#his would be a happy meal toy that do a flip
manesvoid · 1 year
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It has already been done a thousand time but I want it done a thousand more <3
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peppermintquartz · 1 month
Canon divergence in that Buck does call Tommy the next time he's free, asking to go up in a chopper (instead of the harebrained scheme of going to the BBPU game)
"And that's my favorite view," says Tommy, angling the helicopter to face the Pacific. It's late in the morning so sunlight glitters on the water like diamonds scattered on blue silk.
Buck shields his eyes with his hands. "It's beautiful!" he exclaims, almost giddy with delight at the panorama.
"It is. And at night, I like to look the other way, at the city spread out before me." Tommy's aviator sunglasses hide his eyes but his big smile is on full display.
Buck can't help the shiver in his belly every time he looks at Tommy. It's clear the air is his element. Already Buck knows that Tommy is very competent - they wouldn't have pulled off the rescue otherwise - but here, without anything to distract them, Buck sees how the chopper is an extension of Tommy himself. A deft touch, a slight adjustment, and the vehicle moves smoothly for Tommy to point out different landmarks from the sky.
By the time they land, Buck's spirits are still soaring. He's spent forty minutes flying with Tommy, who not only talked about the mechanics of flying, but also answered almost all of Buck's questions without ever sounding bored. In fact, he seems happy that Buck has done some research before he came for the ride.
"Okay, now I really need to buy you that beer, and also a meal." Buck wants to bounce on his heels. He feels lighter than air, like he's just a balloon full of happy emotions.
Tommy grins, shrugging as he tucks his aviators into a pocket. "I'm free for the rest of the day," he says. Ducking his head, he adds, "Didn't feel too good leaving you alone the other day to go watch the fight, but I didn't think we'd take two hours to tour Harbor Station either."
Buck's cheeks flush. He remembers being irrationally angry when Eddie and Tommy flew off, and he did go home to pummel his pillow a little before sulking. But he's done the mature thing, which is ask Tommy for a flight demo, instead of something insane like figure out what other activities he would be doing or events he would attend and try to show up there like a toy surprise.
"Well, that was because I wanted to find out so much, and it's really your fault, because you answered everything in detail." Buck falls in step with the older man as they head to Tommy's car. "You have to be accountable for your mistakes."
Tommy laughs. Buck feels tingly and proud that he's made that happen. Daringly, he nudges Tommy's elbow with his.
"So, what would you like for lunch?" Buck asks. "My treat, as thanks for the flight."
"Sure," says Tommy with an easy smile. As they approach the car, Tommy halts.
Buck stops as well, a little concerned. "Everything okay?"
Tilting his head, Tommy studies Buck, and then his expression grows a little more nervous and serious. "I... I don't wanna presume anything, and I want you to know that, regardless of anything I'm about to say, I wanna be your friend."
Buck blinks at the older man. "Okay, um. What's this about?"
"Evan, before we go to lunch, I kinda wanna know what's going on here? I mean..." Tommy licks his lips, and Buck's gaze snaps to Tommy's mouth. "You're adorable and you're funny and, well. You're a gorgeous guy. I'm not... I'm not really sure why you wanna spend time with me. And I don't wanna get my hopes up if this is just me reading the signs wrongly."
"Uh, signs?"
Tommy's face falls. He glances away, wiping his hand over his mouth, and licks his lips again. "Shit. I've read you wrong."
Buck reaches out to touch Tommy's wrist. "Tommy, I'm not sure what you're saying."
Tommy looks back at Buck, blue eyes taking in the younger man's expression, and sighs. He flips his hand over to hold the tips of Buck's fingers.
"Hell. Might as well lay my cards out," he mutters, mostly to himself, and then looks - really looks - at Buck. "Evan, I'm gay. And these couple times we've met up, I really, really like how we click. I like your energy, and how earnest and open you are. And it doesn't hurt that you are one of the most attractive men I've ever met, and I really like spending time with you, and I'm hoping... I'm hoping I can ask you out for a date and maybe we can... find out if we could. If we could be more than friends."
There's an anxious cast to his features. Buck can see Tommy's jaw clench and the nervous swallow, and a part of Buck's mind is screaming static. Another part of him is frantically stammering, "I'm just an ally!!" But thankfully that part of him has no control of his mouth, because he instead steps closer to Tommy and-
Oh. Oh.
So that's how it feels to kiss a guy.
He pulls back slightly, but is stopped by the touch of fingers under his chin, and Tommy draws him back for a second kiss, his head angled, and-
Wow. Wow, okay. They're near the airfield in the parking lot and the breeze is cool and the sun is shining nice and warm and they are kissing, Buck is kissing Tommy and this feels right.
When they finally separate, possibly two centuries later, Buck blinks at Tommy. His face feels hot and his skin is tingling. With a small, happy grin, he says, "I would say yes to the date, if that helps."
Tommy chuckles. He licks his lips again and Buck forces himself to look away from those lips. "Okay. I'd like to ask you out on a date on Saturday night, if you're free."
"I... I'm free." Buck's grin grows brighter. He tilts his head. "Lunch, now?"
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wooahaes · 1 year
as much as you’ve waited, i’ll hug you with my whole body
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pairing: non-idol!lee know x fem!reader
genre: fluff. very very slight angst i think? not a ton though.
word count: 1.2k~
warnings: sappy lino. predictable as hell, but thats okay. reader is a cat mom.
daisy’s notes: oh this wasnt supposed to be longer than all the others... whoops. guess i love cat butler too much-
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The apartment felt emptier than normal without Minho, especially on your birthday.
Sure, you weren’t a complete shut-in for the day. That morning, you had dressed up all nice and pretty and gone out with a couple of your girl friends for a bit to distract you from the lonely feeling that’d been eating at you for the past several days. Your boyfriend had gone abroad for a few days for a work venture alongside his boss and a few of his other coworkers, and it just so happened he wouldn’t be getting back until tomorrow morning. He’d called you every night just to catch up (save for that first night--his coworker, Felix, had sent you a picture of him passed out in bed with a tiny apology that you wouldn’t hear from him until the next day), to check in on you (and your three furry children). He’d called you last night, too, just to wish you a happy birthday once the clock flipped over to midnight. He said that they’d be done with work sometime today, but that their flight wasn’t until late. Otherwise he’d be right there with you, curled up close and holding you tight.
So you sent him pictures of the kids (and one of yourself, at his request) in their cat tree, or playing with toys, or doing anything you deemed picture-worthy... which, to be fair, was most things. Sometimes you swore your boyfriend rubbed off on you with how many pictures in your camera roll consisted of the cats. Doongie had laid across your shoes the day after Minho left, fussing at you to not leave him, and you’d sent the video to him of you gently trying to tell him to let you leave. That his dad would be back, soon... and that you missed him, too. 
At least you had the cats to keep you company. And sometimes Chris, who came by at one point to check on you (prompted by Minho, no doubt) and share a meal with you so you didn’t always have to eat alone... and Jisung, who swung by (also prompted by Minho, you knew for sure) to invite you out for a walk. He had turned red when you called him out on it, and he had insisted further that he only invited you out because he, too, wanted to go for a walk... even if Minho did tell him to check on you. It’d been nice to get out of the apartment, and the two of you ended up getting ramen together at a place you ended up finding.
But now you were waiting on your takeout, thinking about the cupcake that sat before you on the coffee table. You’d managed to keep the cats away from it (although they’d stopped showing interest a while ago once they got a whiff of it and realized it wasn’t appetizing enough for them), and now you were holding back. Dinner first, then you could light the candle and celebrate something by yourself... Or with the cats, if you could round them up to sit with you.
The buzzer rang out, and you hopped up to make your way over. Doongie had began to fuss, and you had stopped long enough to quiet him down.
“Just a little longer,” you said, reaching out to scratch him behind his ears as he peered up at you. “And then your dad will be home.”
He merely fussed at you again before taking off, continuing to yell at the door. Despite your scolding, you went to unlock the door with an apology on your lips for all the fuss if the delivery guy still happened to be there.
Only for Minho to be standing there, jacket draped over his arm and suitcase sat beside him. “Happy birthday,” he said. “I made it.”
All at once, you felt overwhelmed at the sight of him standing there, as cliche as it all felt. You covered your mouth, fighting back the urge to cry and losing almost instantly. He had said he couldn’t catch an earlier flight, that he had looked into it and there was nothing. With a sniffle, you stepped forward and into his arms, wrapping your own around him tight.
“We finished up early,” he told you, arms curving around you and holding you tight. “So I thought I would surprise you.”
Most days, you knew Minho as someone who was... a little quiet, even after how long you’d been dating. Silly, too: he always knew how to make you laugh. And sometimes, in moments like these, he knew how to make your heart feel like it was squeezed so tight that it burst. The softer, more forthcoming Minho who was honest with you because he knew both of you valued that. That while he did, technically, deceive you and make you think he wouldn’t be here... It was just so he could surprise you like this.
“How did--” You pulled your face back from his shoulder, “How’d you get here?”
A pause.
“Chris.” The two of you said at the same time. Of course it’d be Chris who picked him up this late and brought him home to you. You knew the others would do it, too, if he asked, but Chris wouldn’t hesitate. You’d have to thank him later.
Minho pulled away from you long enough to pick up his bag and usher you back inside. You listened to him address Doongie, who was very vocally giving him a piece of his mind for leaving him for so long, and went to find the other two. Soonie had been curled up on his side of the bed (that was where he spent most of his time, while Dori was in his zoomies mode, zipping from room to room as though he were being chased. 
The door sounded again as he was heading to put his bag away to unpack later, and you made a comment about it being your food this time. When you came back to find Minho, he was petting Soonie, speaking to him in a quiet voice.
“Did you watch after her like I asked?” He scratched behind the cat’s ears. “You have to keep her company whenever I’m gone. She’s your mom, too.”
Something about how earnest he seemed when speaking to the cats like this (not the first time, and it’d never be the last) made you tear up again. Had he bought an entirely new ticket just to come home early to see you? He looked up, and could see the look on your face.
“Ah, honey...” He made his way over, already opening his arms back to you as you sought refuge in them. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to make you cry...”
“It’s okay,” you said, hugging him tight. “I’m crying because I’m happy, silly.”
“I know, but...” He shut his eyes, holding you tight. “Is there anything we can do to celebrate your birthday before its over? I slept on the plane. I can stay up longer.”
You shook your head. “I just want you to hold me a little longer first. Is that okay?”
With a blissful sigh, he held you tighter. “Always,” he said softer, gently stroking your back. “I love you. I’m glad I made it in time.”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao​
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 16
Sweeties is very busy tonight but they get a table relatively quickly. He sees some people looking at their group all dressed in the ‘required’ attire for going out to Eden’s and reminds himself that maybe it’s for the best that people remember him tonight. It MAY help the police find his body in a shallow grave somewhere if they can piece together his last few hours.
Nicky stops by the salad bar and grabs three packs of crackers. He hands one pack to FF who just stares blankly at it before shrugging and figuring his stomach needs something so he opens the pack and just eats the crackers.
Nicky looks at him with an abundance of fondness that he doesn’t understand but shakes his head and hands a laminated menu over to him to order dinner from. “I know you’re not drinking but you still gotta take your meds before we leave.” Nicky reminds and FF nods. He reaches into his pocket to confirm that they’re there and feels something cheap and plastic.
Oh god, he forgot to take his Happy Meal Toy out of his pocket. No one needs to know that.
He shoves his hand into his other jacket pocket and the sandwich baggy with his single dose for his Ulcer is right there.
He starts to look at the menu when he realizes that everyone else already knows what they’re going to order since they apparently come here regularly. He tries his best to never be a regular at any place where they can see him and repeat his order back to him (Hello CVS girl, yes thank you for holding some Pepto for him. No he is very brand loyal and would not like to try Tums thank you.)
FF stands behind the art of the panic pick.
He has cultivated this ability over his many years of panicking. He can look at a menu and pick an item that might not be the thing he most wants on that menu it is something that he can eat or drink. Then while he has that pick queued up and ready to fly if a member of the waitstaff comes over before he’s actually read what’s on offer he has his panic pick.
A place like this has GOT to have a burger.
He finds it under the sandwich section easily enough and now he has his panic pick as he peruses the rest of the menu.
The waitress comes far faster than he had anticipated and slams waters down at each of their spots. “What can I get you?” She asks and before anyone says anything Nicky and Aaron slide over the two packets of crackers that she takes before looking at the empty packet in front of FF, “Just two?” She asks.
“Just two.” Nicky says grabbing his trash and handing it over to her.
She shrugs, “Anything else on the menu I can get you boys?” She asks.
They all make their orders and Nicky, bravely, steps in to remind him he likes his burgers well done when the waitress asks.
“Sorry, I should have warned you.” Nicky laughs bumping his shoulder against FF’s “This place has this stuff called cracker dust, it gets you high but it’s not addictive.” He says.
Every single 80’s PSA goes off in FF’s head all at once.
There’s not a trench coat! He wasn’t even wearing a hoodie with the hood up! There’s no sunglasses! Nicky had given him a baggie for his ulcer meds but IT WAS A SANDWICH BAG.
“I see.” He says out loud.
“Do you wanna try some.” Aaron asks. He double checks and yeah Aaron is still in the same club clothes he had left the house with. He has on a hoodie but the hood is down.
He does as any 80’s teen sitcom protagonist does by the end of the episode.
“No thank you.”
He thinks Mr. T would be happy that he said No. That ad had been especially nerve wracking as a kid when Mr. T ‘shakes some sense’ into the camera.
“Alright, no worries. Neil and Andrew don’t do any either.” Nicky says quickly.
The drugs come with the food and Nicky and Aaron pocket them before handing over cash to the waitress who just counts it right there. He focuses on digging into his burger and realizes it has jalapeños on it but Nicky volunteers to eat them with his nachos and lets the conversation weave around him as he polishes off his burger and takes his ulcer meds. “Oh cool, hand me the bag so I can keep our stuff in there.” Nicky makes a grabbing motion with his hands and FF just hands it over.
He zones out as he eats his fries. He wonders if Great Gran is upset watching him or if she’s happy that he said no to drugs. Maybe he should have said yes, then he could at least be blasted out of his mind when Andrew dragged him to the basement.
Well, it’s too late now.
The waitress comes and clears out their plates but picks up her notepad and pen again. “So, what ice cream do you boys want tonight?” She asks and looks straight at FF.
But FF is prepared.
Ice cream places are easy. His panic pick is a given, it’s Vanilla. Every ice cream joint has it so he barely even notices how his heart rate kicks up to 190 BPM and his palms grow instantly sweaty.
“Sorry Hun, we’re fresh out.”
“Surprise me.”
“Surprise you?”
“Yeah. Surprise me.” He repeats and he can FEEL Nicky vibrating with laughter next to him.
“Alright Hun, I’ll surprise you.” She winks at him and he blinks back at her.
The rest of the table all order (They’re all normal people who order strawberry (neil), the special with chocolate (Nicky), Lemon Sorbet (Aaron), and Brownie Fudge (Andrew).
“Surprise me.” Nicky whispers to him.
“I panicked.” He whispers back.
“Yeah obviously.” Nicky snorts but pats him, “It’s fine. The worst is you might end up with Pistachio or something.” He pats FF on the back.
FF likes Pistachio and the world loves to make FF suffer.
“Here you go hun. We just got this in, it’s Mango.” She says setting down two scoops of a bright orange ice cream down in front of him, “With a little surprise.” She winks again as she sets the other ice cream down.
They all get started.
Why is the Ice Cream kind of spicy?
He eventually puzzles out that the waitress has served him a Mango and some kind of pepper (probably habanero) ice cream. She smiles when he thanks her for the surprise, tries not to let it show how much the spice is KILLING his stomach let alone the acid of the mango.
Andrew has his eyes narrowed on him and he’s sure the man doesn’t want him to make a scene at a place that seems to be a frequent haunt for the family. So he eats every last bite and ignores how his lips tingle.
“Ohhh it must have been good. Maybe we should get you her number.” Nicky says looking at his empty bowl.
“No, I’m good.” She was pretty but considering the acid currently swirling in his stomach she probably thought he was an asshole for asking for her to ‘surprise him’. Even if that wasn’t the case, what if she thought it’d be cute to serve him this spicy ice cream as a cute couple thing? His stomach can’t take that.
“Aw man you’re no fun.” Nicky pouts.
They pay for their meals and the waitress hands him his receipt with a wink. He nods back at her before shoving the receipt into his pocket next to the Megamind toy. “Have a good night.” He says.
“You too Hun.” She says.
They head out for Eden’s and in a way the ice cream is a blessing because his stomach hurts enough that he barely even notices his anxiety about being at the place where Andrew most certainly is going to stab him at least once by the end of the night.
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Per your requests:
@i-have-three-feelings​ @blep-23​ @dreamerking27​ @andreilsmyreligion​ @belodensetdust​ @rainbowpineapplebottle @yarn-ace​ @iwouldlikesometea @lily-s-world​ @obscureshipsandchips​ @booklover242​ @whataboutmyfries​ @sahturnos​ @pluto-pepsi​ @dreamerthinker​ @passinhosdetartaruga​ @leftunknownheart​ @aro-manita-muscaria @hologramsaredead​ @Chaoticgremlinswishtheycouldbeme @tntwme​ @tayspots @nick-scar​ @crazy-fangirl2524​ @blue-jos10​ @stabbyfoxandrew​ @splishsplashyouropinionistrash​ @sammichly​ @the-broken-pen​ @bitchesdoweknowu​ @very-small-flower​ @ghostlyboiii​ @its-a-paxycab​ @bisexual-genderfluid-fan​ @cheesecookie​ @theoneandonlylostsock​ @foxsoulcourt​ @blueleys @adverbialstarlight​ @elia-nna​ @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner​ @nikodiangel​ @foxandcrow-inatrenchcoat​ @hallucinatedjosten​ @satanic-foxhole-court​ @vexingcosmos​ @chalilodimun​ @insectsgetcooked​ @angry-kid-with-no-money​ @queer-crows​ @lilyndra @themugglemudperson​ @readertodeath​ @apileofpillows​ @mortalsbowbeforeme​ @hellomynameismoo​ @next-level-mess @youreonlylow​ @interstellarfig​ @notprocrastinatingatalltoday​ @percyjacksonfan3​ @queenofcrazy27​ @bsmr261 @ghostlyscares​ @spencellio​ @adinthedarkroom​ @harpymoth​ @sufferingjustalilbit​ @anxietymoss​ @oddgreyhound​ @ohno-myhyperfixation-itsbroken​ @ken22789​ @atiredvampire​ @isoldescorner​ @not--a--pipedream​
The requests to be added to the tag list got spread out across a few  different mediums on this one so if I missed you I swear it wasn’t malicious I’m just brunch dumb at the moment. Remind me in the replies!
As stated before if you’re up here and I spelled it  right but you  didn’t  get a notification there might be something  switched around in  your settings that won’t let me tag you properly?
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wordy-little-witch · 5 months
Omega Buggy Hours
• his normal scent is pretty mild all things considered, but he works with his chemicals and stuff so much that he typically smells like his workshop and sea salt. But beneath it all, his natural scent is like freshly baked lemon cake, something vaguely vanilla.
• he doesn't really have the urge and drive to have kids of his own, but he does adopt most of his crew into his pack.
• the Buggy pirates on their own are a pack, and they all answer to their captain. Socially, it's highly uncommon for a pack to be lead by an Omega, but their crew is already absolutely off the rails from normal anyway. They're all happy with it.
• the one and only time a newer Alpha tried to usurp Buggy, the crew began absolutely cackling. Buggy humored him. He even offered an old school brawl. It lasted four minutes, and three of which were Buggy toying with him before wiping the floor with his ass. Cabaji knows better now.
• Crocodile and Mihawk, upon joining up with Buggy's group, still do not know that the clown is an Omega. It was known in Impel Down, but the preventions for mating there boil down to a typical collar and medications as meal times (when they were remembered). Croc just knew Buggy had a collar. Some Betas even got those. Buggy kept his on out of choice and self preservation.
• Mihawk inevitably called Shanks one night on Karai Bari, dramatically yet stoically bemoaning the clown and his antics, wondering aloud why none of the visibly and obviously stronger Alphas in his group ever Challenged him. Shanks laughs, then goes serious when he says, "be careful if you decide to do it. You really would not enjoy what happens next." Mihaw takes it as an allusion to the responsibility. It is not.
• Luffy absolutely knows Buggy is an Omega but he also could not be paid to give a single fuck. Why would he? He was raised by an Beta woman who commanded her bandits, of which included all sorts. His big brother is an Beta (Ace) and an Alpha (Sabo) and he's an Omega himself. He doesn't care. Gender doesn't equal strength. Shanks taught him that, too (even if he already kinda knew)!
• Buggy's Heats are sporadic - a byproduct of his mental and physical conditions. They're... essentially akin to menstrual cycles, where ovulation and hormonal influxes occur.
• Croc and Mihawk, when they find out the Truth, are flabbergasted, and have a brief stint where they both make an attempt at Manners. Buggy explodes at them for it. They argue. Buggy proposes a mild Challenge - not for control or dominion over the Pack, but to prove a point. They agree.
• Buggy actually has time to plan, plot and arrange the exchange - his specialty. The thing about Buggy is that his talents lie less in all out brawls and more in stuff akin to espionage and tampering. Crocodile goes first, and Buggy takes him down and out within the hour. Mihawk suspects the other of holding back until he sees the expression and flush on Crocodile's face.
• they flip from Polite Manners to Blatantly Pining within an evening. Buggy doesn't even notice. They're both weird, even for Alphas, so he just thinks the new normal is a weird middle ground where they tolerate him but don't belittle him.
• Mihawk calls Shanks, half drunk one night, and asks for advice on courting. Shanks barely holds back the smug I told you so, and instead he asks if the one the dark haired man is interested in is more into traditional practices or more... whimsical things. The smirk is still very much blatant though.
• Crocodile meanwhile is so angry and annoyed and aroused, a dangerous combination. He starts buying little generic gifts and just. Either throwing them at Buggy with a scowl or leaving them in his room.
• frankly, it's a whole hot mess.
• Buggy goes to his squad for advice, and is blindsided when Galdino just casually goes "Oh it seems like they're courting you"
"They're WHAT"
• awkward pining. Stupid gay old men.
• Buggy decides enough is enough eventually and outright asks them if they like him. Crocodile sputters. Mihaw agrees, no hesitation. Buggy nods, grabs Mihawk and yanks him into a kiss. Croc gets his turn right after.
• Shanks wants to he invited to the wedding.
• Luffy ALSO wants to be invited to the wedding.
• Rayleigh and Crocus both don't even know there is a wedding to be invited to until Buggy sheepishly calls them and the next day there are two old men on the island like "where is my little boy"
Just.... shenanigans teehee
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jacks347 · 7 months
(After the latest BVZ episode, I have to get this out of my brain. Enjoy Albus visiting home out of panic.)
Faith barely heard the door open and slam shut over the low buzz of the early evening. Faith was working on dinner, Kerano was doing her homework at the kitchen table. If anything, she expected the sound to be Devlin. It wasn't until she felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around her in a tight grip, burying his face in her hair.
It was...odd. Faith almost didn't want to breathe, lest she break the atmosphere. Albus didn't do hugs, Faith would know. But here he was, clinging onto her like she'd disappear if he didn't. If she really listened, she could hear him mumbling something. "She's safe, she's okay, he can't hurt her now." Over and over like a mantra. Just what had happened out there?
She slowly reached up, smoothing over the warrior's hair. "Albus? Are you okay?" That seemed to snap him out of it as he lifted his head, his near death grip loosening. "Huh? Oh, I'm fine, Faithful. Just...had a rough mission." Faith leaned her head back to raise an eyebrow at him, unable to resist a teasing smile. "What's this? The impervious Albus York admitting he had a bad day?" He snorted, almost offended as he pushed her away. "Yeah yeah, laugh it up. Next time I'll just leave you to worry like an old housewife." "Don't you dare, I will march out to Maya myself and hunt you down if I have to." Faith warned, brandishing her spoon like a sword. Albus only chuckled, pushing her spoon down and kissing her forehead. "You're cute when you think you're intimidating, you know that?"
The healer could only sputter and blush, unable to find the words to counter him before pointing towards the table. "Just...go sit for dinner. You came all this way, you're not leaving until I know you're not going to drop over dead from hunger or something." "Stickler as always, Faithful." "Go!" "Alright, alright, I'm going."
Albus wandered to the table, settling into the chair across from Kerano with a sigh. "How ya doing kid? Listening to your sister?" Kerano’s head popped up with a toothy grin. "Mr. Albus! When did you get here?" "Ah only a couple minutes ago, you didn't miss much." "Oh well that's good! Big sister really misses you when you go away for so long." "Oh does she now?" "Yeah! I mean, she has Mr. Devlin and she's always happy with him but she talks about you a lot. Wonders where you are or what you're doing or if you're okay. She really worries about you. She tries not to show it but she acts different when you haven't been around for a while." Albus raised an eyebrow at that. "Acts different? How?" "Her shoulders get all tense. They get closer to her ears bit by bit like a wind-up toy. And she gets really nervous. Then you come by and she relaxes again. It's kinda funny to watch." Kerano giggled as Albus’s heart flipped. She really worried about him. Gods above, if only she knew how much he put on the line to protect her.
"Kerano, honey! Can you clear the table? Dinner's ready!" "Yes big sister!" Kerano hopped down from her seat and quickly cleared her papers off the table, setting out dishes as Faith brought in a delicious smelling meal. As they both took their place at the table, talking and dishing out food, Albus sat quietly and watched. He watched his girls talk and laugh, watched them be happy like a mom and daughter.
This was his mission. This was the thing he fought so hard to protect. Fuck whatever he told people, fuck his own life, he fought for his family. For the woman he loved, the girl he cared for as his own, and the brother he'd grown to have. He would never deserve it, never deserve a place in their picture perfect life, but he'd be damned if he let his actions be the thing that destroyed it. So he would defend them with his life.
"So Kerano tells me you get all jumpy when I'm away. Haven't convinced Vinny to give you any stress relief, eh?" "Albus!!"
(There. Brain worm satisfied. I can finally finish my homework in peace-)
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yoyomomiko · 5 months
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Pairing: Craig x F!reader
Summary: You and Craig have known each other ever since first grade, and the two of you got to be very good best friends. What's standing in the way of becoming even more? The fact that the both of you are polar opposites. There's surely no way YOU TWO could ever work in a relationship, right?
Warnings: Swearing, cringe, rushed!!
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“That's childish, what are you, a toddler?”
“No... I'm all grown up!”
It was useless having arguments like these, really. It happened all the time, and you tried to ignore all the judgement, but it was just messing you up badly!
“No you're not! No older kid would still play with stuffed toys!”
“That's not very nice, you know?”
“Like i care! You're-”
“How about you fuck off?”
Craig's monotone voice cut off the other kid, flipping him off. Despite the other kid wanting to stand his ground, he just left, stomping away in annoyance.
“Are you alright? You should stop being such a people pleaser.” He stated simply in his 'i don't care' tone.
“Sorry, i just... It's hard being mean. Everybody deserves kindness in their life, at least once, they should feel like they're being cared about, no matter what.”
Craig's eyes lit up a bit, but he shook his head with a sigh.
“I can't convince you otherwise. Let's just play, there's still time left for recess.”
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
“Ay! I'm not fat, i'm big boned you dipshit!”
“I never called you fat, i just told you that eating food off the floor isn't-”
“I understand, but there's a lot of bacteria on the floor, and you could get sick!”
“You ruined a perfectly good meal!”
“I didn't, i just-”
“Leave already!”
That's Cartman for you... You were already used to his sudden tantrums or bursts of anger, also to his insults. But that didn't mean you couldn't be kind to him, right?
You snapped out of your thoughts as you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around to see a familiar face, and probably your favourite one too.
“Craig!” Your eyes shined brightly as soon as you saw him, all while he walked away with you to his lunch table, along with his gang and Tweek.
“Are you alright?”
You nodded, a gentle smile on your face as the others greeted you.
“Cartman's a weirdo, he snapped all of the sudden, just because you cared for him.” Craig stated in his usual monotone voice, glancing to Cartman's table, then back at your happy face.
“I know how Cartman is, but so what?” You smiled at Craig's confused look, “Even if someone's being mean, it won't hurt to be kind! It makes you happier, and i feel better every single time i help someone!” You informed the ravenatte, all while the gang just watched you speak what seemed like nonsense to them.
“Yeah, b-b-b-but, C-Cartman's an a-ass.” Jimmy spoke for the others. You shrugged your shoulders and tilted your head to the side, a smile glued to your face.
“I know, but like i said, kindness doesn't hurt.”
You didn't belong in South Park.
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
“It's on!” You grinned at the boy in front of you, who looked like he tried his best not to smile too much.
“Whatever, whatever, i do what i want!” Craig tried his best to mimic Cartman's voice, trying not to laugh.
You, on the other hand, were already laughing like crazy.
“I'm not fat, i'm big boned!” You mimicked Cartman's voice almost perfectly, while Craig couldn't hold back anymore, and let out a laugh as well.
“Okay, i have to admit, you did it better.” Craig calmed down his laughter to speak out his sentence, before chuckling a bit more.
“I thought you were sweet, yet you're making fun of someone by copying their voice.” Craig leaned into you, probably a bit too close.
“Well... Y'know, it's not really rude... I mean, i'm not saying it to his face, am i?” You stood your ground, heart fluttering inside your chest.
Craig looked away and nodded, glancing at his feet. Suddenly, you felt a hand on top of yours, making you turn your head slightly, catching a glimpse of Craig holding your hand.
His cheeks were tinted pink now, smile long gone, as you stared at him.
You blushed too, face heating up. Craig's heart was pounding in his chest, so loud that he was sure you'd hear it.
You felt the corners of your lips tug upward, mouth forming a smile.
Craig turned to you, gaze fixated on your eyes. You examined his face, while he couldn't bear to watch you anymore, turning his head away quickly as he let go of your hand in embarassment.
You leaned over to him, catching his hand in yours again, making him flinch slightly, before he melted into your touch.
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
“There's no way...” Clyde perked up, checking out the way you and Craig held hands as you walked through the halls.
“W-What? ACK! T-that's...” Tweek trailed off, just as surprised.
“You guys HAVE to be blind, haven't you seen how the two of them acted with each other?” Tolkien crossed his arms. He was already expecting something to go on between you and Craig.
“B-But i t-tought they were a-already togheter...” Jimmy butted in, scanning the faces of his surprised friends.
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gay-poet-gabriel · 5 months
Idk if you do headcanons, but if you do, can you make age regressor hcs for the curtis gang and the Shepards?
I love you for this anon except anyway i have never tried to write a headcanon in my life anyway im sorry im just doing the curtis gang because like…MAN IDK THE SHEPARDS VERY WELL IM SORRY THEY WERENT IN THE BOOK TOO MUCH I ALSO ZONE OUT A LOT
(some of these might fit into the 60s time period, some probably will not)
Johnny (little boy)
Love love loves to imitate his cg, especially dally
When dallys (failing at) cooking, johnnys playing with little fisher price plastic food
When darry or pony is cleaning, johnny is playing with his little broom or washing his plastic dishes
Loves schedules and having plans
Darry is good at keeping structure for him
A bit scared of kids and other people so he doesn’t like to go to the park, especially the one he killed bob at
Loves to be read to! Especially by Pony!
Wheelchair user!
Absolutely a stuffy kid
Loves to chew on his stuffy (a small rabbit plush that’s not dirty, just stained)
Cleaner than other littles (two-bit)
Goes non-verbal often, babbling
Ponyboy (flip, regressor-leaning)
Also a stuffy kid!
Has a palomino horse plush Soda gave him named Star
Loves to color, is very precise with his hands
Also goes pretty non-verbal, completely mute
Loves to write and read little stories! They are very cute and he likes to give them to Two-Bit, he keeps them and treasures them
Begs and begs everyone in the gang to buy him a pet!
Favorite little food is grilled cheese
Pretty clean, but likes to play in puddles
As a caregiver, he’d love to take care of Johnny and read him stories (and write him stories too!)
Darry (daddy fr)
Loves to explain things!
Sometimes gets a bit frustrated though so he needs to learn to cool down occasionally
Helps with homework (already canon lol) also likes to help little pony spell things for his books!
Doesn’t like movies but he is perfectly content with laying Pony and Johnny on his belly as he sleeps and they watch a kids’ movie.
Loves to cook for his littles! (and everyone else too haha)
Sometimes even makes his chocolate cake really sweet just for Sodapop
Sets up any toys that need assembly (i.e. plastic cooking station, baby easel)
Soooooo happy that pony regresses
Bought pony like 20 pacifiers because “Anything is better than those cancer sticks” (he’s got the spirit!)
Soda (Flip, right in between daddy and middle)
So many horses
Steve made him a wooden rocking horse one time and he loves it
Would love my little pony (rip)
Loves to play with cars and pretend to change the oil on them with little tools!
Loves to watch Steve work on cars and pretends to help him with plastic wrenches etc
HUUUGE sweet tooth
Chocolate, ice cream with sprinkles, waffles with tons of syrup and butter, honey straight from the jar
Darry and Steve can’t stop him
Loves to cuddle!
Will latch on and never let his cg go
Enjoys sensory play
Sand, mud, leaves, feeling blankets
Blankie kid!
Has the grossest, wettest, most slobbered-on blanket in history
Can get out of any trouble ever
Dally (daddy)
Will only take care of Johnny and Pony
Usually only considers taking care of Pony when Johnny’s there tho (cuz he doesnt have a soft spot for him [we all know the truth])
When he and Johnny are home alone, he really does try his best to cook and make sure Johnny gets 3 meals in
EXTREMELY protective
Likes to surprise them with ice cream and little candies he steals from 5 and dime stores
Totally would push Johnny in his wheelchair around town if it wasn’t so dangerous for them
Likes to take them to watch ducks and just hang out
Can be pretty quiet and get a bit angry but still reassuring
Loves to watch movies with them both!
Will only start to cuddle Johnny at the start of the movie, and then Ponyboy will whine and then he feels bad and gives in (because he loves Pony don’t lie)
Two-Bit (Flip: like i would call it daddy but its more like…cool uncle? And middle!)
Really fun to hang out with!!
Babysits Soda, Pony, Johnny, or all three at once!
Everyone loves him!
Able to distract them when they have a cut or something and need Darry to put some alcohol on it
Makes funny faces and steals coloring books and sticker sheets for them (which really annoys Darry because he keeps finding stickers everywhere)
Loves Pony and encourages him to write his stories
Helps Pony come up with really silly things to write and draw
Loves to tell fun stories to all the littles!
As a middle: loves to eat
Loves to eat so much
Especially cheesy things
Messiest little you will ever see
Loves to play pranks
Watches Youtube prank channels unironically and tries them out
Can get out of any trouble just like Soda
Lets the little ones trace animals and shapes in his freckles
Steals the littles so many gifts. SOOOO MANY
Perfectly happy to watch Mickey Mouse with them all day
Steve (daddy, but only Soda’s)
Loves to build things for Soda
Can weld!
Horrible cook
Burns chicken nuggets (but Soda wolfs em down anyway)
Playfully wrestles and roughhouse with Soda (but lets his little boy win)
Makes forts with Sodapop and likes to play hide n seek with him!
Pretty childish too but also can be pretty mean
Has made Soda cry on several occasions and everyone hates him for it (SORRY STEVE PART 3)
Saves Sodapop from Two-Bit’s pranks
Loves to play with cars with Soda
Loves to drive Soda around in his car 
Likes to nap with Soda
will crosspost this on my subblog (gabisbabbies)
also theres no way this is 1,000 words dude how
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jaxxsoxxn · 6 months
Do you think boomer would ever be comfortable talking about his son’s death? I mean losing the kid is way harder.
Or he hasn’t never told anyone he ever had a son and when he just mentioned it out of the blue everyone’s like surprise and I can just imagine Harley saying oh my God you have a kid can we see him and Boomer just said it’s so normally you can’t, he’s dead he got murdered anyway, I’m hungry 
I feel like Boomer doesn't deal well with death of people close to him. He probably just doesn't actually think of it as a thing that happened, but more like as a fact - my son was also ginger, he was young, he died.
He gets into his feelings only when he has to recall the way he died and it's like it happens all over again. I'd say it's something like shock for him, just staying way longer than for normal people.
Digger can be childish, but he's also kinda... Apathetic to most things that happen around him. Most people would probably tie the "he's dead" under it, but I feel like Harley, ex psychologist, would try to get some more information and with every push, it'd just make Boomer more jumpy, more scared.
If the kid would die in front of him, I imagine he'd remember every single detail. Especially since I hc it that the kid died at his 8th bday. (you know, just for fun)
So, for me, it would be way more like the second version.
The squad was mostly tired right now. The after-mission high was slowly dying out, when they sat down in the random Gotham fast-food and Flag went to get their orders in. The subject was technically started by Harley, one of her painted nails pointed at a kids meal with a toy.
"Ya think we should get it for my gal and Toyboy?" she said, a genuinely happy smile on her face. "And the toys aren't bat-themed!"
Shark grabber the menu and pulled it almost comically close to his face, while Floyd rolled his eyes.
"Zoey has been into green lantern theme lately, though she says Wonder Woman is still her favourite..." he mumbled, trying to keep his typical for Gotham look.
"My kid loved the toys back in Australia, doubt he'd like them here though."
Boomer said, shocking most of them. Deadshot looks at him with worry mixed with anger, while Shark tries to decide if it's another weird joke. Only Harley smiles wider, though there's slight surprise in her eyes, too.
"Ya have a kid? Oh me, are they ginger like ya? How old are they? Why haven't we met em?! Do ya have pictures?" her voice is delighted at the idea, even though a smaller Digger doesn't sound so great.
"Uh, ye, a son, yeah, eight and he's dead, been dead for a while, so I don't have pictures." he counts the answers out on his fingers, missing how everyone freezes. Before anyone tries to say more, he softly whispers under his breath, like it's a memory hitting him suddenly: "I didn't have money for his burial..."
And Harley catches the shake of his hand, the tremble of his voice and the way his eyes look down in shame and something so close to self-hatered that it makes her stomach flip.
By the time food comes, Boomer's acting like he never said anything, eating with vigor of someone who didn't have a meal for weeks. The rest of them just send each other worried stares in silence, poking at the food and trying to regain their appetite.
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keyh0use · 9 months
can i have more latin barry head canons!!!
For you? Anything ♡ Barry's first gen; his parents moved to the U.S when he only a few years old.
♡ Up until the point of leaving, Barry and his parents lived with his abuela.
♡ The family of three moved into a lower income neighbourhood where people were a lot more standoffish than they were used to and Barry had to learn how to defend himself too young.
♡ The first couple years of school were difficult for Barry and he would often be sent to the nurse for chest pain, his lack of accommodation for the language barrier causing frequent anxiety attacks.
♡ This prompted Barry to check out library book after library book to practice because paper wouldn't laugh at him for stumbling over words. That's also when his love for reading was first ignited. ♡ Barry's parents were very hard workers, but they always took time off for his birthdays and competitions and concerts.
♡ Which, speaking of, Barry was always rewarded for achievements with a toy from the dollar store or a happy meal (:
♡ Barry was taught to be independent from a very young age. How to cook, clean, groom himself were all just a part of everyday lessons.
♡ Even though his parents were learning English at their own pace, Barry attended every appointment because like hell was he going to let anyone take advantage of his mama and papa. ♡ Making his parents proud has always been a core part of his life; aiming for great grades and good impressions on elders. ♡ Barry's family back home constantly keep him updated on their lives + the village news, sending him videos of festivals going on and captioning it with things like can't wait till you visit! ♡ Easily gives up any dream of going to post-secondary school in favour of joining the military to help his family out
♡ Religiously watches a popular telenovela because it's a way to connect with his abuela, the two talking for hours after each episode ♡ Barry blasts music while cleaning just like his mother always did ♡ Whenever Barry talks to his cousins, they're always poking fun at his spanglish ♡ Barry receives handmade gifts every year; curtains, knitted sweaters, paintings ♡ Growing up in a childhood home so full of light and love, he often worried while all alone in the OBX he would never be able to replicate it for the family he creates. ♡ Which wasn't really a big deal because Barry had always been so focused on chasing money to be concerned with dating, despite his family bothering him about when he would finally settle down. But all that changed when he met Rafe, obviously. Turns out he was worried about nothing, naturally Barry is good at reassurance and comforting and keeping his mouth shut, able to handle the boy he wants to spend his life with because loving Rafe is as easy as breathing ♡ Barry knew he had nothing to worry about when he told his abuela. Still, he could barely choke down his overflowing emotions when all she did was make a comparison between him and Rafe and one of the couples on their show. ♡ Big families always have conflicts and differing opinions. So it's no surprise he was sick to his stomach about every aunt, uncle and cousin finding out he's with another man and possibly driving an even bigger wedge between everyone than the giant distance. ♡ Everyone was accepting, though. (because if they weren't, well, they'd have to face Barry's best friend in the whole world; abuela) ♡ Grows his own spices on the windowsill ♡ Rafe is (though he wouldn't label himself as such) pescatarian. Sure, there are times when image makes him do unfavourable things like choke down tiny pieces of steak over dinner with his father but it's a one-off. Barry picked up on this really early into the relationship and makes him try stuff like ceviche and alters other traditional dishes to include seafood ♡ Barry practically burns his fingerprints off whenever he cooks, flipping food with his bare hands or not shielding himself while oil splashes. It drives Rafe insane ♡ Dotes on Rafe when the kook is sick; vegetable dishes only, vaporub seemingly everywhere, forcing him to keep hydrated ♡ Barry is romantic. He just is. That's not something that can be debated, sorry. ♡ He dances around the kitchen with Rafe in the kitchen while they're high, writes love letters while they're apart and feels like his heart is going to explode out of his chest when Rafe willingly joins him down at the docks to cuddle up while fishing ♡ Accepting money for product is one thing, accepting an expensive watch because his 13-year-old one has finally kicked the bucket out of pure love is entirely another. It takes Barry a long time to accept the fact Rafe expects nothing in return, just wants to shower him in gifts. ♡ Barry has a box under his bed with every birthday card his family has ever sent him. ♡ Hot rich boyfriend or not, Barry outright refuses to let Rafe cover all the bills. When they make their living arrangement official, they split the cost evenly and it's a giant stress-reliever. ♡ Rafe thought nothing could be hotter than Barry's drawl until he heard him go off in Spanish. It always slips in and out when Barry gets close and afterwards Rafe will make him translate, butchering the foreign words when Barry asks what I say, baby? ♡ Rafe does make a serious effort to learn, though <3 ♡ The first time Rafe spends the night at Barry's parents house he bites into imitation fruit that was on the kitchen table for display. At random times Barry will remember the look on his face and the teeth impressions on the plastic and how flustered he got trying to explain himself, and Barry absolutely loses his shit laughing for the millionth time
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pocket-jack · 10 months
Luffy and Kidd: "Just siting there doing robots for fun"
Law: "Bursts in with a backpack and the most excited smile, he can ever have"
Luffy and Kidd: •_•
Law: Guess what fills almost entirety of this backpack.
Luffy: Meat?
Kidd: Ah fuck... Is it coffee?
Law: Better!
Law: "Opens a backpack and puts a thermos on the table" It's a thermos. FULL. Of coffee :)
Kidd: For fucks sake...
Law: "Takes a huge sip" Mmmmmmm~... Much better.
Kidd: When you told me you found a way to sublimate your drug addiction, I never thought that it's gonna be a shit gallon of coffee
Law: Life is so good right know
Luffy: You're gonna regret this, Traffy...
Law: That's gonna be later. When you or your crew, or my crew, or Kidds disproportionate face and his crew will ruin my day. Now I would love to have a heart attack and die happy.
Kidd: I fucking hate you and your smug face. That reminds me of you fucking flipping me off and then smiling like a bitch on Sabaody.
Law: The best day ever.
Luffy: The worst day ever...
Kidd: Drink your fucking caffeine and die already
Law: Go explode on your stupid toys
Luffy: Can you just not die and cook some meal? I'm hungry...
Kidd and Law: ...
Luffy: And then die from diarrhea, because you two are crap at cooking
Kidd: "Slums the table" Well, go get our personal housewife (Sanji) and make him do you a meal. And then go choke on it and die as well
Luffy: After you!
Kidd: Wanna go?
Luffy: Of course I do!
Kidd: Then let's go!
Luffy: Bed?
Kidd: Bed's are for pussies, you know that! We solve this right here! RIGHT. NOW.
Luffy: Fine by me!
Law: "Drinks coffee and watching the show"
If KidLawLu ship is not about three tops always fighting to be top before they have sex and casually talk about some random stuff afterwards, then what is it about?
And yes, drug addict Law headcanon, except that he quit it after he became Warlord
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bitterkarmaa · 6 months
HI HELLO i had another lil idea for Eclipse and Rays where he reads him a story! I wrote it as an experimental warm up so it's just a fluffy quick thing gjfg
It was a slow day. At least for Eclipse. He was currently down in the theatre, mindlessly fiddling with a rubix cube as he waited for Rays to finish his rumaging through the Lost and Found in the basement area.
The others were busy as usual, Sun in the daycare with Lunar, Moon out doing whatever and Bloodmoon were currently out in the woods to expel some pent up energy. While the bloodstone had been doing its job at keeping the bloodlust at bay, the twins still got antsy if not allowed to stay active.
Peforming in the theatre was usually enough, but today they wanted to run around more in an open space. And if any unfortunate hikers happened to be around then.. well Eclipse had the towels and clean up supplies at the ready just in case.
A small soft voice caught Eclipse's attention breaking him from his idle thoughts and the no complete cube, turning to look at Rays who was standing with a little book in hand. So he was finished already?
Rays flinched and drew in on himself a little. 'I… I found something. I was wondering if you would be… able to read it for me?'
The smaller animatronic timidly held up the book for Eclipse to see better. He squinted at it for a moment, and raised an eyebrow.
'Tales of Peter Rabbit?' he asked, trying his best to keep the faint incredulous tone from his words. 'You want me to read you a book for children?'
Rays looked down at the book, an expression of uncertainty growing on his scarred face. 'It has nice pictures… I'd like to know the story behind them. I-If it's not too much trouble..'
Eclipse sighed, pocketing the cube. 'No it's fine. I can do that. You all done then?'
A small nod. 'Alright. Lets head back up.'
Eclipse was thankful that the secret doorway leading to the room had been refurbished for use. The sounds of the kids playing in the daycare was loud and Eclipse was not in the mood for the headache.
Plus Rays was seeming a bit more skittish today, if the way he jolted at a distant childs scream of playful joy was anything to go by.
Either way, they made it back to the room without issue. As they entered, Rays scuttled on over to his little corner, grabbing an extra blanket before plopping onto one of Lunar's giant beanbags.
Eclipse soon followed, and settled down next to to the yellow animatronic who offered Eclipse the extra blanket. Ah so that's why he went and grabbed it despite already having one draped around his shoulders. He accepted it anyway, placing it over his legs instead.
'Alright, hand me the book.'
Rays complied and Eclipse inspected it for a moment as Rays settled in by his side. A quick flip through the pages did confirm to Eclipse that it did in fact have some nice art.
He had been expecting brightly coloured cartoon animals like most modern day kids stuff. These ones were more realistic and earthy toned in colour. Not bad. Easier on the eyes at least. Or… eye in his case.
'Ready?' He asked. Rays nodded and plopped his chin onto Eclipse's arm, his mismatched eyes staring eagerly at the little blue book. Eclipse snorted softly, allowing his other arm to wrap around the smaller animatronic as he began reading.
'Then old Mrs. Rabbit took a basket and her umbrella, to the baker's. She bought a loaf of brown bread and five currant buns.
Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail, who were good little bunnies, went down the lane to gather blackberries;
But Peter, who was very naughty, ran straight away to Mr. McGregor's garden and squeezed under the gate!'
'…What a little asshole.'
‘Or eye in his case’
‘What a little asshole’
I love this so much. They make me so happy. I want to pick them up in my hands and squish them like sponges. I want to shake them around like toys. Eclipse reading to Rays is my entire life now and I thank you for this scrumptious meal.
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nightlight-writes · 2 years
hey hey! Do you take anon requests? If not please lmk! Anyway i had a distant relative visit with a child and i was wondering, how would the luxiem guys be as parents? Idk, seems comical to me
Luxiem Boys as Parents
Genre: Headcanons
Warnings: slight mention of murder in Luca’s part
Notes: aaaaaa my first request! i don’t really have a father figure so this was interesting to write ^_^ I hope you find this satisfactory.
Vox Akuma
100% the affectionate, but also embarrassing type of parent.
Gives his children hugs and kisses like, every few hours.
Posts about his kids on social media and will happily show their baby pictures if asked.
Would develop a slight filter (ie. no sex jokes).
Everything else is OK though which inevitably leads to them developing a potty mouth.
Especially if they’re playing games together.
Somehow manages to keep up with all those newfangled hobbies his kids are into and wholeheartedly supports them.
That said, he does slightly wish his kids would appreciate “the classics” a teeny bit more…
Always gives out great, if sometimes unsolicited, advice.
By the time his children start moving out of the house, he’ll be in tears (and probably drunk as well).
Sure, he can return to his old lifestyle now, but he’s really gonna miss them…
Often tries to find time in his schedule to attend any important life events and host family reunions.
Whenever he appears, expect him to become the subject of constant gossip among the guests.
As long as he can spend time with his family, he’s happy.
Mysta Rias
Surprisingly, he does a decent job at being a dad.
Can often be seen eating at restaurants with his kids.
He would cook healthier meals for them if possible, but we all know how that turned out.
The only gadgets his children are allowed to own are laptops (for schoolwork) and flip phones (for texts and calls).
He’s not going to talk about his kids on social media and he’s not letting them have social media either.
Highly encourages his children to study hard and develop good financial habits.
Over time, he developed an immunity to tactics like “puppy eyes” and “claiming they REALLY need the shiny new toy”.
If it’s something both of them want though, he’ll be a VERY unbearable customer.
If his kids do well in school, he’ll host watch parties to celebrate.
These almost always end with his kids laughing at him after lots of chaotic banter.
But if anyone else insults him or his kids, they’ll be on the receiving end of a hellish roast.
When his children move out, he’ll call them once a month for life updates.
Every day, he prays that they don’t repeat any of his mistakes in life.
Luca Kaneshiro
Usually absent due to work, but when he DOES visit it’s a blast.
Spoils his kids with whatever they want if they ask nicely.
New clothes? They’re going to the most fashionable malls in town!
Spending the afternoon playing games? He’ll be down for that!
(He WILL get very competitive though.)
As long as the house is clean afterwards, anything is fine.
Speaking of cleaning, Luca would definitely teach his kids practical life skills like cooking and cleaning and fighting.
Would 100% record himself pranking his kids.
Has a massive influence on their life even when NOT present.
Those who pose even the slightest inconvenience must disappear.
No going outside without the protection of bodyguards.
And the shadow of his accomplishments shall always loom over his descendant’s heads.
But Luca would gladly pay any price to be able to create memories, however fleeting, with his family.
Ike Eveland
He’s trying his best.
Tends to fawn over how cute his favorite child is (or just his child if they have no siblings).
Spends a good chunk of the afternoon nerding out about things he liked “back in the day”.
If none of his kids end up liking Vocaloid, then he has failed as a parent.
Yes, he would un-ironically say that things were better back in HIS day.
Ike’s unhealthy eating habits are contagious and will spread to the rest of the family.
Tired to the point of falling asleep while reading bedtime stories.
Currently trying to sell any sussy things he possesses.
A good portion of his search history now consists of parenting forums, parent blogs, etc.
Tries to be patient when giving advice, but it’s surprisingly easy to bring out his blunt side.
This especially applies when he’s talking about relationships and/or sex.
As a result, he fears that he’ll make his kids cry if he tries to comfort them.
Other than that though, he’s mostly gentle when it comes to raising his kids.
Hopes that they will find something to cherish for life one day.
Shu Yamino
Chill and lax kind of parent.
As long as the kids aren’t getting hurt, anything is fine.
Owns a “World’s No. 1 Dad” mug “as a joke”.
Actually succeeds in being ✨hip with the kids✨
Would casually call himself a father on a random social media post without bringing it up ever again.
His advice usually tends to be “do want you want, but be responsible”.
He already has a hard time with romance and sexual topics and adding kids into the mix definitely doesn’t make it easier.
Probably starts leaving the house more often to spend quality time with the kids.
Open to teaching his children a bit of sorcery, but is still on the fence about passing down all of his knowledge.
After all, one’s life can only have so much magic before it stops being “normal”…
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masterwords · 1 year
I hope this isn’t too many that I’ve sent, but the thought of domestic Hotchgan is too good to pass up.
I was thinking about the fics you’ve written where Derek knows all of Hotch’s little intricacies- what he’ll eat, or wear, or what little looks or a couple words really mean. Could you maybe do one about the reverse - how Hotch knows every little thing about Derek? Things that maybe nobody else knows?
You are an amazing beautiful butterfly - thank you!
Hey, so you sent this in APRIL and I wrote this little thing here...and I just can't edit it to make it any better. But I also hate seeing all of these things hanging out that I have written little blurbs for. So, imagine this is higher quality? The image is sweet. The words are...sub-par. I'll probably throw this on AO3 later but for right now I'm just leaving it here. Thank you for always being so sweet and encouraging and I hope things have been GREAT for you recently. <3 I'm so sorry this took me forever and it isn't better than this. You can never ever ever send too many, I would welcome every thought every time. Even if my words are sparse my heart LOVES them. And if you ever just want to talk about hotchgan...I'll do that too. Because I could do that forever.
Summary: Derek has a bad day at work. Hotch knows exactly how to help. (This sits comfortably inside the Chicago Times series.)
Words: 1.4k
“I’m gonna be late tonight,” Derek groans into the phone. Aaron is sitting at his desk nursing his third or fourth coffee of the day, he can’t remember now how many he’s finished. He just sort of heads back into the kitchen periodically to top it off. He’s in his pajamas and wrapped in a blanket, not exactly sick but not feeling well nonetheless. It’s an office day so he didn’t bother to go in – it’s just as easy to grade papers and prepare lesson plans from home. He’s got his heating pad and a little too much access to the coffee pot.
Hank is playing quietly in his favorite corner, a little piece of real estate Aaron decided would belong to the toddler so he could keep any toys he wanted within reach on days he was home. These days he likes to flip through pages of books and scribble on papers, mimicking what he sees Aaron do all day. He even has a pair of sunglasses he’s popped the lenses out of so they look just like his daddy’s and a sippy cup beside him that he refills with water each time Aaron wanders to the coffee pot.
“Why?” Aaron asks, flicking his pen over his fingers. “What happened?”
Derek groans again miserably. “Nothing. I just forgot it was a damn fire drill day and they decided to do it during last period of all times. It’s gonna be a shit show. Half the kids take forever getting out of the classroom because they grab all their shit so they don’t have to come back...the other half just disappear.”
Aaron hums and offers him sincere condolences, promising to keep dinner warm for him. It’s a short conversation, just a courtesy. Derek never leaves him hanging. There are little texts afterward, snippy comments, frustrated tirades, all of which add up to a picture in Aaron’s mind of Derek coming home and being on edge. A fight feels like it’s brewing beneath the surface and he’s wise enough to plan ahead for just such a thing. Sometimes it’s what Derek needs, sometimes he’ll bait him on purpose so he can let off that steam, and other times he’ll play the quiet game. He thinks that’s the ticket for tonight. He decides to scrap his plans for spaghetti, a carb-heavy meal Derek isn’t particularly fond of especially when he was in the midst of a sports season, in favor of a big pot of chicken soup and rolls. The kids loved the rolls, and if Derek was going to indulge himself in carbs this time of year he’s going to do it on Aaron’s home baking. There would be no complaints, and he could hold a portion for Derek sans noodles and really make him happy.
As the day wears on, he notices that Derek’s texts had gone further and further between until finally it was silence. He usually keeps the flow going all day, Aaron is used to something between each of his classes at the very least. Something lewd that would make him blush, usually, or a funny thing a student did or said. He looked forward to them and missed them when they didn’t happen. It makes him nervous. That’s always a bad sign.
By the time Derek returns home, even later than he’d anticipated, he is so far in the dumps that it’s manifesting in every move he makes. His shoulders are slumped, he doesn’t immediately lift Hank into his arms as soon as they’re empty, he looks exhausted and more than that, defeated. When he does finally grab Hank he snuggles into his neck just a little too long and Aaron can see how desperately he’s holding on. “Hey Jack,” Aaron calls to his son down the hallway. “Why don’t you walk Hank down to grandma’s for dessert, huh? She’s got pecan pie and I think your cousins are over.”
Jack grabs his jacket, already knowing this was the plan but trying to make it look spontaneous. Derek frowns but Aaron just smiles and nods. “We’ll head over after you’ve had dinner. How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat?” A Pink Floyd classic, usually enough with the terrible accent to elicit a smile and what he got was half-ass at best. He’d just pulled out a terrible quote with a truly awful accent and Derek barely cracked a smile. Jack bids them farewell with an excited Hank clinging to his side. That they only live two blocks from Fran is a blessing neither of them take for granted.
“I’m not really hungry,” Derek says quietly. Aaron wraps him up in a hug and holds him for a moment, breathing him in, swaying a little where they stand.
“You need to eat. I made you soup, it’s light. No noodles.”
That brings out a small smile. Bigger than before but still small. “Thanks.”
Derek eats without speaking. Aaron knows better than to try and get him to talk when he isn’t ready, he wouldn’t hold back but he might not have worked through all of it. He is impulsive and explosive when his feelings get too big, and when those two things combine with a bad day it almost always erupts into something that isn’t good for anyone. Instead, Aaron busies himself with some cleaning in the kitchen, keeping the noise to a minimum. Derek likes it quiet when he’s on edge.
“Aaron,” he says finally, pushing his bowl away and patting his stomach. “Anyone ever tell you that you make the best chicken soup in the world?”
“Don’t say that too loud, your mom might hear…” But Aaron smiles anyway and is warmed by the compliment. Cooking for Derek is one of his greatest joys in life. That he could be home early enough every day to cook for his family is a blessing he never envisioned. This entire life seems like a dream.
“Don’t care. She always makes me eat the slimy noodles. Yours is full of carrots and celery.”
“The kids love the noodles.”
Derek nods and leans back in his chair, running his hands over his sweat slicked head. It’s unseasonably hot and he’s exhausted. “Don’t think I’m ready to see my mom yet…”
“I actually had something else in mind,” Aaron says, entering the living room and walking with purpose. Derek watches him carefully as he approaches their vintage record player, a relic from his own childhood that he’d had restored, and opened the top. He already had a record in place.
“What are you doing?” Derek asks but he can’t help the smile. He knows when an evening has been planned. Aaron is anything but subtle, try as he might. But Derek can’t help thinking it’s sweet and playing along as if he’s a lot smoother than he is about spontaneity.
“Come here,” Aaron says, turning around as the music starts.
Made for me...you were made for me…
Derek takes Aaron’s outstretched hand and finds himself drawn into a lilting embrace, a sway, a hug. Aaron kisses him gently, smiling bright and then kissing him again. Before he knows what’s happening they’re dancing around their living room, hips swaying, Aaron leading and humming along with Sam Cooke as they move. Each step, each shift and sway erases more and more of the day from his coiled muscles. Derek loves to dance.
You’ve been mine ever since I met you, and I’ll never never never never leave you…
They dance in silence, losing themselves in the simplicity of their bodies. The way they fit together like puzzle pieces. Derek with his hands bunched in Aaron’s cashmere sweater, probably his favorite item of clothing Aaron owns. Part of the plan, he knows. Aaron is wearing a pair of flannel pajama pants with a cashmere sweater, an odd combination entirely for his benefit. He can feel the tears in his eyes. His day was bad but he doesn’t think he deserves all of this. Still, Aaron kisses him on the lips and then the jaw and down onto his neck and he simply moves in time with him and enjoys every single second.
...I know, I know you were made for me...
“Let’s go get the kids,” Aaron whispers against his pulse, teeth grazing the tender skin, hot breath spreading a flush of goosebumps down to his collarbone. “I have one more thing that I think will help you shake the day but we’ve got to get those kids in bed first...”
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radio-charlie · 1 year
But: they ask Steve to come back down to the intake suite to look at the backpack, to look at what they want to call evidence. He thinks about refusing, but doesn’t. Not for their sake but for Bucky’s: maybe there’s something in there he can help explain, offer up as proof of innocence. Something only he would understand. They show him everything and he looks at it for a long time and then suddenly the world is blurry, wobbling: the world swims away, and Steve realizes he is crying. “Sir?” they ask. He is sir again, suddenly; they’d really like him to stop crying, he can tell. He’d like that too, but he can’t, he can’t: he puts his hands over his face to hide it, instead. It is: a worn-down toothbrush that somebody has scrubbed almost to a nub a plastic comb three small bottles of extra-strength acetaminophen, the kind for migraines a public transit map of bucharest, and another for prague, and another for stockholm two flip-cover notebooks; small, spiral-bound, logoless, like the ones they sell in drugstores by the greeting cards. These are covered in scrawled words that don’t seem to be in order, until Steve realizes it’s a code. A simple letter shift, and he’s doing it in his head now, easily: the first page says “I can’t forget the sound a skull makes against the ground; I need to sleep.” And also there’s: a handgun with an empty magazine five hundred dollars in small bills, rolled up in rubber bands and (Steve is laughing now, but it feels the same as crying, and it sounds worse) a dirty toy from a Happy Meal, which is something Steve’s never eaten but he has heard of; this is a rabbit with a fakey velveteen coating and a moulded plastic police uniform. Steve’s seen pictures of this rabbit, some movie with this rabbit, on the side of city buses in New York. Someone has been rubbing the rabbit’s ears in the same place, wearing it bald in one spot. “He had a keychain, kind of like this,” Steve says, to the jerkoffs with clipboards waiting for him to decode this– this pile of nothing. Their unsatisfying mystery. To them this is all garbage. Even the notebooks: there are no missile coordinates, no secrets. They don’t understand. He can see that in their faces. It’s why they brought him down here. “His cousin Georgie bought it for him before he shipped out,” Steve says, even though nobody in this room cares. “A lucky foot, for luck, he,” Steve tries, but he can’t finish, and then he walks out without asking if he can. The door was locked; he only notices afterwards, in the hall, holding the handle he broke off. When they were little they put toy soldiers into the wall behind a brick: they hid marbles, stubby pencils, comic strips cut out from the paper. Things nobody would want. Trash. But the truth is, somebody would still take them, if you didn’t watch out. There was always another kid– a grown-up, even, sometimes– who would steal things just to step on them. And then you’d have less than trash; you’d have nothing. The memory of having something, and the knowledge that it could be taken away. You’d have that. You will never understand him, he wants to say; he wants to scream it in their faces. You will never understand.
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headedoutleft · 1 year
I saw a picture of a painted bunting and I thought of my childhood best friend’s little brother, probably eleven years old, coming up to us from the back of their property one day saying he’d shot a weird bird, maybe a parrot.
I knew many of our native birds because my aunt was a bird watcher. A thick copy of Audubon’s guide to birds sat next to binoculars in the window nearest the bird feeder at her house.
He held his BB gun in one hand and the lifeless bird in the other, it’s brilliantly colored feathers instantly recognizable.
“Why would you kill a bird like that?” I scolded him, as he stared sheepishly at its little body. I remember him looking so small and still, pondering his actions.
Their family felt very foreign to mine. My sibling and I weren’t allowed to even have toy guns lest we mistake the seriousness of a deadly weapon for play. We weren’t allowed to leave our tiny block unless the parents weren’t around and our grandparents let us walk to the convenience store, the only store for miles, and buy ice cream. But he spent hours by himself on that swampy property shooting things with his little gun without his parents even checking on him.
They ate canned ranch style beans and corn, without additional seasoning, as regular sides for their meals. It was strange to me, because I grew up in a world of cumin and chili powder and herbs. Their mother washed and folded and saved aluminum foil in a kitchen drawer expressly for that purpose. Shopping at garage sales was a family event, piling into the suburban to scour other people’s castaways. All of this austerity despite living in a beautiful house that had triple the square footage of my family’s home. Whereas our tiny home was packed with mess, theirs was a neatly organized hoard of antiques and junk. Their clutter was hidden in a finished attic or unused sunroom instead of scattered in full view across the floor and stacked into the hallway.
They didn’t have TV and, like many of us in the community, weren’t allowed to listen to secular rock and roll. I burned him CDs that got confiscated and thrown away, and then I burned some more. His parents never said anything to me about it, maybe he lied about where he got them. After a significant grounding he told me not to bother anymore. I always got the impression that their mother didn’t like me. Too loud, too opinionated, too worldly, too poor in my ways.
He passed away last year and they didn’t put a cause of death in the obituary. I didn’t call. His sister and I had a falling out as teenagers that widened into a gulf when she married a man that I despised for belittling everyone who disagreed with him. The last conversation he and I had was about how he thought Muslims in Iraq had earned the punishment of God acting through the US military. I told him that didn’t seem like a display of the love of Jesus to me. He wasn’t persuaded. The sinners deserved death. All I could see was her spirit wasting away, detaching itself from a reality I knew she would not and could not leave. So I let the friendship go - There wasn’t much left at that point.
Our mothers kept us updated through the years when they met incidentally at the grocery store or the cafe. Her little brother had felt like my little brother. When I heard over the years he was doing well, I was happy for him. Then he passed away suddenly, a heart issue was the rumor. At the time I pondered the connection to COVID, the likeliness that he hadn’t been vaccinated. He was in his early thirties.
I saw the picture of the bunting and thought, “I wonder how he’s doing?” Then I remembered he’s gone, and I was caught in the memory of a scrawny little kid with a gun killing a bird. I thought of his love of music, how he practiced kick flips in the driveway, his stoic kindness and sad acceptance of the authority that drove his life. I hope he was happy.
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