#have brushable hair
manesvoid · 1 year
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It has already been done a thousand time but I want it done a thousand more <3
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agendercadence · 16 days
MLP Gen 5 dead and few are weeping. Give me something of good quality to buy hasbro
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colorful-horses · 2 years
Sincerely wondering if Misty is going to get a brushable, and if she does, if she'll have show-accurate textured hair or if theyll just go for loose wavy curls
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lesbianapplejack · 3 months
I really want a Misty brightdawn figure but I really don’t care for brushables (never have tbh) and wish they had made her a sculpted mane and tail like the others too
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snazzi-strawberri · 1 year
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dokyeomini · 1 year
the hair mask i bought actually works and the hair oil makes my hair silky..... am i in my hair care era.....
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mylittlecalico · 2 years
The Pony Friends were neat, I think they should bring this back.
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after-witch · 2 months
Ragdoll [Yandere Mahito x Reader]
Title: Ragdoll [Yandere Mahito x Reader]
Synopsis: Your back hurts and Mahito fixes it for you. inspired by snatches of conversation with @absolute-flaming-trash as so many Mahito things are!
Word count: 500ish
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, body modification
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“Well? How does it feel?” Mahito asks, and whenever Mahito asks, you are bound to consider the answer. Whether or not you actually give it depends on the day and time and how much you’re willing to endure.
You’re… Weightless. That’s what you feel–no, no, no. That’s wrong. Not weightless. There is weight to you. You are not some candy floss being tossed in the wind by a child uncaring of the time spent crafting it, hot metal bowls and spinning sticks and carpal tunnel from too many summers on a carnival job.
You have weight, but it is thick and slimy and moveable, like a glob of remorseless slime built up in a forgotten bathroom sink. Or something heavier, filled with beans or sand or stuffing.
A doll, maybe? Oh, yes.
A doll. A ragdoll. The kind your grandparents gifted you when you were little, because it’s what they grew up with on the dusty old farm, and your parents cooed over her yarn hair and homespun look.
But you shoved her onto the decorative chair in the corner of your bedroom and never played with her because you wanted something chic and fun, a doll with brushable hair and clothes that came off. 
Now you’re stuck in that corner chair, or you would be, except Mahito wants to play with you. Likes to play with you. Likes to hold you, like he’s doing now, humming and holding out one hand so all of your weight slides to one side and the only thing keeping you upright is the grip of his fingers.
Then flopping you to the other side, and doing it again, and again. Then holding you close and down, like he’s dipping you in a dance. 
He could let you go and you’d fall, a heap, onto the floor. Would it hurt? Maybe the rest of you would.
But not your back. Not your spine. He replaced it all with gelatin or goo or slime or whatever he’d decided upon, after you’d begged and begged and begged. Chronic back pain was a bitch. Chronic back pain when you were sleeping on floors and hammocks was bitchier. 
“It hurts so much. I can’t stand it. Please, please, please.”
And he’d tickled his fingers up your back–it hurt, too–and smiled down.
“You really want me to fix you?”
And you did, and he did, and here you are now.
Weighty and weightless all the same, his pretty ragdoll. 
Only he can brush your hair and change your clothes and maybe that will keep him from shoving you into the corner and forgetting about you. 
The thought is too far back to be anything more than a gnat you’ll swat when it comes closer, though. Because your spine is jello, sure, sure, sure. But it doesn’t hurt. And you can’t strain a ligament or herniate a disc when there’s nothing there to hurt, can you? 
It doesn’t hurt, for once, and that’s enough.
Mahito drops you low, again, catching you before your head smacks against the concrete.
He smiles. 
So do you.
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what-pony-is-this · 3 months
Hey! I was wondering if you might be able to ID a pony from a description-- I had a friend as a child who let me borrow ponies from their MLP collection, and I have a very distinct memory of one specific one, but don't actually know enough about My Little Pony to know how to look for them (I just thought horses were cool and liked the texture of the brushable mains).
The traits I recall are:
The pony's main color was a really lovely shade of blueish-purple, sort of lavender? Their mane was a shade of darker blue that was quite vivid, and they had an extremely bright cyan cutie mark.
They were covered quite thoroughly in little holographic rainbow clovers that I'm almost certain were decals/stickers, as a couple of them were peeling pretty badly.
This was in 2009-2010-ish, but they were already rather old and had been in a batch of hand-me-downs from their owner's older siblings
Thanks in advance for any info or leads!
I was digging around in G3 and then I realized... Rainbow clover stickers...
We're looking at G2!!!
I'd like to introduce, Clever Clover! First released in 1997, Clever Clover is one of the few male ponies released in the main line! He has a lovely blue/purple coat, dark blue hair, light blue eyes and, a bright cyan clover as a cutie mark!
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He also came with holographic clover stickers!! (seen below)
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Fun fact (1): Clever Clover would be released again in a "Royal Wedding" set with Morning Glory as Prince Clever Clover in Europe in 1999; and again in 2001 as Prince Fauna in a set called "Romantic Ponies" alongside Princess Flora. Although his cutie mark would be changed to a silver clover.
Fun fact (2): His file card contains a typo! (seen below)
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Fun fact (3): He was referenced in G4 in the Season 2 episode, "Hearth's Warming Eve". Twilight Sparkle plays his role as "Clover The Clever" in their holiday pageant and, this version of Clover would get his own official G4 redesign in the Gameloft mobile game "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". (seen below)
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I hope I got it! Thank you for the submission!
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smallgodseries · 1 year
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[image description: A lovely mermaid swims just below the surface of the sea. Bubbles arise around her flowing dark hair. She has brown and gold patterns from crown to tail and wears only kelp. She’s playing with the rope that’s attached to two green glass floats. Text reads, “60, Ukidama ~ The Small God of Bath Toys”]
Like most playthings for children, she began as a tool for adults.
They would build her shrines and drop her anchors where they had planted their crab baskets, where they were planning to dive for oysters, where the fish were particularly plentiful.  She was a goddess of the harvest as much as anything else, and she was skilled at her task.  Yet she was not fulfilled.  She knew that something more was waiting for her, something smaller and greater all at once, something that would span cultures and centuries.
And so when a fisherman’s child reached for one of her sacred chalices, shining in the sunlight and ready for the waters, she whispered in the fisherman’s ear to let the babe have a bit of fun, to let go of one precious, durable orb.  And when, that night, her beacon was placed in the peaceful harbor of a tub rather than the choppy waves of the fishing grounds, she realized that she had never been a goddess of the harvest after all.
She was not made to provide for bellies and bodies.  She was made to provide for the satiation of souls.
And provide she has, in glass and carved wood and plastic, in shells worn smooth by a hundred hands, in rubber ducks and toy boats and pink painted seahorses with brushable manes.  She still follows the fishermen out to sea, for what is a goddess who cannot contain multitudes, but her first love must always be with the children, who laugh at the sight of her, who called her, in many ways, into the being that she is today.
She will be there for you, if you ever reach for her.  Childhood is a state of mind as much as of the calendar, and what bath is not improved by a rubber duckie, or by a shining glass ball bobbing like a bubble that never pops, never floats away, never leaves you?
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ara270904 · 1 month
I don't care about the whole apple discourse drama. I'm so Apple neutral, I really don't care about her. Like Dexter, I don't really care about him I used to like his doll because brushable hair and his coat.
And the neck of the only Apple White doll I had was broken and you had to position her head in a specific way so that her head wouldn't sag and her head would be on her shoulders like a no neck Apple. It was funny
I don't even know what's really going on in the fandom or what mess they're supposed to bring because I'm a little bit into my MLP obsession.
I honestly think Apple is one of those characters where you have to say, yes, she did all these bad, selfish things, but she also did these good things.
And even if the bad things outweighed the good you could say, I still love her and even though she might deserve hate, a lot of people like villains so what's the problem?
Apple is probably not a defensible character, meaning she can't be easily defended because I don't think you can come up with a good defense without using silly excuses and that's fine! She was selfish? Yes, and like I said I'm neutral about her but at the same time I like her, I never was to Apple hater.
Sometimes I just think you should try to love a character for who they are, without just defending them: Yes she has this million flaws maybe but I like it anyway. Like she did bad things but there's something called redemption arc too! This topic would be interesting if I had paid enough attention to it.
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sol-consort · 1 month
Regarding the human kink thing when it comes to turians, some people actually do be nesting, omega-verse style. Imagine being a human assigned to a turian ship, and you just over here in your bunk, innocently arranging the pillows and stuffies, while these guys are just standing there, slack-jawed and harmonizing their subvocals lol
[updated post]
A/B/O is not for me, but I dig the concept of aliens being intrigued by plushies. They are weird when you think about it.
The weird part isn't the plushies–it makes sense for warm-blooded mammals who value skinship to enjoy cuddling soft things, hugs are fundamental for your health—No, The weird part is how the most popular plushies aren't human shaped.
You could argue dolls, but dolls aren't used as plushies. They're more hard and sturdy, something that can withstand being played with. they have joints and brushable hair. Dolls are puppets to tell a story with, a psychological form of play through creativity.
I want you for a moment to imagine an advanced civilisation of bears with me.
With metropolises and bustling economy, they haven't mastered space travel yet but they've been eyeing the planet closest to them, bringing back rocks from the moon, etc.
In one apartment complex, there lives a bear family. The furniture is more accommodating to their larger build, clothes are more of an accessory to them considering their luxurious fur coats keeping them warm.
It's nighttime, tomorrow's a Sunday and mom bear has to leave to work early, she's currently washing the dishes leftover from the wonderful dinner the family just had. Her wife, however, is putting their son to bed. it's his second week in elementary bear school! he's unhappy with his seating arrangement in class however, the teacher placed him too far from his best friend.
His mother promises to have a chat with the teacher about it when she drops him off tomorrow, the son bear is very delighted and roars happily. A big yawn escapes him as his eyelids get heavy.
In his arms, there lies a cotton friend. His most beloved treasure, the most precious inanimate object to his heart. His plushie!
He adores it. It makes him so happy. It helped make him feel safe when he first started sleeping alone after his moms got him his own bed.
Now, I need you to tell me what does the plushie look like?
For me, these are the options that instinctively came to my mind when attempting to imagine what sentient bear cubs living in a 21st century would gravitate towards in a plushie.
A) a teddybear, more fluffy, abstract, and cartoonish looking
B) a plushie in the shape of a honeyjar
C) a plushie in the shape of a fish–more specifically, salmon or trout
D) fuck idk man leave me alone
When compressed down to their core, in the most simplfied form, the choices are:
A) Identity
B) Food
C) Food
D) How did you get into my house?
With that long analogy out of the way, when you compare that limited selection to the actual things humans have already turned into plushies, it just doesn't make sense.
Food, yes we have plushies of food but also of animals we do not eat. rabbits, cats, dogs, dolphins, bugs. We have plushies of predetors even, things that once hunted us down, beings that still could very well kill us if we meet face to face, tigers, sharks, bears themselves even.
Animal cartoons are much more popular amongst kids. Fables about talking animals have been a stable genre ever since humans invented writing. Animal plushies are popular amongst adults too.
Plushies of inanimate objects, of plants, of fictional characters and fantasy creatures.
I'm willing to bet that humans already made plushies of verans since the first year they came into space, that they sold out on earth immediately. Hell, I'm sure there are plushies of reapers, of protheons and even of turians and other species.
Not even abstract ideas were spared from being into marketable plushies! isn't there a series designed to raise awareness for mental illness?
The whole meme of "turns your fav into a marketable plushie" spread so much because it is true. If there is one thing humans love, is making plushies of anything not human.
And that's the weird part to aliens, the big boy of human anomalies. "Why do they want to cuddle literally everything in this universe? and how come plushies of other humans is the last thing on that list"
You try to explain it to a salarian once but they just look at you in confusion. What do you mean you sleeping with plushes resembling your species is "weird"?? Don't you humans like hugging each other so much? Yet cuddling the soft imitation of a reaper each night isn't weird to you????
That's not even mentioning how the bear society analogy is flawed because we are biased by nature. We projected the bear society onto our human agriculture and based it upon our own popculture.
When in reality they would hold very different values, a different emotional range. They'd be as diverse as the other alien species in mass effect, sharing more resemblance to them than to humans.
We see someone sad, and we have this need to touch them, pat their shoulder, rub their back, hold their hands, and give a hug. Bears let their children walk on their own while we carry our young more, much like aquatic birds in more ways than we'd think.
A/B/O nesting isn't my cup of tea, but with turians, it's easier to digest. Yeah, they are birds. It would be literal nesting. That's kinda cute.
We like caves, it's also cute. Would turians prefer the top bunkbed? Anyway.
Birds usually throw clutter away from their nests, anything that's not a straw or building material is disposed off to make space for their eggs.
While we like the opposite, clutter fucking rocks! at least for humans.
We have a mattress, then a mattress cover, then a sheet.
Then we have pillows, stuffing, then pillow covers, decorative pillows.
After it, multiple blankets! a soft one, a heavy one, an airy one. Sometimes, blankets come with blanket covers.
Finally, the plushies arrive. Multiple of course, some for decorations, others well worn with cuddles. Sometimes a gaint big one to fully wrap all of our limbs around.
Sometimes our beds have crumbs from food we eat in it, othertimes it has a stray sock we took off while in bed and forgot.
Most of the time it has our phone in it, a pet joins us there, book we're reading, laundry we were supposed to fold but forgot, a bag, or several outfits as we get ready to go out.
That's a cave, much like bears leave the skeletal remains of their prey, we have crumbs from the cookie we suddenly craved at 3am.
Nests are neat and clutter-free, at least the bird ones, always getting cleaned from waste. Eggshells are thrown out as they hatch, baby birds waste are immediately disposed of.
Lizard nests aren't that different.
Because the equivalent to a nest foundation isn't the blankets, plushies, or pillows. it's the house foundation itself!
The concrete walls and the sturdy floorboards. The whole bedroom is already a well-built nest. The bed is just an extra cushion. The fluffy material and loose feathers birds leave at the very top, so the twigs don't scratch the fragile eggs.
So, in conclusion. Turians and Salarians would get VERY overwhelmed in a human bedroom, let alone a human bed with plushies, stuffies, and blankets.
They're like, "Are you expecting a baby???" When they notice what their brain consider is extra protective fluffing for eggs.
Turians even more because of their lack of skin nerves, hard plating, and all. Their outershell makes it hard to appreciate soft things, let alone hugging them, when they can barely feel it.
Salarains? They're softer, more squishy, and they might enjoy the way it feels against their skin. Most reptiles do, and they're the closest thing for reference.
They're warm-blooded, but they do originate from a fully tropical planet + they're amphibians and might have used to be semi-aquatic? Meaning that while they still produce their own bodyheat, it wouldn't be that much to begin with. Space is definitely much colder to them than to a human.
That's why hugging a human is so nice to them! They can leech off of your body heat as their very own sun–or at least a substitute for a heatlamp.
But plushies and blankets are a different story. With blankets, they might make them cold or freeze since they blocked whatever light or heatlamp the salarians must need for sleep when they're not wearing their temperature adjustment suits.
And if you sleep next to them under the blanket, your trapped body heat will cause the temperature to rise above what's comfortable for them and risk overheating them. Same with the fluffy sheets, pillows or plushies.
there's the risk of overheating them with your body as the blanket traps in the heat. it will happen slowly, but that just makes it more dangerous. A slow simmer of rising body temperature as they realise what a death trap a human bed actually is.
Plus, salarians only need one hour of sleep per cycle, it seems very excessive to them that you'd build a whole room and make the biggest piece of furniture in it solely for the purpose of sleep. All of those plushies just to hug to sleep?
Drell, who breathe through their skin, would view blankets as a total nightmare. Their clothes already need a lot of adjustment to accommodate their conditions, only certain material is airy enough to allow them to get a lungfull, and you want to suffocate them with cotton or polyester?
They know you only breathe through your nose, but it still...makes them feel uneasy. Seeing you covered completely in stuffies and thick blankets, only your head poking out. Much like what it would feel for us to see someone go to sleep underwater with a flimsy mask connected to an oxygen tank. Now, this is truly a death trap–the salarians were right.
As long as you forgo the blanket and...allow them to fully strip down, they will give this whole human bed thing a try. Silk or satin sheets and pillow covers feel the best against their skin, smooth surfaces that seamlessly glide, air particles passing through it with little trouble.
Anything fluffy, feathery, or with fur will irritate their skin. It's like something brushing against your nose. They sacrifice a lot of comfort when it comes to indulging the human need to cuddle, but most drell rarely complain as they accommodate to your need, even if it meant you'd be slightly cutting off their air circulation.
Maybe their society is exceptionally polite? Maybe devotion and sacrifice for the ones you love are just ingrained in their biology? It would explain their endless royalty to the hanar despite how staying on that planet is literally killing them.
Oh yeah, owning a humidifier in your room will cause them a lot of pain and discomfort. Turn it off, or if you really want to woo a drell, get a dehumidifier.
Krogans would fucking love our beds tho. Might make fun of it at first, but they secretly also want a soft mattress and plushies to cuddle with.
Get close enough with a Krogan, and they'll start crashing in your room and taking naps on your own bed whenever the chance presents itself.
Don't the asari sleep in pods? I'm thinking of that sex scene in ME, she fucks you in a pod. That's something. At least...Liara gets used to human beds?
Anway! having established all of that definitely vital and necessary world building, I can finally talk smut about the turians! the original context of this request!
One look at a human's bed and their minds are definitely going south. First of all, human, you're in desperate need of a mate because your nest is a mess! Why do you have so many different fabrics? Aren't you worried you'll suffocate yourself with a plushie or too while sleeping?
Second of all...they didn't know humans were this soft. You mean, most humans sleep like this? In very comfortable beds? Even like...the army tough ones? Oh, that's why they get so excited for shore leave? so they can return to their actual comfortable nests–sorry yes "beds" and have some decent sleep?
And none of you are expecting children, correct? This is just how the average adult human goes to sleep?
Turians don't have the heart to tell you that they associate soft beds–ones like yours—to the human equivalent of a heart-shaped bed with rose petals scattered around, candles illuminating the room and a very deliberate lack of condoms.
They try not to...think about it whenever they come into the room. A bluish hue adorning their cheeks, trying to avoid eye-contact as they explain that uh...fuck, they accidentally glanced towards your bed and forgot what they came here to say.
I talked before how jarring it's to them that humans easily allow others on their bed, be it human or not. You just casually invite your friends to sit on it? The same sheets you sleep on each night? the one so heavy with your delicious scent they can practically smell it the second they stepped foot into this room?
And now you're telling them to take a seat, even handing them one of your plushies to keep in their lap. What's a friendly gesture and a show of trust is being very very badly misinterpreted by their brain chemistry, their biology going haywire at what they consider the declaration of "Get me pregnant" Whether you're actually capable of it or not.
Sidenote, the angara might be the only ones to share our bed preferences, not only that but show enthusiasm at the mention of plushies.
The only difference is that their society values plushies that resemble people more, angara like them. The dolls and plushie lineup are very intertwined.
Cuddling very intimately with someone isn't sexualised either, nor presented under a romantic light necessarily. Their society prides itself on love and affection; they're direct with expressing their emotions.
A single angara family can have many mothers and fathers, tens of sisters and brothers. Cuddling and sharing a bed is very normalised even far into adulthood.
They might be the ones giving humans the wrong idea by immediately inviting them back to cuddle on their bed after only the second meeting. Just because they decided they like you :) It's the equivalent of going out for coffee.
Protheoans, meanwhile, fall on the opposite spectrum. Javik doesn't have a bed, does he? He never asks for one either. They're a society of warriors, they value strength and abhor tenderness. Brutal honesty is their forte.
But...they also read each other's emotions through touch.
While beds are a foreign concept, plushies are not. Javik can sense the history of a room just by directly touching its floorboards. Plushies and other sentimental objects must be valued very greatly in their society, doesn't he hold onto the disk of memories from his time back before being frozen?
He understands why his own species came to value plushies, but why the hell does yours do it? You lack his abilities, all humans do.
You try to explain it to him, but it just sounds like you're describing vague and badly done emotion reading with extra steps.
He concludes that humans must hold traces of these abilities. It just translates into safety and the need to cuddle others. Also, it is clearly inferior to the protheon's advanced ability, so yeah.
Javik dislikes your bed but likes your plushies and actually welcomes cuddling. He remains stoic throughout it but you can feel him poking through your memories.
Same with your plushies, he asks that he may keep one as a relic. A piece of your soul, your history is encased in it like an artifact in amber.
Touching it almost feels exactly like travelling in time to meet your old self, getting to part the curtians of space itself and get a front row view on the person you used to be.
Plushies immortalise you to protheans, who would've thought.
I had so much fun with this an analysis it <333 I know it isn't exactly what you had in mind anon, I'm sorry, A/B/O is listed as a "no" in my requesting list. But the concept was so good I had to approach it in a different direction.
I hope you still enjoyed it!
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sablesdolls · 6 days
a mini guide to mini dolls
i'm making this because i love smaller dolls (between 4-7" tall) and i wish there were more options that aren't toddlers/children😔 if anyone knows of a doll line i've missed, please let me know!!
MGA Dream Ella Extra Iconic Mini doll
articulation including elbows and knees
more realistic adult proportions
brushable hair
6" tall
available on Amazon (but discontinued I think)
only 3 doll models were made
Barbie Extra Mini doll
articulation including elbows and knees
big, rounded head compared to body
brushable hair
5.5" tall
available at retailers
Magic Mixies Pixlings doll
articulation of arms and legs but only elbows, not knees
big, rounded head
molded-on clothing and supernatural features like wings, ears, horns, fins, etc.
6-6.5" tall
available at retailers
My Little Pony Equestria Girls Mini dolls
articulation including elbows and knees
Big head, but balanced out with big feet
Molded-on plastic hair, clothes, shoes, and horse ears
4.5-5" tall
discontinued, have to buy second-hand and can be expensive
Disney Store 5.5" Mini dolls
only basic articulation: head, legs, arms.
Proportions are realistic, close to a 12" doll like Barbie or MH
Brushable hair (although male dolls have molded hair)
5.5" tall
discontinued, obscure, and can be expensive second-hand
Winner's Stable playset dolls
articulation of knees but not elbows
budget dolls (not the best quality)
brushable hair
5" tall
discontinued but affordable second-hand
Breyer Freedom Series 1:12 scale dolls
I'm pretty sure they're articulated to the elbows and knees?
proportions similar to Barbie or MH
brushable hair
hands in reins-holding pose lol
6" tall
available but overpriced imo
Kuu Kuu Harajuku Mini doll
only basic articulation at arms and legs
oversized head and feet
molded-on hair
4-4.5" tall
discontinued but available second-hand, not too expensive
Capsule Chix
LOTS of articulation, including even hands and feet
All joints pop easily on and off
fairly realistic proportions
body has molded-on details to look like a robot
some have molded-on clothes, all have molded plastic hair
4.5-5" tall
available at retailers or second-hand, although a bit overpriced imo
Enchantimals 6" dolls
only basic arm and leg articulation
brushable hair
huge head with slim body
molded-on animal features like ears or horns
6" tall
pretty easy to find on Amazon or second-hand, affordable
Sonic Prime Action Figures
according to the box, 13 points of articulation
(obviously) molded to look like the Sonic the Hedgehog characters
lots of molded and painted details
5" tall
available at retailers, usually around $15 each
I'm including these even though they're action figures because if someone wanted to swap the heads, I think the bodies would be a fun and unique choice for a custom doll
there are actually lots of interesting articulated action figures that have customization potential!
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snobgoblin · 4 months
Valdemar so brushable!!! Brushes them like a Barbie doll brushes them like a Barbie doll. Maybe Valdemar in a ponytail?? Honse card matchy matchy? Sorry I have weird mood today hahaha (it's fine but everything is just so funny to me )
let me say I am so happy you guys like long hair!Valdemar because long hair and Valdemar are two of my favorite things to draw
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anyway here's you brushing their hair and also them with a ponytail
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g5mlp · 3 months
Some stock photos for the My Little Pony Storytelling Ponies sets! These were found on icecat.
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Just as we thought, the toys are of the Sunny and Misty we've previously seen prototypes of. These are currently available on Entertainment Earth for $16.99.
Each set includes one 3-inch articulated brushable pony and four accessories. In addition, they have new head molds! They now have similar head molds as the styling ponies.
"Imagine interactive adventures with My Little Pony storytelling playsets! Each set comes with a My Little Pony 3-inch figure, large accessory with moving parts, and multiple smaller accessories. Figures are poseable with long, soft manes and tails. (Each set sold separately. Subject to availability.) - PONIES WITH STORYTELLING ACCESSORIES: Each pony figure comes with multiple accessories for imagining stories throughout Maretime Bay (Each set sold separately. Subject to availability) - ACCESSORIES WITH MOVING PARTS: Sets come with a large accessory with ineractive pieces, such as rolling wheels, to imagine exciting adventures - LONG, SOFT HAIR: Each pony figure has soft, colorful hair on her mane and tail. Great for playing with and styling! (Hair styling accessories sold separately. Subject to availability.) - 3-INCH POSEABLE FIGURES: Pony figures stand at 3 inches (7.5 cm) tall. Has poseable arms, legs, and head! - INSPIRED BY ENTERTAINMENT: My Little Pony toys for girls and boys are inspired by the My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale show and My Little Pony: A New Generation movie"
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kwillow · 2 years
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Ambroys basking in his cache of gifts and sweet words from secret admirers. Gotta be careful, though. If his ego is inflated any more, he'll pop.
(I wanted to doodle something to accompany a post answering some messages regarding this candy-colored cad but got a bit carried away. :P Well regardless, asks under the cut!)
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Why thank you! He would drunkenly insult people, though he tends to be more passive-aggressive and backhanded rather than outright insulting - well, most of the time, anyway. He thinks he's a lot more subtle in his derogatory comments than he actually is.
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Aaaw, this is too sweet!
Older Ambroys is much more reserved about seeking and accepting physical affection than his younger self, for myriad reasons (that one day I will expound upon in more detail, fate willing). He still enjoys it, though.
He's still proud of the stars on his cheeks and the gold in his hair and all that, but the signs of age are something he is not at peace with. For some, like the wrinkles, they're a sign that his time on this earth is finite - and death terrifies him. For others, like his paunch, it's more just embarrassing to him in a more mundane and vain "I was voted Prom King in high school and I was on the Varsity track team now look at me I'm an old man boo hoo hoo" type of way (though he's actually more physically adept in his older age than he was when he was younger for Magical Heritage Bullshit reasons, the sentiment remains).
As for your question, it's totally fine with me for Ambroys to be portrayed as non-heterosexual in fanfic or fanart or one's secret imaginings. Even though all of his "canon" love interests are women, I wouldn't rule out of the possibility of him developing affections for someone who isn't a woman. Chase your bliss!
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Haha well both furry and aasimar Ambroys would bask in the attention, though poor aasimar Ambroys' jealousy is not going to be helped!
No shame on being a furry though. I didn't consider myself one either but I feel like it's harder to make the argument that I'm not given the sheer number of ponies I've drawn by now...
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He would accept this, so long as you don't mess up his hair.
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He would say: "good!" I would say "don't waste your life on him!"
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Oh he would be pleased to be so distracting, I'm sure.
And sometimes we can't help but to have a type... I know I seem to have a thing for rich effete douchebags with buck teeth and big pointy noses... not quite sure what's up with that.
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Yessss... yesssssssss... or perhaps I should say "I'm sorry."
I didn't mean to make him this way... I guess I underestimated the power of a brushable mane.
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Ambroys DOES like being worshipped (way too much and way too literally, as you might be able to tell) but he wants to have his imperfections hidden if he can!
He's just horribly, horribly vain and unwilling to let go of his youth... even though he got to enjoy being youthful for three times as long as a mortal would.
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YES that song is on his playlist (which I have for all my main characters because I'm a dork). It's just too perfect. One of the many ideas on my miles-long to do list has to do with depicting a scene from that song. The trouble is that it has to do with dancing, and boy am I not very good at drawing dancing poses. xD Oh well, gotta try for the boy!
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Heh well I think we could agree that a normal horse probably couldn't pull off the breeches he wears quite so well... I'm flattered that you think of him when you see horsies in the flesh! Huzzah, I've ruined one of the Earth's beautiful creatures for you! >:)
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Oh wow, my guy is stepping out of my brain and into other people's subconsciouses... I need to put a leash on him. :P But this was a fun read!
It's very in character Ambroys to try to undercut a rival's self-esteem by framing it as something OTHER people say, but oh no, he'd NEVER say something like that, of course. Mean girl behavior. He does have friends that don't actually like him - and he doesn't like them either. But one needs to have friends for appearance's sake - just one more accessory, really!
OKAY, I think that's everything! Or at least enough for this post, ahah.
Thanks to everyone for your kind words on my not-so-kind character.
Unlike him, I'm really humbled and grateful by the positive reception he's received. I deeply appreciate your kind messages... even when it takes me eons to reply to them, gah.
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