#hat kid can infact see it
fandomfuntimem · 1 year
"Not all ghosts look the same kiddo"
Hat Kid meets Ranboo (who the subconites have taken a liking too)
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britt-kageryuu · 5 months
There's a lunch stream with Leo. His model is dressed in a light blue shirt, blue jeans, black/blue boots, his mask and a lab coat with a Dr. NeonBlue nametag. He's on a medical center type set, seated in a blue/black gamer chair. River who has a little 'nurse hat' is organizing medical tool models on the counter. Leo's also eating lunch while answering questions.
"So I got a few questions about the cloat chaser that keeps claiming we're doing a colab." Leo read off, then takes a sip of iced tea. "Well to clear some stuff up, there's some backstory I need to tell." He eats a couple of chips, them repositions to get more comfortable.
"Okay, so years ago Mandarin was really into this small YouTube channel where the kid built Soup can stacking art in his family store, I think he was the only one really watching those videos. One day the kid posts a video about about something attacking the store or maybe it was haunting the store?" Leo tilts his head trying to remember, before continuing, "I can't remember, but either way it turned out to be a hoax for clout of course, and his original channel was taken down as punishment. He tried to build up a few other channels, but they kept getting taken down, so we don't have a good picture of how he runs a channel."
River pops in, "Before you ask, no they don't actually follow him, they just happen to keep finding his channels and his latest attempt to get famous before they get removed!" She places a tray with a few folders down and starts to look them over.
Leo looks at the folder for a second before just shrugging it off, "Either way, we have no plans to work with him, infact I think Dee mentioned this in one of his streams before. They called him a fame chaser or something."
Before he continues a notification goes off, followed by a cartoony Raph surfacing from the bottom of the screen with a sign reading 'Thanks for the 500 Bits BlueSwordWielder'
"BlueSwordWielder? Why does that sound familiar... wait!...Give me a minute!" Leo mutes the mic and makes a phone call. Chat is going nuts, but many want to know what's being said.
Leo's model is seen fidgeting, he gets up and faces away from the camera so no one can see his face, but you can still see his tail wagging, because it's clipping through the lab coat. He suddenly gets very excited and ends the call.
He turns around and excitedly says something while still muted, and attempts to end the stream, but doesn't notice he didn't.
River does notice though.
"Hey guys, Uncle Blues boyfriend is back in town from visiting family, and asked him on a date. So I will be ending this stream properly, and notifying the others to see if someone wants to start a new stream." River gives a bow, and the stream ends, with chat still going nuts, and questions are being tossed around, before they move to the forums/discord.
I was so tempted to have River call him Bunny Boy.
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beelzaarts · 10 months
Babies...Are Hard (Pt.2)
the boat ride to hotland started off okay, it was until they reached the hot scorching heat that everything decided to stop working.
sans squirmed uncomfortably in papyrus' lap, he whined softly, he wanted to move, anywhere that wasnt in the boat. papyrus paused "no sans. stay right here okay?" he gently patted his little skull, but the lil babybones wasnt gonna have it- he gave a pout as he thrashed about, he wiggled his lil leggies in an angry manner, trying to kick an invisible force- he waved his arms about as he felt big fat warm tears roll down his face; papyrus watched- oh no. the dreaded tantrum.
he tried bouncing sans gently in his lap, that seemed to make it worse- the little skeletons cries got louder, river person shifted, covering their ears? as they stopped before alphys lab. papyrus glanced up as he rushed inside "sans please! we're out of the boat! its okay!" he rocked him, cradling in his arms, but the toddlers screaming didnt cease- infact- it got louder- "oh. sans PLEASE!!! Stop this infernal crying!!!" he gave a nervous look toward his babybones brother as he tried looking around for alphys "please! sans!" the toddler didnt stop, he kept gnawing at his scarf, pulling at his coat. "SANS! BE QUIET PLEASE!!!! YOU ARE MAKING IT VERY HARD FOR ME TO THINK PROPERLY!!!!" the elder monster paused, covering his mouth, he held sans tightly to his chest "im sorry. im sorry....im so sorry....please forgive me....im sorry i yelled..." atleast.... it got sans to be quiet, as if sans could even understand his elder brothers pleas, he laid his little head into his chest.
papyrus sighed softly "i...didn't mean...to yell..at you.."  he rubbed his spine "....i didnt expect you to lash out....are you hot? is that why you were throwing such a hissy fit?" he slowly undid his coat and took his hat off "is that better?" the bab fidgeted as he babbled helplessly, if not just a little sad.
the sound of a door opening alerted papyrus, he glanced up as he watched alphys and mettaton- "alphys!" he waved softly as he got up. sans adjusted into his elder brothers arms. mettaton awed as he out stretched his arms to hold the baby bones "what a cutiepie! so soft and squishy~" he poked and prodded sans' cheeks as he held him "p-please be careful mettaton! hes very fragile!-" papyrus gave caution "no worries dear~ im very careful~ al darling~ i'll be right back~" he waved them off as he disappeared. 
alphys watched as he left them behind before turning her focus back to papyrus "w-what can i do for y-you p-papyrus?" she adjusted er glasses as she waddled over to her computer "i need some more supplies, evidently, I have run out!"he gave a weak chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head "for a baby sans sure does eat alot. and that baby shampoo goes really fast-" alphys gave him a look "tha....that shampoo was supposed to last a month...."
papyrus stared "....." alphys covered her snout as she gave a little giggle "im k-kidding! im kidding, i have more! but PLEASE try to make it last l-longer" she handed him a big bottle. "undyne s-said she h-had more of those teething rings you said sa-sans liked so much" the tall skeleton nodded "hes chewed right through the last ones- i dont know how, his baby teeth shouldnt be that sharp-" he thought for a moment- "well....theres...also another thing- i-i will need to- take a diagnosis-" papyrus gave a confused glace to her "why?" alphys swayed her tail softly "well...y-you see...some of sans' behavior...isnt...really...normal in common childrens behaviour- " she adjusted her glasses momentarily as she pulled something up onto her computer "i've b-been meaning to ask you- about s-sans-"
Mettaton watched curiously, watching sans bramble around the room, flying trains, building blocks all scewered around, the limited babbling. he was amused by the tiny creature. "why are you so fascinating?" he hummed softly.
the door opened as alphys waved "cmon sansy lets get you home-" papyrus gently lifted into his arms "cmon, i need to get you more of those teething rings-" he held him close has he put his coat back on, and his hat. "thank you alphys...so much"
papyrus gently knocked, undyne grinned as she opened her door "hey pap! ready for- oh- ya got the kid-" "yes, alphys said you had more of those teething rings?" papyrus slowly stepped inside "yeah, said ya needed em chilled, theirs a bit of c-grade fish oil in their, will help with the pain" she gently placed one in sans' mouth; who took very quickly o the ring, shaking his head around like a rabid chihuahua. "babys are so weird" undyne shook her head "ye. indeed...but thanks again undyne, ill come in early for training tomorrow" undyne nodded as she waved, watching him leave.
papyrus sighed as he finished laying sans down for a nap, very very carefully closing his door, he decided he'd make his lunch- a grilled cheese with spaghetti and tomato sauce-.
papyrus twirled at his fork, he wondered what sans would be like when he got older.... would he be smart? kind? couragous? like him? he wonders if he's raising him right.....he loved him so dearly- but sometimes- not all the time- infact very rarely did sans do anything that would make papyrus make him wanna pull his hair out, if he had any. but he was still a toddler. he could wait to teach him how to be neat and put his toys away.
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rayplaysotomes · 1 year
and finally, the lupin post. as usual, this is reformatted from my picsart otome route posts that i make whenever i finish a route. 
spoiler warning for lupin’s route in code: realize guardian of rebirth under the cut!
first of all, not a lot of otome games (at least ones ive played) leave one route to be the final and wont even let you unlock it until youve completed the others but with that being said. i think lupins route is absolutely worth it and definetely fitting as the final route. its very rewarding, especially in how it wraps up the story iin  satisfying manner, while still leaving you curious and wanting to play more. 
also. lupin is such a charismatic character with so much personality and charm. hes very entertaining to watch. i do wish we had gotten a little more on his backstory or something to give him just a biiiittt more depth other than one monologue but regardless, hes still a very likeable character overall. 
one of the things i noticed right off the bat (and something i almost always mention in these posts) was the romantic aspects. phenomenal. him and cardia just have so much chemistry and it works so well. that whole scene with cardia confiding in him about how she was a monster and he assured her that she was huma. and then they said they loved each other. dude. or on the airship when he kisses her hat??????? they just work so well together.
i also loved how his route like? combines certain aspects and endings from other routes. like we get to see the antagonists from other routes and each character dealing with them on the nautilus. very fitting for the final route. 
also throughout this whole route, i really liked impey and victors dynamic. like i had first sorta noticed it in ch 8 right before the route starts when they go off talking together about science and engineering, then later in lupins route they seem to have gotten closer and often fight together during battles, for example, the fight with nemo on the nautilus. idk. i just really enjoy their dynamic. 
also finis. good lord. there was. so much interesting information about him in this route. you can sorta pick up on this from other routes, but in this one you really start to see just how bad his inferiority complex is. and its extremely well written imo. like hes done so much for his father, yet isaac still likes cardia more, and obviously thats hard for him to understand. so he takes it out on cardia as if its her fault. and he does whatever hes told in hopes that when isaac’s plan is finally put into action, his father will love him. i also really like the way they build up and leave hints towards him being immortal in the other routes (esp vans), but you dont really understand how it works until this route when he finally explains it and its just. literally terrifying. like that scene is INSANE.
i also really liked the monologue talking about isaac, his wife, and cardia and finis as kids. its just. very interesting. 
and quick bonus from the picsart post i made when i had finished everything including extra scenarios since i had saved them for the end:
just fully finished guardian of rebirth including extra scenarios and i will never emotionally recover from this. this game is seriously. so beautiful. like theres no other word to describe it. its just so beautiful through and through. like. there has only been one other otome game that ive been so thoroughly invested in. its taken me a long time to finish it purely because ive grown so extremely attatched to these characters. (so long infact, that theres no impey route post because i played his before i even started to do these posts) i am. beyond excited to play future blessings and wintertide miracles. 
this is so cringefail but. i simply love this game and these characters and this story. also, floatable is. absolutely one of the best otome ops imo. iconic. and code realize has got to have one of my favourite ensembles out of any media imo. like lupin gang is up there with the rfa. their dynamic is just so perfect. these characters are so complex and beautifully written and just so so entertaining to watch. this game is so perfect. 
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kiwibirbs-library · 3 years
I’m loving the future kid comes to visit scenarios, if younger still making those, can you do with tokoyami, Aizawa, mic and fatgum please? I know the last 3 are adults but honestly I think it could be fun :) dad fatgum would be the sweetest oh my god
a/n: HDKSUDID I WASNT GUNNA DO ANYMORE BUT LIKE BABE YOU HAVE A GOOD BRAIN CAUSE DHJDHFKD also I didn’t do mic cause i didn’t have good idea or enough room I’m sorryyy
Future kids PART 7
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6
Tokoyami Fumikage
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Ok so
He had let dark shadow out to just ya know
And he had drifted around somewhere and tokoyami was trying to pull him back
And imagine his surprise when he came back with a kid hold his claw
At first tokoyami was scolding him cause he stole a child
Like that’s a big no no
But the dark shadow got to explaining how he just found her and she had asked to see tokoyami himself
“I don’t know she recognized me and said something about how I would help her find daddy or what not”
“I’m not daddy Dark Shadow”
“Well i know that thats when I asked his name and she said you!”
“Your joking,”
“No ok no-“
The little girl pulled tokoyamis pants leg
She had a bunch of dark spots that looked like feathers covering her arms and she looked like you with black hair
“Um Daddy? Can we go home now. Mama said to be home before it gets dark”
Tokoyami blinked before squaring to the girl
He was choosing to ignore the daddy part
“Where do you live, I can take you there,”
“Daddy you know where we live?”
“Hmm alright then where does your mom work?”
If he was dad then asking about the mom would work right?
No it will not
“You and mommy work together at the big agency building thing”
Tokoyami sighed
“Which agency again?”
“Um i forgot the name but it was the one that uncle hawks brought me too last week right?”
ok so her uncle is hawks
Alright cool let’s call him
“Yo what’s up kid?” Hawks said through the phone
“Your niece is here and is looking for her parents” tokoyami said through the phone as dark shadow entertained her
“Uh I don’t have a niece kid,”
“But she said uncle hawks”
“I dunno? Put her on the phone I guess”
Tokoyami handed the phone to the little girl
“Hello??” She ask loudly
“Uhh who’s your mom?”
“Y/n Fumikage silly”
All three guys froze
Who now?
Tokoyami cause he had the fattest crush on you since middle school
Not to mention with his last name
Dark shadow cause he knew about said crush
And hawks cause you were right next to him doing some paperwork before going back to school after you got called in for a work studies thing
“Oh ya kid I know where she is hold up,”
Tokoyami was so confused
He knew where she was??? Huh
Then your voice came through the phone
Tokoyami was bright red straight through his feathers
Your voice always did that to him
“Hello? This is y/n?”
“MAMA! Hi where are you? Can you come here? I miss you, oh no daddy’s really red, mama what do I do?” She started rambling
There was so air through the ohone and tokoyami had an idea that hawks was flying you somewhere
“Um hello? Who is this?”
“Mama it’s Rika!”
You paused and looked up at hawks who was infact flying you to tokoyami cause he wanted to know hat was going on too
He shrugged
“Um well hi... Rika. What’s wrong?”
“Well daddy got really red a second ago I think he’s over heating”
“Um and who’s daddy?”
“Daddy’s daddy? Tokayame,” she struggled to pronounce his name right but you got the gist
You also got kind of red at that
Cause you also have had the fattest crush on him since middle school lol
Hawks snickered above you
Before either you or your bird crush knew it you were across the street
Hawks smiled and waved and Rika rapid tapped dark shadow to get him to carry her over to you
He obliged and dropped the little girl in your arms
“Oh uh hey”
“Mama!! Uncle hawky!! Can I play with a feather?” If she really was yours and tokoyami she must have learned her personality from you or one of your classmates with how happy and chatty she was
Tokoyami was still BRIGHT red when you got over to him
You set the girl down to go mess with hawks feathers
“H-hello y/n. Good day to you,” he was being way to formal
“Hey tokoyami.... so Rika,”
“I am so sorry about all this I don’t know what she’s saying” he blurted out
You paused before laughing a bit
“Well she does look like me hmm?”
“I-I guess,”
“Course the hair and those marks must be you,” you studied the girl as she laughed at hawks being an idiot
“Oh definitely,”
“I can’t quite place the personality though,” you both watched as dark shadow raced over to the girl and started asking rapid fire questions
“Nevermind,” you both broke out in a small laughed before dark shandow came back around to you
“Sooo fun story. She’s definitely from the future like she keeps talking about how hawks still has his wings and how cool it is and how there’s no scar here or no this there kinda thing. Oh and she keeps asking him why he’s in his hero uniform when he retired a while ago,” your eyes widened and you rushed to the girl and covered her mouth
Probably best of he doesn’t know to many things
Tokoyami watched as you and her conversed while hawks sat confused
“Psst” he looked over to dark shadow
“Does this mean I get to deliver that note you wrote last week?”
Tokoyami went red again
“No I will be doing that myself, thank you dark shadow”
Hawks ened up walking hall back to UA and going back to the agency
Y’all had a fun time in your room since she got scared of the dark in tokoyamis
When she started disappearing she wasn’t really scared but she did make a joke in this deep monotonerem voice that you assumed was an impersonation of tokoyamis 
When she did leave tokoyami left for a bit before coming back and handing you a black and purple envelope
You but you lip and smiled as you read it
You answered him by kissing his cheek
“Friday at the Roman shop down the street work?”
“Y-y-ya o-ok” congrats you broke him
Aizawa Shota
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Literally this teenage girl comes strolling in and everyone’s like uhhh hello?? Are you a second year??? Or something???
So this what 16-17 year old comes in and looks around
“Wow you all were tiny!” She laughed
“Oi!! Who you calling tiny tiny??!!” Bakugou yelled even though truth be told he was a good 3 inches shorter than her
“Man it’s crazy to see you shorter than me Bakubaby!” You laughed
“BAKU WHO NOW???” The class was snickering behind him
“What’s all this Racke— who are you?” Aizawa sat up
“Oh dad— iiiiii meaann uhhh- eraser head ya heyyy I was looking for someone,”
“Uhh- no,” he left out the not yet since him and you had been trying the last couple months
“Exactly ha ha ha now anyways could you tell me where moooo— y/n Aizawas class is please,” she smiled awkwardly
“Why are you looking for my wife?”
“Well I um she uh— could you just take me to her and I’ll explain there please,” she looked desperate
The classes eyes bored into her back
Aizawa sighed “fine”
He told the class to behave before walking down the hall with her
“So daaa- Aizawa... what’s up?”
“Why do you keep almost calling me dad”
“Well um that’s what I wanted to talk about haha ya see I’m in hero training and um a younger kid Uh hit me with a quirk and sent me back here and the truth is you and y/n are my—“
“Shota! Oh sorry I didn’t see you there hi!” You smiled as you came racing down the hall with some papers and a baggy kn hand
“Woah moms always been really pretty huh,” she stood perfectly still and spoke so quietly that Aizawa almost didn’t hear her
“WHAG HUH?? Hmm??”
You finally got in front of them
“Hi I’m mrs. Aizawa, well you can call me y/n since he goes by Aizawa,” you smiled and shook hands with the girl
She smiled and shook it happily
“What were you going to say?” Aizawa asked her as he casually placed a hand on your back as all three of you continued down the hall
“Oh I’m just uh that um you-two-are-my-parents and-I’m-from-the-future-cause-of-a-training-accident, that’s all”
You stopped
“Your who Now?”
“Your daughter”
You squished her cheeks and held her face as you looked over her
She looked like you but had subtle signs of Aizawa, the smile, the eye color, the slight bag under her eyes
“Honey she might be lying”
“Oh come on look at her! She is so not, she even looks like us and talks like me oh my goodness,” you hugged her
“Aizawa narrowed his eyes at her before settling
In the outside he looked pretty whatever about it
But on the inside
Mans was hyperventilating
Like wow he’s meet his kid
Ok this is happening
Ok what now??
She ended up sitting in the back of your class and joining his class for training since you taught general studies
When she noticed the signs of her going back she said goodbye to him and raced over to your class to say bye to you too
Before she left she saw what was in the little baggie from earlier and smiled
At the end of the day Aizawa picked you up from you class and went back to your little building on campus
“Oh by the way this is probably some really good timing to tell you this”
“What’s up?” He looked at you as you both cut through the little field in front of the dorms
“I’m pregnant”
“HUH?!” Now the hyperventilating was on the outside
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum)
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He was in the hospital after the hisiki mission
Idk what spelling is
You came running in and crash landed into him
The there was nurse who knocked on the door
“Um hello Fatgum sir? Your daughter and son are here to see you aswell” and she was gone and replaced by a 15 year old with a 10 year old on his hand
“Wait I don’t— have any kids tho?” He was confused as you sat up on his bed
“Mom! Dada!” The girl ran over to you two and hopped in to your lap
“Um im really sorry about her and all this. Theres an explanation i swear!” The older boy frantically tried to explain
You both listened to his story about being at the park with the girl snd a gig coming out and using his quirk and how they were your kids and everything
At first you were confused by his rambling but at the end things started coming together
“So, you’re shino?”
“And shes chiyumi?”
“And your both ours from the future?”
“Wow cool”
You and Taishiro said the last one at the same time
You were both way to chill about it really
Like there was no freaking out and no questions after that just
And so they spent the day in the hospital with you two
And once again it was chill as crap
Taishiro ate a lot as did shino
You entertained chiyumi with your little sparks from your quirk
Idk what it is but whatever
They needed up going back around 9pm
“Sigh they were so nice we did a good job” you smiled as you climbed into he hospital bed with him
“Yes we did”
You both passed out snd the next morning you were woken up by his soft and big hands moving your hair out of your face
“I have a question”
“Hmmm?” You responded half asleep
“Wanna marry me and see them again?”
“Mmm ya,” you smiled before your eyes popped open
“Wait seriously?!”
Fat gum smiled as he lift a finger slim sliver ring in front of you
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lalaangeldust · 3 years
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[ 𝚜𝚏𝚠 // 𝚜𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 ] [ 𝟽𝚔+ 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 ]
[ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ] : ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ʏᴇᴀʀ, 3-ᴀ // ᴄᴜʀꜱɪɴɢ // ᴀɢɢʀᴇꜱꜱɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ // ꜱᴇʀᴏ ꜱᴛᴀʏꜱ ᴅʀɪɴᴋɪɴɢ ʜɪꜱ ʀᴇꜱᴘᴇᴄᴛ ᴡᴏᴍᴇɴ ᴊᴜɪᴄᴇ // ʜᴇ'ꜱ ᴀʟꜱᴏ ᴀ ᴍᴀꜱꜱɪᴠᴇ ᴅᴏʀᴋ // ɢᴏᴅ, ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʜɪᴍ ꜱᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ
[ 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 ] : ᴍɪɴᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴇɴᴋɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ɢʀᴏᴡɴ ᴛɪʀᴇᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʙᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴍᴜᴛᴜᴀʟ ᴘɪɴɪɴɢ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ʙᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴇʀᴏ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴏᴛʜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍɪʀᴀᴄᴜʟᴏᴜꜱʟʏ ꜱᴛᴀʏᴇᴅ ᴏʙʟɪᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴛᴏ. ꜱᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴄʜᴇᴍɪɴɢ, ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀꜱ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴏᴡɴ ʜᴀɴᴅꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴ ᴀ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ꜱᴛɪᴄᴋʏ ꜱɪᴛᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
( ᴘᴜɴ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ɪɴᴛᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴢᴇʀᴏ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛꜱ )
[ 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 ] : ʏᴏᴜ - ʙʟᴜᴇ // ꜱᴇʀᴏ - ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ // ᴍɪɴᴀ - ᴘɪɴᴋ // ᴅᴇɴᴋɪ - ʏᴇʟʟᴏᴡ
[ 𝗺𝘆𝗸𝗶𝗲'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 ] : ᴀʟʟ ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ɪꜱ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴘɪɴɴᴇᴅ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀɴᴇᴀᴛʜ ꜱᴇʀᴏ ᴀꜱ ʜᴇ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴛᴀʟᴋꜱ ᴍᴇ ᴏᴋᴀʏ??? ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʜᴀꜱ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴄᴏɴꜱᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴛ ɪꜱ ɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɪꜱꜱᴜᴇ ᴀꜱ ᴡᴇʟʟ (˶◡‿◡) ~ <3
ᴀʟʀɪɢʜᴛ ʏ'ᴀʟʟ, ʙᴜᴄᴋʟᴇ ᴜᴘ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴏɴᴇ- ·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙
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"Come on, come ooonnnnn," Mina groans as she tugs at your ankles.
"You lazy butt!! You can't stay in here like a hermit forever!" she exclaims with a final yank, sending you off the edge of your bed with a loud thump.
"Ugghhh, but I'm tireedddd! I spent all day shoving boxes around and reorganizing my stuff!" You grumble underneath your arm that's dramatically draped over your face.
"I know! Which you did an amazing job by the way. You truly have a talent for decorating," Mina says with a teasing undertone as she looks around your new third year dorm.
"Aaannnnd that is exactly why you should unwind with the rest of us in Denki's dorm," she says as she bends down, grabbing your ankles once again and lets them rest on her hips.
"Think of it as a dorm warming party and celebration of our last year here at this god forsaken school," Mina concludes as she looks down at you, her eyes pleading you to give in.
"Nnnnggh- Finee!" You let out a disgruntled grunt as you dramatically fling your arm off your face and look up at Mina hovering over you.
"Yay!!" She squeals as she drops your ankles and bounces on the balls of her feet.
"God, you make it so hard to say no, Mina," You say as you sit yourself up.
"I know~ it's what adds to my irresistible charm," she replies with a wide smile and a wink, to which you roll your eyes at.
"And besides, I would've been so sad and lonely without you," She fake pouts at you, sticking out her bottom lip and gives you her best puppy eyes.
"Oh please," You say as you squish her cheeks together, making her bottom lip jut out even further in a comical manner.
"Shero would'b missh'd you tooooo~" Mina muses, her words slurring together while wiggling her eyebrows at you suggestively. You gasp, tossing her head back and you cross your arms across your chest.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," You say flatly as you turn to the side, no longer facing Mina's direction. Though you can't see it, Mina is giving you a devilish look as she giggles at your reaction.
"You totally know what I'm talking about, y/n~" she hums as she approaches you from behind.
"There's no way you miss the way he looks at you all love sick with big, gross googly eyes," She teases as she throws herself on your shoulders, her cheek now squishing into yours.
"Don't even get me started on how he went gaga over your new hero costume," she giggles, a shit eating grin pressing on your cheek, "Mans was practically drooling,"
"Wha-!??" you guffaw, "He was not!!" you exclaim, growing increasingly flustered from Mina's taunting, you throw your hands on your face.
"Oh, poor sweet y/n," Mina cries out dramatically, throwing her hand to your other cheek to push your face impossibly closer to hers, brushing your hands off your face while doing so.
"Too whipped for stinky Sero to see he is infact also painfully whipped for her," She sighs as she shakes her head against yours in fake disappointment, "Tragic..."
"S-shut up before I decide to change my mind!" you exclaim, your face glowing red.
"What?? Did I lie??" she says. You open your mouth to retort but Mina's hand flies to your mouth, pressing one finger against your lips with a shush to silence you.
"No. The answer is no," She concludes in a matter-of-fact tone. Angrily, you wiggle your way out of Mina's hold and turn around to her with a flustered scowl.
"I don't know where you got any of that from, but we're just friends," you huff at her, placing your hands on your hips. Mina's hand flies to her forehead with a slap as she lets out a groan in either annoyance or frustration. Probably both.
"Oh my god, you two are so cliché it's putting me in physical pain just watching it!" she cries, "The friends to lovers troupe is getting all too real!" You roll your eyes at her as you grab your phone and tuck it into your hoodie pocket.
"Common, let's go before you make me question myself more than I already am," you say, grabbing her wrist and make your way to the door.
Mina immediately snaps out of her dramatic manner and trails behind you with a cheerful "yay!". You can't help but giggle at the way your friend's mood flipped on a dime as you two make your way out of your dorm.
[ time skip; Denki's dorm ]
You have no idea why you ever agreed to letting Mina drag you here. Your whole body tenses up and everything in you seizes as Denki calls out your name from the strip of paper he pulled out of the beanie in his hand. Your heart is beating so hard it might as well burst right out of your chest and Denki hasn't even announced who you're being paired with yet.
"It'll be fun," she said, "You'll have time to unwind," she said.
And you believed her! You thought you'd be playing Mario Kart with your classmates or singing karaoke! Not playing a dumb game of chance to see who's going to be trapped in a closet together for nearly ten minutes. Embarrassingly close in a dark closet, fumbling over each other as you two awkwardly shuffle around in the closed space-
You shake your head to try to get rid of your anxious thoughts, silently cursing to yourself as Denki flashes you a smirk that has nothing but trouble written all over it.
"It's ok, y/n, Loosen up. You'll be fine, I promise," Mina whispers to you as she squeezes your hand reassuringly.
You give a nervous chuckle and shoot her a look that says I'm going to kill you when this is over. Mina gives you an innocent smile in response before averting her gaze back to Denki.
"Now, let's see who's the lucky fella, or lady, who am I to judge, is to be paired with the lovely y/n~" The electric blonde announces as he makes a show of shuffling the papers in his hat.
You anxiously fidget with your fingers as Denki continues to drag on in suspense. After what felt like an eternity, he finally pulls out the cursed slip of paper. His gaze shifts between you and Mina before he sends her a mischievous smirk before announcing,
"Sero Hanta!!"
Your eyes fly to Sero sat directly across from you and you see that he's already looking intently at you. After hardly a split second of eye contact, your eyes dart away, looking at anything but him.
"Dare I say I'm jealous~ you get to have sweet y/n aallll to yourself," He cries out in a dramatically animated manner.
Your stomach drops and you let out a strained gulp and your throat goes dry. You hesitantly look back at Sero, his dark eyes still glued on you and he gives you his all too familiar grin with a cocky wink. Holy shit- you think to yourself as your breath hitches, your cheeks already blooming an embarrassing shade of pink at his action.
"Come, come!!" Denki shouts as he gestures for you and Sero to stand next to him, "This is no time to be shy now!"
Sero lets out a soft grunt as he pushes himself off of the bean bag he was lounging on, running his long fingers through his shaggy black hair. Now anxiously gnawing on your bottom lip, you approach the center of the room where Denki is standing. Your eyes fly back and forth between the loud blonde and the lanky boy but unlike you, Sero's eyes have never left you since the moment Denki announced your name. Whatever nervousness he was feeling at the moment, he was doing a damn good job at hiding it. Though you hate to admit, you can't deny his confidence is insanely attractive. The way you can practically feel his eyes on you sends swarms of butterflies fluttering around angrily around your insides.
"Come on you two!" Denki exclaims as he places his hands behind both your backs and ushers you towards his closet, "Time is of the essence and it can't be wasted!!"
"Kami, shut up or I'm gonna punch you in the nose," You say bluntly, too nervy to care or think about what you said.
Sero snickers at your comment and Denki sucks in through is teeth in response.
"Tough crowd,"
You shoot him a nasty look and Denki throws his hands up in defeat while taking a step back, leaving you and Sero right in front of his dreaded closet. Sero looks back at him and Denki gives him a big thumbs up with a stupid grin smeared on his face. Sero rolls his eyes and shakes his head before looking back at you. He slides the door open and extends a hand towards you.
"Ladies first?" He hums and you smile at his gesture, your eyes nervously shifting from your feet up to him and you bite your lip before taking his hand. Sero gently guides you into the closet before quickly trailing behind and Denki's head peaks in through the doorway behind Sero.
"Alright now, you behave, kids. Sero, make sure you use protection, I don't want a mess all on my shit," Sero punches Denki on the shoulder at his sly remark and Denki snickers, "and y/n?... You're an angel so I trust you'll keep tape face in line," he adds, slipping in a wink at you and you can't help but giggle.
Sero scoffs loudly and slaps his palm flat on Denki's face earning a dramatic "mmphf!?" from him before Sero shoves Denki out of the doorway. All you can see is Denki's arms flinging backwards before you hear a series of fumbling followed by a yelp and a loud thump as he tumbles from the force of Sero's hand. Sero with his head now poking out, looks down at Denki on the floor.
"My bad, g," Sero says behind a stifled laugh, a shit eating grin spread on his face.
"Oh, fuck off," You hear Denki grumble as he gets back up to close the closet door, "Y/n if you ever come to the realization you're too good for Sero's clown ass, just hit my line, baby," he quickly blurts out before slamming the door shut in Sero's face.
Sero flips off the door and turns to you. Now quivering with your hands covering your mouth from trying to hold in your giggles, you find yourself unable to hold back anymore and burst out laughing. Your laughter fills the closet as Sero looks at you with a goofy grin plastered on his face. Your giggles being majorly contagious, he starts laughing along with you and makes his way to get closer to you but quickly gets cut off when he trips over something on the floor. He gasps as he's sent flying forward, the only thing stopping him from collapsing right on top of you is his large hands slamming on the wall behind you.
You stop laughing, holding your breath from the shock of what just happened and you look up at Sero in surprise. He looks down at you, wide eyed at the realization that he now has you pinned underneath him.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry y/n. I didn't mean- I can get off if I'm making you uncomfortable," nervously stumbling on his words, he shifts his weight to one hand as he raises the other to rub the back of his neck, subtly averting his gaze to hide the blush creeping up his face. He starts to sit himself up but halts as you placed a hand on his shoulder.
"No, it's fine, really," you say reassuringly, "I don't think you'll be able to anyways with all of Denki's stuff scattered on the floor," you add, looking down at your feet.
Though the lighting in Denki's closet is dim, being illuminated only by a small lantern in the corner behind Sero, you can clearly see the floor is nearly completely covered in Denki's belongings that are haphazardly strewn about. The already small space only seeming smaller with the limited foot room. Not to mention Sero kabbdoning you, your bodies mere centimeters apart.
Sero huffs at your observation, silently cursing Denki under his breath. You would think his closet would be at least somewhat tidy since you guys haven't even spent an entire day in your new dorms yet. Guess that's Denki for you.
"Yeah, I guess you're right," his eyes come back up to yours, "but you're sure you're okay with this? You're not just saying it," Sero inquires. Touched by his sincerity, you slide your hand from the edge of his shoulder to the crook of his neck and you can feel slight goose bumps form underneath your fingers where your skin is touching his.
"Sero, have I ever said things just to say it?" answering his question with another.
"Hmmm, I don't think you want me to answer that," Sero teases.
You quirk your eyebrow at him. Though you are still unbelievably nervous about the unusual close proximity between you and him, you are significantly less anxious than before, becoming more relaxed with Sero's chill and goofy atmosphere. His personality has always been so inviting, it's one of his best qualities that you happened to fall hardest for.
"But seriously, we don't have to do anything if you're not ready or don't want to... Last thing I wanna do is make you uncomfortable," he says, nervously shifting on his feet. A soft smile forms on your face and your cheeks grow warm at how considerate Sero is being. Your heart clenches and you're already practically melting underneath him.
"Sero, if you didn't care, you'd already have your tongue shoved halfway down my throat by now," you reply with a light giggle, " You've never made me uncomfortable, love," you say as your voice grows softer.
You truly meant it too. Sero is one of the few people you've met in your life that you never felt you needed to put up a front for. Just simply having his presence around eases your anxieties and the time you spend with him is always relaxing. Even on that one night where he had kidnapped you from your dorm and before you knew it, you were shrieking in his arms as he swung the both of you from building to building.
A lovesick smile spreads on Hanta's face and his heart stutters at your bold statement, especially at your use of the endearing name. Although he's done a good job at hiding his nerves thus far, it's a miracle he isn't shaking like a leaf from how you're looking up at him with those doe eyes, the dim lighting reflecting on your face just right. You're the only one who's managed to put a dent in his usual chill and aloof demeanor. You make him feel a way that is so unnatural to him, a way he doubts he's ever felt before and he'd be lying if he said he didn't like it.
He clears his throat to try and shake off the nerves swarming in his stomach and starts to lean into you. Your noses now just barely grazing each other as he slides his hand underneath your ear, his thumb resting on your cheek.
"So... it's ok if I'm this close.?" his breath ghosts your lips as he speaks, his voice dipping to a low and sultry tone, "It's ok if I kiss you, right?" a slight rasp accenting his words.
Your breath catches in your throat and your heart palpitates at the way his voice pleasantly settles in your ears. Heat rises up your neck and you take a deep, shaky breath to try and calm your racing heart, completely unaware that you're making him feel just as flustered.
"Don't tease me," you say in an attempt to sound more assertive, but an unintentional whine laces your voice that undeniably turned Hanta on.
"Hm? I have no idea what you're talking about," he murmurs to your lips.
His are just barely touching yours, taking his time basking in the closeness and reveling in the way you react to his teasing advances.
Annoyed, you grip the back of his neck and shove his face into yours, your noses bumping into each other before your lips crash together. Surprised by your sudden movement, he grunts into your lips, the vibrations sending heat cascading down your spine that settles into the pit of your stomach.
But to your dismay, the kiss ends just as fast as it started as Hanta pulls away from you, leaving the warmth of his lips to be replaced by nothing but cool air. His eyes practically consume you as he slides his hand down to find its place in the small of your back.
"Dammit, y/n. I wanted to initiate that kiss," he grumbles
"You were taking too long.. and I was getting impatient," you grumble back at him, swiping the hair out of Hanta's face.
"Oh, is that so?" he quirks an eyebrow, "Am I just too irresistible? Even for a pretty girl like you?~" he purrs as he pulls you in closer to his body.
You slide your hand up the back of his neck, letting the dark tendrils of hair tangle between your fingers as you place your other hand on his chest, gently pushing it but not enough to actually make him move.
"Shut up," you whisper, the sides of your noses pressing together as you once again grow dangerously close to his lips.
"..Okay..." he whispers before colliding his lips with yours, this time more passionate than the last.
Hanta is holding onto your waist so close, so desperately, that you might as well meld into him. You sigh into each other, any tension from before melting away as Sero leans you into the wall. Overwhelmed by the sensation of having him so close, you pull away from him for air.
Hanta rests his forehead on yours, taking his time to breathe you in, sucking in every detail of this moment despite the fact neither of you can see very well through the poorly lit space. Gently letting go of your waist, his hand travels its way back to your cheek, cupping it in his palm.
"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that..." he says breathlessly and you hum in agreement.
"I don't think you know how long I've been wanting that," you say, mirroring his words.
"No, no. Impossible. I've definitely wanted you longer," he teases.
"Wh-? Ooooh, so it's a competition now?" you muse.
"I don't know where you could've possibly gotten that from,"
"Uh huh, cus it sounds to me that- wah-!" your cut off midsentence by Hanta gripping the back of your thighs as he hoists you up onto his hips. With your face now hovering above him, your back pressed flush against the wall, his chest presses against yours as he tucks his face underneath your ear.
"We can spend all day arguing over who wanted who first, princesa but... all that matters is that I want you right now~," He murmurs into you. His breath tickles the column of your neck, sending chills down your spine as he starts to gingerly suck on the tender skin under your jaw.
"Sero~" you sigh at the unfamiliar sensation of his lips marking your neck. He gives an amused hum, nipping at your ear lobe before raising his head to look at you. His gaze hungry, yearning for more.
"Call me by my first name, yeah? No need for honorifics anymore," he whispers before diving back into his assault on your neck.
You throw your head back in a daze, running your nails across Hanta's scalp and down his neck causing him to shiver underneath you. The way you lightly tug on his hair sends electricity through his body, encouraging his kisses to get sloppier and gradually starts to swirl his tongue on your sensitive skin. He nips at the collar of your hoodie, tugging it down as far as he can to gain more access to your skin and latches to your collar bone.
You can't help but let out a low moan as your mind goes hazy with how Hanta's lips somehow already know the spots that make you weak. You feel him smile against you, doing the exact same action that got you to make noise and squeezes the plush of your thighs.
"Ay dios mio... tú eres tan hermosa~" ( oh my god... you're so beautiful ) Hanta purrs against you, silk weaving through his voice as he licks the shell of your ear, leaving goosebumps in his wake.
"y tú suenas tan bonita..." ( and you sound so pretty... ) his hot breath brushes the back of your ear, causing you to whimper in response.
You have no idea what he's saying as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear but what you do know is that you don't want him to stop.
You grab his face to pull him away from you. Looking down at him with your eyes half lidded, you lean in and he meets you with a passionate kiss. Your breathing becomes rapid and shaky with the heat of the moment. Hanta softly swipes his tongue on your bottom lip, asking permission to deepen the kiss. Parting your lips, granting him wider access to your mouth, Hanta doesn't take a moment's hesitation as he sticks his tongue in. Tongues swirling together, he pushes himself harder against you, sandwiching you between himself and the wall, causing you to let out a muffled moan into his mouth earning one from him in return.
Hanta pulls away from you, surfacing for air as you pant against each other.
"Forgive me for being so bold but... I want to hear more of those noises you make..." he purrs, unintentionally rutting himself up against you.
"Well... maybe you should try a little harder to coax them out of me, hm?" you taunt in his ear, intentionally making yourself sound needy in hopes of riling him up a bit.
"Is that a challenge, love?" he hums and your breath hitches at the way the rasp in his voice sends heat up your neck.
"Only if you want it to be~"
Silently accepting your challenge with a low chuckle, he dives his head into the other side of your neck and starts kissing and sucking sloppily. His sudden change of pace, going from slow and sensual to hungry and passionate makes your head spin. He guides your legs to wrap around his waist and as soon as you got yourself situated, his hands fly to your ass. He squeezes and massages the soft muscle causing a mewl you fall out of your mouth.
But through the haze of your bliss, you're hit by a sudden realization that you're fairly annoyed with would rather not be bothered with right now... Shouldn't your time be up by now..?
"Hah..-Hanta..?" you speak hesitantly, a soft moan mixing with his name.
"Hm~?" he hums against your jaw.
"Don't you think our time should be up by now..?" Hanta raises his head to look at you, a shadow of an emotion you're not familiar with spread on his face. Worry? Disappointment?
"Well, probably not since Denki has yet to come barreling through the door, shrieking at us so... I think we're good on that," He says reassuringly, "Why do you ask? Do you want to leave..? ...Was I being too much?" He worriedly asks, nearly about to go into a nervous ramble.
You hold onto either side of Hanta's face, making him meet your gaze. A soft smile spreading on your face as warmth blooms in your chest from his genuine concern for you, despite how heated things were getting just a moment ago.
"No... no, I don't want to leave and I don't want you to stop. It's just- I-" you stutter on your words, trying to find the right ones to say.
"It just crossed my mind and got worried that Denki might've decided to lock us in together and... get stuck in here..." you admit.
The unreadable expression on his face washes away, being replaced with a soft, love struck expression and he returns your smile.
"There's no need to worry, cariña. ( darling ) He has to let us out sooner or later," giving your upper thighs a reassuring squeeze as he lowers you ever so slightly to make your face more level with his.
He furrows his brow, contemplating whether he should tell you what he knows or not. You look at him, his expression not going unnoticed and you give him a look, silently inquiring his worry.
"What's on your mind, love? You look upset," you ask softly. Hanta sighs loudly, silently cursing to himself before he continues.
"...I have a confession to make," he admits, averting his gaze from you. You look at him in concern, trying to keep your expression neutral before you jump to any conclusions about what he's going to say.
"I, uh- I knew we were gonna get locked in here... I wasn't in on it though..!" he blurts, "I wasn't supposed to know but Denki ended up telling me anyways. I don't know how long but... we're gonna be in here for a while," speaking quickly, he internally winces in preparation for your response.
Hesitantly, Hanta looks at you and is met by your dumbfounded expression. Your eyes wide and you start to laugh, a flurry of emotions you can't decipher rushing in.
"Y/n you're scaring me.. I can't tell what you're thinking," Hanta says, only half joking and you lean your head on his shoulder.
"Haaaa~ I'm going to kill him," You mutter, "I'm 99% sure Mina was in on it too," you groan into Hanta before raising your head back up.
"I'm afraid to ask if your mad at me or not," he says.
You look at him for a second, entertaining the idea of being upset at him but you decide against being petty.
"Hmmm, that has yet to be decided," you reply with a playful tone.
"That's a relief," he chuckles.
"Hey, look on the bright side," Hanta says, trying to change the subject, "You got to spend some time with me... and I got to make out with the cute girl I've been crushing on for a while~" he muses. Your quirk your eyebrow at him, a smile spreading on your face from Hanta's dorky demeanor.
"Mmm, she must be pretty lucky, managing to grab your attention like that," you play along.
A goofy smile tugs at his lips, sighing dreamily.
"Nah, I'd say I'm the lucky one. I never thought in a million years she'd ever feel the same way I do..." He leans his head to rest on yours and Hanta hums contently.
"She sounds pretty awesome," you jest.
"She's amazing..." he trails off and nudges you to lift your head. You look at him, his eyes staring intently into yours and you feel his thumbs brush up and down your thighs, his strong arms still holding you.
"You're amazing," he implores, his dark eyes looking deep within you.
"Hanta..." you whisper, cupping his face in your hand, feeling as if you might cry at how sappy and affectionate he's being.
You, rendered speechless and Hanta with no words left to say, you usher each other into another kiss, this one so many times more meaningful than the others. All the words you could ever say falling into the others' mouth as you exchange yet another passionate kiss. Hanta gently pulls away, not wanting to let go of you but continues to ask a question.
"Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable? Take your mind off things?" you shake your head in response.
"Just you being here is enough, Hanta," you say, planting a sweet kiss to the tip of his nose, "buuuuuut~" you continue, craning your neck to the side, examining the floor to see if there's any room for the two of you.
"Do you think there's enough room for you to sit down..? I wanna sit in your lap," you say. Hanta gives you a wide, mischievous grin before looking side to side, assessing the absolute mess of a closet underneath him.
"I'm sure I can make it work..." he hums, pressing a kiss on your lips before lowering you onto your feet.
Though the closet is narrow, there's just enough room for the two of you. Hanta turns around and eagerly kicks around the junk scattered on the floor. Once he's satisfied with the cleared space, he settles himself on the floor and pats his lap and opens his arms, inviting you in. You smile and make your way to him, sitting yourself between his thighs and you give your hips a teasing wiggle against his crotch as you get comfortable. Hanta clears his throat, trying to choke back the groan threatening to escape his throat from your movements.
"Now... where were we?" he asks in a playful tone.
"Hmmm," you hum, taping your finger on your chin, feigning contemplation before answering, "I think you were in the middle of attacking my neck, if I recall correctly," you conclude with a terrible British accent, reflecting his playful energy. Hanta chuckles, placing his hands above your hips, pulling you in closer to him.
"Ahh, yes, yes. I remember now. Thank you for reminding me, my dear," he teases, his British impression much better than your own and he gives you a sly wink that sends a new swarm of butterflies down your stomach.
You giggle, glad your able to be so comfortable with him, even in intimate moments like this. Hanta leans in and kisses your jaw.
"I love your voice so much, mariposita," ( little butterfly ) he muses, using the pet name he had coined specifically for you.
"I love when you laugh... and when you sing- regardless of whether you think you're good at it or not," he adds, assuming you'll try and retort. He moves his mouth right behind your ear, lightly squeezing your hips and drops his voice to a low husk.
"But I've found I especially love it when I can get you to moan~" he nips your ear lobe and lightly drags his tongue up the edge of your ear, causing you to shudder against his touch.
Hanta gives a low chuckle. You feel the vibrations from his throat in your chest and you lean into him, silently begging him for more. He wraps his hand around the back of your neck and pulls you in, letting out a long sigh against your lips as the two of you resume where you left off.
Eager to touch him more, you slide your hand in between the two of you and drag your fingers up his torso, his shirt bunching up around your fingers as you do so. He groans at your touch, his mouth opening just enough to allow you to stick your tongue in and swirl around his. He absentmindedly bucks his hips up against you, his mind foggy under the feeling of your magical fingers now caressing down his abdomen, your other hand playing with his dark hair. You take his movement as an invitation to start lightly grinding on him, Hanta's grip on you tightening in response and he pushes you down harder onto him. Groaning at the new pressure, he nips your bottom lip, lightly tugging the plum flesh.
Growing unbearably hot in your hoodie from your bodies rubbing together in such a close space, you stop and pull away from Hanta. You start shrug off your hoodie, revealing the spaghetti strap you're wearing underneath and Hanta looks at you like a deer in headlights. Hanta's face flushes and his pants start to tighten underneath you. With a surge of confidence, you draw out your movements, stretching out farther than you usually would and you hear Hanta swallow hard.
His eyes glued to your frame, unable to rip them off of you. A barely audible "dios mio" falls out of his mouth as he finally brings himself to tear his eyes off of you, his large hand dragging down the bottom half of his face as he throws his head to the side. You, now finished with taking off your hoodie, readjust yourself and look at Hanta as if nothing happened.
"Sorry.. I got hot," you say, feigning innocence.
So many things running through Hanta's mind, so many things he could say, so many things he could do but he bites his tongue, trying to keep himself in check as his eyes wonder, combing you up and down, drinking you in. He normally wouldn't be so affected by seeing you in a tank top, you often wear them in the dorms but this- this is something entirely different.
Hanta places his hands onto your waist and looks you right in the eyes, a certain darkness hidden in his eyes causing heat to pool inside your stomach.
"Yeah, you're really fucking hot...y eso fue realmente sexy..." ( ...and that was really sexy... ) he breaths out.
With an amused hum, you lean into Hanta, your arms sprawled lazily over his shoulders as your lips graze the shell of his ear. Hanta growing hyperaware of the way the plush of your boobs press against his chest. The way your top pulls down ever so slightly, revealing you are in fact not wearing a bra. How your soft breath fans against his neck and the way the smell of your shampoo has his head spinning. He looks away, trying his best to stay respectful. His face flushing a deep red and his breaths ridged as it grows harder and harder for him to keep his mind from cascading down a slew of dirty thoughts as his pants threaten to fully tent underneath you.
"I know~" you coo, your breath ghosting his ear, the low and sultry tone of your voice sending goosebumps cascading down his spine.
That was the thing that sent him flying out of control. Your confidence turning him on to no end, he grips your chin and pulls your face in front of his.
"Tú estas jugando con fuego, chiquita bonita," ( you're playing with fire, pretty girl ) He growls.
You gasp at his sudden aggression. You don't understand a word he's saying but the lust lacing each word sends the heat already pooling in your stomach shooting to your core regardless, making you throb in anticipation. You start grinding on him to try and relieve the tension in your core but it does little to help you. He lets out a brief moan at the sensation of your bodies grinding against each other before shoving your face into his, teeth clashing together as the two of you desperately latch lips.
"Is it ok if I touch you?" Hanta asks, his words muffled against your mouth as he doesn't even bother to pull away to speak.
You mewl into his lips, nodding against him as you grab his hand, placing him right under your boob, granting him permission to roam. He immediately cups your breast, messaging you in his large palm and rolling your pebbled nipple between his fingers through the fabric.
Wanting something to do with your hands as well, you rake your fingers down Hanta's chest all the way to the band of his sweats. Hooking your finger around the elastic band, pulling it out the smallest bit before releasing it, hitting his lower abdomen with a muted snap. He grunts at the feeling and lets out a shaky breath.
"Can I touch you down here..?" you inquire against his lips, your fingers dancing dangerously on Hanta's waistband. He grips onto your wrist, tongue still dancing with yours as he presses your palm forcefully on his clothed dick, a choked moan falling out of him as you round your wrist, making you rub his member in circular motions.
"Tú me estas volviendo loco," ( you're driving me crazy ) he groans into your lips, "Te deso tanto que me duele el cuerpo..." ( I want you so bad, my body aches ) he shudders underneath you, his kisses growing hungrier and sloppier as he gets increasingly intoxicated by your motions.
Growing more and more needy by Hanta's enticing voice, you slip your hand underneath his sweats and start palming him through his boxers. Hanta places his hand on the back of your head and shoves your face closer to his, deepening the already heated kiss and moans in your mouth.
But to Hanta's disappointment, you pull away from him. He cranes his neck forward to try and meet your lips again but you gently place a finger on his mouth to keep him from making any more advances. You pull your hand out of his pants and Hanta lets out a barely audible whine at the loss of friction while you trail your hands up to his abdomen under his shirt.
"Can I take it off?" you whisper.
Hanta looks at you, his dark eyes blown with lust as he gives you a mischievous smile.
"Of course, princesa," he purrs.
You give a content hum as you tug at his baggy shirt. Hanta helps you by lifting his arms as you slip it off of him and looks at you with admiration once you shrug it off. You run your fingers down his now bare chest, admiring his toned muscles underneath you.
"You like what you see, pretty girl?" he muses, his eyebrows raised suggestively in an attempt to tease you. You hum in response and kiss his neck.
"I think you're very handsome~" you hum softly into him and you feel his heart rate spike as your chest rests against his.
"Geez, y/n you're gonna make me blush," he says only mildly flustered.
Amused by his reaction to your compliment, knowing he's not very used to being on the receiving end of them, you continue, sliding both hands to rest behind his neck and you lift your head to look at him.
"But I mean it..." You coo, toying with the dark strands of hair on the nape of his neck, leaving Hanta as nothing but putty in your hands.
With his eyes half lidded, looking at you as if you're made of gold, he pulls you in for another kiss. Wasting no time, he sticks his tongue in your mouth, hungry for more of you. But before you could do anything more, you hear the closet door swing open.
"Surprise shawties!!! AHHHH-" you hear a dreadfully familiar voice drilling through the romantic atmosphere.
Incredibly startled and practically jumping out of your own skins, you and Hanta whip your heads to the door. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you to his chest instinctually as if to shield you, even though he's the only one shirtless.
"DENKI THAT'S WHY I SAID TO KNOCK, ROCKS FOR BRAINS," you hear Mina yell behind the door.
"What the hell Denki!?!?" you yell, your head still turned to the door and though you can't see it, you can feel Hanta giving a scary glare at Denki. Denki's face is flushed red and Mina stomps over and shoves him out of the way .
"I'm so sorry," she exasperates, "y'all continue and come out when you're ready," she finishes, waving her hand at you two without looking, in fear of seeing something she'd regret. Though, there wasn't much to see. Denki's just dramatic.
"There's no one in the room by the way! It's just us," she adds as she closes the closet door.
You sit up and look at Hanta, his arms still not leaving your waist and you see an infuriated look on his face you are not familiar with at all. His eyes meet yours and you can't help but laugh. Laugh at Denki's ridiculous personality, laugh at how Sero look genuinely pissed and just laugh at the overall situation you've been in this whole time. Hanta's hard expression quickly melts away at your giggles and despite him trying to fight it off, he starts laughing along.
"God, he's such a fucking idiot," Hanta says through giggles and laughs and you hum in agreement. You cup his face in your hand and give him a sweet kiss on the cheek.
"We should probably leave," you murmur under a giggle and Hanta groans at your words.
"Yeahhh but I don't wanna deal with Denki," He sighs, resting his forehead on yours and you agree. You two sit in silence for a moment, doing nothing but enjoying each others' presence as you think of what snarky comment Denki might have instore for you when you get out.
"Sooo... we'll continue this in my dorm?" Hanta muses, breaking the comfortable silence adn you giggle in response.
"Pfff, yeah... Yeah I'd think I'd like that," you hum in response as Hanta grabs your face to pull you into a gentle kiss, chuckling a bit against your lips.
𝒇𝒊𝒏 . ✩
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corvidaequeer · 3 years
I'm seeing some people being mad at Camila Noceda for the whole camp thing-
But all Camila wanted- was for Luz to be able to make friends & for her imagination/hyperfixations not disrupt her learning- thats why she was sending her to camp. Thats it. She didnt want her to be some whole new person, just learn to separate fiction & reality & make some real friends. And as things go- summer camp is a fucking great place to bond & make friends, okay.
(Yeah, sending your camp to make her "normal" is not my favorite vocabulary in the world (especially as an autistic queer like Luz). And perhaps there are better ways but there are also WAY WORSE ways too.)
But I don't think people realise the depths of her inability to separate fiction & reality & how much damage actually does.
But Luz's imagination & can be extremely destructive and we see that very regularly in both dimensions:
She has no friends in the human realm & is either bullied or has a delusion that no one likes her for being weird & so she never makes friends cause she assumes people hate her (think Wirt from OTGW) or bit both.
Throughout the series Luz makes tons of comparisons along the lines of "well this work on tv/literature so it should work in real life too" that just do not work or make sense. And often times those divides from reality end up putting her & her friends in repeated physical danger & emotional turmoil:
· She has set loose spiders & snakes on her classmates. · She was tricked by the puppet master guy & lured into harms way · The vine incident in grudgeby match where she could have seriously hurt her friends just like Amity did · Wanting to meddle in Willow & Amity's relationship as if she could fix it overnight · Thinking she could sneak in & steal the healer hat for Eda · & pleanty more...
Luz needs help to learn that life does not work like tv or books- Camila was sending her to get that help. So now Luz is having to learn the hard way that the world does not work like fiction...& in the process she puts herself & others in danger along the way.
And just so everyone knows...
We don't know anything about what this summer camp had in store for her. No one said that it was some kind of conversion camp for autistic/nuerodivergent kids! Yes the pamflet gave those vibes but it could've had therapist as councilors & tought coping mechanisms/vocabular for asking for your needs for nuerofivergent kids & been an actually really cool & helpful place with really bad marketing. We don't know! Actual conversion camps are traumatizing- but Vee & her friends don't look the slightest traumatized by it, infact they look happy to have gone & met eachother. It doesn't have to have been this horrible thing that Camila was sending her daughter to. We can give her the benefit of the doubt that she did her research & found a good place for Luz. We dont have to make her a bad mom- She's just trying to find a fun way to help her kid.
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awxward · 3 years
A3! Boys + My Stuffed Animals
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Spring Troupe:
Gabriel is a small elephant with big ears that constantly make him fall over. He has a pink bowtie that says 'I Love You'
Makes Saku feel safe and Gabriel is a reminder to himself that he's loved and appreciated by everyone at Mankai.
Named after a friend from theatre class :)
George Washington
George Washington is a tiger. He is small, but his arms are like those slap bracelets so you can wear him on your wrist (or let him hang on the side of shelf like I do).
So I got Georgy-Boy for easter 2020. i asked my friends for name ideas. They sent me stuff like 'Stripes'. I went offline for a few minutes and when I came back online I told my friends his name was George Washington.
Me: tiger has a name now
Friend: which name did you choose?
Me: his name is George Washington.
Friend: what the fuck. how'd you get George Washington?
Pretty sure he got the name bc I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack.
Daniel is mostly pink but has other pastel colors that look like watercolors. He's a unicorn. And a ketchain. And he's one of those dream lites, so he lights up. (He's supposed too anyway, but he's never lit up since i got him like 7 years ago at a yard sale).
Named after Daniel Howell (formerly danisnotonfire) [YouTube]
Lucifer is a small panda pillow pet. Very easy to travel with bc he fits in most backpacks.
My mom told me she wanted me to have a stuffed animal with a biblical name, i picked him up, looked her in the eye and said "His name is Lucifer." My mom tried to protest. "You said a biblical name, Mom. Lucifer is in the bible."
Pao is a panda. They are also a phone holder thingy. Like it'll hold your phone if you're watching movies or whatever.
Like 5-ish years old. Got them from a friend. They have a tag with their name on it, but I read it once and then just called them "the panda" for some reason instead of their actual name and now the tag is too faded to read the name, but i am 38% sure it says Pao or something close to that.
Tsuki is a dinosaur. Tsuki is a sparkly dino. He's green rn, but if you brush your hand over him, the sparkles turn over and he becomes orange. I like green tho bc his tummy and the bottom of his feet are orange and so are his eyes.
Named after Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu)
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Summer Troupe:
Hinata is a narwhal. A bright orange narwhal. Infact he is the same color as Tenma's hair.
Named after Hinata Shoyo (Haikyuu) [bc its the same color as his hair. there is a theme with this narwhal and the anime boys i associate with them]
Steve is a regular teddy bear, except he has a shirt that has pikachu on it. (the shirt was originally Tsuki's bc i got tsuki at a friends build a bear bday party, but it fits Steve better)
I just think Yuki would try new designs/color schemes/styles by making clothes for Steve to see how they look.
I got Steve from a claw machine (my bf at time won him for me just before we watched Endgame together.)
Named after Steve Rogers (Marvel)
Muku most definitely loves the Winnie the Pooh movies and I will fite for this hc. He gets my Eeyore. You know how Eeyore's tail is always going missing or falling off??? Eeyore's tail comes off (velcro) but its attached to his actual body with a string so it cant be misplaced.
Eeyore has a patch that says "official disney store" but i got him for $3 at a thrift store.
Sherlock is a polar bear. Sherlock is very huggable. He makes Misumi feel safe. He has a hat and scarf (that don't come off. they are sewn on him)
the hat has a pom pom on top and the scarf has a pom pom on each end. the hat and scarf and the bottom of his feet have a blue/white plaid pattern.
Victor is a puppy and the first big stuffed animal of mine on the list! He's all tan and abt maybe 3-4 ft long. Victor lays pretty flat so he's comfy to lay/sit on. I think Kazu would like sitting or laying on him when drawing. Probably has him on his bed so he's like a giant pillow.
Victor is from Toys R Us. I got him last August-ish from my Aunt and Uncle who found him at a thrift store and thought I'd like him.
Named after Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice)
PJ is a small white tiger. He is also a ball. He can fit in one hand. When Kumon is thinking or stressed or bored (etc) he just lays on his back and tosses PJ up into the air.
When Kumon is laying on the floor tossing PJ, Misumi sits on the bed closest to where PJ is and tries to grab him (but only if Kumon is in a good mood and okay with it) It's a fun little game they made up they like to play.
Pretty sure he was named after KickthePJ (YouTube)
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liber pls give us a pic with all of autumn i am begging
Autumn Troupe:
Sammy is another one of my large stuffed animals. He is also a puppy, but unlike Victor he is sitting instead of laying. He's abt 2-3 ft tall. His fur is the same color as Banri's hair. Great to squeeze at anytime, but very therapeutic when you're in a bad mood. Has a heart on his ear.
i got him abt 7 years ago. I had just finished spn season 2 and was upset abt the finale and had no way to start season 3.
Named after Sam Winchester
Tiggs is a beanie baby tiger. Tiggs is a little larger than PJ (and not a ball). He's a regular orange tiger instead of a white tiger like PJ. He'd buy Kumon PJ so they could have matching stuffed animals. Small and very comforting to just hold/hug.
Benedict (Ben)
Benedict, also known as Ben, is a small koala. Just a little bigger than Tiggs. He has a heart on one of his feet (i think the right one). very soft. very fluffy.
Named after Benedict Cumberbatch (Actor)
Dean is my largest stuffed animal. He is a dark brown teddy bear that's abt 4-ish ft tall. He can be put in a corner and used as like a bean bag chair, or he can lay down flat and be a good pillow like Victor can.
It's very fun to just wrap around him and squeeze as tight as you can. Especially in when your in a bad mood. Very comforting to cry into.
I got him a couple years ago at a thrift store.
Named after Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Lev is a lion abt the size of a regular teddy bear (maybe slightly larger). I got him a thrift store so he's slightly worn out from age. He's mostly a pastel dark yellow-ish tan and his mane is dark brown. very huggable.
He's the stuffed animal I sleep with. Smells nice all the time, like the fabric softener.
Named after Lev Haiba (Haikyuu)
Emotional Support Iron Man
So Iron Man is small and he sparkles. He will hurt you/someone if thrown hard enough. Sakoda likes heroes bc they remind him of Sakyo they look cool. I'd hc that he got Iron Man from Sakyo when he was younger and its one of his most valued possessions and goes everywhere with him (or stays with Azamo or Sakyo at the dorm. Maybe Izumi or a couple others are on the list of who can watch over Iron Man.) Very protective of it.
Got the emotional support part of his name from a friend.
She saw Eddie Redmayne on a movie cover (think it was The Danish Girl) and started freaking out bc she loved him. I handed her the Iron Man and the next day she thanked me and said he was an Emotional Support Iron Man and the name stayed.
[Emotional Support] Spooder-Mon
Sakoda knew Azami as a kid. He most definitely got him the Spider-Man so they could have matching plushies.
Spider-Man is square and has little blob hands doing the web thingy. The tag said travel pillow, but he probably just chills by Azami's bed. When needed, Iron Man will be placed next to him if Sakoda can't take Iron Man with him.
I brought him to school one day and we had a bio test and all the people sitting around me passed him around and gave him a pat for good luck. We all got good grades and then he was dubbed as Emotional Support Spooder-Mon, but the Emotional Support title isnt part of his name (unlike the Iron Man).
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i wanted guy in the pic, but i also wanted tsumu and hiso in the pic so you get 2 pics for winter
Winter Troupe:
Phil is a zebra. He is a pillow pet zebra. Like Lucifer, Phil is also easy travel size. The bottom half of Phil is pink, so I refer to him as my pink zebra.
I just think it'd be cute to have Tsumugi with a pillow pet ok. I also thought he'd probably have has Phil for many years (since he was a kid) and Tasuku most definitely brings up things from when they were kids and shit.
Tasuku: you chose the pink zebra, and for what???
Tsumugi: its a very aesthetically pleasing pastel pink.
Tsumugi: dont talk bad abt Phil.
the rest of mankai: ????????
I got phil before I got Lucifer many years ago. He was old when i got him and he is very old now. I love him so much.
Named after Phil Lester (AmazingPhil) [YouTube]
Cap is a husky. He was won from a claw machine with Steve.
There's just something abt the grey and white that gave me Tasuku vibes. Also, Cap's eyes are abt the same shade of blue as Tsumugi's and Tasuku knows this bc they are in love. Very squishy when hugged and with the way he sits, you could make it look like he's guarding something.
Named after Captain America (Marvel)
Ushijima (Ushi)
Ushijima, also called Ushi, is the last of my giant stuffed animals. He is abt 2-3 ft tall (like Sammy) and has a tail abt the same length.
Ushi is a raccoon thats mostly hot pink. Ushi's eyes are also pink and just abt the same shade as Homare's hair, although Ushi's fur is brighter by a few shades.
Ushi hurts when thrown/swung hard enough. Very fun to hug bc he's filled with beans (like beanie babies) so unlike all my other giant animals, he doesn't have to be fixed/adjusted after everytime you squeeze him. The tail has cotton tho and makes a good pillow.
Homare would definitely just see a 3 ft tall hot pink raccoon and claim it with no explanation.
Named after Ushijima Wakatoshi (Haikyuu)
Vladmir Dracula the 3rd (Vlad, Drac)
Vladmir Dracula the 3rd, who has many other names but usually goes by Vlad or Drac, is a vampire (surprise).
Vlad is a squishmallow thingy, and their tags say something abt them being able to be used as pillows, and thats why Hisoka gets Vlad.
Vlad is triangular in shape, with triangle ears, and triangle fangs, so I thought abt Misumi, but i figured Hisoka bc it's a pillow.
He's like the perfect travel size and he has a cape and a bowtie.
Named after Vlad the Impaler, the real life inspiration behind Dracula (my brother thought he was named after Vladmir Putin and I wanted to punch him for that but I was too busy laughing.)
Also named after Dracula, who was a vampire.
Idk where 'the 3rd' came from, but it's part of his name for forever.
Sebastian is a dinosaur thats blue with a white tummy.
He's also a squishmallow, but he's bigger than Vlad by abt 2× as wide, so he'd be harder to carry around, which is why Hisoka got Vlad instead. Being a squishmallow means he looks more blob than dinosaur and i love it.
His tag said his name was Dominic or something, but I named him Sebastian before I actually checked the tag, so he's Sebastian.
Named after Sebastian (Black Butler) and Sebastian Stan (Actor)
Moriarty is my other polar bear. I got him with Sherlock and named him Moriarty bc Moriarty is Sherlock's nemesis.
He's just a plain white bear thats very huggable and adorable. I usually have a bowtie on him bc it makes him look fancy.
Guy would like him bc he's plain white and very fluffy.
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loniereads · 4 years
cr: Sufficiently Advanced Magic
*spoiler warning*
Chapter 1 - 5
Chapter one
“I was prepared in a thousand different ways that didn’t matter” - Me for every test I’ve ever taken ☺️✨✨
Omg is he gonna go look for his brother 🥺 This book said found family but make it literal - side note, love the name Tristan.
I hope it’s explained as to WHY hundreds of 17 year olds are enduring a judgment to their possible death????
Imagine you’re brother going basically missing, your mom leaving, and then your dad pulling you out of school so you can prepare to possibly ✨die✨
“It could take years to grow strong enough-” 🥺 He’s going to sacrifice years of his life and risk certain death just for a chance to reunite his family is this book gonna make me cry?
I don’t like his name as much as I like his brothers but yanno whatever- how do you even say Corin
I already hate the dad??? Hello? Your first son is gone and your second could follow in his fate and you don’t even see him off?? Fuck you buddy why are book dads such assholes
“I loathed hurting people. I always had.” so i have decided that if anything happens to Corin I will kill everyone in the room and then myself. WHAT A CUTIE SWEET SOUL
If this book forces him to hurt someone I’ll riot-
Oh my gosh he hates fighting but he’s willing to fight for his brother I LOVE HEALTHY BROTHER RELATIONSHIPS they’re so pure
Corin is so nice to try to explain all of this weapon stuff and rune stuff to me like I have any idea wtf he’s talking about- he’s talking and I’m like I’m just happy to be here ☺️
I feel like the fact that he’s paying for everything he takes is important- like maybe other people just take and don’t leave anything? But he’s like here’s a coin for you scary tower~
“It was too cute to die” why do I love Corin so
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What a cute ass sweet ass cinnamon roll, my god🥺
Chapter two
Why does everything he say sound so intelligent
ldmoaha not Corin having a convo with a book
It’s been too long since I read a normal romance book why did my brain just decide to ship Corin and a BOOK
Ok but him taking time to ask about his brother has me so soft
What the flip chapter 2 was so short??? ):
Chapter three
“You shouldn’t have done that” how ominous and amazing and I love it
He so casually was like OH LOOK A DEAD BODY OH LOOKIE PEOPLE
Omg is he gonna find his brother in here- OH MY
just... kidding. He did infact not find him.
Oh wait someone younger than him though- so is going into the tower a choice? That would make it a little better. Like you decide when you go in or? I NEED MORE INFO PLS
The word resh is growing on me
He risked his gold key on her 🥺
I love this little merry band of criminals- also just hoping the kid doesn’t yanno....die
omg Keras is out here crushing stones with his bare hands 😏 hellooooo
Wait I’m so conflicted??? I want to trust Keras and Vera but I also want to trust the book alsnsish
Vera is a whole mood I really hope she’s not like evil or just a weird thing in the tower or idk whatever I want her to stay
AWWAIT ☹️☹️☹️ They left Keras behind- that can’t be it. He’s gotta come back right? Like book person is gonna save him? Right!!??
Chapter four
This ‘kid’ they’re carrying is just making out like a bandit, he’s just getting carried through the tower 😂
Okay this might be a weird jump- but WHAT IF THE BOOK ENTITY ISSSSS HIS BROTHER??????????? Like the book person seems to really care if Corin lives? so it’s either just like a really caring person, OR HIS BROTHER
Pls let me be right
That would be so cool
The book entity helped him to finish the rest completely? Is this allowed? This feels not allowed
Corin: fighting monsters with criminals in a magical tower, very time sensitive needs to escape quickly
Also Corin: lemme just wrote a little diary entry ✨☺️
So obviously he’s going to get to keep his memories
Also like he got out of the tower so easily? What?
“And don’t let anyone hassle you about your attunement.” HOW VERY OMONIOUS OF YOU TO SAY
Honestly- Fuck Magnus Cadence
His childhood bestfriend is his half sister? I love that???? Instead of making them love interests they’re half siblings that’s cool as hell. We love childhood friends to siblings trope
I will reiterate, FUCK MAGNUS CADENCE
I hope we get to see their friendship bc I’m here for this trope
Chapter five
🥺 he sent the boys glove to his parents I’m so soft
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Their relationship makes me so happy?? Like I love this. So they better reunite or I’ll riot
I miss Keras 🥺
I am so unsure of Sera. I do love the sudden sibling, and I really really hope they end up having a cool relationship and like she helps him find his(their) brother and hdjsjdjs
If anyone gives Corin a hard time for his attunement I’ll throw hands-
Not them earning points at their schools- All I can think about how is “10 points to gryffindor”
I love the word behooves
Can they go back into the tower already 💀 This down time is killing me. I want book entity, Keras and that boy who was unconscious the entire time back.
-side note, I absolutely love how all three of them(Keras, Corin, and Vera) were all so concerned with this unconscious boy and they literally carried him to complete safety. Who is this boy?? Will he come back? I miss him he better not be be dead. Vera can die but not unconscious boy.
I don’t know if I’m supposed to like Sera... but she’s giving me “I’m better than you because I have a better attunement” vibes and I do not like that at all so if Icneed to I will pretend to doesn’t exist.
Aw the schools has like animal representatives decisions?? CUTE UM. - there’s way too many for my brain to keep up with but I love them anyway
Not them assigning kids to basically play pranks on everyone else and tell them if they don’t find the prankster kids they lose points- what a weird ass school
-Also I know Tristen isn’t dead because like then what would be the point huh? HUH? So he’s got to be alive
Or I’ll riot.
“A walking rainstorm” idk why but that is so fucking adorable. I love my new comfort raintorm, Corin.
I can’t wait for them(Corin and Sera) to meet up with their friends and they have to explain that they’re now half siblings.
Them reminding him to not lose his little sigil pin makes me feel like he’s going to lose or forget it ummmm
Imagine getting fucking EXPELLED because you forgot your pin on your other uniform.
I feel like that would be me honestly. Are people not just...forgetful in this universe??
Ngl i would hate to be in the tortoise division
Corins attunement is lamer but his division is called the Phoenix? Like that’s so much cooler than tortoise
The fact that sera is trying to convince me the Spider division isn’t real makes me feel like she’s in it???
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I know my babey Corin didn’t mean this as snarky as I would have liked him to but I love this line so much.
Ngl I was hoping they would have roommates- I love a good school roommate dynamic
For the third time I would like to make my opinion to be known; FUCK MAGNUS CADENCE
Why has no one made a playlist for this book on Spotify? I am throughly disappointed
Not Corin being ghosted by his book-
I wish I had half the motivation Corin has? Like it’s my boys first day of school and as soon as he gets into his room he starts studying. I would have taken a nap
Oop jk as soon as he couldn’t find the rune he was looking for he went to lay in bed.
I’m sorry what in the hell is Wyddsday??? Did I miss them explaining to hat this universe has different names for it’s days of the week?? How am I supposed to know when this is Corin? Or what day it even is currently
World building is so intricate and interesting and I absolutely live for it- but it’s literally so frustrating sometimes learning and remembering everything
Okay Sera being less irritated about her studies being interrupted because it’s Corin is cute
I still don’t know if I’m supposed to like Sera
Tashday, Fersday, Kyrsday, Tensday, Vasday, and Wyddsday- either I can’t count or they’re missing a day. And what order do they go in? I need a calendar insert pls and thanks
Wait wait did he just run into an ex? What is this sndlsnsin “long-buried emotions”??
Oooo we get a name. Cecily Lambert
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I didn’t possibly think I could relate to Corin anymore than I already do but here I am
The dorm chiefs introduce themselves to everyone? How cute and Curtis didn’t seem at all annoyed by Corin asking so many questions I love when upperclassman in books aren’t rude for no reason. It’s such a tiring trait they often have smh
I need his exams to hurry up because I would very much like to get back to the fast paced tower scenes-
I know absolutely nothing about Jin but I love him immensely
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nicoforlifetrue · 4 years
A lil short based on my idea of AE Fundy
An empire of anarchy sounded self contradictory.
He wondered if he would have tought so too like everyone around him.
It was a funny tought how those two words where one in the same in his mind.
If his hair where red like the clay of river banks instead of the pristine white of snow.
Would he have tought teh same?
How much would he have changed?
He entertained the idea for a few moments as he so carefully braided his hair, the long strands of silver falling easily into the pattern.
With deft claws the messy became clean wrapping into a gentle bun before he secured his hat over it.
He looked at the mirror and could barely keep himself from laughing at the fools of l’manburg.
Him anything but an anarchist?
Anything but a bringer of chaos like all his family?
Green glinted as he flicked his ear in amusement, the soft gem the sung of home his own silent promise to his father, to his uncle and grandpa.
He was no governments dog.
He was a fox, clever and sly, fast and nimble.
He was his fathers son, charismatic and charming, danguruse and manipulative.
He was a part of the empire, an anarchist at heart.
“Fundy? You coming?”
And these fools tought they held his leash
“Yeah tubbo one second”
In one fluid motion he pulled on his jacket the thin material holding no weight compared to the normal layered he was accustomed too.
He could already feel himself beginning to over heat.
It was one of the thousands of issues this nation had, the over whelming heat it never niped at his nose or teased his toes like the cold did, no it sunk into his skin and dragged him down.
He opened the door with a calm smile on his face, some one he once considered near family stood there waiting for him.
Tubbo was a good kid once.
Infact fundy had grown up playing with the other but now looking at him he only held mild disliking.
This man was now but a dog to him, a mangy mutt of order and law.
“Sorry had to put up my hair, musta got out of its tie last night”
“I still dont see why you dont just cut it if it bothers you that much” tubbo sighed turning and beginning to walk fundy trailing at his side.
“I like it long do i really need anouther reason?” and because he grew up with it long, how his uncle and grandfather had long hair, how he had grown up with his uncle teaching him how to carefully put it up and his grandfather brushing it and his father washing it, how it was just anouther sign of family.
“No not really” tubbo hums “ok so heres todays plan”
He hums along to other eyes trailing outside and his fake smile turning genuin as soft fluffy flakes drift down from the sky, its not cold enough for him to feel it yet, but it dosent matter as the two step out sid ean dthe flakes land on his coat, speackling the black fabric with white.
“Hey where gonna have a white christmas!” he hears tubbo cheer and he finds himself chuckling.
“Hey tubbo i actually need to take care of something, think you can handle yourself?”
He pretends to not notice the other droop a little.
“Oh uh yeah fundy go ahead’
With the simple dismissal he leaves, like a good dog being shooed away, he finds his steps turn into a playful skip once he knows hes out of site, tail swaying happily as he travels.
His father is waiting for him when he arrives at his diestonation, wrapped in whites and blues, alive as ever.
Its funny what a man can make people think with enough acting.
Youd think theyd figure it out when they realized “ghostbur” was corporal.
It went wrong so quickly.
And now tubbo stood staring at someone he had sworn he could trust watched fundy gaze at the madness before turning to tubbo with a cold smirk on his face.
“Whats the saying? It was never meant to be? Starting to think this place is cursed, old friend’
Tubbo feels his hands shake his body tremble as his perception crumbles once more.
“Why did you betray us!” he asked, no he demands, because he has to know, he has to know why the last person he considered close, considered family, betrayed him who before him now stands clad in white and blue, a trident shining with enchantments lazaly held in one hand teh shine of a an emerald like a beacon in the wash of pale frozen colors clipped neatly onto his ear.
“Your a filthy traitor, fox” he hears quackity growl, both freezing at teh cackle teh accused lets out, as cold and numbing as the air around them.
“I am no traitor” he humms calmly, shifting as he speaks, an air of cool confidence radiating off him, “i was born of the bitter cold and the wilds” their eyes meet and tubbo finds no comfort, no warmth, in the deep near endless brown. “I am the child of the empire” he states calmly.
With those simple words everything clicked thousands of things falling into place as the world raged around them, the crys of a whither and the blizzard falling deathly silent as tubbo stared at and ally that never was and finds himself whispering teh next words along side the other,as fundy states it clearly tubbo breaths it liek a prayer
“The empire of anarchy”
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Control P14
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I sat playing some chess with myself every so often looking up at y/n as she stood looking in the mirror she was picking herself apart again I know she is. They said it's part of the metal stain of her being pregnant that she can't help but pick at herself but I couldn't stop smiling looking at her in her big dress her bumb was so big now she looked adorable, with a beautiful glow I just wanted to cuddle her as tight as possible and give her a million kisses
"Do I look fat?"
"...... How... how do you want me to answer that?"
"I don't want to answer that"
'why not?"
"Because I think this question is a trap, And I don't wanna sleep in the bathtub. Again"
"Do I look fat?" She asks again
"... Yes. But! That's because of baby."
"I thought so" she sighed
"Little lady. Of course your going to be fat. You are growing an intier human in your stomach if you where still as skinny I'd be a bit concerned about baby"
"Benny do you still find me attractive?"
"Are you kidding? Of course I do" I laughed getting up and giving her a cuddle and a kiss "why wouldn't I find you attractive?"
"I'm all spotty, and fat and my feet are too swollen for shoes, and-"
"And you still look beautiful. Infact even more beautiful then before, you look amazing outstandingly beautiful growing our little baby"
"Benny? Do you still think I'm sexy?"
"Do you think I'm sexy? Do you still find me desirable?"
"Of course I do. You look very sexy little lady"
"You think so?"
"Of course. You look beautiful and cute and sexy my perfect little wifey"
"Not your wife"
"But you will be. After baby comes"
"Did you still want to have sex with me?"
"If you wanna have sex? I'll happily be involved"
"I'm not sure we can"
"Why not?"
"With baby in the way?"
"I'll just have to be careful around baby,"
"You want to?"
"I am not the question here I always want to so it's up to you y/n"
"Will you still think I look beautiful with the bump?"
"I think you'll look even sexier"
She gently elbowed me and went off to the bathroom I smirked and locked the house up already excited we had barely done more then a little foreplay since we found out about the baby I was a little curious why she ran off to the bathroom, I fixed my hair a little and undid my shirt the way she likes it staying a little more calone as I was likely to get a little sweaty but as I sat on the bed the door creaked open revealing an adorable sight!
My sweet little y/n, leant on the door frame in a long white sheer nightie with only a little lace to cover what was important and mostly what I wanted to see, her breasts hanging out much larger now give she is heavily pregnant, and her huge baby bumb sitting so perfectly cradled by the lace she was nervous and clearly embarrassed about how she looked but I couldn't stop smiling
"Awwww look at you two! Look how adorable you both look" I smiled holding her hand and pulling her to stand between my legs "look at my sexy little lady, and with baby hanging out looking all beautiful"
"Benny" she giggled
"Awww look how cute and sexy you are" I smirked giving her a tight cuddle "with little Emily hanging out"
"What? you don't like her name?"
"I would not like her to be named Emily"
"a girl named Emily picked on me when I was little"
"Awww, okay little lady" I smiled giving her head a kiss "in that case... if it's a boy. not Jeremy"
"why not?"
".... he knows what he did"
"Okay, no Jeremy. Maybe... Jr."
"Jr? maybe. Or maybe Alison"
"Maybe, But. I win. I still think you're attractive. And desirable. And sexy. Just as irresistible if not more my love"
"You mean it?"
"Of course I do" I smiled holding her hands "Second more beautiful person in the whole word"
"After you?" she giggled
"After Her" I smiled stroking her baby bump and she looked like she could cry "And then you. And then me"
"I love you" she smiled hugging me tightly
"I love you too"
I laid in bed cuddling y/n as close as I could stroking her stomach slowly feeling baby kick ever so often
"Benny?" Y/n whispered gently shoving me
"Benny?" She whispered again
"Umm what's the matter little lady?" I groaned sitting up a little "is it baby?"
"Kinda" she says turning to lay on her back
"Okay, I'll pack your bags go up to that car" I yawned going to get up
"No Benny not that" she giggled
"Ohh? Then what is it, little lady?"
"There's that twenty-four hours store down the road right?"
".... Yes?"
"Can you get me something?" She asks
I glanced at the clock trying desperately not to fall asleep again "it's three in the morning?"
"Yeah?" She shrugs stroking her baby bump
"Alright" I yawn, getting out of bed having a stretch and grabbing my jeans "what do you want?"
"Could I have some donuts?"
"Okay, filled or round?"
"Filled. No round."
"Both?" I suggested
"Both" she giggled
"Anything else?"
"A super red slushie? Maybe some chocolate?"
"Red slushie. Chocolate, Donuts" I nodded, getting my black t-shirt on "anything else?"
"A hot dog?"
"Okay little lady. Baby's hungry tonight" I laughed giving her head a kiss "I'll be as quick as I can" I reassured her getting my wallet from the table and my coat from the hook
"Benny?" She calls
"Maybe some chicken nuggets?"
"Fried chicken or chicken nuggets?' I laughed getting my hat on
"Nugget please"
"Okay, back in a bit y/n" I laughed heading out locking the door
I sat sorting my chess board out giving the house a bit of an organized
"What's going on?" Y/n asked as she climbed out of the shower having to hold her towel as it was only halfway around her as we now had no towels big enough For her and her bump
"You're cleaning up"
"I know, well I don't want my little lady overworking herself" I smiled giving her a kiss "And I have the boys coming over tonight. If that's okay?"
"That's fine benny" she giggled "Is Clio coming too?"
"Ohh who knows, with her" I laughed "Maybe"
"she keeps calling that she wants to see baby"
"Aww everyone wants to see baby, they're all gonna go crazy when they're born"
"probably" she giggled nuzzling into my neck
"The boys will be coming around soon, did you need a hand with your dress?"
"I'll be okay" she smiled going off to the bedroom to get dressed
"you need a hand you call me alright?"
"I will" she giggled so I finished up with the house and began to set up the boards ready for everyone to arrive and it had been a good hour not since she went into our bedroom
"Y/n? you okay little lady?" I asked her
"trial and error benny"
"What do you mean by trial and error?"
"I am pregnant benny, I have to trial and error every dress I own until such a time as I can actually fit into one"
"Are you actually out of dress?"
"You have like sixteen thousand dresses"
"I do not!"
"Ohh yes you do. I know. you moved in with me remember I had to find space for your hundreds of dresses"
"I own at most sixty dresses, just because you own six shirts benny three of which are the same shirt"
"to be fair you said you liked my green shirt, so you can't get mad when I went to the store and got two more of the same shirt."
"yes, but it greatly confuses me when I do laundry"
"Aww I'm sorry, I just wanna look good for my baby mama"
"Ohh quiet you" she laughed, still being in the bedroom a while longer until "Benny?"
"Yes my little angel?"
"We have a problem" she says opening the door to the bedroom and she stood hair and makeup done in her life light blue dress with white spots, her bump cradled so gently in the flowing skirt but I noticed the problem instantly due to her uhhh growth it was tight on her breasts and I mean tight I could see her breathing I could see her curves and the little texture marks in her skin i admit I was kinda starting a little, I cannot explain how tight this was almost impossibly tight like if as so much as took a deep breath her. Breasts would jump ship into my hands then again not like I'd mind
"Uummmm yes. That uhh that is a problem" I muttered till she picked my head up to look at her face "can you breathe properly?"
"Yes, it's just snug"
"Really snug. Like really really snug. Your uhhh your boobs are really growing lately"
"I'm pregnant they will" she sighed "what do I do?"
"I would suggest a different dress"
"It's the only one I have that fits me"
"Ahh... then I suggest a cardigan"
"Okay" she smiled going and getting one to match her dress
"You do look beautiful though"
"With my boobs out"
"They did look good, and with baby hanging out and all I just think you look beautiful"
"Thank you benny" she smiled nuzzling close so I hugged her too stroking her bump I smiled and gave her lips a little kiss which she happily returned it getting more passionate every moment until I heard the door so I sighed
"I stand around for an hour they don't show up, I make out with my fiancee for one damn minute and they show up"
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laws-hat-headcanons · 3 years
Hi hat! I have a whole long list of favorite characters and it shifts every few months or so. But the past few months it's been Kiku and Izo supremacy in my head forever ;D Do you have any characters that used to be your faves but you shifted away from? Hope you have a lovely day!
Hey Hazel!
I 100% can back Kiku because she has been a bamf so far in the Wano arc, but I never really clicked with Izo. Infact I feel like I might have missed a big section of One Piece in which everyone fell in love with the White Beard pirates because I just struggle so much with all of them!!
But I can definitely see why you like them.
To be honest I really used to love Law and while I still think he's an awesome character it's Kid pirates that are living in my head rent free right now 🙃
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My thoughts about shipping in BTS
When I was very new to fandom I didn’t even know what it means to be shipping. I felt awkward. I felt the shipping videos out there are really exaggerated with hidden agenda to prove “xy ship is real”. Honestly I’m fed up with that sentence in almost all shipping videos. What’s more funny is “xy ship is more real than my existence” like seriously!!!!! Shipping as friends is adorable to be honest. Finding a pair within a group cute is very common, okay sometimes, we might also feel that a pair may be more than friends. But we should not get obsessed with that thought. Because obsession leads to many disasters. With all might, go ahead, watch all the xy ship videos, make one, discuss about it in whichever forum you need but in a respectful manner. Just because you are shipping x and y doesn’t mean you have rights to degrade z or x and z’s bond or y and z’s bond. You cannot nullify any member’s bond.
Honestly, I don’t know much about other groups, I mean I did try to look into other groups like STRAY KIDS, ATEEZ, but I don’t follow-up with their contents. So what I want to say is, this shipping is something you see in every groups be it, friendship, brotherhood, or couple. And it would be stupidity to think that members or company is unaware of it (insert a clown hat). They aren’t kids, they know what is happening in their respective fandoms. Do I think shipping x and y in a romantic way will make x and y uncomfortable and eventually make them stop interacting onscreen? No. If you ask me they would just laugh at it. Hahahaha. Or sometimes, they might even troll the shippers (sssshhhh).
As I said earlier, when I was new to fandom, I was vastly exposed to shipping videos. I used to get random recommendations. And I have this habit of reading comments in youtube, so it used to be very obvious for me to see shippers here and there shouting out their ship names which indeed made me curious. Let me name the ships I confronted during these scenarios, TAEKOOK, NAMJIN, YOONMIN. These are the 3 ships I was exposed to when I entered the fandom. I have even watched few of shipping videos. Do I think they are all real? Yes. But not the way they portrayed. I definitely believe in their friendships. Infact, I believe they all love each other and care other. I won’t say equally because that is literally not possible. If you ever had a best friend gang or group consisting of more than 2 people, then you might relate to this. We don’t usually treat everyone the same. It varies from person to person. But we value everyone the same. So what I’m trying to say is, if a member is close to another member, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are dating. It just means they are way more comfortable with each other. You cannot and should not use their bond to nullify other member’s bond or prove your ship’s superiority and most importantly we should not compare any member’s bond. Like I said, we don’t necessarily treat every best friends or friends the same.
Every members in BTS have unique dynamics with each other. Ofcourse, I don’t know them personally, but from where and what I can see, it’s clear for me. Because you cannot fake things for 8 insane years. I’ll be telling my views on each duo in a separate post. Now coming back to shipping and shippers who ship them in a romantic way. As I said, you are free to do whatever you want, but in a respectful manner. We don’t own them afterall. The foundation of most of the ships to be real according to many shippers is skinship. I really don’t find anything suspicious with their skinships. And yeah again, we also cannot completely deny some chemistry. I’ll definitely touch that topic sometime later.
As you can see, I’m JIMIN biased and that pure soul suffers the most (honestly the whole maknae line) in this shipping calamities. I really think JIMIN is misinterpreted and misunderstood most of the times. I’ll be writing on that topic too. It’s not bad to have favorites within group and you can also shower them with endless compliments no harms but don’t diss other members to hype up your favorite person. If you want and can, hype up your favorite ship using their moments. Don’t try and downplay other’s bond to justify your ship. That’s high level of hypocrisy. And what’s more disgusting is using term “fanservice”. If that makes you happy, go ahead and think like that but don’t dare to degrade other members. Sometimes, I find it funny to watch videos which says, “why x and y are not couple and are brothers” like seriously, people must grow up. If you think you need those videos to prove x and y are brothers, then step back and think what is it forcing you to make that video LMAO.
At last, I hope we all here are matured ones and have the ability to think and atleast have minimum common sense to respect each and every individual. It’s fine not to love a member but know your limits. None of them owe you anything. 
Let’s be honest, we admire them for who they are, many of us find happiness in them, many of us listen to their music because they heal us, so it’s our prime duty to respect each and every member. We should never forget all 7 members makes BTS.
Thank you,
Amaira :)
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safitheartist · 5 years
Also, I think it's important to say that I do in general agree that Damian probably wouldn't celebrate christmas in any meaningfull way and depicting him as doing so can infact be problematic.
I personally don't take offense with christmas hats, but that's because I come form a half white background, growing up in a christian centric country. I get that my view of things is framed by my up bringing.
I also don't really view christmas hats as anything connected to the religion itself, but rather to the commercial aspect of it.
And my dad has been acting as Santa during several charity events over the years despite being converted Muslim.
So I just kinda grew desentizised to it I guess.
However even I know how frustrating the generalization of christianity can be. I had to deal with several people asking me why I don't celebrate christmas, some of which I already told I and my family are Muslim, even from fellow Muslims who grew up here. Telling me stuff like "But you can still celebrate!" Which, I guess we can in theory, but we don't? We haven't celebrated christmas in the traditional sense ever.
My parents just bought us presents when we were little so we wouldn't feel left out, we never had to wait till morning to open them, or were made to believe that Santa was real, we just had a fun family evening and once we grew older and understood that christmas just isn't a holiday we celebrate and we didn't get sad about not getting presents like other kids, we just stopped.
There really shouldn't be anything to saying "we don't celebrate christmas" but alas people are still being weird about it.
This wide spread generilization of christmas, the main christian holiday, as some universal thing everyone can celebrate, while people keep being ignorant to other cultures traditions and holidays is bound to make people uncomfortable.
Especially with christianty's history in religious opression and colonization all over the world.
Seeing this extended to fictional characters we share ethnicity and or even believe systems with can be super disheartening.
It's like, yeah, sure, you don't have to be christian to celebrate Christmas I guess, but you also shouldn't have to celebrate christmas as a none christian.
Seeing people then draw fictional non christian characters celebrating the holiday, especially christian artist, is pushing a narrative that just futhers a social presure where not celebrating this holyday of a religion you are not part of is viewed as strange and questionable.
This entire thing of "christmas is for everyone" long since stopped being about "sharing" the holiday and is more about forcing it onto people.
And seeing the relationship Christianity has shared with Judaism and Islam over the last centuries?
Yeah. Of course people are starting to get pissed about this. It's like a person who constanly has punched you in the gut in the past suddenly forces you to attend their birthday party while being passive aggresive as fuck about it.
It's just natural that people are uncomfortable and you probably should stop doing shit like this just because you don't understand their standpoint.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Cordonian Wags
Part 7 - Mystery person
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In a world full of Professional footballers and their demanding wives- can their football team nicknamed the ‘Cordonian Apples’ succeed? An American female physiotherapist joins the club. Will this cause issues with the footballers wives?
*This series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch*
Catch up on the previous chapter
Tags: @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @ibldw-main @texaskitten30 @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @whenyourheartskipsabeat @jovialyouthmusic @nz1091 @yukinagato2012 @indiacater
“So this is your place. It’s not what you’re used to.” The persons eyes scrutinised the tiny apartment- shocked that Riley would choose such a small scaled place to live in for the next nine months.
“Having a mansion isn’t all what it’s cracked up to be. It can make you miserable and lonely.”
“So what’s going off?”
“The first night I was here, I kissed one of the footballers. The next two nights I stupidly slept with him. His girlfriend did all this damage- I deserved it.” Riley showed the person, her ribs. Shaking her head she knew she was about to be lectured on the matter.
“It takes two to tango Ri. Don’t just blame yourself. I’m starving, shall we order some pizza?”
Leo had contacted Maxwell and after constantly begging, he finally got Riley’s address out of him. Maxwell felt a sting to his heart that she would leave without informing him. Did she not trust him?
Arriving at the block, Leo had hoped that his suspicions were correct. A light is on- I knew it. About to knock on the door, a young spotty teenager arrived just gawking at Leo.
“Can I help you?”
“Oh my god. You’re.. you’re Leo Rhys. You’re my favourite player for the apples. Can I have your autograph?” The teenager said, his mouth was still agape. It was fate that he would stumble across his favourite sports person. He wasn’t sure if he was dreaming or not.
“Kid you can have my autograph, if you allow me to deliver this pizza for you. Could I steal your hat too?”
“Erm... I don’t think my manager would approve of that.” Biting his lip, he would do anything to brag to his friends that he had met Leo Rhys but he also needed this job.
Rolling his eyes back, Leo whipped out his wallet.
“Will an autograph, a selfie and €100 make you reconsider?” This was the second time Leo had to beg someone this day.
“Yes sir.”
Leo put on the tight cap- not quite believing that he was degrading himself to do this. Holding the heavy bag full of piping hot food he had wondered exactly what Riley had ordered. Surely she couldn’t eat all of that to herself.
“Leo!” Riley moved closer to him and closed the door behind her.
“Care to explain?”
“Would you believe me if I said that the flight got cancelled?”
“And I’m the Virgin Mary! What’s going on? Who have you got in there? Walker?”
“I haven’t spoken to him. To be honest I don’t think I should speak to him.”
“Well then who?”
“Leo, you really don’t want to go in there.” Riley attempted to pull him away from the door, but he was too strong and eager to figure out what secret she was hiding.
“Watch me Riley! We took you to the airport behind Olivia’s back. You owe me that.”
“Leo, please!”
Leo forced his way through the door, shit Riley thought. Leo froze, he didn’t know what to expect when he stormed through the door into the quaint apartment. Sighing, Riley knew she had to do the introductions.
“This is my older sister, Lindsey. She came to visit. I didn’t want anyone to disturb us so that’s why I made it look like I was leaving. I’m so sorry Leo, I just needed her here with me after everything that has happened.”
Leo was just staring at Lindsey, she was just as attractive as Riley. Gulping he went to introduce himself to her.
“Well seen as though I’ve ended up paying over the odds for your take out, I’m inviting myself to stay.”
“What about Madeleine?”
“Fuck her. I’ll have better company here.” Winking at Lindsey.
Savannah was awoken, hearing screaming from the spare room. Drake!
Jumping out of bed, she immediately rushed to Drake. Opening the door, her eyes widened at him having a nightmare.
“Drake! Wake up. It’s me, Savannah.”
“Sorry Sav.”
“You were having a nightmare. Are you okay?”
“I have them every so often. I haven’t had one for a while. I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologising. What was it about?”
Drake stumbled out of the taxi outside his log cabin- it was his first night out after becoming injured. He had been on bed rest, Kiara being the doting girlfriend attended to his every need. Finally relieved to have had the all clear and to play football again- his team mates arranged a night out to celebrate that their midfielder attacker was back in action.
Falling over as he reached the front door- he heard it swing open with a force and more louder than usual. Kiara was stood there arms folded, shaking her head.
“You’re a disgrace! And you look scruffy! You need a haircut Drake.”
“I thought you liked the long hair and beard?”
“I said that to make you feel better about yourself. Get to bed Drake. I hope you haven’t spent a lot!”
“I will spend what I want. I earn the money Ki.”
“Well. Don’t ever go out with them again. You don’t need them to have fun. You have me and only me.”
“I have my family too- Savannah and Bartie.”
“No you don’t. I am your family Drake. She doesn’t care about you. She disappeared for god knows how long.”
“She does care about me, she had no choice.”
“As I said I’m all you need.”
Drake tried to walk to his bed, instead he crawled. He lacked the energy- the room was spinning, as if he was riding a waltzer.
“Drake! Walk will you? You’re useless.”
kicking him in the head attempting to get him to move, Drake was shook up with this unexpected move. If it didn’t have such force, as if she was taking a penalty- he could have believed that this was an accident. Kiara then dragged him up by his shirt into a sitting position leaning him against the wall. Experiencing extreme dizziness- he wasn’t sure if it was due to the alcohol or Kiara’s kick. Every step closer she made towards him, he cowered whilst she just laughed in his face. Seeing flashing lights in front of him - he felt like his brain was bumping against the back of his skull. He didn’t know who this person was- this wasn’t the Kiara he fell in love with.
“Kiara! I’m sorry. Please. I won’t ever go out with the team again. Please don’t hurt me again.”
Flinching as she came near him, he protected his face with his hands. She kissed him on his forehead- leaving him surrounded in a puddle of blood as if nothing had happened.
The morning after, Drake felt the pain due to his facial injuries. Every muscle in his body had seized up- every movement he made was jerky. He was laid in bed wearing the clothes he was wearing the previous night. Noticing a rip in his shirt, he needed to force himself to a mirror to see what other damage there could be. The top of his head was slightly bruised from where she kicked him with an almighty force, and his face contained spots of dried up blood. Drake began crying, possibly more than when dad passed away. The sadness in his eyes, slowed his speech down.
“I hope you learnt your lesson Drake. I love you. It’s just you and me, remember.”
“That was the first time she became someone I didn’t know. I keep having flashbacks from different situations. I’m sorry.” Savannah had tears in her eyes, thinking about how Kiara could potentially abuse him in so many different ways in such a short time.
“How about you and I watch a rom com, pig out on Ben and Jerry’s? Who needs sleep anyway?”
“Rom com? Where everyone’s love life is perfect. No, thank you.”
“Tv series then? I’ll let you choose.”
Savannah cuddled up next to Drake after raiding her fridge freezer for junk food. They stayed awake laughing at the tv, Drake was grateful for his baby sister helping him feel loved again.
The morning after Riley was knackered, Leo did infact invite himself to stay- Riley assumed it was just for food. Instead he stayed and got laid, Riley would never be able to look at him or her sister straight again. Both Riley and Leo was included in a group text.
“Do not respond! Please. I don’t want anymore shit occurring before the match tomorrow. Please Leo.”
“Well I tell you what, why don’t we do something today- just the three of us?”
“I don’t mean to sound rude, but I need sleep. You two kept me up all night.” She shuddered.
“Sorry Ri.”
“You do know he’s married right?”
“You do know you fucked someone who’s practically married too?”
“Yes. Biggest mistake of my life. Get out of here you two, I need sleep!” Riley dramatically faked yawned pushing them both out of the door.
Riley caught up on her sleep, too many notifications were on her phone. Sighing, she didn’t want to read them. Leo and Lindsey had invited her to a restaurant in the capitol for a late lunch. Why not?
Quickly getting dressed she decided to stay t total for the big match tomorrow. Driving into the capitol she parked up. She wasn’t sure where the location of the restaurant was- thank god for google maps.
Leo and Lindsey held hands as they walked towards the restaurant. He didn’t care if the press was following him and snapped them. Turning her around he cupped her cheeks and kissed her passionately.
Savannah, Maxwell, Hana and Drake had decided to go shopping and for a lunch date. Drake had bought a new phone, along with a new number so Kiara couldn’t contact him. With the help of Savannah, he had seeked some advice of how to get Kiara out of his house. The locksmith was going to change the locks when they knew she was out, and if she returned he was going to gain an injunction. It was the least he could do- he could potentially press charges. Turning the corner, they saw Leo locking his lips with a brunette. The friends all paused- all assuming it was Riley. Savannah, held Drake back. She knew this would break his heart.
Leo removed himself from Lindsey, and hid her behind him.
“Hey guys. What are you all doing?”
“What are you doing with Riley? I thought she had left?” Leo let out a little laugh.
“Why are you laughing?” Savannah narrowed her eyes. The mystery woman, stood at the side of Leo.
“I’m not Riley. At times, I wish I was. I’m Lindsey. Lindsey Brooks. Riley is my kid sister.”
Savannah felt Drake become less tense. Relieved that the captain hadn’t stolen the one thing that was positive in his life.
“We are going for lunch. Are you all going to tag along?”
They all declined, still in shock at how affectionate Leo was in public with Lindsey. He used to be so careful. Maybe now with Madeleine’s affair exposed he didn’t give a damn what the press said about him as he could use that against her.
Riley eventually found the restaurant, she was useless with directions. Possibly due to having limos transport her in the past, or Xavier driving them in his Lamborghini. The three of them had a quiet meal, Riley narrowed her eyes at Leo with the amount of alcohol he had been drinking- she advised him to slow down.
“Yes ma’am! Last one I promise.”
The trio got in Riley’s car, and she drove them back to her flat. Playing the third wheel again, Riley knew she wasn’t going to get much sleep.
The morning after was the first match the team was playing this season. It was a home match, against their neighbour rivals. The men all got changed into their kits, they all seemed nervous due to it being the first match.
Sitting on the dressing room benches, they all wondered why their captain wasn’t present. Constantine walked in with Bertrand who was acting as care taker manager and head coach. They was still awaiting for the new manager to confirm the position- hoping it wouldn’t be too long.
“Where’s Leo? And has anyone heard from Riley?” Bertrand snapped.
The men all looked at each other not knowing how to answer this question.
“Due to Miss Brooks not being here, I’m glad I brought your old physio back to help her out. By the looks of things Bastien will be your physio for today.” Constantine said whilst smirking at Drake who was holding his head in his hands. Just the mention of her name and her disappearance broke his heart. He was blaming himself.
Riley felt exhausted, waking up she actually wondered how much sleep she had. Every time her eyes shut, her two guests would wake her up. I must invest in some ear muffs.
With the lack of energy, she reached over for her phone, her eyes squinted as she was still half asleep. 11am- shit!
The match kicked off in an hour and half. She thought her mind was playing tricks on her. Rubbing her eyes, removing the remainder of sleep away- she realised it was in fact the correct time. Falling off the sofa, she had to wake Leo up. Running into her room, wearing skimpy shorts and a crop top- she hoped Leo and Lindsey were more covered up than she was.
“Leo! Get up now!”
“Where’s the fire? Nice tattoo by the way.”
“Erm.. it was a drunk decision to have it. Get up! It’s 11am!”
Leo stumbled out of bed, struggling to get dressed- losing his balance. Riley made them all a strong coffee. The three of them quickly drank the black liquid, and headed straight towards the stadium.
Bastien walked into the dressing room. He had retired after last season, but was loyal to Constantine and said he would still be around to help if need be.
The men were just finishing their prep talk. They could hear fans enter the stadium, chanting- all feeling excited for the new season to begin.
The door swung open, nearly taking it off its hinges.
“Leo, Riley. So nice of both to finally greet us with your presence.” The two of them entered the room out of breath, ignoring Constantine’s sarcasm. Riley’s eyes fixated on Drake, who softly smiled at her. Lindsey slowly followed the two into the room.
“Oh it’s so nice to see my two favourite girls here together.” Bastien said as he hugged Riley and Lindsey tightly.
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irepookie · 5 years
Infinity Ch.6- Of Unicorns and Fairies.
Summary: QUEEN AU where Roger Taylor is a young single dad struggling to make it into music industry.
Warnings: not really. Just fluff, sappiness and swearwords here and there
Disclaimer : I don't own the pictures. The boys are based on Queen, (but slightly changed for the sake of the plot). Piper, Gina and Callie are mine.
So, I’ve decided to change the names back for this chapter, just because.
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Found this pic on Tumblr, don’t remember where. Sorry. 
None of the boys would ever forget the first time they met their niece...
It was four days after Rog and Piper's first day at home. All he seemed to do was feed, being puked on, change, being peed/ pooped on, not sleep, survive on coffee, walk around, feed, being puked on... Oh, and cry. Sometimes it was just impossible not to join her.
Besides, if she didn't decide to grow out of the skin to skin thing and found another way to content herself soon, Rog was going to catch some serious cold.
That's why he was happy to get a call from the boys, that gave him a reason to walk out of the feed-puke-change cycle for a while. Also he was glad to speak with somebody without cooing.
All of that said, the prospect of leaving the house for the first time with Piper was scary.
"C'mon Rog, we gotta knock the last demo out before we can send the album" Brian insisted, when he said he'd <<think about it>>.
"And we wanna meet her!" Fred's voice chimed in from the background.
"You do?" He replied above her cries as he laid her on her tummy so she rested across his forearm. "Shhhhh"
"Of course!" Brian reassured. "She's our niece!"
"I don't know man..." He trailed off,  looking down at his kid, who screamed for no apparent reason, making him feel a total useless man for the third time that morning. "She isn't feeling well. And honestly I'm feeling like a piece of  shit too. Haven't slept in 5 days" he then softened his tone looking down at the little girl as he swayed her side to side in a vain attempt to calm the two of them down. "Hush Princess. You're alright."
"C'mon. Don't make us go there. We expect you there at 3..."
"3 Is tummy time" he said automatically.
"Tummy time? What the hell??" Brian had the same reaction he had when reading about it. It did sound ridiculous if you didn't know what it was about
"Yes it's... Lay her on her stomach so she'll eventually learn to hold her head and stuff. It's very important."
He tried to remember the long list of benefits he had read countless times in the books, but his brain told him to piss off.
"And how long does that take you?" The guitarist sighed.
"Oh just a couple minutes but she can get a bit cranky and that's like... I don't know, the time to get her settled down is different each time and... Right after that it's her feed, and I wanna do that here just in case she gets sick on me which is apparently like her own little Olympic sport so then I'll have to bath her and get her ready. And then... Look, 4-4:15 sounds alright? She'll be asleep by then and I'll have time for one song."
"Ufff..  I'm exhausted just from hearing you pal." Brian chuckled. "Okay, come at 4. We'll get our parts recorded so you do yours when you get there. So our silly mistakes won't ruin your tempo" he mocked.
"Yea, yes whatever." Rog chuckled too, feeling the nappy to see if that was the problem.
"But if you don't like our arrangement,. you can fuck yourself okay?"
"What-fucking-ever mate." He replied. The nappy was not wrong, and he was running out of goddamn ideas.
"John asks if You still remember to play." Brian laughed.
Rog didn't dignify that with a reply and simply hung up to focuse on his daughter. She had to be fine! "Hey baby, what's wrong? C'mon," he pleaded "I've just fed you, and you can't be dirty yet. So what's the matter, hon? Give me a clue and I swear I'll figure it out but I need your help darl'." He began to pace around the small apartment, and placed his hand on her back for support.
He adored her, really, but for someone who couldn't even roll on herself, or anything at all by herself, she kept him on his toes and worn out.
"Come on, come... Oww." Just as requested, Piper replied to his questions by puking all over him. Fuck. He always forgot to burp her after the feeds! He just couldn't remember it when he had to. And the Prune always made him pay the price. He sighed, giving in to the cycle again.
Thankfully, just as Rog had predicted, by 4 Piper had settled into sleep, after being changed, fed, and everything. She was all ready to go. And so was Rog. Or so he thought.
Had he grabbed enough formula? What if he lost a pinky? Better get them all. It was February, maybe she'd get cold so he grabbed a few more blankets. And a parenting book just in case something new happened he didn't know how to handle. Oh and a change of clothes, and half a packet of nappies. And some toys so she wouldn't get bored. Okay, now they were ready to... Oh fuck, where had he left the car keys?!
To put a long story short, he basically ended up stuffing three extra bags into the car "just in case" but almost forgot Piper inside.
Meanwhile, in the studio….
"He's late." Fred pointed out when the clock ticked 5 and their drummer still hadn't shown up. That was usually Fred, who was often late and even tho Rog came close second, it was unlike him to take this long.
Then again, Rog was pretty much unlike himself lately.
"Do you think they're fine?"
"Sure. Maybe he's just fallen asleep." John reassured.
"Maybe he's had to go back cause he's forgotten the baby." Fred giggled. That would be something Rog was totally capable of.
Suddenly the door opened, and Rog entered with a bag one hand Piper's car seat on the other. His hair couldn't be messier if he tried, and... Was that vomit on his shoulder?
"This is she then?"
"The one and only." Rog beamed proudly as he set the carseat where they could all have a look at his newborn daughter.
"She's... " Brian raised an eyebrow, not really sure of what to say. "Um... what's the regular comment?"
"Oh you can say it. She's a prune." Rog admitted, while readjusting the green blanket on her for the 10th time since they had left home. She was wearing 5 layers plus the blanket, and honestly looked so cozy Rog was proud of himself; if he managed to end this first outing without the prune catching a cold, he'd consider this a success.
They nodded in agreement. She was a . wrinkly thing for sure.
"And this is nothing compared to how she looked on her birth day." Rog continued. "But she's a beautiful prune. My lil' raisin" he smiled softly at her before glaring menacingly at his band mates. "And I will punch the shit out of whoever disagrees."
The other three laughed nervously, instinctively backing up a little. They knew Rowan Queen wasn't one to joke about punching.
"She's one cute prune." John agreed a smile from ear to ear, going to hug his friend, soon joined by the other two.
"Em, what's that smell?" Fred said, as they all scrunched their noses and looked down at the carseat.
"I don't smell anything."
"Well, pal... She must've killed your nasal nerves or something cause... Damn" Brian said
"But she can't... I mean she's just gone." Rog leaned over to sniff around his daughter sides so he wouldn't disturb her. "Nope. Not her."
Fred leaned over him and breathed. "When was the last time you took a shower, man?"
The thoughtful expression on their friend's face was all the answer they needed.
"It's you" they all said at once.
"Aw, fuck really tho?" Rog smelt his armpit. "I still don't smell anything"
"Brain defense mechanism." Brian pointed out. "Oh wait you missed that biology class cause you were hangover again."
"Shut up, Brian. I'm hella sleep deprived you don't want to mess with me."
The others chuckled. He was the embodiment of exhaustion, but something had changed. He looked... Happier somehow. And still capable of punching someone in the face if tempted.
"So, let's begin." Rog clapped his hands together, anxious to finally get back behind the drums.
"Wait, you just gonna leave her here?" Ren asked.
"Yes. I can see her just fine from my spot. C'mon." He leaned over to kiss her forehead and entered the booth.
"Ain't getting in there with you, stinky dumpster." John scrunched up his nose.
"You're the ones who wanted me to be in the studio." Rog crossed the door and sat on his beloved stool. Damn it felt good to be back.
He had been so busy with Pips he hadn't really thought about drums, but now he realized how much he needed this.
"Where do we begin?"
"Sandstorm. Remember?" Brian smirked.
"Yes you just... Get the stick, hit the snares..." John joked.
"Don't forget the metal yellow Chinese hats. They're cymbals."  Fred chimed in too.
"And that pedal you have there? That's a base drum, very important."
He rolled his eyes, but played along, after letting his eyes flick to Pips. "How? Like this?" He played badly on purpose.
"Yes, lastly, there's a thing called rhythm , y'know? Try now?" Fred added.
His eyes flicked again to Pip, who stirred slightly. "Okay enough bullshit. Let's get started."
They did it in one take as he didn't lose tempo at all. Infact he was somewhat proud of himself for still having the skill on the kit. (Because, it had been less than two weeks since he had last sat on the stool, but it felt like years.) He also found his eyes flicking to his Piper every ten seconds or so, feeling the compulsive need to make sure he was fine.
Of course she was. She was sleeping in the car seat, nothing was gonna happen.
Timing was perfect. Just as the song was ending, he saw her begin to squirm in her car seat.
He finished the final bit with his eyes nailed on her, even sped up the tempo unconsciously, anxious to finish so he could get to her.
The other members noticed, of course, but didn't say anything when following his gaze towards the squirming infant and figuring out. They'd re-do the last bit later. That could wait. But watching Roger Taylor  interact with a baby -not any baby, but HIS own baby- was something as unimaginable for them at that point as seeing a fairy riding a flying yellow unicorn.
They didn't know what to expect.
"Hello sweetheart." He cooed, exiting the soundproofed glass to the table where her carseat sat and lifting her small squirming body to his sweaty chest. "Hey my love. Hey. Hush. Shush.  What is it? What's the matter darling?" He cooed, kissing her forehead. She was unusually warm. "Hey, you're feeling hot baby? Hmm? Well let me take care of that."
He lowered her to the couch and unswaddled her before taking another layer out. Maybe he had overdressed her. It was the first time they were properly out and he didn't know what to expect, so he decided to stuff her into 5 layers, before bundling her up. Okay now he knew that was overdoing it. "There we are lovie. C'mere." He brought her back to his chest, a smile escaping his lips when he felt the gentle tug of her small hand wrapping around his hair.
"Shhhhh. It's alright. It's okay baby." He began to pace rythmically around the room for a few minutes, until she calmed down. "There you are, you just wanted Daddy huh? Well I missed you too lil prune" he spoke, oblivious to everything else including the three pairs of eyes following them around as if he was a unicorn holding a fairy.
Damn he was like a completely different person.
"I didn't know he was so good with kids." Brian mumbled, all his doubts and worries clearing, if only a bit, at the look in his friends eyes.
Rog had always looked like he would become the typical bachelor with no ties and no commitment. Now he just looked like someone who was desperately in love.
"Paternal instinct, gentleman" John announced. "But I'm surprised he has one, tho." He added, after a moment of consideration.
The three of them had made a bet on whether the drummer would knock someone up, and apparently he and Brian had won Fred. John had been the closest: he said he'd do it before finishing high school.
But none of them had gone beyond that. Nobody was crazy enough to ever see this outcome happening. However, from that first conversation on the phone, something in his brother's voice when he told them about his new <<Lil'raisin>> sounded just right to him. And the way he now paced the room clutching the small bundle to him as if she was a treasure, just proved his point even more.
"Daddy..." was all Fred managed to mouth out of the hundreds of thoughts flashing on his brain. He was, to put it simple, speechless, but we'll get to that later.
"You're gonna love this place when you grow up, yes you will." Rog's voice continued, as he made his way back to the table. "And we will teach you to play Everything. And I bet you will rock on drums, just like Daddy..." His heart jumped in his chest at the concept of teaching his Prune how to play.
"Yes, he's called himself Daddy without any... Sexual subtext" Brian commented back to Fred.
Oh Fred's subtext was very much so.
"Little Rog finally grown!" John grinned, startling the drummer, who jolted out his bubble and held his daughter close.
"What?!" He hissed, offering his index to the babe.
"Nothing, just..." Brian began.
"Commenting the situation." John grinned.
"Hmm" Was all Fred could hum, still transfixed in his trance.
His friends just waved it off. This had happened before, once backstage -well, if the Campus' canteen restroom counted as backstage-, while they got ready. He was fine after a while.
"Is she okay?" John nodded towards the infant, who hadn't quite settled down yet.
"Oh, yes. Just... Overheated. It's a new feeling to her, cause our home isn't exactly a warmest place, is It?" The new dad changed her to an upright position on his shoulder so he could rub comforting circles on her back. "No it's not, so we have to sleep all bundled up." He looked up at his friends "Which reminds me I need help with the crib. I don't have time to do it alone and I'm afraid to end up crushing her one night."
Well, scared is not the word. Rather <<Terrified to the point sometimes he only felt it safe to sleep on the floor.>>
"Sure mate. We can help you out while you take a well deserved and needed shower." Brian suggested.
"Sounds like a plan"
Meanwhile John approached from behind Rog to get a good look at her. She was still wrinkly, but her eyes were already captivating and John knew she would use them against all of them in no time. Of course it was too soon to make out who she looked like, let alone start trying to guess who the mother was. And... Wait, that on her forehead...  "Is she supposed to have acne already?"
"Yep. I freaked out too when I saw it was, but it'll disappear in a bit." Rog said "Wanna hold her?"
"Woah, you sharing your girls?"
"Gotta look for her pinky anyway."
John grinned and held his arms out.
"Know how it goes?" Rog questioned, without moving one muscle.
"I'm studying pediatric psychology." John said matter of factly.
"That you're studying kids don't mean you actually know what to do with them."
"You didn't even studied kids -or anything at all- and you're fine. I got a bonus."
"If you fucking drop or hurt her man..." Rog warned, suddenly insecure about letting his child go.
"Just give her over, damn." John urged.
Rog kissed her forehead and passed her to John so he had her nestled in his arms.
"All good?" Rog asked. It felt weird, after being just the two of them since they had been discharged, to see her in someone else's arms. Which was ridiculous cause he was only turn around for two minutes to look for whatever pinky that hadn't decided to hide away.
"Perfect. Stop being a moron and do what you have to do." John looked down at his niece "Hello darling Piper. I know your brain is still hardly developed at this point and you're not gonna remember any of this but I'm your uncle John and I already love you very much." And he did. He knew he'd do anything for that new little person.
"Sappy." Fred grinned, back to being his witty self again.
"You cried watching Titanic. Your argument is invalid." John replied, eyes not leaving the tiny girl, who stared back at him.
"Everyone does, always."
"It was the 10th time you watched it!"
"And I don't trust anyone who doesn't cry every time Jack..." He chose not to say it, or he'd break down just from recalling it.
"He's a silly one, that Fred, isn't he?" John cooed down at Piper, who kept looking at him with those round grey eyes, and he had a vision, or a prediction, that those eyes would make him buy her a pony in a few years time.
"I'll just never understand why people speak with that high pitched voice at kids. It's ridiculous" Brian rolled his brown eyes. He was an only child, and the youngest cousin of his family so he hadn't really got to treat with kids too often.
"Well, out of all of us You're the one  who sings like the Smurfs, so cut it." Rowan arrived with the purple pinky and carefully put it in her mouth.
"You gonna go back to sleep or you're done?" He asked with the highest note on his register, just to piss Brian off "We should probably get going to my place so I can shower while she's happy."
"Why the hurry?"
"Cause it's only matter of time before she needs something and I'm not letting you do it. Nor have the time to teach you how to change a nappy or make a bottle" he carefully took her from John and walked back to the carseat, placing her inside and slinging the bag on his shoulder.
"And for the record, you are the the one soprano here, Mr.Galileo." Brian said.
Rog pretended not to hear him, already crossing the door.
"No way."
That was the general reaction to the status of Rog’s appartement, now full of empty/ half full bottles of formula instead of booze, parenting books instead of Playboy magazine and Forbes... And the smell of powder instead of Marlboro.
Just Wow.
"Holy damn Rog" Fred said, unable to hide his amazement.
"What?" He placed the carseat on the kitchen table, and stared at his daughter -who had fallen back asleep with the car's movement- while debating on whether picking her up or not.
"You live in a... This..." He didn't have a right expression to describe what his apartment had turned into
"Is this the wrong house?" Bri joked.
"Nope." He settled on taking her out and putting her on his bed while he showered.
"You live in a bloody nursery" Fred finally said.
He chuckled. "Just haven't had time to organize. Tho I've already assumed she's gonna take a shitload of room. But that's okay." he cooed, gently swaying out of reflex even though she was asleep and didn't notice.
"You've never been good at sharing..." Brian started, but Rog wasn't going to have them pointing out what they thought he could or couldn't do. He had enough with Mom.
"What is this? A kindergarten lecture?" He interrupted.
"Apparently." Fred still couldn't believe his eyes.
"Well shut up and check out the crib."
"Where had she been sleeping?" John questioned as they followed.
"With me. Well, if we can call it sleep."
After 4 days on their own, Rog had got to nearly master the art of swaddling, or burrito Rollin as he liked to call it, and while he knew the likelihood of waking her up in the process was high, he knew it was a risk worth taking. Then again it had taken him forever to get her settled and... What was the worst thing that could happen?
"I'm gonna leave her here. Try not to sit on the mattress cause that may disturb her."
"Can we talk?" Fred whispered. He wasn’t used to babies, he didn’t want to break her or something.
"Yes, and you don't have to whisper. Talk normally. But don't fight. And just... Keep an eye on her, you know?" Rog said, before disappearing into the bathroom next room.
The three men nodded, and turned to the unassembled wooden crib leaning by the wall.  It was actually big for a newborn.
"Why didn't you get a smaller one?" Deaky asked, as he examined the item.
"Cause she'll eventually grow out of it and that will mean having to buy another one." Mom had wanted to give them a present, so he asked her for money to buy a nice crib that would hopefully resist the next couple years.
"Hopefully this one will make it through the next two years or so. Until it’s time to move her into a bed."
"Alright. On with it."
Only 5 minutes into it, Brian noticed the kid's arms moving, as if she was having spasms.
"Errr... Should we tell Rog about it?" He asked his flatmates.
Rog also heard it, tho, and stopped the shower in panic. "Tell me what? What's going on? Is she okay?"
"Is it normal for her not to stay still?" Freddie asked
"Like her limbs are all over the place?" Bri added
"Oh, yea. Fuck you goddamn scared me men!"
"Well she was scaring us!"
"It's normal. It's..." He didn't feel like infodumping an encyclopedic speech about that. He didn't wanna be one of those people. He sighed in relief and ran the shower again. "She's okay. Don't worry."
He closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm, refreshing sensation of the water falling over him. And the relaxing sound it made. Damn, it was good to have a moment of peace without having to worry about his kid being left alone, or feeling guilty that she was next room, or worrying about her waking up with him still in the shower.
Fuck yea, he could've fallen asleep in the act. And he would have
Brian May, John Deacon, and Freddie Mercury were pretty intelligent people. Brian was a honour student, John would have also been if he hadn't caught that flu during the last term of High School, and Fred... Maybe he wasn't the most focused and self disciplined student in the room, but he was creative and witty in his own way.
However, 20 minutes after starting with the crib, they still hadn't figured out one single thing.
"The bloody instructions are in Korean!" Fred complained.
"Yea, we've noticed!" Brian replied, through gritted teeth.
"Why the actual fuck did Rog buy this shit?!"
"It was the cheapest one, for sure." John guessed, pawing around in search of the nail that had just fallen.
"Fred, that screw doesn't go there!" Brian said
"Well it didn't fit anywhere else, so I'm just gonna try in every spot until the goddamn thing gets in!" Fred had never been one for patience.
"Goddamn it..." The guitarist shook his head, running his eyes through the manual one more time, in hopes that he'd come up with something. But no.
"It can't be so fucking hard!" Fred grunted in frustration.
"Guys, I think we're losing perspective here.  We should just calm down and~"
John was interrupted when a cry broke the air, just as Rog was almost done soaping his hair.
"I'll get her. You guys figure it out" Fred announced, anxious to get away the bloody crib.
"Ha. You've never been this near a baby before. I'll do it" John said, also standing up.
"You've already held her earlier. It's my turn." Brian spoke, jumping on his feet.
"Precisely because she's already met me...".
"Oh, bullshit! You just wanna leave us here with the fucking crib!"
"Watch your mouth, Fred! There's a kid..."
"Can  any of you just fucking get my daughter?" Rog's voice called from the bathroom.
John was the fastest, and he lifted the squirming infant up with one swift movement. "Hey darling."
She kept crying, and squirming all over the place.
"You got her?" Rog asked.
"Yep. What should I do?"
"Just hold her until I get out. I'm almost done."
"Okay" he manoeuvered the infant back  in the position he had her earlier, so he wouldn't drop her.
"Just careful, don't move her about too much. I almost drop her tonight when I was making a coffee. Poor Prune's got enough frights."
His friends chuckled. Rog will be Rog. Always clumsy.
"Hey, where's the hammer?" Fred asked Brian .
"Why would you want a bloody hammer now?"
"Cause I can't roll the goddamn screw in, so I'm gonna try smashing the little fucker in!"
"You're gonna break it like that!"
"Well you got better idea? Huh? I didn't think so, so give it here!" Fred demanded, snatching the tool from Brian.
Meanwhile, John was busy trying to entertain the babe until her dad  came. Then he noticed some red scratches on her already red face, his expression changing into concern "Rog" he called over the cries and the shouting between Brian and Fred.
"Yes?" He answered, blinking the urge to sleep away.
"Something's wrong..."
"I've told you, it's normal that she moves that much. Just hold on to her..."
"No, Rog, These cuts..."
"What cuts?!" That was all Rog needed to snap out the drowsiness. The shower stopped, and he jumped out the shower.
Fred almost drops the hammer at T's foot at the sight of soaking wet naked Rog.
He. Was. Hot.
A fucking deity.
Michelangelo's David.
But of course Rog was oblivious to it. Not to the fact that he was hot, that he knew, and had taken advantage of it. Take Piper for evidence.
But what he or the other two band members ignored was that for Fred, Rog was... Everything. And he'd be lying if he didn't say he had actually drawn the Michelangelo's David with Rog's gorgeous face instead.
He'd be lying if he said the sight of his beloved with a baby hadn't made his heart melt and twist at once, and set a storm of butterflies fluttering on his whole body.
He'd be lying if he denied he loved him.
He'd be lying if he denied it, yea. But he'd lie straight away, nonetheless. He wasn't ready. He doubted he'd ever be.
Meanwhile, a few feet away, the concerned dad leaned over to take a look at his baby's face. It did have scratches. Bleeding scratches. But how?
"Oh God." He said "But I... They weren't there 20 minutes ago, were they?"
"No, not at the studio. She was fine." John answered, also examining the wounds. "What do we do?"
Well, as always, a big Hooolaaa a mi hermana del otro lado del charco (across the pond) @definitely-darcy, who’s always giving me little prompts to keep this shit up. Finally used the crib one, but it’s a bit dull maybe? Anyway, love  ya dude!
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