastically clean right now." Elton said making me swim next to him and kissed his cheek. "You smell nice too." I added wrapping my arms around him from behind.
"Good that was the point." Colby said as both him and Sam leave. "Are we still going to the gym?" I asked nibbling his ear a bit causing a small groan to leave his lip. "Maybe we can finish where we left off." He said turning around facing me. I giggled as he smash his lips on mine roughly making me instantly wrap my arms around his neck.
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"We could... But you still got some soap on you babe." I said biting my lip. Elton groan before getting out the pool and did another flip. "Now are you trying to seduce me with your skills?~" I purred making him smirk as he got out again an did another flip. "I think we need to skip the gym." I teased as I wrapped my legs around him again. "You know where going to have to be quite since the guys are here." He said causing me to slightly smirk.
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#vanlife - not just a hastag
Hi there,
I am EarthQuackSugarSkull and I am a Filmmaker born and bred in London, currently residing in the north of England and loving it. just luvvinit. I moved to South Africa when I was 18 with my mum, to explore the world, travel, grow and ended up studying my BA in filmmaking in Durban. After I completed my course I moved to The North and now... here I am.
So here is my life at the moment: I am a part-time Postgraduate Filmmaking student, meaning I have school and lectures one day a week, though the majority of my course is ‘self-motivated’...ugh... which translates to: Do it yourself. Good luck. SO I am currently working on 2 films, one which is on pause to make way for the other one, which I am making progress with and hope to screen it at an exhibition at the end of June 2018. I try to leave 2-3 days a week (including school) to dedicate completely to working on the film. I also work 4-5 shifts a week at a pub, most of which are night shifts.... which makes waking up early... challenging, especially after working several nights in a row... after the 4th night I do nothing but sleep the next day...I work to make money for the film - the props, paying actors and crew, any location payments, travel expenses and festival entries. While I have managed to scrounge a little extra here and there, the film’s main budget comes from my work at the pub. I enjoy the job, don't get me wrong, but it isn't what I want to be doing. the late nights, constantly being ill from picking up snotty tissues, smelling like an alcoholic, walking home alone at night... there are many things I dislike about the job which... at this point in my life and after 6 years in the industry, I am ready to move away from. 
I consider my other skills: videography, photography, sound mixing, editing and other filmy stuff and apply for those jobs in my area. I find a couple but most of them are for a month or two at the most, and are paid in exposure bucks which are all very cute but don't pay the bills... furthermore the majority of work that I can get at my level are in London, for sporadic amounts of time at sporadic times and are also paid in exposure bucks or not enough to cover travel expenses and staying somewhere etc... so I consider: what about a regular job, an office job? tried it. hated it. furthermore, because of the film all of my spare money is going into the film and I certainly canNOT afford to survive the dreaded first month of a new job whatever it may be... so I find myself in a predicament.
I am writing this rather long-winded post because I just wanted to get this out. I have always been in love the classic VW surfer duuuuuude camper van, in particular the red ones.... luvvem. just... luvvem. And now all these damn beautiful millennial vegan yuppies are all up in them...GADDAMN IT MAKES ME MAD. but you know, I'm completely one of them - except the vegan part... but I LIKED THEM BEFORE THEY WERE COOL OK???!
Anyway - I've always thought it would be cool to put a mattress in the back and go on little road trips in it. Not until a couple of years ago, once admittedly I had come across the #vanlife movement, did I consider moving into one full-time. And now... I. am. obsessed.
Here is why #vanlife ISN’T bullshit. for me.
Please note: if there is anything I have learned from hundreds, I say HUNDREDS of hours I have spent researching vans, interiors, batteries, types of insulation, watching videos, vlogs, reading articles, blogs and so on... it is this: van life and the reasons for or against it are entirely INDIVIDUAL to the person undertaking this lifestyle. It is also important to note that van life isn't just a hashtag, it is an entire lifestyle. and it is not simply moving your apartment into a van, it is an entire change of life style. We are talking about going from stationary to nomadic homie... omg I can't wait!
I know what you’re thinking: damn millennial yuppy, living in a van is weird! well... stop right there, JUDGE JUDY! I hate yoga, I love meat, I eat pizza on the REG, I spend waaaaaay too much time on the couch, I’m slightly overweight but I make it WERK because SELF LOVE henny. I am pretty normal. though undiagnosed, I definitely suffer from depression, anxiety (you know, the usjj...), low-self esteem and all that LOVELY STUFF. But you know what? I’ve decided I don't give a shit. I’m doing it! I am buying a crappy van, empty. I am going to throw a mattress, a bucket, a storage container and a cooler in the back and FUCK THE FUCK OFF. And I can't bloody wait. But first... let me overthink this through....
I am doing this because it will help me career-wise because I’ll be able to travel TO where the work is and it will be fine if the work is sporadic because I'll be LIVING IN A VAN - a house on wheels WITH storage space?!?! perfect for being on a film set! I don't need to factor in commuting time especially when shooting runs late or starts early, I can just sleep in the parking area... easy! 
I can visit my friends and family more (they live eVERYWHERE - this makes it very expensive and time-consuming to visit them because it takes hours in the coach or train, and I can only travel at certain times because they don't run 24/7 and you can travel WHENEVER in a van. I'll also save money on food and coach/train tickets as well as trains and cabs in and around their areas. 
I have done plenty of TRAVELLING in my life and I think those experiences and lessons cannot be forgotten or lost, which is why I think this is a brilliant idea. I want to explore my weird little Island, I want to explore Europe (before BREXIT FFS), I want to drive from the North of England aaaaalllll the way down to Cape Town, South Africa because many of my uni friends live there and I NEED TO SEE THEM.
I can save so much MONEY man... seriously - in the long term, and I say after a matter of a few months, I could make back the money I have spent out for the van, and from there we are talking petrol, insurance, food and then expendable income. I can put that money towards equipment, films, festival entries, travel to festivals and other industry events or just savings.
The FREEDOM! I love being able to move about freely! I love having all of my possessions to hand - it makes me feel empowered, independent, strong and those cannot be bought or achieved with a big house, for me anyway..
comfort? no... insulation, blankets and cushions... ok
Safety? - fair point, sir... I imagine an alarm, a dog and a large knife can take care of that...
there don't seem to be many more...
I’m going to come clean now... at the END of the post ok I KNOW... bear with me ok
I do not have a driving licence.
I know... I KNOW OK?! calmit... I moved to SA when I was 18 and over there it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to apply for a driving test as a foreigner. In the year and a half I was trying to book one, I went back and forth from the driving authority MANY MANY times... each time there was a new document I needed which I didn't need last time...and then when I moved back to England I found out you have to live in England for a certain amount of time before you can book a test, plus I needed a new provisional licence. I have also had many many poor months in the past year, leaving little extra money for lessons and the test itself. I booked my driving test this morning as well as a lesson with an ALRIGHT instructor, but if we’re honest... which we always are - I've been driving for years. I am a safe driver but just need a little practice. so - assuming I pass pay test in June... I should be on the road by July 2018. I should get a larger pay check in June and hopefully the film’s expenses will be mostly complete so I'll have a bit extra to play with... hopefully. if not then I will spend another month or so working and then move in ASAP before winter comes!!!
so... that’s the plan... this PROBABLY won't work BUT I have to hope above hope that it will because honestly. I can't do this any more. I can't do being tied to one location any more. it isolates me from those I love, and me being the lazy poor motherfucker I never have spare income to buy tickets and book trains to go visit my friends and family. I feel constrained. I feel flattened... I feel the weight of all of it on my back and it kills me. I need to do this. this isn't some #vanlife bullshit. fuck all that. fuck all the fluff around it. Life on Wheels is the perfect way to minimise, mobilise and empower oneself. in the world we live in today? it seems like the only option for me, unless I fall into the machine taking a 9-5 and a lease/mortgage. I can't do that. I will literally be HORRIBLE to be around. I will feel FIlTHY and oppressed and that will send me down a mental journey that I have experienced before and simply won't survive again... but that is a post for another day.
Aaaaaaanyway, if you've made it down here - thank you. thank you for listening,  thank you for the shit that you have given me today. Here, have one in return. <<SHIT>>
One love,
EarthQuackSugarSkull x
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