#have i fic recked this yet?
fhrlclln · 1 year
Hello! I read your angsty Miguel fic and I need more immediatelyyyyy
Basically I’ve been seeing some tiktoks pointing out that when Miguel talks about the Peter from Miles universe, he sounds very emotional. Like heartbroken emotional. Some ppl theorize “hey what if they knew each other and that’s why Miguel is even more pissed?” My head ran with it and what if it was spider!fem! reader who was the Spider-Man on Miles’ universe who died?
Miguel and reader were hardcore pining for each other but he never made a move cuz he was terrified of anything happening and still had his heart closed off. Only to get hit with the intense feelings of grief and anger when the news arrives that she’s dead and only serves as a motivator to stop Miles
miguel o’hara x spider!fem! reader
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OOOH THIS IS AN INTERESTING APPROACH ON THAT. and also, 🤌 angst 🤌, we are on an angst train now HEHE.
on that note, i’m changing the lore a bit again, since in my understanding the first time miguel leaped through the multiverse is after the events of into the spiderverseee. i find it so cute that what if miguel would actually just observe in a dimension and hang around a bit before the main events will transpire. T_T
anways enjoy, anon babes!! i had fun researching and writing this. <3
angst under the cut
when miguel first leaped into the spider-verse, it was way before when miles was bitten by the spider. the multiverse to him at that time, was a working experiment for him; and still had room for improvement as he created a prototype of the dimensional time watch for the big dimension leap he was studying with lyla. sure, it made him able to leap into certain dimensions, though only for a short amount of time since the prototype still had the faulty feature of preventing his molecules from destabilizing. lyla told him it was dangerous to stay so long in a separate dimension, since they still had to study the part to prevent that faulty feature. overall, this minimal dimension leaps were just a trial for both. sort of a observation trial. yet…
he just hadn’t expected to meet you so early in his life.
earth-1610B, in calculations, he wasn’t expecting much from this variant dimension, it was already normal as he can tell. typical setting and typical story that runs along from previous spider dimensions he leaped into. miguel only chastised himself to explore the dimension for at least an hour or so, knowing the longer he stays, he might disappear from existence and he wasn’t going to risk that. lyla would beat his ass if they don’t complete the watch. in his observation though, he found it comforting to be hanging around a different location than in the futuristic nueva york. it was more… comforting he thinks.
cars honked, the sound of new yorkers chatting along talking about everything, the lights at night was an absolute scene to behold when he sits atop of the empire state building; a little hard to climb up there but he managed to climb without recking the building with his claws. everything was an interesting sight to look at, even watching the neighborhood’s own spider-woman fight sometimes.
you were interesting and perfect, as miguel deemed. everyone loved you, always fighting hard and though you sometimes get beaten down, there was always this sheer determination for you to stand up. which was something he admired even though he won’t admit it. and you’re pretty. too pretty in fact when he got a glimpse of your face at some point. tonight however, he might have fucked up big time the rules he set himself to not fiddle with any dimension he had visited. talk to their spider-people.
he was unmasked and dressed in casual clothing with a hat on, blending with the crowd. miguel enjoyed a stroll along times square, holding a classic new york hotdog in his hand as he takes a bite out of it. he took the time to observe times square, completely not noticing you silently speed-walking by as you collided with him on accident, both your attentions caught by the sudden disturbance.
“ay, watch where—“
“i’m sorry!” you squeak, alarmed at his harsh tone as you frantically glanced up, eyes wide staring at him. his eyes widened as well hearing your voice, your pretty face staring at him as you apologize profusely for not looking as miguel told himself he was screwed right there and now.
“god, sorry! you have mustard on your t-shirt, shit, shit, shit—“ you frowned seeing the stain as miguel glanced down to it, cheeks blooming hot. was he embarrassed? he wanted to roll his eyes and tell you it was fine but you just had to wipe it with your own handkerchief before he could say anything.
“glad you’re wearing black. mustard stains are pretty fucking hard to wash out. learned it from personal experience with a white tee.” you babbled, smiling at it as miguel silently lets you wipe it off, admiring how serious you are to getting the mustard off, that look of determination.
“and there! done!” you smiled again, setting his heart racing, he was quiet for a moment until you just started talking again, embarrassed this time. “sorry if—“
“no, it’s fine. thanks.” he cuts you off, a smug smile tugging on his lips as you shied away from his gaze. the spider-woman shy before him? unbelievable, it was cute to think that without your mask you’d be this cute thing. he gulps as you nodded, he was expecting you to leave but you just started something about you rarely bumping into people these days awkwardly. miguel listens of course, actually only a little as he was too focused on staring at every feature of your face, dumbly nodding along silently until you introduced yourself with your star smile.
“i’m y/n by the way.” you shyly offer your hand for a simple handshake as he accepts it, saying his own in greeting.
“nice to meet you, miguel.”
it was bliss that he had met you before. though he remained distant, putting this silent wall between the two of you as he knows that quiet thump in his heart is threatening him somehow. but who wouldn’t like you? you’re beautiful and you have that kind laughter he’d like to hear every time he would visit or the fact that he’d soften when you smile at him, making him feel content. sure, he was presenting himself as dodgy and mysterious knowing you would ask him about certain things of his personal life as you two got to know each other more and he’d discretely dodge some. it was a frequent thing for the two of you to only meet by times square, sort of a unknown thought between the both of you for it to be deemed a meet-up place. he enjoyed every single time you’d greet him, though he remained closed-off a bit, trying not to get too attached yet sometimes he’d wished for more with you as the longer you two spend time with each other. but he knew better than to pursue what his mind was telling him again and again.
was it dangerous? yes. did he care? maybe so. but that wouldn’t stop him from always picking your dimension every time he’d ‘test’ the watch again.
and now he wishes you didn’t bump into him that day as he chases miles up the speed train heading to the moon.
“you’re a mistake!” miguel yells as he slams miles on the train, the poor boy yelped at his rough handling as miguel pinned him down. the sudden wave of sadness taking over as he remembers you. your smile, your awkward jokes, your laughter, your eyes… everything.
“if you hadn’t been bit, your spider-woman would’ve lived!” he shouts, anger rushing through his veins, his brows furrowed as miles struggled in his grasp. the teenage boy’s face flashed a wave of sadness remembering you. miguel can feel the tears threatening to well in his eyes yet only anger and frustration were present as he blamed everything on miles now.
“instead she died, saving you.” his tone faltered a bit despite the harshness he puts on. his heart clenched, memories flooding in, grief striking his heart again. the hollowness had been there since you died and hollowed further when his daughter had as well, crumpling his once self. the mere time you two had together was cut short and he blamed it on miles dumbly. his own emotions blinding him to put the blame on the poor boy who’s just trying to save his dad now.
“she would’ve stopped the collider before it would have ever been off. spot wouldn’t exist and none of this wouldn’t have happened.” he punctuates every single word, holding himself back as miles tried to wiggle out of his grasp again, only for him to slam him down again for the boy to listen to him. he ignores the yells from peter and gwen pleading for him to let miles go yet he pesters further, determined to let it all out.
“and she—“ he tries to find the words for you, remembering every single detail and every conversation you had with him. his mind flashing memories of that glint in your eyes when you passionately tell him about something you liked and how you would get this look of awe when he says or asks something about it. how kind and caring you are to him even though you barely knew each other before. remembering the time when he observed from afar as you swung around the neighborhood, bringing smiles on every person’s face, bringing it to him as well. and he regretted so much for not ever telling you about how you made him smile. miles’ eyes widened seeing this new look of vulnerability on miguel’s face as he stops struggling for a moment in surprise. miguel blinks, shaking his head as all came weighing down. you, his daughter, everyone, the multiverse as his own voice cracks despite the searing anger laced within it.
“she was everything.“
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illicien · 1 month
What drew you to winterbaron as a ship? What kind of content do you read? Is it different from the kind of content you write? Would you like to rec a few winterbaron works? My friend is into the ship and I'm trying to see if it's something I might like but all the fics they've recked me are kind of the same in tone so I'm looking for others opinions for some variety.
Hmm! I've sort of answered some of this in the past so sorry to my moots getting this rehash.
A friend of mine dragged me into WinterBaron (kicking and screaming!!!) rather simply, actually, though what kept me here was the more grand implications of her simple origins. I'm kind of a sucker for a true power bottom, and fanart my friend kept sending me implied the fandom saw Zemo as such, and I was at least a little bit intrigued there. Enough to take a deeper look, at least.
The better discovery wasn't that the fandom had decided he was a power bottom, but that there was a strong push and pull of power in their dynamic. Bucky has all the physical power between them, it's a big thing, he's strong as hell. On the other hand, Zemo is just a guy, and yet despite that Bucky should logically have all the power between them, Zemo's intelligence and knowledge tend to leave him with an edge. That continues to be the fascinating concept about Zemo to me, but that's a different matter.
So for me, it's the manipulation, the push and pull of power, it's Bucky trying to break free of being the Winter Soldier and Zemo trying to decide if Bucky's just like every other super soldier. But it's also about understanding that Zemo knows Bucky in ways most people alive don't. He knows and understands Bucky's history as the Winter Soldier both through his research, and as a man who did horrific things on behalf of his country. And that thought can sometimes lead to softer moments of understanding, I think, that can be enjoyable in fic.
As for content I read vs write: I generally gravitate towards dark fic with these two, though there's plenty of really good stuff that isn't. There are some excellent explorations of kink in the fandom for them which is refreshing. I don't really write them as dark as I read them, since I enjoy writing the power dynamics more than the overt manipulation, but if you're looking for more tonal variety I'm sure I can make some recommendations! (Under the cut!)
** Please make sure you read all of the tags thoroughly. What I enjoy in fiction may not be to your taste, and I respect that, but the best I can do is to link to the site with the tags. 💜
Recs (under 20k words)
Just A Little More by @six-demon-bag epitomizes a lot of what I've said above, and if I didn't start out with it on the list here I'd be doing myself a disservice for how often I reread this.
Bucky goes into a painful rut and Zemo seizes the opportunity to sink newer, more subtle hooks into him.
Breathless by @zsparz is one I like to return to whenever I'm looking to feel sad but don't have a lot of time to read. I can't explain why this one hits me so hard but holy smokes does it make me weepy. Sparz is great at making me cry, though, so like - anyway.
The water kept rising. Bucky could hold his breath a long time underwater, and he remembered vividly how he’d acquired that knowledge. Sam might find him in time.
But Zemo would be long dead by then.
Past Indiscretions by @sagegarnish makes me laugh, genuinely. The whole idea of it brings me a lot of joy, and the execution is delightful.
Bucky and Zemo are trapped in 1941.
Unfortunately Bucky's past self is the only one who might know where the missing Pym Particles are that they need to get home.
When young!Bucky pulls Zemo into an alley, Bucky is forced to watch as a drunken forgotten night from his past becomes a lot clearer.
Recs (20k+ words)
That Which You Fear by @spintwinwb is a trilogy that starts off feeling like an AU and turns into something really fascinating imo. Lots of extra goodies here for comics fans, too.
Instead of freeing the people of Westview, Wanda pushed out across multiverses to get her brother back, and the entire world was caught in the crossfire. Cast in a new, peaceful life in upstate New York in a world with mutants, no Avengers, and no HYDRA, Bucky Barnes struggles to reconcile memories and dreams that no longer make sense with what he thinks he knows about himself.
One Two Many by @six-demon-bag is sweet and fun and complicated, and I really did try not to double-up on authors here but agh. What am I supposed to do??
Bucky and Zemo meet on an anonymous dating app and find a deep connection in each other. In the meantime, they grow closer in person without realizing they’re falling in love online too.
Too Good To Be True by AnadoraBlack is really one of those fics where the tropes are used so well, imo. A very enjoyable read.
Bucky wakes up with no recollection of where he is, how he found himself there, and what the heck is going on. There's also a ring on his finger, and time lost. What the living FUCK?!
The Original Sin by @zsparz because I might as well completely fail at the "only one per author" in spectacular fashion. This sits here because it sits on a very peculiar line between canon and AU and just... like I said. Sparz makes me cry. This isn't a departure from that fact.
Bucky and Zemo keep meeting over the course of several lifetimes. Zemo remembers everything. Bucky doesn’t, but there’s an eerie impression of familiarity he can’t shake — an old pain he can’t explain, with roots too deep for him to reach.
AU Recs
Removing Bucky and Zemo from the context of their complicated history in the MCU can highlight different aspects of their characters that are really interesting to explore, as someone who finds their unique characters quite interesting as well, though I also know it isn't for everyone. Neither of these recs are short so if you don't mind an AU, set some time aside for these ones.
It Started Out With a Curse by Thorny is a fun AU I never really expected to find in this fandom. I personally have a history of writing in fantasy settings so this one has a special place in my heart.
What happens when the King and Queen of a human kingdom slight a powerful fae Lord known only as "The Baron"?
Enter a world of FairyTale/Fantasy Shenanigans as Prince James navigates his deadly curse and his confusing feelings for one (seemingly) cold and untouchable fae Lord. Meanwhile, something sinister is afoot trying to gouge a rift between the feywilds and the human kingdoms...
A Gentleman and a Scholar by EternalBeta is a no powers exploration of their dynamic that's... Beautiful. It also tackles a lot of things about kink that it feels like most fic and stories generally seem to ignore. There's also an amazing sequel series.
(this series doesn't have an easy summary available so I uh... I'll give it a go here: college student Bucky has a thing for his professor, and a whole series of bad decisions behind him. The trouble is, Bucky is impatient, and Professor Zemo doesn't fuck students. So Bucky better hurry up and graduate.)
Many of the writers above have at least a few WinterBaron fics, and I do highly recommend checking out their collections. Sparz and Six-Demon in particular have some really widely varied concepts and stories they tackle, and if you're curious at all I'd also recommend checking out Sholio who has some excellent Sam/Bucky/Zemo fics! I didn't toss recs here because they weren't the heart of the ask, but I gobbled those up easily for some very sweet treaties.
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downwiththeficness · 6 months
Shadow and Veil-Chapter Forty Four
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Summary: Eva Moore’s life was a carefully constructed fiction.  Every day, she did exactly what her mother in law, her husband, and his  best friend expected of her. No mistakes. And, that was going pretty  well for Eva right up until a huge complication literally tried to run  her over. Now, she’s faced with trying to keep the pieces of her life  from falling apart while attempting (and failing) to keep her feelings  for her husband’s new business partner at bay.
A/N: This fic is a sister-fic to A Need So Great and A Need Unleashed.  You do not need to have read ANSG or ANU to read this fic, but there  are Easter eggs from those fics in Shadow and Veil for readers with keen  eyes.  This fic is explicit for canon-compliant blood, gore, violence,  and sex. As such, it is intended for an adult audience, only. A/B/O  dynamics come with their own warning. Anyone under the age of 18 should  not interact with this work. I do not consent to reposting this work to  other platforms. Reblog only to Tumblr.  
Word Count: ~3,600
Start from the beginning    Previous Chapter  Next Chapter  
Masterlist            Read on AO3
Eva hung her ochre dress in the closet. After days of lying on the floor, the thing was a crumpled mess and it had taken effort to find a local dry cleaner she trusted to clean and press the garment. Eva would happily exert that effort all over again. She stared at the shimmering fabric, knowing that she would never get rid of it. The dress would go wherever she went for as long as she lived. Always a reminder of the momentous step forward in her relationship with her alpha.
The heat ebbed and flowed, rising and falling over the course of several days. Intense need bracketed by sleep and drowsy wallowing in the bond. Wrapped in Horacio’s arms, Eva felt safer than she’d ever felt in her life. In the bubble of their shared bed, nothing and no one could reach her.
A knock at the door.
Eva flinched and held her breath.
Horacio and Javier were scouting the factory so that they could create a plan of attack. Josh hadn’t moved the place, which was a boon. But, he also hadn’t been seen on-site in several days. Horacio had a hunch that he was staying in one of a few residences nearby, but hadn’t yet figured out which. Finding out where Josh was hunkered down was their primary objective for the day.
Another knock.
Eva moved silently through the apartment. She couldn’t think of a single good reason for anyone to be knocking at her door. Her hand hesitated over the deadbolt, hovering mid-air, before she blew out a breath and opened it. The doorway was empty. She stepped out and craned her neck to look one way. Empty. And then, the other.
Barrel of a gun.
And, beyond, the angry face of Doctor Joshua Moore.
“Hello, Eva.”
She was surprised she could speak through the icy fear, “Hello, Josh.”
The gun was very close. So close that Eva thought she might be able to see the bullet in the chamber, if she squinted. He’d cut his hair. It was razored very near to his head, only the way the color caught the light gave away that he was blond. There were lines on his face that hadn’t been there before. The mouth that once held a constant, self-satisfied smirk, was flat. He looked like a completely different man.
“Where are your manners? Invite me in,” he demanded.
Slowly, Eva backed into the apartment. She kept her eyes on Josh, on the weapon in his hand. Eva was fairly confident that he didn’t come there to kill her, but ‘fairly confident’ didn’t seem so reassuring when death was on the line.
He moved smoothly through the door and closed it behind him, “Sit.”
She sat.
Josh took the armchair opposite her. His posture was casual, the gun resting on his knee, “How are you, Birdie?”
“Fine, I reckon,” she replied, wincing at the crack in her voice.
“Oh, you reck-on?” he teased, “I see you’ve regressed a little since I saw you last.” He rolled his eyes, “Although I suppose I can excuse it, given the circumstances.” When she didn’t say anything, he leaned back into the cushion and asked, “So, what have you been up to?”
Eva searched for words. Her voice, when it came, was high and reedy, “Oh, you know, same old stuff.”
He smiled, “I’ve heard. Diego really did need an accountant.”
She clung to yet another of Josh’s incorrect conclusions, “His books were atrocious.”
A laugh, “I bet.” Then, “Tell me, where are his holdings?”
Eva’s brows drew together, “His holdings?”
He rolled his wrist in a kind of ‘come on’ gesture, “His money, Birdie. Where is it?”
A lie felt like it wouldn’t land well, “I...don’t know.”
“What do you mean, you don’t know?”
She shrugged, “I don’t. I have no idea where Diego’s money comes from.”
Josh’s eyes narrowed, “You’re his accountant.”
“And,” Eva replied in a low tone, “he is remarkably private.”
He sucked his teeth in disappointment. “Alright. What do you know?”
She hesitated, “He’s been working with a cartel.” God, why hadn’t she planned a fucking story for this moment? A thought came to her, “You know, I think he’s more of a...what do you call it...a mercenary. But, for drugs?”
Josh stared at her, “A drug mercenary.”
He closed his eyes and ran his hand across his face, “Its been months, Eva. And, all you have is drug mercenary.”
She swallowed, “He doesn’t let me see much.”
“He doesn’t let—,” he cut himself off, sighed, and started again, “Birdie, you have to have seen something.”
What he was hunting for, she couldn’t even begin to guess. Eva glanced at the gun while her brain worked to come up with a response. Something—anything--that would fuel his ego. “He’s waiting for you.”
Josh’s brows lifted, “Oh?”
Encouraged, Eva continued, “He...knows you’ve been asking about him. He’s been waiting for you to make contact.”
She nodded.
“I don’t know. He doesn’t talk to me about it.”
“What does he talk to you about?”
There was a softness in his tone that sounded like danger. She felt the hair on her arms stand up in warning. If Eva said the wrong thing, he would lash out. She wracked her brain for every effective strategy she’d ever used to mitigate Josh’s anger.
Eva took a chance at stroking his ego, “You, mostly.”
His tone was intrigued, “Oh?”
“He asked me the same questions you just asked me.”
Josh’s face lit up with interest. Nailed it. “What did you tell him?”
“As little as possible,” Then, “Diego is...perceptive.”
He rolled his eyes, “I’m sure you think he’s perceptive.” Then, “He’s been manipulating you, Birdie.”
She looked away, “He kidnapped me, Josh. He took me to a new place where I don’t know anyone, where I don’t speak the language. You’ll have to excuse me if I’m a little off balance.”
Josh leaned forward, “All this sass is new for you. I don’t like it.” A pause, “That’s not the only thing that’s changed, is it?” He pointed to her neck, “Did he force you, Birdie?” A pause, “Did it hurt?”
Not at all, she thought while saying nothing. Let him project whatever he wanted onto her. Their bond, and the way it was solidified, was private. Sacred.
“Well,” he sighed when he realized she wasn’t going to answer, “that can be fixed.”
“Fixed?” Eva blurted.
Josh’s brows lifted, “Yes, of course. I’m an incredibly gifted pharmacologist—or had you forgotten? With enough time, I’ll break the bond. Don’t you worry.”
She gasped involuntarily, “You’re going to kill me, then.”
“Oh, no,” he replied easily, “I can’t guarantee that it will be painless, but you won’t die. I’ll make sure of it.”
Eva blinked at him, dumbfounded by the sheer audacity. He was talking about something that had never been successfully performed by anyone in the world. And, he was talking about it with all the confidence of a seasoned professional. The sheer arrogance was astounding. Horrifying, even.
Josh slapped his hands on his thighs, “We should go. I need to get back to work.”
Slowly, Eva stood. She couldn’t think of a single thing that would buy her time. Nothing that would get her enough space to leave some kind of message for Horacio.
Moving towards the door, Josh picked up her clutch from the island and threw it at her, “Here. Let him think you went out shopping, hmm?”
Cradling the purse against her chest, Eva let Josh drag her out the door and into the parking lot where a car was waiting. The driver wasn’t familiar, but he seemed to know that Josh would be bringing along a guest. As soon as they were in the back seat, the car took off down the road.
Eva, conscious of the gun in Josh’s hand, pressed into the door, “Where are you taking me?”
“Home,” Josh replied, his eyes on the windshield, “Temporarily, of course.”
He hummed in confirmation, “I’m looking for another place. On the beach. This one is just for convenience.”
Eva stared at him, confused, while the car whizzed through traffic. She expected him to be angry, to beat her half to death the second he got his hands on her. And yet, the man sitting less than three feet away seemed perfectly calm. Perfectly genial. Except for the gun.
It wasn’t pointed directly at her, anymore, but that didn’t make Eva feel safe. When the car slowed, she tested the handle on the door, cringing when she realized he’d activated the child locks. She was well and truly stuck until he got her where he wanted to go.
The car pulled into a residential neighborhood, stopping in the driveway of a nondescript house. She memorized the street and house number, repeated it over and over in her mind so that she wouldn’t forget.
Eva had to wait for the driver to get out and open the door for her. She resisted thanking him, but did catch the way his chin dipped in acknowledgment when she glanced his way.
Turning in a small circle, Eva quickly took in the new environment. Manicured lawns. Clean, well built homes. New landscaping. And, down the street, a moving van sat in the driveway.
Recent development. Neighbors that were relative strangers. Money, possibly lots of it.
Just like in Louisiana.
Josh moved close to her and Eva felt the barrel of the gun dig into her side, “Move.”
Reluctantly, Eva let him push her towards the house, up the steps and through the front door. The driver followed them the whole way, stalling next to the entrance. Eva chanced a look over her shoulder to find him standing in the foyer, looking out through the window.
Driver and security, then.
Josh redirected Eva towards a modest living room with spartan furniture and décor. She sat on the couch, disappointed (but not surprised) to find that it was as uncomfortable as their last one. With her clutch on her lap, she shifted on the stiff cushion, trying to get comfortable, “Where’s Myra?”
Josh almost smiled, “You know, I wanted to ease you into this, but I think its better if we just get to it.”
Eva blinked, “Alright.”
With a barely repressed sigh, Eva stood and followed Josh to a staircase. She could see another man standing at the landing and wondered how many guards were scattered throughout the house. Every additional man would make it more difficult for her to escape. And, she was going to escape. There was no other decision that she could make. If possible, she would get a message out to Horacio with a well placed phone call. Barring that, she would run. Not now. Not yet. But, soon.
Eva would start by learning the layout of the house. She would return to her well-honed skill of detecting even the slightest creak in the floorboards so that she could move silently from room to room and then from floor to floor. Then, Eva would work on memorizing the rotation of the men Josh used to keep others out (or in). And, finally, at the most opportune time, she would run. She would haul ass to the highway and hope someone would be willing to pick up a woman in distress.
They cleared the landing and took a turn down the hall. Another man was posted in front of an open door. Josh ignored him as he stepped into the room. Eva followed, stopping four steps inside the threshold while she tried to work through her shock.
It was a hospital room, or looked like one. Machines beeped intermittently and there were all kinds of supplies piled up on every available surface. In the middle of the room, sitting in a bright beam of sunlight, was Alexei.
Sort of.
A man who could once command fear with little more than a look or a well placed threat now looked like he could barely hold his head up. His lanky frame was skeletal, muscle and fat melted away to revel the bone beneath. An oxygen mask concealed most of his expression, but Eva could see anger in his eyes when he looked at her.
Beside him, Myra was pushing liquid into an IV. She looked up, “I see you were successful.”
God, Eva did not miss that tone.
“Yes,” Josh replied, ignoring Myra’s distaste, “Did you have any doubt?”
Myra didn’t answer. She finished up her task and gathered up the supplies into a bucket that she carried into the bathroom. Nose up. Spine straight. Unlike Josh, she still looked very much the same woman that Eva left behind in the States. Not a wrinkle in her clothes. Not a hair out of place.
Josh took a breath and followed, “I did this for you. Now that Eva is here, you won’t have to look after Alexei any longer. You can do what you like with your time.”
The conversation faded a little as he entered the bathroom and pulled the door to. With nothing else for Eva to focus on, her turned her attention to Alexei, “Hello.”
Alexei took a long time to respond, “Hello, Birdie.”
Even his voice was weak.
“I’d ask how you are, but I don’t think you want to talk about it.”
“No,” he replied, “I don’t.”
She shifted on her feet, “I’m sorry. For what that’s worth.”
“Fuck off.”
Eva nodded, “Fair enough.”
The bathroom door opened and Myra stormed out, “You brought a traitor into this house. A traitor that left us to gallivant around Mexico with the man who nearly destroyed our lives!”
Feeling the need to defend herself, Eva lifted a hand, “Technically, I was kidnapped.”
Myra glared at her, “I don’t believe that for a second.”
Eva shrugged.
Josh stepped between them, “Eva is right. Diego stole her from us and now she is back. And, while she may have deserved the torture he put her through, she has an opportunity to fix it.”
It took all kind of effort to keep from either rolling her eyes or sneering at Josh. As annoyed at she was just being in his presence, Eva needed him on her side if she was going to get out of this mess.
“Teach Eva how to care for Alexei,” he ordered. “And then, we’ll work on getting you into that new house I built for you down the street.”
Myra crossed her arms, but didn’t disagree. Josh seemed to take that as a ‘yes’ and kissed her on the cheek, “I have an appointment. I’ll see you at dinner.”
When he was gone, they were left with an awkward silence that stretched on for a long while. Eva set her jaw and waited—she certainly wasn’t going to do a single thing to alleviate the other woman’s discomfort. To give herself something to do, she set her clutch down on the side table and pretended to look at the medicine lined up in a long row.
“Well,” Myra said, eventually, “I hope you’re happy. Look what you did.”
Eva met her gaze levelly, refusing to react to the accusation. She wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.
“You haven’t changed at all, have you?” Myra griped, “Still so selfish.”
Less than five minutes in the woman’s presence and Eva was already exasperated, “Jesus, Myra, can we get on with this?”
Myra drew back, looking at her anew, “Fine.”
It took several hours. Myra walked Eva through every aspect of Alexei’s care. He was making progress, but required regular antibiotics and physical therapy. They hoped in a few months that he would walk again without a cane.
The scar on his head was healed, but raised and ugly. His skull had cracked with the impact of the bullet. An inch to the right and he would have been dead before he hit the carpet. Even that small mercy hadn’t kept him from seizures and a brief coma.
Alexei was very lucky.
He was also very angry.
Eva couldn’t imagine what it had been like. Relearning how to talk, to eat, to breathe properly. A man of action, he had been relegated to this bed for months—and would continued to be for several months more. Eva would be angry, too.
“I need to start dinner,” Myra said, having finished her lesson. “You’ll stay with Alexei from now on. You will do anything he needs, whenever he needs it. Understand?”
Eva nodded.
“Good. Now, one more thing,” she reached beneath Alexei’s bed and unrolled a heavy chain. “Josh might trust you, but I certainly don’t. Can’t have you running off to tell Diego where you are.”
What the fuck?
Backing away, Eva’s hands curled into fists. She wasn’t going to be subjected to that again. It wasn’t going to happen. Adrenaline pumped through her veins, readying her for a struggle.
Myra’s eyes narrowed, “Juan, can you come in here. I need some help.”
Juan turned the corner. Had he been so big in the hallway? It didn’t matter. Eva squared up with him, perfectly willing to fight, if necessary.  His step slowed and he looked to Myra with an expression that said, ‘really?’. Myra handed him the chain. He looked at it, looked at Eva, looked at Myra, and then sighed.
What happened next was glazed over with fear and anger. Eva grabbed the IV pole next to her and brandished it, uncaring that the IV was still attached to Alexei’s arm. He screamed while she waved it around, actually managing to catch Juan on the side of his head hard enough to draw blood.
Juan ducked her next swing and grasped the pole, yanking it from her hands. Needing to put distance between them, Eva scrambled over Alexei—sorry, sorry—so that she stood on the other side of the bed. She picked up a pair of surgical scissors, holding them in front her while Juan circled towards her.
When he got too near, she slammed the sharp end into his arm. They pierced deep—too deep. She couldn’t get them out again. In her struggle, Juan got his arms around her and threw her across the room where she landed hard on her hip and arm. He dragged her by the ankle with one hand while he reached for the chain with the other.
Despite several well placed kicks and half a dozen curses, Eva felt the cuff go around her calf and click into place. She deflated right there on the floor, cheek smushed into the carpet. Juan pushed his hands into his knees and stood. Eva smiled at the tired groan and the way it took him a moment to stand straight. The smile widened when she saw the line of blood dripping from the wound on his arm. As far as she was concerned, the asshole had it coming.
Myra, who had pressed herself against the wall during the squabble, tossed her hair and looked down at Eva, “Serves you right.”
She waited until Myra and Juan were gone to sit up. The chain clinked as she gathered her legs beneath her. Eva picked it up and studied the length. As before, it was long enough to get to the bathroom. And, as before, it was secured to the bed frame. She ran her thumb over the cuff, relieved to find that it was the same as the last. Eva hadn’t practiced much since Horacio taught her how to pick the lock, but she thought she could manage.
Which left her with an only slightly modified plan.
Break the lock. Run like hell.
Alexei groaned on the bed.
She stood and brushed her hands against her pants, “Sorry about...you know.” Eva searched for the words to apologize for ripping the IV from his arm, “I, uh, panicked.”
Alexei sighed, “Clearly.”
“I can put it back.”
He shook his head, “You’ll roll the vein. Just get it set up and I’ll do the rest.”
Chagrined, Eva did as he asked. Alexei muttered instructions for supplies, let her clean the area with alcohol, and, with confident hands, pushed the IV back into place. Eva gave him room to work, standing a few feet back and watching closely.
When everything was back to where it should be, Alexei leaned back into the pillow and took a cleansing breath, “Seeing you beat the hell out of Juan with an IV pole was the most entertainment I’ve had since I woke up.”
Surprised, Eva barked a laugh. Then, “They didn’t bring you a TV?”
She looked around, noting that the room was as sparsely decorated as the one downstairs. There was a dresser, an arm chair, a side table, and not much else.
Alexei shrugged, “I don’t watch much television. And, the only thing that would be on in the daytime would be telenovelas.”
Eva sat in the armchair and said, “I actually like those shows.”
He lifted a brow, “Really?”
She nodded, “How else was I going to learn Spanish?”
Alexei chuckled lightly and pushed his hair back from his face. It had grown long in the many months since they’d seen each other last, “Well, tell me about it, then,”
And so, she did.
He listened patiently through all the twists and turns. Eva tried to leave out the extraneous details, but kept having to go back because the details were never extraneous. The show always circled around to them at some point, usually with accompanying flashback.
When she was done, Alexei was silent for a moment, “I had no idea they were so bizarre.”
Eva frowned, “I’m not sure if they’re all like that, but that’s the one I watch. Or, watched.”
Alexei nodded and shifted around on his pillows, “Well, I guess I’ll be asking Josh to put in a television tomorrow.” Then, with a smirk, “Can’t have you missing your show.”
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theredwritingwitch · 2 years
Headless to Heartless
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Pairing: Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x fem!reader
Summary: Life is rough for a starving artist, but a new patron offers you a new life, a chance of security that you’ve longed for. But his version of security is not that same as yours, yet you feel a tug of desire towards the man that you can’t deny, even as you try to escape his grasp.
Word Count: 11.6 K
Warnings: cursing, creampie, vaginal sex, oral sex (female receiving), blood, gore, tied/constraints, drugging, abduction, possessive (tell me if I miss anything)
Ratings: E
Author’s Note: Dark fic! First time writing a dark fic, so heed the warnings. Also there are probably grammar and spelling mistake...but I’m tired.
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The Road
He had contacted you through a wax sealed envelope; a pristine and boisterous ‘S’ countered with stars on either side stamped into the wax. Gentle golden flowers with thin, curling petals were sealed within the wax, enticing all your attention to the unusual letter. There was no return address, even your address was hand written on the envelope. The letter inside interested you even further as you opened it to have a burst of air puff into your face; the smell of earthy spices itching at your nose. The old parchment letter was crisp in your hands and the swirling letters on the page looked as if they came from an old 1800s novel. But the subject of the letter was clear, you had a patron looking to aid you in your craft. Mr. Jack Daniels was an admirer looking to finance you and your art; wanting to hire you for your skill in leatherworking.
You never had any patrons in the past, you lived off of the sale of your work. You never had someone pay you for the sake of you continuing crafting your art. The deal was interesting, he offered room and board, a steady pay and security for your work. Currently, your shop was here in your apartment, you didn’t think you needed to stay at the man’s home. But that thought didn’t stay with you long, instead you felt the tug of the road, the interest of seeing who this mystery benefactor was. 
Which brought you to where you are now. Traveling down the long dark road, winding through tall and far reaching trees. The glow of the full moon couldn’t reach through the canopy of the trees, causing the only source of light to be from the headlights of your car. Cautiously, you rolled forward, following the black road. Your eyes danced from the road to the trees, shades far and close to the road creeped towards your car, watching you travel. A shiver ripped through your body causing you to grip the steering wheel tighter. The radio played a soft song that you had hoped would cool your thumping heart, but the converging shadows seem to overwhelm the music. You released a breath of air and reached out to change the song, taking your eyes off the road for a second when suddenly a rolling object seemed to cross the road just ahead of you. 
“Shit, shit, shit,” you yelled out.
Screeching the car to a stop, you turned the wheel and slammed your foot down on the brake. Your car stopped and you stared down at the harsh white strain of skin on your knuckles. A puff of white breath escaped you as a light shake recked through your body. The headlights of your car focused to the side of the road, two singular beams lit up a small section of the forest around you. You swore you saw a few shadows peep in and out of the trees as you looked deep into the forest. Staring into the forest only made you more startled as the song on the radio changed, making you jump back into your seat. You looked back and forth between the radio and forest. Deciding your eyes couldn’t focus, you flipped on the overhead lights, casting a giant globe of light to the area around you.
Slowly you leaned around the car, searching the area.
“What the hell was that?” Nothing came into view.
Huffing out another puff of white cold air, you cautiously exited the car. Spying the area around you, you saw no sign of anything strange in the road. Leaves, dirt, twigs scatter but nothing large or unusual laid in the road. Crossing your arms and clutching yourself, the crack of sticks caught your attention from the woods. The shadows were farther away now, but you still felt the creep and attention of eyes beyond your own sight. Cursing yourself for not getting up earlier this morning to avoid driving in the dark, you wondered if it was too late to turn back to the town you had passed through earlier. The letter in your back pocket called for your attention though. Grabbing the letter and opening it up, letting the smell of earthy spice hit you again, you reread over the lines of the letter. Sucking in the words and address to reinvigorate your travel sense, you noticed a small bit of spider silk hanging off the letter. Casting the weave aside, you took one last glance to whatever you had avoided earlier.
Finding nothing, you stopped your search and turned to jump back into your car to continue your journey when your eye caught the glint of something in your tire. Striding over you found a cluster of long, old, and gnarly nails stuck in the tire. 
“Fuck,” is all you said to the darkness around you. The spare tire in the trunk of your car was useless, too old and out of air from when you had originally bought your car. From your place on the ground, you looked around the woods, wondering why there were nails out in the middle of the road here. The headlights of your car flickered once, causing you to jump quickly back into your car, forgetting about the tire. You closed and locked the car door, your legs jittering from the rush. You looked down at your phone, seeing there was no signal. You cussed and threw the phone into the passenger seat. Slumping down in your own seat, you closed your eyes and focused on your breathing. You were going to have to either go back outside and change the tire and hope the spare held till you got to the hunting lodge, or get by on the tire that was pierced by several nails, or even walk. Nothing sounded good. Everything sounded like shit. You readied yourself for a moment to jump out of your car one more time. Just as you had opened your eyes and turned to the door, you came face to face with a dark haired man. Jumping back and screaming into your hands, the man threw his hands up in surrender. 
While staring at the man, who was dawned in a cowboy hat and well trimmed mustache, you crack your window down an inch.
A large smile graced his face as he tipped his hat.
“Pardon me for scaring you sugar. Didn’t mean to make your heart stop beating, but I noticed you stuck out here and thought you might need a lift to the lodge,” he nodded to the two horses behind him. You stared at him incredulously.
“Maybe an introduction would be best first. Name’s Jack Daniels. I believe you’re my new beneficiary.”
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The Woods
Your patron, Jack, was not what you expected. He was clearly a handsome man who knew that he was good looking. His black cowboy hat, leather jacket, and menacing smirk marked him as something of a well endowed scoundrel. The gentlemanly charm he casually threw around swelled many different emotions in you. You were already jumpy from your journey but now you were almost resentful to the stoic man and yet also attracted to the dark cowboy look. Mainly you were confused by the situation as a whole.
“It’s only a short ride to the lodge, darlin’. You weren’t too far off from your new humble abode.” Jack smiled and gave you a nod while he rode ahead of you on his sleek black horse. He held the rains of yours, keeping you close as he guided the two of you to his home. You didn’t understand why he was out late at night and not waiting at his home for you. You also found it odd that while he was out on the supposed night ride he liked to go on frequently, he had brought his spare horse with him. Earlier you had thought to question him about it, but your senses were quickly overrun with the smell of honey perfuming off his neck when he had reached past your body to grab your tools, stating that he would return in the morning to grab the rest of your luggage. You didn’t question him further as you accepted his help onto the horse; you desired to get to your new home and out of the woods as quickly as possible.
The dark woods lingered all around you as the two of you made your way forward, Jack holding the reins of your horse so that you rode right next to him, just within his reach. As an owl hooted above, your skin crawled and made you shiver. Jack had no lamp or any source of light, you didn’t understand how he knew where to go. All the oak trees looked exactly alike, long reaching limbs hung over you and closed you off from the sky as their bulky trunks seemed to shuffle and stare back at you. Your eyes scanned all around you, enthralled into the dark that surrounded you, only to be startled by Jack’s large warm hand squeezing your knee. 
“Don’t stare too deep into the dark there sweetheart, you might just go too deep and get lost. But don’t you worry that pretty head of yours, old Jack here is quite familiar with these dark halls. No worries to be had with me by your side.”
His dark brown eyes borrow into yours, worrying you that you wouldn’t get lost in the woods but in Jack’s stark eyes instead. Another shiver ran through you that caused Jack to grimace and forgo his own black leather jacket to you, clocking you in the dark embrace as his heavy musk smell surrounded you. You were reluctant to take the jacket, not wanting to be so needy to the “strong man” in front of you but as soon as the leather musk, a smell that you thought you were used to from your own work, engulfed you, you found yourself more willing to relax in the dark embrace of the strange man.
Your travel through the woods seemed timeless as you held the jacket to your figure. The jacket felt warm around you as you listened to Jack talk on and on about his land and home. His monotone voice swam through your head, through one ear and out the other to swim around you and back to your ears. Even the soft trot of the horse swayed you back and forth, the weight of your body falling heavily to a lulling sleep. Soon the shadows hiding and weaving in circles from tree to tree started to whirl and dance everywhere. Only your patron seemed to be a steady focus in the dark coil that spun around you.
Jack’s hand was still settled on your knee, keeping you grounded to him. Your drooping eyes migrated from his large, calloused hand up his arm and to his sly smirk and crooked eyebrow. 
“If sleep is calling to you, let yourself go. I’ll get you home, darlin’.” 
You nodded meekly to Jack’s words, feeling his hand leave your knee and settle on your back. Your limbs went weightless as another hand reached for your hip and you felt yourself lifted from the saddle. Your legs dangled to the side of the other horse as Jack’s arms encircled you to his broad warm chest. His chin settled on your head as you leaned faintly into him, feeling faint markings scattered across his neck as your nose ran over his neck and collar bone. Lost to the world around you, your eyes closed as the dark world of slumber took you, lulled fast away by Jack’s humming
“Not far from home now sweetheart-of-mine. Not far from forever,” Jack murmured into your hair as his large hunting lodge came into view.
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The Lodge 
Softness and warmth tucked around your body as a small crackle of fire filtered through the air. You opened your eyes slowly to find yourself tucked snug in a large, stately bed. A marble fireplace warmed the room opposite of the bed as furniture made of live edge sawed logs decorated the room. Animal skins pillowed the furniture and even the bed. You slowly stretched and stood out of bed to check out the window, finding yourself to have made your trip to your patron’s lodge. Jack must have carried you to bed, the thought sending heat to your face. Stepping out of the room and into a long hallway. A long deep maroon rug stretched through the hall, leading you to the staircase, decorated with large and small paintings of landscapes. Large windows lit the dark stained oak floors as you silently walked down the open staircase. 
The home was silent and still, even as the gloomy daylight streamed into the main hall. The heads of stuffed animals avoided your quizzical gaze, instead looking on into nothing in a perpetual state of dread. Even the wooden statues seemed to dodge your examining eyes to the smooth wooden faces. Jack had a particular taste it seemed. Carvings of stampeding horses embellished the tops of the walls, and columns and banisters depicting large roaring bears, and branches of trees and vines of flowers decking the corners of rooms. Similar carvings had appeared in your room and you assumed appeared in many other rooms, but one particular carving caught your eye the most though. A large statue of a man atop of a bucking horse was carved into the wall in the large living room of the lodge. The statue seemed to be trying to rip its way out of the wall, almost as if it was forcefully attached or even chained to it. The statue was life size, maybe even bigger as the large horses legs and underside encased a fireplace underneath it. The horse was stained a dark, even black, color with its eyes painted in a cherry red stain. The man on the horse looked just as large and sturdy. He was carved to wear a long and flowing coat. He even had pistols held under the floating coat. You were amazed at the fine details of even the spurs on his feet. The fine wooden spurs looked as if they were actually sharp. Even with all its interesting details, the strangest part of the carving was the fact that the rider had no head. There was a cowboy hat held high in the hand of the rider, but no head to place it on. In fact the neck and shoulders seemed slightly damaged as if the head was torn off. 
“Pride and joy of my home, right there. Ain’t she a beaut?” Jack announced as he strolled into the room. You jumped and turned toward him as you didn’t even hear him step into the room. Jack chuckled, “Apologies my artisan, didn’t mean to disturb you. I seem to do that too often to you. But I happened upon your newly awakened figure admiring one of the best pieces of art in my home.” Jack’s eyes slowly roamed your body. You felt very subconscious now in your wrinkled clothes from last night’s drive, but Jack smiled at you and nodded towards his fireplace, “I have to know what your thoughts are on my horseman.” 
“Oh well,” you cleared your throat of your morning grogginess, “it’s quite impressive. I’ve never seen a carving this large turned into a fireplace before. I imagine it took a lot of engineering to encase the fireplace in brick as well as to cover it all in wood so the carving covers the bricks. Honestly, I can’t believe how fine the details are in the pistols and spurs.” You raised your hand to the point of the boot’s spur when Jack’s hand grabbed your wrist before you could touch it. Your head spun to Jack whose now serious eyes looked deep into your own as his firm hand pulled you back.
“As lovely as it is to see how enthusiastic you are about other arts, I’ll have to ask you, for your own safety, to not touch everything you see. Some things in my home are not safe to the wandering touch, but rather should be left for the devouring of your lovely admiring eyes. Understand?” Jack’s thumb circled and soothed your wrist as he lowered it to your side. You nodded wide eyed at him. This was the first day of working and living with your patron, you didn't want to mess up this good opportunity.
“Good. Now how about some breakfast, then a tour of the lodge as well as your studio and workshop. I’ll fill you full then let you get to work,” Jack winked at you before he placed his hand to your back and walked you to the kitchen. You listened to him regal you in tales of building his home, his arm drawing you closer to him. Chancing one quick final look at the horse and rider, you stumbled into Jack’s tightening embrace as you swore the horse’s head had shifted to a new position, one where it was looking directed at you and Jack walking away.
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The Studio
The hunting lodge was larger than you thought. Jack showed you every room he could, telling you every story that came to his mind, and asking every question he could muster an answer out of you. For your own part, you questioned him back about his own work, the distillery business, that gave him such a comfortable lifestyle. But Jack was far from comfortable as you found out.
“Oh I’m not one to sit around like a cow under a funnel cloud. I’ve got those cravings and desires sugar, just like any other soul on this earth. I’m sure you’ll see what I mean soon enough,” Jack winked at you. Really though, you were sure and unsure of what he meant. While touring his home, you had learned about his many pursuits including the many carvings and craftsmanship that was his to display and boast. You had guessed he was a fine horse rider, tamer, lasso competitor from the awards he held in a display case in his office. He seemed something of a renaissance man as you found he had art from around the world. You were incredibly impressed by him and yet beyond all the grandeur the man had an alluring charm.
There was no denying that the southern gentleman had the gift of gab. Fluent in charm and grace, Jack’s voice lured you into his sphere as his hands smoothed over your shoulders. It was always his eyes though, that kept you stuck to him. You found yourself gravitating to this strange man even though you had just met him the night prior. A smile formed on your lips every time he turned towards you to make eye contact. Even your hands itched to hold his own hand as you followed him throughout his home. You held yourself back each time, arguing in your own mind to not touch the eccentric patron that was graciously giving you the run of his spacious home. A home that he was urging over and over again to treat as your own home, which was beyond your imagination to comprehend to ever own such a place. Even the studio and workshop space he had created for you as he stated, though you were sure that wasn’t true, was bigger than any apartment you had lived in before.
There all your tools from your car were laid out in order, polished and cleaned. Your hands glided over your sparkling tools as Jack drew your attention to more tools and sheets of leather for your craft. This man had spared no expense for you. Unable to believe in the generosity of your patron. Jack took your silence as his cue to leave, rubbing your shoulders and telling you to get acquainted with your tools. You mumbled out a thank you, even as you felt the small touch of a nose running against your hair. Jack left you alone then, leaving you in a state of shock. Your whole life was always an uphill battle, always striving for a life to live past the starving artist look. It was paycheck to paycheck, craft fairs survivor to obnoxious content creator. Life as an artist, especially as a leatherworker was never the easy way to go about living. Your trade was full of men thinking they could explain to you the craft you had dedicated your life to. You had dealt with ungrateful customers, con artists, and market drops. But here you were. Plush beds, delicious meals, and all the equipment and supply you could wish for. Should you cry or scream? You didn’t know which was needed for the moment of elation or rather a moment of relief. 
All that you knew was that you could screw this gig up. You had to give Jack a feast of beauty for his eyes if you were going to stay. You wanted to stay, you wanted the safety and security of Jack’s home. You wanted to impress this man with your art, let him see your own skills in action. A surge of desire overwhelmed you as you raked your brain for ideas of where to start. Would he like a belt? A pair of leather boots? A whip? Or something more complex? Your eyes ran around the room as they landed on a pair of horses resting together, creating a large bench placed under a wide window. Running your hands over the smooth chestnut horses that nuzzled into each other, you took a glance out the window towards the large barn that held Jack’s horses. Your mind gravitated to perhaps crafting a saddle for the man, perhaps something fit to snug for his confident stride and swinging gait. A comfortable seat to caress his…you gasp and shacked yourself away from the thought. You needed to stay professional! Stay on task!
Pressing your eyes close, you sighed. The clock never stops, it’s time for work. Opening your eyes once again, just as you're about to turn around, you stopped as your eyes caught sight of Jack as he seemed to be standing out at the door of the barn. You watched him for a moment, leaning against the door and surveying his land. You shrugged away this nibbling need to run out to him as you squished it away to work. Giving the horses’ heads a pat as you were about to walk away, Jack seemed to turn his head directly up at your window. You stood still, almost petrified that he seemed to look right into your eyes, the feeling creeping up your neck, just to see him toss you a small wave before you stumbled away.
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The Night
The gloom of the day had settled into a fog filled night. Even the moon was cowering behind clouds as the night filled with the chirps of critters and the occasional dance of distant shadows. You had taken dinner with Jack back down in the dining room, a beautiful steak and mashed potatoes that he had whipped up and cooked himself. After a large meal and full day of working, Jack escorted you to your room after you let out a yawn while he regaled you with a story about his time in Europe last fall. 
“A warm bath and soft sheets do wonders for achy bones and tired hands,” Jack had told as he held one of your hands and looked it over, softly running his own calloused fingers in circles on your palm and fingers. Your breath caught as you were entranced by his movement of patterns he was making as he gave you one last remark before leaving you to relax, “You need anything else darlin’, you know where my room is.” With a wink he left you alone to your own devices.
Bathed and fitted into a long silk white robe that Jack had mentioned was stored with the towels, you let yourself sink into the plush bed. Above you was a painted ceiling depicting a scene of buffalo running off a cliff. Your patron’s taste in décor was questionable from time to time, you appreciated his desire to use every inch of his home as a canvas. This scene in particular was decently graphic as the faces of the buffalo were contorted and frightened as they fell to their death. Some didn’t realize they were about to fall as they followed the flock blindly. You were glad you fell asleep last night before seeing this painting. You were still quite creeped out about what happened on the road last night, but you were glad you didn’t have to go back out since Jack had retrieved the rest of your luggage, but stated your car was towed away for a repair. You were fine being down transport for the time being as long as you didn’t have to wander in the woods any time soon again.
Glancing out the still open window, you saw the fog run in and out of the trees; gathering its nocturnal creepers into its grasps. You watched closely as you guessed what where bats or birds flew from branch to branch. Below them lay the crawling and shifting shadows that still seemed to stare right back at you. You blinked back your focus, shaking your head at your own imagination. The trees looked dark and miserable in the chilling fog but at least now the movement behind them had settled. Maybe it was a lack of sleep from a day of such focused working. Or maybe it was the prospect of being in a new place of work and a new home. You huffed at yourself, already feeling too familiar with this place by calling it home. No, you reminded yourself, this isn’t forever. Closing the curtains from the shades running around in your tired eyes, you snuggled back into the bed, under the plush covers, and eventually fell asleep. 
It was much later into the night. Later when the fog had reached the hunting lodge and encircled it. When the light of the moon was completely gone under never ending clouds that the shades and shadows had their way to every corner of the home. It was well past the clock’s midnight chimes, but too early for the break of day. Yet there was something awake and moving within the home. 
It started with a few metallic clicks. Then steps. Silence followed. And then it started again. Clicks of metal, then the steps. You thought it was in your dreams, or just the house settling for the night. But the clicks got louder and the steps got closer. Disturbed from your rest after tossing and turning away from the noise, you finally got to the point you could no longer ignore it. You had thought the clicking of metal had to be the pipes, maybe even a clock. But the footsteps. The constant thud of rhythmic heavy steps unnerved you. Hesitantly you got out of bed and pressed your ear to the door, hoping to not hear a thing. There was the normal click of the godfather clock, the moan of the wind, and silence.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
The steps—you held your breath—thud, thud—were right outside—you leaned away—thud, thud—of  your door.
It had to be Jack, right? Maybe he sleep walks? Maybe he just heard some noise and came to check on you? 
Multiple clicks sounded off in the hall now. Along with a metal gilding against metal. 
Your heart started racing as you couldn’t make up your mind whether to jump out into the hall or to crawl back into bed. You cursed at yourself and slowly opened the door, if you didn’t go to see what the sounds were, it would eat at you all night. There would be no way you would get any sleep. Stepping out into the dark hall, you clutched at your silk robe closer to your body. The hall was freezing but thankfully empty. While your eye adjusted to the dark, you peered down the hall, even towards Jack’s room, and found nothing out of the ordinary. Carefully you made your way down the hall towards the main staircase. The eyes of the paintings and carvings watched you step by step make your way. You kept your own eyes straight ahead, with the occasional look back, towards your destination, not wanting to make eye contact with the decorative spectators around you.
There was an echo of a few thuds down on the main floor that you began to follow as you descended the stairs. You gripped the railing with your white knuckles piercing out of your skin. The shadows graced past you as you took the steps one at a time to the bottom. Another loud click came from beyond the main hall, almost sounding like a grinding noise. Shivering as your hands wrapped around you, you followed the final echoes of the grinding sound to the living room that you had met Jack in earlier. Carefully, you peered at the bottom of the closed double doors as a source of amber light glinted from the other side. Was the fire still kicking from earlier? You didn’t remember Jack starting a fire after dinner but perhaps he did? A puff of air flew through the opposite side of the door, giving you pause. Instead of opening the door, you watched as another and another puff of air came from under the door. Slowly you crouched down and lifted your hand to the gap in the door. Warm air puffed out again as you aired with a loud sniffing sound. Your mouth fell to the floor as you mind reeled by the fact that there might just be a large animal inside the house.
Before you were able to stand and open the door, a large warm palm settled on your shoulder, making you jump up with a yelp.
“Sweetheart, you’re shivering like a thistle in December.” 
You swung around and looked wide-eyed at Jack; standing before you in nothing but a pair of long plaid pajama pants. He held a flashlight in one hand as his own eyes searched yours. He grasped your arm with his hand and brought you up to see your drained face.
“What are you doing up this late? You all right darlin’?”
You stuttered out your response, “I heard something, like footsteps, maybe. So I came to check it out and then..,” you glanced down at the gap under the door. There was no light or breath coming from the other side now. Confused and numb, you slowly turned towards Jack again. He looked down at you, his dark hair a mess and eyebrows pinch together. Yet he waited patiently for your thoughts to collect. “I guess…I don’t know…I didn’t find anything.” You rubbed at your temple as Jack nodded and stepped closer.
“Footsteps huh?” you nodded at Jack as he brought his arm around you and pulled you in to walk with him. “I can guarantee you sugar, that you and I are the only souls in this lodge. No other footsteps in this house other than the ones coming from my heavy boots and your freezing toes. Now as much as I appreciate your desire to keep our home safe, I do wish you leave the protecting to me. I don’t want your pretty head getting bent out of shape over some jeepers creepers in the middle of the night. I want my sweet artisan full rested, you understand?”
You nodded as you listened to Jack whisper to your ear as you realized he had walked you back to your room and were standing in front of your bed. He tapped at your hand that had somehow clung and encircled his bare waist. Quickly you let go, looking up at Jack to thank him when you noticed a drop of blood running down his neck. You lifted your hand to the blood just as Jack quickly swiped the drop away.
“Must have nicked my skin when I was shaving earlier,” he smiled and motioned you to climb up. You nodded and thanked Jack as you allowed him to help you into bed. 
“No more night escapades now…unless I'm invited that is,” Jack winked at you again and bent down to tuck part of your hair behind your head. He left the room then, shutting the door behind him, with his heavy footfalls echoing away from your room. You stared at the closed door, unable to understand what you had heard, felt, and seen. The rest of the night you laid in bed staring and listening for any sound or shape that might appear from the hall. Exhaustion eventually closed your straining eyes.
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The Routine
Soon enough you found yourself falling into a pattern within the walls of your new home. Truly, within the week the wooden and stone cabin walls of Jack’s hunting lodge felt incredibly familiar to you. You would dine with Jack, spend time working floral designs and whimsical patterns in your leather work, then Jack would ask you for a walk or a ride around his property, to end of dining and chatting with him late into the night. The night always ended with you slowly falling asleep to the sound of bumps and thuds late into the night. You never ventured out of your room again after the first night, not wanting to look like a crazy woman in front of your patron. But as time went by, the professional relationship was getting harder to maintain.
Every day you woke up wanting to see Jack, and ending the night wanting to feel him. He was the first person you would see and the last person you would see in the day. It honestly surprised you that he was the only soul to maintain his estate and land, no other helping hand. He quickly became your only source of social interaction, if you didn’t count the moment you absently talked to the horse and other animal carvings that were scattered around the lodge. You missed some hustle and bustle of the city life every once in a while, but every time you felt an ounce of lost Jack would jump in and regale you in some old story of his past adventures or take you off to one of the solitude spots on his property. He even listened to you when you moaned on about your hardships from living a life as an artist. The man seemed to always know best when you needed to be cheered up, and just how to perfectly bring a smile to your face.
It was something you couldn’t understand. How this man had fully taken over all your thoughts. It was overwhelming, being so close to him and pulling yourself away again. He was a flirt that didn’t know when to stop, not that you ever told him no. Your giggles and smiles only encouraged him to praise you, and truefully you loved the attention. As much as you tried to keep him at bay, to keep things professional, it was becoming impossible. He was everywhere you went, always in your mind, and always two steps ahead of you. Your mind reeled as you tried to sort out what to think of the man, was it attraction or obsession now? There was something about this cowboy you couldn’t understand but so desperately wanted to figure out, even if your logic tried to always pull you back away from him.
The lodge itself was just as amusing and confusing as its owner. You felt comfortable stretched out on the leather sofas late into the evening as well as wary to the shadowy corridors of the night. Back and forth you went from feeling friendly to the horses heads that sat upon the banister, while later feeling the hair on your neck stand up under the heart of the horses’ eyes. You couldn’t decide if this was the home you always dreamt of or a place where you would be walking on eggshells in. Jack always reassured you before he retired each night, escorting you to your own bedroom, to not worry and that your home was safe and sound. He urged you to sleep the night away and let him take care of you and the lodge. You never argued, never wanted to. By the end of the day it seemed all too dreamy to be taken care of by Jack.
He decorated your bedroom and workshop in bundles of flowers, arranged the workshop and furniture to what you describe as the best function, and cooked some of your favorite food. The man offered to buy you a new car, as the other one was taking longer than necessary to repair. You declined his offer, but squealed when he showed you a horse that he insisted on gifting you. You didn’t know what to do with a horse, especially after you would move back to the city once Jack decided to end his patronage. As if he knew exactly what you were thinking he took you by your hand and helped you onto your horse, ensuring you there would always be a home for you here, no matter what happened. 
You huffed and squirmed at his eagerness to keep you at his lodge, your home as he insisted. It all was more than you could handle. The man loved to spoil you with things you didn’t ask for and things you didn’t know you needed. You wondered for a time if Jack needed a new hobby. 
“Isn’t spoiling you a good enough hobby?” he laughed.
You pinched him in jest and he would grab your hands and hold you firmly to his chest till you stopped trying to pull away. 
“And what pray tell, should I be doing instead? What else should hold my interests and absolute attention?” his depthless brown eyes borrow into yours, scratching for an answer you were too breathless to say.
“You like my work don’t you? How about I teach you some leather working?”
A smug smile pulled at his lips, “All right sugar, show me what those hands can do and I’ll show you what mine can do.” 
And that’s how it started, your new routine. 
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The Desire
Jack liked the way you focused, and the way you couldn’t stay focused. When he placed his hand in the right spot, on the back or right on your knee, he had you. He knew just how to lure you, rile you, now he would finally have you the way he wanted since he first found you. So many times he had watched you, waiting for the right moment. Letting you get closer to him, and farther from everything else. And now here you were, giving yourself to him right on top of your workspace. Bare as the leather he tossed to the floor as he took you apart. Jack vowed this would be the start of many more moments of you bare under him.
It all started with a spell, a tracker really, to find you. It had been years and years for him to find his lost soul mate. Years of loneliness, years of waiting and yearning for his heart to return. He kept himself busy. Riding his horses, keeping his land, tending to whatever new hobby he could find. But he got tired. He got angry at the world and life he was given. Waiting was over, if you couldn’t find your way to him, he would find you.
And so he tracked a long forgotten book, buried far under the earth by either some heathen, witch, or gospel sinner. He read the old, dirt reddin book and found the spell he was looking for. The fated line, the unbreakable lure, a scarlet’s chain. One black mirror, the glow of fireflies, the broken buddies of earthworms, the shredded moth’s wings, and his own blood; then fate will tie him, aline him, and show him where his fated one lies. 
Jack nearly cried from glee when he looked through the black mirror and saw the red string protruding from his finger and running out of his lodge. He followed that string through his woods, far across the land, and into the city; all the way to your simple stall at a craft fair. There he saw the familiar red string digging out of the skin of your finger. He watched you interact with customers, selling belts, gloves, bags, hats, and journals. All your wares had beautiful patterns and delicate designs embedded into the leather. You smiled and made pleasant chit chat with people passing by. Jack just wanted to watch, to learn everything he could. He had waited so long already, he could wait a little more. He could make you come to him, learn everything he could about you and sweep you off your feet. He had to if you were going to be his forever.
So he planned. Ever a good watcher and planner, Jack rearranged his home for you, made you a workshop. He learned your habits, your preferences, your likes. Months went by and his plan was set, the letter was step one. Perfumed with clove and spiderweave, you could deny his request. He knew you needed money, knew you needed a loan, or better yet him, a patron. Life as an artist wasn’t easy, especially when Jack made sure no other opportunities for other patrons or commissions came your way. And once you were in his woods, you would be all his. A bump in the road, or a loose critter running in your way, he would watch you lose your own head over the fact you may be stranded in this dark road. 
Jack wasn’t far from you, he was never far. He smiled and cracked his neck and wandered to you. He offered a lift to the lodge, a path he knew like the back of his hand, and the car would just disappear. You, set up and safely in place in his home, so close to his waiting arms. He didn’t plan for you to be so frightened that second night. You had heard his nightly prowls, scared and losing your mind over the shadows that lurked in his home. But you came to him so willingly, hugging him closely like you had always known you belonged together. 
From that night on it didn’t take long to get you on a fanatical pattern. Carnations and roses lined your room, the halls, and your workshop; pushing you to inhale their passionate scents. Gave you gifts to remind you of him, gifts that charmed you. Everyday he made it his mission for you to see him every morning and see him before your night would end. You were on his mind all the time, and he made sure to be on your mind all the time. Through the watchful eyes of his wooden horses, he knew when you needed to be perked up, a break, or a reward.
Now finally, you were giving him his reward. For the entire week, he saw your eyes wandering to him, felt you staring at him when his back was turned. He knew you stared down at him from the window when he worked outside. You pulled back from him time to time, meandering in your art. But he was always able to pull you back, and sometimes he didn’t even have to make you squirm to return his affection. You gravitated to him more and more. Until finally you gave.
The red string threaded out of your and his fingers shortened to near nothing. As his hand clasped your hands above your head, he leaned over your body, taking your fullynaked form in. it didn’t take long for him to shred your clothes off your body and pin you to the table. Your tools and leather clattered to the floor as you bare ass settled on the table. He smiled down at you, seeing the thread glimmer between your two hands. 
You had tried to show him the different tools and their jobs, he hadn’t bothered to watch your hands as he was too busy watching you. For your part, you noticed and ran out of breath, which was fine since he had plenty of breath to give you, which he did in a searing kiss. Leaving you speechless and motionless, he swiftly stripped your clothes and stripped your workspace.
Jack had thought and dreamed of this moment for so long. He kissed his way down your neck, sucking marks into your skin, proving who you belonged to. His free hand squeezed your breast and pinched your nipples as he roamed to your other breast. Working out your breathy moans as he sucked and kissed at your breast, you dug your nails into his large hand that held you down.
“Jack, please, let me touch you.”
Jack hummed and popped off your breast, giving you a wild smirk, “Now darlin’ I’ve been awfully patient waiting for you, you can be patient for me.” 
Grabbing a long leather whip you had been working on for him, he tied your wrists together and to the leg off the table. “Be good sugar, I promise to reward you,” Jack kissed you once on the lips before lowering himself down to your core. You could only nod to the descending cowboy as you let out a yelp when his wet tongue licked up your folds. Out of reaction, you bucked up your hips up to Jack’s mouth.
“Now, now, didn’t I say to be patient,” Jack urged as his hand pushed your belly down to the table. He smirked as he watched you nod, seeing the red string delicately run down your face and settle on your bell to his own hand. This was where he was meant to be, where you were meant to be. “Your man is going to make you sing like the wolves before I take what’s mine.”
Jack surged back to licking and kissing your folds and entrance, probing you and pulling at you with gentle teeth to your folds. His absent hand took to your lonely clit, slowly stroking your pearl, breaking moan after moan out of you. His large palm stayed at your belly, keeping you centered for his hunger. He had waited so long to taste you, it took all the power in him to not drive his length into you right now. No he waited so long to take you, but he had waited long to taste your sweet cream, to hear your gorgeous screams, and to see you break apart for him a dozen different ways.
“Wanted to have you like this for so long, I still think I’m dreaming.”
Grabbing your hips and raising you off the table slightly, Jack changed his attention to your clit. Focusing his lips and tongue to your tight adoring pearl, Jack cast his dark eyes to your face, pleased that your chest was heaving from his attention. The red string slowly rolled down your breast and settled into the valley of your breast. Jack settled you back down onto the table so one of his hands could follow the glimmering red line to the valley of your breast. Running his fingers over and over your bare chest, you quivered as you felt the edge of a blinding fall coming towards you. He saw the pleasure pulsing through your body, down your spine and into your lower belly. But before you could fall, you felt the bristles of Jack’s mustache leave your core. 
Biting your lip, you opened your blurry eyes to watch as Jack parted with his own clothes. “Sorry for the interruption there my sweetheart, had to reposition,” Jack hovered over you as he slotted himself to your heat. “I know you were right close to the beautiful edge, but I’m going to have to stand by my words and ask you to be patient. I aim to have your first time cuming for me to be on my cock.” Jack’s voice went hoarse as he fully plunged himself into you, making you gasp and curl towards him. “Should have taken you earlier, sugar. Never should have waited so long to find you.” Jack growled out as his hips stuttered at first but soon picked up a rhythm and speed as he bent down to hold his head to yours.
He felt you shaking all over again as he filled you over and over again, seeing your juices coated his cock and your and his curls. Relentlessly, he murmured praises and confessions into your ear. Promising his devotion, proclaiming his love, and praising your heart. 
“You’re all mine aren’t darlin’?” Jack stammered out between thrusts.
“Yes…all yours…Jack,” you could barely moan out the words as you felt your release coming near again.
Jack chuckled, “Always were mine, just had to find you. Just had to bring you home and fill this cunt up.” He gathered some of the red thread against your breast and smiled, “So close. So close to keeping you forever. So damn close to having your heart. Cum for me pretty girl, cum for your Jack.”
You didn’t even try to understand what Jack was saying when you finally did fall over the edge as the coiling heat inside you finally burst. Screaming out his name, you dug into the leather of your bound wrists. Jack followed you over the edge soon after, moaning his devotion and possession into your waiting red lips. It didn’t take long for exhaustion to fall over you. All you felt after were the sweet lips of Jack cleaning you up. He unbound you from your station and lifted you to his bed, tucking you into his encircling arms as he pronounced you as his beloved. His long lost heart. His to keep. 
Jack threaded the red line of fate around his finger, softly tugging it to your sleeping form, right into the valley of your breasts.
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The Chase
The sheets weren’t familiar but the warmth under the cover was too enticing to walk away from. You leaned into the warmth running your hands up and down the naked chest next to you while two large warm callused hands pulled you forward. You hummed as you compiled, laying your head onto the chest as you wrapped your arms and legs around your source of heat. Absently minded hands went to smoothing circles out on the plane of your back. It was the middle of the night when the cloak chimed away. You opened a singular blurry eye to see the tan chest of your patron under you.
Your mind muddled through the fog of your afterglow, solving the riddle quickly of how you ended up in the arms and sheets of your Jack. Mentally rolling your eyes to yourself, you couldn’t believe you were calling him your Jack. It had only been a week, and here you were, tracing the little marks on his torso. You had wanted, had tried so hard to keep the relationship professional; reminding yourself of a status quo. Yet here in his arms, everything felt right, felt like you were right where you were always supposed to be. Letting your fingers run over the plans of his chest, you looked over the many marks, scratches, and scars that littered Jack’s chest. He had told you about the many mistakes and accidents he had been in through his travels and years, some made from his own mistakes, some from others. You didn’t know how many or deep some of them were though. There was so much more you didn’t know about this man, things that maybe you should have figured out before jumping into bed with him. But you found yourself almost relenting to the prospect of just accepting your place here in his arms, instead of poking him for answers to your many questions.
That reassurance seems to seep further into as Jack’s hand tangled into your hair, messaging your head so your eyes would fall heavy again. You couldn’t help but snuggle closer into the nook of his neck but found no purchase. Jack’s hands leaned you back down to his chest, you were befuddled at first but cracked it up to being sleepy. Maybe Jack had bad morning breath and was leaning away from you. You chuckled at the thought but a nagging feeling slowly built up in you again. You felt the pressure of his arms and hands on you, the tangle of his legs with yours. His body was so present in the moment of holding you, but over the week of knowing Jack, you knew he’s a talker. You wondered, as his body was so present in the moment, where was his head? Is he contemplating this whole situation as you were? Is he second guessing or regretting this? Fear of your security creeped up, you needed to say something now or you would regret staying silent later.
“Jack, I know this isn’t the best time to bring this up, but I just need to get something straight.”
Jack’s hands stopped and held you steady to him as the base of your back and your neck.
“I don’t know how this is going to change our relationship, you being my patron in all. This is something I’ve never done before, and it’s not something I take lightly.”
You felt his hand encompass your neck, lightly applying pressure.
“I don’t know what to say exactly. Maybe we can just take this slow, figure out what we are? What do you think, Jack?” you paused to listen to his reaction but nothing came. You lifted your head against his pressure to peer at him, “Jack?”
Nothing, you saw nothing. Before you was a complete absence in what was the wake of Jack’s head. You froze in your spot, staring in horror at his headless figure as you felt the pressure of his hand against your neck forcing you back against his chest as you. All the bones and muscles in your body held still, stiffening and freezing under his pressure. Even the muscles in your throat froze as not a single sound came out of you. You simply stared at the bloody mess of a beheaded man that your naked form was currently wrapped up too. 
A warm palm settled on your face, stroking your cheek as gently as possible. But as soon as the warmth of the palm cupped your face, you jerked out of the headless man’s grasp and scurried off the bed and to fall to the floor. You watched as the headless body of Jack surged forward to you, making you finally let out a shattering scream as you jumped up and ran to your own bedroom. Closing, locking, and covering the door with a dresser, you clammed to push your body weight on the door. You knew Jack was a strong man, a capable man, you didn’t know if you would be able to hold him off.
Honestly, you didn’t know what the hell you were doing. You second guessed what you had just seen. Did you really see the headless form of Jack? You blinked and rubbed at your eyes, remembering the blood, muscles, and bone you saw in the chopped off neck. You saw that, you had to have seen it, it had to be real. Right? But how many people wake up in bed naked with a headless man?
Thud. Thud. Thud.
A gasp left your body as you braced against the dresser. Your body shook as more thuds came through the door. You heard the clicking and turning of the knob and then one finally thud to the door.
Now you were certain, Jack hadn’t said a single thing. He hadn’t shouted or sweet talked you through the door. 
You listened closely, feeling tears stream down your cheeks, as you heard the large heavy steps of Jack walking away. Jack would come back with tools to open the door, you knew quickly that you had to get out. You didn’t know what would happen after that, what he would do to you but you had to leave. Pulling your clothes on and slowly pushing the dresser away, you listened closely to the sounds of the dark and cold house. Hearing it creak and move to the wind shifting outside. Slowly you unlocked and opened the door, stepping cautiously out of the room and down the hall. 
There wasn’t a single sign of Jack as you walked through the main hall. Only the animal carvings and shadows watched and lingered around as you slowly made your way through the lodge. Patiently, you waited and listened. Keeping an eye out for headless bodies or rolling heads, you snuck your way out of the home after looking for the keys to Jack’s car and coming up empty handed. Jack had taken you around his property many times within the last week. You thought maybe you could take one of the horses in the barn and ride to the closest town. 
Fog reached and rounded the lodge and barn. You hurriedly snuck to the barn, hoping you weren’t seen. Upon entering the barn, you took in the site of the dark broad creatures that seemed rather irritated by your presence. All the other times you had walked into the barn with Jack, they were sweet to you. Now they were huffing and puffing, jerking their heads away from you and grinding their heels to the floor. You ran up to your horse, the one Jack had gifted to you, talking to her sweetly about going for a midnight ride. But she wiped her head from you, she even reared her front legs up at you causing you to fall back and crawl quickly away.
Your back hit the door of a stall causing you to steady yourself. You watched your once sweet horse buck up and stomp around its stall. That’s when you noticed the stall next door, the one that housed Jack’s favorite horse, was empty.
A loud screeching neigh sounded through the barn. Whipping your head towards the sound you found Jack, or rather his body sat on top of a midnight black horse. He wore a long leather black jacket, fixed with a long rope to his hip. One rope that he was now grabbing a hold of as he slowly stirred his horse towards you. Fearing what Jack might do to you if he were to catch you, and you knew he could with that rope, you sprang up and made off to the trees.
Sprinting for your life, you ran in and out of the trees. Stumbling over tree roots and rocks as the galloping of a horse came closer and closer. You ducked behind trees, running to a smaller clearing of trees where Jack couldn’t ride through. Evading him just long enough you ran into a hill that was severely rocky and steep. You quickly climbed down the rocks far enough that Jack couldn’t toss his rope at you. Instead you watched him from your spot low in the rocks as he rode his horse back and forth on top of the rocky hill. His headless figure looked directly at you causing you to duck down further into the rocks. You closed your eyes tightly, wishing Jack to leave. The steady running of horse hooves withered back and forth, stopping and starting over and over till finally you heard a loud neigh and the galloping of hooves growing further away from you. 
Kneeling on the cold rough rocks, you whimpered as you slowly raised your head. Jack was gone, but you felt far from alone. You could see the shadows behind the trees watching you, waiting to sell you out as soon as you took off. You weren’t certain when you should start running again, but staying wasn’t a choice. Slowly you made your way down the hill, watchful of the shades and of Jack. You still had a ways to go before you got to town, even then you didn’t know if you would be able to find someone to help you. When you got to the bottom of the hill, you silently walked back into the trees aware of the shadows roaming around you. One large shadow grabbed your attention. It loomed in the distance, slowly swaying between trees, growing darker and larger. You leaned away from the shadow, steading yourself to the tree behind you as you watched and took in this figure. You waited patiently for the figure to move on but it didn’t. Kneeling behind trees you took your time to sneak behind the large looming oak trees keeping your eyes glued to the shadow figure.
Even as the hair on your body raised with each call of a wild creature, you moved further from the shadow. Still the shadow seemed to grow and darken the same distance from you as you tried to keep your distance from it. The further you got, the closer it came. Unsure on what to do, you finally decided to make a run for it. Springing up to make for a run, a large hand suddenly clamped down on your arm while another covered your mouth with a cloth. You struggled and kicked your legs, but Jack’s leather clad arms and hands brought you closer. A smell from the cloth stung your nostrils and made your eyes water as your body slowly went numb and limp. Your mind reeled as Jack placed you to the ground as you were barely able to move.
Jack moved quickly over you, tying your hands together and then your legs. Your face went numb in the dirt; you tried with all your might to crawl or move away but soon you couldn’t keep your eyes open. The last thing you felt was Jack lifting you up and walking over to the large dark figure in the distance.
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The Forever
It was cold and freezing. You turned your head back and forth, feeling the dirt coat your cheek. Your hands were firmly still tied together, held behind your back. Even your legs were still tied together. A large huff of air left you as you tried to open your eyes, but you winced as searing pain ran through your chest. Straining your eyes open, only blurry shapes and shades around. It wasn’t until a warm hand touched your face, removing the dirt from your face, did you finally wake up.
“Morning there darlin’. Glad to have you back. You gave me quite a scare.”
You lifted your head and looked around. You heard Jack’s voice but when you looked at the man before you, he was still headless.
“Now I know this is alot to take in, I was hoping to bring this up in a different way. But you seemed to speed up my plan when you took off like that. And I couldn’t let you get away, now could I?”
Confused, you watched as his body walked back over to a hole in the ground and began to dig. You started to breathe harder and squirm more in your rope. Another ripple of pain burst through your chest causing you to cry out.
Jack’s body stopped digging and quickly ran over to you. Pulling you up into a sitting position and gently holding you till you stopped crying, he slowly let you go to continue digging.
“I truly am sorry it hurts sweetheart-of-mine, but I had no choice. I had to do it.”
You could hear the remorse in his voice and you could see it plain as day when your eyes finally landed on the talking head. Ahead of you sat the concerned looking head of Jack, placed upon a stack of boxes. He sat with his black cowboy hat perched upon his head as he searched over your tear stained cheeks.
“I never wanted it to hurt, I thought this could be done in a better way.”
“What? In what way? What the hell are you talking about and what the hell is going on?” you shook as you cried out. Jack’s body stopped digging again, walking over to you to rub your arms and hold you tightly.
“It’s an old story darlin’. One that’s too old to tell properly anymore. To sum it up, I’m a cursed man. And so are you now my girl.”
You stared blankly at Jack as he looked at you with sincerity. 
“See, some old long forgotten witch wanted to keep me to herself. She thought she could keep my mind from wandering away by simply taking my head and storing it away. Well she got my head and then kept my body. You can imagine I wasn’t too happy about that. In the end she wasn’t happy either. When she left this earth, she placed a curse to keep me from wandering for eternity. Now, I’ve found loopholes in this predicament. But I’ve always been so lost still, even after I found my head again.”
Slowly you dared to glance over at his body, finding yourself at eye level with his grotesque open wound. Another cry, muddled in gasps, came out of your mouth. 
“The witch may be long dead, good riddance, but I couldn’t stand eternity alone. So I found you, as well as this handy old tome. And now I won't be so lonely.”
“The pain?” you barely crocked out, clutching at your chest, finally realized your clothes had been changed into your white robe.
“I had to take something for this to work. Your heart was always meant to be mine sugar. You trying to run meant I had to take it sooner than expected.”
“Take…it,”  you choked out.
Jack’s head nodded to your chest as one of his hands gently tugged the rob apart, revealing a large red scare running between your breasts. Your chest stopped moving as your shaky hand came up to touch the scare. Jack’s hand stopped you, holding your hand in his large one.
“If I can’t freely leave my home to wander without my head, then maybe if you don’t have your heart, you won’t love no other than me,” Jack smiled sweetly at you. “It’ll heal, I assure you in time the scars heal over. I’ll show you the one around my neck in the morning.”
“You fucking…you fucking…took my heart.”
Jack’s hand ran down your hair in a soothing motion.
“It was always mine to have sugar, let’s get that straight. I wanted this to go the easy way, sweep you off your feet, but look at it this way. We’re in the fast lane to eternity together. Nothing’s going to drive us apart and nothing’s going to take you away from me now.”
Jack’s body stood back up to finish his digging.
“I’ve known for a while now that you were my soulmate, fate led me to you. The second I saw you, I knew you would be mine forever, and here we are darlin, together forever.”
“Fuck fate,” you tucked your legs up to you as you watch Jack’s body stride over to a moving brown bag that lay near his head. A large open book covered in dirt was also placed next to the bag. You could read the text from where you were at but it looked busy with markings and words. Instead of grabbing the bag or the book, Jack lifted up a black mirror, presenting it to you. Through the mirror, you saw a red thread erupting from your skin and spiraling to Jack’s finger. 
“Fuck fate all you want, there is no denying we’re connected.”
Jack placed the mirror down and went to the bag, opening it so you could see what was inside. Inside the pulsating bag was nothing other than a beating heart.
A burning pain pulsed through your chest as you let out a scream.
“Screaming will only make your wound hurt more I’m afraid. I didn’t want to do it, but I had to have you. You’ll get over it and forgive me someday, but for now and eternity, we’re bound together.”
You cried as you watched Jack place a dirty, withered book into the hole. He then gently placed your beating heart into the ground as well, wrapping it in the bag again. 
“In the morning everything will be as it was. I’ll be able to feel the beat of your heart and you’ll be able to kiss these lips. At night we’ll be as we are now.”
He then grabbed hold of his head and walked over to you. His eyes were round and full of adoration, which tugged at your missing heart. You wanted to kiss him so badly, wanted so badly to be held, but you also so badly wanted to be out of this nightmare and far away from him. Jack leaned forward and placed a kiss on your temple. He then swung around to wrap his own head in before he paused.
“You can hate me now and even later, but you’ll always be mine. Through all of time, through curses and spells, I’ll have you for all eternity my sweet heart.”
With that, Jack headless form wrapped his head and placed it in the ground, then began filling the hole back up. You watched in silence as he finished filling the hole, then slowly lifted you up in his arms and carried you back to the lodge. Silently, you shivered yourself to sleep as Jack arms encased you in his hold. By morning you felt the caress of his lips traveling up your neck just as his hand seeked out to hold on to the place where your beating heart lay.
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hobisstar · 2 years
Baby Why do you make it hard? |Roman Reigns x Reader
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This is a part 2 FINALLY of the Roman, Brock, and WrestleMania fic. I’m gonna be completely honest here, I have no idea how this is gonna go. I write what I feel. Lately I haven’t had to energy to write smut for Roman. So this won’t be a smut and it probably wont be any smut for Roman any time soon. Anyways, Happy Pride Month and Enjoy!
Short but sweet!
Romans family will be mentioned in this! No! He didn’t not CHEAT alright? Don’t make him out to be THAT type of bad guy please🤧. Y/N wasn’t around Ro with the 2 sets of twins were born. I’m this story she was around after JoJo (his daughter) was born. DISCLAIMER: I’m not say Galina is a bad mother, nor wife, Im very much aware of her existence. in this story this story she and Roman is not married nor together. Thank you
“Where is She?! Paul don’t tell me no bull shit you understand?”
“My tribal Chief she went out with Brock this morning… She told me not to tell you. I’m so sorry.” Paul cried on his knees. At this point pleading for him to not be angry or reck anything else in the hotel room.
“We have our flight in 2 hours and she’s not here? Why does she have to be so difficult.” Roman walked to the door and as soon as he was about to open it, Y/N walked it.
“Where the hell have you been? You where with that fake ass cowboy werent you?”
“Hold now Ro, I can explain. He offered me breakfast and I agreed. Just because I’m with you doesn’t mean I can’t hang out with him. Plus we haven’t even made it official.” She replied looking at him seeing the anger.
Yeah, they haven’t made it officially I mean she realizes that she really doesn’t want to leave her best friend for Roman again. She has to make room for both and if not dating Roman just yet will help it, so be it.
He insisted that they try before she gave up on their love, though she already had her mind set. I mean they were going to have to travel together, could the sparks zap again?
He was willing to try anything. I mean she helped him take care of his children when they aren’t with their mom.
They had it all, Why didn’t she just want to stay with him? Well, To Y/N Brock’s feeling mattered too.
After WrestleMania
“ I… Wasn’t expecting myself to loose ,Y/N. I’m sorry I even put you in that situation now you are stuck with that ass hat. “ Brock sighed sitting on the couch.
“ Lesnar, We’ve been best friends since UFC. I’m not letting this stop our friendship.” She sat across from him.
“I’m gonna be gone for awhile after this ya know? At the farm? I really wish you could help me..”
You would think Brock was a prick, but he is a the biggest baby when it comes to Y/N. He’s a grizzly bear that will fight for his family and friends. He’s a softy.
“I know I know but I promise I’ll visit you on my breaks. Plus Roman wont need me anyways. He has his people to do mostly everything im just eye candy.” She assured.
“ You are more than just eye candy Y/N you know that.”
“Yeah well so not everyone thinks that.”
“ I think it time you tell Brock, My tribal Chief.” Paul started. “Tell him the truth that happened in your shield days.”
“About me and y/n? Wise man, I promised not to tell him.” He raised his eyebrows looking at Haymen.
“I think he deserves to know My tribal chief”
He turned to Paul “ Why do you say that?”
“What if she doesn’t choose you? What if she chooses him?” Paul stated looking at Roman then the USOs.
“Personal big Uce, I see where Paul E. is coming from but come on Uce, You promised her you wouldn’t tell him.” Jey said.
While they were talking A wild Brock storms into the lockerroom. “You! You dated MY Y/N and made her choose?! So your telling me you ARE the reason she was distant all those years ago!” He was heated.
“Who told you?” Was all Roman could say. I mean a lot of weight was off his chest and shoulders.
“That doesn’t matter. How dare you of all people make her choose.” He stepped closer.
“ you come anywhere near her again I will send your ass to a hospital you understand?” Brock didn’t wait for an answer he just stormed out. Irritated from the truth.
To be continued…
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jinkicake · 4 years
Such A Dirty Mouth
Terushima hates when you ignore him. 
Terushima Yuuji x Reader
Hi Anon~ Here I am presenting another oral smut fic..... can you blame me? As long as Terushima has that tongue piercing and I have hands, I will write delicious smuts for him!! I think like all of my smuts for him but one consist of him eating you out,,,, but whatevaaa I want it. 
SMUT // This is literally 1k of Terushima eating you out. // NSFW
WC- 1,694
“Ah, come on babe I’m sorry!” Terushima sulks as he once again apologizes to you, he doesn’t handle being ignored well. You don’t even glance away from your phone which causes your boyfriend to frown even harder. “I even know what I did wrong, I ditched you to rewatch dragon ball which I have seen so many times already.” He tells you guilty and places one of his palms on your bare thigh. 
You know that if you look at him you’ll end up smiling or, even worse, forgiving him so you continue to scroll aimlessly. Terushima pouts as he continues to get no reaction from you and he places his head down on your lap. 
“I won’t watch dragon ball anymore,” Silence. “we can even go to the cafe you were looking at?” He suggests and clicks his tongue when you refuse to make a sound. 
A lightbulb practically flickers over your boyfriend’s head as he eyes the shorts barely covering your legs, he is always down to hear you scream for him. Blood practically rushes to his head at his idea and his cock hardens beneath his shorts at how hot you look when ignoring him. 
“I’ll show you how sorry I am.” He chuckles and pries your thighs apart, despite how hard you try to push them back together you’re no match for his strength. Though, your legs practically fall open on their own when you notice the way Terushima’s biceps flex under his rolled-up sleeves. “Alright,” He smirks to himself when he notices the way your body reacts to him, already squirming to give him better access to your core. 
Terushima yanks at the waistband of your shorts, practically ripping them down your legs. You wince at the snap and Terushima gently kisses the side of your knee.
“Sorry, babe, I just get too excited.” He sheepishly smiles and hikes up your legs over his shoulder, one and then the other. Just having him this close to you has you growing damp and the hitch in his breath that leaves his lips when he sees your panties doesn’t help your growing arousal. “You’re so damn cute.”
Terushima leans down to kiss your clit over your panties before using one of his fingers to probe your slit. You want to slap his head when he laughs at how damp the material already is.
Slowly, Terushima takes your panties off your legs. He leaves a trail of kisses down the side of your leg and back up the other one, all the way up to your exposed core. He smirks and glances up at you, his eyes shine competitively and you’re almost scared of what he is going to do.
His large hands cup your ass and almost pull you off the couch, the lower half of your body is hanging off the furniture as Terushima uses the new position to dive in. 
His tongue immediately peaks out past his lips and licks up your slit, laying his tongue flat against your core before flicking it with his tongue piercing. 
“You taste so fucking good,” Terushima groans, purposely being louder than usual because he knows how hot and bothered it gets you. You try to bite the inside of your cheek to hide any of the noises that want to fly out while straining your eyes on your phone. Terushima moans against your core, slurping up all he can before making a show to swallow it all. 
Just as he expected, that got your attention.
You couldn’t help but glance down at him, dropping your phone elsewhere to soon be forgotten. At the sight of his messy dyed hair and teasing eyes flirting with your own, your face morphs into an expression of pain. Your back arches off the couch and you try to push your hips further against his mouth. 
Terushima continues his ministrations, dutifully lapping at your core like a man starved. His piercing is so much more noticeable like this, you can feel the taunting piece of jewelry recking your insides, it makes your chest tighten. 
Your hands reach down and grip his hair to hold him against your core, giving you the opportunity to grind against his face. You keep remembering how Terushima ditched the date you planned to watch dragon ball, the fucking tv show he has seen a million times since his childhood, and that thought fuels you with frustration. Hopefully, his scalp can handle your punishing movements. 
After practically rearranging your insides with his tongue, painting your walls in his salvia, Terushima pulls away. He brings two of his long, skillful fingers into his mouth and releases them with a loud ‘pop’. His tongue peeks out past his lips and he starts to flick your clit, making sure his piercing hits the little bud the hardest. Terushima’s eyes shine teasingly as he watches your expression, he sucks your clit into his mouth the moment he flicks his wrist and thrusts his two fingers into you.
Your mouth falls open in a soft moan, one that Terushima knows can be louder. He practically rips the gut-wrenching noise out of you as he curls his fingers, dragging them along your walls while still sucking on your clit. 
Finally, after barely forty minutes of not getting a sound from you, you bless him with your sweet moans that he adores taking as his own. This only fuels Terushima to put in more work, to hear you make even more noises for him. 
“That’s right, let me hear you, baby.” He coos and you glare down at him, gripping his hair tightly. Any other person would have winced but Terushima sinfully moans, you can see the flush gracing his face and it makes the knot in your stomach grow even tighter. Terushima circles your clit with his piercing, dragging it around before pressing the piece of metal directly against your swollen nub, he continues his teasing movements before sucking your clit back into his mouth and soothing it over with his lips.
His piercing is going to drive you insane, it will ultimately be your demise. You hate that Terushima has it, you hate seeing it every time he parts his lips, you hate how you practically fall to your knees at the sight of it, you mostly hate the fact that he knows how to use it. Terushima knows specifically what you like, he knows exactly how to thrust his fingers and get you to mewl. He knows how to work your clit in the best way, ripping orgasms from within you in minutes. It would be one thing if his oral skills were simply top-notch, but it is another thing because he does it exactly to your liking. 
You’re not sure anyone will ever treat you as well as Terushima does. 
Terushima feels you tightening around his fingers, convulsing at a quick pace, and he sucks harder on your clit. He moves the pearl with his tongue, stimulating it to watch the way you bloom. His favorite sight is when you arch your back and press your chest up into the air, he can see your nipples straining underneath your shirt and fuck, do his pants feel so tight right now. 
“Cum for me, beautiful, now.” His command is quiet but demanding like you have no choice. You really don’t have a choice, not when he is moving his fingers and mouth like this. You cum against his face with his name spilled off your tongue, grinding against him to prolong your high.
“Yuuji, Yuuji,” You chant and Terushima smirks against you, pressing you against the couch so that you don’t fall off while his hand grips your hip to keep you from moving. 
“That’s it, pretty girl, that’s it.” He grins and continues to lap at your clit, not once removing his fingers. Only when you whine and try to push his head away does he get the hint, does he take the hint though? No. Not yet.
He removes his fingers from you, making sure that it doesn’t hurt and places a single kiss on your clit before bringing his digits up to his mouth. You watch as he sucks on them, just as he had been sucking on your clit moments before, his piercing catches the light and shines teasingly and your body begins to feel hot all over. 
You subtly eye the tent in his gym shorts and you bite the inside of your cheek. He doesn’t fucking deserve it, but you need him. 
And that’s how you end up getting fucked into the couch, your face is pressed into the cushions as Terushima mounts you like a fucking animal. His tongue runs all along your shoulders and the side of your neck, purposely flicking your ear so you can wither against him. His slender cock works so well inside of you, so skillfully that it makes you light-headed. Terushima always gets so deep in you while moving so easily, letting the tip of his length probe at your walls, despite the way you clench around him so tightly. 
“Don’t you love it when I fuck you like this?” Terushima coos into your ear, you want to slap the proud grin off his face, he knows he has rendered you speechless. “I love it so damn much. This pussy was made for me.” He continues and lets out a groan, one that has a pitch higher than normal, he sounds so close. “You’re always going to be my number one, baby, and I will fuck it into you so that you remember.” 
Terushima continues to snap his hips into your ass, slamming his thighs against the back of your own, his balls smack your aching clit. He always fucks you so intensely, so full of passion that you wonder how you even survive it. 
Terushima’s mouth is filthy, that’s something you have come to learn even before the two of you started dating. You wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
“I’m going to cum, just for you, all for you. But, I need my baby girl to cum for me first.”
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder @macaronnv @nerdygremlin @buzzybeebee​
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Don’t Go Running Off Into Danger, Even If I Do pt 2
So, I have no clue what a publishing schedule is. So here, have more of this dumb fic at 11 pm. FUCK SLEEP! SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!
Chapter 2
Danny and Jazz managed to finish just in time to put everything away before their parents got home. He’d actually managed to have a ghost free night. But the peace wasn’t going to last. And this wasn’t about ghosts. He got slammed into his locker.  “Hey look, it’s Fenturd. What’s with the dumb picture of Phantom? You’ll never be on his level,” Dash said and laughter broke out. Danny groaned. At least they didn’t know he was trans. He’d be beaten twice as much if they knew. The locker door closed and locked.  “Seriously Dash? I have to get to class!” He yelled through the metal.  “Whatever Fentina. No one cares! Oh hey, it’s fresh meat!” Dash went away from Danny’s locker. Danny had found out a way to make it so he could open his locker from the inside without it being outerwardly compromised. He jumped out. It was those kids from last night.  “Leave them alone Dash. They haven’t even been here for a day yet. The rules are that newbies get a probation period,” Danny crossed his arms.  “I don’t know Fentoenail. Would you like to take their beating?” Dash mocked him. Danny sighed. He’d have to do this.  “Any day,” 
Danny regretted everything. Dash had hit him twice as hard as normal and his locker trick wasn’t working. Everything hurt. He was going to miss Lancer’s class. At least his ghost sense wasn’t going off or something. Lancer wouldn’t miss him. Suddenly, his locker opened and he tumbled out. He yelped. “Are you okay?” The girl twin said.  “No worse than what I’m used to,” Danny brushed himself off.  “You didn’t have to do that,” The boy twin told Danny. “Yeah, I kinda did. The probation period is sacred. Dash knows that,” “Probation period?” The boy said. “A rule we made up last year. If Dash really wants to break it, I take the beating instead. Fenton gets to take the beating so the new kids don’t have to,”  “That’s not fair. You should report him,” “Nah, he threw like four perfect throws last night and is exempt from punishment,”  “Football?” The boy gave Danny a knowing look.  “Danielle- I mean Daniel Fenton to the main office,” The loud speaker said. “Oh come on! At least it was probably just a misread,” Danny was fuming. The beating plus being deadnamed was getting on his nerves. “We have to head there too,” The girl said. Danny shrugged and let them follow him.
Lancer called them all in at once. “Sup Lancer. Can I help you?” Danny leaned against the wall. “Mr Fenton. You and I both know that you need to show me more respect. W-what happened to you?” Lancer looked up from his papers. “Just a certain football star. Nothing I can’t handle. He broke the probation period,” “That’s a rule between students. I have no need to enforce it,” Lancer sighed. “I have no clue why you of all people were chosen for this, but you are too be Mr and Ms Pines guide around the school,” “Jazz not good enough for you? Had to pick the ‘slacker’ Fenton?” “Daniel, mind your tone. Jazz is our top student,”  “We all know I’m destined to fail in life. Can I get their timetables?” “Yes of course. Listen Danny, both you and I know you’re capable of better grades. I don’t understand why you don’t try,” Danny wasn’t in the mood for Lancer’s pep talks.  “I’ve got more important things to worry about,” Danny grabbed the papers and stalked off with the Pines Twins on his heels.  “Why didn’t he do anything about Dash?” the boy asked. “He has no reason to. Not like I’m about to ask,” Danny handed them their timetables. He’d seen that the girl was named Mabel and the boy Mason. “We’ll start with your classes Mason,”  “I prefer Dipper,” “I’m not calling you by a dumb nickname. Let’s go,” Danny growled.
Just as he was about to lead Mason to his first class, a royal pain in his ass showed up. “Daniel! I require your assistance, little badger,” “It’s bound to be another plan to get in my mom’s pants. Go away,”  “Now, don’t be like that. I’m the mayor after all. You should be honored,” “Plasmius, shut your goddamn mouth. I. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck,” Danny said so that only Vlad could hear.  “Well, something’s got you in a tizzy. I’ll ask later. I should tell you though, it’s about Danielle,” “What did you do to Dani?” Fury. Wait, he had to get the kids to class.  “Nothing. It wasn’t me. You should ask your ghost hunter girlfriend,” Vlad grinned. Fucking Valerie.  “Come on kids. You’ve got to get to class,” Danny ignored Plasmius. Valerie was going to die. 
At lunch, he purposefully turned into Phantom and waited for Valerie on top of the school. She took no time at all. “What. Did. You. Do. To. Dani,” He glared at her.  “I didn’t do anything to her! You’re going down ghost!” “Am I really?” Danny was pissed. She wasn’t getting any mercy today. He teleported behind her.  “What the... HOW?” “Where is she?!” He growled. “What do you care? She’s always off on her own,”  “Does it look like I care Valerie?!”  “How did you know?!” “I know more than you seem to think. Tell me where Dani is. NOW!” He froze her feet. She looked terrified.  “What’s wrong with you!? Why do you care so much about her? Ghosts don’t have feelings,” Danny lost it at that point. The laughter was dark. Hollow. Horrible. Val’s terror was visible.  “Don’t have feelings? DON’T HAVE FEELINGS? FUCK YOU! I’M SO TIRED OF ALL THIS!” “Phantom, calm down,” Val was terrified. Danny wasn’t done. The rings were threatening to come down and expose him to her.  “So you admit this is real? Would you like to know how it feels to die Val? How it feels to live on the line between life and death? Wait, I can’t do that! You don’t have a deactivated portal in your basement that I can make you turn on while your inside. I don’t have a stupid jumpsuit with your dad’s face on it so I can take off the that sticker. You don’t have parents that threaten to rip you apart molecule by molecule for just exsisting! You don’t have to see a future where you become evil because you cheated on one test and your family all died! Can you even begin to comprehend what I go through? Ever been cloned? And forced to do something incredibly painful so that one clone can get fixed and watch another get lied too? And that’s just the brunt of it Valerie. Keep telling me how I don’t feel. How I’m nothing!” Danny screamed at ice engulfed their feet. Val’s eyes went wide.  “D-Danny?” She said quietly. “Congratulations! You aren’t as niave as the rest of Amity Park! How does it feel?” He’d snapped. “Calm down! I’ll tell you where Dani is!” She shrieked. That hollow laugh came back. But instead of an angry rant afterwards, he just sunk to his knees and screamed. It wasn’t a wail. It was a scream of pain. Of being done with the world.  “I can’t do this anymore,” He sobbed and the rings went down. All that was left now was a beaten, broken Danny Fenton.  “You should change back. I’ll take you to Dani,” Danny nodded and followed her.  “Sorry I broke down. I’m just sick of people telling me that I can’t feel. That all ghosts can’t feel. You don’t even bother talking to us, ya know?” “Ghosts lie,” “And so do people! I’ve talked to the ghosts. Listened to them. Heard their stories. I protect people, but I protect them too!” “How do you know those aren’t just acts?” “Cause they make sense. I’d have the same response if it was me. If my parents burned down the place I was in because I got caught being gay,” “I’m confused,” “Ember. I told her I wouldn’t tell anyone. But you need to know that they all have reasons for being the way they are. Skulker’s family was hunted, so now he hunts to prove his strength,” “Maybe we should talk to you more,”  “Maybe you should. No one asks to die,” “But your parents say that ghosts don’t remember their lives. They’re the leading experts,”  “That’s like putting a ten year old in a room of babies. They’re the expert by default in that situation, but an adult would be the expert the moment they walked in,” “Why don’t we know about that,” “Dying is traumatizing. Even half dying is traumatizing. It’s taboo to mention it unless you’re told. No one explains it until they’re ready. And talking about a life before that is almost wrong,” “How did you learn?” “Skulker told me during the Christmas Truce. Ember told me one day when she just wanted to be left alone, but I did too. I guess things end up working out in weird ways,” “The Christmas Truce?” “On Christmas Eve and Christmas, ghosts have a truce. No one is allowed to fight anyone that day. The Ghost Writer broke the truce and Walker got to haul him off in just means,” “We really know nothing about ghosts, do we?” “No, you don’t. They even have a party. I got invited last year. Skulker let me make the star! It took me weeks to get it right,” Danny smiled at the memory. He’d made a scale model of a blue giant that went through it’s life stages.  “So there’s a whole society?” “A government. Systems. Main rules. Taboos. Just cause we’re ghosts, doesn’t mean we don’t have a system,” “I’m sorry,” “What?” Danny nearly froze. “I’m sorry that I made so many assumptions. I never should’ve chased you or any ghost like that,” “Keep them out of Amity Park and send them back to the Zone. Most ghosts forget that living is dangerous, so they just rampage. I keep trying to talk sense into them, but they’re pretty stubborn,”  “What about the dog?” “Dog? You mean Cujo? I was trying to stop him from trashing Axiom. He was trying to get a toy. I’m sorry that recked your life Val,” “My life? Wrecked? When compared to you, my life is a dream. It’s not like I died,” “I guess you’ve got a point,”
Thanks for reading. I just like fics where Val finds out, and this one seemed like an okay place to stick it. Dani is fine. I’ll fill you in on that next chapter, but I should get some sleep.
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jawritter · 4 years
When The Lights Go Out
Chapter 5
Summary: Life hasn’t been your best friend lately, you lost your job, and are on the verge of losing your apartment. Who knew when you decided to join a Sugar Daddy app that your best friend suggested ina last ditch effort to save your apartment, and not end up on the street, your first and only client would turn your whole world upside down.
Pairing: Mobster!Dean Winchester x Virgin! Reader
Word Count: 2369
Series Warnings: Mob level violence, injured Dean, description of injury, creepy Godfather John Winchester, John is pretty much a douche bag, escort services, virgin reader, lose of virginity and all the insecurities and fun stuff that come with it, age gap (23 year old reader; 40 year old Dean), angst, unrequited/requited love?, language, smut, unprotected smut.
Chapter Warnings: Angst, Fighting, Angry Dean (yes that’s a warning), John being the douchebag he is, language, I think that’s everything. 
A/N: Beta’d by @deanwanddamons! Thanks so much love!! Please don’t copy my work!! Feedback is golden! Hope you all enjoy this one!! It’s gonna be a little bit of a slow burn y’all, but just hang in there!
(This fic is based on this request: Could you do a Dean x reader where she is 23 and lives alone in her apartment, she gets fired and can loose her house, her friend tells her about a sugar daddy app, she makes a profile and Dean 40, contacts her, she is virgin and don’t offers sex, Dean is billionaire business man and needs a girl for his business parties,the reader is really shy, blushes a lot, they fall in love, he takes her to a trip and makes love to her on a private island, could it be a series?)
Want more? Check out my masterlist!!
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Two weeks.
That’s how long you’d been in the prison that was the sprawling Winchester Estate. 
Well to you it was a prison anyway, to anyone else standing from an outsider's perspective, you hit the jackpot.
You, on the other hand, didn't feel so lucky.
You felt trapped, and alone. No matter what Dean did to try and make it better, no matter how close you and Jess had become over the last few weeks, it wasn’t home, and that’s the whole reason you joined that whole Sugar Daddy app to begin with. Now you didn’t even have that.
You knew that you had gotten in way too deep when you first met Dean Winchester, but damn if you didn’t know that you had gotten in that damn deep. 
Now, you had lost your only home you’d ever really had, along with what felt like your freedom to live and move like a normal human being. 
Dean had tried. He really had. He felt horrible about what John was making you do, and he and Jess helped you pack up everything in your apartment the day after John’s declaration. That was probably the hardest thing you had ever done. Keep up the happy couple act for Jess, while silently you felt like you were dying, or wishing that you would. 
That’s when you really started to resent Dean Winchester. 
If he would have just left you alone, if he  had never contacted you, if you had never got into his SUV that Friday night, you wouldn’t be in this mess, and better yet, if he would have been man enough to tell you the fucking truth about who the fuck he was, you wouldn’t be in this mess. You would have never agreed to go on that God forsaken “date” with him in the first place. No matter how much money you needed, or how fucking attractive he was. 
The first week that you were here, Dean really tried to spend as much time with you as his “work” would allow. Taking you out to get ice cream, down to the peer to watch the boats, anything and everything he could think of. 
You couldn’t tell if he was just trying to keep up the happy couple act for his family, or if he just felt guilty, and was trying to make it up to you.
That just drove your resentment deeper. 
You were forced to share a bed with him, but mercifully it was large enough that you could throw a pillow between the two of you to use as a wall, keeping him at bay, at least mentally anyway, and still have enough room to sleep comfortably. 
The first night you did that, you could have sworn the most hurt look you had ever seen on a person crossed his face, but he hid it quickly, and now when he got into bed, whenever that was he just turned his back on you, and fell asleep, or passed out, because Dean had taken to drinking a lot. 
Week two started, and you barely spoke to each other inside your shared room. Only on the outside of the room did you even attempt to act like a couple with him, and that’s because you didn’t want to die. 
When the second week started, John had started taking Dean on a lot more “jobs” with him, and usually they were gone late into the night. When Dean finally did stumble back in the door, he recked of whiskey, and stumbled to the bed without so much as a good night, or fuck you, just like you were another piece of expensive furniture that filled the room. 
You didn’t ask Dean about his work.You didn’t ask Dean about much of anything.You found it easier just to ignore each other. 
Tonight was no different. You had spent all day working on the transcript that your new job Dean had got you, just like he promised, had sent you. 
You were thankful for the job. It was a nice distraction from the reality you now found yourself in, even if you knew Dean probably only got it for you to cover his ass. 
Dean had been gone all day with John, which freed you up to move around the house without risk of being caught by John, who you tried to avoid with everything in you.  Something about the man just made your skin crawl. Still today you had work to do, and that’s what you did, from the moment you woke up to the empty bed, Dean on another “job”, to the point where a knock on our door disturbed you from your distraction. 
“Hey woman! You’ve been hauled up in here all damn day! Care if I join you?” Jess asks, coming in without invitation and flopping down at the foot of your bed. 
“Be my guest. Nothing really all that exciting here today though,” you tell her, typing away on the computer in front of you.
“You're still working? You do realize it’s almost seven in the evening right?” she asked, shock clearly evident in her voice. 
Looking up at the clock on the wall, you look back down at your computer with wide, burning eyes. You hadn’t realized that it was that late.You had successfully wasted the whole day staring at this computer. 
“No, I hadn’t realized it was that late.” you mumble, shutting your computer, and shoving it away from you like it might come to life and attack you, earning a smile from Jess.
“Well come on.The men are home, and it’s time for dinner. I haven’t even seen you leave this room today, so I know you probably haven’t eaten. Dean won’t be happy if you get too skinny now will he?” she said with a wink.You forced a chuckle in response, but said nothing in fear that you would blow your cover, and Deans. 
Truth be told, you weren’t sure Dean would even notice you died, much less lost weight. 
Getting up from your perch on the bed, you stretch and follow Jess to the dining room where you could hear the men’s voices filtering in from the hall. Bracing yourself for another acting session, you take a deep breath, and step down into the room.Thankfully, they were all so immersed in conversation that they didn't even see you two walk in. 
Jess took her seat next to Sam, and you next to Dean as the maid came into the room  with the butler that you didn’t even know the name of, and started to plate everyone’s food. That was one thing that you just couldn’t get used to. People waiting on you hand and foot that way.
“Well I’m telling you Sammy, another person in the car is nothing but another liability, and Dad and I can move in and out easier with just the two of us,” Dean said, not even acknowledging you sitting next to him. 
“I agree with Dean. Sam, stay here and watch over the ladies. Dean and I will be in and out quicker if it’s just the two of us.”
Sam throws down his silverware, and Jess leans over to quiet him down before he can make too big of a scene.
“When are the two of you gonna stop treating me like a child? I can handle this job, just me and Dean!”
“Well Sammy, maybe if you weren’t walking around acting like a little bitch every fucking job you were sent on, then Dad would trust you with this.” Dean said, shoving food into his mouth, not bothering to make eye contact with his little brother. 
“Fuck you Dean.You think that since you’ve got a woman now, and the high table is back to kissing your pretty little ass, that you can say and do whatever the fuck..”
“ENOUGH!” John’s voice boomed, and everyone at the table froze. “Sam, you're not going on this job, and that’s final. It’s dangerous, you’re not experienced enough, that’s it, that’s my call, and that’s final.” 
A defining silence fell over the room. Sam sat there brooding at his plate of food, pushing food around with his fork. Jess dared not say anything, but instead busied herself pouring another glass of wine. Dean continued to give you the cold shoulder, and busied himself with his own food. 
John, on the other hand, was watching Dean and yourself with a sickening smirk on his face. 
“So Y/N. My son and I will be leaving early tomorrow to go on a rather dangerous job.This one is one of the biggest deals that we’ve done in a long time, and if it goes south, it might be awhile before you see Dean again, I assume you plan to send him off properly tonight.”
You turned white as the table cloth sitting on the table in front of you, and Dean paused from eating only a moment, before returning to his meal, a little smoother at hiding his shock than you at his father’s boldness. That or he was just used to it. 
You, on the other hand, had to force down the wave of bile that was working its way up your throat at John’s lewdness. 
“I...I...Don’t see how that’s any of your business.” you stutter, still shocked he boldly asked such a question, much less at the dinner table. 
“Oh, it’s plenty my business princess. See what we have to do tomorrow requires a lot of concentration, and I need my boy’s head in the game, and not on what he did not get last night. See sweetheart, it’s your job to take care of my son, and he’s one of my best, so I expect you to never let him leave this house with his balls….” 
“STOP!” Dean yelled, shocking everyone at the table. Throwing his napkin down he shoves his chair back with force, and goes to walk out of the room, stopping only to look over his shoulder and to call you to him, the first time he’d spoken to you directly in three days.
“Y/N, come, now.” 
Whatever raft Dean had planned when you got back up to your room was better than this conversation, so you quickly got up from the table and followed him there without a word, grateful for an excuse to get away from that room, and away from John.
As soon as you got to your room, you quickly thought maybe you were better off downstairs, because as soon as Dean shut the door and locked it behind you, he rounded on you with more fury than you had ever seen in the green eyes that still haunted your every dream.
“What the fuck was that down there? Do you realize you almost got us both fucked down there?!?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND?! You have the audacity to disrespect my father, at his table, and think he’s not going to make me pay for it?”
Dean backed you to the wall before letting his fist land very close to the side of your face, literally letting you feel the breeze of the blow as he hit the wall with force, pinning you against the wall.
“Dean, how can you say that? You heard what he asked you down there?”
Dean snarled at you, and you cowered back into the wall further.
“He suspects what’s going on between us, or else he wouldn’t ask.You could have played along, but no you had to show your ass. Don’t you get it? He’s dangerous Y/N! One word and he could have you killed, and no one would ever come looking, nothing I could do would stop it!!”
Shoving off the wall and away from you, Dean poured a glass of whiskey in the expensive crystal tumbler that sat on the little table by the door. He took a deep breath to calm himself, before taking it down in one pull. 
When he turned back to you, his eyes were colder than you had ever seen them, and it made your stomach curl sickeningly. 
“How often do I have to apologize to you for this? I know it was my fault. I know I fucked up and pulled you into this mess. I’ve tried to tell you I’m sorry. I’ve tried to show you I’m sorry, everything I’ve done, every job since you got here was to ensure you have a future, to make sure YOU want for nothing!! Night after night, day in and day out, you walk around here mopping, ignoring me, hurting my feelings, disrespect me! This job I’m doing tomorrow is to present you to the high table, to make sure that we can live whatever life there is for us now comfortably, and no one calls a hit out on you!! Do you give a shit? Fuck no!” 
Anger boiled under the surface of your skin like water in a pot, and you had to swallow hard to make your voice work as tears streamed freely down your face. How dare he try and make this all your fault. Like you had disrespected him, when he’d taken everything away from you. 
“I hope your ‘high table’ kills you tomorrow, then maybe I’ll be free of you and your lies.” you spat at him, and he flinches before collecting himself, careful not to let too much show. 
“Oh no baby girl. Because if they kill me, you belong to John Winchester, so you better fucking pray I come back alive.” Dean turns to go into the bathroom connected to your room, undoing his tie with force and throws it across the room.
Turning to face you, his face showed more hurt than he’d let you see before.
“You know, I thought maybe, just maybe I could convince you to feel for me what I’ve felt for you from the moment I saw you. Guess I was wrong.” 
Slamming the door to the bathroom before you could say anything, you stood there with your thoughts reeling. Was he playing with you, or was he telling the truth?
Forever Tag List: @lyarr24​ @amandamdiehl​ @love-jackles-37-blog​ @miraclesoflove​ @waywardsistershy​ @emoryhemsworth​ @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel​ @softsebastian @deanwanddamons​ @imabitch4jensen​ @rvgrsbrns​ @bi-danvers0​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @i-love-superhero​ @akshi8278​  @lyss-dw79  @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @vicmc624​ @busy-bee-angel-misska​ @justanotherwinchester​ @brilovesdeanwinchester​ @idksupernatural​
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.21
a/n: things will get better~ <3
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 22
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased @infinite-universe-love @dirtypride @blackymomo03 @azzie @purple-rabanito​ @meximorrita @awesomeee19​​ @celestial-kanzakii​ @laure-lo​ @team-wang-puppy​ @aydience-world​ @choros-main-hoe​ @colorseeingchick​  @but-kairis-not-that-smart (i cant seem to tag again :( hope this lands in your timelines!)
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The silence of the hall was cut by the vibration of your phone. Taking it out, you answered.
“Yes, Nao?”
“The cameras showed the Fukuo Kai members left the building. Save for two people. Overhaul not included.” Inside the tent, Tsukauchi focused on the monitors. Observing and watching as live and recorded footage were being played to make sure the remaining two were to be caught. “I’m assuming you're on the 4th floor. Be careful. Cameras aren’t picking up feed.”
“I know. You said there were two?” Staring at the fresh blood dripping onto the floor, you took a step back when the thick red liquid began to run down the wall. Recalling that sound earlier, the other person was surely on this floor. Somewhere.
“That’s right. It’s your call from here.”
“Any info on their quirks?”
“We’re still digging it up. Apparently, those two men weren’t part of the meeting. If my deductions are right, they were the ones who terrorized our plan.”
Feeling a bit lightheaded, you inhaled and let out a long exhale. The man wasn’t lying entirely when he said it had nothing to do with the Fukuo Kai. Now that you were sure he was not on the same floor, you cursed under your breath.
“Nao. There’s only one person left. Overhaul used his quirk on one of them.” Heading back towards the fire exit, you wiped off the beads of sweat forming on your forehead. Feeling chills run down your spine, the grip on your phone tightened as your hands began to feel tingly. “My adrenaline is going down. We’ll catch the other one… next time.”
“Bring yourself back to safety. We’ll debrief once you're here.”
“See you in a few.”
Ending the call, you shook your head and made your way back to the fire exit. With each step you took, your eyelids seemed to become heavier. Leaning on the wall for support, you saw how your vision was starting to blur. Shutting your eyes close, you reached out for your phone only to stumble to the ground. With a steady growing headache, you activated your quirk.
Giving yourself a self-administered adrenaline pump, your felt control over your body once more. Standing up with effort, your shoulder remained glued to the wall as you took slow and steady steps towards the exit. Taking your phone out, you dialed for Tsukauchi only to flinch as another gunshot echoed through the room. The way your phone just sprung out of your hand and landed with a crack made a small yelp escape your mouth.
Taking your handgun out as you turned around, you were face to face with a man in a suit. Realizing that your phone was long gone by now, reaching base through your earpiece would not be the best option.Squinting your eyes, your blurry vision was not helping one bit. Hopefully, the sudden end to your call would alert your partner.
“Who are you?” Buying time was all you could do for now.
“No one important.” He took a step forward. His face void of any emotion save for the complete focus he has. “The question is, what are cops like you doing? Teaming up with the yakuza? Have you all stooped that low?”
“Says the man who’s ready to pull the trigger. Is it Overhaul you're looking for?” Each second that passed, your headache was evolving into a migraine. Breathing alone was becoming strenuous.
“On the contrary, yes.” He takes another step forward. “He’s been rather difficult to deal with these days.”
“You… You’re not from the F-fukuo Kai.” This was not good, you thought to yourself.
“Don’t strain yourself, love.” Seeing how your eyes widened and body trembled. He let a smirk cross his mouth. With much confidence he closed the gap between your bodies. With one hand, he unzipped your bulletproof vest. “You might be wondering why you can’t move?”
“No shit.” Watching him create invisible circles over your stomach made your heart beat even more rapidly. Thinking that his quirk had something to do with how your body’s motor skills were useless, you hoped that back up was now on it’s way. “This is your quirk, isn’t it?”
“Right you are. I can control a certain portion of a person’s gravity. It also works with force as well. But it’s much more fun.” Slapping your face, you barely felt a thing till you saw how his irises changed colors. The amount of force you received hurt double than it should have. Before your hands could touch him, his irises shifted color once more. “Not fast enough. But that was fun.”
“Why are you after Overhaul? Isn’t that suicide?”
“That man refuses to partner with us. We were more than willing to sponsor but for some shitty reason he turned us down.” He rolled his eyes and took a step back. “Wanna see something fun?”
You flinched at the sound of his gun. Yet the bullet lay suspended in mid air. Knowing where this was going, you tried to gather each ounce of your strength to break through the man’s quirk. With your body trembling from the failed attempt, you cursed under your breath and focused on your own quirk. If his quirk centered on gravity, then maybe yours could regulate your blood flow to show any kind of result.
“Struggling won’t get you anywhere.” He blinked and his irises changed colors.
Regaining control of your body did not save you. Feeling an intense heat pooling on your lower obliques, the burning sensation was enough to let you fall to the ground. Immediately covering the wound, you focused your quirk on that area to stop the bleeding. The pain made you curl into a small ball, your body trembling as your mind remained focused on the bullet’s entry way.
“Guess backup isn’t coming~” Taking his time, he grinned at the sight of slowly forming a puddle of red liquid. “Sucks to be helpless? Hoho~ I see your quirk is preventing blood loss.”
Bending down to squat, he grabbed your hand and flipped you over. Trying to release yourself from his grip, he placed a foot on your right hand and kept a hold of your left. Placing his free hand on your wound, he let out a chuckle. The pain had subsided but you were too aware of what would happen next.
“And here I thought police officers were a force to be reck-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you watched as he went flying all the way to the other end of the room. Simultaneously, the blood he had stopped came oozing out like a small water fountain. Seconds after, you harshly bit on your lip as the pain came back two fold. Putting pressure on the badly bleeding wound, you activated your quirk.
“This.” Despite the ringing in your ears, you knew who owned that voice. “This is why we refused to work with your lot, Ayato. Always causing unnecessary burdens.”
“Well if it isn’t the man I wanted to see.” Ayato stood up, barely keeping his balance. The way he landed was rather painful on his side. “Thought you left already, Overhaul?”
“I did.” He scratched his forehead. Glancing at your bleeding body did not help the situation.
Taking slow steps forward, Ayato focused his sight on the mask wearing man. Blinking a couple of times he felt his blood start to boil. Patting his body, he felt the small bullet on his side. The same red bullet he was supposed to be funding. Meeting Overhaul’s eyes once more, he felt a chill climbing up his spine and enveloping his mind.
“The bullets are nearing its completion..” Overhaul said as he removed his other glove. Moving forward, Ayato couldn’t help but take a step back. The growing anger in Overhaul’s eyes was enough to shrink whatever confidence he had in him. “What’s wrong, Ayato? Not so brave without your quirk?” Patting around his body for his gun, he let out a silent curse when he saw it resting beside Overhaul’s foot. Reaching for a small knife, he assumed a battle stance only to be met with a faint chuckle and a shake of the head. Gritting his teeth, Ayato began to sprint towards the supposed villain. Only to fall to the ground with a thud as a surge of electricity coursed through his body.
“Sorry.” Tsukauchi’s body appeared from behind the fallen man. “Got held up at the entrance.”
“Useless.” Overhaul commented as he watched the unconscious body. Turning around, he went closer to your body. Observing how shallow your breathing was, he caught himself clenching his fists. Caught up in the fight, he had forgotten the main reason why he rushed back to the building.
Before he could do anything, a hand touched his shoulder and shoved him. Stumbling three steps to the side, the same officer who was not fond of him was now administering first aid. Seeing him lift your badly bleeding body made him feel uneasy.
“This is your fault.” The officer's eyes focused on the standing man. “If you weren’t involved in this mess, (l/n) wouldn’t have been injured this bad.”
“For your information, she was already injured when I arrived.” It took a lot of strength not to harm the person in front of him. “Tell me, officer, do you think it would have been a smart move to just barge in?”
“You and your quirk are more than capable of doing something on the spot.” He stood up. A few drops of your blood dripping down his fingertips. “Lend a helping hand? An officer gets injured, and one of the terrorist is gone because of your hot head. That’s why I despise working with your lot. Nothing but  bad news.”
“Captain Iwase.” Tsukauchi butted in. He had just finished cuffing Ayato and handed him over to another officer. “Enough. Let me tend to (y/n) injuries. Your babbling mouth is causing her to bleed out.”
“Look at her.” His index finger pointing at your heavily breathing form. “Do you really think first aid is gonna help? For a bullet wound, that amount is abnormal. If anything, a blood transfusion is what she needs now but I doubt the ambulance would get here in time.”
“Then why don’t you stop complaining and dial 119?”
“Tsukauchi. Are you serious?”
“You may be higher in terms of ranking, but she’s my partner and she will always come first.” Reaching for his personal phone, Tsukauchi tossed it to Iwase. “Now unless you want to keep Overhaul’s hand away from your neck, I suggest you dial emergency hotlines. Now.”
Defeated, Iwase marched off the floor. Making sure to bump shoulders with the tall detective.
“He means well.” Tsukauchi still vouched for the captain as he checked your weak pulse. Carefully lifting your body, he made you lean on the wall. Iwase, despite the rambling, was right. He wasn’t sure what happened but the puddle of thick red liquid was alarming. “What happened?”
“The man you just electrocuted used his quirk on (l/n). He can control gravity to a certain degree. By the time I arrived, your partner was already bleeding and glued to the ground. His hand was covering the entry way so I assume her blood came gushing out like an oil pipe when I attacked him.”
As he relayed the information, Tsukauchi was already wrapping a bandage around your waist. For a moment, his eyes met your dull ones. Looking back at the red patch, he swallowed a bit of his saliva.
“Move over, Tsukauchi.” Overhaul looked down on both your crouching bodies. His eye twitching at the sight of your blood stained bandage. Not wanting to go on his bad side, Tsukauchi stood up and excused himself. Despite Overhaul being the labelled sociopath, he had gained enough respect for him to be trusted. “Can you talk?”
“I’m in a lot… of pain… but I’m fine, Overhaul.” You reassured him. Voice breathy and shaky. “It’s not that bad and I’m already doing my part by regulat-”
“Shut up.” He cut you off and forced your hand away from the wound. Taking a look at his hand, he let out a muffled curse. He was breaking out but the priority of fixing your wound won. Seeing Ayato’s knife, he reached for it and sliced the bandage. The bleeding was still bad and he knew full well that your quirk was no longer doing its function. “As much as I hate to admit it, that asshole officer was right. You need blood transfusion. I can close the wound but i’ll have to overhaul the bullet.”
“I think dying would hurt less.” You managed to chuckle.
“Just shut your mouth and let me overhaul the damn bullet.” Without a warning, his index finger entered the small hole. His eyes darted back to your screaming voice. He had to do this quickly to make sure any more blood loss would stop. Sighing, he leaned in closer. Just enough for you to lay your head on the crook of his neck. Your badly trembling body was not helping the situation.
Luckily, it barely took another push for his fingertip to reach the cold shell. Overhauling it in barely a second, this time he warned you about his exit. Receiving a nod, he felt your shoulders tense. Once his bloody finger was out, his clean hand held on to your wound before closing it completely.
“You’re in for an amount of pain.” At least the wound was closed now. The small whimper that escaped your mouth was the telltale sign that you were near exhaustion. Yet somehow, you managed to grip on to his jacket. “Your wound may be healed bu-”
“I-I’m sorry.”
“Be specific.”
“For m-mentioning Ackerm...Ackerman.” With your last ounce of strength, you wrapped your shaky arms around his neck. To which he did not refuse. “You’re b-breaking out.”
“I know. Guess you really aren’t as pure as I thought you were.” He stared at his hives and back at you. Slowly sliding in and out of consciousness. “Such a shame. Then again, each and every person is tainted in their own way.”
“I… I’m sorry about… last time.”
“You should be.” Wrapping his arm under the crook of your knees, he lifted you up. He adjusted his hold to make sure you were comfortable. By now, you had lost consciousness. Failing to hear what he had left to say. “Don’t ever mention Ackerman again. You’re mine and mine alone my guilty pleasure.”
- - - - -
a/n: and the fluff begins :D hope the tension was alright in this scene... took a while to write this tbh xD see yall next week <3 yes Overhaul is still accepting in his waiting list too :)
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lucacangettathisass · 3 years
JOUST (Chapter One)
SUMMARY: Following a mix up that would only be funny if it were happening to an anime character, my Japanese host family turns out to have only a son, who I will also be rooming with at his school, Shiratorizawa Academy. Christ knows how it could get any worse from here.
TAGLIST:@youidiot91 @meemsx @squishyrobbie @total-insanity @oneshotofvodkaa @moons-and-stars-and-shit
NOTES: I really want to thank everyone who has shown an interest in this fic, it really means a lot! I can’t gaurantee an upload schedule as things are weird rn, but I’ll try to upload as often as possible. So, without further ado, here it is!
And if you want to be added to the taglist just lmk!
Do not, as some ungracious pastors do,
Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven,
Whiles, like a puffed and reckless libertine,
Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads,
And recks not his own rede.
-William Shakespeare
And the rest is rust and stardust
-Vladimir Nabokov
The oddness of the situation truly didn’t come to me until after I had landed in Sendai Airport, which of the two airports I have been to, was definitely the bigger and nicer one.
After flying for essentially twenty four hours, I was eager to stretch my legs, and I had to hold back my groans of satisfaction as I was finally able to move my body outside of the confined space of the plane. I navigated myself through the crowd, taking great pains to avoid colliding with anyone, and apologising if I accidentally got too close, until I came across an empty patch of floor beside a wall, where I proceeded to stand. At that moment in time, anything seemed better than sitting.
Alone and away from the crowd, I dug into the Kuromi sports bag on my left shoulder, resting my My Melody carry-on against the wall, pulling out the folder I had made that contained the info on my host family, reading through it for the umpteenth time.
The Goshiki family, consisting of the father, Hideaki, his wife, Mayumi, and their son, Tsutomu.
That was the odd thing that had suddenly struck me. There was no mention of a daughter of any kind, or any other female relative that stayed with them. I had been too full of excitement and nerves to really think about it before, but now that I was, it did seem odd.
‘I wonder why a family with only a son would host someone from an all girls school.’ I tried to think of an explanation, but my brain was so fried from the flight that I could barely muster up anything. So I shrugged, put the file back, and went on to find the luggage check in.
When I arrived at the luggage carousel, I was surprised to see a family of three there, holding up a sign. A sudden, strong feeling came over me, and I looked up at their sign. It read Welcome Cody Smith, in tall, proud kanji. This was them, it had to be. So, seeing little other options, I approached them.
“H-Hello?” My voice cracked a little due to nerves, and I quickly cleared my throat, scrambling to remember the Japanese I had learned. “I’m Cody.” I bowed quickly, and as deeply as I could manage without completely falling over. “Thank you for welcoming me into your home.”
There was a pause, and I felt my face heat up in the heavy silence. I slowly stood back up, looking over their confused faces.
“I-I’m sorry.” A middle aged man, who I assumed to be Mr Goshiki, said, rather awkwardly. “We...well we were expecting a uh…boy.”
I blinked, trying to quickly translate what he had said in my head, and process it. “Oh.” I said, because I really didn’t know what else to say.
“Hideaki!” His wife scolded, clearly unimpressed with her husband’s bluntness. She turned to me and smiled kindly, although even I couldn’t miss her blush. “It isn’t your fault honey.” She assured me. “Tomu, say hello.”
I turned my attention to the son, who struck me as having intense Rock Lee energy, and not just because of the bowl cut. He looked serious and determined, with a furrowed brow, like he was about to go into battle or something. He bowed, just like I had, but with...conviction, somehow, if that were possible. “I am Tsutomu Goshiki!” He declared, so loudly that a few people were staring. “And I am honoured to be your host brother!”
Startled, and even more sure of the Rock Lee comparison, I could only stare down at him, a boy who I knew was the same age as me, yet seemed to want to carry himself with the dignity and seriousness of a man his father’s age. “Oh. Um. Hi.” I only barely managed to get the word out, a little bewildered at what I considered to be an over the top greeting.
He remained in his stance, upper body perfectly parallel to the ground, as I continued to stare. I saw him lift his head a little, and his eyelids flicker. I tilted my head to the side a little so I could actually see him without my chest obstructing my view. We maintained eye contact for a few seconds, before he stood up right again, practically snapping his body into position with such speed and force that I actually felt a slight breeze. “Let me help with your luggage!” He said as a declaration again, as if this was something deadly serious. “Which bags are yours?”
“Uh, they haven’t shown up yet.” I nervously glanced around, noting all the looks from strangers.
“Calm down now Tomu.” Mrs Goshiki said, with a mother’s fondness, clearly used to this. “I’m sure Cody is tired.”
“Hm?” Mrs Goshiki turned to me.
I started to blush again, and I looked down shyly. “I uh...I would prefer it if you called me Coco.”
“Oh. Alright then honey, sure thing.”
I looked back up at her and smiled gratefully. “Thanks.” I looked back at the luggage carousel, watching as one bag after another made its way around on the conveyor belt, waiting for mine.
“There you are.”
I walked up to the conveyor belt, hand outstretched to grab the bright pink, Hello Kitty suitcase.
“Let me!”
Before I could react, Tsutomu suddenly appeared, yanking the suitcases. “Is the other Hello Kitty one yours too?”
“Uh, yeah, but I can-”
I stood there, somewhat awkwardly, as Tsutomu stood there, one of my suitcases in each hand, looking so serious that it made the situation comical. “Allow me!” He said, already walking on ahead. “As your host brother, it’s my job to help you settle in and make things easier for you.”
Deciding that it would be more trouble than it was really worth to argue, I quietly followed, trying to ignore all the curious eyes. ‘I wonder if he would’ve done that if I was a boy.’
During the car ride back to the Goshiki residence, I listened as Tsutomu told me all about Shiratorizawa Academy. Since I was arriving only a month after the beginning of the school year, I hadn’t missed much, but I would still need to work hard to catch up.
(“It’s a really tough school.” He had said. “But you wouldn’t be sent here if you weren’t able to hack it, so I believe in you.”
But he spent most of his time talking about the volleyball team.
Being utterly ignorant to all things volleyball, I had a hard time keeping up. I got that he was an outside hitter-whatever that meant-and that the Shiratorizawa team was considered to be the best in the whole Miyagi Prefecture. And, what’s more, their captain and ace player, Wakatoshi Ushijima, was considered the number one ace among high school volleyball players, and was even selected for Japan’s under 19 Youth World Championship team. Despite my lack of knowledge, even I was able to tell that that was a big deal.
“And this year we’re going to go to nationals and win!” Tsutomu said excitedly, and with such conviction that I wouldn’t be surprised if that alone won them first place. “Hey! You should see us practice!”
“Oh, uh, I don’t know.” I said, honestly surprised by the suggestion. “I don’t really know anything about volleyball so....”
“You can still just watch.” He insisted. “And I can introduce you to the guys so you’ll know more people.”
Tsutomu turned to face his mother, who was looking over her shoulder at us. Evidently, the use of the nickname was enough to get her point across.
I looked out the window, resting my forehead against the glass, watching a city I had only seen in pictures and video go by me.
I woke with a start, eyes wide, looking around so quickly that I banged my head. “Ow.” I looked up, and saw that I had hit the glass of the car window.
“Good timing.” Mr Goshiki said, the first words I heard him say since the airport. “We’re here.”
I blinked and nodded, stifling a yawn as I got out of the car. I went to the back to get my luggage, but Tsutomu already had it covered, taking my suitcases up to the impressively sized house. While I was reeling from his speed, Mr and Mrs Goshiki took my sports bag and carry-on respectively, leaving me standing in their driveway.
I had no other choice but to quietly follow them, up the path, and to the door, taking my shoes off immediately upon entering.
“You’ll mostly be staying in Shiratorizawa’s dorms.” Mrs Goshiki said. “But during the holidays and, if you like, the weekends, you’ll be here with us.” She went up the stairs, followed by her husband and son so, naturally, I went with them.
“This will be your room when you’re here.” She said, opening the door to a spacious bedroom. It was sparsely furnished, with only a bed, a small bedside table, a bookcase, and a reasonably sized vanity. “You can decorate it however you want.”
“Thank you.” I somehow managed to find my voice again. I turned to face the entire family and bowed again, a little deeper this time, hoping it would be enough. “You’re all very kind.”
Mr Goshiki chuckled. “It’s fine, you don’t need to bow.”
I straightened up, mumbling a small and embarrassed “Sorry.”
“We’ll leave you to get unpacked.” Mrs Goshiki said. “You’ve got your own bathroom through there,” she pointed to a door on the left wall, “and Tomu’s room is right across the hall. Hide and I will be down the hall on the right. You get yourself settled in while I prep dinner.” She gave me one last comforting smile and with that, the family filed out, Tsutomu closing the door behind him.
I let out a deep sigh, looking around the room, and back down at my bags.
‘Better not unpack too much if I’ll be staying in a dorm.’
About two hours later, there was a knock at the door, making me pause in my arranging of the closet in my new room. “Yes?”
“It’s Tsutomu.” His voice was a little muffled by the door, but I could definitely tell it was him. “Dinner’s ready.”
“Alright, be right down.” I got up and went over to the door, only to find Tsutomu was still there when I opened it.
“Did you need help with anything?”
“Oh, ah, no. I’m all good.”
Tsutomu looked like he was about to press the issue, but he seemed to think better of it, and simply went on ahead down the stairs. “My mum made ramen, don’t worry it’s vegan like you put on the form.”
“Cool.” I blushed, remembering filling out that field and now wondering why I did so, when I knew that it would no doubt be a hassle.
I followed Tsutomu into the dinning room, and the two of us joined his parents at the table, big bowls of still warm ramen in front of us. After a quick prayer we tucked in. I had no idea if Mrs Goshiki had any experience with vegan food before, but if she hadn’t, that made the ramen all the more impressive.
The noodles weren’t too firm, nor was the broth too rich. The mushrooms were perfectly tender, and there was just the right amount of vegetables and tofu to balance everything out. I already knew that I was going to find out Mrs Goshiki’s recipe and learn how to make it.
“So what made you decide to do this exchange?”
I looked up at Mr Goshiki and shrugged, swallowing down the noodles and mushrooms. “Just felt like something different I guess.” I idly swirled the broth around. “And, I mean, I’m interested in Japan, so I figured I would take my chance.”
“Really? Why Japan?”
‘Don’t say anime and look like a weeb don’t say anime and look like weeb don’t say anime and look like a weeb I swear to fuck if you do that shit I am shutting this whole operation down.’
“Mostly how different it is from New Zealand.” I said. “An entirely different culture in an entirely different continent, I don’t know, just the usual curiosity I guess.”
‘You live another day.’
Dinner passed with regular small talk, with the Goshiki family getting to know more about me and vice versa. I offered to help Mrs Goshiki with the dishes, but she insisted I ‘go right to bed and get some much needed rest’.
The only problem was, despite the fact that it was the middle of the night, I was still wide awake.
‘I guess this is jet lag.’
I stared up at the ceiling, waiting for my eyelids to droop, and for sleep to take me, but alas, it proved to be as evasive as ever.
Sighing in defeat, I got out of bed, went over to the bookshelf, and got back under the blankets with My Melody, and began to re-read Hamlet, again.
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agentwhiskeysdarlin · 4 years
A Test of Patiences
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Request: Reader who’s a hairdresser broke her arm and she walks catfish through putting her hair up for a date
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x Fem!Reader (no y/n)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: angst (nothing too bad), reader being oblivious, smutty smut times,  & unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
Word Count: 3,634 (yup it’s a long one)
Author’s Notes: After stepping away for a mini break I came back and this happened. It felt like it went better writing a little at a time over the course of a week. I may be doing a lot more that way. I find it funny the title with the story is kind of going along with my writing and me putting it out. Not only for myself but for the people who wait on my content (if there is any). I really hope you guys enjoy this because I actually really love this even though the end is a little messy. It was a long ass day but I promised it would be out tonight so here it is. Feedback in any way is welcomed just please be nice I’m fragile. Emotional support credit goes to @clint-aww-no-barton​ , @discogrrl​ & @nymphonet​ because without them I probably wouldn’t be writing. Also if the ‘keep reading’ thing doesn’t work I am so sorry to those who get annoyed with long fics not having that. I am not sure what I am doing wrong for it not to work.
ao3 link for story
How in the world was you going to manage this all by yourself? You looked in the mirror at your overly recked self. Your clothes were the same from days ago, your hair was a mess and you were pretty sure you needed to shave everywhere. The bright blue cast seemed to laugh at you as you glanced at it in the sling it still rested in. All these years wondering this earth and never once had you broken a single bone in your body. That had changed just a few days ago and boy no one seemed to tell you how much a pain in the ass it would be. It had put you out of your beautician job until you were completely healed, which would be weeks. It was incredibly hard to do anything by yourself including writing a sentence because of course it had to be your dominate arm. To top the cake off you had a date tonight. 
  You wanted to call and cancel it so bad but it had been awhile. You had been talking to this guy for weeks now and he had finally asked you out and you might have agreed way too fast. You kept starring at your reflection like you might blink and suddenly you would be showered and ready to go. Unfortunately the world did not work that way. You let out a sigh of frustration before setting to work on the day long process of getting ready. 
  You had managed everything very slowly by yourself throughout the day. You showered, carefully shaving your legs, picked out an outfit which you also had yet to figure out how to get on but right now you stood in front of the mirror starring at your unruly hair trying to decide the easiest way to style it for tonight. After several moments of a careful look through in your mind of all the different hairstyles you deemed it impossible to accomplish alone. You let out a sigh before reaching for your phone and dialing the only person you know who would drop anything to help you no matter what it was.
  “Hello?” Frankie Morales, also known as your best friend, voice greeted your ear and you smiled.
  “Hey Cat! Listen I need a massive favor.”
  “What’s going on?” He always jumped to worry.
  “Could you possibly come over and help me with a few things? This damn broken arm is more of a pain in my ass than I thought it would be,” you gave a small chuckle.
  “I will be there in five minutes,” you could hear the amusement in his voice.
  “You are a life savor Cat!”
  “I only do this shit for you,” he chuckled before speaking his goodbyes and hanging up the phone.
  True to his word, Frankie knocked on your door before entering five minutes after the two of you had spoken. You gave him a wide smile and your best puppy dog eyes.
  “What do you need help with?” He stood there, hands on his hips looking around the house like he was going to find some project to fix.
  “Well me,” you pointed at yourself and his eyes landed on you before he raised his eyebrows at you.
  “I know this is crazy and you are definitely going to think I am after I suggest this but is there anyway you could help me with my hair? It won’t be anything really difficult I promise! All you have to do is follow what I say and it will be fine!” You mumbled on.
  “I can’t believe I am about to agree to this but yes I’ll help you with your hair,” he let out a chuckle and you let out a sigh of relief.
  “I seriously owe you one after this Cat! Anything you need! As soon as I’m better I’m your gal!” 
  He shook his head before you took your good hand and pulled him to the bathroom. You sat down on a stool and he took his place behind you. You had all the tools you would need laid out and Frankie eyed them nervously. You looked up at him and gave him a thumbs up before starting to tell him what to do. A braid was the easiest thing you could come up with but of course you had to add you on flare to it and Frankie followed every instruction you gave down to the wire. He had his brows knitted in frustration, his usual hat already off, but he listened to every word that came out of your mouth and watched your helpless hand motions in the mirror. 
  “Cat it’s perfect! I may have to hire you as an assistant,” you chuckled as you turned and gave him a one arm squeeze hug.
  “I think I will pass on that. No wonder women stress so much over their hair. Shit is hard to do,” he hugged you back his face burying in your neck.
  “I have one more favor to ask of you,” you pulled away once again putting on the puppy dog eyes.
  “I am afraid to ask.”
  “I just need you to help me zip up my dress when I get it on.”
  “Oh yeah that’s simple.”
  He followed you to your room and respectfully waited outside as you struggled to slip in the little black number you had saved just for tonight. 
  “So what are you getting all dolled up for?” Frankie asked through your door.
  “I got a date. I know the most unbelievable thing ever but yes that Mark guy finally asked me out,” you were incredibly excited but thanks to the door you didn’t see Frankie’s face fall at this news.
  He had it bad for you. Anyone could tell it, anyone but you that was. Ever since Pope had introduced the two of you he had fallen for you in every single way. He didn’t want to push the issue and kept his feelings hid mostly because he was afraid to ruin the friendship the two of you shared.
  “You can come in,” you voice pulled him from his thoughts.
  Frankie walked through the door and your back was to him. He could see the smooth skin that stretched the length of the zipper and it made him gulp softly. He was careful not to accidentally touch your skin as he zipped the zipper up, knowing he would lose it if he did. You turned around and he looked you over before he let a smile pull at his lips. He prayed you wouldn’t see the sadness hidden behind it.
  “You look so beautiful,” his voice was soft and he was careful to sound happy.
  “Thank you Cat,” a blush rose to your face as you smiled at him.
  You turned to look at yourself in the mirror and taking a breathe. With one last request to Cat and a simple shake of his head and a chuckle you finished your look off with simple jewelry and you took a glance at your watch.
  “I gotta get going. Cat I seriously owe you. Thank you so so much for this. It means a lot. I promise you this weekend I will fix your favorite meal and we will sit on the couch and watch our favorite movie,” you gave him a hopeful smile after giving him your best hug.
  “You don’t have to do that. You know I would do anything for you. Just have fun tonight okay?”
  “I insist on the dinner,” you gave him your signature look that told him that was the end of that conversation.
  He laughed and gave you another look over before following you out of your room.
  “I’ll walk out with you,” you grabbed your keys and purse.
  “Oh no tell me he is not making your drive there?” Frankie stopped dead, pointing at your keys.
  “Oh yeah. It’s not that big of a deal Cat, I can drive myself still.” You gave him a pointed look.
  “How in the hell do you drive with one arm? Nope I’m dropping you off and if I have to come pick you up I will do that too. No arguments. Put your keys away and go get your ass in the truck,” Frankie gave you a dead serious look and you had only started to open your mouth when he raised his eyebrows at you.
  He had his own looks to let you know that the conversation was over too. You couldn't help but smile as you sat your keys down and the two of you walked out of your house.
  “Have fun but be safe. Hey and no matter what he says you look beautiful tonight,” Frankie gave you a smile as he dropped you off at the restaurant.
  “Yes dad and thank you Cat,” you leaned in the passenger window and gave him a smile before turning and walking up the steps.
  It was a fancy place and luckily you had called to make a reservation earlier that week. You were shown your table after agreeing to sit to wait for Mark. The waiter brought you breadsticks and took your drink order before leaving you to it. You sat there watching the couples and families around you enjoying their meals and your eyes kept gazing over to the clock on the wall.
  He wasn’t coming. An hour late? Yeah he was definitely a no show. The poor waiter came to give you your last chance with the most pitiful look on his face. He knew all to well what was going on and you gave him an apology before handing some money to pay for your drink and a tip for putting up with you. He gave you a sad nod and you exited the restaurant trying to keep yourself together. You jerked out your phone where several unread messages from Mark sat there starring and laughing at you. You rolled your eyes, tears dancing at the edge but you swallowed them back as you dialed Frankie’s number.
  “What’s wrong?” How was he so good at this?
  “He stood me up,” your voice came out with a break in it.
  “I’m going to kill him,” Frankie was pissed.
  “Later, just please come get me,” you begged softly.
  “I’m on my way.”
  You hung up and stood there looking pathetic and trying so hard to keep from crying in front of the people who were sitting outside waiting for a table. You moved off to the side and sat down on a bench as you waited for Frankie to come save you from the humiliation. You soon heard Frankie’s truck and he pulled up and you didn’t even give him time to get out and open your door before you were up and inside. The second you hit the seat and pulled the door shut you lost it. Frankie let you sit there and cry for a second as he drove you home. He knew you well enough to let you get your emotions out.
  “How am I so damn stupid? Why did I ever think a man would ever want me!? I should have just known it was all too good to be true,” the word vomit came quickly and you sniffled between words as you filled the cab with your voice.
  “First of all you are not stupid at all. He is the fucking idiot here. He is no man for doing this to a women especially you. You deserve so much better. Hell you deserve the whole damn world,” he seemed to clip his words off at his last statement.
  “Cat…” you looked over at him.
  He pulled into your driveway, put the truck in park and turned it off before just sitting there. The air was full on tension and you wasn’t sure what to say nor what his statement really meant. It had your heart racing and you almost let yourself believe for a second it meant what you wanted it to.
  “Cat what did you mean by that?” You had dried your tears on your hands.
  “I meant exactly what I said,” he got out and started for your front door and you knew this wasn’t over.
  You got out and followed him, unlocking your door before stepping in. He stepped inside taking off his hat and running his fingers nervously through his hair.
  “It sounded like there was more of a hidden meaning there Cat,” your voice was soft as you looked at him.
  He looked at you for several moments. You both just stood there starring each other down. He seemed to be looking your face over like he was trying to figure out his next move. He took a step back like he was having a war with himself. You gave him this begging look, so desperate to know what was going on inside that head of his.
  “Oh fuck it,” he threw his hat before crossing the room to you.
  “Cat…” he didn’t let you finish.
  His hands came up to cup your face on each side gently before his lips crashed against yours. Surprise took you at first before you melted into him and kissed him back. You had always had a secret thing for this man. He was someone who had always treated you so incredible but you had pushed your feelings way aside because you didn’t want to ruin what the two of you currently had. It was wonderful to have him in your life and you didn’t want to complicate that or screw it up by making it a relationship. His lips were making you dizzy and running all your thoughts together. This is what it felt like to actually be kissed. To be kissed by someone you knew loved you even if they had never said it in this way. It was Frankie’s way of confessing his feelings to you and you didn’t mind one bit. He pulled away all too soon and you looked at him after your eyes fluttered open. You searched his puppy dog eyes as he seemed to search yours.
  “I’m sorry,” his voice came out rough and a whisper as he started to pull away.
  “Cat, wait,” you grabbed at one of his wrist keeping his hand on your right cheek.
  The shock on his face was evident and you couldn't help but to smile up at him.
  “Me too,” it was simple but he knew exactly what you meant.
  The smile that stretched his face was pure joy and happiness but there was still worry playing in his eyes and you seemed to wear the same look.
  “Do we want to do this?” He stepped back closer to you taking his other hand and landing it on your hip, pulling you closer.
  “I really want to but Cat we can’t let this ruin us. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
  “I promise you that I’m not going anywhere. I will fight for you until the day I die,” his thumb started to rub smooth circles on your face under your eye.
 “I promise to do the same Cat always.”
  “Then I think it’s safe to call you mind then huh?” His face broke into a splitting smile.
  “I’m yours Cat,” you let your smile match.
  His lips then crashed to yours and the kiss became deeper, with more passion behind it. Frankie was quick to reach down and pick you up bridal style before carrying you to your room. He kicked the door open and gently laid you down upon your bed never letting his lips leave yours. 
  “Should we with my arm?” You pulled away already panting as you look up at him.
  “I’ll be gentle I promise,” there was a hunger in Frankie’s eyes you had never seen before and it went straight to your core.
  Your lips connected again and Frankie crawled over you keeping himself up enough not to have hie weight on top of you. His hand went from your cheek down your neck pausing for a second to brush his thumb over your throat before traveling further. He let his hand settle on your breast before squeezing yearning a moan from you. He let his lips follow the direction his hands had just went as his hand went to your back. He slowly pulled your zipper down until he could successfully remove your dress. He was careful with your arm and his movements but unfortunately your sleeve ended up stuck and you couldn’t help the giggle that pasted your lips.
  “I’m sorry Cat,” a full on laugh bubbled up and Frankie couldn't help but to let one of his own go at the struggle you both were in.
  Finally you pulled your sleeve free and Frankie shook his head as he threw the dress somewhere in the room. He sat up to remove his shirt and his eyes feel over you. He let them rake over your body and you couldn't help the blush that rose to your cheeks.
  “You are so beautiful.”
  His lips came back to your skin but this time he started at your collarbone and started to travel further down. He reached behind you and undid your bra as he kissed the top part of your breast. He looked at your breast for a short moment before his eyes met yours and then he dipped down and took a nipple into his mouth. He sucked and bit pulling moans from your. Your fingers found their way into his hair and pulled slightly as he moved to give the other one the same care. He then crawled back up and reconnected his lips with yours. His hand traveled down pulling your panties down as far as he could push them without moving and his fingers brushed across your clit causing your back to arch and a cry to escape from between your lips. He let his fingers dip further down gathering the juices that had already gathered there. He pulled away to watch your reaction as he slipped two fingers inside of you. You let out a moan and let your head fall back. Frankie moved his fingers quickly pulling all the right noises from you.
  “Cat wait,” you quickly said reaching down with your good hand and stopping him.
  “Are you okay?” His voice was full of concern to match his face perfectly.
  “I want to cum with you inside me,” you blushed at your words and yearned a smirk from the man hovering over you.
  He reached down and kissed you deep again before standing up to remove his jeans along with his underwear. You watched him, biting your lip when you saw his already hard cock spring up when he slid his underwear down. You couldn’t help but to lick your lips at the sight before looking up at him. The look in his eyes was something you had never seen before. He was on you again this time with so much more momentum and he was quick to line up with your entrance and slip inside. You both let groans and moans fall from your mouths at the feeling. Finally feeling all of each other. He kept himself hovered over you to stay careful of your arm. He stilled for a few moments to make sure you were use to him before you gave him a nod for him to move. He started a pace that was quick but gentle. You let your good arm wrap around his neck and lace your fingers in his messy hat hair and pulling before connecting your lips back to his. You would never get tired of kissing this man. His kiss was so hungry and it gave him plenty of go ahead to pick up his pace and become a little rougher. 
  “You won’t break me Cat I promise,” you smirked up at him.
  That was enough for him to go harder. It was gentle and rough all at one time. He was so careful with you as he still snapped his hips into you over and over pulling noises from you that you had no idea you could make. You could feel yourself growing closer and closer to your release and it only caused you to let your good hand go from his hair down his back giving him decent marks to remember this moment. 
  “Cat I’m…”
  “I know sweetheart. I got you, let go,” he growled in your ear.
  His words sent you toppling over the edge as you came hard around him. All you could feel was him everywhere and all around you. He followed soon after groaning your name in your ear as he released himself inside of you. His forehead touched yours and you both panted heavily after finally riding out the high. Frankie had slightly gone limp and you noticed the pain that was suddenly climbing your arm.
  “Um Cat my arm,” you let out a slight hiss as he moved out of you and from on top of you all at once.
  “Oh shit! I’m so sorry! I forgot. Are you okay?” He went into panic mode immediately.
  “I’m fine Cat! I’m fine, “ you couldn't help the laugh that followed his panic.
  “It’s not funny!” He tired to be defensive but just ended up laughing along with you.
  “I promise we will do this properly after I get this stupid thing off,” you rose your arm up and rolled your eyes.
  “Hey it was still perfect,” Frankie spoke softly as he turned on his side.
  He bent down and kissed your forehead and you reached up with your good arm and rubbed at his cheek.
  “Yeah it was pretty perfect.”
Tagged: @jimmythegirl​ @arcadianempress​ @discogrrl​ @immundusspiritu​ @someplace-darker​ @beskars​ @talesfromtheguild​ @thisis-theway​ @on-the-razor-crest​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @spookyold-saintjm​
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laurelnose · 4 years
That list 🤯 I'm totally looking forward to more monster bio essays, but when I can choose only one, I'd like to hear what's up with "Gill the kraken" please
i would ALSO really like me to finish some more monster bio essays, lmao! probably most likely ’twil be the drowner phys notes next bc they’re the most finished but i’d also like to do some illustrations for that first so 👀 stay tuned i guess!
gill!! as some of u may remember from about a month ago, Gill is my Bear witcher OC who specializes in sea monsters—her unusual facial scars are from the teeth on the inside of kraken suction cups, a souvenir from a successful kill she made early in her career that gave her moniker & made her realize there was an open market to be exploited by a witcher brave enough to go seafaring. geralt “i don’t know much about sea monsters” of rivia WHO!
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the gill doc is mostly a collection of character notes and notes for comics; i don’t yet have a plan for a proper fic for Gill, but here’s part of a script for a comic i might do in the future
PANEL 1: (View through a spyglass) A Skelliger longship sits on the horizon.  
1. GILL (OFF): That figurehead look familiar to you?
2. TORSTEIN (OFF): One of that rogue Cat’s slave ships, if I’m not mistaken.
PANEL 2: Close shot, above the waist; profile view of Torstein, in shadow, having lowered the spyglass. Behind him, lit fully, Gill is glaring at the horizon.
3. TORSTEIN: Should I get the crew ready to fight?
4: GILL:  Yeah. Hemdall’s teeth. Can’t fucking stand slavers.
PANEL 3: Front view, pulled back so you can see some of the ship in the background and Gill & Torstein’s Bear medallions. They’re both still looking out over the water, Torstein’s brow furrowed and Gill grinning a little maniacally.
5. GILL: Besides...we’re the only witchers who get to make a profit in these waters.
(torstein is Gill’s first mate and one of her two romantic partners (the other being a Skellige-born Aen Seidhe named Audevera); he helped Gill commission her first ship and is... somewhat less reckless than she is. not quite reckful enough to avoid the sea monster business altogether though lmao)
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captainchrisfics · 5 years
La Vie En Rose
About: Chris and a (first person pov) reader reminiscing about everything that led them to the middle of the dance floor surrounded by their loved ones at their wedding as they sway to Daniela Andrade’s English cover of La Vie En Rose for their first dance
Word Count: 2,146
Warnings: I'm gonna need you to sign a waiver or something because it’s just that sweet- I don’t accept responsibility for any health conditions that arise from this fic including cavities and heart palpitations and whatnot
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I gripped my bouquet in one hand and squeezed Chris’s arm with the other, feeling the familiar curve of his taught bicep even through his tux. “Nervous, Mrs. Evans?” Chris asked playfully, looking down at me with a smirk on his lips and a twinkle in his blue eyes. “Why would I be?” I asked sarcastically as I placed the flowers in my other hand to adjust my veil.
Chris and I stood behind these beautiful oak doors, part of the gorgeous architecture that made us decide this place would be the perfect wedding venue. Even through the thick wood, we could hear our families and friends bustling about, talking and laughing while intermingling and enjoying the cocktail hour. I hoped everyone was getting along, but that didn’t take my mind off of the butterflies concocting a tornado in my stomach. Chris and I stood arm in arm as we anxiously awaited our cue, about to be introduced to everyone we loved as husband and wife.
“It’ll be alright,” he reassured me, reaching to place his hand over mine. “Love you,” Chris said nonchalantly as if it was a reminder to pick up some milk after work or put on my seatbelt. As if I, standing next to him in a white dress I’ve been dying to wear since I picked it out months ago with a wedding ring that matched his joining the diamond on my ring finger, needed a reminder.
“Love you too. Need me to go through my vows again?” I joked in an attempt to alleviate some of the tension that coiled up inside of me like a snake ready to strike in the form of an anxiety attack. Chris rolled his eyes and shook his head as he ran his hand through his dark hair, blowing out a breath I didn’t notice he’d been holding until now. I watched intently as he nervously twisted the silver piece of metal around his left ring finger, a new tick he’d already developed. At least the state of being a nervous reck currently had a population of two. I guess you could say neither of us were too fond of being the center of attention. “Very funny,” Chris said like he thought the exact opposite, but the way the corner of his lip tugged up hinted otherwise.
Before I could offer another witty response, the sound of the DJ's voice reverberated into the hallway. “Attention, please,” he said into the mic. The sudden shushing of everyone just through those doors had my stomach doing the kind of flips that made me reconsider whether or not we could join a traveling circus as a trapeze act. Chris held my hand in his, gripping it a little tighter than before. “It’s my honor to introduce everyone to Mr. and Mrs. Evans!” The door ripped open, revealing a dimly lit room so full of everyone we loved it seemed to be overflowing. Beautiful red roses were everywhere- Chris picked those out, being the hopeless romantic I know and love. Candles as the centerpieces were a good call too, they provided a warm glow to everything and provided a soothing vanilla scent. It felt like heaven.
Chris held our joined hands above our heads as if we were champions as he led us through the crowd. He seemed to be trying to take the moment in, every overwhelming bit of it, as he looked around the room. Caught up in the smiles on everyone’s faces, the resonating claps and cheers coming from all of our closest friends and family that made you feel so full of love you could just burst, Chris seemed so utterly happy I couldn’t help how my eyes stuck to him. His cheeks were red as he flushed with embarrassment, but he took it in stride with a grin so big it all but squeezed his eyes closed.
Soon, we reached the center of the dance floor where everyone crowded around us in a ring with enough room in the circle for it to feel like the world was only made for the two of us. It reminded me of how many happy accidents had to happen for us to be here, for Chris and I to exist at the same time and somehow grow up on the same street and then fall hopelessly in love with each other. The thought of how much of the universe had to happen for us to even happen and how destined we seemed to be in the mess of everything else brought tears to my eyes. Chris took notice when he turned to me, caressing my face in one hand and wiping the trickling teardrops with his thumb.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, devoting all of his attention to me despite the other hundred or so people in the room. Being surrounded by his family from all over the great state of Massachusetts made Chris’s accent so much more evident as he couldn’t resist emphasizing his broad a’s, bringing out that Bostonian way of speaking more than usual. “Not a single thing,” I told him with unconditional honesty, biting my tongue in an effort to refrain from killing the mood by making fun of his speech. “Plus,” I laughed, reaching to wipe the tears from his cheeks despite the scratch of his scruff, “you’re crying, too.” Chris laughed from his belly as he agreed that I had a good point.
The familiar strum of an acoustic guitar began once everyone quieted down, the start of a song that made me feel like I was floating on a cloud. Chris smiled softly, taking my hand in his as the other found a comfortable place on my waist. I leaned into him, resting my hand on his shoulder as I laid my cheek against his check.
Hold me close and hold me fast, this magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose
When you kiss me heaven sighs, and though I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose
We started to sway to the song, one that was the background music to many of our favorite moments, one in particular I cherished the most in retrospect. One morning, Chris woke up first and decided to make breakfast. I remember how the smell of blueberry pancakes wafted into his bedroom, tugging me out of bed and toward the kitchen. He was still shirtless and his hair was a wreck from all the times I ran my hands through it the night before, standing in front of the stove with a frying pan in his hand. Chris didn’t notice me yet and I didn’t want him to, I was completely enthralled with the gentle curve of his hips as they swung to the music while he whistled to the tune of the words and how his back rippled when he reached for the spatula. And everything else about him, really. When Chris finally turned around and saw me, he broke out into a grin. “We’ve gotta dance to this song at our wedding,” he told me as if it were as much of a fact as the sky being blue. “We’re getting married?” I laughed incredulously. It wasn’t that the idea of it bothered me, in fact spending the rest of my life with Chris seemed like a dream, just that he’d only recently convinced me that even becoming something-more-than-friends might possibly be a good idea. Still, he was so sure of it. “Someday,” he insisted, turning back to the stove and pouring more batter onto the pan.
When you press me to your heart, I’m in a world apart
A world where roses bloom
And when you speak angels sing from above,
Everyday words seem to turn into love songs
“Looks like when people have dance battles in the movies,” Chris joked, looking around at the crowd surrounding us. I glanced up at him with playful annoyance lacing my furrowed brow. “For the record, I’d kick your ass,” I said smugly, humoring him anyway. Chris threw his head back with a burst of deep, rumbling laughter like if thunder was comforting, a sound I would never grow tired of. I couldn’t help imagining how his laugh would grow raspy with age, the same way it deepened at some point in high school. I could still hear the way Chris laughed until he cried when we were kids and he talked me into kissing a frog with the false promise that it would turn into a prince. “I’ll let you keep thinking that. Happy wife happy life, right?” he shot back, even more snarky than I anticipated. He sighed before placing a kiss on top of my head. “I could get used to that you know,” he whispered wistfully, nostalgic for a moment as it was still happening. I closed my eyes as I tried to focus on hearing the steady thump of his heart and hummed, hoping Chris would understand it as a question.
Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be la vie en rose
“Calling you my wife, I mean. I like it,” he elaborated shyly like he was worried I might laugh at him for being so mushy. I adjusted our position, wrapping my arms around his neck while Chris clasped his hands together at the small of my back. Our eyes met and everyone around us seemed to melt into the background. I thought about lampooning him with some wisecrack about how he better after the blood, sweat, and tears that went into making this wedding happen and completely ruining the moment. “I like it too,” I reassured him instead, leaning in a little to place a quick kiss on his lips. “I’d hope so, otherwise this is awfully embarrassing,” Chris quipped as he kept us swaying to the tune of the guitar. Neither of us were as concerned with dancing well as we were with relishing in this moment, conscious of the fact that this was our only first dance. “Have I told you how beautiful you are yet?” Chris asked, taking my hand in his again before surprising me with a twirl. I giggled, looking down at our feet in an attempt to hide my blush. I noticed a couple tears already forming around the bottom of my dress’s tulle from where Chris had missed the floor with his step.
And when you speak angels sing from above
Everyday words seem to turn into love songs
I didn’t mind though, I imagined myself in another twenty years or so digging through our attic and uncovering the box my wedding dress had been tucked away into and remembering this exact moment, the wholehearted happiness I felt and the way Chris smiled at me with a familiar softness. “Only so many times I’ve lost count. Have you seen yourself though?” I retaliated the compliment with raised eyebrows, looking him up and down in his tux. It was a dark navy blue, just enough to make his beautiful baby blues pop against the shade. Chris only rolled his eyes, pulling me into his chest again to continue our dance. I was keenly aware that the song was about to end so I tried to soak up as much of this feeling of it being just two of us against the world while I still could. Soon, we’d be drinking with our friends while they poked fun at us for being tied down, eating our choice of chicken or fish that wouldn’t be worth the price tag regardless, and making small talk with the distant uncles and aunts we only saw at events like these anyway. For the last few chords of this guitar, it was just Chris and me holding each other close and sharing little things meant for just the two of us to hear.
Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be la vie en rose
At the end of the song, Chris dipped me and leaned down into a passionate kiss that would’ve been immensely embarrassing if I thought about how my grandmother was watching. I was intimately reminded of all of the eyes on us as the crowd erupted with cheers, but even that didn’t faze us. Chris lifted me back up to stand with him, pulling away for air as we drowned in the sea of people around us. Without breaking eye contact, he grabbed both of my cheeks and pressed his soft lips against mine again like some sort of declaration, pouring every bit of his passion into me. I placed my hands over his, liking the feeling of the cold metal of his wedding ring pressing against my palm, and thought about how there were so many mind-bogglingly wonderful things like this we’d get to get used to together.
Tagged: @patzammit
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secretblog1212 · 7 years
Can u please do a fic where the whole losers club is having a tickle fight and they are all going tough on richie and after he says why don't u ever go hard on bill and later when stan is at bills house he wonder how bill wold react to getting reck and he tries it up to u love all ur fic ur my fave on tumblr love ya 😍 😍
“No you don’t Richie.”
“Yeah, you practly asked for this.”
“You know you love it.”
If anyone were to walk into Stan’s room, which was where the losers were hanging out today due to rain, they might question exactly what they were seeing. This was a normal thing for the losers though, tickle fights were constantly breaking out amongst them. It was an easy way to tire Richie which was their main use but it was also funny to watch how they all reacted.
Eddie got tickled most because… well he was just about as adorable as you could get. He would scrunch or flail and giggle until he gave up and just let you do as you wanted.
Ben would giggle and try to push you away at first but would get more frantic the longer it went on.
Stan was hysterical. He didn’t know how to handle it since his parents didn’t tickle him much as a child, they saw it as immature and juvenile so the losers make sure he gets his dose.
Mike, Bev and Bill don’t get tickled often, mostly because they either aren’t very ticklish or their revenge wouldn’t be worth the price. The only time the get tickled is in passing or if their is a group wife tickle fight.
Right now they had decided to all gang up on Richie when he wouldn’t stop making Torah puns. They didn’t even know how he came up with them, they weren’t good.
Richie was probably the most tickled and close to the most ticklish out of everyone in the group so they quickly got used to similar situations happening at random.
It went on for a few more minutes until he started to ‘fight’ less. Once he was mostly limp all of them except Eddie returned to different spots around the room around on the bed.
Richie pouted, “Why do you only do this to me?”
There was a collective scoff. “Because you, a deserve it, b like it, and c it’s funny.” Stan said speaking for the group who all had similar thoughts.
Richie didn’t deny it. “But why only me? Why not like Bill or something. He never gets tickled.”
There was a silence before Big Bill himself spoke up. “I-I - I’m not as t-tick-lish anyway s-so it’s not as funny.”
And with that they were back to other topics, the thought stayed in their heads though. Specifically Stan’s head. He wondered about it later that night when the losers had been long gone and he was trying to sleep. ‘What did Bills smile look like?’ ‘What about his laugh?’ ‘Did he flail or kick, did he just sit and take it?’ These were things Stan felt as Bills… boyfriend… that he should know. He decided next time he and Bill planned something alone he would have to experiment with it.
Low and behold not even a week later he and Bill were back at Stan’s house. Just them and Stan was done being patient to get his answers.He sat up from where he had been leaned against Bills side and looked at him. Bill looked back slightly confused.
“I want to tickle you.”Needless to say Bill wasn’t expecting that. His face turned a bright red and he couldn’t meet Stan’s eyes.“W-why would you want to do th-that?” He said fidgeting with the bottom of his sweater. “Because… Richie was right, we never tickle you and I want to see how you… react and stuff.” Stan said getting a bit flustered himself, he had never had to do this before.Bill nodded and they looked at each other for a few more seconds before Stan put his hands on Bills sides and sat on his legs.
“How far can I go?” Stan needed to know the limits.“As fuh-far as you want b-b-but if I need you to stuh-stop I can use safe word.”Safe word wasn’t some hidden term. It was literally just safeword. If they were going to far in something physical any of the losers would be able to say safeword and they would stop. Stan nodded along.
He decided he would ease Bill into it at first then go as hard as Bill let him after the first couple of minutes.Stan ended up having to go harder sooner than he expected. Bill apparently wasn’t very ticklish, all Stan could get out of him were slight huff of air and the occasional giggle. He moved from neck to ribs and ribs to sides without much of a change. He was getting a bit worried that maybe Bill wasn’t ticklish at all. He decided to worm his fingers into bill armpits and that was when everything began. Bills arms slammed down trapping Stan’s fingers under them and he arched up to try to get away.“STAhahahan nohohohohot thehehehere!”
Stan smiled, jack pot. “What do you mean not there? Does it tickle?” He teased.Bill nodded his head through his frantic giggles. Stan was enjoying the show but still wanted to explore. He could come back later.Turns out he wouldn’t need to come back, once the dam broke there was no fixing it. A poke to his sides or a scribble over his stomach left Bill in stitches. Stan even had reached back for his legs and knees but had nearly been kicked off. About that, he had figured out that Bill was definitely a flailer. His arms and legs were so long that Stan was afraid he would hit one of them.
That went on for a while longer, Stan noticed that Bill was getting a bit out of breath but he hadn’t safe worded yet so he continued. He reached back to recheck out his legs and got a plethora of loud ‘belly laughs’ as mike phrased it. Must be a good spot, Stan decided he liked it and wanted to stay there for a while.
Minutes passed with Stan’s main focus being Bills legs before he heard the cry of “Stahahahahap! Sahahafe, sahahahahafe wohohord! Ihehehehe!Stan took his hands away from Bills thighs immediately and tried to help him by rubbing away the feeling he knew would be left over. Once Bill had run out of giggles he pulled Stan down on top of him.Words weren’t needed but they were said anyway. “Was th-that fun for you?”Stan nodded. “Okay, I-I don’t mind it all that much. If you wuh-want you can do again but no pr-promise I won’t get you back.”Stan face grew warm and he nodded into Bills neck.
He had noticed that Bill was stuttering less now than he had before, it was just another question he would have to answer next time he tickled Bill. For now he just wanted to cuddle up to his boyfriend and hide away from the cold wind that blew against his window.Next time.
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a-pretty-nerd · 7 years
~Golden Passion~
Chapter 3 ❤
Jasper Jordan x reader 1920s Au
Concept: You’re the new young wife of an old Millionaire. And Jasper is your butler, who you statt having a dirty and passionate affair with.
A/N: Finally, we get to the sexy chapters! Just as a warning though, this fic is going to get a little more plot heavy, and have some violence and mystery. But! If you just want hot, sexy Devon! I will be continuing with the Litterature professor series, Pages. As always, if you’re not a fan of this stuff, don’t be afraid to make requests! ✌
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From that night forward, your life had completely changed. For about a month, you struggled with the idea of cheating. However, the idea gave you the most amazing sensation. One look at Jasper and you went weak in the knees. After all, a month of nothing but a peck on the cheek, and hugs will do that to a girl. You were in desperate need for a lover. But glances at one another from afar with the young butler wasn’t going to be enough.
After that passionate kiss in the hallway, there was no going back. He would leave you flowers all over the house. Not a bouquet, or anything fancy. A simple rose, or lily on a flat surface. Or he would simply bring it with him when he served you your afternoon drink.
“Mrs.” You heard him call from across the room. You looked up from your desk, in your own office. It was less of an office, and more of your own isolated room. You spent a large amount of your day there, writing to your friends and family. Or thank you notes to your new ‘friends’ your husband surrounded you with. The girls, came over at least once a week. And you started to warm up to them. They were funny at the least, they bickered like sisters. You felt apart of a small family with them.
“Come in, Jasper.” You answered, watching him enter with the tray. He walked straight across the marble floor, and to your desk. Where he set down the glass, and a small tray of fruit. After which, he layed down a red rose. Your heart skipped a beat, and you smiled. Trying to keep yourself from blushing too hard. You looked up at him, as he gave you the most sweet, and gentle smile ever given to you. You wanted nothing more than to kiss him. Wanted nothing more than to have him in your arms. Yet, the little bit of a conscious you still had kept you from doing so. The drawn out eye contact ended when Jasper bowed his head, and left the room. You watched his tail coat sway behind him as he walked.
That night, the girls and their husbands returned once your husband returned from his day’s work. Again, you and the girls were left alone in the parlor. Normally, Jasper would have waited on you ladies. But tonight, he waited on the men. Harper, took care of you that night. Normally a maid would never. But your other butlers were busy at the moment.
“So, Y/N, tell us…” Oleta started, with her third drink of the night in her hand. It had quickly become apparent that she was partial to alchohol. “Have you taken a lover yet? Or are you still holding out for no one but your foolish husband?” The girls giggled, as did you.
“Well…I wouldn’t call him a lover just yet but…I’m afraid I do have my eye on someone.” You confess. All the girl’s eye lit up with surprise and curiosity.
“Who! Yes, who?”
“Do tell. We can keep your secret!”
“We’ve kept all of ours for so long.” Oleta commented as the rest of them begged. You shook your head with a smile, playing coy. Dia looked away for a moment, and then snapped her fingers in the air. She pointed to you as she shouted.
“It’s that butler boy! Isn’t it?” She practically shouted! The room filled with gasps and excited chatting among them.
“How did you know?” You were shocked she knew.
“The way you make eyes at him. You better be careful if you plan to continue. Acting suspicious will give it away.” Dia warned.
“Uh! He’s simply adorable Y/N! You must tell us every detail when you seal the deal.” Alice exclaimed.
“Well, I’m not sure if I can go through with it. I always promised myself I’d be the best wife I could be and-” You were cut off.
“This has nothing to do with being a good wife! As long as you keep the house from burning down, and you look the part. You are being a good wife. You’re role is to play the part. You don’t have to BE the part.” Clarke reassured.
“Our duty as women, is to ourselves before all else!” Oleta smiled as she finished her drink.
“But it’s the perfect crime! You never have to worry about your lover sneaking in and out of the house! And because he’s your butler, he is sworn to secrecy!” Alice fantasized. “If only one of my butlers were at appealing as yours is.” Her eyes lit up. “Perhaps you could allow me to borrow him from time to time!”
“Not a chance.” The girls laughed. That was it. You had made up your mind. You were going to seduce your butler. Just, how you were going to do that still was a question. A week went by, and you still had no idea. That was, until your husband was called out of town for work.
“Darling! I’m off!” He called from the front door as Monty assisted in putting on his jacket. You scampered down the stairs.
“Oh dear! Must you go?” You put on a show. “I’ll be a reck without you! My first time, alone in this big ol’ mansion.” He chuckled, and kissed you on the cheek.
“You’ll be just fine my dear. You’ll have the staff to keep you company. Have the girls over, hell, a party if you wish while I’m away!” He shouted, with a soft grasp of your arm. He looked down at his pocket watch. “Now, I must be off. I’ll have Raven draw you a rose petal bath to calm your nerves. I’ll return within a few weeks. Fret not my dear, I will write you. Farwell.” You watched him walk down the front steps of the house and into a car before the chauffeur drove off. You waved as the car disappeared into the woods surrounding your home. You turned into the main room as Monty closed the door behind you.
“I will draw you your bath now, Mrs.” Raven bowed her head, before she walked off. Yes. Yes, this was perfect. A hot bath. Your husband out of town for weeks. This was the perfect timing. Once your bath was ready, you entered the luxurious bathroom and began to undress. The bathtub filled, as the water went cloudy with a mixture of expensive salts and perfumes. On top, Raven had sprinkled red rose petals. Apparently, the wife before you adored these kinds of baths. You could see why. You stepped into the warm water, and sighed happily. Not too long after, you called Raven back in. “Yes, Mrs?”
“Have Jasper fetch me a drink, won’t you?”
“Jasper Mrs?” She asked, a little bit confused.
“Yes.” And with that, she turned and shut the door behind her. A sly smile across her lips. Raven was smart. Too smart to be where she was. Not too long after, you heard a knock on the door. You jumped slightly, not truly prepared as you thought you were. You took a few deep breaths before you answered. “Come in.” The door slowly creaked open, and Jasper came in. His eyes fixed on the tile floor. Sweet boy, trying to respect you.
“Your drink Mrs.” His voice was clearly nervous.
“Bring it to me. And, close the door, won’t you?” You requested. He cleared is throat, before stepping in, and closing the door behind him. Still, trying to keeo his eyes away, and shuffled to you before handing you the glass. “Thank you, darling.” You took just a sip before putting it aside on a table next to you. Jasper’s eyes glued to the floor, with his hands behind his back. He stole small glances of your water hidden body.
“Anything else Mrs?” His breathing became laboured, and he struggled to keep himself from getting an erection. Though, he failed miserably. You hummed in thought.
“I suppose, there is one thing…” You muttered. You looked up at him, and though you tried to keep your composer. Your, seductive tone. It was slipping. You just wanted him. There was no such thing as a more perfect moment. “You.” He froze.
“Pardon me?”
“I desire, you.” You took this time, to stand from the bath. The milky water ran down your figure. Highlighting you perfectly. Some rose petals stuck to your skin. Perfect, considering the gifts Jasper had been leaving you. He couldn’t help himself. His eyes went wide as his eyes glidded across your body. He realized he was staring, and tightly shut his eyes.
“Mrs.” He went to argue, but, he couldnt bring himself to. Since the day he saw you step out of that vehicle, he’d been head over heels for you. He cursed himself for his affections towards you. All he wanted was you. Mind, body, and soul. The nights he spent thinking about you, like this, were many. You watched him stare at you with those deep brown eyes you studied.
“Join me?” You purred. You looked up to your eyes and swallowed, before he finally gave in. Quickly, he started to remove his clothes. With shaking hands, in a rush he removed his tie. His tail coat, and vest. His button up shirt, and the thing fabric underneath that. Leaving him shirtless. You bit your lip and smiled as his body was revealed to you. Never had you seen a more attractive figure. Once he was completely naked, he paused and looked at you again with wide eyes. “Oh my…” you gasped, before he approached you. His lithe hands reached up and held the back of your neck to pull you into a passionate kiss. Automatically your hands were all over one another’s. You couldn’t pull away, even if you wanted to. His kisses were warm and perfect. His arms held you close, and glided over your soft body. He couldn’t keep his hands off of you. The rest of the world seemed to disappear in that moment.
“Ohh Mrs.” He moaned softly.
“Y/N. Please, call me Y/N.” You begged him as he kissed down your neck. He gently bit and sucked, as he stepped into the warm bath with you. You sat down in the large bath, and Jasper followed you, hovering over you as he supposed himself. He kissed down your chest and groped as he lowered himself over you. You never felt so sensative to someone’s touch. You felt the tip of his cock brush against your clit and you moaned.
“Y/N.” He whispered into your skin as he rubbed himself against you. It all sent a wondeful shiver down your spine. He positioned himself, before slowly thrusting into you. You felt his cock fill you perfectly, as you gasped his name. He took a moment to enjoy you, looking into your eyes with such emotion. You wrapped your arms around him as he started thrusting into you. You couldn’t contain your small noises of pleasure. As he fucked you, he continued to kiss you all over. He moaned your name, along with a slur of compliments into your skin as he thrusted.
“Ohhh fuck, Jasper.” You sighed, as you felt something in your stomach tighten. The pressure continued to build, and build as he fucked you passionately. Suddenly, your muscles began to contract, and a wave of pleasure and satisfaction washed over you. Never before had you felt something so intense, yet so wondeful. You cried out his name as you came around him. He grunted, and kissed you with a burning passion before he too climaxed. Once he did, he held you close against him. His kisses continued as the both of you took deeo breaths, and came back down to earth. Once you did, Jasper pulled out, and layed down on your chest.
“I must confess, I’ve dreamed about this moment.” His voice was once again, soft and sweet. But kore relaxed than you’d ever heard before.
“As have I.” You held one another close.
“I’m afraid, I’ve come to the realization that…I’m in love with you, Y/N.” Jasper looked up at you, before you shared another tender kiss.
From that moment on, there was no going back. There was nothing that could be done to go back, and quite frankly, you didn’t care. Almost all your thoughts encompassed Jasper, and your new affair. In the first week, you and Jasper could barley keep your hands off one another. To try to keep it a secret between staff, you often resorted to doing it at night. When Jasper could easily sneak over to your room. Where you enjoyed making love in the bed you shared with your husband.
One morning, you awoke to find yet another lovley flower on your bedside table. You reached for it, and admired it.
“Mrs. Gould.” A voice caused you to jump. Across the room, Monty stood. A stern look on his face, and his hands behind his back.
“Monty! What in God’s name are you-”
“Please, forgive my intrusion. But I must speak with you privately.”
“About what?”
“Jasper.” Your heart sunk. He knew. Oh lord he knew, and he was going to tell your husband.
“What about Jasper?” You tried to play it coy.
“I know.” Oh god. “I know about your affair.” You had a good run. “And I know about your intentions towards Jasper.” It was nice while it lasted. “I will not say anything to Mr. Gould. If I were to, Jasper would lose his job, and you. And I cannot do that to him. However, by continuing this relationship you have put my best friend in danger. So I encourage you to end this now. Before it’s too late.”
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dontcallmecarrie · 7 years
Hello!!! It took me awhile to work up the courage to write this because you just seemed so cool and I didn't want to annoy you but I really wanted to complement you aaahhh 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 Your writing is just amazing and super duper cool and it draws me in so much and it's something I really appreciate because 9 times out of 10 I'm gonna analyze for inconsistencies or something in stories because... Not enough going on, I guess? (1/5) ~ Silac
And it’s double amazing because!!! Beautiful grammar and flow!!! I’m not getting hung up on petty stuff!!! Truly a work of art, uh. Ms? Mr??? Mx????? Friend, I guess, I can’t figure out your gender/pronouns, whoops. But yeah I really really like your writing and the way it flows! o(^▽^)o That aside- The main reason for this message was TWiFFON, I mean??? It combines some of my favorite things- Tony Stark, JARVIS, accidental world domination, protection squads, mildly scary AI’s… (2/5) ~ Silac
I can’t ask for more, really. And you address so many cool things and don’t ignore Tony’s mental conditions and how much he loves and depends on JARVIS!!!!! I’ve even daydreamed about it like!!! What will happen next!!! Are there gonna be more Peter-JARVIS interactions beyond what’s already been seen? Does Tony become Peter’s Surrogate Dad??? Does JARVIS become fond of Peter in a “Grandparent-Grandchild” sort of way????? (3/5) ~ Silac
Do they come up with “If Tony Dies We Reck the World” plans at some point, or does that happen with Rhodey and Pepper??????? (I love Peter+Avengers too much whoops) And! What about the Infinity Stones!!! Does Tony end up using any of them, if at JARVIS’ insistence (given he seems to want Tony to live longer…)? Just!!! Super cool story and everything and haha wow I really hope this isn’t annoying or weird or anything, if it is just ignore it I guess??? (4/5) ~ Silac
But yeah you’re one of my favorite writers right now so!!! Keep it up!!! Remember to take care of yourself!!! Sleep and eat and take a break if you need to, no one will be angry. I hope you’re doing well~ ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ (5/5) ~ Silac
Hi, friend! [Hope you don’t mind my grouping the ask series together, I’m still new at several aspects of Tumblr.] 
I’m really glad you like my writing, and I’m really flattered [read: this ask basically my day, and it’s been a long one, seeing it made me smile] by it! I’m female, so she/her pronouns work just fine, and I’m trying to go by Naught if possible [it’s a long story involving my pen name, wherein NotCarrie= Naught…yes I like puns, sorry about that], and currently working on the next chapter of TWiFFON whenever my computer’s not joining the robot uprising or exams at at hand [like today *headdesk*].
As for the fic itself: I have an outline for it [if you want spoilers, it’s in one of my previous posts, should be under my tag for this entire AU], but I’ve been going off-script detailing stuff I’d skimmed over [like the entire setup arc for Age of Ultron]. I’m really glad you’re liking it, and hope you still will after I’m done because I’ve been [and still will be] flying by the seat of my pants this entire time. 
When it comes to writing this fic, I’ve been having maaaybe just a little too much fun planning [accidental] world domination. Especially with the turn MCU’s gone lately; I had to look up a script of Age of Ultron [because seeing the movie once was enough for my JARVIS feels], and even this early on can’t help but wonder why Tony’s never snapped [yet]. [Then again, that’s the basis for my entire endeavor for this fic, so.]
This current arc’s focused on the movie and the subsequent fallout, and instead of a robot uprising the Avengers’ll be facing down yet another alien invasion. JARVIS has, so far, been mostly benign, but Age of Ultron’s where his sheer ruthlessness will start to show through. Nothing drastic [not yet], but still.
Peter’s very much in the background at the moment— I’m using The Amazing Spider-Man as my basis for his portion of this fic, and he won’t gather his courage to visit Gwen until later on. But don’t worry, he’ll make his appearance, and JARVIS will be reminded of another bright-eyed teenager with dark hair and an unhealthy fascination with things that go boom. 
Tony’s going to be flailing internally because his social skills are for cameras only and AbsenteeDad!Howard is his main reference for anything vaguely paternal, so he thinks that he’s in the clear by emulating his butler when it comes to dealing with anyone under the age of 25. [I’m calling the unreliable narrator card here; he thinks he’s just the kinda random and aloof teacher/mentor figure to the kid, Peter’s seeing a kind and encouraging man telling him he has potential.] However, I’m also debating as to how I can save his Uncle Ben [even if the man doesn’t have a role in my fic, I just want to see if I can do it plausibly], so. 
As for the ‘If Tony Dies’ portion— this’ll come up later [and gets touched on in the outline, I think]. Minor spoiler: JARVIS has been stepping up his game, but up until now he’s been leaving everyone else on his priority rankings mostly alone. Age of Ultron’s where the status quo shifts, and Happy makes a cameo [or, at least, that’s what he’s slated for, unless something changes]. However, overall, JARVIS would rather reveal himself to the world at large than risk Tony’s safety, so no plans per se. [I have a nebulous idea for a fic about it, but I’m trying to curb them until after this fic’s done.] However, for the most part Tony’s made it clear he wants to save the world, so they’d probably do that to respect his wishes.
And as for the Infinity Stones? Spoilers. ;)
…okay, really I have that portion sorted out, but I’m mostly sticking to MCU, and while JARVIS is looking into possible methods to extend life, his threat analysis says there’s more immediate concerns [with the biggest at the moment being HYDRA].
I just had a recent round of tests [pre-med, woo! *headdesk*], thus the lack of progress, and life’s shaping up to be hectic for a while so I want to see if I can finish it up by the time finals are inbound.
Again, I’m glad you’re liking it so far!
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