#havent beaten them tho
narsh-potatoes · 1 year
Hades fans I am looking upon you with my dearest of hearts and my most sparkling eyes goodness
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catgirlsp0ck · 1 month
still playing persona 3 for the first time (im playing reload). im on nov 9 and i wanna make some predictions !! so under the cut is me speculating on some shit thats going on so far :D i don't expect to be right about it all but i just wanna be able to come back to this post and see if i was right about some of it or if i was totally wrong lol (also, this has spoilers for some major stuff leading up to november !!)
ok, so im on nov 9 and just met a new character named ryoji. now, ryoji looks suspiciously like pharos (the little boy who we met during the dark hour before each boss basically).
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like, they have the same mole, eyes, eyebrows and same VA. i think its kinda obvious that they're the same person, especially when ryoji is saying shit like this:
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but that isn't what i wanted to make this post about. im thinking that because pharos' social link was the death tarot, maybe him becoming ryoji is what ikutski was trying to do. idk how to explain it that well but hear me out lol. i think that ryoji is what's going to bring about "the fall." i think that defeating the 12 shadows (and maybe also the "sacrifice" of ikutski and mitsuru's father) is what transformed pharos into ryoji. everytime we see pharos, hes wearing an outfit that looks like something a prisoner would wear. maybe the existence of the 12 shadows was making it so he couldn't use his full powers or some shit, akin to being imprisoned and them being defeated unleashed him. the last time we see him, he says he remembers what he has to do and that he has a duty to fulfill. not chained back by the shadows anymore, he was able to become ryoji and possibly try to bring about the fall? im not sure if im getting this right lol but thats what im thinking. and i think that while she might not fully remember it, aigis might have some kind of knowledge about this bc of how she reacts to ryoji when he first joins the class:
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she knows something about him but i don't think she fully remembers what it is. an interesting thing i saw in the dictionary tab is this:
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"it's birth was already intended to happen once, ten years ago." aigis was made 10 years ago and also maybe im reaching for this but pharos looks to be around 10 years old or so when we meet him. he is the death tarot, and this dictionary thing is under the term "death." aigis being made around that time could be why she thinks that ryoji is dangerous, maybe she sees the resemblance between pharos and ryoji? idk if im right or if im grasping at straws but i just had to rant about what im thinking so far !! im really excited to see where this all leads. (pls if anyone actually is reading this shitty post, no spoilers 🙏🙏)
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vaugarde · 11 months
the image of various scenes with TR crossdressing with the caption “team rocket, destroying gender roles since 1997” has done so much damage to pokemon community and even more damage to the people who haven’t watched anipoke in years and hail them the best queer rep ever from vague memories from their childhood alone
FOR REAL TBH like truly just ignoring that all of those scenes are intended to mock them.
ik its not a big deal its just a pole that i wasnt even following, but something that annoyed me specifically with the one poll was when jessie was against lillie and everyone was like "OMG VOTE JESSIE BC ITS PRIDE MONTH SO YOU HAVE TO OR YOU HATE THE GAYS!!!!!" when like... im sorry lillie has more genuine lgbt hinting than jessie does sldjfslkdfjslkd.
like sure its not the biggest thing ever but one of these characters was pouring their heart out to a girl in the rain about how important she is to her and how much she depends on her while a rainbow comes out, has an arc about breaking out of the strict roles her mother forced her into, and literally gets an RGU reference in the anime and a deeply devoted "best friend", and its not jessie. sure none of that is exactly explicit groundbreaking stuff and i personally wouldnt say youre meant to see lillie as bi, but its more than what jessie's got
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baeshijima · 2 months
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they love me (actually not that delusional)
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inuringly · 1 year
So my pc broke again but its finally fully fixed now (LONG ass story, most of it is “we repaired it in Parts and the keyboard finally died”), but uh, it might be a hot sec before i draw anything with how sick I’ve been. Just small updates. I am planning on it tho. I really want to do something for Engage.
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
had an incredibly creepy experience today with an uber driver. dude spoke in a heavy accent which made it harder to understand if i was hearing shit wrong or not. in the span of 15 minutes too much happened. started going on abt some short and pretty famous woman he likes and how everyone wants her. then looked back at me in the mirror and said "oh good youre not a minor" like??? then said something about being a conservative, how he doesnt like how theres queers in movies and books nowadays??? and he said the word queer like twice. but then said? since hes from communist country he doesnt like it when books get outlawed tho but he just personally doesnt like it?? and i was like haha this is already a lot - And Then
he started going on abt pulp fiction? and some scene in the movie where they dance together or whatever?? and i was like yea idk havent watched it in long time dont remember but it was good. snd he just kept going on abt the dance and them being together and this dude who is asked by a mafia boss to watch the girl and let her have fun but not have too much fun himself (not get w her) and like?? how hard that must have been? and i eas like,,z hahs yea and he just kept going on abt how hard it must have been for them to not fuck all night/for him not to fuck her like????
i was getting so uncomfortable by this point dhdksk like ;;;;_;;; stop talking about girls and sex whst the fuck is happening
anD THEN IT GETS WORSE he looks back at me and then he says "i never do anything someone doesnt want me to do tho. but back in vietnam i was part of the mafia. i think back and i scare myself when i think to the things i used to do and what im capable of doing. i used to have a lot of power back home. i used to be very respected and powerful. i scare myself when i think of what im capable of..... but i wouldn't do what someone doesnt wsnt me to do"
;;;_;; by this point i was sure i was going to be kidnapped and left in a ditch
and then he just keeps going?? abt how he had a girlfriend who was being fucking stalked???? and how when he found out he gave her all these options of if she wants the dude beaten up, send to cambodia, arranged a car crash for???? and then started going on abt how his best friend for years is a sociopath who used to fuck around w girls ans be with them just to leave them??
and i was there in the back like ;;;;_;;;;; ya allah dont let it end like this and freaking out and every turn the dude made and contemplating how i would jump the fuck out of the car
😭 maybe it sounds stupid but it was SO scary and unnerving and the whole time he kept bringing up sex and women randomly and all this shit and i was frankly convinced i may just have gotten in deep shit. ;;_;; the whole thing felt like a threath. it just did. like saying "i could do this. i really could. i want to. but i wont" AaaahhHHH kill me end me i hate men
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felikatze · 9 months
Curious as to what your final pairing for Revelations? Were there any you did for comedy/optimal stats but were surprised by a really good support?
i havent BEATEN rev yet i am getting close tho (ch20 rn) and i'm finishing off the last paralogue i actually want (cuz god i am no longer grinding relationships thanks)
my pairings so far are:
corrin/felicia (for obvious bias reasons. felicia is my og fe wife.)
camilla/keaton (this one is just to turn velouria into a beast) (what the fuck is this support chain honestly. camilla look at my bones. keaton i dont want to look at your bones. camilla what if i get lost in the woods. ok fine i'll look at your bones)
azura/laslow (was recommended this one and yeah it is cute! sol on shigure is also nice) (i really like this support chain it's great)
odin/nyx (picked this one cuz i thought it would be funny and i was RIGHT. odin is SEETHING that her backstory is so cool.) (i initially did this only to get ophelia because i wanted to get kana dark knight via supports but then it turned out THEY DONT HAVE SUPPORTS so now i just have ophelia. it's fine)
oboro/takumi (i think the insane soft spot takumi has for his retainers is adorable and also i just use both of them regularly it works) (the takumi polyship is real god help me) (I'm so sorry i benched hinata)
and that's it i think! again i am not grinding these fuckers i'm tired of doing that. this is my final team now fuck everything
so i mainly pick bcuz i like the pairing or its funny and man the supports really sold me on laslow/azura in particular. "You shall be my inspiration!" "And you shall be my muse!" adorable. sickening. also funny that they both have insane backstory lore that they wont/cant tell anyone about. they both casually make mention of something utterly ridiculous ONCE and their kids fucking freak over the lore drop but then they move on and never talk abt it again
felicia is my wife mwah love her
fun fact i refuse to use xander and ryoma out of spite because of how good they are without any investment. this is the fucking oboro sweep show and it will STAY the fucking oboro sweep show.
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krotiation · 9 months
What do you think of Claptrap?
Cryo, Incindiary, Shock, Corrosive, or Slag? Which is your favorite element to use?
What's your favorite legendary?
If you had to, would you rather live in Elpis or Pandora?
Who's your favorite boss? :O
Have you (with or w/o friends) beaten one of the raid bosses?
What device do you play on?
Favorite moment in Tales?
How would you rank every game you've played so far? From Best to "not-really-the-best-but-still-really-good"?
Do you also look at Jack and go "What is up with that guy?"
Okokokok... That's all I feel like I should say right now. I got too excited, my b if this is too much for you.
i love claptrap, hes just a funky little guy
cryo bc i usually invest a lot in melee dmg and it gives me a reason to use both. i dont care too much for slag, mainly because i never think to use it tho
i have no idea, i havent gone out of my way to look for any of them 😔
pandora except i know i would die very early on
the sentinel is my favorite boss because not only is it really fun to fight but its also just cool... also the jack fight because its disorienting and butt-clenching
the only raid boss ive beaten so far is hyperius the invincible on solo and i thhhink i beat the invincible sentinel with my sister a couple years ago... maybe
i use the good ol' playstation
HOW DO I PICK ONE there were so many good ones. i adore every time rhys and sasha interact by themselves, fiona and rhys' arguing in the present scenes, august being a sopping wet dog, jack's manipulative behavior and blah blah blah i love them all
bl2 --> tftbl --> blps --> bl1. bl1 wasnt bad by any means and its fun to listen to music or some random yt video while playing but yknow... the gun hunting side missions drove me insane
oh yes. i played pre-sequel like a year or two before i played bl2 and even then i thought hmm... he wasnt raised right
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hikari-ni-naritai · 11 months
multiples of 3^^
oh god thats so many
3. Do you like to get 100% achievements?
if its something within reach yeah! i have a few games 100%ed. huniepop for one. its actually a dream of mine to one day 100% huniepop in a single run of the game. itd be hard but i believe in myself.
6. Last game you finished?
finished...... uhhh sakura shrine girls. if id beaten that last monster in monster hunter i couldve said that but i failed. oh well
9. A console and/or handheld you’ve never played but would like to try?
i think my cousin had a dreamcast and i was kind of fascinated by the weird controller shape. i dont think theres any games im specifically interested on it but i would like to mess around with one.
12. answered already!
15. answered already!
18. A game you’d like to replay that you haven’t
mmm are there any? ive replayed most of the games i enjoyed enough to play once. i want to finish my 2nd playthrough of ff14 though. im still in stormblood on that.
21. A boss you think is really cool
does rakna-kadaki von monsterhunterrise count. shes not really a boss unless you consider all monsterhunter monsters to be bosses. OH. OH RIGHT FUCK. hephaistos ff14. i love that fight. raid bosses count as bosses for sure. i just redid that one earlier tonight
24. A “Wow” moment of awe
i think the first time i really experienced something like this was the first time i played through twilight princess when you swordfight ganondorf at the end. it was like. such a wildly different experience from the standard like "swing your sword and you'll maybe clang against the enemy and not do damage" like it felt to child emily like a real proper swordfight. i thought it was really cool.
27. already answered!
30. Spyro or Crash Bandicoot?
crash bandicoot babeyyyyyyyyyyyyy there was this guy at my old church who was like a full ass middle aged adult and he was friends with my parents and we'd go over to visit sometimes and he'd let us go up into his weird attic where he just had a ps1 for some reason and me and my brother played crash bandicoot up there a lot. good times. it was a little hot in his house. he lived right on the street where they had community festivals every summer so it was nice to have a base to go back to when we got tired outside. his front lawn was small but it was good to lay in and watch fireworks from. real nice guy. im rambling. crash bandicoot rules
33. Someone has never played a video game before but is open to trying any genre. What game would you recommend as their first?
if im throwing my anxiety out the window, id probably recommend super mario bros the original. if youve never played a video game, it would be really hard to get recommended something with a complex control scheme or unintuitive menuing and shit. so something with just a few buttons and an easy-to-understand goal is probably good for a starting point. im sure theres a lot of platformers like that.
36. What platform do you play on?
pc but i have a lot of old nintendo consoles and a ps4. just in case. its hard to get the gumption for them tho
39. Do games need difficulty sliders?
i think difficulty options would be more doable. its important that games are accessible to people with disabilities that would prevent them from playing on whatever the base difficulty is.
42. Worst game you ever played?
im very easy to please. i remember being very disappointed by various kart racers in my youth though. at least, i played them once and did not play them again. there was an m&m branded kart racer for the wii, and also i found diddy kong racing for n64 to be too slow for my tastes. but also i was a child.
45. Favorite content creator?
settled, the runescape guy who made the morytania-locked ultimate iron man account. i just recently rewatched his 12-hour video compilation of that. i literally came close to crying a couple times. its good.
48. Most satisfying villain death?
i havent killed him yet but theres no way i wouldnt be satisfied with the death of that fucking bastard in tales of berseria. one day im going to kill him. fuck that guy. i would say asahi ff14 bc i hate him with the passion of 10,000 suns but his death was not satisfying. i would like to kill him over again.
51. How often do you skip cut scenes?
never unless ive seen it before. well, except the cutscenes in monster hunter rise for when u go on a hunt for a new monster. i sometimes skp those. but in most cases i wouldnt dare.
54. answered!
57. Ask anything you wish!
lena please u have to give me something for this one. its okay i will provide the question. "whats a game everyone should play no matter what even if they dont think its that good?"
play shining force
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linharrdt · 2 years
if im really being honesttttt i think i hate like most of my extended family 🤷‍♀️ like legit
my cousin is in town staying at my work (its a resort) and she did it last minute and sprung tue fact that it’s my nieces bday on me all last minute and that p much messed up the plans me and my dad and sister were making for my sisters bday which is 3 days after my nieces bday
i already didn’t like spending time w my cousin bc last yr she spent some time w us while recovering from a surgery (i offered her a place to stay bc im a dumbass) and she spent way more time than she was supposed to here and stressed us all out really bad bc she gets super panicked easy and she kept picking at her surgery wounds and ended up having an issue and i had to take her to the er right after a long shift during peak season and it brought back a lot of bad memories of when my mom was in the hospital all the time while she was dying of cancer, plus the way my cousin was getting all super panicked and sobbing sounded a lot like my mom so that dug up a lot of trauma for me back then,,,
also last yr when she stayed at my work she caused a whole scene bc she lost her phone and i had to run around and try to find it i looked all across the building while she was being all panicked but thankfully someone found it, and then later she lost her daughter and i almost had to call the code for a missing kid across the whole building <3
but yeah seeing her again is dredging all these memories up plus the fact that she expected us to just drop all our other plans bc shes in town is so fucking annoying; her presence has made me so stressed i feel ill and it’s part of the reason i skipped class today; last year she made me feel so stressed i felt ill and my heart hurt like a dull ache and im scared to get that again that was worrying
Plus my work was messing w my hours and screwed me and a coworker over bc we were thinking about swapping shifts but it didn’t work out but someone that isnt even our manager approved it even tho my coworker didn’t accept it and now i feel like a burden
also i hate being such a downer all the time but everything has been wearing me down and it feels like ppl only talk to me if they want smth from me or they want me to do smth for them none of my coworkers really talk to me outside of work and i just feel like ive accidentally been growing distant from everyone
And another thing is that i havent had much money at all bc my checks have been short but i need to buy my sister bday presents bc my dad dropped the ball on that and i feel so bad that she was crying bc of my stupid cousins whole thing overshadowing her 20th bday i really wanna give her a great bday bc she always does really good w my bdays and i dont wanna let her down but ive been so broke and beaten down by everything and i feel so alone esp bc im a bit older than most of my coworkers and one of them called me old and short and it wasn’t a mean spirited jab but it hurt so much i dunno ive just been in a lot of pain as of late
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lostacelonnie · 2 months
Truly. School festival? Wild i dont think ive ever been to one of those. Not sure mine ever had them but im glad you had so much fun! Its not completely finished yet i get that done next week but its very cool i love it. I have like. 12 piercings now with still more i want. They were a slippery slope from getting two to all the ones i have & want but i hope you're able to get some in the future. I think i like my eyebrow & lip piercings best. Thats a wild difference damn. Its been sunny mostly cool days right now but we keep going from warmer days to rain/snow warnings here. Oh hell yeah congrats! Strange but positive is the best combination to have honestly. Id also love to check out carnivale if that still happens in italy or mardi gras over here down in louisiana if i had time. Just love the idea of big celebration with cool stuff. Oh sparkle is quantum support with action advance & crit damage (?) boost. She's real good for seele or many teams really. I got archeron! Just need to get her light cone but damn was she cool in the 2.1 story. Not gonna spoil if you havent played through yet. Congrats on your archeron pulls! I think i might save for topaz now & get adventurine later? I do like how he plays but ill grab him later i don't think i have use for him yet. Swarm is so annoying i gave up on it for now terrible fuckin enemies. Mood what set are you usin on archeron? I love her talent too just. Insta enemy kill what a time saver. Really did give her a great & interesting kit. Hm ill have to continue & see how complex she is. Been busy with other games & like. Cosmodyssey & the bartender event in star rail. Oh thats fun i love it keep doin that. Ohh congrats on the writing energy!
yeah school festivals are also pretty rare over here but [thanks to a complete coincidence, i didnt even Know we had those] i ended up in a school that actually organizes one JSDKFJG. would tell you what it is but i feel doxxing my school on tumblr.com is not a terribly good idea. AND HEY THATS AWESOME!!! also yeah i heard it Really Is Like That with piercings shdjfg all my friends said so at least. tbh the only reason i dont have any yet is bc when i was the age when everyone gets their first one [around 8-9 among my peers] i was very physically active and didnt wanna deal with the whole healing process while trying to not get the shit beaten out of me in aikido. so thanks!!! i REAAALLLY wanna get snake bites theyre So cool. AND FOR REAL LIKE???? can the weather Please decide what it wants to do with its life. it was literally raining the whole day today and yesterday i cannot keep dealing with this. esp since today was my first day back to school after the easter break so waiting for my bus was just. miserable. And my classbestie didnt come to school today so i guess i cant have nice things. Oh Well. and for real for real im actually so glad my school doesnt seem to have a single normal person in it because everything is just so much more. chill. and the gossip is Insane i tell you. ever since this year i befriended a bunch of cool alt girls my life had been so much more interesting because they know like everything about everyone. and oh good luck with all that!! i totally agree, tho i definitely have to be mentally prepared for such occasions. Due To The Autism. but yeah theyre SO fun. and oh that sounds like. a very good kit actually. might get her in the future but ahh i still cant quite decide who im gonna pull for next..... only time can tell i suppose. CONGRATS ON GETTING MEI #3!!!!! i maxed out her talents already [thank god for how little time that calyx takes] so i just need to get relics for her now. Auugghhhg. but i decided im just gonna wait for the triple drop event to save myself some sanity and am currently focusing on ruan mei's talents rn since i run her with acheron <- guy who has no welt and his pela is lvl 50 not built. ah thats understandable!!! i was initially Completely uninterested in aventurine but used his trial as a march replacement in my clara team and it all fits together so nicely. speaking of which i literally got clara TWICE yesterday, one pull apart, without pity on standard. the universe loves me i guess. so shes e4 now. FOR FUCKING REAL but at least using acheron in sim uni lets one skip the non boss battles so thats a massive timesaver and also makes dealing with the swarm a lot less problematic. since you only have to deal with the big guy at the end and not trouble yourself with the occasional encounter on the way. seriously tho acheron is so cracked in sim uni. she let me get the achievement for finishing every battle with all allies at 100% hp. im currently using band of sizzling thunder + inert salsotto [LOL] on her!!! as i said. scuffed but does the job for now. but im gonna get her pioneer diver of dead waters + izumo gensei and takama divine realm since i heard thats whats best on her. and yeah her kit is super fun!! and have fun with that!! honestly fair, tho im just stuck in my holy trinity of hi3 - hsr - noita. also i love the bartender event a lot both story and gameplay wise. very very cool. and thankies!!!!!!!
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everyothernamistaken · 2 months
so yeha
shitfest is over but like i still have to go to this one girls house to make plates for breakfast idk why but we have to so yeah i get to go to pizza party, also durring last day of shit fest very interesting i driving down road anf drive past ass slapping picknek competition, they offered me soda i said no thrn i go inside, they make us listen to speaches, ex girl friend gives some weird ass speach then grabs another girl and kisses her and then i realised i was dating a lesbian she didnt tell me but then like 2 hours later she was talking to her boyfriend and i was like what the fuck but back to the speaches so like the girl i kicked in the face do basiclg we all had to hold hands but like she gtabbed my hands then in her speach she thanked me idk what for i havent done anything for her but bloody her nose. After show end all the people involved were supised to go on stage but i didnt get the announcment becaude i was in the box so i was in the audience with my father when they were giving away like recognizions but i didnt think they would call me so i was chilling in the crowd with my dad, they fucking called me so i ran to the stage, knocked a woman over infront of like 500 people, and they were chearing my name while this was happenint and then becaude my dad didnt come up i didnt take a phoyo with him instead i got a photo with the shitty director guy ive been bad mouthing for a week and then i got put on stage next to my ex's family but its ok because im chill with all of them minus their daughter i went skiing with her brothers we chill minus her brother throwing his skiis, but i was like shellshocked from being in the box and then being in the bright so i have like the 20000 yard stare in the photo which my mother made fun of so i cried, but after fotos i went to chillis with face kick girl and her friend who is also my friend and her boyfriend who is probably a woman idk its not my buisness, so i asked for no ketchup on my burger but they put ketchup, i did not complain because the chef was my firends brother and i was at chillis with her, i saw some weird shit at chillis i saw my ex and the leperchaun she kissed eat like 10 corn cobs which was kinda wierd but then i left and face kick girl kept honking her horn at me like multiple loops in parking lot but theb i went home af like 2 am abd slept, then it was sunday and i slept some more, ive been chilin now but my school has givien a new rule which has givien a few unimportant teachers power trips and its so goofy because half the teachers dont care and half the teachers are the new gestapo, half my firends get detention for walking to a class to print our papers, other half for eating lunch in the quiet cafeteria, i dont get detention because i just push people out of the way and scream at them so i am not late, i may get beaten up though as ghetto kids dont like to be wrong but they do it so well. But today good day i got to work on my boat for a bit then i go home and make bowl becaude weather is nice outside soon i will fire bowl, then mother say we must go to store to aquire alergie medicien so you do not cri when spring, we go to store i see cute bunny stuffed animal i convince mother to purchase i now have cool bunny for easter i am happy i get one for sister too but i keep the cuter one for me.
Also i got lost twice today while driving it was not fun, also i was in class and my partner on a assignment wanted me to go on a adventure to some fuckoff classroom way faroff to measure a foot as that was rhe assignment but i just ghosted her to go interupt my math teachers class by measuring my friend in his classes fokt with my friends whi aldo wanted to do this, then i saw some guys pants fall down and i thought to my self, damn mfs cant get belts in this economy, didnt say anything tho becayse the guy had crackhead eyes like no thoughts behind them but violence and super dialated pupils it wad kinda creepy
I think i should see if my friends want to go on an adventure soon like apparebyly were gpnna make a mc server but that is kinda borring we dont havr the atention span for that like im the lasg one it was like a week and all i did was kill face kick girls dog and wage indiscriminant terrorism against my friends , this was like a year ago i was supoised to play mc with face kick but like i forgor to get her number so i couldnt like yknow, figure out when we were playing. Im so smart
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hinumay · 10 months
So I wrote something.... Out of nowhere I'm not really sure how much I can write bout this but here ya go
I don't have a title for it yet tho but for the meantime let's call it... Orchid's Lament
the orchid smells of sunlight and dew, of course they should be, i thought to myself, the storm has passed 2 days ago and now the warmth of the Sunfather has embraced the isles. it has always been like this, as i walk every morning through the age old corridors and in disrepaired tapestries and fading murals on this humble castle i call home, i can always smell them. i took a pause, looking up an arch with a wooden orchid symbol ornately carved i wondered there for quite long, initially i thought of how old that might’ve been, im not really that old, i think it might be older than grandfather, well, as being the youngest son, i think i might just live as long as it, slowly noticing its decay hiding inside. as if its not an apt metaphor i thought. i breathed in and continued walking towards the courtyard.
smany people think we do things strangely here, which im not really sure whether their right or not, since ive lived here for all my life and havent traveled anywhare at all. but our lord, hmm, my father usually addresses the town in the courtyard whilst other clans would either do it in an enclosed throneroom or the town center, but were not like that, id like to think its because were more closer to our subjects. my father was trying to speak over the loud noises of concern and even some shouting of worry, there must be a problem in the device since hes standing up imploring 9 thousand people inside a castle that can support only 2 thousand to listen. i was escorted in behind the platform, along with my kelpper my dog, there was indeed a commotion on the staff, for some reason, somebody seemed to have hammered the vox, gosh, thats an expensive thing, its like 90crowns, 5 years of the town’s earnings is what it is, and somebody just decided to damage it. i looked around adn found my eldest brother trying to organize this mess, “they did it” he said furrowing his brows more filled with concern though rather than rage. my brother Enver is an amazing man, he usually is annoying once he starts odering you specifically, but he was born to it, he was the eldes i mean he didn really have a choice did he, but he performed well as a leader, he isnt like our grandfather who had a bellowing voice of command and charisma, or like our mother who had been liked by so many of her students and had become somewhat of a legend in the town school for always putting their needs first, my brother is somewhat a mix of my father’s subtlety and my mother’s determination, and in all honesty, to see him worried like this frightens me. “wheres Serdar?” i asked, “there busy trying to organize the crowds on the gates of the castle, hes working on his light screens along with Hans. after a while though, several aids and guards did manage to bring in the replacement. ”repairing it would cost a lot, i murmured“ trying to redirect the conversation, my dog whined in agreement. they managed to set it up quick and our conversation was abruptly cut as the voice of my father, trying to imitate his father before him echoed through the castle halls. and suddenly the sound of 20 thundering engines of 25 ft tall walkers in vaguely humanoid shape old beaten and battered but ornately designed, bearing shields and swords wearing the orchid symbol on their pauldrons slowly started to stand in synchronized attention in response to my father’s plea for the people to listen. these are the guardians of our isles, these are our knights.
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skyfcx · 5 years
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     “It’s one heck of a rush, that’s for sure! Whenever I go super, my fur tone gets lighter and I can feel every strand of it stand on its end. I could run a million miles and fly a trillion more! My brain is rushing, starting and stopping tactics and moves even a supercomputer would dream of! I feel in-tune with every flight-capable creature around me, and not a thing can stop any of it!”
     “I always feel overstimulated after it, my mind not sure what to do with all of the branches my brain just got done going down? But even still, I’m feelin’ pretty good afterward. Even though I typically leave the super stuff to Sonic and Knuckles, I have to admit that it’s pretty fun to feel that powerful! I just need something for the headache afterward.”
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vandalizedturtle · 5 years
Is bad thatl I want to spend the entirety of my next pay check in an ps4 just so I can play kingdom hearts
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strahtas · 3 years
very happy with arise so far not that far in, just beat the first boss but am enjoying it ver much
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