#have had a rough day. dragons are always a day brightener!!!
The Vow
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Summary: Being married to the rouge prince was no easy task at least most thought so, being his wife and best friend did nothing but make everyday of your life better and better....until you forget all about him
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
Word count: 4.4k
You softly groaned as you stretched in the large bed that had enough room for what might be a small feast, until you rolled over onto your other side and slowly opened your eyes seeing your husband who was often nothing but a brute cuddled up to your side also slowly waking up which caused you to smile to yourself. Lightly dragging your fingertips across his pale skin taking in the slow tender moment before your days were started even if you knew you could go see him throughout the day.
He felt your fingers on his skin and stir, his eyes remaining shut as he leaned in slightly and bury his face in your neck. Scenting your skin, he savours your presence while he still can, before eventually opening his eyes. "Hello." He nuzzled your shoulder. Daemon smiled as your fingers traced his skin. It was a soft way to wake up, rather than the way he was normally woken up. He rolled his hand around searching to take your hand in his own. "We could stay here like this, you know." Daemon spoke softly to you, his hand tracing your face.
Feeling your eyes flutter shut at your husband's tender touch not able to help the smile that brightened due to his words, shaking your head knowing as much as you loved to stay put in his arms wasting the day away together you knew you both would be far to busy and everyone would never let up about needing something from one or the other "I love the way you think my darling, you know I'll be around when you need attention just come simply find me." Daemon sighed, knowing you were right. He rolled on top of you, giving you a kiss upon your lips. "Oh don't you worry, my love, your Daemon will find you wherever you are." He spoke in an amusingly formal tone, his hands now moving down your body.
Wrapping your arms around his shoulders smiling up at him, kissing him back softly as you enjoyed the feeling of his firm lips against your own then smiled at his words "I know you will...you always do my Daemon". Giving him another sweet kiss on the lips as you felt his rough hands move across your body before you slowly pushed him up as you sat up "I'm not falling for another five minutes today my love." Daemon laughed slightly at your tease but he was still slightly on the offensive. He pushed you back down to the bed and laid next to you. "You sure? Seems to me like you're enjoying this very much." Daemon spoke with a bit of a smirk on his face, his eyes tracing your bare body. I am a lucky man. He thought.
You sighed playfully as you were forced to lay back down as you looked up at him, nodding your head happily as you cupped his face in a delicate manner "I always enjoy being with you, but we're meant to be busy today my darling". Doing your best to not wrap your arms around him and simply go back to sleep as you attempted to sit up once more. Daemon sighed slightly but made no effort to hold you down this time. Instead he leaned over you once more, planting a soft kiss on your lips once more. "Fiiiine, my love." Daemon said in a playful tone, before leaning back and rolling over to get dressed. "I suppose I should probably get out of this bed…I'm sure that our duties have been waiting too long." Daemon spoke, as if the prospect of dealing with all of his affairs was already a headache.
Laughing as you kissed him back once more before finally getting up and getting dressed, working like a well oiled machine along side of him as he helped you tighten your gown before you tenderly helped him get dressed after being married for so long neither of you saw need for servants anymore. gently cupping his face in your hands as you smiled then pulled him close as you placed kisses all over his face only ending with placing a kiss on his forehead "Only for a few hours I promise love, I believe you can handle that much." Daemon laughed as you kissed him all over and placed one upon his forehead. "I suppose I can handle it, but only if I get to return here when we have some time." He said with a sly smile, his hands still resting on you. Daemon loved being married to you, and he would want nothing more than to spend every waking moment of his life with you, but for now he needed to return to his duties. Perhaps you can help me with some of them…afterwards. Daemon smiled to himself.
Daemon laughed as you dressed him and then put more kisses on him. You were such a tender woman and Daemon loved your touch, your kisses. "I don't think I'll be able to survive such a long separation." Daemon said, his mouth in a small smirk as he placed his hands upon your face. He kissed you back, lingeringly this time. "Perhaps we can escape just a few more minutes…" Daemon whispered against your lips. You leaned into his touch as your eyes closed taking in the comfortable feeling of being wrapped in his arms, looking up at him as you kissed him back lovingly before taking your time to pull away as you looked into his violet eyes and smiled "I said I wasn't falling for it" You spoke before giving him a few quick kisses before you had started walk out of the room ready to start your day so you could finish early and be back beside him as if you both were still newlyweds.
Daemon's face widened at your smirk, as if you were teasing him. Which he supposed you were. "Oh, my sweet lady wife of mine, why are you so cruel?" Daemon said in jest, as if you were actually doing anything wrong by leaving him. "I miss you already." Daemon would tease back as he did not pursue you, for he knew you would return. You always did after all. You couldn't help but laugh at your husband's playful words as you walked away from him knowing he was going to be even more dramatic, going about your day making sure your focus was only on the work in front of you even going out of your way to help Rhaenyra a little bit as the two held a small awkward conversation. Going outside toward the dragonpit seeing your baby Saphira taking some time to yourself as you got fresh air on top of the large beast going into the air with a smile on your face at least before your dragon turned which left you unstable as you fell hitting your head and blacking out as the workers quickly got help.
Daemon was in the middle of some sort of royal affair or meeting with important lords and ladies. It wasn't that terribly important, it was just something he had to do to make sure the realm was properly run. He would get the most important tasks done earlier in the day as to not disrupt his wonderful schedule. Daemon was just stepping out of his chamber for the day when he spotted something unusual. He saw one of the dragon keepers carrying out a woman who had seemingly been knocked out. His curiosity was piqued at first but he quickly turned to concern as he rushed to your side after noticing it was you.
"What in the seven hells happened?" He asked the keeper as he took you away from him. As he spoke to you he lightly grasped your hand, hoping you would wake up soon as your consciousness was all he cared about at this moment in time. The workers all stiffened once the rouge prince especially knowing how protective Daemon was over you, clearing their throats as well as sharing looks before one finally spoke up "She said she wanted some fresh air with Saphira but the next thing we knew she had hit her head and passed out" Not wanting to be on the bad end of the prince's rage they knew to take anything with you seriously even with hitting your head and now as a maester was going to look you over.
"And you just left her alone?" Daemon questioned. "Saphira?" He asked, looking to see if the dragon had attacked you. He knew the dragon would do no such thing, but he wanted to cover all his bases. He knelt by your side and felt your forehead, hoping it was nothing serious. "Please dear, wake up." Daemon whispered, his voice laden with anxiety as he felt your hand. The workers shrugged having been tending to the other dragons while you were with Saphira "We figured she'd be fine, the dragon is fine nor does Saphira seem as if anything happened", Helping take you to the maesters where they laid you down and left as the maester started checking and looking over you better after getting the details of what happened.
Daemon's face was full of worry as he stood beside your unconscious form. He couldn't help but feel guilty. His mind raced as he wondered how he could have left you alone and this happen. I have failed to keep her safe. Daemon whispered to himself. Daemon's heart seemed to skip a beat when the maester was checking you. Not knowing if you were even alive or not. When you were being treated he waited alongside you, just watching you in anxious anticipation for you to open your eyes. After enough time passed the maester sighed before looking over at you with a slight shake of his head as he spoke "She's still breathing but might be out for longer due to the heavy hit to the head, it might take some time but I'm unaware of how long."
Daemon was relieved to find out that you were still breathing. He was in a position of power and yet he couldn't do anything for you. All he could do was wait. Daemon looked at you, watching your gentle features and waiting for you to wake up. Daemon's hand caressed you gently, he hoped you couldn't feel it in your state but he wanted it to anyway. Weeks passed of not much changing nor did anyone attempt to mention perhaps it was best to let go especially with how angry the prince had become, that not even his brother Viserys or Rhaenyra could help calm him down like you often did but once you slowly opened your eyes with a heavy breath as you slowly looked around confused even as the maester came to check on you as your voice came out hoarse "Where am I?".
Daemon rushed to his feet as your eyes reopened. "Y/n! Thank all seven gods you are alive." Daemon spoke with a mix of relief, happiness and guilt. "The gods are merciful today, I thought I had lost you." Daemon said with a breath of relief. "You're on King's Landing, the seat of House Targaryen. You got hit in the head and I've been here for weeks waiting for you." Daemon admitted, feeling nothing but shame for himself. You looked over at the tall man as you winced feeling as if his voice was echoing in your head heavily, tilting your head slightly as you tried to process his words but shook your head not remembering anything as you tried to recall what you were last doing especially hearing you had been out for weeks now "Who are you? and why am I in King's Landing?".
Daemon felt the blood drain from his face. You didn't remember him? You were joking. He looked at you, waiting for you to crack a smile and start laughing. It never came. Daemon slowly moved towards you, taking your hand gently. "My love, I am Daemon Targaryen. We have been married for years now. Your life, it's only just started. But… You don't remember anything?" Daemon questioned, his voice filled with panic. You continued to look at him curiously as you listened closely and tried to place him somewhere you might remember him, feeling bad that he seemed so hurt out about you not knowing him but shook your head as you pulled your hand away from his "No I'm sorry, all I remember is taking a walk than everything went black" Not knowing you had lost years of your life but looked over at the maester who started asking you questions to see what you could remember before he looked over at Daemon scared of his reaction "She has a small case of amnesia."
Amnesia is a kind word for what you have. Daemon thought to himself, his anxiety increasing. He didn't handle the news that you didn't remember him as the man had hoped. Daemon took a moment to gather himself from your sudden news. "Amnesia?" Daemon asked the maester, ignoring the explanation initially. He looked at you, his eyes wide with concern and even a twinge of fear. "My lady wife… Please tell me you remember my name at least." Daemon asked, his voice full of need. You slowly sat up with a small groan of pain as you gently rubbed your head feeling a dull but painful throb, looking up at him once more as you tried to really look at him from his lilc eyes, platinum hair, tall and strong build, only to shake your head again "No I really don't know who you are". Listening as the maester spoke up about how it might take some time for you to feel better but it might do you some well to continue getting rest.
Daemon could feel his heart sink into his stomach. You didn't remember him… You had lost your memory. "You don't know me?" Daemon questioned again. He couldn't believe that that was truly an option. His head was reeling, what did this mean? How does he deal with this? As the maester continued to talk Daemon listened but the words hardly registered in his brain. Slowly he reached his hand out, holding your hand once more. He was not going to let you go again. During the next few days, you had been moved into your own private chambers since you felt weird being alone with Daemon still not remembering him, opting to even sit next to Rhaenyra more even if you couldn't remember her or Viserys who seemed nice when you did talk to him but also who had pushed your work onto someone else in the meantime. Sitting down at the dining table with them all as you bowed your head for prayer waiting until it was done before you started eating feeling excited that Rhaenyra and yourself would be hanging out.
Daemon sat at the table with you and Rhaenyra, his eyes on you at all times. As you prayed Daemon did the same, taking some time to himself pleading witht the gods new or old to hear him. It was good to see your face smiling, even if you didn't remember him. As all of you sat down to eat Daemon kept looking at you, still hoping you would suddenly remember him and everything that had transpired during your marriage. He hoped that deep down he had left his mark on you. That his memory was buried deep within you and only needed to be uncovered. Speaking with Rhaenyra as if nothing was wrong even as the blonde princess agreed that you were married to her uncle, doing your best to go about your routine each day you woke up only to have to ask servants what it was you normally did which often left one of the Targaryens to be told as they stepped in to help you like a small child. Glancing up as you chewed on your food only to see Daemon watching you which caused you to look down at your plate as your brows furrowed "Do you always watch me so closely?".
Daemon smiled softly at your observation, it was as if you were beginning to return your wits even if it was slowly. Daemon had been watching you closely, for you were a puzzle piece he didn't understand. Your amnesia was just a road block that Daemon was determined to overcome. "Of course I do." Daemon said with a smirk, his eyes looking to you, his wife. "It's only natural that I desire to stare at my beautiful wife." Daemon said with a flirtatious tone, hoping to earn some sort of reaction from you. You nodded your head slightly at his words as you squirmed around in your seat slightly instead of flirting back with him like usual, getting up with Rhaenyra once you both finished eating as Rhaenyra gently took you by the hand leading you around as she did most of the talking unless you had questions even as Rhaenyra started to enjoy spending time with you wondering why it had taken so long and you getting hurt for it to happen.
Daemon took notice at your change in demeanor, it seemed as if you were less inclined to flirt and be cheeky when compared to your normal self. You didn't even remember the man you married. It was concerning but Daemon wasn't entirely bothered by it. He felt almost as if you were a new woman to woo, to earn. Daemon wasn't opposed to the idea of winning you over once more. He watched Rhaenyra take you by the hand and lead you away, the two of you looking almost as if you were friends. "Have we found you the perfect friend now?" Daemon asked with a smirk. You looked at Rhaenyra once you felt a nudge in your side and realized he was talking to you, nodding your head as you smiled even if you didn't recall the friendship between yourself and the princess "Rhaenyra has been very helpful with helping me and my day-to-day basics." Having even been spending more time with Viserys as he helped reteach you everything you did before since he had grown to like your way best even if others had an issue with it "She and Viserys have been teaching me about the Targaryen family tree apparently I use to be able to say everyone in order with no mistakes."
Daemon nodded at your words with a soft smile. "I'm glad to see you have company. And the knowledge of the family tree will certainly come with time. You are my wife after all." Daemon said, his voice dripping with flirting even in the presence of his family. He gave you a kiss upon the hand then turned to Rhaenyra. "Keep a close eye upon her and keep her safe." Daemon told Rhaenyra, the tone in his voice a more sincere one. He felt comfortable knowing you were in Rhaenyra's care. You nodded your head feeling good that everyone seemed happy with your progress even if you were still missing so much of your life, watching him closely before pulling your hand away from him as Rhaenyra nodded her head at his words almost offended that he would think she'd let anything happen to you. The two women started walking away as Rhaenyra led you to the gardens feeling the quiet might help as you bit down on your lower lip and looked over at Rhaenyra "Can I ask you something? it's about Daemon himself."
Rhaenyra raised an eyebrow at your request but she shrugged. "Yes, of you course you may." She said with an open smile, curious as to what curiosity you may ask of her. Daemon, as usual, was also listening in on this conversation. He wanted to know what you wanted to know of him. Maybe it was something he could use to slowly get you back on track to remembering him. Sighing but nodded your head happy that the princess had been nothing but easy-going as she helped you remember things, looking down at the ground as you tried to piece your words together before shrugging your shoulders as the words tumbled out past your lips "I've heard...unsavory things about Daemon, that he's quite a brute and has done unspeakable things....is that true?".
Rhaenyra thought for a moment, unsure of how much to tell you. Daemon was her best friend, but he was also her uncle. She did not know how to answer your questions, because honestly, they weren't completely false. Rhaenyra looked for a way to answer without making Daemon seem like a terrible person. "Daemon can be very stubborn." Rhaenyra started, "Sometimes he let's his anger get the best of him. But that's only when he is pushed too far. But what is most important, is that he loves you." Rhaenyra said. You nodded with a small pout on your lips at the answer thinking it over as you recalled some of the things Daemon had done from what you've heard, looking over at the blonde woman again as you shrugged your shoulders at her words "How did we even get together? it sounds like we're nothing but polar opposites, how do he and I even work together in marriage?" Having been too embarrassed and shy to go to Daemon with these questions even if he would be the best person to answer them.
"You two have always been very different, but that's what has drawn you two together." Rhaenyra said with a smile. She believed it too, the differences in Daemon and you were what created the bond between you two. "He may be quite gruff, but he has the softest spot in the Kingdom for you." Rhaenyra said, hoping the words would make you feel better. They were true, Daemon loved you in a way he loved no one else, not even Rhaenyra or his brother Viserys. You slowly nodded along as you listened closely to the words feeling like you were listening to a fariytail, feeling your eyes sting with tears at the thought of Daemon being so tender and you couldn't remember any of it you let out a soft sigh, and nodded your head feeling determined "I want to remember, I'm gonna need more stories about him."
Rhaenyra chuckled at your need for stories which she was not opposed to. "You'll definitely need to remember your wedding to Daemon." She said with enthusiasm. "It was the grandest affair ever. What else do you want to know?" Rhaenyra asked, eager at the idea that your memory might return soon. "I would be more than happy to share anything you want to know." She continued, with a smile on her face. She believed that Daemon deserved to have you back at least. During the next few weeks, You had been learning more about your life and your marriage with Daemon even going as far as to show him small bits of affection, slowly but surely you began to push other's help away wanting to do things for yourself and show you could do it again but kept growing curious as to small gifts for you or being shocked by grand plans before learning it was from Daemon which caused you to seek him out.
Daemon was happy that you were showing him small bits of affection. He knew he would have to earn your love all over again but small touches were good. As you grew curious of gifts and grand plans Daemon was only too glad to tell you whom was behind them. He felt you were beginning to return to him bit by bit, and he wanted nothing more. Daemon felt at ease when you were back with him, and you were beginning to spend more time with him and less time away. It gave Daemon a new sense of hope. You had thanked Dameon for all the sweet and tender gestures he had been giving or showing you, which you found hard to keep the butterflies in your stomach under control but had been doing well as you were still learning more and more only getting curious about certain things but had been spending more time with Rhaenyra and Viserys both of which only now continued talking Daemon up even as you joined Rhaenyra late into the night talking about most things.
Daemon was over the moon to see that little by little you were remembering him and your life with him. He was always so cautious about his love, but as of late Daemon had felt nothing but comfort and happiness when with you. His smiles had become much more frequent. You were back in his life and Daemon was thankful for it. It was the small things that Daemon noticed, seeing how you would speak with confidence, laugh a little more freely, it all added up in his mind. He was on the verge of getting you back. He was certain of it. You rested your head against your arms listening to Rhaenyra speak about all different things, feeling your curiosity grow at mention of something that sounded familiar to you and asked about it which caused the blond princess to explain in detail that it was something connected to Daemon and yorself. Letting out a sharp gasp as your eyes shut tightly and you held your head as the pain from when this all started seemed to be the worst you had ever dealt with even as the blond princess tried asking if you were alright only taking a few minutes before nodding your head as you stood up with no explanation going back to the chambers you once shared with Daemon and opened the door as you stood there shocked and tears in your eyes softly whispering.
"I remember."
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madame-fear · 2 years
I might have talked on this before but I’m gonna expand, Jace and Luke adore when you read to them.
Perhaps they had a rough day, their mood brightens at the thought of you letting them rest their head on your lap as you read.
Sometimes they let you rest in their lap as you read, sometimes you’re both laying on your back, Luke tells you his thoughts more often than Jace does, because he almost goes into a trance whenever he hears your voice reading to him.
One way to get them interested in studies they seem to care very little for, is to read the book they have been assigned to read, because if it’s you reading the book is suddenly the most interesting in the world, and they can’t believe they’ve not read it yet, rhaenyra is secretly very happy your reading voice can enchant her sons into taking in all that information.
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Everytime they have the opportunity to spend time with you alone, they will, of course, spend it by mostly having you reading to them. The genre of the book doesn't really matter to them; it can be about history, medicinal herbs, romance novels — as far as they care, you can read them a book about insects and bugs and you'll immediatly have their entire attention and every word that comes from your mouth will be the most interesting.
Ever since you, one day, offered yourself to read a book to them after a long, tiring day of swordtraining, they just couldn't get enough of your tranquil voice reading outloud — and it just became kind of a daily routine for the three of you; literally just part of your life, and activities. Especially when they had a complicated day and they're both feeling like moody little dragons.
You usually read to them after they've finished all their princeling duties and responsabilities, which is, late at night — either on one of their chambers, or yours. It doesn't matter to them the moment you get to read to them, really, because they could easily have you read to them in the middle of one of their lessons breaks, but quite frankly they prefer to take their time appreciating your voice, and even, have you as the last thing they hear before falling into the hands of sweet dreaming.
While reading to them, they will usually just throw their heads on your lap; and, if you have long hair, they'll softly take hold of some strands of your hair and play with it while listening to your voice, or maybe with the hems of your sleeves, or any other random part of your clothing. They will also occasionally enjoy having either your head resting on your lap as you hold a book in front of you and read, or they would simply sit next to one another so you have your body spread across their laps.
Or even, when you're all together reading in bed, you will also be on your backs against the mattress (?) and you will all be comfortably spread across the bed — and probably expect to have the boys snuggling to your sides occssionally when you three are thrown on bed in that way.
From the two boys, the one that most of the time always makes remarks, comments, or expresses whatever thing comes to his mind at what you're reading to him is Luke. Jace occasionally shares his thoughts, but he's just literally mindlessly listening to your graciously calming voice in silence. No thoughts, head empty; only appreciating the moment, and allowing himself to fall asleep at the sound of your voice reading.
And also! Luckily for you — and their mother, of course — you realised that reading to them is quite a good way of making them be genuinely interested in the things they have to study, because sometimes they hesitate/procrastinate to study merely because they're not interested in the assigned topic, or they don't care as much as they should. You realised this thanks that they once went to you whining about how they had to read a book assigned by their maester for their lessons, but they simply weren't interested in reading it even if they had to. So, you offered to help them out, and read the book with them all together so they wouldn't dread it so much.
You already knew the answer beforehand. And they said yes in a heartbeat.
The same day they're assigned to read a book/study a certain topic they really aren't that interested in, or they simply can't easily take in the information they read about the matter, they will immediatly rush to look for you, and ask you to read said book to them. And the second you begin reading outloud, the topic will become the most interesting one of all Westeros in a single second, and strangely enough, they'll be able to process the information much more easily. And yes, they will indeed think to themselves how come they weren't interested in the topic before? But, it's just that you make everything more interesting, no matter what you'll be reading, or talking about.
Of course, Rhaenyra will notice how her boys suddenly become interested in a matter they weren't so interested before, or how they have much more knowledge about it when they couldn't retain the information in their minds before you read it to them no matter how hard they studied. And when asked about it, they will — quite pridefully — say it was all thanks to you.
“I'm proud of how well you've done with this matter, boys. How have you managed to study this more easily?” the platinum-haired woman inquired curiously at her sons, the two Velaryon boys, knowing they had a hard time with some particular studying lessons. “It was all thanks to (y/n), she helped us study, and made it more easier for us.” luke retorted, with a broad, proud grin.
Ah, yes. Rhaenyra had occasionally heard — and seen — you all together reading. Either heard you on one of your chambers, or had seen you on the gardens laying on your backs with quite a few books nearby and both boys snuggling to your sides. She couldn't deny that she was quite joyful that you made her boys take information easily, or just find a way to make studying lessons that previously weren't interesting more entertaining by simply having you reading the assigned books to them.
She wouldn't say it, but she's proud of you having found a way to make her sons happy & entertained. Same goes for them, whom have heart eyes for how sweet and loving you are. And your voice? The most absolute precious they've ever head, and they can never get tired from listening to you.
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♡ taglist : ♡
@jjamieberry @anemicroyalcore @countsmoon @tickle-euphoria @beeebo234 @manuholland6 @capellaadara @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @damatheirin @jacesvelaryons
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bmodiwrites · 2 years
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It's 1990 and Steve is several years into his career. Everything is good except he can't stop himself from thinking about rough curls and an in your face personality. Eddie is always there in the back of his mind, guiding everything Steve does. Things start to get interesting when Will, Steve's apprentice, comes running up to Steve's chair with bright eyes and news of a new tattoo. Like Steve's been dreaming of, Eddie's finally coming back to town. Read chapter 1 to catch up before chapter 2 hits tomorrow afternoon!!
Completely forgetting that Will was still there, Steve jolted at the sound of a throat clearing. Unable to help the rush of it, Steve blushed across his cheeks and down along the length of his neck. “Shit, Will. I forgot you were there.”
Will’s eyebrows quirked, then a grin rushed across his face. “I’ll say.” There was mischief and knowing in his eyes. Something like acceptance lingered there, too. Instead of snarking back, Steve ducked his chin to his chest, sighing in defeat.
“Eddie is the man of my dreams, Byers. Aside from the fact that this tattoo is genuinely awesome, like really awesome… I’m – excited by the prospect of spending time with him.” Waving the paper in Will’s direction, Steve continued on. “He’ll have to come back for at least three appointments.”
The grin on Will’s face brightened even further, as if Steve letting him into a more personal side of his life was huge and not just a nervous tick Steve couldn’t stop. He gestured for the paper that Steve handed over without thought.
“This is the same guy you did the bats for?”
Steve nodded, his hands itching to pull out his portfolio book and show off the tattoo for the billionth time. Will started his apprenticeship months ago and had probably seen the photo of Eddie’s bats at least once a day since he started.
There wasn’t a need to share it (there never was), though Steve wanted to all the same.
“He’s got a creative mind, you have to give him that. I’ll need to teach you more about some of the characters he’s wanting so you get a good feel for them.” Will’s eyes lingered on the paper before handing it back. “You’re going to go for cartoon style, I hope?”
Sighing, Steve shrugged his shoulders, exaggerating the huff of breath. “That was where my mind went initially. Is that too safe? Or overdone? I would hate to be cliché. Eddie seems like anything but.”
“Your instincts are good, Steve. I may only be your young padawan but I would trust what’s made you so successful.” Will grinned reassuringly, then went on. “There’s a big difference between Link from the game’s cover and Link from the actual Legends of Zelda game. You’ve got room to wiggle. The style you did that dragon in last week – try starting there.”
Read chapter 2 on AO3 tomorrow at 5PM(ish) CST!
Tagging (please let me know if you want to be added to the taglist by commenting below!): @writer-in-theory, @zerokrox-blog, @whatthefuccck, @patchworkgargoyle, @thefreakandthehair, @estrellami-1.
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good morning, the talented angel!! some love time to brighten your day! okok i've got some ideas so i'm super excited, wait for them. puss in boots is a TT i don't know if i am even able to watch it here but i'll try, love!! i see all these gifs and replies in tumblr and go TT i'm already heartbroken. just a situation from my life. someone speaks about cats. i make eye contact with my one, every time just the same one friend and she's just 'oh nooo she's already about to cry' 'im honored to have someone like you read my works' and i'm honored to read the works of someone like YOU!!!! luv u!!!!<з gimme gimme by nct127 is not my fav comeback but yeah it's stylish. still in my 2018 era when they released boss TT the best years of kpop 'I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS FOR THIS FIC' don't know if i should be scared or excited... 'NOW I HAVE TO WRITE P3' YEAH these jokes from the real life about me being buisness-motivation-earn-your-first-billion-in-a-second aren't jokes anymore!!! 'i can bite anyone who pressures me myself' ok i can stand as a big scary dog next to you then 'im excited to exercise after my classes' so sweet TT i'm glad your doing good. 'im the designated soprano since no one else can be' have no clue what this is but sure you'll do the best!! you're the best after all. 'waking my dad up during his naps' OMG I'M GONNA CRY such cuties TT wish your dad good sleep TT sorry i haven't reacted to everything i wanted to butbut 1) omg i'm stupid TT i've been obsessed with some russian artist and his song 'Infinite Universe' (actually 'is the universe infinite?' but ok) and while i was thinking about point 3 (later), i was like WAIT. it's so absolutely about this modern au for me TT the plot is another cliche about thousands of worlds and variations of our reality but this thought hit me BAD. if you're ever interested, i found some eng subs for you. 2) first of all, i imagine waiting for a lifetime ending with the sweetest kiss with some stained tears. AND. WHAT IF the ending is a parallel? not the wedding but the childbirth like in the beginning. but this time it ends up good (just like aemma's) and no one dies. and there i have 2 variants. if the reader told daemon, he's been really nervous and fidgety during the labour, maybe even going away not to witness it. but in the end he's so relieved and wow omg thanku all the sweet stuff. and if he's been recalling his first life, labour triggers him BAD. so he recollects TOTALLY EVERYTHING and becomes even more nervous while being with his wife. thus when it ends good, he's even more relieved and just absolutely rushes to kiss her, thank her, non-stop mumbling about how scared he got and how he recalled everything. it may be sooo far away from your image but i love this concept so much. 3) again about this artist, noize mc. i've been obsessed with his old songs soo. i have the one called 'My Sea' with eng subs. the main line 'my sea, i beg you to not spit me out ashore during another storm of your tantrums' had me thinking. (also the fact that in russian 'being worried' and 'sea being rough' are the same word...) like IMAGINE. it's not actually the one of ideas as reqs i was talking about daemon with a velaryon reader (legitimately velaryon or just a mother/grandmother and another house nm) as the restless sea and the reckless flames (well dragon). both having to calm each other down but in the different ways. daemon needs to comfort his wife saying she doesn't need to be always worried and think how to solve every problem in the world. and his wife teling him his brother loves him and he absolutely doesn't need to kill a lord who said his wife's dk a whore. in fact, still the cliche concept with the wise and responsible one and the one who does foolish things in their behalf but AAA i love this. this mutual help but in the different ways?? my heart is throbbing. thanks for reading it!! let me know what you think. love you!! have a nice day!!! take care <з
HELLOOOO!!!! i forgot to answer your ask this morning lol
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good morning, the talented angel!! some love time to brighten your day!
good morning/noon/night lovie <3 my star, my heart <3
okok i've got some ideas so i'm super excited, wait for them.
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puss in boots is a TT i don't know if i am even able to watch it here but i'll try, love!! i see all these gifs and replies in tumblr and go TT i'm already heartbroken. just a situation from my life. someone speaks about cats. i make eye contact with my one, every time just the same one friend and she's just 'oh nooo she's already about to cry'
ah i see. you dont have to watch it if you dont want to but you know people, they like to share things they like with people they like, but if the idea distresses you, because it does talk about death, then dont. i will say though, it does give a very nice take away about death, so yeah
'im honored to have someone like you read my works' and i'm honored to read the works of someone like YOU!!!! luv u!!!!<з
gimme gimme by nct127 is not my fav comeback but yeah it's stylish.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NO BUT YEAH I AGREE not my fav comeback either but i was so excited to see johnny centre <3 LOVE LOVE LOVE but damn i hate his line about dead clowns T_T YUCK WHAT WAS THAT WHY JOHN WHY
still in my 2018 era when they released boss TT the best years of kpop
thats the vid that made be decide ok imma like this group but it still took me a while to get into them tho. ALSO YOURE A CZENNIE TOO 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 LOVE THAT FOR US WHO IS YOUR BIAS MINE IS JOHN AHHAAHHA if you cant tell
'I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS FOR THIS FIC' don't know if i should be scared or excited...
😈 both
'NOW I HAVE TO WRITE P3' YEAH these jokes from the real life about me being buisness-motivation-earn-your-first-billion-in-a-second aren't jokes anymore!!!
what HAHAHHHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHA thats so random lol
'i can bite anyone who pressures me myself' ok i can stand as a big scary dog next to you then
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'im excited to exercise after my classes' so sweet TT i'm glad your doing good.
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i hope youre doing good too my love
'im the designated soprano since no one else can be' have no clue what this is but sure you'll do the best!! you're the best after all.
T_T im so sorry i have been hanging out with my music classmates i forgot not everyone knows music lingo. soprano is basically someone who sings the high parts of a piece in simply terms lol.
'waking my dad up during his naps' OMG I'M GONNA CRY such cuties TT wish your dad good sleep TT sorry i haven't reacted to everything
its ok if you dont react to everything!!! it can be hard to do that, but yes T_T so cute my dad is so annoyed by it but secretly loves it i think HAHAH
i wanted to butbut 1) omg i'm stupid TT i've been obsessed with some russian artist and his song 'Infinite Universe' (actually 'is the universe infinite?' but ok)
you should have told me the artist T_T is it by noize? i listened to the song. interesting to know you like music like that if that is the song yo mean.
and while i was thinking about point 3 (later), i was like WAIT. it's so absolutely about this modern au for me TT the plot is another cliche about thousands of worlds and variations of our reality but this thought hit me BAD. if you're ever interested, i found some eng subs for you.
hahahhahHAHAHAHAHAH AH YES. we mean the same song HAHHAHAHAHAH. i didnt really like the song T_T it probably hits different for you because you understand the russian, but i dont like raps that function as a percussion (meaning like a drum that doesnt have notes/melody) i like the chorus part where he sings much better though.
2) first of all, i imagine waiting for a lifetime ending with the sweetest kiss with some stained tears. AND. WHAT IF the ending is a parallel?
i love your parallelism idea. i will say, i never actually imagined the first scene to be a childbirth scene LOL i didnt even know it was registering like that, all i know is yn is dying cos of a gaping wound lol
not the wedding but the childbirth like in the beginning. but this time it ends up good (just like aemma's) and no one dies. and there i have 2 variants. if the reader told daemon, he's been really nervous and fidgety during the labour, maybe even going away not to witness it. but in the end he's so relieved and wow omg thanku all the sweet stuff.
i abhor the idea of writing a death from childbirth. idk if my feminist ass will allow 20th century daemon not to be present in the birth. fuck him and his trauma. fuck you rat, you claim to love your wife but u cant be there? fuck your trauma, she could die and you wont be there? ive upset myself with this idea and cant even say the sweet ending part is a sweet idea lol AHHAH
and if he's been recalling his first life, labour triggers him BAD. so he recollects TOTALLY EVERYTHING and becomes even more nervous while being with his wife. thus when it ends good, he's even more relieved and just absolutely rushes to kiss her, thank her, non-stop mumbling about how scared he got and how he recalled everything.
ok i like this better because you didnt mention anything about him fucking leaving so <3 i think deserve, worship the ground she steps on she gave you a child
it may be sooo far away from your image but i love this concept so much.
it's a good concept! i;ll think of adding it. i love how were planning the ending already but i havent even made p3 HAHAHAHAH. actually though i started writing it!!!! im so excited to finish it so you can finally read it HASL:FHAHSF!!!!
3) again about this artist, noize mc. i've been obsessed with his old songs soo. i have the one called 'My Sea' with eng subs. the main line 'my sea, i beg you to not spit me out ashore during another storm of your tantrums' had me thinking. (also the fact that in russian 'being worried' and 'sea being rough' are the same word...)
i like this song better because his rap has melody. the same russian word is mind blowing T_T wow i love it when language does that
like IMAGINE. it's not actually the one of ideas as reqs i was talking about daemon with a velaryon reader (legitimately velaryon or just a mother/grandmother and another house nm) as the restless sea and the reckless flames (well dragon). both having to calm each other down but in the different ways. daemon needs to comfort his wife saying she doesn't need to be always worried and think how to solve every problem in the world. and his wife teling him his brother loves him and he absolutely doesn't need to kill a lord who said his wife's dk a whore. in fact, still the cliche concept with the wise and responsible one and the one who does foolish things in their behalf but AAA i love this. this mutual help but in the different ways?? my heart is throbbing.
🥺 this is a sweet idea. honestly im a sucker for plots like this. i love it when characters exhibit are someone the same but in different ways, and i love how one makes up for the other. <3 ugh i love dynamics like that. i will say im not feeling making smth fluffy rn HAHAHAHH so lets just park this ig.
also since you shared music to me, i want to share music to you <3 i think it's in russian as well so its perfect (at least i hope its russian) it's 'Okay by Dimash Kudaibergen' he's actually from Kazakhstan so pardon my ignorance cos i cant tell if its kazakh or russian T_T he's one of my favorite artists ever he's so so so so good at singing and i love this song so much. i used this song as inspiration for my midterms last semester.
thanks for reading it!! let me know what you think. love you!! have a nice day!!! take care <з
thank you for writing to me again my love. i hope you like the song and i hope you have an amazing day. i love you so much take care <3 <3
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xxx (ew the gif is ugly but thats the first thing i found lol HAHAHHA)
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hoedamn-eron · 2 years
it's the tea
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Steven just really likes tea…it's got nothing to do with the barista.
Warnings: None. (Repost due to edit) Word count: 1,218 GN!Reader, no use of Y/N.
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He just likes the tea. He swears it’s the tea. It’s a particular blend that was difficult to find in the shops. It has nothing to do with the barista behind the counter, the one with the cute smile, and who asks him how his day is going, who seems to make his day just that little bit better. No, he likes the tea, that’s why he comes so often.
Like today. It was a miserable day outside and he’d had yet another rough shift at the museum (thanks, Donna), and he was exhausted. Sleep was still an issue, and he was sure today was Friday, but someone had mentioned that it was Saturday. He was too tired to think about it. The café was warm and inviting, and it meant – finally – some pleasant company.
“Good afternoon, Steven.”
You had noticed Steven a few weeks ago. He must have come in on a particularly bad day because he looked a little downtrodden and agitated. It wasn’t any of your business, really, and you didn’t ask, you just took his order as normal, trying to give him a kind smile as you do. You drew a smiley face on his cup, hoping to brighten his day up even just a little bit. You’ve had days like those, especially working in a coffee shop. Customers can be dragons, sometimes.
“Hi-hiya,” Steven replied, gripping the strap of his bag as his heart skipped a beat in his chest. God, your smile always did something to his brain. “You all right?”
You shrug, already tilling in his order and passing it to your co-worker. “Same old. Rubbish weather, init?” You nod to the grey clouds outside.
“Yeah.” Steven nodded, a soft look on his face. He always caught himself staring at you, no matter what you were doing. You were just…so nice and friendly, and you put little drawings on his takeout cups. Last time, it was a duck with an umbrella. That one has been his favourite so far. Oh, speaking of his tea… “£2.70, yeah?”
You nod. “Yup.” Taking his change, you ask him, “Got any plans for the rest of the day?”
Steven shrugged, shaking his head. “No. Feed Gus, probably get a takeaway in. It’s been a bad day.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” you reply, and you meant it. The world didn’t deserve the likes of Steven. You loved how dedicated he was to his goldfish, it was just so endearing. It made you feel all warm. “Tomorrow’s another day, yeah?”
He looked at you with an expression you couldn’t quite decipher. His brow was furrowed, as though thinking hard, but he looked uncertain, or even unsure. You could see his jaw clenching and as you opened your mouth to ask him if anything was the matter, your co-worker called his drink, causing you both to jump. Steven gave a small smile of thanks to your co-worker as he took his tea. He turned back to you. “I suppose I’ll…I’ll see you later?”
You feel a little put out, but you’re not sure why. You nod at him anyway. “Yeah. See you later.”
He sent a small smile your way before turning and making his way to the café door, but he stopped. He could do those things that he said he was going to do (after the terrible day he’d had), or he could stop being a wuss and spend his evening with you; a beautiful human being with a heart of gold who is considerate and took the time to talk to him. But that’s only if you wanted to do that.
He'd been admiring you for weeks, maybe he should just put himself out there. He was always so alone, and he never seemed to be able to catch a break. His mum never returned his calls, his closest companion was a goldfish, and even the people at work didn’t think he was worth the time. He knew you wouldn’t teat him like that.
He took a deep breath before sighing it out. He could do this. He was brave enough. He will have to be brave enough. The worst you could say was ‘no’, and you wouldn’t be horrible about it, you’d be nice and kind.
Your eyes widened as Steven came back over to the till, his brow slightly furrowed. “Is there something wrong with your tea?”
“When do you get off?”
You blink at the double entendre. “Excuse me?”
Steven blushes a bright red as he shook his head, his eyes widening at you. “N-no, no, that’s not what I meant! I mean…I mean, when does your shift finish?”
You blink at him. Was this really happening? You bite your lip, slightly hopeful. “In about an hour.”
“W-would you…” Steven swallowed nervously, shifting from one door to the other. “I’m just…you don’t have to say yes, I completely understand if you don’t want to – “
“What is it, Steven?”
“Just…well, I was just wondering if you…if-if you would like to do out? Go out with me, that is?”
Your heart pounded hard in your chest. You needed to be calm about this. Maybe he was just being friendly, he did mention that one time he didn’t have many people to talk to. He might not be interested in the same way you were (no matter what your co-workers say about it). You’d be happy to just be this man’s friend; have platonic days out and all that. Yeah, that’s good.
But what if it was more than that? What if Steven wanted to take you out on a date? Would you confirm that now, just in case it wasn’t? You’re overthinking it now, he had the courage to (maybe) ask you out, the best thing you can do is to pull yourself together and at least answer him. “So…by that, you mean…a date? Like-like a date?”
Steven hesitated for a moment, blushing vividly before nodding. “Yeah.”
Your breathing definitely stopped for a moment there. You’re definitely blushing too. You can’t stop yourself from smiling as you nod at him. “I’d love to.”
Steven was in a state of disbelief, almost laughing at your answer, but stopped himself last minute. He nodded enthusiastically, a large smile taking over his features. “Great, aces. Yeah. Shall I meet you back here in an hour? Or I can stay? We can go for a drink, or I know this great little place just round the corner. It has some food vegan options, unless you would like – “
You thought it best you stop his rambling now. “I’m happy to wait, unless you want to go home first?”
Steven nodded, still smiling. “Yeah, I’ll just…I’ll just take a seat by the window. Let me know when you’re ready to go.” And with that, he quickly sat down by the large window in the corner of the café, finally taking a sip of his tea.
Your face felt hot as you looked away from him, your own stupid smile on your face. You try and busy yourself with stock check, catching the eye of your co-worker who watched the entire interaction go down. She was smirking at you. “Told you he was interested.”
You shake your head in amusement. “He only came in for tea.”
“Yeah okay.”
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ghirahimbo · 2 years
A (for Blind, But Now), Q and U! + some figurative 🍵 for the plague
Thank you for the figurative tea! Hoping to curl up with some literal tea soon 💖
A: How did you come up with the title to Blind, But Now?
I once was lost, but now am found / was [blind, but now] I see :D
But yeah, basically I had that song stuck in my head, liked the theme of redemption, and ran with it.
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven’t tried yet.
Ohhh, I've had an angsty sidlink idea kicking around for ages that might be interesting to try to write someday? Urbosa/Zelda’s mom could be fun, too! I do generally write what interests me, though, and I guess I have relatively narrow interests T–T
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
Do I...
lmao actually though, do you want a deleted scene from Crystalline? I started scrolling through my old documents trying to remember just how many unused projects I actually have, and I realized that I'd completely forgotten about the version of Crystalline featuring the Thunder Dragon. I'm pretty sure I abandoned the idea when the pacing wasn't working out right and I couldn't get the scene to resolve the way I needed it to, but I still might reuse the idea for something else someday ;)
((obligatory disclaimer that this never made it out of rough draft stage))
On "good" days, Ghirahim managed to track down a Wolfos den or Molderach nest for Link to clean out—but when all else failed, the Thunder Dragon at Lanayru Gorge was still happy to let Link throw himself against the simulated enemies of his past. More and more often, Ghirahim's thirst for a challenge led them to Lanayru eventually.
Today, Ghirahim took them straight to the gorge without bothering to look elsewhere first.
"Good to see you back here, Link!" Lanayru boomed from his usual place as they approached, sitting back on his tail. Even when Ghirahim led them, he always addressed Link. "It's been a few weeks, hasn't it? You up for another trip down memory lane?"
Link nodded, considering his options. The battle with Tentalus was difficult, but he thought Ghirahim resented how much he relied on his bow and arrows. Scaldera had lost most of its challenge now that he had the hang of it, and they'd fought plenty of Molderachs already, so…
Link opened his mouth to say Koloktos.
"He is here to fight Ghirahim," Ghirahim announced before he could get the name out, and Link whipped his head to stare. "The first battle, if you please."
"Ghirahim," Lanayru repeated, deep voice inscrutable. His cloudy beard let off barely a wisp as he stroked it, strips of lightning rippling up his stomach. "The first battle." Turning to Link, he asked, "Is that really your choice?"
Biting his lip, Link nodded. They had never faced any of his remembered battles with Ghirahim before, any more than they’d faced Demise… by unspoken agreement, he'd thought. It occurred to him that Ghirahim's spur of the moment desire for bloodshed was perhaps not as unplanned as it seemed.
“Ghirahim it is, then!” Lanayru clapped his hands together—a thunderclap. “Look to the past to understand the future, as I always say. I assume you both remember the rules, so… are you ready?”
Link nodded. Ghirahim said nothing, but his dark eyes spoke volumes as a dark mist rose from out of nowhere in Link's mind, swallowing up first the looming desert cliffs, then the grassy oasis they stood on, and finally Link himself.
The world brightened again as the simulation took hold, but not by much. The deepest chamber of Skyview Temple was dim, with only hints of sunlight shining through hidden cracks in the ceiling above, though his pale opponent seemed to gather what little light filtered through as he approached. Walking slowly, arm outstretched, Link remembered his taunting smirk all too well. That confident, unarmed approach had frightened him once.
“He’s toying with you, of course,” Ghirahim murmured from beside him, and Link spared him a glance. Gaze focused on his double, the true Ghirahim’s red cloak peeled away in diamond wisps until the two were mirrored. “Not that he would hesitate to kill you should even his pared back strength prove overwhelming. The weak must learn to survive on their own merits.”
Like the Kikwi? Link thought but didn’t say, raising the tip of his black sword experimentally. The false Ghirahim’s eyes followed it, his hand drifting sideways.
As always, the Thunder Dragon had let him bring the sword he carried with him—Ghirahim's sword now, instead of the Goddess Sword. Could this simulated Ghirahim still steal it away?
For the moment, he needn't find out. He had sparred often enough with Ghirahim since this battle to make his "training" style of battle all too familiar. Switching his sword's direction quickly, Link scored a line of diamonds down his side.
"You've grown quite comfortable with me, haven't you, Link?" the Ghirahim beside him mused. The Ghirahim he had struck approached again, silent. "No wonder you have come to harbor such affection."
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sparkles-and-trash · 4 years
I just had a pretty rough day, and I was wondering if you had some spare Modern Zukka or Kataang or Mailee or just gaang headcanons? Your writing always brighten up my day! It’s okay if you can’t, just wanted to ask <3
oh no, anon, I’m so sorry your day was dumb, and I can sure try to make it a little better! <3
some random Modern ATLA headcanons, ft. Zukka, Kataang and Mailee ~
I know they’re not usually seen together, but I 100% think Suki and Toph would be best buddies 
badass girl pals, punching the patriarchy in the face together 
Zuko totally dresses like a total dork, sweater-vests over button-downs type of dorky, and he totally cuffs his jeans and wear loafers 
Azula, and then when they start dating, Sokka, totally has to help hm out in the fashion department 
Sokka is obsessed with ocean life? 
Sokka and Zuko’s first date was at the aquarium okay 
they still like going there a lot 
Katara studies medicine, I love med student Katara 
she and Mai are low-key pals 
Mai is studying forensics so some of their classes interlude 
Ty Lee is a high ranking gymnast and Mai is her biggest supporter 
she even cheered loudly once 
it’s true, Azula, Sokka and Zuko was all there, they all heard it
they all love telling everyone about it, and people who doesn’t know them have no idea why it’s so hilarious 
Aang and Ty Lee would totally volunteer at a animal shelter together 
Aang adopted both Appa the huge, hairy mutt, and Momo the sketchy, little cat from there 
Katara loves them both so much, Sokka loves Appa but is a little weary of Momo 
it’s mutual 
Zuko sometimes joins Mai when she’s going to visit Ty Lee while she’s there, Mai visits her a work so much people think she works there too 
Mai loves animals, like, ay more than people 
Zuko finds Druk the three-legged cat there and of course he takes him home 
this cat is so... just so, so ragged and weird 
dark brown and orange-y fur, huge orange, almost red eyes, a tooth sticking out of his mouth, one of his ears are chipped, and yeah, he’s missing a front leg 
but Zuko loves him with his entire heart and soul, so of course Sokka does, too 
Zuko got himself a whole ass business admin degree, because he thought he was gonna take over his dad’s company, with Azula 
but when they cut him out, and he was later taken to jail for being the worst (also embezzlement and a lot of other real crimes), Zuko was almost done anyways so he just finished
but it ended up being great anyways, because Iroh is expanding The Jasmin Dragon, and Zuko ends up running the second location 
he loves it, and turns it into some sort of tea shop/book store thing, and it thrives under his management 
Azula is ofc still a boss bitch lmao 
idk what she ends up doing, but she does everything well so she’ll be okay, we all know this 
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oriigami · 4 years
Adventures in Babysitting
[So ever since doing some age math for a different fic, I’ve had this headcanon that Dragon spent awhile as Cora’s designated babysitter, so I wrote some extremely self-indulgent and headcanon-heavy fluff. Read it on ao3 here!]
Garp’s voice echoed down the halls of marine headquarters, and Dragon immediately started mentally packing up any hopes he’d had of a quiet day. Maybe if he found an unused office or someplace else to lay low until his father lost interest or got distracted...
He didn’t quite manage it on time; he rounded a corner, headed for one of the ladders that led up to the roof, and nearly ran smack into the very man he’d been hoping to avoid.
“Ah, there you are!” Garp said brightly. “Take this, will you?”
And he shoved a child into Dragon’s arms.
Dragon cursed, hurriedly readjusted his grip so as not to dump the poor kid on the floor, and glanced up his father.
“This?” he echoed, and then, after a quick glance down at shaggy blonde hair and arms patterned with faint scars, “…Isn’t this Sengoku’s kid?”
He’d seen the kid in passing once or twice since Sengoku had brought him back to Headquarters, usually trailing close in Sengoku’s footsteps, quiet and a little jumpy. He hadn’t really anticipated that this would be how he wound up actually meeting him.
“Yup!” Garp laughed, reached down to scrub a rough hand through the kid’s hair. “This is Roci! Senny asked me to look after him for the day, but I just heard Roger was sighted in Paradise and I have to go chase the bastard down. You don’t mind, do you?”
“I don’t know-“
“Great!” Garp said. “He’s a good kid, doesn’t really talk, shouldn’t give you any trouble. Thanks again!”
And then he was gone, barreling back down the hall, leaving Dragon no room to get a word in edgewise. Dragon watched until he disappeared around the corner, footsteps quickly fading, then sighed and looked at the kid- Roci- who was giving him an uncertain, wide-eyed look from behind his messy bangs.
“Hi,” he said, and sighed. “I’m Dragon. Sorry about him. I’m going to set you down now, okay?”
Roci nodded, and Dragon crouched down to lower him to the floor.
“How old are you?” he asked, leaning back against the wall.
Roci frowned for a moment, then held up six fingers.
“Six, huh? Can you read yet?”
A nod.
“That’s good. My dad mentioned you don’t really talk. Want me to find some paper to write on?”
A hesitation, and then another nod.
“Alright, follow me,” Dragon said, pushing himself to his feet and setting off down the hall. Roci fell into step beside him, hurrying a little to keep up, and Dragon took the opportunity to take a better look at him. His gait was a little jagged and uneven, not pronounced enough to be a limp but maybe a sign of some old injury, and the scars he’d noticed before were bright under HQ’s fluorescent lighting, thin lines and bigger circles all up and down narrow arms.
He didn’t know where Sengoku had found the kid, just that he’d come back with him after some mission somewhere in North Blue. He sure wasn’t about to ask. Scars like that didn’t come from nowhere, and six year old kids didn’t just not talk without some reason.
Roci stumbled, tripping spectacularly over what looked like nothing at all, and Dragon stopped in his tracks, turning and bending down.
“You okay?” he asked, offering the kid a hand to help him up. Roci took it, picked himself up, and nearly tripped over his own ankles again while doing so, his hand tightening around Dragon’s to keep from smacking his face into the floor again.
Dragon sighed, readjusted his hand to get a better grip, and tugged the kid to his feet. “You’re kind of clumsy, huh?”
Roci flushed a little and nodded, gaze fixed on the ground.
“...You can keep holding my hand? If that makes it easier?” Dragon offered after a moment.
Roci didn’t say anything- of course- but his hand tightened just a little more in Dragon’s, and the next time he tripped, Dragon was able to keep him on his feet.
Dragon led them into the first office he came across, and managed to find a notepad and a pen after emptying most of the contents of someone’s desk onto the floor. He passed them down to Roci, who immediately scribbled something down, then held the notebook out.
Sorry, it said, in a childish, slightly uneven hand. No elaboration, but Dragon didn’t have to think hard to guess what he was referring to.
“Don’t worry about it,” Dragon said, waving a hand. “Better I’m looking after you than my dad, honestly. When I was your age he had me running drills with his men, and it was terrible.”
He dropped down into the unoccupied desk chair, propped his feet up on the desk. “So how’re you liking HQ so far?” he asked. “You’ve been here for a month or so now, right?”
Roci nodded, settling down with his back against the desk drawers at Dragon’s side. I like it, he wrote. It’s
A pause, while he tapped the pen against the notepad a few times, then finished, clean.
“Ha, yeah, I guess it is,” Dragon said. “The marines are pretty big on that. Order above all, and all that sh- stuff.”
Roci nodded, and after another pause: I want to be a marine.
“Yeah? You considered getting a haircut?” Dragon asked idly, considering the kid’s shaggy mess of hair. “Marines usually keep it short.”
Roci shook his head immediately, so hard it was almost violent. A pause, then he scribbled something else down in his notebook.
Yours is long?
Dragon snorted. “Yeah, well. I’m not gonna be a marine, so.”
Roci blinked and tilted his head, the why? clear and unspoken. Dragon frowned and tipped his head back to look at the ceiling, trying to figure out how to explain in terms a child would understand.
“There’s... bad things in the world,” he said after a moment. An extreme oversimplification, to be sure, but one that was unavoidable. He might be tactless sometimes- often- but he wasn’t about to give a six-year-old a crash course in the horrors of slavery and genocide. “I’m going to try and fix them, and if I want to do that, I can’t be a marine.”
Roci was giving him a curious look from behind his bangs. “Don’t tell my dad I said that,” Dragon added after a moment. “He’d probably get on my case for ‘indoctrination.’” The kid just looked confused at that, and Dragon waved a hand. “Never mind.”
Roci was still giving him that curious, uncertain kind of look, and Dragon tipped his head. “What is it?”
Roci scribbled something in his notebook, then turned it around. Garp-san is your dad.
Dragon nodded. “That’s right.”
A pause, and then, with another quick scribble: Monkey D. Dragon?
Dragon raised an eyebrow. “Yes, that’s my name,” he allowed. “Why?”
You’re nice.
“Not really,” Dragon said, and almost laughed out loud at the openly doubtful look that won him.
He wasn’t nice, really, and he knew the path he was planning on heading down didn’t leave much room for softness anyways, but- he did like kids, and they deserved to be treated with at least a little gentleness, especially kids who the world obviously had been cruel to.
“You know any sign language?” he asked curiously, and Roci brightened a little.
I’m learning, he wrote. Sengoku-san is teaching me.
He signed something with quick movements, then wrote, My name. R-O-C-I.
“Can you show me one more time? Slower?” Dragon asked, and when Roci ran through the gestures again, he copied him, a little clumsily, and repeated it a few times until he felt he had it down.
Roci lit up, smiling big and toothy for the first time since Dragon had met him, and it almost felt like the room got a little brighter.
“How would you do my name?” Dragon asked.
Roci frowned for a moment, clearly thinking, then signed another short chain of gestures, slow enough that Dragon could follow along. Dragon copied him- D-R-A-G-O-N- and Roci nodded enthusiastically.
A smile tugged at Dragon’s lips, and he glanced up at the clock on the wall. It was past lunchtime, and he realized all of a sudden he was starving.
“You want to go rob the kitchens?” he asked, standing and absently offering Roci his hand again. Roci nodded, bouncing to his feet and only stumbling a little, and took it.
Sengoku found them several hours later, sitting on the roof of Marine HQ, Dragon still snacking on what was left of their stolen food cart. Roci’s head jerked up from where it had been bent over his notepad, and he waved excitedly at his adoptive father. Sengoku returned the wave, a reluctant smile tugging on his lips before he turned his attention to his son’s erstwhile babysitter. “Dragon,” he said, half-sighing.
“Sengoku,” Dragon replied without looking up, sounding absolutely unimpressed. “Thought you were doing inspections today?”
“I cut them off early when I heard Garp had left to try and chase down Roger again,” Sengoku said with a grimace. “I was worried he might’ve been reckless enough to actually take Rocinante with him.”
Dragon snorted. “He probably would’ve been, if he hadn’t run into me first.”
Sengoku sighed, pressing a hand to his temples and closing his eyes for a moment. “Thank you. Really.”
Dragon waved it off. “It was no trouble,” he said. “Roci’s a good kid. Wouldn’t mind looking after him again sometime.”
“I’ll take you up on that, if you’re serious,” Sengoku said, absently reaching down to ruffle Roci’s hair. “I’d much rather have you watching him than Garp.”
“I’m always serious.”
“Except when it comes to respecting authority figures.”
“Give me a reason to respect you and I will,” Dragon said impassively. “I like Roci, though. Like I said, he’s a good kid.”
“He really is,” Sengoku agreed, softening slightly, glancing down at Roci, who smiled up at him. “I’ll leave you be, then. Come on, Roci.”
Dragon nodded, signed something at Roci. Sengoku wasn’t paying enough attention to catch it, but whatever it was, it made Roci visibly brighten, face lighting up with a grin. And-
Well. Sengoku might have had a truly awful day, but at least he’d gotten a reliable babysitter out of the deal, so he supposed it balanced out. Garp’s spitfire son wouldn’t have been his first choice by a long shot, but he had to admit the boy was at least measurably more reliable and better with children than his father was, and the two seemed to really get along.
And anything that got Roci smiling like that was a win in his books, anyways.
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zutaraangtastic · 4 years
Could you do a little drabble about zuko and aang sharing dreams? maybe that is how zuko’s relationship with aang and katara starts, like it is what sparks it all :)
Also inspired by this post by @vomara! (Reminder that we are not accepting new prompts; we received these before July 1.) - Mod J
The moonlight pools in a pale circle on the dark water, perfectly still until Aang lands. His light footsteps cast ripples outwards as he spins Katara for an extra few beats in the air. Her eyes are squeezed shut with laughter as he guides her down gently, but she opens them, a gleam of mischief in their blue depths, and takes the lead as soon as she finds solid footing.
Aang gladly follows, letting her twirl him out to the end of her arm’s length and bring him back in. They sway together for an easy, quiet moment, with his back to her front and her smile pressed to his shoulder. He feels secure, wrapped up in her embrace, as he always does.
It’s a dream he has often, dancing on the sea with her—it’s one he never tires of. In the back of his mind, he knows she’s sleeping peacefully right next to him, so it’s not like it’s coming from a place of unfulfilled desire, as far as he can tell. They dance together all the time in their home, at fancy Republic City functions, at the Fire Lord’s galas. It’s just nice to steal away this extra secret time with her between night and day.
Even if it’s not quite the same as in real life, his mind does a pretty good job of conjuring Katara in a sleek sky-blue dress that tapers down one leg, her shoulders bare and her hair cascading in waves down her back. She’s utterly enchanting.
She dips him low, and Aang raises a hand to her cheek, his heart so full of love he feels like he could drown in it. “Baby, you’re my moon and stars,” he whispers, watching for the way the corners of her eyes crinkle with a smile as she leans in to kiss him. His own eyes flutter shut.
Something changes at that moment, heats up on his skin, brightens against his face. He doesn’t think much of it until he peeks his right eye open just a crack and gets a close-up look at an unmistakable scar—closer than he’s ever seen it in real life, close enough to see rivulets of pale tissue and faint pockets between rough scarlet ridges.
“Uh,” says Zuko.
“Um,” says Aang.
Neither of them moves. Around them, the scenery has turned to a soul-baringly sunny day, the water glittering beneath their feet. Zuko’s hands are where Katara’s were, one supporting Aang’s backwards lean and one resting high up on his thigh, Aang’s other knee raised up to frame Zuko’s side. Golden light, reflecting off the pool, dazzles in Zuko’s wide eyes, which soften little by little with something like gratitude.
Finally, he breaks the stillness of the moment with a somewhat dismayed laugh, letting go of the breath he seemed to be holding. Aang could almost swear he catches a sharp firewhiskey aftertaste brushing warmly over his lips. It’s an oddly specific detail, for a dream.
“Fancy meeting you here,” Zuko says, his mouth curving in a rare, secretive smile. “You’re just the person I wanted to see tonight.”
Something about it rubs against the grain in Aang’s mind, doesn’t quite add up the way it should, but he finds himself laughing, too, settling with ease into the firm hold that shifts to his waist. His own arms naturally find their way to wrap behind Zuko’s neck.
“You’re a lot smoother when I’m asleep, sifu hotman,” he remarks, and if Zuko’s brow furrows momentarily, he doesn’t really think twice about it after Zuko quickly twirls him a few times, catches him again by the hand and shoulder and steps with him in perfect sync.
Briefly, in the back of his mind, he wonders about Katara, but she wasn’t really here, and neither is Zuko. Even if his keen gaze makes Aang feel just as flustered as it does in real life, when he judges Aang’s firebending forms to “keep him sharp.” Even if the hand gliding up his side through the open slit of his robe makes him feel as hot as the sun.
He loves Katara. If he could love Zuko, too, he would—or, well, he already does, he thinks, but what difference does it make? All he knows is the real Zuko is sleeping soundly on the other side of the world. This can’t do any harm.
A little bit of sparring seems to blend naturally into their exchange. Instead of breaking apart to do the full Dancing Dragon, they stay close, trailing rainbow fire from their footsteps and trading precarious kicks around each other’s knees, legs crossing back and forth over one another as they move to and fro. The water doesn’t sizzle when their bending makes contact with it but splashes up into crystallized leaves of amber flame, scattering in their wake.
Aang ends up in the lead at some point, supporting Zuko’s weight in a high lift and a descending spin, their orange and red robes catching with a friction that might as well make a spark of its own. Several long strands of hair have strayed from Zuko’s topknot, falling messily around his face, but he doesn’t even seem to notice. There’s a simmering, unwavering intensity in his eyes now, never leaving Aang’s face. Aang flings him this way and that, dips him low and whispers, grinning, “Baby, you’re my sun and stars.” 
Zuko smirks invitingly, only to backflip over Aang’s bracing arm before Aang can act further. He lands easily, links his hand with Aang’s again and steps in close and fast to snap one leg up around Aang’s hip. They lean together, an unbroken line of contact from chest to thighs, breathing heavily. The shared hallucination of rhythm and music fades, and the utter brightness of the sky, too.
The closeness is so tempting, would make it so easy to kiss Zuko, but Aang decides to let his subconscious decide whether Zuko might make the first move instead.
“I didn’t know you could dance like that,” he says, with just a teasing note of accusation.
Zuko snorts, rolls his eyes with a distinctly affectionate exasperation reserved for Aang alone. Unthinkingly, Aang reaches to brush the loose hair back behind Zuko’s ear. His hand lingers gingerly against Zuko’s scar, warm, real, solid. Zuko doesn’t flinch away. Aang expects this dreamed image to melt away at any minute, but it doesn’t.
Before he loses the nerve, he blurts, “I didn’t know you would ever want to. With me.”
At that, Zuko chuckles, a self-deprecating sound edged with hopelessness that makes Aang’s heart clench. He closes his eyes and says, seemingly more to himself than Aang, “I knew this was all just stupid wishful thinking. That’s what happens, going to bed after too much to drink. Stupid.”
His eyelashes paint delicate, spidery shadows towards the arch of his cheek, shining damply, and his eyebrow digs down into a tense furrow. Aang doesn’t know what to do. This doesn’t make sense anymore—everything was going so well, and he thought that at least in a dream he might get a happy ending. He can’t put his finger on what went wrong. 
Lost, he bends his head slightly to press his lips to Zuko’s forehead, as the last golden light is swallowed up in the gray dawn all around them.
When Aang blinks slowly awake, the morning sky through the window is the first thing he sees, the first rays of sun stretching up into the receding blue. Katara is snoring gently, facing him, with her hair spilling over half her face. Aang lifts her sleep-heavy hand and works his fingers between hers, bringing her knuckles to his lips to kiss them softly.
He doesn’t know how long he lies awake there, watching the sun turn the clouds a rosy orange. Normally, he would get up and find somewhere to meditate. But he feels reluctant to leave Katara’s side this morning.
He stays long enough that she wakes up, though he’s sure she’ll doze off again soon enough. She squints at him with a reflexive, familiar smile and rasps, her voice rough with sleep, “What are you looking at me like that for?”
“Like what?”
“The way you always did when you thought I wasn’t watching you, back then.”
Aang laughs, and Katara does too, their breath stirring together between. “I can’t help it. I just love you.”
“Mm.” Katara scoots closer, snuggling her head under Aang’s chin and draping her arm over him. “Something’s on your mind, though. You always looked at me like that, all in love, ’cause you didn’t know how to tell me yet.”
Aang falls quiet. Reading the tension in him, Katara raises her hand to rub his upper arm gently, expectantly.
“I had a dream,” he says eventually. “About you…and Zuko.”
Katara leans back to look at him sharply. “Sweetie, you know you can’t let the tabloids get to you like that. I love you,” she says, with just a hint of scolding in her voice. “Zuko’s just a good friend.”
Aang opens his mouth, then closes it. “Yeah,” he says, pushing down the regret in it. “He is a good friend.” 
He can’t explain this to her, can’t ask her to understand something that might very well tear them apart. And that dream, as weird and real as it was…there’s just no way that Zuko feels like that, too. 
When Katara eventually does slip back into sleep, Aang kisses the crown of her head, carefully disentangles himself, and wanders down to the seashore to practice his firebending forms.
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sinsbymanka · 4 years
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Thank you so much @zuendwinkel​ for donating! I am SO GLAD to add this lovely Hawke x Fenris to the collection, writing them was a joy! I’m also SO EXCITED to share the artwork you created that goes along with it! Thank you so much for blessing us with something so soft, beautiful, and detailed!! 
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I’m not longer accepting RAINN Commissions but you can see the ones that are already finished in this series on AO3. Thank you to everyone who has supported me!
Title: A Flock of Trouble Pairing: Male Hawke x Fenris Rating: T Content Warnings: Post-Dragon Age: Inquisition, Post-Dragon Age II, Fluff and Angst, Reunions
Read on AO3
Listen. We got into a bit of a situation in the Western Approach. Fell tits over ass right into the Fade. I wish I was shitting you. Do you remember those giant spiders outside Kirkwall? They’ve got nothing on fade demon spiders. I have had enough of the whole thing for the rest of my life. Hawke took off with the Wardens to tell Weisshaupt that their whole fighting force is at risk of being controlled like finger puppets by an ancient magister. I got the worse job of telling you where the fuck he was going (Remember, don’t murder the messenger. Who else would get you that wine you like from Tevinter?)
He said not to follow him. Doesn’t want your Broody arse that close to Tevinter, I expect. I’m fully aware you’ll be going anyway. Take the note attached to my solicitor and get some coin to tide you over. Don’t get captured by slavers. Try to lie low.
When you see Hawke - ask him what happened in the Fade. Somebody needs to kick some sense into his ass. You’re the best person for it.
Sincerely, Varric Tethras
P.S. I’m adding the money Hawke lost to me to your gambling debts. Wicked Grace soon?
Weisshaupt appeared as foreboding and desolate as Fenris had expected. 
Sun-bleached stone soared into a clear, burning sky. Walls meant for defense rather than appeal ringed a fortress that looked as if it could withstand an archdemon itself. If Fenris remembered correctly, it had survived at least two. Perhaps three. 
Of course, if Garrett Hawke were there currently, it may soon fall into the blighted land surrounding it. That did seem to be the man’s luck.  And if Garrett Hawke wasn’t there, Fenris would hunt him down, if only to give the man the tongue lashing he richly deserved. 
In truth, Fenris felt uneasy. The Tevinter border at his back reminded him of the last time he’d been so far north. He’d been running then, as fast as he could go, a desperate chase that led to Kirkwall, an empty box, an abandoned mansion and…
And Garrett Hawke. 
Fenris remembered clearly everything that happened after he met Garrett. He had spent hours examining the path he took with a cynic’s wary gaze, looking for the moment it had all changed, the second he stopped running and made a choice. 
A choice that led him here, to the edge of the world, chasing instead of being chased. 
“What business do you have here?” A rough voice barked. It belonged to a woman, old for a Warden, her long brown hair braided neatly down her back. Her hand rested easily on the hilt of the sword on her hip with a warrior’s preparedness. But her stance was casual. Eyes alert and pleasant. There was no whiff of danger here, not for him at any rate. It did not quite reassure him, but there was no reason to reach for the blade on his back. Yet.
“I am here for the Champion of Kirkwall.” He informed the guard politely, wrapping the reins around his fist while he smoothly dismounted. 
The woman rocked back on her heels, a started, humorless laugh slipping from her lips. “The Champion of Kirkwall?” 
Fenris’s heart sunk, but he kept his face impassive. He could not help the way his gauntlets tightened on the leather bridle. “He is not here.” 
“Oh no! The blighted fool is still here. Are you here to take him back to wherever he came from? Cause I’d be grateful, Serah. May even slip some coin in your pocket.” 
Something broke inside him, a fever finally easing. Fenris had been traveling for longer than he wished to recount, and had not allowed himself to consider the end of the journey or who he wished to find there. 
“Where may I find him?” 
The woman opened her mouth to reply, but whatever response she meant to give was cut off by an unholy clatter and what sounded like a small explosion. Her expression darkened and she jerked her thumb to a thin trail of smoke rising above the walls. 
“Wherever there’s trouble, typically.” She sighed. 
Fenris knew Garrett far too well to disagree with that statement. 
The smoke smelled of herbs Fenris recognized, elfroot chief among them, and it was billowing from within a stable of all things. Soldiers, Fenris assumed they were Grey Wardens, stood with various expressions of shock, dismay, and annoyance. 
The nobles in Kirkwall wore the same looks the day Garrett knocked over six of the merchant’s stalls in Hightown. He’d been chasing a dog, who was chasing a street urchin, who was trying to catch a nug with a kitten in it’s mouth. 
Maker only knew how Garrett had gotten roped into the whole thing. 
Fenris simply remembered the chaos unspooling below him from his perch on the steps and that bubble of emotion that rose up in his chest while he chuckled ruefully and Isabela cheered. He hadn’t known what to call that feeling, not then, not watching Garrett retrieve the kitten and present it to the street urchin while the rich nobility stared in bewilderment. 
But when he saw Garrett in the stable doors, waving his arms like a windmill to disperse the smoke, Fenris felt it again. This time he knew its name.  
Knots loosened in his chest. Only to be replaced by a sharp spike of annoyance more than a match for the cloud of irritation hovering around Garrett. 
Except, of course, Garrett was impervious to the mood. He cast his dark eyes around the courtyard, flitting right over Fenris in his search for something. Then, a half second later, sliding back to where he stood. 
“Fen!” Garrett shouted, a joyful grin splitting his face. “You’re here!” 
Garrett bounded away from the smoking door, arms swinging. He wasn’t in armor, wasn’t armed, and a part of that struck a chord that made Fenris both wary and wistful. When was the last time Garrett had abandoned his armor around strangers? 
Garrett stumbled to a stop in front of him, arms out, waiting while his eyes dragged themselves over every inch of Fenris’s lyrium lined face. 
“You’re really here.” Garrett whispered. 
Almost as if he thought he’d never see him again. 
“Yes.” Fenris snapped instead, jerking his chin at the ancient fortress. “I have, once again, followed you to the edge of civilization.” 
At least Garrett had the good grace to look contrite. “I mean. They do have that wine here you like.” 
“It is more easily obtainable this close to Tevinter.” 
Garrett winced. “I told Varric to tell you-” 
“It was too much trouble to write to me with your own hand?” 
That made his lover recoil. Garrett did not grab for him, although he lifted his arm, fingers outstretched in silent plea. “Fen that… that wasn’t it at all. There was an army of demons. Giant spider. Marching across the blighted desert. Griffon eggs…” 
“Griffon eggs?” Fenris repeated, incredulous. 
Garrett’s whole face brightened. “Griffon eggs! I swear on the Maker’s hairy asscheeks, Fen, you won’t believe-” 
Fenris swallowed his anger and shook his head. In one movement, he turned on his heel and stomped away from the human with his beaming smile, warm eyes, and new wrinkles from sorrow on his forehead. 
It was always safest to walk away when he did not know whether to slap Garrett or kiss him, after all. 
Garrett found Fenris on the battlements while the sun was dipping below the western horizon. He stood, awkward and yet endearing, cradling a large white object gently in his arms. On second look, it was indeed the largest egg Fenris had ever seen. 
“I should have written.” Garrett murmured. “I… wasn’t thinking clearly.” 
Fenris did not pull his eyes from the pink and orange sky. “That is hardly unusual.” 
Garrett chuckled to himself, shifting his weight from side to side. “Fair. But… it was bad, Fen.” 
He knew it must have been. Varric would not have mentioned it otherwise. “Do you wish to tell me about it?”
“Yes.” Garrett sighed, placing the egg tenderly on top of a crate. He rested one large hand over it before casting a baleful look at Fenris. “But not tonight. Tonight I’m just… I’m just fucking thrilled to see you. Even if you’re fuming.” 
“I am not fuming.” Fenris stated on instinct. 
Garrett grinned. “Ah. Is this brooding then?” 
Fenris’s lips twitched. “I do not brood.” 
“Not even a little bit.” Garrett stepped closer, holding his arms out with a shy, uncertain tip of his lips. “I missed you.” 
Fenris pushed himself away from the warm stone. For a breathless second, the two men looked at each other. Garrett’s eyes shimmered with emotion, an expression torn between longing and hope. 
Fenris stepped into the man’s embrace and allowed himself to be tugged towards his broad chest. His sword rough fingers yanked on Hawke’s hair immediately, scowling into the grinning face. 
“You are a fool, and I am a worse one for loving you.” 
Garrett laughed, ducking down to press an eager kiss to Fenris’s lips. Fenris closed his eyes, drifting on the sparking heat between them, the way the world settled back into place. Garrett smelled of home, of warm hay, leather, salt and sun. 
They broke the kiss, but clung to each other as Garrett pressed his forehead to Fenris’s. 
“Griffon eggs?” Fenris finally asked.
Garrett smiled. “My newest adventure, Fenris. Much better than the last one, I assure you.” 
Fenris simply sighed and melted into his lover’s embrace under the burning sun. As with most of Garrett’s adventures, it would be nothing but trouble.
Fenris found he did not mind much at all.
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phoenix-downer · 4 years
Brought to Life
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Roxas/Naminé. Alternate Universe. Romance. Based off of the Greek myth Pygmalion. ~3000 words. For @scoobysnack1107​. 
There was nothing Naminé liked more than art.
She started out by drawing on spare scraps of paper her father left around his workshop. Little scrawls and scribbles with pencil stubs as she watched him sculpt works for his many clients. He was the most respected sculptor in the city, and he always had a long list of commissions to work on. 
When Naminé wasn’t helping her mother with chores around the house, she spent every spare moment watching her father at work. Once she was old enough, he enlisted her help and then formally signed her on as an apprentice. From then on, every spare moment she spent in his workshop honing her craft. She learned to work with a variety of mediums—wood, stone, clay, metal—but marble was her favorite. It was easy to mold and yet resistant to shattering, and she loved the feel of its texture beneath her fingers and its slight translucence that mimicked human skin. 
As the years passed, Naminé developed a reputation as something of a prodigy. People began to ask her to craft special orders under her own name and not her father’s. And when she wasn’t working in her father’s workshop, she worked with a master painter in the city and learned his secrets, too. By the time her twentieth birthday had arrived, she had quite the following of her own and was set for a life of steady work and happy clients for both sculpture and painting. 
There was just one catch. She had no one with which to live her life, and her parents were not getting any younger. They worried about who would take care of her once they were gone and urged her to find someone to marry.
“The two of you are still young,” she told them as she added the finishing touches to a painting of their splendid city during its summer festival for the goddess Aphrodite. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I have clients enough to last me for the rest of my days.” 
“Naminé, we’re not worried about your ability to provide for yourself,” her mother said as she took a seat on one of the workbenches. Her blond hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her blue eyes were filled with worry for her daughter. “Ever since you were little, we’ve known you’re talented, and your hard work has ensured you’ll be able to take care of yourself for the rest of your days.” 
“What we’re worried about is that you’ll be lonely,” her father said. His dark hair had a few streaks of gray in it now, but his blue eyes were as intense as ever, and Naminé knew he had many years of life ahead of him yet.
“Lonely?” Naminé set her paintbrush down. Why should she be lonely with such a happy family and so many happy clients? Her parents’ friends were wonderful too, and she never lacked for company if she so desired it.
“Don’t you want someone to spend the rest of your days with?” her mother said. 
“Oh, like a husband?” 
Her parents both nodded, and she glanced outside. She often saw young men pass by their shop when she worked into the twilight hours; it was on the way to a rather seedy part of the city, and she was less than impressed by the effects of alcohol, gambling, and prostitutes on the young men. Didn’t they have any respect for their wives and families?
Naminé sniffed. She had no use for a husband who would drink himself into a stupor, gamble her hard-earned money away, and then spend the night using the body of some poor woman whose name he couldn’t even be bothered to remember, all while his wife waited lonely and unsatisfied at home for him to come home at the crack of dawn to pass out and sleep the morning away while she did the chores. She would rather be alone forever than be miserably married to such a man. 
“I’m not interested in any of the men I’ve met,” she said. “I’m not interested in marriage at all.”
Let her parents think what they would about her words, but she would not be persuaded to chain herself to a miserable marriage. She had never met a man she would be interested in marrying, and she doubted that would change. There were plenty of good men in the world, but the ones she knew were all already married, and she had no taste for adultery or affairs. 
Her parents dropped the subject for now, but every now and then it would come up in conversation. One breezy autumn day, as they ate lunch on the terrace of their home, it came up again, and with a vengeance.
“Naminé,” her father said, not even trying to hide the exasperation in his voice, “if you don’t ever meet any young men, how would you know you’re not interested in marriage?” 
“It’s true. You spend so much time in the workshop and hardly any time at all meeting people your age,” her mother said as she sipped her goblet of wine. 
“I have a lot of work to do,” Naminé replied. “If I work hard now, I can build a good reputation for myself and have more flexibility when I’m older. Then I can think about marriage.” 
There was no point in rushing. Right now, her career took center stage. Marriage could come much later… if at all. 
Her mother daintily patted her mouth with her napkin. “Do you even know what you want in a husband?” 
Naminé thought for a moment. “Someone kind and caring, someone loyal and true. A man who would defend me from harm and never betray my trust. A man who would love me and want to be with me always.” 
Her father brightened. “Those are all good qualities. Why don’t I inquire with a matchmaker about—”
She shook her head. “It’s okay, father. I don’t think such a man exists. Or if he does, he’s already happily married to someone else.”
Her parents dropped the subject once more, but their conversation haunted her. She had little faith her dream man existed, but her life as an artist had taught her that she could create things out of nothing. She could make things a reality that had only existed in her head before.  
She stayed in the workshop after she’d finished the day’s work. A big hunk of marble had been delivered yesterday, and she had let it sit there, unsure of what to do with it. It was far too big to make a bust out of, and no one had commissioned her to make any full-body sculptures lately. 
But tonight, she had just the idea. Grabbing some wire, her fingers worked swiftly and deftly to craft a basic human figure. Then she took a large lump of clay and shaped it around the frame to get an overall idea of what she wanted the sculpture to look like. 
Content with what she had so far, she went to bed, physically tired but mentally alert. The next few weeks she spent building a full scale model and then added tacks at key points. Once she was happy with their locations, she transferred the tacks to the block of marble to get a sense of scale. 
This next part was what she’d been looking forward to the most. Mallet and chisel in hand, she went to work bringing out the man trapped inside the marble. A dynamic pose to emphasize his movement, to make him seem real. A broad chest and wide shoulders, strong enough to wield a sword and protect her from harm. A resolute expression on his face, because he was passionate and driven. And yet his eyes needed to look at her just right; had to be both both determined and gentle. 
This process took months, especially because Naminé still had her clients’ commissions to work on. She usually only had time to work on the sculpture of the man during the evening after her other duties were fulfilled, and she spent many a late night working on him. But as he became more and more lifelike with each passing day, she was more determined than ever to finish her work. Now she was using a more specific set of tools; tooth chisels and claw chisels and rasps and rifflers. 
When at last the sculpture before her matched the image in her head and the models she’d made, it was time to sand the uneven parts down with a special rough stone called emery. The color of the marble shone through in this process as a thin patina developed over its surface, and she also added a sealing compound to make the marble practically glow. 
Now for the reason she’d studied painting: so she could paint her own statues. She gave the man blond hair and blue eyes with Naples yellow and Egyptian blue. His hair was brighter gold than her own, so bright it was like the daffodils that grew in her family’s garden. And his eyes were darker blue than her own, as blue as the water in the fountain reflecting the color of the tiles beneath it. She painted his skin and clothes with a variety of other fine pigments. Dragon’s blood, lead white, and lamp black contrasted nicely with his hair and were what she largely used for his clothes. 
At long last, after over a year’s worth of work, she was finished. She set her paintbrushes down and stared at her creation. This was what she had worked so hard on, what she had poured hundreds of hours of sweat and tears and the occasional drop of blood into. Her ideal man. His golden hair swept up towards the sky, and his blue eyes gazed down at her. The robes draped from his arms and legs were so realistic they almost seemed like actual clothes, and his striking pose made him look like a warrior or messenger coming down from the heavens to protect her.
She brought her hand to her cheek, and it was hot. Was she really… blushing? Just from looking at a statue she’d made? How was this even…
She ducked her head and then looked back at the statue, mesmerized by her own creation. He was handsome and dashing, tall and strong and true. Loyal and faithful because he knew only her, knew only her touch which had spent hours bringing him into being. 
It was a good thing he wasn’t real. Otherwise he would be disloyal, just like the others. Just like her first love who had—
She cleared her throat and looked away. She wouldn’t think about that man and how he’d broken her heart, finding shelter in the arms of another woman instead of her arms. Because now she had a man that would never leave her, never abandon her, never betray her. 
Maybe he wasn’t real, but she couldn’t risk her heart on a real man again. 
Though the statue was, by her father’s estimation, her greatest work yet, Naminé refused to sell it. She didn’t even want other people seeing it lest they get any ideas. Very rarely did she keep any of her works for herself, but this one was an exception. She was keeping it for the rest of her days.
She found her eyes drawn to it often as she worked, and her blush returned when she glanced at it. It was so lifelike, so realistic, that she couldn’t help but be drawn to it. No, to him. Referring to him as an it felt wrong. The more she looked at him, the more she felt he had a soul trapped in the rock, much like his form had once been trapped in the rock.
Late at night, after her father had gone to bed and the other workers had gone home, she’d taken to lingering in the workshop to spend a few more moments with him. As she gazed into his eyes one summer night, the moonlight shining on his face, a thought occurred to her.
“I haven’t given you a name yet.” 
She pressed her fingers together as she thought. He needed a name, a fitting name…  
“You were hewn out of marble, out of rock…” She smiled. “Roxas. Your name is Roxas.”
He gazed at her steadily, and her blush spread up her cheeks. The name was perfect, just like he was perfect. She reached for his hand and wrapped her fingers around it. Her hand fit perfectly in his, and she sighed. 
“Roxas, I think I love you.” 
Her breath caught in her throat. Had she really just said those words out loud? Was she really in love with a statue? How awful, how could she have let this happen—
Ashamed, she fled from the workshop and retreated to her room and buried herself under her blankets. This had gone on for too long. Roxas had bewitched her, heart and body and soul, and a statue so powerful must be cursed with evil magic. She had to get rid of him as soon as possible before some disastrous fate fell upon her and her family. 
But the thought of losing him, the thought of losing her beloved Roxas, made her heart sink. Could she so easily throw him out when she had made him? Cast him aside like her first love had cast her aside? 
Still, this obsession wasn’t healthy. She needed to do something about it. Tomorrow was the first day of the festival for Aphrodite. Maybe, if she went to the goddess’s temple and prayed, Aphrodite would send her a real man that would make her forget all about her infatuation with a statue. 
Yes, that was what she would do. Satisfied now that she had a plan, she was able to go to sleep. But as she slipped from consciousness, it was Roxas’s chiseled marble face that lingered in her mind.
Naminé rose early the next morning for the festival so she could carefully select some choice flowers from her family’s garden to offer as a gift to Aphrodite. It wouldn’t do to approach the goddess empty-handed, and so Naminé made sure she had an offering worthy of the city’s deity.
The flowers selected, she made her way to the sanctuary of Aphrodite, where the altar of Aphrodite rested. Throngs of people surrounded her, as the festival was already underway, and it took quite some time before she made it inside the sanctuary, let alone to where the altar was. But at last it was her turn to offer a gift to the goddess, and as she did, she made a wish, her voice barely above a whisper.
“If it so pleases you, Aphrodite, I would like to wish for a husband in the likeness of my Roxas.” 
In her heart of hearts, she knew the wish was not entirely true. She didn’t just want a husband in the likeness of Roxas, she wanted Roxas to be her husband. But she was still too ashamed to admit her true desire, so she went home and returned to the workshop. A particularly wealthy patron had requested a bust of him and his wife, and she wanted to get at least a little work done for his request today. 
But when she entered the studio, Roxas was there waiting for her. He looked even more handsome and lifelike than ever, and a strange urge came over her. Her feet carried her to him, as if she was being carried along by the breeze. She cupped his cheek, and she could’ve sworn his skin felt soft beneath her touch. 
“Roxas,” she said, her voice breaking. “My dear Roxas. How badly do I wish you were real.” 
His blue eyes steadily gazed back at her as she stroked his face. Standing on her tiptoes, she pressed her mouth against his in a sweet kiss, her eyes fluttering shut as she indulged the fantasy that had taken root in her heart from the moment she’d named him. To her surprise, his lips felt warm. She leaned back a little, her lips parting and her eyes widening, then kissed him again.
This time, she didn’t stop kissing him, even when his lips grew warmer and his skin grew ever softer against her touch. And then his arms went around her and he was kissing her back. A soft cry caught in her throat as he did. This was real. He was real, and he was holding her in his arms like she’d dreamed he would.
She remembered. She remembered everything. Why no man she’d ever met could satisfy her. No man in this life, anyway. Why her heart was so drawn to a statue of him, to this man she loved with all her heart. Her Roxas was in her arms, and all was right in the World again. 
When they finally broke apart, she was breathless. She would’ve fallen if he hadn’t caught her and gently pulled her up.
“Naminé,” he said, his voice breaking as he looked into her eyes and caressed her cheek. 
She hugged him again. “Roxas—”
He held her and comforted her as she cried, reassuring her that their long separation was over, that he was here and they were together again. 
“We promised, remember? ‘We’ll meet again,’” he said, smiling as he repeated the words she’d told him so long ago. “So here I am. It wasn’t the way I was expecting, exactly, but what matters is that I’m here and we’re together.” 
“Yes.” She found his hand and held it. Even when her mind had forgotten him, her heart hadn’t. Her body hadn’t either; it had guided her through the long process it had taken to bring him back to life, and it was responding so wonderfully to his touch. 
He scooped her up in his arms. “Shall we?” he said as she laughed lightly. 
“Yes, we shall.” 
As he carried her out of the workshop and to the house, she couldn’t take her eyes off of his face. They were together again at long last, and she wanted to make the most of every moment.
A/N: This fic was written for @scoobysnack1107​! Rokunami is dear to her heart, and she’s poured so much love and effort into the Rokunami fandom. I wanted to write something for her to thank her for that, as well as to thank her for supporting me :) 
This guide was really helpful in terms of how to make a marble sculpture, and I drew heavily on it when I wrote the descriptions of Naminé making the sculpture of Roxas. Also, thank you to @rapis-razuri​ for looking over things for me and providing suggestions and feedback!
Hope you all enjoyed! 
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hotpotrandomfics · 3 years
Future AU: A Promise Never Broken (Prequel)
Summary: Jason has been asked to work undercover undermine the operations of Voldemort and his Death Eaters. During this time he meets someone he hadn’t seen since his final days at Hogwarts.
Word Count: 3,190
Jason wondered the streets of London alone. The sky was clouded, and rain fell on the once vibrant city. For the past two years, the Dark Lord had returned along with someone close to a certain Pureblood.
"Dumbledore contact should be here," Jason said as he adjusted his coat. "Someone I know he said."
"So, I see you found this place no problem?" said a deep voice man. He stepped forward from the shadows of a nearby alley. "Fratellino?" The man smelled of mountain air and red wine. He stood two inches taller than Jason. Skin lighter than him, not that same copper Jason carried as well as him. Auburn hair with streaks of brown with a matching five o'clock shadow and green eyes that reflected the water of the Mediterranean.
"Fratello maggiore," Jason turned to face the man. "N-no way. It can't. Jacob? You are-" just then Jason was knocked out from behind. He fell but was caught by Jacob. The scent of his brother was all too familiar to him had eased his mind. "B-brother..."
"Sorry little brother," Jacob held Jason as his brother lost consciousness.  "What the hell is your problem Greyback? This is my brother!"
"Let's just say your brother caused me a lot of trouble during his time at Hogwarts," Greyback smirked in satisfaction at subduing his throne. "Care now, and I might get a little aggressive again."
"Overstep your bounds, and I'll kill you," Jacobs held a stone face. "Let's go before we get caught." With that, the two men and the numb young man disappeared in a cloud of dark smoke and flew through the night sky.
"Jason..." "Meri?"
"Aaaaaaaaah!" Jason screamed as he snapped out of his sleep. He had been laying in a bed. Where was he and how did he get here? He felt his adrenaline rushing as he tried to find his wand in a panic.
"Jason, it's me. Calm down Little Wolf," Jacob placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "You're safe."
"Where am I? Who-" Jason stared in disbelief. "Jacob," he lunged forward into him. Jason had searched and searched for Jacob but to no avail. He started to tear up. "You're alive!"
"It's good to see you, Little Wolf," Jacob stroked the back of Jason's head. He was choked up as well; it had been nearly fourteen years since they've seen each other. His little brother wasn't so little anymore. He wondered what it was like without being around to see him grow. Jacob kept up to date through Dumbledore but could only get so much. "You must have had it rough, huh?"
"It has been," Jason pulled away, "I've been through a lot and not simply just searching for you."
"I can only imagine," Jacob sighed then smiled softly at Jason. "I bet you are wondering a lot of things as well since your mind doesn't rest much."
"As always. Though I am happy to see you I need answers," Jason crossed his arms trying to make a serious face despite his joy his brother is alive. "So go on and explain."
Jacob ran his hand along his chin as began regaling Jason in all that he'd gone through. After being expelled from Hogwarts, Jacob had been traveling throughout Europe helping those in need while learning more about curses. He and Dumbledore kept in contact secretly while Jacob searched for leads on Voldemorts Death Eaters on his behalf. One such Arthur Queen had recruited Jacob to join the cause of the Dark Lord. Jacob has been gathering cursed objects and making them of use for the coming battles. But he has leaked the information to the Order of the Phoenix at critical moments as not to blow his cover. Something Jacob has done will remain with him as he had to make hard choices.
"It hasn't been easy Little Wolf," Jacob looked down in disappointment and felt the pain of his regrets hitting him worse than any curse. "I don't know if you can understand this pain and I understand if you hate me."
"I won't deny that I'm angry," Jason looked out the window of the room they were in. "I would have the right mine to hit you some would say. Mama. Papa. They would flip it worse than me, but I am happy your alive." He turned to look at his brother with the smile that brightens the room in the darkest times. "So, tell me why am I here?"
As if on cue, a man stepped through the door. He wore a suit in black with skin as pale as snow with eyes of amber.
"I am Arthur Queen, and your brother believes you will be of help to us," Arthur gestured to Jason with a creepie grin. "As an assassin."
"A what?!"
"Assassin. A murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons."
"I know what it means but why would I be an assassin?" Jason stood from the bed and looked at the man. "What reason will I need to do such things?"
"Simple, secure the world for the Dark Lord as you eliminate all who stand in his way. From what Greyback has told me you're a werewolf sired by him, and you are well known for your adaptability in difficult situations." Arthur raised his hand to hold his chin. "Remarkable if you ask me, but if you refuse, you will die. All you love will burn before your eyes. So this is not a question. It's an ultimatum."
"You filthy little-!"
"Jason!" Jacob called him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "This is for the best."
"Well?" Queen smirked and pointed his wand at Jacob. "I can start with him since you two have recently reunited. Crucio!"
Jacob then collapsed in agony scream as his muscle fibers contracted. His screams echoed through the manner they were in while Jason watched in horror while Arthur snickered at Jacobs's pain.
"Stop it! I'll do it! Just leave him alone!" Jason screamed at the man. "Very well," Arthur snickered. "You will be under Greyback and follow his every order and if you disobey you and your brother will die. Along with your line."
Jason helped up Jacob and held him close and nodded despite the look of resentment in his eyes. "You have. My allegiance."
A week later, Jason was back in London with the Greybacks group of Death Eaters searching the alleyways with them for their target. This would be his first test as a Death Eater and failure wasn't an option. He searched through the narrow alleys and following the sounds of panicked footsteps. Jason followed closely till he founded the mark trapped without any means of escape.
"No no no no no!" the man panicked as he turns only to see his killer-to-be behind him. "You are..."
"I'll give you one chance to fight back. I won't kill a man without giving him the chance to fight back," Jason drew his wand. "Prepare yourself."
"I won't go easy because you're a child," the man drew his wand and looked at him with fear.
"Not after today."
Jason brushed the spell off like it was nothing as he cast his Expelliarmus in response.
"Ah!" the man winced as his wand flew out of his hand. "Please, don't do this. You don't understand."
"I do."
"You and your sick Death Eaters think the Dark Lord will win this war?" the man looked at Jason in disgust. "The Chosen One will triumph."
"By Merlin may it be so," Jason lifted his wand looking into the man's eyes. "Avada Kedvara!" He shouted as the green, and a blinding light filled the alley followed by the screams of the man. "Requiescat in pace," Jason muttered as he walked over and pulled a flower from his coat, placing it down next to the man.
"Impressive," said Greyback as he and his pack appeared behind Jason. "A tad bit grandiose with the flower but you have a style for this Aurelius De Leone." He walked over to Jason and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Now, let's be off before the Ministry appears."
Jason and Greybacks group apparated back to their hideout. A large condo was looking over the city of London. Waiting at the dinner table was Jacob and Arthur having a heated debate.
"You honestly think that plan will work?!" Jacob was slamming his fist into the table while cursing Arthur out in Italian.
"Well it would work-" he looked at Jason and smirked. "Welcome back. I trust the task went well? Judging by your expression I take it did."
"Well he did," Fenrir laughed slapping his back. "Toyed with his prey before the kill. It was a good show."
Fenrir explained to them the events of Jason's first successful hit. He was going on and on the look of terror on the man's face. The sensation of this made Jason walk off before Arthur called him.
"You better remember well boy, you are one of us now," Arthur smirked as he gestured for Jason to come over to him to which he followed.
"Guess so," Jason's stomach was flipping nonstop making him nauseous.
"Give me your arm," Arthur held his hand out.
Jason followed obediently giving him his left arm.
"Now to mark you," Arthur pulled Jason's sleeve up and placed his wand against it, branding Jason with the symbol of the Death Eaters. "Welcome youngblood. We have your next target but for now, go rest, and we'll call you. You have much work ahead boy."
Jason nodded and walked off to the room he was assigned. He removed his cloak and placed his wand on the nightstand and looked out his window as the rain clung to it.
"What have I-," he whimpered walking into his bathroom and stepping into his shower as his realization came slamming hard than any dragon tail could hit. "Dammit. Dammit! Dammit!" he muttered as he fell to his knees weeping in frustration. How could he take a life? The man could have had a family. A wife. Kids. Friends. The thoughts swam through his head as he sat in his shower, tucking his legs in and holding them close. Jason thought what would his friends think. What would Merula think?
"Jason?" Jacob knocked on the door. "Are you okay?"
Jason sat there lost in his thoughts. Oblivious to his surroundings.
"I left your dinner on the desk. If you need me, I'm a here little brother," that Jacob stepped out and walked out of Jason's room. He sat outside patiently waiting to hear anything from him. "Oh fratellino."
Jason stepped out of his shower and didn't bother to dry off. He tossed on his sleeping pants and sat on the edge of his bed looking out the window. If this was what he had to do to save the world then the world was better off not being safe. But, he had to this. If not him then who? If not now then when? He took hold of his necklace and looked at it remembering Merula. The one person who saw Jason and understood him. He was her muse and the one person he treasured deeply. He hoped she was safe and if he could at least keep tabs on her and his friends that would help ease him. Jason knew his friends wouldn't submit to Voldemort's rule and were to die. He wouldn't let that happened even if it cost him his life for all of them to be safe. For now, Jason needed to rest if he could get at all that is. He laid down closing his eyes and listened to the rain as his thoughts faded to silence. "Jason," said a familiar voice.
"You are a monster!"
"No, I'm not! Meri, please let me explain!"
"How did I ever love you?" Merula said, turning her back to him and walking away.
"Meri, don't leave me!" he tried to reach for her only to see her dead at his feet. "No! Meri!"
"Monster. Murder. Killer." said the collected voices of all of his friends.
"No! I am not a murderer!" Jason shouted looking down at his hands seeing them drenched in blood. "No, I didn't-"
Just then a monsoon of blood came rushing toward Jason, covering him and not allowing him to break the surface till it through him of the edge of a cliff. He screamed as he fell into the mouth of a snake.
"You're my servant," said the voice of the Dark Lord.
"Aaaaaaaaaah!" Jason woke up drenched in sweat and shaking violently as thunder outside reflected his inner turmoil. "Meri," he whimpered till he started to cry again. "I didn't do it."
"Jason?!" Jacob barged into the room and looked at his little brother distraught. "Are you okay?" he walked over to his bedside sitting next to him. "Hey hey hey," he placed his hand on his shoulder, "I'm here."
"I-," he tried to find the words to explain. Jason felt like this only when he lived with his father. He was not able to find the words. "K-killed. I killed," he muttered as he stared down at his hands. "Jacob I-"
"Shhh, it's okay Jason," Jacob pulled his brother close and stroked his hair like their mother used to do when they were scared. "Who's Meri? You mumbled her name so many times through the night."
"She's l'amore della mia vita," he muttered.
"Oh? Does my little brother have a love? She pretty?" Jacob teased playfully.
"The most beautiful woman I've ever seen," Jason gave a small smile. "A blessing."
"Tell me about her," Jacob looked down at him.
Jason nodded and began talking about Merula. From their first years as enemies to becoming lovers later on. He mentioned the bullying he suffered which infuriated Jacob but was calmed when Jason explained it was her only know outlet for the sorrow and pain she held. Jason said their first big date after the school year of their fifth year. Merula and Jason were to meet to go to a muggle amusement park. The date was his idea as he wanted to make memories that would last a lifetime. So began their little date tradition of going to the amusement park at the end of the school year. He laughed when recalling how Merula freaked out on a rollercoaster. It was those experiences with her that made him feel eased.
"And then she spat her lemonade all over my face!" Jason giggled wiping a tear away.
"Oh, my lord, Jason, how do you deal with that?" Jacob was dying of laughter.
"I love her," Jason sighed and his smile slowly faded. "Hey, Jacob. Can I ask a favor?"
"Yes?" Jacob's expression turned more serious. "Anything for you Little Wolf."
"I need you to help build an information network. I want to keep tabs on Merula and friends. I know they will oppose the Dark Lord, so I want to protect them and make sure they're safe."
"Might be risky but I know you love these friends like family."
"They are family to me, and I know they'd love you like family too," Jason smiled at his older brother.
"Well when you put it like that," Jacob smirked at him. "Okay. I will help you, little brother. We got family to protect."
After that night, Jason and Jacob built a network of resources and information that was used to help the Order as well as Jason's protection of his friends. For two years he kept tabs on everyone without appearing in front of them physically. Jason slowly collected his friends and set them in safe houses throughout all of the UK. All could contact him at a moment's notice or switch to a different safe house if one became compromised. He covered their tracks by faking each of their deaths as assassinations. To do this Jason made his marks drinking Polyjuice after eliminating them. It made him feel sick with everyone he did it to. As though as if he killed his friends. Clever, but sickening. By the end of this, he hoped he could repent for his choices.
"Jason!" Jacob ran into his room as Jason was in the middle of reading a book. "Bad news, Rowan, Penny, Tulip, and Merula are in danger. Greyback and his men are after them. Knockturn Alley!"
Jason stood up and grabbed his coat running out followed by Jacob as they made their way to the balcony.
"Where do you think you're going?" Arthur said appearing behind the two brothers. "I heard your little screaming Jacob. Saving lives of those who would defy the Dark Lord? Can't say I am disappointed, but I am, and that's unfortunate for you." He drew his wand. "Now get back inside, or I am going to kill you both."
"Should we?" Jacob smirked at his little brother.
"We never much listened to papa so..." Jason smirked back at Jacob.
The two drew their wands and used Depulso on Arthur sending him flying into the condo. Knocking him out."
"I'll go get the gang, you go on ahead and save your girlfriend," Jacob grabbed his broom and flew off.
Jason followed Jacobs's lead flying off on a broom and cast Bombarda Maximum setting it ablaze. He dreaded this day but was equally pleased knowing he was free from the Death Eaters now his cover is blown. Jason raced through the skies until he reached Knockturn Alley. A few minutes later, he was walking through the dark corners sniffing the air. Being a werewolf did have its perks to say the least. He heard screams in the distance and made his way to them. Climbing over the rooftops and listening carefully.
"Jason!" shouted a voice from behind. "Jacob gave us the message."
"Tonks," Jason smirked as his friends apparated one by one. "Guys, I'm sorry I got to pull you into this, but I need you all.
"Hey, you've protected us for the past two years," Bill laughed as he patted Jason's back. "We are in your debt, and we don't have time to talk."
"You're right," Jason gestured for his friends to follow him as they followed the sounds of explosions and lights of spells.
Just then they came upon the scene before them: Fenrir Greyback and his goons holding Tulip, Penny, Rowan, and Merula captive. Fenrir was reading to kill Merula until Jason acted on his plan to save his friends and his lover.
"Incendio,"  shouted a large man setting one Death Eater ablaze.
"Bombarda," shouted two feminine voices sending half of the enemy into a wall.
"What is going on?!" shouted Greyback.
"A rescue. Confringo," said Jason sending Greyback flying back as he stood in front of Merula as her shield.
Despite what he's done, Jason will always come and save those he loves. Even it means bearing his sins and collecting more. For his friends and Merula, he would bear it all no matter what even if it cost him his soul.
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bmysterys · 5 years
Careful, You’re Extremely Hot!
“Thanks for coming! Have a grand day!” Yona smiles as she hands the customer their coffee with a small note written on the side. ‘Have a brew-tiful day!’ She knows it’s just a quirky little pun but if it can brighten someone’s day, then she would be happy with just that, even if it’s just a small smile. Mornings can be rough for anyone who’s in a rush and in dire need of caffeine to jump start their day. So, Yona was resolved to make sure she added a kind note to each order when she worked.
The Dragon Cafe. Known for its stellar customer service and legendary coffee. The staff always knew how to keep their customers happy and coming back for more. A smile here, a kind gesture there, and to top it off, sweet notes written on their drinks. Yona looked over at the register area where Jae-Ha took the next order. His way of charming the customers always astonished her. He was a natural. The ladies loved him, the men admired him, and even some felt empowered by him. He always knew the right thing to say to a customer, no matter the situation. His self-confidence was one of the things Yona admired. She didn’t envy it, despite her own wishes to have a fraction of it, but it was just part of what made him who he is. And she wouldn’t change it for anything. Jae-Ha had become one of her closest friends working together at the cafe, despite all his charms and teasing he likes to save for Yona to make the girl flustered- a favorite past time of his much to her displeasure. But most of all, it was when he would visit the cafe that Jae-Ha liked to tease her even more. And today was going to be one of those days…
She sees him walk in with his usual buddy at his side. His dark, shaggy hair that nearly covers his bright, blue eyes she could easily pick out from a crowd. The serious look on his face that could freeze anyone in place, but not usually in the way he would hope. Today, he wears a blue V-neck shirt fitted around his long,muscular torso, the color complemented his eyes, and black jeans that were loose around his legs but snug around his hips. Yona couldn’t help but stare as he walks in, nearly forgetting the current latte she was supposed to be making as the pair get in line. 
Jae-Ha was standing next to her, watching as she ogled at mister tall, dark, and handsome. A devious smile stretches his lips as he leaned over her shoulder. “Yona…” he kept his voice low but light in a sing-song voice to get her attention. “You’ll catch flies with your mouth open like that. Besides, I don’t think you can froth that much more, darling.” Yona gasped and turned it off, removing the cup before the contents spilled out to move onto the steaming wand. She could still feel him standing over her shoulder with that smug grin on his face, just waiting to tease her about it, but remained silent as she finished the order. The shorter the line gets and the closer the two men get to ordering, Yona can feel tiny pinpricks covering her body and her stomach tighten in knots. It was finally their turn and Yona greeted them with her usual smile.
“Welcome back! What can I get for you two today?” Yona asked cheerfully despite feeling like her body was shaking like a maraca. 
“Yona! Don’t you look radiant today! Don’t you think, Hak?” His friend beamed while the dark-haired man tried to not look annoyed.
“Do you have to do this every time? Sorry, Yona, I know how busy you are. I couldn’t believe the line had already reached the door by the time we got here,” Hak said, offering an apologetic smile to her. The softness in his eyes made her feel as if she could melt into a puddle before them.
“Oh no, don’t worry about that. And thank you, Soo-won, you’re too kind as always. So, what shall it be? Trying something new again, today?” She asked looking between the two.
“Just a black coffee for me today, Yona. Make it the strongest you have,” Hak answered.
“And I would love a chai latte if you don’t mind, gorgeous.” Soo-won smiled. 
Yona typed in their order trying to keep her eyes trained on the screen in front of her and print the tickets for both drinks. Soo-won was a lot like Jae-ha she had come to realize. Always a flirt. Although, Soo-won seemed more reserved for the ladies and wasn’t as straight forward or as boisterous as Jae-ha’s flair tended to have. The sentiment was sweet but it paled in the way Hak saying her name filled her stomach with butterflies. It was thick and smooth as honey with his tenor voice. Soo-won paid for them both since Hak paid the time before, the two always switching off on who covered their drinks instead of creating separate orders to save on time. Handing him their receipt, she hurried to the coffee bar to get started on their drinks while they walked over to the side to wait. With more coffee brewing and seamlessly moving around her other coworkers, she grabbed two cups and labeled them accordingly. Hak’s wouldn’t take nearly as long to prepare so she sets his next to the coffee pot with a coffee sleeve slid around it and went to work on Soo-won’s. While she prepared the latte, Jae-ha peeked at the order on the other cup and smirked. He pulled a marker from his apron pocket and quickly scribbled a little note, ‘Tall, dark, and strong just like you.’ He set the cup back down and continued on his way for the new orders coming in. Time to get the ball rolling, Yona-dear. 
Finally finished with the chai latte, Yona made a small note on the cup. ‘Thanks a latte!’ Since Soo-won paid this time around, it was his turn to get the note on his cup. She liked to make sure they both got one each time they came in so would take turns writing a note between them just as they took turns paying for their order. “Order up for Soo-won!” Yona called. She turned to grab the second drink behind her and held them both out as he met her at the pick-up counter. Soo-won grabbed the drinks from her hands and turned his around to see what note she had for him today.
“Why, thank you a latte as usual,” Soo-won smiled brightly with a wink and a light chuckle. Yona chuckled back and waved him off as he turned to give Hak his drink. “And one large black coffee to match your black soul.”
Hak rolled his eyes and took the drink, grateful to finally have the needed caffeine after a long shift and ignoring the urge to retort. “Let’s just hope this is strong enough to get me through the rest of the day.” He took a sip and sighed. “Perfect.”
Soo-won seemed distracted by something, staring at Hak as if there was something on his face. “What? Something wrong with your chai?”
Soo-won smirked then reached out towards Hak’s drink. He tried pulling it away from the man’s reach but Soo-won just rolled his eyes and tried turning it around in his hand. “Looks like someone gets an extra message now.” Hak stared at the words written on his cup. He never would’ve thought to look had Soo-won not shown him.
“She writes everyone a note.” Hak said plainly not wanting to think about the potential message behind the words. “She probably had a little more time to write one for both of us since we had a simpler order this time.”
Soo-won was unconvinced but decided to sip at his own drink instead of say otherwise. Hak tried to not think about it but his mind kept circling back to it. He’d be lying to himself if he said he hadn’t found the barista attractive. Her short and wavy, red hair framing a cute round face. Not to mention how short and tiny she is was a whole other level of cute. But, it was her smile and the way she went the extra mile to make other people smile that he noticed most and drew him towards her. He turned around just before they left the little cafe to see her taking the next order, her smile shining brighter than anyone else’s. See you tomorrow. He thought with a smile then turned back to follow Soo-won.
“Whew! What a day.” Yona wiped her brow with the back of her hand after finishing sweeping. The day had finally reached its end and the little cafe was now empty and quiet. It was strange to not see the normal hustle and bustle that filled the place but the workers took a little bit of peace from it nonetheless.
“Another grand day, you might say?” Jae-ha teased, leaning against the counter he had finished cleaning. 
“I think it’s sweet that Yona takes the time to put some thought into her messages for the customers!” Kija countered coming to Yona’s defense.
“It’s alright, Kija. Jae-ha is just teasing,” she smiled at him. Always the sensitive one. Kija never cared for Jae-ha’s flirtatious games or how he enjoyed teasing Yona any chance he got. 
“So, what are you going to write on lover boy’s cup tomorrow?” Jae-ha asked, ignoring Kija.
Yona looked over at Jae-ha confused. “Lover boy?” She inquired, trying to think who he could be talking about.
Innocent, sweet child… Jae-ha sighed. “You know, Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome.” A smirk creeped on his face as her face turned bright red.
The man just shrugged. “What? Anyone with eyes can see just how gorgeous that man is. And someone has an adorable crush on him.” He waggled his eyebrows at her. Anxiety started twisting her stomach into knots the more flustered she felt. Her body could be set on fire and she probably wouldn’t know the difference with how hot she felt.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she turned away in hopes he would drop the subject but she should’ve known better.
“Mhmm… so what was he wearing today?”
Yona looked up as if recalling but a soft smile returned to her face as she could see him as clear as day in her mind’s eye. “He was a bit more casual today than usual, don’t you think? But that blue shirt really brought out his eyes. Made them seem brighter even though he looked more tired today. Sounded like he had just got off from a long shift.” She could feel her face heating up again just thinking about the man but then her body turned stiff. Shoot! How did he- She turned around, her eyes wide as she faced Jae-ha again but his relaxed posture had not changed. It was then Shin-ah emerged from the back with a towel and his apron slung over his shoulder.
“The kitchen is clean,” he informed them before taking in the quiet scene. Yona glaring at Jae-ha who seemed much too relaxed while Kija kept his arms crossed looking a bit disgruntled. He imagined that was also Jae-ha’s doing so he turned his eyes towards the green-haired man.
“See you tomorrow, princess,” Jae-ha winked, pushing himself off the counter as turned to leave while the others finished closing up and ignoring their stares. Yona stood there gaping at him in disbelief that she had fallen into his trap. Tomorrow...she knew there would certainly be more in store for her then...and she wasn’t sure she was quite ready for it.
The next day came and they fell back into their normal routine. Occasionally, Yona would glance towards the door to see if a certain someone had arrived yet. The conversation with Jae-ha the day before plagued her mind.
So what if I like him? It’s like he said, anyone can see how handsome Hak is. It’s just a natural attraction… Yona tried convincing herself, but the knots and butterflies in her stomach told a different story. Then just as the lunch rush was coming in, he finally arrived. Yona felt her heart skip a beat as he walked in with Soo-won and a few of his work buddies, all still in their uniforms for the Kouka Fire Department. It wasn’t often she got to see him in his uniform- the button-down shirt neatly tucked into his pants and well-fitted to his muscular frame- hearing how much he hated the formal look it gives. However, she couldn’t help but love this look on him, too.
“Do I need to call them over here to put out a fire?” Jae-ha whispered in her ear, jolting her out of her trance.
“Jae-ha!” She hissed trying to not spill the drink in her hand as she put a lid on it and called out the name of the order. The girl grabbed the drink with a quick thanks then hurried out as Yona wheeled on her coworker. Her cheeks puffed out ready to give him a piece of her mind but he was already back at the register hitting on the next customer. She groaned inwardly and shook her head. With a deep breath to calm back down, she resolved herself and got back to work. 
The line steadily moved as orders were taken. Hak and his crew creeped closer to the register to order, and Yona could feel a bead of sweat began to perspire on the back of her neck. Great! Now Jae-ha has me even more flustered! Ugh, just calm down! She tried telling herself, finishing an order of cold brews for a small group of students that came to study. Then, as usual, Jae-ha made sure the rotation of who was taking orders would make sure Yona was next to take Hak’s order.
“Good afternoon! What can I get for you today? I see you have the whole crew with you this time,” Yona smiled as she stood at the register, watching the tall, dark-haired man.
Hak sighed and ran a hand down his face. “Unfortunately… but pay them no mind, they just wanted to tag along. I doubt if they even actually order. Blame Soo-won, he’s kind of a pushover when it comes to letting people stick around to talk.” He gave her one of his rare smiles not knowing the effect it had on her.
Yona swallowed past the lump about to form in her throat and gave a light chuckle. “Oh, don’t worry about it! So, what shall it be today?”
He rattled off his and Soo-won’s order since the blond was too busy in deep conversation with one of the lady firefighters, insisting that she get a drink from here as well. Yona handed Hak his receipt after finishing the order with a sweet smile and couldn’t help but notice the way his fingers for a split second had brushed over hers when grabbing the receipt from her hand. The warmth sent tiny sparks through her fingers and made its way down her arm. With a small blush she kept hidden behind the wall of coffee blenders, makers, and other machines, she focused on the order at hand. She took Hak’s cup, wrote ‘Have a brew-tiful day!’ on the side, set it down, and turned to work on Soo-won’s. Jae-ha passed behind her to start on a mocha latte and glanced at the note she chose for Hak. Quickly, he made a couple of marks near the bottom of the cup and then continued with his task. Yona came back, finished both drinks then went to the pick up counter.
“Order up for Hak!” Even saying his name stirred the butterflies. He walked up to the counter and reached for both cups.
“Thanks, Yona,” he said with a smile. “Have a good one.”
Yona returned the smile with a nod. “You too, Hak. See you next time!”
Hak felt his heart skip a beat as she smiled up at him. It was the same thing every day, yet… would it continue to stay that way? Before he made a bumbling fool of himself, he turned away to take Soo-won his drink. “Here.” He said holding the cup out to the blond.
“Oh, why thank you,” Soo-won grabbed the drink and took a sip, while eyeing his friend. “So… what message did you get today?” He smirked from behind his cup but his eyes hid nothing.
Hak rolled his eyes and lifted the cup to read the message. “‘Have a brew-tiful day,’ there you happy?” But his eyes noticed something more. Just below the message, a pen had marked through parts of the warning label on the cup. Careful, the beverage you’re about to enjoy is extremely hot. His face warmed up and his hand immediately covered the message back up as he took a drink. He tried to play it off like nothing out of the norm had happened, not wanting to give Soo-won the satisfaction.
Soo-won was no fool. He knew Hak better than anyone, probably even better than the man knew himself. Despite being a normally quiet guy, he was acting a bit different and a little too quiet after he read the message on the cup. “Anything else?” Soo-won couldn’t help but ask. “Nothing to follow up from yesterday’s note, perhaps?” 
Now, the rest of their group had their attention drawn to their conversation. Hak glanced at each one of them then rested back on Soo-won’s smug grin. That look was enough to help Hak compose himself. He straightened his shoulders and relaxed as he took another sip. “Nope. Looks like you were wrong, as much as you hate to hear it.” He said casually then proceeded to walk past him letting the rest follow behind. Despite his words being said to Soo-won, he couldn’t ignore the fact he was eating his own words. Don’t I want to be wrong, though?
Yona watched them as Hak leads the small crowd out the cafe doors while Jae-ha huffed behind her. She turned around seeing a rather agitated and perplexed look on his face. “Everything alright?” She asked the man.
He rubbed his chin, still looking at the front entrance while mumbling under his breath. “There’s no way he didn’t see it, so why didn’t he… Hmm…”
Yona couldn’t seem to get a proper response out of him and wasn’t sure what he was even mumbling about. She looked back at the door wondering what had Jae-ha so fixated, but it wasn’t long until her mind wandered back to a familiar face. If only things were different… maybe I’d have the courage to tell you how I really feel.
The next few days mirrored the same. Busy days at the Dragon Cafe, Yona taking Hak and Soo-won’s orders while Jae-ha continued with his plans to help unite the pining couple. His attempts seemed futile as neither said anything more to the other, namely Hak since Yona had been kept in the dark all this time. However, that all changed one day when Zeno’s shift changed with Kija’s. Zeno came in as cheery as ever tying the apron around his waist. 
“Another brew-tiful day, yeah?!” He grinned with a chuckle. Walking past Yona and Jae-ha to man the drive-through window, he saw the next order sitting near the pick up counter. Reading the label, he noticed the note Jae-ha had already written. His eyes widened as he jumped up and bounced over to Yona. “The little miss finally did it?! You finally confessed?”
Yona freezed in her path and turned towards the small blond. “W-What? What are you talking about?!” She panicked and quickly moved over to him to see what she may have accidentally written. It’s supposed to be Soo-won’s turn, did I somehow write on Hak’s instead? But wait, why would Zeno think- Her eyes grew twice their size and looked around to see Jae-ha trying to act a little too casual. “Jae-ha…” she hissed trying to keep the blush from darkening her cheeks.
The culprit in question sighed and pushed his long green bangs out of his face before walking over to her. “Look, I just wanted to try to help. I thought he would’ve at least said something to you by now and make the next move but-”
“Jae-ha…” the color drained from her face, “what do you mean by that? Why would he…” The wheels in her head turned and she clutches her chest. “You mean this isn’t the first time?! How long have you been doing this?” Panic was setting in. Her breathing shallowed into quick short bursts. Jae-ha put his hands on her shoulders, forcing her to look at him.
“Yona.” His voice was direct but gentle as his eyes stared into hers. “It’s going to be okay. Look, if he didn’t feel the same way about you then he wouldn’t be in here every day like clockwork. And I see the way he looks at you. It’s the same way you look at him.” He paused to give her a small smile. “I just want you to be happy, dear.”
Shin-ah came out from the kitchen to refill the pastry case only to see Yona in a panic with Jae-ha trying to comfort her. He set down the tray of baked goods and walked over to make sure everything was alright. Yona watched as Shin-ah approached with his quiet demeanor and then looked at Zeno who still smiled warmly. Then she looked back into Jae-ha’s eyes. The calm confidence they held mixed with his calm voice and seeing her friends to surround her in support helped ease Yona and brought her breathing to be more leveled again. She gulped a big breath of air and released it slowly, nodding to Jae-ha and the others she was alright now.
“We all want the little miss to be happy.” Zeno chirped in with a bright smile before setting the headset on his head and turning away from the pair. Shin-ah nodded in agreement and gave her one of his rare smiles then also retreated back to his duties, leaving her in Jae-ha’s capable hands. However, that didn’t last long either.
“Is everything alright?” A voice sounded from behind her. If she didn’t already know that voice so well, the look on Jae-ha’s face certainly gave it away. His smile turning slightly smug then gave her a wink before turning her around to face the source of the voice. Yona swallowed dryly but managed to give him a smile.
“Sorry, yes everything is fine. Um, oh! Here’s yours and Soo-won’s order.” She tried covering up the awkward situation by handing him the two to-go cups. Her eyes caught the message on Hak’s drink and felt her face warm up again. Hak reached for the cups but his eyes stayed trained on her, his expression concerned.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” He asked setting the cups down. “You don’t seem like you feel well.”
His concern for her warmed her heart and tightened the knots already formed in her stomach. She pressed her lips together, taking a deep breath through her nose as she looked up at him. Just do it. You can do it! Jae-ha’s right...right? No, forget about that. Focus!
“I like you a latte!” She blurted out to him then realized she just said the message Jae-ha had written on Hak’s cup rather than try to explain the current situation to the man before her. Her face turned two shades brighter red than her own hair as fear and embarrassment reflected through her eyes at him. His cheeks turned a bit red and she worried that she had just embarrassed him, too but then he covers his mouth with his hand. He mumbled something she couldn’t quite make out then he removed his hand revealing a sly grin she had yet to see on his face before. Liquid fire burned through her stomach and now she questioned herself if she really even had seen a blush on his face or not mere seconds ago.
“Are you always so articulate? I didn’t realize puns were more than just part of the job,” he teased her leaning against the counter between them. Her jaw dropped. She didn’t expect this kind of response and she didn’t know how to reply back. What was she doing again? Her thoughts short circuited as she stood there gaping at him. His hand reached out and a single finger tucked under her chin lifting her jaw up to close. The simple touch brought fire to the rest of her face. Maybe he needs to put out a fire after all, her mind couldn’t help but wander back to Jae-ha’s comment a few days ago. “Don’t tell me you’re a loss for words now. And here I thought we were finally making progress.” Hak winked at her, withdrawing his hand.
Yona felt as if her entire body turned into a blazing inferno. Her thoughts have turned to ash and her throat dried up, unable to do anything but silently scream on the inside.
“Why is this line so backed up?!” A voice rang out and the sound of a large door shutting close. “Yona!”
The woman squeaked and turned around to see Yun, their manager, standing at the end of the coffee bar on the other side of Jae-ha. “Sorry!” she apologized then quickly turned back to Hak handing the drinks back to him he had set down. With a smile and finally out of her daze, she found the lost words she needed. “I get off at 5.” 
Hak grabbed the drinks from her once again but leans in close, dropping his voice. “I’ll be here,” he straightened back up and just before turning away, he added, “I hope you like ramen!”
Yona watched as he walked away and handed Soo-won his drink, the butterflies stirring crazy in her stomach. I...have a date!
“Yona!’ Yun called out to her again as Jae-ha tried to keep from laughing.
“Right! Coming!” She called back and hurried to the register to help the next customer. Her smile shining a little bit brighter for the rest of her shift and a happy bounce in her step. It certainly was a brew-tiful day.
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I didn’t have anything prepared for Day 3 and didn’t have energy to plan out a fic, so I wound up writing this odd little piece that I call: “Ethan thinks about stuff and also he happens to be in a fantasy AU.”
In this world there are mushrooms that can shrink you to the size of an ant, and carnivorous plants that can swallow a human whole but scarcely pierce the skin of your average giant, and just about anyone can learn to fly if they put in the effort. Ethan wouldn’t give it up for anything. Not even for those fascinating story-lands where men without a lick of magic spent centuries harnessing the elements of their universe until at long last they thought their way onto the sea and into the sky and mastered voiceless long-distance communication to a degree telepathy can’t rival. (Sure, spy work would be somewhat simpler “up” wasn’t one of the directions a target could run, but who would give up the freedom of solo flight for a bit of convenience? And even that pales next to the careful learning of one another and deep trust that comprises the real magic of riding a dragon.)
No, not even the most enticing visions could tempt him away from this world of fairies and walking trees and gnomes and elves. (It’s true that the multitude of species often misinterpret the glorious variety of kinds as motive for conflict; but how sad it would be to live in a world where complex communication can only be had with one’s own species.)
Ethan feels a little bad for the wandering thoughts dividing his attention from the spectacle of the fairies’ annual light festival, which Jane is directing with the passionate intensity that drives all her actions. But the visual display, with the music as support, has reached its most blissfully peaceful phase, perfectly tailored to induce dreamy sappiness even in those watching alone.
And Ethan isn’t alone; never in his life has he felt less isolated than in these past few years with the family that has grown around him, each member holding tight to each. Quite literally in one case—Benji is grasping Ethan’s right hand quite firmly in his own, as if saying, “stay with me, please,” and Ethan will spend each day finding new ways to declare his desire to stay as long as he is allowed until Benji can find no more room for doubt. Ethan sneaks a quick glance at him now, and smiles to see the peace diffused across his face—Benji’s long elvish years have done much to grant him astounding wealths of knowledge and technical skill, but little to ease the anxiety that frequently dances across his face. Ethan would give a great deal to smooth those ever-deepening lines of worry, and he hates his job sometimes for the way it’s tailored to keep them in frequent use.
But he doesn’t think he could muster hate for anything just now, not with Benji at peace on his right and Luther’s sturdy presence on his left, his leaves gently brushing against Ethan’s arms. He’s never been afraid of being truly alone again since Luther found him during the worst period of his life, as if the roots with which Luther can secure himself to the soil are part of Ethan now, too.
Despite the smattering of torn-up leaves around him, even Brandt’s lined gnome features had smoothed out the last time Ethan raised himself to look, and Ilsa’s soft snoring tells him she’s still sound asleep. Ilsa, human as they come, has been doing a lot of napping in the weeks since she was at last extricated from the employ of the humans’ most ruthless spy agency. Every time she drifts off Ethan treasures that proof that, at last, she feels safe.
Ethan isn’t one to deny that it takes far less than such a night as this to nudge him into sentimentality.
With a silent apology to Jane, Ethan allows himself to close his eyes for just a moment, to savor the deep peace, the lull of his friends’ soft breathing, the wind blowing against his clean-shaven face.
He’s fairly certain the other dwarves still haven’t bought his claim that he cut off the beard because it interfered with the subtleties and rigors of field-work—after all, dwarves were traditionally trained to be fierce and industrious folk, and they got along quite well enough. Perhaps they were right. Perhaps it did have less to do with the work than with the way he used to feel the mountain of hair divided him from the world, hid him, muffled expression and sensation. Just another iteration of his endless desire to step nearer, push further in.
Ethan’s eyes snap open as the long snout of a rat pushes into his left ear—a ticklish but effective way of communicating information intended for one individual only—and his heart plummets as he hears its message.
The peace of the night is unbroken, but it is no longer for him.
Ethan turns his head to nod his understanding, and when the creature scurries off he’s met with Luther’s deep gaze, sorry but firm. Ethan smiles, grateful if a little sad, and when Luther reaches out a rough, hand-like spread of branches to briefly grasp Ethan’s hand it feels like the promise of a firm foundation to return to, wherever he may run in the interim.
When he turns to his right Ethan finds Benji already raised on one elbow, tense and poised, worry lines firmly back in place, and before Ethan can say a word he’s asking: “Can I help?”
Ethan wants to melt into him, hold him close and feel the vibrancy of the life that animates him. Instead he reaches out a forefinger to absently smooth the deepest line on Benji’s forehead, feeling a little guilty as he watches Benji make a conscious effort to hide his anxiety, and says, “No, love, this is a one-person job and they’ve only called me.”
“But you’ll summon me if that changes?”
Ethan smiles tightly, unsure whether he’s telling the truth as he answers, “Of course I will.” But he has no qualms about his sincerity when he adds, “For now, enjoy the show. Know that I’m only gone for the sake of beauty such as this, and I’ll do anything to return to it, to you.”
Benji gathers himself, nods firmly. “I know.” He pulls Ethan into a kiss, quick and firm, then out of nowhere in particular he produces Ethan’s bag, small and tight-fitting but packed full.
Ethan shakes his head in wonderment. “Even tonight?”
“Always,” Benji answers. “It helps if I can. Come with you in some way. Now off you go.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Ethan stands, glances behind him and holds on to the image of Brant having collapsed in sleep on top of Ilsa, then runs.
For a few beats he struggles to find his pace, the scene behind all the harder to leave because this is the sort of mission that comes with a high probability of no return.
Suddenly the light that’s throwing his shadow in front of him brightens, and the music becomes rhythmic and triumphant. Ethan turns, confused; Jane has talked of nothing but tonight for months, so he knows very well that this part isn’t supposed to come until the end. Then the gold spark he can identify as Jane leaves its place and rises high above the rest, and he understands that this is for him, that even in the midst of this event she’s poured her soul into she spotted him leaving and threw aside her meticulously laid plan in an instant.
Ethan lifts a hand in gratitude, and as he does he feels the shifting of his bag, which he knows from experience holds honeyed flatbread and candied nuts stuffed between the necessities, together with a surprise or two for his enjoyment and the preservation of his sanity.
Turning away and matching the pounding of his feet to the joyous beat of the music, he feels strength and resolution flooding in.
Ethan wouldn’t give up his place in this world for anything—except to save it.
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piraticalarchive · 3 years
i followed because.... ur cool ig
why’d you follow  (from like .. months ago. i’m the worst)
Tumblr media
yeah you’re cool too i guess ...
I was gonna leave it at that and be a smartass right back, but there’s a few things I want to say to you so buckle up, mate !! Your zest for life and your friendliness (i can’t think of the actual work I want to use) .. genuineness!! there we go !! ... but they have shined from day one. I’m so glad I made Oberyn and you came yelling into my DMs - even if you send me hate on this blog to get me back over there. I kid, I kid. Talking to you is .. easy...and such a joy. Little messages from you on discord always brighten my day and your dedication to your dragon woman is .. amazing to see. Your thought out AUs, your headheacanons, your knowledge of the asoiaf lore - it blows me away. 
I know you’re going through a rough time right now and I just want to remind you how valued you are. It doesn’t always feel like we’re surrounded by people, I know, and sometimes when we’re stuck in the dark it’s hard to see the light - but I promise you that your sunrise is on its way. You are strong, you are brave and you are so bloody important to me and so many others. That small thread of you reaching out to me led to a friendship that has genuinely rippled change into my life. I am a different person than I would be had I never met you and that will never go away. And I know it’s not just me - a person with your personality, your ability to shine like the star you are .. I can guarantee you that others have been touched in the same way. What would tumblr be like without you, queenie? What would the world be like? I shudder to think of it. You are a shining diamond in a world of shale and I will always be around to remind you of that.
Thank you for existing <33
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princess-sengoku · 4 years
Secret Santa Fanfic
@hunny-pp This is for your request in Secret Santa for this year. I hope this is great. Merry Christmas to you and Merry Christmas to everyone else. AAAA My first fanfic to be posted on Tumblr :')
Carnival Competition
Rating: K
Modern AU
Summary: Shingen and Kenshin are going to Osaka carnival to see who can win the most games at the carnival.
The carnival's in town as everyone from all over the land of the rising sun go to one of the most underrated festivals in the land; Osaka Carnival. The fun games, great food, and amazing rides that it had was all in good fun for everyone to enjoy. Once Shingen heard for himself that the carnival was going to be in town tomorrow, he just had to call Kenshin to join him for the carnival. He was disappointed that he didn't show up last year, then again they weren't dating at the time. Maybe this year would go in his favor? He and Kenshin could at least compete in the games, kinda like a battlefield? Shingen was in Osaka for a quick vacation and the carnival would be the top of the cake. With that in mind, Shingen picked up the phone and began to text to Kenshin.
Shingen: My stoic dragon "nemesis", are you still awake?
Kenshin was comfortable on his futon at his Castle, just starting to head off to bed and sending a quick prayer to Bishamonten to thank the god of war for allowing him the pleasures of life. There was wine, business, and finally Shingen. Shingen was probably one of the most worthy friend and business partner he could ask for in this life. Although he didn't show much happiness on his stoic face, his actions show that he cares for him, especially when he accepted to be Shingen’s boyfriend. Speaking of Shingen… 'Bing Bing'. Kenshin heard his phone go off. "It is almost time to go to bed… Who's texting me?" He said, visibly annoyed. He picked up his phone and once he saw the message, he softened a little bit. It was Shingen. 
Kenshin: Tiger of Kai, my "nemesis", I was about to go to bed, but I can talk for a bit.
Shingen gave a good-natured chuckle at Kenshin's message sent a couple of minutes later. Of course he forgot that Kenshin would be getting to bed around this time.
Shingen: Sorry about that, I was hoping maybe this year we can go to the carnival together. Think of it as a date.
"A date?" He mouthed to himself. When was the last time they had a date together? It had been a while. They were both taking it slowly so they wouldn't be discovered and to have it at a carnival, that everyone was going to…
Kenshin: Are you sure you want me to go?
Shingen was not giving up on making him go to the carnival. They were always competitive when it came to the games. A lightbulb went off in his head. He can use the games as an excuse for him to go.
Shingen: I bet I can win a lot more games than you. Don't worry I'll give you some prizes :)
Shingen always knew how to push Kenshin's competitiveness button. They both were like strategists in their own businesses but eventually one must come on top eventually. He really now was interested in this carnival but he would conceal his intentions to him.
Kenshin: It is tempting to go to the festival to have a friendly competition. Go have fun. Good night "nemesis"
Shingen shrugged at his message. At least he tried to convince him to go. At the back of his head, he did feel that Kenshin would come here. He just had that hunch.
Shingen: Good night. Don't have a rough night.
As soon as he got Shingen’s message, Kenshin got dressed again, called his limo driver, and took a blanket. He would now begin to surprise Shingen to the festival date. "Shingen, let's see who wins the most games." he thought with confidence. They always liked competitive plays over each other. He just thought of what kind of games would be there to play as the limo left with him inside, going to Osaka, as he drifted to sleep.
~The next morning- 8 AM~
Shingen saw the shining sun glimmer in the curtains as morning came and he was just starting to wake up from the tiger's slumber. This short bald man yawned as he sat up in the bed, slowly getting his act together. It was also very hot today when the festival and vacation was in the summer. He could only imagine what the south had to deal with like the Shimazu in the summer. After 10 minutes of just sitting there, he finally got up to brighten the room. The curtains opened and Shingen shielded his eyes from the brightness a bit. Once it got adjusted, he finally saw a limo in front of the hotel. It had the Uesugi symbol on the side and the limo was white. He could see Kenshin come out the doors. "Hahaha, I knew Kenshin would be here!" Shingen said to himself. He put on a tiger print t-shirt with some khaki shorts and some sandals.
Kenshin walked out of the limo with a nice short sleeved buttoned white shirt with white pants with some nice black loafers. He was casually sleeping the whole ride so he would be well rested for today. Carnivals are mostly energy sucking. The driver let him know he's here so he doesn't have to rest during the day. "Great Bishamonten, please give me strength to have fun today and beat Shingen in a whole bunch of games." He prayed. They both met in the lobby and gave a hug. "Haha, I knew you would come. So are you ready for the carnival?" Shingen asked. Kenshin gave a small smile and nodded. "I am. Looking at the clock means that it had just started." Said Kenshin as he looked at the clock which read 9:00A.M.
Looking out at the carnival laid out before them, it was full of life and high fun energy. Many games, food stands and other attractions can be seen before them. People were walking around them full of laughter and friendly talk. You can't really hear what they had to say because there were so many people and they were loud. Shingen and Kenshin simply walked side by side together holding pinkies looking out at what games they should play.
The first game they saw was kinda strange with a huge log and there were lines in the ground. Musashi was actually the one hosting that game. "Hey you two! Do you want to try the log toss? 1 yen to try it and the rules are clearly read on the sign." He managed to get Shingen and Kenshin's attention. "You want to have a go Kenshin?" Asked Shingen. "Sure" said Kenshin blatantly. 
They both walk up to the wooden sign. It was well made with no chances that anyone can get a splinter and it looked really smooth for writing on as shown in words that are painted on. It says the following: 
Log toss:
'You throw a log as far as you can. This can be played for competition. If you are solo, you win a prize no matter what. If you are against each other, then the winner gets a prize.'
Shingen was known to do some lifting at the gym sometimes, Kenshin watched him while he worked so he knew as well. They've decided to do the competition version. The prizes included stuffed animals, posters and pins. Shingen went first as he went and picked it up by the sides then he spinned around a few times getting ready for the wind up. He threw it up and away pretty far and it landed with a thud and the ground shaked a bit. Musashi ran to where the log went with a measuring tape and a flag. "150 feet-1st person!" Musashi announced. Kenshin smiled at Shingen’s impressive performance. It was as expected for him as was a worthy challenge for Kenshin to try to beat.
"You're next Kenshin." Shingen said as he stood back with a smirk, a smirk that Kenshin loved a lot. "I have practiced a bit in lifting." Kenshin remarked as he picked up the log. He winded up by standing back a bit then using the force that he gathered to launch the log forward as he stepped forward. It flew not as high as Shingen did but it definitely was going far. There was a thud in the distance and Musashi was running fast with the other marker. "Not bad! It's about… 160 feet. The second person wins!" Musashi announced happily as he went to pick out a prize. Kenshin kissed Shingen on the forehead proud of his own victory. "Well done 'nemesis'." Shingen said, congratulating him. Musashi gave Kenshin a big tiger plush. 'It would be perfect for Shingen.' Kenshin thought.
Many hours go by with more prizes, food, the times they went through a funhouse and a haunted house in a succession while holding many little toys, pins, posters, more stuffed animals. It was a lot to carry for a long time, then again they had played lots of games. Games were ring toss, balloon pop, guess what's approximately in the jar, bumper cars, test your strength, and many other games.
It was the last few minutes of the carnival to be open for the day. There was one more game they wanted to try for a magnificent dragon plush. Shingen was immediately reminded of Kenshin when he saw that plush. "Kenshin! Before we go let's try this game!" They both look at the bucket of water with ducks floating right along. The sign read the following:
Lucky Duck:
'You hook a duck on the hook stick provided to you. Get a star duck (which the star is on the bottom) to win any prize you want.'
"This game sounds simple and quick." Kenshin remarked. "You can do this game." Said Kenshin as he gave the game owner 1 yen to play the game.
Shingen concentrated on the pond itself like a fire trying to get hotter by the minute. Any of those ducks could have a star on the bottom and any number of the ducks could have stars. They all looked the same. All he could do would be to guess which one had the star and which ones didn't. He took the hook stick on the ground and just went for it, eyes closed. When he opened them again, he looked underneath the duck and a gold star was at the bottom. He won the game and the dragon. "This is great!" thought Shingen as he got the dragon in his hands.
As Shingen turned he saw Kenshin take the tiger plush out of the mass of prizes they won and handed it out like it was a gift for him. Shingen saw a slight blush on Kenshin's stoic face. "So umm… this is for you 'nemesis'." Kenshin said in a softer voice than usual. Shingen laughed out of kindness a little, knowing that Kenshin wasn't used to the sometimes sweet moments of their relationship. "Thank you 'nemesis'. In return, I will give you this dragon I just won."  Shingen blushed a little bit as he received the tiger and Kenshin received the dragon. They soon divided all of the prizes in between them. Shingen’s vacation would go on and Kenshin would join in for the last week that Shingen had left.
P.S. as a bonus I give you some headcanons of the pairing on google slides that I made myself. This helped me create the fic lol.
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