#have zero hope of my in persona D&D game (the only thing that gets me out of the house) continuing
hdawg1995 · 1 year
entering september really feelin' that "wake me up when september ends" energy.
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sirenjose · 4 months
So I've been really into your analysis lately and I'm a huge fan now, wanted to ask some questions, feel free to not answer any
1- what was your favourite idv story/event to analyze?
2- your least fav of the latter?
3- are you into anything else besides idv?
4-how do you find the motivation to analyze stuff? I've tried before and it was very draining :')
Thanks for your time, hope you have a lovely day
I'm very happy to hear you're enjoying yourself despite my own low opinion about much of what I put out. I'll do my best to answer!
Hmm I always dislike picking favorites because I'm bad at picking eheh... But the ones I liked most... I honestly enjoy T&I and COA (1-5) even more than the main story. So I think I might pick... Atropos' Ropes for T&I and for COA, thats harder... 3-5 are my faves but I might pick 4 just because of how it felt it had the most story/details given than all the rest. Even the *SONG* had story. I loved it.
Least fave, eh... Orfeo and Zinaida immediately come to mind, though Orfeo I'd say was worse... COA 1 is another primarily because of how DIFFICULT it was for me to figure it out enough to put together an analysis. And I had to rewrite that thing at LEAST 3 times to the point I'm just hoping it's good enough and leaving it alone. Time of Reunion I think is another that comes to mind, mainly because I didn't appreciate how they treated Norton in there, especially in the videos (but at least those aren't canon like the in-game event was). So based on all that, I might say Orfeo if I really had to pick 1. Then rank ToR 2nd and Zinaida/COA1 3rd.
FF14 and Honkai Star Rail especially I'm playing actively these days, but I honestly like a lot of stuff. Like Persona (espeially 4), 999 aka Zero Escape, and Star Ocean Til the End of Time. Least in terms of games.
Hmm... Maybe because the 1st reason I play a game is because of the story, and gameplay is always 2nd to me. If the story and characters are good, that gets me interested. Issue with IDV is we only get bits and pieces. Really need to look deeper to really understand some of the characters. I actually only started analyzing because I challenged myself (partially out of curiosity for the answer) to see if I could prove if Norton wasn't as evil as people thought (based on all the comments I saw when I 1st joined the fandom a long while ago). From there, there was Jose who I wanted to analyze because he honestly had so many plot holes I couldn't (and still can't completely) solve. So I get the most enjoyment analyzing something that doesn't have a clear answer. Which is why I don't always post for every letter. A big part of it is I enjoy history and culture and such, so it's fun for me to learn about different foods, or time periods, or how bad the environment was for miners or sailors back in the day, etc... I dont think I have an easy answer (I can see I'm rambling). Norton I actually only began to like because I was spending so long working on my 1st analysis for him (and my perfectionism made me analyze all of Norton's essences before i could call it finished). Jose was because I love Captain Hook, and then after because of the plot holes that bothered me. Then for others, I think I enjoy making analyses to... try to sometimes change people's opinoions/beliefs. Like with Margaretha or Vera. With Edgar was because I was more interested in his story and him as a character only once I put together all his lore. Sort of goes on from there. I could ramble on but I'm going to get even more guilty. I hope this helps somewhat, but let me know if it doesn't and I'll keep going. Maybe the simple is A) I like history/culture/research, B) I like to convince people that certain characters arent as evil as they think or change beliefs I think aren't quite accurate, C) I like solving puzzles and I love story, D) I already think too hard about literally everything, and combined with my perfectionism, we get analysis
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criquette-was-here · 3 years
Some replies
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Anonymous said:
hi criquette! did you see those new 4t2 shopfronts from beautifulnerdkitty? they’d look super cool with your Simlish signs on them, don’t you think? \( ̄▽ ̄)/
Hey anon! Yes, I saw them and they’re great! It might be wonderful to have them feature those simlish shopsigns I’ve made. If somebody would like to do this, I’d be super excited :D
Anonymous said:
Is there a tutorial or anyway to make neighborhood terrain defaults. I cant find a clear one but I really want to do one for the dirt and concrete. Just some tips would be good instead. Thanks.
Hey anon! I’m not sure if there’s a tutorial on terrain defaults, but I know a way to make a DR. Just take the existing terrain default replacement, look up all the texture names in the package, find those textures in the game resources and export them. Assemble exported textures into new package, and replace Maxis’ textures with yours. This method is called ‘reverse engineering’ ;) I’ve used this method to create ‘Rural Charm’ just to calm down my conscience about using someone else’s DR as a base, lol
Anonymous said:
hi criquette :D i was wondering if you have any links or know where i can get info on how to resize sims 2 neighborhood deco? i have some buildings that would fit perfectly in my neighborhood but they are so big!
Hello anon! Oh, there’s only one way to resize TS2 neighborhood deco: you have to export the mesh and edit it in the 3D editor of choice. And then import it back again. So basically it depends on 3D software you’re going to use. 
@boringbones​ said:
Criquette, your trees have always been beautiful! I know you must have received this question before, but have you considered creating alternative versions of them? For example, they look amazing in the fall, I wish I could add them to the neighborhood even in the summer to create a more elegant contrast to the look, just like I did in my neighborhood at The Sims 3, OldSunset, it would be an amazing experience to have this contrast
Hi Erick! Yes, it would be really great thing to have, actually. I also thought about having some bare trees for the autumn, or dead trees for all seasons, just to add more character to the scene. But, with the lack of time I’m having right now, this could take ages to make.
Anonymous said:
Hello, I absolutely love your old neighborhood decos. However, the roads don't really match your rural charm set. I was wondering if there was a cc set that you know of that edited your old nh decos to match rural charm roads? Or if you have uploaded one before and I just haven't been searching enough ^^'
Hey anon! Thank you! I don’t think there are any ‘charmed’ versions of my old neighborhood decos around. And I’m afraid you’ll have to wait too long for me to update them -_- Real life is going hard right now.
Anonymous said:
Hola yo instale el juego pero me aparece todo azul
Hola anon! No creo que soy una persona adecuada para resolver problemas generales con el TS2 como este. Tengo zero experiencia en este tema y lo único que te puedo aconsejar es buscarlo. Lo único que me parece raro, es que lo tienes todo azul y no roso. Y eso me hace pensar, que estas hablando no del juego mismo sino de algún CC que acabas de instalar. De todos modos, con mas detalles es mas fácil conseguir alguna solución.
Nonnie is saying that they’ve just installed the game and everything appears blue. I reply that I’m not the right person to resolve general TS2 issues and my advise is look it up somewhere. The only thing that bothers me is that everything is blue, not purple which makes me thing that the anon is talking about CC they recently installed rather than the game itself. All in all, more details would help resolve this.
Anonymous said:
Hello Criquette!  I hope I'm not bothering you with my question, but there is something driving me bonkers about my game that I hope you can help me with.  Whenever I load up my game and go into "lot" mode, the area next to the roads where normally the sidewalk would be is a darker shade of green than the rest of the environment. This ONLY happens when it is night time, during the day everything matches perfectly. Any ideas what could be causing this? FYI I use your terrain and road replacement
Hi anon! I can feel your pain here. Yes, that drives me crazy too, but there’s not much we can do about it, unfortunately. I mean, probably it is possible to edit that particular part of lighting system TS2 has, but.. Imagine trying to replace a book with other book at the bottom of a huge pile of books trying to prevent the pile from falling ^^
Anonymous said:
Hi. I'm hoping you'd know the answer to this. Voleste shared a beautiful hood a few years ago, but did not include the sc4 file. Do you know how I would be able to edit the hood in SimsCity4 to add a few roads?
Hello, anon! I don’t think that’s possible. There’s no conventional way to export a TS2 terrain back into SC4 map. There’s one thing you can do though. You can try to recreate the road layout in Simcity4, keeping in mind that SC4 tile is 2x2 neighborhood TS2 tiles and the map is mirrored. Make it as accurate as possible in terms of planning, but ignoring the height and relief factor. Then, make the edits you want to make and create a neighborhood with that new SC4 map. Then you have to swap only roads with the neighborhood you wanted to edit in the first place. That will make your roads levitate or underground depending what relieve the target neighborhood has. To fix that, you have to use the terraforming cheat and move terrain vertices along the roads up and down again to make the road stick back to the surface of the earth. Not a conventional way too, but you don’t have to study coding and programming to create a stand alone SC2 terrain editor with a ‘export to SC4 map’ option ^___^
Anonymous said:
Привет, Criquette. Я переделываю участки в городке под квартиры и обношу границы задних двориков невидимым забором. Но в городке есть один дом, где дворик общий для двух квартир. Есть ли какой-нибудь способ через SimPE, убрать коллизию у забора так, чтобы игра всё ещё воспринимала его как барьер, но симы могли проходить сквозь него?
Привет, анон! В теории, у любого забора есть свойство, которое включает и выключает пересекаемость этого забора симом. Это позволяет низким оградам (клумбам, например) не быть преградой для симов, но мне кажется именно эта переменная и отвечает в том числе и за изолированность пространств друг от друга. Если это могло бы сработать, то проверить это можно разделив общий дворик кирпичным или деревянным бордюром для клумб. Но что-то мне подсказывает, что игру это не устроит. А Нуменоровские кастомные стены никак не подойдут? Я точно не помню какие именно там есть, но вдруг.
Nonnie is saying that they’re converting houses in the hood into apartments using invisible fence to keep backyard boundaries safe. But there’s a house in the neighborhood where the backyard is shared by two apartments. The question is: is there a way to edit a fence in SimPE so that sims would cross it, but the game would still think it’s not a single room but rather two separate rooms. I reply that there is an option that makes a fence possible/impossible to walk over, but I’m pretty sure that this very option is also responsible for the room type and how the game sees it. The easiest way to check this theory would be to divide the room by wood or brick flowerbed fence, but I doubt it’d work. I also suggest Numenor’s custom walls, probably there’s something there that would fit the situation.
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twilightknight17 · 3 years
We’re at the end of the road, folks.
And god damn, I feel so validated by my Sojiro characterization. Wow. Thanks for basically making me canon for ten more seconds, Atlus. XDDD
So when last we left our intrepid heroes, they were laying at the bottom of the Jail of the Abyss, because Ichinose is an asshole. So we had to fight our way back up, carrying Sophia’s unconscious body. Which wasn’t that bad; the Jail isn’t very big. We left Sophia at the door to keep her safe, and then charged back into the hall of the Ark to hack Ichinose’s exploding crystal box thing.
Ichinose doesn’t understand why we came back.
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So, yeah. I guess like... bizarro-world Maruki? Maruki wanted to alleviate suffering by granting everyone’s wishes. EMMA’s going to make it so that people can’t wish for anything.
After a kick-ass hacking battle set to the new version of Rivers in the Desert, Ichinose yells at us about our right to judge. Why should humanity keep this painful world, just because WE’RE strong? Just because we’ve never screwed up or suffered?
Which, clearly she has no idea who the fuck she’s talking to.
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We’ve worked too hard to listen to that kind of bullshit.
Ichinose proclaims that “humans don’t need hearts” and charges up the laser crystal to blast us again, and Sophia steps in to block the attack. She’s still fighting Ichinose’s control even though Ichinose insists that she’s just a faulty prototype.
Apparently Ichinose created Sophia in the first place because she spent a lifetime being called a heartless doll, so she made an AI to help her learn about the heart.
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I think you’re the problem, but not for the reasons everyone else is saying.
But she got angry when Sophia started asking questions of her own and basically tossed her aside, until EMMA found her and dropped her into the Shibuya Jail.
And Sophia, unlike her creator, has learned and grown, and is tired of being given orders. She’s ready to make her own choices.
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That is certainly a persona.
I gotta admit, they got me. I was wondering why Sophia didn’t have her arcana yet, but for some reason, I also wasn’t expecting her to get a proper persona. I’m now wondering about the implications of someone being able to code an AI capable of developing a soul that can summon a persona. There’s a zero percent chance that Ichinose had any access to plumes of dusk, which are the reason that Aigis and Labrys gained enough consciousness to have personas. So Sophia is legitimately a miracle piece of technology.
Pandora is an interesting choice, but I dunno if I can articulate that beyond a surface-level, “Oh, because she’s Hope, and Hope was still in the box.”
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I swear to god, every major villain in this game is trying to be Goro Akechi. For the last goddamn time, we don’t kill people. Get up, Ichinose. We’re leaving.
Ryuji literally grabs her by the arm and drags her out, because she’s trying to stay behind. Which just confirms for me that if Goro hadn’t put up that bulkhead door, we’d have dragged his stupid ass out of the Ship, too. XD
Back to the real world, and Tokyo is blacking out, and the Tower is losing its shit.
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The metaverse is fusing with reality, the Tower is becoming the Tree of Knowledge, and hell yes we are climbing this tower after all!
Morgana points out that this is the same thing that happened last year, and Zenkichi freaks out a little bit.
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You’re lucky you moved to Kyoto, sir. You missed quite a bit.
I love these kids, though. They’ve got so much black humor about this whole god thing.
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The metaverse encroaching on reality means that everyone has to cram into the bus in their thief gear. Zenkichi, please. Your hat. Sir.
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I love climbing this tower. I’ve been here, too! Also they have butter. XD
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I was expecting the Mementos version of the lower observation deck, and instead I got some weird amalgam between Mementos and Azathoth’s boss chamber.
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We had to fight Metatron as the guardian of the last elevator, which is another parallel to Yaldabaoth’s archangels. And then it’s up to what I guess used to be the high observation deck to fight the big box.
EMMA insists that all humanity wants is to let it give them all the answers, and it throws them into some sort of alternate fog world full of the voices of the public.
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The Thieves are all separated, trapped in the fog. Each of them has to find their way out, and they realize that the fog of the Desires is protecting EMMA. EMMA knows exactly how calling cards work, so they won’t work on her. Instead, the Thieves decide that they need to send the calling card to the public, so that they’ll become aware of their desires again and the desires will crystalize.
...oh come on, Atlus. We’re right in the endgame.
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One last hacker battle to break into EMMA’s server room in the tower, and Futaba and Ichinose manage to hack EMMA itself to deliver a calling card to everyone at once.
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Love you, Zenkichi. We’ve taken out two gods already. We’re good.
Confronting the Ark again reveals a bunch of freaky tentacle arms grabbing the desires, and then the box turns into some sort of massive figure that looks sort of like Yaldabaoth, except less robot and more seraphim. It literally names itself the Demiurge, so I feel like EMMA may be drawing something from the lingering dregs of Yald’s influence? It’s cool.
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Clearly no one told you what happened to the last false god that thought it knew what was best for humanity. ;) “Hope binds humanity to misery” is bullshit.
After a... not very difficult first phase, the Demiurge reveals its true form, and we split into three teams to take out its support orbs (modeled after the sephirot) and the main body.
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I really liked the setup for the last boss. The teams were the first instance where it was really apparent that the whole team was fighting together. Each of the three battles was happening concurrently, and destroying the orbs has a concrete effect on the main fight. I wish we’d gotten to do things like this more often, especially during the Shadow Thieves fight.
That said, the main body was actually the easiest part of the fight? All the attacks were really telegraphed, and not particularly hard to avoid. Except for the spear jab.
But it finished off with a full-team all-out attack, and that was awesome.
The desires began to return to their owners, and we get to bask in a job well done once again.
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Upon returning to the real world, it’s the next morning. Sophia’s happy that she got to be a hero, Zenkichi’s heading off to properly arrest Owada, and the rest of us need to head home, because we were supposed to be home last night. Zenkichi can’t figure out why we consider him a phantom thief, since he “only joined [us] to use [us]”. Which is silly. The Phantom Thieves are built on the bonds of friendship and stalking! It’s too late, Zenkichi. You and Akane have been adopted.
I’m a little disappointed we didn’t get to tell Akane the truth. That would have been great.
Atlus personally reaches out and pats me on the head, because Sojiro has the absolute perfect reaction to his kids coming home after a nationwide manhunt for them.
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I feel so valid making him serve Lavenza coffee and be completely nonplussed about a guy marrying Death. I love him. We’re so lucky to have Sojiro. XDDDD
The next day, the kids have a celebration party for their victory, and learn that Akira is going home the next day. This kid needs to catch a break. He can’t even have a few days to relax with his friends. X’‘‘D
Everyone goes to see off Akira, though we detour to Shibuya to meet Ichinose. A news report shows that Owada was successfully arrested, and apparently Ichinose tried to turn herself in to the police, and they didn’t believe a word of it.
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This is just highlighting my issues with Maruki. Even if he doesn’t think he did anything wrong to society as a whole, he never apologizes to them for what he put them through. Especially Akira. Ichinose turns around and helps them stop the final boss, and her last scene is her apologizing to the Thieves and trying to make amends for her actions. Maruki’s last scene is... “If things get bad, you can start over like me! Now we’re even!” We are not.
Sophia leaves to help Ichinose learn about the heart, Akira promises to come back for winter break, the Phantom Thieves go their separate ways once again, and the credits roll.
I’m gonna leave my final impressions in a different post, because this one is long enough already. So... look forward to that?
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sadviper · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favorite Works
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Succumbing to peer pressure, haha, thank you @rain-hat, @smylealong, @ibelongtomousse, @macgyver-sheriff, @avauntus for tagging me~
It seems the common refrain is that this was the year everyone exploded into massive creative productivity after years of nothing, which is the exact same story for myself. I had read all the strategies of course: write 5 min a day, 1 sketch a day, don’t think about quality, do *something* just to keep the spark alive, etc etc, but it just got worse and worse. Honestly, I had been feeling so dire about it that I had made up my mind to stop trying anymore, because it was so depressing to try and fail so many times that it was much better to not hope at all.
Buuuuut.....then quarantine and telework happened, and woooah, guess what, all I needed was LOTS of time and space to myself where I’m not wasting it in an office checking emails and doing random training to fill all the downtime!!!
Much thanks to the serendipity that had me stumbling into @rain-hat , reading her early JY/KSR fics, and her encouraging me to go ahead and write that office yearly budget oneshot for TKEM (who writes BUDGET fics?? Who reads them???? lol). That’s not in my list here because it was very new and awkward, it was definitely the ball that got everything rolling.
Cut for super long-winded rambling:
1) Before There Was Zero (TKEM)
This was my first big fanfic in my life, and my most popular, and it absolutely gushed out of me in this massive torrent of *I MUST WRITE* where I would walk around at lunchtime giggling to myself, and type on my phone as I went, or wake up at 1am to scrawl something in a notebook in the dark because I couldn’t stop the words from coming. (How I miss that feeling now! ;__;) Actually, it also is the 2nd fully complete long-form story I had ever completed as well, so...lots of milestones here.
Looking back, it clearly was the product of my years of bottled up silence, where I stewed and dragged myself to the office every day wondering if I was going to calcify in a bureaucracy for the rest of my life (yes). But even as an office drone, I learned a lot of valuable lessons in how to manage, what leadership actually is at the worker bee level, the types of games white-collar workers play, and how to be a decent co-worker (and by extension, a decent human being--I don’t believe it’s possible to separate work life and private life. All your personas are you). It wasn’t all a waste after all!
Somehow I connected my day-to-day to the faceless, long-suffering Royal guardsmen in TKEM, headed by the utterly gorgeous, devastating, thoroughly underutilized, comedic prop military action star Jo Yeong, and thought--yeah! :D
2) Nil Desperandum (TKEM)
My biggest fic by far, full novel length at this point, massive in scope, I don’t even know how I came up with it based on the 10 collective seconds of screen time that Jeong Tae-ra and tyrant Jin got as a joke, but I was clearly still on that dam-gushing-pent-up-creative-high because this idea was fighting me when I was in the middle of writing “Before There Was Zero”.
I actually figured out the title while watching “Call the Midwives” where one of the peppy, indefatigable British nurses said to never despair, and I thought, yes, that’s it. All the horrible things I put my tyrantverse characters through, it was only so that when I save them at the end, it will be completely worth it. It’s a bit more violent (nothing beyond My Country levels tho) and quite emotionally dark, but I also tried to inject a lot of friendship, humor, and love into it as well, because there must always be hope.
For My Country fandom friends who didn’t realize, the tyrant!Yeong in this fic is essentially modernAU!Seon-ho, and I lifted Sung-rok entirely from My Country to be tyrant!Yeong’s second-in-command and loyal-superstar-extraordinaire. Writing them in this modern AU, and seeing the positive reception to Sung-rok’s grouchy, dogged devotion was the start of my love spiral for Sung-rok. <3 <3
3) The Veritable Records of King Taejo (My Country)
Going to cheat and lump 3 fics (soon to be 4) into one link. I rested a little bit after “Nil Desperandum” because I had completely emptied myself out at that point, just a husk of an author shell. Then I started poking out oneshots! Each one got progressively harder to write, lol, the creative gas tank was running out of juice, so I had to really start figuring out new strategies as a writer to keep going. One magic tool was coercing recruiting @rain-hat to beta for me, and WOW, THE BEST???? Who would’ve thought it’d be FUN to be edited!!! <3 Due to her efforts, I could avoid the “no beta we die like Liaodong” tag, hahaha.
I grew up watching cop shows, lawyer shows, monster-of-the-day shows, endless procedurals-- so I was super miffed that the drama would imply that Seon-ho spent YEARS just single-mindedly chasing private armies??! No! I want more family and friends development for this sad, dramatic whump child! I want him to be smarter than the show, inherently brilliant despite the stupid he descends into, and be recognized as such by the people who do recognize his value! And I want them all to be happy with no pointless death!
Also, the 4th WIP is now a Sung-rok lovefest written as an ode to his awesomeness, has stretched to 47K+ words, and is being an absolute royal pain to finish. ;__; All the ease and creative fervor from earlier? GONE. I’m a lone salmon flopping upstream on a ladder. I might get eaten before I finish laying my eggs. Any one have tips to get over this?
4) First Translation of Woo Do Hwan Japanese Interviews
More firsts! So much thanks to @ibelongtomousse to inspiring and encouraging me to do some real translating after talking to her about her sublime TKEM fics and translations thereof, and @staidwaters from emerging from the Internet depths to boost/correct my neophyte efforts! I’m now chomping at the bit to do more, even though I may ultimately discover that these interviews have absolutely nothing interesting to say, lol. But my first priority is simply to get better at the language, and 2nd priority is to soak in the words (and photos) of Woo Do Hwan, hahahah. Also, as far as I can tell, no one is filling this niche, so I guess I’ll keep going??
5) Fanart!
I started drawing again! As a procrastination tactic from writing oneshots, but it still was really nice to see that I hadn’t lost the touch entirely. I feel like I’ve mentioned this here and there, but writing wasn’t my first interest--drawing was. Animals first, then people once I discovered anime/manga. I went all into drawing comics, only to face the hard reality that I didn’t know how to tell a story end-to-end. Hence how I started trying to write. Along the way, things happened--I got RSI and had to stop drawing/writing for awhile. I discovered that pictures are NOT worth a thousand words, esp when it comes to long-form comics; my preferred tools of trade (dip pens) ended up exacerbating my RSI problems; then once I got a handle on my RSI, I found I could type faster than I can ever draw, and so here I am. I saw what @convenientalias was doing with their My Country werewolf fic though, so I am excited to try that for my Sung-rok WIP? :D
I think I’m the last hold out among artist/writer friends in answering this wrap-up, hope you enjoyed reading!
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four-swords-dub · 6 years
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Next up we have our Green bean blooper machine! Riley!  (Karen: Riley couldn’t record his answers so I’ve included one of my fav lines of his) Name: rockriled Character(s) you voice: Green Link, Deku Scrub #2, Sound Director/Editor of the FS Dub Project Are you in any way like those characters? I think we’re similar in terms of wanting to help/protect the people we love.  As for Green’s personality…probably not? Green is confident, independent, and hardworking while I’m a bag of nerves and anxiety.  I could fit into the hardworking area, though. As for the Deku Scrub…we’re both short, squeaky, and flammable?  (I’m probably not gonna refer to the Deku Scrub for the rest of this since they only got…four lines, I think?)
Favourite/least favourite thing about voicing your character? My favorite thing about voicing Green is that I can just let loose.  I don’t talk much outside of the project due to shyness and how most of my friends live a long ways away, but when I play Green, I can feel powerful and confident even if it’s just for a few minutes.Least favorite thing about voicing Green is that depending on the chapter, he has the most lines.  I blame this on my lack of voice-acting experience, but both actor-me and sound-editor-me look through the script and think “dangit, Green, stop hogging the spotlight and let someone else speak!” Which characters did you audition for? I auditioned for Vio first, but I got nervous that auditioning for only one role was rude.  I figured I wasn’t cute enough for Red or tough enough for Blue, so I went with Green. How did you react when you got the part(s)? Hoo boy, um…settle in, this is a bit of a story.My self-esteem has always been in the pits—and combining that with my perfectionist needs didn’t help, either.  Whenever something cool came up, my brain would go “why bother, you’re gonna fail” and I’d do just that: give up without trying.So when posts about the Four Swords Dub Project started floating around, the same thing happened all over again.  Best way I can describe it… Brain: “Don’t even try it.  You know you’re not gonna get a part.” Me: “But it’s Four Swords, my favorite part of the Zelda manga series.” Brain: “And?  Your voice sucks.  Your acting sucks.  You won’t even get a minor role.  Do you really want to add another failure to your life?”   Me: “…look.  I’m really interested in this.  I don’t know if I’ll actually get a part, but I still want to send in an audition so I can say that I tried.” Brain: “…two main characters?  Really? Don’t get your hopes up.”(some time later) FS Dub Email: “Congratulations, you’re going to be our Green Link!” Me & Brain: “WAIT, WHAT?!” It was a total shock.  I was so convinced I wasn’t going to get in that it never occurred to me that I could get in.  Heck, it’s been a little over two years and I still can’t believe I got a leading role. As for the part of Sound Director/Editor…I can’t remember how, but I somehow got a hold of all the voice lines for all the characters in Chapter 1-1.  Even though I have zero experience in editing, I suddenly got curious and started mixing the files with background music and sound effects. I sent a copy of what I put together to Karen (our voice and project director) for fun. Next thing I knew, I was the BGM/SFX guy for the rest of the project! Long story short: this dub’s been full of surprises. ^_^ Who do you wish you could voice? Oof, that’s a tough one. @_@  It’s so hard to pick because everyone’s already perfect as their current roles...   Had you read the manga before taking part in the dub? Yep! :D It was around the time the internet became a big thing and when YouTube was first made.  Middle-school me spent HOURS scouring Google for Yu-Gi-Oh! content (fell in love with the show in sixth grade) when I stumbled across a website with Legend of Zelda comics  It had the manga versions of Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, the Oracle games, and—my top favorite—Four Swords.
FS holds a special place in my heart for not only giving the Links such diverse eyes/expressions, but destroying typical color-personality associations.  I’d seen fan-comics of Four Swords with Red as the angry one, Blue as the smart one, and Purple as the newbie or the…um…stereotypically-gay one.  Akira Himekawa’s version of the Links blew my freaking mind and I LOVED IT. <3     Any past voice acting experience? At best, the only voice-acting experience I had prior to the FS dub was watching tons of anime and re-enacting scenes via talking to myself.  I still do this with anime, TV shows, movies, books, and video games. @_@ I’m not sure if this counts, but I…kinda got voice training in other areas?  I yelled my lungs out in Tae Kwon Do for two years, sang alto in a chorus for three years, was moved to soprano for one year, yelled my lungs out again in Judo for one year, and learned classical/opera singing techniques for a few months (a friend’s friend was studying to be a music teacher and they needed a volunteer to practice their teaching skills).  They might not count for this question, though… Who is your favourite FS character (if any)? Oh boy...I know younger-me’s favorite was Vio (I blame the eyes and ability to side with both Shadow and the other Links), but these days?  It’s hard to pick, thanks to the dub. @_@ How do you warm up/get in character before recording? Big thing for me is how I’m feeling.  Currently, I work six days a week (it sucks but I need the money/insurance DX) and I use the commute from work to where I live to figure out my mood.  If I’m down in the dumps to the point that music can’t help, I won’t be able to deliver as Green.  If I have some energy or so much energy that I can belt/rap to my music, I’m all set.  It means I’m all loose and confident to record. As for days when I don’t have work like days-off or holidays, I try to relax and get myself in a Green-y mindset. 
Little something I picked up from YouTube is gargling a mouthful of water.  I’m not too sure how it works, but I do this right before a recording session and it helps a lot. Favourite chapter to voice so far? Favourite scene? Um…it’s kinda hard to pick a favorite chapter or scene I liked voicing since I had fun with all of them.  Can I make this into favorite scene/chapter to do sound stuff for instead?  And can I pick multiples instead? >_>;; Favorite Chapter for Sound Editing: Chapter 4.  I had to compile different sounds that reflected Green’s desert, Blue’s snowstorm, Red’s forest fire, and Vio’s night in the woods. It was both challenging and fun. :D  Favorite Scene for Sound Editing: Every comedic scene, scenes where the background music slowed to a halt, and scenes where I had to improvise sound effects.
The slowed-down songs are in the scenes where Blue and Green fight on the boat, and when Red admits he lost his weapons to Blue in the Ice Cave.  Those were tough to do in Audacity (had to slow down the music piece by piece), but it was SO worth it.
As for scenes where I had to use nearby stuff for sounds…there’s a bunch of ‘em.
The door slamming while Erune talks about the missing children = me slamming my bedroom door.
The Gerudo Masseuse’ movements and the Gerudo Elder’s staff = me shaking my wrist while wearing my old belly-dance bracelets.
Deku Scrubs popping out of the ground = me smacking my lips mixed with the deku sound effect from Ocarina of Time.
Green’s sword hitting the labyrinth wall = me hitting a pot lid with a wooden spoon.
Green falling and sliding down the labyrinth wall = me falling and sliding down a bedroom wall.
Eerie shadow raising their sword to attack Green as the moon rises = me sliding a knife sharpener over a kitchen knife.
Shadow walking on clouds = me blowing into the mic mixed with footstep sounds from Ocarina of Time.
Big Poe screaming at Red and Blue = me banging pots, pans, and piano keys mixed with chaotic sound effects I found online.
Big Poe taking Blue’s soul = me breathing into the mic along with heavy editing.
Red clapping at Big Poe = me clapping my hands.
The Four Swords pulsing = me playing a four-note harmony (one for each Link) on the piano mixed with heavy editing and a wind chime effect.
(Karen: This guy is a genius when it comes to sound effects and the dub wouldn’t be half as good without him!)
Lines you dread voicing the most (screaming, crying, etc): As much as I love battle cries, my microphone and its inconvenient ability to make stuff clip bothers me.
And even though the chapter’s long gone, the part where Green remembers when he playing with Zelda as a toddler.  I’M NEVER VOICING SMALL CHILDREN AGAIN. DX
What are your biggest worries when it comes to voicing your character? *pulls in with a giant dump truck* um…
#1 – Is my voice too high or too low? Green’s age would be around early teens or so, and with my weird vocal range, I can’t tell if I make him sound younger or older than he is. #2 – Am I getting the personality right? Because of my shy-as-hell nature, it’s hard for me to pick up if my confident-Green-persona sounds genuine or fake. #3 – Is it bad that I can only voice Green with my natural voice? Many voice actors have a HUGE variety of voices they can do (ex. Tara Strong).  It’s likely because I’m still new to this, but part of me gets nervous that me voicing Green with my normal speaking voice is a sign that I lack voice acting talent. #4 – (Personal worry but it still bothers me sometimes) How will I sound as Green in the future?  I’m a pre-HRT transmale who hates how high his voice is. This year, I’ll be moving out and if I play my cards right, I can start the process to either get testosterone, top surgery, or both.  I love this dub to death, but after voicing Green in my non-HRT voice for so long, I get nervous that I could accidentally lower the quality of the dub if my voice changes if/when I start HRT (assuming the editing process for videos will be the same as it’s been). (Karen: i figure I should add this since people might be wondering how we’re going to handle it. As Green is right now I feel his voice wouldn’t hurt if it went a little deeper. However, if Riley’s voice becomes too deep, I’m going to edit the pitch of his lines. Don’t worry Riley, you aren’t going anywhere!) #5 – Do I make too many bloopers?  During recording, I either screw up or my mind wanders a lot, and I save ‘em for the blooper reel.  When the reel comes out, however, I’ll sometimes see my segment is a little longer than everyone else’s and I get nervous.  ESPECIALLY if Green only had two lines and I had nearly an extra 30 seconds worth of bloopers. Would you date your character (if they were of age)?I’m gonna sound horrible, but…I don’t think Green’s personality would stand out enough to me as a possible date.  If anything, I think we’d just end up being a weird duo of friends: the strong, confident soldier and the socially-awkward weirdo. *laughs*
Do you have a favourite voice actor on the dub?I don’t have a favorite voice actor, but I do have favorite lines/sounds from some of the cast (this is likely to change as more chapters are released).  The way the VAs say these lines, I LOVE ‘EM.  For now, I’m only going to list a few of them so this Q&A doesn’t go too long.
Favorite Carrottheluvmachine/Red line: “Oh!  And it [footprint] looks like mine!” Favorite Ashe/Blue line: “so that’s how you want to do this, huh?!” Favorite Swiss/Vio line: “Losing confidence? …it’s because I’m you too, remember?” Favorite Kaenith/Shadow line: “Shadow saying “you’re a creature of darkness now, don’t forget that.”
Asked by Anon: Riley, how do you come up with so many awesome bloopers? Aww, thank you. ^///^ Most of them are accidental, like me not saying a word correctly. Others happen when I try and fail to memorize the script: if I’m struggling with a line, I’ll have a physical copy of the manga and match Green’s facial expression. This helps me get into the mindset, but it does draw my attention away from the script and I’ll end up flubbing a line because I tried to say it off the top of my head. 
The mistakes where I either notice something weird either pop up on the fly or something I noticed a while back, and then suddenly remember during recording.  The part where I noticed the Four Sword “thrumming” happened when I couldn’t get Green’s “the four sword is pulsing!” line right and I had to keep looking at the manga for the proper face.  It was at that point I noticed the weird sound effect drawn in.  Also, the blooper where I sang a song from The Heathers as Green flees the Eerie Shadow? That was in my head long before the script for Chapter 5 was out and when the time came to record, I remembered that bit. 
Asked by Anon What was the funniest/most humorous line you guys have had to say? Not sure if this counts, but Kaenith had a blooper where they screwed up as Shadow, saying “you’re pretty—UM PRETTY SMART!”  They shared it with the staff and it was so funny, Swiss made a joke response as Vio going “I prefer handsome.”  I was given the two lines to put together and as a joke, I added some audio of a guy screaming “MAKE OUT!” 
The staff liked it so much, they asked me to add Green shouting “NOW KISS!”  It took a while to get perfectly, but I had SO much fun with it. ^_^
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tearasshouse · 4 years
Mostly vidya ramblings pt 3C
Previous post here.
Right, software time. A cursory glance at my PSN Profile will show that I’ve met my personal quota of getting the platinum in at least 10 PlayStation titles over the year, with a few PC titles sprinkled in for good measure since hey, I have access to a Windows machine again (though it’s not exactly a games machine, unless your definition of a “gaming rig” is something with a 15W Core i3 and modest laptop Radeon graphics). While I didn’t start out meaning to rank these games, I find I have a tendency to do so anyway and while I’m certainly not saying these games are outright bad, they were absolutely lower on the rung, so I’ve dubbed this part “C” (again, no disrespect to the devs or any who rate these games higher than I do; these are just my personal assessments). These are OK games.
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The Darkness 2 (Steam)
Enjoyable, somewhat! I put this down like, ages ago when I picked it up for a song on PC, feeling it was too basic and uh “console shootery” at the time. Often times, having restrictions placed upon something can net great results, and hamstrung as I am by my less-capable hardware, I’ve only been picking up Steam games that could run on lower end hardware, or anything released prior to say, 2015. Surprisingly this runs at something stupid like 200 FPS on my machine with V-Sync off and all settings on High at 1080p, so go figure. Anyway, it’s a short and enjoyable shooter. I don’t know anything about the comics upon which the game(s) are based, but Jackie is a likeable character, the Darkness powers are fun enough, the locations are varied, the supporting cast surprisingly interesting and the plot was actually pretty cool too, with a major sequel hook that we’ll probably never get. 
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Ori & The Blind Forest (Steam)
It sorta hovers a bit below 60fps while running at 1080p, but it’s all just a bit reductive when one spends more time looking at the framerate counter than playing a game, no? The blessing and curse of PC gaming I suppose. Anyway, as a Metroidvania the game is a bit annoying. As a piece of interactive fiction, it’s too saccharine and feels like a B-tier Dreamworks production for children which, I suppose shouldn’t be a knock against the game but I have to say --  wasn’t my cup of tea. Reminds me a bit of Child of Light by Ubisoft -- gorgeous to look at, benign if not frustrating to play (those escape sequences can piss off), and young gamers would probably find more to like in the...emotional tidbits than most adults.
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Crysis 2 (Steam)
So apparently this got delisted off Steam but now it’s back up or something with EA deciding to put their back catalog on the platform or something? Anyway, like this list implies, Crysis 2 is an okay game, nothing more and nothing less. The nanosuit energy depletes a bit too quick for my liking, and you’re really made to feel like a badass only some of the times, in quick and short bursts, not unlike BJ in the new Wolfenstein games by MachineGames (any more prolonged exposure to hitscan weapons and other bullshit will quickly send you to the loading screen). Thing is, I don’t want to feel like a badass only some of the time? I mean, you put a ripped supersoldier type doing the Badass Looking Back At the Viewer Pose on the cover and I expect to be able to do certain things without stopping for a breather every 20 seconds, ya know? If you’re going to give me the power fantasy, commit to it. Or, find ways to keep the flow up and reward mastery to make players earn said fantasy (something the new DOOMs  have done and why those have been so successful). I certainly don’t envy game devs for having to balance this shit, but id Software showed you one way of how you might do that while the Crysis games and those of their ilk just feel slow and unrewarding. 
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Quantum Break (Steam)
Really surprised I was able to get this running on my PC but hey, it runs on the Xbox One so how hard could it be? I dearly love Remedy’s games, even if they’re a bit straightforward at times and you get the feeling they’d rather be in the business of non-interactive fiction than games making at times. Well here is a TV show hybrid! Made exclusively in partnership with Microsoft as part of their TV & STREAMING, TV & STREAMING, SPORTS & STREAMING strategy of the 2010s. I didn’t care for the plot, nor the endless email / audiobook / loredumps scattered around, nor the characters, any of it. I will say the final stage with the super high tech offices was a delight (boy wouldn’t I love to live the corpo life in such beautiful, clean office environs). Lance Reddick was a treat as always. Peter “Littlefinger” Baelish shows up to do a thing. Yeah, it’s a Remedy joint through and through. 2019′s Control was such a highlight for me that I’ll take any kind of prototype-y take on it (and QB certainly feels like a rougher, worse version of Control, at least mechanically).
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Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs / Dear Esther: Landmark Edition (Steam)
These titles were certainly...things that I installed onto my PC and sat through... Yes. Look, I’m not one to dog on walking simulators, and I know the devs have faced tough times recently but I still feel these are acquired tastes and could be appreciably improved in too many ways to name. Of the two, Dear Esther is the one I’d rec because at least that one was quite pleasant to meander around in while Amnesia left me disappointed that I’d wasted my time, physically sick with its subpar performance and muddy graphics, flaccid with its stodgy plot and left absolutely disappointed that I’d wasted my time on such a bizarre and confusing payoff towards the end. Chinese Room, I mean this in the most constructive way possible: maybe try a different type of game next time.
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Return to Castle Wolfenstein (GOG)
I remember putting in some decent time into the DEMO version of RtCW’s MP mode, being amazed at the time by the particle effects, with child-me just running around the D-Day map with the flamethrower out. Anyway, years later and I finally played the SP campaign. It’s maybe better than Allied Assault’s? It feels more consistently entertaining anyway. Hell I think I like these boomer shooters better than MachineGames’ recent efforts (which isn’t saying a whole lot because I find those games just merely okay). I promise you I’m not just being a crotchety old fart.
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Ys: Memories of Celceta (PS Vita)
I’d been playing through this over the spring on my Vita TV, before it bit the dust eventually and I’ve been meaning to go back and wrap up the cheevos. I was a bit lukewarm with Oath in Felghana (my first Ys), but could definitely see the appeal in the series, as boss rush games aren’t really my cup of tea (ie. it’s the journey and not the destination of say, a Souls game that is the meat for me). Definitely a game that would benefit from a 60fps refresh and cleaner graphics than what the Vita can provide. I’ve already got a copy of Ys 8 in shrink wrap and have my eyes set on emulating Ys Seven or grabbing the GOG version. A game where action is king and story or character development is secondary; I would prefer more of the latter to make this more of a JRPG and less of a “predominantly Japanese action game with superficial RPG elements”.
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Catherine: Full Body (PS4)
I paid $70 for this on day one and I’ve gotta say... should’ve waited for the price drop. I’m a somewhat lapsed Atlus mark, and I still hold the original Persona 5 as my no. 1 in the PS4′s lineup (with Dragon Quest XI possibly being a tie), yet I bought this knowing it wouldn’t really be for me. Why? High difficulty in a genre I don’t play, like at all, a relatively short clear time (in itself not an issue and frankly welcome these days HOWEVER...), and a somewhat unsatisfying payoff despite being a supernatural romance thriller. I bought this as seed money for Atlus’s P.Studio/Studio Zero, in the hopes that Project Re: Fantasy will knock my socks off just like the latter day Persona games have. Because in spite of the contents not really appealing to me, it’s still supremely well made, and it’s not everyday that games like these get made, so there you go. Look, if I could go back in time and put this money towards 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, I probably would, but then the Catherine steelbook is ever so pretty... 
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Tearaway Unfolded (PS4)
The OG game is one of the most charming little 3D platformer/collect-a-thons out there, and as far as children’s games (or er, “games that also appeal to children”) go, more of these and less of those please (your Child of Lights and Oris). I’d go as far as to say the OG version is better than the PS4 version, though the PS4 version is also quite good. Really, if I wasn’t going for that stupid Misplaced Gopher trophy, this would probably be an easy shoe-in for the B-tier list, but I place this demotion firmly at Media.Molecule’s feet. That cheevo is cursed.
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The Missing: JJ Macfield and the Island of Memories (PS4)
I’d almost forgotten about this! If that doesn’t qualify for making the C-tier list then I don’t know what else does. I only know of Swery65′s qualities through osmosis, having watched the 2BF’s legendary LP of Deadly Premonition and the gone-too-soon D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die. He’s an interesting person with interesting ideas but crucially, as a game dev, his output is just... kinda mediocre? If not outright bad? Case in point with this game. It looks and runs like garbo; it plays like garbo; the character designs are cute; the dialogue is pretty good; there is a wonderful and gradual “twist” to the main character that was super spoiled for me when people were discussing and promoting it (like, that is my bad, but also internet discourse on any kind of entertainment media is just *fucked*); there’s a lot of semi-colons in this sentence so I’ll stop here. 
And the balls to charge like, what, $40+ for the game on PSN?? I’d gotten it for way less on a sale but in a day and age when $1 could buy you 3 months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and MS might also throw in a curio like this in there just to fill in the gaps, it makes you wonder if these kinds of games can ever turn a profit, especially when the end product is this jank. And these are commercial goods, make no mistake, any aspirations to being an art piece or social critique notwithstanding, so that also brings to the fore the whole aspect of pricing games, relative value, production and marketing costs, blah blah.
IF you like something different, can appreciate games made on a shoestring budget with arguably bad gameplay and technical deficiencies, but has...heart? Then look no further to the output of this man. The most C-worthy of all the titles listed here. 
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I don't understand the hate for Sly 4. Can you explain why you think the game sucked?
Alright. I’ll give you a summary of the major issues I have with Sly 4, and try to keep it brief. Here’s an itemized list of 30 years of disagreements (Sweet Jesus):
-First off, the first half of the game is fucking incredible. (If that sounds like a weird place to start, that’s only because it is.) The opening recaptures the spirit of the games wonderfully - and given I was a returning fan, fresh off an eight-year hiatus, that was amazing - Japan is beautiful and builds well, and Cotton Mouth Bluff is probably my favourite level in the entire damn franchise.Even leaving aside how I can’t pretend bad installments of my favourite things didn’t happen - that’s just not how my brain works - part of the reason Sly 4 irks me is because it had so much goddamn potential. It’s an updated Sly Cooper game where he and the Gang go on time-adventures. We were so close to something incredible. This should, by rights, be my favourite game in the series, and also of all time.I’m angry because I care.
-Carmelita’s redesign. She was already a very sexualized character, but she used to have sensible jeans and a sense of vaguely realistic athleticism. Sanzaru insisted on pushing the sexualization further, and since we started at a pretty advanced point, it got taken to frankly disgusting levels. Her waist terrifies me. You can see her ribs. The badass Interpol inspector is now worryingly underweight. It legitimately creeps me out.
-I don’t like the caveman level. This is the least analytical gripe, I admit that. I just… don’t like the caveman aesthetic. Never liked the Flintstones or anything similar. That’s just subjective.What’s not subjective is how the Gang ending up in just the right place and time to stumble across another of Le Paradox’s lieutenants is a strong contender for the least likely coincidence in all of fiction. But whatevs. Them improvising an escape while falling down a cliff was cool.
-Likewise, as Cooper ancestors go, Bob is very underwhelming. He’s a big ugly block who reuses the Guru’s joke. Instead of Henriette or Slaigh or anybody else in the Vault or Henriette, we got this guy. Great.
-The Grizz. Unfunny character with an awful boss fight. Complete bungling of what a graffiti is or does or sounds like. Unnervingly racist.
-The Penelope twist. Good god in heaven, what even was that? I mean, I was interested. I gave the game the benefit of the doubt, all ears for what the explanation was. Unfortunately, that explanation never came. We’re still not sure what the hell was going through Penelope’s head. She’s just evil now. A lovable character, funny and endearing and not overly sexualized (which in this series is rare), just… twisted. For no real reason.There’s zero textual information justifying her decisions. Especially because the focus is entirely on Bentley, giving her no room to explain herself. And sure! Bentley’s great, I love him, but I also love Penelope and I also love(d) their in-practice painfully brief relationship. I want Geeks in Love doing Crimes Together, not a half-assed betrayal twist.
-Ms Decibel. Irritating to watch. Retread of both Octavio and the Contessa. Has no reason for having mind control powers. The fact it’s just “ha ha there is a trumpet in her nose” genuinely irritates me. This isn’t hard sci-fi, but it ain’t Looney Tunes either. Try harder.The Joke Is That She Is Fat And Ugly. Ha Ha Ha.
-The Carmelita belly dance. Sweet CHRIST. If I keep coming back to this, it’s because it’s gotten me progressively angrier ever since the first time I played it and felt an uncomfortable churn in my gut.This shit is genuinely disturbing. She is coerced. Why did Sanzaru think this was a good idea? Everybody in the writer’s room signed off on this; anyone who may have wanted to stop it didn’t manage to. Then it got animated and designed and Grey DeLisle was called into the booth to voice how beloved strong-willed icon of my childhood Inspector Carmelita Fox was deeply uncomfortable with this sexual act three men she was close to were forcing her to perform. I don’t find this shit amusing. Kids play these fucking games, man.
-Carmelita’s (lack of) use in general. She gets some good moments when she’s first dragged along, again making Tennessee’s level the best. Then she storms off during Bob’s. Then, after wandering back and calming down? Next to nothing. She’s barely there.Bentley shutting down over Penelope’s betrayal was a perfect opportunity for her to take charge and show off her tactical prowess as an officer. What did we get? “Uh… let’s go with Galleth’s plan, then walk forward through Penelope’s front gate. idk guys” Outside of objectifying her, Sanzaru had no idea what to do with her, and it shows.
-The underwhelming climax. The finale of Sly 2 felt earned. The original three all had great final acts, but I bring up the second because it resembles the fourth. In both, there’s a last-minute upset where everything the Gang has accomplished so far is suddenly snatched away.But Sly 2 built that feeling. From the moment Jean Bison sees through the Gang’s disguises, things get worse and worse. The time they spend in stony silence, hiding in that battery, really creates a sense of encroaching dread. Things are going wrong, but they’re going wrong slowly. And that’s worse.Sly 4 - perhaps due to a dwindling budget - rockets through where that suspense should be. “Le Paradox showed up and stole Carmelita and then his plan worked and he was king of everything and we were sad but we went to fight him anyway.” wow. my emotions. i’m so invested.One of the lines I can particularly remember is “I don’t ever remember feeling so defeated.” Oh, you don’t, Sly? Not when you lost every Clockwerk Part at once? Not when Clockwerk was reassembled and Neyla merged with him? Not when you watched your parents be murdered in front of you?It’s 100% Tell, 0% Show. That’s not how you do a finale.
-Le Paradox. God. Just… god. Obnoxious in a way that isn’t entertaining. An awful, nasty character who does not receive an adequate level of comeuppance for his overblown, overwrought crimes. Rapey. He hates Sly for something Conner did; Sly has no agency here, he’s just a victim, pulled into the story because he’s directly threatened over something he had no part in. That’s bad writing. Bad writing which retreads other, more interesting antagonists.Doesn’t hold a candle to Clockwerk, Arpeggio, Neyla or Dr M. Unlike them, Le Paradox survives his game, which a) feels like too light a punishment if everybody else got a dramatic death and b) creates the worrying prospect they intend to bring him back. Ugh. Would work fine as an insignificant filler villain; instead, has means, power level, and (intended) gravitas outstripping Clockwerk. Total disconnect between his persona and his stupid, childishly powerful plan.Bigger =/= better.Skunks don’t come from France.
And, of course, the grand finale. The last thing to happen to Sly Prime. To this day, four and a half years later, the current state of the original series, and what may well be the overall ending at this point no matter what Sanzaru originally intended long-term. Everybody sing along at home~!
-A terrible cliffhanger ending with no sequel greenlit!
There. That about covers it. For me, anyway. Everybody has their own take.For the record, every box in that brain meme is a genuine opinion of mine. Sly 4 is most certainly a Sly game. It has amazing art and great moments. It brought in a ton of new fans, and kept the franchise going. That can’t be undervalued.But it’s the most flawed installment by a wide, wide margin. Sly 1 was rough, but a lot of that feels like beginner’s jitters. 4′s flaws feel more like huge, enthusiastic strides in the wrong goddamn direction, made by well-meaning people who are super excited to bring the franchise to places I do not want it to go. Like Sexual Objectification Town.
I don’t hate it blindly, but I can’t pretend I love it. I’m not gonna repress my negativity. This is my blog where I talk about Sly Cooper. And when I talk about Sly 4, I won’t skip over its flaws. In the vague hope that maybe, if I explain how and why these things don’t work, there’ll be less of these mistakes in the world. For my own writing, if nothing else. Straightening out my emotions into coherent, rational analysis. Looking toward the future.
…that and because it’s cathartic.
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not-that-joker · 7 years
The Voicemail Saga, Part 3/3
It was December 10 when Goro found us in Shido’s Palace - four days after he left his last voicemail to me. In that last voicemail, it was obvious that his pain was turning to anger – and…the moment I saw him, and that look on his face, I regretted not telling him the truth before he reached that stage. He didn’t even need to tell me for me to understand what happened – he spent those four days overwhelmed by that anger, only to put the pieces together and realize I was alive in the middle of it – it didn’t take a detective to understand why that would make him let all that anger out at us. I know, I know – I did the smart thing, for once in my entire relationship with him. I did what all the available information told me was the best thing to do. It doesn’t stop me from wishing I’d done something different. I always thought, maybe if I’d just texted him the first time he begged me to come back, we wouldn’t have had to fight. Maybe we could have talked about him working with us for real where we were safe and could reassure him.
I don’t know. To this day, I don’t know. Hindsight is 20/20. I try not to blame myself for what happened anymore. I know I did what looked like the best thing and I shouldn’t fault myself for that…right?
Anyway…you all know what happened next. We fought – and I tried my hardest to avoid hurting him as much as possible – and we tried to negotiate with him, we tried to bring him back with us, but then a bunch of Shadows and his cognitive double showed up and…
I remember promising him we’d stop Shido. “You won’t say no, right?” is probably going to haunt my nightmares for the rest of my life. But…everything that happened in that moment is, all at once, terrifyingly vivid and a complete blur when I try to recall it. I just…fell apart. I physically felt like my heart had been ripped out. I fought to break through that shutter until my hands were torn to shreds and my wrist was broken and I don’t even know who it was who tore me away, but I was begging them to let me keep trying because I didn’t want to leave without him. I couldn’t stand the idea of leaving without him. The next thing I knew I was in a nearby safe room, curled up in a corner, still a complete wreck…it was bad.
But that by itself wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was reliving it over and over again. When I got back to Leblanc, my eyes were immediately drawn to his usual seat and I almost crumpled to my knees right there in the doorway because I “knew” I wasn’t going to see him there again.
Sojiro asked me what was wrong and I just couldn’t tell him. I couldn’t say the words. I just sat down next to Goro’s empty seat and cried on the counter until I fell asleep.
I just felt so empty, on every level – and everything reminded me of him. I couldn’t see a pack of playing cards without remembering the casino. “Crow” came up in the vocabulary for my next exam and I ended up locking myself in the bathroom for an hour. Never mind the way it affected my relationships with my friends – either they ended up walking on eggshells around me, and handled me like I would break if they looked at me funny, or we tried to carry on like normal but…we could only go about five minutes without someone doing something to accidentally remind me – including a few incidents that I know, and I always knew, were complete accidents born of just forgetting for one brief moment that there were touchy subjects out there, but damn were the things that got said ever insensitive. I never wanted this – I wanted things to go back to normal, but…I couldn’t imagine that happening without him.
But it was the moment I woke up from where I fell asleep on the counter that I remembered what he did when he thought I was dead. The voicemails. If calling me helped him, maybe calling him could do me some good. So, I headed up to my room, pulled out my phone, and made the call. It rang for a few seconds, and somehow, I was almost hopeful that he would pick up – but, sure enough, I did just get voicemail.
I couldn’t even get through listening to his greeting without crying again. He sounded so cheerful, I could just close my eyes and see his smile again and…when I opened my eyes the whole room just seemed that much darker. I just fell apart. Then came the tone that prompted me to leave a message and I almost just panicked and threw the phone across the room, but I couldn’t. I had to say something. I just had to say something.
I’m sorry, Goro, I’m so sorry – I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you I was alive, I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you – did you really think you’d hold us back? Because look at what happened. We couldn’t save you. I couldn’t – I couldn’t do anything. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I can’t – I don’t know what to do now. Nothing is right! Nothing is okay! I need you – I need you to be okay! Why…of all the people I could have failed, why did it have to be you? What could I have done differently? Let me go back and fix it, please, just – I can’t do this without you! N-no, I mean, I-I’ll do it! I’ll do anything to keep my promise to you! But I don’t know how I’m going to do it! I-I just—just…why did you have to go? Why couldn’t it have been me instead? I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I just…I just want you back! Please come back!
And as I hung up the phone and curled up on the bed I realized again just how strong he was. The messages he sent me, however sad, were all at least mostly coherent. Me? I was just falling apart. I couldn’t hide it. I could barely form a sentence. I don’t know how well any of my words could even be understood. And yet he was leaving me honest but startlingly eloquent messages at least once every night for over two weeks. I called back almost immediately.
You know what else? After I hung up, I…I really- I guess…I thought I knew how amazing you were. I thought I knew but I – no, I was wrong. You – I always knew you were incredible but you were even more amazing than I gave you credit for. You were stronger than I’ll ever be and I wish I could have made you see that. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I still love you. Please never forget that, please…! Wherever you are, please, know that…!
I don’t know if it helped or not, but I kept leaving these messages every night, and any time I felt like I needed it, just like he did. I sounded absolutely pathetic. It was always the same thing - just incoherent babbling, begging for him to just come back, somehow, and apologies on apologies - except for a few particularly important days. For example, the night before election day.
We did it, Goro – we kept our promise. We took his Treasure. He’s done for, it’s – he’s…finally going to change. Just like you wanted. W-will you come back now? It’s…it’s not even worth it if you can’t be here to see it! No, I shouldn’t say that, for all the other people he’s hurt and would hurt it’s worth it, but…I don’t know. I just thought I’d be happier. We’ve won, so – why do I – I just, I…I wanted to celebrate this victory with you. It’s not the same…it’s never going to be the same. I just wish you were here…what do I have to do? Why did you go?
And then came…the next day. I think we all remember what happened.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO THIS ISN’T HAPPENING THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING THIS ISN’T RIGHT—no, anything but this…! Goro, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, I failed you again…! This can’t be right! This can’t be happening! I promised, I promised you we’d stop him, I don’t know what went wrong but I’m so, so sorry! This isn’t right, this can’t be right – I told you, you’re the one who should have lived! You fought for this for so long and now I’ve gone and fucked it up…! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m just so, so sorry…!
But then came the press conference, when Shido broke down and tried to resign. I was relieved – but not as much as I wished I could have been.
Good…we were wrong. It did work. He’s resigning. He’s turning himself in. So…d-does this mean you can come back now? I-I…why am I even asking this? I know it doesn’t. I know you can never come back and it’s – it’s killing me, Goro. I don’t – I just want to be wherever you are. I’m trying, I’m really trying to appreciate that we kept our promise to you, but…I just want to see you again. I want to see you smile. I want to see you stepping out into a world where you’re finally free from him. I want to be by your side for it. I’m just…so sorry I couldn’t save you. I miss you so much.
And just when I thought things were going to be okay, Yaldabaoth cheated. I was...horrified, confused, bewildered, basically everything but okay. I don’t even know how I managed to function. Nothing around me felt real, the reactions people were having – or more accurately weren’t having – just weren’t natural, and I could tell.
I couldn’t bring myself to make any more calls for a while – because I felt like I didn’t deserve to talk to him under these circumstances. Because I was sick of failing him and it looked like, for whatever reason, it was happening again even though I thought we’d done everything right.
And then everything fell apart, and we all kind of died for real, and we found out the truth about everything – and let me tell you, I was never more bent on revenge than in the moment I found out about how we’d been set up. I knew that the way I felt so drawn to him from the beginning wasn’t normal – and look, I mean, I was 16, and I know that every 16-year old says that every crush they get is just so different, really, but this was really different. I think anyone who knows me at all realizes that this is more than just hormones talking. I knew something weird was going on, and I had made guesses as to why ranging from “Persona users just get stronger crushes” to “Persona users can sense their soulmates” – not a single one of these guesses came anywhere close to figuring out that we’d been set up to be counterparts by the living embodiment of apathy and laziness and pitted against each other in a great zero-sum game for its entertainment.
Hearing that he had to die for that? I felt like my heart had been ripped out – and I knew exactly who I was going to take it out on.
So we fought the embodiment of sloth itself, shot it in the face just like it tried to have Goro do to me, and god damn was that ever satisfying. I actually, genuinely smiled and laughed for the first time since the day I thought he died. It didn’t last long – because then I started questioning what would happen now. And then Morgana disappeared…which, I kind of expected something like that would happen eventually. I figured, from day one, that we’d go our separate ways eventually. He just had that kind of presence. I didn’t expect it to happen like that, though, and it was still sad, especially with the timing. So I came off that high pretty fast.
And then Sae approached me and told me to turn myself in.
I knew I had to do it. I knew it was the only way to actually make any charges against Shido stick. I wasn’t going to let it go. I promised Goro. I wasn’t going to back down halfway there. But…like we all remember, I needed a little more time. I needed to spend one last holiday with my friends and newfound family, and…I needed to make one last phone call.
Goro…it’s good to hear your cheerful voice again. A lot has happened since I last called…I found out the truth behind why we had those powers, and I…I finally got revenge for both of us, against the son of a bitch who did all of this to us. We were set up from the beginning, Goro. He wanted us to fight. He wanted us both to die. And I…I’m just so sorry I couldn’t have stopped him sooner. But he’s gone now, and I hope it brings you peace. As for me, I…I have to turn myself in tomorrow. It’s the only way to prove any of the charges against Shido. By the time I get out, I’m sure this number will be disconnected, so…I-I guess…I guess this is goodbye. But, Goro, even if I can’t talk to you anymore, I need you to know this – I need you to understand – I still love you. I always will. I still miss you – I know I always will. Everyone says it’ll get better someday, but I’ll always still feel it – which…is about what I expected myself. And I will never forget you. I don’t think there will be a day in my life that I don’t think of you. You were a beautiful person in every way and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to say how much darker my world has gotten without you in it – damn it, Goro, I don’t want to hang up! I don’t want this to be over! I don’t want this…I don’t want to go! I don’t want to lose the last connection I have to you! But…I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’ve gotta hold it together. Wherever you are, I hope you can hear this. I hope you know that as long as I have any say in it, you will always, always be remembered and loved, and…when my time is up, whenever that may be…I hope I’ll get to see you again.
I love you, Goro. Goodbye.
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ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
Phan Cam: School Festival Day 1 of 2
>October 26
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(please ignore the timestamp)
Furuhonya: ... WHAT!? I came home early from an expedition to recover some lost scrolls in India so I can finally attend a School Culture Festival only to end up at the WRONG SCHOOL!?
>He notices several people watching him. So, Furuhonya calms himself.
Furuhonya: Right, I came back to attend a School Festival and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Even if this isn’t Joutou Business High School. Alright, get ready...
>He checks the plaque.
Furuhonya: (puzzled) Shujin Academy? Why does that name sound so familiar? ... Well, never mind. Here I come!
>With that, Furuhonya goes inside. The moment he enters the front doors...
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Welcome to the Shujin Academy School Culture Festival!
Furuhonya: (surprised) A- Akechi!?
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Furuhonya san!?
Furuhonya: (realizing now) Oh, now I remember! Your friends go to this school.
Crow: That’s right. What brings you here?
Furuhonya: I came back early to attend Yushi’s School Festival. But I guess I went to the wrong one. But I’ve decided, this will have to do.
Oracle: That’s good... I guess.
Furuhonya: By the way, why are you, Yusuke kun and Makoto chan doing here? Don’t you go to Kosei and you graduated?
Fox: Our Culture Festival is in joint with Shujin this year.
Queen: And me, Akechi, and Haru are volunteering to help. And who better to help at the Shujin Festival than the former student council president?
Furuhonya: Very well. Can’t wait to see what’s in store here.
>Furuhonya walks forward... Only to be stopped by Oracle.
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Not dressed like that.
Furuhonya: (disappointed) But Antiquary sold it to me. It looks good on, doesn’t it?
Joker: It does. But...
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It also makes you look like a demented pervert.
Furuhonya: (sighs in defeat) Fine. I brought my regular clothes, so I’ll go back to the station and change in the bathrooms.
>One quick change later.
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Welp, it was fun while it lasted.
Crow: Maybe tomorrow. We have a cosplay contest.
Furuhonya: (happily) Yes. So, what do we have here? Got any recommendations?
Joker: Right now, I guess we can have you go to 2-D’s maid takoyaki booth.
Furuhonya: That sounds great. I wonder what it will be like.
>Class 2-D’s maid takoyaki booth.
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Welcome to Maid Takoyaki. How may I be of service?
Obnoxious Male Student: Wow, Takamaki really is smoking hot in that maid outfit.
Rude Male Student: Yeah. Hey now that Kamoshida isn’t around, think you can hang out with us before you go home for the day? I know I nice little club in Shinjuku we can go to.
Jealous Female Student: Excuse me, I’m your girlfriend and I’m standing right here!
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You know, if you’re not going to order anything: LEAVE!
Obnoxious Male Student: Okay, okay, we were just kidding. I’ll have some kimichi.
Jealous Female Student: And we’ll have curry and cheese.
Panther: ...
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That’ll be ¥500 each.
Rude Male Student: That’s a rip... (in defeat) Fine.
>With that, the students take their seats. Then, we arrive.
Joker: Hey, Ann.
Panther: Hey, Ren. You guys. Wow, even Bookstore?
Furuhonya: I usually go by Furuhonya, but I guess that makes sense. Hey, where are the others?
Panther: Mona (which we will be calling him even in his human form since Persona 5 Royal) and Mishima are helping at the crafting booth, Haru is helping the gardening club, and Ryuji’s doing something with some other students for an event tomorrow.
Furuhonya: And Ka- I mean, Sumire?
Queen: She’s helping her father so she’ll be running late.
Furuhonya: I see.
Panther: Anyway, what would you like to try?
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Heed my advice, don’t eat the Russian Takoyaki.
Furuhonya: Alright. Do you have long green onion?
Panther: We’re all out.
Furuhonya: Tanuki?
Panther: We’ll see. Take a seat.
>With that, Panther goes to get the takoyaki while we take Furuhonya to a table. We spot Makoto, Adi, Chloe, Bruno, Princess Crystal of the Inhumans, and Kei Kawade (aka Kid Kaiju).
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Hey, guys! We’re over here!
>We go over to them.
Makoto: Taking a break?
Joker: For now. We have to return to the entrance to greet the people coming in.
Oracle: And I’ve gotta say, it’s way harder than it looks.
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I guess it would be painful to smile all the time.
>With that, we return to our posts.
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You’re the bookworm who lives in the same apartments as Akechi, aren’t you?
Furuhonya: I usually go by Furuhonya, but yes.
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I’m also told that you go around the world collecting old, rare, ... unique books and scriptures.
Furuhonya: You could say that. I came back early after recovering some old scrolls that may have been in the possession of the great monk Sanzo during his pilgrimage to India.
Adi: (a bit worried) You didn’t bring them here, did you?
Furuhonya: No, I dropped them off at the apartments for now. Right now, I’m just glad to be here to attend a School Festival. The last two times didn’t work out so well.
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So you’re hoping third time’s a charm.
Furuhonya: There’s no guarantee for that. It’s much easier to make your own luck.
Bruno: I agree. Nothing’s accomplished by chance. You have to take things into your own hands to get what you want in this world.
Furuhonya: Speaking of worlds, what bring Her Highness from the moon back to Earth?
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I’m actually here on official royal business. I was invited to be the guest speaker here at Shujin. Since Inhumans have been reappearing in Japan, and made it especially known at the Dream Festival, I thought I would also offer them a place with us in Atyran. Of course, it has to be of their own choice.
Makoto: Glad you remember that.
Kei: What about me? In case you’ve forgot, I’m also an Inhuman.
Princess Crystal: Well, we were going to ask you, but it looked like you really enjoyed being on Mu Island with all your kaiju.
Makoto: I wish I could go to Mu... But the bugs make it a little... Difficult. (shudders)
Kei: (smiling) They’re not so bad once you get to know them. Besides, I would have thought a Future Avenger as brave as you would handle a few insects.
Makoto: (also smiling a bit) I guess... I guess I can come over... Especially if you’re there.
>Both boys smiled passionately at each other.
Male Student in Spectacles: Hey, are Hurricane and Kid Kaiju actually looking at each other like that?
Student in Maid Uniform: I wonder if this means they’re a thing now.
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If they are, it’s not really any of your business.
Makoto: ... I actually doesn’t matter. I like a lot of people... I guess I just like Kei a little more... Maybe more than like.
Kei: Yeah, I feel the same way... At least in this universe. Sorry, Bruno.
Bruno: It’s alright. I know that me and Makoto will always be brothers.
Makoto: (smiling) You bet.
>The two brothers do a fist bump. Then, Panther gives them the takoyaki.
Panther: You’re in luck, this is the last batch of tanuki. I also brought some Italian special.
Adi: Thank you.
Furuhonya: Yes, thank you.
Panther: Actually, speaking of Inhumans, I thought Kamala would be here.
Chloe: She’s helping her pen pal with her own School Festival. But she said he will join us tomorrow.
Panther: I see.
Kei: Right, that reminds me. I’m also here on business. Since Makoto and the others were already coming, I tagged along.
Panther: What kind of business?
Kei: Well... With you and your friends. I’ll explain more after you get off. We’ll be waiting at the karaoke place in Shibuya.
Panther: Really? Actually...
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We were going there for business already. I guess we can try and make it there.
Kei: That’s good to hear. Thanks.
Student in Maid Uniform: Hey, Takamaki chan, we’ve got a table waiting!
Panther: I’m coming! Well, see you guys soon.
Makoto: You bet.
>Back at the entrance, me, Fox, Queen, Oracle, and Crow were greeting people coming in when we spot Violet and her father coming in.
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Here we are.
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Yes, it really looks quite the sight, Sumire.
Joker: Welcome to the Shujin Festival, Mr. Yoshizawa.
Mr. Yoshizawa: Thank you, Ren san. I can’t wait to see what they have in store here. And what Sumire’s class is doing.
Violet: (a little disappointed) A rest area.
Mr. Yoshizawa: (apologetic) Sorry.
Violet: Though, I hear some of the sports clubs are doing a Q&A about what it would be like to be part of the upcoming 2020 Olympics. Especially do to the release of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.
Mr. Yoshizawa: I guess we can do that. You know, your old man here could have been in the Olympics. Especially in rugby sevens.
Violet: (laughing a bit) I bet.
Oracle: But if that doesn’t interest you, my class is doing a live performance of an episode of Phoenix Ranger Featherman.
Fox: Actually students from my school and Todai are also doing the same things with Kamen Rider Zi-O.
Queen: They’re doing it in honor of the airing of Kamen Rider Zero-One.
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Not sure why you want to watch that. Everyone knows Kamen Riders is just a ripoff.
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Just give it a try and I’m sure you’ll love it just as much as Featherman.
Oracle: (not convinced) We’ll see.
>An unused room in the Practice Building. Skull and some of his fellow students were practicing for the dance party tomorrow.
Leader Student: Okay, that’s it for today. Get ready, tomorrow’s the big day.
Students: Yes, senpai!
Tired Male Student: With Sakamoto here, tomorrow’s gonna be killer. How often does an idol get to perform here.
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C’mon, it ain’t nothin’ to be too excited about. Just doin’ my part for my school.
>Later, after getting changed, Skull is met by a familiar face.
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I see celebrity life is treating you better than over.
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Well, it’s partly thanks to you. I never would have made it if it weren’t for you and the others.
Harry: (smiling) Glad to hear it. (stops smiling) But let’s be serious, you know why I’ve come here.
Skull: (also being serious) I know...
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But you don’t know if you might actually do it. You care about Pete too much to do anything bad to him.
Harry: I know. But what if you’re wrong? I thought I was finally over my fath- Norman’s influence, but I’m still not sure.
Skull: I doubt it. Me and Akechi were there.
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>August 31. Oscorp Tower. In his brand new office, Harry was looking at a picture of his father, Norman Osborn. Then, someone calls on the speaker phone.
Caller: Mr. Osborn? Sir? ... Sir!?
Harry: (surprised) Huh!? Oh, I’m sorry. I, uh- I still think of Norman when I hear that. Call me Harry.
Caller: You have some visitors to see you.
Harry: Is one wearing a hoodie, the second with dyed blonde hair, and the third wearing a tie?
Caller: Yes?
Harry: Send them in.
>Then, Peter, Skull, and Crow come in.
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Hey, Harry. I brought, some coffee and muffins from Joe’s.
Harry: (happy to see them) Thanks. And I’m also glad to see you guys before you have to go home.
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C’mon, man, you know we’d never leave without sayn’ “See ya.”
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And to wish you luck on your first day as CEO.
Harry: Again, thanks... (starts to look down)
Peter: I something wrong?
Harry: I’m just... I’m just still getting used to all of this. I know I’ve been studying enough to get ready and yet... And yet it just hasn’t occurred to me yet.
Crow: You’re just nervous. Give it time.
Harry: I wish it was just nerves. But it feels more than that.
Skull: Harry, it’s okay, you can tell us anythin’.
Harry: It’s just, with everything that’s happening now. I’m just still not sure I can do this. It’s just so overwhelming. I know I’m over 18, but I’m still just a kid at heart... I’m scared, you guys. And I... And I...
Peter: (reassuring) It’s alright, Harry... Say it..
Harry: ... I... I miss my father. I know that he lost the right to be called that, still I miss him. I miss him so much, and yet in some ways, I feel like I never even knew him. And now I’m expected to take over his position. It’s enough to make a person’s head spin.
>Both Skull and Crow were at a lost for word... But Peter clearly wasn’t.
Peter: Well, speaking scientifically, the best way to fight dizziness... is to focus on the thing in front of you. I know you can do this, Harry. You’re one of the smartest and most bravest people I know.
Skull: We all think so. No, we all know so. Especially me, are minds are linked after all.
Crow: And if you ever feel like falling from that dizziness, you can always count on your friends to catch you.
Peter: He’s right. We’ll always be here for you, Harry... I will always be here for you.
>Harry was silent for a bit... Then smiles.
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Harry: More than a friend. For being the best thing that has ever happened in my life... I love you, Peter Parker.
Peter: And I love you, Harry.
>The two young men share a passionate kiss.
Crow: (happy) It’s so nice to see those two expressing how they truly feel about each other.
Skull: (also happy) It sure is... Hey, I just realized somethin’.
Crow: What is it?
Skull: Well, if those two are boyfriends, and our minds are linked to ours...
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Would that mean you and I will be... that with each other?
Crow: I don’t know...
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Would you like us to be?
Skull: ...
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Let’s wait until we get there and see what happens...
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Still, I’m happy that we’re on the same team. And you’re a really good friend. A great friend.
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I’m happy, too. Thank you.
>Then, something spoke in their minds.
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Yes, just as your minds are one... Your hearts are one.
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One with the light that shines justice in this world...
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One with the dark that hides many secrets...
>Then, Robin Hood and Loki come together in a burst of light...
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One with the dawn and twilight that guide the world to its future.
>Both Skull and Crow smile happily knowing that... They are in the future and it’s bright.
>Then, a message comes on Crow’s phone.
Crow: That would be our Uber to take us to the airport.
Peter: And I should be at F.E.A.S.T. to help Aunt May. See you around?
Harry: (winks) You bet.
>With that, they leave and Harry sits himself at his desk. Then, something come up on the speaker phone. Harry plays the message... and is shocked.
Familiar voice: Congratulations, Harry.
Harry: (shocked) What!?
Norman’s voice: You’re finally in a position of power. You won’t be in my shadow anymore, son. I know you’ll do great things with the Osborn name.
>Suddenly, a nearby painting opens to show a vault. Harry goes to it... It opens.
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>Back in the present...
Skull: Harry?
Harry: (snapping out of his daze) Huh? Sorry. I guess... I guess I’m just tired. I’ve been working non-stop while Doctor Octopus was in Pete’s body. Being both a CEO and a superhero.
Skull: I see that.
Harry: Still, I just have this bad feeling. That’s why I’ve come here. In case something happens and I might do something bad to Pete... I think only you, Akechi, Ren, and the other Phantom Thieves can stop me.
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Don’t be like that! You know you won’t betray Peter.
Harry: I know. But promise me that you guys will stop me if that does happen. Promise. Just prome. (begins tearing up)
Skull: ... Alright.
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For you, we’ll see what we can.
Harry: (relieved) Thank you. I promise, we will have our happily ever after.
Just promise you guys will be here for the Fight Before Christmas and we’ll call it even.
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Just promise you guys will be here for the Fight Before Christmas and we’ll call it even.
Harry: Don’t worry. We’ll be there.
>Skull and Harry make their way to the courtyard. Harry then removes his suit.
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Your Hobgoblin Suit?
Harry: (smiling a bit) Like I said, there are a lot of expectations in being the head of a corporation. But I haven’t fully given up on Stealth Spider. I’ll take up that suit and use my spider powers again someday. Maybe even soon. Actually, I made one for you, too. I would have given this to you for your birthday or Dream FES, but I got a little preoccupied working on my own.
>Harry give Skull a Hobgoblin 2.0 Suit Costume.
Skull: Thanks.
Harry: I really do appreciate you doing this for me. Consider this my payment for what you and the others have to do.
Skull: And if not, I’m sure Peter can help. You’re clearly not a bad guy who will end up like all those others he had to face.
>Harry chuckles and smiles.
Harry: That, Ryuji, is why Peter is someone I really care about. He never gives up on me. I’m not an Osborn to him, or a Lyman, or a hero, or anything else... To him, I’m just “Harry”.
>Both of them smile as Harry gets on his glider.
Harry: By the way... Your Japanese really is questionable at best.
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Yeah, and so is your English.
>With that, Harry gives a thumbs up and takes off on his glider. Some students noticed this and started talking.
Cap-wearing Male Student: Was that Harry Osborn? As the Hobgoblin again? Here at Shujin?
Student in Pigtails: Yeah, he’s friends with Sakamoto. They even went to Osborn Academy together.
Female Student in School Jersey: Speaking of goblins, I read online that some cult is raising in New York called the Goblin Nation.
Male Student in School Jersey: Now that Osborn’s Hobgoblin again, you think he might join?
Student in Pigtails: (scared) What if he already did? What if he’s already one of them?
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Of course he’s NOT! Why would ya think that!?
Cap-wearing Male Student: (surprised) Sorry, Sakamoto, we didn’t really mean any harm.
Male Student in School Jersey: Yeah. C’mon, let’s go. If we hurry, we can catching ending of the movie they’re showing at the AV Club.
>With that, they leave.
Skull: (thinking to himself) Those guys don’t know anythin' about him. All they see is what they wanna to see. Harry is a good guy. And I’ll always believe in him.
>Then, a message comes on Skull’s phone. He checks it.
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Hey Ryuji, we’re done for today. We’re all going to be meeting at the karaoke place in Shibuya. Makoto, Kei, Bruno, Adi, and Chloe will be joining us.
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Right. I’ll be there soon. There’s somethin’ I should tell you all.
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Okay. See you.
>With that, Skull leaves to meet us.
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>Central Street, Shibuya at night. We arrive in front of Paradise Resort Karaoke. (Sorry if we got the name wrong.) Makoto and the others were with us.
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Excuse me, we’re looking for...
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Black n’ Blue Birdie?
Receptionist: (snickers a bit) That would be Room 7.
Adi: (puzzled) What kind of name is that?
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I guess we’ll soon find out. Though, I have an idea.
>We go over to Room 7. When we open the door... We’re met with a blast of music.
Baby, take me on a journey, I've been thinkin' lately I could use a little time alone with you
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You guys?
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Hey guy, long time no see!
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Garfield, Dick, Barbara, and Kaldur? And some new guys?
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I am known as Wyynde. Like Kaldur, I am from Atlantis.
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And I’m Victor Stone. Call me Cyborg.
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(ceasing his singing) Glad you guys can come. I know you’re all busy with your school’s Culture Festival.
Makoto: (surprised) You guys are from the Team, aren’t you? Young Justice?
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I’m honored to hear that the Future Avengers know about us.
Chloe: Normally, we deal with Marvel heroes, but DC isn’t unknown to us.
Adi: But that doesn’t explain how you know these guys.
Queen: We helped Nightwing with a heist two years ago.
Garfield: And three years ago, we helped save a game show.
Adi: I see.
Joker: By the way, how is the Kryptonite Dagger?
Dick: Still under lock and key... But we might give it back to you if you consider my offer.
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Sorry, our answer remains unchanged.
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What offer?
Queen: Dick san, or rather, Nightwing , offered us a place on the Team. Of course, we turned him down.
Violet: I see.
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But that is not why we’re here now.
Fox: What is the problem?
Dick: I know it’s going to sound strange, but...Kaldur and Wyynde been having these weird...
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Dick: (surprised) How did you know?
Crow: We’ve had experience with Peter Parker and Harry Osborn.
Barbara: I see. Actually... Wyynde’s been dreaming about Peter Parker, as well as of you.
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Of me?
Wyynde: I have actually also been having dreams of a flamboyant robot, a pair of twins, and a blond gunman. I think I have also had one of some false singer and Tuxedo Mask.
Crow: Along with a snake boy and a scarred faced man?
Wyynde: (nodding) And then, around the same time as you fell into your coma and Spider-Man started acting strange, I started feeling weak. Like... Something in my heart did not feel right.
Crow: I felt the same way when I fell.
Garfield: (a little worried) Wait up! You’re saying that there was a chance Wyynde could have gone into coma, too!?
Dick: (reassuring) I’m sure that won’t happen anytime soon.
Queen: And what about you, Kaldur san? You also have dreams of being another, don’t you?
Kaldur: Yes. Two of them, I already know well.
Cyborg: They’re actually a couple of versions of me.
Oracle: You mean two versions of the Teen Titans?
Kaldur: The same. There was also a mandrill, a wizard with a tattooed face, a four-armed alien, a robotic dinosaur, a man who can change his face, even, who I can only guess looks like Killer Croc. But the one that sticks out the most is... A young man with dreadlocks, wearing a headband, and...
Kei: Wielding blades made of plasma energy.
Kaldur: (a bit surprised) Y- Yes. How did you know?
Makoto: Are you also having dreams, Kei?
Kei: Well, I do have the occasional Adrien Agreste and Cat Noir dreams. Also had some of a half-demon boy with a sword, a young Chinese man, another young man who lives around here, mostly Ikebukuro, another young man who was trapped in a video game, a strong blonde boy, a young man who can change into a giant, a cat thief, another demon, a red-haired young man, one of the teachers at Shujin, a young man with different colored hair, a boy who can turn into a robot, and, most weird of all... A silver hedgehog. But none of them have ever been a problem and are unrelated to Kaldur’s dream... But I do know someone here in Japan who has dreams that might be related.
Kaldur: Really? Who?
>Suddenly, the phone on the wall rings.
Kei: I guess you’ll find out. (answers phone) Hello? ... Does he have some big guy in a black coat? ... Yup, that’s him. Send him in. Thanks. (hangs up) During the many times I had to move because of my kaiju, I met someone here in Japan. He’s actually the leader of the one the superhero teams here.
Makoto: (a bit excited) Which one?
>Then, there was a knock on the door. Kei goes up and answers it... Two people come in.
Kei: Glad you can make it.
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Sorry I took so long. My hands were tied with the Culture Festival.
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Makoto: (shocked) These guys are superheroes?
Boy in Glasses: (smiling a bit) Don’t judge a book by its cover. I’m Hiro. Hiro Takachiho. And this is my associate, Baymax.
Baymax: ... Hi.
Kei: Hiro has been having dreams that sound similar to Kaldur’s.
Kaldur: You know something?
Hiro: The man that you’ve been dreaming about... He’s called Wasabi. That’s not his real name, though. They call him that because he spilled wasabi on his shirt one time.
Kei: I wanted to tell you guys because Hiro is uncomfortable with that dream.
Joker: How so?
Hiro: Well for starters... The guy I am in the dream is also named Hiro. Hiro Hamada.
Kaldur: Hiro Hamada?
Hiro: (irritated) I know. That’s the stupidest last name I’ve ever heard. And here they say my last name isn’t realistic.
Barbara: But I’m guessing that’s not what disturbs you about the dream.
Hiro: (groaning) It just makes me sick that that hero is such a goodie goodie. I may be a hero, but even I am not above doing things that may not seem right. No matter what.
Makoto: Are you serious?
Bruno: It’s the hardest thing any hero can do. Doing something wrong for the right reasons. No matter what it takes. I know this. (begins looking down)
Makoto: (puts a reassuring hand on Bruno’s shoulder) But now, things are different.
Bruno: (smiles in relief) I know.
Joker: But, why would you think to come to us for this? What do you want us to do about it?
Kaldur: Well, this Wasabi and that Hiro... I think they are in trouble.
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What kind of trouble?
Kaldur: I... I do not know.
Hiro: But I think I do.
Kaldur: Then tell us.
Hiro: Well, in their hometown, San Fransokyo, there’s this police chief, Diego Cruz, who’s giving that world’s Big Hero 6 a hard time. Especially since a villain called “Hardlight” is loose in the city.
Skull: So this chief doesn’t like superheroes?
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Great, Spider-Man has J. Jonah Jameson, Ben Tennyson has Will Harangue, Young Justice has G. Gordon Godfrey, now Big Hero 6 has this Diego Cruz.
Noir: But at least Chief Cruz has no power in the media. So he can’t fully turn everyone against them.
Kaldur: But it is only a matter of time before he does. I can see that Big Hero 6 has a lot to contribute to their city. They have already done so much and this man seeks to undo it.
Joker: What do you want us to do about it?
Hiro: Well... You’re the Phantom Thieves. Just do what you do best.
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You know who we are?
Hiro: Well, considering that I’m in the company of a guy who was put on probation for a crime he didn’t commit, an athlete who lost everything because of an idiot PE teacher, a girl who was being chased by the same teacher, the former apprentice of a disgraced artist, the younger sister of a prosecutor involved in the Phantom Thieves case along with the Detective Prince, the daughter of a scientist involved in the research of psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns in which the Phantom Thieves were accused of, the daughter of a CEO who died from a mental shutdown, and a mysterious guy with no last name and just one that sounds like woman’s name, it’s not exactly hard to put it all together.
Makoto: (worried) Are you going to tell on them?
Hiro: No way, I’m part of the Phandom. I support them.
Baymax: If Master Hiro supports them, so do I.
Adi: Well, that’s good to hear.
Hiro: Besides, I think I might need your help, too.
Adi: What do you mean?
Hiro: Our own Wasabi No-Ginger is having dreams of that Wasabi, too. If something happens, even I don’t know what will happen to us.
Crow: So you’re asking us to steal Chief Cruz’s heart so he can leave Big Hero 6 be?
Kaldur: If you can, yes.
Garfield: We’ll even reward you for it.
Joker: With what?
Dick: Well, for starters, we won’t bust you for that poll you brought up in September.
Oracle: You’ll have to speak to Nishima for that.
Dick: But also, we might be able to help to make sure that what happened to Akechi won’t happen to him or anyone else with a connection again. Without anyone losing their memories.
Violet: How did you know about that?
Dick: (smirking) The nurses know everything.
Violet: (shocked) Yikes! ... I wonder if I should be a nurse, too.
Dick: Don’t give up your dream of gymnastics just yet.
Joker: Even if what you say is true, how do you intend to make it so?
Barbara: It’s still a working progress. But we should be able to have it done before spring.
Crow: I hope so. I get this bad feeling that something bad is going to happen when spring comes. Almost... Venomous.
Barbara: Don’t worry, we will.
Dick: So, will you do it? For us?
>I’m silent for a moment. Then, I give my answer...
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We’ll think about it. Right now, we already have quite the number of requests to handle.
Dick: Alright, we’ll wait. The offer will stand... Along with joining the Team. In the meantime, there’s still some time for one more song.
Cyborg: I already picked it. I think you’ll all love it.
Joker: I’m afraid we have to leave, we have to get ready for the last day of the festival tomorrow.
Makoto: And we have to be heading back to the Wilton to meet with Tony.
Cyborg: Your funeral. (getting excited) Here it is! My favorite song of all time.
Garfield: (unhappy) Seriously!? I knew I should have picked the last song... Fade Away is way better.
Kaldur: Actually... I kind of like this song... I love it, actually.
Cyborg: (happy) See? I knew you had a bit of myself in you!
>The Team laughs as Cyborg and Kaldur sing and the rest of us leave.
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>My room in Leblanc. Me and Mona (now returned to cat form out of respect for me) were just about to lie down for the night when I get a message on my phone.
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Who’s contacting us at this time?
>I check.
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Ren san, you have to check the school’s channel.
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What’s wrong?
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You’ll see. Just check it.
>So, I checked the school website. A dark image was streaming live.
????: Attention students of Shujin Academy. As most of you do no know, I am your principal. I have been hidden for a while, but now the time has come to reveal myself. I was called in to fill in this position after my predecessor, Keiji Kobayakawa, died. However, I would only have the position for a year since I come from overseas. It was to be a trial to see if someone from another country can safely run a Japanese school. Now, the time has come to see the result.
>Then, the lights turn on to show the principal’s face.
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I hope that for the remainder of this school year, we would know each other quite well. I also have another announcement... But I shall wait until the end of this year’s Culture Festival to say it. Until then, pleasant dreams.
>The broadcast ends and I return to the chat.
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That was Owen Burnett, he used to be the personal assistant to David Xanatos of Xanatos Enterprises before announcing his retirement last year and passing the company to his son.
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He’s our principal? What’s going on here?
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I’ve already spoken with the current student council president. He said we will speak to him soon enough to grasp the situation. For now, we should get some rest. We’ll tell the others in the morning. Good night.
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Good night.
>We end the chat.
Mona: Let’s got some sleep. We should have our answers soon.
Joker: Right. Good night.
>With that, we go to bed.
>To be continued on the last day.
0 notes
jewelwriter · 5 years
GSB:  Three Boosters for Pokemon Games
Disclaimer: "Gold, Silver, Bronze" is a personal countdown based on my own thoughts and measurements.  Please do not consider this as the list of all lists.  Also to let people know.  This is a smaller countdown as to not be as intrusive and get to the main ones that can be considered the best of the best in a certain manner.  If you have your own countdown of sorts, please post it up down below.  Thank you and enjoy the writing.
I'm going to be honest with you, the people... Pokemon has great potential to be really good.  Too bad that there's a lot of downsides in it all to really get there.  But if anything there's at least some hopes that I do want to see put in some time to make the Pokemon games a wonderful thing.  And, unlike a top 10 or 5, it's going to be in my format.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen. You've found a wild Jewelwriter.
And this is the Gold, Silver, Bronze for making Pokemon better again.
Bronze:  Removing any benefits from interacting with your Pokemon from effecting the battles that are in the game at all. (Plus)  Put EV mini games back into the games.
I'll swing this out first since there's something that I bet a lot of people aren't thinking of right now.  Pokemon wants you to use the Pokemon Amie (This time Version 3) to not only make having fun with your Pokemon a boon for suggestion grabbers and teddybear simulator fans but reward you for it by giving your Pokemon boosts that will aid them in the battles that it goes through.  THANKFULLY this doesn't go into the battle modes against other players or the next battle tower (hopefully) but make it where it's not helpful at ALL and only works for being in the Amie playscape.  It's probably not going to happen but if they did this then the battles might be smoother.  Though if you are wanting to use this feature of interacting with the Pokemon to mean something big, put EV gaining games into the Amie system.  If you are going to make your powerhouse a monster and have it REALLY affect the game, do this.  Trust me, it might get tiring but it can save you effort to battle and all you need to do is LEVEL up which can be done a number of ways... especially if the words of multi leveling candy are true.
Silver:  GET rid of the Pokemon Box in your Bag.
Gather around trainers since this was one of the better ages of battle, where you had to rewind your efforts and risk having a really safe spot not be around for miles in order to PATCH up your team's HP and Switch your Party via talking to the PC.  You novice trainers got it too easy and it really sucks that you get aroused at the idea of EASE of access when there is supposed to be a REAL challenge.  It's bad enough the EXP share is on by default and the like but come on, give us a reason to visit Pokemon Centers that aren't going to be gimmick collecting!  We already got convenience baked in since gen 5 did it for us, putting in the options of going to a Pokemon Center to Shop for items instead of going to an individual shop to buy a product.  This is the kind of convenience that should be in the games.  Not make it where the PCs are just dust collectors.  I mean we still got terminals that can be used for this reason.
(Honored Mention) I'm giving this to the obvious one of all that probably should be gold but I'm keeping away from the obvious because of how much hate has been shot at by others and you [BLEEP]ing know who you are and I'll give you and two certain youtube personas the middle fingers of rage.  One with an M to start and one with a V to start.  And if you don't like it, then take a D up your A.  And that's easy: Put the Pokemon, the namesake of the series, back into Pokemon games, period.  From zero-zero-one (001) to Eight-hundred nine (809).  Sure you can limit the forms but no bleeping deleting Pokemon from the records.
Gold:  Give Pokemon more than just one style of Battle to do mostly in the games.
Bet you didn't see this one coming huh?  A bit of a backstory for those that are too set in stone: There have been mini-games that worked to reward you for playing the game in a different way.  These reward you with a number of things.  Pokemon, TMs, and Items in the original and each gen on up to gen 4.  Sure not to add casino-style games but something that is fun and could be fun for you and the Pokemon.  Have it where you can win or lose is a benefit.  If the Pokemon Wins, it can earn things from a few berries to comic shards and star pieces.  If you win, you can get a stat boost or stat shrink to an IV stat of a Pokemon and thanks to the nature that a Pokemon has, they could be more to a certain nature to help make it more predictable to a degree, at least if it favors a certain stat to boost.  It'd be a good win-win for all.  Though for this, save it for the post-game.  It's starving for content.
So I'll let you guys talk it over to say what you like.  Let me know what you think somewhere on the net.
And remember... the quality of the product is up to the individual!  My gold might be your toilet paper.
Jewelwriter signing off.
0 notes
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Matchup ♥
Hi!~ you can just call me Alex, please!~ I would like to be anon if that is ok lol the fandoms I want are A3!, Haikyuu!!, and Naruto! 🥰 SFW and NSFW is alright with me! 😉 whatever is comfortable lol
Alright so, intro info! I’m a Capricorn sun, Sagittarius moon and Virgo Ascendant. My modality is Cardinal 53%, Fixed 37%, Mutable 11%. My elements are Earth 51%, Water 36%, Fire 10% and Air 3%. My MBTI is INFJ. I’m also a HuffleClaw with a bit of Slytherin. I have was born with Turner Syndrome. I have ADHD, Autism, Anxiety and Depression. I am agender and I use they/them pronouns though she/her are alright since I’m used to those pronouns lol I am still exploring my sexuality, I am very open dating anyone of any gender so I would say I’m bi/panromantic, however I do strongly connect with the asexual spectrum since trust is a big deal for me lol
I had a coarctation or narrowing of the arota at 6 days old and was pronounced dead on the way to Children’s Hospital. I had open heart surgery soon afterwards. My grandmother was told that with all the mental health issues I could have due to TS, I could be super smart or I wouldn’t even be able to remember my own name. The doctor’s said I would be bad at math. My parents divorced when I was 10 and my little brother was 6. Both of them remarried, my dad once and our mol several times. Though, I won’t go more into that lol just to save you the details, our grandparents raised us and life was -is- really messy ahah
I’m currently going to college. I was supposed to graduate last semester, but I changed my major several times in the last 2 years lol 😂😂 I was a biology major and wanted to work in marine bio/ wildlife conservation and start my own rehab places for marine/terrestrial mammals. I am now a Middle School Education major with areas of concentration in science and language arts with a minor in TESL ( Teaching English as a Second Language). I want to teach English in Japan! 😊 As far as grade school, I always made As/Bs witout even trying and I loved to read, so much so that I got an award for it in 5th grade! I was quiet yet loud and super awkward as a kid 🤣🤣 I actually loved science a lot and even took AP courses until highschool because the teacher I would have taken in highschool was a really bad teacher who if he had family members and didn’t like them, he wouldn’t like you. He taught my father and his sister and didn’t like them, so least to say young and impressionable me noped out of that fast 😂😂
For a while, I wanted to be a Forensic Antropologist like Temeperance from Bones! 😊 however, we didn’t have a anthro major at my college, only chem lol so, when I started taking upper level courses, I quickly found I much prefer bio to chem 🤣🤣 I still dislike math as I have my whole life, but since I got to college, I’ve only made below a B in one math related course! 🥰
Ok sorry for a lot of random info 🤣🤣 onto other things! So, I’m very shy and quiet at first, but when I get comfortable around someone, that’s when the wierd comes out 🤣 I’m very passionate about education and science! I am a Christian and am very passionate about equality. I also firmly believe in redistributing millionare/billionares’ wealth.
I grew up watching anime and still love it to this day. I have strong connection with Japanese culture because anime was the gateway into learning about it and anime will always have a special place in my heart because of it! Japanese culture and really most if not all Asian cultures resonate with me because of the morals anime had taught me. I firmly believe in balance and hamrony with nature! I was introduced to kpop in middle school and have been a fan ever since lol 🤣 I also like pop/alternative music lol I like P!NK, Linkin Park, Adele and a few others lol
As I mention with wanting to be a marine biologist, I really love animals!~ 💕💜 my favs are otters, foxes, cats of all kinds, dogs, wolves, dolphins, and honey badgers! I currently have a Korat named Lila (li-lah like lilac) she is a very unique cat 🤣 she’s super curious and sorta a crackhead lol I did have a yorkie terrier named Sarah and a miniature schnauzer named Star, but since last June, we had to put both of them down 🥺 Sarah got cancer suddenly late last year and a few months ago Star had congestive heart failure. They were 13 and 14 respectively. They were amazing dogs! Sarah loved to swim and hunt little creatures and was the energetic one while Star was the grouchy old lady 🤣🤣
I also love anything fantasy/superhero! I love HP, LOTR, and Marvel! My fav genre of anime is shounen obvi lol 🤣Lol I also love learning other languages! I took French in highschool and two semester of Mandarin in college lol ( I need to brush up on both 🤣🤣) I am currently trying to learn Japanese! I wanna also learn Korean, Welsh, and Irish! I hope to go teach English in Japan via the JET program at my college! 🥰 I will more than likely stay in Japan after I stay the 5 max years through the JET program!
I also really love video games! I wanna play Persona 5 soo bad 🤣🤣 Horzon: Zero Dawn, the Legend of Zelda series, the Pokemon series and Animal Crossing: New Horizons are some of my favorites lol
Hmmm… what else to say? 🤣 I am typically the mom friend of the group ahaha oh! I am 4’9” and weigh 140 so I’m kinda chubby 😅 I am very self concious about my body. I have green eyes and I wear small, black rectangular glasses. I have moles and freckles all over my body. I have a dyed blonde bob with a brunnette undercut. I don’t have any piercings yet but I do have one tattoo on my inner left ankle!
I am stubborn, passionate, caring, empathetic, understanding, loving, loud, quiet, awkward, hyper, enthusiastic, curious, and I can procrastinate at times due to my ADHD lol I also love to have plans lol I like things to be organized and clean, but I don’t mind ‘organized chaos’ sometimes lol I am also very loyal to my friends. I prefer having a few super close friends than having tons of aquaintances.
Ok so dating lol um I’ve never actually dates anyone before 🙈 I’m also a virgin lol trust is a big issue for me, like aforementioned my parents divorce affected me a lot and I have a strained relationship with each of them due to the divorce and the events over the years afterwards. Plus, as a Capricorn, school/career is my main focus. I’m so busy with college and trying to figure myself out, I haven’t got time for dating ahaha so my irl soulmate will need to be a hell of a person and have the patience of a saint to deal with me 🤣
Even though I have never been in a relationship, out of curiousity and wanting to be knowledgeable, I have researched BDSM lol 😂 I am definitely not into slave/master, whipping, or anything super hardcore at all lol though, mild stuff like toys, handcuffs, spanking, biting, dirty talk, brat/tamer or daddy (mommy)/ little girl and blindfolds would be stuff I’m willing to try out lol basically, some light pain, toys and anything where I can be submissive and cast my cares away while still being able to be sassy/defiant suits me 🤣
Oh! For the purposes of this matchup, just male characters is fine lol like I said, I’m still trying to figure myself out so, for simplicities sake, assuming heteronorms is alright lol
Hmm as far as a type of guy I like, I can give you some anime examples 😂 Portgas D. Ace from One Piece, Itachi/Kakashi/Shikamaru from Naruto, Roy Mustang (also shoutout to Solf J. Kimblee as a guilty mention 🤣) from FMA!B, Kisuke Urahara from Bleach, Zuko/Sokka fron ATLA, Gintoki/Kamui/Takasugi/Shinpachi/Hijikata/Katsura from Gintama, Daisuke Kanbe from The Millionare Detective- Balance:Unlimited, Shinso Hitoshi/Shindo Yo from BNHA/MHA, Levi/Beel from Obey Me!, Itaru/Omi/Sakyo/Misuki/Tsuzuru/Kazunari/Banri from A3! And many more 🤣🤣 sorry for the long list lol basically to sum it up my type is kinda laid back, a lil perverted, confident, dominant, funny, teasing/flirty, caring, intellgent, mysterious, passionate and stubborn lol
Well, I hope that was enough info to get a good in depth matchup 🤣🤣 I feel like I gave too much but I wanna try to make it as detailed for y’all as possible so you can have an easier time with the matchup ahah thanks a lot, I love your blog and keep doing the good work you are doing! 🥰❤️💜💕 be sure to take care of yourselves and I hope y’all have a great weekend!! 🥰
( I apologize for sending it a second time, but there was some stuff I wanted to add that I forgot to mention until I after I sent in the first one 😭 again, I sincerely apologize!)
Hello Alex and thank you for submitting with us! And thank you for supporting us! I hope you enjoy the boys I paired you with!
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I choose Kiba to be your Naruto boyfriend! when he first sees you, and how quiet and shy you are, Kiba will definitely want to bring your inner playfulness out! And when he sees that you do have some playfulness in you, he will see that you became comfortable enough around him that your inner weird came out! And that would really pull at Kiba’s heartstrings! Kiba will also find it fascinating that you like different types of culture, and how the world works via science and education! He isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he will definitely appreciate how you think, since he wants harmony in the world too! He will love the fact that you love animals and he will love the fact that you want to be a marine biologist! Being an animal lover himself, he will marry you right on the spot, just for that!
Since you are the mom friend of the group, you can totally take care of Kiba! It might not be the best, but Kiba would really love and appreciate you taking the time out of your day to do stuff for him, even if he didn’t ask for it! He will love your buddy, it being curvy and easy to hold onto, if you know what I mean wink wink. He will find your little beauty marks to be charming and I see him poking your moles and freckles every so often when he is bored! And when you tell him that you want to get tattoos, hell yeah! He will want to be there for when you get your first one!
Kiba will love the fact that you are passionate about your studies, and you main focus is school and your career! He will love the fact that you are don’t want anyone to mess up your future, and where you want to go in life! He may be a bit on the impatient side, but when he is with you, he will understand the need for patience and why it is important! He will also love the fact that you are so loyal to your friends! He doesn’t want to date anybody who isn’t loyal or isn’t compassionate to the people around them, so that will definitely be a plus in your book!
For the spicy stuff, Kiba at first would not know what he is doing but once he figures it out, ho boy, you are in a for a treat! Biting, lots of biting, and him being just very dominant, wanting to please you and make you feel like you are on cloud nine! He will let you do what you want, if it means that you are going to like what you guys do in the bedroom! From the biting to the dirty talk, he is up for anything!
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I choose Sakyo to be your A3! boyfriend! Sakyo will see your shy and quiet persona and think nothing much of it, but once you get comfortable around him, enough so that your inner weirdness comes out to play, he will be surprised that you were hiding such a fun and cheerful person away from him! He will also like the fact that you are passionate about science and education, since Sakyo himself is definitely one to go to science for something that can’t be explained, and he is one to like education too, since it gives you wisdom on subjects you didn’t know about before! He will love the fact that you love his culture so much, from the anime to the actual history of Japan. He will feel that you super educated on the subject, and will be appreciative of how much you love where he is from! 
Sakyo will find it adorable that you love animals, and he find it admirable that you want to become a marine biologist! It is a hard job, learning about all kinds of animals, and then discovering new ones! Yeah he will find it very impressive! And if you were to ever tell him that you want a dog or some kind of really cute animal, he will never able to say no to you! So you should use that to your advantage! As for video games, he isn’t one for the, but if you ever try to get him to play with you, he will have a hard time saying no! It will frustrate him though, that you’d keep beating him at all of them!
As for appearances, I feel Sakyo wouldn’t care about what you like, it’’s all about what is on the inside, and when he sees that you are a passionate, loving, caring, a mother figure to your friends, loyal to them, and empathetic to the people around you, he will just know that you are the person for him! Seriously, yeah he might like your curvy body, but what will really give make him like you is the fact that you are just a really nice person for people to be around! He will definitely understand the sentiment of having just a few close friends, than having like twenty acquaintances.
Sakyo will love the fact that you’d rather focus on your studies than have a boyfriend that could distract you from your future career! He would be glad to wait for you to accept him, until you are stable in your career and would be able to start dating you like he wants! And for a little spicy time, he would be a dominant as all hell. Like he would be so into dirty talk and taking you to heaven with his mouth. You might tell him you want to some like spanking and biting, and he might be into the biting, but the spanking makes him feel a little weird, so he might do it as often. But! If you ask, him he will have no reason to say no! So you better have fun with him!
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I choose Iwaizumi as your Haikyuu boyfriend! Much like Sakyo, Iwaizumi will see you shy and timid demeanor and think nothing of it, and if anything, he will think it is kind of cute, but would have an inkling that you are more than you put out. And once Iwaizumi sees that, yes, you are more than shy, that you have your weird quirks and can be quite loud, he will find you even more cute, what with the way you act around him and not the others! He will find it so cute that you only act like that with him and nobody else! And much like Sakyo, he will find it awesome that you like his culture so much! From the anime to the language, and everything else! He would even offer to help you learn the language and such, to help you better understand his culture! Iwaizumi love the fact that you like superheroes and practically anything fantasy! I suspect that Iwaizumi also love Marvel and such! I also feel like Iwaizumi is extremely good at video games, so when he plays with you, make sure you try your best to win against him!
Iwaizumi will feel a bond with you being like the mom friend, since he has to constantly watch over Oikawa like he is his child! And for appearances, much like Kiba, I feel as though Iwaizumi will see your blemishes and your curvy body and think it is just uniquely you! Something that he associates with you alone! And the uniqueness will definitely get him to really like you! But I feel like he will really like girls in glasses so that is a definite plus for you!
Iwaizumi will love the fact, like the others, that you are a loving and caring person. Someone that is passionate and driven! And the fact that you have all your plans thought out and organized in your own way? Oh yeah, he would definitely like that! And the fact that you are so passionate about your future that you’d much rather focus on that instead of being in a relationship! He’d understand, would he hate that fact that he has to wait for you to be stable in your career? Yes, he wouldn’t like it one bit, but he wouldn’t leave you because of it! Will he wait for you? Most definitely!
For the spicy stuff, ahahahaha Iwaizumi. He is like. A dominant bottom, he’s okay with essentially whatever you want to do, as long you both are having a good time, and you guys are feeling good! As for the biting and the spanking and all the kinky things you want to try out, he’d be into it, he’d just wouldn’t know how to go about it, so it would be a learning experience for the both of you! In the end, Iwaizumi would be into a lot of things you guys tried! So beware what he has in store for you in the future!
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itesfashion · 6 years
How come Complete You will Apparent Powerful Verdict?
How come Complete You will Apparent Powerful Verdict?
Did you ever hear which family members gain knowledge of diversely? Well, it truly is true.
And although lots of people could possibly understand by perusing all the regarding the way to take something, a person master differently—you need true examples.
Just like a protester, political leader, as well as superhero, I am just right here to lead with example. We’ve put together a directory of article finish examples the fact that includes lots of tips as well as composition models to function as stepping-stone for your own personel writing.
Prior to I get within the article ending recommendations, to find out the reasons why coming up with an effective finish is indeed important. Any decision isn’t necessarily an important introduction to so what you’ve by now written.
Authentic, it will be slightly regarding summarizing, but it really really should bring your current article a measure further. Your main result should really reply to any unresolved problems and also conclusion a essay or dissertation along with a smash!
and shorter, an incredible composition summary is usually tremendous fundamental while it rounds your try along with causes it to be truly feel complete.
Today on to the wonderful stuff…
Investigative Composition Summary Recommendations
Area #1: Evaluate your design in concern personally persona around the Hunger Online games series.
The most self-evident methods of concern inside Being hungry Video games may well be Katniss and Peeta, however the smoothness whom personifies pity ideal has been Prim. All through the series, the woman compassion is noted once your lady may keep secrets and techniques with the girl mummy designed for Katniss, whenever your woman rehabs Gale following he becomes whipped, together with throughout earphones conduct yourself involved with her life like this lady pushes to save lots of small children on the Capitol. The lady actually activities Albert Schweitzer’s phrases, “Objective of person’s our life is to help serve, and even to indicate empathy along with the could to aid others.”
Topic #2: So what generated the particular Civic Struggle?
The need for any risk factor for any Usa Municipal Conflict might be discussed, yet what on earth is inescapable fact is always there were various factors which usually brought this Southern region to help secede. Thralldom, says’rights, and also the selection of Abraham Lincoln subsequently with the presidency—though certainly no assert with the Southern region elected for the purpose of him—virtually all led for the war. Even when many experts have roughly 150 numerous years for the reason that Municipal Battle completed, examples of the other part in between North plus To the can still be witnessed in modern day America.
Niche #3: Analyze Facebook’s influence upon Our country’s youth.
Composition final thoughts can be simple once you know the actual framework. A great deal comes all the way down to 3 most important components: a good move as a result of earphones figure passage, a new summary of these thesis survey and principal specifics of this article, and also a closing document this gadgets everything up. Should pretty much all college students was confident this easy supplement, maybe essay creating could well be simplier and easier for the purpose of everyone.
Niche #6: Is there a medical way?
These technological procedure frequently occurs sense. 1st, individuals must have a study thought he expects clarified and also just a little qualifications skills about the subject. Consequently the owner types a good conjecture, or even what exactly this individual says the answer to the research real question is, of which the patient lab tests by having an experiment. Last but not least, the individual might review the data and then attract a good conclusion. Using these services is employed in the not to mention away from methodical nation, assessment many techniques from background that will communal issues.
Subject matter #7: Just what are the reasons homelessness?
Moving by just a dispossessed people is actually normal, specifically in city settings. Homelessness is often caused by several components, which includes task decrease, deficit of family help support, plus the diminishing use of affordable housing. Although it is normally easy for a handful of for you to think homelessness is due to internal difficulties and / or total idleness, there are more elements towards consider. Only if the main style regarding drastically renowned can easily community initiate to think of a comprehensive solution.
Matter #8: What’s the subject matter principal result in of climatic change?
Almost all research workers acknowledge that will wipeout of the earths is due to a swift increase involving techniques fumes as the Business Revolution. And some could possibly conisder that manufacturer farming tend to be the major trigger of around the world and other people will probably articulate it’s always contemporary society’s transportation techniques, the key purpose is clear: mankind.
Plot Dissertation Decision Illustrations
Content #9: Think about what exactly it would be live to be given to the pages of Romeo not to mention Juliet.
Really being launched in the pages of Romeo and also Juliet would are loaded with various customs shock. Gentlemen should be transporting swords and additionally fighting with each other 1 another in your street. Young girls could possibly be having a wedding from 13 many old. Previously had When i the information of an amount turned into within the star-crossed enthusiasts, Appraisal have got informed Romeo who Juliet’s death became a hoaxes not to mention to hang about until your wife woke up. This valuable, keep in mind, will make your take up extremely several, but yet We come to feel going without shoes was in fact the accountability soon after obtaining wasted and so enough time using the characters.
Question #10: A time machines has taken an individual back up in interact with your chosen article author (Edgar Allan Poe from this case). Develop that meeting.
Since Edgar along with That i were discussing the everyday styles in addition to dim imagery from an individual’s is effective, your server cut off us. Simply put i hit with regard to the wine carafe, added myself personally any cup, plus instructed in cases where he would just like some.
“Not any kudos,” he said, joking grimly. “All things considered, it usually is poisoned.”
Field #11: Say to around your proudest moment.
Standing just for your little sibling forced me to be find that the type so,who everyone loves with those after-school sitcoms. When i was able to experience the little one who was simply intimidation our small amount of friend without having to use provocations or maybe bricks-and-mortar force. Finally, telling each of the a great open dialogue helped bring them all finer, as well as while they may do not be close friends, not less than they could esteem every single other.
Subject matter #12: Look at opertation which usually made a person what you are today.
My mistreat did not and does not specify my family, but yet We wouldn’t be the identical specific obtained I just not even used it. This got a little while and then there were being difficulties, and yet I’m a much better, further loving human being due to their terrible activities in which happened. I’m hoping many others never have to examine a similar thing Used to do, but once they will, Lets hope they may learn from your case study and discover assistance they should be alter their own issue for any better.
(Learn on crafting narration essays.)
Gripping Composition Final result Ideas
Theme #13: Need to Hermione possess ended up with Harry rather than Ron on the Ravage Potter series?
Ravage may just be the chief temperament about the Harry Potter line as well as J.K. Rowling often have mentioned most recently which perhaps your lady thinks about Hermione not to mention Ravage needs to have ended up being together with each other, even so the individuals are much too similar. That they tend to be organic frontrunners, that will develop a whole lot of romantic relationship tension. Ron, even so, will be Style N in order to amount Hermione’s Model Your personality. Considering that Harry wound up with Ron’s babe, Ginny, the 3 principal roles are actually engaged to be married directly into a similar family. In which obviously will make family vacation get-togethers alot more entertaining.
Matter #14: Needs to advanced schooling coaching be zero cost?
“College student Fiscal loans Wall membrane St Sign” by Funding Zen, Flickr.com (CC BY 2.0)
The level of education loan arrears is an proof which anything is without a doubt mistaken when using the system. However schools will want a salary to survive, buying a school schooling really should also can be bought from not any guide cost you for the student. Free of cost educational background allows just for a lot more professional country as one, them would depart numerous learners with more a chance to do the job further on his or her research projects compared with his or her’s careers, and also it may well promote universities and colleges to obtain additional creative. In the event additional educational institutions accepted the Pay back Them In advance machine, any Usa Affirms may perhaps come to be the most intelligent cities while in the world.
Area #15: Exactly what is the central thing students ought to be understanding however , might not be?
There’s lots of places where people senior high school learning could quite possibly increase, but yet a very important is definitely financial planning. Even though some could possibly claim meant for more suitable diet regime or possibly physical fitness programs, which information is easily obtainable online and even in commercials—and may in fact be taught commencing during basic school. Tougher budgetary preparing curricula would most likely give higher schoolers tips on how to create consumer credit rating, tips on how to spare with regard to retirement living, and how to budget. All of these really are very important to lifetime in the real world although may be filled up with unclear jargoon in addition to selling schemes. By means of Americans getting additional than $11 trillion with big debts, you need to the younger iteration learn the simplest way not really that they are another statistic.
 Niche #16: Ought to children get involvement trophies?
Many Babe Boomers assume that participation trophies function as a sign involving millennials’knowledge with entitlement. The simple truth is, these participation trophy isn’t going to trim sense at all about rivalry or even drive intended for improvement. As soon as there can be performance-based cash incentives together with contribution funds, this magnifying wall mount mirror any real-world whereby average-performing staff nevertheless get payed together with well-performing customers find add-ons, grows, plus promotions.
Argumentative Seek Summary Types
Issue #17: Should atomic weapons wind up being forbidden to all nations?
A result of political trepidation relating to unique nations, it’s not possibly which a worldwide forbidding upon atomic guns might be pursued by almost every earth leader. It is recommended who other nations be prepared to guard theirselves from future disorders together with similarly tough weapons. Even so, even more limitations in tests as well as unveil authorizations ought to be enforced to assure hot-headed frontrunners avoid or perhaps expose most of these unsafe pistols just being indicate with force.
Issue #18: Will be pre-employment medication tests a particular breach for privacy?
However agencies need to have to rent capable, trustworthy sales staff, they must be unable to necessitate everything that their sales staff neutralize comfortableness of their own homes. You can find good ways with determining even if anyone suits a job, such as educational background, earlier business, individual in addition to high quality references, as well as trial run periods.
Issue #19: Will need to criminals need the to suffrage?
Although most people concern the fact that according criminals the right to vote may lead to more enjoyable regulations around specified violations, prisoners are generally a section of the Usa population. A very popular activity may include every one’s sounds, possibly even individuals who have generated mistakes.
Niche #20: Should certainly father and mother end up permitted to spank their kids?
Spanking is actually a particular older in addition to laid back strategy for sticking it to children. Them shows these individuals that may assembly other people’s damaging actions by using wildness can be acceptable. In the event that kids are tall enough to help you realize why they will think you are spanked, these are who are old enough to consider their own harmful behaviour pragmatically plus discover why that it was wrong.
(Learn more details on penning argumentative essays.)
The Previous Concept in Remaining Paragraphs
Since most likely recognized assigned all the different try conclusion recommendations previously, there are a number of the way to absolve a great essay. Often, you’ll encounter any bottom line, nonetheless narrative documents may perhaps take a great exception.
A lot of these works permit you to be a little more extremely creative with the conclusion. You have to nonetheless be sure to terminate these dissertation using feeling of shutdown despite the fact that, since in the example of Area #8, this simply means arriving on your relatively forbidding note.
No matter how you actually understand, it is actually fairly practical to receive effective examples. And then now you undertake, you can find that will completing your essay.
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