#have this tagged as a spoiler but hopefully none of these are really much of a spoiler
mcmeasle · 5 months
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some of my favorite moments that made me loudly laugh
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blueookashi · 11 months
Rayman that Rayman this
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tw lots of blood but heres a clip of him in the show - (26) Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix | Bullfrog Assassin | Official Clip| Netflix - YouTube Bullfrog makes so many good expressions but I don't think anyone has posted them yet and I cannot take screenshots cause of Netflix's black screen thing so hopefully someone gets them for me LKJ;AS
I do have to say thank you to Rayman for reasons I shall not say (spoilers for the show yea) so I will have to watch his game on my phone (also holy shit Rayman in this show is so good my god)
BUT HIM HIM HIM HIM IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO MY ASSASSIN BOY (BULLFROG) I WILL CRY AND HOLY SHIT THIS SHOW IS SO GOOD IT ENDS ON SUCH A CLIFFHANGER THAT DESTROYED MY MIND, I have NOT had a show grab me like that especially in the end for a LOOOONG TIME and I HOPE I HOPE HOPE HOPE THIS GETS ANOTHER SEASON I'm not kidding you I actually got out of bed and was like "NO, NO WAY THATS NOT IT NOO, WHY, NO THERE HAS TO BE MORE!!" and I haven't had a show get that reaction from me its so good
For anyone who is seeing/hearing about this show for the first time please be aware- there is much blood and gore (lots of limbs get cut off) and there is? Some sexual content? you hear but don't see it, but there is nudity- thats mostly episode 2 and its the only episode that has sexual content, afterwards there is really none of it! timestamps for episode 2 on that stuff (sexual content/nudity) 00:48- literally right at the end of "The Ray of Hope" ad they play in the beginning, ends at 1:25 3:14 - directly after the shows intro there are some shots of nudity, happens really fast tho, ends at 3:18 11:55 - After Laserhawk jumps through the hatch/window! Ends at 12:54! AND IN EPISODE 3 20:00 - Nudity during the Rayman news report on a broken tv! And its the last scene of episode 3 so you can just pause and go to episode 4 and that should be it! Including timestamps AND a visual cue for ya! That really should be it, didn't notice or see any more of it afterwards as for the blood and gore, that is the entire series, it happens way too often that I would just tag the entire show with it LKAJS;G (sorry felt like I should include this just in case anyone sees my post about the LIL FROG GUY!! MY BELOVED!! and wants to see the show! :D)
BUT PLEASE GOD LET MY FROG BOY BE SAFE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE'S ALL I CARE ABOUT I will absolutely cry if he dies he is my favorite character Literally when he appeared/is introduced I went "is that a fucking frog!?!?" (/pos) and I STARTED LAUGHING CAUSE THE OTHER CHARACTERS WERE LIKE "THATS A FUCKING FROG." ITS SO GOOD ITS SO GOOD
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theshadowrealmitself · 8 months
Cult of the lamb spoilers
I really love the god x cult leader dynamic (I even have a post somewhere on my blog talking about an original story with that idea, that I’ll hopefully get around to writing eventually)
But a dynamic I hadn’t considered before but am now obsessed with is shunned past cult leader x new cult leader
Your god is chained up and relying on you (why you, was it because you were avoiding death? was it because you were desperate?) so you try, but ultimately, you fail, your cult is barely even a cult, definitely not even recognizable as one
So it makes sense you’d get replaced
Your replacement is straight out of a prophecy, and it’s that prophecy that brought them close to being sacrificed (made them desperate, so they accepted the crown, a self fulfilling prophecy perhaps?) before they accepted being a cult leader
You show them how to do things, invite them to your place to play a game whenever they want, you don’t live at the new cult (but you’re still loyal? you must be, you haven’t been killed, why haven’t you been killed?), but you can still tell it’s going well
This new one, your replacement, they don’t walk like they feel the weight of others whispering about them being a terrible follower (they don’t walk like you), they don’t look haggard, and it seems like they actually thrive more and more each time you see them, the crown fits them well
Maybe you weren’t the best follower, the best cult leader, but you’re still here so you must’ve been the most loyal, maybe you weren’t someone saved before a tragedy, maybe you were someone who joined completely willingly (maybe that’s why you never had the drive to get better), so you stay in your little shack, separate from your god’s cult, but still faithfully praying every day and generating devotion
Then one day, your mentee, the one you trained, the one who surpassed you, the one who still visits you even though so many others only give your name a passing thought when they want to look down on something (the one who only wanted to live), visits you
And you find out they killed your god
And replaced them
Are you still loyal? To the god who now lives as a follower, not even a cult leader, or are you loyal to the cult itself, whose doctrine has been rewritten by this “new” god? Someone who used to be on the same level as you, someone who tore apart several gods just to stay alive? (If you aren’t loyal to them, do you dare to make that known?) What happens to you now? Does it even matter? You just stay at your shack, continue praying to your statue, playing with your friends, and sometimes you’ll play a game with your replacement that became a god (nothing changes for you, did none of it matter, or did you just not matter?)
Maybe you resent them, for being better than you, for having the ability to free your god and not doing it, for replacing your god and turning them into a low level follower
Or maybe you’re okay with this, maybe you never really wanted this job in the first place, maybe you always liked them, and praying at the statue (their statue now) isn’t just a chore, but something you look forward to
Anyways none of that was really about the romance itself, but I just thought it had a cool dynamic and a lot you could do with it, and exploring it romantically would be fun, and I thought that was gonna be popular
But then I finally went into the tag and it turns out a lot of people consider Ratau to be like an adoptive parent to the Lamb (apparently if you go the route I’d sacrificing Ratau, you find a letter afterwards in the shack that kinda implies it, but I still think it’s kinda open ended, also you really don’t see too much on screen mentoring from Ratau, it was v quick and then most of them meeting up is to play that game)
So yeah, new dynamic I love, but so far haven’t seen it explored anywhere
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two-reflections · 9 days
Minis ✨
Nope. Sorry. Having a week full of admin has left me way too exhausted to paint. Hopefully next week.
Here, have a HeroForge picture of my techmarine-in-training Bai'keti (out of his armour) and his brander Naledi. She had to go to Mars with him, of course. Brander-priests can be female, by the way! None of the canon named ones are, but it is explicitly mentioned that they can be.
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Fic ✨
Only two chapters to go on my fic about Chaplain Elysius and his brander Ohm. (And Master of the Forge Argos, though in retrospect, maybe I focused on him a little too much.) I'm very excited for the next two chapters. No spoilers beyond what's already tagged, though. 😁
Other than that, I've been playing with a few other ideas, but nothing has really coalesced yet. Also, my recent writing hasn't really seemed to hit... I get it though, I write very niche stuff and my current main project focuses on a platonic relationship.
Oh well, I'm going to carry on regardless.
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
Hello :) Your tag in your latest post, "if anyone wants my bunner sisters/hunger games analysis lmk". Could I read it? Thank you so much.
I really didn't expect anyone to take me up on that one, so this is a pleasant surprise!
So I maintain that The Bunner Sisters parallels the Katniss/Prim storyline in The Hunger Games (and thus the whole trajectory of the series) really, really elegantly. FYI: I am going to spoil the endings of both these books, if you care about spoilers for Gilded Age novellas and/or somehow never read/watched THG.
So. Quick summary to pull out all the parallels: Both books center a pair of sisters living in poverty (Ann Eliza and Evelina / Katniss and Prim). The older sister looks after the younger and has done so for many years. She frequently makes sacrifices on her little sister's behalf because, although she's more or less resigned to her own lot in life, she wants something better for little sis (marriage and children for Evelina / becoming a healer for Prim). To this end, she ends up choosing to sacrifice her own happiness, physical wellbeing, and future for that of her sister (Ann Eliza gives Evelina basically all the money they have for her dowry / Katniss takes Prim's place in the Hunger Games). Yet ultimately, these sacrifices prove futile: both younger sisters die preventable deaths (Evelina's new husband is an addict who abuses her; she miscarries, falls ill, and dies / Gale's bomb kills Prim). Although neither older sister is responsible for the death, it is ultimately her sacrifice that led to it (Ann Eliza's sacrifice allows Evelina to marry the man who abuses her / Katniss's revolution, which she inadvertently inspires while in the Games, kills Prim). So, in both cases, we're left with the question: what is the point of sacrificial love if in the end the person you were trying to save dies anyway?
Edith Wharton was technically a Naturalist (the literary movement, not the scientific occupation). I... generally really hate Naturalism? For the uninitiated, basically the whole idea is that people are nothing more than products of their environments and situations. It tends towards a very nihilistic futility wherein people are almost entirely passive in their own tragedies. It's all very bleak, and there tends to be a conspicuous lack of anything really Good, True, or Beautiful, which in my view are prerequisite for a worthwhile tragedy.
Yet Edith Wharton is one of my all-time favorite writers, and I think it's because in spite of her philosophical persuasion, her characters have much more traditional tragic arcs than, say, Thomas Hardy's (my beloathed). To me, Wharton's characters have always read much more like heroes trying to fight fate than like products of their environment passively succumbing to circumstance.
So on the one hand, I'm sure Wharton meant The Bunner Sisters to be about how ultimately futile sacrificial love is. Ann Eliza even says as much-- after Evelina's death, she recognizes the "inutility" of self-sacrifice. But on the other hand, I find that it works equally well as an argument for the beauty of selfless love, even if you cannot see all ends. You've gotta look for it, but I think the relationship between Ann Eliza and Evelina is just so beautifully written that it doesn't matter that it ends badly. The love was there, and it was utterly Christ-like, and if in the end it didn't accomplish what it was supposed to-- well, only Christ's sacrifice was ever perfect.
Which brings us back to Mockingjay, and Prim's death. I think Suzanne Collins is a little more ambiguous on what we're supposed to take from it. THG trilogy ends hopefully, but with Prim there is still a sense of futility. We've had three books of Katniss enduring horror and bloodshed because she wanted nothing more than to save her sister, and in the end none of it matters. Prim dies, and she dies senselessly. The war was already won when the bomb that killed her fell.
And yet, just like with The Bunner Sisters, you can easily turn Katniss's sacrifice back and forth in the light and conclude that it still matters. Even if it backfired, it was important. Christ-like, self-sacrificial love is never wasted, but you have to focus in on the relationship and make that argument to yourself.
And I don't know, I just think that's really beautiful. I think it's really cool that both books follow so much the same trajectory, ostensibly going for different tones with the ending (bleak vs bittersweet), and yet ultimately in both cases it's up to the reader to decide. What is point of sacrificial love if the person you were trying to save dies anyway? Is it inutility and futility? Or is it, perhaps, of infinite worth?
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marzely · 1 year
I was tagged by @cadetzarneki to talk about my oc’s and oh god I’m going to stick to IF oc’s because its already a long list in itself and were not going to dig into my anime/game oc’s from back in the day…..
Anyway it’s all below the read more. If you’d like to answer these about your own oc’s take this as a tag and go for it.
FAVORITE OC: This is a hard one because it's between Soile (SHOH), Valentina (Vendetta), or Freya (Disenchanted). They’re some of my favorite character designs, and they’re my more thought out character’s. If I really have to choose, I guess it would be Soile because she’s just overworked badass with a heart of gold. She went through a lot of shit but kept her head high because she grew up with so much love that she wanted to honor those who helped her be where she is now.
NEWEST OC: Echo (Infamous) is my newest oc. I stayed up one night, played Infamous, fell in love with it, and automatically went to Pinterest and started pinning clothes and tattoos. I love Echo’s design with all my heart, and I wish I knew how to draw tattoo sleeves because mine does not do her justice. A little about Echo is that she was left heartbroken by Seven and doesn’t know if she’ll ever get over him. Seven got her into music, and at first, it felt wrong to continue their dream solo she couldn’t help but feel the call of the stage.
MEANEST OC: Nova Tesla (Zombie Exodus) as a disclaimer there was a time back in the day I would just use the same few first name and just change the last name for characters. So I have a few Novas… This Nova, in particular, was a combat medic, has a child dependent, and is the leader of their survivor group. So she knows to survive and make sure her nephew gets to live a long life she has to make the hard choices. You can only be kind for so long in a zombie apocalypse.
OLDEST OC: Nova Peña (Heroes Rise), so this one is kinda an exception on the none IF oc because she’s a superhero oc I made that I than used for the Heroes Rise series. Heroes Rise was the IF that got me into IF’s. Nova was made because I love DC comics and wanted to make my own superhero’s given they have some of the most basic powers I did have a whole bunch of lore made up for them and I actually still have Pinterest boards made for them.
SOFTEST OC: Gotta be Kyra (AMR) Everything with the strikethough is spoilers for A Mage Reborn, so please check it out if you haven’t because it had me crying none stop at like 3am If you don’t care about spoilers, hopefully, it makes you want to read it. Girl was burned at the stake to save the same people who wished for her death. She holds no ill will towards them and forgave and still loves Leon even after he made the call. And she would do it all again if given the chance.
MOST ALOOF OC: Probably Freya (Disenchanted). After everything she’s gone through, she pushed herself to be more disinterested in everything and keep her emotions in check. She refuses to give anyone the reactions they seek from her. Though in the presence of Theo and Viktor and others she sees as family and friends, she's more expressive and playful.
DUMBEST OC: I’d say Salem (Attollo) shes an artist who stumbled into an entirely new word. She probably gives Operator chronic heartburn from stress from watching Salem run around making the worst decisions in existence, including the willingness to fight some of the most dangerous people in Attollo.
SMARTEST OC: I’d say it’s Valentina (Vendetta) since she set on becoming the head of the Morozov Criminal Family. She is cunning and careful. If there was a term to describe her, it would be femme fatale. She knows how to use her image to her advantage and look helpless, but it is quite the opposite.
OC’S I’D BE FRIENDS WITH: It would be Theodora (Novaturient) and Inez (Emberwood). I would get along with Theo because she is a giant nerd, and so am I, so we would have a lot to talk about. Inez is a chill person who is just trying to deal with her own bullshit just like anyone else, so i feel like she is the most “normal” I guess you could say. (As normal, you can get with someone who can manipulate minds…)
I’m so sorry this is so long. I didn’t think I would end up writing so much. Anyway, check out the IF’s my mc’s are part of they’re all great IF’s. I enjoyed looking back at some oc’s and I think I need to chill on making them……
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littleholmes · 2 years
Hi again! Thank you so much for answering my prev. ask about Gojo, I'm happy you found my little rambling agreeable hehe cause i do try my best to be critical with reading and analyzing so ☺️(also I've just been going through your meta tags so I really felt the need to add my thoughts but yeah my ask was with an intent to agree with your Gojo metas!)
One other thing i wanted to ask, since this is shonen and all, but do you think that there will be any romantic subplots at the end or even before? I myself don't see anything happening because none of the characters had any indications nor hints except maybe Yuta and Maki. And SatoSugu well I won't even get into that 😭💔
Also pretty sure i saw somewhere where Gege said that there was only one romance subplot he could write which was Mechamaru and Miwa. Regardless, would love to hear your thoughts if you'd want to share them ofc! ☺️
Hi again!
Short answer: I really don’t see there being romance outwardly subplotted in this series going forward.
Long answer: It’s Post-Shibuya and we’re in the middle of the Games and [manga spoiler alert under the cut]
Kenjaku is causing mayhem and trying to sell sorcerers as a form of energy like…there’s no time for romance because there’s way too much chaos and too many characters are having to experience significant growth moments in these short two weeks following Shibuya and who knows what’s coming next after that last chapter.
These kids don’t even really have time to heal themselves (*stares at Kamo, Maki, and Hakari “I don’t have an arm but ‘tis only a flesh wound I’ll fix it in a sec” Kinji*) or really eat and sleep (except Megumi and Yuji, who only just now got to that point). Romance is gonna be hard to happen when you’re in constant flight or flight survival mode and trying to fight to get points to hopefully stop further chaos from ensuing.
The Kokichi/Miwa thing broke my heart at the start of Shibuya and I will never be over the way Gege managed to shift my opinion of Kokichi and Miwa from characters I felt kinda eh about, to ones I shed heavy tears over—especially Kokichi. (Don’t even get me started on the way he slowly went out in Shibuya and faded away in those walkie talkie coms like *screams and sobs* that was when I knew that arc was gonna be a lot, and it just kept getting more heartbreaking)
I will say that just because this is a shonen doesn’t necessarily mean there has to be romance or an endgame couple, especially when we consider the way Gege takes common shonen tropes or expectations and goes about them in a unique way.
I’m not a Yuta/Maki shipper but I respect everyone’s got their own fleet of ships and I think jjk is one of the few series where most of the ships make sense or are a “I can see how you ship that” pairing. And with StSg, the subtext there I’ve discussed before plenty of times. And then there’s the Kokichi/Miwa pairing and it kinda stands alone as plainly-stated romance of the series (and ahhh I know some may argue that stsg is plainly stated and their subtext borders on plain text but again I’ve discussed the pair before)
idk I’m rambling but basically I don’t think there’s gonna be romance in jjk going forward (and if there is, I’ll be hella surprised) and I think the whole Kokichi/Miwa pairing was the last love we’re gonna get at least until things have settled down.
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michaelmyersofficial · 2 months
Reading Updates As always, tags are for personal archiving purposes only.
ORV reread: Chapters 171 - 300. Not only did I get to chapter 200, I got to chapter 300! This feels like a good spot to pause and pick up reading something else on my tbr. I'll work towards 400 once I'm a little bit farther in on my planned summer reading. (Summers almost over and I have 2 books left in my schedule). Lythande: 100%. This was a pretty horrible book. There were aspects that weren't the worst, and the last story, written by a different author, was not half as bad as anything that came before. However, it's still my least enjoyable read of the year. Percy Jackson & the Sea of Monsters: 100%. Got this on audiobook from the library. I finished it rather quickly, but honestly I felt like the story was less strong than in the first book, but the overarching plot of the series and characterization is still quite good. Secret of the Stars: 100%. This was a zine for the video game Genshin Impact. It features the characters Aether and Albedo in a romantic relationship. This isn't my top ship for either of these characters but I do think it's a very cute one. I enjoyed the stories and art within. Crown of Midnight: 100%. This was another library read. Sequel to Throne of Glass. There were a few things that irritated me in this book compared to the first one, but I still enjoyed it and will pick up the third. This Is How You Lose the Time War: 55% Just started this as my second to last summer reading schedule. I'm really enjoying it so far, and the unique way it's written really allows you to get into the heads of the characters and understand them better. There are a few things that were a bit confusing at first, since none of the terminology is explained and each letter is a jump to some other part of the time stream. However this has been a great read so far and I'm excited to be able to finish it soon. TBR: The Great Hunt. Sequel to Eye of the World. I'm hoping to be able to start and finish this one for the month of August to finish my summer reading schedule, but as it's quite a lot to read, I might not finish it until the start of September. Next 100 ORV. Once I've finished my Summer tbr I'm diving back into ORV and hoping to get to chapter 400 as part of my autumn reading goals. Boyfriend Material. I was recommended this as I enjoyed Red, White, and Royal Blue. I'm not much of a contemporary romance guy, but I've been trying to expand my horizons in that direction, so hopefully I'll enjoy this one. I'll be getting it from the library and reading it as part of my autumn schedule. The Wind By My Side. This is a single issue fancomic for Genshin Impact. The main pairing is Zhongli and Venti. This is another where I do really enjoy this pairing but it's not my favourite ship for them. Still, as it's a single issue it should be pretty easy to pick up for autumn reading. Good Omens. I read this years ago and wanted to write a review for it and found that I'd forgotten enough of it that it warranted a reread before doing so, so I added it to my autumn goals. A Court of Mist and Fury. I read ACOTAR at the start of the summer and enjoyed it, though I don't think it was as good as Throne of Glass. I'm a little nervous about picking this one up due to spoilers I've seen about the series and some of the characters, but I don't think it's going to be bad, and I liked the first book so I'm going to be giving this one a try as my final book for the autumn reading list.
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emsylcatac · 2 years
Hi!! I don't mean this to criticize truly, but I do not think you should be too worried about being spoiled for miraculous, at least not right now. I've scrolled through the tag and there are many posts saying "I will not reblog spoilers" "I will not be reading the spoilers" etc and those that have read it are keeping it simply to their reactions, which might feel like spoilers but really aren't - people would be excited, disappointed, hopeful or whatever they may be no matter what is in it. Personally I do not want to be spoiled and after several minutes scrolling through the tag I am still none the wiser
ALTHOUGH this is only for right now - perhaps in the future people will talk more, but many people right now who have read it are being incredibly respectful and tagging spoilers even though they are not spoiling anything through their reactions. I think perhaps it is best to remain calm about this as no one, from what I saw, is out to maliciously spoil anyone, and everyone else is being polite about it. There is no emergency, and there remains the chance it could be fake or a hoax or something put out by the creators to distract from any real leaks. I hope you remain spoiler-free as long as you can :)
Hiiii! (don't worry this doesn't sound like a critic ahaha)
I think it's mostly for now the twitter or reddit people who have a higher chance of accidentally stumbling upon it
The main thing we can be worried about mostly is if people decide to be rude and send us the spoilers via ask or comments because then we don't have much control over it unless we want to turn off any reactions.
I know it's easy to find cause I know a few people already in the fandom who found it pretty easily & accidentally, so we'll see how it all evolve in the future😬 at least from what I gathered, the reveal and the moment it happens are still a secret which is great news!
However the urgency and freaking out over the fact that this document is out there in the wild is understandable, because it really is frustrating especially with the last season, and because considering it'll take several months / year before it's all out, that leaves plenty of time for spoilers to drop accidentally. And it's the legit thing, it's not a fake unfortunately, I wish it was though 😅Another thing I'm worried about it these people writing fics "based on synopsis" on AO3, because then it'll be harder to tag, but again we'll see. That and people doing ""theories"" that are actually spoilers in disguised, wouldn't be the 1st time I see people do that 🙃
anyway so long as we're careful with how we tag things and where we discuss things, hopefully we...should be fine. It's just annoying because the whole theorising / analysing we do with ML throughout a season will be hindered a lot by all of that 😅 but well there's nothing we can do to stop it from spreading now apart from not sharing it so...I'm just gonna focus on the episode about to drop soon and pretend the rest isn't happening 😉
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helaintoloki · 3 years
Shang Chi x asian!reader who’s also an avenger. She meets Shang and gets excited to talk to someone similar to reader’s culture. They go on cute dim sum dates or just simply speak in their native language. if you can thank you!
notes: had to make this a hc so i could fit everything in, but nonetheless i hope you like it!
warnings: none, maybe minor spoilers?
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*disclaimer that I myself am actually Mexican and not Asian but I do live in the heart of an Asian city and also did research to make this as accurate as possible so hopefully I did okay!*
Shang-Chi joining the Avengers was possibly the best thing to ever happen to you
Now don’t get me wrong, you love your team, but it could get very lonely at times when you found you had no one who really understood you and your background
So when he was first introduced you found yourself immediately being drawn to him, and it wasn’t very long until the two of you became fast friends
If you happen to speak Chinese, then it isn’t a rare occurrence to hear you both having animated conversations in the language you’re comfortable with throughout the compound
Jokes only the two of you understand, shared childhood experiences from living in a Chinese household, having someone understand what you mean when you forget the English word for something
If you aren’t Chinese, then Shang-Chi is eager to learn and adapt to your native background so you can still have those moments together
If you don’t speak any second language or have trouble with it, he’s happy to help you learn and get in touch with your roots. Anything to make you feel comfortable
Training together is always fun. His martial arts background makes it an exciting challenge, and he always enjoys teaching you any moves you’re curious about after
He always loves teaching you afterwards. The act is very intimate to him as he’s giving you a part of himself that he doesn’t normally show to others, a part of his life that he had once tried to hide away. Teaching you makes him feel closer to his mom, and he can’t help but think that she really would have liked you
Your family is a little less intense, luckily, and when you introduce him he feels right at home
Your family adores Shang-Chi, and you’re 90% sure your grandma also has a crush on him
Expect him to tag along during your weekly visits home
Boba dates, dim sum dates, hot pot, you name it. You both love visiting all the local food stops and getting your fill for the day
Pho is a go-to when the weather is cold. It’s his favorite, and bonus points if it’s homemade. He’s a sucker for homemade comfort food dishes
You also appreciate his love of karaoke and are always eager to tag along with him and Katy. It reminds you of your childhood, family parties where you uncles would pull out the sound system and everyone would gather in the living room to sing their hearts out to their favorite songs
After all the dark stuff you go through as an avenger, it’s nice to be able to let loose and forget, even if just for the night
There’s just so much validation you both get from being with someone who can understand or at least has a grasp on your traditions and your heritage and your background
It’s a fun relationship and a loving one at that, and Shang-Chi feels so lucky to have someone like you by his side
Thank god for Wong, otherwise he never would have found the love of his life
hopefully this was okay! let me know if I can make any improvements in the feature in terms of writing for asian readers
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Right I'm going dark for a couple of days because I have the misfortune of being a UK fan and having to work tomorrow! I really want to avoid spoilers if possible so I guess I'll see you once All Out is over
My predictions/dreams
I mean MJF
I don't care how at this point
Just please bring him back
Some meaningful moment between Starks and Hobbs. I'm still a bit sad about this storyline
Jungleboy/Jack Perry to fucking beat Christian Cages ass. But maybe some drama with luchasauras?
Jack perry to come out as Jack perry
Toni storm I guess. But hopefully something unexpected with the women division. I don't have much hope
I have no words for the trios tag team match
I really don't know how it will end and that's amazing
Either the elite will win and then hangman will be pissed
Or dark order will win and some hangman will somehow also still be pissed?
None of them will be happy either way
And there will be so much drama
I cant wait
I want a Matt/Hangman moment AND a Kenny/Hangman moment
But also Jon Silver fucking things up
And then Mox vs. Punk
God who knows
I hope they pull this out of the bag but it needs something more
(And we're back to MjF....)
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jacklyn-flynn · 2 years
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I found an arranged marriage blurb in my WIP folder and it just called out to me to finish it. It really won't shut up about it. Engagement with Space Trash has slowed down a lot and I've been struggling to stay motivated on just that one project. So, now there's this. I'm trying to stay a few chapters ahead of writing this so that I can publish it on a schedule and hopefully keep everyone excited!
I haven't written anything but blurbs for my Hawke, Sparrow, so I'm featuring her in this with Fenris. (Shut it. I love her name.) It's gonna be dark. Like, descending into the depths of the Mariana Trench without a glow-stick sort of dark. I'll try my best to tag any trigger warnings ahead of time on AO3, even if they're spoilers, so no one gets invested only to have to stop later on.
R@pe/SA will be tagged but I want to make it clear that none of that will be explicitly written, only suggested. There is a scene where something is acted out but doesn't actually happen. But, Danarius is in this story and he's basically just a walking R/SA tag, am I right? Lordy, he's vile.
Depending on the feedback from this post, I may put up the first chapter tomorrow or Monday. I'm a bit nervous doing something so heavy but let me know what your thoughts are!
As always- Much <3 from Jacks.
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jayeray-hq · 4 years
How He Shows You Affection: Ushijima Wakatoshi
This is a another repost to get this one to show up in the tags! Thank you to everyone who found it through the masterlist! You all are amazing! Notes: 72
Post Time Skip/Manga Ending Spoilers!
Warnings: None all fluff!
How He Shows You Affection Masterlist - Character Masterlist
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He Does Little Things to Make Life Easier for You
            You woke up feeling a bit groggy, unsure just how or when exactly you’d fallen asleep. However, once you’d gotten your bearings a bit you quietly cursed yourself for allowing to happen, glancing at your phone and wincing as you registered what time it was. You’d had a lot to get done today and now more than half the day was gone. You’d only meant to sit down for a second and rest your eyes as you waited for the dishwasher to finish, but you must’ve accidentally dozed off.
In hindsight it probably wasn’t that surprising you’d fallen asleep. It had been a really long week at work, you’d been putting in extra hours, and had come home almost every night exhausted. It meant you’d been putting off your chores, all of which you’d meant to do today, on your only day off. The laundry in particular had been incredibly important as your clean clothes situation had become rather dire, but you’d fallen asleep before you could get to it.
            Even worse you’d wanted to get it done early because your boyfriend was going to be home later, and you desperately wanted to be able to spend your evening relaxing with him. Unfortunately, it looked like that wasn’t going to be happening now.
            Heaving a sigh, you stood, figuring there was no use crying over spilled milk, and that you might as well get to work. Especially if you wanted to have that nice dinner done you’d planned for when Ushijima got home. Only to pause in surprise as something fell away from your shoulders.
            You stooped and picked the familiar fabric off the ground, and immediately recognized it as your boyfriend’s Adlers jacket, the same one he’d worn out of the house that morning which meant…
            “Wakatoshi?” you asked curiously, as you cradled the jacket to your chest.
            “I’m here,” the low deep rumble of your boyfriend’s voice was both familiar and incredibly soothing, and you couldn’t help the smile that broke over your face at the sight of him, clearly recently showered, dressed in sweats and a t-shirt.
            “You’re home early,” you told him crossing the room eagerly to wrap your arms around him, burying your face in his strong, warm chest.
            “Coach let us go early,” he explained accepting your embrace with ease and folding you into his arms.
            “Did you have a good practice?” you asked, slowly pulling away from him after taking a few minutes to just soak up his warmth and presence.
            “It was adequate,” he told you, which you assumed meant yes, his eyes fond as his large hands lingered gently on your hips, not letting you pull away entirely just yet.
            “I was just going to start dinner for us,” you informed him with a smile, “Just let me finish up a few things and I’ll get right to it.”
            “Is there anything I can do?” he asked gently.
            “No, no I’ve got this,” you assured him firmly. After all the two of you usually split chores fairly evenly, and he’d already done his, it wouldn’t be fair to ask him to do yours as well.
            However, when you went to check your hamper, all your clothes were gone, and a quick peek showed that there were loads of laundry in both the washer and the dryer, both running. The bathroom was also cleaner than you remembered it being that morning, and the dishwasher had been emptied, the dishes put away.
            Your heart melted as you realized your boyfriend had apparently taken it upon himself to do it for you, and when you returned to the kitchen and found him quietly pulling out some of the things you’d need to make dinner you couldn’t help yourself diving back into his arms.
            “Is everything all right?” he asked, clearly a little concerned.
            “It’s perfect,” you assured him affectionately, feeling like a weight had lifted you’re your shoulders, “Thank you.”
            “You’re welcome,” he told you pressing his cheek to your hair and cradling you close, making you sigh contentedly. You really did have the best boyfriend.
 He Makes Time For You
            Despite your feelings you’d managed to keep your perfect customer service smile pasted to your face throughout the party, nursing a glass of wine you hadn’t even bothered to touch, but held on to, to keep anyone from trying to get you another drink. It had been a rather horrid night, and you definitely didn’t want to be here, especially since, for the first time in a long time you’d had to come alone.
            Normally at these mandatory office parties you at least had your boyfriend with you. Ushijima, with his strong, calm presence and a stoicism and intimidating mien that managed to keep all but the most determined or familiar away from you, was a blessing at times like this. Unfortunately, he’d had a game, which while fairly close by was still over an hour away, and he wouldn’t be back until later that night.
            You honestly missed him dreadfully. Just his reassuring presence always helped to take the edge off your anxiety at times like these. Still he had his job, one that he truly loved with all his being and you’d never want to take him away from it, especially not for something as silly as an office party.
            Still you couldn’t help your grimace as one of your male coworkers, who’d been giving you the eye all night, and who regularly stood just a little too close, and lingered by your desk just a little too long slowly approached you. You braced yourself, fully ready to face the unpleasant conversation and hopefully send him on his way politely.
            However less than a few feet away from you his eyes suddenly darted to something behind you, and he quickly made a beeline around, clearly pretending he’d never been heading in your direction in the first place. You frowned in confusion, but were quickly jolted out of it, by the feeling of a large, warm hand on the small of your back.
            You turned, a frown on your face, ready to tell off whichever jerk dared put his hands on you, that you had a boyfriend and to leave you alone, only to find your boyfriend there looking down at you with a soft look on his face.
            “Wakatoshi?” you asked a little disbelieving, blinking several times to ensure he wasn’t an illusion of some kind, dreamt up by your wishes for his presence, but no he was still there, his hand warm and grounding, “What are you doing here?”
            “I always come to your office parties,” he told you a slightly puzzled frown on his lips.
            “I know,” you assured him an amused smile tugging your lips, “But didn’t you have a game?”
            “It’s finished,” he affirmed, then added unnecessarily, “We won.”
            “I know,” you told him with an amused smile, “I watched what I could of the game before coming. You managed to finish before I had to leave. I sent you a text.”
            “I saw,” he assured you a fond smile tugging slightly at the corners of his mouth, his eyes soft, “Thank you.”
            “You’re welcome,” you told him a bit bemused, “But that still doesn’t explain how you’re here. The game was over an hour away.”
            “I left right after,” he explained casually.
            “Wakatoshi you didn’t have to,” you exclaimed startled, especially since you knew leaving right after meant he’d skipped the victory celebrations with his team and gotten a cab back instead of taking the team bus.
            “I wanted to,” he stated firmly, in a way that left no room for arguments, “I never miss your office parties.”
            The sentiment behind the words honestly made your heart melt. Ushijima wasn’t the best with expressing his feelings verbally, but at times like this, when he even cut his volleyball activities short you could almost palpably feel how much he loved you, to put you over his favorite activity, even if it was only a little bit, it honestly meant the world to you.
            “Thank you for being here,” you told him, figuring there really was no other response, at least none that would be appropriate in this setting, though you made a note to show him how much you appreciated it when you got home.
            “Of course,” he answered firmly, as if there had never been any doubt, as if there was nowhere in the world he’d rather be then right by your side.
 He Buys Little Things That Remind Him of You
            “Oh Ushiwaka whatcha lookin’ at?” Tendou asked curiously peering over his friend’s shoulder so he could see the display that the large former Ace of Shiratorizawa was studying so intently. His lips quirked in amusement as he saw what had captured the stoic man’s attention, a rather adorable display of plush toys
            “Are you expecting?” he asked eagerly.
            “I’m not expecting anything,” Ushijima told him a slight frown on his face, clearly perplexed by the question.
            “No, no, no I mean is your girlfriend expecting?” he tried again shifting eagerly from foot to foot.
            “No, she never expects anything,” his friend and former captain told him completely honestly, his face softening at the mere mention of his beloved who was back home in Japan while he and his team were in France for a game, “But these are very cute.”
            “They are,” Tendou agreed nodding sagely, he never would’ve expected the man to be so sentimental and to think such things about toys like that, but well, you learned something new everyday.
            “She is also very cute,” Ushiwaka murmured more to himself than to Tendou, before nodding firmly and making his way into the store, clearly intent on buying one for his girlfriend, leaving a dumbstruck Tendou behind wondering if he should stop him or not but in the end decided to let the man make his own mistakes.
            Several days later, back in Japan you opened another package from your boyfriend and stared at its contents, more than a little dumbfounded. These little gifts from Ushijima had been arriving nearly every day since he left, nothing too big or expensive, mostly small interesting things that he claimed in his daily chats ‘reminded him of you.’
            However staring at this latest gift you had to wonder if maybe he was trying to send you a message of some sort. After all was there any other reason to have sent you what was admittedly, a rather adorable plush baby toy, with a tag in the ear whose French you’d painstakingly translated into “congratulations it’s a boy!”
            It left you rather dumbfounded, however, luckily you didn’t need to ask more than why he’d bought it for you for him to explain, and you never had to tell him that he’d given you a baby toy of all things. However, the small gift did find its way into your daughter’s crib several years down the line, so it certainly never went to waste.
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askaceattorney · 3 years
The Game is Afoot!
Or the games, to be more precise.
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It’s finally time for all Ace Attorney fans the world over (and fans of good visual novels in general) to dive into the newly-localized games and uncover the deepest mysteries of Meiji Period Japan and Victorian Era Britain with none other than Phoenix Wright’s ancestor, Ryunosuke Naruhodo!  (Great, now we’ve gotta get used to new spellings…)
Needless to say, we Mods will be devoting as much of our time and energy as we possibly can to playing these games as Capcom intended us English-speakers to play them!  At least I know I will.
So, when do you finally get to write to the characters from the second game?  And for that matter, what will happen to the ones from the first game?  Our current plan is as follows:
After one month (which will hopefully be enough time for us to play through these games – we’ll let you know if we need more than that), we’ll no longer accept letters to the characters from the translated versions of the original games – Dai Gyakuten Saiban and Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Kakugo – and will instead be putting them under “The Great Ace Attorney” and “The Great Ace Attorney 2” tags.  We’ll also be using the characters’ new names (Herlock Sholmes, Iris Wilson, etc.).  We’ll still answer them if you use the old names, of course, but the old ones are now a thing of the past.  Please place your hat over your heart and reflect in a moment of silence.
One final note – while I am somewhat familiar with the story of the second game, spoilers for it are not allowed in the inbox or comments until I, the other Mods, and your fellow Ace Attorney fans have had a fair chance to play through it.
I repeat: ABSOLUTELY NO SHARING SPOILERS.  If you do, I’ll so Sosuns you.
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Are we clear?  Good.
Happy deducing, my dear gamers!
-The Co-Mod
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One more thing I’d like to announce. Upon the release of the Ace Attorney Chronicles, I have something special planned for all of you, so stay tuned….
That is all…
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You may go now…
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No, really, that’s all I have. What do you want from me!?
-Mod Edgeworth
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I just can’t wait to see the games! This is going to be awesome!
Also, I’m with Co-Mod on the spoilers, but I ain’t gonna go Sosunse.
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Hope we are clear.
-Mod Justice
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professorrw · 3 years
All I Want, Remus Lupin Fanfiction
Chapter Twenty-One
Warnings: fluff, smut in this chapter, death, violence, swearing, age gap, slight angst, major spoilers for Deathly Hallows
A/N: There’s only one chapter left after this one! I loved writing this story and I hope you guys have enjoyed reading it! If you guys want to be added to my taglist tell me what characters you want to be tagged in or if you want to be on the permanent taglist!
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You enjoyed being a professor a lot more than you thought. The majority of the students were extremely kind and listened to you. Getting to see your friends all the time was definitely a bonus. Things were finally normal. Remus was enjoying returning to teaching just as much as you did. Everyone said that he was a fun teacher, which made you proud.
The past two months as the Transfiguration professor had gone by quickly. By the end of the day you and Remus were both worn out and busy grading tests. You made sure that on the weekends you and Remus both relaxed and spent time together. It wasn't hard because Minerva let you stay in the same living quarters. The only time you really got upset with a student was a few weeks into the school year.
A fifth year Slytherin that you hadn't known previously decided to insult Remus during your class. You were sitting at your desk grading papers while you let the students get started on their homework. Joseph Adams was always chatty. Even when you looked up from your work to signal to him to be quiet he would keep talking. You understood that kids liked to talk. You were barely out of your teenage years yourself.
This particular day the topic he was discussing was other teachers. His desk was in the front row so you could hear everything he said if you listened close enough. He got through a whole list of reasons why Slughorn wasn't as good as Snape before moving on to talk about Remus.
"Lupin's the worst of all. He treats us like we're five or something. And why is he even a teacher? He left a few years ago because he's a werewolf. They just let him come back like nothing happened," he scoffed. That had gotten your attention. You didn't look up but listened closely as he dropped his voice to speak to his deskmate. "And the thing that's really weird is this, Professor Y/L/N is dating him! Yep, I saw them kissing in Lupin's room after class was over. Really low of her if I'm being honest. He's about 40 if I had to guess."
You narrowed your eyes and looked up. Joseph had his head close to his partner's and glanced at you. "Thank you Mr. Adams for updating William on my personal life. If you would please mind your own business it would be much appreciated. And I would like you to know that Professor Lupin is a wonderful man and teacher. I'm sure many of your peers would agree."
"So it's true then? You and the dog are together?" he asked.
"Excuse me?" you asked, appalled at his rudeness. Did he not hear what you said just a moment ago? And who does he think he is calling Remus a dog?
"Well Mrs. Y/L/N? Are you dating or not?" He asked the question with an air of arrogance that reminded you of Draco Malfoy. Joseph even had the audacity to smirk when he finished talking.
"That is none of your business. And since you have enough time on your hands to poke your nose into others' private lives, then you can spend this Saturday in detention." That made a few of the students around him snicker but he just scowled and went back to his work, muttering something under his breath.
You and Remus weren't exactly trying to keep your relationship a secret but it wasn't like everyone in the castle knew. You tried to keep the affection to a minimum when around students. It wasn't his knowledge of your status that bothered you either. How could he say such things about Remus, the kindest man you know?
Joseph thankfully decided to stay silent for the rest of the class, and left in a rush when you dismissed them. A couple of the fifth years gave you a smile and wave as they left. At least a few students were glad to have you.
That was your last class for the day so you went back to your room, stopping by Remus's classroom to find him starting another lesson with a group of seventh years. He smiled at you when you passed, which made you feel better about the scene that Adams caused.
That was the only incident that happened in the first two months during your position as professor and you were pleased at how smoothly it was going.
There was another thing that you found out about Remus in those two months. He enjoyed sex with you immensely. Depending on how he was feeling the sex would differ. After a long day he liked to do slowly, relieving himself of stress with every thrust. You also made a joint decision for you to take birth control for the moment. You both agreed it was too soon for kids but one day you wanted them.
The first time it happened you were both equally as pent up. It was 1 in the morning and you two were grading parchment. He finished a bit before you and kissed your neck lazily as he stood behind you. You were sitting in a leather chair, leaning over your desk. You were so concentrated on work you didn't hear Remus come up behind you. You jumped slightly when his lips made contact with your neck.
"Remus..." you hummed.
"Are you almost finished darling?" His tired voice was right beside your head, tickling your ear with his breath.
"Yes, almost. It won't get done any quicker with you teasing me though."
"It's more fun this way," he chuckled. His lips moved from your neck up to your ear, which he bit lightly. You rushed through the last papers, trying to finish as soon as possible. Hopefully those kids wouldn't mind that you skimmed over their assignment. What you did read was decent so you gave them a decent grade.
Remus must have noticed your change of pace because he let out an amused breath. You set down your quill and swiveled your chair around. You stood and wrapped your arms around his neck. You kissed him deeply as he moved around to sit in the place you had just left vacant. You crawled into his lap, straddling him.
He took your robe and shirt off, leaving you in a bra and pants. As he frequently did, he peppered kisses along the length of your shoulders, sucking at some spots. Even if he left a mark it would be covered up with your clothes.
He set his hands on your butt and lifted you up. He set you down on the hard desk and reached behind you to unclasp the only thing keeping your chest covered. Once it was off, Remus took your boobs in his hands, kneading and massaging them. You let out a small moan, pleasured by his hands on such a sensitive area. He slid his hands down your sides and pulled your trousers and panties down and into the floor.
He got on his knees and put his head between your legs. You sucked in some air, preparing for his tongue to enter your vagina. He pushed it in and swirled it around, causing you to let out multiple lewd noises as he worked up your arousal. Your hands tangled in his hair and you pushed his head slightly, making him let out a groan that vibrated through you. Just that could push you over the edge but he stopped.
He shed himself of clothing and lined his hard cock up with your entrance. He slowly inserted it, stretching your walls as he did so. Once you had gotten used to the feeling he started to move back and forth. He always began slowly and picked up the pace as he went. Your back was fully against the desk now and your hands were on Remus's, which were holding onto your hips.
He let out groans as he pounded into you, letting the stress roll of himself with every thrust. You too also felt the stress leave your body, all worries gone while your mind focused on Remus and your approaching orgasm.
Just after a few more thrusts you reached your ecstasy, cum spilling out onto Remus's dick. The sight of your pleasure on his cock made Remus pound harder than ever before. You thought you were going to break as your nails dug into his back. It didn't take much longer for him to release. His cum filled your vagina, some dripping out as he slowed his thrusts and pulled out.
He cleaned you both before you made your way to bed, wrapped up in his arms.
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Taglist: @bellamy1998 @sxsalvatore @ottjord @lina1945
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oathkeeperoxas · 2 years
battleship 22
Hi there!! Thank you so much for looking at my letter, good luck with creating!!
Opt in tags from the secondary tagset can be found at the end of this letter.
Quick disclaimer that this is all optional details, don’t have to stick to anything, ect. Even so, I hope you find something inspiring here!
Also, please don’t wait up for a comment from me. I work full time and want to devote the proper time/energy to your fic! So if it’s been a week (or five) since reveals and I haven’t commented, I promise I don’t hate it, I just haven’t had the time to read it yet. Thank you for understanding!
AO3: Serie11
DNWs: unrequested relationships, NSFW (fade to black/implied is okay), AUs other than canon divergence, cheating/infidelity.
General likes: Worldbuilding, queer characters and queer characters being normalised aka them being queer is not the focus of the fic, fight scenes and fighting banter, case fic, bodyswap, established relationships!!!!!!, daemon AUs, soulmate AUs, pining, outside POV, social media fic, forehead touching, post canon fic, femslash, cuddling for warmth, there was only one bed, childhood friends to lovers, time travel/time loops, wingfic, violence and blood as long as comfort follows the hurt. I really love some plot - doesn’t have to be deep or anything, just a solid storyline is great. Including original characters is also great!
General dislikes: fake dating, marriage of convenience, miscommunication (pining okay), character bashing, unhappy endings. If you’re going to write a trans character please don’t misgender them.
Other letters for other exchange - please check here for specific ship prompts!
World building prompts
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Fandom likes: Byleth being involved with teaching the other houses, Sothis commenting on everyday life, Jeralt being protective of Byleth, trans guy Felix, reason spells having really a really bad impact on their users (esp dark magic), weird crest headcanons, students looking out for Byleth, really creepy things happening to/about Byleth after Sothis gives them her powers. I love Marianne!! Even if she’s not who we matched on, if you could somehow include her I would be over the moon. Also, please only use they/them pronouns for Byleth!
Hopefully by the time works are revealed I will have finished Warriors! But even if I haven’t I’m fine with spoilers, so feel free to include them if you like :) Also, consider this a blanket opt in for any FE3H requests, to opt in to crossovers with FEH. Tell me how everyone copes with being summoned to Askr!
FE3H ships I like (if you’d like to include any background ships!): Sylvain/Felix, Edelgard/Lysithea, Marianne/Hilda, Dorothea/Petra, Dimitri/Claude, Dimitri/Dedue, Linhardt/Caspar, Hubert/Ferdinand, Catherine/Shamir, Byleth/Sothis, Ashe/Ingrid, Ashe/Marianne, Marianne/Ingrid, Ashe/Marianne/Ingrid, Leonie/Bernadetta, Leonie/Marianne, Jeralt/Sitri. Feel free to include any/none of these!
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Fandom likes: Vala lives!!!, Aloy interacting with Old World tech, GAIA Prime being rebuilt, TFW characters interacting with base game characters, Aloy being a big lady lover!!!, Vala interacting with other characters (especially those in the Cut), Aloy introducing Varl or Vala to old world tech, striders and just machines in general befriending Aloy when she overrides them, normal people’s reactions to Aloy’s actions, Aloy being a living legend, GAIA riding shotgun with Aloy and commenting on what she’s doing, cross cultural communication/low stakes conflict between tribes
I have finished Horizon: Forbidden West and so you can use anything from the game! If you could keep Varl alive if writing post-HFW fic I would love, adore and cherish you <3 (if you feel that someone still had to die at Gemini, I put forth Erend as a replacement LOL)
Kingdom Hearts
Fandom likes: trans Riku, Roxas or Xion or Ven or Van lurking in the background/influencing Sora’s actions while they’re still in his heart, Sora crying, drive forms, keyblades!!, Van remembering KHUX events, SORIKAI, Nobodies being treated like the really fucking scary/dead things that they are, Roxas being OP, the Oathkeeper and Oblivion (the keyblades and their symbolism). I love Roxas a lot. If you could include him, I would really be over the moon.
PLEASE if you’re doing post canon kh3 fic, can you please have Sora, Kairi and Vanitas alive and awake (or just don’t mention them so I can pretend they are). Feel free to just completely ignore the canon ending, Re:Mind, and KH MoM!! You absolutely do not have to explain it if you don’t want to, just have them all there and I will 100% accept it!
Also you know how I said I don’t like character bashing?? Well if it comes up, feel free to character bash Ansem the Wise all you want. He did nothing right and deserves to be shit talked!!!
Final Fantasy XV
Fandom likes: politics in insomnia, fic set between Noctis and Prompto leaving HS and the start of the game, Noctis with chronic pain due to his old injuries, worldbuilding around the crystal and kingsglaive/crownsguard magic, assassination attempts, trans man Noctis, any type of hurt/comfort with hurt!Noctis, Luna and Noctis exchanging letters quite frequently and being good friends.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Majority of the time I’m not super interested in reading smut in fics but this pairing DESERVES IT. Like I swear, most of the fics for codywan are like *pines and never acts on it* like come on, their lives are shit enough, let them fuck at least! Though of course happy with no smut too, or just fade to black. All of the following is good: canon compliant post o66 fic, where Cody is controlled and wakes up (or doesn’t, F) or fic where o66 never happened and governmental reform through the Senate is possible/necessary, with the slow detangling of the Jedi from the Republic! Or how Obi-Wan tries to cling to the Jedi and the Republic in the harsh Tatooine desert!! AUs where Cody somehow joins Obi-Wan on Tatooine are like <3 my absolute beloved, if you write that for me I will adore you.
Fandom likes: Cody finding/picking up/rescuing/using Obi-Wan’s lightsaber, Obi-Wan being friends with other Jedi from his age group, clone trooper culture, Cody having a praise kink, using Mando’a in fics, trans man Obi-Wan, Master and Padawan bonding, weird Force worldbuilding, clones interacting with new things/people/cultures/animals, the military structure of the GAR actually making sense somehow (its unrealistic I know but I like to dream)
Tags from the secondary tagset that I am interested in (the smut tags are intended for Cody/Obi-Wan only):
Accidental Baby Acquisition, Accidental Bonding, Accidental Kid Acquisition, accidental kitten acquisition, Accidental Marriage, accidental pet acquisition, Accidental Pregnancy, Accidental Puppy Acquisition, Accidental Time Travel, Accidental Voyeurism, Ace Spectrum, The After-glow, Aftermath of Torture, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Angst, Animals, Anniversaries, Aquariums, Aro Spectrum, Aromantic Character, assassination attempt, Autumn Leaves, awkward conversation, Awkward Flirting, Bad Flirting, Bad Luck, Baking, Banter, bathing together, Bathing/Washing, Battle, Battle Couple, beach, Being carried, birthday celebration, Biting, Bleeding Through Bandages, Blood and Gore, Bloody Kisses, Boats, Body Horror, Body Sharing, Breakfast in Bed, Breaking and Entering, bridal carry, broken ribs, Burnout – Freeform, Butterflies, Canon Compliant, Canon Secrets Revealed, Captivity, Catharsis, Cats, Characters Being Soft, Cherry Blossoms, Childhood Friends, Chocolate, Chronic Pain/Illness, Clones, Clothes swap, Cock Warming, Comfort Food, Comfort No Hurt, Comparing scars, Competence Kink, complaints, Complicated Relationships, concussion, Confession, Constellations, cooking together, coughing up blood, covered in blood, Crying, Crying from Pain, cuddle piles, Cuddling & Snuggling, cuddling for warmth, cursing
Dancing, Dancing in the Rain, Darkness, Date Night, de-aging/age regression, Deepthroating, Demiromanticism, Demisexuality, Denial of Feelings, different first meeting, Digital Art, Diplomacy, Discipline, Disguise, Dissociation, Dizziness, Domestic, Dream Logic, Dream Sharing, Dressing Each Other, dressing up, duels, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Enthusiastic Consent, Epistolary, Established Relationship, Exhaustion from Overwork, Experienced/inexperienced couple, Exploring Ruins, FaceFucking, facesitting, Facials, Fighting, Fighting As Foreplay, Finger kissing, Fire, First Dates, First Meetings, Fix-It, Flashbacks, Flirting Under Fire, Flower Crowns, Flower Language, flowers in hair, Fluff, Food, forehead kiss, Found Family, Fuck Or Die, Fugitives, Full Moon, Gardening, Gender Non-Compliance, Getting Together, Gift Giving, Hair Braiding, hair petting, Hair Washing, Hair-pulling, Haircuts, Hallucinations, hand holding, hand kissing, Handcuffs, Happily Ever After, Happy Ending, Headaches and Migraines, Healing, Healthy Coping Mechanisms, hijinks and shenanigans, Hiking, Honeymoon, Horses, Hot Springs, Hugs
Ice Cream, illness recovery, In-Universe Documents, Intercrural Sex, Interplanetary Travel, Introspection, Jewelry, Kissing, Kissing away tears, Kneeling, Knitting, Lazy Mornings, learning new skills, Libraries, Love, Love Confessions, Major Character Injury, Making Out, Marriage Proposal, Massage, Masturbation, Meaningful Jewelry, Memory Loss, Midnight Rendevouz, Mild Illness, Mind Control, Minor Injuries, Miscommunication, Mission-Fic, Morning After, Morning Kisses, Morning Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Mutual Masturbation, Mutual Pining, Neck Kissing, negotiation, New Years Eve, Nightmares, Nighttime, Non-Linear Narrative, Oral Sex, outsider pov, Paperwork, Pegging, planetary exploration, Plants, Porn With Plot, Porn Without Plot, POV Second Person, Power Imbalance, Power Play, Praise Kink, Pre-Canon, Pre-Relationship, Precognition, Premature Ejaculation, Premature Orgasm, Press and Tabloids, Presumed Dead, Prisoner of War, Promises, proposal, Prostate Stimulation, Protectiveness, Public Displays of Affection, Rainbows, rainstorm, Recovery, Relationship Discussions, Rescue, Resurrection, Rimming, Ring Kissing, Rituals
sad sex, Seasons, Self-Reflection, Self-Sacrifice, Selkies, Semi-Public Sex, Sex Pollen, Shared Meals, Sharing a Bed, Shower Sex, Skinny Dipping, Snow, Soft Kisses, Soft sex, Soul Bond, soulmate identifying marks, Soulmates Share Pain, space travel, Spaceships, Sparring, Spooning, Stab Wound, Stakeout, Starry nights, Stranded Together, Strap-Ons, Strategizing, Strength Kink, sunrise, sunset, Swimming, Tattoos, Tea, Tea Party, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Tender Sex, Threats of Violence, Throne Sex, Torture, Touch-Starved, wedding ceremony
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